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Faith or, How I learned to love a Witch. This is a sequel to my story "The Witch, the Warlock and me." If you haven't, you might want to read it to find out about a few of the characters in this story. ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. A first meeting. My name is Carl and during the break between my junior and senior years in college, I'd taken a drive to a little town on the ocean about an hour from campus. I was walking through the older part of town, which had been renovated and turned into a very nice shopping area with many small shops. But, most of these shops didn't interest me. Then at the end of one street was a very large old house that caught my attention. The first floor had been turned into a book shop and they specialized in old books. Old books were my down fall. I loved them. As I walked up to the door of the book shop, The Witch & The Wizard, I noticed a very interesting ornate pentagram on the door. As I opened the door and walked in I felt something, something that I couldn't put my finger on. The young woman, who was standing behind the counter, turned, looked at me, smiled and asked, "Can I help you with something?" I returned the smile as I answered, "Nothing right now. I'd... I'd... I'd just like to look around." "Browse to your hearts content. My name is Faith. Just let me know if I can be of help." "Thank you. I... I... I will." This young woman had to be one of the prettiest girls that I'd ever seen. Long black hair, a face that belonged in movies and her eyes were so dark that they were almost black. I had been looking around for almost an hour when the girl walked up to me and asked, "Is there anything in particular that you're looking for?" "Well... I... I... I like old books on history," I stuttered. "Come with me. They're in the old sitting room." I followed her to the other side of the house. As I did, I noticed how she was dressed. She wore a long black skirt that almost hid her shoes, which were actually a pair of white lace granny boots. Her blouse was white silk with a high neck and long sleeves. And, she had a very pretty cameo on a black velvet ribbon tied around her neck. As we walked into the sitting room, she went over to one large, floor to ceiling, bookcase, turned, smiled and said, "I think you might find something interesting in here Mr. Fox." "Thank you," I said as she walked away. I couldn't help but watch her until she was out of sight. I started going through the books in the case and she was right, there were some very interesting volumes. Then it hit me. How did she know my name? I never introduced myself. Well maybe I did and just didn't remember. I found a very interesting book on the history of Cornwall, England. My ancestors were from there, so it was always fun to find things about the area and it's people. I carefully looked through it and found a whole chapter on the town my ancestors came from. So, I had to have this book. I continued to browse some more, but didn't find anything else. So, I took the book to the counter and waited for Faith to finish with another customer. When she had finished, she said, "I see you found something. I thought you just might." "My... My... My ancestors are from this part of England and this book has... has... has a full chapter on the town." "I'm glad. It's always fun to find something like that." I paid for the book and it wasn't cheap. Then as I was leaving she said, "Come back and see us. We receive things like this all the time." "Thank you. I... I... I will," I replied. Over the next week I read the book and learned some interesting things about Cornwall. But, I also couldn't get the girl from the book shop out of my mind. The following Saturday morning I found myself back in front of The Witch & The Wizard and as I walked in the same girl was there and said, "Welcome back Mr. Fox." I looked at her and said, "It's... It's Faith. Right?" "Yes it is." "How... How do you know my name?" "It was on your credit card." "No. You called me by name before I... I paid for the book." "Then you must have told me." "I guess maybe I... I did." "If I can be of help let me know." "Thank you. I... I will." I went back to the room where the history books were and started looking through them and there were a number of new ones. But, this time I didn't find anything. So, I walked back to the front of the house and as I approached the counter there were now two girls there, Faith and another equally pretty girl. Both wore long skirts, granny boots and silk high-necked blouses. This new girl was also very pretty, a redhead with green eyes and the whitest skin that I'd ever seen. As I walked up to the counter Faith said, "I see you didn't find anything today." "No. I... I guess it just wasn't my day." "Maybe next time." "Maybe." Then I said something that completely surprised me. I'm usually very shy and with my stuttering problem I usually have problems talking to people, especially pretty girls. But I said, "Faith. Would... Would... Would you have lunch with me?" Faith looked at the other girl with a little frown. The other girl just smiled at her. Faith then looked at me, smiled and replied, "I usually just eat upstairs. But, yes. I'd love to have lunch with you." "Any good places close by?" "There's a coffee shop just down the street that has really nice lunches. Let me get my wrap and I'll be right back." She turned, whispered something to the other girl, opened a door behind the counter and went up the stairs that were behind the door. I stood there very nervously, with the other girl, waiting for Faith to come back. The other girl kept looking at me and smiling. Both of these girls had infectious smiles, so I couldn't help but return her smiles. Faith was back in a couple minutes and as we were leaving she said to the other girl, "I won't be very long. When mom gets back, tell her where I went." The other girl smiled and replied, "Take all the time you want." I'll spare you the details of the next couple of months, but Faith and I hit it off and started dating. The hour long drives to see her were worth every minute and then some. I even spent a few Friday and Saturday nights at a local motel just to spend the weekend with her. I found out that Faith was twenty-one, a year younger then I was and a Junior in college. The other girl was her younger sister Rachel. I also met her mother and grandmother and I know where Faith gets her good looks from. Her mother and her Aunt Abbey, who I also met, own the book store and Faith and Rachel work there when not attending classes. 2. Something revealed. We'd become a couple, a real couple and I was really feeling something for this girl.. One weekend at the end of October she asked me not to come up on Friday, but on Saturday. Her excuse was that she had something to do Friday night. Some girl stuff. That Saturday we had a very nice lunch at a little restaurant in town and as we were leaving she took my hand and led me to a small park which I'd never noticed before. We found a bench, sat and she cuddled up next to me. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, then Faith moved so she could look at me and in a serious way said, "Honey. There's something that you need to know." I looked at her and said, "So, just... just tell me." "The first thing may... may cause a problem in our relationship, but I really hope it doesn't." "So, then why... why tell me?" Did she have another boyfriend? "Because you have a right to know." "A right to know?" I just sat there and looked at her. "The reason that I asked you not to come up yesterday was it was All Hollows Eve." "So?" "It's a very special day to me." "A special day?" "Yes. It's a special holy day." "A holy day?" Looking directly into my eyes, she very softly said, "I'm a Witch and it's a very special day." I sat back, looked at her and didn't say anything for a minute. Then I said, "Are you all right?" "I'm fine. But, really, I am a Witch." "A Witch. There's no... no such thing." "That's what my father said to my mother when she told him that she was a Witch." "Your... your mother is a Witch. And I... I suppose that Rachel is too?" "Yes. And my grandmother." "And, your Aunt Abbey?" "No. She's not." "Faith. There is no... no... no such thing as Witches." Faith took my face in her hands, whispered something, then said, "Say, the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." "What?" "Go on. Just say it." With my stuttering problem we both knew that I'd stumble over the words, or I thought that I would. So, reluctantly I said, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." I looked at her for a second, then I said it again. I guess the look on my face, when I realized that I had said the sentence without stuttering, brought a smile to her face. Then I said, "What did you just do?" "I cast a spell." "A spell?" "Yes. To stop your stuttering." I look at her, shook my head and said, "No way! It's a trick." "You just don't believe me. Do you?" "I just... " "Honey. Believe me. I am a Witch. See that bush over there? The one that appears dead," she said pointing to a bush that didn't have any leaves on it. I looked to where she was pointing and said, "Yes." She then quietly said something that I didn't understand. I watched as the leaves appeared on the bush. I looked back at her and just couldn't say anything. She then said, "No honey. I'm not crazy. I am a Witch. I can cast spells, read minds and do other things." "That's how you knew my name!?" Looking a little ashamed, she whispered, "Yes." I guess the look that was now on my face had her worried, because she went on to say, "Honey. I don't want to lose you, but you needed to know." "You really are a Witch. Aren't you?" "Yes." I just sat there looking at her and thinking, 'This girl, a girl that I was coming to really like, no love, had just dropped a bomb. She had just told me that she's a Witch, something I didn't believe existed and had proven she was. How did I feel? What was I going to do?' She was sitting there quietly crying. Looking at her, I knew how I felt. But, what was I going to do? I put my arm around her, pulled her close and said, "Why did you tell me this?" She looked at me, the tears streaming down her cheeks and said, "Because... Because I love you. I really love