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Chapter 5: Sand between her toes
Labor Day, 2007
Charlie showed up just as I was untying the ribbon that held the packet of letters together, offering to help with the windows. I took him upstairs to Mackey’s room, and after an hour of trying every trick he knew, Charlie had to agree that it was the most stubborn window he’d ever run across.
‘You may as well face it, Brian. All the windows are going to have to be replaced. I’ve been telling Mackey that for years, but he refused to believe me.’
‘I agree, but I may need you to help me convince the other committee members that it’s necessary. We can’t put the house on the market with windows that won’t open.’
‘The windows the manufacturers offer these days will pay for themselves in a few years. They’ll improve the appearance of the house too,’ he said, looking around Mackey’s room at the organized clutter.
We went downstairs and I walked outside with him. ‘I’m going to mow the lawns tomorrow,’ he said.
‘Do you do both lawns?’ I asked.
‘Yes, but I skipped a week because the grass isn’t growing as fast this time of year. I have a small tractor so it doesn’t take long,’ he assured me.
I hadn’t given the landscaping a thought. Something else suddenly occurred to me. ‘Did Mackey drive a car?’
‘He had an accident about a year ago. I took them shopping and to medical appointments. The church people picked them up on Sundays and brought them home.’
‘You’re a good neighbor, Charlie.’ ‘I try to be,’ he said, matter-of-factly.
For the next two hours, I engrossed myself in the letters Mackey and Elsie had exchanged over sixty years ago. I learned that he returned to the States the end of April, and spent the summer of 1945 in a hospital. It was during the hospital stay that he figured out what he wanted to do. Indirectly, Elsie had helped make that decision.
There were only three letters left to read when I got an urge to call home. I felt guilty for being separated from my family. I told them about the cookout that I was going to attend, vowing to make it up to them as soon as I was able to be with them.
They acted as though they had not heard that I was going to have lobster. They were excited about school starting the next day. I spoke to Mary for a few minutes. She said that everything was running smoothly. ‘How are things going there?’ she asked.
‘The barn is still full of things we hope to advertise on eBay. I’ll send you some photos of the antique cars and the whirl-a-gigs,’ I said.
I was a little surprised that Amanda didn’t mention Marian and Mary didn’t either. Had Marian been avoiding them?
I was stepping out of the shower when I heard the phone ringing.
‘Brian, would you mind picking me up at the bus stop?’
‘I’ll be glad to,’ I said, wondering if she had lost Mr. McMahan’s number.
‘We’re about thirty minutes away.’
‘I’ll be there,’ I said.
This was going to make me late getting to the cookout, but I didn’t care.
Ms. Kindle took one look at the way I was dressed and immediately understood that I was going to a party. In addition to a large piece of luggage, she had a sleeping bag and her own laptop. She was wearing knee-length pants, a sleeveless blouse and white sneakers with no socks.
‘The Meriwethers are having a cookout. Why don’t you come with me?’ I asked, as I tossed her luggage in the bed of my truck.
‘I couldn’t do that,’ she said, blushing at the thought of crashing a party.
I used every argument I could think of as we drove to the house.
‘I’m sure they would have invited you if they had known you would be back this early.’
‘That shouldn’t have stopped them from inviting me.’
‘That’s true, but I’m sure you will be welcome.’
‘I’m not as sure.’
‘They’re serving lobster.’
She almost cracked. ‘I’ll admit that I’m partial to lobster, but it wouldn’t be right for me to show up uninvited. Anyway, I don’t have anything to wear.’
‘Look, Mr. Meriwether is a stockbroker. He’s going to hit me up for a chance to help unload the stock. I could use your help in deflecting him.’
‘Give me fifteen minutes to change,’ she said, smiling shyly.
I carried her luggage upstairs and waited for her to get ready. I heard the water running for a short time, then the floor creak as she walked from the bathroom to the bedroom.
