Rebuilding Faith Ch. 11 free porn video

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Afraid to touch her, Bill slumped in the chair beside Faith’s bed for nearly an hour. She looked fragile — face swollen, wearing an oxygen mask, and lying so still he had to watch closely to see her chest rise and fall.

Doctor Grady explained that her physical injuries, although initially disfiguring, were actually minor and in a few weeks would fade away. The smoke seemed to have irritated only her upper respiratory system. The arterial blood gas analysis was negative. A chest x-ray was scheduled for tomorrow as a precaution. If nothing changed dramatically, Faith would remain on oxygen and intravenous fluids for another day and be discharged the following morning.

‘My main concern is emotional trauma,’ Doctor Grady had said. ‘Mr. Holder, even though you’re not part of her immediate family, I’m telling you this because Faith needs someone she trusts to stay close for a few days. She has fixated on you as her guardian and refuses to let us contact her children because she doesn’t want to disrupt their lives.’ Looking stern, he’d asked, ‘Pastor Richards told me that Faith met you only a few days ago. Is that correct?’

‘Yes, that’s right, Doctor.’ Then in self-defense, Bill added, ‘But I’m here to stay for as long as Faith wants me.’

Looking skeptical, Dr. Grady went on, ‘Whatever you decide later she’ll have to deal with. I’m asking you to stay until she’s out of the hospital. Faith is experiencing something called Rape Crisis Syndrome. The primary stage usually lasts through the first 24 hours following the assault. During this phase she’s going to need significant emotional support. You should know what to expect. Faith may experience physical reactions such as numbness, shaking, cold sweats, nausea, over-reaction to noises, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, nightmares, unexpected crying jags or the inability to cry at all, confusion about time, memory loss.

Emotionally she may experience a sense of failure and a loss of control over her life, helplessness, violation, shame or humiliation, alternating sadness and anger, fears of dying, darkness, of being alone or isolated, of the rapist returning, of falling asleep, unusual impatience, inability to handle normal routines, and changes of personality in handling relationships. The emotional reactions are most severe in women who didn’t know their attackers, or the reason for the attack. Many survivors who cannot identify the rapist experience an unfocused fear of all unknown persons and noises.’ Pausing, he asked, ‘I understand they have someone in custody?’


‘Well, that may help lessen her anxiety.’ Doctor Grady’s face softened. ‘Bill, when Faith wakes up she’s going to be very pleased to see you. No one was able to calm her. She only wanted you. I hope, for her sake, you’re up to the challenge.’

Pointing the way, Dr. Grady walked him to her room, adding, ‘Faith claims that she wasn’t raped and wouldn’t let us do more than examine her wounds. If she changes her mind, a Rape Kit needs to be done within 48 hours of the attack for the evidence to be useful. Regardless, the affects of the violence are the same, even without vaginal penetration. You can expect the same emotional trauma.’

Standing outside her room, Dr. Grady finished with, ‘They’ve given her a private room so noise from other patients won’t disturb her. All you can do now is be supportive. When she’s released from the hospital, Faith should seek counseling. If she’s willing, Pastor Richards and his wife have offered to take her into their home so she won’t be alone.’

Bill held out his hand, ‘Thank you, Doctor. I’ll do my best to help Faith through this.’

Shaking hands, Dr. Grady said, ‘Be patient with her. She has a strong will and, being a trained Social Worker, she might think she can heal herself. Don’t let her fool you into believing she’s okay.’ Taking a peek at the chart in his hand, he informed Bill, ‘The sedative should wear off in about an hour. Keep her calm. I don’t want her tranquilized if it can be prevented. The drugs could mask a breathing problem caused by the smoke.’

When Bill entered Faith’s room a young woman stood and introduced herself as Jessica Richards, the Pastor’s wife. Bill’s first impression, ‘Tom married well.’ Her charm matched her beauty. She seemed down to earth and genuinely concerned for Faith.

‘Is there anything we can do?’

‘Well, I’m going to be staying here with Faith. If someone would feed Hershey…’ Bill explained the dog’s eating routine and told her the house was unlocked.

‘I’ll stop on my way home and pick her up. She can stay with us until Faith is better,’ accepting the responsibility without question. ‘The kids will love spoiling her.’ Patting his shoulder in passing, she left.

