Island Royale: The Report (Chapter One) free porn video

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Introduction: Please read Foreword by the Editors first Chapter One

You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters.

There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a reservation for you. On the shelves and kiosks of the Worlds travel agencies there are no inviting brochures of the resort filled with rich prose and glossy color photographs displayed in competition with other pamphlets promoting popular holiday destinations. And youll never see a television commercial beckoning you to come for a visit.

To all but a relatively elite few, the place is but a myth an ethereal phantom, if you will heard of only through whispered rumor and existing solely within the dark recesses of the lascivious mind. Officially there simply is no such place, nevertheless the myth is quite real, for stretching along the eastern shore of a small, privately-owned South Sea atoll, Island Royale offers to an extremely select group of male clientele the very finest in heterosexual entertainment, all amid the plush surroundings of a first class holiday resort.

World leaders, heads of state, multi-national corporate kingpins, oil-rich Arabian sheiks, and surprisingly, perhaps even many of the highest-ranking members of the clergy periodically migrate to this isolated enclave to enjoy the hospitality of what is undeniably the finest brothel ever to exist on the planet. Hedonism II, Exotic Retreat, and even Thailands infamous Angels in Paradise sex resorts pale in comparison, for at Island Royale there is but one basic rule: Do not physically injure the staff. Within the wide parameters of that one basic rule, however, virtually anything goes.

How Island Royale has remained such a well-kept secret, insulated from international exposure and scrutiny, is largely due to the tremendous discretion employed by the resorts many wealthy and powerful patrons. As Greg,* the Managing Partner of the resort explained:

Only the most Alpha of Alpha Males even knows we exist.

An invitation to visit Island Royale is not extended lightly, and the acceptance of that invitation carries with it the clear understanding that all aspects of the experience must remain an absolute secret to those outside The Circle.

We are, to put it simply, very exclusive.

And our Guests respect and appreciate that exclusivity. Regardless of their position, title, political or religious beliefs, our Guests know they are able to come here to relax and truly enjoy the unique amenities Island Royale has to offer, but they also know that their ability to continue to do so in the future depends entirely upon our existence remaining quite confidential. Each of our Guests sincerely wishes for us to continue to flourish, and therefore each exercises great care in order to prevent the inappropriate disclosure of any information about the resort.

Getting to Island Royale is itself not especially difficult, provided of course one has first received that coveted invitation. All patrons are extremely wealthy, possess access to their own private aircraft, and are therefore able to fly freely to and from the small airport in western Costa Rica constructed exclusively to serve the needs of the resort. Guests arrive throughout the morning for their weeklong stay, with flights leaving for the island each Sunday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon.

Prior to boarding, each Guest is subjected to a thorough physical examination. There are no exceptions. The medical staff screens not only for syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases but for more common health concerns as well such as mononucleosis, viral influenza and rubella, in addition to confirming a Guests general overall physical health. Management of Island Royale is quite proud of the fact that there has never been a serious outbreak of disease during their thirty-seven years of operation in the sex business.


* Because of the exceptional candor I was to receive during my interviews, as a condition of my visit the names of all principals associated with Island Royale have been changed in order to preserve their anonymity.

Although I was permitted to retain my audio cassette recorder for use during my interviews, Management refused to permit me to bring to the resort any cameras, camcorders, or other video recording devices, and I was further prohibited from attempting to interview any members of the Island Royale sex staff during my stay.
And their patrons completely understand the need for such a rigorous screening process. Although unusual, on more than one occasion over the years a Guest has been turned away at this isolated Central American outpost because of even the hint of a common cold infection and, according to Greg, when that has happened the Guest has each time completely accepted, without protest, Managements decision to withhold from him boarding permission. Each Guest is acutely aware of just how very important it is to keep the resort clean, as infection or disease could easily and quickly be passed from a Guest to any number of the sex staff and subsequently to other Guests. Besides, a Guest who accepts his rejection gracefully knows he will receive another invitation to visit the resort once his medical issue has been successfully addressed.

The actual eight-hour flight to Island Royale, aboard an unmarked Boeing 757 jetliner, is largely uneventful. The aircraft is outfitted with first-class accommodations throughout the accessible portion of the passenger section and comfortably seats around one hundred twenty-six persons, including a small staff of male flight attendants. Each seat is equipped with a video screen, and passengers may choose from a variety of audio and video entertainment options. Most Guests, I observed, elected to view first-run movies quality motion pictures, not the abysmally edited feature films shown on long-distance commercial flights if they chose to watch anything at all. Generally, though, the passengers simply read or slept during most of the trip. Although some Guests talked quietly among themselves, on the whole I noted very little interaction between the passengers during the long flight.

The rear third of the aircraft fuselage is sealed off and is not accessible to the passengers. I was to learn later that the jetliner, as well as her sister air ship, serves both to shuttle patrons to and from the island and to provide the resort thrice-weekly shipments of food, beverages and other necessary supplies including young human females and consequently both aircraft have been modified to haul freight in the pressurized rear portion of the cabin as well as in the large cargo bays below.

Midway during the flight one of the attendants announced that a short instructional audiotape would be played and that it was strongly recommended that first time visitors to the resort listen carefully. I of course donned my earphones, but it appeared most of the passengers had previously visited the island and therefore largely ignored the suggestion of the flight attendant. I and the scattering of my fellow first time visitors, however, listened intently to the recorded message.

