- 3 years ago
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Twenty Two
One of her ‘more important’ clients had received a rather large landfall, in no small part to her advice. As thanks, he offered to let her use ‘his boat’ for a few days. Not quite sure what ‘boat’ meant, she had politely declined. However, her curiosity got the best of her, as it is prone to do, and she called him to inquire further.
Turns out the ‘boat’ was an 80 foot tri-maran, based out of one of the more secluded islands near the US Virgin Islands chain. He kept a professional crew on board constantly, so it was immediately ready whenever he got a whim to fly down. Or, as in this case, he wanted to loan it out.
‘All you have to do is show up, and they’ll take you anywhere you want to go, do whatever you wish to do. You can even take that boyfriend of yours, if you wish,’ he had offered.
After thanking him and getting the details of who to contact, she hung up and wondered aloud ‘How the fuck did he know I was seeing someone?’ Office gossip, no doubt, though she would have to be a bit more careful who she bragged about him to.
Five weeks later, after quite a few phone calls, some coordination with him to figure out timing, a flight to Miami followed by a couple of puddle jumpers, and a hop with a suicidal taxi driver, she is standing on a pier looking out over a small harbor. She dials the number she had been given on her phone, and tells the female voice on the other end that she had arrived. She is asked to sit tight for a few minutes, then look for a motor launch to pull up for her.
7 minutes later, she watches as a RIB pulls up alongside the pier. A gorgeous dirty blonde jumps up and out, tying the small craft up. She watches the blonde as she walks directly over.
‘Hi there. You must be for the Sassy Bitch?’ the young woman asks.
‘I beg your pardon?’ she blurts out, not quite sure what to make of what the blonde has just said.
‘Oh, sorry. That’s the name of our boat. Guess they didn’t tell you that, huh? The name’s BJ, by the way.’
‘No, no one mentioned it. How did you know it was me?’ she inquires, honestly wondering how the young woman picked her out so fast.
BJ makes a show of looking around, then quips ‘Are you kidding?’
Following BJ’s lead, a quick glance around her makes it abundantly clear that she sticks out like a sore thumb. It’s obvious she is the only ‘outsider’ on this pier, from the amount of clothing she has on down to the slightly pale tint to her skin.
‘Hmmm. I see your point. Gonna have to work on my tan a bit, it seems.’
BJ chuckles a bit, picks up one of her bags, and turns to walk back to the RIB.
Admiring the shapely ass swaying in front of her, she shakes her head. A blonde, named BJ, wearing a bright red bikini whose number of square inches of fabric could be counted on the fingers of one hand, in the middle of a tropical paradise. This was certainly starting off nicely.
The short ride out to the Sassy Bitch is smooth, the harbor’s water is like glass even at mid-day. BJ handled the little craft well, and has no trouble pulling it up to the stern of the tri-maran. Her guide takes her to the wheelhouse, and asks her to wait there just a minute. After two minutes, BJ returns with two others in tow.
‘Welcome to the Sassy Bitch. My name is Jenna, I’m her Captain.’
The brunette who is addressing her is beautiful. About 5 feet eight, Jenna’s hair is dark brown with a hint of reddish highlights, and cut short. Wearing a Navy blue bikini bottom, the Captain’s top is a thin, loose fitting white shirt, unbuttoned and tied high on her waist. The open area between the shirt’s halves make it obvious that she’s not wearing the bikini’s matching top half underneath. The Captain’s epulettes on her shoulders stand out, as do her nipples. The white cotton does a poor job of covering them. It is difficult to look the Captain in the eyes, with two tight, brownish colored nips stretching against the thin material.
‘Hi, thanks. Sassy Bitch?’ she asks, hoping to get an explanation for the name.
‘Oh, that’s what the Boss decided to name her. I think it had something to do with one of his ex-wives,’ came Jenna’s off hand explanation.