Saint Lucy’s was an old hospital, the first building over two stories high in Franklinville. The room, though clean, had a 1920’s atmosphere and probably the original two-tone paint scheme — cream and green. The terrazzo floor was cracked and showed a traffic pattern from years of nursing rounds. Old abandoned gaslights were capped on the walls near the ceiling. The room’s electrical circuit had been upgraded with brown, surface mounted wire raceways.

Depressing would characterize the room’s ambiance.

Bill rubbed his face, thinking, ‘Hospitals are no place to get well.’ Waiting quietly, he prayed that his failure to protect Faith hadn’t devastated the woman he’d grown to love.

Picking up the vinyl-padded chair, he moved to the other side of the bed and lowered the railing. Sliding the chair forward, laying his cheek on the thin white blanket, he gazed through swimming eyes at her hand a few inches away. The skin was unscathed and he remembered the new gloves. ‘At least they did their job.’ Unable to resist touching her, his index finger traced lightly around her hand before covering it with his own.

Closing his eyes — weary with regret — he fell asleep.

A muffled scream and his head bouncing on the mattress jarred Bill awake. Faith bolted upright, panting — the oxygen mask hanging under her chin. Her round and unblinking eyes — one, a blood red — stared unfocused.

‘Faith, it’s okay, you’re safe now. You’re in the hospital, remember?’ his voice soothing, his heart pounding.

Hearing him, her head snapped in his direction and her eyes became sane and overflowing. ‘Bill, you’re here,’ her face calmed and her smoky voice softened. The hand he’d held reached out to caress his cheek.

Gently lifting the oxygen back into place, he smiled saying, ‘Of course I’m here, Babe, where else would I be?’ softly pushing her back against the pillow.

Unintelligible sounds came from under the mask, he lifted it and asked her to, ‘Please repeat.’

In a hoarse whisper, she said, ‘I’m not going to be much fun to be around. Babe is going to be black AND blue for a while.’

A sad little grin played on the corners of her split lips and he knew that she was beaten but not broken. There was hope. ‘You get lots of rest and I’ll have fun watching you get better.’

She winced briefly, adjusting her position to lie on her side to face Bill.

Picking up her hand, he kissed the knuckles.

Her closed eyes crinkled in momentary happiness as he tenderly massaged her fingers, hoping to give her some pleasure despite the pain.

A nurse entered and in a booming voice, asked, ‘Did I hear our girl’s awake?’

Faith lurched at the noise and then groaned from the pain of the sudden movement.

Bill’s irritated look harpooned the waddling white whale in mid breach. A tad softer, she apologized. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be so loud. It’s a bad habit left over from being the youngest of six children,’ like it justified her thoughtlessness. ‘Let me take your vitals and then I’ll leave you two alone.’ Quickly she completed her appointed rounds and exited stage left.

Bill walked over and slowly closed the door
most of the way — wanting to slam it. When he sat down, Faith reached out her hand and wiggled her fingers, magically melting his heart. First pressing the palm against his lips, he resumed administering the sweetest, softest, most pleasurable caresses that large callous hands can apply, loving each finger, each bone, each tendon, vein, corpuscle, genome, chromosome, until she pulled it away and pointed. Following her finger, he spied her uncovered right foot with wiggling toes beckoning him.

Bending over her ear, he whispered, ‘I love you, Faith,’ and kissed her smoky hair.

A trailing, ‘I love you, too,’ was faintly heard as he slid the chair down to the exposed appendage and continued to be the best reflexologist/lover he could be. ‘I’m her army of one.’

A few minutes’ later, slight twitches of her body signaled she slept and dreamt. Hoping to make them pleasant ones, he continued doting on her through his touch.

Bill never thought too much about women’s feet before. Never paid much attention to them. Faith’s were nice looking, he supposed. They were only slightly longer than his outstretched hand, dainty in fact. The long toes and trimmed nails were inviting. ‘I’m going to play ‘This Little Piggy’ with my lips on these someday,’ he decided. ‘Maybe she’d like me to put some red nail polish on them.’ He smiled — thinking of the day when he could tease her mercilessly again, wondering if she were ticklish.

Lifting the cover to peek at her leg, making sure there were no bruises, Bill lightly worked his hands up her shin and calf, continuing to massage her — hopefully into a peaceful sleep.

