- 3 years ago
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“Well, that’s fucked it,” said Tony when he received his CAP score. Whilst six point two was a reasonable score and it clearly showed he wasn’t a complete loss to the human race it wasn’t high enough for him to volunteer for the Confederacy Marines.
His friend Bob looked over at the outburst and asked, “You too?”
“Six point two,” said Tony confirming out loud his score. “What did you get?”
“Exactly six,” replied his friend in disgust, “which means we’re both stuck here,” he concluded with a shrug.
The pair of them took the high tech. ID cards that the machine had spit out with their incriminating numbers on and shoved them unceremoniously into the back pockets of their jeans and left the testing centre.
“What d’you want to do now?” asked Bob looking to Tony for leadership as usual.
Tony took a look around and didn’t see anything encouraging. “Well, it’s two hours before the first ferry back so we may as well get something to eat.” He glanced back at his friend before snorting, “Come on, you’ll feel better after you’ve chomped your way through a couple of burgers.”
Bob was decidedly the larger of the two boys outweighing his friend by at least fifteen kilos though they both topped out at one metre eighty-eight. The hard work the two of them put in routinely on their parent’s farms meant that neither of them was out of shape.
Entering their favourite fast food place the boys looked around and were surprised to see a small crowd gathered around a man in the corner. As they approached the counter they started to hear what the man was saying.
“Simply put we are asking why should these aliens decide who should go and who should stay?”
After waiting for the muttering to subside he continued, “What we believe is that until these aliens agree that all of the human race should be evacuated no one should be allowed to leave.”
Tony raised an eyebrow at his friend who shrugged in response. Still half listening the pair placed their substantial order for burgers, drinks and doughnuts as in the background the man continued talking, his voice clearly carrying through the quiet that surrounded him.
“I know that this is hard to accept, especially if you’re one of the ones that these creatures have singled out for survival but isn’t it right that all of us should stick together in the face of this menace? Isn’t it right that everyone should be treated the same - after all - it tells us in the Bible that we were all created equal? Why should the few - the privileged few at that - be allowed to survive whilst the rest of us are left here to perish?”
The voice of the man was rising with each question he asked and around him the crowd was becoming more animated in response. Tony looked at his tray and decided that he didn’t want to get involved with the mob and led Bob to the outside seating area. It may have been chilly but at least it was quiet and away from any potential trouble.
As they sat down Bob looked back at the crowd and asked his friend, “Do you think he had a point in there?”
“Oh he had a point all right,” said Tony, “but I doubt if it was a valid point.”
“Why not?” asked his friend.
Tony took a sip of his milkshake before answering. “Think back to when the Darjee turned up,” he said, “everyone concerned - from the Yank President to the village idiot - made it clear that, at best, they’d only be able to get a third of the people away. They told us then that they were going to test everyone so that they could have the pick of the crop to carry on the human race. The rest of us,” he included himself for the first time, “would have to stay here and take our chances. If we were lucky we might even win the fight.”
“But if we did what he’s saying in there then we’d all get away,” said Bob.
“You think so?” asked Tony. “Did you notice how he didn’t tell anyone where the extra ships were coming from to carry all these people? Nor did he tell us where the new colonies are that were going to absorb these extra evacuees.” Tony took another sip of his drink before adding, “and I bet under his new rules it’ll be him and his friends who get to decide who goes where and in what order not the rest of the people who put them in a position to decide. At least we know the Darjee have been honest even if we don’t like the results.”
Bob looked back at the crowd and Tony watched as enlightenment occurred.
Finally Bob asked, “What do you think his CAP score is?”
“I’ve no idea Bob, but one thing’s for sure,” Tony said, “I bet it’s lower than ours.”
Blerwick Island was a small island off the West Coast of Scotland. It was roughly nine kilometres long and three kilometres wide of sharply rising crags and broken heather covered hillsides. The single town, a large village really, was centred on the natural deep-water harbour that was the original reason for humans to be on the island.
The island had two major industries, fishing and farming, both of which had been in decline for the last thirty years or so. The island was part of the lands held by the Earl of Carnforth and had belonged to that family for several hundred years.
In the middle of the eighteenth century the then Earl had built a retreat on the island to get away from the growing industrialisation that was starting to appear around his ancestral home on the mainland. The retreat he had constructed was known locally as Carnforth Castle but was actually based on a large hunting lodge that the Prince Regent had had built in the Forest of Dean. In the early nineteenth century the Lodge had been the location for many of the Earl’s parties and had led to several new cottages being built in the nearby town to accommodate his staff.
Although the current Earl maintained the Lodge he hadn’t actually used the property for over fifteen years and currently there was only a staff of three in residence. Paul Smythe was the estate warden and had overall responsibility for the upkeep of the Lodge. He was assisted by George Marchiondale, the groundsman who was responsible for the formal gardens and the small shooting preserve and Rosalind Grace who acted as housekeeper.
Blerwick was also the home of Tony and Bob as well as their respective families. The families had been tenant farmers of the Earl of Carnforth for as long as the island had been in his possession, eking out a living that was barely above the subsistence level. It was only recently that both families had started taking in tourists and had seen an upturn in their fortunes.
The visitors came to see the various sea birds that made their home on the western cliffs of the island, facing off into the wild Atlantic Ocean. The two families had worked together to produce comfortable if basic hides overlooking the cliffs and advertised their presence on the Internet, an innovation that was the idea of the two young men who’d been sent to school on the mainland. Tony and his family had converted a barn into two holiday apartments while on their neighbours’ farm they’d adapted their old home into an apartment and moved into the modernised barn.
