The Cottage And The Stranger - Chapter Two free porn video

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I wake early the next day and am initially confused as to whether or not I dreamt that a sexy stranger I met in the pub made love to me last night, or if that really happened. The reality is confirmed by the tingling feeling in my pussy that there has definitely been a hard cock in there recently and also, the sensation of the afore-mentioned cock pressing into my ass cheeks. 

You’re still asleep, an arm wrapped over me protectively as you spoon against my back. I lie there, savouring the warmth of your body against mine. I’m wearing short cotton pyjamas, which I slipped on when I went to the bathroom in the night. I suddenly contemplated the thought of you seeing me naked, without the benefit of several hours of alcohol and felt the need to cover myself up. 

I mentally replay last night, from the first moment I saw you in the pub until the last time we kissed before I fell asleep. I can’t believe we did that; it’s one of the wildest things I have ever done in my somewhat sheltered life. I know without a doubt that I will never forget it, never forget you. 

You begin to stir, and I softly moan as your lips find my neck. I feel your hardness pressing against me and a distinct twitch as I push back into you. The arm around me shifts to allow you to cup one of my breasts in your hand, and as you begin to trace tiny circles around my nipple through the cotton, I’m in heaven all over again. 

I assume that it’s just an early morning friendly fumble, so when your hand suddenly slips between my legs, it takes me by surprise. 

“Later,” I whisper, pulling away slightly. “Wait until we’re fully awake and can really enjoy it.” 

I try to move your hand away from my shorts, but it’s tightly pressed against me and I know you will have detected dampness. I’m torn between wanting you and wanting to get my own way. I start trying to wiggle free from your grasp, but this just excites you further and you manage to get two fingers under the fabric. You wrap your top leg over mine, pinning me in place as you start to rub my clit with your thumb. 

We’re both horny now, but it’s become a power struggle.

I’m determined to make you wait; you are determined to take me now. The juices flowing from my pussy are betraying my actions and you know it. I pull away again, turning my body to an angle in between being on my side and lying on my front. You seize the advantage, mounting me and using one hand to restrain one of my arms as the other begins to roughly pull down my shorts. You only take them down just below my ass, so the elastic waistband is stretched around the tops of my thighs, before I feel your cock pushing between my cheeks and deep between my thighs, into the pool of wetness. 

I’m overcome with lust at this stage. Your strength and power, combined with your sheer determination to fuck me, is an aphrodisiac. Your willingness to use force and to claim me, to own me like this, is intoxicating. I have never felt more wanted or desired by anyone. 

You use your hand to open my legs, just enough for you to reach your target and then you plunge yourself deep inside my pussy. I cry out - your size is still taking some getting used to – as you pound me relentlessly. It’s so rough, so aggressive and yet so utterly fucking hot. You are tightly gripping my wrists with your hands, pinning them above my head whilst your cock continues its mission. You are totally in control. And I love it. 

You manage to position my hands so that you can use one forearm to restrain both, freeing up your other hand to reach underneath me. At first, I feel you squeezing my tits hard, pinching my swollen nipples and making me moan. This is following by your fingers returning to my clit and rubbing it frantically as the pounding continues. 

You’re constantly whispering in my ear, reminding me how helpless I am, how in control you are. You demand that I lie there and feel your monster cock inside me, that I take every inch like a good girl. You tell me how good I will feel when I cum, how the tightness of my contracting pussy will send you wild and how you’ll fill me up until it’s flooding out the sides. Your voice is so hot, so dominant and so full of pure filth, that hearing your demands as you aggressively fuck me senseless is too much for me to take. 

As you feel the first stages of my orgasm, you push my face into the pillow and hold it there, your hand flat on the back of my head, until my screams subside. Even though I am not physically capable of fighting you now, you still pin my arms to my sides as you increase your pace and drill me further into the mattress. Then I feel your cock literally explode inside me as you make a noise resembling a wild animal. 

You collapse on top of me and I feel your cock twitching and pulsing before you finally pull out. My shorts are still around my thighs; my top pulled up around my neck, but I don’t have the strength to adjust them yet. I lie there, listening to your breathing as it returns to normal, taking in the smell of obvious sex in the room and feeling the sudden emptiness in my now stretched pussy. You kiss the back of my neck and the tops of my shoulders, before whispering, ‘I needed that’ in my ear and then falling asleep again. 

I must drop off too, as when I open my eyes again, I can see light coming through a gap in the curtains. I stretch my limbs out like a cat waking from a nap and roll over to face you. I lean in for a kiss, unsure whether you’re awake or not, and am delighted when I feel your lips moving back against mine. I know that this might be our last hour together and I’m determined to enjoy you whilst I’ve still got you here. 

“So,” I venture after some more kisses. “I guess you need to check the travel news and see if you can continue your journey today.” 

“I can’t,” you reply, without missing a beat. “Not until tomorrow.” 

I’m confused as to how you already know this as I haven’t seen you using your phone yet this morning, 

“They said on the news that the roads would start clearing today, so you’ll probably be okay-“ 

You cut me off mid-sentence with another kiss and then I suddenly realise what you are saying. You know I’m here until tomorrow, so you are going to spend today with me. And tonight. I can feel my mouth breaking into an enormous smile; it’s the best news you could give me right now. 

