PricelessChapter 3 free porn video

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After our morning spent at the dress boutique and shoe store, we had about forty-five minutes to kill before our afternoon plans. I decided it was probably a good idea to get a bite to eat, so I drove toward an out-of-the-way Italian bistro with excellent food. One of the benefits of hanging out with Gabriel--who's a very knowledgeable gourmet--was that I knew where all the best restaurants were.

Neither Kate nor I were all that hungry, so we shared a hand-made stromboli. All through lunch, she pressed me for where we were going next, but I steadfastly refused to give her any details. She began to get a little testy, so I took her hands in my own and looked into her eyes.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

"What's that got to do with it?" Her eyes glittered dangerously.

"Everything. So, do you trust me?"

She bristled.

"You've been a great sport all day," I said quickly, realizing that a little soothing was in order. "You've got a great new pair of shoes."

She smiled tightly.

"You've got a new dress that makes me hard just thinking about you wearing it."

She warmed a little and smiled at the memory of our dress boutique exploits.

"And the day started with breakfast in bed," I said.

"Well," she said with a smile, "it didn't start with breakfast in bed. But we got to it eventually."

"Mmm hmm," I said, nodding. "Are you having a good time?"

She looked at me seriously and then nodded.

"So," I asked, "do you trust me to plan something you'll enjoy?"

She reluctantly smiled. "Yes, I guess I do. I just don't like not knowing what we're doing next."

You don't like not being in control, I thought. I understood completely. "Well," I said, looking at my watch, "you're about to find out."

She perked up considerably.

"You have an appointment in," I looked at my watch again, "sixteen minutes."

Kate was out of her chair like a shot, and stood waiting for me as I leisurely paid our bill and left a tip. When we walked back out to the Rover, I strolled, and Kate gave me another of her "will you please hurry up" looks. I grinned at her and hit the key fob to unlock the car doors.

Fortunately for me, we were only a few minutes' drive from our next stop, and when we pulled into the salon parking lot, Kate beamed at me. Her look was full of questions, but I merely got out of the car and waited for her to follow suit.

I knew of a few high-end salons and each of them offered a comprehensive list of services. This was where I normally had my hair cut. I still had a full head of hair--while my younger brother was nearly bald--and I suppose it was one of my few vanities.

When I'd called on Friday, they assured me that during the Christmas season, they were open until nine in the evening, even on Sunday. I supposed it was because of their upscale clientele and all the usual holiday parties. We stepped into the salon and a young woman in her late teens greeted us.

"We have a three o'clock appointment under the name Kirilov." I spelled Kate's last name.

The young woman consulted her computer screen and then nodded. "Of course," she said. "You have appointments for a manicure and pedicure, a facial, a full-body massage, hair-styling, and then make-up."

Kate looked at me with a mixture of astonishment and amused curiosity, but I kept my attention focused on the girl. "And you should have an appointment for me, as well," I said. "For a four o'clock massage and a five o'clock haircut."

"Hmm." The girl studied her screen pensively. "Mr. Kirilov?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes," Kate said, smoothly interrupting me. "But you'll probably find his appointments under the name Ethan Mackenzie. You should probably change the name to Ethan Kirilov."

"Yes, of course," the young woman said, and began tapping on her keyboard.

Kate smiled smugly and I merely chuckled.

"Mrs. Kirilov," the young woman said. "You can change into a smock in the room to your left, and then I'll show you to your manicurist. If you'd like to wait, Mr. Kirilov, you can have a seat over there." She nodded toward a group of comfortable- looking chairs.

Kate smirked at me again. I tried to put on my best wounded expression, and her eyes softened. Then she rose on tiptoe and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you," she whispered, then stepped toward the changing room.

When she emerged, wearing a smock and some comfortable-looking flip-flops, the girl led her toward the manicure/pedicure chairs. I winked at Kate as she walked by, then settled myself into one of the waiting-area chairs.

Another young woman offered to get me something to drink, and I asked for sparkling water. Glass in hand, I took out my cell phone and punched the speed dial for Gabriel's number. He was probably still on the road, but I wanted to talk to him about our major project and give him an update on the situation with Brad Behr.

I knew he'd give me a call as soon as he got home, but I didn't want to be interrupted in the middle of dinner--or anything else that I might be doing later in the evening. Gabriel had an annoying habit of "exploding the phone": calling every number you had, and doing it over and over again until he spoke to you. The phone rang a few times before Gabriel answered. He was still about four hours from home, so I mentally congratulated myself for my timing.

We ended up talking for more than forty-five minutes. We spent most of the time talking about his vacation, and his notable lack of success in finding a sugar baby. I chuckled silently as he lamented that twenty-something women didn't appreciate all he had to offer. A couple of times, I tried to drag the conversation back to business, but Gabriel was being Gabriel--he's an only child--so I gave up and simply listened to him talk.

One of the salon assistants came to get me for my massage. I rolled my eyes and tried not to grin when the young woman called me "Mr. Kirilov," but I didn't correct her. I got off the phone with Gabriel and followed the assistant to one of the massage rooms.

Kate looked up when I entered. She was clearly surprised to see me. When I'd made the appointments, I had asked that our massages be scheduled together in one of the dual rooms. There was a cloth curtain that could be drawn between the beds, but we wouldn't need it. Kate flashed me her manicured nails and I smiled approvingly. Then she stepped into the massage room's changing booth while I waited patiently. A moment later, she stuck her head through the curtains and impatiently gestured for me to join her. With a grin, I did.

The changing area was big enough for both of us, and Kate began to undress as I pulled the curtain. I began to take off my clothes as well, admiring Kate's body as I did. She smiled and reached for my flaccid penis as soon as I had my pants off. She quickly stroked me to a state of semi-hardness.

Outside the booth, we heard the door open, and Kate gave me a smoldering look. She dropped to her knees, engulfed my half-hard cock, and easily sucked me to full erection. I put my hands on her head to direct her motions, but she pulled back just as I was getting into things.

