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If Thomas could not yet feel at home in his new apartment, then he could at least feel at home in his body. To that end, there was nothing like a morning jog through chill autumn winds to instill the sort of invigorating ache in his lungs and bones that he needed to reinforce his sense of self. As his rhythmic pounding of feet on concrete slowed, his focus shifted to his echoing heartbeat and the door to his second story apartment. He tried to be quiet as he made his way back inside his not- yet-home since his roommate didn't share his enthusiasm for mornings. Unfortunately the air pressure differential meant the door dragged open then thumped closed after he slipped inside. She preferred Len to Glenda and sleeping on the couch to hauling herself to bed after a long night of drinking. A cold burst of air stabbed her eyes and forced her into the waking world. "Fuck," she said between smacks of her crusted lips. She knew better than to ask him why he was awake so early. He was like a rooster whose neck she wasn't allowed to snap. "Hey, you cock." "Good morning," he said with his head in the refrigerator. "We have some parmesan reggiano left from Italian night. I could make you an omelet with it. A sprig of parsley isn't ideal but-" "No! Damn it. Coffee." She heaved her pantsless legs onto the floor and began her stumbling crawl to the percolator. Suit yourself, he thought. After a few minutes of eggs on low heat, eager whisking and a single careful fold, the omelet was his to enjoy alone save for the disappointment that he was out of fresh dill. He joined his slovenly companion at their tiny dining table where she nursed a hot cup of stale brew. "You should drink your beer the same way." "I wouldn't drink it if I had to taste that crap." She downed the remainder in one spiteful swig and hid her discomfort from him as best as she could. Television seemed like a good idea until the caffeine kicked in. A pre-show advertisement for her coffee brand promised smoothness in every cup. "I don't know who they're fooling with these ads." "They want you to feel like you don't have a better option." He turned back from the bathroom door. "I'm going to take a quick shower then I might need your help with something." "Alright," she said. Knowing him, it couldn't be anything too demanding of her. He seemed to be the sort who always had to do it himself. He immediately entered his room after his shower and eventually emerged with a box of supplies and a bald cap secured over his hair and ears. "Who taught you how to use a condom? I'm joking, I know what it is," she said as he began to interrupt with an explanation. "I'm doing a makeup test ahead of a monologue for my theatre class. Are you familiar with Neil Simon's 'Last of the Red Hot Lovers'?" She shook her head. "It's a play with a number of popular monologues and while I'm sure Dr. Lavoie wouldn't be surprised to hear one this semester, she might be sur-" "Nope. It's a theatre class. Drag has never been surprising." He was clearly in search of an explanation. "Does the play have any werewolves? Zombies? Demons? That's how I knew. I totally could have helped you with one of those other looks. I've had a thing for horror special effects since 6th grade and I've figured out a thing or two. I'll show you some pics later." He set down the box and lifted from it an object in the rough form of a bust. "Ooh, you're going all the way with prosthetics." He nodded. "I could see that impressing the teacher. She won't let it influence your grade if she's any good at her job but she'll be impressed." "I agree, but I still want to do something a bit different. While a standard full head mask would look fine in still pictures, I would only be able to secure edges around the eyes and mouth so I wouldn't have a full range of expression." He separated the clamshell halves of the bust and laid them open side up on the kitchen table. "Individual prosthetics would mostly eliminate that problem but it would require hours of application each time. I'll be right back," he said as he took off to his room. He came back with two large teardrop molds whose purpose was obvious. "What if the prosthetics could be molded directly onto the body?" Len remained skeptical of the conclusion that Thomas was clearly reaching. "I'm no expert on injection molding but I'm pretty sure that it involves high pressure. And knowing how thick liquid rubber can be," she said as her distressed voice trailed off. "This doesn't sound safe." "I thought of that. So instead of using an injection molding process, I've opted for an expanding foam silicone. I brushed a few layers of cap plastic on the inside of the molds last night so they're good to go." He poured some super glue onto an applicator sponge then applied a heavy layer over his chest. "While that's drying, I can mix the silicone, pigment and foaming agent. Another advantage is that it uses a third of the silicone of normal prosthetics as it will triple in volume." He carefully measured then quickly mixed the ingredients before smearing the viscous rubber into the breast molds. The molds were clamped onto his chest with his hands as an improvised bra. "It's going to take about ten minutes to cure so I'm going to wait on the couch." She loudly cleared her throat. "Right, I forgot. I'll stand over