Narration is in English, and the male voice possesses a vaguely British accent. The syrupy background music seemed a bit much to me, but on the whole the instructional tape is brief and quite straightforward:

Welcome to Island Royale, where all of your fantasies become real!

You have embarked upon the trip of a lifetime. Every sexual dream you have ever had will be fulfilled over and over again by the willing staff of our wonderful little resort. Island Royale is indeed the paradise you have longed for.

Our girls are for the taking. Any time, any place, and as often as you would like. They exist only to serve you, and they will serve you in every manner imaginable. You want straight sex? All you need do is summon a girl. Fellatio? Each of our girls is an expert at providing the very best oral sex you have ever had in your life! Multiple partners? Whenever you wish. B&D? Simply book your visit to our Dungeon and select your victim or victims. Are children of interest to you? We have sweet little girls as young as five years of age ready and always eager to please you.

At Island Royale, there are but three simple rules that must be strictly observed at all times. They are all common sense rules, of course, but it must be emphasized that we cannot tolerate any violation of these rules.

Rule No. 1: At no time can we permit you to subject any of our girls to actual physical injury or death. We do maintain a mock torture chamber for your enjoyment and if you wish to engage in this activity we will do our best to accommodate you. But any session of sadomasochism will, by necessity, require supervision by a member of our administrative staff.

Rule No. 2: At no time may there be arguments about the girls. If a female is available for a session, she will accompany you immediately. If she has already made a commitment to another Guest, she will offer to serve you at a later time. Please do not argue with her or attempt to persuade her to break her prior engagement.

Rule No. 3: You will notice upon your arrival that each of our very young girls displays a small red ceramic ornament attached to a chain suspended from her vagina. This ornament is to signify that she is too young to safely engage in vaginal or anal intercourse. All of our females, regardless of their age, are of course available at all times to perform fellatio and to be fondled, but you are not permitted to insert your finger, tongue, penis, or any foreign object into the vagina or anus of a girl displaying a red ornament.

Please remember these three simple rules and you will thoroughly enjoy the delightful accommodations Island Royale has to offer!

* * * * * * * *

Our flight had departed from the small Latin American coastal airport promptly at 3:00 p.m. local time Sunday afternoon, and therefore with the time zone changes we arrived at the clandestine resort shortly after six oclock in the evening.

From the air, the principal Island Royale hotel building does not appear to be all that impressive, and in size would most certainly be dwarfed by the massive resort facilities seen along the beaches of Monaco or even Cancun or Maui. Structurally, the hotel is constructed in the shape of a softly curved crescent, with each end of the building bending gently to the east. The concave side constitutes the front of the building and in the wide area leading from the main entrance all the way to the beach is the Compound, where I would learn much of the outdoor sexual activities take place. Dominating the Compound is a massive irregularly-shaped swimming pool from which numerous canals, somewhat like tentacles, lead off to smaller and more secluded alcoves. Assorted walkways bridge these canals, enabling one to reach any section of the Compound with relative ease.

South of the hotel structure one can see from the air that several hundred acres have been cleared for an impressive eighteen-hole golf course, and a large one-story somewhat T-shaped building serves as a buffer between the corner of the golf course and a large cluster of tennis courts enclosed within a grid of tall chain link fence. Another much smaller swimming pool, shaped in the form of a semi-circle, lies immediately to the west of this building.

Our jetliner circled twice before gracefully descending to land upon the longer of the two concrete airstrips constructed on the far western side of the island. Frankly, our reception at the airport was as unremarkable as the flight itself, as Island Royale Management provides no formal greeting or welcoming ceremony to Guests upon their arrival. After the aircraft had slowly taxied to a stop before a small cinder block terminal building, we descended the boarding staircase to where two modern air-conditioned buses sat idling, waiting to take us to the resort, and as I stood to enter one of these vehicles I glanced to my right to see a couple of large panel trucks carefully backing toward the cargo hold of our recently landed aircraft.

I spent the short ride through the lush tropical island forest leading to the Island Royale resort complex watching as a blur of vegetation streaked silently past me outside the sealed windows of the bus, but as we approached the hotel we descended into a long tunnel, blocking our view of the Compound, and I could feel the bus sway slightly to starboard before slowing to a crawl and stopping at a well lit subterranean platform located below the hotel lobby. With little discussion we disembarked and were rather perfunctorily escorted in small groups into a bank of elevators. Upon our ascendance to the lobby we were met by a number of women, each dressed in lightweight green colored jumpsuits, standing patiently waiting to receive and guide us to our assigned rooms.

The main resort building consists of but ten floors I was to learn. Guest quarters are located on the upper six floors, with administrative offices, the seldom-used infirmary, and the Graduate School on the fourth level, while the second and third floors, not generally open to Guests, house all maintenance and managerial employees. The sex slaves themselves have no individual quarters and must sleep in the Compound or hotel lobby in the unlikely event they are unable to secure a liaison with a Guest for the night.

