- 2 years ago
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Why in the world anyone would choose to build a tiny little cabin on a tiny little island in the middle of a tiny little lake is something I've never figured out. But there it is and there I was going. It'd come down from my wife's side, and when her parents died she and her siblings had turned it into a sort of family trust. We all split the costs of the upkeep and share a vacation destination. The unwritten by-laws still work fairly well. The obvious hot dates are doled out democratically; we had the long Labor Day weekend last year and won't see it again for at least half a dozen more. We're barely an hour's drive away and come up once or twice a month during the summer, but if we have plans then hear the California Gang has decided to fly in for the same dates, we of course do the gracious thing. Things have gotten a bit more crowded, if cheaper, now that all our children are growing up and buying in.
It's a primitive place and there's no way out except by boat. There is a great family story dating back to a particularly bitter winter back in the days of the Model A when a hardy group drove out to the island. Oh, and they made it. The proof is apparently still at the bottom of the lake about halfway back. There's not much to be done when one wheel breaks through a patch of bad ice except curse Henry Ford for your own stupidity. The gang scattered safely back to the mainland, talking already of safety lines and chains and a winch set up on shore. Later in the day they returned with the necessary equipment, and luckily someone thought to bring a prehistoric camera. And there is the actual proof. A wall of the cabin is adorned with framed and matted copies of the series, shot as they approached the site but were still safely away, the images capturing the few minutes before the final cra-a-ack that set the automobile deep diving.
The island has a little cove with a little beach and a little pier. The cabin itself is one fair sized room. One wall sports a huge stone hearth that is the furnace. Cooking is done on a cast iron wood stove that was rowed over piecemeal way back when. If you need a bath, someone hands you a bar of soap and tells you to go jump in the lake. The toilet is a half-step above dragging a shovel behind you on your way out into the woods. The water source used to be a bucket but anymore you bring your own, fresh and safe from a tap. The lake's not toxic but even boiled it's not good for the bowels. We're curious creatures, us humans. We soil our own nests, then bitch about it later.
Still and all it's a nice cozy place. There's no worry of being stuck out there with some big family bash because it really is too tiny. The upcoming visit would be pushing all known limits, setting records and in fact the logistics hadn't really been worked out. There are two double beds in the place, but they date back to when people were much smaller. We'd be banging against the rafters, I just knew it, but in the face of so much enthusiasm I decided to play along. My wife and I, our daughter Melissa and her husband Dale, and their two little ones.
Truth be told my favorite time out on the island is when I'm out there alone playing the handyman. The peace and quiet and the chill of a six-pack sunk in the shadowy cool water under the pier. Nothing to beat it. There were some minor chinks in the mortar between the logs that needed attention and I knew of a prime piece of dead fall that should be perfectly seasoned for firewood. And I've recently acquired the luxury of being bound by no work week, which is a blessed feeling for a man in his mid-40s who had been resigned to shoveling shit for the rest of his life. Reason enough to motor out to the island a day early. Get things ready for the rest of the crew.
So I was all set for a little solitude when Melissa suddenly announced that she wanted to join me. My heart sank but I kept it from my face. Sure, she's my wonderful daughter and all, but mostly I was telling myself don't be such a fucking ingrate. It was her doing that I was able to be doing this.
