Memories_(1) free porn video

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Enter Miss English I was in 1C the teacher was old but I liked her as she had taught my mother, Miss English taught 2A about 30 yrs old beautiful body she was also the gym teacher for the girls, I did gym work at a small gym which my father had taken me to as he was a PTI in the Army and I was quite good with the easy stuff she called on me now and then to show the girls different rolls and the easy box vaults this was August thru to nearly Christmas .Then we had to learn how to dance for the Christmas party Military two step Veleta and lots of others we had to learn after school so it was dark before we went home one night I was acting up causing a bit of trouble Miss English told me to go to her classroom as she was going to cane me and it was up stairs across the large hall and it was dark no lights on just the moon light lighting things I went to her room and waited for her she followed a minute later in the dark took the cane out the cupboard and walked over to me. Drop your pants and bend over she said, NO was my reply she made a grab at me and smacked me in the eye by accident but it hurt she saw what she had done and put her arms around me and said she was sorry my head pressed up against her breasts felt great, I got a hard on straight away I ran my hand down her stomach and between her legs she tried to grab my hand but got 7inches of cock thru my trousers I heard her say my god but she didn’t let go straight away then, she said go back down stairs I did she followed a bit later but never spoke to me that night. Next day I had a slight bruised eye she asked my teacher if I could do a couple of vaults on the box for her gym class I went into the hall where her class was I did what she wanted then she called me over and said she wanted to see me in her class after school say it was detention for last night .School finished at 4pm I went to her classroom it was all glass windows as it was three classes in one these panels rolled across and divided the rooms up she told me to sit down as she wanted to talk to me I did a front seat and opened my legs remember I wore short pants in those days and I hadn’t put any underpants on that day and I was starting to get a hard on looking at her and thinking about what I would like to do to her as an 11yr old I had a vivid imagination .She started off by saying she was sorry about last night and asked that I tell know one about what she had accidentally done to me I was really excited by this time and my cock was staring to show in my short pants the head was nearly showing out of the of the leg and as she was standing in front of me she could see it she stopped talking and just stared at it .I was a bit cheeky and not scared of what she would say I said its okay miss a couple of older ladies like yourself have liked to play with it and I’ve told no one she told me to leave and I said yes I better hurry down to the allotment to feed my birds(I kept pigeons) it was right next to the school and it was nearly dark. After I had fed them I locked up and started to leave Miss English was waiting for me she called me over and asked by what I had meant about a couple of other ladies I told her but not their names she was shocked then she asked if I would do it with her I said I was hoping she would want me to as I liked doing it with older ladies she got down on her knees undid my flies of my pants took out my cock and started to stroke it my god its big for a boy your age a full grown man would love to have one this size she took it in her mouth and started to suck hard on it I put my hands inside her clothes and played with her tits they were all I thought they would be not to large but round firm and big nipples she kept sucking me taking me right down her throat her hands played with my balls then I had an orgasm and she pulled of me and said I didn’t shoot cum yet (just like Miss Black) .We straitened ourselves up it was dark she took my hand and walked me so far home and said she would see me tomorrow at school and just to act as normal .I didn’t see her during the day I fed my birds after school and she was outside the allotment when I finished she told me to meet her at the corner of her street where she lived after id had my tea at home at 5-30 as it would be dark. I arrived early she walked passed me and told me to go round the back lane so I did she opened the back door to her house and I went in she took me straight into her bedroom and sat beside me on the large bed she put her arms round me and started to kiss me as id done this before I put my tongue into her mouth sucked her tongue I put my hands round her waist and slowly lifted her blouse and bra over her bust her tits popped out they were beautiful not large but well rounded large nipples and big dark aureoles’ I started to suck on them she stopped me stood up and took her blouse and bra off then her shoes stockings skirt and panties came off and she was standing there naked lovely body slim waist, well rounded hips her legs long but not to slim, blond hair on her pussy it was darker than the hair on her head I could see where it was just parted in the middle and looked a bit moist. She stood me up and undressed me I was not as tall as her and I was looking straight at her bust, she laid me down on the bed and lay beside me she took hold of my cock and started to move her hand up and down playing with me she giggled and said you have a big one for an 11year old I said proudly I’m nearly 12 she then put it in her mouth and started to suck on me after a little while I had an orgasm she then laid me on my back sat over me and put my cock into her I could feel it part the lips of her pussy the head slipped in she was really wet as she lowered herself onto it I could hear her gasping god your big then it was in as far as it would go, I could feel the muscles’ tighten round my cock as she moved up and down pulling on the flanges of my cock head inside her I grabbed her hips and tried to pull myself further into her she leaned forward and I was able to suck on her breasts it was marvellous I could hear her purring like a cat then she came and she squealed then grunted and I felt her shudder and her stomach muscles felt like a six pack as she groaned and pushed her pussy down on me I was wet all round my cock and balls and her hot juices ran down between my legs and wet the bed she kept going as I was still hard as I hadn’t come yet. I started to come and pushed hard into her biting her nipples hard she squealed again and came this time not as wet we lay there a little while then had to move as the wet patch had gone cold and sticky. We moved into the middle of the bed she kneeled over me and took my cock into her mouth I pulled her round so her legs were either side of my head I pulled her down so I could reach her pussy parted the lips and pushed my tongue into her and started to lick her as fast as I could she was sucking up and down on my cock I was loving it my tongue was inside her and I could taste the musty tangy taste off her we both came again I would of liked to keep going she said no you have to go home early to be safe and nobody to find out about us, I had a bath to get rid of the smell of sex dressed and went home . This went on for a few months nobody found out about us but as spring was approaching the nights were getting lighter it was getting harder not to be seen going in and out of her back door . My mother was allowing me to come home later as the nights got longer so it wasn’t too bad. Then it happened I came out