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COTTAGE INDUSTRY By Lorna E. Black PLUMBING It was December, extremely cold outside and there was me, minding my own business although extremely bored when the phone rang. It was Julie, a woman I had known for a number of years; more than that Julie was someone I really lusted after. Our friendship was purely platonic, on her part anyway. As for me I wish it were something a bit closer. Julie was really quite a strange person. Since moving into this area about five years ago, I and for that matter, anyone I know have never seen Julie in any relationship. I certainly regarded that as strange because she was always regarded as a very attractive person. Anyway back to the story, Julie had rung me to ask if I could fit the plumbing for a new automatic washing machine, which was to be delivered in a few days time. Apparently her old washing machine, a twin tub, had just died. Thus the need for the plumbing. Well I didn't need to be asked twice because any opportunity to be with Julie, I would be there. By the sounds of things this was likely to be fairly lengthy because this was an automatic washing machine. This of course suited me because it allowed me to spend more time with Julie. So I gathered the necessary tools together, got into my car and made my way to Julie's cottage, calling in at the DIY store on the way to get the bits and pieces of plumbing parts I needed for the job. Having got the required bits, the final part of the journey was some five miles outside town to a cottage in an idyllic setting where Julie lived, on her own. Julie, greeting me on the doorstep said, "Come in quickly, it's freezing." So I grabbed my tools and the bits and pieces for the job to be done and went inside the beautiful home Julie had made for herself. I entered into the lounge where a blazing log fire greeted me. The room was warm and inviting, however Julie said that this was the only warm room in the house, as although this was her dream home, it did not have central heating. "Coffee, I think first of all," Julie said. "Thank you," I replied. Reluctant as I was to leave my seat, drinking coffee and admiring the woman I really fancied, I though I had better get on with the job in hand. I suppose I was thinking, if she had thought I had done a really good job, she would be eternally grateful, if you see what I mean. It was now a case of finding how the pipes ran in the cottage and seeing how I would best tackle the job. Anyway this involved me going into the loft to find one of the stopcocks. Perhaps Julie kept a nice tidy house, but her loft was a proverbial tip. It was a real mess with dust and cobwebs everywhere. By the time I had come down, I was in just as much a mess. I apologized to Julie for the mess I was in. She told me to never mind and she would sort out something later. What she meant, I had no idea. Anyway I finished the job, it was really quite straightforward. So it was up to the loft for the last time to turn on the stopcock. By this time I was absolutely filthy. I came down from the loft, put the stepladder away and said to Julie, "All finished." "Thank you," she said. "I think its time to clean you up." "I'll survive." "Have you looked at the weather outside?" While I had been working away, I didn't notice it had started to snow. In fact it had been snowing for quite some time, so much so, I think it was at the point of being snowed in. So it looked like I would have to take up Julie's offer of getting cleaned up, because it looked as if I might be here for quite some time. And if this meant staying with Julie a bit longer, well I wasn't complaining. "OK then," I said. "Good," was her reply, followed by, "That will also give me a chance to wash your clothes." This immediately started alarm bells ringing in my head like what was I supposed to wear while my clothes were being washed and dried and I said as much. That's when Julie dropped the bombshell, "You can borrow some of mine." This idea, at first, filled me with horror, but the more I thought about it, then this idea began to grow on me. If, for instance, Julie lent a pair of jeans and perhaps a sweater then that should not be too bad. Anyway I would be wearing some of the clothes of the woman I fancied, smelling her perfume on them and who knows, it may bring us closer, even if only in my imagination. Then another thought just struck me, to which I said to Julie, "But you've no washing machine to wash my clothes." "I know. I'll just have to wash them by hand. So it might take a bit longer and you'll just have to stay here until they are all cleaned, dried and ironed." This idea was definitely beginning to grow on me. STRIPPING Off I went to the shower, stripped off my filthy outer clothes and handed them to Julie round the bathroom door, so that she didn't see me standing there in just my underpants. Julie went off with my clothes; presumably to start washing them while I busied