It was twenty minutes before she came downstairs, but the results were worth the wait. Her excuse that she had nothing to wear was untrue. The short skirt was white, and the red and white top stretched over her breasts, giving them cone-like definition. Her hair was combed down and she wore more makeup than I’d seen on her before. A single silver band replaced the wedding rings she usually wore.
We were going to be late but I didn’t care. I told her about the silent auction, quoting prices that some of the pieces had fetched, including the game table that I had purchased. She didn’t comment. I got the impression that she was nervous about the reception she would receive at the cookout.
We had to park a couple of blocks from the Meriwether home and walk along a street with cars parked in front of older summer cottages on one side and water on the other one. It was a nice day and the walk was pleasant. The beach was littered with sunbathers and swimmers. A few sailboats dotted the cove.
The Meriwether house had been recently updated. They were at the front steps, greeting latecomers. I thought that Ms. Meriwether did a good job of hiding her surprise at seeing Ms. Kindle with me. I saw no need to explain her presence.
‘This is my husband, Freddy. These are the people I speak about so often. Brian Driver and Ms. Kindle are deeply involved in the Peoples estate.’
I shook hands with ‘Freddy’, and had no sooner returned my hand to my side when I felt Ms. Kindle’s hand slide into mine.
‘Please call me Paige,’ she said.
‘What can I get for you to drink?’ Fredrick Meriwether asked us. He was older than his wife, had a streak of gray running down the center of his head, and although he was personable, there was a small scar on his cheek that gave him a hardened look. I asked for a beer and Ms. Kindle said she would have the same. He told us to follow him, and that left Nadine Meriwether to greet another guest.
Ms. Kindle let go of my hand as soon as we started to walk. The houses were close together and guests had spread out to the adjacent front lawns.
A bar was set up on the front porch. Fred introduced us to some of the people who were waiting for drinks, gave our orders to the bartender and excused himself, saying that he needed to mingle.
While on the porch we found out that the entire neighborhood had been invited to the cookout. We got our beers and slowly made our way across the street to where a volleyball game was in progress. I was surprised when Ms. Kindle sat down in the sand and proceeded to take her shoes and socks off.
‘I want to feel the sand between my toes,’ she said.
We were invited to join the game. I accepted, but Ms. Kindle said she was content to watch. I didn’t want to get my new shirt sweaty so I took it off. She caught it before it hit the ground and spread it out in her lap.
It had been years since I’d played volleyball. There was a lot of good-natured ribbing and high-fiving. We continued to play even after dinner was announced. From the way the serving line was moving, it was going to be some time before we got our lobsters.
When the game broke up, Ms. Kindle gave me my shirt and turned for me to brush the sand off of her skirt. She had put her shoes on, and she still took my hand as we crossed the street.
Several people introduced themselves to us while we waited in the serving line. They were a mixture of neighbors, business associates of Fred, or friends of the
I was given a small bucket of steamed clams, and the server handed Ms. Kindle a container of melted butter. Plastic plates were used to hold the lobster and corn on the cob. We were directed to umbrella tables that had been set up in the Meriwethers’ backyard and the neighbors’ backyards on both sides.
Ms. Whitney called to us from a nearby table. She introduced us to her husband before we took our seats. ‘Brian and Paige, I’m so glad to see you both here. This is my husband, Harold. Please call me Janice.’
We shook hands with Harold. Like Nadine’s husband, he was older than Janice. His hands were massive, his shoulders broad, and his skin was dark from spending too much time in the sun.
I helped Ms. Kindle with her chair. On the table were bottles of wine, wine glasses, plastic dishes, and lobster tools wrapped in napkins. She saw right off that this was all new to me. She showed me how to open the clamshells, dip the meat in the melted butter, and dispose of the shells in a plastic dish that had been placed on the table for that purpose.
‘Harold is a contractor,’ Janice Whitney said.
I felt Ms. Kindle’s knee bump mine, and when I looked her way she gave me a knowing stare.