A kick to his head woke him this time, as Faith struggled against unseen evil. Moving to her side, he stroked her arm, whispering close to her ear, ‘You’re okay, Babe, I’m here.’

She sucked air and opened her eyes, blinking to focus until they settled on him. Her brow furrowed into a worried pinch. Lifting her O2 mask, she asked, ‘Where am I?’

This worried him. ‘You’re in the hospital, remember?’

The confusion seemed to pass from her face, ‘Oh yeah,’ she mumbled. ‘What day is it? What time?’

Glancing at his watch, he was surprised how late it was, ‘It’s 10 pm, Tuesday.’

Anxiously, she asked, ‘Where’s Hershey?’

‘Jessica Richards took her home and is taking care of her until you’re feeling better.’

This seemed to be the end of her questions. Faith gently rubbed her eyes, waking up slowly.

While they slept someone had delivered a food tray. Lifting the molded plastic lid, Bill asked, ‘Are you hungry?’ The cold mashed potatoes, chicken and green beans weren’t very appealing, even to him.

Taking the oxygen mask off, she answered with a hoarse, ‘No.’

‘Oh, come on, Babe. There’s always room for Jello. Mmmm, green Jello.’

‘Then you eat it.’ Gingerly, she swung her legs over the bedside, and asked, ‘Where’s the bathroom?’

Offering her his arm, ‘I’ll take you there myself. I may as well join you. You may need my help,’ and he bounced his eyebrows suggestively.

There was a weak laugh and then a groan. ‘Don’t do that. It hurts.’

Unthinking, Bill said, ‘Wow, that just gave me a flash back to my first sexual experience,’ and then realized how insensitive it was.

Faith only groaned with the pain of attempted laughter, and said, ‘Stop it, Holder.’

Blowing a sigh of relief, Bill kept his mouth shut and helped Faith and her I.V. on wheels into the women’s room. After using the men’s room next door, he leaned against the hallway wall and waited.

Becoming worried about how long she was taking, Bill knocked on the bathroom door, cracked it open, and loudly asked, ‘Is everything all right in there?’ and heard faint weeping. Rushing in to see what was wrong, Bill found her crying at the sink.

Standing behind her, lightly placing his hands on her hips and looking over her shoulder, he asked, ‘Faith, Sweetheart, what’s the matter?’

‘I’m hideous,’ she said, looking up to stare at her reflection.

The swollen face left little room to argue. ‘Babe, you’re going to be fine. Doctor Grady said it looks much worse than it is. In a couple of weeks most of the injuries will be healed. You’ll be back to your irresistible self.’

Her eyes searching his in the mirror, she asked, ‘Will I be irresistible to you again?’

Finding an undamaged spot on her neck, he kissed it softly, and said, ‘No, Faith, not again, still. You are still irresistible to me.’

Her eyes brimming, she declared, ‘You’re so full of shit, Holder.’ Leaning back against him, she added, ‘But thank you for that anyway,’ turning, she hugged him tighter than he thought possible, considering her condition, ‘And thank you for saving my life.’ Keeping her cheek resting delicately on his chest, she added, ‘I owe you so much. What can I ever do to repay you?’

‘Well you can start by going back to the room and eating green Jello. I hate hospitals, and the sooner you’re strong enough to leave the happier I’ll be.’

In mock resignation, Faith sighed, ‘Alright, Warden. Take me back.’

And, thinking about the Jello, they walked the green mile silently.

The night passed with more nurses, nightmares and trips to the bathroom. Bill wanted to crawl into bed beside her, but settled for sleeping with his head on the mattress and his hands on her leg. Occasionally, fits of coughing wracked her body, her pain brought tears to two pairs of eyes. When sleep wouldn’t come they whispered nose to nose about rebuilding. Faith was determined as ever. A construction insurance bond covered the freshly burned bunkhouse, so money wouldn’t be a problem for a change.

Wednesday brought the chance for a refreshing shower, along with more doctors and police investigators. The physicians talked about an early release for Faith while the police talked about life without parole for Engles.

The investigators thoroughly questioned both Faith and Bill separately about the fire, including all the details leading up to their suspicions concerning Bob Engles and Butch Rutherford. Faith was sullen after the interrogation.