myself by first stripping completely naked, followed by the extremely welcoming shower. I dried myself with the large fluffy towel that was there in the bathroom, pulled on my underpants again and wrapped the towel round myself. On emerging from the bathroom, Julie called to me from her bedroom and beckoned me through. She showed me her collection of trousers and invited me to try on something suitable. Well I let my towel drop, at least I still had my underpants on, and I tried on the trousers that were there, but there was not one pair that would go anywhere near fitting me. Either I was not able to pull them up over my bottom or else if I got them up that far, there was no way they would fasten. Julie said, "This is impossible. We're going to have to try something else." "But what?" I replied. "Let me think," Julie said. She went on, "There are still some old clothes of mine when I was somewhat bigger than I am now." Julie explained that when she first moved into the cottage she was two sizes bigger than she was today and for some reason she had never got round to getting rid of these clothes. "I think there should be something there that should fit. Oh but I've just remembered, I never wore trousers or jeans at that time. All I've got are skirts, blouses and dresses. So, really the only things I can think that will fit you is either a skirt and blouse or a dress, but you would never wear something like that, would you?" "Correct." "You're going to have to wear something, because your clothes are in water and it's going to take ages before they're ready." "Yes, but what?" "Well, the more I think about it, the dress idea is not too bad." "You're joking aren't you? I mean, I'm going to look and feel extremely silly wearing a dress." "Not necessarily." "What do you mean?" "Well if you do it properly..." "I don't understand." "Look, what I mean if you prepare yourself and I assist with some other things, I think we can make some acceptable changes." "I still don't understand what you're getting at." "OK, let me explain. If you have a proper shave and if I apply some makeup and put a wig on your head then I don't think you'll look or feel so silly." "Don't you?" "No, because if instead of you looking like a man wearing a dress, you actually look like a woman, then I think it might be more acceptable." "Acceptable to who?" "Well acceptable to you primarily to assume the role of a woman for a few hours and also acceptable to me as a friend." "You mean this is acceptable to you? This is not some ploy to ridicule me is it?" "No, it is not." I could sense that Julie was hurt by that remark, so what did I do, I apologized. She acknowledged my apology followed by, "Well, what do you think?" What could I think, there was me in my underpants and a towel wrapped round me. It was getting colder and I was getting colder. This looked like my only option and anyway it was just for a few hours and nobody else was going to see me. So I said, "OK, then." "Good," was the reply. Julie continued, "Right let's get started. Off you go and have a shave while I get things ready here." "Is there a razor I can use?" "Yes, you'll find one in the bathroom. Oh and you'll find the depilatory cream there as well." "The depilatory cream?" "Yes, to do your legs, arms and chest." "What do you mean to do my legs, arms and chest?" "You know to get rid of the hairs." "I know what it's for. Is this not all a bit over the top?" "No, I think you've got to do this properly to get into the right spirit of things. Oh, and for another thing, I don't really like hairy people anyway." I didn't really realize that I was being sucked into this scenario, perhaps it was all to do with my feelings for Julie and I was letting her manipulate me. When Julie laid on all her feminine charms, I was in a vulnerable position. So what was I to do? Refuse her and possibly alienate her and lose a friendship I was keen to nurture? Or should I go along with her idea and hope this would bring us closer. It really was no contest, because of my feelings towards Julie; I was always going to accept anything she suggested. So my only answer to her was, "OK, then." Looking out the window, it was snowing heavily. I was definitely going to be here for quite a long time, perhaps even overnight. Julie guided me towards the bathroom again, showed me where everything was and suggested when I had finished that I should put on the white fluffy dressing gown which hung on a hook on the bathroom door. Well the first part was easy enough, the shaving of my face was quick enough, I didn't realize how long the second would be to take the hair off the rest of my body. Luckily it was a large tub of depilatory cream. I followed the directions on the tub but because there was such a lot to do, I had to do it in relatively small stages. This created a strange sensation; I felt I was taking away a protective layer from my skin, leaving me in a more naked and vulnerable state. For