Sorkana's Rise, Combining Forces free porn video

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Sorkana's Rise, Combining Forces By: Malissa Madison M'gon felt a thrill knowing just how frightened her father was Lomanith jumped between. V'gil had warned her that this would be the longest jump between she had ever made. He had also told her of how it would affect her, energy wise, but that since both Lomanith and Arroth should be fine since they fed the day before. 'This is like the big water back home,' thought Lomanith. 'But I have never seen fish like those," he said of the Dolphins now playing with the other dragons in the cove. She did feel a bit tired at first but it quickly faded in the warmth of the sun. 'Those are Dolphins, they are almost as smart as you are. But they cannot fly. Do you wish to meet them?' M'gon asked. She knew how much he enjoyed swimming in the sea, even diving to look at the fish and other marine life below the surface. It had been on one such trip to the nearby sea with V'gil, while scrubbing the Fire Stone residue from Lomanith's hide that she had lost her ID tags. They slid to the ground and she patted his shoulder, "Go play and have fun before we begin our search." She wished she could take time to play in the water with V'gil the way they had back home, but she didn't want her father to find out too much all at once. She was standing by the shuttle, watching Lomanith who seemed to be the biggest attraction of the Dolphins, as she listened to Benden's report that he'd gotten from the Pernese Dolphins. "Frankly sir, the Mentasynth enhancement has been passed on throughout the successive generations. Both Whales are doing excellent here and there are a few Dolphins that wish to explore Between's seas with the permission of their 'Tillek'," reported the Lt. "Geordan and I have been trying to figure out since the Dolphins carry the Telekinetic Gene naturally why they don't Teleport here." He looked around to ensure they were alone, "Actually Sir, I'm pretty sure that their Tillek and her two chosen successors have been doing just that. Given the speeds at which Dolphins can swim, those three have been back and forth between here and the place in the north where the Tillek lives." "And where is that?" the Captain asked. "It's called the 'Great Whirlpool'. It's in the north, where the land forms a massive cove," he pointed it out on the map. "There are two of them, the ocean currents flow in and create a swirling effect that is near impossible for a ship to navigate. The Tillek lives at the one to the North West. They use it as a means, to test the young ones to determine if they have reached adulthood, like a right of passage. Emi and Oma, it was reported have navigated between the two, and thus were chosen to become candidates to be the next Tillek." "Sir, I used the satellites to track them. They just disappear from one and show up at the other. And those currents do not have any subterranean connections. Teleportation is the only explanation I can think of for them to do that, let alone travel thousands of nautical miles in less than an hour. Plus, whenever they return from one of those trips, they are very hungry, just like the dragons after they've spent a day jumping between places or fighting thread." Suddenly, all the Dolphins began Squeeing in a panic. "Emi and the man Geordan are gone between," reported M'gon having been told by Lomanith as the dolphins ringed around him demanding to know what he had done with them. 'I did nothing, I showed them my favorite reef,' he thought. 'They are safe,' thought Oma a few minutes later. 'They return with much excitement.' Suddenly Emi was leaping skyward from the water, Geordan clinging to her dorsal fin as she Squeed with glee. 'Between, we go Between. Much big water, must tell Tillek,' and she was gone again leaving Geordan behind this time. "Did you really go between?" V'gil asked a still shivering Geordan. "Yes," he said almost visibly shaken. "You know to expect it when you're on a dragon, in the air. But I was in the water, the coldest, blackest water, and I couldn't see or feel a damned thing." "You're sure it was Between, not some place local?" asked V'gil. "Yes, I'm sure. Look I found this in the sand at the bottom of that Lagoon," he held up a pair of shiny objects on a beaded chain. "They're just like Lt Benden's, but these belong to a," his eyes grew wide. "Tillek, Morgan A. FSP65397214387, AB Pos, No Rel Pref." then he looked at M'gon. "That's where I lost them," she blushed as she glanced sideways at V'gil. "I guess Emi's sonar was better than Dragon vision underwater," she giggled as she reached for them. "Geordan, I don't think we should tell the Captain about your finding those," said V'gil. The other Riders looked at the pair and gave a thumb's up gesture of approval. "Morgan, what's happening?" asked Lt Benden as he and the Captain rushed down to the cove. Emi and Oma were no longer there, and the other Dolphins said they were now with the Tillek. Then he started in surprise as he was reminded that she was M'gon now, having bonded with a wild male dragon. They stayed and visited a while longer, then they needed to begin their search. M'gon assured the Captain that she would be back in time to return him to Between and his shuttle. Another rider said that he would meet them at the Benden Hold Gather the next day with the Captain. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "So how do we begin this search?" asked M'gon. "You trusty your dragon's instincts," V'gil grinned. "We will first go to a minor hold near High Reaches to pick up Jericho. I will give the reference point to Arroth and he will share it with Lomanith and you." They went between to the sky above High Reaches Weyr, then after exchanging greetings with the watch dragon, Arroth led the way toward the minor hold. They dropped low over the trees, Arroth leading the way. And then she saw several workers in a field. Everyone looked up and waved to the riders, and two hurried toward runner beasts. 'That one in the lead would make a good rider,' commented Lomanith. "That is Jericho," he finished as both dragons back winged then settled in the courtyard in front of the hold. A young woman hurried out to greet them as the two beast riders came up the path. "V'gil," began the woman. "We've not seen you in a while." "I was transferred to one of the new Weyrs on Between," he stated. "This is M'gon and Lomanith who only recently bonded." He let that sink in. "Between?" there was much confusion, evidently no one had informed the smaller holds of the recent events. "Mother, Arroth tells me that Between is a sister planet to Pern, and they need both Dragons and Holders." He looked up at Lomanith then to M'gon in wonder. "And Lomanith was until recently, an unbonded wild dragon." "It is true, Between, was populated with a huge number of unbonded dragons. But since Thread began to fall there, the numbers have dropped through attrition," stated V'gil sadly. "They had so few Trained Dragons and Riders. The wild dragons were literally fighting Thread without Fire Stone, sacrificing their lives to save the few people who lived there. "So, you have come for my youngest son?" it wasn't really a question. "Jericho, you will need your winter Weyrhide jacket. Felix will take over tending the lower fields." "You're just going to let them come and take him away?" it was Jericho's oldest brother. "Why not take some of the Holdless from the cliffs by the river?" "They are being given opportunities too," stated V'gil. "But only those who are willing to work, to earn a Holding. Between is a very wild and dangerous place outside the Weyrs. and those convicted of crimes, are being sent to the Fire Stone Mines of Between now." He knew what the young man was thinking and had told him straight so that he would understand why they were recruiting the Holdless to establish Holds. Also, in doing so they weren't leaving the undesirables behind to prey on the small holds. They were being rounded up and offered a chance to help those establishing Holds, or a chance to work in a Craft Hall to earn their keep. Those who were already wanted for crimes were being sent to the Mines. "All of the Holdless are going?" asked Felix the eldest son. "With the exception of the criminals, it is only those who volunteer. Naomi can stay here with you," grinned Jericho as he looked at the new group approaching from the river caves. A young girl about Jericho's age paused at the dragon's. "Greetings, Arroth and to you Lomanith," she nodded her head in respect. "Seelah," Jericho hugged her. "I'm glad I hurried, or you would have been gone before I could tell you goodbye," she said to him. "Seelah," V'gil got her attention. "Is your Father coming?" "Yes Sir," she answered and gestured to where the other workers were coming from the fields. "I would love to know how you knew Lomanith's name?" he prompted. Now she blushed. "Arroth told me," she admitted. Then her eyes darted to the dragon in surprise, then back to V'gil. "You're riding in search, and you want me, a Holdless girl?" Now V'gil took out his own pouch. This one held his Pernese Weyr Marks as well as various Hold and Craft Hall Marks. He counted out an equal amount quickly, placing them in a smaller pouch. This was to be the traditional offering to offset her father for her going to the Weyr. "Nonsense," stated her father, pressing the pouch back into V'gil's hand. "Having a daughter in the Weyr, plus another who is to be wed to a Holders, First Son, my family is doubly blessed this day." "Our Families," corrected the Lady Holder. "You will both be invited and transported to the Weyr, when the hatching is due to begin," promised V'gil. Everyone on Pern knew that if you were related to a hatching candidate there was no cost for a Dragon Ride to watch the hatching. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Benden Hold Gather; There were a lot of Dragons from the Weyrs of Pern, but the riders getting the most attention were from Between. It seemed as if every major Holder was trying to cultivate favors, in the name of getting favorite son the opportunity to establish a hold. As M'gon was making a low-level sweep over the gathered crowds, heading toward the marked Dragon landing area she was prompted by Lomanith. 'I feel a strong, curious mind.' 'Do you think they can hear you?' In the Lord Holders wine tent, the holdless serving girl Timia started, nearly dropping the skin of Benden Red. 'Where are you girl?' She looked around as she made her way to the side where she could look up toward the fire heights where the dragons were gathered to wait. It had to be a dragon that had invaded her thoughts. 'Why do you want to know?' then her next unguarded thought was, 'I'd rather be a drudge in a Weyr than blackmailed by a Lord Holders eldest son to warm his bed, it isn't my fault I was born holdless or,' she stopped before thinking, that I should have been born as Timia instead of Timithy. She had remembered that dragons were very good at hearing unguarded thoughts. At sixteen turns, she'd been the young would be lord holders nightly bed warmer whether she wanted to or not. It wasn't really forced, but she would rather it be with someone who cared about her, someone who would be understanding and gentler. That was why she always gave extra attention to the Dragon Riders, they were accepting and understanding she'd heard. If she could just cultivate a relationship with one. The rough hand on her arm started to jerk her away from the nearby table. "I told you to stay away from dragon riders," Norman, the Lord Holders son stated. "Hold," a Dragon Rider in Harper Blue was standing up from the table. "She hasn't served us our wine yet." The hand let go of her arm, another rider in Harper Blue gently guided her back to the table and her eyes went wide. "Besides, she is due for a meal and a rest," stated Z'kiel, Weyr Leader of the newly founded Harper Weyr. Leaning in, Norman said, "She is a Holdless, unnatural thing who only wishes she was girl." The conversation was interrupted by a Dragon landing at the side of the tent. M'gon sliding gracefully to the ground. 'Stay close, we may need to leave quickly,' she thought to Lomanith. 