you. And, you needed to know before our relationship goes any further. If it does." "You ... You love me." "With all my heart and soul." I just looked at her for a few seconds, wiped away her tears, took her in my arms and held her. Finally I whispered, "I'm not sure about the Witch thing. But, Faith... I love you too." She pulled back from me, looked into my eyes, threw her arms around me and gave me a very long, very deep, kiss. When we broke the kiss, I looked at her and she was crying again. I wiped those tears away and asked, "Why the tears?" "I'm just so happy to be with you. So happy that you didn't run away." "Why would I run away?" "I'm a Witch. Someone that most people don't believe even exists." "But, you're also something else." "Something else?" "You're a very special person. A person that I really enjoy being with. The Witch thing is going to take me awhile to get use to. I'm still not sure that I believe this whole thing or if I can get use to it. But, I'll try. You'll just have to give me some time." "You have all the time in the world." "But, if you can read minds you know everything that I'm thinking." "No. I do it every time a new customer walks in, so that I can try and help them find what they want. With you, I found out that your name was Carl Fox and that you loved history. In particular the history of the West Country of England. But, when we started seeing each other I blocked your thoughts. I wanted everything between us to be spontaneous." "So, you don't know my most intimate thoughts?" "No. And, I want to keep it that way." As we walked hand in hand back toward the book shop I asked her, "I thought all Witches were ugly and did bad things." "Mom said that you'd say that. My father said the same thing when she told him." "Your father wasn't a Witch?" "A Wizard. No. He was like you." "You've never talked much about your father." "I know. Someday I'll explain everything." "You're not ugly and so far you haven't done anything bad to me. So, what kind of Witch are you?" She smiled and said, "I'm a white, or a good, Witch. Most of us are. Thank the goddess there are very few bad, or black, Witches. And, I'll never do anything bad to you." With a grin I asked, "Now, where do you keep your broomstick?" "You're impossible. I suppose you think I also have a black pointy hat." "Of course." She stopped walking, looked at me and said, "Listen you. The stories and pictures of the ugly Witches were meant to scare little children. We don't wear pointy black hats or boil little children in caldrons." "Ugly you're not." Then I kissed her and said, "But, you'd look cute in a pointy black hat." In early January, as I was helping Faith put some books on a shelf, she asked, "Honey can you spend the weekend?" I asked, "I am." "No. Next weekend." "I was planning to." "I know. But, would you stay here in the house with me?" "Here? In the house?" "Yes. Mom, grandma and my aunt are going to be gone for a long weekend on a buying trip." "And, you want me to spend the weekend here with you?" "Yes." I would normally jump at a chance to do something like that, but knowing that her mother was a Witch had me a little concerned. So I asked, "Won't your mom know?" "She already does." "Oh?" "It's hard to keep secrets from her. She already knows that we've been sleeping together. And, I also think she knows how we feel about each other. I had a talk with her and told her that I was going to ask you to stay while they were gone and she was actually was surprised that I hadn't asked you before this." I guess from the look on my face she figured that I was worried. "Don't worry. She's fine with it. Besides we're adults. So, will you?" "Yea... sure. But, what about Rachel?" "Don't worry about her. She'll leave us alone." After my last class the following Friday I headed to Faiths'. When I arrived, Rachel was at the book shop counter and greeted me with a smile that would melt the heart of any guy and a, "Hi Carl." "Hi Rachel. How are you?" I replied. "I'm fine. Faith's upstairs. Go on up. She's expecting you." "Thanks. Want to go out to dinner with us?" "I'd love to. But, I've got plans." I walked through the door behind the counter and up the stairs to the second floor. As I opened the door, Faith met me with a very nice kiss and just said, "Hi." "Hi," I replied, "Are you really sure that staying the weekend is all right? I'll go to the motel." "It's fine. As they were leaving, mom said, 'You and Carl have fun this weekend.' I got a look from Aunt Abbey that she really didn't approve, but that's just her." "All right. But, I'm just a little nervous about spending a night in my girlfriend's bed in her mother's house." "It'll be fine. Come on. Lets go help Rachel close the shop, then we can go out for dinner." We closed the shop and Rachel was out the door, like a shot, heading to one of her friends. As Faith locked the door to the shop, I asked, "No burglar alarm?" Faith just looked at me, raised an eyebrow, then said, "A burglar alarm in a shop owned by Witches?" "Oh yea. I guess that wouldn't be a problem. Would it?" "No. You really wouldn't want to break in here." Faith and I had a nice meal at a small restaurant in the town's business district. Over the past few months we hadn't talked much about her being a Witch. I wanted her to tell me in her own time. But, as we were eating, I stopped and just looked at her. She finally asked, "Why are you staring at me?" "I was just wondering how long have you known?" I asked. "Know what?" "That you were a Witch." "I guess always. Why?" "I just want to know more about you." "I'm glad. But, not here. Wait until we get back to the house." We finished our meal and took a walk around town. This town does have a number of really great shops. We stopped in front of a jewelry shop and I stood behind Faith, as she was looking in the window. I knew what she was looking at. I took hold of her shoulders and whispered in her ear, "One day I want to give you one of those." She turned, looked at me and asked, "Do you really love me?" "You know I do." "Enough to marry me one day?" "Yes." "Do you know what it's like being married to a Witch?" With a little grin I said, "No. I've never been married to one." "Oh! You... You... " She didn't finish her thought, but threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. We slowly walked back to the house and settled in the livingroom. Faith put on some music and we cuddled together on the sofa. We never did get around to talking about what it was like to be a Witch, our cuddling turned into some heavy necking. About ten o'clock we heard the back door to the house open and close. Then we heard someone run up the back stairs and continue up to the third floor where the two girls' bedrooms were. Faith whispered, "It's Rachel. And, she's home way too early." "Is that a problem?" I asked. "No. But, something's wrong. I'll be right back." Faith gave me a kiss, got up off the sofa and headed for the third floor. I sat there for a few minutes hoping that she'd be back quickly, but it looked like she wasn't going to be. I'd been in this room many times before, but I still sat there and looked around. Then I saw a bookcase that I'd never noticed before. I walked over to it and looked at the volumes that were in it. They were all old and I couldn't read any of the words that were on the spines of any of the books. I hadn't heard Faith come back downstairs and I jumped a little when she said, "That's my mothers' private library." I quickly stood up, turned to look at her and said, "I'm sorry. I was being nosey." "No. It's all right. They're very old and you love old books. And, if mom hadn't wanted you to see them, they wouldn't have been here." "So, I wasn't crazy when I thought I hadn't seen them before." "You are crazy. But, they were here, you just couldn't see them." "So. Your mom does want me to know more about you?" "Yes. I think she sees something." "Like at the jewelry store?" "Kind of." "Is Rachel all right?" "No. She had a big fight with her boyfriend and they broke up. And, she's madder then I've ever seen her." "I figure having a fight with a Witch isn't a good thing. Is it? Does he know about her?" "No he doesn't. And, in most cases you're right. Having a fight with a Witch is very dangerous." With a smile I said, "I'm glad you told me." "Don't worry love. Both Rachel and I know how to control ourselves. My mother was very clear about our powers and using them properly. Besides neither of us wants to be sent to visit Aunt Hyacinth." "Aunt Hyacinth?" "Actually it's Great-Aunt Hyacinth. She's my grandmothers' sister and is very strict. And, being sent to stay with her isn't something either of us want." I looked back at the books and asked, "Can you read these?" "Most of them," Faith replied, "They're written in various old languages and not many people can read them. Here let me show you." She walked over and removed one of the volumes from the bookcase. We sat on the sofa and as she untied a black ribbon that was holding the book closed, she said, "This book is one of a kind. It's loose leaf, hand written and illuminated." She carefully opened it and showed me the pages. She was right, the language the book was written in didn't look like anything I'd ever seen. The illuminations were very interesting. Some showed a groups of Witches. Some showed some other scarey characters. I asked, "So, this is a Witches' book?" "Yes," she replied, "All of them are. They contain spells, the ingredients to potions and a lot of history." "History?" "They tell about the various covens. Some of the better-known Witches and Wizards. Some of the black Witches and Warlocks and the nasty deeds that they've done. Stuff like that." "And, you can do the spells and make the potions?" "A lot of them. And, like my mother and grandmother, I only practice my art to learn it. I've only used it once or twice." "So, you don't do whatever it is Witches do?" "What do Witches do?" "I don't know. Ride brooms and stuff like that." She got a big smile, kissed me and said, "The concept of Witches has been so bent out of shape by what people have been told. Remember there are black Witches and white Witches. Black Witches are rare and practice black, or bad, magic. There are a lot more white Witches and we practice a benevolent style of Witch craft. Actually, we