GreeniesChapter 2C free porn video

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The Troop Club was a chain of taverns that was owned by a subsidiary of Barkling Agricultural Industries, the third largest food producer on Mars now that the Agricorp-Interplanetary Food merger had been consummated. Only a minute portion of the intoxicant distribution holdings of BAI, Troop Club taverns were nevertheless a lucrative, low overhead venture. Located just outside of military establishments throughout WestHem's territory, they had managed to snare an incredible thirty-eight percent of the "off-duty military personnel market" and their very name had achieved the coveted status of "generic product identification" among their target group. What this meant is that when a soldier, whether stationed in Standard City or on Triad or in Alaska or anywhere else, wanted to go for a drink after duties, the phrase used was inevitably "let's go to the Troop Club" whether or not they were actually going to that particular tavern or whether or not there even was an official Troop Club branch operating outside of their base. The Troop Club had achieved the same status with this label as Coke had when carbonated cola was discussed or as Tylenol had when over-the-counter acetaminophen was discussed.

Indeed in Eden there was an entire three-block section lined with drinking and smoking establishments, all of them corporate owned of course, just outside of the main Martian Planetary Guard base and the main WestHem Marine Barracks. Though on Friday and Saturday nights all of these bars would be filled to capacity with both marines and MPG troops, it was The Troop Club that was the largest, with a capacity of more than six hundred, and the first to fill up. Soldiers only tended to spill over to the other establishments when The Troop Club became too crowded to accommodate any others.

The scene inside of the Eden Troop Club was fairly typical on this particular Saturday afternoon. The majority of the MPG troops had finished their training rotations for the day and many of them had gone over to drink reasonably cheap beers or harder alcohol and to smoke BAI Sensimilian buds. Cocktail waitresses, all of them dressed in tight shorts and chest-hugging tops, all of them physically attractive, circulated between the tables and the gaming areas where darts and billiards were being played. Twelve bartenders were on duty behind the three bar complexes that lined the walls mixing drinks and distributing pipes to the customers. Loud modern music, heavy with synthesized bass and drums, played from the surround sound system at a level that was just below the conversation hampering point. As always in this particular part of the solar system, the MPG troops and the marines segregated themselves from each other with the former occupying the largest main bar and the pool tables while the latter stuck to the dart boards and the smaller secondary bars.

Lon Fargo and Brian Haggarty, the two men primarily responsible for giving Major Michael Chin the worst pounding of the day were sitting at one of the tables near the bar drinking icy cold Martian Storm beers supplied by the very man they had pounded. Chin was sitting with them, drinking a Martian Storm of his own and smoking from a custom-made marijuana pipe that he carried with him in a small felt lined case.

"This shit's not bad," he commented, exhaling a fairly large hit of the house Sensimilian. "It's too bad you can't get that nice green that they serve in O'Riley's here though. In my opinion that's the finest bud in the solar system."

"But it's grown by Agricorp," Lon said, stuffing a hit into a bar pipe. "I should know. I've serviced enough humidifiers in the greenhouse since the merger. They got plants six meters high and spaced every meter that are just packed with buds. The smell in the place is enough to get you loaded all by itself."

"You ever try to stuff a few in your pocket?" asked Brian who, though he was a sworn police officer, had no moral problem with the idea of stealing something from Agricorp.

"Are you kidding?" Lon said. "The security in the bud greenhouses is as tight as at the damn fusion plants. Tighter even. They scan you when you go into the place and again when you go out. And one of the fuckin security guards follows you around while you're in there and watches everything you do."

"Wouldn't want any of those buds to slip away without someone paying for them, would we?" asked Chin sarcastically. "That might cut Agricorp's profits down a couple thousand from the trillions that it is."

"Yes," said Brian, sipping from his bottle. "It's a fine line, isn't it? The whole economy could collapse if you let something like that happen."

"That's what's so funny about the whole thing," Lon told them. "All that security equipment and personnel has to cost more every year than they would lose from theft by not having it. The picking is done automatically by stripping machines. Hell, the only ones allowed in the greenhouses are the horticulture teams and the maintenance guys. And the horticulture guys are smart enough to grow their own if they want some."

"Corporate mentality," Chin said. "Protect profits at all costs. We get it over at Alexander too. Even if it means spending a billion to prevent the potential loss of a million, they'll do it. They just can't stand the idea that someone might be getting high somewhere for free."

"Kind of like we are right now?" Lon said, grinning at the man he had defeated. "Those of us that kicked the shit out of a mechanized battalion today?" This caused a burst of laughter from the special forces troops at all of the surrounding tables.

"Fuck you," Chin said sourly, taking a slug from his beer. "You bastards got lucky. It'll never happen again."

"I read your mind out there, Chin," Lon told him, begging to differ. "When I saw your APCs all lined up nice and neat without tanks covering their flanks I knew you were up to something. And it wasn't a bad plan either. You almost caught us up there."

"Yeah," Chin said, "and I almost didn't lose two hundred of my men to those portable anti-tank lasers you have. You little sneaking fucks are unnatural, you know that?"

"It's what we do best," Lon agreed.

As Chin, Lon, and Brian drank at one table, their men drank with their counterparts at others. Captains and lieutenants of the armored cav shared spaces with the corporals and the privates that had massacred them out in the wastelands that day. There was a mutual respect between them that was independent of their respective ranks within the MPG. Though WestHem troops tended to segregate themselves along clear rank lines in their off hours, there was no such custom among the volunteers of the planetary guard. The officers of the cav did not feel superior to the privates of the special forces. All were merely weekend warriors with other, more menial jobs on the outside.

