Island free porn video

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Why in the world anyone would choose to build a tiny little cabin on a tiny little island in the middle of a tiny little lake is something I've never figured out. But there it is and there I was going. It'd come down from my wife's side, and when her parents died she and her siblings had turned it into a sort of family trust. We all split the costs of the upkeep and share a vacation destination. The unwritten by-laws still work fairly well. The obvious hot dates are doled out democratically; we had the long Labor Day weekend last year and won't see it again for at least half a dozen more. We're barely an hour's drive away and come up once or twice a month during the summer, but if we have plans then hear the California Gang has decided to fly in for the same dates, we of course do the gracious thing. Things have gotten a bit more crowded, if cheaper, now that all our children are growing up and buying in.

It's a primitive place and there's no way out except by boat. There is a great family story dating back to a particularly bitter winter back in the days of the Model A when a hardy group drove out to the island. Oh, and they made it. The proof is apparently still at the bottom of the lake about halfway back. There's not much to be done when one wheel breaks through a patch of bad ice except curse Henry Ford for your own stupidity. The gang scattered safely back to the mainland, talking already of safety lines and chains and a winch set up on shore. Later in the day they returned with the necessary equipment, and luckily someone thought to bring a prehistoric camera. And there is the actual proof. A wall of the cabin is adorned with framed and matted copies of the series, shot as they approached the site but were still safely away, the images capturing the few minutes before the final cra-a-ack that set the automobile deep diving.

The island has a little cove with a little beach and a little pier. The cabin itself is one fair sized room. One wall sports a huge stone hearth that is the furnace. Cooking is done on a cast iron wood stove that was rowed over piecemeal way back when. If you need a bath, someone hands you a bar of soap and tells you to go jump in the lake. The toilet is a half-step above dragging a shovel behind you on your way out into the woods. The water source used to be a bucket but anymore you bring your own, fresh and safe from a tap. The lake's not toxic but even boiled it's not good for the bowels. We're curious creatures, us humans. We soil our own nests, then bitch about it later.

Still and all it's a nice cozy place. There's no worry of being stuck out there with some big family bash because it really is too tiny. The upcoming visit would be pushing all known limits, setting records and in fact the logistics hadn't really been worked out. There are two double beds in the place, but they date back to when people were much smaller. We'd be banging against the rafters, I just knew it, but in the face of so much enthusiasm I decided to play along. My wife and I, our daughter Melissa and her husband Dale, and their two little ones.

Truth be told my favorite time out on the island is when I'm out there alone playing the handyman. The peace and quiet and the chill of a six-pack sunk in the shadowy cool water under the pier. Nothing to beat it. There were some minor chinks in the mortar between the logs that needed attention and I knew of a prime piece of dead fall that should be perfectly seasoned for firewood. And I've recently acquired the luxury of being bound by no work week, which is a blessed feeling for a man in his mid-40s who had been resigned to shoveling shit for the rest of his life. Reason enough to motor out to the island a day early. Get things ready for the rest of the crew.

So I was all set for a little solitude when Melissa suddenly announced that she wanted to join me. My heart sank but I kept it from my face. Sure, she's my wonderful daughter and all, but mostly I was telling myself don't be such a fucking ingrate. It was her doing that I was able to be doing this.

