Faith free porn video

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The Tuscan sun was quietly burning off the last wisps of grey morning mist from around the rising cypress spires in the near distance as two cars arrived at the villa, grinding the gravel under their wheels like strong waves breaking on shingle. My mother lifted the palms of her hands towards my face and allowed them to brush the outline of my veil, as though anything more than the lightest touch would cause it to disperse into fine white powder and drift away into eternity. She stood back a little, clasped her hands together and pressed them into her chest, as though in supplication to the goddess of proud moments.

“Faith,” she said, “you look... absolutely stunning, my darling! Roger is going to be so proud of you.”

I turned towards the full-length mirror to my left and took in the twenty-three year old woman in the reflection. It was everything I had ever hoped it would be on my wedding day. In spite of a week in the Chianti region, and probably watching calories rather less cautiously than was advisable in the days leading up to your wedding, my off-the-shoulder, mermaid-style wedding dress deliciously caressed each curve and contour of my body to near perfection.

“Roger is the luckiest man in the world,” my mother gushed, sounding for all the world like the nauseatingly clichéd mother-of-the-bride. “And you, Faith, are the luckiest girl. Imagine! In a couple of hours you will be married to a charming and, of course, wealthy, man who will provide the kind of stability my daughter deserves, for the rest of her life.”

For all her myriad faults, my mother was not wrong. An heir to a multi-million pound publishing business in London, Roger was every inch the perfect fiancé; loving, attentive, dependable and almost frustratingly stable. Unlike many husbands-to-be, he had personally arranged virtually every detail of the entire wedding, leaving me with only one decision to make: my choice of wedding dress. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I congratulated myself on having made the perfect one.

“Well, darling, the cars have arrived. I am going to set off now so I’ll see you in an hour or so.” My mother’s face was glowing with enough excitement and expectation for both of us.

“Wish me luck!” I said as she walked through the front door and into the embrace of the late spring sun. I watched as she slid into the back of the first of the two cars waiting outside, which then moved off down the expansive drive and through the imposing wrought-iron gates at the entrance to the villa, before making the turn left towards the town of Castellina, some twenty miles away.

“Well, now she’s gone, how about a glass of the region’s finest?” a voice behind me said as I began to close the front door. “We are in Chianti, after all.”

I turned around to see Roger’s younger brother, Tom, stood a few feet behind me holding in one hand a small fiasco of the region’s best-known product, clothed in its traditional straw basket, and in the other two wine glasses. His crisp white shirt was tucked uncomfortably into the waistband of his black suit trousers, and his black bow tie was hanging loose around his neck like sad, thin scarf.

“I don’t think so,” I replied. “First of all, I don’t think Roger would be particularly impressed if our first kiss as a married couple was laced with wine.”

“Oh yes, I’d almost forgot. Roger doesn’t drink, does he? We wouldn’t want him running the risk of losing control over a wine-drenched kiss, now, would we?” I threw Tom a disapproving look, which he obviously disregarded. “And secondly?”

“Secondly, this dress cost well into five figures. Do you honestly think I am going to take the chance that I might spill red wine down it, an hour before my wedding?” Tom just stood there, smiling.

“I see that twelve months with my brother has apparently turned you into the kind of cautious, some might say overly fearful, young woman that I am sure will suit him down to the ground for the rest of your life.”

Putting the gleaming wine glasses down on a small mahogany table next to the front door, Tom proceeded to pour a few mouthfuls of wine into each, before picking one up. He held it up in front of his face towards me.

“Well, here’s to the bride!” he said, before taking a mouthful from his glass. “Absolutely beautiful!” he continued, cleaning the remainder of the glistening red liquid from his lips with his tongue and smiling at me. “And the Chianti isn’t bad either.”

“Don’t you think it’s time to get ready? If you get a move on you will just about have enough time for a quick shave. It looks as though you haven’t had one for at least two days.”

Tom had arrived at the villa on his motorcycle the evening before, having ridden from Marrakech to Tuscany via Sicily. He was, in short, almost everything that Roger was not. I had only met him on three or four previous occasions, usually when he was passing through London on his way to or from some remote and exotic location. Roger had never considered asking Tom to be his best man. For one thing, Tom was the living embodiment of unreliability, and nobody could ever really have been certain whether he was even going to arrive in Tuscany in time for the wedding. Besides that, Roger had always maintained that he wanted his best friend Charles, whom he had known since their days at public school together, to fill that particular role.

“It’s only a bit of stubble, Faith,” he said, rubbing his chin with his hand. “And look on the bright side. It’s not as if you are going to be kissing me, is it?”

“I think we should be going,” I suggested. “It’s twenty miles to Castellina and we don’t want to be...”

“Late? No, we couldn’t have that, could we Faith? I mean, my brother would start to get so terribly worried, wouldn’t he, and end up crying uncontrollably onto Charles’ shoulder.”

“You are a real cynic, aren’t you Tom? Sometimes I wonder why on earth Roger asked you to give me away. More than that I actually wonder why you agreed to do it!”

“He probably asked me to give you away because he couldn’t bear the thought of your mother doing it. It would break far too much tradition.”

“And why did you agree to do it?”

“Come on, Faith,” Tom said, picking up the fiasco of Chianti and his empty glass. “Shall we, quite literally, get this show on the road?”

Tom opened the front door and we walked out into the sunlight. As I stepped off the concrete steps, my pristine white heels began to sink into the loose gravel, causing me to lose my balance a little.

“Here,” said Tom. “If we have to do this, at least let’s do it properly. Take my arm.” I moved my hand slightly reluctantly onto Tom’s forearm. Under my fingers I felt his muscles, tense and firm, and somehow felt quietly reassured.

“Well, well, well! My brother really is pushing the boat out for you, isn’t he? A black Porsche Panamera Turbo S? That really will get you to the church on time, Faith, and no mistake.”

As we approached the car, the olive-skinned Italian chauffeur, who had been assiduously polishing one of the wing mirrors with a white cloth, moved to the rear passenger door and opened it. Holding the bottom of my dress off the gravel, I slid my bottom onto the seat and pulled my legs up inside. I was instantly struck by the stark contrast of the spacious, black leather interior against the intense whiteness of my dress. Within moments, Tom was sliding in next to me from the other side.

“That’s strange,” I said, turning to Tom. “I thought Roger had booked a BMW.”

