Pride and Prejudice
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Life was so different for Tanneka now since her parents had left her that tearful day, leaving her in the care of the Van Vliet family and their children. Not that she didn't appreciate her new guardians, and she knew that in the circumstances it was so much better this way. But, perhaps, one day in the future, she would be reunited with her parents, but for now it seemed so much more prudent to live with Herr and Frau Van Vliet and their infant children in this nondescript small town far away from the cities and the risk of British aeroplanes and their bombs.
Still, her school wasn't a bad one, although the disruption caused by German occupation rather changed the atmosphere. The teachers were generally circumspect in their opinions and always avoided any questions about the war or the Germans or even the Nazi ideology that they were obliged to impart on their pupils. Well, most of them were. Clearly, some teachers actually embraced the new way of thinking; quite happy to relate just how evil was the Jewish Conspiracy and how necessary the strict discipline and guidance imposed by the jackboots and tanks of Nazi Germany.
This rather disturbed Tanneka. The stories of how evil and vile the Jews were and how the world would be so different without them seemed somewhat fantastical and totally unlike anything of which she'd ever had any experience. But anti-Semitism was just one new feature of her life which she found difficult to get used to. The inexorable march of Nazi ideology, the curse of disability and sexual perversion, and the greater virtues of the Aryan race: all these new ways of thinking had to be understood and, at least outwardly, observed. It frightened her how several of her fellow pupils took to this new order with such enthusiasm. So many had enrolled in the Hitler youth, and were proud to sport swastika armbands and military style uniforms. She would sit silently in the classroom as day after day she would be reminded of the tenets of the new masters' views. Frightened to ever express an opinion which might earn her the disapprobation of her peers and her teachers. Or even worse.
However, in addition, school had for her all the trials of any school. Getting to know new friends, getting to find her way about unfamiliar streets and corridors, suffering the self-discovery and self-consciousness of growing up that anyone anywhere would have to go through. At least, many of the other girls were just as new to the school as she was. The upheaval of war had caused so much dislocation that it seemed natural to her that almost every week a new girl would be introduced to the school and welcomed as another casualty of the realities of armed occupation in the seemingly unstoppable growth of the German lebensraum. She would gaze at the newly reissued map on the wall which showed the extent of the Third Reich - so deep into the depths of what used to be the Soviet Union, taking in Scandinavia, Greece, France and the Balkans. And to the top of the map was the British foe, whose tyrannical leaders would drop their bombs on innocent civilians and seek to thwart the onward march of History. And to the corner of the map was the malevolent gaze of Stalin, whom Tanneka could remember was once uneasily viewed as an ally of the New Order in its struggle for world domination.
Erika was another girl quite new to the school, but one who was already very much as one with the new ideology. And with her blond hair, tied back in plaits like Tanneka's own thick dark brown hair, and her sparklingly limpid blue eyes, so unlike Tanneka's dark brooding ones, she was so clearly of the Aryan model. One so unlike anyone of the leaders of the Third Reich whose pictures she saw when she went to the cinema with her guardians and their children. She was not as slim as Tanneka, but she was certainly not plump. Her round cheeks belied a healthy appetite. And her full young breasts pressed against the dark brown of her shirt, supported, as they had to be, by a bra which gave her an older appearance than the youth of her face might otherwise suggest.
Tanneka was fascinated by Erika. She was not the brightest girl in the class: that honour was Tanneka's own. But she was very popular, both with the other girls and with the teachers. But, in Tanneka's eyes, her worst fault, and why Tanneka did not feel very comfortable in Erika's presence, was her enthusiasm for National Socialism. She was fond of making cruel jokes about gypsies, Jews and the mentally ill. She even extended her jokes to Asians, Africans and Chinese; although solicitous to exclude Italians and Japanese from her scorn who, although not Aryan, were from similarly proud, superior races and were showing their worth as Allies in the great war. She was proud to wear her swastika on her sleeve, and unsympathetic to those who showed more reluctance than her to embrace the opinions of the great Adolf Hitler.