on the tile." She sat on the couch and returned to her show, leaving her bald and mostly naked roommate alone with his budding bosom. She craned her neck to continue their increasingly awkward conversation. "So, you said this was a makeup test. Are you testing the method or the look?" "The look, so I'm certain it's safe." He eventually felt a tickling sensation then pressure from the expanding rubber creeping against his skin. He responded by steadying his grip. Eventually he could feel the silicone seep out from under the edges. He had to be slow and gentle as he broke the vacuum seal between the mold and his new breasts. The pull of adhesive confirmed that they would not be coming off by accident. Len saw as Thomas walked across the apartment that they didn't bounce at all like real breasts. She had seen silicone prosthetics in action before and figured that the foaming agent was responsible for the stiffness. "I didn't think I'd be saying this until June but are you going to paint those nipples?" "I did add a bit of detail, didn't I?" She had to laugh at his understatement. "I'll be painting them to match the rest so if I want to be thorough then I might as well. But I want to get the rest of the prosthetics in place first so we'll move on to the head and hands." She assumed he meant an at-home manicure but wasn't surprised when he came out of his room with another set of molds for his hands and forearms. "I feel like you're taking this too far for a school assignment. I bet she didn't even ask you to dress up." "Then it's a test in case I ever have to." He opened the glove molds on the tabletop and Len's suspicions were confirmed with a glance. She knew where an argument would end up but she was past asking questions. "If you were aiming for realism, then you would not be wearing these bulky gloves. You would use foundation and nail polish. You're using a class assignment as a flimsy excuse to turn yourself into a rubber doll." He feigned incredulity. "How could you possibly think that I- I mean, not that there's anything wrong with having a kink or fetish but-" He saw that she wasn't buying it. "Okay, so I thought it would be fun to be a doll for a day. Do you have a problem with that?" "I have a problem with lying. If you had told me this morning 'Good morning, Len! I'm going to super glue rubber to my face, hands and chest because I want to look like a plastic bimbo!' then I would have asked you to not get anything on the carpet because that shit does not scrub out." He was cupping his breasts until he could get a bra out of his room. "So you're okay with it?" "It shouldn't matter," she said before taking the morning into full account. "That is, unless you can't get in and out of this without help." "I've worn the mask and breasts before. I suspect that if I glue on the gloves, my hands will be completely useless." "You see? This is why you have to be able to talk about these things. How do you know I'm going to let you out when we're done? To be clear, I would but I'd probably leave you in it for a while longer to teach you a lesson-" She saw his eyes light up and sighed in frustration. "-and that's part of your fetish, of course." "You said you'd let me out if I put on the gloves. Please?" She wasn't used to hearing pleading from him and was missing his old self already. "It's about eight right now. I'm heading out at noon for lunch and then I'm at the hospital from two until morning. You'd get maybe a couple of hours in that whole getup before I'd have to start getting your hands out. You know what? I'll make you a deal. Leave the gloves off today and we'll schedule a play day when we have more time for it. I still have a headache and the last thing I need right now are fumes in my sinus cavities." He sighed in resignation. "Okay." He left again for his room and came back in a simple white bra. "I'm stopping after the mask. I promise." "Hey, I just don't want to see you in the emergency room tonight. We get enough people in there because they were too embarrassed by their kink to do it the right way. They always say it was an accident. How do you accidentally get a toy car up your ass?" A compromise was reached and a plan for the day set. He poured more super glue on to an applicator sponge and coated his face and neck. He continued as best as he could around the rest of his head until he was certain he would be perfectly bound by the mask. Len's curiosity dragged her from the couch to the kitchen to watch closely as he measured and combined more of the rubber, pigment and reagents. It was smeared along the plastic lining of the molds. "So, I'm seeing some 'inserts' here. I'm guessing they're for breathing but they make this whole thing look like a torture device." "It's not that bad. The eye covers keep it from sealing my eyes shut as it expands. The tubes for my nostrils allow me to breathe through the mold and the mouthpiece," he said as he held the back half of the mold in place against his neck, "allows for breathing through a small slit and fills the inside of my mouth to make sure the lips are aligned." He wrapped his jaw and lips around the pliable gag and carefully let the other inserts settle in place as the two halves were forced together to form a tight seal against his collarbone. He blindly fumbled for the latches that would keep the mold from separating and to