The Captain points toward her assembled crew. ‘You’ve met Bailey Jo, BJ for short. She’s our Entertainment Coordinator. In a nutshell, she’s the primary person responsible for keeping you happy while you are with us. And yes, the name has more than one meaning.’
Instantly she wonders if one of those meanings is the most obvious one. Bailey Jo is simply a stunning young lady. Maybe and inch or so shorter than she was, her long blonde hair was pulled back in a pony tail. The tiny bikini did very little to cover her large tits. From the way she had seen them jiggle while BJ walked, it was obvious they were not silicon balloons. The nipples strain against the thin red wedges of material covering them. It is certainly not cold, but BJ’s tips look like it is about 20 degrees outside. The large puffy areola stand out from the masses of her breasts, their profiles easy to discern with a quick glance, the edges peeking out from the red material.
Rivaling her breasts as center of attention is her beautiful ass. Pleasingly rounded, it fits perfectly with her womanly hips. The girl must give one hell of a ride to any man lucky enough to hop in the saddle, she muses to herself. All in all, she is reminded of her girlfriend Sara as she takes another look at BJ.
The blonde doesn’t say anything to her, just smiles and gives a little flirty wave.
Captain Jenna continues, ‘And here we have JD. JD is our resident Chef, Mechanic, and Chief Security Officer.’
The man who steps forward takes her breath away. He’s about six two, and ripped like an ad for a steroid manufacturer. What is not covered by the shorts he is wearing is bronze, tanned by who knows how many hours in the tropics. His close cropped hair was light brown, framing a face that had movie star looks surrounding piercing blue eyes. She instantly pegs him for ex-Navy. While giving him a good look over (and trying not to be too obvious about it), she notices the small trident inked onto his left forearm. That explained the quip about security!
Her roving eyes are captured and fixate just below his beltline. The loose floppy shorts cannot hide the bulge located there. This guy has got to be hung like a horse, she thinks to herself, quickly pulling her eyes back up towards his face. He is smiling, no doubt having caught her staring.
‘Pleasure to have you on board, ma’am. Anything I can do for you, anything at all, you just let me know. Oh, by the way, if you have any menu requests, let me know and I’ll see what we can do. Be forewarned, however. There ain’t no McDonald’s out here!’ JD’s introduction is exactly what she’d expect from him, given his appearance. She doesn’t know whether to read anything into the ‘anything at all’ part of his comments. A girl can hope, can’t she?
She answers his query, ‘I’d die for some fresh fish, if you can manage.’
He smiles, and replies with an affirmative smile, ‘My specialty, ma’am. I picked up a fresh grouper off a local fisherman just before you got here. I’ll see how cooperative it is for dinner.’
Jenna addresses her crew, ‘OK, troops, back to work. We’ve got to get out of here.’ At that, BJ and JD turn and leave, presumably to their getting underway chores.
Turning to face her directly, Jenna continues. ‘The three of us are here for your enjoyment. The only thing that takes precedent is safety. Safety of the boat first, your safety and our safety second. If we ask you to do something and we sound serious, please don’t hesitate to do it. We’ve never lost anyone or had a serious injury, and I don’t intend for you to be the first. I presume you’d agree?’ the Captain asks with another smile.
‘Oh yeah. I don’t want to become shark bait this week.’
More from the Captain, ‘You may see us
acting affectionate towards each other. We like to have fun amongst ourselves, and that includes fucking our brains out now and then. Kind of keeps things loose.’
She is a little taken aback by Jenna’s comment and frankness, but is getting more curious.
Seeing the puzzled look on her face, the brunette tries to clarify. ‘We don’t have relationships with each other, other than just having some physical fun. Of course, since we are here for your service, if you should feel ‘the need for speed’ with any of the three of us, I don’t think you will find any refusals. Now, we’re not hookers, or anything like that. Who we choose to get busy with is up to us, it is not part of our job description. The boss is fine with that.’