The concierge is on the main level, on the western side of the lobby in the middle of the crescent-shaped structure. Various suites, decked out in assorted themes, occupy the southern wing of the ground floor and are available by reservation to Guests upon request. These themed suites are furnished as appropriate: One is decorated as the inner chambers of a harem, while another possesses a pirate motif complete with a plank overlooking a large pool of water. Still another suite is designed as a saloon in an old American West town and is outfitted with several poker tables, a tinny player piano in the corner, and a well-oiled and fully stocked wooden bar stretching out along the northern wall staffed by bare-breasted women in full-length skirts. The largest of these suites is the Dungeon, located at the far southern end of the building, and is equipped with a wide variety of medieval and more modern torture equipment. As mentioned in the audio briefing, Guests are invited to bring girls to the Dungeon and subject them to simulated torture sessions employing a rack, a wooden pony, whips, chains, nipple clamps, and assorted other tools and implements commonly associated with sadomasochism. In all, the resort maintains six environmentally themed suites available for the use of the Guests and their selected sex partners.

To the north of the concierge, a large recreational center offers to resort Guests a wide assortment of more traditional amusements including two fully stocked bars, parlor games such as billiards, air hockey and pin ball, and video games including blackjack, an auto racing simulation, and even Pac-Man. A small dance floor is available but is seldom used. A much larger area is set aside for Twister, a game played principally by young naked girls, usually preadolescents and early teens, who assume extremely revealing positions while trying to maintain contact by hand and foot with a variety of brightly colored dots painted on the thickly carpeted floor. Needless to say, watching the girls play Twister is quite popular among the Guests, and these games are seemingly in progress throughout the day and evening hours.

Farther down the northern wing, behind a door, a large exercise room is available to resort Guests, although the sex slaves are welcome to use the extensive selection of workout equipment as well. Adjoining the exercise room are other areas where the slaves shower and groom themselves, and it is here where they receive their assigned clothing, if any. These latter areas are open on the interior side, and Guests can conveniently watch from the Compound as the females prepare themselves for their next session.

On the main level, to each side of the long front desk, large swinging doors lead down a hall to the formal dining room, and beyond that the kitchen or galley as the administrative staff calls it as well as the resorts general storage facilities. To the rear of the resort complex, enclosed within a tall chain link fence, is an immense, lushly green and obviously well maintained field dotted with a scattering of the sort of common childrens playground equipment one would see in any typical school yard, and Guests can observe from the dining room the very young girls of the Nursery as they frolic and play outdoors in the nude beneath the warm tropical sun. Across that field and far to the west sits the Nursery itself, a sprawling one-story cinder block building quite reminiscent of a suburban American grammar school, where those very young girls ages four to seven years are housed and trained to eventually join their sisters as sex slaves in the Island Royale Compound.
The T-shaped building seen from the air to the south of the hotel accommodates several small steam rooms and a large sauna, and Guests may choose from a full menu of available spa treatments. A bar and limited-fare restaurant is also provided, and there is even a small Pro Shop located in the structure catering to the needs of both golf and tennis enthusiasts. Ironically, I was to learn during my stay at the resort that The Clubhouse, as the bar/lounge portion of the building is called, is an extremely popular hangout among the Guests ironic, that is, because in the virtual sea of beautiful naked sex slaves available throughout the Island Royale complex, other than for the girls trained as masseuse and the bare-breasted bar and restaurant staff, females are rarely seen in the Clubhouse.*

None of this opulence is accessible inexpensively, of course. A weeks stay at Island Royale, excluding transportation costs to reach the isolated Costa Rican airport, is about $35,000 US, or approximately 25,700 Euros. But the resorts patrons are all extremely wealthy men, and to these men $35,000 is a trivial sum to spend for even a brief stay in Paradise.

This is an extremely profitable business, to be sure, run by very smart and very calculating men and one woman, I would learn and in many respects represents a social system unseen since perhaps the times of the Roman Empire.


* See Appendix A for an artists conception of the Island Royale grounds and facilities Ed.

* * * * * * *

From the lobby of Island Royale I was escorted to my suite by an attractive brunette in her early twenties clad in a simple light green jumpsuit that did little to disguise her large breasts and alluring figure. Her wardrobe, which was hardly flattering, and the rather automatic manner in which she conducted her duties as bellhop surprised me somewhat, as I guess I had expected my female attendant to have been provocatively attired and to have submissively offered herself to me immediately upon my arrival. I soon realized, however, that she had many Guests to guide to their rooms and therefore had no time to spare. She gave me a brief tour of my suite, presented to me my room key, bowed and exited, leaving me to explore my quarters on my own.

Actually, a Guests room key is not a key at all but rather a plastic card, similar to those provided guests at most modern hotels and resorts, except a bit smaller and thicker perhaps and with more gently rounded corners. The Guests suite number is embossed in large gold lettering along the face of the card, and a hole had been punched in the upper left corner to permit a thin band of strong nylon cord to pass through. A spring-loaded alligator clip is attached to this band, permitting a Guest to fasten his room key to his clothing as he makes his way around the resort complex. Access to ones suite is gained simply by holding this plastic card in the immediate vicinity of a detection box located on the wall just to the side of the door.

Guest quarters consist of two large connecting rooms, each providing a spectacular view of both the Compound and the ocean beyond through the full-length windows that constitute the eastern wall. A sliding glass door, rarely closed, leads to a reasonably sized private balcony, or lanai, as it is called, large enough to accommodate a drinks table and several comfortable deck chairs. The rooms are tastefully furnished and are exceptionally well apportioned, the bath/Jacuzzi, for example, located at the far end of the suite is almost as large as an average cruise ship stateroom, and the generous number of shower heads installed along the three tiled walls can more than adequately allow a Guest to entertain multiple sex partners.