“Really?” Tom replied. “Ah, well. That’s Roger for you. You can always rely on him for a bit of last-minute spontaneity. Are you complaining?”

“God, no. Of course not, but...”

“Well, there is no need for ‘buts’ then, is there?”

No. There was no need for ‘buts’. This was supposed to be the happiest day of my life and there I was, in the middle of sun-soaked Tuscany, and being driven in the sumptuous height of Italian luxury to my perfectly arranged wedding. What more could I ask? I turned to Tom.

“You never answered my question, Tom. Why did you decide to give me away?”

“I suppose the perfectly obvious answer to that question, Faith, is because your father can’t be here to do it.”

“No, he can’t.”

“And why is that?”

The truth was I had no idea where my father was. Many years earlier, almost before my earliest recollections, my mother and I suddenly left our home in Portland, Oregon and moved to England, where I grew up. I had once asked my mother about him, but she told me never to mention him again, and I didn’t.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “Now, are you going to do up your bow-tie and put on your jacket?”

“There’s plenty of time, Faith.”

I looked at the clock on the dashboard. Yes, there was plenty of time. It was only just after quarter past eleven, and the ceremony was not due to start until mid-day.

Suddenly the car turned off the main road to Castellina and onto a more undulating, dusty track.

“Where are you going?” I said to the chauffeur. “This isn’t the way to Castellina.” His deep, dark eyes met mine in the small confines of the rear view mirror.

“It’s okay,” said Tom. “Relax. If we go on the main road we’ll be there half an hour early. I asked the chauffeur to take a slight detour to kill some time.” I sat back in my seat and sighed.

“Are you sure I can’t persuade you to share a drink with me, Faith? I mean, it is the last opportunity you will have before you become my brother’s sole and exclusive possession.”


“I’m sorry? Did I say ‘possession’? I meant ‘wife’.”

“No you didn’t. You meant ‘possession’. What on earth makes you think that?” Tom slowly poured a glass of Chianti from the fiasco and took a sip.

“Okay, Faith,” he said. “Name me one thing that Roger has that he doesn’t regard as a possession.” I thought for a few moments.

“His relationship with Charles?” I suggested. Tom looked at me and smiled.

“Yes, you have me there, Faith. I really can’t argue with that.”

“Oh, and my wedding dress.”

“Yes, it was kind of him to leave you with at least one major choice on your wedding day. A very good choice, too, if I may say so.”

For one moment I felt more than a little flattered.

“And did Roger give you free choice as to what you wear under it, Faith?”

For another moment I felt more than a little taken aback.

“Do you really think that is something to ask a bride on her wedding day?”

“Do you really think I care about that, Faith?”

“Actually, you should.”

“Well, the fact is, I don’t. So are you going to tell me what you are wearing under it?”

“For God’s sake, Tom, of course I’m not!”

“I think you are.”

“And what on earth makes you think that?” Tom lifted the half-full glass to his lips.

“Well, because that very expensive dress looks so perfectly... white. And here I am, precariously holding a glass of Chianti in the back of a car on an uneven and treacherous piece of road. I mean, the slightest bump and, well... a red wine stain wouldn’t look good down the front of it at this moment, would it?”

“You wouldn’t dare!” I spat.

“Accidents happen, Faith. Now are you going to tell me what you are wearing under that dress?”

Tom was now holding the glass perilously close to the skirt of my dress. I could see the contents of the glass swilling ominously close to the lip of the glass with every motion of the car over the increasingly uneven terrain. I was becoming unbearably nervous.

“White stockings,” I said. “I’m wearing a pair of sheer white stockings. Now move that glass.”

“Delicious,” Tom replied. “What else?”

“What do you mean ‘what else’?” I saw Tom move the glass closer to the bodice of my dress.

“Don’t be coy, Faith. You know very well what I mean. What else?” Suddenly a small splash of wine leapt wildly over the top of the glass, landing on Tom’s trouser leg just inches from the skirt of my dress.

“White satin panties and a suspender belt,” I spluttered. “I’m wearing a pair of white satin panties and a suspender belt. Now please...”

“Yes, Faith. Now... please?” I felt my face melt into a confusion under my veil.

“Please what, Tom?”

“Please show me.”

“You have got to be joking.”

“Do I look as though I am joking, Faith? And my fingers are getting just a little moist in this heat. Who knows whether I will be able to keep a tight hold of this glass for much longer?”

“God, I can’t believe...”

“Lift the skirt of your dress, Faith. I want to see what you are wearing underneath.”

My eyes were still on the rolling, red contents of his glass as I began to hitch the skirt of my dress up my legs. Slowly I felt it move up over my knees and thighs, exposing them to Tom’s obviously eager eyes.

“Higher, Faith,” he instructed, coolly. “You really do have the most amazing legs.”

I pulled the skirt of my virgin-white dress higher, until the smooth flesh above the lace tops of my stockings was just visible. Tom moved his right hand under one of the ribbon strips of my stocking straps and teased it away from my leg.

“If Roger had any idea how to have fun, Faith, he would be in for an incredible night tonight, wouldn’t he?”

“This shouldn’t be happening, Tom,” I said, my voice cracking slightly. I lifted my eyes once more to see them met by two more in the rear view mirror. I watched as the chauffeur then lifted his fingers to the mirror and lowered it slightly. It was obvious that he was angling it carefully in order to get a better view of my legs. I squeezed them tightly together.

“What’s the matter, Faith? Have you forgotten how to be desired? Surely it can’t have been that long?”

I could no longer see the chauffeur’s eyes but could nevertheless feel them. They were burning and straining to go deeper under the skirt of my wedding dress in order to catch the faintest hint of my white silk panties. Next to me Tom was draining the last drops of Chianti from his glass as he continued to tease my suspender strap.

Seeing the immediate threat of a wine-stained dress was now gone, I was about to lower my skirt when suddenly I heard a loud bang from underneath the car, and felt it almost leap from the rough dirt road. The car seemed to skid and slide sideways for a short distance before coming to a juddering halt against one of the trees that lined both sides of the narrow track.

“Oops” Tom said. “That didn’t sound too good, did it?” It was a few seconds before I had recovered my composure sufficiently to agree with him, although my nerve endings were rather more raw and exposed.

“What happened?” I said to the chauffeur, who lifted the rear view mirror and looked at me once more.

