A Dialogue Between A Wife free porn video

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A Dialogue Between a Wife & husband ?But of course the bars are on the window for a purpose. What if you wish at some point to rebel?? ?But how can I rebel? Really, Emily? Dressed in baby frocks? Denuded of every bit of body hair, bald as a baby? Pampered and powdered, my muscles atrophied and shrunken to the dimensions of a prepubescent teenage girl?s? Confined in a playpen.. And watched by a nanny?? ?Well, I know it sounds remote, dear. If it ever came to a tussle, I know, it would be over in an instant. But what if Nanny Mary turns her back and you dart for it?? ?She locks the nursery?? ?Well, what if she forgets?? ?She never does.? ?Well, nannies can get careless?? ?Oh, really, Emily? It?s a forty foot drop to the garden below and I?d never make it past the nursery door let alone out of the house. Besides, where could I go dressed like this? No money, no car keys? She?d tackle me in an instant and pin me to the floor. Do you think me mad enough to try and run for it?? ?Well, dear, desperate situations call for desperate measures? Here you are, already whining and complaining and wanting out of our arrangement and it?s only been a year?What will you be like in two years, or five? What then?? ?Five years? You can?t be serious, Emily. You can?t mean to coop me up in a nursery with nothing to do but sit in a playpen with dolls and foam blocks, a coloring book and crayons, every day? I?ll wither away? I?ll go mad with boredom! After all, I am an adult!? ?But you have your lovely nanny to sit with you in her rocking chair all day and keep you company while I?m at work.? ?But she just watches and smirks! She?s hardly the nice, gentle girl to me she seems to you.? ?But, dear, all nannies have to be firm and a little formal! They all have to appear a little stern to show they?re in control? And didn?t I make sure she was young and pretty, just like you asked for?? ?Firm and in control? Ha! I can?t move a finger unless she says so, and she positively enjoys taunting me with her sarcastic comments. ?Oh, aren?t we just soooo precious and cute and dainty today?? and ?What a pretty little thing you?ve become! What a real hit you?d be with all the girls now?? and ?Aren?t we going to have so much fun today in the playpen!? She?s simply awful, Emily, she?s always mocking me...? ?She?s just trying to be nice, William. You only think she?s being mean and horrid when, instead, she?s just trying to do the job she was hired for? It?s not as easy as you think? You just sit around all day taking dumps and wetting your diapers. But she has to change them and feed you and bathe you? Watch over you so you don?t get into mischief? Put you down for naps? It?s not as easy as it seems? And it?s even harder when the baby?s a grown-up like you? And then you, of all people, have to go ahead and develop an attitude on top of everything else? Are you trying to be difficult and make life harder for me and your nanny, William?? ?You should hear her when we?re alone!? ?Oh, William, sometimes you distress me so. Your nanny tells me how wonderful you are. How obedient and respectful and happy you are? She just loves you to death? She gushes how she would just like to squeeze you, you?re so sweet. And then you come forward to me with all these complaints about her!? ?She shames me and treats me like a silly child.? ?But, William, that?s the whole point. You are a child! We are just giving you what you secretly wanted, what you finally asked me for in a moment of candor a year ago.? ?It was only a fantasy? I never wanted it full time? It?s unendurable to be treated this way?? ?No, you said 24/7/12, right from the start. No exceptions? You forget. ?No escape, be firm, dos as you please.? You demanded we take charge. ?Not even the possibility of escape! All avenues cut off and sealed! My nursery my prison! No way to contact anyone on the outside?? You insisted, ?Make me mind.? Those were your exact words, William. ?Make me mind!? You may have forgotten, but I haven?t? You wanted me and your pretty nanny to take charge of you, and now we have. ?No mercy,? you said. That?s what you said? And now you?re showing attitude?? ?Well, I really didn?t know what it meant to be a baby all the time, every second.? ?Well, now you do?? ?And I don?t like it!? ?Well, isn?t that just too, too bad! I?ve gone to a great deal of time and trouble to set this whole thing up just the way you wanted it. Every loving detail, you oversaw every detail! All the baby clothes, the guest room re-decorated as a nursery, the furniture? Crib, changing table, playpen, baby bouncer, your high-chair, all custom-made to fit an adult? Do you think any of this was cheap, William? It cost a fortune! And, then, I hired the full-time, live-in nanny, just as you requested! Do you think Mary was easy to find? Why, she costs in one week twice what your monthly income was before you quit your job, and now, after her first year, she has demanded a hefty raise, which I?m going to have to pay? All to support your little fantasy? Oh, she deserves it all right, she deserves every penny she makes, with your poopies and wet nappies? I wouldn?t do it for twice what she makes? And now you have the gall to complain about her! You who have no income, who are penniless, a dependent, helpless little thing, without a friend in the world, while I pay for everything? And what thanks do I get, working to support you in everything? You?re spoiled, William, you?re a little ingrate! You get everything you want and it?s still not enough? You should be ashamed to listen to yourself. ?Ohhh, poor little William is soooo tired of his baby life, oh, he wants to go back and be a big boy? Use the toilet again, feed himself, be an adult? Drive a car and go to work? Play with his wee-wee and bed women, maybe even make spurties in his wife? How touching! Oh, poor little William wants to make all his own decisions and be an adult again? How moving!? I?m supposed to just say, ?Okay, William, you can have your life back. I?ve just wasted a fortune and a year of my life, but you can go back to being an adult male again?? ?Well, let me safely assure you, my precious little toddler, that your decision-making days are over! You?re in your nursery to stay! Your macho life in trousers is over, buster? Finished? Gone ? Is that clear? You gave it all up a year ago and you?re not getting any of it back. You?re in diapers and frocks now for good? A simpering little baby girl who needs to be watched and cared for? A baby now and a baby you?ll remain? You complain about how boring life is? But that?s just what healthy babies strive on? Routines, everything the same, no surprises, no anxiety, everything