‘I am sure you noticed I mentioned all three of us. Let me explain that one a bit. You see, BJ’s bisexual. She likes guys and gals, pretty much equally. JD’s as straight as they come, strictly into pussy. Besides, with his cock, if he tried to screw a guy in the ass he’d split the poor bastard in two!’ Captain Jenna chuckles at her own joke, while she shivers a little at the horrid image of some poor twink impaled on that monster.
The Captain leans forward towards her, allowing the white fabric of the blouse to drop away from her breasts, baring them to here gaze. ‘Me, well I guess I am what you’d call a lesbian. I like women. I will partake of a cock every now and then, just for variety and if I am feeling it. However, I really enjoy the sexual company of beautiful women.’
‘And, you are one beautiful lady.’
Before she can even begin to formulate a response to the blatant come on, Jenna cuts her short.
‘OK, well relax, go change into something much more comfortable, and enjoy the view while we get ‘The Bitch’ out of this harbor.’ With that, Jenna turns and departs the cabin.
5 hours later, something that sounds suspiciously like a dinner bell rings out on the intercom, followed by BJ’s invitation. ‘Come and get it, or we’ll eat it all ourselves,’ followed by one of her short giggles.
The dinner area is comfortable, with space for maybe 10 people comfortably. It is clearly built for entertaining a small party in luxury. She is semi-surprised, but happy that the 3 crewmembers join her to partake of JD’s efforts. It was going to be a lonely meal, no matter how good it was, if she was sitting in there by herself. Not to worry. JD had prepared the grouper in three different ways, with a couple of local side dishes. Try as she might, she couldn’t finish it all. It was a stupendous meal, one she would have expected at a Michelin Star rated restaurant. The wine was a curious one, and she asked Jenna about it.
‘It’s a local concoction, though for the life of me I don’t know what they make it out of. I don’t think there are any grapes grown in the VI,’ the Captain had explained.
The beverage was light, very fruity, and had about 3 times more alcohol in it than an ordinary wine. Her head was floating after a couple of glasses.
BJ looks at her and suggests, ‘Why don’t you go up to the bar level? The sunset will be gorgeous, and there’s plenty of that up there.’ The blonde points at the empty wine bottle on the table. ‘We’ll take care of this stuff, you just relax.’
Not one to argue with such fine hosts, she slides the glass door open, and finds her way up the short ladder to the open lounge area just above where they had just eaten.
The lounge is a covered, open air area. Surrounded on three sides by large, overstuffed white leather (not vinyl, thank you very much) sofas. The open end, facing forward, is where an extensive wet bar is located. The view is spectacular, accented by low, soft lighting.
Finding the wine is no trouble, and she tops off her glass. She’s got quite a buzz going already, and has no intention of letting it fade away.
Taking a seat on one of the lounge sofas, she looks out over the water at the sun dipping behind one of the islands. The sea breeze wafts through her hair. They’re doing about 8 knots, she thinks to herself. Fast enough for the cooling breeze and a gentle swaying motion, but not fast enough to be rough. After all, they weren’t in a hurry to get anywhere.
After knocking down half of the bottle, she’s really relaxed, and just happy as can be. ‘The only thing that would make this better’, she thinks to herself, ‘is sitting on JD’s cock right now’.
She senses someone’s presence behind her, just before hearing JD’s voice, ‘Hey there. Anything I can do for you?’
‘Damn, these people must be mind readers’, she thinks as she slowly turns and looks up at him.
Not saying anything, she smiles and stands. Reaching behind her, she unties her bikini top and lets it fall to the deck. Bending over with a little less grace, she pushes her bottoms down to her knees, and lets them fall to the deck as well. Standing there in all her glory, she lets him visually drink in her body.
‘Damn. You looked great in that suit, but what’s underneath is just fucking gorgeous,’ he stammers out.