Erika's biggest regret, as she confided to Tanneka, was that she couldn't understand German well enough to fully comprehend the broadcasts of the Führer on the radio. She rather envied Tanneka's rather better grasp of the natural language of the Third Reich, and befriended Tanneka in the hope that she might pass this facility onto her. Tanneka was rather less keen on Hitler's diatribes, or even those of his lieutenants like G... ring or Himmler. Her knowledge of German, though far from fluent, was quite sufficient for her to understand exactly what was being said, and it was, to her, even more frightening than what she would hear at school. These were the people who were running her country and ultimately her life. And they were so full of hatred and vitriol and disgust. It made her almost ill to think about it.
But, despite Erika's jibes about her lack of enthusiasm for National Socialism, Tanneka found herself becoming very fond of the girl. She was so very pretty. And she had such a sweet smile. And a twinkling laugh, which contrasted strangely with the coarseness of her observations. Her bright blue eyes. The smooth pale skin. That loose lock of blonde hair that detached itself from her plaits and fell onto her round cheeks. And, Tanneka was disturbed to realise, she loved the look of those firm breasts pressing against the buttons of her blouse, those slim ankles at the end of her shapely long legs, with such a fine fair down of hair that it would be almost a shame to shave it off. She became used to a curious shortness of breath whenever Erika came into the room, before she'd even greeted her. And she found her eyes would constantly wander towards Erika's, hypnotised by the pale blue gaze, framed by such long and luscious eyelashes.
And, what was worse, she noticed that her strong feelings were shared by Erika. Despite her lack of zeal for the Nazi Party, her reluctance to join the Hitler Youth, or her refusal to join whole-heartedly in Erika's condemnation of non-Aryans, she could see that Erika was taking quite a strong interest in her. Indeed, she was sure of it. Erika's voice was always lower, more intimate, more polite, when with Tanneka than she was with her other friends. She smiled so readily, so beautifully, sparks of affection from her eyes illuminating her cheeks and her such white teeth. The very personification of the Aryan ideal. Tanneka was smitten. And she could see that Erika was also smitten by her. What did this mean? And what did this forebode?
The curfew that gripped all the territories of the Third Reich meant that the only way in which Tanneka and Erika could spend the evening assisting each other with their homework would require that one or the other girl would have to spend the night at the other girl's house. Frau Van Vliet was not at all happy with the idea of Erika staying overnight at their home. Her views of the traitors who invaded her country without even the courtesy of declaring war made it almost impossible for her to countenance the presence of someone who had taken the monstrous step too far of becoming a Hitler Youth. In fact, neither of her guardians were at all happy that she should have a friend who wore a swastika on her sleeve. Herr Van Vliet was no less pleased than his wife, but he took a practical attitude. He reasoned that young girls didn't really know the full meaning of what they were doing, and would hopefully grow out of the monstrous perversions of the Nazi fantasy. However, as he assured his wife grimly, there was no sense in making things worse and arousing suspicions of nonconformity by appearing uncooperative in such a small thing as letting young Tanneka spend the evening with her friend.
When Tanneka arrived with her satchel and books at Erika's home, she was first of all impressed by just how grand a property it was. Erika's father had done well out of his own sympathies for the Nazi cause. She was also quite grateful that she didn't have to spend any time with Erika's parents who were at a function in another town and wouldn't be expected back until the following day. Tanneka was led up the stairs to Erika's bedroom by her maidservant, Theresa, who as soon as the girls were together, scurried out of the house to get home before the curfew began.
Erika's bedroom was huge. There was a large double bed, a view out onto the dark unlit streets below and a desk where Erika sat in just a night-dress, her hair unplaited and cascading freely onto her shoulders. She turned her head as Tanneka was ushered in, a pencil in one hand with its tip in her mouth. She withdrew the pencil as the maidservant shut the door behind her and smiled deeply and warmly.
"I'm so glad you could make it," she announced. "I'm sorry that the room is such a mess, but tidiness isn't amongst my virtues."
Tanneka was hardly aware of any mess at all. Indeed, it would be quite difficult for any mess to be noticeable at all in such a large room. She was far more aware of Erika's relative state of undress. Not that Erika's dress was in any way immodest. It covered her arms, was tight to the waist and came down to her bare feet. And it was not of flimsy material, but Tanneka could see so clearly Erika's breasts pressed against the fabric of the night-dress and unsupported by a bra. She could see the impression of Erika's nipples through the cloth, and could observe the breasts swing at a slightly more ponderous pace than the rest of her, as she stood up to greet Tanneka.