Following the success achieved by the Collins and Stewart families several of the nearby farms had followed suit and now the island was attracting a steady but small stream of visitors throughout the year.
The total population of the island excluding the visitors had fallen from a high of six hundred between the two World Wars to a meagre two hundred and twenty. Of that number more than half worked in the various offshore industries like fishing and on the gas platforms and were only home for one week in four.
As Tony and Bob well knew, the island could be a lonely but beautiful place to grow up.
“I believe, Madam Chairman, that we really do not have any choice,” the dark skinned woman stood tall as she addressed the committee members clustered around the table. “We have been placed in loco parentis of these girls and regardless of this ridiculous decision, that they become adults at fourteen, we cannot absolve ourselves of that responsibility.”
“That’s all very well, Ms Roberts,” said the older woman from the head of the table, “but their guardians have been extracted and as they are all older than fourteen they, unfortunately, have been left behind. Legally we are in a very difficult position,” she smiled grimly, “after all, they are legally adults and we cannot keep them here if they wish to depart.”
Ms Janine Roberts drew in another breath, she half agreed with Margaret Mackie but she couldn’t just throw her girls out because their parents had been lucky enough to get away especially with the way that things were descending into anarchy. “Madam Chairman, under the agreement that all the guardians signed, which I believe is still binding in law, the young ladies cannot leave the school unless they have a place at another teaching establishment. Clearly, with their guardians no longer on the planet that cannot happen and therefore the agreement is still binding. Which means we are responsible for them until they are eighteen, adults or not.”
The only male at the table raised his hand slightly, a single finger pointing upwards.
“Yes, Rector?” asked Margaret Mackie, glad of a short reprieve from Janine’s onslaught.
“Wouldn’t that agreement become null and void when the term fees are not paid?” he asked.
Betty Clark, the school treasurer field the question easily, “It would Rector, but that isn’t going to happen,” she said. Catching several raised eyebrows around the table she continued, “The Confederacy is honouring any financial commitments that the volunteers entered into for the term of said agreements.” She pushed her glasses up and rubbed the bridge of her nose for a moment before dropping them back into place. Continuing she said, “I believe that it was originally intended to ensure that young adults, who had to stay behind, were able to keep their family homes without fear of repossession. But it applies to all financial commitments that the extractees had so school fees, like ours, will be paid until the girls are eighteen.”
“Oh,” responded the Rector and then dropped back, his part in the meeting effectively over.
Erika Jäger raised her hand and Margaret acknowledged her right to speak.
“What everyone here is saying,” she said in her accented English, “is that the school is fragmenting,” she held up her hand to stop interruptions, “whether we like it or not. In it’s current form the school will not survive the impact of the Sa’arm and the Earth First group.” She glanced around and received several nods of agreement, “What we need to decide is what we are going to do about it?”
Before anyone could start Erika continued, “Because of our legal commitment to those whose guardians have been extracted we appear to be left with only two choices. We either soldier on as we are and try to mitigate the trouble when it happens or we split the school and go our separate ways.”
Faced with that simple stark statement the board of governors sat in silence for several minutes.
Janine Roberts eventually shuffled back to her feet and spoke, “I believe that the benefits to all of those who we are here to help and support can best be met by dividing the school in two. Therefore I propose that we split the school with those who wish to support the Earth First group remaining here, as they appear to be in the majority. Whilst those of us who support the extraction process as it is now being implemented moving to Blerwick and begin a school there.”
Margaret Mackie sighed with resignation and asked, “Do I have a second for the motion?”
“Aye,” responded Erika and Betty immediately.
“All those in favour of splitting the school raise a hand,” she said despondently, knowing that the school she’d supported for the last twenty years was falling apart before her.
The vote was carried as those who believed in the extractions wanted to get away and those who thought that the Earth First group was right were happy to get rid of them. The next hour was spent with the governors thrashing out the what, when and how of the separation. Neither party was willingly giving up all the things that had made the school so successful over the years.
In the end a compromise was reached and the two halves were free to go their separate ways. As the protagonists left the boardroom Erika turned to Janine, “How many do you think will be going with us?”
“About a third is my guess,” she answered rubbing her eyes. “You know I wish there was some other way of making them,” she indicated the crowd that was gathering opposite them, “see that this is the best for everyone in the long run.”
“You believe that, even if you get left behind?”
“My CAP score’s only six point four,” said Janine, “I’m one of those who’s going to be stuck here but that doesn’t make keeping everyone else here right, not by a long shot.”
“Don’t get me wrong Janine,” said Erika, “I agree with you totally but I think you’re going to have a hard time convincing that lot to be altruistic.”
“To be honest Erika, I’m not even going to try,” said Janine. “If they’re too blind to see that getting away from here and the trouble that’s brewing is the only realistic way of doing things then I don’t want them with us.”
The three women watched from the observation deck of the small ferry as the island grew in size before them and looked at what they hoped was going to be their new home. They were greeted by a grey morning over a grey rock that was only brightened by the greens and purples of the bracken that covered most of the hillsides before them.
In the harbour were six or seven small boats that had clearly seen better days, which was also as good a way as any of describing the houses that overlooked the quayside. The only signs of brightness are the reds and blues that covered the doors to the diminutive fishermen’s cottages.