profess to an ethical code that won't let us perform magic on a person unless they request it or in special circumstances." "But, you cast a spell on me to stop my stuttering without me asking." "I know and I shouldn't have. But, I needed to prove to you that I was a Witch. I'll take it back if you want me too?" "No. I'm glad that you did it. So, you've never used your powers unless someone knew you were doing it?" "Not exactly." "Not exactly?" "Once I helped a boy that was getting beaten up by a bully." "That was a good thing, wasn't it?" "I thought so. But, mom wasn't happy because I interfered with a little bit of history." "So, the boy was meant to be beaten up." "I guess." "Anything else?" "I used my powers at school once to change a grade. That got me sent to Aunt Hyacinth's and I learned my lesson." "So, Aunt Hyacinth is really strict?" "Very. And, the clothes she made me wear were not nice." "Clothes?" "Old Victorian stuff. Corsets, long dresses with long sleeves and high necks, high lace up boots and stuff like that. Also, we have to act like a perfect lady." "She's sounds tough." "You have no idea." "Has Rachel ever had to visit her?" "Three times." "Are you sure she doesn't like you aunts' treatment?" "I don't think so. The last time she was there was right after we met." "Why? What did she do?" "She put the thought in your head to ask me out to lunch." "She didn't?" "She did. And, when mom found out, it was off to Aunt Hyacinths' for a week. Which of course left me to mind the shop." "So, if Rachel hadn't put that thought in my mind I wouldn't have asked you out?" "You might have. She knew that I liked you the first time we saw each other and also that you were shy." "You liked me?" "I liked what I saw when you walked in the shop and I was glad when you came back. Rachel loves reading minds, especially mine." "And, your mom doesn't get mad at her?" "Oh, does she ever. After she had you ask me out, mom went crazy. Along with the stay at Aunt Hyacinths', she was grounded for a month." "Ouch." She went on to show me a few more books and we talked about her being a Witch. It was a great learning experience. Finally she got up and started turning off the lights, then walked back over to me, took my hand and led me upstairs. I'd been in this bedroom a few times before, but only for a short time. As we walked into the bedroom, a couple of candles started to burn. I looked at her and just knew she'd lit them with magic. She just smiled. We didn't talk as we slowly undressed each other. I'd seen her naked body before, but tonight she just looked fantastic. The love we shared that night was out of sight. I couldn't imagine anything better. Waking up next to her on Saturday morning was interesting. She looked like an angel laying there, but I knew she was a Witch. She finally started to stir, so I leaned over and gave her a kiss. She opened her eyes, smiled and said, "Good morning." "Good morning," I replied. "Was last night a dream?" "If it was, I don't want to wake up." She wrapped her arms around me, pulled me down to her and gave me a long, deep, kiss. That kiss led to us not getting out of bed for almost an hour. After we had cuddled for a while, she asked, "What time is it?" "Just a little after eight," I replied. "Good. I've got plenty of time to fix breakfast before we open up." Faith was opening the shop at ten and working until two, when Rachel was supposed to work until closing at five. That would give Faith and me all afternoon and evening and since the shop was closed on Sunday, we'd have most of that day together. Her mother wouldn't be back until sometime on Monday. Rachel was out somewhere all morning and when two o'clock rolled around she wasn't back. Faith was starting to get a little upset. We had planned on seeing a movie at three. At a little after three we heard someone come in the back door and go upstairs. Faith said, "It's about time she got here. Can you watch the store for a minute? I need to talk to her." She didn't even wait for an answer. She was through the door and up the stairs before I could say anything. I heard a little yelling from upstairs. And, Faith was back downstairs in about ten minutes and I could tell she wasn't happy. Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, then under her breath, she said, "Little sisters!" "What happened?" I asked. "She and her boy friend got into it again. And, now she's mad at me." "Mad at you. Why?" "Because I yelled at here for not being here on time." "Is everything going to be all right?" "No. Now, I'm mad at her for ruining my time with you." Faith was mad. You could feel the tension. I tried to calm her down with, "Love. It doesn't matter. We're here with each other and that's all that matters." "It does matter," she said, "We had plans and she ruined them." We finally closed the shop at five and went out to dinner. Faith was still mad and wasn't talking very much. When we had finished eating I said, "Lets take a walk?" "No," she replied. "Faith. Stop being mad at Rachel. I'm just happy to be with you." "All right." We started walking and ended up at the same little park and sitting on the same bench where she'd told me that she was a Witch. We sat there in silence for a little while. Finally Faith said, "I'm sorry. But, she just ruined our evening." "Why is it ruined? We're together." "I know. But, we had plans." "But, the most important thing is we're here together right now and that's all I need." She looked at me, smiled a little, then said, "You're right. Just sitting here with you is all I need too." We then shared a long kiss, followed by a hug. As we were walking back to the shop, I asked, "Just how mad is Rachel?" "Remember last night I said that I'd never seen her that mad?" "Yea." "Since mom left me in charge, I grounded her. And, she's really mad." "She's over eighteen. How can you ground her?" "Mom's rules. And, Rachel knows, that as long as we live in mom's house, mom's rules overrides anyone else's rules or laws." We were back at the house at about nine and Faith checked on Rachel. When she came back down to the livingroom, she said, "She's not talking to me. She's in her room reading." "I hope she doesn't stay mad too long." "She's very strong willed, but she won't stay mad long," Faith said, then with a big grin added, "Maybe only a couple of months." I just shook my head. Faith and I again just cuddled up on the sofa and enjoyed each others company. About eleven, she got up, took my hand and led me up to her room. As we walked in, just like the night before, the candles magically lit. I watched her as she slowly undressed. She was beautiful. 3. A switch. We had been in bed making love for about fifteen minutes and she was on top. All of a sudden there was a bright flash of light and I was looking down at my own face and feeling things that I'd never felt before. "That little Witch!", the body that use to be mine said. "What the hell just happened?" I said, or the body that use to be Faiths' did. "That little Witch did a mind swap on us." Very confused, I could only say, "How?" "Oh. There's a way. Just wait until I get my hands on her. Get off of me," she said as she, or I, or who ever, rolled the body I was in off of my, or now Faith's, body. This is getting confusing. I'm in Faith's body and she's in mine. At least I think that's the way it is. As my body started for the door I said, "Faith. Wait!" My body turned around and looked at me and said, "What!?" "Don't leave me like this!" "Love. It'll be fine. I'll be right back. I've got to get her to swap us back." "Can't you do it?" "No. I was part of the spell." "But, what am I going to do?" "Just wait here. I won't be gone long. Then we'll straighten it out." "OK. But, please don't be long and you may want to put on a robe. Rachel may not like seeing you like that." "Seeing me like... ," she started to say as she looked down at my, or now her, naked body. She grabbed her robe and it didn't fit. She frowned, threw it off, grabbed mine, slipped it on and was out the door. I laid there trying to clear my head and figure out what I was feeling. I was in a girl's body. Faith's body. We'd been in the middle of a really heavy round of love making and I guess this body was still feeling the effects of it. I couldn't figure out what I was feeling, but it was interesting to say the least. I felt my face, it was soft and smooth, just like Faiths'. I guess it should be. After all it was really Faiths'. I looked at my hands and they were small and feminine. Then those hands went to some place that maybe they shouldn't have. I carefully touch my breasts. My breasts!? It was weird touching something that you knew weren't supposed to be yours, but now were. I brushed my hand across a nipple, it was sensitive and it sent a wave of pleasure through me. The ones on my body were sensitive. But, not like this. I carefully touched both of my nipples and it was amazing what I felt. I just can't describe it. But, I liked it. I'm really glad Faith came back before I was able to go any further. When Faith, in my body, walked back into the bedroom, I jumped and hoped that she hadn't seen what I was doing. I could tell by the look on her face that she wasn't happy. She stopped at the door, looked at me and just shook her head. I asked, "What!?" "It's just so weird walking in here and seeing yourself laying there." "Tell me about it." She walked over to the bed, sat down and said, "We've got a problem." "No kidding," I said, "You've got my body and I've got yours. Just switch us back." "I can't. Remember I was part of the spell and I can't do it to myself." "Then get Rachel to do it." "She's gone." "Gone!" "Yea. She must have snuck out of the house just as she did the mind swap." "Where'd she go?" "I've got no clue." "We've got to find her." "I know. But, that's easier said then done." "What's with her?" "I think she's really upset over her boyfriend and is taking it out on me, because I got mad at her for not covering the shop for me like we'd agreed." "Taking it out on us!" "Yea. Us." "So, what do we do?" "There isn't much we can do, until either she decides to swap us back or mom comes home." "That won't be until Monday! And, I've got that test and I can't go looking like this." "I know." "So, what do we do?" "I'm not sure." Faith moved around a little and the