When Bill asked what happened, she answered, ‘The police told me not to talk to anyone about the case, especially you, because you’re a material witness.’

So, Bill focused his attention on Faith’s upcoming chest x-ray, suggesting maybe the doctor needed his help with the preliminary examination. ‘Since I’ve recently studied the patient’s chest thoroughly, I’d be more than happy to lend a hand as a consulting specialist.’

This brought on another bout of painful giggling. Faith lifted her gown and flashed him.

He smiled, despite the heartache caused by the sight of previously hidden bruises. ‘Well now, I’m going to need a closer look than that.’

‘Behave yourself!’ she admonished in a stronger voice, as she wagged a threatening finger at him.

‘Or what?’

Gradually, her face clouded with frustration as she struggled to think of a retort and uncharacteristically failed. Unannounced tears began rolling down Faith’s swollen cheeks and splashed in her lap, ‘I don’t know,’ she whimpered in a heartrending loss of self-confidence.

‘Babe… Babe, com’ere.’ Bill was learning quickly what hurt and what didn’t. Sitting on the bed, with his arm around her shoulder, she rested against his chest as his fingers played with her hair. Minutes passed before the tears were exhausted and she laid, curled up, head in his lap dozing, until the orderly came to irradiate her.

Whispering in her ear, Bill said, ‘Remember, Faith, if they need a consult I’m here.’

Getting out of bed, curling her arm around in back, her right hand flashed the international sign of defiance.

He answered the gesture with, ‘I’m ready when you are, Babe.’

She made her laugh/groan sound. ‘Don’t hold your breath.’

While Faith was getting x-rayed, Bill strolled dow
n to the cafeteria for a snack and to phone Rochester, making plans.

Returning to the room, he found Fire Chief/Pastor Tom and his wife waiting. Jessica was sitting. Tom was standing, hands in pockets.

Tom walked over and extended his hand, saying, ‘Hi, Bill. How’s everything going? How is Faith?’

‘She’s doing better,’ and brought them up to speed with her progress.

‘We want to thank you, Bill, for all you’ve done for Faith. She wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you.’

There was that pesky knot in his stomach again, as he thought, ‘You’re right. Faith wouldn’t be here if I’d only been more careful. She’d be well.’

Aloud, he said, ‘I only did what anyone else would have done.’

‘I don’t know what your plans are when she’s released, but we told the doctor that Faith could stay with us for a while, if she’s afraid to be alone.’

Bill thought, ‘This is nice of them, letting me off the hook if I want to run.’ Aloud, he said, ‘Whatever Faith decides is fine with me. I’m hoping she’ll let me stay in the guest cabin for a while, even if she’s not living up there at the house. I want to help take care of the place. This is beautiful country and I can’t wait to see it all turn green. Spring must be spectacular.’

Smiling and nodding, Tom said, ‘It’s definitely a sight worth seeing. And if you’re a fisherman, the trout literally fight over a drifting worm.’

‘Well, that nails it. I’m not leaving.’

Behind him, Bill heard, ‘Sure, I’m gone for half an hour and you guys have a party in my room,’ and turned to watch Faith roll in smiling — a heartwarming vision.

Tom laughed, ‘No, no party. We’re just making plans for fishing.’ Then with sincerity, added, ‘Faith, it’s great to see you smiling again. You’re looking so much better.’

‘Yeah, well, considering how I looked yesterday, it wouldn’t take much to improve.’ She stood and the orderly helped her into bed. ‘Thanks, Jim.’

‘Take care, Faith.’

After Jim left, she said, ‘I’m so sick of this place.’

Tom sat down on the widow sill. ‘Have the doctors told you when you can go home?’

‘If the x-rays are clear, I can leave tomorrow morning. They’ll let me know the results in about an hour.’ Surprisingly, she didn’t look very excited about it.

‘Faith, we’d love to have you stay with us for awhile. You would have a room to yourself, and Hershey seems to love the kids, although she may get fat.’

Jessica chimed in, ‘I’ve never seen the kids’ dishes so clean at the end of a meal. Even the food they hate is gone. For some reason, Hershey likes to sit between Ryan and Katie.’