Of course a prevalent topic of conversation among the various groups, other than the exercises that had just taken place, was the Laura Whiting speech and the aftermath of it. At nearly every table, as men and women sipped beers and puffed from pipes, the talk would circle around and always end up again with the discussion of the upcoming legislature assembly on Monday morning. The vast majority of the troops agreed with the principal of what Whiting was doing but felt that she had not the slightest chance of succeeding in her venture. Despite this cynicism however, well over three-quarters of those Martians present admitted to having sent email to their representative threatening a recall vote. Of the quarter that had not, nearly every last one took the stance that it was only because they felt it was a waste of time. It wasn't that they liked their representatives or they thought they were representing them honestly and fairly. No one actually expressed that view. They just couldn't conceive of change happening in their lifetime, or in their children's lifetime. The solar system was what the solar system was.

It was here that a queer form of peer pressure took over. As more alcohol and more THC flowed through more bloodstreams, those that had sent email began to chide those who hadn't. They used the same arguments that were being used planet wide by other such groups, although with perhaps a bit more profanity. And, as it was doing all over the planet, the peer pressure began to have an effect. Personal computers were unclipped from waistbands and communications software was accessed. Drunken MPG member after drunken MPG member gave ranting speeches to their respective representatives in the legislature, most slurring their words quite badly, a few forgetting what they were talking about and having to revise, but everyone gleefully having their say. Major Chin himself, who had neglected to send an email of his own because of fears of repercussion from his employer (not an unreasonable fear, he was about as high on the corporate ladder at Alexander Industries as a person of Martian birth could climb), took one last pipe hit and then stood up on the table to compose his message. This started a trend among the other members and soon every table had someone standing on it and reciting a rambling, often obscene message to their local politician.

All of this revelry soon attracted attention from the other side of the establishment, where the WestHem regular marines were drinking and smoking. In WestHem culture the Marine Corps were considered an elite group of fighting men, the most respected and revered in the armed services profession. In a society with nearly thirty percent unemployment it was deemed a great honor to be allowed to join the marines and usually such appointments were given to those with family connections or those who scored extremely high on the ASVAB testing and the physical agility exam — a test that was grueling indeed. Though the majority of the marines in the bar were either enlisted rank or NCOs, they were all well built specimens of masculinity and all had been trained in various techniques of hand-to-hand combat. They also tended to be arrogant, almost bullying types that had little respect or regard for their Martian counterparts.

A particularly large squad sergeant was the first to foment the confrontation between the two groups. He had been stationed on Mars, which he considered a shithole, for nearly two years now and he hated everything and everyone that had been born on the miserable rock that they called a planet. And now, just as the football game piped to the bar's Internet screen was starting to really take shape, the ranting and yells coming from the tables on the other side of the room was drowning out all of the sound. He stood up and said a few words to the group of sergeants and corporals around him. They stood up and walked with him to the nearest table where a young MPG private of the armored cav — a man who had been "killed" early in the day when his APC had been blasted by a Mosquito — was just finishing up his email to his representative. Without saying a word the marine sergeant walked up to the table and kicked it over, sending the young private crashing to the ground and causing his PC to smash to pieces.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, asshole?" demanded a drunken MPG lieutenant who had been sitting at the table. He stood and stepped up to the hulking marine where the top of his head came to approximately shoulder level.

"I'm quieting you fucking greenies down," said the sergeant. "You're getting on my goddamn nerves."

"You don't like it?" the MPG lieutenant told him. "Go drink somewhere else then."

The marine sergeant's eyes burned into him. "Why don't you and the rest of these little pretend soldiers go somewhere else," he countered. "This is a bar for real fighting men, not a bunch of greenie want-to-be boy scouts whose mommies let them out once a week to jerk off on their tanks."

This junior high school level insult had little effect on the Martians in the room. They were used to such comments from the Earthlings that lived on their planet. It did seem to cause quite a bit of hilarity among the marines however. They laughed as if this was the wittiest thing they had ever heard.

"Look," said the MPG lieutenant, "why don't you just stay over on your half of the bar and we'll stay on ours. We don't bitch at you when you start cheering and throwing shit at the terminals because of some sports game, so why should you..."

The marine sergeant put his hand on his chest and pushed him backwards, sending him crashing into the young private who had been picking up the pieces of his shattered computer. The marines behind and around all broke up into another round of derisive laughter at this spectacle. Immediately the men that served in the insulted lieutenant's platoon jumped to their feet, their hands balled into fists, ready to do battle. They moved in on their targets. The moment the other marines saw this, they began to move in as well. Though the numbers were pretty much even on each side, the marines were much bigger than the MPG members. There was little doubt what the outcome of a battle would be.

"Stand down!" a Martian accented voice shouted from behind the MPG members. It was voice with unmistakable command in it. It belonged to Major Chin. The MPG members, hearing it, all stopped in their tracks, whether they were members of Chin's chain of command or not.

"What's a matter with the little pussy greenies?" asked the marine sergeant in a baby voice as he saw them halt. "Don't wanna fight the real men? Afraid you might hurt your little hands?"

"Remember our prime directive, people," Chin said. "It applies here as much as it does on the battlefield."