planned to the last detail? Feedings and playtime and naptimes, all in the same order, day after lovely day? Up at seven a.m. and down at seven p.m. sharp, summer and winter? Nanny darkens your little room, kisses you on the cheek, pulls the lid shut on your crib and locks you safely in for the night. She gazes at you through the bars and sticks a pacifier in your mouth, tucks the fleece blanket about you, and then smiles at your sweet little face looking at her in the half- light. The picture of innocence and purity, William, and the last thing you do before shutting your precious little eyes is you get to choose whether to cuddle Teddy or Dollie for the night? It?s a sweet little picture, William, and it won?t be changing?? ?But, Emily, be reasonable? See it from my perspective? No adult can stand what I have to endure? The same thing every day... No variation in routine? it may be fine for a baby but I?m? not? a? baby! Not a real baby! I?m an adult! You seem to have lost sight of that fact, Emily? I?m an adult who is made to sit on his behind in a nursery all day? Would you like to do that? Would you still be patient and happy after a year in a nursery being treated like a toddler? I?ve lost count of the days and month, I?m not even sure what day of the week it is, there?s no clock or calendar in the nursery and Nanny won?t tell me... So there I sit, legs splayed in the playpen wearing my booties and playing with foam blocks? Is that any life for a man even if he is rather tiny and puny for his age? Endless diaper changes and being fed the same bland baby food and awful tasting formula? Confined all winter in my nursery playpen and on summer mornings being parked in an over-sized stroller in the humid shade of the garden, the brake on, and strapped in my pink harness with the little bells on it, the belts around my waist and chest repositioned around the back of the stroller and tightened and out of reach of my hands? There I sit? A ludicrous sight? Exposed in my diaper, my soft, hairless legs are bent at the knees and splay out leaving my smooth crotch on lascivious display? What a sight! No matter how I wriggle and twist about in the stroller and wave my arms about and flutter my hands in impotence, there?s no escape? Nanny stands there smiling at me. She places a bonnet on my head though I am in the shade and ties the strings under my chin in a tight knot I dare not undo? She pats me on the cheek and coos in mockery: ?Be a good little girl now, no wiggling about trying to get loose, you can look at the birdies and chipmucks cavorting about so free and happy on the lawn doing whatever they please... And you can listen to the cicadas singing their song of love? Oh, Nature is so brimming with life and busting with love and song while you sit in your dreary little airless and soundless nursery and let the hours and days and months idly slip by? But don?t despair, honey, Nanny will come by for you in a while and then we?ll go in for lunchies! Meanwhile, you enjoy yourself in the stroller and have some fun!? ?It?s so degrading and humiliating listening to her subtle mockery and have to sit there unable to move! And then, after she wheels the stroller back inside, I sit in a high-chair and am fed a gooey, tasteless, yellow-green mush she?s made in the blender? Then it?s upstairs to the nursery for a silly two-hour nap when I?m not the least bit tired after sleeping for twelve hours the night before and doing nothing all day but sit in a playpen and stroller? And I?m not stupid, you know? I know the only reason Nanny makes me take those afternoon naps and then puts me down at 7 p.m. is so she gets a long break in the mid-afternoon and a long night to do what she wants? It is so intolerable to be a cipher on someone else?s schedule? To be a plaything for a nanny who despises me? You wouldn?t stand for it for a minute, Emily.? ?You?re right, William. I would never have placed myself in your ridiculous position. But you have done so of your own accord, no one forced you? Plus, there are benefits you overlook? Your every need is met? You lack for nothing? You should be happy to be alert and well- rested when so many men are sleep-deprived and exhausted killing themselves at work, and you?re lucky Nanny changes your diapers as frequently as she does to keep you from getting diaper rash. Not all babies are so fortunate. And you forget that it was you, William, you, who wanted to be made to take naps each afternoon like a real baby. It would be so enchanting, you said? And it was you who suggested an early bedtime, like a real baby? These were all your ideas, no one else?s, certainly not mine. ?Ohhh, it will be so exciting,? you said, ?being made to obey like a little baby and suck a dummy and dress in girly, baby dresses? Deprived of adult privileges, made to obey, punished if I don?t? Like any typical child... Oh, the exhilarating sense of impotence while a pretty nanny orders me about will be so intoxicating!? Every idea was yours! You planned every step of your own descent into childhood, William! So you have no one to blame but yourself?? ?But I don?t want this life anymore! I made a mistake! I admit that? I just didn?t know what I was doing, or thinking? I just didn?t know exactly what I was getting myself into? It was just a fantasy? Why do I have to live in a fantasy that has turned into a nightmare?? ?Too bad? We all have to live with the effects of our decisions, William. You chose badly and have to live with the consequences. And think of my huge financial investment in making every detail of that fantasy a reality. Would it be fair to me for you simply to walk away after all I?ve spent on you?? ?But I?ll make it up to you? I?ll pay you back? Every cent?? ?How will you do that, William? You have no job? You quit your job, remember?? ?I?ll get another?? ?Another job? Doing what, William? It took you years to rise in the bank to your lowly mid-level position, and now, after you left, they merely eliminated your position. That?s how important you were? No, you?ll never get a job that will begin to pay me back for the expenses I?ve had in the last year. Besides, frankly, William---though I don?t want to hurt your feelings, honey---but it?s been more than a little pleasant having you out of my hair in the nursery for the last year, not being responsible for you, knowing you were being well cared for and not have to busy myself about you or worry about you or even see you every day.? ?But, Emily, think about me? It hasn?t been pleasant for me?? ?It was what you wanted, William! You begged for it!? ?But that?s before I knew what it?s really like, Emily? It?s so boring being treated like a baby all the time? You have no idea, you get to go out into the real world