Angie Ch. 02 free porn video

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Here is the second chapter. I hope that you like it. Please comment.

Sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be.


After setting up an appointment for the next month, Angie said we had to go and tell Gram. I agreed.

Angie asked me, ‘What do you think she will do?’

‘After she smacks us along side of the head, I think she is going to be overjoyed that she is going to be a great-grandmother,’ I laughed.

When we got to Gram’s we sat in the den with her. We didn’t say anything at first.

Gram sat looking at us and said to Angie, ‘Your pregnant, aren’t you my dear?’

Angie nodded.

Gram just sat there. Then WHAM, she hit me on the side of the head with the long grabber she always kept next to her.

I yelped and grabbed my head.

Angie looked shocked. Gram looked at her and as she put the grabber down, said, ‘Don’t worry, my dear I would never hit the woman who is …carrying…my…great… OH MY GOD…I AM GOING TO BE A GREAT GRANDMOTHER…OH MY GOD…MILLIE… MILLIE COME HERE.’

Millie came running into the room. She went over to Gram and put her arms around her.

Gram was crying. She said, ‘Millie…Millie, I’m going to be a great grandmother. Me, who had given up dreaming about ever having a grandchild, I’m going to be a Great-grandmother. Oh god this means that I will have to live a lot longer.’

Angie and I went over to Gram and put our arms around her. She hugged us to her and cried.

Finally, when we all calmed down, we sat and talked.

We talked mostly about what was going to happen when we told Father and Mother. Gram was really concerned. Mother could be convincing and if she didn’t get her way very vindictive.

I told both her and Angie, ‘There is nothing she could ever say or do that would ever, in a million years, convince me to do what she wanted.’

Angie said, ‘Don’t be like that Billy, your mother does love you.’

Gram was just looking at me.

I told them, ‘When I was in High School, Mother wanted me to go somewhere that I really didn’t want to go. I flat out refused. She nagged and nagged. She just wouldn’t let up. Finally, I thought if it means that much to her, what the heck, I’ll go. Do you know what she said to me when I gave in?’

Gram said, ‘What’s the matter William? Don’t you have the balls to stand up to your mother?’

I was flabbergasted, ‘How do you know that Gram?’

‘Your mother told that story at one of the very few parties your grandfather and I went to. Your grandfather got up and was going to tear her a new ass hole. I pulled him back into his seat. ‘Let Billy do that, Jimmy.’ I told him.’

Angie turned to me and put her arms around me, ‘Oh, Billy, I’m so sorry.’

I kissed her long, hard and passionately.

Gram banged her grabber on the floor and said, ‘Knock it off, you guys…there will be no sex in the den.’

I broke the kiss, looked at Gram and said with a smile, ‘Now, that’s not what I heard Gram.’

Gram actually turned red. She sort of smiled and said, ‘Damn you Jimmy. You always did talk too much.’

We all roared with laughter.

We thought about it and decided to call George and tell him. He didn’t say anything for a long time. Finally, he said, ‘Well that is not quite what I would have advised, but what’s done is done and I know that you two will make great parents. If you ever need my help…’

Angie and I had decided that we would talk to my parents when they returned in late July… early August…mid August, well…late August. The next time they came home…whenever that would was.

It was the last weekend in August, Angie and I were packed and ready to head out to Chicago. We would be leaving on Monday. We had packed Angie’s sedan. We wanted to drive to Chicago together. I could always come back for my car, later.

On Saturday afternoon and Angie and I were in the pool. I was doing fast hard laps and Angie was doing them slowly.

I had finished and I told her that I was going up to shower and change. Angie wanted to swim a bit more.

Angie was just beginning to show. Her once flat belly now had a lovely slight roundness and her face was just the tiniest bit fuller.

I was completely taken by this change in her body, I thought that she was becoming more and more beautiful, if that was possible.

As Angie swam, Mother and Father came out onto the patio.

‘Angie,’ my father bellowed, ‘enjoying the pool, I see.’

Angie smiled and said, ‘Don’t want to loose my girlish figure, Mr. Mallory.’ She got out of the pool, pulling her loose bathing suit away from her belly.

‘Keep up the swimming, Angie,’ Father laughed.

Mother looked at Angie and said, ‘Angelica, go get dressed, we have work to do in the library.’