robe fell open. I noticed that I, or Faith, still had a partial erection. Faith looked at me, saw what I was looking at and said, "Just how do you handle that thing?" "I... I guess it comes with the practice." She smiled a little and shook her head. Then, she said, "Lets get a cup of tea and see if we can figure this out." I got out of bed, walked over to where she had thrown her robe, picked it up and put it on. Feeling these breasts move as I walked was another interesting experience. I think she saw me look down at my breasts as I was walking, because she said, "You'll get use to them." "I hope not," I replied. "You don't like them." "On you. Not on me." We went to the kitchen and Faith, or I, or whoever, fixed us tea. As she was doing that, I asked, "So, you have no idea where Rachel went?" "No," she replied, "She's probably at one of her girl friends." "You can't find her." "No. Not when she doesn't want me to. But, mom could." "So, she's going to be in big trouble when your mom gets home?" "You'd better believe it." We sat and discussed what we had to do. First, we knew that there was no way to swap back unless Rachel did it or when Faith's mother got back home. So, we didn't even try to figure out another way to do it. Second, was how to handle being in each others bodies even if it was for a short time. That came down to just doing it. Third, we had to figure out what to do with my test on Monday. Faith had no idea what Macro Biology was about and there wasn't time to teach her anything about it so that she could take and pass this exam. And, there were no makeup tests on this one. She was smart, but didn't have any background in biology. Faith sat and thought for a few minutes. Then, I saw her start to get a little smile. Finally she said, "Maybe. Just maybe." "Just maybe what?" I asked. "Well. I can read your mind." "But, there's no way I can be in the room sitting next to you to read the questions." "Let me finish." "Sorry." "There may be a way that you can read my mind." "How?" "I'm not sure yet. But, I remember my mom talking about it once. So, there's got to be a way." "How are you going to find out?" "Do a lot of reading tonight. And, it may take all night." "Why not just do it in the morning?" "I want more time just in case I can't find it." "To do what?" "Get some help. If I can." "From who?" "Maybe try and get in touch with mom." We walked into the livingroom and Faith took a couple of books out of her mother's bookcase. We sat on the couch and she started looking through the books. After about forty-five minutes the tea started working on my bladder, I got up and said, "I'll be right back." It took me a lot longer then normal to just take a pee. And, it felt, for the lack of a better word, different. Not standing up, nothing to shake and having to wipe. I walked back into the livingroom and Faith was standing at the bookcase putting the books back. She turned, looked at me, smiled and said, "I found what I was looking for." "And that was?" I asked. "A spell so that you can read my mind." "Oh. I was hoping that you had found one to swap us back." "Remember. I can't do that to myself since I was part of the spell." "Yea. I was just hoping." "What's wrong, don't like being in my body?" "It's weird. I suppose you like being in mine?" "It's not bad. It's interesting to see what it's like from your side." I just shook my head. She walked over to me, took my now small hand in her now large hand and as she led me toward the steps said, "We'd better get some sleep." I followed her upstairs to the bedroom and as we were getting back in bed, she leaned over to kiss me. I pulled back a little and she asked, "What's wrong?" "I... I guess kissing myself." "Why? You're in my body and I'm in yours." "I know. But, I'm seeing myself trying to kiss me." "Close your eyes." I just looked at her or me. "Go on," she said, "Just close your eyes." I slowly closed my eyes. I felt her move closer to me and our lips touch. It was strange, she kissed me in the way a guy would kiss his girl. It felt strong, but also very nice. I relaxed a little and felt the feeling behind the kiss. The love. It was a long kiss, not a sensuous one, but there was a lot of feeling behind it. When she pulled back, I opened my eyes and she was smiling. She asked, "Was it that bad?" I just shook my head no. "Just remember,", she added, "I may be in your body right now, but I'm still me. And, I love you very much. Also, I just love the way you kiss." In the morning, as I was waking up, I felt someone cuddled up to me. First I had to shake out the cobwebs and remember that I wasn't in my own body, but in Faiths'. Then I had to realize that it was Faith, in my body, cuddled up to me. I also had to figure out what I was feeling that was hard and pressing against my lower back. Then I remembered. I sometimes get a morning erection. I stirred a little and heard my voice say, "Good morning lover." "Good morning," I replied in Faith's voice. "Are you all right?" "Yea. Still trying to get use to this body and my old one pressed up against me." "You will. We've got all day today for that to happen." I rolled over and looked at Faith. Seeing my own face looking back at me was still weird. She gave me a kiss and this time I didn't pull back. It wasn't bad. No. Actually it was nice. Then she asked, "What do I do about this thing between my legs?" "Huh?" I asked. "Does it always get hard like this in the morning?" "Sometimes." "So, what do you do about it?" "Well, what I'd like to do when it's that way is too weird to even think about." "What's that?" "Ah... make love." "You mean making love to me is weird?" And, I felt a hand touch my breast. "Yes.... No.... But... But, I'd be making love to my own body." "I don't think I'd have a problem making love to my body. It's pretty. It's soft. And, it just begs to be made love to." "Wait. You mean that you want to... " I didn't get a chance to finish. She kissed me, a long, deep, kiss and started playing with my breasts. Something inside me said to stop her, but something else even stronger said... Twenty minutes later we were laying next to each other and Faith said, "That was really different." "Do you always feel this way when you have sex?" I asked. "I don't know. How do you feel?" "Ah... sort of wonderful and warm all over. I saw lights. Colored lights. I even though I was going to pass out. And, if that was a female orgasm. I only have one word. Wow!" She grinned and said, "You did make some interesting noises." "Noises?" "Yes love. Noises. I can't explain them, but it sure sounded like you got into it and were enjoying what was happening." "I just never felt anything like this before." "I know. Do you always feel so powerful and in control when you're on top?" "I guess. But, God this is so weird." "No. It wasn't weird. It was nice. Very nice. And, I really like knowing what it's like to be on the male side. Maybe I won't have them change us back." "What!?" "I'm kidding." "You'd better be." We finally got out of bed and I took a shower. Washing this body was another interesting experience. Faith and I had never showered together, the shower here isn't big enough, but I'd sure like to once we change back. I had a couple of things that kept running through my mind. Why was Faith so at ease with this whole thing? And, why wasn't I freaking out being made love to by Faith in my body? I had no answers. Getting dressed wasn't too bad. The bra and panties were easy. The pantyhose were something else. I ruined the first pair I tried to put on. She just shook her head and helped me with the second pair. She always wore long skirts, some were black and some were pretty prints. She chose a print for me. Then she picked one of her prettiest high- necked, long sleeved blouses. Then came the ever-present granny boots and cameo necklace. I know the long skirt, high-necked blouse and granny boots don't sound sexy. But, for some reason on her they looked fantastic. She did have other clothes, some very pretty outfits. After we had breakfast, we went into the livingroom. Faith went to the bookcase and took out a book. She'd marked the page she needed and turned right to it. Then she said, "All right lover. After I cast this spell you will be able to read my mind and I'll fix it so that it will be only my mind. Otherwise, without a lot of practice you wouldn't be able to filter out all the other thoughts around you." "You know," I said, "The closest that I'll be able to be to the classroom is the lounge area just down the hall. Will I be able to read your mind through the walls?" "You should, but will try it. It's going to take a little while for you to get use to talking to me without actually speaking. So, were going to work on that today." "So, what do we have to do?" "You. Nothing. Me. I get to cast a spell." "Is it going to hurt?" "No silly. It's not going to hurt. You won't even know it happened until I think something. You ready?" "I guess." I watched as she carefully read something aloud out of the book. When she was done, she closed the book and I thought she said, 'Did you feel anything?' "No. Did you do it? Wait. Your lips aren't moving." 'I know. I'm just thinking the words.' "Really?" 'Yes. Now you try it.' I looked at her and thought, 'Like this?' She smiled as she thought, 'Perfect. What I think we should do, is use nothing but thought to communicate the rest of the day, unless we're around other people and need to.' "Other people," I said out loud, "I don't want to be around anyone else." 'Lover. If we're going to make this work tomorrow, you need to be comfortable around others as me.' "Yea. You're right. What are we going to do?" 'First. Thoughts only. Then we'll see how far we can do this.' 'Sorry. I forgot.', I thought, 'What do you want me to do?' 'You just sit here. I'll go outside and we'll see how far I can go and still use thought to communicate with you.' With that Faith, in my body, gave me a kiss, went down the back stairs and outside. As she walked through the back door, I heard here think, 'Faith. Can you still hear me?' I thought, 'I'm not Faith.' 'Lover, you are until sometime tomorrow. So, get use to it.' 'And, I suppose you're Carl?' 'Until tomorrow.' 'Where are you now?' 'Almost half way down the block.' 'How am I going to know when it stops working?' 'It'll just stop.' 