The latest in audio and video entertainment technology is available to Guests from two large high definition flat-screen televisions hung on the wall of each room. The video selections in eight choices of language include news, sports, and first-run motion pictures as well as the expected sexually oriented fare, and every imaginable style of music is available at the touch of a button. In addition, each suite is equipped with a computer terminal, with full Internet access, and a clever program allows a Guest to instantly summon any of the Island Royale sex slaves to his quarters.

The Guests rooms are located only on the ocean-view side of the crescent. A wide central corridor, appropriately decorated with plush pile carpeting and tasteful lighting, is available for the use of the Guests while a second hidden passageway, not as wide and with much thinner institutional carpeting, parallels the central hallway and is used exclusively by support personnel. The reason for the duplicate corridors, I was to learn, is to enable the maintenance staff to service the complex without inconveniencing the Guests and to provide Management, as well as the sex staff, the ability to reach any part of the hotel without encountering delays.

Exploring my suite I soon gravitated to the computer terminal. Declining other options I focused on the listing of the Island Royale sex staff. The main page permits one to scroll through small thumbnail portraits of each of the resorts impressively large inventory of currently available females, and by clicking on one of the portraits, one may view a full nude image of the girl or woman complete with her name, vital statistics such as height, weight, age and country of origin, as well as the standard female measurements of bust size, waist and hips.

A button near the bottom of the screen invites one to either request to have the selected slave summoned or to return to the main page to view the thumbnail pictures of all of the girls. I browsed among the thumbnails awhile and selected Danica, an attractive nineteen-year-old brunette from Poland with large full breasts and a thin closely-cropped strip of dark brown pubic hair.

The screen cleared and a message popped up:

Danica is currently in session with another Guest.
What would you like to do?

, Have Danica report to you upon the conclusion of her current session?

, Return to the main screen to make another selection?

I was aware that the Poolside Get-Together Party for new arrivals to the resort was due to begin in just over an hour, so I chose not to reserve the charming little brunette and instead decided to shower for the upcoming party.

Since my arrival I had been dressed in the same comfortable khaki slacks, short-sleeved dress shirt and sports coat I had been wearing when I had been unexpectedly invited to Island Royale. My luggage, other than personal toiletries and the contents of my carry-on briefcase, had been stored securely by Management for the duration of my visit with assurances that none of my travel apparel would be necessary during my stay at the resort. After I had showered I inventoried my wardrobe closet, discovering only a few loose-fitting terry cloth robes and tunics of varying thickness and length, each either white or light blue in color, suspended from heavy wooden hangers. On the closet floor an assortment of comfortable sandals, all in my size, had been carefully set out. I saw no undergarments of any sort.

I selected a long white robe and, perhaps feeling a bit self-conscious, left my quarters and joined a number of similarly attired men walking down the hall, into an elevator, and out into the large reception area leading to the Compound. We exchanged small talk, in English and with an obvious enthusiasm for our upcoming holiday, but although the men spoke in a variety of accents, I noted that none asked the others for their names or countries of origin.

The sun had not quite set as I threaded my way between the drinks tables and lounging chairs scattered randomly all around the pool. To my left, I could see a young naked woman straddling a fat and balding European sitting in a chair, her tits bouncing as she repeatedly impaled herself on his dick. To my right, at a slight distance, the lower torso of a woman, her bare ass prominently on display, emerged from beneath the tunic of a middle-aged Asian man stretched out in a chaise longue. Beyond her, a large man sat on the edge of the pool as two naked teenage girls in the water took turns giving him head.

I continued through this maze and selected a seat among a group of other men over near the high diving platform of the large swimming pool. Soon a dark-haired man wearing a deep blue business suit approached from the complex, clapping his hands and smiling as he walked. He stopped near our gathering, still loudly clapping his hands while he surveyed the area. I would learn later that the man was Greg, the managing partner of Island Royale, but at this point I was fascinated only with the casual manner in which he seemed to weave his way through the congregation of nude and scantily dressed women as they engaged in assorted sexual acts.

Greg stopped clapping and a large cluster of young naked women began to huddle near the ladder leading to the diving platform. Gentlemen, he announced with a broad smile. Welcome to Island Royale. And welcome to our Island Royale Poolside Party.

A round of applause from the gathering of men abruptly ceased with a wave of Gregs hand. How many Guests do we have here for the party? He counted, turned to an aide and said quietly, I count forty-three. How about you? His assistant nodded and ran to the cluster of naked girls, counted them, and sent three away.

All right, Gentlemen. To assist you in becoming more&hellip, intimately acquainted with our staff, please drop your room keys into our bucket. A little naked girl, about seven years old, passed among the Guests to collect our keys as we tossed them into a yellow plastic bucket she held out before her. She was of Indian or perhaps Pakistani ancestry, I thought, as she possessed the rich tan, jet-black hair and distinctively large, deep set brown eyes of the race. When she smiled, she displayed a set of brilliantly white teeth, perfect but for the apparently recent loss of an upper molar.

