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“From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official, President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o’clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago.”

He’d submitted his short story to her. No request for a picture. No request for the compulsory autograph. He’d not sullied his correspondence with such. Just the manuscript he’d labored on in a plain manila envelope. He’d expected no response. The sending of “Goddess” was his reward. It took all he had to drop the envelope in the Post Office mail chute. He’d held the heavy steel louver open for the longest time. A rush of heated air stymied him as the automatic doors opened to the PO lobby and a horde of strangers appeared. He closed his eyes and the louver.

Chapter One.

“Mr. Smith? Mr. Rogue Smith.”

“Uh, yes, this is Rogue, how may, who is this?”

“Jason Robinson, Mr. Smith. I am a public relations secretary and I am calling at the request of Miss Scarlett Johansson.”

“Who, wha, who is this?” Rogue straightened immediately.

“Mr. Smith, Miss Johansson was so impressed by your story “Goddess.” She’d like to invite you to the premiere of “Hitchcock” as her escort. This is not a lark, nor a stunt. Your city has been selected as one which will premiere this motion picture. Sir? Mr. Smith, are you still there?”

“Yes, I’m here, but, but...”

There was a rich, but sincere chuckle thru the line.

“I can imagine, sir. If you’ll stand by I will connect you with Miss Johansson. She’d so like to speak to you for a few moments and confirm your intention to attend. Afterward I will come back on the line and inform you as to how this will work logistics wise. Stand by, sir, Miss Johansson will be on presently.”

“Oh my God.”

Rogue felt light-headed, near collapse and so wanted to end the call.

Don’t Rogue, it will be okay.


The voice he’d heard a thousand times.

“This is Scarlett, Rogue. I am so pleased to have made this contact with you. Your story touched me, Rogue, it has touched my heart. I cannot tell you how much it has meant to me. Thank you, ever so much for sending it to me, Rogue.”

“I ... this is really you?”

Her corresponding laughter was genuinely kind and caring.

“Yes, Rogue, it is indeed Scarlett, it is your Goddess. Can you talk? Is this a good time?”

“Uh, well, I ... uh,,,,,, yes, I can talk.” He felt the buzzing stop, his blood began to circulate once again. He caught a reflection of himself in the wall mirror and smiled the smile his mother had always so loved.

“I am so glad you enjoyed it, uh, Miss, uh, Johan...”

“You may call me Scarlett, Rogue, I’d be so pleased.” Her voice so feminine his heart halted, then caught once again.

“It is just for you, Miss Joha... , Scarlett.” He’d said her name, aloud to her and he’d remember the moment forever.

“I have read it so many times, my father as well. I hope you don’t mind. He loves it as well. It was his idea for me to try and meet with you. My secretary confirmed that the film does open there in your city next Thursday at midnight. Please say you’ll escort me, Rogue. I so want to meet you and thank you personally. Rogue?”

Rogue’s body shuddered. “Nothing could keep me from attending, Scarlett.”

“That is fantastic, Rogue. I shall put Jason back on the line. He is so adept at his job that you won’t have a thing to worry about. He’ll also give you a cell phone number to contact him with 24/7 should any problem arise. We will pick you up via limousine next Thursday evening. Jason will designate the time and the details. I’ll bring along ‘Goddess.’ I hope you’ll sign it for me and we can enjoy it together perhaps after the premier. Rogue, thank you so much for accepting my invite on such short notice. Now don’t hang up. Jason will be on very shortly. Until next week, good night, Rogue.”

“Uh, uh, uh, goo,,,, “ The line went solid, and Rogue thought he’d been cut off, or worse.

“Jason Robinson again, Mr. Smith. Here is how it will work, sir.”

‘Thank you, God.’

Chapter Two.

Rogue wrote down everything Jason Robinson informed him of. There wasn’t as much as he thought there’d be. The PR firm would be taking care of everything. All Rogue had to do was be on his front porch stoop on Thursday at 8 PM dressed “neatly casual.” as Mr. Robinson put it. The phone number was given without Rogue prompting it.

“Sir, Miss Johansson is a major international actor, but, she is the proverbial girl-next-door, I assure you. I work with many actors in the business, Mr. Smith, and there is none more down to earth than she. You’ll do fine, sir. A confirmation of this event will arrive within the hour from Western Union. Again, please call if there is anything at all that needs to be addressed. I am here for you. Goodnight, sir, and congratulations.” The line went dead.

‘Rogue, please don’t dial that number. He’ll think you don’t trust him. Just wait for Western Union. Don’t do it, I beg you ... Rogue’s fingers punched the numbers-depressed the green key and recited the Lord’s Prayer... ‘Our Father... ‘

“HGI Entertainment, Jason Robinson speaking.”

“Uh, uh, uh,,, just checking, Mr. Robinson, this is Rogue Smith. I...”

“Understandable sir. Absolutely. Think nothing of it. I’m pleased to allay your concerns. And please sir, call me plain ‘Robinson.’ I’d appreciate that. I will be there at the event next Thursday and look forward to meeting you as well. Good night, sir.”

“Good night, Robinson.” This time the line held until Rogue had finished.

Rogue hustled and turned on the front porch light, then took station in his chair, retrieved his copy of “Goddess” and waited Western Union.

The information packet was as precise and comprehensive as Rogue had been led to believe. Promotional materiel for “Hitchcock” dominated the contents, but, there was also a full itinerary of the evening commencing with the arrival of the limousine at 8 PM. There’d be a cocktail party at the Four Seasons at 9 PM and then they’d “Scarlett/Rogue” leave the hotel at 11 PM for the premier. Afterward they’d return to the hotel. No mention was made after that.

‘How are you going to get back home? I don’t know.’

Rogue read the itinerary again, and again, and then printed it just in case something befell the original. He thought about calling mother and father but it was late and he didn’t want them to cast doubt and disbelief at what had transpired. They were aware of, what mother called his “fixation” with “this actress” but, he’d convinced them that it was just a fandom and not a case of fixation or stalking.

“She is quite hot, my boy.” His father had whispered conspiratorially.

“George!” His mother had overheard, per the usual and admonished them both sternly.

Rogue closed the packet and put it away in the desk drawer. As he reclined in his chair he once again read “Goddess.” He was afraid of sleep for fear he’d waken and find the desk drawer empty--his life in ruin.

“Please God, I need this. Please.”

