- 3 years ago
- 36
- 0
“From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official, President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o’clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago.”
He’d submitted his short story to her. No request for a picture. No request for the compulsory autograph. He’d not sullied his correspondence with such. Just the manuscript he’d labored on in a plain manila envelope. He’d expected no response. The sending of “Goddess” was his reward. It took all he had to drop the envelope in the Post Office mail chute. He’d held the heavy steel louver open for the longest time. A rush of heated air stymied him as the automatic doors opened to the PO lobby and a horde of strangers appeared. He closed his eyes and the louver.
Chapter One.
“Mr. Smith? Mr. Rogue Smith.”
“Uh, yes, this is Rogue, how may, who is this?”
“Jason Robinson, Mr. Smith. I am a public relations secretary and I am calling at the request of Miss Scarlett Johansson.”
“Who, wha, who is this?” Rogue straightened immediately.
“Mr. Smith, Miss Johansson was so impressed by your story “Goddess.” She’d like to invite you to the premiere of “Hitchcock” as her escort. This is not a lark, nor a stunt. Your city has been selected as one which will premiere this motion picture. Sir? Mr. Smith, are you still there?”
“Yes, I’m here, but, but...”
There was a rich, but sincere chuckle thru the line.
“I can imagine, sir. If you’ll stand by I will connect you with Miss Johansson. She’d so like to speak to you for a few moments and confirm your intention to attend. Afterward I will come back on the line and inform you as to how this will work logistics wise. Stand by, sir, Miss Johansson will be on presently.”
“Oh my God.”
Rogue felt light-headed, near collapse and so wanted to end the call.
Don’t Rogue, it will be okay.
The voice he’d heard a thousand times.
“This is Scarlett, Rogue. I am so pleased to have made this contact with you. Your story touched me, Rogue, it has touched my heart. I cannot tell you how much it has meant to me. Thank you, ever so much for sending it to me, Rogue.”
“I ... this is really you?”
Her corresponding laughter was genuinely kind and caring.
“Yes, Rogue, it is indeed Scarlett, it is your Goddess. Can you talk? Is this a good time?”
“Uh, well, I ... uh,,,,,, yes, I can talk.” He felt the buzzing stop, his blood began to circulate once again. He caught a reflection of himself in the wall mirror and smiled the smile his mother had always so loved.
“I am so glad you enjoyed it, uh, Miss, uh, Johan...”
“You may call me Scarlett, Rogue, I’d be so pleased.” Her voice so feminine his heart halted, then caught once again.
“It is just for you, Miss Joha... , Scarlett.” He’d said her name, aloud to her and he’d remember the moment forever.
“I have read it so many times, my father as well. I hope you don’t mind. He loves it as well. It was his idea for me to try and meet with you. My secretary confirmed that the film does open there in your city next Thursday at midnight. Please say you’ll escort me, Rogue. I so want to meet you and thank you personally. Rogue?”
Rogue’s body shuddered. “Nothing could keep me from attending, Scarlett.”
“That is fantastic, Rogue. I shall put Jason back on the line. He is so adept at his job that you won’t have a thing to worry about. He’ll also give you a cell phone number to contact him with 24/7 should any problem arise. We will pick you up via limousine next Thursday evening. Jason will designate the time and the details. I’ll bring along ‘Goddess.’ I hope you’ll sign it for me and we can enjoy it together perhaps after the premier. Rogue, thank you so much for accepting my invite on such short notice. Now don’t hang up. Jason will be on very shortly. Until next week, good night, Rogue.”
“Uh, uh, uh, goo,,,, “ The line went solid, and Rogue thought he’d been cut off, or worse.
“Jason Robinson again, Mr. Smith. Here is how it will work, sir.”
‘Thank you, God.’
Chapter Two.
Rogue wrote down everything Jason Robinson informed him of. There wasn’t as much as he thought there’d be. The PR firm would be taking care of everything. All Rogue had to do was be on his front porch stoop on Thursday at 8 PM dressed “neatly casual.” as Mr. Robinson put it. The phone number was given without Rogue prompting it.
“Sir, Miss Johansson is a major international actor, but, she is the proverbial girl-next-door, I assure you. I work with many actors in the business, Mr. Smith, and there is none more down to earth than she. You’ll do fine, sir. A confirmation of this event will arrive within the hour from Western Union. Again, please call if there is anything at all that needs to be addressed. I am here for you. Goodnight, sir, and congratulations.” The line went dead.
‘Rogue, please don’t dial that number. He’ll think you don’t trust him. Just wait for Western Union. Don’t do it, I beg you ... Rogue’s fingers punched the numbers-depressed the green key and recited the Lord’s Prayer... ‘Our Father... ‘
“HGI Entertainment, Jason Robinson speaking.”
“Uh, uh, uh,,, just checking, Mr. Robinson, this is Rogue Smith. I...”
“Understandable sir. Absolutely. Think nothing of it. I’m pleased to allay your concerns. And please sir, call me plain ‘Robinson.’ I’d appreciate that. I will be there at the event next Thursday and look forward to meeting you as well. Good night, sir.”
“Good night, Robinson.” This time the line held until Rogue had finished.
Rogue hustled and turned on the front porch light, then took station in his chair, retrieved his copy of “Goddess” and waited Western Union.
The information packet was as precise and comprehensive as Rogue had been led to believe. Promotional materiel for “Hitchcock” dominated the contents, but, there was also a full itinerary of the evening commencing with the arrival of the limousine at 8 PM. There’d be a cocktail party at the Four Seasons at 9 PM and then they’d “Scarlett/Rogue” leave the hotel at 11 PM for the premier. Afterward they’d return to the hotel. No mention was made after that.
‘How are you going to get back home? I don’t know.’
Rogue read the itinerary again, and again, and then printed it just in case something befell the original. He thought about calling mother and father but it was late and he didn’t want them to cast doubt and disbelief at what had transpired. They were aware of, what mother called his “fixation” with “this actress” but, he’d convinced them that it was just a fandom and not a case of fixation or stalking.
“She is quite hot, my boy.” His father had whispered conspiratorially.
“George!” His mother had overheard, per the usual and admonished them both sternly.
Rogue closed the packet and put it away in the desk drawer. As he reclined in his chair he once again read “Goddess.” He was afraid of sleep for fear he’d waken and find the desk drawer empty--his life in ruin.