Above the harbour with no clear way of getting to it was what they assumed was Carnforth Castle, the residence that they hoped to turn into a school away from school for the girls who’d been put into their charge. The journey here had been long and arduous trek for the three women and they were looking forward to having time to relax before they started preparing for the arrival of the students.
The ferry nosed up to the jetty and the forward ramp was lowered slowly down. The three women joined the four locals in walking across the ramp dragging their suitcases behind them. They stood on the windswept quay and looked around seeking assistance but there was nothing or no one in sight.
“Now what?” asked Betty looking at Janine.
“I really have no idea,” she replied looking at the letter that Margaret Mackie had given her. “This simply says that the Lodge can be used as a school and that the staff there know we are coming.”
Erika had been looking around as the two women talked and let out a chuckle, which attracted their attention. “I think we’re going to have to walk,” she said.
“What!” exclaimed Janine looking in horror at the hill the Castle was stood on.
“Look around Jan,” she said, “Can you see any motorised transport at all?”
The women looked and were surprised to find that Erika was correct. Apart from two hand carts at the end of the quay there didn’t appear to be any transport anywhere.
“Oh shit,” declared Betty looking at her large suitcase in trepidation. “Do you suppose there will be anything up at the Castle they could send down?” she asked hopefully.
“I doubt it,” said Erika as she watched someone approaching on what appeared to be a tricycle.
Whoever it was appeared to be heading for the ferry as he piloted the strange contraption onto the quay and headed towards them.
The young man stopped about ten feet from them and stepped off the machine and turned to collect something from the basket on the back of the trike.
“Afternoon,” he greeted the women as he moved past them and onto the ferry. From where they stood they could hear him greet a couple of the crewmen before he slipped into the wheelhouse. He was only out of sight for a couple of minutes before he reappeared and headed back to his machine.
The three women had stood there and watched not saying a word. It was Erika, who seemed to be the least stunned of the three who intercepted the man as he walked past them.”
“Excuse me,” she called out, “Young man.”
The young man stopped and looked at the three women. The one who was talking was slim with blond hair and quite tall. With her were an older woman who had dark hair with a few grey streaks in it and a shortish woman who was fairly plump. All of them were dressed in grey business suits and, to his amusement, heels.
“Yes Miss?” he replied.
“We’re supposed to be going to the Lodge,” she said, “and I was wondering if there was any transport we could use.”
The young man chuckled, then stopped himself. “I take it that no one has told you about the island?” he asked.
“No,” said the woman shaking her head.
“Nothing new there then,” he said. “There is no motorised transport on the island,” he said, “we haven’t got any roads or a fuel supply for them to use.” He looked at the luggage the three women had and his better nature came to the fore.
“Look,” he said, “I can help you get your cases up there but you’re going to have to walk.” He glanced at their feet again and suggested; “If you’ve got any flat shoes in your luggage I’d change now while I get a trailer for the bike.”
With that he walked off towards the end of the quay and the carts that were there.
“Well I don’t know about you two,” said Erika as she reached for her case, “but I’m going to take his advice.”
By the time he returned with the trolley all three women had their cases open and were digging out flat shoes or, in the case of Erika, a pair of walking boots. He hooked the trolley to the back of his bike and waited for the women to fasten their cases.
Janine looked at the trolley and asked, curiously, “Is that yours?”
“No,” he replied for emphasis, “I’m not sure who got that one but they’re all pretty much of a muchness.”
“But isn’t that stealing?” Janine asked sounding shocked.
The young man smiled, “Not here,” he said, “as long as it comes back eventually it doesn’t really matter. It’s the same with most of the stuff here.” He took in their shocked looks and added, “I’ve helped make three of these things and haven’t got a clue where they are.”
He picked up the first case and casually dropped it into the trolley before reaching for Janine’s, “In most cases they end up back here as this is where they are most useful.” He turned and found Erika with her case in her hands so he stepped back and let her add it to the top of the pile.
“If you’ll follow me I’ll lead the way,” he said changing into the lowest gear on the bike and slowly starting to turn the pedals.
The four of them made their way from the harbour along a gravel track and started to climb the hill. “So what’s your name?” asked Janine.
“I’m Tony,” replied the young man, “and what are your names?”
“I’m Janine Roberts and this is Betty Clark,” she said indicating the short plump woman who was starting to puff. “The Amazon,” she said indicating the woman striding along effortlessly “is Erika Jäger.” Her comment got a laugh from both Tony and Erika.
“So what brings you here?” Tony asked and was greeted by silence as the three women exchanged glances.
What followed was both cryptic and confusing.
“Should we?” asked Betty.
“I don’t know,” replied Janine.
“We should,” stated Erika.
“Why?” asked Betty.
“They’ll know eventually,” responded Erika as Janine looked on undecided.
“Isn’t that better that knowing now?” replied Betty.
“I don’t think so, if nothing else we’ll need help eventually,” said Erika. All of which had Tony well and truly confused.
“You’re right Erika, we shouldn’t need to hide,” said Janine before turning her attention to Tony. “We’re setting up a school at the Lodge.”
“Why here?” asked Tony thinking of lots of places that he’d consider as preferable locations for a school.
“To get away from the idiots in the Earth First party,” said Erika explosively.
“Sorry Janine but it’s true,” said the tall blond not sounding repentant at all.
“Are they the ones who are on about stopping all the extractions until the Darjee agree to take everyone?” asked Tony.
“Those are the ones,” admitted Janine nervously.
