SamChapter 21A free porn video

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Monday got off to a bang when I gave Bud his morning wake-up and he gave me a serious pounding. It had been a couple of days since I had ridden a big cock or worn my pacifier and my pussy had shrunk all the way back to near-virgin status. When Bud tried to push into me too quickly, it made tears come to my eyes. He stopped right away when he heard me cry out in pain.

"You OK?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, biting my lip and sniffing back a tear. "Don't stop! Please don't stop! Just go a little slower. I'm sorry. I've gotten tight again."

"You sure have! I can feel it," he said. "It feels great. Like the first time all over again."

"For me too. But please be gentle; as if I was Jolene. OK?"

After that, it was all he could do to get his cock into me without losing his load in the process. Thinking about fucking Jolene made him so excited that he could hardly stand it. All the time he was trying to ease it into me, I could feel his cock throb and jerk as if it were about to explode any second.

His arousal was contagious. Feeling him stop and hold very still while the compulsion to cum faded set me on fire. It was as if his excitement was pouring into me, filling me with his heat over and over until I was the one who was dying to climax.

It seemed to take forever for him to work his big cock all the way inside. I felt every glorious inch of it sliding up inside my pussy and force its way into my womb. It was incredible! When his pubic hair at last brushed against my clit, I could hardly stand the intense sensation.

When he was fully inside, he trembled like he couldn't take it anymore. He clenched his jaw and ground his groin into my clit.

I lay back and quivered with anticipation as his big cock flexed and then spat a powerful stream of hot cum into me. The scalding jet triggered my climax and I clutched him to me as he filled me up. The heat rushed through me, radiating outward from my womb. I felt like my body was an expanding balloon and my consciousness was sitting on the very top as it soared upward. The feeling was so real that my eyes flew wide open and I stared up at the ceiling as if I were about to crash through it into the sky.

Just as I thought for sure that I was about to smash into the plaster and lathe, I felt the balloon pop and my mind become weightless. The heat of my orgasm rose to a blistering level, sending me screaming into the void of pleasure. It seemed that I floated there for a long time, but when my head fell back onto the pillow I knew it had only been a few seconds at most.

I lay on Bud's bed with his sweaty body half covering mine and exulted in the feeling of riding a really great orgasm as it slowly diffused through my nerves and my blood and my bones, leaving me exhausted and rejuvenated, spent and recharged, wasted and fulfilled, all at the same time.

"Now that," I moaned emphatically, "is the right way to start the day!"

Bud managed a weak chuckle.

"Couldn't have said it better myself. But you may have to carry me to the shower. I think I put everything into that one."

I was feeling so good I couldn't pass that up. I rolled us over and pried my pussy off his bloated cock; then I picked him up off the bed and carried him like an oversized infant into the bathroom between his room and Jim's. I set him down on his feet in the shower stall, smiled up at him tenderly and cranked on the cold water.

I had to speak up so he could hear me over his screams.

"Don't be late for school, darling!" I told him as he frantically tried to turn the valve around to get some hot water going.

On my way downstairs to do my chores, I told myself that I was just being playful, that I hadn't mistreated Bud for cumming so hard while thinking about Jolene while he was screwing me. There isn't a jealous bone in my body.

School was average. For a Monday, I mean. Or maybe it was just an average Monday. Nothing at all happened that was terribly interesting. Steve was officially in training for the match on Saturday and had to save his strength. Jim and Neeka got together by themselves between classes and so did Bud and Jolene. I saw Polly at Gym, but we got split up on different volleyball teams and the best we could do was to share a washcloth after class.

I was just coming out of my last class for the day when Angie came up beside me.

"Guess what!" she said, excitedly.

I had a sudden feeling I knew 'what', but I was wrong. It wasn't about George.

"I had a date on Saturday!" she said, bouncing and holding my arm.

"Great, Angie! Who with?" I asked, bouncing along, even though I wasn't sure why.

"Myron Benedict!"

I knew who Myron Benedict was, but I didn't actually know Myron, if you know what I mean. He wasn't the kind of person a cheerleader would normally hang with, and even as an ex-cheerleader I hadn't so much as seen him in the hall between classes.

Myron was kind of a nerd's nerd. As best I remembered, he wasn't bad looking. In fact, aside from being as thin as a rail, he was sort of handsome. But he was in the Science Club, the Chess Team, and he worked in the school library in the afternoon when everyone who wasn't playing a sport was watching those who did. If he had anything like a social life, I wasn't aware of it.

"Myron Benedict?" I echoed, cluelessly.

"Yes!" Angie bubbled. "And guess what? He has a car!"

Suddenly I thought I knew where this was going.

"You didn't!

"I did!"