'She is the one with the wine skin,' confirmed the dragon. all at the table saw the girl's eyes widen as they had been included in the Dragons thoughts. "M'gon, welcome. Won't you join us?" she was offered one of the empty chairs. The girl quickly filled the glasses, but before she could leave the dragon said, 'Sit beside M'gon. We, will take you to Western when we leave.' "What's going on?" she asked. Z'kiel reached over and covered her hand gently, "You have been chosen on search by Lomanith of Between's Western Weyr." "Ch. Chosen, me?" "There is are three Queen eggs on the hatching grounds," confirmed the other Harper Rider. "B, but," "Sorkana, Rider of Gold Gayleth will welcome you openly Timia. Have no fears, you two share much in common." There was a mischievous glint in his eyes. "It's true," M'gon heard someone saying in another wine tent. "Old Lord Keyg of Ruatha was mortified with embarrassment, his Son and chosen heir sent home in disgrace because he was caught dressing up as a girl." "So, the Weyr woman Sorkana, rider of Gold Gayleth is actually Sorkan of Ruatha hold?" Timia's gasp of shock told her that not many outside the Weyrs knew of that fact. The Lord holders noticed her there and abruptly changed the subject. In a clothier's stall she was getting a weyrhide jacket and trousers for Timia when she was asked by an apprentice, "Is it true they're taking only holdless to settle the new world?" "Yes, it is true," she answered casually. The holdless from what I've seen have the best chances of success. They have survived here, where those pampered holders would be crying for help at every possible opportunity." M'gon noticed several of the younger apprentices smile with pride. "They used to be Holdless," explained Timia. "They taught themselves the art of leather crafting, then sold themselves into an apprenticeship." "Dragon Rider M'gon," the craft master in charge of the leather craft stall got her attention. "Might there be room for three good apprentices and a Journeyman Leather Crafter at Western Weyr?" They weren't aware that Z'kiel and V'gil had entered the booth behind them. "Master Stitch," Z'kiel interrupted. "If you would be kind enough to present three Journeyman, and nine Apprentices the Harper Weyr will provide their transportation." He winked at M'gon. "The Weyrs are desperate need of Leather craftsmen to help cloth the new Riders after the Hatchings. Perhaps you would be willing to begin a new Leather Craft Hall on Between since you yourself fall within the guidelines?" They had just completed the arrangements, where in Stitch had provided the names and Craft Hall locations of the other formerly Holdless Crafters, when Arroth and Lomanith began to bugle warnings. "Master Stitch," V'gil pressed a small pouch of Marks into his hand. "Timia, Seelah, quickly get into your Weyrhide, the Hatching is close upon us. Tannith and Furth are going to collect your Parents." he said to Seelah and Jericho. There was a maddening flurry of activity as Riders, leading candidates hurried to their dragons. Distinguished guests sought a ride to be present at the first hatching on Between. "Timia, is there anyone you wish us to bring along?" asked M'gon. "Only my father, he's tending the runner beasts of the other guests," she answered. M'gon boosted her up, then settled behind her. "Lomanith, we will collect Thorne on the way. The dragon lept into the air, then a few sweeps of his wings glided down beside a pen of frightened runner beasts. "Daddy, daddy hurry. You have to come with me," Timia called. "What's going on? You're frightening the runners," he scolded M'gon. "Sir, we don't have time. Please climb up so that you can watch your daughter at Western Weyrs first hatching." Already M'gon had caught his arm and was hauling him up to sit between her and Timia. At a mental signal from her Lomanith launched himself skyward. "I'm sorry we didn't have time to get you any flying gear, it is going to be very cold for a few moments," stated M'gon as Lomanith swept his great wings to gain more altitude. "What is going on?" he asked yet again. "I was Searched Daddy. Lomanith chose me as a candidate. No more having to put up with being degraded so we have a warm place to sleep and food to eat." 'We go now,' stated Lomanith. It wasn't as frightening as the first time, the extra long jump between. She knew if anything happened that she would forever be with Lomanith, and she trusted him completely. All the dragons had been busy, not just those of Western, every Weyr had searched for suitable candidates. Those were being dropped off at the side of the Hatching Grounds. Some fifteen young girls and nearly sixty young boys. R'ta was busy organizing those who were helping them to don white impression robes. Dragons carrying guests flew into the entrance to deposit them at the newly cut stairs leading up to the viewing ledges. Dragons finding their own roosts to join in the welcoming thrum. Timia stood nervous among the other girls, who jumped when Gayleth unwound herself from her clutch. standing she moved to behind the eggs, her wings spreading wide as she too began the welcoming hum as the candidates were led in by D'ven. Looking around at the other candidates, Timia realized that most had come from holdless camps "Come on," Seelah took hold of her hand striding with a confidence to lead the other girls to ring around the three golden eggs. One other candidate who looked to be Weyr bred was trying to encourage the rest. She was offering advice, but only Seelah and Timia seemed to be really listening to her. "When they hatch, don't get directly in front. They can't see straight ahead at first, and they'll run over the top of you. On the other hand, you want to be there close to her head, let her see you, hear your soothing voice. Look directly into her eyes." "Thank you, I'm Timia, this is Seelah," Timia introduced them. "I'm Seka, oh look they're starting to crack." One egg rolled a bit, and the other twelve girls gasped or squealed in fright and jumped back. Timia on the other hand put out her hands and stopped the roll. The egg split, cracks spiderwebbed its surface. "Help me steady it," she called to Seka and Seelah. "Oh no, that ones yours, you touched it," giggled Seka as she motioned Seelah toward one of the others. The other two eggs were rocking harder, the cracks growing larger as they reached them. Gayleth's great head loomed above Timia as the shell split wide open, spilling the dragonette onto the hot sands. It was struggling to rise to its feet, its wings trying to flap and steady it struck another timid girl knocking her down. "It's ok Myth, I'm right here," the dragonette turned her head and both became lost for a moment. "Feed her, take her to the feeding grounds," called out someone. There were other dragonettes ahead of them, led by new riders towards the entrance. "Come on Kath, lets follow Myth and Timia," she heard Seka behind her. then the keening of hungry Dragonettes reached her, her own Myth seemed the loudest, most urgent. "Omath, you're going to split wide open," chuckled Seelah. "Oh, look there's J'richo and Delluth." Timia looked and saw the young boy had impressed a Bronze. They heard a bugle from Gayleth as she took a herd beast, she must be hungry after all that work tending her clutch. Already, dragons were leaving carrying those who had not impressed away. "Where are they going?" asked Timia. "Divinath and Romnorth's clutches are hatching too," called a rider. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Harper Weyr, Between; Minna impressed Golden Ilzabeth. Tanga impressed Green Dalgamoth. Seventeen other Harpers impressed along with three of the older original occupants who would be trained also, as Harpers. Hours later at the Hatching feast; "I knew you would do well," grinned Master Nolly as she congratulated Minna. "After all the Queen herself chose you to be a candidate." "You mean when she ummm, when she let me help care for Ilzabeth before she hatched?" "Yes indeed, perhaps she knew you were ready to walk the tables," stated Master Nolly as she gestured for her to stand up. They had been sitting at tables arranged much the same as they were at the Harper hall. Only here they had been further separated into Candidates by Harper rank and Riders by Harper rank. It was Harper tradition that a Harper in your new rank would walk you to your table. Already the others who had Impressed had been walked from the Apprentice tables to the Journeyman Rider Tables. There was much cheering as Master Nolly walked her from the Apprentice tables past the Journeyman tables. Her heart began to pound as they approached an empty seat at the Master Tables. The Masters were made up of those Journeymen who had Bonded with a Wild dragon, and those who were already Harper Riders before coming to Between. The Journeyman Tables included the Apprentices and the Between born riders. Minna was only an Apprentice, true she was a Senior Apprentice, so she should now be a Journeyman. "You are a Queen Rider, who was about to walk the tables before you came here," explained Master Nolly. "But we cannot have a Queen Rider with less rank than her dragon, now can we?" "Oh, I suppose you are right," blushed Minna as her new rank was pinned on. "Relax, you are now Pupil, except when you are learning with the other Weyrlings in their classes. I will teach you the mechanics of Weyr and Harper Leadership." It was then that she noticed her mother sitting at the Honored Guest table where the Weyr Leaders and Wing Leaders sat. She hadn't even known that her mother was here, she'd only seen her once since being accepted to the Harper Hall. It had been Master Nolly who had discovered her in the Holdless Camp teaching the ballads to the younger children. Master Shozin had then assigned a Journeyman to take over in trade for her becoming an Apprentice. It was only after the feast officially started that she had a chance to speak with her mother. "Oh Sweetheart," Dorrita caressed her hair. "I am so very proud of you." "I, Momma, I will come visit you at Ruatha when Ilzabeth and I learn to fly between," she promised. Then she saw the amused look in her mother's eyes. "I won't be there. I was chosen to establish a new Hold here, Sorkana asked for me. I am the Lady Holder of the new Western Hold of Between." She now grinned, "So you can see me more often." "Oh mother, can you believe how wonderful things turned out for her?" gushed Minna. "Well, brace yourself, she and her daughters will be here in the next day or two. N'rissa who is nine turns, is the rider of Brown Garth, and Sorki who is seven is the rider of Gold Creadith," grinned Dorrita. Then she whispered, "There are three Transgendered Queen Riders at Western, and Sorki is the youngest." "Really?" inquired Master Nolly having overheard. "Who is the other one. I hadn't heard since I've been here with Romnorth." "Rider M'gon and Lomanith found her at the Benden Hold gather," stated Z'kiel. "She too began life as a Holdless girl." "She wasn't the only Holdless to Impress a Golden Hatchling at Western," stated Master Shozin. "Seelah of the River Caves near High Reaches has Impressed a Queen as well, in fact, a good number of former Holdless, have impressed Dragons at the Western and Eastern Weyrs." "The Dragons have begun searching for candidates in places they never thought of before Between was opened for migration to the Holdless," stated Master Nolly. "Sorkana and Sorki are coming here in the morning because Salluth is going to rise some time tomorrow. And they do not wish the adult Queens to become jealous." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Salluth's color was definitely, glowing and Sorkana knew she would rise very soon. Creadith had strengthened her wings over the last few weeks, taking longer and longer flights. She watched her as she waited for both Sorki and N'rissa to get ready. she suspected it was the threat of thread that was two days off, that was pushing Salluth into her mating cycle so quickly. The four of them, she her girls and D'ven had just started aloft when Salluth screamed and launched herself at the herd bests. "Quickly, Sorki you and Creadith take the reference from Gayleth, then from Garth and Torrith, we don't have time for a casual flight," she warned. 'Creadith knows, we go now!' came Gayleth's thoughts as they went between, the other Bronze riders warning Jillie to only let her dragon blood her kills, as Darlith was being forced by Annya to go to the Eastern Weyr. Sure, Darlith had a clutch on the sands of the second Hatching Cavern, but that wouldn't stop her if she thought her Bronze might be stolen by another Queen. Darlith had been hunting with a single Bronze when she had risen suddenly and away from the Weyr. It had taken a direct demand from Sorkana to get the truth of why if they knew she was that close, Anya had not included more Bronzes in the hunting party. They had several good reasons, the first of which was they didn't want to be observed by the 'Star men'. Also, Annya was now carrying N'ron's child. N'ron now stood with Roneth blocking the entrance to the Hatching Ground. It was too late to leave, and he wasn't about to chance losing Anya, Darlith or his unborn child. Suddenly the other Dragons of his wing were there giving strength to Roneth's assurances that he had no intentions to fly an inferior Queen. More Browns and blues soon arrived, lending their wills to Roneth's and finally Darlith curled herself around her clutch as Roneth joined her to lay on the sand nearby. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Harper Weyr; The watch dragon bugled his welcome as the quartet appeared from between. There was no doubt in her mind, seeing the joy and wonder in Sorki's eyes that she and Creadith had been ready to learn to go between. Gayleth had carefully picked the minds of the other dragons of Between. They learned almost as soon as they began to fly, taking the references from the other dragons around them, then teaching the very young riders. N'rissa, by her own admission had learned when Garth was slightly less than Creadith in age. Now Sorkana laughed at D'ven's shock that she would allow such a young dragon, a queen dragon who was only beginning to fly, to go between. "You realize don't you that every Weyrling is going to want to try this now?" he warned as they dismounted. Clearly, he was a bit upset, Weyrlings were never taught to fly between before they were a full turn in age. "D'ven, Sorkana, welcome." They exchanged greetings. "D'ven what has you so upset this early in the day?" asked Z'kiel. "Sorkana let, no encouraged, Sorki and Creadith to fly between." "It was Gayleth's decision, and she was right," stated Sorkana. "And if you wish to share my bed any time soon, I suggest you get used to the fact that Queens are smarter than Bronzes." Gayleth snorted in conceited response. "I'm sorry, I was just worried about them," he finally admitted as he lifted Sorki up to his shoulders. 'We would not have allowed it if I felt they were not ready,' intoned Torrith. D'ven knew that he was including Gayleth in the 'We' part. "How old is Creadith?" asked Nolly. "Eight Months, and still strengthening her wings," answered D'ven. "Garth had just learned to fly when we started going between," chimed in N'rissa with pride. "The entire Weyr gave him his first references, and it made it easier to keep him fed too." The older Riders looked around, realizing that there was no lower entrance to the Weyr that the herd beasts could be driven through. Likewise, aside from the livestock carried in by the dragons, the wilds had brought fresh kills to be provided for the newly hatched. An instinct most likely learned from the Fire Lizards, just like the welcoming crooning to the new Hatchlings. "Well I'm glad you came," stated Nolly. "Even if it was because you needed to keep the adult Queens separated during a mating flight." 'There was no danger once Darlith understood that Roneth had no intentions of flying another Queen,' stated Gayleth. 'Torrith understands what it is to belong to his Queen, we follow the bonds of our Bondmates.' 'And no other dragon but Kindith will never fly any Queen but me, so I don't need to be jealous,' promised Romnorth. Sorkana shared a grin with Master Nolly confirming that she had heard the exchange as well. "I wonder what the statistics show about the bonds between Dragons, not just their riders," mused Sorkana. "I know the records show that where a Queen rider and her Weyrmate share a bond almost as deep as with their dragons, the Weyrmates dragon always flies the Queen, no matter how many Bronzes are in competition." Everyone was looking at Master Z'kiel now. "They never really tracked it for this purpose. But the Weyrs kept records of the mating flights. It wasn't always the strongest Bronze, a lot of times it was the Bronze whom the Queens rider was in a relationship with. Even when they were fighting Thread." He had an inquisitive look on his face for a moment, as did Sorkana. Sorkana turned and looked directly at Gayleth, then grinned. A few minutes later they were joined by Tiva. "Divinath said you needed to see me," she said to Sorkana. "I think we need to break with a few traditions surrounding the Queens," she answered. "Sorkana wants to study Weyr Stability based on the relationships of the Weyr Leaders," stated Nolly. "I think it has merit." "What do you mean, Weyr Stability?" "Not just the Weyr Leaders but also, the other Queens in the Weyrs at the time. How stable the mating flights were, and did the same Bronze always fly the Queen their Weyrmate was involved with?" Nolly provided the statistics they were looking for. Other Queen riders from the three Weyrs had filtered into the meeting cavern, but remained silent, waiting to know the outcome between the Leaders of the three Weyrs. "Oh," Tiva looked surprised. Then answered the questions without really thinking about them. "The mating flights between dragons whose riders share a strong bond are always the same. Especially when the Weyr Leaders are bonded together. Just look how stable Southern is, how stable Benden was after Ramoth and Mnementh were mated. Lessa and F'lar really did love each other," she finished. "Just like we do," D'ven hugged Sorkana to him. Master Z'kiel let out a hearty laugh as he wrapped Nolly in his arms. "Anyone who thinks that Weyrs are led by the strongest Bronze rider needs to look deeper. The Weyrs know that the true power and stability within a Weyr lies with the Queens." "That was exactly the right thing to say," Nolly purred as she kissed him passionately. "Are we agreed then? No more open flights if a pair of riders are involved with each other?" asked Sorkana. "Agreed," stated the other Weyr Leaders. "At least here on Between." "Thank heavens," blurted out Carissa, rider of Gold Fantath from Eastern. She had been one who had transferred from Southern on Pern, and she had formed an attachment to G'dan who's Brown had flown her queen a week ago. she had arrived with G'dan on his Brown since Fantath was still preparing to clutch. A young Queen Rider Sorkana hadn't met yet was busy taking notes of the meeting. "Minna, be sure those notes get into the official records," stated Nolly. "Then you need to take care of Ilzabeth, I suspect she will be waking up very hungry soon." She had seen the nervousness of the girl who kept glancing toward the entrance as well as tilting her head to listen for her dragon. "Minna," she stopped and looked to Sorkana. "Congratulations Master Minna." "Thank you Weyr Leader Sorkana." After a moment she asked, "Have you found any Fem Weed here? I know there are few who would appreciate a local source." "Nothing 'Local', but your Lady Holder Dorrita has planted some in her Herb Gardens for us." "Timia will be needing some and," she nodded toward Sorki. "Sorki will need some in a year or two." "Fem Weed?" asked Tiva having never heard of it before. "Run along Minna," encouraged Nolly. "It is a plant crossed between Fellis and Numb Weed," began Sorkana. "Oh, the stuff they use to cure female problems," Nolly realized now. "And with that subject change, I think we should see how the Dragonettes are getting along," urged Z'kiel. The women laughed at their reluctance to listen to discussions about female issues. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Between, Western Hold; Lady Holder Dorrita had followed the group of men widening the foot path from the hold to the sea cove, actually it was more of a Bay in size, when she spotted it. Just out beyond the reef, was a ship floating in the water. It had no sails, and there were only Dolphins and two huge water beasts she had never seen before. It looked as if the big water beasts were pushing it toward the cove. As she watched a Dolphin lept from the water to ring the bell hanging at the bow. But how had the ship gotten here? And how had the Dolphins arrived? She'd never seen any Dolphins in the cove before. Then she saw the Dragons, their riders laying on the beach. "Hey, look out," called someone from up in a nearby tree. She side stepped in time to avoid the long coils of Tangle Vine that dropped to the ground. "Sorry, we're replacing the sail lines on the Southern Cross while we wait for the Ship Master to arrive from Pern," offered Geordan, the Master Dolphineer. "What are those huge water beasts with the Dolphins? And how did they all get here?" she asked. "Did the Dragons bring them?" Holding a finger to his lips to signify a secret he answered, "They swam between just like the dragons can fly between. And, those huge water beasts are called Whales." She heard someone call out, "Timber." Just as a huge tree fell to the ground. A group of other Dolphineers was busy working more out into the water where they were being lashed together with others that extended out from the nearby cliff. "What is that for?" she asked. "Oh, pardon my manners Lady Dorrita. We're building a dock for the Between Dolphin Hall. We should be finished by the time the Metal Craft Hall on Pern is finished with the new Dolphin Bell." He pointed to the ship, "That believe it or not, is the Southern Cross. She was Captain James Tillek's Ship. The Dolphins had been guarding it in a cove cavern all these hundreds of turns since he died during the first big plague. They, the Dolphins enlisted the help of the Whales to bring it here." "Western Hold will be proud to have the Dolphin Hall of Between established within our Hold Boundaries," she grinned happily. She had been wondering if any of the Craft Halls would establish themselves with her new Hold. But she also wondered why she had not been informed beforehand. Just then a runner rushed up to her with a message, she recognized the badge from the Cove Hold Runner Hall on Pern. Immediately she snapped her fingers, "See to it this Runner is well cared for." She fumbled in her belt pouch and looked at the ten newly minted 'Between, Western Hold Marks' she had with her. "Here you are, please wait at the Hold, I may have a return message for you." She'd handed him five of the single Mark pieces. "I was paid by Cove Hold," he said. "Then that is a tip for the distance you have travelled," she tousled his hair. "Run along now, I'll be there shortly." She opened the message tube to find it contained three. The first and top most was the Official Declaration and Recognition of her Holders Rights under the Charter as recognized by the Holders Conclave of Pern. The second was a notice that the Dolphin Hall wished to establish a Hall on Between collocated in the Big Bay equidistant between Wester Hold and Western Weyr. There was a place for her signature of acceptance or denial. The third was a letter requesting permission to establish a Fisherman and Ship Hold, if she was agreeable, under a Junior Harbor Master who would be introduced by the Ship Hall Harbor Master of Fort Harbor. To arrange a meeting all she need do was notify the Dolphin Emi, whom has been chosen by their Tillek, to become the Dolphin Tillek of Between. "Geordan, can you take me to Emi, to the Tillek?" she smiled. "I can get a boat, so you don't get wet," he was already leading the way to the water's edge. Putting on a brave face she answered, "Nonsense, I'd planned to have a swim while I was here." Then she waded out into the water, going deeper until the water was up to her hips. It didn't take long to be greeted by Dolphins. "I Dita, who you?" Squeed the Dolphin directly in front of her. "I am Lady Holder Dorrita," she answered. "My you are certainly just as intelligent as the Dragons." "Lady Dorta, Lady Dorta, get Tillek," squeed Dita. "We stay here, peas, peas, much big water." "Of course, you can stay here," she answered. "This is a big world. Lots of room for Dolphins, Whales, Dragons and Men." "You women's, you be leader here." It was said with authority be a new Dolphin. "I am Emi, the chosen Tillek." "And this," she spread her arms wide, "shall be the Western Harbor Hold and Dolphin Hall." "Yaaa, yaaa," the Dolphins all began to squee with excitement. "Oma and the Great Tillek come," stated Emi. Suddenly there was a long boat being towed into the harbor by Dolphins. A young girl clinging to the lead Dolphin. Three people were sitting in the boat. "Dolphineer Jenna, Welcome. Harbor Master Orallan, Junior Master Racine. May I present Lady Holder Dorrita," Geordan introduced everyone. There was something about the Junior Master that Dorrita was trying to remember. "I was found by Master Orallan adrift in a small boat of the holdless seamen when I was seven, he raised me as his own," offered the young woman. "Then I say you are more than qualified under the Charter of Between." She looked at young Dolphineer next. "I was rescued and raised by the Dolphins until I was old enough to join the