each day, you see people and get to do exciting things? You can go to a restaurant when you like and drink a glass of wine whenever you like. You can wear whatever clothes you want and go to bed at night when you decide! You?re not confined to a nursery like me, never being allowed out, every decision made for you, told what to do every second?? ?Me! Me! Me! Is that all you can think of, William? Yourself?? ?I?m just so bored every day, Emily, the same thing, day after day, and Nanny sitting there smirking and hoping it?ll soon be time to lock me in my crib? It?s not right! You can?t leave me here every day in her care. I hate her! I hate the playpen! I hate the dolls and having to color! I hate when she makes me wear the wristlets, puts me in the bouncer and hooks my wrists to my belt and starts me bouncing so I can?t stop! She laughs as I bounce about, this way and that, like a stupid jack-in-the- box, and the more I try to stop the more I bounce about. It?s just maddening? ?You?re just a real live doll, honey, with no more coordination and self-control than a real toddler,? she mocks as I bounce, and if I whine and mewl she just sticks a gag in my mouth to silence me and goes back to her rocker to read as I continue to bounce. And the bouncing makes me piss and shit, and I hate pissing and shitting in my diaper and having to sit in it until Nanny decides to change me! It?s just not fair! I?m an adult!? ?Watch your language, young lady! ?Piss? and ?shit? are off limits? They?re big boy words and not part of your vocabulary anymore? You should know that! You?re close, William---very, very close---to a spanking! Would you like to go over my knee? And the nerve of you calling me unjust and unfair after I?ve paid for everything you wanted so you could play your baby games all day while I work? You?re such a little ingrate! You really are a baby? Selfish and unfeeling, just a little monster whose mouth should be washed out with soap? You?ve just earned yourself some corner time, buster?? ?I?m sorry, Emily? It?s just that I?m so unhappy now?? ?Well, you just have to get over it! Nothing?s going to change despite your whining? In fact, just the opposite? I?ll tell Nanny Mary to be even stricter? You should know that about me! Whining and fretting just strengthen my resolve to keep you exactly where you?re at? No matter how much you complain?You?ll just have to get used to it, William. It?s too late now? You dreamed about this, this is what excited you when I couldn?t, you begged me for it, and now you have it? There?s an old saying that when you make your bed you have to lie in it? And there?s another old saying, be careful what you wish for, you may get it?? ?Oh, don?t talk to me like I?m a child, Emily! I know those silly old sayings?? ?Well, they?re true nonetheless, William, however much you may dismiss them as not up to your former standards of cleverness and originality. Oh, how you used to strut about telling me you were a genius! So smart and sharp as a tack? So much smarter than me?Well, your days of being clever and impressing people, especially young women, are pretty much over, William. Mary makes you say only goo-goo and gah-gah in the nursery, so I know you don?t get much chance there to impress anybody. That must be frustrating for a genius not to be allowed to talk? To sit there and play with his foam blocks all day going goo-goo, gah-gah? Can you imagine any young, self-respecting, good-looking girl, someone you might have formerly impressed, glancing into your nursery and seeing you in your diapers in your crib clutching Teddy or Dollie and looking back at her saying goo-goo, gah-gah? Do you think she?d be impressed? Want to date you? Get to know you? Go to bed with you? I?m afraid not... Those days, I?m afraid, are gone for good? No, she?d see a totally asexual little guy dressed like a baby girl staring back at her between his crib bars? And when she learns that you?re in your frocks and crib by choice, William, because you wanted to be there, I?m afraid she would lose whatever pity she might have felt for you. In fact, I bet she?d find you a bit repellent, wouldn?t she? Erotically unattractive, that?s for sure, but more than that---repulsive and disgusting, getting his ?jollies? sitting in a wet, poopy diaper, she?d frown at the sight of you and turn away in disgust and close the nursery door blotting out your sight, the way she might let a rock fall back on its bottom after spying a slimy, pale white slug beneath? She might even shiver in distaste just thinking that perverts like you exist. Then, maybe you would appreciate your nanny more?? ?Ohhh, Emily, you can be so cruel? And you?re wrong, too, there are things I didn?t choose for myself, as you maintain. Things you decided for me? Like I didn?t ask for the chastity tube you make me wear?? ?Ahhh, darling you?re right? That, I admit, was my idea. But how could I leave you alone with a pretty nanny all day without some kind of protection? Besides, baby wee-wees are for wetting and nothing more? And Nanny feels more comfortable not having to deal with unwelcome erections when she changes and bathes. Can you blame her?? ?But you keep it on all the time now, even when she isn?t here?? ?Well, after all, your condition is permanent, isn?t it? You?ll never get use to wearing it if I keep popping it on and off! And, besides, like I said, a baby?s wee-wee has to stay limp and soft? What kind of baby girl walks around with a stiffie? And what would you prefer as an alternative? Castration?? ?You?re laughing at me, Emily?? ?Well, darling, you have to admit, the whole situation is a little bizarre and amusing? It?s not easy explaining to colleagues and co- workers and friends exactly what?s happening in my house on the second floor in the old guest room. I just say you?ve had a severe breakdown, are recuperating at home, have regressed to psychological infancy, and that if you don?t recover soon I?ll get power of attorney over all your affairs.? ?You can?t do that! The courts won?t allow it! You can?t keep me here!? ?You would be surprised, William, what I have discovered in the last year while you?ve been mincing in your baby frocks with Nanny. It?s easy to prove to a court, with the right lawyers and at the right price, that a husband who has quit a well-paying job to mince about in diapers and willingly subjected himself, for a whole year, mind you, to the supervision of a trained psychiatric nurse who he has fantasized is a nanny in his own private nursery, is, on the face of it, weird and deeply troubled and incompetent and should be in the care of his loving wife if not an institution ?You wouldn?t!? ?Well, William, I wouldn?t like to, that?s true. I am fond of you. I would miss you? And it would be