“I don’t know, Signorina,” he replied in a rich Tuscan accent. “I think I was distracted momentarily. “I’ll get out and have a look.”

“Italians!” said Tom. “They really can’t keep their minds out of their pants for a minute, can they? Or, more accurately, out of yours.”

Both Tom and the chauffeur got out of the car and walked around it. After a few moments Tom returned and knocked on the window.

“It doesn’t look too good,” I could hear Tom say through the glass. “It looks like one of the front tyres has a puncture.”

I was becoming more agitated by the moment. I looked at the clock on the dashboard. It was just after half-past eleven. I sat in the car as Tom and the chauffeur first of all had a discussion before looking again at the front of the car. It seemed to me that they were doing a lot of talking and examining, but not much else. Eventually, I opened the car door and stepped tentatively into the coppery-coloured dust of the rough track.

“How long is it going to take to fix?” I asked.

“Mario here thinks it may take fifteen minutes,” Tom replied. I let out an involuntary growl of frustration.

“Well, can you just get on with it? I have a wedding to get to.”

I watched as Mario removed his jacket and threw it onto the front passenger seat. He then removed the spare tyre and a number of tools before jacking up the car. As he began to work under the strengthening Tuscan sun, small beads of sweat began to form on his face. Gradually his thin white shirt began to cling damply and provocatively to his obviously muscular torso.

“Of course, you’ve only got yourself to blame for being in this situation, Faith,” said Tom. I began to feel my blood simmer in my veins. I lifted my veil up and dropped it over the back of my head in order to look Tom directly in the eyes.

“Me?” I replied. “And how, pray God, do you come to that conclusion?”

“Well, if you hadn’t been quite so busy giving Mario a show of your legs, and a glimpse of your panties, he would probably have been paying more attention to the road.”

“God, you have a bloody nerve,” I retorted. Before I knew it the palm of my right hand was swinging wildly towards Tom’s left cheek. As though anticipating it, he lifted his left hand and grabbed my right wrist firmly. I moved my left hand to it to try and free it. Almost as soon as I had raised it, Tom had grabbed my left wrist too. He then took both my hands over my head and pressed me back towards the side of the car. I continued to struggle against his restraint.

“You’re a feisty little bitch, aren’t you Faith? I bet that this is the most passion you have had in the past eighteen months, isn’t it?”

“What the hell do you know, Tom? Roger is twice the man you are.”

“Yes, he’s twice the man and a fraction of the lover.” Tom’s piercing blue eyes began to burn into mine. They looked deep and hungry.

“Tell me; when was the last time Roger gave you a really good, hard fucking, Faith?”

“There’s more to a relationship than sex, Tom.”

“There has to be in his case.”

“What do you mean?”

“Oh please, Faith. Do me the courtesy of not playing the stupid bride. It really doesn’t suit you.”

Tom had a tight hold of both my wrists. I was using my whole body strength to try to break free from his grip. Under my feet I could feel my heels sinking into a soft, powdery dust. Suddenly Tom let go of my wrists and I felt my body overbalance. The next thing I knew I was face down in the dust, lying near to Mario at the front of the car.

“If you wanted to fuck Mario that badly, Faith, you should just have said so.”

I pulled myself up from the floor slowly. As I did so, I saw the fine cuprous dust liberally covering the front of my white dress. I felt a mist as red as the dust fall over my emotions.

“Are you satisfied now?” I shouted.

“No, Faith. Not yet. It takes rather more than looking at a woman in a dust-covered wedding dress to satisfy me.”

I clutched the skirt of my dress and hauled it up my legs a little, before kicking both shoes off in his direction like some wild animal. He deftly avoided the irregular trajectory of both shoes. Seeing the self-satisfied look on his face, I ran towards him and tried to slap his face. Once again he grabbed both my wrists and pushed me up against the side of the car.

“No, Faith,” he said, his voice low with lust. “I am not satisfied. But, then again, neither are you, and that is part of your problem.” I felt my back pressing against the side of the car as Tom pushed himself closer into me.

“When was the last time you felt a hard cock pressed against you, Faith?”

“I’m marrying Roger,” I protested. “You are just jealous.”

“The only person who is jealous around here is Charles, Faith. And I can assure you, Roger is going to make sure that Charles isn’t upset for too long.”

“You are lying,” I spat.

“I may be many things, Faith, but lying is something I really don’t do. Roger has been in love with Charles for most of his life. Roger just wants you as his ‘respectable’, trophy wife; the good little wife who makes everything ‘normal’ for him, whatever the fuck that is. And deep inside you, you know it.”

“Prove it!” I said.

“Oh, I will,” he replied.

In one swift move Tom moved his hand onto the skirt of my dress and began to gather it deftly between his fingers. I felt it slide deliciously up my thighs.

“It’s my wedding day,” I said.

“Do you really think I give a fuck about that, Faith?”

Within moments I felt Tom’s fingers grazing against the sheer white nylon of my stockings which encased my inner thighs. I felt his fingernails put the faintest hint of a ladder down the stocking on my right leg.

“Oh dear,” he said. “I hope you have another pair in the car.”

“You are unbelievable,” I said.

“You have no idea,” he replied. Tom moved his left leg between my thighs and his right leg against the side of my left one. Beneath his trousers I could feel his hardness growing as he started to rub himself lasciviously up and down my left thigh. On my right leg I could feel his fingers moving up and down, playing with the lace tops of my stocking and teasing the silk-soft skin just above. I felt my legs part a little more as Tom pressed his left leg ever more insistently between them.

“Does Roger do this to you, Faith?” Tom growled lewdly, his mouth close to my ear. “Does he rub his hard cock against your thigh to get himself ready to give you a good, hard fucking?” I let out a little, involuntary moan of pleasure as I felt the fingers of Tom’s left hand snake up between my legs and begin to slide over the front of my silk panties.

“Oh god!” I moaned. I could feel my thigh beginning to push firmly against his engorged manhood as he continued to rub it higher up my thigh. I arched my back a little and pressed myself against his fingers as they pressed and probed my sex through the confines of my panties.

“These gorgeous, soft panties would have been wasted on Roger,” he teased. “A woman like you needs to be appreciated. A woman like you needs to be lusted after, taken and fucked.”

The wildness of Tom’s words was sending a rush of sexual heat through my body. Between my legs I could feel myself tingling and moistening with every touch of his fingers, as they pressed against the material.