the back door there was a girl with her boyfriend standing cuddling up I knew the girl she was16 or 17 yrs old ginger Betty I knew her as. Long red hair really good looking as far as I was concerned she normally was with another girl Jenny another big beautiful girl who lived next door to her just down the street from where I lived no other boys lived in our street just a couple of younger girls ,she gave me a funny hello as I went past her .A week later on a Sunday as I came out of Miss Englishes back door Betty and Jenny were both there they had been watching me and seen me go in they were both big girls not fat but well built to big for me a just a 12yr old to argue with , Betty then said okay Derek let’s see what Doris English likes you for (I never knew her first name Doris) I said I don’t know what you mean, Jenny said get your cock out and let’s see it, you’re not the first she’s had it was Sammy before you Miss English married Sammy 5yrs later he was 19 she was at least 36 ,common get it out Betty said let’s see if I had no underpants on as I never did when I went to Miss Englishes house I undid the buttons and took out my cock one said fucking hell ! the other said fuck me !! they whispered to each other then Betty said we are going to have to talk to you tomorrow see you in my back yard after school I said I had to feed my birds first ,Okay but get your ass down to my place straight after, they had me scared what they might say or do Next day I fed the birds and rushed to Betty’s house in the backyard as in every house in the area was a bombproof shelter built during the war usually a small bed or settee was in it when I arrived I was told get in the shelter I went in and sat on the bottom of twin bunks that was in it Jenny sat beside me and Betty sat on a chair in front of me. Straight out Betty said Jenny and her both worked from 6-30 till 11pm at her mother’s fish and chip shop Monday till Sat and had no time for boys as they finished to late as they had seen my cock and how big it was no boy they knew had one as big they would not need a boy if I would fuck one of them each night after school in the shelter while the other watched and kept a look out and they would not say anything to anyone and would look after me as I used to get into fights often as I looked so angelic and blond id been an angel twice in plays at school sung in choirs and concerts .I was to keep going to Miss Englishes house as long as I wanted to Betty laughed and said keeping three women happy and only 12yrs old no one would believe it next day was Saturday and they told me to come about 3pm as her mother left to get the shop ready to open and did I have any condoms I told them I don’t shoot any cum yet ,they said that made it a lot easier as they did not have to go to a chemist to buy them as people might see them and wonder why girls were buying them not their boyfriends . I went to miss Englishes house that night as had been arranged she let me in the back door as usual and we went straight to the bedroom and we both started to undress each other and I was smoothing my hands all over her body and kissing her on her most sensitive parts of her body I said why did you not tell me your name was Doris she sat up and said who told you I knew she was scared so I told her the truth that I had been caught coming out of her backdoor by two girls who knew me also what they said and what they want me to do to them after they had seen my cock. I didn’t tell her their names but she said she had seen them hanging around and knew them she told me to get dressed and go home she would see me next week no sex no nothing I could see she wasn’t happy so I got dressed and left . Next day Saturday I went round to Betty’s house at 3oclock both girls were waiting for me we went into the shelter they shut the door a paraffin hurricane lamp was burning and it gave off plenty of light but you could smell it . We all sat down I didn’t know what to expect then Jenny said you told Doris last night didn’t you I said no only that I had been seen by two girls that knew me and that they knew it was your house I came out of but not your names . Betty said well she knew it was us .She came to the shop last night and asked both of us to come round to her house tomorrow Sunday to have a talk with her .I think we were all a bit scared about what might be happening and nothing else happened between us they told me to come round tomorrow at 3pm again Sunday and we would talk about what was going to happen or not I left. I arrived about 3pm and waited for awhile Jenny arrived and said come on we are going to Doris’s house we walked there it wasn’t far we even went to the front door we were let straight in as they were waiting for us Doris said lets all sit down and talk about this she had a pot of tea on the table and a glass of lemonade for me . She started of speaking and said the girls and myself could be in trouble as you are a minor and under age I said I’m not going to tell anyone and I like doing it to you and I would love to do it to Betty and Jenny they talked between the three of them then said we expected that from you. Do you think you can manage all three of us I replied well I hardly ever go soft when I’m with you it will be the same with the two girls I suppose . Betty then said well let’s find out! we are not going anywhere are we I didn’t know what I had let myself in for as I said I’m going nowhere, Betty said Jenny do you want to go first as Doris has had it be for Doris said go on Jenny you will love it its big and fills you up he might be young but he certainly knows how to make a girl happy I don’t know if you have had many orgasms but he will make you really have a good one he’s never failed me, Betty said I can hardly wait! I’ve never had one with a man only when I do it to myself with my hands. Doris said to Jenny go into the bedroom and get undressed and lye on the bed you will have to ride him as we don’t want him tired out to soon we will get him ready and bring him in to you just like a horse being taken to a mare and he’s got all three of us to mate at least twice if he can . Jenny went into the bedroom I could hear her taking her clothes off I was hard the two of them undressed me covered my cock in a lubricant and took me into the room lay me on the bed Jenny looked wonderful standing there big beautiful well rounded hips small waist jet black pussy hairs big tits large nipples and long well filled out legs she straddled me her legs either side of mine Betty took my cock and guided me into Jenny as she sank onto me Doris parted the lips of Jennies clit and she sank on to me I slid right into her wet hot pussy she groaned god its big and I knew it was in as far as it would go as the head was pushing against what seemed like a wall inside her she started to move up and down on me then she leaned forward and her tits pushed into my face I took a large mouthful and started to suck on them she was lifting her hips up and down on my cock fast then she squealed and her body went hard as her muscles’ tightened up as she came I could feel the muscles’ inside her vagina tighten as well then she relaxed and said it was the best she had ever had and I was so big she loved it and hoped I could manage to do them all twice . She got of me and stood beside Betty and helped her undress I was still hard as I had not came as Jenny had come so quickly Doris smeared more lubricant onto my cock and I watched as Betty was undressed my god she looked beautiful, long red hair green eyes pale skin a few freckles a beautiful body long legs slimmer than Jennies a tuff