"Tell me everything!" Maybe then we could both stop bouncing.

She dragged me around the corner of the cafeteria's delivery entrance and fortunately upwind of the dumpster.

"I ran into him in the hall on Friday. I mean, literally. He had his nose in a book and wasn't looking where he was going. I tried to dodge, but he dodged the same time I did and we smacked into each other. His books flew everywhere and we got tangled and we both ended up on the floor.

"Neither of us was hurt or anything, but it was awfully embarrassing. He just sat there, blinking at me. I thought he might have lost a contact, you know? So I got up in his face to see, but I couldn't tell. Then I wondered if he wore contacts at all and if he didn't then he must be wondering what I was doing staring into his eyes like that.

"Well, I got flustered and I didn't know what to say, so I said the first thing that came to mind."

Angie seemed to wind down some. She smiled crookedly and said, "I said what you told us to. I said 'Hi', then I asked him if he liked oral sex."

"And what did he say?"

"Nothing. He just looked at me like I was talking jibberish. Then he smiled. It was great! Right then I knew we had connected, you know? It was like we had moved past all the awkwardness and stuff and we could relax and be comfortable with each other."

"Intimacy breeds intimacy," I observed.

People are programmed for relationships. You act a certain way around your family, another way around your friends, and another way around strangers. We think there are rules for these relationships and we unconsciously try to follow them. This is why you get so nervous about your parents meeting your boyfriend or going on a blind date with someone you've never met — it messes up your practiced patterns of behavior, like putting a chameleon on plaid.

I had proven to myself that it was possible to make people jump from one relationship framework another by changing the rules on them. Take a stranger and act like they were your friend and they would follow that set of rules along with you. Never mind that they may never have laid eyes on you before, they will fall right into certain patterns of behavior that they associate with that relationship.

This means the best way to make new friends is to treat them like your old ones, and the best way to make a guy into your boyfriend is to treat him like you have already been intimate or that it's just about to happen. It puts them into a state where they will do anything for you. They become eager to please and very pliable. You can then wind them around your little finger with no trouble at all.

"Yeah, like that! Anyway, we talked for a few minutes about stuff and then he asked if I wanted to go see a movie or something on Saturday."

"Looks like Myron didn't want to waste any time. You must have made quite an impression."

"You think? So I said 'sure!' and we set it up, then we both split. Saturday, he shows up to pick me up in this little car that looks just like Neeka's but not as old, you know?"

"I know."

I think she meant 'run down' rather than 'old' but she was being polite.

"Anyway, he's got on about a gallon of this awful cologne, so I make him drive with the windows down so some of it can evaporate and I can get close to him without needing to hold my nose. We talk some in the car on the way and we find that we both like a lot of the same things — movies, books, food and stuff. The surprising thing is that he talks like normal people, you know. I thought he was this genius-type guy who would be over my head a lot of the time like... Well, like another very smart person I know."

I have no idea who she meant. I let it pass without comment.

"So, we get to the movie and the place is packed. There is a line around the building and the radio station van is parked out front. So I tell him, 'We don't have to do this. We can just go park somewhere if you'd rather do that.' I swear; he left skid-marks getting out of there. I didn't think those cars could do that.

"He drove us out to the old Clark Supermarket building over next to the river and parked so we could look out on the water through the cattails. It was so romantic! There were a couple of other cars out there but he stopped far enough away so we wouldn't be disturbed.

"When he turned the car off, there was this awkward moment when neither of us could think of what to do or say. I was trying to think of something when I noticed that it was going to be hard us to snuggle because of the darn big console in the way."


"Yeah. Getting in the back seat wasn't going to work either. You know how small the back seats in those cars are?"

"Very cramped," I said, remembering how Sue and I had almost knocked out the back window of Neeka's car.

"Damn right. So I'm sitting there trying to think of how to get us back to where we were when we met, and my hand is just sitting on this nice thick gear-shift. I'm just casually running my fingers up and down the thing when I notice that Myron is staring at my hand like I had seven fingers or something. I keep fiddling with the thing and the more I fiddle, the harder Myron breathes. It's like he knew what I was thinking and he couldn't wait for the show to start!

"I couldn't disappoint him after that. I told him to get in the back and I would show him something he would never forget. As soon as I though seriously about doing it, I got sooooo hot that there was no way I wasn't going through with it. Myron crawled over into the back and watched while I stripped off my clothes until all I had on was my socks and sneakers.

"When I turned around and straddled the console, I thought he was going to die, he was squirming around so much. He had to sit with his legs split and I could see that the crotch of his shorts was stretched very tight over his... you know."

"So, could you see everything?"

