Island Secrets Ch. 04 free porn video

‘Hmmmmm! These are absolutely delicious! Let me have another one dear.’
Sharon smiled and graciously obliged the elderly woman who she had served a minute ago with the delicate ackee quiche. She moved quickly around the gathering until her tray was empty, then made her way back to the kitchen. She had lost count of the trips she had made since the first party guest had rolled in at around six. It was now almost ten. She had been at the Kirkland mansion since midday.
‘Gosh girl! You moving like Donald Quarrie out there man.’
The head chef grinned at her as she took a seat to ease her tired feet. She smiled back.
‘The food is just that good. You really need to give me some of these fancy recipes. I realize it’s just the same everyday ingredients all dressed up.’
‘Yeah mon. No problem. You eat yet?’
Sharon’s stomach rumbled in response as she shook her head.
‘Well you need to keep your strength up. Misses Kirkland parties usually go past midnight so you have a few more hours to go.’
Sharon nodded obediently as he passed a plate laden with odds and ends to her. She finished it in record time and washed it all down with a soft drink. She placed her plate in the sink before going to the tiny bedroom the workers had been given to store their personal effects. She hurried to the adjoining bathroom and dashed a little cold water on her face. She washed her hands and wiped her face with a piece of hand towel before examining her reflection.
Her hair was on an off straightening week. She had pulled the unruly mass back into a single braid which she then secured with a rubber band. It hung half way down her back. She had managed to find a long sleeved white blouse in her mother’s closet which she now wore tucked into her black skirt. On her feet she wore a simple pair of black ballet flats. She had figured if she was going to be on her feet for most of the evening at least she could be comfortable. She had not bothered with taking a handbag and had simply placed her taxi fare in her pocket. She wanted to be able to make a quick exit when the night was done.
She smoothed her hands over her skirt and dabbed at her lips carefully, checking for any residue of food. Satisfied with her appearance she went back to the kitchen and grabbed yet another tray before heading out to the patio.
A pair of grey eyes watched as Sharon approached. He smiled to himself as he observed the pleasant manner in which she served the guests. He had been watching her almost all night since he had first caught sight of her. He had been watching his mother watching her as well and knew that she was pleased. He sipped his drink slowly as she headed in his direction.
‘I’ll have one of those, Sharon.’ He unwound himself from the barstool and crossed the distance between them.
She looked up and smiled. ‘Certainly, Mr. Kirkland.’ Her lips twitched slightly. She dutifully held out the tray. Matthew took one of the treats and bit into it.
‘Hmmmmm. This is delicious. What is it?’
‘I believe it’s a calaloo patty, sir.’
‘Who would have thought that calaloo could taste so good huh.’
She smiled again before moving on. Before long her tray was empty once more. She made a few more trips to the kitchen within the next hour, each time serving up something different: rock buns, plantain tarts, duckunoo, totos, gizzadas, coconut drops and peanut cakes. Each time Matthew made it his point of duty to approach her. Sharon was no fool. Over the past weeks she had recognized it but it had become more evident when she moved to the seventh floor. Matthew had a crush on her. She thought it was sweet and in another time and place she might have even considered giving him a chance. But there were just too many obstacles in the way. Apart from the obvious rich white guy versus poor black girl drama and the raking over the coals she would get as the girl, she just did not feel that way about him. There was another set of grey eyes, however, that she could not say the same about when it came to her feelings. A pair of grey eyes she had not seen all night.
Friday was the last time she had seen Maxwell. The long weekend loomed and the office had emptied early. Even his brothers had taken off. But she had remained diligently at her post. Her objective was to finish typing several letters, then, if time allowed, get started on some necessary filing. The offices would not reopen until the following Wednesday and she did not want to face a mountain of work when she returned. She had gotten through the typing and had started to file, completely forgetting that Maxwell was still in his office. There had not been a repeat of their closeness and she had started to relax.
It was nearly six when Maxwell had emerged. They had both given a start at the others presence.
‘You’re still here?’
‘I-I…’ She stammered then swallowed. ‘I was trying to finish up some filing before Wednesday.’