I was early in college when a faulty gene revealed my true destiny. C'mon, it shouted, drop out and paint. A painter in the sense that the only walls I'd be covering would be those in museums. I still don't know why Betsy chose me to be her husband. She's terribly intelligent and driven and creative, but she has a pragmatic sense I totally lack. She supported me for a year, but with no real nibbles and the advent of Melissa I made the decision to become a lifer at the fucking warehouse. It paid the small bills of the time. I still painted like crazy, and never stopped. Once it became practical Betsy reentered the workforce and went corporate in a big way. Every glass ceiling she encountered, hell, she just threw some bricks and crashed her way through. Within ten years she was earning enough I could have comfortably quit but I didn't. It was never a big male ego provider thing, I just didn't want my selfworth to revert to that of dead weight. The kind of husband and dad who stays home drinking coffee all day, engaging in basically a hobby, taking the odd dance with the vacuum cleaner to make myself feel productive. If I'd possessed any innate culinary skills perhaps things would have been different. If I'd had a wonderful way with mops. I still shopped around. Some gallery owners had kind words but rarely any space for me. I met a few enthusiastic people with very little money. I'd sell a painting now and then and be content with the progress. But, you know, to be ecstatic about a year in which my gross income managed to push beyond the three-digit range, that wasn't quite me. It didn't even pay for the fucking supplies. I was never sure what Melissa felt about all this growing up. Telling her class at the beginning of each school year, oh, my daddy has a shitty job in a warehouse and paints on the side. Lissa always was in many respects very much of her mother. Completely different, but tolerant. She whipped through her four years as a Business Major in three, and then went on to grad school. No one was more surprised than me that first Christmas break when she came home and announced that her MBA program had mutated into an MFA. Feeling particularly fatherly I threatened to take off my belt and convince her otherwise. But when she showed us some of her work I used it instead as a sling to keep my chin from dragging on the floor. Damn, but my girl was fucking good. I was instantly intensely proud. Not because my genetic material had finally shone through. But because she had distilled it into greatness. There was the brief period where she would visit and I'd chase her from the threshold shouting, "You can't fool me! You're not here because you love us; you just want to steal my supplies." And sure enough she'd leave and my brand new tiny $20 tube of cadmium red would have gone missing. I'd call her up and bitch her out, "Those cadmiums and cobalts are not only expensive, they're toxic. They're not meant to be in the hands of children." Then she'd show me her latest series and of course she'd have put the pigment to far better use than I ever could. Was I ever jealous? No, not really. There was never any room for that. I was too busy being enthralled. And then very quickly she married Dale her old MBA beau. He ran up the ladder of success. Melissa didn't bother wallowing in that bohemian thing. Fuck all the galleries. She started her own while starting their family. Two small children later hers is the preeminent gallery in the entire region. I never said a word until the day she showed up and marched straight to my storage. "What do you want?" I shouted. "This and this and this and this... " she replied. I got barely half the stuff back. Lissa rarely hangs her own stuff there anymore, and then almost as a lark. She organized the daddy/daughter show several months ago even though most of her work was tagged NFS. One was officially the property of the Whitney in New York. It was their second purchase, and the head curator called angling for a third. All twenty of my meager entrees wound up walking out the door opening night. That was a Friday. Monday I called in to the warehouse and spoke to my boss. "Remember how on Friday you were my supervisor?" "Yea, whatcha gettin' at?" "Well, today is Monday, and you aren't."
So goes the story of how I managed to be guiding a small outboard motor towards a dinky little island in the middle of a lake in the middle of the day in the middle of the week when by all rights I should be deep in the bowels of a warehouse bitching at a forklift driver, "Pallets of product, right. Wrong fucking row!"
I'm the skipper of my own boat, with a lovely young passenger who happens to be my daughter my savior. Does life get any better than this? I think not. Melissa is indeed a delightful creature, and the happiness she exudes is infectious. My darling little daughter, my sweet Princess. Daddy's little girl. All those wonderful intonations from the days when I was King. When I was Daddy the Hero Who Could Do No Wrong. When I was the man who she wanted to marry when she grew up. Betsy, well, she could have a bedroom all her own in our new house. These were the memories that nearly made up for the subsequent eras when I became Daddy, that bastard, and later a seemingly bottomless pot of money. Honey, if you only knew. Which I suppose she actually did. What is the measure of success in parenting other than that they grow into adults without despising you? And really that is the best success. Melissa sat in the bow of the boat as charming an adult as I cared to have as company. As I dared to hope to have as company.
As we puttered across the tranquil surface of the lake I was thinking that I didn't like the looks of the horizon. It wasn't anything a novice might notice, just a slightly darkish string laid along the tree tops. In all likelihood it meant nothing. I didn't care to mention it, not wanting to spoil the gay mood of Melissa chattering away. She was going on and on about the success of the last show. Then she paused to add in a cryptic voice, "Everything I've ever wanted I've learned from watching you."