"I could tell his religion! Seriously, his thing looked huge to me. It looked so uncomfortable all trapped in there, so I told him he could take his shorts off if he wanted."

"Did he?"

"In about a second! His undershorts too! When he took hold of it and started pulling on it, it made me so hot I thought I would swoon!

"When I got the top of the shift-thing into my pussy, he gripped his cock so tight it looked like he was strangling it. I rubbed around for a bit to get it wet and then I slid down on it until I was sitting on the console, just like you did. It felt so good, I think I must have started cumming right away. I don't remember much about it, except that it felt so darn great to have him watch me ride that hard stick like that.

"It must have really turned him on because I had only been fucking it for a couple of minutes when his thing just exploded all over me, covering me in streams of his stuff. He just kept shooting it on me and moaning like he was dying! It was great! I had a really big cum and so did he!

"Afterward, he helped me to get off the shifter and he wiped off all the sticky stuff with his t-shirt. Then we just crawled into that tiny back seat and he held me. I was in heaven! Thank you for teaching me that trick, by the way. It's a lot of fun by myself, but it's even better with someone who's really getting off on watching me do it."

"What happened then?"

"While he was holding me, I was holding part of him, if you know what I mean?"

"Un hunh."

"Well that part got limp and then, while I was holding it, it started getting hard again. He started moving his hips like he wanted me to rub his... cock, so I did. He liked that. He liked it a lot. After a little bit, he wanted to put it in me. I was kind of keen on the idea, too. But there just wasn't enough room in that darn backseat."

"What did you do?"

"We got out of the car. I was so giddy and hot by then that I didn't even think about someone seeing us. Well, maybe I did, but I sure didn't care! When he backed me up against the car, I just laid back on the hood, spread my legs and let him have his way with me."

"'Let him have his way with you'? I haven't heard that one lately."

"OK, I let him stick his hard cock into me and fuck me silly. Is that better? Give me a break, I'm new to this. That night was my first real time... with a boy."


"Anyway, he lasted a lot longer the second time. It was better for me. And it just kept getting better and better, the longer it lasted."

"Did you cum again?"

"And again, and again! I've never felt like that before. Is it always that good?"

"If you're lucky. Did he use any... protection?"

"You mean, like a condom? I was so turned on I didn't even think about it. I just wanted him to do it to me, you know? I didn't think about getting myself preggers until later. By then I didn't really care if he did or not. I was having such a good time that if he asked me, I would have told him to go ahead and knock me up."

"He didn't pull out?"

"Yes, he did. He came all over my stomach instead."

"You sound disappointed."

"I guess I was. I mean I am. I mean, I don't exactly want to get pregnant, but if it happens I won't be heartbroken about it. I've always wanted babies. At least, for as long as I've been, you know... able to."


"My mom had me when she was younger than I am now. All the women in my family had their babies when they were young. And we're a big family. Now, anyway. I have four girl cousins within a year or two of my age. Two have already had babies and three are pregnant now. It's almost a tradition."

"How about a career?"

"Sam, my career is going to be raising children and making my husband happy. That's a tradition in my family, too."

I wanted to tell her not to make up her mind too soon about things like that, but she seemed to know what she wanted and she apparently had a lot of support if she did get pregnant. A lot of company, anyway.

I was just a teeny bit jealous. I guess every girl dreams of having babies. It's instinctive. But some of us have careers, too. Mine just made it impossible for me to settle down to family life just yet.

Angie ran off when Myron pulled up in his dusty little car with the big clean spot on the hood. I wondered if either of them realized that it was kind of obvious what made the spot. Then I wondered how long Myron planned to wait before he absolutely had to wash his car.

They both seemed very happy. They were an odd couple, but no odder than many. I was happy that they were happy.

I walked through the parking lot, smiling to myself when I saw a familiar plain tan car drive slowly down the road. I dug into my bag to check if my phone was still on, and it was. Then I walked to the closest street and waited for good old Bob Foster to pull up.

"Hi, Sheriff," I said when he rolled down his window.

"Afternoon, Sam. Um, pretty day, isn't it."

This didn't sound good. Sheriff Foster had never seemed socially awkward to me before, but now he was almost stammering. Something had him upset. Something that wasn't a police emergency.

"It sure is. Hang on, I'll hop in and we can talk."

I went around and got in the passenger side. His car was very clean for being several years old. I figured it was getting some special treatment at the Department Motor Pool, or whatever they called it.

He had stopped at the drop-off/pick-up curb, not in a parking spot. I was about to say something about that when I remembered that he wasn't likely to get a ticket.

"Sam, I know we had an agreement. About keeping your identity confidential and all. And I want you to know that I have kept to the letter of that agreement. I have fended off all the papers, the TV people, and the busybodies who think they have a right to know everything about everybody in town. But I had a visit from someone whose, ah, request I couldn't refuse."