It was exactly the right thing to say. The prime directive of the MPG, penned by General Jackson himself, was: Pick your fights carefully, try not to get hurt, and never fight face to face if you could avoid it. The MPG were sneaking, sniping cowards and proud of it. The MPG members all turned their cheeks and walked back to their seats. The lieutenant and the private picked themselves off the floor and dusted themselves off. They swallowed their pride and began righting their table. Though the marines tried to get another rise out of their quarry, they found themselves ignored. Soon they went back to the bar and started watching the game again, confident that they had bested their enemy.

Vic Cargill had been elected as the representative of district 38 for the past three terms. Though he was responsible for a district of one million Martian citizens, just like every other representative, he had the dubious honor of having the lowest voter participation on the planet three terms running. This was because the vast majority of his district encompassed the huge Helvetia Heights section of Eden, a horrid, squalid ghetto that he had never actually set foot in. Had his district encompassed only Helvetia Heights it was entirely possible that he, or anyone else for the matter, would not have received even a single vote to put him into office. The ghetto inhabitants simply did not vote. But the people that had drawn the district boundaries had been smart enough to extend district 38 just a little bit into the adjoining downtown neighborhood, allowing it to include several upper-end and lower-upper-end housing complexes. It was in these complexes that Cargill himself lived and it was from these complexes that all of his votes came — less than a thousand of them in the last election.

Cargill was basically a minor league player in the great political game that was Martian politics. He was a second generation Martian and a first generation politician, encouraged to go into the business by his father, who was an upper management partner in a semi-prestigious law firm. Vic's main sponsor in his political career was Equatorial Real Estate Holdings, a multi-billion dollar corporation that had made its fortune by developing, purchasing, and constructing housing units in the Eden and Libby areas. In Eden ERE boasted a 22 percent share of the upper and middle income housing market and a whopping 45 percent share of the government compensated housing market (in other words: the welfare apartments). Vic's job, as one of their mules, was to push through and vote on laws that helped increase the amount that the Martian government would pay to house "disadvantaged" people in ERE apartments. It was a job that he had done fairly well since his first term. He and the other politicians owned by ERE had already managed to increase government rent responsibilities by two percent in the last session alone. This success had led to increased campaign contributions and increased "gifts" from his grateful sponsor.

Cargill had naturally been as shocked and horrified as any other politician when he had heard Laura Whiting's speech the night before. This had not been because he liked or respected Whiting. On the contrary, Whiting was in the opposing political party and she was also sponsored by Agricorp, a corporation whose interests were in opposition to ERE's. After all, if the government paid more money for welfare housing for the vermin, that meant there was less money available for the vermin to spend on Agricorp products. Whiting and her other Agricorp sponsored chums had killed several of his bills in committee in the past, actions that always angered the ERE lobbyists that controlled his life. No, the reason Cargill had been so horrified at the events of the previous night had not been personal, they had been professional. The thought that any politician would get up before a live audience and tell them what the political game was really like, the fact that she would denounce all politicians as corrupt and living only for their sponsors, that was what was offensive. The public simply could not be told things like that. True, most Martians knew these things anyway, but she had legitimized these thoughts, had confirmed them. Even if ERE lobbyists from all levels on the ladder had not been emailing and conferencing him non-stop since the speech had ended, he still would have been a prime mover to get that bitch out of office.

He was in his own office now; a small rented space on the 182nd floor of a low-rent downtown office building. He had a window, something that only about a third of the offices in this building featured, but he may as well not have. All it looked out upon was the office building across the street and the ones on either side. Only by standing directly against the window and looking directly upward could he see the red Martian sky. Only by looking directly down could he see the street level. His office was a place that he had rarely been in on a weekend before but the current crisis had forced him, as well as most of the other representatives, in on their traditional day of rest.

At the moment he was sitting behind his desk, staring at his Internet terminal, kissing the ass of yet another high-level ERE lobbyist, most of whom had also been called in on days off. "I understand," he was telling the suited image before him. "Believe me, I don't think any of the reps, no matter what party they're in, no matter what corporation funded their campaign, will have any problem voting for an investigation into Whiting. She's crossed way over the line. She's no longer one of us."

"That's what we thought as well," the lobbyist told him testily. "But we've already received some disturbing rebuffs from the other reps we do business with. Two of them are starting to hint that public pressure may force them to reconsider their previous stance."

"Public pressure?" Cargill scoffed, feeling nothing but contempt. "What the hell does that mean? There ain't no such thing, especially not in my district, where nine out of ten of the vermin have never earned a dollar in their lives. I'd be surprised if those ignorant animals are smart enough to turn on their Internet terminals, let alone use them to vote with. Hell, I would venture to say that most of them don't even know who Laura Whiting is or what she did last night."

"Those are our feelings as well," the lobbyist said, his Earthling accent thick and crisp. "But we just wanted to make sure that everyone that we've... helped over the years does the right thing when the time comes."

"Oh you can bet your ass that I'll do the right thing," Cargill said. "Whiting is as good as gone."

"We're glad to hear you say that," he said with a smile.

They exchanged a few more pleasantries with each other and then signed off. Once the terminal was blank Cargill sighed and opened his desk drawer, taking out a bottle of Vodka. He poured himself a healthy shot and put it in his stomach. He then lit up a cigarette and took a long, satisfying puff.

His terminal flared to life again a moment later, his secretary's face staring out if it. "Sir," she said to him, "do you have a minute?"

"Why?" he asked wearily. "Is another one of those damn lobbyists calling? How many more goddamned times do I have to reassure them?"

"It's not a lobbyist," she told him. "It's Linda. She'd like to have a word with you."