“You’re a bride, Faith; a bitch on heat. You need to feel a strong, hard cock fucking you, don’t you?”

In the torrent of unexpected emotion and dirty words I had been unaware that Tom and I had been inching towards the front of the car. It was only when I felt him press the weight of his upper body against me a little more firmly that I realised my back had no support and I lost balance. Within a moment I was lying on my back on the bonnet, feeling shiny, metallic warmth against it. I saw a wicked glint dancing in Tom’s darkening, hungry eyes.

“I think you’ve had those panties on for long enough,” he said. Before I could say or do anything, he had pushed up the skirt of my dress once more, hooked his fingers into the waistband of my knickers and deftly slid them down my legs, exposing my glistening, recently waxed sex to his lust-fuelled gaze.

“What are you doing, Tom?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious, Faith?” He leant forward slowly and placed his hands on my inner thighs. “These stockings feel fucking amazing, Faith; so smooth. But I actually want something much smoother, and much wetter.” With one movement of his hands he pulled my legs apart before lowering his mouth between my legs. I felt his firm tongue, like a thick, strong paddle, slide up the drenched lips of my sex, causing me to lay back on the bonnet, close my eyes and arch my back, and offer myself to the demands of his greedy mouth.

I turned my head to the right and opened my eyes for a moment. With everything that was happening I had forgotten about Mario, but as my eyelids opened I immediately became aware of him again. It would have been difficult not to be. He was stood just inches away from me, rubbing his hand brazenly over the crotch of his black trousers and caressing the obvious bulge within.

I let out a little moan of delight as the tip of Tom’s tongue found my clit, now swollen, out of her hood and very, very sensitive. My body was responding beautifully with every caress of his strong, smooth tongue between my legs. As I raised my hips and pushed my labia more firmly against his mouth, I could hear Tom’s own moans becoming more frequent and more animalistic as he licked and lapped my flooding sex. I felt him lift my thighs from underneath and drape them over his shoulders, opening my wet lips to his slithering, selfish tongue.

“I think I know what you want,” said Tom, allowing himself a brief respite from my wet pleasure. “Why don’t you just reach out and take it?”

Inches from my eyes, Mario was continuing to rub his hard bulge ever more firmly. As I felt Tom’s tongue drive between the slick, soft folds of my sex, my body and mind finally surrendered all pretence of restraint. I moved my hand over to Mario’s and pushed his fingers away, replacing them with my own. Under the thin material of his trousers I could feel his growing manhood twitching and jerking into full, firm length under my playful fingers.

“Take him out, you horny bitch,” urged Tom from between my legs. “Take his hard, dirty cock out and feel it.”

Tom’s words were all the encouragement I needed. My fingers found their way to the zip of Mario's trousers. Lowering it I eased my fingers deftly inside and within moments they had found their way to Mario’s smooth, solid length. I pulled him from within the confines of his trousers and released him to my wanton gaze.

Slowly I began running my fingers up and down his viscous, slick shaft, now glistening with pre-cum which was leaking profusely from the little eye at the tip of his angry, purple helmet. I felt the strength of his arousal and desire burning through every inch under my fingertips, and began to smear the oozing lubricant around the shaft until he was completely covered in his own sleek, wet anticipation. Slowly, I pulled the head to my mouth and parted my moist lips.

“Roger has no idea what a wanton little whore you really are, does he?” Tom growled. “It’s about time she came out to play.”

As I parted my lips, Mario pressed his hips forward and slid his hard length into my soft, wet mouth. As I took in inch after inch, I began to taste his hot lust on my tongue and began to add my own moisture to his own. As his length reached the back of my throat I reflexed slightly. He withdrew a little and then pushed in again; and again, and again.

“Fuck her mouth, Mario,” Tom urged, “She fucking loves it.”

Tom was right; I did love it. The taste of Mario's musky lust was filling my mouth and driving my own sexual desires to new levels. I reached my fingers back into Mario’s trousers and began to feather and tease his delicious, full balls. He began moaning uncontrollably. Suddenly I could feel his length stimulated to a new urgency in my mouth and knew that he was moving ever closer to his inevitable climax.

“Where do you want his cum, Faith?” Tom teased. I moved my head back and released him from my mouth.

“On my leg,” I replied.

“Mario,” Tom ordered, “bring your cock here.” I became aware of Mario moving around the car. I then felt the lace top of the stocking on my right thigh being pulled away from my skin. The next thing I knew was Mario had slid his length into my stocking, against my smooth thigh, pushing it down into my stocking, then back up, slowly building up a rhythm.

“Tell me what you want him to do, Faith.”

“I want him to cum down my stocking,” I moaned. “I want him to drain his lust into the nylon.”

I heard Mario moan and felt his length begin to twitch and judder uncontrollably. Within seconds I felt him spasm against my thigh and then his cock pulse and pump wave after wave of hot, thick cream down my thigh.

“You dirty fucking bitch,” Tom moaned. “You hot, dirty fucking bitch.”

As Mario pulled his still tumescent length from the lace top of my stocking I felt another hard, bulbous head pressed against the yielding, wet lips of my pussy, and realised Tom had released himself. He teased it against my clit, which was by now so sensitive that it could barely stand to be touched. I squealed a little and writhed on the bonnet. I felt Tom’s hands take a firm grip of my hips.

“You’re now going to know what it’s like to take a hungry fucking cock, Faith.” With one strong thrust of his hips, Tom’s huge, hard, thick length separated my soft pussy lips and drove inside. He went deeper and deeper until I thought it would never stop. I moaned uncontrollably under the hard thrust of his ravenous length as it devoured every inch of my pussy and stretched it deliciously.

“You needed to be fucked, didn’t you Faith,” Tom grunted as his lust and need overtook him. “You craved a thick, hard cock inside that tight, respectable pussy, and now you’ve got one.”

“Oh god, yes,” I moaned. “I needed it.”

“What did you need, you hot slut? Tell me.”

“I needed a thick, hard cock deep inside me.”

“Whose, Faith? Whose cock did you need?” Tom’s rhythm was building to a crescendo on top of me.

“Yours,” I moaned. “I needed your cock.”