his pleasant surprise felt Len's fingers on his as she secured it for him. She said something that he guessed was "Ten minutes" but it didn't matter. Now all he could do is wait. It wasn't long until he felt the material expand into the cavity as it caressed his cheeks and kissed his lips. Swallowing became more difficult as his neck was corseted in the expanding foam rubber. His jaw pressed further into the gag. His fingers picked away at tiny bits of rubber that seeped out under the seal. He undid the latches around his head and starting with the back half, released himself from his contraption. He ran his fingertips along the smooth plastic-encased rubber enclosing his head and tried to pull the gag free through his frozen lips. The mask pulled on his skin as the vacuum seal against his new face broke and the saliva-soaked gag slipped out. He closed his eyes again as they adjusted to the light in the room. "Welcome back," said his roommate. "You're looking more like a cheap sex toy already." He went to the bathroom mirror and saw that it had all come out as expected. He still needed cosmetics as his bust, except for his shoulders, was a solid pale mass. He tested the range of motion in his new face. Smiling proved impossible as his lips were fused into a semi-permanent pout. Any attempt to stretch his jaw wider would sting. He was no more than a hairless doll in need of painting. "You alright in there?" He came out to assure his roommate. "Can you say anything?" He could only reply with humming. "I'm wondering how you imagined this playing out if I didn't call you out on your bullshit." She gasped with melodramatic flair. "How could this be? You're never going to be able to perform in that. I guess you'll have to be my doll forever now!" He accepted the good-natured mockery and laughed as well as the mask would allow. "Or at least until you got tired of smoothies. Okay, now I want to see what you look like painted." He sounded surprised at least. "Yes, really. It's better than television and I have a few hours to kill." He started by applying more adhesive to visible seams to blend them into his skin followed by concealing foundation to his chest above his breasts. According to its advertising, its opacity was enough to cover tattoos. He could believe it after seeing it in action for the first time. He still was not about to go out into the world in this state so he focused on making what he could see in the mirror presentable. False eyebrows and eyelashes were stuck in place after dark eyeshadow and eyeliner made his eyes pop. He felt he could skip the contouring as the rubber gave him precisely the cheekbones he wanted. A light touch of peach blush and matching lip color were certainly welcome. "Nice," said Len as Thomas finally returned the blush to his lip gloss. "I might get you to do my makeup some day." He hummed affirmatively then rose to fetch a long, brown wig from his room. A bit of glue held its lace in place against the plastic surface of his silicone scalp. He turned to Len and inquired of her opinion with a hum. "You look perfect for pictures but lousy for video. You mentioned dressing up before. What sort of clothes do you have for- I'm sorry, I have so many questions." He tried to assure her that her curiosity was welcome. He went to his room and came out dressed for the first time this morning since his shower. His outfit had been planned to compliment his makeup. A low-cut orange blouse, tan leggings and a short, black skirt completed his ensemble for now. He would have to practice in heels eventually but it could wait for another day. "So now what?" He threw up his hands, shrugged his shoulders and plopped onto the couch at last to watch a bit of television. "I should have guessed." She joined him on the couch until lunchtime inevitably rolled around. Normally they kept their distance from each other but today, perhaps because he had shown trust in her and she respected him for it, they put their arms around each other. He could only feel her warmth against his arms but that would have to be enough. Their comfort with each other grew until Len, knowing she would be the only one to ask, turned to face him. "May I?" Her lips puckered and pressed into his. Her tongue explored his mouth as little as his mask would allow. He pulled her onto his lap and held her in a tight embrace. He felt her pulling herself away and he let her go with deep concern. "That was fun. Seriously! I just- I- I remembered something that I have to do before lunch and work so- Are you going to be okay in there?" He did his best to assure her that he was okay and would be okay. "Alright." She hit the showers and left him alone as his creeping self- doubt burned away any confidence that he may have earned this morning. She emerged from the bathroom in hospital scrubs to find him resting silently on the couch. His inability to keep his mouth closed without effort added to his discomfort. "I'm heading out. We'll talk about this later but I want you to know that you did nothing wrong. Do you trust me?" He didn't respond. "I need to know if you trust me." He finally nodded. "Good." She turned back at the door. "Did you remember to use release agent on your eyebrows?" The sudden realization startled him awake. "Uh-oh! Have fun with that!" She wondered if he took that literally then left until morning.