He’d not extinguished the porch light after the delivery and white light shown thru the arc of six diminutive windows in the otherwise solid wooden door.

“Our Father, which art in heaven,...”

Sleep came then with God as his sentinel.

Chapter Three.

Rogue decided to keep Scarlett and the movie premier secret. If it went well he’d tell his parents afterward, perhaps, but, not until. No, best to keep this to himself as long as possible or as long as he could hold out.

He checked his wardrobe and found the ideal outfit, tried it on and it fit perfectly. He’d always kept himself in good shape. He ate healthy and his physique was pronounced though not chiseled. He was grateful for that. The thought of his Goddess seeing him otherwise made him cringe.

‘Now, let’s go and check the packet again and make sure it’s real and still there. Right, Rogue.’ Rogue chuckled at his deepening habit of talking to himself since “The Phone Call” as he’d so aptly named the occasion.

Work kept him busy and his mind occupied. Mother called Monday afternoon at work inquiring as “Why don’t you call anymore? It’s been almost a week. Your father is worried sick about you.”

“Sorry, mom, work has been a quite busy. Going crazy here. I’m sorry, mom.”

“Well, we want you to come for dinner Thursday evening.”

‘Of course you do, mom.’

“No can do, mom. I have other plans.”

“You’ve met another girl.” Not a question, but, a directive.

“No mom.” He lied.

“I have to go now, they’re calling me. Say hello to father for me.”

“You should start dating aga...” Rogue hung up and went back to work.

Wednesday night’s highlight was Robinson calling to confirm the following night’s schedule.

“Thomas will call for you precisely at 8 PM, Mr. Smith. He’s the limousine driver as well as Miss Johansson’s bodyguard. She’ll remain in the limousine, so please be ready as Thomas will be prompt. I’ll be at the Four Seasons to receive you and we’ll go from there. Any questions, sir?”

Rogue wanted to ask about his ride home, but, couldn’t find the words. He’d hoof it if need be. It was only twenty-five miles give or take ten miles.

“No, Robinson, I’m all set.”

“Outstanding, sir. You’ll have a fabulous time, I assure you. Until tomorrow night, Mr. Smith.”

Rogue lain awake long into that Wednesday night.

“You should start dating again. You should start dating again. You should start dating again.” His mother putting it to him.

Sleep finally came and his Goddess with it.

Chapter Four.

Rogue had arranged to take a day of vacation on Friday. He figured he wouldn’t be getting home till the early hours if the movie didn’t start till midnight.

He was in the lunch room on Thursday when his cell phone went off. It was HGI.

“No please. Don’t cancel. Please don’t.” He decided to play ignorant as if Robinson wouldn’t figure it out.

“Hello?” His aloofness surprised himself.

“Rogue? It’s Scarlett, Rogue.”

‘Oh, my God.’ Her voice was bright and cheery. ‘God bless her, she isn’t calling to cancel.’

“I’ve landed in Dallas and am enroot to the hotel. How are you, Rogue?”

He closed his eyes and focused. “I’m eating lunch in the cafeteria.”

Her laughter was exquisite and sharp.

“I’m so glad I caught you on your break. Just a short request that you bring your copy of ‘Goddess’ tonight. I’d like us to each have a copy for later on. Would that be okay, Rogue?”

“Oh, sure, uh, yes, Scarlett, I’ll make sure to bring my copy along. I promise. Is there anything else I should bring?”

‘What the hell?’

“I’m just so nervous, uh, Scarlett.”

“Don’t you worry about a thing. We’ll have a fantastic time. I won’t leave your side for a moment. Tony will be there. Anthony Hopkins, as well as some local celebrities. Even some sports guys. Jason tells me a Dirk Cuban from your basketball team will be there with his big star, a German fellow, I believe, I can’t pronounce his name. Do you know to whom I’m referring, Rogue?”

“Yes, it’s Dirk Nowitski and the owner Mark Cuban.” His heart leapt. They weren’t on the level of his Goddess, but, they were on the next level down.

“Yes! Those are the names Jason briefed me on. Now, I’ll see you at this evening. Just relax and be yourself. These parties and premiers are quite fun and I’ll take good care of my favorite author. I promise. Don’t forget your ‘Goddess,’ Rogue. See you soon.”

‘How could I ever forget her? Oh, oh, yeah, my copy of “Goddess.” I think that’s what she was referring to.’

The rest of the work day went by in a blur. He kept busy and left precisely at four.

He stopped by for a careful trim at his barber.

“Don’t mess this up, Giuseppe, I’ve got a date with an angel tonight.”

“What a you, a talking a bout? Me a not a fuck a thing a up. You a crazy tonight, uh Rogue. Giuseppe, he a good a barber.”

“Sorry, G, I’m a little off the kilter this evening.” Giuseppe changed from the broken English to a spirited Italian, but, Rogue’s ears burned nonetheless.

Seven-thirty found him situated in his chair staring at the front door, “Goddess” tucked away in a twin of the original manila envelope.

“Please God, no tricks now. I’m so close.”

He checked himself in the bathroom mirror, then brushed his teeth for the third time and held the Listerine in his mouth as long as he dared, his hazel eyes watering with the effort.

When he sat back down he was exhausted from the strain.

“I don’t know if I can answer that door.”

At precisely 7:55 on the digital readout of his DVR a long flash of light and steel flashed in the small windows atop the front door. Rogue stood, squared his shoulders, locked his knees and caught his reflection in the wall mirror...

“Let us proceed...”

Chapter Five.

“Good evening, sir, I’m Thomas, if you’ll follow me.”

The limousine was jet black, the windows under full blackout, the doors closed. It was impressive to say the least. Rogue noticed right off that Thomas seemed familiar. He’d seen the face before he was sure of that.

Thomas clutched the door handle, turned and spoke: “Miss Johansson is seated in the middle at all times. This is for her safety.”

The door opened and his Goddess spoke:

“Rogue, come sit with me.” Her voice stood a pitch of such deep resonance and cultured femininity that he couldn’t remember getting in and actually sitting down. A few moments of actual life transpired without his knowledge or cognizant participation.

“I just can’t believe you’re here with me.” She offered her hand to him and he grasped it weakly. It was warm and as soft as cotton.

“And you remembered ‘Goddess’ I see.” Thomas had gotten in his driver seat and pulled out into the street.