As the child drifted past me, my eyes were drawn to the small bright red ornament, molded to resemble a cherry, swinging delightfully from the end of a thin gold chain that emerged from between the lips of her tiny hairless vagina. Her ornament would bounce repeatedly against her smooth inner thighs as she threaded her way through the crowd of seated adult males, and I found myself rubbing the front of my terry cloth robe beneath which I had developed a very serious erection. I glanced around in embarrassment only to see I was not alone in having become aroused at the sight of the lovely naked prepubescent female.

The little girl continued on until she had collected into her bucket the room card of each Guest participating in the game, and then she carefully ascended the ladder and sat, straddling the edge of the diving platform high above the pool, with the bucket between her legs. Gentlemen, announced Greg, This is Island Royales version of Hunt and Seek. Each of our girls will carry a room key. She will belong to whomevers room key she is carrying.

Another round of applause followed as the little girl on the platform stood and began throwing our room keys randomly into the pool. When she had finished she turned, descended the ladder with her empty plastic bucket, and disappeared. Greg clapped twice and the group of young nude women gathered near the base of the diving platform quickly entered the pool and began searching for the plastic cards now lying on the bottom.

Several Guests cheered as, one by one, the young women emerged from the pool, each displaying the edge of a room key lodged between the lips of her vagina.

The first girl out of the water approached a Guest and stood before him, her legs slightly parted. I watched as he spread her labia, removed the key, shook his head and offered it back to her, but she declined to take it and, spreading her legs even more, motioned to the Guest to slide the plastic card back into her slit. With a smile he slowly did so, and the naked woman then moved on to present herself before another Guest.

By now many young women, their wet bodies glistening in the poolside light, had emerged from the water and stood presenting themselves to the seated Guests. A girl in her early twenties, with ample tits and a freshly shaved Mons pubis, appeared before me. Spreading her nether lips, I carefully removed the room key she carried in her vagina. 904 was printed on the card. I shook my head and as she spread her legs a bit I slipped the plastic card back into her pussy. She turned and slowly moved away.

Another naked female soon appeared before me, water still dripping from her nipples, inviting me to inspect her vulva. Again I played with her soft wet pussy lips while removing the room key, and again I reinserted the card. Others followed, and my hard-on

throbbed as I fondled the vagina of each young woman as she offered herself to me, all under the pretense of locating my date for the evening.

A raven-haired beauty in her late teens, with pert nipples and a flawlessly shaved pussy, approached and stood before me. I playfully spread her labia and retrieved the room key she carried. 516. My room number. I looked up to her, but she was gazing out across the Compound, her hands clasped together behind her back, seemingly indifferent to my exploration of her genitalia. I held up the plastic card and nodded, she smiled and immediately dropped to her knees, spreading my robe to expose my swollen penis. I played with her smallish breasts and ripe little nipples as she began enthusiastically sucking my cock.

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An INSight Exclusive Report Island Royale Institutional White Slavery in the New Millennium

____________________________ Every few years a newspaper or magazine article will be published, or perhaps a television documentary will be aired, seeking to expose the sordid operations of the so-called “white slavery” business: The illegal trafficking of women sold into a life of exploitation and involuntary prostitution. Almost always these reports have focused upon the cruelty of the slave trade and upon the appalling and often brutal conditions under which these unfortunate...

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Cuntbusting Royale

You as a girl have been entered into the annual cuntbust royale. You have to try to survive without getiing your boobs, clit, or ovaries busted. Fight all the other girls until you are the last one standing! You walk into the dropship that will take you to the arena. You and everyone else are dressed in nothing but bikinis and lacey underwear. You eye up the other contendors as the plane begins to fly over the ground below. Everyone puts on a parachute and jump off bit by bit to different parts...

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Island Fever 2 Eternity Chapter 10

Introduction: A short epilogue to the Island Fever story where Jeremy and his collection of beautiful women begin to embark on the rest of their lives together. [[[-IF2E-10.TXT-]]] —————- Island Fever 2: Eternity Written by: JeremyDCP M/F, F/F and a whole lot more —————- Chapter 10: Sunset -*- Tuesday, July 29, 2014 -*- ** Oslo, Norway ** (Eight months after the previous chapter) Kristanna had tears in her eyes and she was sweating so much that her hair was literally plastered to her...

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Island Girl Chapter 3

"So what did you have in mind for today?" Jennifer asked Mark as they sat at breakfast the following morning. "I don't know, what do you suggest? You're the tour guide," he said chuckling. "Well I have a friend with a boat... care to go for a ride?" she suggested. "Sounds like fun," he said. So Jennifer packed them a picnic lunch and they stopped by the local store for some ice. Mark decided to pick up a bottle of wine and they made their way to her friend's house. After securing permission to...

Love Stories
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Island MineChapter 10

Freehold The Truong brothers helped their mother down the airplane's stairs, followed closely by Arman's wife Rava. The family gathered at the foot of the stairs, waiting for Waylon. The new arrivals looked around at the different buildings. The combination field tower and reception building wasn't very elaborate. It was about the size of a modest house and the 'tower' portion was only two stories tall. They could see the large hangars at the other end of the airfield, but little else...

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Island Vacation Chapter 2

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

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Island DelightChapter 15 Haaina Male

Thursday had been an extraordinary day for the Olivers. Following their afternoon anal sex, the couple had needed a long nap to recuperate. Later that evening, they dressed for dinner, and Brenda had put on her new white linen mini dress. She looked at herself in the mirror over the dresser but was even more nervous about the dress than when trying it on in the store. The halter-top was cut low in the back, and had a deep V cut in the front, exposing her almost to the belly button, and the...