“Well, if you’re sure,” I say, trying to sound like I’m not really bothered. “But don’t let me stop you if you want to make a move.” 

You smile suggestively and remind me that I am not capable of stopping you if you do indeed want to make a move. You take hold of one of my hands, rubbing the point on my wrist that you were using to pin me down a short while ago, to emphasise exactly what you mean. I bite my lip at the memory. 

We kiss some more and then I decide to get up and make some drinks; black coffee for you, peppermint tea for me. I bring them back to bed and snuggle up to you whilst we allow them to cool a little. I think how strange it is that this time yesterday, I didn’t even know you existed and yet now, cuddled up in tight your arms is my favourite place to be. 

We agree that it makes sense to get your stuff from the pub this morning as you’ll be staying here tonight, so after showering and a late breakfast, you set off back there to sort that out. I use the time that you’re gone to tidy some things up and to get my train ticket booked for the next day. Before I know it, there’s a knock on the door and you’re back. I throw myself at you as if we have been apart for years, rather than minutes, and use the kiss that follows to show you just how much I missed you. 

Once our enthusiastic greetings are over, I make some more coffee whilst we discuss what we’ll do with the rest of the day. You’re keen to hear what plans I had for my trip and haven’t managed to fulfill yet, so when I mention a Christmas market being held at a stately home nearby, that I was desperate to visit, you suggest that we drink up and head off there. 

The main roads are drivable, and the destination is less than an hour from the cottage. It’s pretty busy there, but we manage to park up and I’m instantly like a kid in a sweet shop when I see all of the stalls. I’ve had no retail therapy for days, so I make up for it by buying half the contents of most stalls. I’m practically bubbling over with excitement and I keep stopping to kiss you and thank you for bringing me here. 

There’s lots of stalls offering festive food and drinks, but I feel bad about having alcohol when you can’t. You assure me it’s not a problem and I indulge in a cup of mulled wine to warm me up, which you can taste on my lips when you kiss me after. Later on, I have a second one and just before we leave, I have a Baileys hot chocolate. I giggle like a naughty schoolgirl when you tell me how sexy I look with cream around my mouth. We both know you don’t mean the dairy type. 

I’m getting tipsy as we wind our way among the stalls, and this, in turn, makes me frisky. After making a trip to the toilets, I return to you with a wicked grin on my face, but I refuse to explain why. You remind me that you have ways of getting things out of me, and I slide my hand into your jeans pocket as I laugh at what you’re insinuating. 

It’s a few minutes later when you realise that there’s something in the pocket where my hand was just now. I’m watching out of the corner of my eye as you slide your fingers in and connect with the lace – the very damp lace – of my panties. I’m thankful you leave them in there. 

You turn to look at me, quizzically, and I raise my eyebrows at you as if to say, “and?” I wonder what you’ll do next and am not surprised when you take my hand firmly and tell me it’s time to go. I pretend to protest, but you’re not listening as you lead me back to the car park. 

I’m expecting you to say something as we drive out of the grounds, but you don’t. You could cut the sexual tension between us with a knife as we head through the country lanes. I casually glance at your crotch and am happy to see the pleasing outline of an erection straining against the denim. It excites me to know that I have caused it. 

A little further down the road, you pull into a gateway and turn off the engine. Still without saying a word, you lean over and kiss me passionately. You undo a button on my shirt, slide your hand inside and under the wire of my bra. Between kisses, you ask why I didn’t remove this too and I giggle as I remind you that if tits the size of mine aren’t strapped down, they are a danger to small children and low-flying aircraft. 

You undo the button on my jeans and work your fingers down them, all the time kissing me hard. I hear you moan as you discover two pieces of information; the first, that the panties I stuffed in your pocket were definitely the ones I had been wearing as I am totally naked underneath my jeans; the second, that whilst you were getting your things from the pub earlier, I have completely shaven my pussy, just for you. 

As you try to work your fingers inside me, I push you back in your seat and tell you that this time, I am calling the shots. I get up into a kneeling position, lean towards you and slowly lower my head towards your lap. I unbutton your jeans, free your cock and begin to lick it enthusiastically. 

It’s a dangerous move; although the roads are quiet, anyone could drive by. There’s a public footpath next to where we are parked and it’s very possible anyone walking a dog near here could see us. But I don’t care. I take you into my mouth and start to suck your head and shaft. Knowing time is of the essence, I manage to get my hand into your jeans so that I can stroke and fondle your balls whilst I blow you. I’m noisy as I greedily devour your rock-solid meat and I can tell you are enjoying every second. 

My fingers start to tickle the sensitive patch behind your balls, and I can tell from your moans and groans I am getting warmer. Your hands are in my hair, forcing my mouth down onto you, pushing your cock closer to the back of my throat. I know you would love to fuck me here, in the car, in broad daylight, but you also want to cum in my mouth. I can almost hear your thoughts as you select the latter.

I have to try not to gag as my mouth fills with your salty, white juices, and the only way I can avoid choking is to swallow the lot. I lick my lips as I pull my face out of your crotch. As I take in the look of delight on your face, my attention is drawn to what looks like movement outside of the car. A dark figure quickly retreats to the footpath, which you see in the mirror as I hastily point in their direction. We don’t know who it was, or how much they saw, but it’s unlikely they could’ve failed to notice my head bobbing up and down in your lap like this. 