Tony nodded, “I met one last time I was on the mainland,” he said. “Thought he was an idiot then and I haven’t seen anything to change my opinion.”
“What about the rest of the people here?” asked Janine doing her best to mask her anxiety.
“I doubt if you’ll find many of them that would disagree with me,” he said, “especially after they’ve given it some thought.”
“That’s half the problem,” said Janine, “people don’t think before they react.”
Tony smiled at the worried woman, “I wouldn’t worry about that around here,” he said, “we’ve got so much time we always think things through before we react.” He grinned, “It’s why some people call us slow,” he paused for a moment before adding, “but not to our faces.”
Erika let out a very unladylike snort before turning red and looking away.
The track they were following swung to the right and before them stood the gates to the Lodge. The two wrought iron gates stood open and inviting, displaying the well-tended gardens within. It took the group another five minutes to actually reach the main door to the Lodge where a man stood waiting for them.
“Afternoon Tony, what have you got here?” asked Paul Smythe the estate warden.
“Afternoon Mr Smythe, they’re a bunch of school teachers who believe that you’re expecting them.”
“Mr Smythe, I’m Janine Roberts,” she said stepping forward and holding out her hand, “I hope you are expecting us.”
“I am,” said the man shaking the woman’s hand, “though nobody actually said when you’d be arriving. If you’ll all come this way we can have a cup of tea and get acquainted” He turned to Tony before he left and asked, “Can you put their luggage in hall for me Tony?”
“No problem Mr Smythe,” said Tony who turned and grabbed the first case. Erika stepped forward to take it and Tony said quietly, “It’s alright Miss I’ll see to it. You go with the rest and keep an eye on things,” he finished with a wink.
Erika looked at him for a moment before returning the wink and following the rest into the Lodge.
“The Earl has informed me that the Lodge is going to become a school,” said Peter as he settled into his armchair. The three women had already taken seats around the small reception room and appeared tense as the tone of his statement swept over them.
He continued, “He didn’t give me any more details than that and now you’ve arrived with little in the way of warning.” Peter frowned, “I suppose you’d better tell me what you’re expecting?”
Janine was annoyed with the man because of his apparent attitude but she was determined to make the most of the situation. She sat up in her chair and began, “The Earl and his family have been associated with our school for a long time and with the current problems he has generously allowed us access to the Lodge. We intend to run a full school here for approximately seventy students along with the necessary staff.”
Peter surprised her then by asking, “I understood that the school had nearly three hundred students?”
“It does,” admitted Janine, “but we are only bringing those who wish to come.”
“Why is that?” pressed Peter.
“Are you aware of what is happening in the country?”
“We do have television here,” said Peter allowing a certain amount of sarcasm to creep into his voice.
“Sorry,” said Janine contritely, “At the school some of us felt that it would be better to get away from the possible trouble that was brewing but there were those who felt that there would be no trouble. At a board meeting last month it was decided to split the school and after asking it was found that the majority of the students elected to stay in London.”
“Why did you feel it was necessary to leave?” asked Peter, “I mean the government is assuring everyone that they have no intention of allowing anarchy to rule.”
“They may be saying that,” said Janine, “but several of the CAP testing stations have already been attacked and we’ve all seen the reports on those extractions that have been disrupted.” She looked Peter in the eye, “What you may not have heard is that after those extractions had been stopped people were killed. All of the volunteers in those locations died as did many of those people who’d made it obvious they’d be willing to go as concubines.”
“How do you know that?” asked Peter shocked.
“My brother was a policeman and told me about it,” Janine said with tears appearing in her eyes.
Peter had picked up on the past tense of her statement and asked softly, “Was?”
“He died in the line of duty three months ago,” she said, then added significantly, “during an extraction.”
“I see,” said Peter and that explains why you’re so determined to get away from the city he thought.
Just then the door opened and a woman entered carrying a large tray. Peter stood up and crossed towards an occasional table, “Ladies, this is Rosalind Grace, she’s the housekeeper here. Rosie, this is Janine, Betty and Erika,” he said indicating each of the women in turn, “they’re here to set up the school the Earl told us about.”
The woman placed the tray on the occasional table and nodded to each of the seated women before she set about serving tea.
“So ladies, what have you decided so far?” asked Rosie.
“We were just starting to discuss what we needed with Peter,” replied Janine.
Peter returned to his seat and waited whilst Rosie found herself a place. “I’ve given the matter some thought but without exact numbers to work with it’s been a bit nebulous,” he said, “but I believe the upper rooms could be turned into dormitories.” He paused to take a sip of his tea before continuing, “I’d thought at first that we might be able to squeeze eight beds into each room but, if your numbers are right, we should get away with six to a room.”
Rosie frowned, “We’d have to get the beds and wardrobes shipped in from the mainland.”
“I know,” said Peter, “I’d have to get the buggies from Tam again.” When he saw the visitors looking confused he explained, “When we have to move something particularly large or as in this case a large quantity of items I contact the golf course over on the mainland and use their electric golf buggies to move things. It’s a lot easier than trying to carry things up from the dock by hand.”
Recent experience ensured that the three women agreed with the warden’s logic.
“How many class rooms would you need?” asked Peter returning to the matter in hand.
“We tend to work with around ten students to a class,” said Erika joining the conversation for the first time, “so seven or eight rooms would be ideal.”
Peter nodded before asking, “Would you need a gymnasium?”
“Most of the girls do volleyball or netball,” answered Erika, “as well as Tae Kwon Do. So some sort of a gym would be helpful.”