“Tommy, can you take this for safe keeping?” She leaned forward and handed the envelope to Thomas who reached back without taking his eyes from the street.

“Have Jason take it up when we arrive.” She sat back closer to Rogue and whispered:

“Tommy is my brother. He keeps me safe and grounded. Our pa insisted. He’s the twin, Rogue, like in ‘Goddess.’ See?”

‘I knew I’d seen him somewhere.’

“Let me get a look at my date for the evening.” Rogue finally had no other choice than to meet her gaze. He’d been able to avoid it to this point, concentrating instead on the back of Thomas’s head and the soft gray leather interior.

She was everything. No, she was more than he’d ever seen, more than he’d ever imagined, or put pen to paper over and about. She was perfect. Pink and white and soft curves everywhere.

“You are a most handsome man, Rogue.” Her tone matter-a-fact. Her eyes were clear and bright and they considered him in kind curiosity.

“Thank you again for accepting my invitation. We’re going to have a fine evening, into the wee hours of the morning, aren’t we?”

Rogue was speechless. He remembered though to close his mouth so it wouldn’t continually hang open. He’d begun to vibrate a little. He could feel it, he just silently prayed that Scarlett had not noticed.

“My pa is my business manager and he screens all my mail. He was so thrilled to discover your manuscript and he sent it Fed Ex the next morning.” Her voice clutched then and she grasped his hand again, this time a measure tighter.

“It’s meant so much to my brother and I, Rogue, to our family.” Her eyes sparkled as they misted ever so delicately.

“I was so shocked to get your phone call, uh, Scarlett.”

“It was just meant to be, Rogue. We start a sixteen city tour tonight. How ironic that the premier takes place in the same city where you reside. I couldn’t resist. I’ve read ‘Goddess’ countless times now. My copy is well worn. It’s just so beautiful and real. We’ll have plenty of time after the premier to go over it together. That will be my favorite part of our evening together, and of course meeting the author.” She withdrew her hand and pressed back into her seat. Rogue did likewise.

“Now let me tell you how our arrival will be handled. Tommy will take us into the garage level where Jason will meet us and take us up to the party. Just stay close and enjoy yourself. Trust me, Rogue, you’ll do fine. I’ll excuse myself a little past ten and we’ll go up to the suite so I can collect myself and prep for the premier. I want to show you the view from the suite. You’ll love it. Any questions so far, Rogue?” Her smile was radiant and sincere.

An out of body feeling overcame him.

She had not failed to sense his predicament.

“Here, hold my hand, Rogue.” That’s it.” He came to, her touch like magic.

“This is quite a new experience for me.”

“Just remember, Rogue, I’ll be at your side the entire night. I promise.” She squeezed tighter.

“We’re a couple minutes out, Jason.” Thomas spoke into a head set.

“Two minutes, sis. Jason is there.” They swung onto the access drive of the Four Seasons.

Scarlett released his hand and sat stock straight.

“How do I look, Rogue?”

“Like my Goddess.”

Chapter Six.

Robinson was waiting at the curb. A tall, thin young man. The limousine stopped even with him. Rogue reached for the door handle.

“No, Rogue, let Tommy do it.” She grasped his forearm. Her tone had become firm and directed.

“You’ll step out first then next to Jason.” She released him with the smallest of squeezes.

“Mr. Smith so pleased to meet you.” Rogue stepped out and started to raise his hand for the proverbial shake, but, somehow Robinson had taken possession of Scarlett’s copy of “Goddess.” His stoic nod to Rogue directed him precisely to where Scarlett had previously directed him seconds before.

Scarlett stepped from the limousine as once again Rogue began to vibrate. In the garish illumination of the ceiling fluorescence she looked positively surreal.

‘Oh, my God.’

“Thank you, Tommy.” Thomas released her hand and closed the door.

“Good luck, sis.” Tommy leaned close and whispered ever so softly.

“You are fashionably late, Scarlett.” Robinson beamed.

“For sure.” She teased with the slightest of winks.

“We’ll go.” Robinson did an abrupt about face and stepped quickly away. Rogue froze. He felt Scarlett knit her hand and arm thru his left arm.

“I’m going to so enjoy our night, Rogue.”

“They’ve all arrived.”

“Tony didn’t mind arriving first?”

“Not at all. Mr. Hopkins smiled nicely when he came thru a few minutes ago.”

“I’ll thank him again, right?”

“For sure.”

The elevator car was fully paneled in mirrors. Rogue felt dwarfed like the incredible shrinking man. He was grateful for the sensation as once again he’d begun to softly shake. She felt it and pulled him a little closer. Their eyes meeting in the reflection, her slightest wink making a return engagement. He countered with his best boyish grin.

The elevator ring brought Rogue into the here and now. ‘We’ve landed.’ He smiled to himself as Robinson stepped severely to the side and away from the doors.

She released his arm and ran her finger tips lightly up his spine thru his personally starched and pressed cotton shirt. He wanted to witness and gauge her gaze again, but, the mirrors parted and it began.

Chapter Seven.

He recognized the beat, the deep pounding. It was Jackie-O and her treatment of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”

“Stay close, baby.”

‘Did she call me “baby?” I think she did.’ Must have, he turned to see the elevator doors begin to slowly close on Robinson, a comforting slice of his right hand thru Texas air, James Dean style as the doors shut. He wanted her to take his arm, his hand again, but, an instinct told him “no.”

There were large video screens displaying movie clips of Hitchcock’s work, the track lighting dimmed, but, directed nonetheless to the floor. The sensation of shrinkage held and he was ever so grateful, but, not as thankful as he once had been. ‘I could do this.’

Miss Johansson had begun to make the rounds and the going was difficult as her attendance had become knowledge. He recognized no one. But, she knew them all, or, portended such. No, she knew them. Her sincerity was apparent and appreciated by the endless string of men and women who genteelly shook her hand and/or air kissed and briefly chatted before giving way to the next and then the next. He may as well been invisible. There were a couple of quick glances, but, no inquiring looks, or, quizzical stares.

“Coke Zero, Miss Johansson.” A waiter appeared up thru the floor and served Scarlett.

“Sir?” ‘He’s speaking to you, dude.’

“Oh, a Fireball,,,,,, double, please.” ‘Hell, I can do this.’

“At once, sir.”

The crowd began to thin as he took the first half of the double. The force settled him and he felt the warmth radiate to his heart.