I shrugged off the tone. "You snagged a few tubes of paint and did the rest on your own."
She just sat there, silent, her head in a minor shake of dissent. "That's not the art I'm talking about," she finally whispered.
I shrugged clueless and guided the boat towards the approaching pier. My first mate tied us off with the knot I'd taught her ages ago. We lugged the provisions up to the cabin and opened the place up. Then I went out and circled the perimeter, making mental notes of where I'd want to work.
Then it struck me. "Goddamnit!"
Melissa was fast in the doorway with a worried look. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing. Nothing. Not a thing," I scoffed. "Just you know that bag of mortar?"
She picked it up real quick. "Oh, you mean the one you left in the trunk of the car."
"You got it," I grinned.
She paused. "You going back to get it?"
"Naw. Hell with that."
"Want me to go?"
"Nonononono. Manana, baby, manana."
Instead I wound up in the woods. I had cut the dead fall into draggable lengths the last time I was on the island. Nothing to it but the little bitch of pulling the stuff down and out. Lissa came and helped for a while. I could tell she was having second thoughts almost immediately but didn't know how to back out of the team. Finally I said gently, "Princess, I know it's sick, but I actually sort of like doing this. So why don't you go run off and do something you want, okay? This is supposed to be Fun Island, you know."
She beamed. "Okay. Thanks Daddy. I think I will go and have an explore."
"Just mind the Heffalumps!" I called out after her.
I set to work cutting the stuff down to size. The ax went clunk clunk clunk... and after ten minutes I'd raised a tiny scattering of wood chips. I realized I wasn't going to cut through anything with this method, or if I did it'd only be my foot. The old saw worked moderately better but after going at it for ages I'd only gone through one section. I used the ax to split all that, and then I sat down on a stump. At some point when I wasn't paying attention, my motivation had seized its chance and run away.
It was the saddest sight in the world, that tiny pile of mine. All that effort, and I had maybe a few hours worth of firewood. It was an illustration of my life. Oh my intentions are always the best, but all my plans just turn to shit! Gloomy thoughts, what wonderful companions they make. I shook it off, because the situation was so archetypical and amusing. It was laughable, and then there was laughter. I turned to find Melissa, all snuck up on me, her hand over her mouth.
"I'm sorry, it's just that you look so... you."
"That's okay. I know. It's no news to me. I've been living with it for 46 years now. And actually that's basically exactly what I was just thinking about."
"Why didn't you use the chainsaw? I kept waiting for that manly explosion of sound."
"Well, aside from the fact that I didn't feel up to walking all twenty-five of those feet to the cabin to fetch it, I plain didn't want to deal with the noise. I mean, sure, you get all the work done, but only because there's someone yelling in your ear the whole time."
"That's my father," she smiled and tousled my hair, "very funny, a little strange, and decidedly unique."
"Carve that on my tombstone okay?"
"Remind me when you're not a hundred years away from it. Anyway, I came out here to see if you'd be interested in a little dinner."
"Dinner? What's that?"
"Just one of the sundry uses for that yap of yours." She gave it a quick peck, then helped hoist me to my feet.
Section BDinner it was, and what a feast! What smells and so many bowls. Nicely spiced chicken chunks and beans refried from scratch. Several kinds of grated cheese which didn't come from bags. All sorts of vegetable stuffing, and warmed tortillas to wrap it all up in. "For god's sake," I complained, "is this fresh cilantro minced up here?" It made my heart just swell to see how warmly Lissa took the compliments. "How do you do it?" I continued. "I can barely get that fossilized stove to boil water for coffee."
Melissa was shrugging and blushing, "Well what would you be doing for dinner if I wasn't here to take care of you?"
"You'll notice," I nodded towards the counter, "that I did not leave the bag of chips in the trunk. I have my priorities straight. And chilled in that cooler is a six-pack of liquid nourishment known as sandwich-in- a-can."
"Gawd, my incorrigible father," she rolled her eyes. "Though now that you mention it a couple of beers would be perfect with all this."