Peter nodded his understanding before his next question, “What about administration space, would you need any offices and how many staff will there be?”
“A couple of offices would be handy but as long as we have somewhere to keep the files securely we can get by without,” replied Betty.
“There will be eight teachers and four assistants,” added Janine, “that’s in addition to the three of us.”
Peter sat and thought for a while as the women sipped at their tea; eventually he spoke. “I think it’ll work,” he declared. “There are sufficient rooms upstairs to set up dormitories for the girls and if we use the barn as a gymnasium we should be able to set up the classrooms down here.” He smiled at Betty, “I’m afraid that the office space will be down in the cellars but they’re not dark or damp so it shouldn’t be to much of a hardship.”
He returned his attention to Janine, “The estate still owns six cottages in the town so we can put the staff up there and that will just leave enough room for the three of you to stay here.”
He picked up his teacup and finished off the drink, “Let me show you around so you can get a feel for the place and we’ll start planning how we’ll make the necessary changes.”
Feeling much happier the three women from London relaxed for the first time since their arrival on Blerwick.
What followed was three weeks of unprecedented activity on the island, not just at the Lodge although that was the centre of attention, but everywhere. The port was so busy and the ship so full that the owners of the ferry put on an extra sailing each day just to cope. On the island itself the farmers and their families found themselves being roped in to provide labour and in the town several women were employed to clean the parts of the lodge that hadn’t seen activity for several years. Another group was let loose on the cottages that belonged to the Lodge getting everything ready for occupation.
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Love StoriesSo Scotty shows up at the D’Aire residence looking for his buddy. But he’s not home. Of course he isn’t. This is porn. The son is never home, especially when he has a hot mom, and 43-year-old Kiki D’Aire is definitely a hot mom. Curvy Kiki is wearing a little, midriff-baring top that hugs her big tits and and short shorts. She’s doing housework, and she’s surprised when Scotty says he’s not dating anyone. “Just trying to stay focused,” he...
xmoviesforyouHi everybody, This is Nikhil from Ambala, i m 26 year old. an this is my first story pls give your feedback.This is 200% true story which happen with me 4 months ago. I was going from ambala to delhi to some business training and i got in bus at 8.45 pm and i was in my casual clothes as it was night time. first conductor issued me seat in middle but it was very smelly and congested in middle so request him to change my seat and he gave me one of front seat and i was on left side (2 seater)....
Every summer my Aunt, Uncle and Cousin would come visit from up north and spend a few days with us and enjoy the warm southern weather. Me and my cousin were the same age and it was nice watching her develop from one year to the next. It seemed little by little until one summer she completely filled out. She was tall and thin always but she showed up this summer with a great set of tits. They looked very perky and nice. One afternoon I returned home from hanging with some friends and my family...
About 4 years ago a new couple moved into the neighborhood. I met Angela when I was on the way to work one morning and she had a flat tire. I changed her tire for her and got to know her while I was doing it. Angela had a husband, a 12 year old daughter Rio and a 10 year old son Donald. Angela is a very beautiful lady of American Indian descent about 5’ 8” tall and she wore very loose clothing which hid her figure. Angela mentioned that she needed a babysitter and soon after that my...
Hi iss readers my name is abhi. Me gujrat me surat ke paas bardoli ka rehnevala hu. Mechanical engineering complete karke ab apna khudka business karta hu. Bike modification ka. Meri age 24 year hai. Good looks and average body.. Mere parents usa rehte hai. India me me akela rehta hu. Har saal wo log 1 baar india ate hai. Kalpana aunty is story ki queen hai. Unki age 42 year ki hai. Wo dikhne me gori or height 5.7feet, perfect figure. Unki ek beti hai jiski saadi london ho gai hai or dusra beta...
Hi, this is 26th story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married Male from Patna Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am female. My reader with a request, to get it published on ISS forwards this story. If you enjoy the story, please say so via mail or Hi, I am Srikanth from Patna. The story I am narrating here is true story. It was summer holidays in 2008. We were excited that after a few days our grandpa and grandma are going to come and stay...
IncestSummary:Christy continues to try and get a hold on her potty training while the results of her bet with Stacy hang in the balance.Chapter TextThe Daycare Charge, Chapter 2 - The BetIn the hours after accepting the bet and her rather embarrassing addition to the potty training chart, Christy tried her best to continue doing her job in addition to the attention she was paying to not poop her pants again. For the most part, her job consisted of watching over and assisting the c***dren they had at...
Mature Gentleman seeks travel companion. Requires younger cultured woman as a travel companion for a trip to Europe and beyond. NSA. Applicants will be judged on personality and culture. All expenses paid and an end of trip bonus of $10,000 per month will be offered. Apply by Email to WethersfieldR@ giving a brief apercu of yourself. Only candidates judged suitable will be contacted.I insert the ad in the Globe Classified section to run for a period of a weekend and sit...
NovelsWednesday When I woke up both the boys were still sleeping. I climbed over Billy as quietly as I could and picked up my robe off the floor and put it on. Slipping on my flip-flops I went out to the main room. Greg was at the kitchen table sipping a cup of coffee in just a pair of cargo pants. Patty and Charlie must still be asleep in the boy’s room. I patted Greg on the shoulder and thanked him for making the coffee. I poured myself a cup and put a piece of wheat bread in the toaster and sat...