Linda Clark was his chief of staff. She was also his mistress of more than six years. "Send her in," he said, smiling at the thought of a little sexual tryst in his office.

But Linda was not interested in sexual activity at the moment. Her young, pretty face was all business as she came in through the sliding door. "Vic," she told him, "we have a problem."

"Who the hell doesn't have a problem today?" he asked rhetorically.

"It's about your constituents," she said, sitting in the chair before the desk without waiting for an invitation.

He rolled his eyes upward. "You mean the vermin? What possible problem could there be with them? As long as their Internet programs run and their intoxicant credits keep rolling, they stay in their little shithole apartments."

"They've been sending emails to you," she told him. "A lot of emails. All of them threatening recall proceedings if you vote to open an investigation into Whiting."

He was having trouble believing her. "A lot of emails from the vermin? Impossible. How many are we talking about? A few hundred? That can't possibly..."

"Try two hundred and ninety-six thousand," she interrupted. "And that's as of the last five minutes or so. They're still pouring in at a rate of more than a three hundred per minute."

"Two hundred and ninety six thousand?" he asked incredulously, sure that he had heard her wrong.

He hadn't. "That's correct," she assured him. "One hundred and sixty-three thousand came in last night, within the two hour time period following Whiting's speech. Now it seems that a second wave of them is underway. The numbers started to pick up about 10:30 and have been steadily climbing since. Of course we haven't been able to open them all — there's simply too many for that — but we've had the computer scan them all for basic content and every last one of them is a threat for recall if you vote for Whiting's investigation."

Cargill shook his head a little. "Incredible," he whispered, unable to think of anything else.

"Let me show you a typical one," she said, "Just so you know what we're dealing with here." She looked at the ceiling, where the computer voice recognition microphone was installed. "Computer, load and play one of the emails received in the last hour. Select randomly."

"Loading," the computer's voice said.

A moment later the screen cleared and showed a scruffy, thug-like young man in his late teens. The text on the bottom identified the sender as: Jeffrey Creek, Age 19. Creek was taking a puff on a cheap marijuana pipe that had been fashioned from discarded food containers. He held the smoke for a moment and then blew it directly onto the camera lens, momentarily blurring the image. When it cleared, he began to talk. "Check it, fuckface. The name's Jeff Creek and I'm one of your constituents here in this shithole known as Helvetia Heights. I ain't never voted for nothing or no one before but you can bet your ass that if you start fucking around and trying to impeach Laura Whiting, I'll be the first motherfucker to sign a petition to kick your ass out of office. And then once that petition is all signed and legal and they ask us to vote to get rid of you, I'll be signing on to do that shit too. Don't fuck with Whiting, my man. Don't even think of fucking with her. That's all." The image blinked off and the computer informed them that the recording was at an end.

"How uncouth," Vic said, disgusted. "Do they really expect me to take that kind of thing seriously?"

"That's a pretty typical recording," Linda said. "I've looked at several hundred of them myself and his sentiments are basically what they're saying."

"Who really cares what those ignorant vermin are saying?" Vic asked. "So they figured out how to log onto the email program and send mail. What of it? You don't really think they'd actually be able to mount a recall campaign against me, do you?"

"I didn't think so at first," she said. "But now... now that two hundred and ninety-six thousand of them have sent email saying the same thing, I'm not so sure."


"More than a quarter of a million and counting," she said. "All of them angry, embittered shouts by the people you represent. Whiting told them that they have a constitutional right to vote you out of office and they've apparently locked onto that thought and embraced it. Surely among quarter of a million there are a few with the drive and the intelligence to organize petition drives and to rouse up others to go collect signatures."

"I hardly think so," he said. "That requires work, something that the vermin avoid like the plague."

She shook her head. "Don't underestimate them, Vic," she said. "They may be unemployed but they are not ignorant. They're frustrated with the system and they blame the politicians and the corporations for keeping them where they are."

"That's ridiculous," he said, automatically spouting the company line.

"Ridiculous or not," she said. "It's what they believe. They will be watching the assembly on Monday morning. They'll be watching and when the Lieutenant Governor asks the legislature to open hearings into Laura Whiting, they will take note of how you vote. It is all public record under the constitution. And if you vote to impeach her, I have no doubt that by the time the day is over there will be hundreds if not thousands of vermin out in the Heights getting fingerprints on petition screens. Within a matter of days your recall will be on the ballet and they will vote you out. They can have you back in the private sector in less than a month."

Vic's mouth was wide as he listened to her. What she was saying was so bizarre, so unheard of. "How can I tell my sponsor that I'm not going to vote the way they want? How can I tell them that? If I don't do what they tell me to, they'll withdraw their funding for my campaigns and they'll find someone else to give it to."

She shrugged. "Which action will kill you first?" she asked. "You can at least rest assured that you're not going through this alone. From what I hear all of the other reps are getting email in even bigger numbers."

Barbara Garcia was a two term representative from the Shiloh Park section of Eden. Her constituents were a mixture of working class Martians that lived in the northern part of the district and welfare class that lived in the southern. She had grown up the daughter of an agricultural worker and she was — thanks to her intelligence and frightfully high placement scores — the first in eight generations to attend college. With her degree in political theory from the University of Mars at Eden, she had gone on to law school and the Eden city council, the usual stepping-stone for a career in Martian politics. From there her popularity with her main sponsor — Agricorp — had made her a shoe-in for the Planetary Legislature.