We readjust our clothing and continue the rest of the journey in silence, both marvelling at what just happened and how erotic the moment was. I can still taste you in my mouth and I’m sure I probably have a trail of cum on my chin, but I’m in no hurry to remove it; it’s like a souvenir of our afternoon. 

After a stop at a supermarket to get something for dinner, it’s late afternoon when we arrive back at the cottage and it’s getting dark outside. I task you with lighting the fire again and getting some wine open for later, whilst I busy myself unpacking the food into the fridge. 

We had lunch at the market so, as neither of us is hungry yet, we cuddle up on the sofa. I lie with my head on your chest and you play with my hair. I’ve put some music on my phone and it’s a blissful hour as we talk, kiss, talk more and kiss more. 

The meal I am planning to make for you will take some preparation, so to keep you occupied whilst I cook, I go upstairs and run you a bath. It’s a fabulous bathroom, with a roll-top freestanding bath as well as a separate shower cubicle. I run the water, add some of my favourite aromatherapy oils and light some scented candles. Once it’s ready, I call you to come upstairs, help you get undressed and then leave you to enjoy the bubbles whilst I get on with the meal. 

Once the initial preparation is done, I pour two glasses of wine and come back upstairs. You look happy and relaxed and I am subtly trying to glance at your cock under the bath foam as we chat. We talk about the market and of our country lane adventure. You tell me about how you wanted to fuck me and then, in great detail, describe exactly how you would’ve gone about this. 

Hearing this makes me so wet and I have an incredible urge to start touching myself. I suspect that you would enjoy watching this, but I don’t have the confidence to actually do it; after all, I’ve only known you for twenty-four hours. You seem to read my needs, though, and ask me to come over for a kiss, which I gladly do. 

As I bend over the bath to reach your mouth, I feel your hands on my jeans, pulling them down. As they reach my ankles, I step out of them and stand there in front of you, naked from the waist down and with my shaven pussy just inches from your face. Sliding your hands around me, you pull me closer to you and, before I know it, your tongue has found my clit. 

It’s such an erotic sight, with you lying there in the water, your torso glistening with the bath oils as you bury your face in my soaking snatch. I part my legs a little, to give you better access, but you want more. You hoist one of my legs up, so that my foot rests on the top of the bath, then hold onto my waist to help me balance. 

I’m in ecstasy as you eat me out, your tongue alternately lashing at my clit and exploring inside me. At one point, you start to kiss further back, your tongue aiming to explore another hole, but I’m uneasy with this and I wiggle forward to get you back to where the magic will happen. I push your head deeper into me as I get more excited, and you lap hungrily at my juices as if I’m giving you the tastiest appetiser you’ve ever had. 

Then, just as I am starting to climax, you suddenly (and somewhat roughly) jam two fingers deep into pussy, hitting my G-spot in the process and triggering an intense, leg-shaking orgasm. I’m thankful that you’re holding onto me; without this, I would probably collapse in a heap on the floor. I lean down and kiss you hard on the mouth, tasting myself on your lips, before grabbing my jeans and heading back downstairs to start cooking our meal. 

When you emerge half an hour later, I’m taken back by the sight of you as you enter the kitchen. You’ve just thrown on a t-shirt and jeans; you are barefoot, smiling sexily and your hair is still wet. My heart races with pleasure at how hot you look and how happy I am that you are here with me. 

Over dinner, we talk more, and I’m fascinated to learn more about you. The conversation and the wine are flowing freely, and I realise that I am more comfortable talking to you than most people I have known for years. 

We clear up and take our drinks into the living room. I mention something about my feet being cold and without saying anything else, you pull them onto your lap and give me the most incredibly sensuous foot massage I have ever had. I’ve always been a fan of reflexology, the theory that different parts of our bodies are connected with points on our feet, but as you expertly manipulate my soles with your hands, the only part of my body responding to you is my pussy. It’s positively dripping. 

I offer to return the favour and you tell me you would prefer a head massage. I cheekily enquire which one that you mean, and you smile and confirm you meant the top one. For now, anyway. I get up and stand behind you, then start working my fingers into your shoulders, your neck, the base of your head. I use a variety of techniques to soothe you, and at one point, rest your head back on my cleavage as I rub your temples. 

Once I have finished, I go to sit down, but you suggest that we could make ourselves more comfortable upstairs. As we enter the bedroom, you push me up against one of the bedposts and kiss me hard, before climbing onto the bed and beckoning me to join you. 

I wonder what we’ll do tonight, but it seems you already have an idea. You suggest that we play truth or dare. Naked. I laugh for a second, thinking you are joking, before realising that you are being deadly serious. I’m hesitant; even after everything that we have already done together, I’m still so conscious of you looking at my body. Part of me knows this is ridiculous, that you have already seen everything and that you seem to enjoy my plus-sized curves, especially my E-cup tits. 

I watch you as you undress, and I instantly know how much I want to please you. My hand moves to my shirt and I slowly begin to unbutton, discarding one item at a time, until there is nothing left. 