Dolphin Hall. But I have no memory of my human parents," admitted the girl. "We find, we find," interrupted a young Dolphin as three others swam in circles tossing a strange seaweed into the little boat. "Lots, lots more." "Black Weed? Do they eat the Black Seaweed?" asked Dorrita. "No, it's for ummm, for me," she blushed. "Master Jenna is like Weyr Woman Sorkana," answered Geordan. "Ahh, the Seaweed is like the Fem Weed that I am growing for the Weyr and the Master Healer." Dorrita was happy to have another source to aid not only with the easing of Feminine problems, but with helping those like Weyr Woman Sorkana and the youngest Queen Rider, Sorki. And then there was that other one, she grinned to herself, Timia. Timia's father was a Leather Crafter, and he was making riding harness' and gear for the Weyrs of Between. He was also teaching the Weyrlings to make their own 'Fighting Harness'. Few non-riders knew there was a difference. Sure, regular riding harness could be used to fight Thread, but it was lighter weight and seldom had the places needed to attach Fire Stone sacks nor was it made to take the stress and strain while fighting a dragon, constantly going between, during Thread Fall. The leather became brittle with continuous exposure the extreme cold of between. And those very young riders who had been discovered here, knew nothing about flying harnesses. She would need to get messages to Lady Vondra, Lady Elena and the other holders at the other two Weyrs. But yet, there were still no clear trails, let alone roads between the Holds. Eastern would have Thread Fall in four days, which meant there would be more dragons arriving from Pern. Dragons Laden with new settlers and supplies. "Baoji," she called a young lad who was acting as her personal runner. "Go to the hold, raise the Gather Flag with the number five. but atop that add the Messenger Flag." He repeated her orders back. "Then tell the cooks to begin preparing a feast. We will have distinguished guests tonight." As he sped off afoot, he was passing the word. "Western is having our first Gather." She knew that any dragons flying over would see and report it, and then word would be spread as always by dragon riders at least. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It had taken forty-five minutes to walk from the hold to the Bay, but it had only taken Baoji twenty minutes to run the distance. He was still catching his breath when the Head man started raising the flags. It didn't take long for them to be noticed either. Garth and Torrith both landed in the courtyard. "Dad, what do those mean?" asked N'rissa pointing up at the flags. "Western Hold is having a Gather," he pointed out the flag that represented a Gather. "That flag with the five on it states in how many days." Then he pointed to the flag with a scroll and quill, "And that states that the hold needs a Messenger." "Oh, I wondered what they were for," admitted the young girl. It felt good calling him Dad, and calling Sorkana Mom. She, like Sorki had never known her father. Their mother had died from a winter sickness when Sorki was five and she had just taken care of her. Still, though she knew her mother had loved her, she had never gotten as much attention as she'd gotten the last few weeks from Sorkana and D'ven. She knew why they had come here to begin with, D'ven had told her it was to get a special Herbal Tea that Sorkana and the new gold rider Timia needed to help them keep their Feminine bodies in balance with the way they saw themselves. It didn't make much sense at first, but then Sorkana had explained, "It gives us the outward appearance of being the girls we are inside." And then she'd cupped her smallish breasts and N'rissa had understood, it made her girl parts grow. "Baoji, where might we find Lady Holder Dorrita?" asked D'ven. "She is down at the bay. They are building a Sea Hold and a Dolphin Hall there," he reported. "But I was told they will have a welcome feast here tonight. 'We heard,' Gayleth informed D'ven having been listening through Torrith. 'You are to meet us at the bay and bring the Runner from Cove Hold.' D'ven didn't need to ask, to know that already Sorkana was dispatching riders to spread the word of the impending Gather. 'V'trel carries word to Pern,' Torrith informed him. he could hear the amusement in his dragon's thoughts. Why dispatch riders when there were so many popping in and out already bringing supplies to be ready for the coming Thread Fall? At the bay they found many Dragons aiding in the construction of the Warf and docks. "Remember," he reminded the riders as he talked to them. "You need to rest your Dragons for two full days before the Fall. I don't want a bunch of tired dragons getting injured or worse." "Hey, N'rissa, what's going on?" asked a young wild rider. "Are they mad that we're helping move those heavy logs?" "Ch'lsie, you may continue to help. But we need every dragon well rested before the fall starts. That means you should feed Narreth two days before then let him rest until the Fall." She looked over her shoulder at D'ven. "You sound just like your Momma," he beamed at her. "N'rissa, I really need to talk to you." The two walked a short distance away. "We found the Northern Weyr, you know the one way up in the Ice Mountains," she looked around afraid she was being overheard. "Dana is there still with half a wing. She wants to claim it as a Woman led Weyr since Ballith still can't fly enough to go between, and they've been there since the start of the first Fall." "Ch'lsie, stop worrying, dad won't take it away from her," N'rissa pointed out. "They moved all those other riders and people into our old Weyr," she pointed out. "Only because the oldest rider there was Eleven turns, and Monarth the eldest Queen bonded with Master Harper Nolly,? stated Sorkana gently from behind her. ?How old is Dana?? ?She?s fourteen turns Momma,? answered Sorki. ?And there are no other Queens there at present?? Sorkana had her hand on D?ven?s arm letting him know that she was doing the talking here. ?No Ma?am,? answered Ch?lsie. ?And Ballith will rise to mate within the next fortnight,? Sorkana grinned having gotten the information from Gayleth. She the look of shock in the girl?s eyes. ?I have asked Gayleth to call Master Nolly and Tiva. This is a matter for Weyr Women to decide. But no matter what, Ballith will remain the first Queen of the Ice Mountain Weyr.? ?Sorkana?? ?D?ven, I will not allow anyone older than sixteen turns to attend the mating flight. And as soon as we know where it is, we Weyr Women will choose whom to send. Hopefully, Dana will find someone suitable to follow her Leadership,? Sorkana had put her foot down. They were sitting around the head table at Western Hold, conversing in low tones. There were seven other weyr Women from Pern who had joined the conversation. ?The Ice Mountain Weyr, is currently populated by Wild dragons and Riders. The oldest of whom is the fourteen-turns-old rider of Gold Ballith, named Dana,? stated Sorkana. ?There will be no male Riders older than Sixteen, assigned there. Ballith is still recovering from injuries and cannot go between just yet, she was injured that badly. The other young Wild riders thought she had been killed by Thread. But she has been there all this time attended by Wilds. She can and will fly when next she rises, and if I catch an older rider there trying to fly her I?ll have his ?Stones?. ?Then who do you propose to send to guide her in learning to lead a Weyr?? asked Nolly. The other Weyr Women were sitting back letting Sorkana lead this little meeting. ?Kita will go from Western, I suggest we each send one female rider to help the Weyr Woman of our newest Weyr.? ?Why no Queens or older male riders?? asked Master Harper Shozin. She knew the answer but wanted it voiced officially. ?Between?s first official Weyrs were founded by Queens. If you look at the records of the Wild Riders, you will see that the Queen and Green Riders have a proven track record for leading, where the men have failed,? Sorkana winked at Tiva. ?Besides to date, there are zero Lord Holders, only Lady Holders and Lady Craft Hall Masters. The Weyrs will be led the same way.? Off to the side she saw K?lar making a whip cracking motion at D?ven and L?mar standing behind their Weyrmates. ?And we?re proud to follow their lead. They know when to ask for our advice as well,? grinned D?ven as he wrapped his arms around Sorkana?s middle from behind. She lifted her head, turning to look up and back as their lips met. ?You will be well rewarded for your support,? she squeezed his erection where it pressed against her back. ?I suggest we all get a good night?s sleep. Ch?lsie will be at Western at first light to lead the ?Queens? to the Ice Mountain Weyr.? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Queen Dragons of the nine Weyrs of Pern slept over, using the sands of the three hatching grounds. Many commenting on their warmth and softness. The Weyr Leaders had met in the great cavern, still planning for the upcoming Thread Fall. The Weyr Women holding their own meeting. ?How do you do it? you have D?ven wrapped around your little finger,? commented Cassia of Fort Weyr. ?That?s easy, I ride the dominant queen. She commands the rest. Plus, I know what he likes,? she winked. ?Any idea what we are going to find tomorrow?? asked Faynella. ?Not really, the wild dragons are pretty good at blocking out dragons they do not know. But this queen rider we are going to meet is the oldest native born that we know of, she?s fourteen turns.? ?Master Nolly wants us to try and locate another one named C?rril. Apparently only N?rissa, C?rril and one named Br?tina were taught to read,? added Anka of Benden. ?From what I?ve been able to discover, most of the Wild Riders are girls, like N?rissa, and Br?tina,? put in Zofia of Telgar Weyr. ?Nolly was telling me about them, the ones that were born here, I mean.? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ice Mountain Weyr; Ch?lsie had arrived promptly as the sun was breaking over the horizon. The weyr women were still finishing their preparations, gathering supplies to take with them. Each one carrying a bundle of food, Klah Bark or some other staple. And then there was the Numb Weed and Fellis. There were bound to be more injured dragons there than just the little queen, and they could always send for more if they needed it. In the sky above the Weyr, each dragon took the image from the wild dragon, sharing it with their rider. And then as one, they winked between. They came out above the Weyr, an impressive sight of snow covered beauty. Except for the places used by dragons on watch or trodden paths left by riders, the place looked untouched. The dragon on watch, a young Blue, bugled his challenge to be answered by Ch?lsie and each of the queens. Outwardly there were no signs of life, other than watch dragon and the foot paths. Then as they circled down into the deep bowl they saw the high overhang that sheltered the entrance to a large cavern. As they?d circled down, the saw glimpses of a few very young riders watching from personal weyr?s from beside their dragons. ?This place has to be cold,? observed Nolly. ?The Weyrs are very deep in the cliffs, and there is much warmth from below,? Ch?lsie informed them as she led the way to the darker shadows near the southern edge. They could see where Dragons had been landing, the snow was packed down into an almost icy surface. Here and there about the edges were patches of frozen blood from feeding dragons. There were smears leading into the largest cavern, obviously carries or dragged inside to be consumed. Turning, Sorkana looked up toward the rim in all directions. The smaller Weyrs that had looked empty as the descended, now had dragons in the openings or sitting on the ledges. Those weyrs must be really, deep if we didn?t see the dragons on our way down. ?C?rril, I?ve brought the Weyr Women, just like I promised Dana. There are no men with us,? Ch?lsie called into the opening as they followed her. ?They brought Numb Weed and medicines and food for everyone.? They made a turn, their dragons following, blocking out most of the light. Then there was a spark and a torch flared to light the way ahead. Stepping forward now, they saw the girl wasn?t wearing much, the temperature here was like that at the Southern Weyr on Pern. More torches were lit up to illuminate the vast cavern of the hatching grounds. Nearly two dozen young, preteen riders and their dragons who looked to be less than a full turn old stared back at them. ?Creadith is with you, and Sorki?? aske the teen with a Queen behind her. ?I?m here, Dana.? Sorki rushed forward to