Barbara had always played the game well during her career, knowing that it was the only game in town and that in order to succeed she would have to follow the established rules. She had taken campaign contributions from Agricorp and others ever since her first run at the city council. She had gone on the all expenses paid space cruises to Saturn and Neptune and Mercury, riding in luxury cabins and being pampered to her heart's delight. She had even taken unreported contributions when they were offered, contributions that had swollen her net worth to well over two million dollars. But despite these "perks of the job", as they were called when they were discussed at all, she had always felt more than a little disgusted with herself. She knew that politics was not supposed to be this way, that she was part of a perversion that had gone on for centuries now. There had been a time when she had tried to tell herself that she was only staying in the game for the good of the people she represented but those naïve thoughts had long since died within her.

Except now Laura Whiting had reawakened them. What Whiting had done the night before had been incredible, outrageous, the most shocking thing imaginable and Barbara could not help but feel a strong surge of respect for the woman. She was trying to change the game! After all of these years, after all of the lies and back dealing and jerking off of the public, someone was actually trying to make a difference! Amazing.

Same as Greenies
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Slave to a Vampiress Part XV - Tulip reminisces about her third date with her beloved Mistress. Tulip continues to break through boundaries and goes out dressed as a woman for dessert with xer beloved mistress. "Well thank the Goddess we got this out of the way." "I am sooooo relieved you felt the same way about me, I feel like a huge weight has lifted off me." "Still hungry, we barely started dinner." "Yes mistress, I am." We returned to the table and mistress resumed feeding...

3 years ago
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Couple Sleepover Turns Into Hardcore Fucking 8211 Part 2

It was a long time since that weekend and the calls between Sreejona and Neha were lesser. And whenever they met, their eyes would hardly connect. Bikash and Shankar decided to hang out on a Friday evening for ‘Clan Wars’. Now, Neha started feeling of a moment to show Sreejona that she too had a great life and thus asked Sreejona also to come along. The evening passed rather gently with a slight tension between the pair of lovely women. The sexual tension was more palpable when they were lying...

4 years ago
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Kelly at the VIdeo Store

Kelly Kapowski was very open-minded when she masturbated. Sometimes, goal was to finish quickly and just be done with it, other times she really enjoyed building the pleasure, and maximizing her arousal to the point that it was almost unbearable before she came. Having as many siblings as she did, she was usually quite quiet while she was playing with herself, because she did not want to draw attention to what she was doing. She also had a job, at a video rental store, and this was in the...

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Wedding BetChapter 10 Brush With The Law

Doug and Kent rolled into the ranch about eleven o’clock Friday night. I’d heard the driveway alert go off and expected them thanks to calls from Margo. I didn’t get up to greet them; I was enjoying the afterglow of a long fuck with Jessica – my buddy Kyle’s new wife. Wade’s new wife and my wife’s best friend Tina was between our legs where she’d been lapping at our conjoined genitalia as we fucked. I’d already fucked Tina and left a large load of man cum inside her body. Of course, I’d gone...

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Educating Mary Part 4

Mary sat quietly on the straight-backed chair, her hands primly folded in her lap, eyes downcast. She was sitting in one of the rooms on the ground floor of the mansion, a room furnished entirely in antique furniture that looked like it belonged in the Victorian era. There were oil paintings of stern-looking men and women on the walls and old oil lamps that had had their wicks and oil tanks cleverly replaced with light bulbs. The walls were panelled in dark oak, and the floor was covered in a...

2 years ago
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Learning Together 3Chapter 7

“Excuse me, Sheriff.” “Yes, Deputy Williams?” “Do you have a few minutes? There’s a Mr. Jackson that would like to speak to you.” “Sure, send him in,” Henry got up and met Mr. Jackson at his office door. “Good morning, Sir.” “Good morning, Sheriff.” “Come on in and have a seat. Would you like a cup of coffee or a soda?” “Hmmm. Thank you.” Mr. Jackson said as he got comfortable in the chair. “A cup of coffee with just a dab of sugar would hit the spot.” After Henry had served their...

1 year ago
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Sallys Hedonistic Pleasures

Sally moaned as Brad’s body moved within her spread legs. Connected by only the thin, but now very hard, muscle that was his cock, they were so intent upon consummating their passion that they did not even notice me taking pictures. As I watched and photographed my slut wife being fucked by a man she hardly knew, I thought back to the chain of events that had brought us to this place. Both of us enjoy travel and, not long after we were married ten years ago, we had talked about places we wanted...

3 years ago
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Maid to fear

Maid in fear. Hello everybody send me all your corrections and comments to: [email protected] I sincerely hope you like this tale. I had fallen in a spiral of shit. Six months ago I was laid off from my job and my severance package was completely exhausted. Four years ago a gave the first payment to a very nice and big house in a private grotto in Mexico City, the mortgage payments were very high, but my job allowed me to pay every month not with ease but completely and...

4 years ago
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The Pink Bikini And how I got into Stripping

Okay, so there is a story behind the pink bikini, specifically, the one I posted in my galleries. The story starts my senior year of highschool, I was somewhat new to black men and was really making a reputation as a snowbunny in my town and school. I was seeing different guys, learning how to really use my body sexually, what I liked sexually, and what black men liked. As I got to know more guys they would invite me to hangout, or chill and I was usually down but had to keep it on the DL since...