'How far are you going to go?' 'Maybe to the coffee shop.' 'If it works that far it should work at school.' 'I know and I'm almost... ' 'Faith?... Faith?... Oh all right, Carl?' 'That's better.' 'So, how far did you get before it stopped working?' 'I'm down by the coffee shop.' 'That far?' 'This is going to work. Now, come join me and bring your purse.' 'No way.' 'Lover. Remember what I said about getting use to being around people? This is a good place to start. There aren't many people here right now.' 'But, I've got to walk there by myself.' 'I just did and there's hardly anyone on the streets.' 'I know. But, you've accepted being me a lot better then I've accepted being you.' 'Sweetheart. You're still the same person, just in a different body.' 'I know. It's the different body thing that I have problems with.' 'You can do this. Just believe in yourself.' Five minutes later as I was walking toward the coffee shop, I thought, 'Faith. I mean Carl. Where are you?' 'Inside, sitting at the table in the back corner. I've got you a chi tea.' 'I don't like chi tea.' 'Faith does and they know that here. The girl behind the counter is Beth Ann. She'll say hello to you. Just say hello back and smile when you do it.' A few minutes later as I walked into the coffee shop the girl behind the counter said, "Hi Faith." "Hi Beth Ann," I said with a smile. "Your boyfriend has already got you a tea." "Thanks." It was strange to hear someone call me Faith and tell me about my boyfriend. I walked back to the table where Carl was sitting. He got up and helped me with my chair. As I sat, he said, "See it wasn't that bad was it?" I thought, 'In your dreams love. I almost peed my pants.' "You can talk now." "Oh yea. I almost ... " "I heard you the first time." We sat and drank our tea and coffee. As we were leaving, Carl said, "We need to walk around town and go into the stores until you're comfortable doing it. Then after lunch, we'll go to the mall." "I don't think I'll ever get comfortable doing this." "You will. It's going to take a positive attitude to make this work. I could probably find a spell that would make you think like a girl, but I don't know what it would do in taking the test." "I'll try. I guess it's the only way this will work." "Good girl. And, I'll try and give you the names ahead of time of the people that you'll need to know." We spent the rest of morning walking around town and in and out of every store. Carl made me look and handle lingerie. Try on some clothes. Look at cosmetics. Then it hit me. I looked at him, then thought, 'How are you going to act like me?' 'Being a guy is easier then being a girl.' 'Yea right.' 'Believe me. It is. Have you been watching me?' 'Yea.' 'What have you seen?' 'I guess me.' 'Exactly. Things' girls do are more complex then what guys do.' As we were walking I had a few people, that know Faith, say hello to me. Carl always told me ahead of time who it was, so that I was able respond without hesitation. He also corrected some of the things I did that weren't feminine. After lunch and a visit to the ladies room, which took some coaxing, we went back to the house and got the car. The mall was about ten miles from the house and Carl drove. There were a lot of cars at the mall, which told me there were a lot of people inside. And, I guess I was starting to get use to looking at my body, because when I looked at Carl it was no longer strange seeing myself. But, I still asked, "Do we have to do this?" "Yes," he answered, "The classroom buildings are crowded at times and you have to get use to being close to people as a girl. Besides, it'll help me be more like you." "All right." We both got out of the car and walked into the mall. Like I had figured, it was crowded. But, I heard Carl think, 'Love. Just relax and it'll be fine. And, I'll help you.' I thought back, 'I think, after all of this, I'm going to help you kill Rachel when we find her.' 'Don't worry. Mom will take care of it.' With a grin, I thought, 'Oh. You mean my mom?' He looked at me and just shook his head. We spent about three hours at the mall, window shopping and people watching. I had to remember not to hold doors open, that was Carl's job. But, I think the most important lesson I learned from Carl was to not smile at guys. As we were leaving the mall, he asked me, "Well. Was it that bad?" "No," I replied, "It got easier and easier." "That's my girl. I knew you could do it." "Your girl?" "You are until mom gets home. Aren't you?" "I guess I don't have a choice. Do I? Ah. Who's going to watch the shop tomorrow while we're gone?" "Oh. That's right. The class is an early morning one. Right?" "Yea. At nine." "We normally open at ten and we should be back around eleven. I just guess we'll just open a bit late." When we were back at the house, Rachel still wasn't home. Carl made a nice dinner for us and we talked about the test tomorrow. I told him that it should take less than an hour. And, that there may be a few people that might say hello to him. But, that I usually didn't talk much and usually only said 'Hi.' Carl removed the spell, so that we were no longer reading each others minds. He said, that it wasn't fair to know each others thoughts unless we wanted to share them. After dinner, there was a gentle rain falling, so we couldn't go for a walk. We went into the living room. Carl put on some nice music and when we went to sit on the sofa he grabbed me and sat me on his lap. He went to kiss me, I stopped him and asked, "Faith. Why are you so at ease with this whole mess?" "It's Carl." "No. Right now I want to talk to Faith." "What's wrong?" "Why are you so at ease with this whole crazy thing?" "I'm not really sure. I know I'm finding it interesting being a guy. Seeing what it's like from your side. I also figure that we're stuck until either Rachel decides to change us back or mom comes home. There's nothing we can do about it, so why not make the best of it." "But, don't you find it weird being in my body and doing things with me in your body, especially having sex with yourself this morning?" "It was a little weird to start with. But, I also look at it as a new experience. This morning was a very interesting experience making love with you, not just having sex. I enjoyed it." "I know. I enjoyed it too. But, it was still strange doing it with myself." "Love. I know. It may have been your body, but it's my mind. Just enjoy the experience. You may never get another chance to see life from the other side." I looked at Carl for a minute, then asked "So, you look at this as an experience to be enjoyed and shared?" "Yes. And, I think you should try and look at it that way too." I don't know why. Maybe it's because I love Faith so much and want to share everything with her. Maybe it's because I'd been in her body for almost twenty-four hours and was feeling feminine. Feminine? Since I was still sitting on his lap, I wrapped my arms around his neck and shared a very nice, very deep, kiss with him. When we broke the kiss, he looked at me, smiled and asked, "Are you my girl?" "I guess I am until tomorrow," I replied, "But, I'm always your lover." He pulled me closer and we shared another long kiss. That kiss turned into some very heavy necking and petting. I thought I'd felt some interesting things this morning, but I couldn't believe the emotions that were flowing and physical things that I was feeling. It wasn't long until I had his shirt off and he had my blouse and bra off. His touching and kissing of my breasts were doing things to me that I can't put into words. But, things were happening inside me that were making me want more. My hands were places on him that I'd never touched on a guy, except myself. I knew he was enjoying what I was doing to him, as much as I was enjoying what he was doing to me. Finally, in a husky voice I said, "If you don't take me to the bedroom and make love to me right now. I'm... " I didn't get a chance to finish. It wasn't long until we were in Faith's bedroom and the remainder of our clothes were soon strewn all over the floor of the bedroom. I looked at what he had between his legs in a way that I'd never looked at another guy's equipment, as something to be used for pleasure. Pleasure for both of us. Pleasure in many ways. After we had consummated our love, we just lay there looking at each other for a long time. Finally he whispered, "Lover. I don't believe you." "What don't you believe?" I asked. "Everything we just did." "Honey. I love you. I felt things when we were downstairs that I can't explain. Things that made me want you. Made me want to make love as a woman. It was wonderful. You made me feel wonderful. I just can't believe that you feel like this every time we make love." "I must. It's always made me want more. You've always made me feel wonderful before we were switched. And, I've tried to do the same to you since. What you did to me just now was amazing. You're a great lover as a girl. Knowing what you feel when we make love, helps me be a better lover." We kissed and started necking again. One thing led to another and it wasn't long until I was on top and we were enjoying each other again. I finally collapsed on top of him, gave him a deep kiss and whispered, "I love you so much." He smiled and whispered, "No more then I love you." Completely naked, we fell asleep in each others arms. We were up early on Monday morning, as we had an hour long drive to campus and had to be there before nine. I got in a nice long shower. When I was done, I slipped into a pretty bra and panty set, that he'd picked out for me, and walked back into the bedroom. I saw the clothes that Carl had picked out laid out on the bed. Not the long skirt and blouse that Faith usually wore, but a pair of jeans, a very pink sweater and a pair of cross-trainers. I dressed while I waited for Carl to finish his shower. After Carl had dressed, he helped me with my makeup. Then just before we left, Carl redid the spell so that we could read each others minds. I heard him think, 'Maybe we should have just left the spell in effect last night.' I thought, 'No way lover. I didn't want you knowing what I was really thinking.' 'Why not. You would have known what I was thinking too.' 'Maybe it's better that we don't know what each others thinking when we're making love.' 