“Please God, I need this. Please.”
He’d not extinguished the porch light after the delivery and white light shown thru the arc of six diminutive windows in the otherwise solid wooden door.
“Our Father, which art in heaven,...”
Sleep came then with God as his sentinel.
Chapter Three.
Rogue decided to keep Scarlett and the movie premier secret. If it went well he’d tell his parents afterward, perhaps, but, not until. No, best to keep this to himself as long as possible or as long as he could hold out.
He checked his wardrobe and found the ideal outfit, tried it on and it fit perfectly. He’d always kept himself in good shape. He ate healthy and his physique was pronounced though not chiseled. He was grateful for that. The thought of his Goddess seeing him otherwise made him cringe.
‘Now, let’s go and check the packet again and make sure it’s real and still there. Right, Rogue.’ Rogue chuckled at his deepening habit of talking to himself since “The Phone Call” as he’d so aptly named the occasion.
Work kept him busy and his mind occupied. Mother called Monday afternoon at work inquiring as “Why don’t you call anymore? It’s been almost a week. Your father is worried sick about you.”
“Sorry, mom, work has been a quite busy. Going crazy here. I’m sorry, mom.”
“Well, we want you to come for dinner Thursday evening.”
‘Of course you do, mom.’
“No can do, mom. I have other plans.”
“You’ve met another girl.” Not a question, but, a directive.
“No mom.” He lied.
“I have to go now, they’re calling me. Say hello to father for me.”
“You should start dating aga...” Rogue hung up and went back to work.
Wednesday night’s highlight was Robinson calling to confirm the following night’s schedule.
“Thomas will call for you precisely at 8 PM, Mr. Smith. He’s the limousine driver as well as Miss Johansson’s bodyguard. She’ll remain in the limousine, so please be ready as Thomas will be prompt. I’ll be at the Four Seasons to receive you and we’ll go from there. Any questions, sir?”
Rogue wanted to ask about his ride home, but, couldn’t find the words. He’d hoof it if need be. It was only twenty-five miles give or take ten miles.
“No, Robinson, I’m all set.”
“Outstanding, sir. You’ll have a fabulous time, I assure you. Until tomorrow night, Mr. Smith.”
Rogue lain awake long into that Wednesday night.
“You should start dating again. You should start dating again. You should start dating again.” His mother putting it to him.
Sleep finally came and his Goddess with it.
Chapter Four.
Rogue had arranged to take a day of vacation on Friday. He figured he wouldn’t be getting home till the early hours if the movie didn’t start till midnight.
He was in the lunch room on Thursday when his cell phone went off. It was HGI.
“No please. Don’t cancel. Please don’t.” He decided to play ignorant as if Robinson wouldn’t figure it out.
“Hello?” His aloofness surprised himself.
“Rogue? It’s Scarlett, Rogue.”
‘Oh, my God.’ Her voice was bright and cheery. ‘God bless her, she isn’t calling to cancel.’
“I’ve landed in Dallas and am enroot to the hotel. How are you, Rogue?”
He closed his eyes and focused. “I’m eating lunch in the cafeteria.”
Her laughter was exquisite and sharp.
“I’m so glad I caught you on your break. Just a short request that you bring your copy of ‘Goddess’ tonight. I’d like us to each have a copy for later on. Would that be okay, Rogue?”
“Oh, sure, uh, yes, Scarlett, I’ll make sure to bring my copy along. I promise. Is there anything else I should bring?”
‘What the hell?’
“I’m just so nervous, uh, Scarlett.”
“Don’t you worry about a thing. We’ll have a fantastic time. I won’t leave your side for a moment. Tony will be there. Anthony Hopkins, as well as some local celebrities. Even some sports guys. Jason tells me a Dirk Cuban from your basketball team will be there with his big star, a German fellow, I believe, I can’t pronounce his name. Do you know to whom I’m referring, Rogue?”
“Yes, it’s Dirk Nowitski and the owner Mark Cuban.” His heart leapt. They weren’t on the level of his Goddess, but, they were on the next level down.
“Yes! Those are the names Jason briefed me on. Now, I’ll see you at this evening. Just relax and be yourself. These parties and premiers are quite fun and I’ll take good care of my favorite author. I promise. Don’t forget your ‘Goddess,’ Rogue. See you soon.”
‘How could I ever forget her? Oh, oh, yeah, my copy of “Goddess.” I think that’s what she was referring to.’
The rest of the work day went by in a blur. He kept busy and left precisely at four.
He stopped by for a careful trim at his barber.
“Don’t mess this up, Giuseppe, I’ve got a date with an angel tonight.”
“What a you, a talking a bout? Me a not a fuck a thing a up. You a crazy tonight, uh Rogue. Giuseppe, he a good a barber.”
“Sorry, G, I’m a little off the kilter this evening.” Giuseppe changed from the broken English to a spirited Italian, but, Rogue’s ears burned nonetheless.
Seven-thirty found him situated in his chair staring at the front door, “Goddess” tucked away in a twin of the original manila envelope.
“Please God, no tricks now. I’m so close.”
He checked himself in the bathroom mirror, then brushed his teeth for the third time and held the Listerine in his mouth as long as he dared, his hazel eyes watering with the effort.
When he sat back down he was exhausted from the strain.
“I don’t know if I can answer that door.”
At precisely 7:55 on the digital readout of his DVR a long flash of light and steel flashed in the small windows atop the front door. Rogue stood, squared his shoulders, locked his knees and caught his reflection in the wall mirror...
“Let us proceed...”
Chapter Five.
“Good evening, sir, I’m Thomas, if you’ll follow me.”
The limousine was jet black, the windows under full blackout, the doors closed. It was impressive to say the least. Rogue noticed right off that Thomas seemed familiar. He’d seen the face before he was sure of that.
Thomas clutched the door handle, turned and spoke: “Miss Johansson is seated in the middle at all times. This is for her safety.”
The door opened and his Goddess spoke:
“Rogue, come sit with me.” Her voice stood a pitch of such deep resonance and cultured femininity that he couldn’t remember getting in and actually sitting down. A few moments of actual life transpired without his knowledge or cognizant participation.
“I just can’t believe you’re here with me.” She offered her hand to him and he grasped it weakly. It was warm and as soft as cotton.
“And you remembered ‘Goddess’ I see.” Thomas had gotten in his driver seat and pulled out into the street.