"Guten abend meine freund," greeted Erika in her not especially good German accent. "Shall we study some 'Deutsch' together?"
"Yes, why not?" said Tanneka, trying to wrest her gaze away from the impression of Erika's breasts and onto much more wholesome matters. She knew that she was unlikely to improve Erika's German, nor indeed her Mathematics, Geography or History, but she was looking forward to them spending time so close together.
The two sat together on two hard-backed chairs by Erika's neat wooden desk, heads bent close near each other, the brush of night-dress against Tanneka's bare arms in her short-sleeved blouse and against the knees of her dark navy-blue skirt. Occasionally, Tanneka caught sight of the two girls' reflection in the tall mirror that stood against the wall. There was Erika, her hair falling onto her face, occasionally brushing it off with a pale dimpled hand, her long white night-dress sparkling in the electric light like her equally white teeth and the white of her penetrating blue eyes. And there was Tanneka, with her unmanageable thick dark hair, tied unsatisfactorily back into plaits, her white blouse and the skirt which came down to her knees at just about the same point as her white socks reached up to them. Her slightly olive skin and lightly chiselled features were in such contrast to the soft, pale, round contours of Erika's face. She could also see that both of them had lively animated faces, as they laughed and giggled and chortled over aspects of German grammar that had never seemed quite so funny before. And Tanneka was even able to appreciate the explosion of Erika's coarse humour when, as was inevitable in an approved text book, there were derogatory comments in German about those from inferior races than that of the Aryan master race.
She looked at Erika with a strong affection as her friend struggled to write German sentences with that voluptuous looping handwriting of hers, which struggled to hold its place between the lines above and below, and came out with so much labour and effort, while Erika mouthed to herself each vowel and consonant she was writing. Her blonde hair fell over her shoulder and brushed against her elbow as she bent over to put as much weight and effort as she could in this struggle for self-expression in the language of her German masters.
"There are so many words the same but sound different!" Erika exclaimed at one point. "And other words which look the same as in our language but mean something different as well."
"You mean, faux amis?" queried Tanneka.
"I'm sure you're right," said Erika, opening her German dictionary with a puzzled expression. "I've not heard that word before. How do you spell that?"
"It's French."
"Oh! Well, I can't be bothered with French words. The French can't even fight a good war. Why should I be bothered with their stupid language? They're just a bunch of stupid, garlic-eating, fat asses! And they smell, too!"
Tanneka didn't dare ask on what concrete evidence Erika based her comments. As far as she could see, Erika had hardly met anyone who was of any other nationality than her own, and, naturally, the Germans'. But Tanneka also knew that these opinions were not at all unusual, and were certain to be magnified in the retelling. She also reflected that although gypsies, Jews, Slavs, Arabs, and others were often compared to dogs, pigs and asses, in actual fact these nonhuman species were treated rather better than those considered to be of the same species but of an inferior race. Where was the justice in that?
"Do you want some wine?" asked Erika, perhaps sensing her friend's discomfort. "My father won't notice. He's got absolutely loads of the stuff."
"Well, I..." began Tanneka who'd never had any alcohol before, but too late before Erika was off and out of the room, returning with two bottles of white wine and two glasses.
"It's best French wine," smiled Erika, as she unscrewed a cork with a bottle opener. "One thing we know the French are good at!"
"Indeed," agreed Tanneka, happy to see a softening, however slight, in her friend's generally derogatory opinion of other races. But she wasn't sure she really enjoyed the sharp taste of the sweet liquid as she sipped at it. Almost immediately, it made her feel ever so slightly peculiar. It was very much like the feeling she associated with getting giddy after spinning around. But it was a taste which she gradually came to enjoy more with each sip, although she'd have been more than happy with a cup of tea or strong coffee.
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Author’s Note: This series is a continuation of my last story series, ‘Ghosts of the Past.’ It is taking place 18 years plus into the future and involves the children of the group of friends surrounding Charles and Diana Richards and Tom and Lynda Seldon… who are just about to learn the ‘Price of Past Miracles…’ ********** ‘Mama… I love him and he loves me!’ Megan Richards exclaimed as she clung to her lifelong friend and soul mate, Brad Seldon. ‘Aunt Dee… I know you probably think we’re...