some unknown reason to myself the thing between my legs began to react and react with vigour. I did as Julie asked, when I had finished, after slipping on my underpants again; I put on the dressing gown and emerged from the bathroom. PAINTING As I emerged from the bathroom, I realized how cold it was becoming, and believe it or not, the uppermost thing on my mind was to get dressed and get into the warmth of the lounge. Again Julie had heard me coming from the bathroom and again beckoned me through to her bedroom. The fan heater that was running did give off some heat; enough I suppose to keep the bedroom only slightly warm. I don't know quite what I was expecting but lying on the bed was an array of beautiful clothes. Julie said, "I forgot there was a whole load of lingerie as well as the other things." There was a white lacy bra and matching panties, a white satin and lace suspender belt, a white full slip, a blue dress, a pair of high-heeled shoes and finally a pair of black stockings still in their packaging. "Once you get into this lot, you'll feel like a new woman." Frankly I was a bit horrified. I knew I was going to wear one of Julie's old dresses but I suppose I had not thought about all the bits and pieces to go with it. I said, "Isn't this all a bit over the top?" "Certainly not, like I said earlier, you have to do all this properly." "Even the underwear?" "Especially the underwear." I had noticed that while I had been in the bathroom for the second time, Julie had changed her clothes. Gone was the jeans and sweater to be replaced by a figure hugging black dress along with black stockings or tights and high-heeled shoes. She looked stunning. Just at that point the electricity failed, the snow had probably taken down the power lines somewhere. "Wait there," Julie said. I had no intentions of going anywhere. Anyway Julie made her way to the kitchen and a few moments later returned with an oil lamp. It gave off about as much light to just about see where you were going and that was about it. "Look we had better get started before it gets too cold," Julie said. It would seem now that I was going along with everything. I suppose I thought to myself that there didn't seem to be any alternative. I was told to sit down on the seat at the dressing table while Julie adjusted the oil lamp so that it shone on my face. Although there was a mirror on the dressing table, because of the position of me and the position of the lamp, I couldn't see myself in the mirror. Julie used tweezers on my eyebrows, to tidy them up as she said. This was extremely painful, but I was not going to flinch. I didn't want her to think I was some kind of wimp. She applied liquid foundation to my face. She applied eye makeup to my eyelids. She applied mascara to my eyelashes. She applied powder to my face. She applied rouge to my cheeks. She applied lipstick to my lips. Finally she produced a wig, from where I don't know, carefully put it on my head, brushed it into place and looked at the finished result and said, "Yes, it's worked. It has definitely worked." "What's worked?" I replied. "Wait and see," she said. Julie continued, "A few finishing touches I think." Well these finishing touches turned out to be a pair of clip on earrings and my fingernails varnished with bright red nail varnish. "Is this all really necessary?" I protested. "Of course it is." That is where the matter rested. FINISHING Really I had no idea what I looked like although Julie seemed to be pleased with the result. The next step I was dreading, but I just knew I had to go through with it. It was dressing. As I stood up from my make-over, the dressing gown opened enough for Julie to see I was still wearing my underpants. "You're not wearing these," she retorted. "Why not?" I replied. "We agreed you do this properly, and men's underpants are not doing it properly." "What difference does it make what I wear underneath?" "All the difference in the world." "Why?" "Well, to create the illusion, you must be accurate in the detail." "Pardon?" "If you're going to do it right then do it properly. Come on, get these pants off and put these on instead." I was handed the white lacy panties, turning my back to Julie I slipped off my underpants and pulled on the panties, all hidden from her view by the dressing gown. I turned round to face Julie, my new panties on and the dressing gown just hanging off my shoulders. "That's better," Julie said seeing my new garment in place. She continued, "Now slip off the dressing gown." This I did and before I realized, the bra was being guided up my arms. It was quickly hooked into place and the straps adjusted to fit me. Silicon pads were inserted into the cups and before I knew it I had just acquired a pair of breasts. Since the power was still off, it was getting colder and in some ways I was glad I was getting some clothes on at long last. However, right at this moment the clothes I seemed to be putting on