‘I knew that when I shook hands with him,’ I said to Ms. Whitney, thinking how close I’d come to locking lips with her only two days before. What a mistake that would have been. Had it been part of her plan to gain work for her husband? I wondered if she’d had something to do with Nadine Meriwether inviting me to the cookout. I felt the knee nudge mine again.
‘Are you acquainted with contractors, Brian?’ Harold asked.
‘I hire contractors when I need to,’ I said, and drew the attention of the other people sitting at the table. One of the guys introduced himself as a member of Mr. Meriwether’s team at the office, and then he turned to the young woman to his left and divulged that they’d only been married three months.
‘Congratulations, I’m Brian,’ and turning to Ms. Kindle, ‘this is…Paige.’
She smiled at the young couple, and then at me, but I didn’t have time to enjoy the way she was looking at me because the other male at the table was saying that he was a neighbor of the Meriwethers. ‘This is Meg and we’ve been married a lot longer than three months.’
It was supposed to be a joke, but I didn’t take it that way. ‘That was my wife’s name,’ I said, before I knew that my lips were moving.
A hush came over the table, and ‘I’m sorry,’ was uttered by everyone. I was embarrassed to have caused the mood to go sour, and started talking aimlessly. ‘I never called her Meg. Her name was Margaret, but I knew her as Peggy or Peg,’ I said, stopping short of telling them that we’d never married.
Paige drew my attention to the lobster in front of me. She showed me how to rip the body apart, and to use the tools to dig the meat out. I was so absorbed with the way she was explaining the various parts of the animal that I missed hearing Harold’s question.
‘Brian, my husband is asking how you happened to hire contractors,’ Nadine said, her lips practically touching my ear.
Paige had just dipped the most succulent part of a lobster into butter, and fed it to me. I motioned that my mouth was full, leaned back in my chair, and place my arm on the back of her chair.
‘I’ve had some bad experiences trying to do some things that I’m not qualified for. I no longer fool myself into thinking that I’ll pick it up with practice. I can lay flooring, but I always hire a tradesman to sand and finish it. There was a time that I thought I could learn to hang wall covering, but I’ve given that up. Electrical and plumbing work are foreign to me and until yesterday, I thought I knew something about freeing stubborn windows, but now I know differently.’
I removed my arm from the back of Paige’s chair, and picked up the ear of corn from my plate, but before I could take the first bite, Harold asked another question.
‘How did you happen to hire contractors, Brian?’
I felt Paige’s knee, only this time it was not a bump or a nudge. It was skin-touching-skin. I glanced at her and saw her raise an eyebrow, as if to caution me.
‘I’ve refurbished two houses. One is an antique and the other one is our family home. Most recently, I converted an attic into a loft,’ I said, taking a bite of corn, and feeling a thump as Paige’s knee met mine. Was that her way of applauding what I’d said?
‘It sounds like you’re comfortable acting as the general on the Peoples home,’ Harold said. Paige’s knee was still in contact with mine, but I didn’t know the meaning of the way her knee was rubbing mine. Was she telling me to take my time with my answer? Did she know the effect her knee was having on me?
‘The house is in pretty good condition. There’s really not that much that needs to be done,’ I said, and felt the absence of Paige’s knee, but only for a second. It returned with a forceful slap that I was sure others at the table were able to hear. Was she chastising me for lying about the house being in good condition?
We resumed eating and let the others at the table carry on the conversation. A server came around, offering us a second lobster. Some of the others took one, but I declined, saying that I hadn’t finished the first one.
Fredrick Meriwether came by to make sure that we were being taken care of. I noticed that he was especially attentive to the member of his group and his young bride.
‘How’s my favorite contractor?’ Fred asked, standing behind Harold’s chair and massaging his shoulders. ‘Brian, I highly recommend this man if you need work done at the Peoples’ property. He converted our cottage into a year-around-home.’