'Why. Did you enjoy doing it as a girl that much?' I just smiled. On the drive to campus I started getting nervous and Carl knew it. He said, "Love. It's going to be fine." "I know," I said, "Or, at least I hope it will. But, I'm going to be alone for an hour." "No one will bother you." I looked at him and thought, 'I hope you're right.' 'I am love. This is going to work.' We were on campus at about eight-thirty and had to walk a good distance to the classroom building. Which we did hand-in-hand. We walked up in front of the classroom door, stopped, looked at each other, and I said, "Good luck. I'll be in the lounge." "With you close," he replied, "It'll be a snap." Then I thought, 'Remember. Third row from the front. Center isle. Right side. Isle seat.' 'I know. You've told me a dozen times.' 'Sorry.' Carl gave me a little kiss, turned and walked into the classroom. I walked down the hall and into the lounge. I got looked at by some of the guys, which unnerved me a little. The book that I had with me had all blank pages. We knew that if the book had text in it and if I started reading it, that it just might mess things up. I sat down, opened the book and pretended to read. But, I was thinking, 'Carl?' 'Yea.' 'Whenever you're ready.' 'He's handing out the tests right now.' 'Okay.' 'Here we go. First question ... ' Forty-five minutes later Carl was handing in the test and walking out of the classroom. As he walked into the lounge, I heard him think, 'So, how do you think we did?' 'Good.', I thought, 'There were only two questions that I wasn't one- hundred percent sure about.' 'So, not bad.' 'Nope. I feel good about it.' 'Oh. You know that red head that sits across the isle from you.' 'What about her?' 'She really likes you.' 'What did you do? Read her mind.' 'I didn't have to. I could tell by the way she looks at you.' On the way back to the house Carl removed the spell, but just before he did, he thought, 'I want you so bad right now.' I looked at him, grinned and thought, 'Stop being so bad. You're beginning to think like a guy.' 4. Did I really say that? When we got back to the house, Faith's mother, grandmother and aunt, where already back. As we walked in her mother looked at me and asked, "Young lady. What's going on? Why isn't the shop open?" Carl said, "Mom. That's Carl. I'm over here." She looked at him, back at me, then back at him and said, "Just what is going on!?" "It's a long story." "We've got the rest of the day." "Can you do something for us first?" "What?" "Switch us back into the right bodies." "I guess I'd better." Faith's mother concentrated for a second. There was the flash of light again and I was looking at Faith body. So, I must be in my body. "Now," Faith's mother asked, "What's going on?" Faith went on to tell the three women the whole story including where we had been. I knew she didn't like telling on her sister. But, her mother needed to know. When Faith was done, her mother asked, "Do you know where she is?" "No," Faith replied, "She didn't come home last night and we couldn't find her." "I'll find her. I know that she feels about her boyfriend almost the same way you feel about Carl. So, I don't know what to do with her." "Mother!" "Honey. We couldn't miss the signs of how you and Carl feel about each other. Why do you think we didn't mind him spending the weekend?" I could tell that Faith was a little embarrassed by what her mother said. And, so was I. Actually I was very uncomfortable. Her mother continued with, "We'll find Rachel. You and Carl open the shop. And, if he would like, he's welcome to stay for dinner." As Faith and I were opening the shop I said, "It feels good to be back in my own body." With a fake little pout, Faith said, "So, you didn't like being me?" "I didn't say that. I just said it feels good to be back in my own body." "Would you do it again?" "I don't know.... Maybe." That evening, after dinner, I met Aunt Hyacinth. I hope I never get this woman mad at me. She comes across as very strict. When I was introduced to her, she looked me over very closely and said more than asked, "So, you're the one that has stolen my great-niece's heart?" I looked at Faith and the look on her face said it all. She wasn't happy about what her great-aunt had just said and maybe was a little concerned about what my answer would be. I got the feeling that this might be the beginning of the great inquisition and I didn't want that. So, I looked Aunt Hyacinth directly in the eyes and said, "Yes ma'am. I guess I am." "Well. At least you're honest." "Yes ma'am. I guess I am." "And, just what are your intentions toward her?" Faith took my hand and squeezed it. I knew she was worried about what I would say. But, I couldn't help but be truthful and I said, "Hopefully to one day marry her." As I said this, I saw Faith's mother look at me and smile, her grandmother nod her head, her Aunt Abbey frown and Rachel's eyes get big as she put her hands to her mouth. Faith squeezed my hand even harder. "Really!", Aunt Hyacinth said, "Young man, you are very honest and straight forward. I like you." As I smiled at her I said, "Thank you ma'am. I like you too." As Faith was pulling me out of the room, she said, "Ah... Excuse us everyone. We have something to do." When we were out of ear shot of everyone, Faith turned me to look at her and said, "Are you crazy? I can't believe what you said to Aunt Hyacinth in front of everyone." "I was just being honest." "You... you were?" "Yes." "Where... where you really asking me what I think you're asking me?" "What's that?" I said with a big grin. "You brat! You know." "What?" "Did you or did you not, in front of my family, just ask me to marry you?" "Hm. I did?... Could I marry a Witch? ... I don't know if I could do that?... Mmm... Yea. I think I just might be able to do that." I got down on one knee, took both of Faith's hands in mine, looked up at her and said, "Faith. This has happened so quickly and it's time. I love you with all my heart. Will you be my wife?" She was down on her knees in a flash, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me. When we broke the kiss, I asked, "I take it that was a yes?" She took my face in her in her hands, looked at me and said, "Carl you are so wonderful and I love you with all my heart. Yes. I'll marry you." We kissed again. "Think I should ask your mother?" I asked. "Ask her what?" "For permission to marry you." Hand in hand we walked back into the livingroom. The four women, Faith's mother, her grandmother and her two aunts, were sitting and they turned and looked at us. Rachel, who was standing and I think getting a royal chewing out, also looked at us. The look on Faith's mother's face told me that she knew what had just transpired between her daughter and me. And, when she asked, "Carl. Do you have something you want to ask me?" I knew she did. "Yes ma'am. I guess I do," I replied. "Would you like to do this in private?" "No ma'am." She smiled at me and I said, "Mrs. Brightman. Your daughter and I love each other very much. I've just asked her to marry me and she said yes. All we need now is your permission." The smile that Faith's mother and grandmother had got bigger. I wasn't sure about the look on Aunt Abbey's face. I even saw a smile on Aunt Hyacinth's face. But, Rachel was something else. She ran from behind the women, wrapped her arms around Faith and said, "I'm so happy for you." Looking at her mother and hugging Rachel, Faith said, "Mom hasn't said yes." "Honey," her mother said, "I couldn't say no to you and Carl. I know how you feel about each other. The only thing that I ask, is that you sit down with him before you're married and tell him all about yourself." "Even?" Faith asked. "Yes. Even that," then looking at me she said, "So, Carl, yes you have my blessing to marry my daughter." Faith broke the hug with Rachel, wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. Then it was hugs all around. When Rachel hugged me again, she whispered, "I'm really sorry I did what I did. I was mad at Faith and hurt by my boyfriend and I just did something that I shouldn't have." I whispered back, "It's all right. I really didn't mind it. Besides it was interesting. And, thanks for setting the two of us up." Rachel pulled back a little, looked at me, smiled, then hugged me again and whispered, "You'll fit in this family just fine." Finally everyone left the two of us alone and we cuddled on the sofa. We sat there for a long time just holding each other. Finally I said, "Did Rachel go with your Aunt Hyacinth?" "Yes. We may not see her for a while." "I hope not. She didn't mean any harm. Besides, she's the one that got us together. And, it was an interesting experience." "An interesting experience?" "Sure. How often can a guy be a girl?" Faith didn't say anything, but looked at me, got that sly little smile of hers and just cuddled closer. I asked, "What?" "Oh nothing," she replied. "Tell me what nothing is about?" "Are you sure?" "Sure about what?" "About not wanting to be a girl again." "I don't know." "Remember mom telling me that I needed to tell you everything about me?" "Yea." "Well, there's something about the men in this family." "Something about the men?" "Uh huh. You weren't the first male in this family to be a girl." I sat there in silence as she told me the story of how her parents had met. How her father had learned about her mother being a Witch. About the football player that was a Warlock. How they had found out about an ancestor named Abigail and what had happened to her. About her mother talking her father into becoming Abigail. And, what they had done to the football player. When she was done, I wasn't able to say anything. I just sat there looking at her. Finally she said, "You believe me. Don't you?" "Yea," I said, "I believe you. I believe anything you tell me about this family. But, your father sure did spend a lot of time as this Abigail." "Yes. He does spend a lot of time as Abbey." When she said that it was like a light went on. Was Aunt Abbey really her dad? All I could say was, "Abbey?" "Yes. Abbey." "Aunt Abbey?" She just smiled and nodded yes. "Your... Your Aunt Abbey is your dad?" "Yes." I just sat there, looking at her and thinking, 'This family just gets stranger and stranger. What's next?' Then I said, "That explains some of her looks, like when I asked for permiss