As I came down the stairs, I heard Mother talking in the Library.

‘Angelica, answer me truthfully, ARE YOU PREGNANT?’

Angie answered in a quiet voice, ‘Yes, I am, Mrs. Mallory.’

There was silence for about three seconds, then Mother exploded, ‘You whore, you fucking ghetto whore, I brought you in my home and what do you do? You fuck every one around and get pregnant.’

I ran into the library. Mother was standing behind the desk. Father was leaning on the bookcase in the rear of the room and Angie, my Angie was front and center in the room.

Mother looked at me in surprise. ‘William, get out, this does not concern you.’

I slowly walked over to Angie put my arm around her and said, ‘Mother, this does concern me.’


‘Yes, Mother, I know.’


‘Yes, Mother, I know all about it.’


I looked at my Mother and softly said, ‘Because, I’m the father.’


Mother looked at me and said, ‘William, I know that you like Angelica. But, you have to see her for what she is, a fucking Ghetto Whore,’

‘Well, then this ghetto whore, as you call her, is carrying my child, your grandchild.’

‘No…No…she is not carrying your child.’

‘Yes, she is Mother.’




I looked at my Mother, and with a quiet voice filled with malice said, ‘I know that Angie’s baby is mine, the same way that your husband knows he is my father.’

Mother, went quiet. ‘No, you will not do this to me. I want that thing aborted. Do you hear me?’

Just as quietly I said, ‘Yes Mother, I hear you…but now hear me. We are not going to abort our child.’

‘William, I will not have this. I will destroy the both of you. I will grind you…’


He rushed at me and gave me a round house to the jaw. I flew back and landed on my ass.

Father continued, ‘Get the fuck out of my house, don’t you ever come back, when I am through with you, you won’t be able to get a job slinging burgers in a fast food joint.’

Angie ran to me and helped me up, she was crying. I was rubbing my jaw and staring daggers at my parents.

I took Angie’s hand in mine and said, ‘Come my love, let’s go home.’


Father was still screaming as Angie and I walked out of the front door and went around to the side of the house, where Angie’s car was parked. Thank god, we had packed it early with things we were going to take to Chicago with us.

At least we had all of our clothes and stuff. As we drove off neither one of us looked back.

I called Gram. I wanted her to hear from me and let her know that
we were going to Chicago. Gram was upset, she told me that we should come to her place, that we could stay there.

I said that I didn’t think that was a good idea. If my parents found out there would be problems. She said she didn’t give a rat ass what my parents thought. I argued with her.

We settled on lunch. Angie and I drove over to her house. We gave her a blow-by-blow description of the Main Event. Gram was furious. She couldn’t believe that my father had actually struck me. She was concerned that he might have hurt me.

I laughed, ‘My butt hurts more than my jaw does. The old man is really getting old if that was his best shot.’

She told me that I should keep on using the credit card my parents gave me, that I should use it until they stop it.

‘Take every fucking thing you can. Fuck them as much as you can. If there are problems, call me…grind you into the fucking ground, will they?’

One thing about Gram, she was usually the picture of decorum, the proper society matron, a sweet lovely old lady. Until she got angry, then she had a mouth that would make a sailor blush. And she was mad.

While at Gram’s, I called Peter. I gave him a brief description and told him that we were going to stop by in a few hours and to visit before we headed to Chicago. He was about two hours away. I told him that we should be there about 3:00 or 3:30 pm.

He said that would be great. He was sorry that things didn’t work out.

After leaving Gram’s, we drove to Peter’s parent’s home. We arrived at about 3:45 pm.

Mr. and Mrs. Hackett were happy to see us and insisted that we stay for dinner and the night. After dinner, we sat and talked.

Peter hadn’t told his parents much and they were rather inquisitive. I took a deep breath and looked at Angie. She gave me a slight nod.

‘Well, Mrs. Hackett…you see…’

Mrs. Hackett interrupted, ‘Angie, you’re pregnant.’ It was a statement not a question.

Angie nodded.

‘How far along are you, my dear? Not very far from the looks of you.’

‘I just started my second trimester, about four months.’

Then the questions started, ‘Have you been to a doctor, my dear?’