And so they were. The clean-up was easy as always if a bit primitive. Melissa got a fire roaring in the hearth, then fed it the gunky paper plates and bowls. I swiped out the pans, then filled them with clean water and a little bleach and let them boil for a bit.
Evenings on the island tended to end early. Aside from the fireplace the only light is from a pair of antique oil lamps. You can read only if you want to ruin your eyes. We chatted frivolously for a while, then ran through our patience for double solitaire and gin rummy and poker. There was a short serious discussion of art while we both kept picking up our respective cans of the last beer on the island, pretending or forgetting that they weren't really already empty. Eventually we went taking turns darting outside to empty our bladders of beer. Then we shared a basin of precious water to brush our teeth. The lowering of the lamp wicks away to nothing. I discreetly changed into my pyjamas and slid into my bed. Melissa slithered out of her pants and bounded into her bed in just her t-shirt. Which wasn't so long that I didn't catch the golden dying fire glow of her bare butt. There was the slight delay before I thought, hey, she shucked off her panties along with her jeans. And another before I considered, or else she wasn't wearing any to start with. I certainly started feeling positively old- fashioned in my pyjamas. It was a positive sensation though, because even in summer the nights on the island got pretty chilly, especially once the fire went down to embers. But what did I care? My era as Father Knows Best was like that of the television show, residing solely in the history of memory. I curled up and prayed that sleep would somehow find me in this relatively early hour.
(Lots of thanks to Dawnj for her suggestions, editing, help and general support – all mistakes are mine.) They met outside Nancy’s little shop – the sort of place that sold everything you might want for food, and some practical things like matches and candles, and that was open most of the time. Marguerite and Evelina had known each other all their lives, their parents had lived practically next door to each other. Marguerite had grown up with her mother and her brother, Rudy. Rudy, who had...
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November, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Friday was a lazy day around the house. Sofia booked her flight home, and wasn’t very happy with what she had to do. “We have finals on the 21st, so I have to stay until then. The only reasonable time to leave is Friday night at 5:00pm. That gets me to Heathrow the next morning, and then I take a flight to Landvetter. Mom wants me home Saturday night for a dinner at her parents’ house. I’m going to be a complete zombie!” “Is your Friday exam early or...
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_____________________________________________________________________________________ Here is the first chapter of the third installment to this series. To everyone who has been waiting a long time for this, I would like to extend my most sincere apologies for the very long wait. There was a very serious personal problem that prevented this from being posted until now. I won't get into too much detail, but the main reason is that there was a death in Mishikail's family. She recently...
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Hi readers this is my third story I got very warm comments from the reader but no comments from any near by …,I am sohail from Lahore() comments n messages n even invitations are welcomed, any how lets come to story. I have a very good friend of my child hood, I often visit him at nite or evening and all the family is very friendly with me, his mother father sister and his wife, I have no hesitation to visit them any time and use to have gossip with all of them. His sister named pinky so many...
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I walk inside the room, only wearing lingerie and stockings.You're sitting on a chair, watching me while I dim the light and put the stereo on. Down in Mexico sounds from the speakers. I move to you and end up in your lap. You want to grab me but I pin your hands behind your back. "You can only watch… no touching, at least not yet." I whisper while my lips curl into a wicked smile. I wink and get up from your lap. I start moving to the rhythm of the music. You are watching me closely. Swaying...
I’m jimmy from bathinda. Any sexy girl ,bhabhi ,married lady want to meet send email to reply must. Lets start I finished my 12th and got good marks in math. Near my house my school teacher named neha was living. She used to come to my house and ask certain doubts regarding math as she doesn’t know 11th math but she was appointed as their teacher. I should tell about her. She was a fair lady with well built body. Her figure was 38-30-38.she was so sexy in her sarees. When she walked her buts...
IncestMy friend sent me a text and I replied, saying that I could go to her place. “Hey”, she said, as I stood in the doorway with my bags. “Hey”, I replied, “I’ve brought some movies and some chocolate and stuff, you know, just for something to do”. “That’s fine”, she said, “Come in”. I walked into her house, taking in the weird smell of smoke and alcohol that seemed to pollute that air. “Are your parent’s home?” I asked, hoping she would say no. “Yeah, they are”, she said, sighing. “Great”, I...