Faith and Bill’s eyes met. The memory of their first meal together flashed through his mind and he smiled. The brief smirk before Faith looked down at her hands told him she remembered too.

Bill said, ‘That’s my fault. I taught Hershey some bad table manners.’

‘Well, Ryan and Katie have perfected it to an art form. It’s like dinner and magic show rolled into one. The food just disappears.’ There was a short silence, and then Jessica continued, ‘Faith, I was hoping you would stay with us. We have a women’s bible study every Tuesday morning. I’m sure the ladies would enjoy a fresh perspective. And I could use some advice on how to deal with Katie. She’s decided the best way to avoid trouble is by lying her way out.’

Faith looked strained by the pressure of making a decision. Everyone remained quiet, as her internal struggle seemed to grow.

Bill guessed what Faith was thinking. She wasn’t ready to go back home. It was too soon. On the other hand, she didn’t want to impose on Tom and his family. When Faith began wringing her hands, Bill couldn’t stand it any longer and had to give her another option. An option he’d held back until it was obvious she didn’t like the available choices.

‘Faith, I’m going to Rochester for a few days. Maybe you’d like to get away from everything and come with me? I need to pick up some things and take care of some business. And I’d love your company.’

The relief on her face was like the first breath taken after a deep dive.

‘I’d like that. It would give me a chance to collect my thoughts.’ Her eyes briefly sparkled at all their faces before returning to stare at her hands.

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Broken Faith

***Comments welcomed*** Chapter One: Elder Blake was excited. In less than 48 hours, he would be stepping foot on to another continent. His feet would be exploring a new country, a new village, and assisting with a new mission. His group consisted of 5 other Elders from his faith. (To keep confusion to a minimum, we will refer to him as Blake throughout the story.) Blake was very attractive growing up and most peers in school assumed he would break away from religion and move...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Faith

If anyone wishes to archive this story, please contact me. Altered Fates: Faith By Morpheus It was late in the afternoon, and Father Christopher wiped the sweat from his brow, and straightened his collar. Opening his bible, he started reading aloud to the several homeless people standing around. Some of them listened intently, while others ignored him, focusing instead on the blankets and food that he'd brought. As he finished, Father Christopher closed his bible, feeling...

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Jean Therapy Faith

I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I'd broken up with my girlfriend Kristi last week, after I'd found her cheating on me with my friend Eric. Perhaps I should make that ex-friend. I'd walked in on them banging on the same bed Kristi and I slept in when I came back from a trip a day early. Not a pretty scene, with lots of screaming and Eric comically trying to get his clothes and hightail it out of there before I strangled him. So on Friday I found myself in my local bar,...

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Red Ribbons and Faith

By Beagle9690 September 2021 A brief history; I grew up an Army brat, moving from place to place, and often lived in crappy government housing or cramped apartments. Moving from place to place was hard for making friends. I did excel in school, though. When I graduated high school, I left to be on my own clear across the country to the East Coast with a full scholarship. I was an emancipated seventeen, soon to be eighteen in two days, attending college as an English Major and working...

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In Bed With Faith

For the past four years, Dean raised his daughter, a blue eyed and blond person named Kerri, alone. One day four years prior, his wife left him and got a divorce after apparently suddenly realizing she was a lesbian. And in the four years since, neither he nor his daughter had heard from her. He dated from time to time, but nothing ever got too serious. But that didn't matter. Four years later his daughter turned eighteen, graduated high school, and was accepted into the college she had been...

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A Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith By Maggie the Kitten Debra watched as each of her children hugged their grandparents. Distance wise, the journey was thousands of light years, but thanks to wormhole technology, the shuttle would have them at their new home world in a matter of minutes. Crayton, their destination planet, was supposed to be very similar in environment to Earth, with a very friendly humanoid population, or so the scout teams had reported. The World Council stated that it was by far the...

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Faith A Short Story By Maryanne Peters My faith is the most important thing to me. It is now, as it was then. I gave my life to the Lord and it was my duty to spread his word and let his word inspire those who followed me. As pastor of a minor but dedicated flock, I had responsibility for a small group of men and women who looked up to me as an exemplar of a good, Christian life. The words of the Old Testament are clear: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is...