"The Governor's Office?" I said, helpfully. Mom had predicted this, so I wasn't totally shocked that he wanted to meet me.

"Heh! I knew the Governor before he got into politics. I even helped in his first campaign. I can tell him to piss off and make it stick. No, I'm afraid this goes higher up than that."

I suddenly had a chill and it wasn't from the air-conditioning. I wanted to ask the obvious question, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Foster answered it anyway.

"This comes from the Homeland Security people. Senator Fowler called me and told me they were sending someone down. He implied that if I refused to talk to this gentleman, that the next call would be from higher up."

"Higher? You mean..."

"Yah. This has got just a little above my pay-grade, if you know what I mean?"

"I do."

I thought I did. I thought I was ready for this. I had thought a lot of things that were starting to seem like wishful thinking — squared. It's funny how a harsh enough light can really evaporate your daydreams and light up your nightmares. At one point, I had been scared of being hauled off by men in black suits and never seeing the light of day again. That one seemed to be casting some long shadows at the moment.

The back door of the car opened and Neeka got in, dragging her garment bag with her. I had been so caught up in imaging what Foster's visitor wanted that I hadn't noticed her approach.

"You didn't think I was going to duck out on you now, did you?" she asked, silently.

"OK, Sheriff," I said, more confidently. "We can go now. Let's go talk to the man from Washington."

If he was startled by Neeka joining us, he hid it well. He just nodded and put the car in gear.

Foster drove us to the Federal Building downtown while I tried not to let my nerves get out of control. After what seemed like a very short trip, he turned into the underground garage and the guard raised the gate as though we were expected. I started a log of events to support my budding conspiracy theory.

"He probably just knows the Sheriff's car," Neeka said. "Relax."

That was easier said than done, and I failed miserably. When I got out of the car, I was so nervous that I had some adrenalin going and when I shoved the car door shut, it made a noise so loud that I thought the window would break. A couple of people who had just got off the elevator turned their heads at the noise, but things always sound too loud in bare concrete rooms, so they went on with their business.

"Sorry," I said to the Sheriff.

"Don't worry your little head about it." His folksy manner was sliding all over the place. Another time, he might have thought twice about using an adjective like that to me.

Foster took us up in the elevator to a plushly-carpeted hallway and then opened the doors at the end onto an even more plushly-carpeted meeting room that was lined with wooden shelves neatly filled with tan and red law books. The parts of the room that weren't expensive-looking wood were green marble with little streaks of gold in it.

"Your tax dollars at work," Neeka said, silently.

I smiled at that as I walked into the room. It was probably a good thing. The first impression I made wouldn't be that of a terrified girl.

I was only a little surprised when the door shut behind us and Foster was no longer there. Whatever level of political power existed in this room must have made him very nervous. I kept the smile on my face by an effort of will.

I shivered, but not from nervousness. The air conditioning in this building seemed to have been intended more for a meat locker rather than a workplace. It seemed darn cold to me and Neeka agreed. For the first time in weeks, I wished I had worn more clothes. My thin white blouse and my pleated hip-hugging flip-skirt were fine for the school's marginally-adequate air-conditioning, but not for some place trying to simulate polar conditions.

The man sitting on the far side of the conference table seemed very young to be an emissary of the powers-that-be. He was thin, dark-eyed, black-haired, and had such a prominent hook-nose that I glanced at his head to see if he were wearing a yarmulke. When he stood, I saw that he was very tall, as well.

"Good afternoon, ladies. My name is David Solomon." He flashed a warm smile and held out his hand across the table.

I leaned over to shake his hand. Despite the low temperature of the building, his palm was just a bit damp and I wondered if Mr. Solomon might be just a tiny bit as anxious about meeting us as I was about meeting him. That would explain why he seemed to want to keep the table between us.

"So," Solomon said, sitting down, adjusting his shiny grey suit-coat and motioning us to the leather chairs on our side of the dark, thick table that I assumed to be mahogany. "You must be The Dragon. And you are..."

"Ace," Neeka volunteered.

He could have got that easily enough for himself. We had been dropping that name freely.

He offered us coffee or soft-drinks, which we declined. Then he said, "I'm pleased to meet both of you. I must say, you seem... shorter... in person."

I decided not to be offended. It could be a ploy to put me at a disadvantage and I wanted to keep a clear head. I knew he had to have seen the TV footage. And even I had noticed how I looked taller standing on top of the tank, so I really couldn't blame him for the comment.