She kneels in front of his bronzed body. Looking up, she captures his eyes. Hooking her fingers into the waistband of his shorts, she slowly starts pulling them down. She has a bit of difficulty getting them up and over his rapidly stiffening member. As the fabric slides over his cock, and continues to slide over it, and then slides over it some more she wonders just how big he really is. In a couple of seconds she finds out.
As his cock head finds freedom from the waistband’s restraint, it pops out towards her face a couple of inches. He’s still in that delicious state of fullness, yet not completely hard. Involuntarily, she gasps at the sight.
JD doesn’t have a cock. He’s got a fucking anaconda.
Mouth open in astonishment, she just stares at it. All thought of continuing removal of his shorts leaves her mind, as she literally sizes him up. This monster has got to be a full 10 inches long. And, the fucker is thick. She notices this, and concludes that there is no way her hand will come even close to being able to encircle its girth.
Looking up at him with an incredulous look, she asks ‘What, did the Navy give you a bionic cock or something?’
He snickers a bit, then ‘Yeah, I get that a lot. Sorry, no mechanical magic down there, it’s all natural, 100 percent All American beef.’
She quickly takes the shorts down to his ankles, and he steps out of them. Rising back up in front of him, she takes him mid-shaft in her right hand. He is now achieving a really good stiffy, and she feels the blood pulsing through it.
‘I was a swabbie for a while, but never saw anything like this in the arsenal.’
‘The guys in the Teams were always joking with me about it, saying I should take a picture of it, post it to the internet where the ragheads would see it and label it ‘Made in USA – Medium’. But, that’s probably against the Geneva Convention on cruel and unusual torture of your enemy.’ She wonders how many girls he’s said those lines to.
Her right hand attempts to wrap itself around his cock at mid shaft. Just as she thought, her fingers can’t meet because of his thickness. Her mouth begins to water. She wants to taste this gorgeous piece of man meat that has been offered up for her pleasure. Pushing his mass up against his stomach, she takes a look at his boys below. Damn, his balls were bigger than hen’s eggs! And, he’s got a fresh manscape.
Looking up at with a quizzical look, she catches his attention. ‘We heard we were getting some hot stuff on board for this trip, so I had BJ give me a trim’, was his answer to her unspoken question. Well, she thinks, this crew really does look after each other.
Bending her head over slightly, she touches her tongue to his sac, marveling at the smoothness of the skin, and begins to tease his right nut. His head leans back, and she hears him let out a moan of pleasure.
She moves her twitching tongue over him, one ball
at a time. There is no way she can get them into her mouth, and she doesn’t try. It wouldn’t do at all to hurt him. She feels the skin of his sac move beneath her tongue in response to her wet touch. It is already tightening, pulling his boys up against his body.
Shifting focus, her tongue finds the underside of the base of his shaft, and slowly begins its journey upward. Flicking it against his sensitive skin, she brings forth more moans from him. His hands grasp her head gently, and his hips begin a slow fore and aft movement. He is gentle, not attempting to face fuck her, but just adding some rhythm to her efforts.
The tip of her tongue traces its way around the base of his head, gently tickling it along the way. Around and around she goes, while gently massaging his boys with her left hand and slowly stroking the base of his shaft with her right. It’s having her desired effect, for his head is tilted back, eyes shut, and the moans are continuous.
She shifts gears, and starts to run her rigid tongue up and down the underside of his cock while pushing it up against his belly. Slight flicks tickle the sensitive area under his head, and then back down to the base. She keeps this up for about a dozen round trips, varying the speed. She feels his legs quiver, knowing he is enjoying her work.
Pulling back off of him, she takes a good look. His shaft is wet with her saliva, glistening in the low cabin lights. He’s not only BIG, his cock is absolutely gorgeous. It is exactly what a dick should look like. The color, the shape of the mushroom head, the throbbing veins on the side and underneath, and the way his sac hangs down from the base of the shaft. This is a rock star cock, one a porn stud would be proud to own. And here she was, working it over like a good little cocksucker.