‘Yes I have been seeing her, once a month. She gave us the name of a doctor in Chicago and we have seen her once.’

‘Where are you going to live?’

‘In an on-campus apartment for couples.’

‘Are you going to get married?’

I answered, ‘Yes, we are going to get married as soon as possible. I guess when we get to Chicago.’

Mrs. Hackett said, ‘You can’t get married in Chicago. You will be all alone. This is something you have to do with family.’

‘You have been to our Church and you know Reverend Jenkins. Why don’t you get married here? I am sure that Rev. Jenkins would be thrilled to officiate at your wedding. And your grandmother will be able to attend. If she can’t get here by herself, we will have someone go down and get her.’

I couldn’t believe that I was so thoughtless, of course Gram would want to be at our wedding more than anything, and I never gave her a thought.

I smiled and said, ‘Mrs. Hackett, I thank you so much.’ I put my arm around Angie and continued, ‘We will be forever in your debt. I don’t know what to say.’

‘Just say that you will accept our hospitality and that will be enough.’ She answered.

Angie stayed in the guest room and I shared a room with Peter. ‘Even though the cats out of the bag, we have to keep the appearance of propriety.’

For the next four days Angie and I were kept apart, during the night. It wasn’t too bad as we would always be apart when my parents were home.

We met with Reverend Jenkins and set a quick wedding date, the next Saturday. We called Gram. She was ecstatic and wanted to talk to Angie. They talked for a while. When Angie got off the phone she had a smile on her face.

I went over to her took her in my arms. She said, ‘Oh, Billy, I am so happy, Gram loves us so much.’ She hugged me tightly.

The next week flew by, we finalized the wedding plans, having the blood tests, getting the marriage license and calling friends to invite them to the wedding. A UPS package came for Angie and Mrs. Hackett signed for it, she had a big smile on her face. ‘Don’t worry, Billy, everything is fine.’

On Friday, I was told that I was forbidden to see Angie. The groom is not allowed to see the bride on the day before the wedding.

That evening, I had a couple of drinks with Peter and went to bed early.

I got up very early the next morning. Before the sun came up, I went out on the patio and watched the sunrise. I wished that I had Angie here with me, to have my arm around her, holding her close. But, today was the day I would make Angie mine. She would be my wife and I would be her husband.

Today we would pledge our love. We have already pledged it to ourselves but now we would pledge our love before the world. We would bring our child into this world as a married couple.

Christ, I was going to be a parent, a father. I was going to be a FATHER. I guess I was a little scared. What type of father would I be, how would I get along with my daughter or son? All of these things ran through my head. But I knew that Angie and I would handle it. Working together we would raise our child…children (?).

Peter got up around 7:00 am. We went down to breakfast. Mrs. Hackett had eggs, bacon and pancakes ready for us. She threw us out after we finished, telling Peter and I that we were not allowed back in. Dejectedly, I went back up stairs with Peter and we put our tuxes on.

The girls would be having breakfast and I was not allowed to see the only girl that had any interest for me.

Angie’s maid of honor was her best and oldest friend Georgia. They had known each other since they were in Kindergarten. She knew about us forever. At first she wasn’t happy about it but she finally came around to see that we were really in love and now she supported us.

At around 10:00 am we got into Mr. Hackett’s car and we drove to Trinity Church. Rev. Jenkins was there waiting. Mrs. Jenkins was playing softly on the church organ. Gram and Millie were in front, in the first row. I went over to Gram and Millie and they hugged me.

Gram wiped her tears and said, ‘My little boy has grown up. You are going to be married and soon a father. Where have the years gone? Oh god, how I wish my Jimmy was here’

‘Gram, I wish he was here too, I wish my parents were here, but it’s their loss,’ I said with a sigh.

‘They are loosing a whole lot,’ Gram said as she softly wept.

I hugged her and kissed her cheek and went back to stand next to Peter.

The small church was rather crowded. Not much family, as both Angie and I had very small families. All I had there were Gram and Millie, and Peter’s family. Angie had Georgia’s mother and sister. But there were friends. They sort of split them selves up, half sitting on Angie’s side and half on mine.

As I stood there with Peter the organ began to play the Wedding March. I knew that Angie was in the church. I purposely looked forward, not straining to see Angie. I knew that she would be here with me in a few moments and then we would pledge our love for each other before the whole world.