3 years ago
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Jessica One Hot Woman

I saw Jessica again today and the memories of the first time I ever met her came flooding back into my mind. It was one of those "one in a lifetime" experiences, one I don't think I'll ever forget. The first time I ever saw Jessica was about 3 years ago and she was new to town. She'd moved into the town where I live with her family and she was checking out all the educational and research facilities in our area. She came into my place of business looking for prospective materials and I...

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Part three of hotel story

Hotel adventure part 3 7 months after their first accidental meeting. Another meeting had been scheduled for next Thursday and Friday, coincidentally it was with the same company but had a different venue. Namely about 3 miles from the CD in the chat room. As soon as he was alone he sent out to text messages, to the two people he would love to share the evenings with. The responses he got back were almost instantaneous, both responded yes they would be able to share the evenings. He then...

4 years ago
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Just A StoryChapter 2

It all happened last year. I finally did something good. I gave my daughter a kidney. It was funny when I would talk to my few friends and they would remark on stories that I have read. When they read the story about the girl getting a transplant, they were cheering for her. Old Bill even wondered about getting tested to help the girl out. Joe told him that he drank too much and his kidney wouldn't be worth a shit. We all laughed. That's when it happened. We were all laughing. It was my...

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The Partnership aka Bad DeaconChapter 4

Marty took over the larger bedroom without asking. She left me with the studio apartment type room. It had the camp bed’s replacement, also two very wide and deep book cases. Those book cases I had salvaged from a clean up job. They were ugly as hell, but I didn’t mind too much, because the shelves where wide enough and deep enough to accept plastic milk crates from Walmart. I bought the crates in colors so I had an idea what the contents might be before I removed them from the shelf. I...

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The Reporter

When you're growing up, being a journalist sounds like a respectable job. The movies always have that intrepid reporter who stops at nothing to uncover the hidden conspiracy or reveal some secret government cover up. In real life, hell, it's just another factory, except instead of lawn mower engines or 747s, reporters churn out paragraphs. The bosses don't care about how in-depth or how important the stories are, just how many. Such is the way my life ended up. In a small city with a...

2 years ago
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Incestuous HaremChapter 11 Virgin Gift

Zoey Elliston My girlfriend, Stefani, held me from behind, her round breasts pressed into my back as I shuddered. The words choked out of my mouth, admitting that I had masturbated this morning to my little brother. The Squirt. I couldn’t be attracted to him. I was gay. Right? I mean, yes, I once wanted to sleep with my dad, but what girl didn’t have a crush on the strong, hunky man who raised her? At sixteen, I had tried to seduce him, and it had backfired. He rejected me, gently, and I...

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It Just HappenedAgain

You learned in the story (IT JUST HAPPENED) that Jim and Lucy have three grown daughters; all of them beautiful, and all of them married to older men. Each daughter had initially married someone their own age, only to replace them after a couple years with someone closer to their Dad's age. Jim always enforced strict dress code rules in his house while they were growing up. No provocative clothing was allowed as they were young teenagers and no provocative sleepwear without first covering...

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Susan at work Part 5

“You can have tomorrow off Susan but I’ll expect you in the next” day Lee told her as they drove home the next morning. Susan was worried her husband might suspect something but he didn’t, even when they got to bed and he wanted to fuck her, she was sure she was somehow different. But no, he got on with it in his usual way and gave her a good fucking before they both went to sleep. He didn’t seem surprised when she said she had the day off and even said how good her boss was to pay her extra...

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Brittany Jones in ParisChapter 2

I guess that by this time most of you that are listening to my story are wondering if I am a “Good Girl” or a “Bad Girl”. I hope you won’t find me terribly boring to interject that in all honesty I am not quite certain about that answer at all. It is true that in my university days I had been known to drink adult beverages to excess and I had bent over like a submissive twat for some real macho jerks that just saw me as a clueless cunt with a nice bum. I still went to church on Sunday as...

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from Iris point of view

I can’t believe it. Here I am in our car driving home to my husband Steve. I’d just spent the last two hours at a hotel with Ridge. I had a hard week at school and I needed to unwind and he definitely made sure that I did. He fucked me so well I had two very strong orgasms. Just the kind of unwinding I needed. But that’s not what’s so hard to believe. My husband Steve knows that I fuck him and he’s fine with it. Steve used to want to always be there to watch and join but lately, due to my...

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Special Delivery Harder Faster

“Harder!” she urged. “Faster!” Felicia’s hands were on his buttocks, pulling him into her. Perspiration soaked his forehead as Ben tried his best to rise to his wife’s desires. It was never enough. “Harder! Faster!”Any faster and they’d have to call an ambulance. Besides, the speed at which he was going ensured that a premature conclusion was all but inevitable. With Felicia clawing at him, doing all she could to force him to give her inches he simply did not have, there was nothing he could do...

Wife Lovers
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And yet, she would be disappointed if he weren’t there when she went in. When he looks at her, she feels a tingling deep in her belly like the nervousness of a roller coaster ride, and her knees tremble with a need she can’t name. Tonight is the western-themed party at her husband’s office, and though she hates western wear, hates offices parties and at times hates her husband, she is here in the leather store to buy an outfit. She had originally gone to a western store and flipped through...

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MommysGirl Allie Haze Jaclyn Taylor Gina Valentina The Family Sexologist

Daughter-in-law Gina Valentina is masturbating in bed when her mother-in-law Jaclyn Taylor bursts into her bedroom. The MILF announces that she made an appointment with sex therapist Allie Haze, so that her son can finally get Gina pregnant. When the therapist arrives shortly thereafter, the women all meet in the livingroom. Eager to become a grandmother, Jaclyn hands Gina a bottle of prenatal vitamins. But Allie Haze is more interested in the details of Gina’s sex life. Gina admits she...