messy getting you committed and it would certainly be embarrassing. I hope you never force me to such action, dear. It would be so much cleaner and easier just for me to handle your affairs, get power of attorney and you declared incompetent, put everything in my name, and keep you here. Nothing would really have to change, now would it? We have such a nice arrangement here, you and me, you in the nursery with your nanny and me in the nearby bedroom, from time to time I drop by to visit and assist Nanny? And I do so hope you?ll stop your whining and see the brighter, happier side of our convenient arrangement, William. After all, think about it, how many of us get to perpetually live out our secret fantasy life and get it paid for by a loving spouse ? How many of us can afford to retire from work to live a life we?ve only dreamed of? ?But, Emily?? ?Enough, William! I am tired of this wrangling and talking and nothing getting resolved? You?re a child, William, and silence is golden in children? I?ll finish by doing the talking and you?ll listen. We?ll end by my telling you a little allegory that was told to me by a friend with you in mind. You?ll see the point, I think, a bright little child like you? Once there was a little boy who was walking in the forest and came upon a big vat of golden amber. He was told not to go near the vat, it was dangerous. But the amber was so sweet and lovely and sticky like caramel that the little boy ignored the warnings. He leaned far into the vat, dipping his hands into it and then his arms up to his shoulders, and he tasted the nectar and it was delicious. He swooned and leaned further, he leaned so far, in fact, that he lost his balance and fell in. At first he was frightened and thrashed about thinking he might drown. But the liquid was so thick he was buoyed up and the feel of the gooey, sticky amber was surprisingly pleasant. So, instead of climbing out, he luxuriated in its feel and began to float about and enjoy himself, first on his back and then on his belly. Slowly, imperceptibly, however, the amber began to congeal. The process was so slow he barely noticed at first. He still refused to climb out even as he found it harder and harder to move his limbs as the amber slowly hardened in the vat. The little boy was coated with it, and it covered him from head to toe. His limbs grew stiff, his movements slowed, and eventually it took the greatest effort for him to move a finger. Now it was too late to climb out, he was too weak to move a finger; he was caught like a butterfly in amber, stiff and frozen in space and time and unable to move. A little girl peered into the vat at his immobilized form as he floated about. He began to panic knowing he would need assistance if he were ever to be free from his prison. He looked at her wild-eyed and begged for help. ?It?s too late, little boy,? she said sadly. ?I can?t help you, no one can, you?re doomed to float about immobile forever.? ?It?s a very ugly story, Emily, and I can tell you enjoyed it immensely though I found it infinitely depressing.? ?William, you?re that little boy. You are coated with your babyhood just like the little boy is coated in his amber, there will be no release, my little darling? Like the little boy, you should never have wandered so close to the edge; and when you fell in you should have immediately climbed back out when you had the strength and the will; it?s too late now, you?re too weak, you?ll just have to stay as you are in your nursery and make the best of it? Nor, when you think about it, is your fate so very bad? Just like the sensory-deprived little boy in the vat-- -he?s comfortable and cozy and secure floating about coated in amber?There are worse fates in life, William, than being cocooned in a nursery and lovingly being looked after? Try to think of it that way?You?ll be happier, or at least a little more resigned?? ?Tell me something, Emily, and don?t get angry, please.? ?Dear?? ?Do you go out at night? Do you date while I?m in the nursery in my crib? Do you have a ?boyfriend? who sleeps with you? I hardly ever see you at night.? ?That?s impertinent, William, and none of your business. First of all, you?re a baby now who lives in a nursery, you?re no longer a husband except in name only, so you have lost the rights and privileges of one and therefore have lost the right to expect an answer to the question you just asked? Second, if you must know, you?re in bed at seven and I often have to work late, way past seven, to support your chosen and expensive lifestyle. But, more importantly, little children like you should not be wondering about such things let alone asking their mommies such questions. It?s impure?? ?Well, are you seeing someone?? ?You are exasperating, William! You will not learn your place, will you? Such a willful child?Well, if you must know, yes? I?ve been dating a man from work for several months now and we?re quite serious. He?s really quite extraordinary, I must say? Magnificent even? I wasn?t going to tell you? I didn?t want to worry you. Little children get so upset and jealous when they think their mommies aren?t exclusively their own and devoted to them. But rest assured, darling, just relax knowing that nothing is going to change, nothing is going to happen to you. You?ll be well taken care of even when I divorce to remarry a real man. It will be just like always, you?ll be my little baby girl in her cozy, little nursery down the hall, and looked after by your nice, pretty nanny. Won?t that be nice? We?ll all have so much fun together. Mommy and Daddy sharing the bedroom and living their lives together and you living your whole life within the four walls of your nursery protected and nurtured by a nanny who?ll serve as your babysitter when we?re away? Not a worry in the world, darling? Day after day of nursery play and fun? No responsibilities? And we?ll send you postcards on our honeymoon and Nanny Mary can pin them up on the nursery bulletin board? Yes, your every need will continue to be met, William, except, of course, those adult ones having to do with your harmless little wee-wee. That little pleasure will remain off-limits. Now, I know it will be hard for you knowing that Daddy doesn?t have to wear a tube and Mommy and Daddy get to make love down the hall in the bedroom while you?re confined in chastity in your nursery. But that?s just the price you pay for being my darling ickle-lickle baby? No ickle-lickle baby of mine makes gooey, white messy-messies in his ickle dydies, now does he? And can you imagine a ickle, lickle baby girl making big boy spurties? Eee-yuckkkk, gross! ?Yes, William, you are a very lucky baby really and you?ll have all the time in the world to adjust? all the time in the world?? Finis