I rolled my eyes at her as she stood and then shamelessly grinned at me. I stifled a groan when she wrapped a fluffy white towel around herself and stepped out of the booth. I took one of the towels and wrapped it around my midsection. Unfortunately, I kept thinking about Kate's lips around my shaft, and my erection refused to subside.

"Mr. Kirilov? Is everything okay?" one of the masseuses asked.

"Yes, Ethan," Kate said, enjoying teasing me, "come on out."

I pulled aside the curtain and stepped out, my hard-on making a noticeable bulge under the towel. The young woman, my masseuse, looked at my groin and her eyes widened in surprise. I tried to look as apologetic as I could, and she relaxed somewhat.

I hurriedly climbed onto the table, tried to unobtrusively adjust my erection into a comfortable position, and lay facedown. With a start, I realized the massage table was heated. I turned my head to look at Kate, but her eyes were closed in bliss. My masseuse turned down the room lights and turned up the soft background music. I began to relax as I watched her select a bottle of oil from the counter by the door.

The masseuses worked on us for an hour, covering every inch of our bodies, eliciting groans and whimpers of satisfaction. When we were done, they thanked us and quietly left the room. Kate sat up and looked at me with hooded eyes, completely relaxed.

"Don't ever let me doubt you again," she said with a serene smile.

She stood on wobbly legs and started toward me. When she reached me, I hugged her to me, half supporting her as she sagged against me bonelessly. She kissed the soft, fragrant skin of my bare chest and wrapped her arms around me.

"I think I'm ready to melt," she said.

"You like?"


I smiled to myself at her incoherent response and stroked her back through the towel. A few minutes later, one of the ubiquitous assistants knocked on the door and then opened it a crack.

"Give us a minute," I said over my shoulder.

The door closed and Kate looked up at me. I kissed the tip of her nose and she moaned softly.

"I want you to take me home now," she said. "But I also want to put on that dress and go to Marie-Claire's."

"Which would you like to do more?" I asked seriously.


I was silent for a moment, letting her think.

"The restaurant," she said at last. "I think." She looked up at me and smiled. "I want you to see me in that dress."

"And out of it?" I asked.

"If you play your cards right."

With that, we each shuffled toward the changing booth and returned to our clothes, me to my street clothes, and Kate to her jeans, smock, and flip-flops. When we were dressed, I gestured for her to precede me out of the room.

The woman who regularly did my hair, Dana, looked at me curiously when she saw "Mr. Kirilov" on her schedule. While she shampooed my hair, I explained. She giggled like a schoolgirl and asked me to point out Kate. I did, and she nodded approvingly.

My haircut only took about thirty minutes. After I was done, I settled into one of the comfortable chairs in the waiting area and half-heartedly leafed through the latest issues of Cosmo, Vogue, and Elle. I was still completely relaxed from my massage, so I wasn't really thinking about anything more than breathing and occasionally blinking.

When Kate emerged from the salon's make-up room, my breath caught in my throat and I suddenly had tunnel vision. I stood up, mouth dry, and simply stared at her. Her hair was done up in a loose twist, with tendrils framing her face. When she came closer, I noticed sparkling motes of light winking from the twist, and realized that she had something cleverly woven into her hair. I didn't know what it was, but the effect was stunning.

Her make-up was subtle but artfully applied, and the effect was... it was... magical. I stopped looking at details and tried to concentrate on simply breathing. Even in the plain salon smock, she looked lovely.

She actually blushed when she smiled at me, and I worked my mouth, trying to restore some moisture. She smiled nervously and her big blue eyes implored me to speak. Finally, thankfully, I found my voice.

"Wow," I breathed. My vision expanded and I suddenly realized there were people standing behind her.

"Happens every time, honey," a man's effeminate voice said from somewhere behind her.

Kate's blush deepened, and her eyes begged me to say something else.

I wracked my brain, trying to think of something suave, something cool and collected, something...

"Wow," I said again.

"We have a winner," someone joked from behind me.

All of a sudden, I was acutely aware of the small crowd that had gathered around us. When I began to blush as well, Kate giggled at me, and there was a collective sigh from the group.

I don't remember much else after that. Well, I do, but it's all very hazy, with a bright, shining Kate floating through all the scenes in my memory. Somehow, I paid for everything and helped her don the turtleneck sweater, taking care not to upset her hairdo. Once in the Rover, I drove to my house on autopilot.

By the time we reached my master bedroom, I'd regained most of my high-order neural functions, but I was still occasionally dazzled by Kate's beauty. She had been silent the entire drive from the salon, and I'd felt an almost electric sense of excitement in the air between us.

I hung up her dress bag and tossed her shoebox onto my bed. I had left it up to Kate to bring in (or not bring in, as she decided) her overnight bag. Much to my relief, she'd picked it up from the floorboard behind her seat and brought it with her.

We had about an hour before our reservations, so I wanted to shower and shave before going out. I could tell that Kate wanted to join me, but she didn't want to muss her hair or make-up. In the bathroom, I helped her strip off her sweater, and then I let my hands roam over her body, helping her with the rest of her clothes.

Once she was nude, she practically ripped my clothes off. She dropped to her knees and, without any teasing, took my cock in her mouth. I was already half-hard from undressing her, and I quickly reached full erection. She sucked me for a few minutes, lavishing attention on my shaft, but I had better ideas.

I pulled her off my cock and helped her to her feet. I bent her over the vanity and dropped to my knees behind her. She let out a throaty moan when I put my hands on the globes of her ass and pulled her cheeks apart. Her pussy was already wet, and her musk filled my nostrils.

I buried my face in her folds, licking and sucking her lips. She shuddered as I drove my tongue into her depths and swirled it around. Her pussy opened up before me, and I began to lap along the length of her slit, rubbing my lips and cheeks against her inner thighs. I squeezed her ass and she moaned as my tongue found her engorged clit.