By the time I am naked, you’re already lying on the bed, on your side, facing towards me. I join you and we kiss, before you move away and slowly look me up and down. I blush; this feels so incredibly intimate, but as I look at you and see your cock beginning to rise, I start to relax. I know that you’re happy with what you are seeing. 

You ask the first question, about my favourite sexual position, and I follow suit. We move through a range of raunchy enquiries, covering tastes, experiences and techniques. You ask me things that no-one has ever asked me before, and I’m surprised at how easy it is to open up to you. It’s fairly obvious that you have had considerably more experience than I have, and I suggest that I might be a little too boring for you. I say this in a jokey way, but it hides a fear that’s building up within me: that this weekend hasn’t been exciting enough to make you want to see me again afterwards. 

I nervously await your reaction. You slowly take my face in your hands and pull forwards to give me a deep, sensuous kiss, before telling me that you’ll be happy to assist with any sexual firsts that I wish to experience, or to revisit and improve on any that I have had before. I could cry with happiness at this response, the knowledge that you are not judging me and that you want to help me fulfill my sexual potential, whatever I choose for that to be. 

We move back to the questions and how we pleasure ourselves. You ask me if I ever use toys and I blush again as I say yes. You ask if I brought any with me for my alone-time, to which I just nod. Then you ask me to show them to you. I can’t believe how direct you are being, but I also find your confidence arousing. 

I lean over to the bedside table, open the drawer and take out a bag. At first glance, it looks like a normal wash bag, brightly coloured with a zip fastening. I slowly open it and one by one, remove each item. There are three vibrators; a small, almost finger-sized one; a medium rabbit, and finally a larger one, which I mentally note is still much smaller than you. There’s also a nipple-stimulating toy, some textured rubber finger sleeves, a pair of lace-topped hold-ups (which I explain that I like to wear sometimes to feel extra-sexy), and a set of miniature bottles in a gift box. 

You query what these bottles contain, and I tell you it was a naughty secret-Santa gift that I was given last year. It’s from Ann Summers, or similar, and contains, as I read from the label, ‘an exciting selection of licks and lubes to tantalise and tease both partners’. You ask if I have used any and I say no, I stashed it in here in case I ever needed it, which makes you laugh. I gather everything up, put them back in the bag and return it to the bedside table. 

After this, we get onto fantasies. Up until now, neither of us has refused a question and had to face a dare. You ask me to describe my biggest fantasy to you. I gulp, not sure I can put this into words to someone lying inches away from me. I proceed to tell you about wanting to be dominated, to give away complete control to someone and to let them do what they want with me. 

You can tell that I describe the scenario that whilst very hot, this is probably not at the top of my wish-list, and you call me out on it. I can’t lie and I admit that it’s not my number one. You ask why I am reluctant to share the one that is, and I try to explain to you that I have two completely different levels of fantasies: those that I would only imagine or write about, and those that I would actually want to do. I tell you that there are things that get me hot when I am on my own, but in reality, the risk of danger or pain that they pose to me in real life would stop them from ever going any further. 

You point out that as I didn’t answer the question honestly, I must now do whatever you ask of me. You ask me to touch myself whilst you watch. I figure this is better than some of the things you could’ve asked for, so with your eyes firmly on me, I lower my hand to my pussy and proceed to rub myself for you. After the initial few awkward seconds, I find it exciting, especially when you tell me to spread my legs wider so you can see more. 

I’m taking it slowly, as I already know this is just the first step on a sexual marathon tonight. You tell me to lie back and close my eyes, but to carry on stroking my clit, which I do. Then you ask me again to describe my number one fantasy, regardless of whether it’s something I would ever want to do for real. 

It’s easier to tell you when I’m not looking at you, so I proceed to describe the scene. That I am in a hotel room with a mystery lover, who has tied me to the bed and blindfolded me. After some light foreplay, I hear him get up and go to the door. Then I hear voices in the room, but I have no idea who they belong to, or how many there are. I hear the sound of multiple zips being lowered. I feel hands on my body, then mouths. Both tits are being sucked, but with completely different techniques. Someone is eating me out and a hard cock is shoved into my mouth. This is followed by hours of fucking, sucking, spanking and teasing; then of my body being covered in cum as I service everyone there at least once. One look at my glistening pussy tells you just how much this turns me on. 

I feel your lips on mine and reach up to put my arms around you and pull you towards me. I’m horny as hell and I need you to finish me off. We kiss for a while longer, and then you lean up on your elbow and look at me. You’re toying with one of my nipples when you tell me what you are thinking. You remind me that you have fulfilled two of my wishes and then tell me that you have two requests for me tonight. 

The first is that I let you tie me up. 

The second is that I let you have anal sex with me. 

My mind spins as I process these requests. I know the first one is dangerous, that you are still, to all intents and purposes a stranger, and could do literally anything to me. The second one, I fear, could be painful. I told you earlier, when we were answering questions, that I had done this before and had found it enjoyable. But I didn’t mention that it didn’t involve a cock as big as yours; I imagine that yours would literally destroy me, that I would be left in agony and suffering for days after. 