I was early in college when a faulty gene revealed my true destiny. C'mon, it shouted, drop out and paint. A painter in the sense that the only walls I'd be covering would be those in museums. I still don't know why Betsy chose me to be her husband. She's terribly intelligent and driven and creative, but she has a pragmatic sense I totally lack. She supported me for a year, but with no real nibbles and the advent of Melissa I made the decision to become a lifer at the fucking warehouse. It paid the small bills of the time. I still painted like crazy, and never stopped. Once it became practical Betsy reentered the workforce and went corporate in a big way. Every glass ceiling she encountered, hell, she just threw some bricks and crashed her way through. Within ten years she was earning enough I could have comfortably quit but I didn't. It was never a big male ego provider thing, I just didn't want my selfworth to revert to that of dead weight. The kind of husband and dad who stays home drinking coffee all day, engaging in basically a hobby, taking the odd dance with the vacuum cleaner to make myself feel productive. If I'd possessed any innate culinary skills perhaps things would have been different. If I'd had a wonderful way with mops. I still shopped around. Some gallery owners had kind words but rarely any space for me. I met a few enthusiastic people with very little money. I'd sell a painting now and then and be content with the progress. But, you know, to be ecstatic about a year in which my gross income managed to push beyond the three-digit range, that wasn't quite me. It didn't even pay for the fucking supplies. I was never sure what Melissa felt about all this growing up. Telling her class at the beginning of each school year, oh, my daddy has a shitty job in a warehouse and paints on the side. Lissa always was in many respects very much of her mother. Completely different, but tolerant. She whipped through her four years as a Business Major in three, and then went on to grad school. No one was more surprised than me that first Christmas break when she came home and announced that her MBA program had mutated into an MFA. Feeling particularly fatherly I threatened to take off my belt and convince her otherwise. But when she showed us some of her work I used it instead as a sling to keep my chin from dragging on the floor. Damn, but my girl was fucking good. I was instantly intensely proud. Not because my genetic material had finally shone through. But because she had distilled it into greatness. There was the brief period where she would visit and I'd chase her from the threshold shouting, "You can't fool me! You're not here because you love us; you just want to steal my supplies." And sure enough she'd leave and my brand new tiny $20 tube of cadmium red would have gone missing. I'd call her up and bitch her out, "Those cadmiums and cobalts are not only expensive, they're toxic. They're not meant to be in the hands of children." Then she'd show me her latest series and of course she'd have put the pigment to far better use than I ever could. Was I ever jealous? No, not really. There was never any room for that. I was too busy being enthralled. And then very quickly she married Dale her old MBA beau. He ran up the ladder of success. Melissa didn't bother wallowing in that bohemian thing. Fuck all the galleries. She started her own while starting their family. Two small children later hers is the preeminent gallery in the entire region. I never said a word until the day she showed up and marched straight to my storage. "What do you want?" I shouted. "This and this and this and this... " she replied. I got barely half the stuff back. Lissa rarely hangs her own stuff there anymore, and then almost as a lark. She organized the daddy/daughter show several months ago even though most of her work was tagged NFS. One was officially the property of the Whitney in New York. It was their second purchase, and the head curator called angling for a third. All twenty of my meager entrees wound up walking out the door opening night. That was a Friday. Monday I called in to the warehouse and spoke to my boss. "Remember how on Friday you were my supervisor?" "Yea, whatcha gettin' at?" "Well, today is Monday, and you aren't."

So goes the story of how I managed to be guiding a small outboard motor towards a dinky little island in the middle of a lake in the middle of the day in the middle of the week when by all rights I should be deep in the bowels of a warehouse bitching at a forklift driver, "Pallets of product, right. Wrong fucking row!"

I'm the skipper of my own boat, with a lovely young passenger who happens to be my daughter my savior. Does life get any better than this? I think not. Melissa is indeed a delightful creature, and the happiness she exudes is infectious. My darling little daughter, my sweet Princess. Daddy's little girl. All those wonderful intonations from the days when I was King. When I was Daddy the Hero Who Could Do No Wrong. When I was the man who she wanted to marry when she grew up. Betsy, well, she could have a bedroom all her own in our new house. These were the memories that nearly made up for the subsequent eras when I became Daddy, that bastard, and later a seemingly bottomless pot of money. Honey, if you only knew. Which I suppose she actually did. What is the measure of success in parenting other than that they grow into adults without despising you? And really that is the best success. Melissa sat in the bow of the boat as charming an adult as I cared to have as company. As I dared to hope to have as company.

As we puttered across the tranquil surface of the lake I was thinking that I didn't like the looks of the horizon. It wasn't anything a novice might notice, just a slightly darkish string laid along the tree tops. In all likelihood it meant nothing. I didn't care to mention it, not wanting to spoil the gay mood of Melissa chattering away. She was going on and on about the success of the last show. Then she paused to add in a cryptic voice, "Everything I've ever wanted I've learned from watching you."

I shrugged off the tone. "You snagged a few tubes of paint and did the rest on your own."

She just sat there, silent, her head in a minor shake of dissent. "That's not the art I'm talking about," she finally whispered.

I shrugged clueless and guided the boat towards the approaching pier. My first mate tied us off with the knot I'd taught her ages ago. We lugged the provisions up to the cabin and opened the place up. Then I went out and circled the perimeter, making mental notes of where I'd want to work.

Then it struck me. "Goddamnit!"

Melissa was fast in the doorway with a worried look. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing. Not a thing," I scoffed. "Just you know that bag of mortar?"

She picked it up real quick. "Oh, you mean the one you left in the trunk of the car."

"You got it," I grinned.

She paused. "You going back to get it?"

"Naw. Hell with that."

"Want me to go?"

"Nonononono. Manana, baby, manana."