[This is a long story. My longest to date. There is plenty of sexual content and a few twists and turns along the way. If it was shorter it could have been in ‘Loving Wives’, or ‘Erotic Couplings’ or ‘Group Sex’. There will be another version of this tale posted soon (one or two days), that takes a slightly more traditional ‘Loving Wives’ approach. It will be called ‘Scratching Deeply.’ Please vote and leave me either a public or private comment. My intention is to improve as a writer, your...
Hello reader! I’m NaughtGuy 21 years from Mumbai and any Girls, Bhabhi, Aunty, Mom, Milf, BBW wants to have some good time for free, email me at This is my real sex story. This is my first sex story, and my best sexual experience, Crossdressers name is Pinky. Escort’s name is Reema (Names Changed) One day, I happened to watch porn in which a guy has fun with crossdressers and a female, it was a group fun which made me really horny, So I decided to jerk off but it didn’t satisfy me, then I...
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On June 10th I was relaxing and reading a few cuckold stories on xHamster when I needed to piss. I was almost half way through a really good story so I laid my phone in my recliner and headed to the restroom. When I returned I saw my wife had picked up my phone and she was reading that story. I sat down without saying anything and started watching the TV. After half an hour my wife tapped my arm with my phone and I took it from her. She asked if that was exciting to me? Is what exciting I...
A Little PlaceRabbi Yoni began the discussion with ?their outrage so great, so grave their sin.? It was both outrage and sin, meaning two crimes. What was the sin? It was the defiling of human beings. What was the outrage? It was devouring these human beings alive. These victims were the prisoners from war of four kings against five. As is written, ?give me the persons, and take the possessions for yourself.? The kings of Sodom and Gomorrah had faced these men in battle; they had seen...
Just understand that when one thinks that in life you understand all there is, to know a person completely, or see that they cannot change, you will be open to new and final revelations that makes it clear; you never knew them to begin with as you suspected. Three weeks until the Academy ball begins. Once again everything appears to be back in a state of relative order and stability; ‘relative’ of course being the key word. The last few months have seen a rash of murders, the narrow...
“Johnny’s a very bright kid.” “Thank you,” Deborah said. She made a minor show flipping a coffee-colored curl. “Although, he’s not really a kid anymore.” “Indeed,” Mr. Williams said, sneaking a smile beneath his croissant mustache. Nothing completed the pudgy man’s look better than his clownish yellow tie. “Did he tell you what this is about?” “Actually, he was a bit ... unclear. Is his work suffering?” “Quite the opposite,” Mr. Williams said, sweeping out meaty arms. Deborah followed his...
Chrissy and I were at Ian’s place. Ian was about 28, 3 years older than Chrissy. About 5 years older than me and is a lot more experienced and active sexually then me. Ian was well built and just under 6ft tall. Even though he is considerably older than me I still found him extremely sexy. Chrissy is also quite sexy to look at. Chrissy was aware of her looks and did not mind highlighting her assets. On this occasion Chrissy had on a light dress with a low neck line. Whenever Chrissy bent over I...
Party Show (MFF)I met these two girls at a mutual friends party, Sara and Stephi, they were pretty tipsy and quite flirtatious. Sara was a beautiful blonde girl with a rubenesque figure, and she presented some wonderful cleavage under her white button-down dress, Stephi had a cute tank top and tight jeans that clung to her curvy hips. We somehow found our way up to a bedroom and fell in an intoxicated mass on the bed, with Sara on my left and Stephi on my right. A blue lava lamp, creating...
Elizabeth (Syren De Mer) is a mature woman, who is part of an online book club to satisfy her craving for romance. She’s been chatting back and forth with a charming man named Nicholas for months, sharing thoughts on the latest erotic novel on their list. Every time she gets a message from Nicholas, she’s giddy with affection. She hasn’t felt this alive in years, and she’s sure it’s the beginning of something special. Most of her flirting with Nicholas happens when...
xmoviesforyouThe Alteration App was a powerful app, one that could alter reality itself. It couldn't be explained by science, but it didn't need to. It worked nonetheless. The first thing the user needed to do was touch the phone to a person while the app was open, which would suck the person into the phone to be able to be customized by the app. Once the person was inside, the user could do whatever they wanted to customize them, similar to the customization of an RPG. In the Body tab, the user could alter...