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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes

My wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...

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Shes finally a hotwife

First let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...

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Chapter 1 8211 Shalini My First Hotwife

Hi, I am Ronny I live in the suburbs of Mumbai in Dombivli. I work for a BPO as a team leader in Airoli.I am 27 years old 6ft tall and I have decent cock fair and good in bed too.I don’t discriminate in age and skin tone of a woman. But I have turn on for mature women i.e; milfs. What is a bull you might be wondering. A bull is a wife’s lover, chosen to take over her husband’s sexual role in their marriage. The term “Bull” denotes his superior sexual prowess. A bull always seeks a hotwife and...

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14 ndash Dutiful Wifey

14 – Dutiful WifeyAfter my day’s adventures, I really felt that I should pay attention to my husband, Liam. I did love him even though I misbehaved from time to time. I wasn’t in the mood, mentally or physically, for sex, but I was going to play the role of a “good wifey”.I greeted my dear husband at the door when he got home from work with his favorite cocktail. Wearing his favorite sheer pink baby doll nightie and some low heels with fluffy pop-poms on the toes, he was favorably impressed, to...

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Sex between a pony and a farmer8217s wife

Background: During the late sixties and early seventies I was Barbara’s lover. She was a beautiful and free spirited woman some twenty five years older than I. A small, red haired and voluptuous woman with large breasts, a narrow waist with a slightly plump belly, a well rounded backside and shapely legs, she turned heads where ever she went and I loved her dearly. There were women of her generation whose totally uninhibited lust for life led to extreme unhappiness because of the strict...

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Reunion with my sexy wifee

So my wife is away with work at the minute and I have not seen her for over six weeks, as any of you who read this will know, it is driving me nuts and making me fucking horny!! As a result I have bought an outfit for her to wear when I see her next week and below is outlined how I hope the evening goes when we hook up. The question is should I send her my fantasy or not – everytime I try to send her stuff like this she just thinks I’m a perv, which I am especially when it comes to her. There...

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Prostitute Aunty Becomes My Wifee

100% fiction! Hi to all sex story readers this is jagdish from chennai.This is my second story but happened first in my life.Last story i didnt got any good repiles so please readers comment or mail me in my mail id jagdish_collegeboy [at] rediffmail [dot] com after reading my sex stories. i am 24yrs old guy from chennai and i m very interested in fucking girls and aunties but i didnt get any chance till 3 months back.Maximun my friends have there fucking many years back but i was virgin.I...

2 years ago
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First time Hotwife

Introduction: Jen becomes a hotwife My wife Jen was turning 30 soon and I wanted to do something special for her. It had been a big few months for us and we had grown so close as a couple, closer than we had been in all our 11 years together. I had finally been able to tell her about my fantasy of seeing her with another guy and to my surprise she told me that she was intrigued and would consider it but needed to process that other men would find her sexy and want to be with her. I knew that...