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New Year’s Eve 1956 in Washington, D.C. was the night Tom and Lynda Seldon made the ultimate sacrifice for their best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. They had made the most gut-wrenching decision of their lives… and they’d had second and third and fourth thoughts about what they did. But at Charles’ insistence, Tom had finally relented to that one-time attempt to help them create a miracle… ********** ‘Kiss me, Lynda. I’m going to lose it because I don’t think I can do this!’ Tom...
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New Year's Eve 1956 in Washington, D.C. was the night Tom and Lynda Seldon made the ultimate sacrifice for their best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. They had made the most gut-wrenching decision of their lives ... and they'd had second and third and fourth thoughts about what they did. But at Charles' insistence, Tom had finally relented to that one-time attempt to help them create a miracle... "Kiss me, Lynda. I'm going to lose it because I don't think I can do this!" Tom...
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Friday, May 13, 1977 was the evening Megan Richards was supposed to be flying home to L.A. from Northwestern University in Illinois. It was also the day Brad had flown home from The Air Force Academy in Colorado… the day Barbie had been convinced that his plane was going to crash from being struck by lightning! But Brad had heeded her warning and avoided the sudden storms that had hit Las Vegas… Megan’s mother had been very relieved when she called home to tell them that she didn’t know when...
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The horror story is purely fictitious and is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are over the age of 18. This chapter may be distributed freely as long as you don’t charge for it. Price of Fame, Chapter 6.2 Tied She punched and scratched the hand that squeezed her windpipe. Her thighs flapped in the air. Santiago increased the...
The horror story is purely fictitious and is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are over the age of 18. This chapter may be distributed freely as long as you don’t charge for it. Price of Fame, Chapter 8.0 By Emily Wendling Copyright 2021 Stephanie was so caught up with herself that she forgot about her sister. Riley had a...
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Surprice in the sauna !I am a happely married man and I have with the knowlige of my wife also a male friend with whom I have sexual relations.We meet each other about once every twoo weeks.He is a tall , very gentile lover and very good friend.We tell each other our dreems , the things that make us happy and things that turn us on .On wendsday last week I had my birthday and Alex invitet me to a sauna were he would give me a full body massage .Something I just can not say no to !This sauna I...
It was a long day at work. I was finishing up a shift at the hospital. I made sure to clean my tools and drop my scrubs off at the cleaning department. I was so ready to go home, and see my beautiful wife of 5 years. Although, my boss had other plans… She walks up to me and says, “I know you were just finishing up a case, but it’s urgent that you complete these before you go home. I need you to sign off on a couple of cases, and then drop them off at my desk by the morning okay? I’m sorry, I...
your head hums with a dull roar of pain as you blearily open your eyes... seeing only gray and brown, then closing your eyes against the sudden light... you try to shut out the room you see revealed as the curtain over the window above your bed(it IS a bed isnl't it ?) is pulled back and you wake to the ache of a dull medicated sleep... only to feel your chin gripped in a strong hand and a chiding voice telling you to" open your eyes so the gents could see them... " you feel the weight of...
Barbie Estevez was sitting on Megan Richards’ bed, helping her best friend pick out an outfit to wear for Jonnie North’s 18th birthday party that evening. She finally helped her to decide on a full, flowing black skirt in a soft, gauzy material with a satiny lining that fell to just above her knees and a fitted white halter-top that supported her full breasts and gave her a lot of cleavage. Then Barbie suggested that Megan show off her well toned legs by wearing a pair of white, strappy wedge...
Charles Richards was right… Jonnie North and his daughter Megan were building a fire between them that was so hot it was threatening to singe the clothes from their bodies… until they hosed them down from the inside! They had started out sitting on the couch in the den at Jonnie’s house watching television, trying to find something mundane, but every show seemed to involve couples making out… Jonnie had told Megan when they arrived that he would not take advantage of her… anything that...