Finally I turned and looked at Angie, my bride. She was wearing Gram’s wedding dress. It fit Angie perfectly, showing off her wonderful figure. It was a floor length silk dress with a lace overlay that had pearls embroidered on it. The top had been altered as Gram is a bit more endowed than Angie.

Angie was escorted down the aisle by George. When they got to the head of the aisle, George, with tears in his eyes, kissed Angie and gave me her hand. He smiled at me and said, ‘Take good care of her, William.’ ‘Yes, Sir,’ I answered.

Then, Peter, Georgia, Angie and I walked to the altar and Rev, Jenkins started the ceremony. We said our ‘
I dos’ looking into each others eyes and gave our rings to one another, ‘With this ring I, thee wed…’

Finally, Rev, Jenkins said, ‘I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss.’

Then for the very first time, I held my wife in my arms and kissed her. It was not the longest or most passionate, but it was the most loving kiss ever.

Everyone applauded and we walked to the back of the church, holding hands. Everyone had to congratulate us and wish us the best. Gram must have taken a thousand pictures, snapping us with everyone in the church.

As we were leaving the church, Gram was nowhere to be found. Finally she came from around that back of the church in her motorized chair saying, ‘I had some business to attend to.’

Angie and I and about 20 of our friends and family went to a local restaurant and had dinner. There was much laughing and toasting and drinking. It was a wonderful evening. Afterwards, every one went home and Angie and I went to the Hackett’s and changed. Peter would take the tuxes back in the morning.

It was a tearful parting, we couldn’t thank the Hackett’s enough. They were genuinely happy having been able to help us. Gram and Millie cried and there were a hundred hugs and kisses.

Finally, Angie and I left for a near by hotel for our wedding night.

When we got to the hotel and went to our room, I carried my bride over the threshold and kissed her as I put her down by the bed. After getting our bags, I turned and looked at my wife. MY WIFE, the mother of our child, the love of my life, my Angie.

I went over to the bed and took her in my arms and kissed her. What else is there to say, I love her. She is my life, my all, my love, my Angie.

I began to unbutton her blouse, taking my time, relishing each and every movement. I slipped the blouse off of her shoulders and unzipped her skirt, slowly pulling the zipper down the rear and pushing it over her hips to the floor.

I reached around her and unhooked her bra and slipped it off her shoulders and dropped it. She stood there in all of her naked glory and smiled at me.

I took her in my arms and held her close. Kissing her shoulders, her neck slowly moving to her jaw, her cheek and to her lips. Giving her soft, quick butterfly kisses. I lay her on the bed and quickly removed my clothes.

I lay down next to her and began to kiss her once again. I kissed her face, lips, neck, shoulders. Slowly moving lower and lower on her body. I wanted to kiss every square millimeter of her body.

I mover to her breasts, those breasts that in a short time would be feeding our child. But, for now they were all mine. I kissed and sucked her breasts and then I ever so slowly moved lower making my way across her light brown stomach, where our child was growing, to the dark triangle of nappy pubic hair.

I breathed in her aroma, I savored the bouquet. I was in heaven, and I now wanted, no needed to taste her. Once again I had to get a taste of her nectar. I had been denied my fix for the past week and now I wanted it, desired it, needed it.

Oh, yes, I was addicted to my Angie and it was an addiction that I would never get over. One that I loved, one that I lived for.

I lowered my head and kissed her nether lips. Luxuriating in the perfume and spice of her arousal. Licking and sucking up the juices flowing freely from her. Running my tongue over and into the petals of her labia, loving her with my tongue.

Angie was moaning and holding my head to her body. She was telling me to love her and that she loved me with her whole body and soul.

I slipped a finger into her vagina as I moved up and pushed aside the clitoral hood and feasted on that little button of delight. Angie pushed her hips up and held my head tighter to her body.

I increased my attention to her clit and kept sucking as she went into orgasm after orgasm. Her body shaking and trembling as the waves of pleasure washed over her. She moaned as she held my head to her body, pumping her hips into my face.

Finally, as her body went limp and I mover up next to her. She took me in her arms and held me.

‘Oh Billy, I love it when you do that to me. I missed you so much this week, I wanted to come to you and love you.