“Just a sip, Rogue. I don’t drink, but, please, just for your Goddess?”

She’d not spoken to him since they left the elevator in what seemed like two hours ago.


“Of course.” She leaned close as he held the glass for her, nary a tremor in the vicinity.

“Oh, my goodness, that’s so delicious and special. Now don’t tell Tommy. He’ll tell our parents and then I’ll get it.” She giggled heartily.

“There’s Tony. I’d like you to meet him, Rogue. He’s so sweet.”

As they made they way into the corner where Anthony Hopkins had taken station the small crowd around him immediate dispersed as if on some silent command.

“Ah, Miss Johansson, how are you this evening, darling girl?” His Welsh accent razor sharp.

“Tony, thank you ever so much for the advantage.”

“You Americans.” He playfully shook his index finger at Scarlett. A devilish smile in response a change. They hugged closely, then separated as he planted a kiss on the center of her forehead.

“Anthony, I want you to introduce you to my escort for the evening. This is Rogue Smith, he’s a very promising writer. Rogue, Sir Anthony Hopkins.”

‘Lord, this girl ... firm, Rogue, do it.’

They met on the square, the handshake full. He’d hit it. ‘I’ll do this.’

The next day, heck ten minutes later as he stood at the iced urinals Rogue could not for the life of him remember much after that handshake. Just the honest smile of his Goddess over his left shoulder and Sir Hopkins listening carefully as Rogue, at the insistence of Miss Johansson imparted the plot and summary of “Goddess.”

(The waiter) brought him out of his latest stupor as Scarlett had replaced him at Hopkin’s ear, the two, from what he could garner were sharing shop talk.

“Another, sir?”

“Yes, just a single. Where is the restroom, please?”

“If you’ll follow me, sir. It’s on my way.”

“Excuse me, Scarlett, Sir Hopkins.” They gave a matched quick nod with a fast reassuring smile from Scarlett then went back to their conversation.

The ice turned yellow as he relieved himself. A lemon snow cone crossed his mind as he raised his gaze and caught his reflection in the mirrors.

‘Don’t let your mouth hang open. Don’t forget. I won’t. I promise.’

The restroom door opened and in walked his Champion. He stationed himself two units to the left, caught Rogue’s eyes in the reflections and nodded sharply.

Chapter Eight.

Rogue finished before Dirk, and took root at the one of a long line of stainless steel sinks. In mirror image Nowitski followed in, two units down to Rogue’s right.

Their running water preceded Rogue, maybe five seconds, no more than six.

“Thank you.” His voice emboldened by Fireball|justified by clarity of deed.

“No, thank you.” The accent pronounced. A beat had not been missed. No.

“I waited so long.”

“I’m sorry it took that long.”

“It’s all right. It’s okay now.”


“You couldn’t miss.”

“I could not miss.”

“How did that feel?”

“You tell me.” Their eyes finally met in the mirrors.



Nowitski chose the infrared dryer to his right. Rogue the fine white linen towel to his left.

The vibration had returned and she was not present to still it. Rogue pressed his eyes closed and steadied himself. The infrared dryer fell silent and Rogue opened his eyes.

His Champion was gone.

She was waiting for him. She was just outside the door. She was holding his Fireball.

“I missed you, Rogue.” He took his drink. She was so pale, almost pure white and so beautiful he put Dirk aside until tomorrow if tomorrow ever came.

“We’ll go up for a little while. I need a few minutes to collect myself before we leave for the theater.”

Robinson had reappeared and was next to the elevator. He punched the button with his recognition of the couples approach.

“About forty-five minutes, Scarlett.”

“Fine, Jason, Rogue will bring me back down. I won’t need the reminder and I will call down when we leave.”

“Very good.” The elevator arrived.

As soon as the door closed she leaned into Rogue just the slightest. He wrapped his right arm around her waist and steadied them both.

“I’m so glad that’s over. One more hurdle and the morning is ours, Rogue.” She put her cheek on Rogue’s chest and closed her eyes as the elevator began it’s ascent.

Chapter Nine.

Rogue looked off in the distance at the lights of Dallas. ‘A stunning sight indeed.’ She’d excused herself.

“I’ll be a just little while, Rogue. Please look around. There is some food by the bar. Fix me a Coca-Cola and a small plate, please?” Her voice soft and pretty. She’d once again touched him as she left. This time just a quick grip on his upper arm as if she were checking his muscle mass.

‘Really, guy? Well maybe.’

As soon as the coast was clear he hurried to the grub. He was starving. A selection of fresh vegetables and snacks were laid out. It was still warm. This had been planned.

“Wow.” Rogue dug in and quickly so as to not be caught in the act of eating. Then put together a plate for his Goddess and fixed them each a Coke. The warm food leveled him out and he began to relax.

“Come on back, Rogue, it’s okay.” She called out to him.

He balanced the food and drinks. ‘Be careful. I will. Quit nagging me.’

She was in the bedroom sitting in front of the vanity applying her make-up. He hesitated in the door frame.

“I used to have somebody do this, but, I enjoy it and know exactly what I need.” She spoke to him via the mirror’s reflection.

“You can come in, Rogue. Oh, food, you remembered, goody! Did you have some?”

‘Close your mouth. Okay.’

“Yes, it’s delicious. Thank you.” He made himself push forward and gingerly placed the plate and her drink on the vanity.

Her eyes sparkled in the intense lighting of the vanity. “Are you with someone?”

“No.” He lied, well, after a fashion.

“Me neither.”

“You look so beautiful.” She’d changed dresses. This one was more formal, but accentuated her figure to the point of perfection. His knees began to buckle.

“You’re so sweet, thank you, Rogue. Please sit down, we have a few minutes yet. There, on the bed, that’s fine.” He saw the bed behind him in the mirror and back peddled the few feet necessary.

‘There, that’s better.’ He’d been on his feet since leaving the limousine.

She took a bite and a sip. “You remembered the Coke Zero! Rogue, to us and the night.” She raised her glass toward him. He softly tapped it with his-the Waterford Crystal he’d noted when pouring announcing the quality of it’s charge.

“Do me a favor, Rogue, call down to Jason and tell him we’re leaving presently.” She nodded toward the cell phone sitting on the corner of the vanity. You’ll see him on the readout.”

‘‘Scarlett, we’re a little pressed.” Jason spoke.

“It’s me, Robinson. We’ll be coming down shortly.”