When I stood up, my rigid cock bumped her ass and she tried to press back against me. She cried out in distress when she realized I'd moved. In three long strides, I was at my nightstand and yanking open the top drawer. I pulled out a condom and ripped the packet open as I strode back into the bathroom, my dick bobbing and leading the way.

Once there, I rubbed one hand over Kate's slippery pussy and looked at her face in the mirror. I stepped back for a moment and quickly rolled the condom over my shaft. Then I stepped forward, steadied my prick with one hand, and thrust into her in one swift motion. She moaned in ecstasy as I spread her inner walls.

I put both hands on her hips, looked at her reflection in the mirror, and began to move within her. In only a few moments, I was madly pounding into her, lost in the feeling of her warmth and wetness. The slapping noises of my hips hitting her ass filled the air. With each in-stroke, the head of my cock grazed her G-spot and she was going nuts. Her hips thrashed back against me, and I could feel her pussy spasming around my girth.

In only a minute or two, I felt my orgasm welling up. Kate's back was heaving as she panted and moaned with the force of my pounding.

"Oh, God! Harder!" she cried, over and over, and I eagerly obliged her.

Finally, I reached the point of no return and drove into her with one powerful lunge. My cock swelled as the first gush of semen spewed forth, and she joined me in climax. I clamped my eyes shut and groaned with the force of my release. Kate's pussy gripped me fiercely as her fluids poured forth with her orgasm.

When my cock stopped spurting at last, I opened my eyes and nearly collapsed on top of her. We were both panting from the exertion, and grinning like idiots, completely sated. For the moment.

When I emerged from the shower, Kate was still nude. She gestured for me to step aside, so I did, idly drying my hair with a corner of the towel. I watched as she reached into the shower, turned on the water, and then adjusted it. With a smile, she stepped into the stall and carefully took the nozzle off its bracket. Using deliberate motions, she quickly rinsed herself off, taking pains to avoid splashing her hair or make-up.

"The secret is keeping the water cool enough, so there's no steam," she said when she stepped out. "And making it quick, so you don't get anything wet."

I nodded and handed her a dry towel.

"When I was a resident," she said, "I got pretty good at taking a quick shower without getting my hair or face wet."

I nodded and she came to stand beside me, leaning against the vanity counter. I quickly shaved and went through the rest of my bathroom routine, while Kate watched me curiously. She didn't say anything whenever I looked at her, she simply grinned at me.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked.

"Completely," she said. "You look good with no clothes on."

"You're not so bad yourself."


She grinned at me when I nodded. I pulled her to me and held her in my arms. Her lips parted and I leaned down to kiss her, gently, lest I mess up her make-up.

"It's okay," she said, sensing my hesitation. "This lipstick isn't coming off until I want it to. Now kiss me."

Ever obedient, I did as instructed. Gladly.

"Help me with something," I said when we broke the kiss.

She nodded and stepped back.

"I didn't know what color dress you were going to pick out, so I need your help selecting the rest of my outfit."

Before I left the house that morning, I picked out three shirts and four different ties, and put them with my suit. They represented a broad spectrum of colors, and at least one of each would have matched almost any dress she picked out. Our choices, however, were obvious: a dove grey shirt with a sapphire blue patterned tie. The shirt would work well with her dress, and the tie picked out the blue in my eyes (or so she said).

I started to get dressed while Kate did the same. For her, dressing was simple. She carefully removed the tags from the Vera Wang dress and slipped it over her head. It gave me a thrill to see she had decided to forego panties. While she went to take advantage of the mirrors in the bathroom and make sure the dress was draped properly, I finished dressing.

I walked into the bathroom and stood behind her, tying my tie. She smiled at my reflection and turned to straighten the collar of my shirt. Then she possessively stroked my tie and smoothed it against my chest. She caught my self-satisfied look and grinned in reply.

I had just slipped into my shoes when I remembered the last thing I needed. I went to my dresser and pulled two black velvet boxes from the top drawer. Kate arched an eyebrow when she saw them, but followed me back into the bathroom at my gesture. When I opened the first box, the larger of the two, her eyes lit up, but she quickly looked at me and shook her head.

"Ethan," she whispered. "It's beautiful, but it's way too much."

"Relax," I said, "I'm sorry to say that it's only borrowed."

She looked at me, clearly curious.

"A few years ago, I did a web site for a friend of mine, a jeweler. Instead of paying me cash, he paid me in trade. These days, I make sure he's got a cutting edge web site and he keeps me in jewelry."

"You traded for that?" she asked, incredulous.

I shook my head quickly. "No, not this. But Friday, when I asked if I could borrow something really stunning, he pulled this out of his safe."

"It's dazzling."

"It" was a platinum necklace with 12 carats of diamonds and diamond melee, and a 3-carat blue sapphire pendant. I opened the other, smaller, box and showed her the matching earrings. She gasped when she saw them.

"How much are these things worth?" she asked.

"Well," I said, as nonchalantly as I could, "let's just say that if we get mugged tonight, I'll owe Gunther a twenty-eight thousand dollar web site."

She whistled silently, enraptured by the necklace and earrings. I took the necklace out of its custom case and gently turned Kate toward the mirror. Her eyes were riveted to the sparkling sapphire as I put my arms around her and then fastened the lobster clasp at the nape of her neck.

She admired her reflection for a moment, then absentmindedly raised her hand to stroke the pendant, making sure it was real. Her gaze met mine in the mirror, and I was surprised to see tears welling up in her eyes. She turned and hugged me tight, throwing her arms around my neck and squeezing as she planted kisses along my neck and jaw.

"It's beautiful," she said, her voice a hoarse whisper.

"You're beautiful."

She pulled back and smiled bashfully. I gazed at her for a moment; I couldn't remember a time I'd seen her look so self- conscious. The moment passed and her eyes brightened, still glistening with unshed tears, as she reached for the earrings. Once she was properly bejeweled, she preened in the mirror for a moment, too stunned to speak.