were doing very little to keep out the cold because the next item was the suspender belt. Julie fastened it round the back and instructed me to feed the suspender straps down through my panties, which I did because now I felt I had lost any battle to protest. I was going to go with the flow. Julie removed the stockings I was to wear from their packaging. She bunched them up, pushed them over my feet, fed them up my legs and clipped them into place on my suspenders. These stockings were very sheer, black and had lace tops. At least I felt a little bit warmer around the legs with the stockings on. I remember looking down at myself at this point seeing a bra with what looked like breasts, panties, suspenders and stockings. It felt really weird. A full slip was put over my head. I put my arms through and the slip was allowed to fall over my body. This certainly gave me a feeling I had not had before. The soft silken fabric, cold against my skin made me shudder. At long last the final garment was about to be put on. At least I might feel a bit warmer. This final garment was a dress; a blue dress with big flowers on it and it was a dress that fitted me like a glove. Julie pulled the zip up the back of the dress and fastened the hook at the top. I thought I'm going to have a problem getting this dress off without Julie's help. In other words, I'm trapped whether I like it or not. Julie of course was not finished there because there was still more to come. A pair of black high-heeled shoes was produced and, of course, I was given them to try on. Again it was like the dress; they fitted like a glove. As I stood up, in all my glory, not even having seen myself, and as if just on cue, the power came back on and the first thing I saw was a woman looking back at me from the long mirror in the bedroom. I was taken aback. I knew it must be me but it didn't look anything like me because the person I saw looked like a woman and quite an attractive woman at that. My first reaction was to stare, just to see if this was all true, followed by the movement of arms just to be sure it was me I was seeing. It was definitely me I was seeing and it took sometime before I could utter any sound, which was, "What have you done to me?" "I've done nothing to you that wasn't there already. I've just given it a helping hand," was Julie's reply. "But I look like a woman." "Yes, you do and quite an attractive one at that." "Surely I shouldn't look like this?" "Why not?" "I'm a man." "So, what's that got to do with it?" "I'm confused." "Look, all I did to make you accept wearing some of my clothes was to try to make you feel the part. I think it has worked and if you now think that you look like a woman then it has worked." "But what do I do now?" "Accept the situation and make the best of it." "What do you mean?" "You've now got a chance to feel like a woman, so why not learn from it." "Learn what?" "For a start, walking in high heels." With that Julie took me by the hand and beckoned me to take a few steps. I felt I was tottering as I put one foot in front of the other, taking my first steps in my new gender. I felt quite unsteady as we made our way from the bedroom into the lounge to be greeted by that lovely log fire blazing away. Darkness had fallen and it was still snowing outside and I knew I was not going to get away before morning at the earliest. So it looked like I may be dressed the way I now was for some considerable time. Perhaps I should just accept my fate and look on this as an opportunity. The one thing I was aware of as I tottered through from the bedroom to the lounge was the tautness of the suspenders pulling on my stockings and the feeling of the stockings clinging to my shaven legs. I have to admit this was not unpleasant. So perhaps being a woman for a while might not be so bad after all. SOWING Julie went over to the drinks cabinet and poured a couple of drinks, of what I had no idea. She handed one to me, and said, "A toast, I think. The new you and may you enjoy who you have become." "Why not," was my resigned reply. "I think a little more work might be required." "Work on what?" "On acceptance." "Acceptance of what?" "What you've become." "What have I become then?" "A woman, of course." "But I'm a man." "Not from where I'm standing." "Let me ask you this, what do you think of me the way I'm dressed now?" "To be truthful, it suits you, and if you can get over this hostility to what you look like now, then who knows what the future might hold." "I don't understand you." "Of course you don't. I don't think anyone around here does." "What are you trying to say?" "Well look at it this way, in all the time you've known me, have you ever seen me in a relationship with a man?" "No." "I'm also right in saying that you would like to get into a relationship with me?" "I make no bones about it, yes. I've always fancied you." "And I've always resisted?" "True." "Well let me put it this way, if you decided to