I felt Paige’s knee against mine, rubbing, much like Fred’s fingers must have felt on Harold’s shoulders. Was she warning me to watch what I said?
‘Thanks for the advice, Fred,’ I said, and watched our host move to another table. Paige’s knee gave me a final rub before moving away.
I decided to try something, just to see if she would react. ‘How’s business, Harold? Are most contractors busy right now?’ I asked, hoping to find out how eager they would be to quote on the work I was planning to have done to the Peoples’ property.
Paige acted so quickly that her knee missed mine, coming up under my leg and lifting it off the ground, surprising both of us. She retreated, blushing. I took it as a warning that I was treading on dangerous ground.
‘We’re in the midst of a slowdown, Brian. People are hunkering down. There’s only a limited amount of work, and we’re all undercutting our prices.’
He sounded so morose that I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Could it be that his search for work was what prompted his wife to come on to me? Had she done it with his knowledge, or was Janice naturally promiscuous?
‘I’d be glad for you to take a look at the work we need to do to put the Peoples’ house on the market. Perhaps you can recommend a painter,’ I said, and felt Paige’s knee tell me that she shared my compassion for the contractor.
Janice Whitney leaned over to whisper in my ear, ‘You won’t be sorry.’ What did she mean by that?
Nadine Meriwether stopped by our table, admonishing me for eating so little. ‘Take one home,’ she said to Paige. ‘Make him a lobster roll tomorrow.’
I didn’t see Paige’s response, but I was not surprised when a server brought us a bag containing two lobsters.
The party began to break up as soon as people had their fill of food and drink. Many of Fred’s workmates made the excuse that they had to drive to Boston. We waited until dusk to say our goodbyes to Nadine and her husband. They invited us to come back when we could talk.
As we walked to my truck, Paige slipped her hand in mine, saying, ‘We haven’t heard the last of Fred being a stockbroker.’
‘I know. He was good about avoiding the subject today. He must have know
n that we were on the alert. Next time we meet, he’ll wage an all-out assault. I’ve seen that dark side in other people,’ I said, thinking of the training I’d conducted when I worked for the support center. I hadn’t actually seen the dark side in the customers we spoke to. It was more of a feeling I got, which I warned my trainees to listen for.
‘We don’t have to accept their invitation,’ Paige said, and I agreed with her.
She gave me the job of opening the two lobsters and stripping them of their meat before she disappeared up the stairs. A minute later, I heard the water running in the upstairs bath. I was anxious to rid my own body of the sweat from the volleyball game and the smell of lobster from my hands.
When I came out of the downstairs bathroom, Paige was sitting on the sofa, reading Uncle Mackey’s and Aunt Elsie’s love letters. She looked cute with her bare leg drawn up under her. She looked up briefly when I took a seat and reached for the last three letters in the stack.
I could almost tell which letter she was reading by the way she smacked her lips, sighed as she turned a page, or how she exhaled as she reached for the next letter.
‘It was the battle for Iwo Jima, wasn’t it?’ she asked.
I looked up from the letter I was reading, and nodded, yes.
‘It was so long ago, but he makes it sound like it happened yesterday.’
I nodded again, and watched her return to the page she was reading.
I’d finished reading the last letter and was rereading it, stalling to see her reaction to some of the gruesome descriptions that Uncle Mackey used to express the fierceness of the fighting, and the tenderness that Aunt Elise showed when assuring him that it was over, and promising to soothe his feelings when they were together.
Paige suddenly burst into tears, dropped the pages she’d been reading and fled the room. I heard the upstairs bedroom door slam shut.
I picked up the pages that she had dropped. The letter was the one that contained the paragraph: ‘The Colonel wants his bandages changed. I’ll pretend to change them. You see, he doesn’t know his left foot is missing. He doesn’t know he’s permanently blind, either.’