I looked at her fondly and smiled to myself as she simply stared at her reflection, lost in thought. She smiled sadly and her eyes once again threatened to overflow. With a tiny shake of her head, she seemed to come back to herself, then turned to look at me. I smiled gently, and she leaned against me to rest her cheek on my shoulder.

I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but I put my arm around her and held her protectively. We stood like that for a couple of minutes, neither of us speaking. Finally, she sniffled slightly and lifted her head from my shoulder. I wanted to know what she had been thinking, but her body language told me that she desperately didn't want me to ask.

Instead, I discreetly looked at my watch. "Are you ready to go?" I asked.

She nodded gratefully, and stepped into her shoes as I put on my suit coat. I helped her with her gauzy grey wrap, and then we took one last look at ourselves in the bathroom mirror. With her heels on, she was only a few inches shorter than me, and we looked good together. Kate must have been thinking the same thing, for when I looked at her reflection, she smiled and actually blushed.

Satisfied that we looked presentable, we headed downstairs.

Once at the restaurant, I pulled up to the valet stand and put the Rover in Park. A uniformed valet opened Kate's door while another was still walking toward mine. I opened it myself, stepped out of the car, and accepted the valet ticket from the young man. I walked around the front of the car and held my arm out for Kate. When she took it, I ushered her into the restaurant and we gave our coats to the woman in the cloak room.

"Bon soir, Madame et Monsieur," the maitre d' said as we approached. "Welcome to Marie-Claire's." His voice was a rich baritone, and his French accent was either genuine or very well rehearsed.

"We have a reservation for eight," I said. "The name is Mackenzie."

He didn't even consult his reservations book before his face brightened. "Mais oui, Monsieur Mackenzie. A table for two in the Library. If you would be so kind as to follow me."

I decided his accent was genuine, and moved aside so Kate could precede me. The room he led us to was one I was familiar with, if only in passing. It had an Old World feel to it, and was decorated with dark, rich mahogany bookshelves--hence the fact that it was called The Library.

An intimate table had been set up, complete with a fresh rose for a centerpiece. The maitre d' held Kate's chair for her while I seated myself, to her left. Behind him, a waiter unobtrusively stepped into the room. Without seeming to notice the new arrival, the maitre d' looked at us obsequiously.

"Madame Darcy wishes me to welcome you on her behalf. Laurent," he said, indicating he had noticed the waiter's entrance, "will attend to your every need this evening. If there is any way I may be of service, please do not hesitate to call on me."

"Thank you very much," I said. "Please give my compliments to Marie-Claire"

"Ah, certainly, sir. Bon appetit."

As soon as the maitre d' left, Laurent unfolded Kate's napkin, draped it across her lap, and handed her a menu. He did the same with me and then handed me another with the night's prix fixe selection.

"I will give you a moment to peruse the menu," Laurent said. "May I bring you an aperitif or something from the bar?"

I looked at Kate and she gave me a minute headshake. "No, thank you," I said. "But please ask your sommelier to see us."

"Certainly, sir."

With a nod, he was gone, pulling the doors closed behind him.

"This is one of my favorite restaurants," Kate said. "Thank you for bringing me here."

It didn't surprise me that she'd been here before. While the restaurant was exclusive, it wasn't difficult--with the right planning and lead time--to get reservations. And it was expensive, but Kate could have easily afforded it. Or, I thought to myself, the men she had dated could have as well, most likely.

I put that thought out of my mind as the doors opened and a young woman entered, carrying a basket of bread and a pitcher of water. She set the bread on the table and quickly filled our water goblets. Kate smiled at me after the young woman left, and then went back to reading her menu.

The waiter returned with the sommelier, and they looked at me expectantly.

"Would you like a few more minutes?" the waiter asked respectfully.

"No," Kate and I said simultaneously. We grinned at each other and I deferred to her.

"I'd like the lamb cutlets with the mustard tarragon sauce," she said.

"An excellent selection, Madame," the waiter replied.

Kate ordered a Caesar salad as well, and then smiled at me.

"I'll have the veal tenderloin medallions with the duck confit," I said as the waiter turned to regard me calmly. "With a Caesar salad. And I think we'll have an appetizer. Is there anything that suits your fancy, Kate?"

The look she gave me clearly said "you." I blushed and she turned to regard the menu with a satisfied grin.

"How about the foie gras with mushrooms and boursin cheese in Muscat game sauce?" she asked.

"Sounds perfect," I said, and handed my menu to the waiter.

He took Kate's as well, and I looked at the sommelier expectantly. After listening to what we'd ordered, he recommended three different red wines, all of them French, which would complement our food. I know a little about wine, but I'm certainly no oenophile. I confidently chose the second of his recommendations and he smiled approvingly.

"I didn't know you knew wines," Kate said as soon as the two men had departed.

I grinned sheepishly. "I don't. But a lot of what I do, in business, is making decisions. When an expert gives me options, I can pick one of them and sound confident. If I need clarification, I'll ask and then make a decision. In this case," I said, gesturing to the departed sommelier, "it didn't really matter which of the three I picked. I can't imagine that a restaurant like this wouldn't have one of the best sommeliers in town, so I simply picked a wine whose name I liked."

She looked at me, shook her head in wonder, then burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, trying not to sound wounded.

"I was just thinking how different our lives are."


She nodded. "Most of my decisions are life or death."

"They can't all be life or death," I said.

"No, they're not. But enough of them are that I'd better know what I'm talking about when I make a decision."

"I understand. My job isn't quite like that, of course, but people still depend on me and the decisions I make. Half of being a good leader is inspiring confidence."

She nodded quickly.

"We lead people, Kate. You in the operating room, me in a conference room. The applications may be different, but the attitudes certainly aren't."

"I guess I'd never looked at it that way," she said.

"Our jobs may be different, but in many ways, I imagine they're very much alike. I need to be good at what I do as much as you do. So, believe it or not, I study this stuff."

She looked at me inquisitively.

I nodded. "Leadership, management, negotiation, etc. I may be a computer whiz, but I learned that I'm also good at leading people."