of ginger hair round her vagina her legs were open slightly and I see the pink lips and the hair had a slight amount of moisture on them she was wet and ready for me she said to Doris and Jenny lead the second mare to her stallion she sat over me, again Doris parted the lips on her pussy Jenny guided my cock into her I pushed up hard I really wanted her she was hot and tight and seemed to tighten up on my cock she said you’re so big and hard I love it she moved up and down sitting up on me her tits were bouncing up and down I started to cum and strained up into her she gasped and let out a moan I could see the muscles tighten up in her stomach and she came I could feel her hot juices run in-between my legs she relaxed and lay on me and said my god for 12yrs old I’m going to love you for the rest of my days . She climbed of me and stood besides the other two Doris was already undressed she said to the other two there I told you he never goes soft if there’s more pussy waiting, she climbed over me Betty held my cock and Jenny parted her lips she leaned over me her tits were in my mouth I run my tongue round them and took a nipple into my mouth and sucked hard on it she sank her hips onto me Betty guided my cock into her and I was in, in as far as I could get she came very quickly I did as well when I felt her strain and tighten up she said she felt so worked up after watching us all she came nearly straight away they changed the sheets on the bed as there was wet patches on them we all lay nude on the bed me in the middle after awhile I fucked them all again we cleaned up and arranged to all come next Sunday if all was well as I was to meet Betty and Jenny after school during the week and Doris on odd nights and I would carry the messages between us I used to fuck either Betty or Jenny every night but only one of them .If one of them had their periods I would fuck the other till the other was finished I never went round to Doris’s when she had hers About a year later we were still together all three of us .I was nearly 14yrs Betty and Jenny 18yrs old both close to 19 they never had other boyfriends the story going around was that they were lesbians and they were quite happy to leave it that way then Betty took ill I didn’t know what it was but in less than week she was dead I cried at night but I managed not to during the day I did not see Jenny or Doris for over a week I spoke to Jenny and she asked me to arrange a meeting at Doris’s as we could not meet in the shelter any more I had a quick word with her and it was arranged for Sunday afternoon I told Jenny and we went round to Doris’s house on the Sunday afternoon 2 weeks after Betty passed away .Jenny said she was finished I told Doris I was now starting to shoot sperm she said we might as well all finish I guess that was it we parted I spoke to Doris at school now and again , I met Jenny a few times nothing happened then one day she asked if I would meet her it was at the end of April and was quite warm dark about 8-30 pm I was to meet her at the park after it closed at 8pm we went to the covered seats next to the bandstand we lay down on the benches and started kissing she suddenly stopped and said was I shooting plenty of sperm now as it was six months since I had started and Doris had finished with me .I though she doesn’t want to do it I told the truth and said it was a lot that came out of my cock now. Good she said! I said what do you mean? She said Betty was my best friend and she said she was going to have your baby as she loved you even if you were so young she can’t but I can she said for her sake then she asked if I was willing to get her pregnant she was 19 yrs old me I was14 yrs but she said she would be able to look after herself she told me she and Betty were planning to live together just be for Betty died .I said yes I would as I loved Betty as well, she told me know one would know I was the father .We got undressed used our clothes as a cushion on the wooden seat I lay on top of her and she put it in her she said oh how iv missed this so big and it fills me right up she wrapped her legs round my waist and held me tight I was stroking hard into her I felt her starting to come I went a little faster and came at the same time I must of really filled her up as it was leaking out round my cock she said that’s enough for tonight we got dressed she said same time tomorrow and she left this went on for six weeks then she said she must be pregnant as she had missed her period and it was over a week since she should of had it that was it I didn’t see her for weeks in fact five months and her belly was well swollen .I never saw her again but a friend of hers gave me a message she had a girl and called it Red even tho it was blond I guess it was a funny name as well, the girl who gave me the message said looking at you I think you must be the father but you must be still at school all I said was. I leave in August yes she said I’ve heard stories about you your supposed to have a big cock I smiled and said thanks for the message and walked away another part of my life was over. But not quite the girl who brought the message started to really annoy me she was 17 or 18 yrs old on the fat side or should I say plump rolls of fat round her hips a double chin not my type at all nor I suppose many other boys as well. When she saw me she would walk up to me and say things to me like hello donkey cock when are you going to fuck me or I’m waiting for you stud to part my legs plus other things she even said these with my friends around me they used to look at me strangely. After couple of weeks of this I said okay where and when do you want it I knew I was going to be rough on her maybe it would stop her talking to me like that ,I think she was very surprised and seemed a bit lost for words , in the washhouse Jennies backyard she whispered, I said okay lets go. We went in to the yard and into the wash house I said take your panties off and sit on the table what’s that line about a standing prick has no conscious she was looking at it and said oh my god I can’t take that by this time I had lifted her legs up and put them on my shoulders a big fat pussy was there waiting a bit hairy but I was not caring no lube to make it easy to go in and she wasn’t wet I parted the lips of her clit and pushed my cock into her real hard there was no stopping me I pushed harder again then I knew what I had done she cried out in pain and it got wet round my penis she had been a virgin I could feel the hot blood round my cock I still pushed harder it was in as far as it would go .I came and gave her a belly full of cum she managed to come as well but not hard .I pulled out and blood and spunk dripped onto the floor she stood up and used her panties to wipe herself she pushed them up herself to keep it from running down her legs I said tomorrow again she was crying and said no way you hurt me then she was gone well at least no more smutty remarks from her when I was out with friends but it was not over three weeks later she grabbed me as I left my house she said I’m pregnant what are you going to do about it I was scared but I said nothing what can I do I was thinking what Doris had said a year ago or more that I was a minor under 16 .I said to her say anything that it was me and I will say you raped me you your nearly 19yrs old I’m only 14 (15 really) who their going to believe and your bigger than me. She never said another word just slapped my face and walked away .Later she went into a home had the baby a boy and it was adopted to someone I met her sometimes but she never spoke to me