She spread her legs and I moved between them. I held myself above her, poised to enter her. I just looked into her eyes, enjoying the anticipation of once again entering my Angie.

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The summer I turned 14 my mom got tired of me lazing around the neighborhood during school vacation. She had my dad buy a second hand lawn mower, a run down machine that cost about five dollars. She led me outside the next morning and told me the junk mower was now mine. I was puzzled at first, but soon felt the horror as she described all the lawn mowing assignments she had arranged for me. I had three jobs that first day. The first was a piece of cake, a small yard with a carpet of...

3 years ago
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Our trip to California

I had to go to California last summer and Jeannie wanted to go with me to visit her s****r whom she’d not seen in almost two years. Her s****r was completely different than she was. Jeannie is a little short, with big breasts and brownish blonde hair and an infectious smile. While her s****r Heather is a tall leggy blonde with dark skin and smaller breasts. When we got there we picked up a rental car and drove to her s****r’s house. My wife rang the doorbell several times and we both knocked...

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Charleys Apology

First thing Monday after work, Charley called his mistress and asked her if he still had to apologize to Miss Amanda. Seems Charley had disrespected Miss Abby’s dear friend, Amanda, when he went to her beauty shop to be fitted for a hairbrush. His mistress, Miss Abby, had been spanking Charley’s ass for a few weeks now, all under the guise of allowing him to take pleasures with her body. However, she was the only one being pleasured. Abby had told him, all her boys have their own hairbrushes,...

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Opus OneChapter 18 Intermission

"Valery, get the door, will you?" Boris bellowed from his office upon hearing the bell ring. Valery took his time as he wound his way through the stacks of furniture and frames. Reaching the front entry of the shop, he pulled open the heavy door and then spoke across the bars of the security gate. "Can I help you?" Valery said. The man smiled slightly. "I don't speak Russian." "No English," Valery replied. "Eh ... name?" "Harvey Mitchell." Valery held up his index finger to...

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Rocky Mtn Road Trip Part Eight

Rocky Mountain Road TripPart EightKathy was kneeling before Mark & Keith with her back to her husband who was laying on the bed with his armsaround Sherry & Angel looking very content.Mark told her, "Lick my hand and suck my fingers as ashow of submission and do the same for Master Keith."Kathy said, "Yes Master Mark." Then she took hold of bothmen's hands and obediently licked and sucked fingers.After awhile of licking and sucking Master Keith told her,"Continue sucking our fingers and...

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Maggies Family Part 6

Maggie loved the new lifestyle that had developed. She loved the fact that when anyone was horny there would be someone there to take of it. That’s not to say that all they ever did as a family was fuck, but there were times when it felt like it.As far as Maggie was concerned, the best thing was Sunday mornings. Maggie was an early bird, especially on weekends, and she had developed a kind of early morning ritual which she called her ‘Love Round’.Sunday was one of those mornings, and Maggie...

2 years ago
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RunawayChapter 03

David waits until the Walkers leave the area before he starts to ask around about someone he can talk to in law enforcement in Texas. He’s very careful about who he asks and how he asks them because of his concerns about what he suspects from the records he’s read. On a Tuesday evening in mid December Jerry Fasthorse, the police officer who lives down the street, drops in to talk to David. He says, “I found a contact for you. To talk to them we have to attend a meeting near Albuquerque on...

3 years ago
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London Part 2

I’m over to her in a flash. But before I plunge my rock hard cock into that gushing pussy I need to taste it. I start from her ass hole, rimming her before stick it fully in. She gasps and thrusts her ass further back. I then slip my tongue out and slide it down to the gap between her ass hole and her pussy hole. I keep it there for a few seconds, just flicking it to see how she reacts. She’s loving every minute as lets out small gasps of air and quiet moans. However, she wants my tongue in her...

Straight Sex
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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 11

The second Michael entered the Mr. Foster’s office, he recoiled in shock. The counsellor had been expecting this. Demons can instantly recognize their own kind, and Mr. Foster had known he’d have trouble on his honds as soon as he’d learned of Michael’s true form. The counsellor snapped his fingers and the door slammed behind Michael before he could turn and make a run for it. When he spun to see who had closed it, he found four members of the cheerleading team, naked and staring at him with...