"It's hard to judge much of anything when I'm suited-up. That's one of the reasons for wearing a disguise," I confided, setting my heavy bookbag in the chair to my right and sitting down in the chair opposite Mr. Solomon.

Same as Sam
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I awoke the next morning and prepared myself for my morning maid duties. The sissy stepford wife dreams didn't bother me much anymore. I didn't think they were ever going to happen, and I would be a sissy slut bondage maid for the rest of my life. I recited my Prissy-Sissy mantra and that helped get me going again. I did my makeup in light pinks and greys for the Pink PVC and white lace maids uniform but also for the pretty pink square neck sheath dress I'd be wearing to Francine's...

2 years ago
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A guy get examined

It was an early evening on a Wednesday and I had spent most of the day traveling It was an early evening on a Wednesday and I had spent most of the day traveling.? I was spending the night at a hotel in Des Moines, Iowa.? It was about 6pm when I got to the hotel.? I checked in, went up to my room to get settled.? I wasn?t feeling the best either.? My stomach had been bothering me, like I was hungry or something.? I figured I was just hungry, so I called next door to the Applebee?s...

4 years ago
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The Cocky vs the Cucky

Two years ago, me and my girlfriend were in Egypt for holiday. In the early days, we spent time together; swimming, eating, drinking shopping etc... It was all same and boring and we had still two weeks to stay. So we started look for something different, different activities. Luckily we realized some groups of young people get together on the beach at nights. Then we decided to meet with them and be friends. And in our fourth night we went down to the beach and get close to them and say "hi"....

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The student becomes the master part 2

The Student Becomes the Master Part 2 For those of you that read the first part (which is highly recommended to understand what happens next), let us recall how the last part ended. My hot teacher had made me stay behind class after I had been misbehaving, and after a bit of small talk, I screwed her fucking brains out on the desk. After I had busted my nut in her tight little pussy, we got all our clothes back on to try and disguise what had actually happened during the ‘detention’, and were...

2 years ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Dear Kiki 1

Dear Kiki, I've heard that you often give advice to people with sex-type problems, and that you can be really wild and uninhibited sometimes, so I thought you'd be ideal to help me with my husband Gerald. We've only been married for a few months, and yes, I know Newlyweds have to go through a Period of Adjustment, but I really don't see how I'm going to work this out without some Expert Advice! Gerald's nice-looking, in 'a sort of soft, boyish way, but I must admit that what really...

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Sonus Chachi

Everyone has a sex-symbol like I have but maybe I was lucky.Ever since I have grown up and understood sex, there is one women who stirs so much desire in me like no one else.It is my aunty living with her husband in our place. She is about 10 years elder to me fair in complexion , has a mindblowing figure,neat arse and not very large boobs. She always wears a saree below her navel mostly revealing her figure. As time went I wanted her real bad,she is simply irresistible sexually, though she is...

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JulesJordan Alina Lopez Hot Ass Fuck Alina Lopez

Alina Lopez gets pounded hard by Manuel and keeps wanting more in this steamy scene. Alina’s looking super sexy in her pink lingerie with matching pink fishnet stockings and high heels as she teases by the pool. She removes her top to let the sun drench her her beautiful breasts then slides her panties to the ground leaving her standing there with only fishnets and heels on. Alina gets in the pool and twerks for us, making waves in the water with her bodacious booty, then makes her way inside...

3 years ago
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Waitress wets herself at work

It was Super Bowl Sunday and I knew it would be a very busy day at the restaurant. I wanted to look my best so I can get the most amount of Tim's since I knew there would be a lot of guys put on a pair of bikini cut panties white cotton and high-rise and then I squeezed into the tightest pair shiny black jeggings I could find. I didn't want to wear a ridiculously high heels so I put on a nice pair of sexy Flats with a lot of straps on it then I put on my lowest cut white halter top to complete...

3 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 1

"Come on, Kirsty, get in here quick before someone sees us." "Natasha!" exclaimed Kirsty as she scurried after her flamboyant friend. "God! What is this place?" she asked moments later. "It's something to do with the cricket club," replied Natasha, "but it's not used much anymore." "What's that smell?" "Probably piss," said Natasha, "You know what boys are like when they get caught short." "You should talk," responded her friend. "Yeah, I suppose I can," was the...

4 years ago
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Educating Brittany Chapter 1

It was a cold winters evening and I decided to go out to the club, I had not been in ages and Thursday night seemed a good night as any. I showered and then put on my best cologne and got dressed smart casual. My name is Sean; I am 33 years old. I am stocky, and slightly overweight but carry myself well. I have dark, unkempt hair and dark brown eyes. I am of average height and even though I do exercise, being a chef doesn’t help keep the weight down. I am comfortable with myself and believe I...