I folded the letter, and placed it in the stack. As I got ready for bed, I thought about the day. Paige had called to ask me to pick her up at the bus stop. Should I read anything into that, or had she tried to call Mr. McMahan and found that he was busy? She’d only agreed to attend the cookout after I told her that I needed help fending off our host. I counted the times she placed her hand in mine, and there had been her knee rubbing against mine while I was verbally jousting with Harold Whitney. She’d shown no reaction when I revealed that my wife was deceased.
Many of my questions were answered while we were having breakfast.
‘I owe you an apology for thinking badly of you,’ she said, looking up from her bowl of cereal.
‘How’s that?’
‘I judged you wrongly when I found out about your girlfriend. I jumped to the conclusion that you were cheating on your wife.’
‘I see,’ I said, thinking how little she knew about me.
‘What’s funny?’
‘I’ve been gone for nine days, and my girlfriend has turned on me.’
A shadow appeared on her face, like she was tuning me out. ‘That’s more information than I need to know. It’s none of my business.’
‘It is your business. Why did you take my hand yesterday?’
‘I was nervous, and anyway, I thought that you were married.’
‘You also thought that I was cheating on my wife.’
‘Not really, give me some credit, Brian. I’m a better judge of character than that.’
She’d finished her cereal. She took a last sip of coffee, and got up, as if to leave me sitting at the breakfast table.
‘I think its time that we both cleared some things up. I know about Patrick.’
She sat back down and glared at me. ‘Whatever you know will be all you’ll ever know. If you’re looking for a thrill you won’t get it from me.’
‘I have no reason to pry, but I didn’t want you to find out that I know about Patrick if I talk in my sleep some night.’
At first, her jeer was sinister, as if to say, ‘fat chance of my hearing you say something in your sleep,’ but her expression changed. ‘What are you hiding behind that placid stare?’
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This is a story I wrote for a grandpa type who I used to chat with online.I have been going to the same mechanic for years and last week needed just an oil change. It was late on a Friday afternoon, after work, so I decided to just drive by and see if Joe was available. He was closing up the gate as I pulled up so I asked if he had time for a quick oil change. "Sure Mark, anything for you, but I have one ahead of you if you don't mind waiting a bit.", he told me. "No problem Joe, here's the...
“Ver-Veronica?” Pierce asked in a weak voice. “Yes, sir” The eight-teen year-old girl said to Pierce in a condescending manner. “Wha-what are you doing? Wher-where is Haley?” In a panic Pierce looked around his cell to see Haley sleeping soundly on another plastic mattress carelessly thrown in the corner, his felt a sense of relief. “Why am I here?” Pierce asked. “Cause, Pierce. Just because” Pierce gulped. But looked at Haley, their first date obviously didn’t go as planned He couldn't...
Jazmin Luv has been into her friend Rachel Rivers for a while, but as a committed woman she had to be careful how she approached the subject with her boyfriend. Finally, Jazmin gets the inspiration for what to do. She decides to wait for Kyle Mason’s birthday and then introduce Rachel as the third person for a threesome they’ve been talking about having for a while. Jazmin invites Rachel over before Kyle gets home so she can get intimate with her hot friend. Rachel doesn’t...
xmoviesforyouBeep ... beep ... beep... Denae’s head hurt so bad that the quiet beeping of the heart monitor was like a droning drill pounding away at her. Her memory was fuzzy, she remembered Hammer holding her like she was on auction. Except then she had barely thought of herself as Denae, the name hadn’t been a practice a habit, then again her balls didn’t ache like she thought they should have if Snake, the mean and ugly fucker who had introduced himself to her by squeezing them ‘til she passed out...
Abigail was screaming her lungs out, she was lay down on her front on Jessica's bed, holding onto the golden toned thighs of the white queen in front of her, kissing and licking her pretty pink pussy that was already dripping with cum and not all of it Jess's. The gorgeous blonde lay on her back moaning, one hand playing with her own perky, big tits and the other pulling hard on Abi's dark hair. Abi wasn't screaming at that though, big strong dark hands were holding her hips, throwing her back...
