My Goddess free porn video

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April 22nd, 2015

On our first date, I asked you to let me surprise you. You were shy, but agreed. I took you out into the park, and we gazed at the stars as the crepuscular light slowly faded. Your hand found mine across the thin blanket, and I still remember the way that my heart leapt into my throat as I thought: She likes me! She actually likes me!

I looked over to see you staring at me, and you turned away, blushing. I brushed your cheek softly with my thumb and leaned over to kiss you.

Ah, our first kiss. Sparks don’t begin to describe it; instead, picture fireworks. Nay, more along the lines of explosions. I felt connected to you in a way that I had never felt with anybody before. I closed my eyes and lost myself in your soft lips. The way you shyly pressed your tongue into mine, the way you nibbled on my lower lip. It wasn't only sexual, although my hardon was clear to see straining against my jeans.

No… it was deeper than that. I felt bound to you, sexually, emotionally, and in every other way imaginable. From that single kiss, I knew I trusted you with all of my heart. My mind screamed at me, reminding me of how easily I had been fooled into love before, but my heart was louder. I knew from that moment on that I was yours and you were mine.

May 10th, 2015.

We started off mostly as a cute couple who had done nothing more than kiss, but things quickly grew heated through a game of truth or dare. After a few questions, I finally built up the nerve to ask you something more “daring”.

I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes as I hit the send button.

What’s your biggest sexual fantasy?

After a few minutes of silence, I sighed. Great, I thought to myself. You’ve gone and ruined the best relationship you’ve ever had. You always do this, you always have to...

My phone vibrated on the bed, and my heart jumped into my throat. I unlocked my phone and gazed at the message with wide eyes.

I want to fuck in a pool.

My heartbeat quickened, and my cock starting growing in my pants. I tried to keep it casual, but I was nervous as hell. To this day, I’m glad we didn’t play in person or this whole thing may have never happened.

Oh no way, me too! Haha that’s cool.

I hit the send button, and groan at myself. Really? This amazing, beautiful, sexy girl is telling you she wants to fuck in a pool and you say “haha that’s cool”? She’s going to think you’re such a loser!

After several minutes of self-inflicted verbal abuse, with my geeky side defending my spineless actions, the phone buzzed again.

No way! That’s so cool! We should try it out then!

I nearly passed out. Now, I wasn’t completely new to flirting. I was a virgin, but I had sent “hot” messages back and forth between some crushes of mine, and had even been the Dom in a couple sexting relationships. But nothing like this. From then on, the topic was sex. We were both virgins, but our imaginative thinking would have made the most experienced sexual connoisseur blush. Sooner or later, the topic of BDSM came around. I stated that I loved being Dom, watching my innocent sub writhe underneath me.

Me too! I can be either Dom or Sub, I love both.

I stared at the screen, overjoyed that you and I shared the same sexual preferences. On the other hand… I wondered what it would be like to be a sub. I had always been the one to punish, to call my partner “whore” or “slut”. I wondered what it would feel like to be the vulnerable one, to be completely at your mercy, to do anything you ask, as soon as you ask it.

My hand trembled slightly as I sent my next text:

Do you think… do you think you could be my Dom? I’ve never been a sub, I kind of want to see what it’s like… 

I sent the text, and stared at the screen for what seemed like an eternity. The time stamps moved from “Just Now” to “One Minute”.

No fucking way, I thought to myself. It’s been at least ten minutes! Maybe I should… 

The phone buzzed. My heart pounded so loud, I could hear it in my ears. I slowly turned over my phone to look at the message.

Yes baby boy. You can be my pet.

To this day, that’s still the best text message I’ve ever received.

Present Day.

Today is the first time we’re going to meet after you agreed to be my Dom. I’m so nervous, I can’t concentrate on anything. I keep looking at my phone, even though we’re not meeting for another five hours.