You can sense my reluctance, but you aren’t deterred. You kiss me again, before telling me to trust you, that you won’t do anything that’s not pleasurable for both of us. I look deep into your eyes, searching for the reassurance that I need. There’s a pause as I find it, and then, unable to speak, I simply nod to you, consenting your wishes. 

It’s clear that you are comfortable in dominant mode, stating what you want, rather than seeking permission. First, you tell me to put on my hold-ups, that you want to feel them against your thighs as you fuck me. As I am sliding them on, you look for something to tie me up with, and settle on the cord from my bathrobe. You position me kneeling on the bed, my hands holding the bed frame as you bind my head against the wood. It’s similar to doggy-style, but my arms are stretched out in front of me in a superman-type pose. 

I feel so vulnerable like this, unable to move and knowing that I am at your mercy. I’m trying to watch you out of the corners of my eyes as you move around the room, but you catch me doing this and blindfold me with the woollen scarf I was wearing earlier. 

I hear the click of a plastic lid and wonder what you are doing. Then I startle as I feel a trickle of something being poured down my spine, towards my ass. I guess that you have found the mini bottle of baby oil on the dressing table that I use as make-up remover. I’m pleasantly surprised as I feel the warmth of your hands on my back, massaging my muscles and working the oil deep into my skin. 

You’re leaning over me as you do this, and I occasionally feel your cock touching me. Once your hands find my ass, they continue the massage, your thumbs pushing into my flesh and occasionally sliding between my cheeks. It feels good, but you stop before exploring any further. 

There’s a pause before I hear the smack of your hand on my ass. I hear it before I feel it, the contact between the firmness of your hand and the fleshiness of my cheek. I gasp. Then you do it again. And again. I barely have time to breathe between the slaps as you spank me, hard. I imagine how red my skin must look, glowing under the layer of oil you so tenderly applied just now. Then it all goes quiet. 

The combination of the alcohol, the loss of one of my senses and the sheer level of passion in the room has made me light-headed and removed my sense of time. I could not say if it is minutes or hours between the point where the spanking stops and the fingering of my pussy starts. Your pressure is firm, but gentle as you work my G-spot. I murmur appreciatively, but this is broken off when I feel another slap land on my ass. 

My mind is in a pure muddle right now, confused between what each of your hands is doing to my body. One brings pleasure, the other brings pain, mixed together like a wickedly erotic cocktail. When I replay this later, I will realise that what you are doing is dominating me in the true sense of the word; you have taken control of my mind and my body in way far beyond most people's comprehension. 

But for now, all I know is that it feels amazing. 

You stop both actions before I get close to orgasm and I try to get my breath back as I await your next move. Again, I think I hear the click of a plastic bottle lid opening, but I cannot be sure. I can tell that you are on the bed with me, closer to my top half, but there is no way I could predict what you do next. 

You pull away the pillows from the head of the bed, so my arms are floating in thin air. Then, lying at a ninety-degree angle to my body, with your feet on the floor, you slide yourself under my torso, like a mechanic sliding under a car. I hear the squeezing of plastic, before something cold is rubbed onto each of my nipples. I can pick up the faint smell of cherry, which tells me it was one of the licks from the gift set that you are using. It’s gooey, almost like freshly deposited cum, but stickier. 

I feel the warmth of your mouth moments before it wraps itself around my breast. The entire nipple is surrounded by your lips as the full weight of my tit presses down onto your face, almost smothering you. You lick, lap and suck with varying speed and pressure, knowing how much it gets me going when you lavish your attentions on my tits. You pump and massage the flesh with your hands, squeezing the nipple further into your mouth as you feast on the cherry-flavoured teats as if you are starving. 

Once you have had your fill of my boobs, you slide further under me, pushing your body further across the bed. Using a hand to push my back downwards slightly, you grab both tits and wrap them around your solid cock, thrusting into them from below. The residue of the gel, mixed with saliva, has lubricated them enough for you to be able to slide between them easily. I feel further stickiness when you start to rub pre-cum into one of the tips and I moan, loudly. It’s so incredibly erotic. 

You tit-fuck me for a while longer – again, I cannot gauge the time – before sliding out and moving around. My arms are starting to ache a little, as are my knees, but I know there’s no point asking you to untie me. This is exactly how you want me tonight. 

I feel the movement of you climbing onto the bed behind me, followed by a slightly softer movement, as if you have placed an object nearby. Then I feel your hands on my ass again, softly rubbing the tender flesh that’s still burning from the spanking you gave me earlier. 

I hear plastic being squeezed and then a finger probing my ass, just outside the actual hole. There’s coldness, which tells me you’re applying lube, and a mild tingling sensation, which tells me it’s the specific anal version that you’re using, which apparently has numbing properties. 

You say nothing whilst you do this, and you take your time to apply plenty and allow it to sink in. I hear a noise that sounds like squelching, which I imagine must be you rubbing your cock with something. My guess, based on the sound, would be baby oil. 

I brace myself as I know what’s coming next. I feel your thighs between mine and a hand grips my hip. Slowly and gently, you push the tip of your cock between my cheeks, until it rests at the entrance. I hold my breath and tense up, but you tell me to relax, that I’ll make it worse otherwise. You wait for a moment, giving me time to loosen up, before you start to push against me. Even with the lube, I can feel the pressure and some pain, but there’s no stopping now. You continue to push against me until the head of your cock pops through the firm ring of muscle and penetrates my tight ass. 