Instead I wound up in the woods. I had cut the dead fall into draggable lengths the last time I was on the island. Nothing to it but the little bitch of pulling the stuff down and out. Lissa came and helped for a while. I could tell she was having second thoughts almost immediately but didn't know how to back out of the team. Finally I said gently, "Princess, I know it's sick, but I actually sort of like doing this. So why don't you go run off and do something you want, okay? This is supposed to be Fun Island, you know."

She beamed. "Okay. Thanks Daddy. I think I will go and have an explore."

"Just mind the Heffalumps!" I called out after her.

I set to work cutting the stuff down to size. The ax went clunk clunk clunk... and after ten minutes I'd raised a tiny scattering of wood chips. I realized I wasn't going to cut through anything with this method, or if I did it'd only be my foot. The old saw worked moderately better but after going at it for ages I'd only gone through one section. I used the ax to split all that, and then I sat down on a stump. At some point when I wasn't paying attention, my motivation had seized its chance and run away.

It was the saddest sight in the world, that tiny pile of mine. All that effort, and I had maybe a few hours worth of firewood. It was an illustration of my life. Oh my intentions are always the best, but all my plans just turn to shit! Gloomy thoughts, what wonderful companions they make. I shook it off, because the situation was so archetypical and amusing. It was laughable, and then there was laughter. I turned to find Melissa, all snuck up on me, her hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you look so... you."

"That's okay. I know. It's no news to me. I've been living with it for 46 years now. And actually that's basically exactly what I was just thinking about."

"Why didn't you use the chainsaw? I kept waiting for that manly explosion of sound."

"Well, aside from the fact that I didn't feel up to walking all twenty-five of those feet to the cabin to fetch it, I plain didn't want to deal with the noise. I mean, sure, you get all the work done, but only because there's someone yelling in your ear the whole time."

"That's my father," she smiled and tousled my hair, "very funny, a little strange, and decidedly unique."

"Carve that on my tombstone okay?"

"Remind me when you're not a hundred years away from it. Anyway, I came out here to see if you'd be interested in a little dinner."

"Dinner? What's that?"

"Just one of the sundry uses for that yap of yours." She gave it a quick peck, then helped hoist me to my feet.

Section B

Dinner it was, and what a feast! What smells and so many bowls. Nicely spiced chicken chunks and beans refried from scratch. Several kinds of grated cheese which didn't come from bags. All sorts of vegetable stuffing, and warmed tortillas to wrap it all up in. "For god's sake," I complained, "is this fresh cilantro minced up here?" It made my heart just swell to see how warmly Lissa took the compliments. "How do you do it?" I continued. "I can barely get that fossilized stove to boil water for coffee."

Melissa was shrugging and blushing, "Well what would you be doing for dinner if I wasn't here to take care of you?"

"You'll notice," I nodded towards the counter, "that I did not leave the bag of chips in the trunk. I have my priorities straight. And chilled in that cooler is a six-pack of liquid nourishment known as sandwich-in- a-can."

"Gawd, my incorrigible father," she rolled her eyes. "Though now that you mention it a couple of beers would be perfect with all this."

And so they were. The clean-up was easy as always if a bit primitive. Melissa got a fire roaring in the hearth, then fed it the gunky paper plates and bowls. I swiped out the pans, then filled them with clean water and a little bleach and let them boil for a bit.

Evenings on the island tended to end early. Aside from the fireplace the only light is from a pair of antique oil lamps. You can read only if you want to ruin your eyes. We chatted frivolously for a while, then ran through our patience for double solitaire and gin rummy and poker. There was a short serious discussion of art while we both kept picking up our respective cans of the last beer on the island, pretending or forgetting that they weren't really already empty. Eventually we went taking turns darting outside to empty our bladders of beer. Then we shared a basin of precious water to brush our teeth. The lowering of the lamp wicks away to nothing. I discreetly changed into my pyjamas and slid into my bed. Melissa slithered out of her pants and bounded into her bed in just her t-shirt. Which wasn't so long that I didn't catch the golden dying fire glow of her bare butt. There was the slight delay before I thought, hey, she shucked off her panties along with her jeans. And another before I considered, or else she wasn't wearing any to start with. I certainly started feeling positively old- fashioned in my pyjamas. It was a positive sensation though, because even in summer the nights on the island got pretty chilly, especially once the fire went down to embers. But what did I care? My era as Father Knows Best was like that of the television show, residing solely in the history of memory. I curled up and prayed that sleep would somehow find me in this relatively early hour.