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Waiting for faith

Waiting for Faith by alexcarr © I live in a block of purpose built retirement flats. We have our own community gardens to keep us pensioners happy as well as a community room where we hold regular functions. Not being the social animal my aim was to settle for a quiet uneventful life, believing all things sexual were long gone. Except for the looking of course and I could always imagine how it was when I was young. But who was I kidding! You see, there are lots of lonely spinsters and...

4 years ago
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Summer Seductions Faith

Faith was the 40 year old wife of the local church pastor - he was much who is older than her by about 20 years. His mum had organized for Scott to deliver some bags of household items to the church for a needy family collection that Faith was running. She told him that his mother had offered to lend her an evening dress to wear at a conference dinner. He offered to take her back to his parents home to choose the dress, and invited Faith to ride there in his sports car - an offer that she...

1 year ago
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Teen Show Faith

Finn didn't bother knocking as he burst into his sister Gracie's room. She appeared to be watching television, but he put a dismissive hand up, already anticipating her outburst. Gracie: "Get out of here!" Finn: "Chill out, Gracie. I just need your phone charger, stop being so melodramatic." Grabbing the phone charger from her desk, Finn noticed Gracie sitting in front of her television. There was an old book open in front of her, as well as candles, a wooden board with some odd...

1 year ago
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Tempting Faith

***This story contains adult themes so you need to be 18 or over to continue. Location:- Scotland : Chapter 1. A Change for Faith. The Scottish spring had not yet yielded any hopeful signs of a break in the cold damp weather that it was famous for. The City of Edinburgh architecture was straining to cope with the rain, and gutter down pipes gushed water into the storm drains. The homeward bound city dwellers huddled under umbrellas, most of which showed some of the scars of the strong winds...

4 years ago
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At midnight a young man mid 20's, staggers out of a bar from the back side. He pulls his long brown hair back in a pony tail. He stands there looking up to the night sky. "God why did you take the only two things I love away from me". "I know you can hear me Kim I really miss you please hug and kiss are little girl for me. I can't believe it has been 5 years sense that fatal night. I miss you both so much Kim". He wipes the tears from his eyes. Leaning over He pukes hard all over the...

4 years ago
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DominionChapter 15 The Weapon of Faith

Lights were scattered throughout the labyrinth like stars, just bright enough to scavenge for supplies while leaving faces masked by darkness. However, much of the labyrinth was pitch black, a death sentence for those who lost their way without a light. There were also sources of running water scattered about to help prevent mass death by dehydration, but were exceptionally hard to find. To actually get one’s bearings was quite impossible, the winding passages tangled together like a mountain...

4 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 03

Bill lugged his overnight bag and two suitcases down the short hallway and into the bedroom. Rumpled sheets on the bed and bath towels strewn on the floor greeted the tired and grubby guest. ‘Bev must be a little behind schedule today.’ A search of the premises turned up nothing resembling clean linen, so he decided to at least change clothes before lunch. Sweatpants and a sweatshirt, worn under a fleece pullover, were barely sufficient to obstruct the brisk wind and dropping temperature as...

5 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 10

Once out of Bill’s sight, Faith slipped on her flannel shirt and strolled cheerfully down the tree-lined path, swinging her brazier in lazy circles. ‘I don’t think Bunyan will be sleeping alone in his cabin tonight,’ she decided, smiling at the high probability of pleasure. Sunlight, shining through the bare hardwoods, cast spidery stripes across the trail. The earth smelled alive. Buds had popped open on the undergrowth, drinking in the rays before the treetop canopy blocked them out for the...

2 years ago
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Rebuilding Harry Ch 03

Harry had stayed in his office most of that day, and both times he came out — for lunch and to head home — Veronica hadn’t been at the desk. He felt some sort of obligation to thank her or something for that morning’s dalliance, and the next day, when he came in and she wasn’t at her desk, he wondered if maybe the fact that he didn’t do anything had somehow offended her. There was a memo at his desk, though, saying ‘Sorry, talking with Reg, I’ll be in later. -V’, next to the regular checklist....

2 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 07

Faith’s eyes popped open when male laughter rumbled up from downstairs and woke her. Searching for Bill, she rolled over and found the bed empty. The blanket and sheet seemed to have fallen off. A chill shivered through her, as she turned on the bedside lamp. ‘Bill,’ she hissed, thinking maybe he was in the bathroom, and then realized the laughter from sounded like his. ‘Where are the sheets?’ she wondered, kneeling on a bare mattress. ‘How could they be stripped off without waking me up?’ ...