‘Oh ok. Well if that is the case I have an even more urgent pile in here. Maybe you can get started on that instead and let Michael do that next week.’ He thumbed his finger at the papers in front of her.
Their eyes had locked. Sharon had known she should have just made up an excuse, something, anything, to not enter his office. But as she had stared into the grey orbs she felt a magnetic pull she was powerless to resist. Without a word she had gone in.
She had been a bundle of nerves as her hands trembled slightly while shuffling the papers. But soon she had gotten into a rhythm and had all but forgotten the silent man sitting across from her. Then she had done the unthinkable. Just as she would have with Michael or Matthew, she invited him into her space by asking for clarification on a smudged document. In an instant he was by her side peering over her shoulder. His warm breath had caressed her cheek as she inhaled the distinct scent of his cologne, still lingering after a hard day’s work. She had felt her heart begin to beat unnaturally at his closeness.
Maxwell had felt the tremor that ran through her body. He was not unaffected by the closeness as his cheek brushed her smooth hair. There was a light scent of coconut as the strands tickled his nostrils. He had bent lower still until they were almost cheek to cheek. He had felt her go absolutely still.
They were not sure who had made the first move. Slowly they turned to each other, finding themselves nose to nose. Maxwell had wasted no time. He cupped her cheek and pulled her gently towards him. As his lips locked onto hers he heard her moan softly. The purring sound drove him wild. He had slid his other hand around her shoulders and slowly straightened, taking her with him, his lips never leaving hers. He had plundered her mouth then, demanding entrance for his hot tongue. He felt her tentatively give him access and he had surged forward to find his mate. Slowly he drew her tongue into his mouth, suckling urgently. She had moaned even louder then. He had leaned back on the desk, spreading his legs and positioning her to stand between his thighs. His hands had spanned her tiny waist and pulled her even closer into his embrace. Slowly they had slipped lower to cup her bottom. He had given the firm globes a squeeze and felt her shiver.
He felt his groin tighten as she began to respond to his oral ministrations. Somehow her hands had crept up around his neck and he liked knowing that she was responding to him. He wiggled his fingers, slowly bunching her skirt up until the tips of his fingers touched the smoothness of her thighs.
Sharon had felt helpless. The feelings that were rocketing through her traitorous body were astronomical. She was on fire. And all the flames seemed to be at their hottest between her legs. Almost as if he had read her mind she felt him pull her closer even as he raised her skirt higher. She gasped as she felt the long, h
ard length of him pulsating against her belly. She felt a wetness flood her pussy in response. She moaned as he continued to ravish her mouth while his hands wrought another kind of damage. He had ground his hips against her then, pressing his erection firmly against her seething heat. Slowly he continued to grind into her, pleased with her continued moans and the tightening of her hands around his neck. His own breathing was becoming ragged. He had reached down between them to undo his belt when there was the unmistakable slamming of a door in the corridor of the outer office.
‘Shit. Janitor.’
Abruptly he had pulled away from her, gently pushing her back into her seat.
‘Shuffle the papers and keep looking at the files in front of you.’
He had gone back around the desk and taken his seat just as the door was pushed open.
‘Evening Mr. Kirkland. Working late as usual sir.’ He had looked in surprise at the fact that his boss was not alone.
‘Evening Clive. You know how it goes.’
Sharon had remained with her back turned as instructed while the men chatted briefly. It was obvious that they were not strangers as Maxwell asked about his family and children and back to school preparations. When the door finally closed she released a breath she had not been aware that she was holding. They were alone once more but the spell had been broken.
The sky was still light at minutes to seven when she finally exited the building, leaving him behind still working. Sharon walked quickly to the white taxi that was parked at the curb waiting.
‘Late this evening girlie.’ Crampy sat up in the driver’s seat and turned the key in the ignition.
‘Wanted to finish up some paperwork before Wednesday.’
She had gone home and went through her evening ritual with her family. It was not until the house was quiet and everyone in bed that she allowed her thoughts to wander back to what had taken place a few hours before. A flurry of emotions raced through her in a bid to be the dominant response. Should she be repulsed? Depressed? Angry? She examined them all. In the end all that was left was a heat and wetness in her pussy that had her tingling all over and her imagination racing to conjure up what might possibly have happened had they not been interrupted. Her hand had crept into her panties then. She had felt the hard pulsing nub of her clitoris and put a finger tentatively to test the slickness of her pussy. She had stifled a frustrated groan. Horny had won the race.