Mind ControlSo I have a neighbor who is 85 and he has hip problems so he cant walk much. one day he asked if i would go get some groceries for him which of course i said yes. Upon returning, i knocked and he yelled come on in. I set the bags of food down in the kitchen and he asked me bring him a drink. I grabbed a bottle of something and went into the living room. he sat there his robe wide open and his legs spread. I habded him his drink and he asked if i could stay for a while, knowing e is always...
These are the collected notes from Subject 2311, Thin Man Project, Kansas Facility. Subject 2311: Age- 23, Height - 5’ 5”, Weight - 113 lbs, Hair - Blonde, Eyes - Hazel, Bust - 36C, Waist - 24” Hips - 34 Health - A1 Stamina - Average DNA profile - Northwestern European; 99.9% (Scandinavian/Denmark majority percentage) Project participants are encouraged to keep a daily record of general observations of their daily routine. Such input provides insight into the physical, medical,...
I led Laura to the creek and we rode downstream. “That was interesting. I had expected chaos and squalor.” “Oh. You can find native settlements like that. But they’re on the periphery of cities. Or in central run-down areas.” “Slums.” “I try not to say that. I think there’s a corruption that we carry around. It’s to do with our ways – whatever they are – are the best. Or the only. Or the right. So the schools tell the kids things and cut them loose. My friend Jacky got turned away from...
Howard: An old client called and begged me to do a seminar for them, as the next phase of a network where I had first been an instructor, then the lead architect. They put me up in the pleasant Tampa hotel where I had stayed before, and in a small suite. I was tempted, for old times’ sake, to visit Mons Venus or another of the incredibly hot Tampa strip clubs, but was far too tired. In addition, I knew that I had women as wild, or wilder, at home. After flying in, I was tired. I had a nice...
Not to long ago, my gorgeous wife Gina of fifteen years married had made arrangements for an upcoming Saturday night to hook up with her favorite, steady black lover Trevor. In the beginning Trevor wore condoms but after getting to know him better having dozens of sexual encounters with him, they built up that mutual trust with one another. Now, Trevor has been bare backing my wife for the past few months unleashing multiple loads of his cum deep inside my wife’s pussy and in her mouth...
Paul and Maggie Turner had a fairly large Modern Colonial home. While the house wasn't enormous, it was still very big considering that there were only three people living there. However, right now ten people made the family room seem a little bit squishy. "Carrie, just relax honey," said Tom, stroking her strawberry blond hair. She was sitting on his lap. "You just called me 'honey'," she said quietly. "That's what you are to me. You're 'my honey'. You don't mind that I call...
FEMINIZED, FAGGIFIED, AND FIXED FOR LIFE Kimmie Holland & Meeah Mackenzie **ONE** Stephen Accepts His Fate?Sort Of. "Oh don't be such a baby, Steffie," my wife said, pausing while putting on her lipstick. "It's not like you even use the silly little things anymore." I had come upstairs to the bedroom with the boots I'd just polished. Her boyfriend Max would be by shortly to take her out for the evening and there I was the obedient house-husband helping her get ready, just...
For three minutes Cindy was made to fondle his cock while Mr. Woodcock moved his fat finger in and out of her cunt. Overwhelmed with excitement he kissed her hungrily on the mouth. Cindy started to respond and kissed back when the doorbell rang. "Mr. Woodcock, are you there?" That was the Headmaster's voice. Mr. Woodcock quickly released her, zipped up his pants and got up to open the door. Cindy got up and adjusted her skirt. Mr. Harddick entered the room, looked at Cindy and said to...