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The Maid

The Maid (Part 1)by Impaler49152Translated and with additions by OutwithaBANGIt was another one of those days when you wonder why you actually got out of bed. Nothing was going Sandra's way today. The engine of her old P.O.S. Chevy wouldn't start, forcing her to take the bus to work. Given the kind of day she'd been having, she should have been surprised that the bus made her half an hour late. Her boss Eva, (Who, at 21 years of age, was only 3 years older than Sandra herself) had been waiting...

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Too Much LoveChapter 8

Ainsley deliberately waited until she was nearly at Nick’s place to call Arthur. She called his personal number instead of the one at the office, knowing he would pick that one up himself. “Ainsley? Is something wrong?” Art wasn’t dumb. Normal business would have gone through normal channels. “Hi, Art. It’s nothing major. I just have to cancel for this weekend. I wanted to let you know as soon as I could.” Even Arthur’s wife called him Arthur, but mistresses had their privileges as long as...

2 years ago
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A Change in RebeccaChapter 3

All the way home the things I said over the last four hours, and the things that he said, played in my mind. I already felt somehow different. I don’t know if that was due to the talking, the candid and very embarrassing admissions I made to a man I just met. Or if it was simply because something about him made me trust him and gave me hope that he might actually make me a better person, a more complete woman. I actually felt pretty cheerful! I got home in time to change before the kids got...

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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 20 Breakup Song DoOver

I’d made an appointment to meet with Coach Hope before football camp. I wanted to talk some sense into him concerning Phil, Yuri and Roc and their desire to come with me to Mexico. He’d said he might suspend them for the first game if they missed the first week of fall football practices. I thought I might bribe him, so I went to Granny’s West and picked up coffee and cinnamon rolls. I knew they always put me in a good mood, so I assumed they would for Coach, too. “If you have what I think...

1 year ago
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Journal Entry Number One:I didn't realize that I was feeling so lonely. I was in denial, and honestly, the haze that fell over me like a dark cloud made me almost unreachable. Dealing with the loss of my wife was not something I was ready to do, and I checked out for a while, unable to face anyone.I have three kids whom I adore, and they need me to be their dad. They've lost their mom; they should not have to lose me too, so I am trying.Kelly, our oldest is entering the sixth grade this year...

2 years ago
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Something with my Sister Deb

It was an afternoon in July, I was about three months short of my seventeenth birthday. I was practicing one on one basket¬ball with my sister Debbie, who would be sixteen in September. Debbie is going into grade ten, while I am going into grade eleven at our school. Debbie is on the basketball team, and I was show¬ing her a couple of moves. This one was to dribble up to the opponent, then pivot, while lowering a shoulder, and then dribble around them, using the shoulder to block them away...

4 years ago
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Gangbang with my new Master

I was in a big room, a basement with couches lining the walls. It was dimly lit except for one light in the centre shining down on me. I can't really see anyone, though I can hear people in the room. A lot of people. When I had arranged the meet-up with the other xHamster user I had been flirting with online for so long, I never expected this. NEVER. He never mentioned anybody else, but just said to meet HIM at this exact place for our first real-life sexual meet-up. i was so stupid to have...

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Veros Secret Revenge

Vero's Secret RevengeBy billy69boy(This story is a sequel to Vero's Secret Desire)I was up bright and early the next morning. I could hardly wait to be in the company of my nieces, Vero and Mon, for another episode of videotaped depravity and illicit sex. I smiled to myself as I drove to my nieces' house, thinking of all the kinky acts that might happen, as I continued to use my blackmail video as leverage against my sweet young playthings. I loved the fact that my nieces had invited me over...

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The Fantasy Room

Katrina was nervous as hell as she and her friend Val entered the large home. This was the first time she had ever done anything like this, she had dreamed of it but never thought she would have the nerve to actually do it but now she was here, on the threshold of her desires. As they waited for the door to open, Katrina thought back to how she had ended up here. It had began a long time ago when her husband had been disabled in an accident and was now physically unable to satisfy her sexual...