While my life with the older women had gone on I had also another life with the people who lived around me and as I said earlier I was the only boy in the street round my age the girls were the same age or a couple of years younger like my sister nine of them .Betty had twin girl cousins both redheads but real skinny .It was their birthday 11 yrs old I would be 11 a couple of weeks later . Me and my sister was invited to their party when we got there I was the only boy among 9 girls I wanted to leave but I knew my mother would belt me if I did, I stopped we played games and we were very noisy their mother said go and play in the large shelter in the back yard it had been made for two families .In we went it started okay then it went on to truth or dare all right at first then one girl said to another one as a dare show Derek your fanny it was one of the twins she said I will if my sister dos it as well they both did both took their panties of and showed me their little hairless pussys a little slit between their legs another girl said it’s not fair we should all show him and they all took their panties of nine hairless pussys facing me then one of the twins said Derek you have to show us yours so I did a few gasps and they all had a feel of it ,it went hard and stood out one of the girls tried to put it in herself but I was too big for her that was it the party broke up and we went home my sister two yrs younger than me said don’t tell anyone about her I never did the rest of this part of the story will be will be finished later 19 yrs later after my other sex adventures as they kept coming without me trying to find them Nothing really happened to me my cock didn’t grow much more it was just over eight inches got to nine by the time I was 21yrs it was always big round and had a large helmet on the end and no foreskin anyway back to fifteen I left school and started work ,my mother got married again and my stepfather had a very large allotment big cabin in it I moved my pigeons there we also had hens ducks geese and turkeys he was in the fire brigade and did shift work. I would spend hours there sometimes I even slept there Fridays and Saturday nights one Saturday afternoon a friend of Doris came to the garden I’m sure Doris’s told her about me as she knew too much her excuse was she wanted to buy a dozen fresh eggs then, and a chicken the next week I said I would have to ask my dad about the chicken I gave her a dozen eggs and charged her 6 shillings she ask if she could have a look round I showed her round and she said it’s a big cabin a settee and an arm chair as well also a small pot bellied stove , I told her I usually slept there Friday and Saturday nights she then said I will see you next sat and hope your dad says I can buy a chicken she left, enter Mrs Logan( Jean) I called her Jeanie same as my mother . The old man said let her have one of the young roosters 12shillings and 6pence id killed it plucked it ready for her left the guts in as it kept the chicken moist Saturday morning. She arrived my stepfather was at the garden with me he spoke a few words to her but he was getting ready to leave as he started his 24 hr shift at 5pm which happened every two weeks and changed them from night shift to day shift he wanted a couple of hours sleep before he started he whispered that she was the daughter of the local newsagent as he left, off he went in his old ford popular car . I said your chicken is in the cabin I went in and she followed me and pulled the door shut behind her straight out she said Doris is a friend of mine my husband was hurt during the war and can’t have sex he can’t get an erection but I’m not leaving him but I need a good fucking to put it bluntly and Doris says you have the right equipment .She sat down on the settee and said will you give it to me and no one is to know about it she was certainly a good looker and I was not getting any at the time I sat on the settee next to her and started kissing her putting my tongue in her mouth kissed her ears and her neck my hands inside her blouse and into her bra her tits felt large and round and full the nipples seemed to be sunk in but popped out as I played with them .I put a hand between her legs and pushed the crutch of her panties aside and pushed a couple of fingers inside the lips of her vagina she became all moist she already had my cock out and it was really hard I heard her say beautiful she pulled me over on her she slid herself down so her pussy was on the edge of the settee my knees were on the floor she guided me into her I pushed it in pulled her towards me and pushed it in as far as I could get it I was ramming it into her backwards and forwards she was hot wet she came grunting and moaning as she exploded round me and I came as well it had been awhile for me I pulled out of her my cock was red raw down one side where it had been rubbing the crutch of her panties she stood up and said how about tomorrow at 2pm I said no way look what your panties have done to me .I showed her my cock where it was rubbed raw and red and it was looking worse by now I was upset and I said if you want it again we are going to have no clothes on either here or at your place of choosing ill have to think about it she said she took the chicken paid me and left. It was two weeks before she appeared again I had thought she wasn’t coming back this time she was with Doris and I knew it was her who had told Jean about me I said to Doris you said you would tell no one about us. She said Jean was so desperate for it she had been thinking about picking up men in bars so I told her about you as you would be safe and would not catch anything unless she wanted a baby and that you had a big cock and you would satisfied and fill her ,Jean then said she wasn’t happy about taking her clothes off in the cabin as we might be caught so it had been arranged if I would still go with her we could use Doris’s house for awhile till she could arrange to be able to use the flat above the shop as it was only used as a store room . So it was settled that I would go round to Doris’s the next day about 1oclock just after lunch I was already excited about it as I hadn’t had a woman for two weeks. I was there early the next day Sunday Jeanie turned up a little late and I was thinking she had changed her mind she arrived all flushed and excited we went straight into the bedroom as she was wanting it as she had been thinking about it since yesterday .I stripped of my clothes and stood nude and I had a hard on and it was sticking straight out Doris had come in with Jeanie and she said there I told you it was big it’s over seven and look how big and round it is then she said can I watch Jean didn’t answer just took her clothes off she had long dark hair and only a small patch round the lips of her pussy it looked as if she had shaved it .She was very tall and plump well rounded but not fat very big tits large aureoles small sunk in nipples but soon popped out as I played with them ,she lay on the bed beside me and we started kissing I ran my tongue over and in her ear down her neck then up her arms put a hand under her tit and lifted it I took her nipple and sucked hard on it the nipple then stood out I then licked the other one and took it into my mouth and again I really sucked hard on it she then said I can’t wait she rolled over on to me lifted herself up .Doris had waited for this she took hold of my cock with one hand parted Jeans lips and guided me into her both of them were murmuring or saying something as I slid into Jean she was tight wet hot and it went in without stopping as Jean was pushing hard down on me I bottomed out it would go no farther she was squeezing it inside her as she moved up and down on me it didn’t take her long she came really hard all her body went stiff she cried out a long ooohh and then went slack as she relaxed said to me leave it in me I rolled her over so I was on top as she was heavy and as she was bigger than me her bust was making it hard for me to breath I still left it soaking in her as she recovered .I rolled of her and both of them played with me I soon became hard Doris said it all yours again Jean enjoy yourself as I might get him to do me later if he will, Jean lay in the middle of the bed legs apart I started to lick her out she said don’t do that as that’s all my husband can do for me so I kissed her all the way up her body I sucked her tits then pushed my cock into her she was all wet and hot she again tightened her muscles round me as I rammed it in and out of her we lasted longer this time then we came nearly both together she moaned as I let out a gasp of air .I rolled of her and lay back she lay there for a little while and said she was happy and filled but she had to go home as they would be waiting for her as she had said she was going to the Sunday school near her house as she sometimes did She cleaned herself up Doris helped her dress as they made plans for the next Saturday early and to last all day as Doris said she needed it as well and would I mind .I said I’ll be there as my step father was dayshift and I could feed all the birds early no one would miss me as they would think I was at the garden all day Doris said she would get some condoms to last a few weeks Jean said she had a rubber ring a diaphragm she was okay Doris laughed and it was said more for her it was arranged for 10 Saturday morning and we would have our meals there they joked that they were going to bath and feed me Jean left Doris asked me to stop as she was real horny and wanted it so I .lay there nude and waited for her to see Jeanie off she came back took her clothes of god she had a beautiful body all curvy and rounded where it should be I really got a hard ,hard on as I watched her undress she had a condom and rolled it over my penis she rubbed lubricant on it then said I can’t wait she climbed over me legs spread wide her breasts just reaching my mouth I sucked one in she wrapped her hand round my cock put it in between her pussy lips and sank down on it ,it was in ,in as far as it would go pushing against her womb that’s what she said it was doing after awhile we both came me I was tired she bathed me to get rid of the smell of sex on me, I dressed and went down to the garden I could hardly wait till next Saturday and start over with the two of them.