Hi friends; in this story our names are unnecessary. Though it’s a story of me and my close friend of my class mate and also a hockey player of the state women hockey team. She was a college drop-out for the discontinuance of the studies. I am a graduate and i got job in the palace city Mysore. One day on the suburban bus terminal i saw her waiting for the bus, even i have to travel in the same bus. I saw her and wished her .She guessed me and smiled and went to shake hand her. By that time bus...
Pete Tyler knew he was asking for trouble when he slid open the unlocked window. But without a moment's hesitation slipped inside of the unoccupied house. Only two weeks out of prison and here he was back prowling homes in search of jewelry, money, or anything else of value that he could be hidden under his coat. Like the old pro he was he immediately rifled through an unlocked jewelry case only to find that it only contained cheap costume settings that were practically worthless! After tossing...
InterracialMai Vimal Khanna fir se ek real adventure ke sath apake samane hajir hoon. Mere ghar ke samane ek pariwar rahata hai jinaki teen khubsurat, sexy aur hasin betiyan hai. Teeno hi bahano ki shadiya ho chuki hai. Ye tino bahane mujase 2-4-6 saal chhoti hai. Meri najar in par bachpan se hi hai. Bachpan me saath sath khele hai aur teeno hi mere saamane jawan ho gai. Bich wali jo ki muzase lagbhag char saal chhoti hai usaki shadi Kanpur me hui thi. Usake pati Software Engineer hai. Unhe 2005 me South...
When the neighbors asked Tim to feed their cat while they were on vacation, he happily agreed. Tim had been looking for a way to do a little snooping in his new neighbors house. He fantasized about finding some of sexy Jodi's nude pics! Jodi and her husband Bill had moved in about 5 months ago. Tim and his wife, Sloan had gotten along with them well from the beginning. Jodi was incredibly sexy to Tim. He began to lust after her immediately....
Cyndi and I had dated for about 5 or 6 months when it seemed it was getting serious. I'd met her divorced mom many times and she was a nice lady. Now it was time to meet her mom's mom. Her grandmother, Sherry, lived on the other side of our large metro area. We went over one Saturday afternoon.Sherry was at the door greeting us as we parked and got out of the car. She had a warm smile and was super friendly. She welcomed us, hugging Cyndi and I, and invited us in. We had a light lunch with the...
What can I say, everything happens for a reason. Well at least that's what I've always been told. I just can't believe it was happening to me. Let me introduce myself, my name is Brandy. I'm 26 years old, married with two kids, and my husband and I both had good jobs. From what I could tell everything in my life was going well, until I walked in on my husband and my best friend (well I thought she was) in my house, in my bed. Let me start from the beginning.I decided to be nice and surprise my...
Group SexMarcus is coming round tonight and I have the house all to myself. He wants me dressed and ready for him. Good! I am aching for his meaty black manhood and looking forward to tasting his cum. He has given me instructions as to what I must wear and I know exactly what will turn him on most. I have the requisite clothes and hope he will like what I have done. The only change I have made is that I have no panties – I hope he likes the black seamed stockings I am wearing.I take my time getting...
Hi friends! First of all I am very thankful to all my readers for making my 2 stories a huge success. Here are links of it for those who missed: story-1: and story-2: Heroine of this story is my uncle’s (father daughter) daughter. She is just 19th but her height and figure makes everyone mind-blowing which are 5.6 and 34-30-32.Not to waste...
IncestIn my sex life as a straight guy, my favorite type of sex was oral. I loved the feel of lips and tongue on my cock even more than that of a vagina. Some women didn't like to give head; my relationships with them didn't last long. Being willing to suck cock and swallow cum was a deal breaker for me. My tastes applied to the porn I watched as well. Seeing a pornstar working her lips and tongue over a hard shaft was much more sexy to me than watching a cock sliding in and out of a pussy. I think...
Disclaimer All characters are over the age of 18 and this is work of complete fiction, merely a fantasy that may become reality for Marissa and Norman. Character Introductions Norman, Vanessa & Marissa are all cousins; they have all been very close best friends for a few years. Norman and Vanessa have known each other from childhood and very close, Marissa came shortly into the picture but they all share a bond that no one can compare, they are best friends “3 The Hard Way” they have seen...