“Tommy, can you take this for safe keeping?” She leaned forward and handed the envelope to Thomas who reached back without taking his eyes from the street.
“Have Jason take it up when we arrive.” She sat back closer to Rogue and whispered:
“Tommy is my brother. He keeps me safe and grounded. Our pa insisted. He’s the twin, Rogue, like in ‘Goddess.’ See?”
‘I knew I’d seen him somewhere.’
“Let me get a look at my date for the evening.” Rogue finally had no other choice than to meet her gaze. He’d been able to avoid it to this point, concentrating instead on the back of Thomas’s head and the soft gray leather interior.
She was everything. No, she was more than he’d ever seen, more than he’d ever imagined, or put pen to paper over and about. She was perfect. Pink and white and soft curves everywhere.
“You are a most handsome man, Rogue.” Her tone matter-a-fact. Her eyes were clear and bright and they considered him in kind curiosity.
“Thank you again for accepting my invitation. We’re going to have a fine evening, into the wee hours of the morning, aren’t we?”
Rogue was speechless. He remembered though to close his mouth so it wouldn’t continually hang open. He’d begun to vibrate a little. He could feel it, he just silently prayed that Scarlett had not noticed.
“My pa is my business manager and he screens all my mail. He was so thrilled to discover your manuscript and he sent it Fed Ex the next morning.” Her voice clutched then and she grasped his hand again, this time a measure tighter.
“It’s meant so much to my brother and I, Rogue, to our family.” Her eyes sparkled as they misted ever so delicately.
“I was so shocked to get your phone call, uh, Scarlett.”
“It was just meant to be, Rogue. We start a sixteen city tour tonight. How ironic that the premier takes place in the same city where you reside. I couldn’t resist. I’ve read ‘Goddess’ countless times now. My copy is well worn. It’s just so beautiful and real. We’ll have plenty of time after the premier to go over it together. That will be my favorite part of our evening together, and of course meeting the author.” She withdrew her hand and pressed back into her seat. Rogue did likewise.
“Now let me tell you how our arrival will be handled. Tommy will take us into the garage level where Jason will meet us and take us up to the party. Just stay close and enjoy yourself. Trust me, Rogue, you’ll do fine. I’ll excuse myself a little past ten and we’ll go up to the suite so I can collect myself and prep for the premier. I want to show you the view from the suite. You’ll love it. Any questions so far, Rogue?” Her smile was radiant and sincere.
An out of body feeling overcame him.
She had not failed to sense his predicament.
“Here, hold my hand, Rogue.” That’s it.” He came to, her touch like magic.
“This is quite a new experience for me.”
“Just remember, Rogue, I’ll be at your side the entire night. I promise.” She squeezed tighter.
“We’re a couple minutes out, Jason.” Thomas spoke into a head set.
“Two minutes, sis. Jason is there.” They swung onto the access drive of the Four Seasons.
Scarlett released his hand and sat stock straight.
“How do I look, Rogue?”
“Like my Goddess.”
Chapter Six.
Robinson was waiting at the curb. A tall, thin young man. The limousine stopped even with him. Rogue reached for the door handle.
“No, Rogue, let Tommy do it.” She grasped his forearm. Her tone had become firm and directed.
“You’ll step out first then next to Jason.” She released him with the smallest of squeezes.
“Mr. Smith so pleased to meet you.” Rogue stepped out and started to raise his hand for the proverbial shake, but, somehow Robinson had taken possession of Scarlett’s copy of “Goddess.” His stoic nod to Rogue directed him precisely to where Scarlett had previously directed him seconds before.
Scarlett stepped from the limousine as once again Rogue began to vibrate. In the garish illumination of the ceiling fluorescence she looked positively surreal.
‘Oh, my God.’
“Thank you, Tommy.” Thomas released her hand and closed the door.
“Good luck, sis.” Tommy leaned close and whispered ever so softly.
“You are fashionably late, Scarlett.” Robinson beamed.
“For sure.” She teased with the slightest of winks.
“We’ll go.” Robinson did an abrupt about face and stepped quickly away. Rogue froze. He felt Scarlett knit her hand and arm thru his left arm.
“I’m going to so enjoy our night, Rogue.”
“They’ve all arrived.”
“Tony didn’t mind arriving first?”
“Not at all. Mr. Hopkins smiled nicely when he came thru a few minutes ago.”
“I’ll thank him again, right?”
“For sure.”
The elevator car was fully paneled in mirrors. Rogue felt dwarfed like the incredible shrinking man. He was grateful for the sensation as once again he’d begun to softly shake. She felt it and pulled him a little closer. Their eyes meeting in the reflection, her slightest wink making a return engagement. He countered with his best boyish grin.
The elevator ring brought Rogue into the here and now. ‘We’ve landed.’ He smiled to himself as Robinson stepped severely to the side and away from the doors.
She released his arm and ran her finger tips lightly up his spine thru his personally starched and pressed cotton shirt. He wanted to witness and gauge her gaze again, but, the mirrors parted and it began.
Chapter Seven.
He recognized the beat, the deep pounding. It was Jackie-O and her treatment of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
“Stay close, baby.”
‘Did she call me “baby?” I think she did.’ Must have, he turned to see the elevator doors begin to slowly close on Robinson, a comforting slice of his right hand thru Texas air, James Dean style as the doors shut. He wanted her to take his arm, his hand again, but, an instinct told him “no.”
There were large video screens displaying movie clips of Hitchcock’s work, the track lighting dimmed, but, directed nonetheless to the floor. The sensation of shrinkage held and he was ever so grateful, but, not as thankful as he once had been. ‘I could do this.’
Miss Johansson had begun to make the rounds and the going was difficult as her attendance had become knowledge. He recognized no one. But, she knew them all, or, portended such. No, she knew them. Her sincerity was apparent and appreciated by the endless string of men and women who genteelly shook her hand and/or air kissed and briefly chatted before giving way to the next and then the next. He may as well been invisible. There were a couple of quick glances, but, no inquiring looks, or, quizzical stares.
“Coke Zero, Miss Johansson.” A waiter appeared up thru the floor and served Scarlett.
“Sir?” ‘He’s speaking to you, dude.’
“Oh, a Fireball,,,,,, double, please.” ‘Hell, I can do this.’
“At once, sir.”