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I do not pretend to be a writer, but I just thought I`d scribble down some memories. This is`nt fiction, just a small part of my personal history.Some things happened in the dark ages, othersnot so long ago, but everyone of them is etched in my memory and I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. [/First Timesb]My first real open mouth kiss was when I was about f******n and not being real sex, I don`t suppose it is against the law to state that age here.We were...

3 years ago
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Funny thing about "MEMORIES". In my senior years, I can not remember the name of the movie I watched last weekend or the name of its lead actor but I recall perfectly the events of May 11, 2009. The washrooms at the mall were bereft of cock so I walked a couple of blocks to the library to see if there was any action there. When I entered the washroom, there were 2 guys in there. One was standing in front of the right urinal and the other guy was at the left one. The middle urinal was where I...

2 years ago
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Special thanks to my Proof Reader The roar of the jet's engines is the only thing intruding on my grief. I still can't believe it. Nicci is gone. She and her husband Frank drowned off the Florida coast in a severe tropical storm; they and seventeen other passengers. She and Frank were to enjoy a relaxing two week sailing trip. It was intended to be sort of a second honeymoon, the first time they were away from home alone in years. Nicci was my sister and we were close ... very close. She...

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Funny how things looked bigger when I was eight than they do now at fifty. I was home for the first time in almost thirty-two years. I left home at eighteen to join the Air Force. Now I'm back for my mom and dad's funeral. They died in a fiery car crash on their way home from seeing my younger sister in Olean, New York. They lived in Jamestown almost all their lives and in the same house since I turned seven. It was a hundred year old house with two floors, an attic, and a basement. The...

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You aren’t here anymore. For more than a year already. Maybe I should have started earlier with this, now my notes about you start today. I don’t know what this is going to be. Or what it is good for. Maybe for everything, maybe nothing. Maybe it should be therapy for me. I had thought that I was cured. I imagined it. To be healed of you. How ridiculous.Obviously, nobody can close the gap that you left behind. It is completely hopeless.Through you I have experienced what love is. Love is when...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Like many men my age I’m a proud grandfather of six and I indeed love them all and my ex wife was a loving, beautiful woman and still is. We raised four great kids together, but there is a part of me none of them knows about and it goes back many years. I go back to high school when I was extremely shy around girls. I wasn’t, however shy around guys. I was a good athlete, tall and in great shape. I played ball, wrestled and ran track. I wasn’t attracted to other guys in the least and I was very...

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Just for fun, I though it might be nice to share some of the experiences I went through on my way to becoming the sexy slut I am. Before I had the confidence to fully dress and go out, and to go on the few dates I’ve been on, I was completely closeted. The only way I could express my girly side was through playing on the phone and all alone. I loved dressing up a few times a week. I collected sexy underwear from ex-girlfriends who left stuff behind, and from a few rare shopping trips where I...

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Just for fun, I though it might be nice to share some of the experiences I went through on my way to becoming the sexy slut I am. Before I had the confidence to fully dress and go out, and to go on the few dates I've been on, I was completely closeted. The only way I could express my girly side was through playing on the phone and all alone. I loved dressing up a few times a week. I collected sexy underwear from ex-girlfriends who left stuff behind, and from a few rare shopping trips where I...

2 years ago
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Funny I guess, the closer to graduation I got the random escapades I used to allow my self diminished. Yeah from time to time I would sit in my room and think back to the Apartments we lived in after dad's death. Think about sneaking up to Stephen/Stephanie's apartment and when he would have friends over. When I think about how straight laced "Stephen was I have to smile, when Stephanie was around, sex was always in the air. At first I was just the "errand boy,", I'd go to the store get...

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Like many men my age I'm a proud grandfather of six and I indeed love them all and my ex wife was a loving, beautiful woman and still is. We raised four great kids together, but there is a part of me none of them knows about and it goes back many years. I go back to high school when I was extremely shy around girls. I wasn't, however shy around guys. I was a good athlete, tall and in great shape. I played ball, wrestled and ran track. I wasn't attracted to other guys in the least and I was very...

1 year ago
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I was reading the paper the other day and saw this article about a Canadian Air force pilot who had murdered a couple of girls, but the best bit for me was the fact that this guy had an undie fetish and there he was in all his glory and a pair of stolen bras and pants!! The bulge in the pants looked interesting too, I would certainly have enjoyed investigating that!! He's going away for a minimum of twenty five years for the murders so I bet he'll be popular inside, plenty of opportunity to...

3 years ago
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Elena was a goddess among mortals. She was from Bermuda, six foot tall, 125 lbs, hazel eyes, and the skin tone of a caramel macchiato! She had not cut her hair since she was a small girl in St. George. To say the least, she was stunning!We met while I was working a second job at a local fast food place. I, a regular guy, she was one of the managers. At first, I was interested in her best friend, that is until I "saw" Elena.She was the utmost professional while at work, but loved to let her hair...

4 years ago
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My name is Richard Rogers and this is the story of the love of my life. I am single, 46 years old and an architect for a small but nice firm based in Santa Cruz, California. I was married early in my career, but it didn't work out so I have never taken the plunge again. Maybe someday I'll find the right woman and we'll live happily ever after, but I doubt it. Approximately Three Years Ago: Last Sunday my mother, Anne, had a fall at home and was admitted to the hospital. She had surgery on...