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CHAPTER ONECINDYI was planning a trip to England and I began researching for some unusual things I might do there I came across an ad in the in the travel section for the Fantasy Fulfillment Theater. It was two lines, “Travel adventure, make your fantasy come true.”I sent an email to the address provided and received a response in the form of a registered letter. There was a release, all matter of confidentiality stuff, an authorization for a performance bond guaranteeing my personal...

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Meet Your Sexy Daughter

ONE Nineteen, a virgin and only being kissed by relatives, it’s probable Mira Bergen registers a minus on the mythical scale local males use when discussing the sexuality of the town’s woman folk. Clearly, Mira will have been off the scale with the former undertaker’s widow Mrs Jarvis (98), the hell and brimstone clergywoman Martha Williams (66) and the repatriated double axe murderess, Jean Blundell (43), having served her prison term overseas and now living back in her birthplace, fortified...

2 years ago
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White teen boy taken by a black man

18 years old and takened by a black man in the theater.   Part 1This story actually happened to a friend of mine back in the 1980's.  He had never divulged this story to anyone but some years later we met for a few drinks after work. It was a cold night in Boston at a bar, he was drinking heavily and told me about this encounter with a man. James was now a 37 year old married man but this experience had haunted him for years.   With literary license, I will relay the story as best I can.... as...

Gay Male
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Nikki part 12

"Seventeen!" the assembled guests yell. "Sixteen! Fifteen! Fourteen!" I stare over at Sarah, who is smiling happily, much to my relief. "Thirteen!" the guests continue. "Twelve! Eleven! Ten!" I look to my left at Katie and Lauren, who are both excitedly bouncing up and down in chairs. "Nine!" the crowd yells, working itself into a near frenzy. "Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!" Dannii- the most excited person of any in the packed restaurant- takes a deep breath and, in...

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Fucked by the Lake Reposted

One day she was driving home from her boyfriend's house and her car started to over heat, she pulled over, and of course being in the middle of no where, she had no reception on her cell phone. Wearing only a pink short skirt and a black tube top, in the middle of Fall, she stood on the of the road trying to wave down cars to get help. Finally a man in a black truck slowed down and pulled over, she ran up to the truck and opened the door and got in, "Thank you so much for stopping! My...

1 year ago
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A Stormy Day With A Friend

It was a stormy day, and high school was finally over. My friend Nick was giving me a ride home as usual. The parking lot was a long ways away from our class and we had to run to his truck. By the time we got there, we were both dripping wet. I saw him staring at my chest and I looked down an realized why. My t-shirt was stuck to my chest and Nick could see every thing because it was a white shirt. Eventhough I had a bra on, he could still see my hard nipples pocking out and the dark outline...

First Time
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It was nice of my Mother to host dinner for us; it was, after all, a special occasion. I hadn't seen her for at least a year, but she offered Martin and I free run of the place for a month, which would give him plenty of time to get out into the country and see everything. Still, as we sat down for dinner, I had to shoot her a disappointed look. My ex-boyfriend was there, hovering around the table in a pink, frilly apron, obsequious and submissive to a fault. "Mother," I said,...

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Meri Girlfriend Anjali Ko Choda Aur Pyar Kiya

Hi friends, I m shreyansh here, age 24, mere lund ka size 7 inch h, mujhe bachpan se hi chudayi ke bare me pdhna aur dekhna bada achha lgta tha, bahut chhote se hi masturbate karne laga tha, mere ghr me main, meri behan shreya age 22, mere mummy and daddy rehte h, maine bhut bar chupke se apni behan ko adha nanga ya bina bra ke dekha h, aur use dekh kr uske naam ki muth marta tha, main aur meri behan ek hi colg me pdhte h, wo mujhse bs ek hi saal junior thi, coming to the story. Ye kahani 2008...

1 year ago
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The Ultimate Slut for Black Cock

Heather wanted more. She wanted to taste his cum and she didn't care how Brandon treated her. She was looking him in his eyes and asking him if he liked it. Brandon was out of his mind, it was sensory overload. She focused on sucking the engorged vein on the underside of his dick and it allowed him to calm down enough to regain normal control of his breathing. The room was spinning and it felt like it was 100 degrees in there. She started humming on his dick, sending vibrations up...

4 years ago
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A Walk Home

I was walking home from my friend's place when I saw her. She was about my height, thin, with skin like milk chocolate. She walked right past me. We barely made eye contact. Being the horny devil I am, I wanted to see if she looked as good from behind as she did in the front. I turned my head, only to see her turn her head. She turned around and started walking toward me. "This is it," I thought, "I'm going to get shouted at, possibly smacked, for being a pervert." She asked me what I was...