Time to get back to work. She engulfs the head, barely managing to get the entire mushroom inside. Her tongue attacks the tip, furiously flicking away and pushing its way just a bit inside the opening. Her right hand starts to stroke him from base up to her mouth. Her left hand continues cupping his balls, gently squeezing them in time with each stroke.
Just as she tastes the first salty bit of pre-cum escaping from his cock, he gently pushes her head away. ‘Babe, if you keep doing that for just a bit longer, you’re going to get much more than a mouthful.’
She answers with a fake pout, ‘Well, we can’t have that, can we? I’ve got plans for this monster of yours, and it doesn’t include going limp on me just yet.’
Standing, she leans her head back, and accepts his lips on hers. It’s animalistic lust, not love, driving them. Neither of them have any misconceptions of what is going on, as their mouths hungrily attack each other.
He bends towards her slightly, and cups his hands beneath her ass cheeks. He easily lifts her off the floor. Her legs instinctively wrap around his waist. By design or not, her pussy is resting on his rigid cock, almost as if it was a shelf supporting her weight.
Their lips meet, and return to their hungry dance. Her hips and legs flex, sliding her labia against his length. Quickly, she feels her moisture accumulate along him, easing their movements. It feels like she is riding on a baseball bat.
Rolling her hips as she glides along his length insures that her clit gets its due on each stroke. It wouldn’t take much of this to make her cum. However, she wants this man inside of her, but she isn’t sure if her pussy can handle him.
Whispering in his ear, she is almost embarrassed by broaching the subject. ‘Hey sailor. I want that cock of yours inside of me right now.’ She then leans her head back and looks him in the eyes. ‘But, JD, I don’t know if I can …’
He gives a little laugh, and then cuts her inquiry off, ‘It’s OK, some women can’t take me all the way in. I’ve got a trick, though.’
Still holding her up by grasping her ass cheeks, he maneuvers them a few feet over to stand behind the overstuffed sofa on one end of the lounge. Relaxing his grip, he lets her drop, but just a couple of inches. Her butt finds the top of the sofa, whose cushions easily support her weight. His cock is still underneath her, pinned between her warm, wet folds and the cool leather below.
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The loops of leather tightly wrapped around her breasts then fastened to the harness she wore caused those breasts to stand out proudly, reddened, just out there for the use and abuse of her Master.The harness was a simple thing, really. Basically, a "V" running from crotch to shoulders, from front to back. The bottom was cleverly sewn so that He could have access to her cunt and ass, but it maintained the continuity of the outfit.To this harness could be fastened a multitude of additional...
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By Milik the Red Teresa and I attended the same schools when we were young. We were close friends as kids and I always had a soft spot in my heart for her. Once we were in high school though, we shared a few classes but otherwise didn’t mix overly much. I was into some things by then that didn’t suit her more innocent nature and she was watched pretty closely by her folks, so we ended up hanging out in different crowds. The truth was she was still a bit gangly for me as a teen anyway and I had...
THE ROSE (MY SISTER GRETTA)I should have known I was biting off more than I could chew when I signed the lease to this apartment. Actually, the word apartment is really not adequate to describe my place, penthouse is more like it. Although technically I'm not on the top floor, I might as well be.Glass walls with a sunken living room overlooking the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge plus 1500 feet of living space, it's more like a house sitting on top of the city.After I saw the steam room, the...
(For Kelly, who will always hold a very special place in my heart) I arrived at 9:30, an hour and a half late. As was typical, I lost time as soon as I walked through the door and it turned out to be a long evening. It was now nearly 3:00 am and after making love twice, we had exhausted every ounce of our sexual energies. Lying spent in Kelly’s bed, I could barely keep my eyes open as I held her gently in my arms. We were finally quiet, the only sound being that of our breathing, calm now,...
