Island For ThreeChapter 7: Fulfillment free porn video

Cammy disappeared a moment later, and they could hear her footsteps in the sand as she dashed off into the distance. Lance sat up, wondering what he should do. He glanced down at Autumn, who lay there staring up at him, a worried look on her face.
"Autumn," he told her gently. "I need to go have a talk with Cammy, big brother to little sister. You might have convinced her to go for a long walk, but I don't think she was expecting to see this when she came back."
Autumn nodded, so he rose to his feet and left the hut. He turned to face the direction she had run, and spotted her a hundred yards down the beach, sitting in the sand and staring out into the blue ocean. She didn't seem to be going anywhere, so he took a quick dip in the lagoon to clean himself off before approaching her. He strode down the beach, trying to think of what he would tell her. From what he had overheard between the two girls earlier, Cammy hadn't really been in favor of this relationship. Now Lance had betrayed her, and he needed to set things right. Unfortunately, he didn't know any way to do it without making either Autumn or Cammy hate him.
Cammy was his sister. That was the most important thing. He decided that if he had to choose between the two girls, he would always choose his family.
As he approached her, she merely continued to stare out to sea. He sat down beside her, then after a moment of hesitation, slipped an arm around her shoulders.
"Cammy," he said tenderly. "I'm sorry. I didn't know this would bother you, or I would never have done it."
"It's okay," she replied. "I knew it was bound to happen eventually; I just didn't think it would be so soon."
"Bound to happen?"
"I mean, we've been here long enough that we have to start wondering if we'll ever get rescued. Maybe we won't. And you're the only boy and girl on the island who aren't related, so, well..."
Lance sighed. "You're absolutely right, Cammy. I was starting to feel a little lonely, and you know how Autumn feels about me, so I guess it was kind of natural for it to happen."
"Yeah, Autumn mentioned to me yesterday that she wanted me to make myself scarce so that she could have a chance to spend some time alone with you. Honestly, I didn't think it would go this far. At least, not yet."
"Neither did I."
"Look, I don't want to make it sound like I'm against it. You two have found someone, and I'm happy for you. Especially for Autumn, because she's been in love before, but she's never had anyone return that love. It's just that ... well, what if we don't get rescued? I can never have the same thing, can I?"
"Don't say that, Cammy. I'm sure we'll be home in a week or two, and then one of these days some nice boy will--"
"Don't," she insisted.
"Don't patronize me. I don't want to hear about 'some nice boy' or 'one of these days.' Lance, I just need..."
She closed her eyes and hung her head, and he could see the tears running down her cheeks. Lance drew her in to him and hugged her tightly.
"Cammy, I love you," he told her. "I can't stand to see you unhappy. Please tell me what's bothering you, and if it's in my power to fix it, I will. I'm your big brother, remember? So let me look after you."
She lifted her head and gazed up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Lance," she said. "I need to be loved now, not some time in the future."
"I do love you," he insisted.
"No, I don't mean like that. I don't want to feel left out. If you want to be with Autumn, that's okay, but I want to be included in that."
His eyes went wide with shock. "Cammy," he gasped. "Do you realize what you're asking?"
She nodded, then leaned in and kissed him on the lips. For a moment he thought of pulling back, of rejecting her, but against his better judgment he let it happen. He had only a moment of hesitation, then he let himself relax and enjoy the feel of her lips. There was none of the disgust that he thought he might experience at the thought of kissing his sister, only love and passion. Maybe it was because he had always felt especially close to her after learning of her nearly terminal illness. Maybe he just felt protective of her as her big brother, and his desire to see her happy overwhelmed any feelings of impropriety he might have had. Or maybe just seeing her beautiful nude body these past few days had allowed a certain attraction toward her to awaken in him.
He had one last qualm though, so he drew back and gazed into her eyes. "Cammy," he said tenderly. "Are you sure about this? Doesn't it bother you that I'm your brother?"
"So what? The reason there are laws against that kind of relationship is because of the consequences if we were to have children. But after the treatment for my cancer, I can't have children anymore."
Lance had known all about that, but he had never spoken with her about it because he thought it might be painful for her to be reminded of the fact. "I'm sorry, Cammy," he said.
"Don't be sorry. It doesn't bother me. Frankly, the thought of going through childbirth scares me. Besides, because of this, I can be with you without worrying about it. Please, Lance. This is what I want."
He leaned in and kissed her again, wrapping his arms around her and holding her body to his. Cammy, his sister, the girl he had loved for fifteen years. Especially after nearly losing her, twice, he knew he would do anything for her, anything to make her happy. It no longer mattered what happened to him, as long as he could see the smile on her face and know that he had given it to her.
He was still a little overwhelmed by everything that had happened. He had just finished making love to Autumn, the sweetest little girl he had ever known, and now his own sister wanted the same treatment. And he wanted them both. Did that make him some kind of lecherous pervert, or just the luckiest man in the world?
He didn't care. All that mattered now was giving Cammy what she wanted.
"Lie down," he told her. Cammy lay on the beach, and Lance reclined beside her. It was still too soon after his tryst with Autumn for him to be able to give her everything she wanted, but at least he could worship her body with his hands and his mouth. Still somewhat hesitantly, he reached down and placed a hand on her stomach. Cammy sighed and closed her eyes. Lance began to move his hand slowly over her body, caressing her gently and tenderly, and letting himself enjoy the feeling of her soft skin. Admittedly, his hands were a little rough after all of the manual labor of the past few days, but his sister didn't seem to mind.