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Jessis Mom

I was on my way to spend the night with my friend Jessi. His mom, Kate, was going out on the town and would not be home till late if at all. So Jessi and I had this big plan to play Xbox and watch some porn videos. I had a new DVD-Homemade Creampies II, we could not wait to watch it. When I got there Kate was just leaving, she told us to have a good time and we told her the to do the same and she was gone. We threw some pizza in the oven and went to playing Xbox. After the pizza, we decided...

5 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 90

WEDNESDAY NOON — SEPTEMBER 25 "Are you okay?" Diana asked, her look intense, as soon as she was in the house. Joyce hugged her. "I love you. I love all of you," she said looking around just before Caitlin enfolded her in her arms. After a short hug, Joyce pushed back, no tears, nothing. "Yeah, it's a bit ... well... different to realize that I'm walking on my dried blood under this drop cloth," she said, looking down at the floor and sliding her foot back and forth to bunch up the...

2 years ago
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Nasty Boy Creampie

I had already spotted her Adonis before she dipped. It wasn't long before he made his way over and began chatting her up again. We had been afraid that his knowing that she was married might scare him off. He wasn't going to wait in line for this chance. I saw some candid conversation and some obvious flirting. This was from both of them. Soon he ordered a drink and a re-fill for Cynthia. Everything seemed to be going on schedule so far. A little more drinking and a lot more flirting and I...

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The ZOOphile Part 1 The Zebra

Introduction: A young woman has sex with a zebra to infiltrate a bestiality ring! Authors Note: Although this story can be read independently, it was created as a follow-up to the Doggy Style and the Hung Like a Stallion series. For full enjoymentand to avoid spoilersplease read Doggy Style (Parts 1-5 + Bonus) and Hung Like a Stallion (Parts 1-5 + Bonus). *** The sun was still low in the sky, having only recently risen from behind the horizon. Still, its rays were powerful enough to shine...

4 years ago
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Promising Danielle Ch 02

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. To this day, I’m not sure what woke me. My alarm went off, that is for sure. It was the moan from the distant side of the room that startled me. Who was that? Did I have drunken sex with some random girl and forget about it? Once again, my conversation on the bench was the first real memory to greet my waking brain. I quickly got up and nearly destroyed my alarm clock in an effort to turn it off. Danielle stirred at...

2 years ago
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Simon and the Lodger Part 3

This story is set in the 1960s, when HIV had not been heard of. Unprotected sex is very stupid now, but it was less stupid then (although still stupid). Simon and the Lodger: Part 3 Archibald Young Leo gave me money as we kissed slowly in his hallway before I left. It was ?20- a lot more than we had agreed for dogsitting! I felt a little delirious with it all- I suppose I was tired- but I was also deliciously heady with the wicked thought that I had become a boy prostitute! ...

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Food dip

In this fan fiction you explore the life of Bob and his gang: The machine, super k, Gary Coldman, big poppa, Renee, Sara, and the cat lady. ( maybe some special guests who knows) As they explore New York through extensive and thought provoking food reviews. Mostly fast food, but sometimes it’s healthy. But there is something going on behind the scenes. Maybe the food review is a front my a more sinister business or maybe not. I guess you gotta read the story to find out.

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The Blameless Bystander Ch 01

CHAPTER 1—Into the Valley It was late in the afternoon on a day in late August. Summer freedoms were melting away, which meant that things would soon get back to normal. A small sedan pulled over and parked on the side of the road at the crest of the ridge overlooking the village that was the center of the town. The driver shut off the engine and sat looking at the panoramic scene. Lying neatly on the opposite hills, basking in the summer sun, the farmers’ fields arranged themselves into a...

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The Wolf At Her Door

Daria Sitting alone in her cabin high in the Rocky Mountains Daria gazed at the dancing flames in her fireplace.She was absently stroking the fur of her favorite cat, Leo, and wishing she were not alone on tonight of all nights, Christmas Eve. Oh, she knew it was her own doing that had caused it - well hers and the fate of genetics… It really was not her fault that she had inherited her father’s empathic abilities and her mother’s healing talents. Making her the odd witch out, her dual nature...

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Alien Conversion

This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Do not read if you are under 18 or if reading this would involve anyone in an Illegal act, please stop reading immediately. This contains adult material. Copyright (C) 1998 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and Unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright....

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A Tortured SoulChapter 11 Halloween

“Are you going tomorrow night?” Imogen asked. “To The Ball?” replied Katie, a homely yet deceptively sexy brunette who was one of the core members of our study group. “Yeah.” It was just before lunchtime on Friday, the day before The Halloween Ball which was, everyone kept telling me, a Westmouth University tradition. Seven members of our study group were in the Law Library, working on an essay that was cruelly due the following Monday. There’d been groans in the lecture hall when people...

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Wife Spanked For Lateness

My wife’s manager at work and I are old friends. From time to time, we both realise that our wife’s need to raise their standards and our expectations are quite high.My wife works at a large department store and her punctuality of late has become a cause for concern.Brian, her manager and myself have spoken to her on numerous occasions about this but she has not improved.I did warn her that if she didn’t pull her socks up, then I would have to punish her. Seeing how she seems to have...