Hello ISS readers, I am your Suhani and I am back again with another sex episode. I really enjoy reading sex stories at ISS, and I have made many good friends here. Also, I wanted to thank everyone for their precious feedback and comments. Well, this story is the continuation of my previous stories. So, I would recommend you to go and read them first. But, if you don’t want to read other stories, here is a quick recap for you: My age is 24. My stats are 34-26-36. I am originally from Bangalore...
IncestMy musing about the future and the harsh but necessary reality of being separated from my girlfriend for most of the next year was abruptly ended as my sister put her mug back on the table with a thump and a sigh of satisfaction. I looked up at the noise. “I was really ready for that! Now, brother mine, are YOU ready for me?” She stood up and beckoned seductively to me, and as I followed her to her bedroom, the others laughed at her mock expression of a man-eater selecting her prey. I was...
Once we were safely in our hotel room, the girls went into the bedroom and told me to stay in the living room. Kelly had done a good job of hiding her surprise up to this point and didn't want me getting a peek before the big reveal. Mary wanted to get herself "presentable" before we started as well. Knowing I was outvoted with just one of the girls, I relinquished myself to the living room to wait for the girls to call me into the bedroom.It was probably only a few minutes to be truthful,...
ThreesomesIntroduction: Meeting the people of the house AUTHORS NOTE* This I think is the best chapter I ever written. Its the longest and it has more sex scenes and its all thanks to the people who gave me the ideas and the girls. Thank you. And to the dude Kemaine. Ur sex scene will be in the next chapter after we butt heads in this one. But I want everyone who reads it to Rate and comment on it to tell me how you felt about this chapter. Thank you all so much from the bottom of this Psychos empty cold...
Hi guys, this is Rahul, and I am back with recent encounter. I am very thankful for the responses I received for . Happy that people like my story. This is about the recent encounter with my favorite and cute my sister-in-law Sruthi. It all started with a marriage function of my relative. Let’s move to the story folks. It was my distance relative’s marriage function and it was a must that someone from my family should attend it. As my wife had left with the kid, everyone decided it should be...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! I am 19 and live with my family and i had not had a girlfriend for a few months as my last relationship had ended badly, i was in need of some TLC and decided to get it. One drunk saturday night i see my sexy neighbour pull up in her car from work .. My neighbour was a mum herself and was about 5ft 11 and had medium length brown hair slim and a nice rack .. so me in my wisdom decided there and then that i wanted a piece of that action . Living next...
IncestI turned 25 and suddenly my mom wanted me to get married. This was because of my sexual relationships with my maid and her relatives. I was also too much into incest and had been having sex with my mausi for more than 5 years. And not to forget, even my mom used to bang me when my dad went out for extended period of time. My mom called my mausi to help her find a daughter in law. My mausi came quick to my home and said, “Bhabhi, I wish I could marry him and be his wife.” My mom said with an...
IncestMy Step-Daughter’s Best Friend Spencer came over, I thought to see my Step-Daughter but she had to talk to me. I quickly learn that Spencer has some alternative motives, she came over with something in mind. Spencer tells me she needs my help, she wants to learn how to please a man. I tell her my wife is gonna be home soon but that doesn’t bother her, she shows me how she sucks dick using a banana. I start to feel a bit excited and I think she knows, she begs me to let her suck my...
xmoviesforyouSorry it took so long to finish this chapter, please read the note at the end of the story.CHAPTER 6 – Dad Comes HomeCindy and her daughter Ashley had fallen asleep in each other’s arms after there torrid affair in which each had gotten off in front of the other then proceeded to lick each other’s pussy until they both had the best orgasms of their lives. Cindy was woken by an amazing feeling in between her legs. She looked down and saw only the head of her daughter who was running her tongue...
IncestThis is a true storyShizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...
Straight SexAlan was trudging his way back to his room, shit things were starting to get stranger and stranger. Opening the door he sat in the chair thinking about the day. "Alan," Hopix said next to him, "are you alright? I felt your distress but it was over before I even had a chance to lock onto you." Alan nodded and started to recount what had happened to him at the diner, "the strange thing though. he said I couldn't touch him as long as I was on earth but he could kill me. I shouted at him...