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Lanie was my next door neighbor. I was enamored of her since she moved in as a brand-new bride. I was 13, and she was 20 years old. Tall, blonde, with B cup breasts, and a beautiful set of blue eyes. I thought that she was the sexiest woman I had ever seen. Many nights were spent masturbating, and dreaming of her. Now she was 25 and I was 18 not much had changed. Then her husband left her. She came in to see my mother, and you could see that she had been crying. She told mom that she was...

1 year ago
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Sex, it seems it’s all I ever think about. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed, sex is never far from my thoughts. From pub-erty, I found myself always fascinated by the male sex organ, and how sex could be an integral part of my life. My thoughts never wandered far from thinking about sex, even after I had my first sexual experience with a partner. Looking back at how my teenage years unfolded, I can see now how my parents were worried about me and my early...

1 year ago
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Last February, an external accounting team came to perform reviews within my company. A selected group of persons were chosen for the interview, I was one of the chosen ones to be interviewed. I began to suspect that the audits were just a cover-up. Working in the company's logistics I had nothing to do with corporate finances. I turned up for the audit, where I was welcomed by a team of four people. The interview went smoothly. They asked me innocent questions about life and work at the...

Mind Control
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With tears streaming down her face, Adriana watched through the fog of loneliness and despair as her true love turned to leave. Pride and fear had kept her from telling him how much she desperately needed to feel his arms around her and and for him to nuzzle her hair and whisper "I love you, baby. It'll all work out." She wanted to call out his name and beg him to stay, but the little voice inside her head told her that she wasn't that weak and to let him walk away, forever if need be. With...

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Memory By Angel Hailee "Wake up." "Huh? Who said that? Its so bright... can't see." "Don't worry, just wake up." "Um... okay..." "You can leave your eyes closed for now... just wake up." "Okay... I'm up... I think." "Yes, you are. Can you open your eyes?" "I think so... yeah... its okay... can't see too well... everything's blurry." "Maybe you need glasses." "But I've never had them before." "People's eyes change." "True." "Do you remember your...

3 years ago
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Unexpected pleasures0

In honor of the occasion I was wearing a tee shirt and skirt, no bra or panties of course, and Wayne and I had been watching some lame movie (pretending that we weren’t there just for sex) and feeling each other up for about an hour, getting more and more excited and, in my case, very wet, when I decided to move things along and suck his cock. So I kneeled in front of him, pulled his pants down to his ankles and began to lick and suck his very hard and very thick cock. I had not seen...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 3 Balancing Act

Cassidy and Kimberly cornered me at breakfast. “I hear you have a new girlfriend,” Cassidy announced. “Haven’t had one in over a year. I think the last official girlfriend was Harper, a year ago last spring,” I said. I rubbed my forehead to fend off the headache that was sure was to come on if this line of conversation continued. “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” Kimberly asked. “He has this dumb rule where he only ‘dates’ girls. All his girlfriends call him a ‘stupid boy’ because he...

4 years ago
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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 8 Two Girls in Paris

Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 8 Two Girls in Paris On Monday, Jason walked into the apartment, and said to Ronnie, "Well, how long do you want to spend in France?" "Why?" "Well, I have all summer. They didn't understand, and figured that the job wasn't that important to me." "I'm sorry." "Don't be. With their attitude, I figure I wouldn't have been happy there any way." Ronnie wrapped her arms...

3 years ago
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ReunitedChapter 9

It was Tuesday afternoon. We had just closed for the day. Jennifer and I were in the office going through the books with the accountant. Like I explained before, my sister likes to put everything on the books for tax reasons. Except for some cash transactions which go under the table. It was almost six when we finished with the accountant. I walked with him to the entrance of the shop, letting him out. Locking the door once he was gone. That is when I noticed a vehicle parked across the...

3 years ago
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The Other Woman

He couldn’t get her out of his mind. She consumed his every thought. Those lips. He had kissed them a thousand times and yet he still craved more. That smile. Those stolen moments. He could still taste the sweet peach juice upon her lips following the very first time their lips locked. Fuck. He craved her.Aiden knew he shouldn’t but Melody oozed seduction. Something he just couldn’t resist.  Even a quick glance in those emerald green eyes, veiled by dark lashes, made his cock twitch.So many...

1 year ago
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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 10 Froggy

Our Meyer Boulevard house, the basement part, had always been sort of the unofficial HQ for the Three Mouseketeers. It was centrally located, the house, between Froggy’s and Trish’s. Plus Wandy always had snacks for us. And a welcoming manner. I won’t say Trish was the Brigadoon General of our operation, but Froggy and I usually ended up doing what she wanted. It’s probably because of the maturational thing with the females of the species. Anyway, she progressed from Doctor’s Office to more...

4 years ago
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A young couple were invited to a swanky masked Halloween party

The wife came down with a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party and have a good time. Being the devoted husband, he protested, but she urged him to go, saying that their friends were expecting them. Said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed. So finally, he took his costume and away he went. The wife, after sleeping soundly for an hour, awakened without her headach, and as it was still early, she decided to go to the party. Because her husband did not know what...

2 years ago
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Something Old Something New

They began as they usually did. It was funny how, even in the unconventional ways that the pair had sex, what once was shocking and adventurous could become the norm. They kissed, he bit. He pulled her hair, she sighed and tried to fight. He knew things were beginning to feel a bit stale, for both of them, so he had already planned a more diverse evening of devious pleasure for them this night. As she began to lay back on the bed, his hand snapped out and he snagged a nipple between thumb...

2 years ago
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Interview With GorshinChapter 9

June passed and drifted into July. Yvgeny Gorshin and the other survivors of the Second Pacific Squadron waited with varying degrees of patience for their tickets home. They were a long time coming. A round of promotions was forthcoming, however. The Viceroy of the Russian Far East, Admiral Alexeev, perhaps in an attempt at repairing his tarnished prestige, showered his returned 'heroes' with rewards. Mladshiy Leytenant (Junior or Sub Lieutenant) Yvgeny Gorshin became a Starshiy Leytenant...

