Traitor Book 1Chapter 15 Joining Forces
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The Masi'shen ship Galaxy Discoverer emerged from the far side of the moon in its parking orbit. The family members lounging in Jon'a-ren and Lyn'na-ra's ship's quarters gazed through the deck-to-ceiling view panel at the small blue and white planet in the far distance. Earth, they recognized, is a rare gem in the galaxy's collection of planets. Few could match its beauty; none could match its diverse climates and geography.
"In another week? Really, father?" Michael exclaimed. "That soon?"
Jon'a-ren sipped his steaming mug of tea and smiled at his son-in-law.
"Yes, that soon. You did say that there was a high degree of urgency to this matter, yes?"
"Well, yes, I did. But, so soon?"
"Michael, we Masi'shen are not without resources, and we can rally ourselves to a need, to a cause, as quickly as humans do! All we need is good reason!"
"Yes, but, very well. Two dozen are already aboard and ready, and more are being fabricated en route."
"The ship Captain's message earlier this morning said they have twenty-six shuttles completed, and another six are in assembly in the ship's fabrication pod. They have materials and components for the others, as requested, to make a total of forty-eight. Combined with the four already in service here that came with this ship, you'll have your fleet of fifty-two shuttle craft by the end of next week."
"Amazing! Father, I only requested these a month ago, and it took three days for the Mas'shi-dul (ship's council) to approve our request!"
"I hope you are ready to receive these new craft as soon as the T'shu-gulara (Galaxy Transporter) arrives. Captain Kel'shurul informs me that they must return immediately after delivery. The ship is needed elsewhere."
"We'll be ready, father. The new crews have been hard at work in the simulators, and our four available shuttles have been flying 24/7 since we began the new program."
"Excellent! And as you know, we've finished the design work for the new parking tethers. Installation and testing will be finished in time for the T'shu-gulara's arrival. It's going to be very inconvenient, I know, for the crews to EVA to their craft until we can fabricate a proper orbital service hanger and crew quarters station for them."
"That's not so bad, father. Eight weeks assembly time and another two weeks fitting out? Not so bad. Everything else is coming on the transporter as indicated, yes?"
"Yes, along with an extra supply of fabricating materiel and components, just in case," Jon'a-ren added.
The ship's engineers and design team had quickly roughed out plans for a lunar orbital hanger to house fifty-two shuttle craft, with a repair and service bay that would hold up to a dozen at one time. Permanent living quarters for as many as four hundred personnel were included in the design. This would accommodate the normal crew complement per shuttle, and their family members, if desired. Plus accommodations for the duty-rotation service and support technicians. Design proposals were sent to M'shai'dur, the home world, for final review. The entire structure was prefabricated and loaded aboard the transport for delivery, with a task force of assembly technicians.
"We need a new name," Michael said, nursing his second cup of black coffee. "It's not right to call them shuttles when they're far more than that. But I don't want to call them fighters, or attack craft, or interceptors, or..."
"Call them Interdictors, then," Jon'a-ren interrupted.
"Really? How so?"
"A fine old Earth word that I stumbled across during my readings. We've been working hard to acclimate ourselves to your world, your mother and I, and this word comes from your world's early ecclesiastical practices. You know it's meaning?"
"Roughly, yes: to prohibit, or forbid, something like that," Michael replied.
"Close enough, yes. Now, tell me, what is the mission for this fleet of Interdictor craft that you and your team have put together?"
"Peacemaker craft, to enforce the peace, and to intercept transgressors."
"Exactly--so we call them Interdictors because they forbid warring and aggression, and they enforce the peace."
"Perfect. I'll drink to that!" Michael smiled.
"Please, my son! Not with that horrid black sludge in your cup. Spare me that!"
The need was obvious. For the Peacemaker mission to succeed, it had to expand. That would mean more transport for more teams, and that required more shuttles fitted with the new capabilities developed with the original four. Michael had hoped the shuttles could be expedited from the Masi'shen home world, and they were, but that left the problem of pilots and crew. Where could they get trusted crew people in a hurry?