Chapter 12: Children of the Damned This one’s for Shadowhawk, who is keeping me honest. Andrew’s Story Telempathy It happened one night. I had been going down on Dee Dee, giving her one of my patented ‘make her talk’ jobs. Because of her fragile condition (she is seven months preggers after all) I relented after only about fifteen minutes of gentle torture and got her off big time. Her screams could have woken the dead. But it wasn’t the dead she woke. I lay there with my head on her...
I am just another twenty something girl living her life in Portsmouth. Life here is probably typical of most places its always who you hang with that matters. I have lots of friends and am usually busy most nights hanging at the pub with my mates, enjoying a glass or two just passing the time as best as we can. On those nights when I stay at home I tend to end up getting to know myself a bit more. I have to admit that even on nights coming in late from the pub I tend to take some time with...
In The Morning LightLori woke to bright sunshine on her face as she stretched and realized that she had slept alone last night.She sprang out of bed and found Kyle on the couch, asleep in his boxers, with a half-dozen empty beer cans scattered on the coffee table. Lori glared at her husband as she shoved his leg with her foot to awaken him.He slowly came to and perked up at the sight of her sexy sheer pink teddy."Fuck… Did I ever miss out last night," Kyle said in a droll, hungover voice."Yeah,...
CuckoldAfternoon Delights Customer contacts and sales targets completed early for once I returned to my motel in the town a few hundred kilometres north of the city. The afternoon was fine and warm. I decided to work on my tan; to take advantage of and enjoy the quietness of the semi secluded pool at the rear of the motel units. The pool furniture was minimal but I stretched out on one of three outdoor lounges adjacent to the single table and umbrella. Half an hour each side I decided would tan me...
"I'm cold," she said, dragging her heavy skirt to my bed roll, "make room." She climbed in beside me, a small warm body, and pulled her expensive, make-do blanket across both of us. She squirmed nearer, getting her knees behind mine. "You're nice and warm. I thought you'd be." She smelled good; I knew I did not. "You know better than this," I whispered. "You can't sleep with me. Your father would skin me." "I won't tell him," she whispered back, shrugging her shoulders,...
Jacqui would only be visiting my family for the next four days, and would then return to her family in the west Texas plains. Some way, I had to experience her again before then. Since she had initiated our first rendevous last night, I was confident that she would be more than a willing participant again. That bathroom was across the hall from my room, and the urgency of my morning piss was impossible to ignore. The towel that Jacqui had so coyly teased me with the night before lay on...
Introduction: Times are tough so two brothers ask their gorgeous wives to help out by working in their business. The wives tell them that they would rather turn tricks that work for them. An extremely high paying opportunity pops up that provides the voluptuous wives with a unique herd of beastly tricks to turn THE DONKEY SOLUTION THE AWAKENING: As Dominique gradually came out of a deep sleep, she felt something large and hard being slipped between her lips. When the flashlight shaped...
Douglas Before I approached Jenny at school that day after class to ask if she wanted to grab something to eat with me, everyday I would follow her home in her car. I knew she didn’t have a boyfriend and I knew that she lived alone. We had gone to high school together well, only during our senior year. I had fallen for her the moment I laid eyes on her, but I was always too much of a coward to ask her out. Girls surrounded me and constantly asked me out in high school, but Jenny never did.
It was Steves turn to pick a game. “Hey”, he said, “lets have a cookie jerk, and the last one to cum has to eat it”. “No way”, many of us said…”and we don’t even have a cookie”. “Well let me see”, Steve said…”hey lets use the cup on my thermos…the loser must drink all the cum from that! Come on, it will be wild”. My hands began to tremble at the thought of all seven us pooling our cum into the thermos cup that Steve was swinging on his finger… Once we had a majority vote, we all had to play…and...