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My Daughters Dating Problem

She invited Derrick over to the house for an early afternoon talk before the kids got home from school on Friday afternoon. Wanting to see how things went I left work early. Our house has a long driveway making it possible to drive up without being noticed. Seeing Derrick's truck in the drive, I quietly entered through the basement door. Through the ventilation duct that runs from the basement to the first floor, I could hear them talking in the living room. Beth was telling Derrick that it...

1 year ago
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House Slut 23 A Day at the Beach

“How’re you feeling?” Sam asked. “Sore. Disoriented.” Tegan picked up her phone to check the time: it was early afternoon, presumably the same day. “Did you want to sleep more? I was going to get some lunch together.” “Food sounds amaaazing.” Tegan sighed, reflecting that she had only had snacks and wine the night before. “Ok, leave you to it while I get lunch started.” Sam said, standing up and exiting her room. Tegan reluctantly slid out of bed and wandered across the hall to the...

2 years ago
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My audacious girl friend

I had this girlfriend once upon a time, who loved to tease me and who loved to do crazy dangerous things that could get us caught. I guess the getting caught part just added spice to our sex, but she often would do crazy things with her own family nearby! It wasn't long after we first met. I guess we hadn't been on more than four or five dates. We'd gotten past the huggy bear, kissy face stage, and I was beginning to get more bold, but she wouldn't let me go any farther than feeling her...

1 year ago
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Lucky encounter with a married woman

I’m Rohit (name changed). For the first time I’m writing a story. Please feel free to post suggestions, positive criticism and comments. Years back, I traveled to a metro city for official work. I always dream of having sex with mature women but it was all in vain until 2009. It was a rainy gloomy evening as our plane landed in an airport with a great deal of difficulty. Then I took a taxi to reach a star rated hotel. It is still raining heavily… so I rushed inside the hotel main doorway and...

2 years ago
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The Journey Of My Fixation For MILFs

Hey all, I hope all of you are safe during these uncertain times. A few years back, the response I got when I wrote one of my experiences was incredible. Thank you for all the emails and I am glad I could meet a few of the ladies and enjoy it too. I have shared many memories of my early days with many and I am sexting so much! I really enjoyed all that. Thank you, guys, too! For guys being guys and complimenting me in your own way. It’s all positive. Now with the lockdown in effect, one of my...

4 years ago
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The Nymph

“When I come to the woods, I am not me.”“And especially when the summer moon is full.”My company moved to new offices, on a complex close to the borders of the city, and I decided it was time to make a change in my life. Since cancer took my wife away, I’d existed rather than lived. I just lacked any purpose. I’d stayed in the same house, our house, and missed her every single second of every single day. And night. Especially the nights. The company moving gave me the push I needed and so I...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader Flash

Don't you just love it when fate takes a crap on someone, then turns around and cleans it up nicely? You be the judge! Jo Ann was your typical wannabe in high school: Not quite head cheerleader type but willing to do whatever it took to fit in with the crowd. She put up with the incessant insults about her Italian "mustache", and despite that being somewhat true, she owned a perfectly rounded face, a sweet smile, slightly meaty but creamy rich thighs, dark thick hair, a wonderful olive...

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a good time

I thought I’d write this little story of a threesome we had last year. It had lots of good points and a few bad, but I thought this story might help couples in the future deciding wether enter into this way of life and share there wife with another man.It all started about a year ago when I was researching men’s interest in bedding my wife. You see she is in her fifties now, but has the amazing body of a twenty year old, with a figure of 38D-26-36, yummy and dark hair, and with an intense need...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City Girl Chapter 15

Monday during lunch I asked Holly if she could come over to my house after school. She said of course, and only then did she ask me what for.That I have learned over the years is what a real friend does. A lot of people will ask what for, and only then decide if they are going to come over. A real friend will agree to come over, and only after ask what it is you need.I told her that since we were starting a new campaign this week, Linda would need some new characters. So we could spend some...