hug her. ?I was afraid we?d lost you when N?rissa stole you from the other Weyr,? Dana said. ?You?ve been here this whole time?? asked Zinda. ?C?rril and I started getting the newest riders here to keep them safe,? she said. ?When N?rissa stole Sorki and Creadith after she reported seeing the Red Star through the Eye Rock, I knew we were in danger. Then you showed up and I knew I had to get the youngest ones someplace safe.? ?The snow and ice kill?s the Thread,? reasoned Sorkana. ?Dana, this is your Weyr,? stated Nolly firmly. ?You control who comes here and what happens. But I want you to know that you also have a home in your old Weyr if you choose to return.? ?Dana, this is Master Harper and Rider of Romnorth. They bonded,? stated Sorki. ?And this is Sorkana, my and N?rissa?s adopted Momma. She rides Gayleth, who is the senior Queen of the First Weyr of the old ones.? Next, she introduced Tiva, ?This is Tiva, she is leading at Gram Moreta?s Weyrs in the East.? ?Gram Moreta?? there was nothing in any of the records they found that indicated Moreta or Orlith had any contact with the wild riders or the other Weyr. What of Leri and Holth, evidence at Eastern indicated they had both been there at the same time as Moreta and Orlith? But then again Leri was old at the time she rode Orlith Between. These young riders were between nine and thirteen turns, and a healthy mix of male and female. Looking at Ballith now, it was apparent that she was larger than any other Queen born of a Green?s Clutch. ?She is descended of Orlith and Mordeth, a riderless Wild Brown,? Gayleth supplied having read her lineage, not just from the Wild Dragons, but also the many Fire Lizards in the Weyr. Already the Weyr Women were passing out food, medicine and doctoring injuries. They were helping the young riders learn about dragon physical therapy to help in the recovery of the injured dragons. The numb weed helped relieve the pain when stretching injured wings, and other parts. Here unlike Standing with the girl, helping to apply Numb Weed to mostly healed wing, Sorkana was biting her lip at what she knew was going to have to be done for the Queen dragon. ?Dana, at Western, there is a healer who is experienced with the healing arts of Dragons,? she began. ?Dana, please listen to momma. I?ve seen the miracles he?s worked on other dragons,? Sorki said, fighting back her tears at seeing how badly Ballith?s left wing sail was healing. Already the nearly healed flesh had begun to grow back, but the wing itself was hampered from making a full extension. Dana now looked even closer at Sorkana, Sorki and N?rissa must really trust this woman if Sorki was openly calling her Momma. ?Gods it?s a miracle she was able to make it this far,? thought Sorkana, the damage had obviously been rather extensive. In her mind she caught a sudden flash of the young Queen coming out from between only a few hand spans above the sand of the Hatching Grounds, to crumple in a heap, her left wing already tucked in tight as that side dug into the sands. Dana being thrown to roll clear as the dragon flipped over in a partial roll. ?That explains why she is favoring her right arm and shoulder,? she realized of the young teen. Before she could explain, more the watch dragon alerted them to the arrival of Master Healer Tollbar and eight of his journeyman Healers. ?Dana, if Ballith is going to be able to fly unhindered by her damaged wing,? Sorkana bit her lip. ?This portion here, that has already healed needs to be clipped so that she can fully extend the wing.? ?Cut the sail?? the Wild riders were now looking in horror at the suggestion. ?Cut the sail, extend the wing fully, and then it should be splinted, and the sail stitched with special Sutures. These would help to draw the sail together as it regrows,? began Tollbar. ?Why not just do a skin Graft?? asked M?gon who had helped to bring the healers. As she spoke, Lomanith picked up the images of the procedure done by Medical Staff aboard the FSP Ship on humans. He also shared it with the other Dragons. Such was Dana?s desperation that she got Ballith to agree to allow the procedure. M?gon used the little radio at her hip to call the Longbow. ?It will take about an hour to get everything loaded onto a shuttle,? stated the Captain. ?Dad, can you clear the shuttles out of the first hold and have everything ready just inside the Interior Airlock? That will give us room to bring three dragons to transport it,? she said. ?Why the number one Hold? The number four is larger,? he started to reason. ?Because I?m most familiar with the number one, and I must have a clear reference for Lomanith and the others,? she explained. ?Alright give us thirty minutes,? he said. ?M?gon,? Master Nolly got her attention. ?May we go with you?? she indicated herself and Zinda. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ M?gon understood that it was a show of deep trust that they allowed their Queens to take the reference from her mental images that she was giving to Lomanith. Her father stood with the Medical staff just inside the huge hold as three dragons appeared, their wings only partially extended as their clawed feet reached for the floor. Lomanith in front, Lilith behind and to the left, Romnorth to the right. ?Holy shit,? gasped the Med Techs. They?d never seen a dragon up close, let alone witnessed a transfer between. Among the supplies were two large operating tables with independent power supplies. M?gon only hoped they were large enough to support the Queen Dragons wings. If this was successful, there were also a few riders and other dragons who might benefit from the skin graft procedures. Taking off from inside the hold was no problem, it was landing at the Weyr without damaging the equipment that posed the problem. The doctor and three technicians went with the first group. M?gon knew before they landed the equipment just outside the cavern that one of the Techs had peed her pants from fright. Graciously, no one drew attention to the fact. Nolly discreetly guided the young woman to the side, then offered her a pair of weyrhide riding breeches. ?No need to be embarrassed, it happens even to new riders the first time they go between.? Cassia and Tiva were the next to go with M?gon to the Longbow. It was a hushed comment she shared through the dragons that finally eased Cassia?s suspicions. ?This way, if anything happens that the ships crew becomes a threat there are already four other Dragons who can lead the rest here. But I don?t think we need to worry about the Longbow.? The reference image was painted on the wall beside the inner hold doors. ?Longbow? ?Hold 1?. Did her father or anyone else aboard for that matter understand the importance of a visual reference for a dragon to transfer between from one place to another? And that every single FSP ship she had ever been aboard used the same regulation Hold Identification for their number one hold. The same hold that just happed to be adjacent to the bridge as well as the Engineering and Secondary Flight Control access hatches. ?Why is this important to you?? she heard Tiva ask through her connection with Lomanith to Divinath. ?If you know the name of the ship, you picture it the same way this hold is. Only change the ships name. it is the same as on the Yokohama,? she thought back remembering that detail. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ice Mountain; Dana had stood as if on pins and needles, refusing to step even an inch away as the Doctor and his team had stretched both of Ballith?s wings out, each to rest on one of the huge tables. She had watched with great suspicion as one pair, after numbing the wings, began to clip away portions of the already healed edge. The other team with the doctor after measuring the injury, marked off an area on the other wing a few centimeters larger the injured area. It didn?t take her long to realize that every dragon in the Weyr, the visiting queens included were crooning to Ballith. The entire procedure took just over three hours, and truth be told, if it hadn?t been Ballith she would have been able to watch with fascination for what was being done. The doctor had used some strange instrument, then carefully shaved a section of wing sail, only a third of its true thickness and within the marked lines. Then moved the section over to the missing section of the left wing and using a very fine, almost invisible thread had sewn the edges in place. Next the edges and underside of the newly placed wing sail was sprayed with something to promote growth and faster healing while preventing infection. The same was applied to the area from which the grafted section of sail had been removed. Braces were placed to hold the wings extended. Stepping around front the doctor now addressed them together. ?I am Doctor Marchand, everything went better than I expected,? she reached out to scratch Ballith?s eye ridge. ?I am sorry for the inconvenience of the wing braces, but I recommend leaving them in place, at least until the new skin begins to heal over the raw surfaces.? She indicated the exposed sections. ?You should keep the raw areas moistened with the medicated spray. It has a numbing agent,? she looked at the bottle, ?Numveritus Setiva, which is plant-based and.? She picked up a nearby pot of Numb Weed, sniffed it then dipped in a finger and touched it to the tip of her tongue. A smile spread across her face, ?Thorry this ith the thame sthtuth, juth in a sthpray formth.? ?Are you sure Doc? That stuff was brought back by the Amherst from, oh, yeah,? chuckled a technician reading the ingredients label. ?I would say probably tomorrow you can take the braces off. Then just be sure not to let the scabbing dry out. But I would recommend feeding her as much and as often as she wishes to eat until the new skin is healed,? continued the Doctor. ?Thank you, Doctor,? there were very real tears in her eyes. ?There are some others here who could use your help I think. But for now, while she is resting I need to see to updating our records.? As she kissed Ballith?s sleeping nose, the Doc moved to the next potential patient. She sat down at a nearby stone table and a younger girl hurried to her carrying a flat stone tablet and several crudely made pencils with a pot of some sort of dye. Master Nolly stood only a moment and watched her before she sat down beside her. Next, she took out a writing tablet and several pencils from her messenger bag, and then handed them to Dana. ?In the absence of a Weyr Harper, it is the Weyr Woman who maintains the written records of the Weyr,? she said. ?You have very neat, very precise handwriting,? she observed. ?I could send you a young Journeywoman Harper to keep your records for you. You are going to be very busy taking care of Ballith.? They were interrupted by the sounds of dragons arriving outside combined with the sounds of frightened livestock. ?What is happening?? Dana asked. ?The other Weyrs are bringing you supplies as well as livestock to feed your dragons until they are able to hunt on their own,? explained Sorkana as she sat down across from them, she had carried over a tray of Klah and meat rolls. ?We should have fresh bread in a few minutes.? Looking around she saw a large number, of new people busy at the cooking ovens. ?We the other three Weyrs of Between are sending you people to help out until you have your Weyr up and running to your satisfaction,? stated Tiva. ?And you have the ultimate say in who stays here or goes away. We do not wish to force anyone on you that you don?t want or need.? ?We have mandated that no riders over the age of seventeen turns is to be sent here. And they are all subject to your orders,? pointed out Sorkana. ?You of course, are welcome to return to your old Weyr if you wish and we will move the Harper Weyr here. It was not our intention to take it from you,? assured Nolly. ?No, no I really like it here. It?s quiet and peaceful most of the time.? Then the tears began to roll slowly down her cheeks. ?I was so afraid when you came, but you?re all so nice.? Ice Mountain wasn?t frozen over year-round, and it wasn?t bitterly cold either. Sure, the snow was deep, but the way everything was set up, the heat from deep down inside the ancient volcano radiated up through the fissures and cavern tunnels. Rich forests grew up the outside faces concealing a lower entrance from the outside. The little lake. While it wasn?t exactly warm, never froze over, providing places to swim as well to bath the dragons and water the livestock that was now being delivered by dragons. There were a large number, of young teen riders, their dragons hauling in timber or helping to build the corral area for the variou