4 years ago
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Pumping My Dream Woman Shweta Aunty

Before advancing with my story let me give u the picture of my dream woman, SHWETA, my aunt in-law. She was around 35, about 5 yrs elder to me. 5’5″ inches tall with average body structure. She has got a semi-dark complexion with rosy full lips below her sharp nose. Her hair touches her hips every time she lets them go loose. A perfect 34-32-36 figure. And every time I have been close to her body, the aroma of it has always helped to arouse my wildest senses. This is my Shweta and now let me...

1 year ago
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New frien found while running

I typically go for a run in the evenings. I usually run a half mile loop through the neighborhood which generally takes me about 4 minutes to complete lap. I generally run for 3 miles. So, six laps.Yesterday on my first lap I notice the corner house had sold. It was only on the market for about one week. There was an extremely attractive Hispanic man carrying some boxes into the garage. He looked to be about 40. Black hair with a touch of gray. Couple days worth of stubble. Dark brown skin and...

3 years ago
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A Video Game Humiliation II

Welcome to the REMASTERED Edition of this archived story. Trusted authors will be able to add their chapters AUTOMATICALLY. Non-trusted authors will have all chapters vetted by me before they are made public. You must read the rules branch below before publishing a chapter. Those rules will be enforced. Categories may be added if deemed necessary but do not add any yourself. If a category does not exist for the character you want to use, just put in the alphabetical categories instead. The...

2 years ago
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The Slutifier

Prelude: The Slutifier After many years of prestigious work handled by the most important scientists in the world, The Slutifier was created. This invention promised to eliminate the moral and ethical barriers of the victim. It rendered the target defenseless to sexual cravings. If fallen into the wrong hands, this weapon could turn the most innocent of girls into a sex-hungry slave. 10:32 – The crash of train transport occurs. Raymond Marquis finds a mysterious firearm-looking...

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The First Time I Ate Sushi

I wrote this in 2000, so it’s been a while, but I thought it worth sharing: ‘It’s been almost two years now since it happened, and I’ve managed to forget and remember it a hundred times over. He said he wanted me to remember – made a point of that – but sometimes it’s easier and less painful to forget. Because remembering is one thing – but the longing to go back is too much sometimes. It makes the present unbearable – and I can’t live that way. So, for many months I have for the large part...

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Typical Morning for a Slut

One of my sweet readers asked what i wear when in write my stories— Mostly it’s nothing exciting..whatever i happened to be wearing…at computer on the desk. But when i’m expecting a real serious xhamster session i spice it up — i think you’ll like it. i use a big over-stuffed chair in the den and put the notebook computer on a tray-table, sort of like a TV dinner table, that i can pull up close for comfortable viewing and typing. To save the upholstery i sit on a big bath towel folded over...

1 year ago
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God for a day

You wake up from your bed at 3am from a strange noise.You turn on your bedside light,rub your eyes and wince as they adjust to the new light to see an imp flying around and muttering something unintelligible to me.The incredulity of this makes you wonder if your eyes are playing tricks,but you can hear it so it must be real you decide. “Hello who are you or what are you”?”questioning the stranger,he whips around to look and says”ah it’s you,yes it’s you my newest friend and today I am giving...

4 years ago
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My First Threeway or how I gave up my virginity

It was summer. I’d be 17 in October and it was my first real holiday away from home without my parents. I was visiting with Sinéad (no, not that Sinéad), my aunt, in her very nice apartment in Chicago. Sinéad was 28 then, single, working, and not at home much. We would spend most of our together time on weekends, but I was pretty much left to my own devices during the week. I’d visited before from Ireland, but never alone or to stay for the whole summer.Cathy, who was just 19 and a friend I had...

3 years ago
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After school detention lesson part2

From part 1 As we recovered I thanked her for keeping her promises that it will not hurt. I asked her ‘do girls masturbate as well? Can I see you do it please???’ ‘Of course Jack, it wouldn’t be fair not to teach you everything about sex’ She told me to watch her carefully as she slowly undressed Part 2 Jessica stripped to her bra and underwear and asked me remove them. My hands shook violently as i unfasten her bra. I took a look at her breasts as her bra fell to the carpet of her...

2 years ago
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Dogs how to fuck them for women

The penis is also looking different in it's basic looks. Instead of having the so familiar and sensitive 'mushroom', like the human, it is pointy at the tip, then growing larger after 2-3 cm. As you read earlier, the entire penis is as sensitive as the human's tip. At the front of the penis the dog has a small hole from which he ejaculates, this looks a little different than a human penis, which has a crack, otherwise the function is the same, the size almost equivalent, but the pleasure...

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"Something happened recently that I want to tell you about," she began. "I've never been much of an exhibitionist; at least, not up until recently," Brianna sounded nervous as she continued on with her story."A couple of nights ago, my boyfriend and I had both just gotten home from work, and we were watching TV when we heard what sounded like someone outside our front door. I thought maybe it was my neighbor, Ella, but it was late, and she's old and was probably in bed already."Brianna spoke to...

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Cool Spring Nights Part 2 Loose1 gain2

Introduction: This is the 2nd part in an ongoing series I am writing. This is an original work by inferis created in 2011. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you dont like it or find it offensive stop reading it and find something else to enjoy. ———————- ———————- You should read part 1 first. ———————- ———————- Cool Spring Nights (Part 2: Loose1 gain2) It was somewhere near 4am when the police arrived. I remember them helping me get up and dressed but then somewhere along the line...

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One Rainy Night

It was almost midnight and the rain was pouring down in sheets. Thunder roared and lightening lit up the sky in violent flashes of light. Lorraine was on her way home after spending the evening in town watching movies with friends. The rain was coming down so hard, that she had to slow to a crawl to prevent driving off the road. Her windshield wipers were on high speed, in a frantic effort to clear her windshield.Squinting at the road, in deep concentration, she couldn’t help but see the man...

1 year ago
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The Flight Attendants Revenge

It had been a long night-flight back to Gatwick from Manila; over 13 hours airborne. And even though the crew were all exhausted as they disembarked from the crew bus back at base, somehow they managed to maintain their polished look. Sarah was no exception to this. Her smart navy uniform looked immaculate, as did her make-up, and blonde hair still twisted into a chignon, under her navy hat. It was a procedural responsibility of all crew to check in with the rostering department on return from...