Barbie Estevez cried out to Brad Seldon as his plane was going down in flames after being struck by lightning… then she screamed and sat up in her bed, gasping for air. She looked around and realized it was the middle of the night and she was still in her bed… not with Brad in his Cessna 172 Skyhawk in the middle of a violent storm. She put her face in her hands as she started to cry. The nightmare had seemed so real… she’d never had such a vivid dream before in her life… She couldn’t get back...
Most of Megan Richards’ dreams for the future had been shattered… the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day… one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she’d always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father… Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she’d not inherited her smarts from him… except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas Seldon, was also very...
Megan Richards waited and watched for a chance to catch Jonnie North alone at his birthday party in the posh nightclub that the modeling agency had rented for their star client. But she rarely ever saw him without that gorgeous model Kristina Davidson hanging on his arm. But she stayed unobtrusive and observant, thinking the other woman was bound to get sidetracked at some point… Jonnie had asked the agency to be sure to invite all of his friends… including Megan. He wasn’t as angry any more…...
Megan Richards threw herself into college life at Northwestern University. She devoted herself solely to her studies, wanting to absorb every aspect of creative and performing arts, speech and communications. Her courses varied widely from creative writing to music to drama to an introduction into directing, editing and movie making… and she excelled at and loved it all. Instead of bringing her attention to those aspects that better suited her talents and her interests, she found herself...
Charles and Diana and Tom and Lynda were relieved an hour later when they heard Jonnie’s Camaro pull up in front of the Richards’ home in Brentwood again. They walked to the window and saw Barbie climbing out of the driver’s seat, Jonnie stumbling out of the passenger seat and both of them helping Megan and Brad out of the backseat. They all turned toward the door as it opened. Jonnie North entered behind Megan and he looked right at her mother. ‘If you guys had told Meggie that she and Brad...
MANY ANIMALS WERE HARMED DURING MAKING OF THIS STORY. Not because of this story though. I mean, I did not hurt any animals. Fish were fished and deer were shot, but that all happened elsewhere around the world. I'd never hurt animals. I love animals. Davis and Kari were together sitting on sofa, holding hands. They were watching a funny movie, when suddenly Davis leaned forward and kissed Kari. He moved his hand down her curves, when suddenly Kari stopped him. "What?" Davis said,...
Introduction: Part 2 Patience is a virtue, my ass! Whoever said that was a fucking moron who obviously never had to wait for anything. I glanced at my watch again and forced myself not to get up and pace. I was in my study, three copies of the contract in front of me: mine, Tanyas, and the new one that was signed by both of us. Ella had printed up my version a week ago, and Tanya had, surprisingly, made only a few changes to it. I was pleased to find out that she had the same hard limits that...
Introduction: Part 4 When I got home at five till six, my hands were shaking, I was so excited, and I actually dropped my keys on the floor as I was putting them on the table by the door. The house was deathly quiet, and I just as quietly went to my room and changed into my leathers. Then I prepared her room for the aftercare I knew she would need. Barefoot, I made my way to the dungeon. Tanya was right where she should have been, and the first thing I noticed was that she was already...
Introduction: Part 5 Shit! I chuckled when I heard Tanya in her bedroom. It was almost eight oclock on Thursday, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. I put down the paper and took my coffee down the hall. I stopped in her doorway and grinned as I saw her trying to get out of bed. She looked at my left shoulder, eyes wide, and I just raised my eyebrows as I took a sip and watched her over the rim of my mug. She had only been able to sit up, and she worried her bottom lip with her teeth. ...
First off, the POV will switch in between different characters. Each with their own perverted storylines in how and why they are corrupting those around them into debauchery and sex. Feel free to send suggestions and what you would like to see!
BDSM“Hello, senorita.” The Latino man said with a smile. It only took her two seconds to speculate what he was going to do. Candice shouted and threw the book at him. As he approached her, she threw more books and magazines at him. The man just laughed. “I love a fighter.” He said. Candice sat there hushed. She was too frightened, and she just could not respond. Her eyes glanced left and right. Maybe he forgot to lock the door, she thought. She opted to make a run for it. With all her leg...
Charles and Diana and Tom and Lynda were relieved an hour later when they heard Jonnie's Camaro pull up in front of the Richards' home in Brentwood. They walked to the window and saw Barbie climbing out of the driver's seat, Jonnie stumbling out of the passenger seat and both of them helping Megan and Brad out of the backseat. They all turned toward the door as it opened. Jonnie North entered behind Megan and he looked right at her mother. "If you guys had told Meggie that she and Brad...