Same as Faith Videos

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At midnight a young man mid 20's, staggers out of a bar from the back side. He pulls his long brown hair back in a pony tail. He stands there looking up to the night sky. "God why did you take the only two things I love away from me". "I know you can hear me Kim I really miss you please hug and kiss are little girl for me. I can't believe it has been 5 years sense that fatal night. I miss you both so much Kim". He wipes the tears from his eyes. Leaning over He pukes hard all over the...

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I checked my makeup in the mirror, and brushed a wisp of newly coiffed hair from my brow. Taking a deep breath and swallowing my pride, I stepped out onto the patio. The click of my favorite Manolos echoed in the Sunday quiet of another warm, southern California night. The white satin hem of the long, elegant evening gown swished on the concrete as it trailed. A few slow, sultry strides brought me to the edge of the pool. My husband stopped his laps and wiped the water from his eyes, gawking...

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Kerri stared out of her bedroom window, looking at her suburban community. Her fingers tapped impatiently on the window sill as she waited for her neighbor to come outside. Sitting on the carpeted floor with only the top of her head visible to the outside world, Kerri’s lustful eyes scanned her neighbor’s backyard. Where was she? Kerri thought to herself. Kerri adjusted her body to become more comfortable, because she planned to wait. Minutes started to feel like hours and Kerri was feeling...

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Your name is Juliette, currently 22 years old. You're very inexperienced with everything considered sex and most your friends would definitely describe you as an naive girl who somehow always finds herself getting into various misadventures. Ever since you lost your virginity an urge for sex has been brewing inside of you. The problem has recently become very overbearing as the once prevelant bedroom-magic has now been gone for weeks or maybe it's just because your boyfriend is incapable of...

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Kerri stared out of her bedroom window, looking at her suburban community. Her fingers tapped impatiently on the window sill as she waited for her neighbor to come outside. Sitting on the carpeted floor with only the top of her head visible to the outside world, Kerri's lustful eyes scanned her neighbor's backyard. Where was she? Kerri thought to herself. Kerri adjusted her body to become more comfortable, because she planned to wait. Minutes started to feel like hours and Kerri was feeling...

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The commissioner of health services finished the glowing testimonial to this year’s recipient of the County Physician of the Year award. He spread his right arm wide, directing the honoree to take the podium for the presentation of her award. She was a devastatingly beautiful redhead who looked a decade younger than her thirty-three years. Simone O’Reilly was a tall woman whose mane of red hair descended to her pale shoulders like ringlets of fire dropping on ice. She was easily the most...

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When I joined Danielle in the ladies’ room, I wasn’t too shocked at what followed, but the fact that it was held in that context, in a reception held after a Roman Catholic wedding mass, no less, it was a bit staggering. The next shock came in the way that my new sisters-in-law and the bridesmaids eagerly fluffed for us, licking and sucking both of us to prepare the way for my cock to ravish the mother of the bride. One thing was sure: my mother-in-law, like all of the other women in her...

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An Indian Slut

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Small Changes

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Aussie Teen Discovers His Homo Hunger Part 2

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Carol Part Eight

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Terraria Tales of the Horny Heros

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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch 11

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The Ritz

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Fucked Snow White In Starry Night Full Story

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TimewalkingChapter 4

While we walked, I reminded Sally of the kind of danger that we were in. The Egyptians at the time were very dogmatic, at least the priests were, about the sanctity and dignity of the pharaohs. They might decide to kill us out of hand for even being this close to the son of the current pharaoh. Sally took the whole thing much calmer than I did, as if she knew a secret that I was not a party to. Okay, if she was not worried, I would just do the worrying for both of us. With the boy to slow us...

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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 25 Visit to Village fair

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dost ki behen ko chodarlm

yeh aaj se 6 saal pehle ki sacchi ghatna hai.jab main 11th class me tha...pehle main aapko apne baare me bata do..meri age 20saal hai aur baat aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai meri height 5;8hai aur main kaafi handsome bhi hoon chalo ab baaten to bahut hoti rahengi main asli topic par aa jaate hai.If anu girl, bhabhi,aunty wanna sex wid me in delhi then u can mail me at [email protected] and please comment me on my story if u like or dislike my story1 baar main aur mera dost kar rahey...

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A good teacher 3

From that night on, having filled my Mothers mouth and cunt with my jism several times, we now share the same bed. I can now fondle her well rounded boobs or touch her wet, shaved cunt whenever I want. That also applies both ways. I've on occasion woken with a hard on, only to find Mum sucking on my cock, or stroking my hard shaft. She told me that I've awoken her sexual desires so much that she thinks about it for most of the time. I've also woken a few times where she had her hand on my cock...

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Catherines Delight

Really late at night on a Friday, I come home from out of town.I walked in to find Catherine lying on the couch. She had gotten really drunk and passed out. Jessica, my girlfriend, had gone to bed long ago and Brandon, Catherine’s boyfriend, was already at his house for the night. I walked past Catherine’s limb body with her disheveled clothes and walked up stairs. I set my stuff down in Jessica’s room and unbuttoned the collared shirt I was still wearing from work earlier that day. I took...

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Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement in the doorway as I put on my clothes. He leans against the doorframe, while his green eyes rake over me. Finishing dressing, I pull my khaki shorts over my rounded bottom, covering my pretty pink thong. He walks into the room naked, grazing his fingertips across my stomach as he passes me.I hear the box springs give under his weight on the bed, and look over my shoulder at him.“Come here, princess,” he says patting his fingertips against his lips. I...

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Irresistible Holly Ch 00

(Pretty tame, just introducing myself really and keeping it simple.) * Holly was a sweet girl that I’d had my eyes on for quite some time. We both enrolled at Davison College of Arts the same year so I’d see her in the common areas of the dormitory or in the halls between classes. We even had a class together during my first semester. I remember the first time I saw her she didn’t really catch my eye. She had sharp eyes with an appealing green hue and a slender delicate face to match. Her...

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Wifes gangbang confession part 2

As Ashley and Laura got positioned on the bed to give Paul and Graeme a show the guys stood at the foot of the bed with there cocks in their hands, (to this day my wife loves to watch a guy wanking himself off.) the girls started to roll around groping, rubbing, licking and kissing each other. as Ashley went down to lick Laura the guys couldn’t help themselves and jumped back on the bed. kneeling at either side of Laura they pushed there cocks into her face. Like i said earlier she could...

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A cry in the dark

I woke with a start when my phone rang. Who the hell would call me this late? I lunged across the bed and picked up the phone. "Hello?" I said rubbing sleep out my eyes "Is this Laura Penets?" said the woman on the other end of the line "Yes, who is this? What do you want?" I replied "We need to talk in private, come to the bridge that crosses Cloem creek in one hour, come alone, and please don’t be late." Said the woman hurriedly, she sounded . Suddenly I heard a click and my mother asked me...

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Lab PartnersChapter 6

Kit stepped into the cafeteria. The place was quiet with only a few tables occupied. He spotted Nichelle sitting by herself. He headed toward her and joined her. She had her phone before her. “What are you looking at?” he asked. “Some photos.” She turned her phone so he could see it. “This is one of Great-Gram on her wedding day.” “She’s pretty,” Kit remarked. “I see a resemblance.” “Do you? Where?” “The nose I think. And, the white dude is Great-Gramp?” Nichelle nodded. “Here’s one of...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Judy Jolie Black Snake Bone

Judy Jolie is one of those girls who has always been hot, so she knows how to get exactly what she wants. So, when she asks to use her neighbors pool for a few hours in a skimpy, sexy bikini, how could he ever say no? She heads to the backyard and oils herself up, making it clear that she wants to get a little wet. Our stud takes a shower, letting his huge flotation device show through the window, and Judy gets the picture right away. She rushes inside to attach her wet teen mouth to his huge...

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EdenChapter 17

Preliminary analysis of the specimens produced a strangely mixed bag of results. The air, as the Argo had found, was quite breathable without respiratory filters; it was considerably more pollen-laden than Earth's—an ecology without significant insect population would naturally rely more heavily on airborne dissemination—but the pollens were completely innocuous to humans. Likewise the water was perfectly drinkable; the natural sediments would simply pass through the human digestive tract...

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The Russian FrontPart 3 Happiness and Loss

She didn't hate him. She never had, even when he had taken her that first day. His ability to arouse her was frightening, though, when she thought about it in the middle of the night, and she began to doubt herself. She imagined a Faustian pact, that he had sold his soul to the devil in return for the ability to arouse women. She fell asleep thinking about it. He was affectionate in the morning, and her failure to react to him came from exhaustion, not an attempt to gain distance from him....