make advances to me, now, dressed the way you are, then I don't think I would resist." "Ah, I think the penny has dropped at long last. Would I be right in thinking you don't like men very much?" "Well not enough to form a relationship with one." "Putting another way then, are you a lesbian?" "If you want to be blunt about it, yes. It really has taken you long enough to realize." "So let me get this straight, as a man you don't fancy me but as a woman then that's different." "Yes." "Well almost immediately you've made me accept my situation." "So you don't mind being dressed the way you are?" "Not if it means getting close to you." "Then you have accepted your new role as a woman because you see that alternatives are available and you are not condemning this new role." "This is all a bit deep, but I suppose I have." With that Julie put her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss, not a peck but a deep passionate kiss. This was more than friendship. I thought to myself if this is the only way to get into the relationship with Julie I've always wanted, the so be it. I will become the woman that Julie wants, in fact now that I've been dressed this way for a little while; it's actually quite nice. The underwear is soft and silky, the stockings give a nice feeling around my legs and when I walk, I have a sense of freedom from the dress. I think Julie was noticing my change in attitude from what had happened over the last few minutes, so much so she suggested another toast, "To womanhood." I could only echo her toast, "To womanhood." SPINNING "Shall we have something to eat?" Julie enquired. "That would be nice, but to be honest I'm not too hungry after what's just gone on," I replied. "I suppose that's true enough, but you've got to keep your strength up. You've got a long night ahead of you." "Have I?" "Oh yes, you've got a lot of learning to do." "What do you mean?" "You'll find out." That seemed to be as far as I was going to get with that topic of conversation as Julie made moves to serve the dinner that she had prepared while I was transforming. The dining room was a delight, the table was set for two lit only by candlelight. The meal was delicious and so was the wine. In fact the wine was so nice we had two bottles. Julie did enough only to clear away the dishes so that we could go back into the lounge with the remains of the second bottle of wine to, as she put it, to see where we go from here. We made ourselves comfortable sitting side by side on the settee. Julie started, "Well, what do you think?" "Think about what?" I replied. "Being dressed the way you are?" "Oh that. I'm getting used to it." "Is that all?" "What do you want me to say?" "Well, do you like the feel of the clothes? Do you like, for instance the feel of the stockings encasing your legs? Do you like the feeling of the stockings pulling on your suspenders? Do you like the freedom of wearing that dress? Do you like the feel of the slip against your body? Do you like the feel of a bra round your chest? That sort of thing." "Well, yes I do." "Good." "Why good?" "Well I think I've brought out your female side." "My what?" "Your female side." "I don't know what you mean." "Well, didn't you know everyone has two sides, male and female?" "What, even men?" "Yes, even men." "If you say so." "Well, I think I've brought out your female side." "Do you think so?" That question was never answered, instead, I felt a hand upon my stockinged leg creeping up past my stocking tops to the top of my legs and guess what, that thing between my legs started to rise. Julie also put her arm around my shoulder and kissed me again, deeply and passionately. I was putty in her arms. As her hand crept up inside my panties, she asked again, "Well, what do you think?" What could I think, I was in heaven. This was bliss. I spluttered, "It's brilliant." "Good. How would you like to stay like this for a bit longer?" "How much longer?" "Anything you like, a few hours, days, weeks, forever if you like." "Yes please." "But how long?" "As long as you like." Julie removed her arm from round my shoulder and took her hand from inside my panties. She sank to her knees in front of me and using her hands she pried my legs apart. Her hands went up my legs to the top of my panties where she gave a tug to pull them down. I lifted my bottom slightly to allow this to happen and before I knew it my panties were round my ankles. Julie then moved her head underneath my dress to take my now very erect cock in her mouth. I gasped when she did this, because this was the last thing I expected. My state of arousal was so high that I virtually came immediately in her mouth. She swallowed the lot. Emerging from below my dress, Julie said, "That was nice. Was that nice for you?" Of course this was nice, it was brilliant. It was so brilliant that whatever Julie wanted I would do it. I spluttered, "Thank you." Still in a state of euphoria, lounging on the settee, my