For the past couple days it’s been almost non-stop sexual texting. We sexted two nights in a row and both ended with explosive orgasms I couldn’t control. I call you “miss”, or “goddess” after every message I send, and you choose between “baby” and “baby boy”. But when things get more sexual… the names all change. “Slut” and “dirty whore” are your favourites for me, while I usually stick with “fuck master” and “khaleesi” (I’m a Game of Thrones nerd, what can I say?)

Now we’re going to meet, and… I honestly can’t say I have any idea what’s going to happen.

I picked out skinny jeans, my tight black t-shirt, and my leather jacket. I apply just enough gel and spend at least twenty minutes on my hair; considering it usually takes me under two, this is a big deal. I brush my teeth and use mouth wash, and smile at myself in the mirror.

Okay just breathe. She’s still the same person. She’ll still like you. Maybe she’ll want to be Dom in person, maybe not, but you just. Have. To. Breathe.

I check my hair one last time and take another deep breath. I grab my keys and walk to my car, heart pounding and nerves jumping. I drive to your house and stay parked outside for a few minutes, trying to get up the nerve to go inside. My phone buzzes and I expect it to be my boss, asking where I am, but instead my heart stops beating when I see your name in my notification bar.

Is that you outside baby boy?

I hesitantly write back, replying:

Yes… miss.

The front door opens and you come out, wearing the beautiful blue dress that you showed me on Kik a few days ago. I get out of my car and open the passenger door, and you step inside.

I get in the driver’s seat, and look over at you. God, you’re beautiful. More beautiful than I remembered. Your long brown hair reaches your waist, and your wide eyes look deeply into mine. I glance down at your body, which is practically perfect after years of gymnastics. I get a quick glance at your breasts, but quickly look away again.

You give me a smile, saying, “Don’t be shy, baby,” and lean over to kiss me. Our lips meet and you moan softly into my mouth. You pull away, and say the three words that set the pace for the relationship. “Thank you… slut.”

You say the last word hesitantly, and look up at me, biting your lower lip. I smile, and reply, “I only want to please you, miss.”

Your mouth curls into a soft smile. I can feel the tension lift, and you relax noticeably in your seat. “Okay, baby; where are we going?” you ask.

I shrug. “I hadn’t decided, miss, I thought you would know what you wanted us to do.”

Your eyes glimmer with mischief and a little malevolence, and I’m lost in your gaze. “Well, baby boy, let’s go out to eat. I have a little surprise for you.”

At these words my heart starts pounding again, and my cock grows a little in my jeans. Fuck… skinny jeans were not a good idea.

You glance down and grin. “We’ll get to that, love. Don’t you worry.”

I gulp and drive to the nearest restaurant, an Olive Garden that’s considerably nicer than anything else in the area.

We walk into the restaurant, and you swagger ahead without bothering to wait for a hostess. Your confidence is intoxicating; hips swaying with purpose, long legs striding forward meaningfully, brown hair flowing behind you. I follow behind you like a little puppy dog, desperate to be near his master no matter the circumstances.

You find a booth that suits our needs and sit down, gesturing for me to sit next to you. I do, and you immediately place one of you long legs over mine. You rub my shin up and down, practically straddling my thigh, and I gasp inwardly when I feel something wet.

“Miss… you’re not wearing any panties?” I whisper into your ear. You look at me, with a confused expression on your face.

“If I were wearing panties, how would you be able to finger-fuck me under the table?” You reply, the corner of your mouth twitching into an almost-smile.

Fuck! I think to myself. My cock is instantly at full length, and you can clearly feel it.

You reach down to rub me through my jeans, and I have to stifle the moan that almost jumps out of my throat. The waiter is walking towards us, but you just glance up and smile charmingly at him, all the while rubbing my hard cock under the table.

“Hello, Miss, do you know what you want? And your, um, friend here?”

I can’t blame him for looking at me like that, like I’m crazy. I’m staring straight ahead, like a zombie, concentrating only on not making any noise while you rub my shaft under the table. You giggle, and say, “I’m sorry about him. He had a long night last night. I kept him up a while… isn’t that right, baby?”