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Live Sex Cam SitesMonday April 9 Carla had set her alarm for early enough that the couple had time for a quickie in the shower. She had to be at work by 8:00, the same time Matt’s class started. His first class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday was creative writing. When he arrived at class, early as usual, a girl he hadn’t seen before was standing outside the classroom door. When she saw Matt, she looked at him intently. Nervously, she asked, “Are you Matt Young?” “Yes,” he replied. “I’m Denise Connor. I...
100% fiction! I opened my eyes as I awoke. Sunlight poured in through my bedroom window. I smiled. It was Saturday, my favorite day of the week. I was able to sleep in, I didn't have to go to any classes, and I was free to go out and have some fun. However, the best part about Saturday was that it was game day. And I always got to be a part of each and every game. I was a cheerleader for Southlake University's football team, and it was easily the best thing about going to college. Our school...
IncestSorkana's Rise, Combining Forces By: Malissa Madison M'gon felt a thrill knowing just how frightened her father was Lomanith jumped between. V'gil had warned her that this would be the longest jump between she had ever made. He had also told her of how it would affect her, energy wise, but that since both Lomanith and Arroth should be fine since they fed the day before. 'This is like the big water back home,' thought Lomanith. 'But I have never seen fish like those," he said of...
Dawn broke in subdued, misty splendor behind the mountains that rose to the east. As the morning fog lifted under the beams of cool morning sun, the valley stirred. The road was alive. A twisting column of armor, weapons, and flesh marched as one, each booted foot coming down at the same time, each lifting to take the next step with mathematical precision. The constant, staccato tread of this serpentine entity echoed well in advance of its march. Birds took flight and animals scattered in...
The next day, Bella knocked on my door at noon. I opened thedoor and saw Bella wearing a trench coat. For a few moments, she just stared at me, without saying anything. I knew that she came over for a reason, so I let her gather her thoughts. A minute later she looked me in the eyes and said “I wanted to thank you again for yesterday. I really needed that and I appreciate it very much.” I responded “The pleasure was all mine, Bella. That was the greatest sex I’ve ever had by far and I hope...
I would like to go back and repeat some of the things I have mentioned previously. My name is Bud Brown. I'm sitting here in the church office and reflecting on my life. I was married for a year to a cheating woman and can say I never thought I would marry again. At this point in my reflections, my kids have grown up and now are in college. Financially, I am a wealthy person. Money can buy you a lot of sex, but it can't buy you love. I've dated throughout the years but never came across...
Lesson Surprise part 2 To find out how I ended up in this situation read Lesson Surprise Part 1 ...... I looked at the clock on the wall - it was only 5 pm - it was going to be a late night. After all, during the last 4 hours I have been fucked twice by Brads 11 inch monster. I was standing there with huge EE false tits in a black lace bra, Black lace suspenders and fishnet stockings, red G string with black trim, a tiny black mini skirt and tight black top that enhanced the...
Anna was a young virgin special 20-year-old, who went on a trip on the boat. She always liked the sea elements. She inhaled all his bosomy smell of the sea and enjoy the breeze in a hurry, putting his wind is not very tanned body. In this journey of her father sent, knowing about her troubles on the personal front, he decided that it is the journey into a far country and motion sickness can be very useful will fall to heal emotional wounds. Keep an eye on a young lady's father asked his friend,...
“Shit!” That was too damned close. Fear of crashing and dying instantly flashed through my brain seconds before the car finally halted. A lamppost illuminating the car park, was just inches from the front bumper, leaving me marveling at my luck.From the telephone lying in my lap, I could hear my mother shouting, “Andrea? Andrea? what’s happening? Are you still there?”I breathed a huge sigh of relief and tried calming down. “Yes mum I’m still here but I almost crashed because of your nagging,”...