He focused on her stomach at first, rubbing her there in a kind of massage that helped to relax her and ease the tension out of her body. He let his hand move in ever-increasing circles, until he brushed against the bottom of her breasts. She simply smiled and breathed in deeply.
This was it, the point of no return. Up till now, everything he had done to her, aside from those kisses, had been nothing that a big brother wasn't supposed to do with his sister. If he continued, he would be crossing a line, and could never return.
"Lance," said Cammy breathily.
He slid his hand over her breast and gently kneaded it between his fingers, eliciting another sigh from her. From the smile on her face, he could tell that she really enjoyed it. He enjoyed it too, just knowing that he was doing something special for the girl he loved most in the world.
Yes, he loved her more than he loved anyone. He could see that now. Maybe one time it had been only as a sister. Then that love had strengthened every time he visited her in the hospital, every time he wondered if it would be the last time he would see her alive. Now here on the island, his love for her had matured.
He leaned over and kissed her on the chest, just below the neck, causing her to smile and hum in delight. He continued to kiss her all over her neck, shoulders, and chest as his hand massaged her breast tenderly. Then he let his hand slip lower, and she sucked in her breath, realizing where he headed. Lance was not quite up to the task of giving her everything she wanted just yet, but at least he could do with his hands what he couldn't do with the rest of his body, then finish the job later.
When he reached her sensitive spot, Cammy cried out. She was already damp down there just from the anticipation, and Lance gently teased her with his fingers, causing her to squirm. He stared down at her pretty face, with her eyes closed and an open-mouthed smile on her lips as she breathed in deeply, and he thought he had never seen such a beautiful sight. Then she opened her eyes and gazed up at him with adoration, and he realized that this sight was even more beautiful.
Lance happened to catch some movement out of the corner of his eye. He glanced up and saw Autumn there, half-hidden behind a tree. She stood there with a look of hurt on her face. Cammy turned and saw her as well. For a few seconds, brother and sister stared at their friend, then Autumn burst into tears and dashed off into the jungle.
"Oh no," said Cammy. "I didn't want..."
"Come on," Lance told her. "We need to settle this once and for all." He helped Cammy to her feet, then took her hand and followed the fleeing Autumn back toward the camp. Ahead of them, the girl ducked into the hut. Lance and Cammy slowed their pace; she was going nowhere after all.
When they reached the hut, they turned the corner and saw her sitting on the floor with her legs pulled up to her chest and her head buried in her knees weeping. Lance sat down on one side of her and Cammy on the other.
"Lance, how could you?" Autumn sobbed. "I loved you. I trusted you. And now I find out..."
"Autumn," he told her gently. "I still love you. Don't think of this as some kind of affair--"
"I just want to feel needed. But you two are brother and sister, so you love each other already, and now you don't need me any more."
"Is that what you think?" Cammy asked, putting an arm around her shoulder. "Of course we need you! Isn't that right, Lance?"
"Absolutely. Autumn, you once told me that here on the island we make our own rules. So why can't we have a rule that says that a man can love two women at once? Besides, I happen to know something that you two have been keeping secret from me. I saw you kissing in the lagoon the other day, and I overheard you in the hut later. So I'm no more guilty of cheating on you two than you are of cheating on me."
"You know about that?" asked Autumn.
"Yes. And from what I heard, it sounds like there's no reason for anyone to be jealous. Let's just get everything out in the open. No more secrets. I don't want anyone to go behind anyone's back any more; let's just all agree to love each other."
"Really? You mean, you don't mind if Cammy and I..."
"Actually, it's a real turn-on. The other day I had to go dunk myself in the ocean after hearing you two in the hut."
Autumn actually giggled at that.
"So I think that if all three of us are willing," said Cammy, "we should all do it together."
Autumn smiled and wiped away the tears from her eyes. "I guess that's all right," she said. "I mean, I love you both, and I don't want to choose between you."
"You don't have to," Cammy told her. She leaned in and kissed her friend on the lips. It was tender and sweet, and Lance nearly gasped at the sight. Despite the short interval since his last orgasm, he found himself growing erect again.
When the kiss ended, Cammy glanced down and giggled. "I can see Lance likes this arrangement," she said. She reached out and took hold of it, sending a shiver of excitement through his body at the touch.
"Feels nice, doesn't it?" asked Autumn.
"Oh yeah," said Lance.
"Oh yeah," said Cammy.
Autumn giggled, then leaned in and whispered something in her friend's ear. Cammy's eyes grew wide as a grin spread onto her face. Then she did something that shocked Lance; she leaned down and took him into her mouth.
"Oh shit!" Lance moaned in delirious pleasure. Cammy sucked on it, sending electric thrills through him with every motion. He could hardly believe it was his little sister doing this to him. He had seen her sick and nearly lifeless in the hospital, he had seen her vivacious and energetic after her recuperation, but he had never seen this side of her. The complete transformation added another level of excitement to the pleasure.
Autumn, meanwhile, knelt behind Cammy and pressed her body up against her back. She reached forward and groped Cammy's breasts, teasing them in much the same way Lance had earlier. He watched the girls' lesbian play in delight, not even trying to hide his reaction from the girls. If not for his recent orgasm he probably would have climaxed right there in Cammy's mouth just from the sight of it.
Autumn let one of her hands slide down Cammy's body until she slipped it onto her young mound, causing his sister to squeal in pleasure with the sudden sensation. Lance had begun to warm her up, but now Autumn was continuing where he had left off. She massaged between Cammy's legs with much more skill than Lance had shown earlier; naturally she had more experience with that sort of thing and knew what felt good. Cammy moaned at the sensation, her body beginning to squirm with her friend's ministrations.

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