The crowd began to thin as he took the first half of the double. The force settled him and he felt the warmth radiate to his heart.
“Just a sip, Rogue. I don’t drink, but, please, just for your Goddess?”
She’d not spoken to him since they left the elevator in what seemed like two hours ago.
“Of course.” She leaned close as he held the glass for her, nary a tremor in the vicinity.
“Oh, my goodness, that’s so delicious and special. Now don’t tell Tommy. He’ll tell our parents and then I’ll get it.” She giggled heartily.
“There’s Tony. I’d like you to meet him, Rogue. He’s so sweet.”
As they made they way into the corner where Anthony Hopkins had taken station the small crowd around him immediate dispersed as if on some silent command.
“Ah, Miss Johansson, how are you this evening, darling girl?” His Welsh accent razor sharp.
“Tony, thank you ever so much for the advantage.”
“You Americans.” He playfully shook his index finger at Scarlett. A devilish smile in response a change. They hugged closely, then separated as he planted a kiss on the center of her forehead.
“Anthony, I want you to introduce you to my escort for the evening. This is Rogue Smith, he’s a very promising writer. Rogue, Sir Anthony Hopkins.”
‘Lord, this girl ... firm, Rogue, do it.’
They met on the square, the handshake full. He’d hit it. ‘I’ll do this.’
The next day, heck ten minutes later as he stood at the iced urinals Rogue could not for the life of him remember much after that handshake. Just the honest smile of his Goddess over his left shoulder and Sir Hopkins listening carefully as Rogue, at the insistence of Miss Johansson imparted the plot and summary of “Goddess.”
(The waiter) brought him out of his latest stupor as Scarlett had replaced him at Hopkin’s ear, the two, from what he could garner were sharing shop talk.
“Another, sir?”
“Yes, just a single. Where is the restroom, please?”
“If you’ll follow me, sir. It’s on my way.”
“Excuse me, Scarlett, Sir Hopkins.” They gave a matched quick nod with a fast reassuring smile from Scarlett then went back to their conversation.
The ice turned yellow as he relieved himself. A lemon snow cone crossed his mind as he raised his gaze and caught his reflection in the mirrors.
‘Don’t let your mouth hang open. Don’t forget. I won’t. I promise.’
The restroom door opened and in walked his Champion. He stationed himself two units to the left, caught Rogue’s eyes in the reflections and nodded sharply.
Chapter Eight.
Rogue finished before Dirk, and took root at the one of a long line of stainless steel sinks. In mirror image Nowitski followed in, two units down to Rogue’s right.
Their running water preceded Rogue, maybe five seconds, no more than six.
“Thank you.” His voice emboldened by Fireball|justified by clarity of deed.
“No, thank you.” The accent pronounced. A beat had not been missed. No.
“I waited so long.”
“I’m sorry it took that long.”
“It’s all right. It’s okay now.”
“You couldn’t miss.”
“I could not miss.”
“How did that feel?”
“You tell me.” Their eyes finally met in the mirrors.
Nowitski chose the infrared dryer to his right. Rogue the fine white linen towel to his left.
The vibration had returned and she was not present to still it. Rogue pressed his eyes closed and steadied himself. The infrared dryer fell silent and Rogue opened his eyes.
His Champion was gone.
She was waiting for him. She was just outside the door. She was holding his Fireball.
“I missed you, Rogue.” He took his drink. She was so pale, almost pure white and so beautiful he put Dirk aside until tomorrow if tomorrow ever came.
“We’ll go up for a little while. I need a few minutes to collect myself before we leave for the theater.”
Robinson had reappeared and was next to the elevator. He punched the button with his recognition of the couples approach.
“About forty-five minutes, Scarlett.”
“Fine, Jason, Rogue will bring me back down. I won’t need the reminder and I will call down when we leave.”
“Very good.” The elevator arrived.
As soon as the door closed she leaned into Rogue just the slightest. He wrapped his right arm around her waist and steadied them both.
“I’m so glad that’s over. One more hurdle and the morning is ours, Rogue.” She put her cheek on Rogue’s chest and closed her eyes as the elevator began it’s ascent.
Chapter Nine.
Rogue looked off in the distance at the lights of Dallas. ‘A stunning sight indeed.’ She’d excused herself.
“I’ll be a just little while, Rogue. Please look around. There is some food by the bar. Fix me a Coca-Cola and a small plate, please?” Her voice soft and pretty. She’d once again touched him as she left. This time just a quick grip on his upper arm as if she were checking his muscle mass.
‘Really, guy? Well maybe.’
As soon as the coast was clear he hurried to the grub. He was starving. A selection of fresh vegetables and snacks were laid out. It was still warm. This had been planned.
“Wow.” Rogue dug in and quickly so as to not be caught in the act of eating. Then put together a plate for his Goddess and fixed them each a Coke. The warm food leveled him out and he began to relax.
“Come on back, Rogue, it’s okay.” She called out to him.
He balanced the food and drinks. ‘Be careful. I will. Quit nagging me.’
She was in the bedroom sitting in front of the vanity applying her make-up. He hesitated in the door frame.
“I used to have somebody do this, but, I enjoy it and know exactly what I need.” She spoke to him via the mirror’s reflection.
“You can come in, Rogue. Oh, food, you remembered, goody! Did you have some?”
‘Close your mouth. Okay.’
“Yes, it’s delicious. Thank you.” He made himself push forward and gingerly placed the plate and her drink on the vanity.
Her eyes sparkled in the intense lighting of the vanity. “Are you with someone?”
“No.” He lied, well, after a fashion.
“Me neither.”
“You look so beautiful.” She’d changed dresses. This one was more formal, but accentuated her figure to the point of perfection. His knees began to buckle.
“You’re so sweet, thank you, Rogue. Please sit down, we have a few minutes yet. There, on the bed, that’s fine.” He saw the bed behind him in the mirror and back peddled the few feet necessary.
‘There, that’s better.’ He’d been on his feet since leaving the limousine.
She took a bite and a sip. “You remembered the Coke Zero! Rogue, to us and the night.” She raised her glass toward him. He softly tapped it with his-the Waterford Crystal he’d noted when pouring announcing the quality of it’s charge.
“Do me a favor, Rogue, call down to Jason and tell him we’re leaving presently.” She nodded toward the cell phone sitting on the corner of the vanity. You’ll see him on the readout.”