At this I snap out of my reverie, and stutter, “Uhm, yes, we… uhh... yes.” There it is again; the crazy look. I have a feeling that when I’m around you, I’m going to be getting a lot of those.

You say what you want, and order for me as I stare straight ahead. The only thing I’m concentrating on is the feeling of your hand rubbing my hard cock through my jeans, and when the waiter leaves I slowly slide my hand up your thigh.

“Oh, baby, I thought you would never make the move,” you say, panting slightly.

Confidence growing, I slide my hand under your dress and hesitantly place my fingers on your wet pussy. I look up at you, and your expression has changed. Gone is the radiant smile, the confident swagger. In their place, I see only lust.

“Listen here, slut,” you whisper to me, and I can hear the harshness of your words echoing down to my core. “You’re going to finger fuck me right here, right now. You don’t get to fucking tease me, do you understand? If you make me cum before the food comes, I’ll take care of you. If not, you’re going to have to try a lot harder to get some release.”

I gulp, and start rubbing your wet pussy, lubricating two of my fingers. Then I push them into your hot slit. You moan slightly, and then gaze at the table as if lost in thought. I slowly pull my fingers out, and push them back in again.

Fuck, she’s so tight. How am I gonna fit my cock in there?

I’ve sent you pictures of my cock before, an eight-inch long, relatively thick tool that you claim is beautiful. But sitting here, slamming into your tight pussy with two fingers, I can’t help but wonder how in the hell I’m going to fit my rod into you.

It’s clear I’m not concentrating on my work, and so you give my cock a squeeze through my jeans to send me a message. I glance up at you, and then return to my work after I see the venomous look on your face. I pump my fingers in and out of you harder, the sounds of your wet pussy clearly audible to the closest tables. I notice a couple of people looking around, trying to pinpoint the noise, but this only spurs you on.

“Yes,” you breathe into my ear. “Yes baby boy, oh that’s it.” You reach down and start rubbing your clit, and start moving your hips against my thigh. To anyone looking, it would seem as though you were shifting in your seat, the uncomfortable couched benches getting to you. Only I know the truth.

I go faster, while you rub your clit, fingers slamming into you and smacking against your skin slightly. You whisper, “Oh God... ” into my ear, and that’s when all hell breaks loose.

I feel your pussy walls tighten around my fingers, and your hand is a blur beneath the table. You roll your head back, not caring if anybody notices any more, and whisper, “Fuck me baby boy... fuuuckkk.”

You hump my leg harder, banging the table, and now at least four other tables are looking over in disgust. One points it out to a waiter, who walks briskly towards us. “So close baby, fuck!” you whisper harshly into my ear.

Then... you cum. You arch your back a little, and grind against my leg with one long slide. I slam my fingers inside of you and stay there, as your walls clench and unclench around my fingers. You’re making guttural noises and incoherent mumblings, and then finally slump down onto your seat, juices leaking out onto my jeans.

The waiter reaches us, and looks at us with unadulterated loathing. “I’ve had complaints from several customers that you were banging the table with… inappropriate gestures. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

You give him that disarmingly beautiful smile and say, “Oh I’m so sorry! I was reaching down to grab something out of my purse, and must have been banging against the table. Isn’t that right baby?”

I clear my throat. “Uh, um, yes. She needed, uh, her phone?” My head is still reeling, and the smell of sex is clearly present around our table.

Your phone is produced, seemingly out of thin air, and you give the waiter another breezy smile. “I’m sorry, sir; we won’t make any more noise.”

“Yes, well… please see that you don’t.” He walks away, glancing at us over his shoulder, and disappears around the corner, shaking his head.

“Mmmm that’s my good baby boy. That’s the best orgasm I’ve ever had, love.”

“Thank you, miss,” I reply shakily. “I think I enjoyed it more than you.”