Chapter 5: Sand between her toes Labor Day, 2007 Charlie showed up just as I was untying the ribbon that held the packet of letters together, offering to help with the windows. I took him upstairs to Mackey’s room, and after an hour of trying every trick he knew, Charlie had to agree that it was the most stubborn window he’d ever run across. ‘You may as well face it, Brian. All the windows are going to have to be replaced. I’ve been telling Mackey that for years, but he refused to believe...
Doris hated arithmetic. It had been her weakest subject in school, and she hadn’t gotten much better at it in her years since high school. So she sat at her desk, pencil in one hand and eraser in the other. She had a yellow legal pad on which she had listed each item for which she would receive a percentage. Next to each item she had written the percentage, so all she had to do was fill in the numbers, do the multiplication, and add up the total. Title: 2% Financing: 5% of fee Sale: 4%...
NovelsChapter Fourteen Davariel stared at the icy fall of water, watching the image of his home in Sjoria faded away. He could still see Luciel’s screaming face in his mind. How happy they had been. How little it had lasted. At least his sons were safe. Now he needed to finish his task—kill the fallen angels that had traversed into this realm and finish closing the rift. He turned to Abdiel. “We need to head out to the frozen ocean.” Abdiel had cocooned himself with his wings. He shivered...
SupernaturalI woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. "Damn!" I thought to myself, forgetting about the fact I had my alarm still set from yesterday. I didn't turn it off for the weekend. I rolled over in my bed reaching over to turn it off. That's when last night came flooding back to me, I was naked in my bed and my mother was no where to be seen. Immediately I felt my stomach drop and worry wash over me. "Had she regretted it? Did she hate me for it? Did she think I got her drunk? Was she...
Bismah (53 yr old Pakistani interpreter)We’re in a quiet corner of Norfolk Heritage Park on a dreary cold day. Grey sky and a few spots of rain here and there. A black haired, dark skinned middle-aged woman from the Indian subcontinent sits infront of us with a look that’s half way between shame and excitement on her face. She’s trying to hide a smile. She speaks with that familiar semi-broken but very clearly pronounced Pakistani-British accent (that’s not far from every other English language...
Hello, sex story readers, Like everyone else, I’m also a big fan of Indian sex stories and of all the stories shared on this site. Some stories are so amazingly written that you could literally visualize every minor detail while reading. So I too have tried to keep the story descriptive and full of details, in order to take you to a sensual and steamy journey. And guys forgive me for my grammatical or spelling mistakes. Plus, I would love to know about your experience or feedback. So, you can...
My story is a simple one. A change of careers leading to a change of lifestyles. Enjoy. After being laid off from the factory, I remained totally unemployed for about 6 months. Finally, I got a part-time job working at a local nail salon. The owner needed someone about 20 hours a week to come in and clean up around the shop. It was easy work, and it was nice being around all of the ladies that either worked there or came to get their nails done. My boss, Ms. Parker, was a...
The woman walked around the room in an imperious manner. She looked over his application and resume making ticking noises as she did. The kind of ticking sounds with her tongue to the roof of her mouth. You know, that sound one makes for no, no, no when one is less than impressed with what you are seeing. He watched her trying not to look as if he was gawking at her. She wore an impossibly tight blue dress which came only to her upper thigh. Her ample bosoms strained the material and fat...
Ulrich Geller, a young man barely in his twenties, worked fast in the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Orders had to be process, but all he could think about was the coming 10 AM break. The other men working in shipping moved fast, too. He’d never seen packages readied so fast. They were sending out the various electronic components the Institute produced to pay the bills and support the creation of the Halos. At 10 AM, the shipping department would enjoy another round of...
“The demons there are whirling, and the spirits swirl about.They sing their songs to Halloween. ‘Come join the fun,” they shout.But we do not want to go there, so we run with all our mightAnd oh we will not go inside the haunted house tonight”-Jack Prelutsky, "The Haunted House"*What went on in that town on Halloween night was secret, and the children were never allowed to know. Parents sent their little ones to neighboring towns for trick or treating, and teens made pilgrimages elsewhere in...
SupernaturalAfter fucking my fat slut a few times, he started telling me how he wanted me to fuck him behind my gf's back in our bedroom. At first I told him no, but because he was such a good slut, I decided to give him what he wanted. I invited him over one night when I had the weekend to myself and we made it happen. I had him naked on our bed, his big fat ass wearing a black thong and I was on my knees behind him. Looking at his big round ass as I ran my hands all over it, making his ass cheeks giggle...
Hi friends…this is sandy again with the continuation of the story. If you didn’t read my previous stories you can read them from the above links. For those who don’t know me a brief intro I am sandy from vijayawada, andhra pradesh. I’m 19 years with a good body, white in complexion and with a big satisfy able dick. Any aunties, girls, women, can contact me for friendship, help, and even for satisfactions and your privacy is guaranteed. And give me a feedback about my story in Now let us start...
Incest101 A Pain In The Ass I rented the unit to Cheryl under her own name. I was assured that the payments would be coming from an account she controlled. Johnathan Hunter also assured me that he would not be staying in the unit more than 72 hours at any one time, ever. If that did come to pass, he would allow me to add his name to the lease. He also understood that if I was ever questioned by the police, I would explain the circumstances of the rental. I was still up in the air about the daughter...