2 years ago
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Chasing the Last Road to StockholmChapter 10

Where was your heart then, My love, my soul, my one desire? Where is your heart now Still hidden away, locked and secure? Where will your heart be tomorrow? Don’t abandon it, mine is there too. Loving on Annie-May (B. Lake) 2019 ZERO HOUR +68 I awoke in Pong, an old arcade game, the soft electronic noise of the ball striking the bat regular and steady in the darkness behind my closed eyes. The pain from my arm had muted to a dull ache, and the hammer pounding my brain had been switched...

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Dr Cooks Sissy Clinic The Begining Jade and Deans Experience

Dr. Cook's Sissy Clinic: The Beginning and Jade and Dean's Experience. By dirteesissy I gazed at Jade's bottom, as she raped her husband's ass with a 10" strap on cock. Her pounding of her sissy maid's hole, bordered on the extreme, somewhere between love and hate, she punished that sissy ass with long powerful strokes. Jade, dressed in just red thigh high P.V.C. boots and gauntlets of the same material, was making mincemeat of her hubby's derriere and I looked on with pride at my...

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B6 Chapter 14 Summer Transformed Summers M

Chapter 14: Summer Transformed - Summer's Metamorphosis From below, Rayleena gave a moan that sounded almost despairing, then thrust powerfully forward and up, her hips driving the bursting shaft of her cock flesh to the hilt in Summer. Vantha could hear the slapping thud of Rayleena's body meeting the quivering globes of Summer's rump in a forceful plunge. Vantha quivered, her muscles standing out and tremb-ling, as she strained her own body, bent on burying her own fountaining cock into...

1 year ago
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Marine GamesChapter 7 The Trust

That evening, Bret had reserved a banquet room at a local Mexican restaurant. With all his friends present, Bret had several announcements to make. The four television networks that hosted the Games had approached Bret about being a spokesperson for the Games. Because of the fan base developed from these last Games, they felt he was a tremendous asset. They offered Bret two and a half million dollars a year for the next six years. The Marine Corps had agreed to allow Bret to do this, in...

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Alice the New Maid

This story takes place many years ago where there were large mansions, and the owners hired many servants to help out in the household. There was a young woman named Alice that lived a troubled life in her childhood. Her parents kicked her out into the streets, because she was a troublemaker and they could no longer take care of her. So Alice did anything to have clothes to wear and food to eat. This meant she got into trouble with the law. So she spent many years in prison. Every time she was...

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The Gift

THE GIFT - By Brett Lynn "Huh? What honey?" John Hampton wiped the sleep out of his eyes, sitting up a bit in response to the delicious sensations coming from his crotch. As it turned out, his wife was noshing on his tip with her soft lips and tongue, her hand under her fluttering her nightshirt with its self- abusing caresses. "Oooh...that feels nice. What do you want, honey?" Getting herself up on all fours, John's wife Julia gently stroked her husband's thick dick...

2 years ago
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Gang Bang in the Hamptons part 1

Several years ago, just fresh out of college, I was working in a major department store in Manhattan. I met this really cute guy named Eddie, that was a few years older than me. But he made lots of money and he took me to some of the finest restaurants and clubs in town. On occasion, he invited his best friend Jeff along. He was really funny and we all got along great. Eddie told me he rented a house for the summer right on the beach in the Hamptons, and invited me out for the weekend, and said...

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Mileys Harem Ch 03

Even though the vibrator had shut off, it still sent tingles through her pussy every time she shifted her weight. Her cunt was sore and sensitive from the repeated orgasms as she sat down on her couch. There was breakfast on the table for all of the girls, and they ate and entertained themselves in their rooms, waiting for the inevitable summons from Miley. When the doors finally buzzed open, they took off their clothes and crawled into the room, kneeling in a row in front of Miley. ...

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Hot Neha

This is Neha narrating you a true incident which happened with my classmate Abhinav and his friends Uday and Pankaj. I am 22 years old but the incident happened in class 12 when I was 18. We all were in same class in a public school in Delhi. All schoolgirls living in Delhi know that as we move in one class high our skirt size decreases accordingly. My skirt used to be about 1-2 inches above knee when I leave my house, at school bus stand it used to become 3-4 inches above knee and in school...

2 years ago
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getting my back waxed

About 3 years ago i decided to go on holiday but i had to get my back shaved as i was a hairy man. I asked my girl friend to shave my back but she said i should get my back waxed so i looked in the local ad's paper and found a local man who waxes people. I phoned him up and he said come in two days time. I left for his house and when i got there i knocked on his door and when the door opened a man who looked 40yo stood there he said come in and go up stairs in the room and take your clothes...