“Not possible.” You say with your mischievous grin. “Now it’s your turn, baby.”

I try to protest, pointing out the waiter’s disapproval, but instead groan as you undo my fly and start pumping my cock with your left hand. You’re looking at a menu, as if trying to decide what you’re going to have for dessert, but your eyes are trained on only one spot as you pump my hard dick up and down. You drop your phone on the floor, and stop pumping my cock.

“Ugh, I hate when that happens,” you say aloud.

You lean down to pick it up, and I wait patiently. All of a sudden, I feel your mouth surround my entire length. I gasp, and you bob up and down slightly, just enough to give me intense pleasure but not enough to give anyone cause to complain.

You reach further down to pick up your phone, and start sucking on my head, licking me and sucking me hard. Your tongue runs underneath my cock and acts as a bed while you swallow continuously, massaging my cock head. I have never felt anything like this, and I can’t hold back any longer. I breathe a grunt, and hold your head further down on my cock as I shoot stream after stream of hot, sticky cum into your mouth. There’s more than I ever thought there could be, and it seems you’re practically drinking a litre of it as I buck my hips up a little. You squeak in surprise, but then relax onto my cock and swallow every last drop. Your mouth slides off my cock with a little “plop” and you wipe the corners of your mouth.

“Slut! Cumming without my permission was your first mistake. Holding my head down was your second. I’ll make sure you’re punished properly later. However, for now, this will have to do.” You reach down and squeeze my softening cock, hard! I gasp a little, pain shooting through me as I think you’re going to squish my hard shaft.

At this moment, the waiter comes around the corner again, delivering our food. You quickly pull your hand up off my cock, and grab your plate of food.

“Mmmm, baby, do you want my chicken?” You look me dead in the eye. “I’m full now.”

Author's note: Hey everybody! I added a little more detail in this one, and some more backstory. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to leave criticism in the comment section below. Especially you, miss… let me know how it was.

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Voyeur Adventures with My Young Neighbor

I've lived in my neighborhood for 30 years, and have seen many neighbors come and go. I am a voyeur and an exhibitionist, I love the idea of being caught masturbating my little cock while looking at my neighbor's wives and girlfriends. There have been many opportunities through the years, women sunbathing in their yards and decks (I live in a two story house, great vantage point), swimming in their pools, or just doing yard work. Sometimes I play with myself behind open windows or if they're...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Harmony Rivers OilStreaming Anal Fun

Lush-lipped Harmony Rivers has long, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and skin glistening with oil. In a tiny bikini, she spreads, twerks and teases. The director drenches her in more oil as she buzzes her clit with a massager. Harmony talks dirty till thickly hung stud Mick Blue’s big cock stuffs her mouth. He fingers her bald cunt to a squirting orgasm! Harmony gives an oil-soaked blowjob, spit and lube streaming from her mouth. Mick nails her cunt hard, drilling her doggie-style as she...

3 years ago
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Getting Even

Bella stood before her mirror as she dressed. "I don't know why you're complaining. It's your fault after all." Grant sat on their bed with his head in his hands. "Can't we do something else, Bella?" "Why?" she asked. "Because this is stupid!" he exclaimed. "Really? So you'd rather I call my lawyer and tell him to proceed with the divorce?" "No!" he exclaimed. "Then we proceed." Bella slipped on a maroon dress that hugged her curves and accented her full, round...

4 years ago
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Shrink Job

Shrink Job By Tanto ([email protected]) It could be worse. That was my opinion on just about everything that's happened to me recently. I stood on Jessica's dresser as she meticulously combed her auburn hair, carefully brushing out any imperfections and dealing swiftly and ruthlessly with her ultimate enemy- split ends. It often took her more than twenty minutes just to complete to her satisfaction what I considered a simple chore. Still, watching the most...