3 years ago
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Rebuilding Harry Ch 08

They stopped making out then so that Veronica could arrange the look she wanted to have when they entered. Her hair was mussed and her shirt undone, but apart from that she looked composed, whereas he, wearing nothing now but his underwear, shirt and socks, looked almost funny, and it looked even funnier as she led him up the hall to the bedroom, holding him by shirt as she pulled him along commandingly. ‘Which way?’ she asked before going too far, pausing at a hallway mirror to see if they...

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Rebuilding Harry Ch 05

‘Hello,’ came Veronica’s slightly tired voice through the intercom of the apartment building. ‘Hey you,’ said Harry, shuffling on the spot in the cold. ‘Harry?’ she asked. ‘What are you doing here?’ ‘Surprised?’ he asked. ‘No, it’s just…’ she said. ‘How did you find me?’ ‘I have your address on file,’ he said. ‘Is that okay?’ ‘Oh, sure…’ she said. ‘What’s up?’ ‘Not much,’ he said. ‘Say, can you let me in? It’s cold out here.’ ‘Oh, yeah,’ she said hurriedly, and the buzz sounded out....

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Rebuilding Harry Ch 01

Harry didn’t like to be called Harold, and he knew his wife knew that, so he figured something was afoot when Patricia no longer referred to him as anything but Harold. They weren’t youngsters any more, and he had begun to worry that this was about to turn into the sort of marriage that his parents had — one of annoyed tolerance that lasted until death did them part. He was still crazy about Trish, and in its own way, it made sense that he would still be crazy about her while she was beginning...

5 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 04

Faith held her breath, as Holder lifted the covers and lay down. The cool air from the black room flowed over her. The old mattress sagged under his weight. She struggled to keep from rolling into him. ‘What have I done,’ thought Faith, ‘acting slutty like that with someone I hardly know.’ She had teased him terribly, and now he may not keep his promise of only sleeping together. The bigger question was, did she want him too? Her boldness evaporated, leaving only timid anticipation. Would he...

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Rebuilding Harry Ch 07

When she arrived the next night, Veronica had decided upon a combination of the two. Harry had been pacing the living room nervously with a beer while Trish made the dinner, and had envisioned all sorts of disasters for the evening. He was dressed up a little, without a blazer but with a tie, while Trish was wearing dark colors, a backless blouse and skirt that looked like it would have been a hit at a dinner party or a Superbowl get together. When she walked out of the bedroom, Harry’s jaw had...

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Rebuilding Harry Ch 06

Veronica turned out to be pretty good with the video editing software, as Harry discovered the day after he brought it into work with the digital camera’s memory card. That morning, she was away from her desk, but the coffee was waiting for him along with a note giving quick instructions on where to find the file. He booted the computer, and then proceeded to watch a ten minute montage of him and Veronica screwing like mad to a jazz background. She’d done a fantastic job mixing the music...

3 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 08

The rising sun through the yellowed window shade cast a golden light over the bedroom. Bill sat quietly in the rocking chair, engrossed in the vision of peacefully sleeping Faith. She lay on her stomach with her face turned away, and arms hugging the pillow. The scene reminded him of a romantic antique postcard. Her tousled hair and naked shoulders invited loving hands and tender kisses. Resisting the temptation, he let her sleep undisturbed, remembering her exhaustion after the burst of...

4 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 06

As Faith lay basking in the orgasmic afterglow, she thought, ‘This is one of those rare moments when reality exceeds your fantasy.’ Turning onto her side and propping her head on her hand, She met the eyes of her grinning lover. ‘Was it only yesterday I was thinking how nice it would be just to spend time flirting with him?’ An old Rolling Stone’s tune popped into her head and she sang softly, ‘You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you...

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Rebuilding Faith Ch 14

Ripping off the last paycheck, Bill handed it to the painting contractor. ‘Thanks for the great job, Greg.’ ‘Anytime.’ Walking away, Greg added, ‘I’ll call you when the salmon are running. We’ll wet a line.’ ‘All right, sounds good.’ Bill wandered around the bunkhouse for one final inspection — engulfed in a satisfied sadness. The windows were open. A gentle breeze mingled with the eggshell semi-gloss to create a fresh paint and pine scent. The June sun heated the air beyond comfortable....