1 year ago
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Lesbianism in Modern Literature 11

While this was setting up, other groups of two to four women were looking on, in various stages of undress stroking themselves or their partners. In a large chair in the corner, Suzie was sitting with her legs spread out on the arms, looking over her domain. In front of her, a blond head with hair tied in a ponytail was noisily bobbing up and down and licking the hostess' crotch.Looking over the scene, Sam felt someone come up behind her and cup her breasts over her dress. She then felt lips...

4 years ago
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Betsys JourneyChapter 11

Betsy was more than ready for the best chapter of her life story. Her journey seemed like an eternity until she met Mr. Right. Danny was 6'3", very good looking and he had a very athletic physique. He played various sports during his college days and excelled in football. He was even drafted, as a safety, but chose Med School to become a shrink instead. It was Danny's eyes that Betsy first noticed about him. He had dark, mystic eyes that were a combination of blue and green, which she...

3 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 14

Tommy and Connie enjoyed their new-found relationship very much over the next couple of months. Tommy began working at his new job with Advanced Technologies Inc. and Mr. Hamilton was very pleased with Tommy's work ethic and enthusiasm. He could see almost immediately that Tommy was going to be an asset to the company. Connie, too, got a promotion at the bank, becoming that branch's permanent New Accounts director. No more standing at the teller line for hours a day - she had a desk and was...

2 years ago
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DominoesChapter 3 Fall 19882

As seniors, we were allowed to define the paths we would follow throughout our lives. I began to appreciate the C.M.A. system of offering each cadet the freedom to customize his extracurricular activities to meet his own aspirations. Seniors who didn't make the varsity team were given the opportunity to pursue other activities. It was our last year and we were beginning to look toward the future. We who were room leaders had been chosen for that role because of our class standing, not...

3 years ago
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Kitty on the Beach

I felt a new sense of dread as the plane door closed and I buckled my belt. I actually thought I was going to be sick for an instant, but it was all in my imagination. There was no longer any escape, I was really on my way to spend New Year’s with my family. It’s not that I hate them, I actually have a lot of good memories growing up with them, along with some very bad ones. It’s just that they don’t understand me, they never had, and by now I don’t expect them to but that doesn’t remove the...

2 years ago
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First mmf experience better than expected

"Baby make out with him" I said okay I grabbed him and pulled him towards me and started making out with him sensually as my wife started kissing both of us and all three of our tongues were intertwined.. My wife started pulling my pants down and I started to pull his down.. Then the first part of my fantasy started taking place!! I was depth throating every single inch of his 6 inch thick dick. His dick is the perfect length and width for my liking.. As I was sucking his Dick with every...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 23

Curtis Flannery was conflicted. He had a good job. His Lordship gave him much more say in the breeding program than most lords would. That was part of the problem, actually. He had noticed the signs that his sons were sniffing about this or that girl on the estate. But all boys did that, and he hadn't given it a thought. And he almost never went up to the manor itself. He told himself that was why he hadn't noticed all the pregnant lasses around the place. He had been shocked nearly out of...

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To Love her I

Everyday I would make sure I was at school at 6am because there would be fewer students at the school at that time and I would go into the classroom and would read romantic novels until it was time for the lessons to start. I didn't even raise my hand in class because I knew that would draw out a few snickers and taunts from my classmates. One afternoon after school, I was in the school library doing my Chemistry homework, I was concentrating so much on it that I failed to see that someone...

3 years ago
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Dead Girls VengeanceChapter 5 We spy on a target

Filene wanted us to go back to advanced ‘Seeing Ahead’ but a serial abuser had just escalated to murder. That gave all of us at The Grotto the ability to read his thoughts. We could only read his thoughts. We could not change his thoughts except by presenting willing targets ripe for his perversions. Little Joann’s killer would face a nasty demise. Filene sent us and another trainer sent her two to listen to the thoughts of the recent murderer, Peter Jelson. We gathered in his home cloaked...

3 years ago
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GFs now my Pimp and Whores me Out

It had been a week since I had confessed my fantasy. I admit I was surprised at her response. She actually made my fantasy come true, well not exactly. You see I told her I fantasized about being fucked in the ass, so she produced a strap-on and did just that. She tried to convince me to go all the way with my fantasy; even promising me that she could make it happen easily.We both had quite a week and Friday night was finally here. Sitting on the couch we were having cocktails and discussing...