Almost before my words had left my lips, I felt Tom’s length spasm inside me and knew it was time. Between the knowledge that he was lost to his climax and pouring it out were those inevitable, delicious fractions of a second. With one final drive he burst deep inside me, filling me with the hot seed of his lust in waves. My own climax broke over me almost simultaneously, our hips bucking and moving until the last throes of our need were utterly spent.

Mario climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine while Tom and I slid onto the back seat.

"I ought to tell you," Tom said, "that Roger actually had ordered a BMW. I cancelled it and ordered this one. It seemed far"

"Where the hell did you get the money from?" I asked.

"Roger isn't the only with with money, Faith."

“Where are we going, Signorina,” Mario asked. I turned and looked at Tom.

“It seems to me that you have two choices, Faith,” Tom said.

“And those are?”

“Well, you can either straighten your dress and go to Castellina, or...”


“We can go back to the villa, pack a few things and you can come with me back to Marrakech.” I felt a warm flood of hot cream slip from between my legs.

“I’ve never been to Africa,” I said. “And I’ve never been on the back of a motorcycle.”

“I promise you, Faith, you will enjoy the ride.” I smiled. Mario turned the car around and we began to make our way back to the villa. I rested my head into Tom’s chest as he put his arm around me. It felt warm, natural, and yet somehow exquisitely dangerous.

"Should I be scared, Tom?"

“Have faith,” he said. I smiled.

“I think you know you already do.”

Copyright: All of my stories are written entirely by myself. Please do not copy or repost them.

Copyright 2015: claire2013 All Rights Reserved. This story may not be copied, reproduced or linked in any manner without the express written permission of the author.

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Unfaithful by Maximillian Excaliber Introduction This is a bit of a departure from what I normally write. I hope you enjoy it. Whether you do or not, please rate the story. Your feedback is always welcome. Maximillian Chapter One - Club Noceur The night it happened Kayla Burch was sitting at her favorite table at 'Club Noceur'. The club, although new, had already gained a reputation as one of Atlanta's most notorious swingers' hangouts. Normally Kayla didn't go there by herself. However, on...

Straight Sex
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We were in our early thirties. My wife and I were at a small party with six other couples… The kind where you drank and talked. We all had young kids upstairs. The times of all night parties, discos and getting crazy were over. We were adults now, upright members of the community. We had responsibilities. The women of the group knew each other through the Junior Wives Club. I was tuned out on whatever boring subject they were discussing, and checking out the other wives. I decided there were...

3 years ago
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Kerri stared out of her bedroom window, looking at her suburban community. Her fingers tapped impatiently on the window sill as she waited for her neighbor to come outside. Sitting on the carpeted floor with only the top of her head visible to the outside world, Kerri’s lustful eyes scanned her neighbor’s backyard. Where was she? Kerri thought to herself. Kerri adjusted her body to become more comfortable, because she planned to wait. Minutes started to feel like hours and Kerri was feeling...

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Your name is Juliette, currently 22 years old. You're very inexperienced with everything considered sex and most your friends would definitely describe you as an naive girl who somehow always finds herself getting into various misadventures. Ever since you lost your virginity an urge for sex has been brewing inside of you. The problem has recently become very overbearing as the once prevelant bedroom-magic has now been gone for weeks or maybe it's just because your boyfriend is incapable of...

3 years ago
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Kerri stared out of her bedroom window, looking at her suburban community. Her fingers tapped impatiently on the window sill as she waited for her neighbor to come outside. Sitting on the carpeted floor with only the top of her head visible to the outside world, Kerri's lustful eyes scanned her neighbor's backyard. Where was she? Kerri thought to herself. Kerri adjusted her body to become more comfortable, because she planned to wait. Minutes started to feel like hours and Kerri was feeling...

1 year ago
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The commissioner of health services finished the glowing testimonial to this year’s recipient of the County Physician of the Year award. He spread his right arm wide, directing the honoree to take the podium for the presentation of her award. She was a devastatingly beautiful redhead who looked a decade younger than her thirty-three years. Simone O’Reilly was a tall woman whose mane of red hair descended to her pale shoulders like ringlets of fire dropping on ice. She was easily the most...

4 years ago
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Independent Male Escort Ahmadabad Part 2

Now, starting with my sex story I am Rahul 5’6” inch tall with good looks and having an penis of 6.2 inches as I practice penis enlargement exercise daily. My previous client was priyal about which I shared my experience. Now after posting story I got 5 clients . Today I am going to tell about my encounter with aditi(name changed). She is 32 yr old housewife having no kids her figure is 34-30-37 she was so hot. She mailed me and told me to have my service at her home when her husband will left...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Chloe Temple Fantasy Couple Vol 3 E1

As a very-much-in-love couple (Chloe Temple, Jay Romero) prepare to take a morning shower, Jay embraces his lover from behind and reveals his fantasy; he wants to fuck her best friend, Clara. They’ve shared their fantasies before and Chloe’s turned-on by the idea. As Jay’s hands continue fondling her body, their passions build to a boil! Chloe and Jay do what young lovers do… engage in delicious morning sex with plenty of mouth-watering kissing, licking, sucking and fucking! Its passion-packed...

2 years ago
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Fitting In

Fitting In The woman sitting next to me on the couch was about my age. She took a cigarette out of a pack, her dark fingers raising that white tube to her brown face as she smiled at me. She put her lips on that whiteness, lit it with a match, and sucked at it while my cock began to rise in my pants.. I looked across the room at the mirror on the opposite wall. I looked very white, while this woman seemed a buttery shade of brown. She exhaled a stream of smoke, and I turned...

3 years ago
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Home Run Part 2 First Base

Home Run By Pamela ([email protected]) Part 2. FIRST BASE The next day was Friday and Miriam was off to work early and I planned to spend the day initiating my research at the university library. I had spent the night wearing the bra with breasts in it, and so when I woke up, I slid into my role as Martin's girlfriend. I had free reign of the apartment to practice walking and trying to live like a girl. I spent the greater part of the morning looking at the clothes in my...

4 years ago
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Rachels bitch

Emma- age 16 Height 5 foot 4 Hair colour blonde Eye colour blue Breast size 34B Rachel- age 16 Height 5 foot 4 Hair colour blonde Eye colour blue Breast size 34B Emma went to her room ready for bed. She undressed and took off her bra. She didn't like sleeping with a bra on, it always seemed to irritate her. Then she took off her panties thinking she might have a "happy night"...