Most of Megan Richards' dreams for the future had been shattered ... the only one that remained in tact was her dream to use her talents in Hollywood some day ... one way or another. She was every bit as talented as her mother, Diana, and she'd always thought her slightly superior intellect had come from her father ... Her Daddy, Charles, was a highly intelligent and rational man, but she'd not inherited her smarts from him ... except maybe by osmosis. Her biological father, Thomas...
Barbie Estevez was sitting on Megan Richards' bed, helping her best friend pick out an outfit to wear for Jonnie North's 18th birthday party that evening. She finally helped her to decide on a full, flowing black skirt in a soft, gauzy material with a satiny lining that fell to just above her knees and a fitted white halter-top that supported her full breasts and gave her a lot of cleavage. Then Barbie suggested that Megan show off her well toned legs by wearing a pair of white, strappy...
Barbie Estevez cried out to Brad Seldon as his plane was going down in flames after being struck by lightning ... then she screamed and sat up in her bed, gasping for air. She looked around and realized it was the middle of the night and she was still in her bed ... not with Brad in his Cessna 172 Skyhawk in the middle of a violent storm. She put her face in her hands as she started to cry. The nightmare had seemed so real ... she'd never had such a vivid dream before in her life... She...
Friday, May 13, 1977 was the evening Megan Richards was supposed to be flying home to L.A. from Northwestern University in Illinois. It was also the day Brad had flown home from The Air Force Academy in Colorado ... the day Barbie had been convinced that his plane was going to crash from being struck by lightning! But Brad had heeded her warning and avoided the sudden storms that had hit Las Vegas. Megan's mother had been very relieved when she called home to tell them that she didn't know...
Megan Richards waited and watched for a chance to catch Jonnie North alone at his birthday party in the posh nightclub that the modeling agency had rented for their star client. But she rarely ever saw him without that gorgeous model Kristina Davidson hanging on his arm. But she stayed unobtrusive and observant, thinking the other woman was bound to get sidetracked at some point. Jonnie had asked the agency to be sure to invite all of his friends ... including Megan. He wasn't as angry any...
Priceless By shalimar Cost of building Space Shuttle: $Trillions Cost of maintaining Space Shuttle: $Billions Delay cause by replacing foam tile: $Billions Recent delay: $Millions Getting sex change caused by space radiation: Priceless
Pricelessby Velvetglove?Put my dick into your wife’s mouth.?He leaned nearer and his trembling fingers guided my throbbing shaft into the perfect ‘o’ formed by her lipstick covered lips. Ever so slowly I eased my hips forwards, sliding my full length over her tongue and into the back of her throat. I watched her eyebrows scrunch together as she gagged.I glanced at the twin screen monitors. There were two cameras: a fixed one on a tripod that recorded a mid-shot including her face and torso with...
I met my future bride at school, Clemson University, to be exact. I'm Robert Groves and was originally from Central Texas, but I had received a great academic scholarship from there to study architecture, then come back home to design homes, buildings, and such. Their school of architecture is a very fine school. I had made many friends, most notably Jeffery Bridges II. He and I met my first day there and he was a local; well, Pendleton, SC, which is like five miles from the campus. We were...
After our morning together, Kate wanted to take a shower. I joined her, but we kept things quick and playful. While she dried her hair, I picked up the remains of our breakfast and made her bed for her. When I came back to the bathroom, I borrowed her antiperspirant (strange as it may seem, over the years, I've come to enjoy the scent of Secret). "What should I wear?" Kate asked as I was getting dressed. "Something comfortable." She nodded and went to her dresser. She pulled out a...
After our morning spent at the dress boutique and shoe store, we had about forty-five minutes to kill before our afternoon plans. I decided it was probably a good idea to get a bite to eat, so I drove toward an out-of-the-way Italian bistro with excellent food. One of the benefits of hanging out with Gabriel--who's a very knowledgeable gourmet--was that I knew where all the best restaurants were. Neither Kate nor I were all that hungry, so we shared a hand-made stromboli. All through lunch,...