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Cherish and Justin Chapter 2

100% fiction! After they woke up after a brief nap Justin was looking at Cherish wondering how he got so lucky to have a sister who loved him the way he loved her. When he saw that she was going to speak he silenced her with a kiss, and rubbed her nipple between his fingers and positioned himself back on top of her, and slipped his dick back into her and slowly started to move in and out of her, he also took the nipple he was playing with and started to suck on it. Driving Cherish crazy was one...

3 years ago
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Mom Ke Saheli Ke Sath Sex Kiya

Hi friends mera name suraj hai or me maharashtra ke jalgaon city me rehta hu me ye web ka bohat bada fan hu me almost sabhi story read ki he and me apna exp.Share karna chata hu aap logo ke sath ye meri pehli story he achi lage to muje bata na and kisi ladki, aunty and bhabhi ko intrest ho to muje mail kare plez is id pe me aap ko ko puri tarah se satisfy karunga ye vada he mera mail id he Me apne bare me kuch bata ta hu meri age 22 he height 5.9 he. Ye bat 2 sal pehle ki he ab aunty ke bare...

3 years ago
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I could do this all day

This story is about my first experience with my girlfiend and her cute ass...I knew she wanted it..The Story It all started when I was at school. I went to a school in South Carolina and hated being away from my girlfriend. It was frustrating being on the other side of the country when my girlfriend lived in Arizona and went to another college. I tried as hard as I could to keep our sexual intimacy up but it still wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be. I was almost out of school for the summer...

2 years ago
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Princess Diaries 10 Bell Auctioned

I Ubered to my auction carrying several outfits in a garment bag. I wore jeans and babydoll T-shirt in case someone wanted to fuck the girl next door.Nicolette ushered me into makeup as soon as I walked in. Within an hour she had me presentable. I wore a beautiful emerald green velvet corset with black lace accents and matching green pumps, black thigh high nylons, and panties with garter straps attached.“I don’t look like a virgin,” I observed in the mirror, a high class hooker from an...

3 years ago
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The Awakening Part Three The Cost of Doing Business

The Awakening By Michele Nylons Part Three - The Cost of Doing Business The woman is slim. Mauve satin blouse, navy-blue skirt, black high- heeled pumps. The hem of her skirt teases the backs of her knees. Taupe stockings with black seams. She's attractive; heavily madeup and her black bob is obviously a wig but of good quality. She falls to her knees and smiles. A faceless man approaches; his fly is undone and an enormous erection pokes out of his trousers. Her hand snakes...

3 years ago
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Jyoti Sharing Desires With Brother Ashish 8211 Part I

Hi to all SS readers I am Jyoti and I will share here my true experience and this is my first story. I am very fan of ISS and regularly read all update so I think I should also share some my experience. May you like please send you comment to my id This incident happen when I was 18 years old and we are family of 5 members and I am younger them all. I have eldest sister Veena who was 24 years old and brother Ashish who was 21 years that time and we have 2 bhk flat at Ahmedabad. My sister and I...

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My Sisters

My sisters: Jill is 24, tall, slender, brunette, dark brown eyes, wears her hair very long and straight; she's got beautiful mid-sized but pointed tits and large puffy nipples. She has a tattoo on the small of her back and one around her navel. She may not be hot in a 'centerfold' sense, but all of my friends think she's the hottest girl in town. They're probably right. She's smart, in college, and has a very serious relationship going with another student. Jenna is 18, short dirty blonde hair,...

1 year ago
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HOLY DAYS and Christman with Her

user]NikMature[/user]C had expressed wanting to attend temple, I declined the invite .Ifelt during the festival of lights I would be an intrusion.So she invited the lil neighbor boy, they left all dressed and were gone for a few hours, I thought nothing of it, until C came home, I heard muffled talking with lil shit and then she came in. Have I got something to tell you , it was confession time over coffee after, he told her that He was very aroused listening and catching peeks through the...