‘‘Scarlett, we’re a little pressed.” Jason spoke.
“It’s me, Robinson. We’ll be coming down shortly.”
“Mr. Smith, outstanding.” He’d never let on.
“C’mon, baby, we’re on our way.” ‘Absolutely no doubt this time.’
The elevator halted the next floor down as a couple joined them in the car. Rogue and Scarlett moved aside a bit as the older couple made their way.
Scarlett laced her arm with Rogue’s and leaned in. “We’re going to the midnight movies, my boyfriend and I.” She announced to the couple thru the reflection of the doors.
They smiled warmly at each other then at the young couple.
The doors opened to Robinson speaking into a headset.
“Tommy, we’re moving.”
Their company in the elevator took a step back in unison as Robinson reached in to separate the two parties and get the ball rolling.
“Scarlett.” He lightly scolded, though his eyes a bit dark.
“Sorry, Jason.” They returned the way they’d arrived, Robinson moving at a fast clip leading Scarlett by the hand, Rogue following enjoying the view.
‘Oh, my God she is magnificent.’
“You’re in first, Mr. Smith.” Tommy held the door open a warm smile to them all.
“You are late, Scar!” He teased as she passed him.
It was supposed to be a final selection process for the supposed “soft” porn video. Julia was told by her often drunk agent, Billy Gallagher that all she had to do was show up and show them a few angles to see if she had what it takes to be a make-believe porn queen showing lots of skin, but not really doing anything during the take. The ass shots were easy because she had the thong to cover her anal private parts and her feminine folds were really far too deeply buried to be part of the shot...
Chained a young neko about 18 was brought onto a platform inside an old warehouse building. The young neko charlotte looked around at all the hungry faces that were staring at her. "Damn humans" she muttered under her breath as she looked up at the man that held her chains. "We have a young kitten here for the highest bidder, she will be yours for the taking, but for one night only." said the man into a loudspeaker. Charlotte looked again down at the men below her as they were all screaming...
Hello everyone. I would like to share one of my recent experiences with you all. Since this is my first time ever delivering my story i would like to share my best experience. A 20 year old maid by the name of Ritu joined work at my house as a helper in the kitchen. She was quite pretty and had a decent slim figure. Her skin color was tropical but she had slightly whiter face and feet. From the moment I saw her I knew I would never mind licking this girls feet. But I was very afraid to approach...
FetishI was at the club when my phone rang and I was very unsure who it was so I picked it, then I discovered it was my Mother-in-law...she told me that she was in my house and that my wife was really feeling very terrible and not that happy. As a loving husband I hurried home to check on her, only to find my M-I-L naked in our room and she told me that she wanted to become a mature mom in a pornographic movie, though I tried to convince her, that what she was doing was wrong, she walked up to me and...
Once off the bus Alex and I walked to the train plat form. Two others were there as well a man who looked to be homeless and some lady busy playing with her phone. Alex chooses dare, so I dared him to masturbate until the train arrived. Alex whipped his cock out and began to play with himself. It turned me on to watch him break out his shell and be so daring. I think he enjoyed it just as much cause he had a raging boner, the bum was watching creepily, I told Alex he laughed. The next...
This is a story ive always wanted to tell but never had the opportunity till nowI was in junior school and i was very young,, i was in the school play and as the big day was getting closer i was offering myself to help out with the stage painting the scenery there were about six of us always stopping behind every evening practising our lines and songs and helping the teachers with costumes, One Saturday morning we came in to school to help, after a couple of hours the rest of the k**s went home...
Part 1..........A couple of hours later I was woken by a car roaring into that neighbours drive and within an hour I could hear her riding his huge Maori cock he roared and you could hear her muffled scream. I start fantasizing of his huge cock filling her mouth till she gets him wet, it sounds like he is chewing on her pussy lips creating mini orgasms till I here her telling him to ride her pussy harder then a slap oh I think his cock slipped into her arse then you hear the riding and the...
I had loosened up Sowmyakka after a long session. Seeing her loosening up I pushed my hand between us, held my penis and started to rub it along her wet slit. She lifted her hands and clutched the headboard of the cot and shrieked. “Putta idhana maad beda kanda, eshto varshagalu aayithu. Nanna ganda nanna mutti. Alli novaguthe. Naanu bekaadre ninge nanna kaiyalli madthini.” (Don’t do this Putta, it’s been years since he touched me, I’ll do you with my hands.) I knew she is trying to be fair....
Sumant is a regular guy with a regular job. Having spent years studying, he has now managed to get a job and got the courage to marry the girl he has been dating since college. Everything has been going well and he has a very satisfactory sex life. His wife is a shapely young woman, who has an explosive sexual side. Sumant tries very hard to satisfy Anjali but he always feels that another powerful man could handle her better. Sumant has openly discussed this with Anjali that he would like to...
I barely know how to begin...It happened a year ago. My girlfriend Jennifer and I had just moved into a cheap apartment. We were both studying at the university, I was 26 and she was 24. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had medium-short blonde hair, big brown eyes and a voluptuous body. She had perky c-cup breasts with small nipples and round tight ass. We had a good sex life and she was always satisfied with me. I am quite muscular and have a respectable 7-inch cock which...
Life was so different for Tanneka now since her parents had left her that tearful day, leaving her in the care of the Van Vliet family and their children. Not that she didn't appreciate her new guardians, and she knew that in the circumstances it was so much better this way. But, perhaps, one day in the future, she would be reunited with her parents, but for now it seemed so much more prudent to live with Herr and Frau Van Vliet and their infant children in this nondescript small town far away...
Chapter I He: The morning was just like any other morning. Until you opened the mail that is, and found this neutral envelope. There was no sender, no return address, nothing. Nothing but … a plane ticket. A predated ticket dated today and in your name. Destination: some unknown European airport and a couple of different hubs to make. No further note. You check the envelope three times to see if there really isn’t another note. Then you decide to call David who leaves you even more stupefied,...
Cathy and I returned home and as soon as we entered the house our clothes started coming off. We were both so excited about what was going to happen this weekend with Debbie that we had to burn off some energy and fast.I moved us to the couch and had Cathy sit on my cock and I fucked her cowgirl until she exploded very loudly. As she came down, I could feel myself getting close and asked her, “Where do you want me to cum, Sweetheart?”“In my pussy, Sir. I want what you are going to give Debbie...