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Assam Sex In Guwahati 8211 Part 1

Part 1 Horthate room or calling bell tu bajil, ritu boue uthi goi darza khan khuli dile. Hotel or waiter etai kiba kibi khua bastu alop loi ahil aru table t thoi gol. Ritu boue khua bastu khini plate ot serve karibo dharile. Ritu boue khana serve karute maje maje hari khanar asol tu pari gaisil, aru Ritu bour piha gitar adhat ke besi ankha dekha gaisil. Endore khana serve kari thakutei Kapoor namor officer tu uthi Ritu bouk haboti dharile. Ritu boue prothomote alop appoti karisiljadiu pasole...

1 year ago
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An ClochnChapter 14

The Iridiens and Órarduine were just finishing dinner at An Clochán when Virginia said, "Commander Egulle, could we use the material from your presentations in our evening news program?" "We don't see why not. What did you have in mind?" "We think our viewers would like to hear about the Alliance of Worlds. The material in Unetzen's presentation provides a wealth of information about you. It would answer many of the questions people on Earth are asking, like 'who are you and why are...

3 years ago
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A Dancers Story

Movement has been my life.  Even as a young boy, all I wanted to do was to jump around, to leap, to express myself with my body.  So it was natural that my parents enrolled me for dance lessons.  I was one of few boys among a lot of girls.  And as I matured, my rarity became even more pronounced.  I was straight, in a calling that attracts many gay men.  Sort of an ugly duckling I suppose. It’s just that I like women’s bodies, their curves, and the flirtatious way they interact with men.  I...

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My Friends Hot Mom Part 1

I'm Joe and I had just turned 18 and was staying at my buddies (Ben) again. He lived with his mom and she was going out. We did the usual-hang out and drink some of his mom's beer. By midnight, we crapped out. Him on the couch and me in his bed. What a guy.His mom had gone dancing with her boyfriend Cliff. I knew she probably wouldn't be too late because Cliff had to work in the morning. Ben's room was adjacent to his mom's with a door in between. I closed and locked the main door and left the...

4 years ago
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Whos your Daddy

My new husband wanted to get me pregnant and have his baby. We had only been married 4 months but he was 48 and I was 44 so the clock was ticking. I told him we would give it a try but if I didn’t get pregnant in a few months then it probably wasn’t going to happen. We had been trying for four months with no luck. We had sex all the time. He took me every chance he got. Sometimes three or four times a day. He was a great lover with a huge cock. I have known him for a very long time and we have...

2 years ago
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Preethi Office Colleague Flirting Leads To Fuck In Parking Lot

The very first time we talked in office, I knew we can hit it off. I instantly felt a connection with her and even though we both being married, I couldn’t stop myself from flirting with her. She is 5’6″, slim, beautiful smile, perfect body, a south Indian girl. We use to interact for some official work in the office. She would come and meet me whenever there was a slight possible excuse to meet me. And I would gladly welcome her, talk to her and flirt with her. Sit closely with her, held her...

3 years ago
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Studs Breeding My Ass

Well it all started with an ad that I did not think would ever be fulfilled, much less by six magnificent cocks:"33, bi, wm, total bottom cum slut, looking for multiple tops to breed my ass."The only time I could get the most participation was on a Tuesday evening. I was nervous all day; could barely focus on my work, semi hard all day long. After getting home from work I shaved and trimmed all pertinent areas and showered with a nice long enema cleaning out my hole wanting the most...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My Daughters Faith And Cheyanne

"So, now we're done eating dinner; what are you two up to tonight, ladies?" I pondered, peeking at both of them."I don't have any plans; what about you, Cheyanne?""Me either, Faith," she added, shaking her head no."Really, you're twins, but you don't have that mind-reading power?""I guess not, Daddy," Cheyanne replied, glancing at me."Too bad, so if I ask you two if either of you will be introducing me to someone soon, would I get an answer?""I'm afraid not, Dad," Faith responded."Really,...

3 years ago
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I submitted to her Bull

(wife point of view)My husband and I have lived in harmony for over 4 years, now we are doing are own thing. When he is at work I'm at home sleep, when he is at home I'm on my way out. I'm a very successful woman... really I am. I have a great job and I'm very rich. I invented a piece of tiny mechanics -- essentially a fancy carbon fiber hinge - that is used in millions and millions of mobile phones. I get to go on lecture tours and last year I went to a Buckingham Palace tea party to meet the...