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Island MineChapter 9

The Island Nine days had passed since the dossiers had been planted. The newspapers were beginning the investigative groundwork, but as predicted the British paper was the most aggressive of the bunch. A staffer in one of the Senate offices had pitched the thing before even reading it, the probe monitoring that office quietly retrieved it. The other Senate office turned the documents over to the FBI. The package was taken seriously because of the classified markings on the documentation....

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Island MineChapter 8

Site B Waylon woke slowly. He thought about his 'to do' list and rolled out of bed. He stepped into a pair of slippers and shuffled to the bathroom, yawning the whole way. He wasn't normally a slipper kind of guy, but there had been a lot of changes lately. It had been two weeks since they'd fled Texas and he still couldn't believe what the AIs had done, or built. The B site was nothing short of a marvel. Clearly, the AIs had been humoring his minor ambitions all this time. Waylon...

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Island Fever 5 Family Chapter 01

Introduction: A quick check in on Jeremy and his growing list of wives [[[-IF5-P1.TXT-]]] —————- Island Fever 5: Family Written by: JeremyDCP M/F, F/F and a whole lot more —————- PLEASE NOTE: The following story is a sequel to Island Fever, Island Fever 2: Eternity, Island Fever 3: Matrimony and Island Fever 4: Paradise. In order to fully understand this story and the unique situation that its cast of characters find themselves in, it is paramount that you are very familiar with the...

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Island MineChapter 16

Freehold Breakfast was a lively event. The previous day's flyby was still a topic of conversation, but one that Waylon would just as soon forget. He'd been angry at the Navy's arrogance, but after he'd cooled down he realized that using the drone to return the favor may have been monumentally stupid. There hadn't been any fallout, so far. The carrier and her escort had departed the area immediately afterwards. That worried him. While he couldn't see the U.S. Government wasting a lot...

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Island SexChapter 3

Robert’s intuition was right on. Moira’s pregnancy inflamed her already substantial sex drive. He and her two island sex-buddies had their prostates constantly emptied. If it weren’t for their bedroom help it would be difficult for him to meet his work and school obligations in addition to his wife’s needs. The men roomed together on campus and she would go there between classes, sometimes more than once a day, and fuck them both until they were limp. Robert filled her craving pussy morning...

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Island Girl Chapter 1

Mark Reynolds needed a change. His divorce finally over, he wanted to put as much distance between him and his past as he possibly could. The divorce was an ugly one, neither party won in this war. And whatever "love" that remained on Mark's part was destroyed in the fighting and bitterness of the divorce. But that was over now and Mark just wanted to move on. His job had been very sympathetic to his marital situation, and had given him the time off he needed for the multitude of hearings,...

Love Stories
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Island DelightChapter 3 Archeology

Bethany Maddox gently pulled the white Land Rover off the ferry and onto the dock. She had noticed a similar Land Rover earlier, but that one hadn’t been pulling a trailer loaded with equipment and supplies. She wasn’t sure where she was going, but she knew she was supposed to be met by somebody at the dock, so she pulled over to the side once she was off the boat and out of the loading/unloading lane. Then she got out and looked around. Haka Nuva seemed small and quiet to her eyes, but it...

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Island for ThreeChapter 4 Discovery

He awoke in the morning to the pleasant sensation of something warm and soft pressed up against his body. He lay there for a few minutes half asleep, basking in the feeling. It was so calming and delightful that he didn't want to open his eyes for fear that it was just a part of his dreams and it would vanish once the waking world took over. Then it moved, pulling him out of his slumber. Lance opened his eyes and stared up for a minute at the unfamiliar plain white ceiling above him,...

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Island Girl Chapter 2

The next morning, Mark got up early and showered, getting ready for his day with his beautiful tour guide. Not sure exactly what they would be doing just yet, he dressed casual in his blue jeans, a lightweight polo shirt, socks and sneakers. Making sure he had plenty of money in his wallet and his credit cards just in case, he locked the room and went downstairs to meet Jennifer. As they had previously arranged, he waited in the hotel lobby for her to arrive. He was sitting in one of the lobby...

Love Stories
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Island Paradise Chapter 1 Lost And Found

Foreword: This completely original work of fantasy, contains collaboration and creative input from Tanwen Hatheway. It is centred around the adventures of a woman trapped on a mysterious island, and what she encounters there! Island Paradise Chapter 1: Lost and Found Waking, upon the beach, looking toward the tropical sea, you check your bearings. You have no idea how you arrived on such a remote island. Surveying the horizon, you turn about and notice grass under the trees and decide to walk...

Straight Sex
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Island MineChapter 13

Freehold The Monday morning meeting was a long one, but Arman handled it with growing aplomb. The group hashed out the final load for their first waterborne cargo delivery. Construction supplies dominated the list, but there were plenty of dry goods and household items. The plan, such as it was, called for the island residents to move the cargo to one of two temporary storage areas to be sorted later. The ship would use its own cranes to offload the cargo to the pier. Waylon was thankful...

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Island MineChapter 11

Freehold Rowen Dalgliesh took a moment to adjust his collar, before grabbing onto the utility vehicle's frame once again. Waylon glanced at the man, trying to gauge how their conversation was going to go. He eased the vehicle to a stop. "Let's talk here," Waylon said. They were north of the port, on the windward side of the island. It was undeveloped land, except for the small cart path. "What's on your mind, Mr. Dalgliesh?" "Mrs. Truong ... Deni ... asked that I speak...