Holding onto both hips, you slowly, but gently, feed your cock into me, every now and again stopping for a moment to give me time to adjust. It’s so tight in there, that you can barely move, but the oil on your shaft helps you to progress deeper into my cavity. I’m trying to relax, to loosen my muscles as much as I can, but it’s taking some doing; I’ve never experienced anything like this before. 

Once you’ve got most of the length in, you continue to thrust slowly and gently, savouring the view and the vice-like grip I have on your cock. You reach to stroke my lacy stocking tops and I moan softly. When you stop for a moment, I panic, wondering if this will be another pleasure/pain alternating experience. That’s when I feel something pushing against the entrance of my pussy and sliding straight in. It feels familiar, and when the corresponding ears find my clit, I know that it’s my rabbit. 

You press the button to start the vibration and almost immediately, the discomfort of your cock in my ass goes away, to be replaced with an incredible wave of lust that flows through my entire body. You resume the steady thrusting and it’s bliss for both of us as we feel the different sensations. 

This is great initially, until the wetness in my pussy and the rocking motion from you causes the toy to start sliding out. You use your hand to push it back in, before warning me: it’s up to me to keep it there and you won’t help me again. 

I realise what you are doing; for me to keep it fixed in place, I will need to squeeze it tight with my muscles, which will, in turn, enhance your experience further. But if I don’t do this, I will lose my pleasurable distraction, the sensation that’s taking my experience to another level. I do as you ask. 

As you continue to fuck me, you start talking about my gangbang fantasy again, telling me that this is a taster of what it would be like to have a guy above and below me at the same time. You put your fingers in my mouth and tell me to suck, imagining yet another cock within my body. At one point, you squeeze my tits, whilst telling me to imagine the guy below sucking on them, that you’re feeding them to him because you own me, and as such, that they are yours to give away access to. 

I know that this is the closest I will probably ever come to living out the fantasy, but it’s still beyond my wildest dreams. It’s mind-blowing to think that one person can create so many sensations, play so many parts and yet be solely responsible for the orgasm now welling up inside me. 

As it begins to build, you launch your final move that finishes me off altogether. I feel your hands, firmly but not tightly, around my neck. This, combined with the presence of your cock in my ass is the ultimate statement of domination and I suddenly combust into an earthshattering climax. The additional tightness of my muscles milking you takes you with me, and you grip my shoulders as you fill me up with cum. 

I collapse on the bed, hands still tied above me, you pressed against my back as the waves of pleasure move through me. For a moment, we just lie there, lost in the moment and paralysed by the intensity of what just happened. You untie the cord and remove the scarf from my eyes, before kissing me passionately. I look into your eyes, hoping they will tell you everything that I can’t get the words out to say right now, and when you smile back, I know you’ve got the message. 

When we can eventually move again, I need a shower. No-one has ever made such a mess of me, I tell you, playfully admonishing you for the part you played in covering my body with so many different substances in one evening. But you know from the look I am giving you that I am certainly not complaining. 

Once I have washed myself thoroughly, I towel myself down and come back to the bedroom. You pull the covers open for me to get in and I slide down next to you, straight into your arms. We’re too tired to talk and we use what little energy we have for a few light kisses. I lean over to turn off the light, snuggle my head into your shoulder and fall into a much-needed sleep. 



When I wake the next morning, I have no idea how long I was asleep for; it feels like it could’ve been days. I mentally note how much better I have slept since you arrived, unlike the previous nights where every little noise terrified me. I smile at the thought of how safe you make me feel, then smile even more when I consider it’s probably the fact you’ve been wearing me out that made me sleep so well. 

I roll over towards you, being careful not to wake you up in the process. You look so peaceful fast asleep. I glance downwards and see a familiar protrusion beneath the sheets. I wonder what you’re dreaming about and hope that it involves me. 

I watch you for a little longer, suddenly feeling sad that today is our last day. We’ve not discussed the possibility of meeting again, and I’ve assumed from that that a reunion is unlikely. I know that for me, it would be difficult and dangerous to make this a regular arrangement. But I also know in my heart that if offered, I’d be there like a shot. 

I choke back the emotion of the ending that’s now in sight, determined to enjoy you for every last minute that you’re with me. With this as my focus, I gently slide back the covers and climb on top of you. As your eyes open, I kiss you and whisper good morning. Before you have time to reply, I have taken hold of your erection and guided it into my soaking snatch. 

It’s so different from Friday night when I was hesitant and self-conscious. I want you to see the passionate woman you have awoken within me, and I ride you hard and fast, sinking down on your cock until I bottom out. I grab your hands and press them onto my tits, urging you to cushion the blow as I bounce around on you as if my life depends on it. I lean forward to kiss you, pushing my tongue into your mouth and then gently biting your lip before I pull away. 

It’s the perfect, couldn’t-write-it-better ending, when we cum at almost the same time. I keep your cock in me for as long as possible, feeling the tiny pulses as it drains. I gently roll off, onto my side and you turn to face me so that we can continue kissing. 