4 years ago
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What Started As A Joke

What Started As A Joke My name is John, and I'm going to tell you about what went on at a Saint Patrick's day party. But to do that I have to go back about a week or so. You see I work at a company with several attractive women, and I've been working with the same women for several years now. And when you spend more time with people you work with, you learn some intimate details about them. On a normal afternoon Stephanie, a blonde girl I work with who has a nice pair of breasts on her,...

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Sandy loses her cherry

Larry and sandy wilson were relaxing in front of the television on this spring evening. Their three children were paying attention to the program that was airing; but larry and sandy were less engrossed. Sandy was paying more attention to the book that she was reading and larry was dozing off periodically. Larry began thinking about how they had gotten to this place in their lives since he met sandy while they were both in college in ohio. Larry had been in the first semester of his senior year...

2 years ago
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Cross County With My Aunt Jo

Summer is finally upon us as I have finally finished up with school and graduated. My aunt has been wanting to take me on the road with her. She is a trucker and takes long trips across the entire country. As I was afresh new 18 year old lad I was excited to see the world. Or at least the little bit we call home. I get dropped off at my aunts house with my bag in tow. I walk up to her big truck and can see the door is open. I peek in and see her putting away a few things under the bed. She is...

3 years ago
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The Misadventures of Zeek

THE MISADVENTURES OF ZEEK by Long Tall MaryZeek was enjoying his prey. Carol, a twenty one year old local bar slut, had been enticed to his ramshackle farmhouse with a promise of fifty dollars’ worth of marijuana, in exchange for a blow job. What Zeek failed to mention was that the sex would be accompanied by bondage, an activity which she found repulsive.Carol presently was naked and hogtied, lying on Zeek’s bed demanding that she be set free, the pot no longer mattered. ?Bitch you will do...

1 year ago
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A Casualty of Chance Part 5

The carnal session is briefly interrupted Kelli Zellers was mortified. Being naked on a motel room bed with a stranger's dick shoved up her ass was bad enough, but now there was a knock at the door and the other man in the room had turned to answer it. There wasn't nearly enough energy in Kelli's tank to pull herself off Rico's impaling shaft so she could run and hide. In fact there wasn't even enough time for Kelli to reach for a pillow to cover herself before Gerald grabbed the knob and...

Cheating Wife
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Carl Naked in SchoolChapter 15

Saturday Night No, I take that back. Beth had on jewelry, of course, a necklace and earrings, and the corsage. She also had a little golden ribbon, tied in a dainty bow, decorating the soft, pale brown bush nestled between her sweet, slender thighs. For a moment, I swear, my heart stopped dead, and I stopped breathing. In fact, it seemed the whole school, the whole world was holding its breath! She was so beautiful! Then I realized she was looking at me anxiously, and I broke out of my...

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I caught my mates sister

I'd arrived at pauls house at about 8 o'clock for our usual thursday night out on the town. It had been raining most of the day but had stopped in the last hour or so . Paul told me to leave my jacket behind and that i could pick it back up in the morning, as no one would be in he gave me the spare key. I caught movement through the living room door and saw pauls younger sister Sally walk past into the kitchen. She was 19 and at college, 3 years younger than me and paul.She was about 5'7 tall ,...

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Lust in a Chicago Office

Over the next year I came to know Leah pretty well. Single, she had moved away from home in hopes of starting a new life in Chicago. I was incredibly attracted to her, but alas I couldn’t act on this lust as I was a happily married man. And despite this fact, Leah seemed to make it a point to flirt with me. She was always willing to share a story and a laugh or two with me. She was truly a delightfully sexy young woman. Then one afternoon she said something to me that caused me to...

4 years ago
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Maa Bani Dusro Ke Rakhal Part 8211 6

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto mai saif fir se wapas aa gaya apni  maa bahi dusro ke rakhal ka part 6 le kar  aaya hu jaisa ke aap sab mera maa k bara me janta hai ke wo kitni badi chudakar hai nam anjum aur ab unki  size thodi badh gai hai 40 36 42 ho gai.Sedhi se bat hai bhai itna chudwagi to badaga na..Khair bhai aab aaga ke story par aata hu jinona meri pheli story nai padi hai plz pad lena tab jakar samajh aayaga ye story.Aur mujha comment aur mail zarur karna aap loga ka mujha bhout...