Sharon was jerked back to the present by the clattering of a tray near her on the kitchen counter.
‘Lawks mi tired! No sah! Every year me tell meself me not doing this again and every year me do it. Is just because Misses Kirkland pay we good you know. But lawks mi tired. Me don’t think me can go one step more. Some gone but others still a come. You can believe that? Minutes to eleven when sound need to lock off you just coming to the party?’
Sharon chuckled. ‘Take a little break, Tanya. I’ll take out the ‘stamp and go’ for you.’
‘Bless you honey. The group I was serving is by the pool.’
Without a word Sharon scooped up the tray and headed out. The crowd had thinned considerably but there were a few faces Sharon had not seen before. These must be the late arrivals Tanya had been talking about. Dutifully she moved around the pool, smiling as she served. Just as she straightened up from serving the last treat she felt the hair on her neck tingle. Her breath caught as she looked up to find a pair, THAT pair of grey eyes staring at her. She was immediately conscious of the fact that they were in public and staring at each other simply could not be allowed. She took a tentative step backward, intent on fleeing to the kitchen.
It could have been her distraction from being in Maxwell’s presence or simply an oversight on her part. But whatever it was her step backwards brought her a little closer to the edge of the pool than was comfortable. She broke away from his gaze forcefully and took a step forward without looking. She gave a shriek as she realized too late that there was nothing but space underneath her feet. Mouth open wide she disappeared into the pool.
Maxwell had only just arrived home. His mother’s Soirees were legendary and the one she threw on Independence Day was always the biggest. He was not usually a guest as the crowds wore him out. He had gone down to Trelawny to link up with a few of his friends from his university days. They had spent the day in leisure just lazing around and trading stories. When he arrived he had gone out to the pool where his mother usually set up court to let her know that he was home. Then he had seen her. As he had watched her lips curve into smile after smile as she served each guest he longed to have her lips on his again. He watched as her hips swayed beneath the close fitting skirt and loved how her bosom stretched the front of her blouse each time she straightened up. He loved that her hair was away from her face as he could now see just what a beauty she was.
He could tell the instant she became aware of his presence. She turned and looked straight at him lounging there by his mother’s deck chair. Then everything had happened so fast. Everyone stood in shock as she disappeared beneath the surface. He reacted immediately. Without hesitation he ran and dove into the water just as she came up sputtering the first time. He wrapped his arms around her as she began to kick and flail. It took all of his strength to tread to the shallow end then wade to the steps. Guiltily he wondered if she would be as energetic when his cock was inside her tight pussy pounding her. She coughed and sputtered as he lifted her into his arms.
‘Hold on to me. Put your arms around my neck’ he crooned softly.
The crowd parted as he exited the pool. He placed her on the deck as she continued to cough. His large hand patted her back with some force as she bent forward.
‘Just relax a bit. You took in some water.’
‘Oh you poor poor girl!’ Mrs. Kirkland began to hover over Sharon. She looked around. ‘Michael! Matthew! Don’t just stand there. They need some towels!’
Seconds later the wet pair had towels around their shoulders.
‘Poor thing! You’re shivering! Maxwell let her up so she can change into something dry.’
‘I didn’t take a change of clothes with me ma’am.’ Sharon shivered again though the night was warm.
Maxwell solved the problem in an instant. Without a word he rose then lifted Sharon into his arms. He walked into the house and straight up to his room with her. He did not stop until he got to the bathroom. He allowed her to slide from his arms and pushed her through the doorway.
‘Get out of the wet clothes. I’ll try to find something for you to wear home.’ He closed the door in her face.
Sharon stood looking at the closed door, rendered speechless temporarily. When another shiver ran through her she snapped back and began to undress as instructed. In no time she was naked. She turned and looked around the room. It was a far cry from the shed that serviced her tenement yard. Just the Jacuzzi tub alone was the space the outside shower took up. There was a full width mirror above the sink and it was into this that she now stared. She had never really had a chance to see her body like this – ever.