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Listening to the wife fucking

I had been asking my wife Mandy for years to have some swinging fun, ideally letting another man join so that I could watch her being pleasured and pleasuring him. I had always found it such a turn on to think of her being fucked by someone else, not just the sex but to watch him kissing her as he sank his cock into her, to see her sliding her sexy mouth up and down his cock and to see him spunking all over her . The desire grew stronger and stronger to the point where anything connected to it...

2 years ago
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Birthday Gift From Cousin Sister

Hi, mera naam Jagdish hai or me Gujarat me rahata hu ,,, I am 27 year old , ye story hai jab me 25 years ka tha. Is story me jo ladaki hai vo meri cousin sis hai meri aunty ki ladaki to surat me rahere hai vo mere se 2 sal choti hai , uski fig bahot hi mast hai ek dam slim and sexy. Ham dono ki family pahese bahot close thi aese bhi ham bhi 3 log the family me or vo log bhi 3 hi the. Ham dono bachpan se hi bahot close thi ek dusare se ham log ek dusare se sab kuch share karate thi . Ham dono...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Kiara Edwards Sarah Jessie Double Dosis of Sex

Kiara Edwards is Finally back from Australia!!! This smoking hot babe with big natural, perky, breasts and a fun loving attitude always makes for a great time. After her shoot earlier in the day it was my turn. She uses her perfect mouth and epic body to turn me on like you wouldn’t believe. Something else you won’t believe is I receive a text from a good friend of mine AND hers. Sarah Jessie asked what was up and I let her know I was in the middle of fucking around with Kiara. Being the raging...

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The Girl That Needed To Get Fucked

Mitch was gone. He was off to his business lunch and then flying back to Texas to his wife and children. I was not falling in love with Mitch. And I don't think it was even him that I was missing. He triggered a hunger within me that still needed to be fed. He had made me his slut. He transformed me into his fucktoy and I fervently embraced that role. Don't get me wrong, I was not playing the part of his slut but in that moment, I truly became his slut. And I loved it. I reveled in it. No...

2 years ago
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Being educated Melodys Rules

Once I finished myself onto Tina's back. Melody asked that I wash up for her. I left Melody with a firm hand on the back of Tina's head buried between her legs. My mind was going crazy. I was imagining myself with Melody and putting my face between her amazing breasts. I recovered quickly in the shower. My cock hardened as I soaped it. The bathroom door opened and entered Tina. She stumbled over on her tippy toes, she looked worn out and her makeup had run down her cheeks from her sweat and...

2 years ago
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Making a movie with mum

Me and my mum both have open sex relationships and both enjoy watching porn together, we share our profile on here and regularly flick through pics and watch videos. We have touched each other and watched each other but we never do full sex. One weekend mum was feeling horny and I said you should go to town and get yourself a young guy to have some fun with.The following night mum got dressed up and hit the town by herself and I went to the pub, a coupe of hours later I got a text telling me to...

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Charlie and Uncle Joe Part 2

I didn’t see Uncle Joe again until the night of the party. He was lying low I guess, not even hanging out by the pool. I was kind of disappointed, but understood why he was doing it. I should have been doing the same, not constantly hoping to catch a glimpse of him or accidently run into him. But as it was, our paths didn’t cross until the party was nearly over. The evening was well underway. There were about fifty people, all family and very close friends of Daddy’s in attendance. The...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 147

Jeff and Kayla had finished their run, returned and showered. Jeff chatted with Dave, Bill and Frank while Kayla went to help prepare breakfast. A few minutes later, Art came in, got his coffee and sat with the men. Expecting to be kidded again, he was almost disappointed when no one did. "You guys always have a big Halloween party?" Jeff shook his head, turning to the new Alpha. "Arlene, Diana and I moved here in June. Everyone else came later — well as part of our group, anyway. Dave...

3 years ago
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My Neighbors

Introduction: Doing a favor results in an eye opening experience. My name is Carol and all I was trying to do was be a good neighbor. My husband Bill and I live on a normal street in a normal town. Our next door neighbors, Mike and Sue, had asked us to feed their dogs while they were on vacation. They had a pair of Dobermans, a male and a female. The female had just had a litter of puppies about 8 weeks ago. Sue really didnt want to leave them but they had non refundable tickets. I had told Sue...

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