"Oh," she said, toying with her earring. "I can think of a few other things you're good at."

I blushed and was about to reply when the sommelier returned with our bottle of wine. Kate grinned unrepentantly and then composed herself. The sommelier showed me the wine and I nodded. He then efficiently opened the bottle and handed me the cork; I quickly checked to make sure it was moist and free of cracks. (I may not be an oenophile, but I do know a little about wines.)

When I nodded, the sommelier poured a small amount of wine into my glass. It was light red, and smelled slightly fruity. I swirled it around my glass, nosed it, and then tasted a sip. It was very good. At my smile and nod, he poured a glass for Kate and then filled mine. I thanked him and he placed the bottle on the table and took his leave.

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It was Sunnudag evening, and I was sitting with Frode in the darkened herbal shop. Linnea and I had come to the shop again this morning, called a doctor there who had then alerted the city police and, by afternoon, the caretaker had taken the body away for the funeral. Everything had gone exactly as Frode had said it would. The doctor hadn’t seen anything mysterious about her death and the city police didn’t want any extra hassle and therefore they listened to the doctor. After all, nothing...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 26 History and Lice

The riddles in the next room posed no serious difficulty, even without me knowing the answers, and when the door swung open to show Bryce Cousland, Aedan let out a shout and took off at a run, Prince at his heels. I held back, giving him some privacy to talk with his father. I looked curiously at him from my vantage - he may not have raised me, but if Aedan was my brother, this man was my father also. He had a kind smile, and those wrinkles around his eyes that make men look distinguished...

3 years ago
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The Sagitarius

On the way back from that tropical island I was horny like a bitch in heat. I was at the connecting airport, eating some fast food with my tropical island native friend. I told her about my condition and she suggested I should get a “Tuesday man”. I said “ a WHAT?”. She told me she had a Tuesday man and a Sunday man. I was incredulous. She explained that she had two men who she maintained as regular fuck buddies. I couldn’t imagine how she could get two. Not that she was unattractive, but its...

2 years ago
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Blood RoseChapter 7

1590 Very few things in the world had the power to frighten Electra. Her master's wrath happened to be one of them. And even that was usually only enough to make her take a step back and bow her head. Right now she shrunk down to the floor, positively cowering. Dracula's shadow aura was practically causing the whole keep to tremble with his rage. "Dost thou dare presume to insult my intelligence, Electra?" "No milord," Electra responded weakly. "I spoke only truth to you." "Then...

2 years ago
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My first time was different from others I guess. My best buddy lived next door to me and we hung out all the time. From the time we were little till we went off to college. It was his mom. She was a Hispanic woman, petite-not over a hundred pounds, olive color skin. Pert pointy tits and dark long hair with beautiful dark eyes and that amazing Spanish accent. She would flirt big time with me. Al the time, even in front of her husband. He would laugh and say "watch out, Marge will turn you into...

3 years ago
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Verka Booth Wali Aunty Ko Choda Part 8211 2

Mera naam Jimmy hai aur main Chandigarh me rehta hun. Mera email address hai ‘’. Koi b lady mujhe is email per contact kar skti hai. This is a continuation to my previous story ” Verka booth wali Aunty ko choda”. Ji hone nahi pdi wo is link per jaa kar pd site hain ‘’ . Pehle to aap sab ka bohat bohat thanx jo aapne is story k pichle part ko itna pyar diya, bohat saare fans k mujhe mails b aayi, shukriya bohat bohat. Ab...

2 years ago
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Hostile TakeoverChapter 9

At 5:45 p.m. A black Dodge charger pulled into the parking lot of Runaway Technologies. The driver got out and looked around in every direction. A security guard approached the car to warn the driver that the plant was closed on the weekends. The driver shot the security guard and took his keys. Another large man got out of the car and helped him to prop the security guard on his stool in the guard shack. To anyone watching from a distance, it would seem that the guard was...

2 years ago
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La Vita e Bella

My name is Brianna. My girlfriend Tina has written stories about her and me, and she even showed photos of me – with her, with my man, with her man, and by myself.Tina asked me to tell you my story, so I’ll try. It’s difficult to know where to start.My whole life, my mother told me I was beautiful. Deep down, I’m not sure I ever believed her.All that changed one day when I was sixteen. The partition that kept the boys’ gym and the girls’ gym separate, had been opened for a weekend high school...

2 years ago
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Pagal Husband Ki Bibi Mere Neeche

Hi I’m rakesh 27yrs , working electric company in Burdhwan Kolkata, 5’7″ and having a good looking personality. I m going to tell you my story which happened with me last summer. As i m 5’7″ and having good physique. All the ladies who see me got impressed with me. YE tab ki baat he jab me Ranchi me posted tha. Me waha ek room lekar rahta tha. Us makan me keval 2 kamre the, jisme se ek me malik ka saaman rehta tha aur ek me main rehta tha. Jaisa ki aap logo ko pata hai ki Ranchi me mental...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Alice Coxxx Stepfathers Perfect Fit

Alice Coxxx is a hot ginger teen who is blossoming into a beautiful young lady. Her mother was helping her pick out her first real bra and it wasn’t going too well. She couldn’t find a style or a fit that truly complemented her figure! They called stepdad in for his opinion, but he felt awkward and just agreed with his wife. As he left, he stayed near the edge of the door and got to creeping. Boy did his stepdaughters tits look nice and supple. As she tried on another lingerie set,...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 39 The Rubyrsquos Secret

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Ealaín Aingeal’s body fell from the sky. I cursed. “Greta!” A spout of water burst from Greta, distracting her from the paragon. The fountain caught the falling faerie and cradled her to the ground. I didn’t know what happened to Aingeal. Couldn’t worry about her. I had to stay in front of the Paragon. My ax glanced off her forearms. Blood dribbled from scrapes and cuts, exposing the iron-hard bone beneath. She didn’t feel my blows. She just...