STARSTRUCK Contest entry: VIP By K_Finn64, 7/26/12 (This is a work of fiction. The usual disclaimers apply) ---*--- I gripped the seat with excitement as the driver turned off of Thomas and into the crowded parking lot of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix Arizona. It was a warm August night in 1982, and the spotlights from the arena caught the flinty dust in the air, creating a sparkling light show above the gravel parking lot as the sleek white limousine...
Group SexThe Sexy Red motel suite is decorated in red, with lots of tiny red LED light bulbs. A round bed and handcuffs on the headboard. They come in handy for the slutty stuff I have in mind.After a relaxing, foamy bath in the tub and a few drinks, I put on the slutty panties I bought at a sex shop along with other little things I intend to put to good use throughout the night. My panties are in black lace, with a string of rhinestones. The important detail: they have an opening, a slit allowing my...
Oral SexI was hospitalized for a week not too long ago. My sexy wife would come in to see me and stay all day. The nurses would have to ask her to leave to get rid of her. The first evening after things settled down my wife sucked my cock to satisfy my needs. I really appreciated it.That second evening though a very cute blonde nurse came in to check on me. Her name was Traci. She was about five feet six inches tall and about a hundred and twenty pounds. She was the girl next type. You know the type,...
Stacy was starting to worry about her sister. Ever since Friday night and that so called special “Birthday gift” of hers, Shelly hadn’t been her normal self. Oh, it wasn’t as if she was moody, or surly, or anything like that. She was just being very, very quiet, almost catatonic in a kind of way. Not like the normal Shelly at all. Stacy had been meaning to talk to her about it and see what was up, but had not had a chance to without their parents being around. Fortunately her parents where...
A Toy for LifeLouisa loved to be raped like a limp doll. She loved when huge, red, hairy cocks rammed her pussy (always wet), her mouth (always obedient), and especially her ass (always so tight and narrow). Ideally, all of them at once. She loved this endless torture, when she, naked and bound, would cry and plead for mercy; but no one would give her any, and humiliation went on and on without end.It was only a fantasy, however. No living woman in sober mind would ever agree to experience the...
I've found the wildest BDSM checklist ever. I'm very much a subbie and a bit of a masochist but only to *proven" Dom men and Masters.Are you looking for full time D/s or P/t: 24/7 when husband is away from home (usually 2-3 wks at a time)Are you a SUB or SLAVE: I am a sub but would easily become a mans slaveDo you Smoke: I do notDo you Smoke POT: How Much: I don’td**g User: How Much: I do notDo you Drink: How Much: I do notYour Name your Phone # Clare Ransome and only real contacts that would...
Every guy at some point in his life is confronted with the worst of a teenager’s problems: sex. Specifically, the opposite one. Men have for years attempted to analyze women. See what makes them tick. What gets them ticked. Philosophers for centuries tried to get inside a woman’s mind, only to find themselves maddened at the prospect. All that philosophy and what we got to show for it? Nada, zip, zilch. Only wonderful sayings like, ‘Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned.’ ‘I’ve got PMS...
It was Monday afternoon, 3:02 PM, and Eddie was cycling furiously. His books and homework were crammed into his backpack, and his friends were calling for him to wait up. But he couldn't. He had a date. He had been thinking about her all day, and couldn't wait for school to end. As he coasted down a hill, he checked the small note in his hand for the hundredth time. He had long ago memorized the address written on it, but the delicate handwriting still brought him shivers of pleasure...
I had just turned 18 four days before the grand event took place. I had been going out with my girlfriend, named Katie, for about three months. We hadn't had sex yet, but she was planning on giving herself to me on my 18th birthday. Since she had to go to her grandmother's funeral that was out of state during my birthday, me and her were still left virgins for another week or so. My virginity status was about to change in a drastic way.I had been shooting around after basketball practice one...
The Rapper and the Sportscaster: The Rapper and the Sportscaster – Down In the Dumps The Sportscaster in the Urban Jungle The Sportscaster in Psycho Hell The Sportscaster – BAD Girl The Sportscaster – Skinned Please Rate and Comment Alex stuck three fingers in her mouth and pushed her skin down her throat. Gag you fucking whore. Karin gagged with her flesh and the fingers in her throat while the brutal fucking continued. Finally she threw up violently. Even as she...
I woke early, after only a couple hours of sleep, still tired and quite disorientated. At first I thought that the naked body lying next to me was Jane, then remembering that I would never again wake up with her at my side. It seemed that I was just at the edge of reality, you know, when you are awake but your dreams still feel real. I felt quite guilty when I did recall who the woman in my arms was. I lay as still as I could, not wanting to disturb her, whilst I pondered my own thoughts. Was...
Mother and daughter’s Gangbang. Part 1. It was the second time this morning that the fire alarm had gone off at Pam’s work and both times were a false alarm. Now the fire department decided that everyone should go home until they found the cause of the problem and avoid another false alarm. Pam was quite happy to be going home for the rest of the day because it meant that she could spend it with her daughter, Sally, who was home from university. Their relationship was more than just mother and...
"Why did you say those things yesterday?" whispered Vishi at breakfast the next morning. "Because I love you Vishi. Neither of us want to live this life. Perhaps I'm taking the easy way out, but for you there might still be hope. I can't protect you, just like I couldn't protect Meena, but if you wind up being sold to someone wealthy you may be able to at least live the life of a Laila (UT - Mistress) or, you're beautiful enough to wind up as a royal Eloi'Tai (UT-...