“Mr. Smith, outstanding.” He’d never let on.

“C’mon, baby, we’re on our way.” ‘Absolutely no doubt this time.’

The elevator halted the next floor down as a couple joined them in the car. Rogue and Scarlett moved aside a bit as the older couple made their way.

Scarlett laced her arm with Rogue’s and leaned in. “We’re going to the midnight movies, my boyfriend and I.” She announced to the couple thru the reflection of the doors.

They smiled warmly at each other then at the young couple.

The doors opened to Robinson speaking into a headset.

“Tommy, we’re moving.”

Their company in the elevator took a step back in unison as Robinson reached in to separate the two parties and get the ball rolling.

“Scarlett.” He lightly scolded, though his eyes a bit dark.

“Sorry, Jason.” They returned the way they’d arrived, Robinson moving at a fast clip leading Scarlett by the hand, Rogue following enjoying the view.

‘Oh, my God she is magnificent.’

“You’re in first, Mr. Smith.” Tommy held the door open a warm smile to them all.

“You are late, Scar!” He teased as she passed him.

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Elaine had a little trouble crawling in the bathrobe. Her knees kept coming down on the bathrobe and pulling it open. She tried to push the tit that Tim had pulled out back inside the concealment of the robe but Tim had stopped her. "Oh, don't worry about that Elaine," he said in that friendly, helpful tone she was already starting to hate. "I will probably take it off anyway." She crawled around the couch to arrive in front of her land lord with her robe open and her tits hanging...

1 year ago
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Lingerie Fetish

Hi everybody, I’m back again after a long time. This is my 3rd post in ISS and this time around I’m writing about an incident that happened some 6 years back when I was around 26. Well, to quickly complete the introductions, my name is Sudha and I am married and a mother of 2 lovely kids. My husband is a gentle, loving guy with whom I have fantastic relations but there is this “wild side” to me that he is yet to discover. Coming straight to the story that I’m about to narrate. We were living...

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Jay Faith and Friends chapter 2 part 1

Jay was a 29 year old teacher at the local high school. He picked up a summer job at the local ice cream shop to earn some extra money. Faith was a girl in his class this past year. He got to know her intimately one afternoon staying after school earning some extra credit. Jay recognized the other 2 girls from his school but didn't know their names. The girls had just pulled up in a car and the girls all said "hey Mr. Wells" except for Faith said "Hey Jay." Jay took the ice cream...

2 years ago
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A Whole New World of sex

You are about to enter the wild world of family sex. When you begin any adventure such as this you have to start with the basics. What gender are you? -Do you want to be a young girl, barely legal, who is taken advantage of by her father and her brothers or would you rather be a mother to a teenage son who can't stand being in the house with such a stud any longer? OR -Do you want to be an 18-year-old boy, almost a man, who finds pleasure in the company of his mother and sisters or a...

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What Happened in Vegas

My wife Eileen and I are in our early 50’s. Our sex life has always been good, though over the years a bit routine and less frequent. While having sex, I have always been the most verbal, blurting out kinky things I’d like to do (that we almost never actually do) while Eileen’s response has always been to close her eyes and moan, with no word spoken. I’ve always felt she had nasty thoughts running through her head while we had sex, and imagined her fantasizing about things and people she could...

3 years ago
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Beauty with the Beast

It's late on a Thursday morning and I'm in the shower. I don't have any classes on Thursday's so I slept in and I'm taking my time getting going. I lather up my long red hair and hum to myself. My roommate, Shannon, is off at class so I have the apartment to myself. Mmm, Shannon. She always says overweight but I prefer to think of her as voluptuous. I've masturbated many times thinking about my hot, black roommate. I've masturbated about most people I know, I'm always horny. Even right now my...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 438

As more and more state police and federal agents showed along with the command center, I started sending members of RRT to pack and take their things to the Bombardier. I wanted to be airborne as soon as possible. Ching Lee was on her way to pack our things in the motel room and I was on my way to one more damn meeting. I asked Andy to verify that we had left no weapons on the roof - or anywhere else - and to make sure that we had all our Magpul rotary drums. This meeting was a small one,...

4 years ago
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I have done some crazy shit in Europe but that was 20 years ago and by myself. No names or questions, suck or fuck happened weekly, jacking off where an when I felt like it. That was 1992 now its 2012 and this time I brought a date with me. She has helped in every decision regarding our holiday up until the last 15 min. When she told me to turn left on A112 a few miles back, it was really A69 to the force FUCK INN. Our host for the few days will be Mr WiggIn. A horny fuck like me with balls big...

2 years ago
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Pleasure CentralChapter 1

Chrissy was so excited. She had her first real job, and today was her very first day on that job. Now that she had her driver's license she could get to work and her parents had consented that she begin earning her own money. Not knowing what she wanted to do she had asked her parents for advice. Her father suggested she talk to her Uncle Bob. When she did he said he needed to hire someone in his business and that, if she was willing, he'd let her give it a try. He had inherited a piece...

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Life As A Married Trucker

I am an over-the-road truck driver and my wife, Donna sometimes goes with me on my extended trips. Donna is a cutie and is built like a brick house, standing 5’4” and weighing all of 103 pounds soaking wet. Everywhere we go, she always draws a lot of attention. I like the mischievousness Donna sometimes beings into our life. We’ve been married about ten years and we have a very happy sex life, but every now and then, one of us gets a hankering for something different. We’re very committed to...

Office Sex
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Four Times a Year Complete

Four Times a Year - Part 1Submitted by: Michael Freemont "Andrew. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way." She laughed. "And just as Bob and I were both having an orgasm. But maybe it's just as well you did find out. Now we won't have to sneak around anymore." Andrew was upset. He had come home unexpectedly and found his wife in bed with his best friend Bob. It answered so many questions. Why his wife was out so much. Why she couldn't go with him to events he had to go to. Why she wouldn't...

3 years ago
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A Bargain Made A House Fallen Ch 04

Awareness came in pieces. First, there was simply the sense of self. She had emerged from the blackness. Her heart beat strongly in her chest. She was not dead and not in any real discomfort, so she took a moment to relish that and focused on breathing in the damp air, still chilled despite the fact the flicker of torches and lamps teased her eyelids. She could smell the sea, so she knew she was still near where she started on the south side of the city. Next came the acute awareness of her...