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Rebuilding Faith Ch 02

Bill leaned against the trunk of his car, and watched Faith hurry to the church parking lot 50 yards away. As she passed a group of churchwomen, they turned their backs in an obvious show of disdain. ‘What have I gotten myself into, now?’ Faith climbed into a beat up Dodge Power Wagon and sat there longer than reasonable. Climbing back out, she smiled at him, then kicked the tire in mock anger and threw up her hands in frustration. Moving to the front, she lifted the hood, reached in and,...

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Rebuilding Faith Ch 13

Disoriented, Faith snapped awake, and then remembered, ‘I’m at the Blue Star Inn.’ The bed was empty beside her and there were faint sounds coming from the bathroom. The sky outside was gray and it matched her mood. The aches in her body had found new strength, after being overpowered by the pleasure she’d felt last night. Faith trudged to the bathroom, impatient for some Tylenol, and thinking, ‘No more sex.’ The bathroom was steamy. Holder stood naked shaving his reflection. That was okay,...

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Rebuilding Harry Ch 02

A year later, Veronica walked into the office, as Jack was interviewing candidates to replace his recently-departed secretary, Susan, who had decided to give up her job to spend more time with the husband and children. He was happy for her, although he felt a twinge of jealousy that stuck with him for a while, as Susan’s husband’s recent promotion had meant they no longer needed the second income. With each candidate that came into his office that day, the feeling of guilt at having let his...

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Rebuilding Faith Ch 09

‘We need gloves,’ declared Bill, turning into the village hardware store parking lot. ‘I want your hands with all their fingers in working order.’ Faith laughed and jabbed his arm. ‘You’re so fussy, Holder.’ Feeling the same way about his. Aloud, she said, ‘I think you just want to look at all the tools. This is like a toy store to you, isn’t it?’ ‘A little. I’d rather play with you, but my body can only take so much. I have to do something while I recuperate.’ As they entered Sawyer’s...

5 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 12

Anticipation of good things to come energized Bill, as he drove the car from the hospital parking lot to the front door. Faith had finally been released and declared fit to return to normal life. He was eager to coddle and care for her, and to restore the woman that fallen in love with. Faith looked pitiful, sitting in the wheelchair, resting a hand on her forehead to shield her battered face from a passerby. The voluminous, gray NYU sweatshirt thoroughly hid her femininity. He felt a tingle...

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Rebuilding Harry Ch 04

When he arrived at work on the day of the presentation, Harry noticed that Mrs. Kowalski was still at the desk, and Veronica was nowhere within sight. He felt himself sink a little. It would have been nice to think he could have gotten a shot of confidence from her support that morning, but apparently he was on his own. When he said his good morning, and opened up the door to his office, though, he saw a steaming cup of coffee sitting on top of a checklist, along with a small memo. ‘R is going...

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It all started off as just another day at school... I sat in Mrs. Benison's English class, doodling away in the margins of my notebook, while she droned on endlessly about the proper use of commas. Having her as my last subject of the day was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it gave me plenty of time to crap out any homework that I'd neglected to do the night before, but it also made the last hour of the day drag on forever. Sitting two seats across from me was Laura Haynes. She was...

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Rebuilding Krypton

You are Clark Kent AKA Kal-El of Krypton. Kara is your cousin (also from Krypton) It's been days since Kara arrived, and each day you have been turned on more and more by her beauty. If not for Lana, you'd probably be all over Kara. This morning you get up and head into the bathroom not even hearing that the waters on. After you absentmindedly wipe the mist off the mirror, you notice a female form in the shower. You know it's not your mom or Lana (since both are in town), so it must be Kara....

1 year ago
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Gotta have Faithe

Everything seemed oddly out of place this Wednesday evening as I intently watched Faithe lost in thought; staring into the food well at “The Mongolian Spirit.” We had enjoyed nearly seven and a half months of saying things to each other that could land you in jail in most states, but her distraction tonight was one laden with guilt. In moments like these I cursed the intuitive nature bestowed upon me at birth as my inner demons began their battle deep within my soul. Inevitably the “bad angel”...


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