4 years ago
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Masthi With Mom8217s Friend In Mysore

Hello everyone, I am a regular reader of the iss from past 5 years, and I’m fond of it. Every time when I read the stories that are posted here I would pray to god when will I get those chances in my life. Finally I think god showed some mercy towards me and made my day. This is the story of how I busted my mom’s friend named Savitha, which was my long term fantasy and came true 2 days back. Let me introduce myself, I am Prateek age 21, height 5.8, dick size of 7 inch tool with 2 inch width...

2 years ago
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How to train a man part one

Are you in need of training in the fine arts of pleasing women? If so, contact the Mistress at 570-4869. I will make sure that when I am through with you that you will know EXACTLY how to make your woman happy. This sounded heavenly to Ryan. All of his girlfriends told him he was selfish, never seeing to their needs. And that he was too quick, rushing into intercourse, never getting them ready. He thought foreplay was overrated, if you want to have sex, then have sex. Why bother with other...

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A Night to Remember

I had been away from home for three months, working out of town, only returning about every other weekend this was making me and my wife horny as hell. (However, you’ll never get her to admit that!) Towards the last two weeks of the project I decided to write this scenario that I want to do with my wife. My wife really likes to participate in submissive role playing with her as the bitch and me as the Master. She is really becoming quite good at it and I love the way she gets into it. I sent...

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Annies Journey Ch3

I was having a hard time driving home. I was excited about the party that a couple of the guys at the office were planning for me on Friday night and about what my husband Rob and I had talked about for a couple of weeks now, me being with another man and my pussy was really wet. I got home around 7PM and Rob was in our den when I walked up to him and smiled and lifted my short skirt so he could see my wet panties. “God Annie you are so wet!” Rob said as he grinned up at me. “I have a surprise...

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An Androgynephilic Daydream Part 1

An Androgynephilic Daydream byTrapper_Jock_Mcintyre© Note: Although I am a tomboy lesbian, this story is an attempt to write something from the point of view of a guy who is attracted to masculine women. It is dedicated to good male straight friend of mine. From the moment I saw her in the student union, she filled my fantasies She wasn't what the world called raving beauty, her body shape being quite square and almost masculine. That lean shape also yielded a strength that...

2 years ago
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The Son of Lust Chapter 15 Rewarding the Naughty Princes

Chapter Fifteen: Rewarding the Naughty Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Wood burst, drawing me out of sleep. I...

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Jake GillChapter 5

IN MID-WEEK Gertie arranged to meet with Gill for lunch, telling her it was to discuss her feelings for Jake and to fill in some of Jake’s background. Gill was apprehensive about what way the conversation was going to go, but could see no choice but to agree to the meeting. She was intrigued about Jake’s background, but was Gertie going to warn her off getting too close to her precious grandson? They met at an old-established restaurant, filled with low light, dark mahogany and private...

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Bus Mein Masti

Hi friends, I’m Aarav from Chandigarh and I’m new here and so friend’s if I made any mistakes please ignore it and well my story is about oral sex that I did with a desi girl in bus let me know if you like the story and here now the story begin.. It was the 2 pm and I was just back from the center where I was gone for my examination. I did well into my exam and I was happy I was at 43 sector waiting for bus. I saw the bus and I just book my ticket and get into the bus it was so much rush into...

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Hospital Island

I never used to believe in the spiritual world. Psychics, seances, Voodoo, Santa Rosa and all the rest always bored me. I guess you could say I didn't believe in Ghosts or the Supernatural. What changed my mind about all that was a strange event in my life. It happened the summer after my 25th birthday. It was a warm August day. A couple of my friends and I decided we'd crash a local nude beach. The only place where clothing optional beaches on Long Island where I live, were either...

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Seeing a Great CountryChapter 6

Fishing continued to be enjoyable because of the scenery and the smell of the salty sea air. Catching fish however was starting to get to be routine. Matt was not having problems catching salmon and because of that he was starting to lose a little interest in fishing. Now the women he had met were another story. Maura was a nice sure thing and someone who he thought he could have sex with on a regular basis. Shannon seemed to indicate they were getting very friendly and maybe they would...

1 year ago
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Matt and Me at the Hotel

I am 5foot 4, long legged, blonde. I met up with my Boyfriend Matt, and we headed to this hotel, just down the road. We got inside our room, and i turned and locked the door, shut the curtains and head over to him. We kiss passionately for a bit, then i slowly unbutton his shirt. As soon as it is off he grabs my dress and rips it over my head, he grabs me by the breasts and pulls me in close to him. Kissing me once again but only quickly this time. He unclipped my bra and starts to suck each...