GayMelissa Garforth-Thomas was a very fortunate young woman some twenty and three years of age.. Virtuous, Handsome financially secure She had received a very generous gift of property in her Great Aunt Melissa’s will due to her parent’s foresight in naming her after the old lady and her parent’s subsequent divorce which the old lady abhorred. Hence Melissa was very well set up with a handsome fiancé and a wedding to plan as soon as he returned from the new world. Scorned. One morning...
My fingers dig deeply into the sheets as Dean undoes my belt buckle. A slight whimper is released from my lips as he unbuttons my jeans, pulling the fly down slowly. Releasing my semi-erect cock from its cage, he takes it in his hand and jacks it slowly as he pulls down my jeans to allow access to my hole. His tongue teases the tip of my cock for just a moment; then he breaks his contact with me to remove my jeans entirely, tossing them aside. Appreciating my lack of underwear, he leans down to...
GayKate’s Interesting Week By TromPart 1 – Kate’s Humiliation My name is Kate Crichton, I was a high school Junior in a typical, boring Midwestern suburb, and I lived in a decent neighborhood alone with my parents, since my brother went away to college the year before. I'd been busted a few times by the cops for minor alcohol related issues, and because of this, my parents didn’t trust me alone in the house. This caused what would become the most interesting week of my life. My dad always had a...
Growing up I had a friend named Michael that you could call us best friends. We are almost inseparable 24/7. We would go out to the clubs, bars and restaurants while dating different women sometimes double dating. We would sometimes date each other's girlfriends after the novelty wore off but we never interfered with each others friendship. Some dating lasted weeks to months but we had a bond to not have a women interfere with our friendship. That was true except for one girl I dated that is...
You got undressed and stepped into the shower, the water heating a little more as it fell against your back. You relaxed as the water ran down your body. You heard the bathroom door open, then close. I pressed my hands against your shoulders, moving them down your shoulder blades, then across your spine. You shivered at my touch, my hands slowly caressing your warm flesh. ‘Let me soap you up.’ I took the bar of soap from the shelf, and then rubbed the bar across your smooth back. You...
Gorgeous Nicole Aniston is camming. She shows off that beautiful face, amazing tits, round ass and wet pussy. She turns herself on as she poses and plays with herself. Rob Piper walks by the open door and is shocked by what he sees. He unzips his pants, pulls his dick out and starts jerking off to the buxom naked blonde. I mean, can you blame the guy? You’d do the same fucking thing and you know it. Then she turns and sees him! Oh shit! She starts to go off on him until she glances down and...
xmoviesforyouPart 2 so if you read my first story you know whats already happened After me and the two milfs finished fucking i figured it was time to go to bed so i said ladies this… Part 2 so if you read my first story you know whats already happened After me and the two milfs finished fucking i figured it was time to go to bed so i said ladies this has been fantastic and ill... before i could finish my sentence one goes no way were not done lets go upstairs. so they get out of the hot tub wrap...
ExhibitionismSummary – Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry are caught by Billy's older sister! Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...
The call started and I first saw her beautiful smile as she says “Hi Daddy”. He spaghetti strap top was falling off her shoulders as she tried to readjust the, I immediately realized she had gotten started before calling me. She sat the phone down on a table and tried to adjust it so the majority of the room was visible to me. The quality of the call was superb, I could see everything clearly, everything including the two black men sitting on the bed behind her. I could also hear well enough as...
Our father stepped farther into the room. "Okay, so here's a plan. For tonight and tomorrow night, we will get to know the remaining two people of the opposite sex sexually. Next weekend James and Alisha can come home again and we will have some fun as an entire family.""Sounds good," said our mother. I was speechless as I realized what was happening."For tonight, Jay you go with your mother, James take Amy, and Alisha, you come with me. Sound good to everyone?" asked Dad."It sure does Dad,"...