3 years ago
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My journey to becoming a sugar baby

My name is Nina. I’m 28 years old and Canadian-Lebanese and this is the story of how I became a sugar baby. Those of you who have read my past works already know my history but for those who are new, here is a quick recap. I was brought up in a conservative middle-eastern household. My husband was the first man I ever dated and had sex with and we got married about 2 years ago. During our marriage, we would often hang out with his friends, a group of 6 guys including him, with me as the only...

2 years ago
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My House My RulesChapter 33

Allison had been keeping the girls busy. All of the desks were in the new space with several chairs, end tables and a sofa. "This will be the library and study room, Sir. We did pledge to 'improve our minds'." "Kim, Cam, Jenny and Penny are in the dorm assembling another single-double bunk bed and the queen-sized. That gives us twenty three places to sleep." Lisa said. "Rani, Phoebe, Lauren and Yvette are moving the dressing tables and vanities into the old study hall to make a...

3 years ago
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The Body Swap Motel PHASE 1

{Monday, June 11, 2012} (CODY DAWKINS)      My name is Cody Dawkins and I am 26 years old. Dana and I have been dating for 2 years and 3 months. I would have to say we are just as happy now as we were when we first met. To be honest things couldn't be better. Dana is one of the hottest girls I have ever dated. She is 23 years old and like me is caucasian with emerald green eyes. Dana also has long thick straight black hair that flows half way down her...

4 years ago
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Beauregard Duvahl a Southern GentlemanChapter 6

Beau decided to drop the bank robbery quest. By now, the trail was too cold to be worth following. If he ran across one of the men, all well and good, but he was not interested in a chase that was almost certainly doomed to failure. Therefore, Beau went back to his former routine of checking with bartenders and trying to be especially observant. Two weeks after his delivery of the second robber to Higgins Run, Beau was riding east on the lookout for Jesse McFadden. A bartender had clued him...

1 year ago
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Vacation 4sum

I was going back and forth between Julies pussy and ass, she tasted so good, when I felt a hand slap my ass and Sam saying your turn, I was on my knees whit my head bent down and my ass in the air as Sam pushed my ass open fingering my cunt, first one then two and three until he had four fingers deep in my wet cunt and his thumb rubbing my ass hole I took one long lick on Julies ass and started to blow on it, Sam pulled his fingers out and moved me so I could suck on Julies big nipples and...

1 year ago
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Blood Pressure Check

I have a medical history of high blood pressure. It's not surprising, even though I'm only twenty-eight years old. My parents were both hypertensive, as were my grandparents. The life-style that I live doesn't help much either. On my days off I drink beer and smoke marijuana, both to excess. I smoke cigarettes and drink coffee every day. I don't get much exercise either. My doctor has given me some pills to keep it down and for the most part they work pretty well; except for in one...

3 years ago
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Sex On Duty

Hi, this is Maddy once again. I would like to tell you a small incident which completely changed my sex life and that too, for the better! Around a year back, I completed my graduation & decided to take up a job, to earn some pocket money. However, as a fresher, I did not have many options & had to join as a Sales Representative. As a part of my training program, my first week was as a door-to-door salesman. Though I did not quite like the idea much, I started doing it for the heck of it. It...

2 years ago
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The Beginning

Like most couples, sex for my wife and myself had become ho hum. We still enjoyed it but it didn't have that gut wrenching excitement it had when we were in our twenties. For several years I had been trying to get Jennifer to expand our horizons. Some things she did for me such as go without bras and wear short skirts but after a while this too became blasé. My very good friend and my brother in law were both going through this with their marriages also and, like most men we talked, cussed and...

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Dear Serena Sutherland

So it would start that you come all the way, from Texas to bring me back, an to be your husband, we're sitting in a McDonald's eating, and you tell me "Well for one Mr. Willis, all of us in the lone star state absolutely love your music and your type of entertainment, and I was wondering if I could persuade you of coming back to Texas with me, and letting me help you start your record label on a bigger platoe." I say "Well I love the West Coast, I'm born and raised in San Jose, I don't know if...

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Ishani8217s Saga The Memorable First Trip

Hi, my name is Ishani from Kolkata and this is a short incident from last year. I write this today because, the people concerned have moved out of town recently. I am now 30 and fair, height of 5’7″. I am not slim, but I care to say I am curvy. My figure stands at 34 d-28-36, with long hair. I am married and my husband is in merchant navy. I have not been that sweet Bengali girl, and I have enjoyed pleasures of this world before marriage. But in spite of my ideals of marrying a person I love, I...

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Akka En Meethu Kama Aasai Patal

En nanban veetirku naan eppozhuthum poven angu oru akka varuvaargal, avargaluku thirumanam aagi vitathu. Thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal, aanal aval en meethu konjam kaama aasaiyil pesi pazhaginaal. Naanum muthalil veguliyaagave pazhagi vanthen, aanal oru naal anaithum mariyathu, akkavin kanavan konjam veguliyaanavan. Avan athigam thiramai ilathavan enbathal intha manaivi ennai kaamam seiya muyarchithal. Aanal naan appozhuthu ellam konjam katupaadaga thaan irunthen, oru naal...

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Business Can Be a Pleasure

"Okay, no problem, see you when I get back," I said into the phone before hanging up, glad my boss -- who'd been on the other line -- couldn't see me shaking my head or the face I'd been making. He was sending me out of town for a couple of days, and I knew my wife wasn't going to be happy about it -- she'd made plans for us to go camping, and I dreaded having to tell her that we'd have to change our plans.It turned I was right, she wasn't the least bit happy about moving our camping trip. She...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 8

It was some ten months later that the halls of Sir Robert’s castle reverberated with the sound of a baby’s wails and maids were seen scurrying hither and yon in search of adequate cleaning cloths to keep the male baby in good stead for presentation. His blushing bride was blushing no longer. She had been introduced to his rough and tumble ways of copulation even unto the end of her pregnancy and she made no objection to the constant use because she preferred keeping Sir Robert’s huge cock...

1 year ago
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Kayley Jeffers was, for all intents and purposes, just your average American girl from a nice suburban town trying to make it through those rough young adult years in much the same way as any number of her peers. Namely she experimented with sex, drugs and alcohol while trying to hold down a job that at least paid the rent and her phone bill, kept her in decent clothes and allowed her car to remain legal and running well enough to get by. That way she wouldn't have to rely on her Mom and Dad...