1 year ago
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The Sexual Adventures Of Jake Part One

It was one week after my 18th birthday and I was in the computer room looking at porn of large breasted older women when my mother came home from work. She was 45 at the time but didn’t look a day over 35. She had shoulder length brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and a body to die for. Standing at 5"7 and weighing a reasonable 180lbs given the size of her 40DDD breasts. She had caught me a few times snooping through her bra drawer holding up and marveling at her large bras. Sometimes rubbing my...

3 years ago
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Then and Now

The other day I was at Wal-Mart and in the CD bargain bin I found a Tracy Lawrence CD for five dollars and I bought it. The CD was “Then and Now: The Hits Collection.” After listening to it I realized I could take track one and track six and weave a story out of them. So without further ado I give you “Then and Now.” 6 am Alarm goes off I reach where you no longer lie, but don’t feel quite as lost Every day I drive my truck A little farther into work before your memory catches up Radio...

1 year ago
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Waking Up to Susan

Early in the first week, with my aunts and father still there, my two cousins and I secluded ourselves in the back bedroom, while the rest of the family gathered in the front family room. As often happens while visiting relatives, the stay had become tedious for the youngest of the group, thus we set about in idle cousin chat. Further bored though enjoying the company between the three of us, my cousin Susan reached behind her and stealthy swung a pillow momentarily stunning me. After the...

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No I dont want to be arrested

When I got into my yellow mustang I felt more relaxed already. I loved my car and I could just drive around all day to nowhere... and everywhere. I sat in the parking lot while I waited for the morning dew to clear off my windshield. Just when I took a deep breath, I snapped back into reality. "omg, what am I doing?! I'm going to be late! " I said to myself, just remembering that I had a breakfast date this morning. Not really a date, but I was meeting an old friend, John, who I...

2 years ago
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Chapter II A First Date

That night I found myself tossing and turning, wondering what exactly Lincoln had meant by those words.It’s a date.Romantic or not, this would probably be considered my first proper date. Sure, I had hung out with guys occasionally during high school… but I wouldn’t consider awkwardly making out with a guy at a party while he pawed at my chest a date.Rolling over towards my nightstand, I glanced at my phone. 2:15 AM. Sighing, I tried burrowing further into my blankets. Squeezing my eyes shut, I...

First Time
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LebenChapter 9

Alan appeared back in the bunker a few moments later amid smirks from the other 4. “You really think it was a good idea that you let her go?” Harman said though he made no move toward Alan. “I don’t see why not.” Alan replied. “I felt no one there where she was that was in any way strong enough to penetrate our bunker. Besides,” Alan started with a smirk, “I felt she was somewhat turned on by you.” Harman’s face registered shock causing both Angelika and his sister Truda, to break out in a...

1 year ago
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Girl Friends Mom A Hot Cougar Part 2

John had gone on tour to surprise Emma, taking her mother Jodi with him. The surprise was on them, discovering Emma had become a sorority slut who was sucking dick at a hot party. John had gotten Jodi to suck his dick next to Emma, who had gone ballistic, dragged him to her bedroom screaming and swearing before proceeding to aggressively mount him twice as she swore at him and generally forget that she had had her mouth on another guy's dick when John had said 'Hi.'Emma had cum so hard and...

3 years ago
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Sex Party With Wife Part 1

Introduction: A Story of a house wife Hi readers, this is Pooja from Dangpore. My husband is Nikhil. He written a story birthday Gift .I had a sex party wit him And Suresh. He also allowed me to sex with any person. Were really open and frank in case of our sex life. My husband always asked me to do whatever I want and to have whatever I want in my pussy. That happened a few days back when my hubby came home with four of his friends at work. They all were looking handsome and charming. I was...

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Dear Diary 1 the walk

Dear Diary, Today was shaping up to be a tedious and somewhat stressful day when I decided to go for a walk in the woods. That all changed when I found a lighter… It was early evening, just starting to get dark, when I put my coat on, grabbed my house keys and headed out for a stroll. As I’ve noted in previous diary entries things are coming to a head at work, and I needed to get out and clear my head. Slamming the front door behind me, I headed off down the road towards the common. The...

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Mast Bhabhi Ko Choda Dosto


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My Pick of the Pics

"Hey, Greg, you're a real 'boob-man, ' right?" asked my sister, Ally. "Well, there's a question. Yeah, I have an appreciation for the female form. Why do you ask, little sister?" "Um, maybe you would like to judge a contest?" "A 'boob contest?'" "Yeah, just some girls who would like to see what a guy thought of their boobs, you know. I mean, the girls have all seen each other, they want to see what a guy thinks." "Gee, I'm your guy, for that, sis. Oh, anytime, anytime, at...

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