He remembered that horrible day of the Nez Percé border crossing. Then he recalled his old Desert Storm commanding officer and his leadership role with the Washington National Guard, the outfit where he'd 'rescued' Tib Tibbets and Chuck Briggs with their crewmen.
"General Mikelsen, sir, this is Michael Hawthorne calling. How are you today, sir?"
"I'd be a helluva lot better if you'd knock off that general and sir crap, son. So, how are things with President Stinson's most wanted enemy these days? And how can I help. I'm sure this isn't just a social call, since you've broken into my secure line -- again?"
"Sorry, Gen ... er, Buzz. But you're right about me and mine being on the President's hit list. I don't want his hired guns listening to what I'm going to ask, and what I truly hope you're about to provide."
"Okay. We can talk freely. My technicians tell me that the NSA isn't likely to be monitoring this in real time, even though they've got all the encryption keys and I've no doubt they're recording it. I'll probably be gone from here, or dead before they get around to listening to it. So shoot. What's on your wish list?"
"You. And maybe a couple hundred good guys and gals. And their families, if they're willing to relocate. We've got housing with a view that's out of this world, really and truly, out of this world, Buzz."
"Uh huh. That's pretty much the whole contingent here!"
"So? What has Homeland Security got you guys doing down there besides keeping you on short leashes and all bottled up?"
"That's pretty much it, son. They sure as hell don't trust us with much more than kicking in doors and rousting people for saying the wrong things in public or on the internet. Everything else they've assigned to their trusted forces in the regular army, or their homeland goons."
"So, I get the feeling that you and your people aren't too happy with that?"
"You can take that feeling and compare it to a carbuncle on your ass. How would you feel if you had to roust your neighbors late at night and shove them onto buses for a one-way trip to a holding camp in the desert?"
"Holy crap! It's gotten that bad over there?" Michael exclaimed.
"No. It's worse, actually. But bitching about it solves nothing. So getting back to your question, how soon do you want us, and how are you going to get us out of here?"
"Hmm. Logistics, and right under the noses of your minders. You guys don't have control over Camp Murray any longer, do you?"
"Hell no, not since that day you swooped in and snatched the helicopter crew away from the feds. I damn near got myself shot over that, you know? If it hadn't been for Sadie -- Governor Sandra McConklin -- threatening to raise up a bloody revolt in my defense, I'd be rotting in Gitmo or buried under the asphalt there."
"Sorry to hear that! I should have anticipated the blow-back that you guys would get from that."
"No point in feeling sorry. If you really want to make it up to me, just figure a way to get us the hell out of here without anybody shooting at us, okay?"
"You got it. Have you got a number? A guess-timate of how many troops and family are involved?"
"Right at 574 bodies. My clerk just handed me the breakdown sheet. That's 238 Guardsmen, and the rest, spouses and dependents. Oh, it also includes one broken-down General, his wife, and her sister. You want us in the package?"
"I wouldn't consider this deal without you, Buzz. Who do you think is going to ride herd on all those people once we've got you aboard? Oh! I should mention. Those we select for active crew will be pulling lunar orbit quarters while training and conducting ops. The rest will be housed at our Geneva residential properties. I expect there'll be a lot of rotation, so everybody will get a their share of space duty."
"You sure know how to catch an old man's interest, don't you? Well, to put my mind at ease, just how the hell do we pull off this Great Escape?"
"How's this for starters. Let's get a bunch of them straggling across the border north of you into Canada. I want as many as can slip away to rendezvous at Penticton. And please don't let them all use the same crossing. Spread it out. Some go into Vancouver, then head east. Others go into eastern Washington and up the Okanogan. Do it over the next week or ten days until you've got your numbers down to the normal duty roster there at Camp Murray. That should move the biggest number, all the spouses, dependents, and off-duty guard. Right?"
"Sounds good, so far," Mikelsen agreed. "So what do we do for the bunch of us stuck here on duty?"
"Easy. At the end of the day, don't go home. Hang out or hide out in one of the larger buildings that's not under the DHS or RA eyeball. After dark, we'll pull another swoop and snatch. I've got four shuttles available right now. We can take a total of, oh, if we squeeze you folks in tight and none of you are too chubby, we can fit 30 or so per craft. Will that work?"