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 54 May 1945 Unconditional Surrender of All German Forces

“Just before midnight the representatives of the allies entered the hall ‘in a two-storey building of the former canteen of the German military engineering college in Karlshorst.’ General Bogdanov, the commander of the 2nd Guards Tank Army, and another Soviet general sat down by mistake on seats reserved for the German delegation.” “A staff officer whispered in their ears and ‘they jumped up, literally as if stung by a snake’ and went to sit at another table. Western pressmen and newsreel...

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Present For CheriseChapter 1

James heard the moaning coming from his bedroom before he reached the partially closed door. He smiled picturing what was going on inside and pushed it all the way open. His smiled broadened as his eyes confirmed what his ears had told him. His little sister Cherise was laying sideways on the bed. She was naked with her legs bent at the knees and spread open wide. Her bare pussy was staring her older brother in the face. She had her head propped up on a couple of his pillows and was gazing up...

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Combined Forces

Combined Forces By Julie O Chapter One The frightened teenage boy sat on the bed in his cell, clutching his knees close to his chest. He had no idea of where he was or how long he had been held captive. It had to have been several months by now, he thought. He was wearing a silk nightgown and matching peignoir. When he didn?t wear them, his unknown jailers made the room either very hot or very cold. They would also make it totally bright or pitch black for what seemed...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 65 Mounting Crises

The seven women found themselves eating alone, much to their displeasure. The king’s official cabinet was meeting behind closed doors and the others had enjoyed a soft mattress so well that they continued to sleep well past sunrise. The previous evening had not gone to plan. The ladies had found the history of Azkoval to be interesting but they had bigger goals for their time at the pool. Now Joseph was locked away with his advisers and it didn’t appear that he would return any time...

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Kims Pay Rise

Kim was an attractive 18 year old brunette with lovely long legs and the most amazing pair of tits ever - 38 DD. Although she was really proud of her body, since she had met her boyfriend 6 months ago Kim had dressed far more conservatively. She rarely wore a short skirt anymore, and tended to wear baggy tops now rather than the tight low cut cropped tops which she wore when she was single. Kim was determined to be faithful to her boyfriend, and this way she got less attention from other guys,...

4 years ago
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Oral Fixation Combining Two Things I Love

Recently I saw a couple of photos posted on xhamster of a chick with a banana shoved half-way up her twat. Got we very hot and I saved them to my favorites if you’re curious to see them. That image took me back several years. I had this girlfriend who let me fuck her with a banana on the kitchen table. Naturally, I fucked her with my dick in just about every room of that house, but having her buck-naked, spread-eagle on the dining table with a banana in her (fucked her with a carrot a few...

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Oral Fixation Combining Two Things I Love

Recently I saw a couple of photos posted on xhamster of a chick with a banana shoved half-way up her twat. Got we very hot and I saved them to my favorites if you're curious to see them. That image took me back several years. I had this girlfriend who let me fuck her with a banana on the kitchen table. Naturally, I fucked her with my dick in just about every room of that house, but having her buck-naked, spread-eagle on the dining table with a banana in her (fucked her with a carrot a few times...

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Clashing Forces

Chenosh sat in her office going over reports of all kinds on her monitor. "The colonization experiments are going well: right now a single canister can terraform most of a hemisphere in a matter of days." Xander read from another report. "Continue to improve on those results. I want an entire hemisphere in one fell swoop. How are the biological samples?" Chenosh asked noticing Xander making notes. "The animals Mrs. Ja?" Xander asked smartly dressed in one of his well tailored dark...

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RuneswardChapter 63 Ground Forces

Radu stopped outside the chamber, his hand coming to rest on the sill of a window. For a moment, he reflected on the beauty of the stained glass. Its theme was a simple hunt, with a bowman, his dog at his side caught in the middle of a bark, and his arrow pointed at a distant deer. It was an uncomplicated scene and Radu had always enjoyed looking at it. It was a picture of a simple, joyful moment caught in glass. A simple scene for simpler times. Sadly, the simpler times were fading...