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Mom Lands In Trouble In Village Gets Gangbanged 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, this story is about my mom’s gangbang by members of village panchayat. My mom’s name is Reshma and she has big pairs of boobs and ass,her boobs size is 36 d and ass around 38. When this incident happened my mom was 38 years old. We used to live in delhi.I had just completed my high school and my holidays were on.I was getting bored and asked mom to visit our village in u.P. As my father was out of town he said my mom to visit village without him. My mom had not visited village since...

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Seduced by sexy Mausi

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Jaise ki aap log jante hai ki mai ek sarkari daftar me Audit...

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Life is a Roller Coaster Ride

I believe every now and then life brings you full of surprises. Your relations with old buddies Vanish in a moment , You develop new relations and your relations with old friends with whom you are proud off go so bitter that you don’t feel like calling them and on the other side you get in touch with new friends and they become integral part of your life.This story is all about such relations which turned into some serious involvements and I am from Indore working in a Reputed Company at a very...

4 years ago
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Two Beats a Cheat Part Two

"She told me and..." she clicked on a cell phone and handed it to him with a picture of Jenny and Fred naked looking right back at him. "It's all over the internet."Andy sat back stunned, but what stunned him more was Fred was overweight by probably 75 pounds. They looked horrible and Fred's dick looked really small."I better go Jackie.""And do what? Confront her? Demand she end the affair and you two go to counseling?""Something. I can't just do nothing.""You can get even.""What do you mean...

Group Sex
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 52

I had a very nice day in school today. Next week would be a school holiday, so we had been having some fun today in school and there were no classes. However, when I got back home, I was home alone again. My mother was still in Brussels, to sign her new contract and to check the place where she would be living until she found something of her own. And my sister, well she had decided to stay with our dad for a day. My mother and sister would return home tomorrow the earliest. So, here I was...

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How I Quit Smoking

How I quit smoking part #1This is the first story I have written. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. This is a true story with the names changed and possibly a few embellishments.This is an adult story, which is intended for an adult audience as it is described in your jurisdiction.        Well where should I start? I have craved to be dominated by a beautiful woman since I was old enough to fantasize. I have browsed fem-dom sites and read as many fem-dom stories as I could find...

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Tricked into bithreesome

Last week, I was out in a big city in the UK. we had a few drinks with workmates and chatted with locals in the bars. Towards the end of the evening, i found myself talking with an older but good looking woman - probably about late-40's. She was called Stacey. As my friends drifted away, i realized that there was just me and her left on our own chatting. The talk just got dirtier and dirtier and then she mentioned she was in town on business and invited me back to her hotel.Well i didn't need a...

3 years ago
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Learning By Experience

Learning By Experience is a work of fiction. All situations and characters are fictional. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. It is a copyrighted work by Caitlin Rose. It may be archived at any site that does not charge a fee for access. Please obtain permission from the author before archiving. All other rights are reserved. This work contains descriptions of crossdressing and some mild sexual situations. If you think you might be offended, go...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 9 Learning Curves 11

November 309:03 pmVega Household"You guys are laaaaate…" Tori called up the stairs, in her sing song voice. She wasn't upset at their timing or anything, but she was eager to get to the night's festivities. The Latina had spent a couple days getting everything the three of them would need, and given how much Freddie loved games, how could he not fall for her after this?The other reason for her anticipation was in the clothes she was wearing, or lack thereof really. The naturally tanned teen...

4 years ago
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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 2

I remember well the date we first met Jason. It was Thursday, 10th November 2016, the day before Veteran’s Day, so that neither Claire nor I had to go to work the next day. Claire and I live in Lake Success and as Jason lived in Brooklyn, he suggested that we meet at a restaurant he knew in Queens.Both Claire and I were incredibly nervous. For me, one of the most nerve-wracking and also exciting parts was watching Claire dress for the meeting. She’d chosen something that was ‘in the middle’,...

Wife Lovers
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Distant Love Part 3 Lets get serious

"Hey Alex!" I said screaming at him. "Hey Buttface" He said when I got near. "Got anything to do today...besides homework?" I asked. "Nope...well...after class I got robotics club...but that's only 1 hour or so..." he said. "So we can go home togheter...I got sword club anyway..." I said. "So we meet after 3rd class" he said. "Tired?" I asked. "Yeah... a little..." He said. "You can lean over my arm if you want...." I said joking. "Nah...

4 years ago
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Finding Jocelyn

Finding Jocelyn. By Tanya H. I first met her one Tuesday in a shabby office in the corner of the county Ambulance Service HQ. I barged in, towing the hoover, with a hum on my lips and my cleaning bucket in the free hand only to come to a stop, just inside the door, when I realised somebody was still working in there. Normally by the time I get round most people had got on their toes and were well on their way home. I was used to having the place to myself,...

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The InvestigatorsChapter 3

After a stop for a bacon egg and cheese biscuit Eddie arrived at the address fifteen minutes before the nine o'clock starting time. He had time to scout the abandoned parking structure. He would have but he couldn't get in. The gate to the eight foot chain link fence with barbed wire on top was locked. Eddie looked around, since he couldn't believe he had the right place. He was sure that he had the right address, since the whole block was occupied by the parking structure. The sign on...

3 years ago
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He lived downstairs but between my young thighs

I pulled my coat tighter around me as I descended the concrete stairs down to the buildings front door.I could see the snow falling thick and fast, through the dirty window,this years first offering, so there was a little festive creeping into me, as I made my way onto the first landing down from my own front door, but the cool air was evident, especially as my bared thighs parted with each downward movement, how I wished for my heavy woolen stockings at that moment, two more flights and I...

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