3 years ago
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Dominatrix Indian Bhabhi and her friend

Ass slave of sister in law and her widow friend Ravi’s entire face is buried under the big bottom of his own sister in law. His hands and legs are tightly fixed firmly with the cotton padded wooden bench. There is a cushion at then end of the bench to rest his head on it. The stool has four legs with which Ravi has been tied with ropes. They have specially ordered for making good use Ravis face. The bench has been set low into the floor in the shady room. The only soft light in the room emanate...

3 years ago
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One June Day

It was one of those beautiful early June days, the cool days of Spring were behind us and the hot days of Summer still in the future. The kids were at camp, leaving Katie and I alone to our own devices for the week. I'm not a mind reader, but I already knew how the next few days would play out. I knew that Katie would be on the hunt again, looking for any and all strange cock she could line up. For her it had been a long dry spell, since the children were growing up and asking too many...

1 year ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 24

Chapter Twenty Four Glade couldn’t recall a time when she’d ever felt more despair than when she was finally certain that she’d never be able sail back to her lover across the choppy waters of the billowing sea. Was there any point in even being alive without Demure? It was only after many hours of weeping and cursing the spirits of her now extinct tribe that she at last returned her attention to the mundane but no less urgent task of staying alive. She was still adrift on a raft that was...

4 years ago
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Night Angel

Put on the song Gimmie Shelter by the Stones and enjoy ^..^ Through the night she glides, her hunger knowing no bounds. Searching for prey in the dark recesses of a town filled with lustful intent. Her hair is as dark as a raven wing, and her eyes feline born. Lips are full and red. Breasts lush, body made for lusting. She is hunter, is in heat and satisfied it shall be. She materializes in shadow to find what she craves. Into the steamy bar she walks and people stop in their tracks as she...

2 years ago
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My first black cock

We arrived at our timeshare resort in Las Vegas about 5:00. After a quick bite to eat I put on my swim trunks and headed out to check out the pool and hottub areas. I was wearing my old Navy issue trunks which seem to have gotten tighter over the years but are still serviceable, even though my wife says they don’t hide enough. This resort has 4 pools and several hot tubs, each different size and shape. I was mostly interested in the hot tubs. The one closest to our condo was small, and crowded...

2 years ago
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A few years ago I took my lovely wife on vacation to Mexico for a week. She enjoyed the shopping, but it was hot and sweaty. As a result I bought her several sundresses to wear and persuaded her to go commando. This she readily agreed to. We had a guide called Juan and he and his wife took us to a club which boasted “live entertainment”.The evening started out as expected with dinner, drinks and Spanish singers going from table to table. The entertainment shifted to the stage, with a romantic...

3 years ago
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Surprise Guest Ch 1

You hear a soft and unfamiliar knock at your bedroom door. It sounds light and you figure it is a woman but you thought you were home alone. You never heard anyone come in the front door, with some hesitation you stay in bed and say come in. The door opened slowly as your heart starts to pound with anticipation. You first notice my hand with long red fingernails and then you see my leg, you notice my black high heels with my stockings then I completely step into full view, you see my soft...

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Cross country run

We watched as Tom continued to caress her. She moaned loudly as his fingers pressed against her crotch. We could see her panties dark with moisture around her most intimate part. Tom rubbed the silky material: ‘ Rachel, your knickers are just as wet as we were when we came in. I think I should take them off and dry them by the fire. Stop me if you wish.’ He began to tug them down. She wriggled a little, saying no, but her body movements were saying yes and they were soon down to her knees....

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Dick Dangler I met him @ a PC convention and he showed me how to navigate etc. As he leaned over me he touched my shoulder & stroked my arm when I got things right on the computer. He was handsome tall & black but he smelled so good. As he was touching me I felt my cock begin to swell so much so that it was becoming uncomfortable. Sure enough he noticed my embarrassment although he didn’t take any further at that time. He suggested we adjourn to the bar & we spent the evening getting to know...

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Pedo Call

The Hotel Experience I love hotels. There’s just something about them that speaks “freedom”. An escape I guess is more accurate. Sometimes I just want to be away from my hometown where I can be someone else entirely. Most of the time I spend in my room looking at porn. Since I can remember (I’m forty-nine now) my interests have been for children. There weren’t any sites as there are today when I first started looking for the little ones on my computer. But now I’m able to download tons of sexy...

3 years ago
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Please Give me Something to Remember you by greatest generationChapter 6

In the community of Cedar Grove, Iowa they were known as “The Sons of Thunder,” the infamous Cross twins, Jericho and Joshua, sons of Reverend Amos Cross, pastor of the Bethel Baptist Church. Typical of pastor’s children, those of police chiefs and other men of authority in the community Jericho and Joshua Cross were rebels of the first magnitude always in trouble though never felonious. They weren’t identical twins, but the outside world had difficulty telling them apart. Technically...

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Kinky Camping Day 1

I rode in the back of one of the trucks. Not the back seat. In the bed. I had been stripped naked and tied, spread eagle, in the bed of the truck. I was blindfolded and gagged during the whole ride. When we stopped for gas, Sir made sure to reach in the bed and play with me a bit. He squeezed my tits, fingered my pussy, and gave me a hard slap between the legs and a slap to each tit. We we're going to meet up with some of his buddies for a camping trip. The others had headed up...

4 years ago
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First Kiss Goes Too Far Part III

Still, I tried my best. I spent a lot of time with my friends; especially my best friend Shannon. Before the night of my first kiss, our entire lives had revolved around boys; where to meet them, what to wear around them, how to make them like us, etc. It felt different after that night but I wouldn’t let it show since I was determined to get my life back to the way it was. Nobody was going to know I wasn’t as innocent as I’d been. So, one of the things boys our age liked to do was...

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Parking Lot Affair

I met Clare online in my young 20s. She was around 10 years older than me, though she wouldn't give me her exact age. She was married and, according to her, had never been with anyone in her life but her husband. She had been looking to experiment in the bedroom but her husband wasn't much for changing up their routine after all those years together, so she turned to the internet to try and satisfy her cravings.It didn't take long after meeting Clare for our conversations to turn sexual, and...

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A walk in the woods

Walking in the woods taking some pictures I came across two young men sitting there drinking beer. Hey little lady what'ca doin? Just taking some pictures I said. They stood up, one on each side of me. We should be taking pictures of you pretty lady. Thanks, but no thanks boys. As I turned away, they each grabbed one of my arms and forced me to the ground. One behind my head holding my arms. The other straddling my legs so I couldn't kick or move. He opened and unzipped my jeans. Grabbed my...