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Rainfall Rise

Rainfall: Rise By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: With the fate of Allaron in the balance, Ghanton is beset upon by the forces of the newly empowered Rainfall Cult even as an enemy within the town's walls is unleashed by Rainfall's new leader. (Part 4) * * * Author's Note: I highly recommend that you read the rest of the Rainfall Saga before reading this story. They are named "Rainfall: Arrival," "Rainfall: Assault" and "Rainfall: Resurrection." * * * I awoke with the dawn. I glanced...

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Sorkanas Rise a New Beginning

Sorkana's Rise, a New Beginning By: Malissa Madison Holder's son Sorkan has been struggling with his gender identity. But he never dreamed that his dreams of becoming a Queen Rider could come true. But things are different in the Weyr's, people like him are openly accepted. But other things are happening in the Galaxy. This story is influenced by the Dragon Rider series by Anne McCaffrey. It is being resubmitted with corrections in keeping with her basic...

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Sorkanas Rise the Search for Answers

Sorkana's Rise, the Search for Answers By: Malissa Madison Pern, Landing Weyr; Zinda was just stepping out of the Weyr kitchens, it had been a hurried afternoon, after returning from Between. But the injured Dragons and Riders had all been tended and treated. Thankfully none serious enough to prevent them returning to their Home Weyr. The excited chittering of Fire Lizards caught her attention and she turned to see the little gold with a message tube from Western....

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 73 Surprises Good and Bad

The day before Genrico’s wedding to Victoria brought the return of Lydia and Yerrick to the castle – along with two surprises. Roderick and Annette Hulett rode along with the newlyweds through the city gates and up to the castle. Joseph had the men at the gate on the watch for Yerrick and Lydia so he was waiting in the hall when the group entered. “I see the castle still stands without me to tend to it,” Lydia announced with a smile. She had enjoyed meeting Yerrick’s family but she was...

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Arisen Lucas Pater

It happens to every guy at some point, well except Mr Cobble down the street poor forty year old guy. I started to think I was becoming like him. All my friends had Arisen. I remember when my brother was my age and he Arisen. It should of happened by now I am perfectly healthy and 19 years old , I am a stud and I am hung , although its useless just now. I am over 9" I couldn't wait to see what it would look like Risen. It happened when I was at the gym. I was sitting in the sauna with a...

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Star Trek Enterprise Universes Collide Welcome to

There are many realities, more diverse then just good and evil; there are different shades of each, all influencing the behavior of every person in that universe.‘How far out are we Travis?’ asked Captain Jonathan Archer, staring intently at the view screen from his Captain’s chair. The Enterprise was investigating a strange tear in space and time, forming near the border between Vulcan and the Andorian space. Because both Andoria and Vulcan could not trust one another, Commander Shran had...

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Overwatch Rise Fall

She would be here soon, Widowmaker had made sure that that, at the very least, was unavoidable by picking a target that couldn't be ignored close to where she knew she was, and this time she had planned ahead, really planned ahead. She knelt perfectly still in the late night light, a shadow in the darkness of the abandoned building that she alone occupied, invisible save for eight dim lights which formed the pattern of a spiders eyes across her mask. Before you spring a trap you first have...

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The Rise of Jade ForceChapter 5 The Founding of Jade Force

March 10, 1976 General Wynn stopped the car on the side a road in a semi-tropical region of Inra. Thick lush vegetation grew right to the edge of one side of the road. The land on other side of the road had been cleared. Grass had replaced the natural vegetation so evident on the one side of the road. At the far end of the field was a massive wall that extended almost a kilometer in length. He exited the vehicle and approached the young man leaning against a battered old truck. “Hello,...

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Nelson Enterprises VP of Sales becomes a Secretary

Nelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes a Secretary The VP of Sales - Dan Watkins - sexually harassed one of his talented sales ladies - Kelly Weir - to the point she quit and then he used his influence to destroy her career. He will now be inheriting that body and the remains of that career and must learn to interact with his 2 ex- wives from a new perspective - as their maid. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds...

3 years ago
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All Rise

“And in closing, I find that the Plaintiff has failed to satisfy his burden of proof, to establish that the Defendant breached the agreement, and furthermore, the Plaintiff has failed to prove any of his damages. Even if a breach had been found by me, there was no proof presented for my consideration that the Plaintiff suffered any of the damages as claimed. The Plaintiff’s claim is dismissed. We will take a fifteen minute recess, and then I will hear submissions on costs.” I stood up, and my...

Quickie Sex
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Sorkanas Rise on Dragon Wings

Sorkana's Rise, on Dragon Wings By: Malissa Madison She lay atop D'ven, her body shivering in the aftermath of ecstasy like she had never known before. There had only been two other experiences in her life that made her feel this good. The day she had Impressed Gayleth, and the day she had risen in her first mating flight. His hand came up, his fingers gently tracing the lines of her face. "As much as I would like to do this all day, we need to get around. B'nard is due back with...

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The Jade Pavilion Book II The Rise of Li Chang

??????????????????  Chapter 145? Prelude to Punishment ????????? Erika Weiss murmured a silent prayer as she smoothed Gao Lan's eyelids over his dead, staring eyes, and crossed his emaciated arms over his chest.? As she pulled the thin blanket over his face, she hoped that he would find peace in whatever world lay beyond the cruel one in which they had both suffered so much. ????????? Feeling her way in the darkness toward the heavy trunk she had stumbled across earlier, she removed one...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 33 Building Forces

The Masi'shen ship Galaxy Discoverer emerged from the far side of the moon in its parking orbit. The family members lounging in Jon'a-ren and Lyn'na-ra's ship's quarters gazed through the deck-to-ceiling view panel at the small blue and white planet in the far distance. Earth, they recognized, is a rare gem in the galaxy's collection of planets. Few could match its beauty; none could match its diverse climates and geography. "In another week? Really, father?" Michael exclaimed....

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The Rise of Miss Hyde Part I

The Rise of Miss. Hyde By Argus Part 1: Malcolm loved antique shops. It was the smell he liked the best. Age had it's own aroma, a sort of heady, drowsy, duskiness which reminded him of lazy sunlight in a school library. But more than that, he loved to hold an object from the past, feel a connection with a person long gone. Every night on the way home from work, he would pop into the local shop, still dressed in his shirt and tie and peruse the shelves looking at all the wonderful...

1 year ago
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Negotiating a pay rise

Till now you were hearing my husband jay illustrating my sex adventures, specially the spa incident, or even seema's incident just before her wedding. Me and seema even took a loyalty test of her husband which he failed 3 times as he came inside my pussy 3 times. Me and seema have been friends for ever and just like jay and Ajay we have shared everything. As you know we shared our husbands and jay loves fucking seema and after fucking Ajay I like it as well. Jay knows I love sex and as long as...

Cheating Wifes
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Nelson Enterprises Action Packed

Nelson Enterprises - Action Packed. Here is an action filled episode that includes 4 new fun swaps and some updates on previous swaps. Since the Ball is being held at Nelson Enterprises, the opportunity is too good to pass on. Some unsuspecting important people will be coming to the ball as powerful men and leaving as beautiful ladies. Each of the stories has its own unique conflict and its unique outcome. Previously on Nelson Enterprises: In the last episode, Bill - as Barb -...

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Sorkanas Rise New Discoveries

Sorkana's Rise, New Discoveries By: Malissa Madison As Shalarra was getting to know her new Queen, her parents were making a new discovery. In an attempt to try and capture a few of the Earth similar species, LtCmdr Ta Tsong was leading a flight of three science skimmers trailed by one of the shuttles. The sudden burst of static followed by an electronic Colony Ship Identifier, was almost disregarded before Ta realized it wasn't just static bleed over from their...

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Overwatch Rise Fall Ch02

She bit her lip and knew she shouldn’t look over the rubble, defenceless as she was while her Accelerator went through its recharge cycle, but she was unable to help it. Poking her head up only for a second, she saw Winston, arms outstretched, using his armoured hulk of a body to shield a wounded Soldier 76 who lay clutching a bloodied arm that was being seen to by Mercy, who was looking over him with a worried quickness. A burst of gunfire from elsewhere drew her attention and with a yelp...

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Rise and Shine

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen, and the thief's Happy Bits will fall off. I love to watch you sleeping. I don't do it on purpose, and not in a creepy way, but I love to watch the rise and fall of your chest, the gentle line of your soft lips that press against me so passionately in waking, the flickering underneath your eyelids as you dream about... whatever you are dreaming about. I like to think you might be dreaming about me,...

Oral Sex
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Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors Chapter 3

Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors - Chapter 3 Your waiting is over! I know some of you hate to read multi-chapter stories because you have no idea how long you have to wait for the conclusion. Well this chapter completes one of the major threads so if you have put off chapters 1 and 2 out of fear, go ahead now and give them a try along with this chapter. Where we left off: Bill Nelson has just passed out as Monica and Ellie have successfully sprung their trap on him....

2 years ago
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Nelson Enterprises CEO to Trophy Wife

Nelson Enterprises - CEO to Trophy Wife Thanks to his 3T machine - "Two-way Thought Transfer" - performing beyond expectations, Bill Nelson finds himself to now be in his bimbo trophy wife's smaller body and simpler mind. How will he handle this change and what are the lady's next social engineering plans for his company? Barb (as Bill) could not contain her excitement or laughter. "Did you see poor Bill as he rushed out of here for...

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Nelson Enterprises Bill rejects his new Role

Nelson Enterprises - Bill rejects his new role Bill is refusing to adjust to his new body and situation so Barb must make him very aware of his new role and his new responsibilities and the limitations and risks and rewards that now go with them. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds himself in his bimbo wife's body and brain and subject to the very clever and restrictive prenuptial agreement he and his lawyer devised...