Wife LoversOn Thursday afternoon, January 24, Ann again called Maxim’s and again it was a familiar female voice who greeted her. “Hi, Molly, it’s Ann. How’s your cunt?” “It’s great! Yesterday...” There was a pause and then she continued, “Mademoiselle Madeleine Lacroix Adams is no longer communicating with Mademoiselle la Marquise du Flandres or her busybody sister, Mademoiselle la Duchesse du Bourgogne.” Knowing she was being conned, Ann replied, “Gee, Molly, we like you. And André likes—” “Don’t...
Sun is too hot in bright afternoon. I am swimming in a sea with my 3 cricket club’s friends. Waves were pushing me towards sea shore, while sea face pulling me inside. “It’s enough! We have to go now” I said to Manish a body builder friend. He replied with funny voice “why are you scared of going in more deep” “no I am not, but I don’t wanna take a risk”. He asked everyone “do you’ll wanna move outside”. They all said in clashing each other’s voice “NO!!!”.. Manish & Gaurav are not so good...
Introduction: Elizabeth comes to get Mike Authors Note: This is part 6 of the ongoing story started in The Camp Slut. I want to take a moment to thank those who have read the series, and Im glad it has been as well received as it has been so far. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is coincidental. This story is not intended to be an accurate reflection of any particular lifestyle. A Slut comes home The doorbell woke me up....
Susan When we got back to Joey's house Heather told us that Sheila was studying at Wendy's as they were still working on their science project so we could have our discussion now if we wished. I could see from the look on Joey's face that he wanted to get this over with so I answered for both of us. "I think that would be a good idea, the sooner we get finished, the sooner Joey will be able to relax." Heather smiled at that remark and led us into the room which she used as a study and...
Virginia was obviously not happy with her sister joining David's growing harem. In fact, she would attempt everything to seduce David before his attentions focused towards the young teen, as they often seemed to do. Every seductive move and action she attempted, often to success. Only when the scent was upon her, did all her reasoning leave and she, again, became her boyfriends slave. Samantha, on the other hand, could not get enough. Fawning over David and instantly doing whatever he...
The eight of us were all sprawled out in the living room and a couple of strangers face down out on the lanai with their untanned backsides sticking up obscenely in the sea of fully tanned nudists. I didn't recognize them but their white buttocks marked them as newcomers to the nudist lifestyle like a signpost saying "keep an eye on this one". I remembered Eve treating my Nora shamefully and I hoped she was none the worse for wear. I looked around for my Kristy and Julie and saw their...
Green Acres 9: Alf and the French Butler's Uniform By Ron Dow75 Sounding as if he were taking off his clothes, Alf said from inside the Douglas's' bathroom, "I didn't know Mrs. Douglas wore a girdle." His sister, a matronly strawberry blonde mop-head was the living room on the other side in just a shirt with wide pin-stripes, "Why don't you talk a little louder, loudmouth! She's right next door in the bedroom!" Calling out from the king-sized bed she was sitting up in on...
Our trip home was very pleasant. We set up the tent every night so we could make love. I ate very good meals every day and we made love far into the night every night. Star was obviously over her soreness. They told me that they could not believe how often and how good my lovemaking was. I told them I was pleased that they were happy with me as their husband. When we got home and got set back up, I decided that I would like to make our camp here more permanent. I talked to my wives and...
Authors Note: Hello dear readers, thanks for clicking on my Story.. I'm pretty new to this story writing but I'm kinda experience in Role Playing via Chat, so I kinda know what to do. You can add chapters, but I have to approve them, since I want to decide which way the story is going. Let me know if I can improve something. Well, I said enough, have fun reading! Character Description: Main Character: Kimberly | 19 years old | last year of High School | 5'2" | straight | blonde, long, straight...
TeenIt is Halloween, and we are all set for some partying, Kamiko’s dressing as a cat, and ah, she’ll have a proper collar and I’ll hold the leash as we’ve decided to let the rest of our friends know what’s going on. Except, I’ve got to tell Julie first, so I beg off lunch with Kamiko to have a private chat with Julie. ‘Julie, we’ve known each other for almost three years, right?’ ‘Around that, why you ask?’ ‘Well, I think I need to tell you something. Something that’s kinda big. Heavy duty...
It was the week after Madame Penelope's tea party, as I left the house I noticed a look of longing on my wife's face. Since that week she had been a lot more amorous and slightly demanding during our love making and I was in heaven. I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled "Enjoy," was all she said enigmatically At Madame Penelope's house I let myself in and headed to my room to change. Madame had given Mistress Jenny a key so that she or I could let our selves in; it seems Mistress...
You and I were not fully into swinging, but I was easing you in to the lifestyle and you were a keen enthusiast. Both of us have had sex with our partner and others at clubs and a few parties. You did like me to play with your tits and pussy in public places. Not to be watched especially but that did add to the thrill, also just for me to secretly finger fuck you without anyone noticing in bars and public places making you cum on my hands in front of everyone. The fact that it was in a public...
My first intimate experience was back in high school and it was horrendous. Not as magical as I imagined it to be and the guy was a complete asshole. I told him I only want a kiss, but he wanted a lot more. I ended up slapping him across the face during our make out. Did I mention that, that was my first kiss? He was one of those popular jocks and in spite of getting slapped he spread rumors about me being a slut. This led to me having no intentions of getting intimate with anyone whatsoever,...
Title: YouTubers Chapter 2 Rating: PG to NC17Summary: The Daily Life of YouTubers all living together in one house.Looking back on it after what had happened since then, we had all barged into Suzy's room to find out what was happening. Turns out she got so scared from doing a mini-game in The Letter which a ghost-like creature was out to get you and you had to keep tapping a key to escape from her clutches. Now we can laugh about it. It was a good game, but yeah, that was a long time ago. This...
After the fucking session I had with Tommy, he was looking at me in a different way, and I'm not saying I didn't like it. He never told my brother as far as I knew. And that was good because it allowed us to keep fucking. So we did. We fucked almost every day and on weekends I didn't even get out of bed. Tommy and I just fucked to no end. But after a couple of weeks of this Tommy began to develop feelings for me, feelings I didn't want him to have. I soon realized that we could no longer keep...