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This happened to me about 4 years after I married my first wife. I was in the air force and my squadron had been sent to Europe for 65 days on temporary duty. As it happened, I got to come home early, and I decided to surprise my wife by not telling her I would be comming home. My wife, Debbie, played cards with my buddies wifes every Tuesday night while their husbands were away. I got a ride to my house and walked in. Sure enough, there was Debbie, Sandy, Cheryl and Beth, sitting at the...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Housewife

Becoming A Housewife -------------------- Author Note: This story was inspired by fellow Fictionmania author JaneDough7 who started (but never completed) a wonderful series called "The Housewife" back in 2003. Ever since I read her stories, I've been entranced by the idea of a young man becoming a housewife - a regular, ordinary housewife with regular, ordinary duties. I started my version in 2009, but then got stuck in exactly the same place that JaneDough7 got stuck, and so...

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Beautiful Sex Between Me Servant8217s Wife

Hello ISS fans I am Sameer 30 yrs old from Hyderabad, I am 5.6 feet with a nice body, well this incident took place around 2 year back. I am running a small call center (domestic) in Hyd. I was in need of a security guard & a woman for cleaning our office. I was searching for security guard & cleaning lady, One day a person name Ramesh came to my place for work. He was around 45 yrs old and was will to work as security guard & he informed me that his wife will take care of cleaning activities....

3 years ago
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Well we had only been married a short time and Lisa was almost two moths pregnant but a wild animal in bed willing to try most anything so we were screwing everyplace and she was curious about my past experiences and was a little pissed that I had been with more girls than she had with boys but she pestered me for details so I began to make up things and one thing I had heard about was exotic massages and that really turned her on so we went on the web and started looking over sites and found...

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We had friends over and everyone had to much to drink and had left except for Josh our black neighbor my wife Peggy was sitting there in a stupor and I was pretty wasted myself. He finally asked if I needed help getting her to bed and I thanked him so he lifted her off the chair and like a dead person she hung there in his arms as I made my way upstairs to our bedroom the whole house seamed to be swaying as I made my way down the hall and I collapsed into the chair beside her makeup table as he...

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It had taken years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...

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Chapter 1 Lance Oxley left the prison as he had started, alone, clothed in his plaid shirt, white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He had lost a little weight, but they still fit even all this time. Why the prison still held onto his clothes was beyond him. In his pockets he had $172 and loose change, a plastic toothpick, and a key chain with two keys, a rabbit’s foot and a silver bottle opener. After 24 years locked away he was not prepared for what the world had to offer. He was regarded as a bad...

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Sultry SlutWife

I never imagined myself being married to a career-focused man. Since I was sixteen, I needed to be fucked almost on an hourly basis. Then, I met Daniel, my surprising knight in shining armor. In the heyday of our passion, we’d fuck maybe three times a month. Not much has changed, but I found a way to sate my needs.A year after we married, I started stripping at a high-profile club two towns over. Six times a week, I dance and strip up and down a dick-like pole. On more than one occasion, I’ve...

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A WifesFantasy

When I stepped into the bedroom I was unprepared for what happened next. Phillip my husband was behind the door completely naked and grabbed me by my ponytail and yanked me around to face him. “So my little slut are you ready to be mine?” He said more forcefully than I have ever heard him speak. My breath caught in my throat when with his free hand he reached over and squeezed my breast hard. Instantly I felt the nipples of my DD cup breast stand at attention. He realized this and with his...

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I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...

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Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...

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The Cock Hungry Houswife

This particular story is about an older lady named Teresa Roberts. Teresa was having problems with her internet cutting in and out so she placed a trouble call for a tech to come out to her house and this is where I come in. As soon as I saw her, there was something about her that struck me the right way. She wasn’t incredibly hot and she didn’t have the tightest body in the world but there was something about her that made me want to fuck her. Teresa is only about 5’2” tall with...

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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

We had fooled around with some threesomes in years past. She has brought home a couple of her girlfriends for us to play with, and I have let her fuck around with two of my best friends while I watched. There is nothing that gets me hotter than picturing Anne Marie pleasing and being pleasured by another guy, but up until this point, I had always been present when she would take any cock other than mine. Needless to say, I was very surprised by the incidents that took place recently. My...

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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

The following is an account of the first time Anne Marie ventured into the "slutwife" lifestyle. I had invited a good friend of mine named John to come hang out, drink a few beers and smoke a joint. I didn't tell Anne Marie he was coming by, instead I ran her a hot bath with bubbles and candles and wine, you know, the whole ball of wax. I know that usually after one of her special baths, she will put on a real sexy outfit for me and we will spend the evening making mad passionate...

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Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife

Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. She's tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I don't mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the left one) are always hard. We have been playing around with others for the last 14 or 15 years. I absolutely love to watch her with other men and women, and she...

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Neha the Indian Slutwife

My wife Neha and I, are happily married and like each other. We have a regular sex life and hence nothing unusual may be expected. We went once to Alibag, which is a beach resort near mumbai. The hotel Tropicana has large houses and we rented out one room for two nights. When we were having dinner we had another couple come a join us. Neha is hot and bossy. She runs her own IT consultancy and knows how to do it. She likes to dress in tight clothes and had one of those tight fitting dresses in...