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Nelson Enterprises Shock Jock DeFrocked

Nelson Enterprises - Shock Jock De-Frocked Barb and Ellie have some mischievous fun at the expense of a radio disc-jockey and local loan shark. Eleanor mentors Dan into his new life as a low-income Secretary and wild dancing with a Hispanic male friend. Summary to date: It is not essential that you read all of the stories that precede this one, but the one just before it - "Nelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes secretary" - could be helpful but not...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 11

I woke up in the morning and realized that we had several branch offices and I had not seen any of them yet. After Shannon came down for coffee I told her that we were going on a trip; she looked at me and sleepily asked where? I told her that we should take the Lear for a little ride and see if it was as good as everyone thought. She excitedly asked again, "where are we going?" I told her, "I planned to take us to a very nice tropical spot called High Level first then on to where ever...

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My rise to power

**first story ever written. ***depending on how this goes I might make it into a series. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER 1 Hi, my name is John but everyone calls me Jay. This is my story on how I became a multimillionaire. Now this isn't your average rise to power type story. My mother had me when she was only 15 and my sister at 17. My father ran off after my sister was born. Naturally I picked up on becoming the man of the house when I...

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Lady in Red Book 1 The Rise of the QueenChapter 31

Jordan, Gwen, Steve, Charlie and the band were completely spent by the time they ended the show, after performing two encores. They packed up their equipment and drove to Marsh's Landing for a late meal. Many of their friends had gone ahead and saved a table for them. "That show was incredible!" praised Billy's father when he came out to speak to everyone. "I can't thank all of you enough. Business has been booming all week, and the benefit was the best party anyone in this town's...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 30 Mysteries and Warnings

Elizabeth Burbridge stood in the empty chamber and looked around in puzzlement. She had seen the quartet disappear down the hallway and she had heard a door close. She had waited until she was certain the group was otherwise occupied before sneaking forward to listen. She pressed her ear to the door but heard no sounds. Intent upon catching the king in an embarrassing situation – and completely ignoring the fact that the three women with him might well kill her if she did – Elizabeth had...

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The Fall of Les and The Rise of Lilly

THE FALL OF LES AND THE RISE OF LILLY "Sir, excuse me Sir," the agitated shop assistant called after him, "you are in the wrong department, women's lingerie and women's wear are this way." She took hold of his arm and led him out of the small menswear department towards the sign that read "Ladieswear." She took him through the racks of skirts and dresses, past some changing rooms where he glimpsed a man trying on a dress being watched over by his wife amongst women who were also...

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Rise of Michelle

The Rise of Michelle By jasmine This is a dark tale of a woman tormented by years of abuse and torture. She grew up enslaved and tormented by her sisters. The torment served not to destroy her but in enraged her and destroyed her compassion. What was left was an empty shell possessed by hatred and evil. Her name was Michelle Groves and this is her story. In fact she was born Michael Groves. His sisters hated their brother, because of what he was, and what he represented. They were...

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The Rise of Miss Hyde Part III

The Rise of Miss Hyde: Part III By Argus Foreword This is the final part of my Miss. Hyde story. At some point in the future, I may put all the parts together and add a few extra bits and modifications to create a complete version. For now though the story has run its course and I'm looking forward to writing something else, going in another direction. In terms of story, this one is kinda just wrapping up loose ends and bringing things to a conclusion. If you look at the first...

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Sharons Journey Part 6 The Sun Will Rise

Sharon's Journey Part VI - The Sun Will Rise "Anita was right," Sharon said after a while. Julie looked at her quizzically, and Sharon explained about the brief visit from her sister. "She said that Jocelyn could throw me over at any time, and I'd be defenseless; and now she has." She could see the questioning expression on her friend's face, but had no desire to explain further. Instead, her mind was racing, flitting over the different possibilities. But every thought, every...

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Sorkanas Rise Downtime

Sorkana's Rise, Down Time By: Malissa Madison As D'ven stepped into the weyr from the ledge, Gayleth raised her head to look at him. 'She needs you Bronze Rider.' Reaching out he patted the Queens shoulder, "Thank you, Gayleth." He followed the trail of her clothing to her bathing pool. Along the way he picked up here Weyrhide Jacket and hung it on its peg. He recognized it as the one his mother, had made for her when she arrived at Landing Weyr. It was now a bit worn, the left...

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Sailor Moon Rise and Shine

Disclaimer: I do not own "Sailor Moon" and characters from it. It belongs to Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. I don't make a money on this fanfiction                Warning: story contains forniphilia (turning humans into objects). If you don't like it, stop reading now, for your own good.You can read more of my Sailor Moon stories at Ade's Cave and under the nickname Daughter of Satan.Sailor Jupiter - Rise and ShineEverything was returning to her, but very slowly. She could...

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Sailor Moon The Rise of Demons

Sailor Moon - The Rise of the Demons By: Night Creeper and SethiteDisclaimer: All of the Naoko Takeuchi characters are owned and created by Naoko Takeuchi. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Naoko Takeuchi, they are still owned by Naoko Takeuchi. Any resemblances to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS...

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The rise of the ponygirl transportation system in the world

The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the World The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the WorldBy Sarah The following is a story based on predictions of global oil producers and what a loss in oil would mean to the future of transportation in the world.? It is not the only solution, but it could be one possible scenario.? This is still just a work of fiction, but it would be interesting to see if it comes to pass. Prologue ??????????? Scientists and world leaders...

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The Rise of Family Fielding

After many requests from readers, I have taken the time to prepare this chronology of family Fielding. I have made every effort to list the stories in a semblance of the correct order. You may find some stories listed before or after ones posted previous to them because of the time in which the story occurred. I have tried to show the relationship of Fieldings in each story. I know some of the characters (specifically in Rewards of Virtue) do not show the full relationship. They come from a...

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RiseChapter 7 Venite Et Sumam Eam

I sat in the gentle shade of an aspen tree, at the front of the dormitories. Nadia, and the younger novices sitting, or kneeling in front of me, as the sunlight danced in the speckled shade of the tree. It was time for the other lessons that made a Justice Bringer. I was not there to teach them how to fight, or to survive. I was there instead to show them what we, as Justice Bringers, hoped to bring back to The World After. I looked up from the book in my hands, at the rapt attention in the...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 78

Liala was certain that she had never been this cold before. She wasn’t positive that anyone had been this cold before. According to the list of days that she had kept since their departure from Azkoval, the season should be late spring or early summer. The temperature had not risen above the point where a person would stop seeing his breath in front of his face. There was a constant wind howling from the north that cut through to her skin regardless of the weight of the furs she wore. The...

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Goblins Rise Ch3

“Yes! Harder!” She orders throwing her head back. Her black hair tosses around wildly. I slap her velvet ass hard with my free hand. Thrusting deep in her warm, wet hole. Across the room my wife kneels before the Count. Her blonde head in his lap, bobbing up and down. A look of bliss on Ritvik’s feline face. The Countess’s pussy throbs around my dick as she comes to a screaming orgasm. I try to hold back but the sensation is too much. I groan as I fill her with my hot jizz. We collapse...

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Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors Chapter 1

Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors - Chapter 1 Bill Nelson is considered a modern day Thomas Edison and he loves the comparison. His latest invention - the 3T Machine - will make him even more famous. But he never thought it would teach him and his all-male Board of Directors how to better treat the ladies in their lives. First Human Trials Bill Nelson, President and CEO of Nelson Enterprises, strutted from his private laboratory looking quite victorious as...

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Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors Chapter 2

Nelson Enterprises gets a new Board of Directors - Chapter 2 I am pleased that many of you took the time to give me feedback on Chapter 1. All were encouraging and some was good constructive feedback. I already had the draft of Chapter 2 together but I reworked it some after the feedback. Where we left off: Bill Nelson's top research scientist - Tony - pushed the highly secret 3T machines too far in his lustful desires to explore the mind of one of his Iranian sex slaves. Now his...

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Nelson Enterprises Bill Nelson The Morning After

Nelson Enterprises - Bill Nelson - the morning after. Sorry to take so many weeks but I've worked hard on this story and the edits. I hope it shows. Returning to Bill Nelson's story, we find Bill waking Saturday morning and learning what a grueling routine his female drill sergeant has planned for him to trim down for the Ball. Barb has already taken off to play basketball with the guys but Bill will learn that it takes hard work to be a successful lady of leisure and Barb was...

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Mcdonald EnterprisesChapter 23

Back from a wonderful cruise and straight back to work. I say back to work but there is not much for me to do there anymore as Rick, Julie, and Jim had come back well before me and really had everything running like a top. I wondered around all of the offices looking for something to do but everyone seemed to be busy and had everything in control. I grabbed Shannon and went out for lunch. "What's wrong John?" Shannon queried on our way into the restaurant. "I feel like I have become...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 16 A Life in the Balance

Life in the capital had returned to a lull and but Elena was not enjoying the trappings of power as she had previously. Her worries revolved around the men she had sent down the coastal road several months earlier and those who had left for Wellington almost a year before. It had been several weeks since she heard from Drayvon and several months since Joseph or Jonathan had sent word to the capital. She knew Drayvon and his troops were well trained but she had wanted them to move swiftly so...

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Katlin and missy ch 4 Sunrise

Love and kisses, Cathy ps: I don't really know much about the Continental Divide Trail (CDT). My last boyfriend thru hiked the Appalachian Trail (AT) a few years back on a one year break from college. So most of what I invented about the CDT is based on his AT stories. For you non-hikers the US has three of these two thousand plus mile hiking trails. The third one is the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). ---------------------- Katlin and Missy: Chapter 4 -...

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