3 years ago
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It Takes All Types

Big girls, small girls. Short girls, tall girls. Thin girls, fat girls. Old girls, brat girls. What’s the difference? Who cares what they look like, just as long as they cook right! What a load of rubbish! All women are not ‘girls’, and all women are not the same. There are only two things that really matter to me in a woman, and they aren’t on her chest or between her legs. Heart and soul – they are what makes a woman. Don’t get me wrong, I like...

1 year ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part II Loosing My Virginity

It has become my routine that I was not missing any chance to see my parents involved in sexual activities. Generally they were doing this three/four time in a week. I used to masturbate after seeing them. I have seen them different positions which can be seen in any blue film. My dad was and is a very good fucker and knows very well how to satisfy a woman. My mother, a good looking lady with very sexy figure takes active part in every activity with my dad. The most important thing is that...

3 years ago
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Best start of the weekend ever part 2

I looked deep into her eyes and whispered back, "I love you too honey, I love you very much". She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. Slowly parting her lips, letting my tongue find hers, playfully biting and pulling my lower lip. Sucking gently while her warm hands tousled my hair. With every breath we took, we both became more aroused and I felt her nipples getting hard beneath her dress. I let my hands gently wander over her entire body. Stroking her back, cupping her...

2 years ago
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The Knight and His Squire 3Chapter 6

Rohea, Maes and Pyar exited the cave, and went to the horses tied nearby. "Mud!" Maes said. "Where is Mud?" "Mud is alive and well," Rohea said. "He is with the soldiers." "Are we headed there?" Maes asked. "Yes, we cannot travel quickly to Wolle with only two horses. We would be much faster with three. If we leave now, we should make it to the soldiers' camp before dawn." Rohea rode with Maes on Feisty, and Pyar rode on her own horse. The trio made their way back to the...

4 years ago
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Brother and sister

Hii guys its me sanjay….I had to take my summer vacation with my parents. There was nothing else for me to do. I had wanted to go with a couple of guys from my college class, but I simply didn’t have the money to do what they wanted to do. So, just to have a vacation and get away for a while, I went with my folks to the mountain lake they liked so much. The home that they had bought was pretty small, just a cabin, really. It had a tiny veranda that actually served as a boat dock. It was a neat...

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Seduced by my best friend pat 2

Again, just like the first part, everything is true except his name.Back when I was 18, my best friend growing up, once seduced me during a sleep over. It was the first real sex I had ever had. I had gone out with girls in high school and still love women, but I never had the opportunity to go all the way with them and with Steven, well, the curiosity was just too great. We had spent last summer sleeping over at each other's house every weekend on the guise of playing video games or watching...

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SuperGirls Fetish

The middle of the night in National City a women is tossing and turning in her sleep. Her flailing arms putting holes into her head board and wall behind it. As she bursts awake to takes a look at the damage. "Alright enough of this I am tired of hiding my sexuality tomorrow I am just gonna face it." Said Kara before going back to sleep.

2 years ago
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slut of a wife part1

Hi! everybody,i am bit new to this site and have read almost all the stories and now i would like to share mine with you. I am from outskirt of mumbai,we were married for 8 years and life had started to become boring between us with same sex style,our sex has become lesser,so once in a while i would ask my wife for alternate sex style,but she would refuse it outright,as we were from conservative family background,but i kept on asking her,finally she gavein to the idea with a condition that she...

3 years ago
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Three Generations Bertha

Chapter 1 "Whoa?!" Jessie said as she sat by her desk, holding the bundle of papers that she'd just read through, not believing that her grandmother Dannie had been completely crazy. She'd always been a little mysterious and as she'd gotten even older she'd talked mostly in riddles but Jessie would never have guessed that she was crazy-crazy. The reason as to why Jessie was sitting there reading these notes was because my mother, "Granny Dannie" as we called her, had just...

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Moonlight magic with aunt Kim

* this is true story* This night..was magical. Rain fell upon my Victorian style home as it was darkly lit. And I,and my cat ; fell asleap. In slumber,sensing a form in the shadows. It was my aunt kim. Gazing,upon me. A ghostly touch massaged my nipple softly. Slow..deeply. Shivering,I heard ‘ hush’. Cupping my breast with one squeeze she caressed my breast softly. Rubbing my breast gently. I felt my nipple pinched. And tugged. Twisting,pinched harder. Rubbing my breast and she...

2 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 11

The TV talk show Tommy was watching wasn’t very interesting, so he got up and checked Tina’s refrigerator. She only had diet soda, but he didn’t mind that, since that’s all he ever drank anyhow. He took a can, opened it, and took a swallow. Holding the can, he explored the apartment a little. First he checked Bobby’s room. The little boy was sound asleep and looked peaceful. He really was a cute kid. ‘He’s lucky,’ Tommy thought as he gazed at the sleeping child, ‘He looks a lot more like Tina...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 147

King Arthur was in Merlin’s laboratory where the great wizard was showing him his latest creation. It was a chastity belt, except it had a rather large hole in the most obvious place which made it basically useless. “This is no good, Merlin!” the King exclaimed, “Look at this opening. How is this supposed to protect my lady, the Queen, when I’m on a long quest?” “Ah, sire, just observe,” said Merlin. He then selected his most worn out wand, one that he was going to discard anyway. He...

4 years ago
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Jenny 2 Family secrets

I couldn’t believe l had done any of those things, least of all what Patti and l had done. Thinking of the way she had spanked me gave me a glow of heat centred on my still stinging bottom. I knew l should be ashamed of myself, especially for what had happened in the shower, l could still taste her pee, but even that sent a thrill through my body. “What are you wearing?” Patti said. “This,” l replied, standing there in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. “No,” she said, “short skirt and...

3 years ago
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Welcome Home Part 1

Jordan sat in her small cubicle, she was packing away the last of her work belongings. The company she worked for had just been bought out. They were downsizing and her position was no longer needed. "Hey Jordie," a voice said. "Hey Lance," she answered, She knew that voice without looking. "Again I would like to apologize..." Lance began to say. Jordan sat back in her chair looking at her former boss. He was in his late fifties. His gray hair was a sure sign of the stress he was under. His...