AnalThe following morning I was woken up by Aunt Linda's voice: "Hey, you sleepy-heads! Time for breakfast!" By the time Bethy, Tyler and I got to the table it was already after 11:00, and by the tousled look of everyone there, no one had gone to church this morning, having preferred to sleep in. The spirited activity of the previous day at Lake Wetauga had taken its toll on everyone... lopsided hair, little crusties in everyone's eyes, and in everyone's face a general look of relaxation...
We walked back up to the porch and sat back down; life was much calmer without the power on for some reason. I had Kristy tune in to any available local news station so we could get some information. We started listening to news station out of LA; apparently they had backup power of some type. The power problem was caused by an overload; apparently people were removing their electric meters, bypassing them. The electric company had a system in place to shutdown the air conditioners, but the...
Well.. here he was again, at the same old titty bar he was at last week and the week before. Shit, thinking about it he realized he’d been coming here once a week for the past six months, always after the gym on Thursday or Friday night. He rarely got anymore sex at home and when he did it was pretty bland. He’d watched enough porn and read enough erotic stories to know there had to more than bland once a month perfunctory sex. So he didn’t feel one bit bad about his weekly visits. He really...
The Magic Show By Katie Dale My family bought tickets for "The Great Carla's Magic Show". This was mainly a children's oriented magic show, and we thought my little ten-year-old brother and nine-year-old sister would enjoy it. So the whole family went - all five of us. I was thirteen. The theater was packed, mostly with families that had little children. Our seats were in the third row. Carla the magician, clad in a tuxedo and top hat, started with some standard tricks - card...
By : Sandystar143 Hi everybody my name is Sandy and this is my 2nd story. First of all i thank everybody for your feedbacks on my last story “aunti ki beti ko choda”. I would like give my introduction to new readers on this great website, I am tall and fit guy wit average body I am studying b.com 3rd Sem in bijapur district which is in Karnataka. As I told u guys in last story that I was having a relation wit my aunt’s daughter, and now this story is about that my same aunt. My aunt stays in...
IncestTatsuya by Erin Tyler ... ...Um... ... ...Uh, okay, I'm... not sure how to start this. ... Sorry, I, uh... ...Ah, jeez. Listen to me, acting like I'm talking to someone. ... ...Well, I mean... I kind of am. ... ...Maybe I should, uh... maybe I should start with something I should have said earlier: I wrote this with assistance. In my hand, right now, is a small, orange, plastic digital recording device that... well, I made it. I'm proud of it, too; it's pretty ingenious....
‘Take a shower.’ ‘Yes, Sir.’ I sat down in her room and waited while she took a shower. Shortly after I heard the water turn off, she walked into the room, naked and towelling her hair. ‘That better?’ ‘Yes, Sir—thank you Sir.’ I smiled. ‘So. You enjoyed being outside, and showing yourself off, did you?’ Anya knelt in front of me, still naked, still damp. ‘Yes, Sir. I did.’ ‘It gets you excited, doesn’t it?’ ‘Yes, Sir. Very excited.’ ‘I thought so. Tell me more.’ She paused. Then...
As soon as the two vehicles were on the road, Marion started something actively dangerous - trying to divest herself of her sports bra while driving. Her outfit, a golf shirt with the cleaning company logo over black pants, wasn't going to be conducive to the kind of access she HOPED Aaron wanted while they were petting - anything she could do to ease the way was indicated. The thing fought her every step of the way, and she had barely gotten it off and through the arm of her shirt when they...
Hi there. My name is Daniel, and I want to tell you about an incredible experience I had a few years ago. Back then, I was still a second year university student. Unlike all my other classmates, I was actually quite organized, so I was never pressed for deadlines. I always finished my work slightly early, so that I wasn't under so much pressure when exam times came and deadlines were all within the same week. I wasn't a straight A student, but I was an organized student. But if you got a lot...
Oral SexTrisha was glad for the little break from the excitement of the holiday. She was getting so wrapped up in the events of the recent past that she felt she was losing touch with reality. She was a single mother. Her responsibility was to her children, first. Did she have a right to be this happy? Just before the boys finished their packing, their dad showed up at the house with is girlfriend on his arm. Trisha tried to be pleasant, since it was the holidays, after all, but her ex was making it...