I was sitting home one night alone when I got a text message saying "why did you have to start talking about sex today?" It was from the office manager at one of my accounts and I had talked to her that day but I didn't even remember talking about sex. We've known each other for years but she had been married and so was I and i don't like to mix business with sex so even though there was some attraction I never pursued it.I texted her back and asked why, did it make you horny? She said yes so I...
This is Asholder 21M from Gujarat and I seek discreet relationships girls and guys do let me know how you liked my story. I am all in for chatting and banging. I bet you won’t be disappointed by my looks and ladies mail me I’m waiting. Well, I am a guy who always wanted someone to love. It happened all the way 4 years back when I was in my high school. There was a girl Nikita was kind a into her but couldn’t let my feelings out but one fine day I did let her know that I liked her and would love...
The first “dirty little secret” that I ever shared with my live-in boyfriend, Ray (not his real name), was a real doozie! It was about how I had lost my virginity in a very unique way, back when I was a young lady. It happened on a hot and sunny summer Sunday afternoon, when I was unexpectedly cornered in a small bathroom at a middle-aged Hispanic friend’s equally-small house, and then sexually molested–and ultimately raped–by her teenage son, Freddy, who was so...
“I’ll make it very special” she said her blonde hair tickling my stomach as she brought my cock to her mouth. “Well it will have to last me three weeks at least” I replied. “Yeah I bet, boys away on business” she replied licking the length of my full and very hard erection. I didn’t reply for my wife knew me very well, but not as well as she thinks I smiled loving the warmth of her tongue on me. “Just don’t bring anything home” she mumbled as she took the bulbous end of my uncut cock into...
Groaning...? Where was it coming from...? Where am I...? Geez... My head is pounding... I... Uuuuugh.... Wait... that was me groaning... I had a wrecking ball swinging inside my head.. Just what happened anyway? “Hey, look who’s waking up...” “Well... wouldn’t you know it...? It’s about time. I was tired of waiting on this one to wake up.” Who... was that...? Damn it, why can’t I focus? Wait... Let me open my eyes... I was greeted...
Connie Chang-Norton stepped out of the shower and reached for the large terry cloth towel hanging on the rack. The Chinese beauty toweled the excess water from her short, black hair as the water droplets on her smooth, bown skin sparkled in the sunlight from the window. Slowly, almost sensually, she rubbed the towel over her firm, well shaped breasts and down across her flat, hard stomach. Placing one foot on the edge of the bathtub, she leaned over to dry her, shapely legs. Returning the towel...
Group SexCHAPTER 1 The sun reflected out the breeze-rippled waters of Lake Plume near the center of New Zealand’s North Island as Chester Wigg looked out of the offices of Chester Wigg Law. He watched the big breasts of a middle-aged tourist, probably American, spill out of her inadequate bikini top. He sternly quoted aloud to himself, ‘Council bylaw 31 – 4: 3a. Males and females aged seven and over must have their breasts (females), posteriors and genitals adequately covered at all times whether in a...
Chris seemed a bit quiet as we left the campground. Still smiling but subdued. That made me worry that he was feeling some regrets. So I asked if he was okay.Chris admitted he was worried. He told me my comment about him turning me gay had him concerned. I just laughed and said I hadn't been serious. Then I assured him I would always like women; sex with men was just sometime more in my life. Chris visibly relaxed as I reassured him. Then said he also felt guilty that I had done all the giving...
This is based on a true story.. I am luna female30 yrsI was brought up catholic turned wicked in my early adulthood. All my life I travelled never getting close. Never .. aunt kim and I spent the summer in a cabin in the woods. Staying behind in the cabin after a family reunion. The cabin wad supposedly haunted. The ruler was. And during a swim in the sun I saw her glaring.gazing at me. Smiling. Mysteriviously. She called me her mystery.. her neice. She watched spellbound as I swam my pale...
She was dressed in the skimpy black dress she chose for the night and red kitten heels. From her experience, gentlemen who requested longer appointments were generally more amicable. They tipped better. They took their time and did not rush her through 8 different positions in 15 minutes time. The large house did nothing to change her opinion. Most likely an old man who wanted to talk to someone more than anything. She felt this would be a good night and stepped up to the door. She took one...