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Anne Marie Kitten Becoming a Slutwife

Introduction: Well I wrote about her latest sexploits in Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife so I figured I should post the story about the first time she ever did another guy in front of me. My wife Anne Marie is in her early thirties, five ft. seven inches tall, with long dirty blond hair and dark chocolate eyes. She has awesome long legs, and a playboy bunny ass. Her breasts are small and firm, and her nipples are incredibly long and sexy when she is turned on. We have always been pretty open...

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Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife

Introduction: Anne Marie treated like a Slut in front of hubby I havent written about my hot wife in a while, so I figure its time to fill you in on her latest sexploit. Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. Shes tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I dont mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the...

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Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...

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I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...

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Anne Marie Kitten Book Store Slutwife

Introduction: Another in the ongoing saga of my cum loving slutwife Anne Marie. This took place about five years ago. Enjoy! A little background: My wife Anne Marie is 57, 135lbs. We have been together for over 12 years, and she is 35 years old, but she could easily pass for 10 years younger. She has great legs and her ass is smokin. Her breasts are a size 34B, perfectly shaped. She never wears a bra, so when her nipples get hard they can easily be seen through most tops that she wears. We had...

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Introduction: Husband and wifeservice her Johns I sat in the guest bedroom, looking through a eye hole. The hole was between the connecting door leading into the main bedroom. I had a good view of the room. I had a good view of my naked wife, Sarah, I had a good view of my neighbor from down the hall as he sat on the edge of my bed. I had a good view of Sarah holding his oversized cock and licking the tip. I looked at Sam as he sat, also naked, with his great belly. What made me shudder was...

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A WifesFantasy

Introduction: A fantasy of a wife comes true As I came from work I was tired but highly aroused by the text I had received from my husband in the early afternoon. All it said was Get ready for a hard night. Remember you are not to say a word I was almost swimming in my panties for the rest of the day thinking about what may happen when I got home. When I stepped into the bedroom I was unprepared for what happened next. Phillip my husband was behind the door completely naked and grabbed me by...

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How Carolyn Became a Slutwife

My husband Mark has been sharing me with other men and women for over thirty years, and in that time I've engaged in virtually every sexual activity there is that doesn't involve pain or humiliation. That includes public flashing, couple swapping, threesomes, foursomes, oral only gangbangs, full gangbangs, bukkake, public sex, anal, double penetration, all kinds of sexual games and toys, and more. But it all started very innocently, and this is the story of that fateful night.Tim had been...

Wife Lovers
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My fantasy encounter with Slutwifelaura

So after months of chats and planning the date arrived. I was packed with all the required items and dresses as I was told. Knowing I am not a crosscrosser but have a fetish for women's panties, Laura had told me to wear my red satin and lace panties and my plastic rock cage. A picture was texted to get clearly showing the numbered lock tab, they had better match she said,so she would know if I strayed. I reminded myself to thank her for allowing me to wear the plastic one not the metal. There...

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The Submissive Slutwife

My wife Becky and I are a fun couple who both enjoy all forms of sex play. We have an open marriage which means that, although we are married, we do occasionally play with others. It's strictly sex and fun with no emotional commitments, and we both have to discuss and agree before either of us goes with someone else. But it has worked out well for us. We have been playing around with others for the last four or five years. I love to watch her with other men and women, and she loves to be...

Wife Lovers
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Eating Cum from ExWife

My (now ex) wife Kate and I had been married for 16 years when we separated. We had two c***dren, aged 13 and 15 when it happened, and who stayed with their mum while I moved out to a nearby rental property.Me and Kate had always had quite an active and often quite kinky sex life; we had dabbled with the usual bedroom fetishes, as well as cuckolding, swinging and chastity (for me). None of this was the reason for our split I might add.To be honest, I was the unwilling party in the split and...

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Published by Wife4sperm

To my husband: I love being a naughty slut for othersI'm at the skate park surrounded by the group of guys. We were down in the pit of the park and couldn't been seen by passersby. There are six or seven I'm not sure. They are all naked and leering at me. I look down and find myself with just garters, stockings, and high heels. Jason is the clear leader and is standing there. His thick cock is right in front of me. He helps me down to my knees and I lean in to kiss his cock. My hands cup his...

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Shoshana Becomes a Slutwife

She wakes up to another morning with a wet pussy, throbbing clit and no one to fuck. She and her husband have been apart, due to his work, for most of the last six weeks. She’s a very sexual, sensual woman who enjoys great sex and is missing it a lot. She loves sucking cock, having her pussy eaten, and she loves to be fucked in any direction. Oh how she’d love to be able to fuck her man this morning! It’s been a long six weeks! She finds herself watching a lot more porn than usual and...

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Это история повествует о том, как отношения с моей женой переросли в безумную похоть.Ее зовут Кира. Рыженькая,голубоглазая,среднего телосложения девушка.Мы познакомились еще будучи подростками.Мы практически сразу начали встречаться,и также быстро оказались,в одной постели,а точнее лестничной клетке подъезда.Она была у меня первой.Потому как она все ловко делала,было сразу понятно,что опыт у нее есть и меня это ни чуть не смущало.До нее,у меня был разве что петтинг и оральный секс с...