legs were still apart and my panties round my ankles. I sat there for a few minutes in a complete daze eventually deciding it was time I got up from the settee. So, regarding it as quite natural, I pulled up my panties and adjusted my dress so it sat properly. Julie by this time had gone through to the bedroom, so I went to find out what she was doing. I was finding walking in high heels quite easy and even finding the shoes quite comfortable. The tautness of the suspenders pulling on my stockings was also a very pleasurable experience. I thought to myself that this in fact really nice being dressed in this way and was glad I had been persuaded to dress and look like a woman. What of course I didn't quite realize, I had just become hooked into cross- dressing. Julie, in fact she was sorting out what I should wear in bed. She laid out a selection of nightwear on the bed and invited me to take my pick. There was everything from very plain pajamas, a plain nightshirt, a white cotton nightdress and finally a satin nightdress in vivid red. My first reaction was to go for the pajamas, but on reflection and what had gone on and what I was now feeling, I hesitantly picked up the red satin nightdress. Julie said, "A good choice because if you couldn't decide then this was the one I would choose for you." She suggested that I remove all my clothing, my female clothing, except my bra and panties before I put on my newly acquired nightdress. I was also shown how to remove my makeup, however Julie insisted I left my wig on. My first night with Julie was nothing like I could have ever imagined. I was treated like the female I had now become. I was made love to, not me making love. Julie took my virginity, as a woman, with the aid of a strap on dildo and lots of KY jelly. To say I was sore in certain parts of my body was an understatement. CONTRACTING Come morning, when I awoke, Julie wasn't there. I panicked just for a moment, but hearing noises from the lounge, I relaxed; realizing Julie had got up before me. After doing the needful in the bathroom, I slipped on the matching negligee to my nightdress and made my way through to where Julie was. Julie was sitting at the computer, having just stopped typing. "What are you doing?" I enquired. "I thought some form of contract might be in order." "Why?" "Just to protect us both." "Well OK, let's have a look at it." I looked at the computer screen, which read: I the undersigned will do the following: 1. A trial period will commence immediately and last for the next month and all clauses except the last two will come into force. 2. Even for the trial period, I will move into the cottage and take up residence and since my business interests are home based, they will be moved to the cottage as well. 3. When I am with you, I will be female at all times inside and outside the cottage. In fact it would be better if I adopted my female persona full time. 4. If there is a need to revert back to being male, for a short period, then this will be acceptable but only outward your presence. However I will wear female underwear even under these circumstances. In other words, I will wear female underwear at all times. 5. I will be given a female name (still to be decided) and I will answer only to it except in clause 4. 6. My female clothing will be provided initially but items especially underwear will be required to be purchased. This will happen when it is decided that I can pass as a convincing female in the eyes of the general public. 7. Any new underwear items purchased will be satin, frilly or lacy or a combination of these i.e. lacy bras and panties, satin French panties with a lace trim, satin and/or lacy suspender belts and any other item of underwear not mentioned here. 8. As a female I will not wear trousers. I will always wear skirts or dresses. 9. I will be taught the art of make-up of which I will apply each day with care. 10. I will be taught to adopt female mannerisms, like walking and talking so that I can pass as a woman to strangers. This will be started immediately. 11. If after the trial period I decide that I want to make the arrangement permanent, then I will be female at all times. There will be no going back to being male under any circumstances. 12. If clause 11 comes into force, then I must take my feminization to the next stage, with the ultimate goal of a complete sex change. Signed________. "It's a bit formal isn't it?" I said. "Like I said, it's to protect us. So will you sign it?" I was standing there, dressed like a woman and by this time feeling like a woman. In fact I now found being dressed this way extremely pleasant and I was with the woman I very much wanted to be with. In fact I didn't much relish the thought of going back to my jeans and shirt I had on earlier. I said the only thing that I felt I could possibly say and that was, "Yes." Julie switched on the printer, printed the document and without any hesitation I signed. THE END