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Another First Time Story

This is another first time story as told to me by a friend. It happened about twenty years ago. I know it is true as his sister was there when he told this to me, then he and I tag teamed his sister! My sister, Shelly, and I are identical twins so we have grown up together and have done everything together. Part of that growing up included exploring sex during our teen years. Shelly was great and curious as was I. We did not have intercourse, but we did everything else. I ate Shelly out,...

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Poolside Towels 2

Mark was sitting at the kitchen table, along with his sister in the skimpy white bikini. "Hey, mom," he asked taking a bite of his sandwich, "Can Ben come over?" Natalie smiled at him and nodded. "Thanks, mom, I'll call him!" Mark jumped up. "Hey," Kim moaned, "that's not fair. I'm calling Tammy when he'sthrough." Natalie sat down at the table, and propping up her head, asked, "Say, Kim, how would you like some real fun?" Kim had that puzzled look in her eye, and asked, "What do you mean, mom?"...

2 years ago
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Shining like a diamond in those hot spot lights. She gleamed from the sweat and the abundance of body glitter. White teeth sparkled from a ruby red mouth which is surrounded by golden brown skin. Catcall’s, whistles, clapping, and cheering seemed like a blur of noise and excitement. She stood there, arms outstretched, reaching for the sky, chest heaving from her performance. She finally made it, after all the years and hard times she had finally made it. She thought to herself, ‘Not bad Layla,...

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My Playmate Sam 2

She slowly wrapped her delicate hand around my cock, now I'm no porn star, but I have a respectable 7 in cock, so I new she would have trouble taking it all.  She started stroking me and it felt like pure bliss. She stroked and stroked and then finally kissed my cock and licked the underside of my tip. I had never found such an electric touch on my body before. She then sucked and I felt my cock touch her throat and I felt her start to try and take me a little more and said "Sam oh my...

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Kalpana The Lover Of Lust 8211 The Actual Scene

Thanks for the comments & sorry for those how got disappointed. For those is reading it for the first time please do read my previous part ” kalpana the lover of lust ” This is the second part of it. Here we go. I fixed the RAM chip properly & told her that now the system is working properly. Meanwhile she gave me a badam drink & asked me to spend some time with her as nobody was there. We started our conversation and I told about my life history like my school, my college everything. I told...

2 years ago
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Shannon III the wedding part B

Shannon III the wedding part B Previously on Shannon. Shannon and I were married two week to the day from the bachelor party that I had first met Shannon. The wedding was a fiasco that resembled the bachelor party in almost every way except Shannon is now married to me and Woof a huge pure bred mastiff. Whatever her reasons are Shannon seems to despise me and has refused to live in my house with me. She left the house full of fury and Dave had to collect her and forcibly returned her...

3 years ago
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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love Part 5

That afternoon, Dev came home. There she was, his mother clad in blue chiffon Saree. She served him lunch and stood near him. But his eyes were all set to his mother alone. He pulled his chair back, got up, gazed at his mother “You look so beautiful” He removed her saree. Clad in light blue blouse and petticoat, he lifted his mom and went to his bed. He lifted her petticoat and ate her, they made love and mother and son fed each other. That night Priya, slipped out of her room and snuggled...

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Horny House Guest

Horny House Guest Don Abdul ©2008 Dawn chatted away heartily while Robert weaved the car through the scanty Sunday afternoon traffic on their way back home after dropping Jessica off at the airport. Although he made the right noises at the appropriate moments, Robert's thoughts were far from the topic of his wife's babble. His mind is preoccupied with memories of his dirty passionate encounter with Jessica the night before last. Jess as they called her, had been Dawn's closest friend...

Straight Sex
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Thirteen Steps

This short-shot story came from a line in the recently posted chapter of "Charlotte's Niece" about letting the dream of a female self become real, while the male self faded away. Thanks for the inspiration, Pamela. Thirteen Steps By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2001 "You really think this will do anything, Rick?" Andy Traygor sat at his desk looking up from a pile of books. "I doubt it. I don't believe in magic any more than you do." Rick Brant put down his pen. "But nobody's ever...

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