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My Mom and my Sis are my Sex Slaves Part 1

This final series will focus around David building towards the life he always fantasized about, where he and his sex slave mom and sister would live in unbothered harmony. The story will be told through the perspective of multiple characters involved. DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, sex slavery, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not...

3 years ago
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Morning Wakeup Call

you've been cuddled up with Him... since last night... snuggled in His big... warm... yet unmistakably possessive... controlling black arms... as you're now suddenly... again... awakened... with Him laying behind you... in His bunk... on your sides... both of you... completely naked... with His long... hard... black dick... already... and so quickly... disappearing... all the way up... inside your cringing white asshole... again... brutal... first morning sex... and even though... you...

2 years ago
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Sea KittenChapter 2

Becca went home and laid on her bed, sniffling. She took off her skirt and underwear and pulled up her shirt. Her tanned belly twitched and wobbled as the creature moved inside. "I can't believe you did that to me!" Becca shouted at her tummy. "You probably cost me my job!" Becca felt a sliding sensation and the kitten's head popped out from between her vaginal lips. It squirmed out of her and crawled up on her belly. The little animal stared up at Becca with its big sad eyes. Its...

2 years ago
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my true first time

The following story is 100% true. I have changed the names etc for obvious reasons. This is the story of my first cock experience. It happened when i was s*******n. Living in rural england my mates and i would all hang out and we would make hang outs. Sometimes an empty garage sometimes a self made hut in the local woods. They were just places to hang out, meet up, and get high at. There was about eight of us. We wernt a gang or any of that shit. We were just all around the same age and into...

4 years ago
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A never ending love story

We started dating in high school, she and I were a couple years apart and our hormones were raging out of control. It started out feeling each other up, she had magnificent breast for her age and a smooth pussy that concealed her clit completely under the outer lips so all you could see was a slit. When her legs were spread and her lips pulled open you could see her hard clit inside. We would sit on the school bus, going to games and on the way back when it was dark, slide our hands down under...

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AddictionChapter 2 On Collision Course

The urgent need for gratification had decreased to the intensity of a throbbing ache inside her greedy cunt as she tossed the vibrator down. Slowly, her breathing returned to some semblance of normalcy. But even now, she was still tenderly fondling her hyper-sensitive clitoris. God, I am deranged, she thought. She had just climaxed and now only seconds later, she was fondling herself again. But it felt so good. Turning her head, she stared at the pantyhose that had precipitated the near...

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Sisterhood of Sin 26 A Sub For A Night With A Green Light

"I want to give my husband to you." "Oh, Sweetie. Thanks, but I already have a husband. Things aren't working out?" "Yes. I mean no. Sheesh. Things are working out just fine. I want to give Wil to you for a night. We both do. It's a new thing Keri and I want to try, to help us dominate him. I was hoping you would like it." "Let me get this straight, Mindy. You want to give your husband to me, like when we give a sister to our husband for a night?" "Yes, like that only backwards. I like being a...

Straight Sex
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Watch what you wish for

One night they got together at the bar with one of Sues old friends from school (John) and he had a friend with him (Ben). They all danced with each other, switching partners thru out the night, the booze was rampant and all were buzzed to say the least.. They decided at closing time to take the party back to Sues house so off they went. Upon arriving home the men made drinks while the ladies changed into sweat pants and tee shirts to be more comfortable. When they returned to the living...

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Pro-Life Synopsis: A man and his girlfriend get into a dispute when she accidentally gets pregnant. He doesn't want her to have an abortion, but she doesn't want the baby. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the miracles of modern science give them both a way to be satisfied. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Pro-Life The gavel smacked once again onto a square wooden block atop the desk, interrupting the...

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Carols First Threesome

Carol’s First Threesome   My wife Carol and I had been discussing the possibilities of a threesome but would always wonder who we could get much less trust. One night while making love I suggested my best friend of many years Greg. Knowing that there was some sort of physical attraction between them and knowing I fully trusted him I thought he would be a natural. From the way my wife reacted when I mentioned it and the way she exploded, I knew he would be the one.   Not long after moving...

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DL brother who like to wear sexy pantie

So I'm a DL brother I love to creepy around suckin and fuckin dick without nobody knows n and wearing sexy pantie so one day I was shopping for some sexy stuff I got a lot of good stuff dildos butt plugs and some poppers when I finish shipping I couldn't wait to get home and try me stuff out I got home and went right to my room and got nake went to the bathroom took a shower and clean my biopussy than went to my room to get ready to play so I put some porn on sissy porn shemale porn while I get...

3 years ago
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SusieChapter 6

There was a knock on the door, and Bob got up from watching TV and open the door. Bob was in shock to see Susie. She looked a bit ragged from her travels and had a backpack with her. She seems to of lost a few pounds as Bob was appraising her. When Bob saw her, Bob went to hug her, and she gave me a bear hug. She was the one to speak first saying, “Hi, Bob looked you up again. It has been a few years since Bob saw you last back in college. And Bob need a place to spend the night if that’s OK...

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Dinner and Desert

While going out for dinner and drinks, we spend several hours talking and telling stories, just getting to know each other. After dinner we get into my car. As our eyes meet I lean over and kiss you deeply and soulfully. I run my hand up your thigh and gently squeeze. I break off the kiss and start the car to drive home. I continue to caress your inner thigh as your hand rubs my stiffing cock through my pants. I pull up into the driveway and we kiss again. I go around and open the car door for...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 61

Next morning, Saturday, September 27, 2014 Dining Hall, The Chancellery Complex Haven, Province of Oregon, Commonwealth of Haven Sandra squirmed as I impaled her on my lap and fed her from my plate. This was a custom of mine by now, fucking and feeding my partner of choice at each meal. I rotated them, of course, with the idea being to treat and lavish attention on whichever lady or gent appealed to me at the moment. The combination of hearty, greasy food and kinky sex with a delectable...

4 years ago
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Bangalore To Vijayawada

Coming to the sex story.It was a hot day here in Bangalore. I got a call from my home to attend an event which is compulsory. Then, I have managed to get tatkal in 3 tier AC. On the next day, I reached the station. I was a bit moody because the trip isn’t interesting for me because I’m missing my team outing for Wonderland on Sunday. The train has arrived at Yelahanka and I settled in my seat which is last in the row (upper) and had a look all around. I found an old couple opposite to me and a...