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Market ForcesChapter 51 What Are Friends For

The winding corridor eventually took us along to the accommodation cells. As we walked by Sarah said, "Aren't we going to see the girls after all? I thought..." "They've been moved," said Brad. We turned a corner. Coming the other way was one of Brad's guards. Clad only in black leather trousers and a leather hood that masked the upper half of his face, his torso glistened with the sweat of recent effort. He and Brad exchanged a few quiet words. The guard took the ring of keys that...

1 year ago
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Gloria and Tony Strangers to lovers

TO RENT:- Large room available to single working man.  Bath and laundry facilities available.   Also meals if required.  Enquire within. This was what I had been looking for, for weeks now.   I just wanted to get settled into a space of my own where I could have peace and quiet.  I had recently been divorced and left the house with the wife.   Thank goodness we didn’t have any children as I don’t think I could have been separated from them. Anyway, I rang the front door bell and waited.  The...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 1Chapter 12

The next morning, Corec left the inn early to find mounts for his companions. There weren’t any mules for sale, but he got lucky and found a farmer who’d ended up with some horses he didn’t need. It only cost sixty silver to buy a five-year old gelding for Shavala and an older mare for Bobo, plus saddles, tack, blankets, and saddlebags. He returned to the inn and left the animals in the stable yard, then went inside to find his friends getting everything packed up. “I just need to get my...

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The Botanical Beauty Part IVThe Petals Part

The Botanical Beauty: Part IV—The Petals Part When we left our rather feverishly fetching Isabella Bloom she was in an excited state having returned from a most unusual evening. Isabella’s romantic date with the rather older and hunky John had been Shanghaied by the intervention of her ever so sexy friend, the gorgeous Brahmin princess Ngurah and the opportunity to see the beyond rare First Time orchid. The mysterious meeting with Ngurah’s grandmother had inspired Issy and hardened her resolve...

First Time
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MistakesChapter 4

A fourth major event happened four weeks or so before Christmas, on a Friday in November. The two of us went to my favourite restaurant to celebrate Cassie’s birthday. She always told me it was the day her age caught up with mine a little: instead of being six years younger, she was five! We had finished our delicious main courses when Cassie looked surprised. “Hey,” she said. “You remember months ago a woman came to the flat looking for you? Well she’s just walked in.” I looked up, and...

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Private School Girl

2:45 PM ?Yea, for sure, see you later.?  Kelli was very happy.  Se would be meeting Kirsten later to do some shopping.  Everything was good.  Kelli 14 was the most popular girl at her private school.  She was considered a knockout by the boys.  Indeed she was.  Pretty, pert she cut a good figure.  Going home from school she wore her pleated plaid skirt, white blouse and blue blazer.  Her hair was pulled back into a shapely pony tail. She had a nice figure, developing nicely.  She was curvy for...

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A Business Woman Gets In Way Over Her Head Chapter two

The Sheriff Apparently this so called sheriff had brought other young women to this secluded place before, the look on his face had changed from a lustful man, to one possessed with the intent on having his way with me! He helped me up and out of the water, dried my feet and helped me back into my heels. I was able for the first time to get a good look at his manliness? The shock and awe left me stunned!.. OMG! It was huge, but this had not fully registered? It was erect but I would find...

1 year ago
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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 2

When I left Kay’s house, she had me wear my new birthday undershorts home with me. She had me leave my other undershorts at her house. She also kept the paddle, but she would talk to me about it during our next date. I had accepted being spanked by Kay since I wanted to find a woman for my life that was more dominant and was in complete control, and I thought Kay might be the perfect woman for me. Kay and I talked during the week, and we set up our next date to last all day on Saturday. I was...

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aunt and me

We grew closer when i was eighteen and her husband passed away. I'm now in my mid twenties and have watched her go in and out of many bad relationships. She was always telling me how they mistreat her. I grew to see her as not just an aunt but, as a woman. It all started when she lost her licence. Once in a while she would need a ride to her job. So, one night she called me and asked if I could take her into work. I was off and told her I would gladly give her a ride. It was bright and...

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Katie the Krispy Kreme Klepto

Introduction: Katie gets caught stealing donuts by none other than the owner! How will she get out of this one? **YES, she is supposed to be taking from Dunkin Donuts! This story is based on a dream that I had once where I got caught stealing donuts from Dunkin Donuts and had to make it up to the owner. However, Katie the Dunkin Donuts Klepto doesnt exactly work, and Danielle the Dunkin Donuts Delfactor is a bit of a reach. And lastly, its a sex story people. Youre really focusing on the donut...

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Hermaphrodite Hotel11 Bali Futanari Princess

HH11: Bali, Futanari Princess TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about...

1 year ago
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Moms Surprise

Standard disclaimer, This story is just that: A Story! It is a work of complete fiction! If Incest bothers you - please don’t read it! If you are underage, or local law prevents you from legally accessing stories of this kind, please don’t read it! If you just want to reply to say how sick I am, don’t read it or bother to reply. That said, enjoy! ’s surprise It all started when I was 18, dad left mom for another woman. Mom started going out drinking and bringing home some really nasty drunks....

4 years ago
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Impossible Virgins Chapter 15 The Avalanche The

Chapter 15: The Avalanche - The Finale "All right, here's what we're gonna do," said Tiffany. "Lulu, you're still dying for more cock, so I'm gonna turn you over to Ebony, for the last ride of the day. If that doesn't satisfy a nymphomaniac like you, I'm not sure what else we can do around here." "Don't worry, Tiffany," said Ebony. "I'll fuck Lulu so hard, she'll be lucky if she doesn't pass out." "Ooh! Promises, promises!" Lulu squealed with delight. All Toppsy could do was shake her...

2 years ago
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Just a day before the wedding

Just a day before the weddingMe and my friend have been best friends for many years. We shared everything. But After he started going out with his girlfriend seema, things were different. When they decided to get married I was the first one to know. I was close to seema as well. If they ever had trouble between them, she would always bring it up to me.But before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. I am married and my wife is amazingly good looking. I am 5'9 decent built...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 163 Happy Christmas

It was about a week prior to Christmas. Jess and Ryan were over Sophia and Warren's house. They had eaten dinner and were gathered in the living room, chatting. Warren's parents had taken Betsy overnight. They'd watched the Heisman Trophy ceremony, where Chad had finished third. Now, afterwards, they were just chatting. "So, it's a boy?" Sophia asked. "It's a boy," Jessie confirmed. "We had the ultrasound the other day." "Any names being bandied about?" "We've actually...