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Old Friends New Lovers 4 Friends meet the Monster

Introduction: We get don and dirty with old friends Old Friends New Lovers #4 Friends meet the Monster Bonnie WF, mid 50s, 5, 140 lbs. with soft 38 DS Shellie – WF, mid 30s, 5 8, 140 lbs with firm 42 DDS Roger WM, mid 30s, 6 4, slim & tanned with a really BIG cock Kathy – WF, mid 50s, 5 2 110 lbs with small 32 As She is very passionate, tastes good and her ass is still tight! I REALLY enjoyed taking her anal virginity! I love her little titties! Michael WM, mid 50s, 59 170 lbs with a 5 dick...

2 years ago
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From A to Z

As usual this story is exclusively my property and can’t be republished or reprinted without my permission. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and not-so-innocent. Any resemblance to people living, dead or non-existent is merely a coincidence. [I would like to send out a very special thank you to my new friend ‘Jim E.’ He offered some very good insights into how I could improve the story and make the characters more human. On that note I’ll have to do a bit of re-jigging on later...

3 years ago
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Saving SisterChapter 8

It was fairly early when Bud put the slaves to bed, but by the time Karin returned with the videos, a couple of exercise pads, and several sports bras, it was pushing midnight. While waiting for her to return, Bud had been able to make some more plans and get more things ready. When he finally crashed on the couch, his sleep was fitful, though. There was just too much happening that was completely new. At least his slaves' nudity and his touching of their bodies was not the shock it might...

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Orphan MagusChapter 36

I stood in the foyer, shivering from cold, and holding a woman to whom I never thought I would get this close. She shivered too. We had been outside, and fallen in a heap in the snow. For the most part, my jeans and dad’s old work jacket saved me from getting soaked, but Olive hadn’t been as fortunate. She had a long, fur-lined coat, which was heavy and could keep a snowman warm, but it couldn’t work as well while unbuttoned and open, as it currently was. She wanted to show me what she wore...

1 year ago
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Straight Invaded Chapter 4

As 7:30 AM approached, my cock began its betrayal. I could not stop thinking about the effect on my body as his cock unloaded in my mouth. I was disgusted with myself as my mind turned to a week ago and tonguing his asshole. I ***********ed a pair of red full panties this morning, I could not believe how excited I was from the feel of silk against my skin. I felt like a hormone crazed teenager. My whole body just tingled all over, like 17 again. The knock at the door startled me. I greeted...

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The ParkersChapter 30 Jack his older sister his brothers and his sister

There they were. Naked. In Matt's bedroom. Matt, Jack, Martin, Sally and Jill. All naked. Jack was surprised. He had just had sex with Sally; he had sex with Matt a couple of days before, but he had no idea that... Martin and Jill were there. Naked. Wow! They both had beautiful bodies, and Jack's cock started to grow. Jill's tits; Martin's cock, wow! Sally closed the door, in silence. Jack couldn't say anything, he didn't want to spoil the moment. So Matt said: "Come here, Jack....

2 years ago
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Study Friend

There had been six of us at the start but as the research and material was covered people would excuse themselves and head off to work or home. We were all in Dr. Lewis's World History class. It is a required course and Dr. Lewis was very big on researching and knowing the 'real' reasons and long term consequences of events being covered. The course should have just been reading the text, discussion and then taking a test but Dr. Lewis did not see it that way. The amount of...

4 years ago
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Harriet A PrisonerChapter 11 Gwen is spanked Two are staked out in the sun

On the second shift of the second full day Gwendoline and Harriet were working together, the guard with the spanking fetish turned up on duty. Gwen was quite pleased to see him, as Harry had told her all about him! Although she had never sought for this kind of experience since her marathon session with Mrs Travers (a lady Gwen had met several times since, but on a purely social basis!) she still had a slight hankering - an involuntary spanking from this fellow held no terrors for her - quite...

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The WalletChapter 14

I was first to wake. The afternoon sun was waning low in the western sky. I nuzzled the twins and tweaked titties until they stirred. I pointed out the sky and we hurriedly dressed. I assisted them onto the seat and set the horse out at a trot. It was still light when we got back to the stable. Moss was waiting on us. I paid him for the time with the rig and he said my horse was back. I thanked him and said I'd see Asper about the fee. He waved me off as I escorted the sisters up the...

3 years ago
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Kunoichi mistresses of love and death

Two guards, patrolling one area of the forest, are going about their routine patrol. Nothing seems amiss when one of them feels thighs wrap around his neck and then immediately close off his airways as they squeeze and the lavender-haired woman attached to them spins on his shoulders, muffling his face into her covered crotch while she strangles the man with her thighs. The other man turns, hearing only the muffle whimper but only gets to see the scene for a glimpse before he's bent over...

2 years ago
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my brother returns from the army

My wife and AI got married at 18 and 20. My younger brother Dale helped out a lot with moving, Painting, mowing the lawn and when I started working afternoons at the plant. he would volunteer to stay with her til I got home. He was about 16 when we got married and he actually had a bigger cock than I did cause i used to suck him off a lot. I had many sexy chats with the wife during our lovemaking and when I found she got turned on by my talking about her fucking my brother, we went out and...

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Daddy Fantasy

I was lying on the bed as the door opens and in walks daddy naked,he's a big bear of a man hairy big gut I meet him online and after talking for a few days I decide I had to meet him, we agreed to meet at a hotel just a cheap place, we decided that I would be on the bed naked dress like the slut I am.And all I can focus on since he came in the room is his thick hard cock.As I'm looking at his cock he walks over to the bed and pins me down and puts his hard cockin front of my face telling me I'm...

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I slipped off my robe and crawled into bed. My boyfriend’s scent made me smile; it stirred in me a lust that I had suppressed the entire week. For a moment I starred at his physique resting next to me. My mind wandered, evoking images of us together. My sexual urge was easily pushing aside my ideas of sleep. I touched his shoulders and ran my fingers down the ridges on his arm. My next move was critical, nothing too abrupt, as I wanted to respect his sleep. I was not in the mood for a...

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Ivy Lebelle 700 505000

There are universal constants that constrain existence and give it order, logic, and, some say, meaning. These immutable laws have shaped us and the world around us. For example, speed limits, such as the speed of light, and structural limits, such as the strength of the strong and weak nuclear forces, turned what was once a nearly homogeneous mixture of hydrogen and helium into the sea of wonders we behold when we look up into the night sky.The Physics of FuckingNot all constants have to do...

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A Just RewardChapter 9

On Friday Steven did some research into Tom Edwards's family and was pleased to find they were decent and respected people. His father was an assistant manager at a bank in the city and his mother did voluntary work at the hospital. The visit to Grimsby was a success. Becca was very impressed with the seamanship of the trawler skippers. "How do they manage to fit their boats into such a small space and make it look so easy?" "Years of practice." She also enjoyed the fish market with...

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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 31

The meal that evening was much more festive than our afternoon snack had been. Everyone wore their best clothes, and there was even music at the meal, which consisted of seven courses and finished with wine and ale. The twins did try some of the ale which was very good, but only a little, and none of the wine. They had learned their lesson. That night the Sisters wanted sex, which was all right with me. Both of them wanted the long, slow, and passionate variety, but separately and with a...

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Gym Pleasures

My life has gotten super busy since my move. I love my newjob; I’m decorating my house. I joined a gym, and have started to work my ass off. I’m finding muscles I didn’t know I had. That was where I met her, at my gym. I was in the locker room, mid-afternoon, on a Wednesday, getting ready to do my circuit. I had seen Marcy around the gym, but never really took notice. Until I realized my locker was right next to hers. I was unbuttoning my blouse when she came in. I couldn’t help but look up...

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Hattiesburg to the High Seas Day2

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My dream girl part 2

Disclaimer: I have not gone through and edited any of this story, I am looking for the readers to point out the mistakes, any and all tips are appreciated, thank so much. The story ends whenever you guys want it to be, now up to now all of this is true, with certain events turned up to create a more sexual theme. This story does not have a happy ending though, I am looking to extend the events of the story so please give me ideas that you would like to be inserted to spice up the reading. I...

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Earning a Sip of Mimosa

I lay prostrated before her throne, my head down and arms extended forward. All I can see is the hard ground, my hands and forearms placed firmly against the cement. The muscles in my back flex slightly as I remain in position. My knees had almost become numb as they pressed into the ground, my naked body prepared to service my mistress however she saw fit.The door to the dungeon opened and I could hear the heavy, powerful steps of my mistress. I couldn’t see her but I knew she was wearing...

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Its Midnight and Im LostChapter 3

The stool legs were still in good condition and near enough to the right size to be used for batons. That evening I started training Martino on using the cudgel. He was strong and agile enough that even at the age of 42 he had the potential of becoming quite skilled with it. The main thing that he had to learn was not to try to make every blow start with an overhand swing. Beyond that, all he really needed was practice, practice, practice. That was one of the main reasons for the popularity...

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