4 years ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 18

My Wonderful Obsession Part 18: Make-Believe It was now mid-August, and Julia's Mom, event planner extraordinaire that she always was, had once again invited her catering staff to the Taylor house for a pool party in honor of her daughter's upcoming seventeenth birthday. I debated about it with myself for a few days before RSVP'ing that I would attend. Boyfriends were also invited, so my biggest decision had been whether I should bring Mark. Kath had already told me she'd be away...

1 year ago
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The Exhibit Part 3 Just the Facts

Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how the use of Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds to obey her, so very deeply. Mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica. The problem is, fewer and fewer new slaves...

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Ryans SummerChapter 13

On Saturday night, Ryan was waiting on the street outside of Cindy's house. He was a little scared to pull into her driveway for fear that her father would see him. He didn't know how he would react to him dating his daughter... not only because he was poor but also because of the extra circular activities of the job. He had asked Cindy if she wanted to go to the movies and then get something to eat. He was a little surprised that she said yes. He figured that she would have had guys lined...

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The Dead Kid Returns Part 2 The New Kid

The Dead Kid Returns Part 2: The New Kid The new kid came into the class, and almost nobody noticed. When the new kid had first shown up, there had been the usual introductions, but almost immediately after, the new kid seemed to fade into the background, forgotten. Except one girl, who watched the new kid move, and wondered. Her name was Bethany Ann Cooper, and she was regarded as a bit odd, because she once said that she remembered a time when a dead kid had come to the...

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Skylight shadows and forbidden pluck

This is based on a true story.. I am luna female30 yrsI was brought up catholic turned wicked in my early adulthood. All my life I travelled never getting close. Never .. aunt kim and I spent the summer in a cabin in the woods. Staying behind in the cabin after a family reunion. The cabin wad supposedly haunted. The ruler was. And during a swim in the sun I saw her glaring.gazing at me. Smiling. Mysteriviously. She called me her mystery.. her neice. She watched spellbound as I swam my pale...

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The Unexpected Saturday

Hello, everyone. Let’s call me anonymous here and this is my first story here about a fling that happened a few days back. I am from Kolkata and I am a regular college going guy. I just hope you like this story. Please forgive me for my mistakes as I am writing here for the first time and do send your valuable feedback at It was Saturday evening. I was bored as hell as I had nothing to do and also my roommate was visiting his girlfriend so there was no chance of going out. I was just sitting...

4 years ago
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Dental CareChapter 2

Jack Merrick stood looking around the exam room. He'd been there before. In the center ofthe room was the familiar examination chair with a small instrument tray standing along side. Jack waited somewhat impatiently. The dental appointment today wasn't for Jack. It was for his teenage daughter, Tracy who had just stepped out to use the bathroom. Jack stared absent-mindedly at a sailboat mobile which hung from the ceiling over the examination chair. It revolved slowly in the re-circulated...

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Monster Maidens and Transformations

MONSTER, MAIDENS and TRANSFORMATIONS (a Gothic Story) By Geneva Berthold, a young Bavarian businessman, meets a pretty young woman called Ursula in a tavern. As part of their pillow talk she tells him a fantastic story that has a surprising connection. Note. This has one story (a rather long one) set in another story. To show speech in the character Ursula's narration, I could have used multiple quotation marks but, as this would get complicated and perhaps confusing, I have...

3 years ago
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Annie getting done in the forest

This is a true story, although it happened quite a while ago.The summer my twin sister Annie and I turned eighteen and graduated from high school, our folks were worried that we had no plans or job skills. So they made us sign up for a government youth summer jobs program,clearing brush way out in the national forest to reduce the fire hazard. Usually the k**s who signed up were boys, but they didn't discriminate so Annie and I could both go.There were seven guys including me, plus Annie. ...

2 years ago
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Laylah and DavidChapter 8

Laylah hugged David's waist tight as they took off on his motorcycle. She was not as apprehensive about where they were going this time; it was daylight, after all. David had not said much about where they were going other than it was a place called the Hermitage. Laylah had heard David talk about this place when they were chatting online. It was a place of ruins and supposedly great epicenter of spiritual activity. The ride was a relatively smooth one. The crisp air was refreshing, the...

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Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 5 The College Experience

During my senior year, my folks let me know that my college fund should cover my tuition, books, and living expenses for at least the first two years of college. The specific college and my course of study would determine how far my funds would stretch. Cathy's parents would pay for her education since her family was very well off financially. Neither Cathy nor I found out until later that Frank and Mary had plans to assist me financially, if it became necessary. Cathy and I discussed our...

1 year ago
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First time with a mann

When i was 20 years old i had a tripp to the City with a school friend. When we finished the tripp i found that the last bus had left for the night and i couldnt walk home since it was winter and abouth 25 km home. So i found out i had to try to get a lift with someone. Met an older mann that tolv me he could drive me home, since i was drunk and didnt thinking straight i tanked him and sad that would be nice.When we drove the way home he drove a road that i not used so much, after i while he...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 06 Mary the cook

VOLUME-1. Chapter VI As the certainty that all was finished between us came to me, I got better, my grief moderated, my prick expected occupation, I was horrified at having frigged myself, and ceased doing it. Then naturally I looked at the servants. The new housemaid was ugly as sin, so I turned to Mary the cook. I was then about seventeen years old. She was now I think twenty-six or eight years old, big, stout, but as it seemed to me then, symetrical; she had exquisite teeth, blue eyes,...

3 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 68 Times A Wastin

Kathy peeled her sheer stockings off her lanky long legs as Mommy steered the big white car into the parking lot. "Well, here we are," Mommy smiled bravely as she eyed the foreboding dark brick building in front of her. A brass sign next to the massive front door read "Trojan Home for Wayward Boys." "I wonder why they wanted us to meet them here?" Kathy asked tentatively as she tried to peer through the heavily barred windows. She thought -- but she wasn't sure -- that she saw a...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 103

I phoned home as soon as I got to Middlesbrough station to let Mum know I was safely back, and of course to wish the love of my life a good night and tell her that I was already missing her. Then I walked across town to my lodgings. Mr & Mrs Loftus welcomed me back, and wished me a happy and prosperous 1976. I slept okay that night, although it took me a while to get off. The knowledge that Julie was in my bed at home, and I wasn’t, didn’t help. I settled back down to work. As I’d...

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