"Oh, hell yes! That's sweet. We've got 200 or so on duty on normal weekdays, but only half that on weekends. So, why don't we figure on getting half of the normal duty people across the border in their cars by Saturday. Then we'll have the half-strength weekend complement here Saturday and Sunday. Late Sunday evening you swoop in and we load 'em up. Later Monday morning the DHS and RA pukes will be scurrying around wondering where the hell everybody went!"
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This carries on directly from part two. Again, the names have been changed apart from Manus and Sara. Jay also had to help me with all the events and the dialogue is written as best as we can remember it. Enjoy! For speed and to avoid the heat we got the tube at Leicester Square and arrived at Waterloo. All the way to the tube Jay’s dress lifted up with the breeze and each time she let out a saucy giggle. Her arse and pussy was on clear show to everyone every time, the G-string material...
I was curious about the famous team-building exercise. My colleagues were talking about it a lot and sometimes we got an e-mail about the plans. I think they were trying to make us interested in the team-building, so they gave us information about it little by little only. There was a poster in the elevator, showing who is in charge of the registration. Of course, I sent my registration in a long time ago. I was wondering who could I get to know better of these strangers I work with. I was...
Hey readers,my name is abhishek,interested ladies mail me at .I’m 19, 6ft fair I have broad shoulder and I have a nice dressing sense.I live in mumbai any female interested in knowing more or something else can leave a comment. I’m doing mbbs from mumbai and have a lot of interest in sports so I tend to have a good physique. Now to the story,there is a family who stay in my building on the 23rd floor whereas I stay on the 14th floor and the milf this story is about is the ideal mature women...
hii friends this is my first story i m raj from surat i use to stay in one multi complex building…. i m from surat i have textile business…i donn’t know from where i have to start but lets start i m 26 unmarried i m regular reader of this side…friends mere collage me bahut serious banda tha kabhie ladkiyo ko bhi nahi dekhta tha collage khatam karne ke baad dady ke saath office jaana suru kar diya … from last 4 months market me kuch jyaada kaam nahi hone ke kaaran me ghar 7 bajje aa jata tha toh...
Follows on from Part Fifteen where the group of new friends meet to plan the filming of a porn film at a house in Dorking in order to retrieve some paintings that are being held there by a young ladies’ evil stepfather. “Oh fuck,” I said quietly as Mike approached hand-in-hand with, who I presumed to be, Patty, his wife. She was an attractive curly-haired brunette with a very slim figure and I could see her gripping Mike’s hand tight as they walked up to us. Mike had a nervous smile on his...
Becky picked up most of us. Matilda and Kelsey were riding home with us for the first time all week. Becky noticed as they jumped into the minivan. "I have extra passengers," she said. "I'm glad I didn't bring Angelique. She wanted to come" "Awww," Kelsey and Matilda said in unison. "We wanted to see her." "I haven't gotten to play with her all week," Kelsey added. "You choose to go home with Jessica," Jason pointed out. "Well," Kelsey said. "I don't go home with...
Morgan's question stuck with me for the next two hours as we wandered the mall. Beatrice had handed out cash to everyone when we first arrived and told us to spend it as we pleased. Angelique had been given a twenty and begged to be shown where she might purchase a teddy bear. I found a children's store and took Angelique inside as my friends scattered throughout the mall. Angelique wandered the entire store, gazing longingly at a couple of the dolls before heading over to an area filled...
Jason was holding up his CAP card. Leticia exploded out of her chair with a loud cry of pure joy. She tackled Jason. They fell to the floor as the young woman covered his face with kisses. Ashley looked down at the couple. She kicked playfully at her brother's leg. "You scared us!" "I scared myself," Jason admitted. "Even knowing that I should score well, I was stunned by how often I couldn't answer one of the questions quickly. And the scenes I had to move through. You ever try to...
The next morning things really started to happen. The first transport was already heading down with the first team. Cath had changed places with Biscuit. As their architectural designer, she was in charge of making sure everything came down in the order of what was required. She had spent the day before with Rolo working out the logistics, of getting everything sends down to the ground. The central dome was the priority. They soon had the second transporter loaded and ready to roll. Bing...