2 years ago
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Curfew violator

With the formation of the Women's International Party in the mid 2000's, political power has been gradually shifting away from the men and into the hands of a group of radical feminists. These women claim that patriarchy is the root cause of most of society's problems, and that a world dominated by females would be free of war, poverty, class divisions, and corporate greed. While the party is essentially still a fringe group, it has managed to seize power in a few communities on the west coast...

2 years ago
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The Surprise Party

Marcia walked into the bathroom and got ready to take her shower. She had been working all day and wasn’t going out until she had cleaned up a bit. She slowly stripped away her clothes and started up the shower water. It took almost no time for the hot water to start spraying out of the shower, and Marcia gratefully stepped in to soak for awhile. After a few minutes of standing motionless in the hot water Marcia put her head back and washed her hair. After she rinsed she reached up and grabbed...

3 years ago
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The Machine

You contemplate in anxiety at the beautiful sight of your creation. It was finished – before the brink of the century, your most ambitious project stood majestically in the depths of your own cellar. A supercomputer that took almost the entirety of the faintly lit room, it was designed to artificially simulate parts of the human brain, bearing virtually the same electrical signals within metallic covers. Nonetheless, beyond mere aspects of human consciousness, the hardware was also ready to do...

Mind Control
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Hanumangarh Ki Hot Business Lady Bani Meri Wife 8211 Part 1

Mera naam raj sharma hai.main hanumangarh mein rahta hun.ek din ki baat hai main raj hotel pr kuchh khane k liye gya tha.meri nazar table pr padi.wahan ek lady ka purse pda tha.Maine usme dekha to do ATM, 8500 rupye aur ek bill par ek mobile no.tha Maine wahan phone mila kar pata lgaya ki wo kisi Geeta jee ka hai.unka no.bhi mil gya. Maine phone milaya-hello madam jee,main raj bol raha hun.mujhe hotel pr aapka purse mila hai.main industrial area se mere room se bol raha hun.aap aaker...

3 years ago
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Together with my boyfriend for a long time we meet, and that's like what happened to me a story. No, perhaps I'll start on another. I'm quite pretty, slender girl of 18. I just love sex, in all its manifestations. We put in the bed mass of experiments, but here's my guy once said that I was stare at girls. No, I'm not a lesbian, Slavik me completely satisfied, but madly wanted to try sex with a girl. I wanted to play the role of a guy wanted to fuck her, to hear her moans, feel what a man feels...

3 years ago
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sister brother Summer Lover

sister, brother, Summer Lover by SizeXIntroduction: It is fair to say that in many ways Gary and Jan were sister, brother, Summer Lover -------------------Prologue - RISE-------------------If you had asked him how it had started, he wouldn't have been able totell you.That was partly because Gary didn't understand exactly what hadhappened... but mostly because he was distracted, gazing down at hissister's moist red lips sliding up and down his teenage prick.The feeling was like nothing he'd ever...

2 years ago
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Mature Wifes First Threesome

My fifty-seven year old wife had only ever had one cock, mine. In our late fifties we still enjoyed an active sex life. My wife Amy has a petite build and is still an attractive lady for her age. Despite our active sex life I had always had a strong desire to see her being fucked by another male. Amy had always maintained that she could not meet someone and then get into bed with them and let them fuck her fifteen minutes later. I always thought that if she got close up with another male that...

3 years ago
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Every man

Brad was just getting home that day never knowing what was about to happen.You see,Brad and his wife Jennifer has only been married 3 months and they have been talking about having sex with other people in with them.Jenn told him that she was willing to bring in another chick.Brad thought it was to good to be true and he thought it was never going to happen.But he just had no idea. When brad walked into the front door of his home and he saw his fine wife he already knew what she wanted.Jenn is...

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 354

The next big thing that JBG Security faced was the independent political debate. I had extended the RRT time off to a full week. When they came back, we had two weeks to get everything in place. Cindy and Mark began the task of notifying the college security employees who were going to work the debate. I made a command decision that while they were this close, they were going to be recertified. With three firearms trainers, Jamie’s team could do 30 in a day. With the college group the...

3 years ago
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K T and FamilyChapter 9 Flame meet Foam

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Dad will never talk about the press conference. No one will talk about it. Mom just smiles. Whatever was said, it was done strictly off the record. As bad as their reputations are, journalists pay attention to that kind of thing. All we know is that everyone came out looking like a cat with canary feathers in its mouth. Mom and Dad had only known each other a couple of weeks. That had to have raised some eyebrows. Dad says that he only introduced Mom,...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

A Chance Encounter. Part Seven. ‘Do you know, I’m damned sure you had it in mind for the four of us to…to have sex altogether when you got this bed,’ Sally said as we lay there together that night. ‘Well…I must admit that the thought did come to mind. But that was after I’d got the bed and…well after Carol had seen it and said much the same thing,’ I said as I stroked her tits, raising the nipples up to hard little nuts. ‘Don’t just play with them Bob,’ she said, her voice a little husky....