Straight SexShe had always been like that, always wanting to be tied up, volunteering to be the prisoner in any of our childhood games. Now she was on the very verge of womanhood, her brain still yearned for the days when she felt vulnerable, captive, powerless even. I didn't know any of this of course, I was just sixteen, on the verge of manhood myself. My sister Jenny was two years younger, although her body was developing fast. Already her figure was filling out and her legs were getting longer by the...
Veronica Andrews felt the familiar pressure on her bladder the moment she awoke. She turned her head and saw the alarm clock on the bedside table showed 12:47, and she rolled out of bed gently not to wake her husband. In silent bare feet on carpet she quickly and quietly made her way in the dark to the bathroom.She did her business in dimmed light, and as she walked out the bathroom door a surge of curiosity got her attention. By the flickering on the walls, she could tell that the television...
It was a dream when it all began. Yes, you read that right. I was in a state of trance when I saw her head bobbing up and down, deepthroating and gagging on my 6″ member as I came shot after shot in her mouth. With one last hard suck, she took my dick out her mouth leaving its head glistening with a mix of saliva and semen. She dug her chin on my inner thigh, gripping the base of my penis with quite a bit of strength trying to get a whiff of that musky mixture she just made. Slightly tilting...
Sophie bounded in. “So sorry I’m late”, she gasped, “Had to see someone”. Anastasia did not mind. “Tell all, what happened last night, did you see him - you look a bit tired?” Sophie demanded. Anastasia told her about last night, and the effect on her bank balance, and said she would be OK if she could get more work like that. Sophie reflected for a minute as she sipped her coffee – it was unlike her to be silent for more than a second at a time. “Listen”, said Sophie slowly, “I’ve never...
I was chatting with a guy on another site and he asked me about my experiences with cuckold couples. I shared this one story that really stood out in my memory. I’m not a pro but I’ve had my fun. Takes place 2002-2003. I’m just copying straight from the exchange so you understand why I’m writing the way I am. —— I’d like to get into your wife for starters. I’ve been involved with a few cuckold couples so far. I go from being super nice and bi enthusiastic with them to taking control of the...
Day 8 I slept in Rachel’s bed yesterday. She’s really starting to get more comfortable sleeping topless next to me. Rachel is the first one to wake up. Rachel: (He’s still here! It’s so different waking up like this. His smell, the way he holds me in his sleep. I don’t want him to wake up yet.) She turns around on her stomach and stares at my body. Rachel: (That kiss from last night, wonder if he would like to do it again. All the boys I kissed up until now were so clumsy,...
IncestAnd so the party began. New years eve is always a huge party in Las Vegas. what happens in vegas, stays in vegas.... right? Wrong. Rich and I were planning our anniversary in Las Vegas. the excitement of what was to come filling our heads with pleasurable ideas. As we arrive at the hotel, we check in, put our bags down, and I flop onto one of the beds, to test it's comfort level. Rich, taking this as a sign, springs onto the bed. laughing, we start making out, and fondling...
Group Sex“Even when the world throws its worst and then turns its back, there is still always hope” —Pittacus Lore, The Power of Six MY PHONE BUZZED just as I turned in to the school parking lot Friday morning. I’d stopped to pick up Beca so she grabbed my phone and answered it so I didn’t take my hands off the steering wheel. She put it on speaker phone as soon as she said, ‘Hello.’ “Oh. Uh ... Sorry, I was calling Jacob Hopkins,” the voice said. “I’m here,” I called. “Just driving, Lacie. How...
Kyle had asked Piper if she wanted to make it official since they had Nick handy. She decided since she was pregnant, and she did not intend to leave in a hurry then today was as good a day as any. Erving wailed that he didn’t have time to make cakes and received many kisses and hugs for his troubles. They all said that as long as he was cooking dinner for them, that was good enough. They all decided since it was a weeknight, they would go home to celebrate their nuptials. They would...
After our talk, I had returned to sucking Pete's cock for him.The following Friday I'de just finished with my realtor when Pete dropped by.Sitting on my couch,pants around his ankles,he mentioned his wife was going out of town for the weekend.Since our talk I hadn't required anal from him, this weekend I was going to make up for lost time.20 mins later I drank down his load from the gloriously thick 7 incher and licked him clean.That nite I spent time with my dildo in preperation for the next...
An elderly couple was at home watching TV. Phil had the remote and was switching back and forth between a fishing channel and the porn channel. Sally became more and more annoyed and finally said: “For god’s sake Phil, Leave it on the porn channel. You know how to fish!” I Bet you didn’t see that coming APHORISMS... It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you place the blame. We have enough “youth”. How about a fountain of “smart”? The original point and click interface was a Smith...
by Fidget Chapter 1 Dr. Jeff was trying to finish wiring his new device before his Intro to Bio class started, but it was starting to look pretty unlikely. As a molecular biologist, designing machines to improve concentration wasn't really his field (and to be honest, he was fairly certain he wasn't supposed to be using university equipment for personal projects either), but some amateur research into the effects of certain frequencies of sound on the human brain had led to a few...
Hello, sex story fans. I have been friends with Rohit for the past 2 years, probably the most enjoyable person to be around. He knows his fun and his ways around it. But can’t say that I totally agree with his immoral ways. Well, for one, he is a big-time womanizer. And the fascinating element is that even when women know his ways, they would still choose to be bewitched by him and on they go like sacrificial lambs, only to have their hearts shattered into bits. And can’t even defend them, cos...
Ignacio was a very lonely man he just liked to share with his friends. On one occasion, after so much insistence his friends managed to get him out of the house. On that occasion they went to the outside of the city. In the middle of nowhere is the motel where they stayed. Agent Mari was in that place for her clumsiness but great determination and willingness to fulfill any mission. The squad leader assigns him his first job, a simple one, collecting information from a small dealer. Ignatius by...
TranssexualI see you come out of the gate through the glass window. Your long dark hair reflects the interior lighting of the airport. Your skin is smooth, and your smile when you catch my eye makes me lose my breath. I can't wait to kiss you. I motion you toward the exit from the gate area and run to meet you there. As you come out of the door through security, I lift you up, kiss you deeply, and hold you tightly in my arms. Your body melts into mine, and I feel myself stiffen against your body. We...
Oral SexOh dear excuse Mistress a moment, help Her up, it seems Mistress has guests, please wait here as Mistress goes to see who is at the door. What a surprise, My pet, two of Mistress lady friends, Anne and Sally, have arrived – go and get some more wine and glasses, please My pet. Mistress’s friends look on in astonishment as Her sexy slave gets up from his kneeling position and obediently goes inside to do as told. Oh My pet, the questions, the curiosity. Mistress laughingly and with great...