This continues the evening with our good friends Manus and Sara directly following part six I rang the bell and heard nothing. I turned to the others who had crowded in to allow whoever was watching the CCTV to see who was ringing. After a few moments I went to press it again when there was a ‘click’, indicating the door had unlocked. I pushed it open and we walked into a, dark corridor at the end of which was sat a rather big bloke behind a counter next to another door, who was reading that...
Having woken up at about 7:30 that morning I left Jay to sleep and had a shower before making some coffee. She started to stir so I knelt by her and waved the coffee cup around her face letting the aromas bring her to her senses. She opened an eye, then another and slowly sat up. “Oh, my head,” she said rubbing her temples and taking the coffee from me. “Vodka. Why did I have vodka?” I fetched a glass of water and popped a couple of Alka Seltzer in and once the fizzing subsided, passed it to...
Steve, Jay and a group of new friends they have met in London on their holiday have agreed to help a girl get her paintings back from her horrible step-father. The step-fathers new wife has agreed to help, but there’s a catch. They must film a porn film in her house with her as the star. We continue the story with Steve, Jay, Phil and his wife Cheryl going in a taxi to a spa; a place Steve and jay have visited before. Phil and Cheryl are in for a surprise. The taxi pulled up outside the spa...
I stood up and walked toward the door, leaving my unfinished drawing on the easel. Jessica gave a cry of annoyance, as I walked away. I heard her easel crash to the floor behind me as I left the building. Outside, I walked a few feet from the door and then turned around. A couple minutes later Jessica stormed out of the classroom. She walked right up to me and slapped me across the face. "How can you embarrass me like that!" she hissed. I said nothing. Instead I pointed to a bench set far...
The rest of the day at school passed quickly. Jason and I sat with Julio and Walter at lunch. Jason spent most of the time trying to cheer up Walter. I said little, but did discover that Julio and Walter were going to attend a one-day seminar that was reported to help young men improve their scores. Both had scheduled tests for the upcoming Tuesday afternoon. Jason and I both offered to walk with them to the training center. Jessica did stop by during lunch. She teased Julio a bit. Her...
As the lights went up in the auditorium, Butch Taylor switched off the microphone and stepped away from the podium. He was glad for the break, but he wanted more too. Butch knew that the best was always last. The final posedown was his favorite. The best of show in every competition, and tonight would be no exception. Mr Milky Way muscle extravaganza had attracted some of the best competitors. These were men with style. Size, too. But not just walking chemical factories. Butch liked that. He...
By the time I got my things and got to the office, it was about 4 in the morning I parked in the back as I unloaded everything and then moved my car to the public lot across the street. I did that just in case somebody from the office came by and saw in the lot and got a little nosey.Everything I got was wireless. It was also on its own private Wi-Fi so it couldn’t be hacked or accessed by anyone in the building but me. I will be the only one to have access. Aunt Steph has enough going on....
OccupationsAlicia was daydreaming in her office about how many people are exhibitionistic, probably more than they would like to admit. Maybe some of them aren’t fully aware of it but judging from what she’d been seeing throughout the past 4 years a lot of people enjoy the idea of being watched or find the chance of possibly being watched rather exciting. Throughout these 4 years that she had been living in her apartment building she had seen some erotic play several times per week. Of course living in a...
Her name was Apsara (name changed). She would have been around 37-40 years when I first saw her. Slim female with nice curves and small boobs and a nice ass. She would always be in a saree with a bag in her hand and that saree would show her figure perfectly.She was a sight to behold. Now to the story. So I would just see her and probably go with her in the lift at times. She would just smile and I was unable to start a conversation. As it was a 16-floor tower, the lifts went up quick. So...
So I woke this morning in a particularly aroused state, I decided I would treat myself some naughty fun, I decided to dress like a slut under my work clothes. I rummaged around in my drawer and pulled out some black seamed nylons, black lace panties and and my favourite lace corset. I began by showering and shaving my whole body, once I had finished I began by rolling the smooth nylons on to my smooth muscular legs, then came the lace corset followed by the small lace panties, I then reached...