Her skin was the colour of rich, black coffee without even a hint of milk. She was slender and topped the scales at just about one hundred and twenty pounds. Her legs were firm and ascended up to a flat and toned stomach. Her waist curved in delicately above the jut of her hipbone. Her breasts sat on her chest like two mounds of chocolate. They were not huge but could still provide a good handful. Her nipples were now pronounced as the cool air had made them stiffen. They were huge and puffy. She felt a tingle as her fingers brushed over them. Her hand ran down her body again, her palm coming to rest atop the nest of curls co
vering her mound. Her breath hitched as her mind wandered to the man in the next room, wondering what his hand would look like on her body. She wondered if her hairy mound would be a turnoff for him. She felt her pussy begin to bloom. A loud knock startled her out of her fantasy.
‘I found a shirt I think you can wear. It’s a bit big for me so I know it will be huge on you but it will be long enough to cover you decently.’
Slowly the door opened. With a shriek Sharon ducked behind it as a large hand came through the opening waving the shirt. She reached out and took it and the hand disappeared.
Maxwell felt his body tighten. It was just one glimpse but it was enough. As he had handed her the shirt he had looked at the mirror. Though she thought the door shielded her the mirror showed her in all her full and naked glory. He had seen that furry mound with its wild abandon of curls and all he wanted was to bury his face in it and inhale her essence.
He walked over to his chest of drawers and rummaged through. His wet clothes were now beginning to feel rather sticky. He quickly shucked them off and pulled on a pair of old sweats. He was just pulling on a t-shirt when the bathroom door opened. He turned.
Sharon almost giggled. The shirt he had given her was indeed big. The tails hung almost to her knees while the sides were thigh high. She had rolled the sleeves up as much as she could but they still hung just below her elbows. She had done up all the buttons leaving just the one at the neck open but she still had to clutch it together as each movement made it gape slightly. She was also very conscious of the fact that she wore absolutely nothing underneath it.
Maxwell wasted no time. If he had taken even one more look he knew there would be a scandal in Montego Bay by morning. And so, difficult as it was he took up his car keys.
She clutched the bundle of damp clothes to her side and nodded. They made their way down the broad staircase. Only a few guests still milled around.
‘She fell in the pool. I’m taking her home now.’ Maxwell announced it loudly as he pushed her in the direction of the front door. Just as he got to the driveway his mother came running.
‘Wait Max!’ she breathlessly pressed a few notes into Sharon’s hands.
‘Thank you for your services dear. I must use you again sometime.’
Sharon smiled. ‘The pleasure was all mine, Mrs. Kirkland.’
Without ceremony Maxwell propelled her towards the pickup in the driveway. Wordlessly she got in and they were off.
Sharon glanced at the dashboard. It showed 11:15 pm. She chuckled to herself. ‘What a way to end my twenty-first birthday. Almost drowned.’
‘What was that?’
‘I’m just saying wouldn’t it be ironic to end up drowning on my birthday.’
‘Today is your birthday?’
‘Yes it is.’
‘Oh okay. Well happy birthday then.’
‘Thank you.’
‘But who willfully works on their birthday, especially with it being a public holiday?’
‘Someone who needs money to go back to school in a few weeks time.’
They fell silent then. Sharon turned her attention to the streets. There were people all over wringing the last ounce of Independence Day celebrations out of the day.
Maxwell’s brow creased as he thought a bit. Her birthday huh. Had he known he would have tried to surprise her with a small gift. What the hell was he thinking!? Surprise her with a gift!? She was not his woman and he was not her man. Then a thought came to him. Without a word he changed his route. Within a few minutes they were at the Kirkland building. Sharon gave a start as he entered the underground parking lot.
‘Why are we here?’
He gave a mysterious smile. ‘You’ll see.’
He pulled into a spot by the elevator and turned off the engine.
‘Leave your stuff. This will take just a few minutes, ok? Trust me.’
He got out and came around to open her door. As she slid out her body brushed his slightly. He took her hand and entered the elevator.

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