Fantasies and notions of group sex have ran through most our minds from time to time I imagine. After reading Martha Spacey's article about her experience on a gang bang or being put on the block by a Motor Cycle Gang had me going, in fact I read the article a couple of times more and had to admit it stirred certain carnal feelings in me and leaving a wetness in my pants. God... how could she have taken all those guys... how many had there been there that night, twenty she said? My mind going...
My mouth went dry and my stomach wrenched as I peered through the cracked door of my parents bedroom to see the naked, roundish, white bottom of my girlfriend sticking up towards me, the ridges of her labia peeking out beneath her pink anus as her head bobbed up and down between my mother's spread legs. Well, she's my step mom really. But I think of her as my mom as my real one has not been around for years. A soft moaning issued from mom's throat as she rode her hips up and down gently in the...
My weekend with the girls My weekend with the girls ???? It all started when I decided to go out to some local bars and clubs in the area. I was having a good time looking at the ladies and what a bunch of eye candy there was. I was watching some of the ladies with very short skirts dancing in hope for a peek of a tight little thong or none at all when a flap of a skirt would jump up from all the wiggling. And then maybe a boob might jump out of some of the loose fitting blouses wishing...
Today’s site is a relative newcomer to the Asian porn tube scene. It was mid-2018 when JAV Fun started serving up videos of beautiful Japanese women in unsavory situations. The site’s popularity has grown steadily since. As of this writing, they’re getting about 5,000 visitors a day.Why Is This JAV So Much Fun?I’m going to cut right to the chase here. JAVFun has a feature that makes it really stand out from other JAV sites. What’s that feature? Cunts and cocks.Wait a minute. Shouldn’t every...
Asian Porn SitesJeff sat on the school bus, staring vacantly at the back of the seat in front of him. He felt literally sick from worry, wondering where his little sister could be. He had to admit, he had been pretty much useless all morning. All he had done was sit and stare, trying to fight back the tears. Allison had broken down and cried, and only his father had managed to keep his head. Greg had immediately called the police, then the Williams house to see if she had spent the night with Crystal, then...
"I really love your perfume honey." I said that from the couch of my girlfriend's two room apartment. I have about an hour and a half waiting for her to get ready to party tonight. "You can't say that. You don't have the correct perspective Andrey" said Helen. Before I could reply, Helen was in front of me. She looked astonishing wearing only a white lacy bra, matching panties and stockings. She had a large frame, she was about 1.8 meters high in heels like the ones she...
A seductive CD fulfills some of my secret fantasies. And I bring him pleasure into the bargain.Jeez, you bust your ass all year to be among the top sales people so you can get invited to the annual conference. Supposed to be in Hawaii or Vegas or somewhere exciting. And what happens? The company needs to save some money and holds it in the city where it's based. Cincinnati. For fuck's sake. I nearly didn't bother but there'd been some lay-offs already this year, so I decided I should go. You...
Rachel’s Revenge ‘…And hurry up with that coffee, Rachel’. ‘Yes, Mr Allcock. I closed the door, seething. That man was going to get his comeuppance one day. He treated me like a servant rather than a pretty good secretary, and he was always worse when he had meetings with other male members of staff. It was like a power thing, he could say and do as he liked, knowing I wouldn’t say anything in front of his colleagues. I needed my job, and he knew it. He was just a bully. I made the...
I quaffed the whole flask off in one go and regretted it instantly. The taste, which was as foul as the smell should have led me to expect, shocked me into the realisation that in a moment's frustration and despair I had swallowed some rank concoction of unknown composition and potency. I half expected to collapse to the ground in agony like someone in a hackneyed Jekyll-and-Hyde transformation scene but, to my relief, I could sense no immediate ill effects beyond the memorably vile taste....