Hi friends, Karan is back with a ‘bang’ing story. This time, it’s with my maid Shobha. She is a women in her late-30’s with a daughter about legal age. However, her daughter is not a girl of my fantasies. It’s Shobha. She is a total sex bomb. She is tall for a normal woman, about 5’6″, with good sized boobs, must be around 34-36, and big behind. Only thing is, she has a darker complexion. But that doesn’t matter when you have a body like that. She has a good face too. So as I said, all in all,...
"Good morning East coast, it's Jack Daniel with your morning traffic! All seems fine going across eighty-one, though when getting off I-seventy, do expect some delays as major construct is making way in the bay area. Traffic feed is showing a light shower, nothing to worry about as these roads aren't showing too much of a problem for a dear driver's. Now, off to Jess with the weather! " The channel switch's over to the next live show. "A victim was taken into custody last night after falsely...
Non-EroticI was looking for my swimsuit. My husband had the k**s for the day and I wanted to spend some time working on my tan. I heard a sound behind me and turned to see what it was and there stood George the cabana boy. I was buck naked but not ashamed to let him see me. I am 42 years old and feel that I look better now than I ever had in my life. I had waxed and trimed, worked out all year to look good for this trip. After giving George a full frontal view I went back to looking for my suit hoping...
Lonely Night Turns Into Something SpecialM If you like this story and think I should keep it going then by all means, let me know. Thanks to everyone that has sent me comments on my other stories. And I appreciate your comments bad or good. * * * * * One lonely evening while surfing the internet I happened upon a site that seemed fairly interesting. I checked it out and decided to join hoping to find something to do to kill my time. What ending up happening was something I never had...
She sat in the quasi-darkness, staring at the man lying on the bed. Her eyes drifted over him, from the frail, thin arms to the sunken, emaciated chest. The man’s skin was pale and clammy, even as the shimmer of her spell rolled over him. His skin was loose on his frame, revealing the bones beneath. His cheeks were sunken, his thin nose looking sharp on the pinched face. His once firm chin now looked hard and bony. Even his long, blonde hair looked brittle and gray. She pulled her knees up,...
Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague I have no idea why, may be on times lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical happened they seemed to end over silly little things. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red slim lips, her eyes glinted purple I took it to...
My sister and I were the first to approach the boat. We could see Tommy slumped back in a foldout chair, his head back as if he had passed out, however as we got closer we could see the brown blanket is his lap moving up and down which was barely visible over the side of the boat. My sister turned to Mark and Cody making a low shushing sound and pointing back at the boat. They stopped laughing and closed the gap of distance between us, being careful not to make a sound. The four of us slowly...
College SexChapter 6, In which Jenny gets her job I knew how to get back and forth to the airport, my hotel, my clients, and a sampling of restaurants. I’d never even gotten my ears pierced, much less thought of doing anything more radical. Of course I called Jenny. She’d sounded a bit scandalized on the phone, but she was up for anything I wanted to do — the magic my girlfriend, Stacey, had showed me seemed to work that way. We’d had a lot of fun together, but I couldn’t forget that I’d gotten Jenny...
The divorce papers delivered to my office this afternoon through me for a loop. I had been married to my wife for 11 years. We had met in high school and soon after, got married. Like all marriage, we had some problems. But for the last 3 years, our marriage had been wonderful. We had grown together, sharing our lives and building a fairly successful business. We had everything a successful couple could dream of, the 2.5 k**s (one was still in the oven), a nice house, a vacation home, a...
Kyle stared dumbfounded at Phoebe’s lovely snatch and what she was proposing. “I’m going to take a quick shower to get the rest of Billy’s spew out of my pussy and be nice and clean. I’ll want an answer when I come back. If you keep Billy’s and my secret, this will be yours,” and with that she patted her slit and went to the bathroom. Phoebe lathered up in the shower and used the hose extension to send a nice warm jet up her tight pussy. She also used her fingers to clean out her cunt as much...
I’ve been working with Lauren and Julia’s story for a year now and it’s been a pleasure sharing their story with you. Because of a personal choice, I’ve not posted much of Lauren’s and Julia’s story online. However, I hoped they, as characters, resonated with readers. I know I’m far from done with Lauren and Julia’s path, but I do want to have readers here to find some safe haven with Lauren and Julia’s future–I chalk that up to being a part of the ‘Disney Generation’. Lauren has come quite...
My first time with another man was when I was only 16.I had always been shy round girls and still am.One day when I was in town I went in to the toilets and sat down in one of the cubicles and I was in there for a few minutes before I hered someone go into the next cubicle, I did not think much of it and just carried on looking through some of my school work when I looked over to the wall that seperated the 2 of us to see his 9inch cock sticking through a hole.At first I did not know what to do...
(The next story is just a translation from another story of mine already on this site)January 2017. I remember this like a photograph.I was 18 years old, I was texting on whatsapp with Esme, my former girlfriend, about our next date and the things we did on the previous one, and how I asked her to wear less tight pants for obvious reasons. We wanted to go fro pizza at 3PM and I asked her what else she had in mind:ME: After eating, what else would you like to do?ESME: We should go to the museum,...
Arriving at Coruscant and disguised as two bounty hunters named Boushh and Snoova, Princess Leia and Chewbaccca managed to get past Imperial Customs and were escorted by Prince Xizor's android servant Guri to Xizor's grand palace. Leia hoped to meet with the head of the Black Sun criminal organization and negotiate his help in preventing the planned assasination of Luke Skywalker. "It is a great pleasure to meet you, my dear," Xizor said when his servant Howzmin introduced Leia and her...