Straight Sex
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John and the HypnoWatch

My name is John Doe. I attend college. And this is the story of how my life changed forever. See,I was never popular with the ladies. I'm what you might call a nerd. I was a virgin at the time of this story. A 'dweeb',I guess you could say. But that all changed. I was walking home from school one day when my sexy female bully,Eliza,and her friends,Veronica and Jordan,ambushed me. They were hot,stereotypical cheerleaders who loved making fun of me and bullying me. "Hey,nerd!"called Eliza,her...

Mind Control
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Der Plan war nicht der für den man in der Schule für den bewaffneten Widerstand einen Preis gewinnen würde aber er hatte große Chancen zu funktionieren und das war alles was zählte. Jedenfalls für Miguel Anführer einer kleinen Zelle von Kämpfern die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hatten die Regierung des kleinen Mittelamerikanischen Staates zu stürzen. Heldenhafte Befreier für die einen, gemeine Verbrecher für die anderen. Alles eine Frage des Standpunktes welcher in Guatomona gleichbedeutend mit...

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Saturday blindfold fun

One day my wife came to me and said "Lee I want some fun and a party" I told her "ok the weekend we will sort out a party then no k**s and more time to sort it out" she agreed so I got on hamster and asked all our friends there who was up for it and we got a large response from 10 blokes and 5 sluts ready for fun and close by so I showed the wife and she said "fuck Lee feel my pussy" as I grabbed her I felt you pussy was soaking wet as she was ready.Saturday came and we went out and got a few...

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Im the third wheel

My wife informed me Thursday that we where going out for dinner and dancing Friday. She said come straight home from work because we have reservations for eight. I figured that I’d get out of the shop a little early so I gave out the pay checks and told my guys to have a good weekend. It was only four and I usually don’t leave until six. I stopped and picked up a bottle of wine in hopes that after dinner I might get lucky and have sex. Well I pulled into my neighbor hood around five. I...

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Made her watch me jerk off

I love going to those Asian massage places for happy endings.I have been to many and have had all ages and sizes jerk me off making my body look like its being electrocuted. I loved hearing this young woman break the silence to say "Oh, you gotta nice cock!" One hand squeezing my balls and the other tightly jerking me off to a fine explosion. I loved seeing it drip down her tiny hands and see her big smile at having completed her task, a job well done.Another one, rounder but always smiling was...

4 years ago
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Retro Rookie CopsChapter 8

We couldn't jump into the base at our convenience because of the enormous shield they had in place. They never lowered the transporter shield which covered the whole base, including the manufacturing plant, the living quarters, and the loading docks. The only way in or out was the old fashioned way: by physical movement through a mechanical doorway, or, in this case, an airlock. Our most obvious route into the base was by means of one of the criminal spaceships as it was returning from a...

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Harry Potter sex story

Wyldbrdmn25 Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He had received a work planner from Hermione, a Play witch from Fred and George, Ginny had sent him some personal nude photos of herself (Hermione helped her out with those) and some condoms from Ron which had a note attached to it. "I don’t need a niece just yet," signed Ron With Dumbledore dead, Harry was...

2 years ago
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Ben and His Family

Ben was fucking his sister Sue and enjoying it. They had been at it for a while and Ben had popped his nuts off three times already, spraying his sister’s tits and face with his cum as he ejaculated on her. He didn’t mind cumming inside her, but she got sloppy wet, and he wanted to fuck her a few more times. He was pounding her doggystyle this time. Sue had her face mashed into the pillow and was moaning in pleasure as he thrust his thick cock into her. He was a solid 7 inches now as he swelled...

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Ease The Burn Three

Silvie spent the day lounging around the house in one of her dad's t-shirts. She figured her brother had already seen her naked, even though he was off playing baseball with his friends, and her parents wouldn't be home from work for hours. Besides, her sunburned skin was still very sensitive and the elastic from her panties just aggravated the burn. She thought back on the past day and a half and couldn't get over all that had happened. Her getting extremely sunburned while wearing a...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Scarlit Scandal Has An Insatiable Appetite For Big Cocks

Sultry Vixen Scarlit Scandal stuns Manuel with her beauty before milking his massive cock! Dressed in sheer blue lingerie with black stocking and heels, Scarlit makes her way down a long hallway to find Manuel waiting for her at the end. He starts to examine her tight, young body as he pulls her bra to the side and plays with her nipples then checks out her ass. Scarlit turns around and pulls her panties slightly down to tease Manuel with her smooth shaven pussy & perfect round ass until...

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The Two Miss Yomikos

 I managed to catch the elevator just before the doors closed and spoke my first words to the most beautiful and courteous Miss Yomiko number one, before I even had the opportunity to drink in her essence of glorious appeal.She stood by the uncomplicated control panel and smiled at me in my flustered state of disarray after a long and tiring journey to the comfortable and totally sedate hotel in a minor city, close to the impressive mountain range that dominated the entire western half of the...

3 years ago
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The GeneralChapter 1

Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox, IV. Who? Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox, IV. Twenty-three years old, incredibly handsome, a man whose physique defines the term "fit". His coal black hair is always "just tussled" enough to be perfect, and when he smiles at a girl, she has a sudden feeling of warmth, giddiness, and submission all at the same time. Nearly every sorority on campus declared him the Most Desirable Bachelor. At first glance, you would be awed by his good looks and physique. Standing six...

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From Virgin to Vixen

CHAPTER ONE “Look Mike. I’m telling you for the last time. We’re through. I don’t want you to call me at home and I certainly don’t want you to call me at work,’ Melissa growled down the phone at her ex-boyfriend. Suddenly as he shouted back, her eyes rounded. ‘You bastard! How dare you call me that. Just because you can’t wait. You’ve no right. You bast…’ Her last word was cut off as she hung up, trying to control her emotions as she turned to attend to a customer. It was February 12th, two...