3 years ago
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Celebrating the Century Mark Chapter Three Tobens First Blow Job

As you recall from pervious chapters, my husband and I had an intimate discussion about my obsession with writing erotic stories on LUSH after I informed him that I had recently published my ninety-ninth story on the site. I also asked for Jim’s help coming up with an idea for my one hundredth story. I wanted to do something special for this milestone.Jim suggested that for my one hundredth story on LUSH, I select one of my fictional stories and live it out in reality. His suggestion struck a...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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The Problems With LoveChapter 19

Lottë was first into the kitchen the following morning as was her wont. She prepared and had breakfast and then went and dressed afterwards. It had been a late night and the hour she had spent with Daphne had not helped. Nor did Robin's arrival fully dressed. "'New every morning is the love our wakening and uprising proof... '" he sang coming up behind Lottë and enveloping her in a hug. Lottë was about to tell him to shut up but then his irresistible joy got through to her. She turned...

3 years ago
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Great Interracial Compilation

Welcome to the start of an experiment in interracial fantasy. Go ahead and start a thread with what you want to start with your fantasy. Want black on white, go for it. Want human on alien (Humans are a race right?), go on and write. Want to see a medieval interracial setting (Kind of want to see this one written up), I say green lights all the way. Lets see how far this can go on!

2 years ago
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Rendevous In Her YouHoo

I have this thought of meeting you in a cabin. Somewhere a little ways out so that it would be hard to spot from any road but easy enough to run to town if needed. I would have arrived around 6am, put some coffee on and then sat on the front veranda/porch to drink it under a blanket as the sun comes up. The air crisp and clean, with snow lightly dusting the ground the night before, had warmed up this morning. I sit looking around, taking in the scenery and the birds. Seeing the colors of the...

2 years ago
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After having a friend recommend a train Journey I decided to give it a go and admire the countryside of Somerset. I arrived early for my train so had the pick of the carriages and took the quietest with only a couple of other travellers on the 2.30pm train. There were only two stops on the hour journey so when it set off I knew I would have some peace and quiet. As the train pulled out of the station I could hear the footsteps of a pair of heels, a woman, well that was a blessing at least but...

4 years ago
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When She Finally Became A Whore

Hi friends this is my first story on ISS hope you enjoy it. I am not disclosing my name on purpose but if you like my story and would like to meet me you may mail me at I am 22 M, from Kolkata, presently staying at Delhi. So this is a story about my girlfriend Roshni (name changed). We had a lovely sex life when I was in Kolkata but it all stopped when I had to shift to Odisha for my Post Grads and later to Delhi for my job. Often while having sex or while engaging in phone sex I used to...

3 years ago
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Scouries Family Chrissies Tale

FRIDAY — LATE JUNE "God, why does your whole family think they have a right to move in with us every summer?" Dwayne complained through a mouth stuffed full of food. He looked closer to fifty than his actual thirty-five years did my fat, balding husband. Watching his jaws chewing like a cow's cud I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the thin, funny boy I had fallen in love with so long ago. "Daddy owns the farm, or have you forgotten?" I asked sarcastically. "Remember, he...

1 year ago
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Body Shots

"I haven't seen you in here before!" A man shouted over the noise of the music. He had walked up to the tall red haired beauty who couldn't have been over 20. "No, I haven't been here before, glad you noticed." She smiled showing him her dazzling smile. "Can I buy you a drink?" "Sure, lets get a booth," and with that, she lead him to a table in the corner "So, what's your name?" He asked her. "I'm Sara, and you?" "Ben." She looked into his eyes. Now, in better lighting, he could see she was...

3 years ago
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The LandladyChapter 4

On Saturday we were walking along Thames Street in downtown Newport RI. A tourist trap if ever there was one. It was a street full of little shops and such with the occasional fisherman's bar thrown in for good measure and a LOT of restaurants. I had on slacks and a Polo shirt, Ellen, well Ellen had on a button up dress, heels and a smile. The dress was white, with brown buttons and a belt to add shape although Ellen didn't need to add shape. She was good looking enough as it was. Oh, did...

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