Quickie Sex
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Oct28thshaved in the hospital

I recently fell off of a bar stool in my kitchen on a hardwood floor and idiot me broke my hip just before Halloween. However,the reason for this story is that while in the hospital for 2 weeks going though surgery and physical therapy it seemed that my shaved cock and balls grabbed the attention of quite a few people there. I mean it COULDN'T have been the first time that nurses and my anesthesiologist and surgeon have seen this before but it started when a female nurse was helping me into the...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 414

The Retreat Jeff, Ada and Charlotte didn’t get anything like a full night’s sleep. He worried that both mother and daughter would be extremely sore come morning, but Ada just laughed and said she had been without for years and she would worry about soreness tomorrow, or later today, as the case may be. But Jeff was a Prime and to say that he was in excellent shape would almost be an insult. After Little One’s enhancement, there simply was no comparison between him and any man on Earth. But...

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An old married couple is lying in bed one night.The wife is curled up, ready to go to sleep, and the husband turns his bed lamp on to read a book.As he’s reading, he periodically reaches over to his wife and fondles her special area.He does this a few times, but only for a very short interval before returning to read his book.The wife gradually becomes more and more aroused assuming that her husband is seeking some encouragement she gets up and starts stripping in front of him.The husband is...

4 years ago
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The Blindest Date

As I looked in the mirror, it occurred to me that this was the first blind date I’d ever been on. I’ve heard the term a million times, but does anyone really go on blind dates anymore? This certainly wouldn’t be the first date I’ve been on, or the second. I’ve never counted them, that’s a pretty interesting thought in itself. Let’s see what the numbers say. Ok, I’ve been dating for half my life, give or take, about sixteen years roughly. Take away the two serious relationships of about six...

3 years ago
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Waterfall KeepChapter 11

A man who looked exactly like the King was sitting in an upholstered chair with his feet propped up and a cup of wine was in his left hand. His right hand was diddling a naked woman between her legs. She seemed to orgasm, and she took the King's hand from between her legs and licked his fingers clean. He smiled and waved to another naked woman who was standing to one side. That woman walked to the king and flipped his kilt out of the way. I noted that he was wearing nothing underneath the...

1 year ago
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Two Japanese girls in Vegas

I did deserve the holiday so I made sure I was a long way from home to enjoy it. I booked a hotel in Las Vegas to play some poker and perhaps get the money back. It was a hard time finding a hotel with vacant rooms. There was some kind of event going on and almost every room was booked well in advance.I didn't care. When I finally arrived at the hotel I only wanted to get to my room, take a hot bath and get to bed. The 10 hour flight had almost killed me. So when I got to my room and opened it...

2 years ago
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Hot night

It was late when they got back from the movies, and she was worried that their night would end with nothing but the heavy petting they had shared in the movie theatre. “Well...” she said when they stopped at her door. “I know it's late but would you like to come in for a bit?” “I would love to,” he said. He brushed his dark hair out of his eyes, and waited patiently for her to unlock the front door. The hall light was off, and she fumbled on the wall for the switch. “Leave it off,” he said. He...

Quickie Sex
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Deep Crotch Mother Chapter 17 18

Thad went to the local hospital. And from there, he went to jail. His plans to open achurch in Jasper Junction were destroyed, and his existing religious empire began totopple.Marcella didn’t care. She was too concerned for the welfare of her young daughter.Rest and attentive mothering cured the c***d’s physical hurt, but her psychologicalwound would take longer to heal.On top of this problem, Marcella had to think about supporting her family. She hadripped up her roots in Centerville. There...

3 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown part five Monica is realizing what shes getting into

After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley, Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...

2 years ago
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The Best and Worst Birthday

Last night the club had practically been ablaze. The spread in the newspaper the week prior had ensured that the ‘hottest club in town’ would definitely be at maximum capacity for the rest of the month. With all the new trends and recent fascination with all things retro, The Hive was a welcomed addition. Taking a cue from the roaring twenties, the club was a fresh jazz scene with all the specs to accommodate a lounge, bar, and dance floor. The thrown back atmosphere had some serious allure and...

3 years ago
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The Pet part 1 Arrival

She wakes with a start. Her eyes roam and her memory returns. She is in the bath, and must have dozed off in the warm embrace of the water. Looking across the room to the clock, she gasps; it's late! Half-standing up, she sits down on the side of the bath, shivering slightly at the tub's cool edge. Reaching over, she picks up her razor and cream. Squeezing some gel into her hand, she begins to rub her hands together, working the gel into a creamy white lather. The girl reaches down and...

2 years ago
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On the Drive Home Today

I keep telling myself I have to stay away from the truck stop.  The police watch the place, and I have actually seen some poor bastard get arrested a time or two.  My friend Ricky laughs off my hesitation.  "As long as you stay away from minors and you're not selling drugs, friend, you've got nothing to worry about."  So, the truck stop it is.  When you're in the mood for some random, anonymous hook-up, when you're up for "pot luck" sex, this is the place. I find a spot in the parking lot and...

Gay Male
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Croquis Grotesque

The sound of the key in the lock brings me back to the cell. I’ve been in this small dank room for a long while now and I’m not sure just how long. Without any windows, deep in the ground, it’s hard to gauge time with anything like accuracy. All I am certain of is that it was March when I was arrested and some time ago I over heard Mellows telling Cartwright that it was nearly June. I suppose it must be summer outside but here in the cell, the moisture on the walls keeps me cold and I lie...

1 year ago
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Ready to see some Asian chicks at Jav Guru? Have you got a case of yellow fever? Wait a minute, that’s not politically correct. Allow me to rephrase. Do you like furiously stroking your own cock while watching videos of hot Asian women getting their brains fucked out? If you answered yes, you might want to check out JAV.Guru.What does JAV stand for, you ask? Could it be Just Anal Virgins or Jolly Amateur Vixens? How about Jelly-Ass and Voluptuous? Jerking At Vaginas? Nah, it’s much simpler than...

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