4 years ago
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Stockroom Shenanigans

Kristi McDowell was not having a good day. It started by waking up too late to get her husband's lunch ready. He couldn't wait and said he would just grab something from the "roach coach" that comes by the construction site at lunchtime. Kristi felt terrible about that - she had eaten a meal or two from those places and she didn't like the fact that because of her, he had to now. Then her oldest boy, Allan, the 10 year old, woke up not feeling good. She took his temperature and he was a little...

Wife Lovers
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The Smell

The smell The smellBosnia July, 1995 ? A fountain Boris approached a group of Dutch soldiers. He shortly greeted Fritz - a sergeant he had been drinking with after the Dutch general had surrendered without a single shot firing.  Ivan ? his second in command just stood and looked at the five youngsters, the Dutch should have protected. However, instead of protecting them, it had been arranged that the Dutch would separate men and woman from each other turning the male over to Boris...

4 years ago
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The Long Hot Summer Part 2

We snuggle close while you catch your breath. Your hand cradles my cock loosely, the fingers of the other hand stroking gently up the underside. Your pussy is drenched with your wetness and my mouth, and the look on your face is hard to describe… one part satisfaction, one part dreamy and one part wicked grin."That was amazing," you say finally. "I don't know who taught you, but I want to shake her hand - and maybe eat her pussy, too." I give you a strained smile. My cock feels like it could...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Six Star Bed and Breakfast Afternoon Tea

I finally managed to make breakfast. It was hard getting dressed. Every time I tried to put clothes on my mind would remember something that Maggie had done in the shower, and I would feel my cock twitch and then I would have to give it a little tug.  I saw only one table laid as I entered the breakfast room, so I sat down at it and looked around me. The decor was nice, clean and with a big wide window at the front of the house letting in loads of light from the early morning sun. Just behind...

Straight Sex
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Pulled over from another site

Pulled OverAs Samantha Watson sped down the motorway she played her music as loud as she could bare it. She tuned everything else out, only glancing in her rear view mirror now and again, never expecting to see anything out of the ordinary. It was with one of these glances that she noticed the red and blue lights flashing behind her and the police car rushing to catch up with her. She pulled over into the hard shoulder, cursing herself for driving too fast. Samantha watched the policeman in...

3 years ago
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Android OmnibusChapter 11 The Morning After

Some of Michael's new abilities were beginning to take hold as he was slowly trying to regain some normality back into his life. Having remote access to one's psyche may prove to be more of a curse than a blessing, however. Fortunately for us humans, that aspect is not likely to become probably for a significant future. Although, being able to call one's significant other from one's built-in cellphone to see when he or she is coming home from dinner would be extremely cool. "Get...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 275

Say thanks to jantrevor for this one. The elderly man decided to move to Mexico to save money, living was cheaper there. He settled into a routine as is common with retired people. Eating out at the same places, sitting on the bench watching the sea and the people playing in the sand. Live was good. Over time his money was getting low and he had to economize. He noticed that each Monday the restaurant had a special of what looked like dumplings. He asked the owner, who was the cook/waiter...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Alix Lynx Needs Money

Sexy blonde Alix Lynx gets caught by her step dad stealing his money. The little slut knows there is only one way to get out of this bad situation. She starts teasing her step daddy showing her gorgeous boobs and touching his already hard cock. Her horny step dad can’t resist the young sluts charm. He pulls out his hard cock for the petite blonde to play with. Slutty Alix wants that cock in her dirty mouth and already wet pussy. And what she wants, she gets. The babe goes on her knees and...

1 year ago
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Janet and John

It’s Friday, I always look forward to Fridays, well not so much Fridays but Friday nights. Friday nights are camera night. Janet normally poses for me in different dresses and sometimes, if I’m lucky she may show some leg above her knee. Once I caught a glimpse of stocking top but I wasn’t quick enough to catch it on camera. On several occasions I have captured the view down on her cleavage when she has bent over but this is the closest I have ever come to taking a picture of her body apart...

4 years ago
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A Trip to Remember 1Chapter 5

After walking home and getting horses they rode out to the farm and villa east of the city. There was close to a thousand acres and a large villa on the hill overlooking Rome and the sea off in the distance. The home was opulent and there was a good-sized barn and fences around the property. Marco said, “It was built of the finest materials. The man that built it also has a farm in Spain. His goal was to bring in his horses and start breeding them here. He fell on hard times and is now...

3 years ago
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The Ork Chief

Your name is John and you are a what most would call a nerd. Another thing about you is that you are a very introverted person except when your playing DND or magic the gathering with your friends. You also never had the confidence to talk to woman so you are very lonely when it comes to relationships. But enough about you let’s talk about how this mess all started shall we. One day as you were walking down the street to get to your work an old man walks in front of you and says “you seem like...

2 years ago
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My First Luck

By : Swamy D Dear friends, Hi, this is Rajesh again from Chandigarh, and you must have remembered my first story about my first sex experience (blowjob only) with mother of my little students. If you want to enjoy fully this story then please first read my 1st story “Surprise Finding”. Now I continue with my present story. As soon as I receive massage that mother of my students want me to give extra tuition to her children on. Sunday evening I understood the exact situation and had a good...

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I Know Hes A KingChapter 7

"My father is dead..." It was autumn then. The leaves were bright red and yellow, still hanging from the trees, desperate to leave the higher ground to mould in the warm soft earth. I always loved the autumn back then, but now I look upon autumn with sorrow. The dying part of the seasons' cycle. So much comparing to a human's life. The years before death. I had no idea what to say, no idea what might comfort him. I had never experienced death in that way. People died in the village I...

4 years ago
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The Night Out

She looked at herself in the dressing table mirror and wondered why she was wasting her time with putting on makeup when it didn't matter. A short skirt, a low cut blouse and high heels was all it was going to take. She could have a bag over her head and it wouldn't matter one little bit; she knew she would be hit on before the waitress even got there to take her drink order. As she prepared herself for going out to get laid she wondered what her husband was doing at that very moment. Would...

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