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My encounter with Mami part 1

Hi everyone, my name is rocco(((secret name))). I am from delhi. Im 27, 5’6, fair, athletic build. Won’t reveal the size of my cock coz even a tongue is more than enough to satisfy a woman. Guys, lemme tell you one thing, this story is not a fiction…it’s 10000% true, except the names, every word that would be written is true. So without wasting any more time, let’s get to the story straight away… Story has only two characters, me and my mami……. Sapna (name changed), ye iss story ki heroine...

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Futures PathChapter 14

When Gavin enters her, he and Elena cry out simultaneously. The doubled perspective is at once exhilarating and disorienting. He can feel himself, harder and longer than he's ever been before, sliding into a caressing warm wetness. At the same time, she is aware of being spread, wider and wider, until at last, hot smooth skin is pressing forward, and then deeper still, filling her completely. From him, there is nothing but pleasure, and a triumphal sense of achievement, "At last, I'm doing...

3 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 33

Friday the fifteenth of March dawned a bright, clear, chilly, beautiful day. After breakfast, which Tom and I had alone, we took our clothes down to the barbershop. By special arrangement, the barber was waiting for us. We got a shave and a trim before taking a hot bath. When we were done, I dressed in my wedding finery, and donned an overcoat to walk down to the church. Arriving at the church, Tom and I both removed our gun belts, hanging them on coat hooks before covering them with our...

4 years ago
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Putting on a show

From my earlier stories, you know I have been having sex with the boy from next door and have made my husband a cuckhold. My husband only has himself to blame (or credit) for the situation we are in now. After more than 20 years of faithful marriage I am now having a new cock fill me and thrill me. My husband introduced me to porn as I know it now. We both enjoy videos and sexy images... together and separately. He encouraged me to act more slutty with him... dressing sexier, teasing men and...

1 year ago
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Another ChanceChapter 53

So, now you ask, "Why are you taking the K5 to Lake St. Clair? If you insist on messing around with boats, why don't you leave it at Pentwater and fly up on weekends? I mean, Jesus, kid." "That's a very good question. We got bored. When we made the decision we weren't going to go for two years, we graduated a whole year early and the idea of flying back and forth... ? We had no intention of learning to fly, we were just hauling Candy to Franklins so she could learn. Life makes funny...

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Community FourEverChapter 25

Dana’s turn: Cindy’s co-pilot. I could LIKE the position, but it’s purely a figurehead thing. Well, maybe not PURELY. I’m a student pilot, so time in one of the front seats is always a good thing, even though we don’t log most of this time because seriously, I should be herding a two seat Cessna around the skies, not five million dollars worth of Swiss engineering... We’re on the way home. For exercise, I take our course and speed and Terri and Jerry’s course and speed and do a rough...

2 years ago
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On the Drive Home Today

I keep telling myself I have to stay away from the truck stop.  The police watch the place, and I have actually seen some poor bastard get arrested a time or two.  My friend Ricky laughs off my hesitation.  ‘As long as you stay away from minors and you’re not selling drugs, friend, you’ve got nothing to worry about.’  So, the truck stop it is.  When you’re in the mood for some random, anonymous hook-up, when you’re up for ‘pot luck’ sex, this is the place. I find a spot in the parking lot and...

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MotherinLaw Sheila Takes Control

I’d arrived late the previous evening after a long flight and was still suffering jet lag. So I was up early having some breakfast when my Mother-in-Law Sheila came downstairs at about seven o’clock wearing her dressing gown. David and Emma were still on there way back from Yorkshire and wouldn’t be back until the evening.I jokingly commented how sexy she looked and Sheila told me not to be silly – she was an old woman. I looked over at her as she was putting the kettle on and said 'Sheila, you...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 11 One Condition

June 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I was right!” I said when I arrived at Doctor Blahnik’s house after lunch with Mr. Kozlov. “No way!” “He asked me to take responsibility for the distribution of charity to individuals and families in need. He’s been doing it, temporarily, because of Deacon Grigory’s heart attack. As he said, it does belong with clergy, and typically falls to the deacon.” “Good call, Petrovich.” “He did have a second matter to discuss,” I grinned. “So, actually, we were both...

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Another businesss trip a mile high

This is a continuation of my previous story. http://xhamster.com/user/bigpapa0u812/posts/458064.htmlGinny had moved in for a month, and she and my wife Laura had taken every chance they could get to eat each other out, or finger fuck each other, and I wasn't getting any of it. Even my boy even made a comment about how chummy the two ladies were getting. I'd fucked Ginny on that last business trip, but didn't get a chance to do anything since she moved in, because we didn't want it to get weird...

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Anatomy of a Husband Cheated

Final in the 3 part Series "Anatomy of a..." (#1 -Anatomy of an Affair, #2 -Anatomy of a Cheating Divorcee) Anatomy of a Husband Cheated Being faced with an unfaithful spouse is almost a fate worse than death. It is a defeat of your marriage and core beliefs. As the famous Football coach Vince Lombardi claimed, "Defeat is worse than Death. You have to live with Defeat". There are sites like Livestrong that claim seven stages of grief when faced with death, a lot more when faced with a...

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Yoga and Sex

I've been going to yoga class for a while now. I enjoy it, it's a nice way to finish a weightlifting session: plus there are some great views in that class. There's this one girl I had a bit of a thing with a while ago. Her name was Rowanna but I never found that out until after we'd had sex. She's most of reason I joined the class, I used to leave the gym at about eight, right as she would go into the studio. I'd faff around tying my shoelace or looking for something in my bag as long...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 42 Something Im Missing

February 19, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Why does the dumb plane have to be late?” Jesse complained for the third time in forty minutes. “They ran into headwinds. They should be landing any time now. But then they have to go through passport control.” “Mom One got me a new passport for Russia!” “Yes, because the old one expired.” “I wish we didn’t have to wait five months! I want to see my soldier friends!” “And Larisa?” Jesse grinned, “Yes! But Marta is here today! «Hon är jätte sött!»”...

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