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Island MineChapter 12

Freehold There was a small crowd waiting at the airfield when the Rapid X landed. Waylon taxied right to the reception building and brought the aircraft to a halt. Arman was ready to help with the shutdown checklist, but Waylon sent him back to help their passengers deplane. Moments later the cabin door was opened and Waylon could hear the stairs being extended. Through the cockpit window, he could see the family matriarch rushing toward the aircraft followed by the rest of the family. "Am...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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Island Paradise Chapter 1 Lost And Found

Foreword: This completely original work of fantasy, contains collaboration and creative input from Tanwen Hatheway. It is centred around the adventures of a woman trapped on a mysterious island, and what she encounters there! Island Paradise Chapter 1: Lost and Found Waking, upon the beach, looking toward the tropical sea, you check your bearings. You have no idea how you arrived on such a remote island. Surveying the horizon, you turn about and notice grass under the trees and decide to...

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Island DelightChapter 13 A New Normal

Thursday “So, what’s the plan for today?” asked Babs. She had called both Brenda and Liz and invited everybody to breakfast. Liz shrugged. “More of the same. We’re just goofing off. We’ll probably just go down to the beach for the day.” Bob simply nodded along with his wife. “How was your picnic? Was that last night?” asked Brenda. “No, before that,” answered Bob. “Monday night.” “And Tuesday morning,” added Liz, looking a little sheepish. “Oh?” Bob grinned and Liz said, “We fell...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 7 Catherine ZetaJones

The least fun part about being an agent out here in Hollywood is having to do damage control when some sort of bad press happens to one of your clients. They say that any news is good news, but I have to disagree. Sometimes a celebrity can do something so stupid that it damages their career for the rest of their life. That is of course, if you let it happen. I was faced with one of those situations now and my mind was racing as I tried to grasp what to do. Sitting in front of me in tears was...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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Island DelightChapter 5 Hitting the Beach

Brenda Oliver sat down with her husband Steve at the table they were led to on the veranda outside the dining room. “Your waitress will be with you in a moment,” the hostess told them. “Breakfast is served buffet-style.” “Thank you,” replied Steve. His eyes lingered on the trim form of the hostess as she walked away; she and the waitresses wore short wrap dresses in an island print, and low sandals. He turned back to see his wife watching him with amusement, and blushed. “I’m pretty sure I...

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Island DelightChapter 2 Checking In

“Keanu, I have to go!” protested the pretty young woman. “Alamea, I think you should stay right where you are!” answered the young man she was with. They were laying on a small bed in a room just off the lobby of the Haka Nuva Inn, dressed in pretty much the same clothing they had come into the world with. Alamea replied, “The ferry sounded the horn. You might not have been paying attention, but I heard it over all the noise you were making.” “You were the one causing me to make that...

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Island MineChapter 15

Crystal City, Virginia Captain Arnold, United States Navy, retired, felt something pop as he tried to stretch the sore muscles in his back. The unscheduled video conference had drained what energy he had, but at least this meeting was taking place during regular business hours. "So, the short answer is that we don't know what happened last night?" Claire Chellos from the National Security Council asked. "No, ma'am," replied a China specialist from the Defense Intelligence Agency, who...

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Island Fever 4 Paradise Chapter 19

Introduction: A quick check-in on how Jeremy and his bevy of beautiful women are living their lives [[[-IF4-P19.TXT-]]] —————- Island Fever 4: Paradise Written by: [email protected] M/F, F/F and a whole lot more —————- Chapter 19: Valkyrie ——————————————- Hi! My name is Kristanna and I will be your storyteller today. Pamela and Trish got their turn at this, so I simply figured… why not me? I stole Jeremys keyboard and this particular chapter will be written exclusively in my words, with my...

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Island MineChapter 19

The Marquesas Islands Residents across the islands were nervous, talking with neighbors and watching the night sky. There had been a flash high in the heavens and then word started to spread of an awful disaster. It was a bad omen. A series of furious calls were exchanged between Paris, Papeete, and the Marquesas Islands' administrative staff in Taiohae on the island of Nuku Hiva. Paris was adamant that the people of the Marquesas should take cover from potential radioactive...

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Life With AlphaChapter 9 Beta Bayonetta

Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...

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Island DelightChapter 4 Island History

Sunday Bethany Maddox spent Sunday reviewing the progress of the excavation and what had been discovered to date. The Haka Nuva expedition was a small one, but she had been in the archeology business long enough to know that sometimes the small digs could be the most surprising. It was certainly more pleasant than some she had been involved in. The Egyptian digs were mammoth undertakings, and farther east the entire area was a cauldron of war and terrorism. The Central American ones were...

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The Shiny LadiesChapter 12 Ramone

Kay spent a moment, considering what tact to take. "Tell me about Ramone Diaz." Monica blinked. "My fiance? We met in college. He is a resident at Chihuahua General Hospital." "He must be busy." "Very. He works eighteen to twenty hour days. The few days he has off he spends sleeping." "When did you last see him?" "I take the bus once a month to see him. I last saw him two weeks ago." "How do you think your new job will affect your relationship?" Monica shook her head. "I...