2 years ago
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I'm 28 years old and have been happily married for 9 years. My husband and I have enjoyed a good (and regular) sex life in those 9 years. My interracial experience started last year when a group of girls I know got together to celebrate one of the girls 30th birthday. The night was going very well; we had a nice meal and more than a few bottles of champagne and wine.I was sat next to a girl I hadn't seen for a while even though we'd been real close a few years back. Her name is Karen and we...

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I was traveling to Nashville on business and waiting for my flight I got a little bored so I walked to the end of the airport and paid to go into the smoking club room. It was pretty in there but even with the fans going full blast the smoke burned my eyes. I sat down in the corner next to a fairly empty ashtray and reached into my pocket for my smokes. I put the cig pack up to my mouth and pulled out a smoke and when I did I looked up and saw you in the opposite corner and you smiled at me and...

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Things start to get interesting with local Milf to

Lynsey got out of the car 100 yards down the road amongst a patch of trees, she didn't want any of her friends to suspect anything, she wanted to avoid awkward questions about where she had been with me...  I couldn't care less, in my experience women who I fuck and then tell their girlfriends all about it are a good thing; if my performance has been acceptable, then there's always one or two who come looking for a bit of that action for themselves.  I'm not blowing my own trumpet, although I...

1 year ago
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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 31

Elaina was on a mission. She'd known women like Sharon before and she knew this really wasn't over yet. Sharon liked being "in charge," and she was going to need a bit more convincing, maybe even a lot more, before she accepted the inevitable. Elaina tooled along the city streets, her Mustang drawing interested and envious glances everywhere she went, the dark-tinted windows adding to the mystery as people strived to see who was driving. She had time to kill before arriving at her...

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She Seduced Me

“She Seduced Me” certainly sounds like a reasonable excuse because really, who could say no to a hot girl with a nice rack, a well-shaped ass, and a pussy that’s open for business? It’s a simple phrase that could be the catch-all gimmick for a premium site that has all kinds of babe-based depravity going on. What do you know? That’s precisely what they’ve done at, which bills itself as “Lesbian Tales of Seduction and Reluctance in 4k crystal clear ultra-high definition”.That’s...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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THIS HAPPENED IN 2010I’d taken Donna to work and as I drove on our street I saw Mrs Sutcliffe hanging her washing out, she’d lived with her husband, John, on our street for the 30 years we’d lived there but I never really spoke to her before, her husband was a grouch always moaning when the k**s played with a ball or made any noise, we’d had run in with him over the years.I parked the car up and walked towards there house, she motioned for me to come in the garden and approached me smiling, she...

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Onlyfans LiaChapter 3 Where No Man Has Gone Before

“Bugger it!” Lia shouted from inside her room. It was Saturday, around half-two after a detour from the schedule for teas, and she was getting ready for her first catgirl costume rehearsal, the orchard photo shoot having been arranged for 5am the following Thursday. “Problem?” I asked from inside her ‘studio’ where I was looking through the camera’s menus to see what the options were for shooting outside in possibly dim lighting. All I could see was that I was going to be hitting YouTube...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Candice Dare Kim Gold The Color Of Love

Kim Gold and her handsome black man were celebrating an anniversary. Her boyfriend suggested they spice things up a bit so he invited Candice Dare to celebrate with them. SHe walked in and damn was she looking fine. Blonde, thick, and ready to fuck! It was both of their dreams come true. Candice started by pleasing Kim. She licked her pussy to get her nice and wet. Once Kim was feeling revved up, they moved on to her man. They both went neck deep on his large black cock, making him feel like he...


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