We stay in bed for as long as we can, but then it’s time to get up, dressed and packed. I make some breakfast whilst you’re showering, and we eat in silence. I get the impression that you feel the same way I do about parting, but don’t want to suggest an alternative for the same reasons I don’t. 

By the time we have tidied up, it’s time to go. You’re insistent that you will take me to the nearby train station, despite my protests that I can just call a cab. The whole journey, I am wondering how to say goodbye to you and how I can ever possibly thank you for the experience you have given me. I know the second I even attempt it, the tears will come. That’s not how I want you to remember me, so I hold back. 

In the car park, you help me get my bags out and tease me about the amount of purchases I made yesterday. I know you’re trying to lighten the mood and I am grateful to you for doing so. Desperate to get the moment over, I lift up on my tiptoes, throw my arms around your neck for one last time and kiss you with every ounce of my being. The only words I can manage are, “thank you”, then I pick up my bags, and hurry off towards the platform. Much though it kills me, I cannot look back at you, for fear I’ll lose the will to leave. 

As I sink into my seat on the train, exhaustion and emotion hit me in equal measures. It’s been the most intense, fun, erotic few days of my life. I can’t imagine dreaming anything even half as good. But, I remind myself, it’s now a memory. A wonderful memory, but nothing more. 

I’m halfway home before I see a corner of white paper sticking out of my bag. I have no idea what it is, so I remove it and unfold the sheet. I cannot believe my eyes as I realise it’s a poem. A poem written by you, for me, full of references to our encounter. Tears prick my eyes; it’s one of the sweetest, loveliest things anyone has ever done for me. 

Reading it again, I know what’s written at the bottom of the page will change my life forever. 

It isn’t words, it’s numbers. 

Your number. 

I run my fingertips over this as if I am touching you. Then I get out my phone, add the number to my contacts and smile. 

We both know I’ll be calling it. 

The only question is when. 


Same as The Cottage And The Stranger - Chapter Two Videos

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Curious Case of a Horseless HeadmanChapter 2 THE COTTAGE

It is a dreary damp, late summer day and the coach shudders as wheels crash into pothole after pothole, the degree of depth and danger disguised by the many full to the brim puddles strewn over the road surface, there barely being a yard length of flat road surface in the entire Weald and Downland of this county. Lord Ferdinando Briant, pulls back a drawn curtain to glance out of the unglazed coach window. There is little to see as the mist from the fields reduces visibility to less than a...

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Cottage Trip Ch 1

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 14

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...

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She was home alone… in a strangers home. At least it was well-stocked. She went about tidying the place up for something to do. He had given her the larger bedroom… she snuggled up under the fluffy blanket for a while, but she was too nervous to fall asleep. It was only afternoon but it was dark outside, the snowstorm didn’t seem like abating any time soon. The phone in the kitchen rang for a few seconds and fell silent before she could get out of bed. Now, the phone besides her bed started...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eleven

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...

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Family Fun at Pear Tree CottageChapter 1

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The Yellow Cottage

SET IN New Zealand. Not a lot of sex, a true romance. * CHAPTER 1 A tidal surge, not very high but loaded with power and breaking, snuck up behind the well-formed young woman looking upriver in mid-thigh deep water and flattened her. When Jess Turner regained her feet, spluttering, her bikini top was no more. Half dazed she walked from the water to hear the guy she vaguely saw walking a lead-tugging dog say, ‘Nice ones.’ Indignant, now aware of what the grinning ape was on about, Jess felt...

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Cottage Weekend

On the weekend of my 18th birthday I was invited to visit the cottage of my 18 year old for a few days. Of course when I arrived her very conservative parents as well as her 22 year old sister Sue and her husband Bill were there. I had heard stories about sister Sue who had the reputation of saving herself for her wedding night. Four bedrooms. Me alone in one, my girlfriend on the other side of the cottage, and her sister and brother-in-law and parents in between. We had a most pleasant...

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Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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The Cottage by the Sea Ch 01

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The Cottage

Kim Loggans lost her husband of twenty years two years ago due to a massive heart attack. Counselors at the university where she worked helped her through her grief, advising her to fill her days with volunteering, hobbies or anything to keep her from just sitting at home feeling sorry for herself. In addition to her full time job, Kim signed up for some exercise classes being offered at the school to keep her mind and body occupied, helping her through her grief. She overcame the bad times and...

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The Cottage

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen

Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

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Wives Go Wild At The Cottage

Sometime in the following summer Melanie and I were invited up to Sue and Jake's cottage for the weekend. On the Saturday night, after a relaxing day on the dock drinking beer and barbecuing, Jake took us on a tour of the lake at sunset in his small speedboat. Jake drove, Sue sat next to him in the front and Melanie and I sat in the back. Everybody was dressed in shorts and tee-shirts. Jake cruised around the shoreline of the medium-size lake pointing out places of interest and the homes of...

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Cottage Industry

COTTAGE INDUSTRY By Lorna E. Black PLUMBING It was December, extremely cold outside and there was me, minding my own business although extremely bored when the phone rang. It was Julie, a woman I had known for a number of years; more than that Julie was someone I really lusted after. Our friendship was purely platonic, on her part anyway. As for me I wish it were something a bit closer. Julie was really quite a strange person. Since moving into this area about five years ago,...