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Island Rescue

The flight from the island is bitter sweet, sweet because of the rescue, bitter because of the unknown. My relationship with Leeza isn't something that we can declare openly. A bit about myself, my name is Don Parson, widower, fifty-one, living in Abbotsville a small city in the northeast. I am a software developer by trade, specializing in computer viruses and the dismantling of them. My last assignment introduces me to Mr. Raven and his twelve-year-old daughter Leeza. Leeza and I got off to...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 18 Ahh Kiyone

"Ok," Kiyone was saying evenly, halting as she was passing through and under the Torii. "Now repeat it back to me." "No touching, no button pressing, no lever throwing." Mihoshi sighed, taking the final step up. "No cable disconnecting, no tying or untying for that matter." She continued after pausing beneath the Torii's arch, reciting in a sing song voice complete with rocking her head back and forth in time with the meter of her words. "And if I see anything in my way higher than...

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Island Prey Ch 01

Note: This is another Bennett Law Firm story that follows a similar theme found in ‘Whores and Pimps’, Halloween Party at the Bennett’s and ‘Under the Mistletoe’. There is some mild brother sister incest and detailed lesbian parts but the rest is just a whole lot of playing the game. All rights reserved. Jack Reynolds had heard about the parties and contests that old man Bennett threw but it wasn’t until he got the invitation that it became real. He hurried down the hallway to the office of...

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Island of Love

Island of Love Introduction Eban. With it’s long history as a resort Island where wealthy black businessmen  could come and play with many of it’s gorgeous white women. White couples were recruited around the country with the prospect of making a great deal of money for their two year stay at Eban. Women that were previously married who worked at the resort had to obey the resorts rules. Some of the rules were harsh especially on their ex-husbands. White women were trained on how to please...

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Island Princess Returns

Bree walked back down the narrow aisle of the first class cabin of the airliner, an angry pout on her face.“I haven’t been able to get in the restroom yet and we land in two hours!” she complained.“I thought you went to the bathroom before we left Hawaii?”“I have to change into traditional island clothes before I get off the plane,” my island honey explained. Bree is from a beautiful South Pacific Island group, and we were on the second leg of our trip back to her home.  We’d spent a few nice...

Group Sex
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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Island DelightChapter 10 Captain Jacks

“Where is this place?” asked Steve Oliver. “It’s called Captain Jack’s. I saw it when we went into town this morning. Babs said it had really nice seafood. We can drive if you want, but it’s close enough to take the shuttle or walk,” replied Brenda. Steve shrugged. “Are we going as a group?” “No, it’s just us. Babs said she and Tully were going to pack some dinner and head way down the beach...” She grinned and waggled her eyebrows at that. “And Liz and Bob were going somewhere else in...

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Island SexChapter 2

In my third year at university I was in class beside an outer island girl named Moira. She was barely five-foot, slim with nice sized breasts, brown skin, and the usual long dark hair. I was intrigued by her since I had never known anyone from her culture. She shyly responded to my attempts at conversation. I thought that it must be because she was innocent and uncomfortable with men ... how wrong that was I would later learn. After repeated gentle inquiries, she explained that she was the...

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Island for ThreeChapter 5 Attraction

The next morning he was almost disappointed when he found Cammy lying next to him instead of on top of him like yesterday. Her body had felt so soft and warm, he had actually looked forward to feeling it again. It was all for the best, however; he really shouldn't be thinking those thoughts anyway, especially about his little sister. On the other hand, Autumn lay next to him on the other side, not that he should be thinking those thoughts about her either. They had all fallen asleep like...

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Island for ThreeChapter 7 Fulfillment

Cammy disappeared a moment later, and they could hear her footsteps in the sand as she dashed off into the distance. Lance sat up, wondering what he should do. He glanced down at Autumn, who lay there staring up at him, a worried look on her face. "Autumn," he told her gently. "I need to go have a talk with Cammy, big brother to little sister. You might have convinced her to go for a long walk, but I don't think she was expecting to see this when she came back." Autumn nodded, so he...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Island Fever Ch 01

Chapter 1: Paid Vacation Monday, June 3, 2013 Finally, the time was at hand – the girls were arriving today! This past week was devoted to getting everything on the island ready for the six young ladies who would spend the upcoming six weeks here with me. I worked 20 hours per day getting the mansion ready, installing all of the wiring and video equipment, and finally stocking the supplies for the six women and yours truly with plenty left over to spare for emergencies. The supply boat would...

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Island Fantasy

Part 1 My ship arrives off shore at about 10 in the morning local time. We drop anchor about a 1/4 mile out and busy ourselves with getting ready for some shore leave. I'm very excited because I've only been on the ship for about 3 weeks and I'm already getting to go to a new and exciting foreign country. As I look over the sides of the ship I see a large crowd of small vessels starting to appear. They're locals, fishing boats, runabouts, and all of them loaded with people staring up at...

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Island Hideaway

The sea was an even deeper blue than the tropical sky, but the breakers kicked up by the recent storm that pounded against his island's reef in billows of sparkling white only sent ripples across the lagoon. The sun was warm on his back as Greg Barstow walked along the beach in his usual garb of ragged cutoffs and sneakers. His self-imposed exile might be lonesome, but at least here he was safe, as safe as he could be anywhere on Earth, He opened his mind to the currents of thought that...

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