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For several years I had fantasized about my wife Trixie being part of a threesome. I finally set it up on New Years Eve and Day (2015/2016). I posted a personal ad on a swinger's web site asking for a single male to be part of the experience. A military man named Jim replied to the ad and we set up to meet him at New Years Party at the Hotel . We weren't sure if we were ready to go through with this and told him so, but we wanted to be ready if Trixie got turned on. Trixie is 50 years old but...

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ChristycuckI had been trolling the porn sites for a while. Xgerbal was one of my favorites. I'd search for people nearby and usually find some guy showing of pics of his wife. One occasion turned out to be quite eventful. I came across a fellow who had some hot pics posted up that I believed to be his wife. She seemed older, in her 50s, but still had a tight body and some nice fake titties. I struck up a conversation one evening when he was online and he told me some of his fantasies. Most of...

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Craigslist suprise for slutwife

It had been a few months since my wife Kristi had any sexual fun with guys around Indianapolis so I was checking out craigslist just looking around in the MM4F section. I came across an ad with two black guys looking for a white girl for fun and they wanted to host. I thought that was perfect because we didn’t have to get a room or deal with finding a sitter. I told her about the guys and showed her the pic of both there hung cocks and that was all it took to get her excited. Since her Ex /...

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My Night With Hotwifepol

This is another fantasy story involving another Xhamster user, this time it's hotwifepol. Her link here: http://xhamster.com/user/hotwifepolI was spending another lazy afternoon browsing Xhamster and I was trying to find something to jerk off too when I found her picture. She was gorgeous and I was mesmerised by her beautiful eyes and enchanting smile. She was so beautiful so I sent her a friend request. To my surprise she quickly accepted and I was very happy but I thought that she...

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Roleplay Starter Kryptonite Wears Wifebeaters

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Kryptonite Wears Wifebeaters"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Parking lot He's leaning against the driver's door of her car when she gets off work. His western boots, well-worn faded jeans and white tank top don't do much to hide his form. She knows what's underneath and it's like Superman's kryptonite for her. He sees her coming and holds his arms out, elbows at his side and smiles. "How's my babygirl?" he says a little too loudly. "Forget it, Ted."...

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Edinburgh Houswife

Hello there, my name is George and a few years ago I was living in another city and for a while I had my own small apartment in a suburban district. It was a leafy suburb of Edinburgh and I had a part-time research assignment at a local engineering college, which was only for three days a week, so it meant I had a lot of free time.Where I was living was on the second floor of a small apartment building and almost directly opposite across the road was another similar apartment block. From my...

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Moni slutwife

Moni has agreed to submit to my commands, because her husband has given her to me for the night. She has agreed she must do what I say, and I am so very excited. She will become my cumslut and will have the time of her life! My cock is hard as I make preparations. I buy her a black push-up bra for her tits; it will leave the nipples showing whether she wants them to or not. I also get her black “fuck me pumps” and a black dress with just the right cleavage and which will come to about her...

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I watched enthralled as the engorged, rigid, veined rod of flesh withdrew, glossy with moisture glistening on the thick, reddish mass that only partially evacuated the pulpy, tight clutch of my wife’s vaginal orifice. I held my breath involuntarily as the motion stopped and inexorably reversed, the meaty mass gradually disappearing into the dark recesses where I could only imagine her welcoming flesh grasping and lubricating the massive invader that penetrated her most intimate regions. Once...

Wife Lovers
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Becoming a Slutwife

Where do I begin with this? I really want to blame Bob for this entirely and it is certain and beyond any doubt, that he needs to carry some of the responsibility for this. After all, it really was his idea. Not that I am exactly free from sin, I have let my eyes and my thoughts wander about many times. I will admit to the occasional masturbation act using fantasies of men, other than my husband of twenty plus years. And yes,there were a few tiny incidents over the years at parties...

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Bored houswife

Once upon a time there was a lonely housewife called pussy trapped in the house with nothing to all day. Her husband worked away and when he did get home he was not interested in poppy because he was to tired from work or banging his filthy assistant. Pussy one day noticed her neighbour on a hot summer day. Usually she does not look twice but today he looks so hot with a rock hard chest and jet black hair doing the gardening. Pussy was starring at his body liking what she saw she could feel a...

1 year ago
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Dating A Hotiwife

Hello, sex story readers, Thank you all readers for your valuable emails and suggestions. I have been asked many times by readers whether my stories are real or imagination, let me tell again, my all stories are my real experiences and I enjoy it a lot. Let me tell about myself, I am decent, good looking, disease free, educated guy from Mumbai. I am 23 and like to enjoy with couples and women and I like to explore all types of kinks and fetishes. You can connect with me on or kik –...

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Back Room Wifebang

Dawn wore an unusually revealing black dress that evening. It was shorter than anything Brad had ever seen her wear in public. Being that this was a formal dinner and dance with potential professional contacts, he was reluctant to have her wear it at first. But Dawn, who had a shapely but very petite 102-pound body, seemed to be very comfortable and confident in the tight, low-cut dress.In fact, seeing his wife in the dress stirred some reoccurring fantasies in Brad as they shared a bottle of...

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