His reception at Heathrow was suitably low key, with the Ambassador greeting him, a little over-familiarly he thought, with a handshake. Obeisance in Heathrow VIP lounge might have been a little ostentatious, but a bow would have been more seemly. Still, he could deal with minor problems when he got back to London from Oxford. The police seemed to want to provide him with a full escort of outriders, but he persuaded them that this was quite unnecessary. Then he dismissed most of the retinue...
You come home after yet another long day at the office, and as you walk in, you find me waiting for you in the moonlit lit living room. I am sitting in a very comfortable lounge chair, sipping a glass of wine, and looking out of the huge window into starry sky. You felt the energy of sensuality the moment you walked into the room, thus making you wonder. I stand up, and approach you, gently hold your arms and pull you into a soft brush of a kiss. You can see in my eyes that spark, which you...
Betrayed by my dog 2 We last left off where Kevin had been caught by his parents dressed as a girl. The clothes my mother had giving me where pink shorts, a white shell top and white sandals and a pair of pink panties. Mom I said I can't wear these clothes people will laugh at me. You should have thought of that before you did what you did, it is obvious. That you liked wearing your sister's swim suit she told me. Do want to be a girl? Mom asked or do you just want to dress like...
The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 52 (Monday - week 8) Worry and confusion reigned supreme in her dreams. Over and over again she labored hard to build herself a home, only to have either Derek or Ray come by and knock it down again, ruining everything she had worked so hard for. But still she tried again and again to create what she so desperately wanted. First she built a home for herself and Sissy, only to have Derek come by and angrily smash it to pieces. Then, the next...
Main us raat ke baad sex ke liye tyar hone lagi. Mujhe Nisha ki chudai raat ko sapne mein bhi dikhne lagi. Uske papa jab mujh se milte ho mere boob daba dete. Kai baar kiss bhi karne lage the. Mujhe bhi maza aane laga tha. Par Uncle jyada din nahi milte the. Mujhe Uncle se chudne ka mauka nahi mila. Main papa par try marne lagi. Papa ko dekh kar chut rubb karne lagi. Papa ke room mein jyada jati thi. Papa ko jab koi saman dene jati to unke samne jhuk jati to unko mere boob dikh jate. Papa...
Dies ist keine richtige Geschichte, nur der Anfang dazu. Wie es weitergeht, kann sich jeder selbst ausmalen. Viel Spa? dabei :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ich stritt mich schon ?fters einmal mit meiner Freundin. Aber nie ernsthaft. Und gar nicht selten endete es in einer Wette, wenn keiner von uns seine Position beweisen oder durchsetzen konnte. Wir hatten im Fernsehen den Bericht ?ber die ?berwachung mit Kameras gesehen. Ich war der M...
I heard the doorbell, whilst I sat watching the Television. I heard her stumbling first, as well as hearing quiet moans, and whimpers. I looked over to the doorway, and as I did I saw the most erotic sight of my life. In walked my beautiful daughter, looked completely used. She was wearing a low cut black dress, which looked completely soaked, with stains all over. I saw a trail running down her thighs, a clear liquid, which seemed to constantly flow out of the edges of her thong. My daughter...
BDSMHii dosto mera naam raj hai, or meri email id( ) h agar koi aunty ,bhabi ya ladki secure and safe sex ,chat ya friendship chahti ho to mujhse contact kare Apne bare me bta du meri hight 175 cms h gore rang ka ladka hoon,mera land 6.5 inch lamba or thoda tedha bhi h. Aaj main aap sabko apni ek sachi kahani batane ja raha hoon joki meri or meri kirayedaar soni bhabi ki h .Baat 1 saal pehle ki hai, u.P me mera ghar h doubble floor jisme upar hamari family rehti h or niche rent pr de dete h. To...
My dear wife used to tell me all about her teenage years and how she had sexy fun Without getting a proper fucking till we were married though she had a few close calls. She told me about her ex boyfriend Aidan and how he treated her and if I,d ever met him I,d have been tempted to just punch him and say “That,s for how you treated my wife You Bastard!” But Of Course I never met him. I,ll carry on with what she told me “I was impressed with Aidan. We went to the same school in London, he was...
I can't believe this! I got the chance to participate in House of Horny, I've been dreaming for this my whole life and I just started auditioning for a spot 2 years ago when I became 18. I've been watching this show and I know if I play the right way there will be no way for me to lose my shot at the million! A bit of backstory before you begin your long journey of House of Horny. The game will only end when 9 people have cum and lost their chance at the million dollars and for the winner to be...
This is the beginning of my sex stories. The old man young tenant were part of this series as are other ones. I will be posting more tenant stories in the future. If you have a tenant you would like to have live at the complex let me know. OH not mass murders or serial r****ts, lol. Enjoy and please comment on what you want in the future.Apartment ComplexJohn is the owner manage or a 128 unit apartment complex with a common pool and patio area. There are single, double and 3 bedroom units...
"Huh?" I gasp as I wake up to the sound of car tires going off the side of the road. "Where are we?" "Near Tuscaloosa baby. I was hoping I could make it home before I started leaking but I really need to pump. I know it'll be awkward for you but will it bother you if I pump while you drive for a bit?" My mom replies as I begin to notice the wet spots on her shirt. "Oh yeah sure I'll be fine." I say very groggily. This is weird I've never seen my mom's tits before. I'd be lying if I said I...
IncestThis was our first time going to an exclusive couples only club. There were a handful of single guys that worked there. We knew it was a swingers club. We didn't realize how open it was. The reasons we went here. My wife had a couple of affairs years ago. She denied it. I knew she did. She was very good in bed. She could suck my dick slow, fast or hard. She would gag as she tried deep throat and moan and swallow my load. She was wet and tight. Eating her pussy, you could feel her cum on your...
This is a true account of what happened a few years ago.Jaq was always getting me to lick the juices from her dildo; it was something that turned her on. One evening after a horny session, she blurted out that she would really enjoy watching me suck a cock. This was something that I had often thought about but never had taken any further. Jaq decided that she wanted to add this to our growing list of sexy adventures; many of you reading this will know that even now in our late fifties, that we...
First Time