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marks cottage

The cottage part one   It was a grey and gloomy sky that seemed to reach down and chill your very heart as we drove through Edinburgh. Tom and I were on our way to a xmas party.   This was to be, no ordinary party. Finally we approached the entrance to the driveway that led up to Mark’s cottage.   Small flurries of snowflakes were falling as we drove slowly up the winding driveway that led to Marks cottage. The driveway was lined by very old, crooked trees,...

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What Waited in the Cottage

I looked over at Brock before I inserted the key into the lock of the apartment. He looked pretty husky in his uniform of worn jeans and a sweatshirt, underneath a thick black parka. I wore a woolen dress for warmth not to impress anyone certainly not Brock and some boots which covered my thicken woolen socks. The ground outside the tiny cottage had been covered with about a foot of snow and a thin Iet of icy snow colored the shingle roof. It was definitely more than cold enough to have to...

3 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter 10

Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...

1 year ago
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The Cottage Part Three

The Cottage - Part III By Michele Nylons Michele cleaned herself up as best she could in the bedroom; she only had the small sink but the water was hot and she had some face cloths and towels. She checked the door again and was happy that the chair jammed against the door handle would hold. She shucked out of her skirt and blouse, and her come-stained knickers and hose. She removed her wig and washed off her makeup. She was Mike again; the lean rangy youth whose uncle sat in the...

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The cottage

Last year, I was recruited by a large international company based in London. The package that they offered me was too good to turn down, and one of the most pleasant perquisites was a working tour of the resorts itowned and managed. My wife, Swati, was thrilled at the prospect and welined up her parents to watch the kids for the five week trip. Swati and I have been married for fourteen years, We are both 34 and fight the battle against aging, with Swati winning in spectacular fashion. At 5’4″...

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Cottage Time

“My God, could it get any hotter?” Emily complained as she picked up her magazine and started to fan herself with it.“It’s only 83 degrees” I exclaimed.“You frickin' Americans and your Fahrenheit. What is that in Celsius?”“28." I turned and stared at her. Her face got slightly embarrassed, “Oh, that’s really not that hot." She stopped fanning herself and opened the magazine to read it instead. “No,” I chuckled. I picked up my lemonade and took a sip savoring the sweetness as I sucked up every...

Straight Sex
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Ana in a cottage in the middle of nowhere

Ana in a cottage in the middle of nowhereMy loving husband Victor never suspected I had been meeting secretly with Danton during at least six months… He was a handsome black man, married to a nice ebony woman, but he loved to fuck white married pussies…We took every chance we could get to go and fuck, during lunch time or in some weekends Victor was out of home, travelling or flying away.Danton always said the same excuse to his sweet wife: he was fishing with his mates at a lake in the middle...

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Cottage Living Part 2

Sam had woken up at four in the morning, noticed the flicker of approaching lightning through the curtains of the tiny cottage bedroom, and thought it wise to use the outhouse before the coming storm struck. Linda, roused when Sam got out of bed, was feeling particularly horny. Being at the cottage made sex so much easier, better and more frequent, and she was always ready for more. She planned to ambush Sam on his return from the outhouse. The thought of making love in front of the cottage...

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Dream Cottage part one

“The question you've got to ask yourself is. Do you really want Edward; or are you prepared to start over again? But make sure you're not making your choice out of spite or revenge. Because the second time around, things will be harder with two young children, and the chances of finding a good man won't get any easier.”“But even if I wanted to keep my marriage together, and I give him another chance; what's to say I can ever trust him again?”“It comes with time. I know what he's done must hurt,...

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Viewing The Cottage

Twenty-four-year-old Roger Phillips had inherited a substantial sum of money and was looking at buying himself something larger than the smallish flat that he currently lived alone in. He had viewed a few properties and he now had an appointment to meet a representative of the estate agent's at a quite isolated country cottage. He drove into the gate of the cottage and there, standing by her car, was an Indian woman of absolute beauty.This vision was forty-eight-year-old divorcee Maneka Patel...

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Closing up the Cottage

It started out as another case of me-and-my-big-mouth. I was down at my parents' and had wandered into the livingroom in time to catch the last snatch of a conversation. My sister Ria was saying stuff about closing up her cottage for the winter. Figuring that to be a pretty tough sport and feeling full of false magnanimity, I volunteered, "Well gosh, Ria, I'd certainly come out and help, not that I could get time away from the kids or afford the airfare." I really would have been just as...

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 2 How

Ms Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight

Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight: Sitting at my vanity I carefully outlined my lips. Then I pulled out a tube of china pink lipstick and coated them. My refection pleased me so much. Finally, I coated my pretty colored lips with two coats of shiny sticky lip gloss. I winked at Richard reflected in my mirror who was watching me get ready for work. I then stood up to face him in my freshly ironed cocktail waitress uniform. Today I would be wearing my pink uniform. I loved wearing...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Twelve

Disclaimer: Like all chapters of the Brandee series, this one is inteded for adult readers only. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Twelve I am now in my fourth month of my tour of gentleman's clubs and adult bookstores and I am really enjoying myself. Julie came out a few weekends ago and had such a fun time watching me in my glory. She says she is going to finish up her Doctorial work sooner than expected and that we might get some more time together. I would really enjoy that as I...

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