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Cottage Trip Ch 1

Simon woke up with a start, as the alarm next to his bed started to go off, and he reached over to turn it off. He was a little tired, having had trouble falling asleep the previous night, but then again, he’d always had trouble sleeping before trips or holidays and this week at the cottage up north would be no exception. After all, it wasn’t very often that he got to go to a private cottage for a week, since his family didn’t have one. However, this was a special occasion. With only a month to...

3 years ago
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Cottage Rental

My husband and I usually like to spend our summer vacations somewhere warm – Florida, Cuba, Mexico. Anywhere that we’ll find lots of sun, sand and surf. The prices are lower, the crowds are thinner, and we end up getting pampered by the staff, who are grateful for our business. However, this summer, my sister Marisa and her husband Paul had an opportunity at renting a beautiful cottage in the Muskoka’s for a fraction of the price. Her boss’ cottage is usually rented all summer long, but there...

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Cottage Living Part 2

Sam had woken up at four in the morning, noticed the flicker of approaching lightning through the curtains of the tiny cottage bedroom, and thought it wise to use the outhouse before the coming storm struck. Linda, roused when Sam got out of bed, was feeling particularly horny. Being at the cottage made sex so much easier, better and more frequent, and she was always ready for more. She planned to ambush Sam on his return from the outhouse. The thought of making love in front of the cottage...

2 years ago
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Cottage Trip

After a great final year, Ryan decided to get a bunch of his friends together and take a final trip together to his cottage. It had been a good year for the group of them, but they would all split up going into university the next fall. Ryan was not the most outgoing guy in the world, but with his group of friends he was very comfortable... at least with the guys. With girls he was very shy, even when he got to know them like the ones going on this trip. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes....

4 years ago
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cottage wife

Every August my wife Marin and I rent a cottage for a week. When we were younger and before having k**s, this often led to a week of great sex. This summer was a return to the good old days. The place we rented was a short walk to a popular beach and a short drive to her parents place. As soon as we had dropped our bags in the cottage we headed on over to the water. We spent the afternoon playing the water with our son and people watching. My wife caught me more than once, checking out the...

4 years ago
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Cottage Wife

Every August my wife Marin and I rent a cottage for a week. When we were younger and before having k**s, this often led to a week of great sex. This summer was a return to the good old days. The place we rented was a short walk to a popular beach and a short drive to her parents place. As soon as we had dropped our bags in the cottage we headed on over to the water. We spent the afternoon playing the water with our son and people watching. My wife caught me more than once, checking out the...

3 years ago
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Cottage Living Part 1

Paul pulled off the county road, up a long gravel track leading to his friend’s cottage. It had taken about two hours just to reach the turn-off from the highway through the usual heavy weekend traffic. As he drove slowly over the winding bumpy road, a few entrances to other properties passed by, and the vegetation grew up higher between the muddy tire tracks until he could hear it quietly scraping the bottom of his small car. Eventually, the trees opened a bit down near the lake, and he saw...

4 years ago
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Cottage History

I remember on hot Autumn evening in a park in Warrington. There was a cottage in the middle of the park. A big old brick building. A bit set back and away from the car park with bushes around. Inside was a long piss stone wall to the right and three cubicles to the left  there was often something going on. That day I got there about 4. The action that afternoon was centered on two tranny sluts. An older girl. Very passable and dressed to the nines in black basque heels wig and fishnets. She...

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Cottage Life

Saturday, August 26 What fun! How groovy! It's been three days now and I've not worn a stitch of clothing. I'm like a real nudist, though of course I'm not one. I'm just liberated. I look at my reflection in that battered old mirror in the corner of the kitchen. I look real groovy. Natural. My hair's got real long and I really dig the look of my pubes. So much hair! If the girls back at Roedean could see me now! No more Dizzy Dot! It's Free Liberated Dot! Still, it gets a bit boring in...

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How Melissa made it in the music industry

I've seen them all come through my office in my time. All the wannabe's desperate for their 15 minutes of fame. And with my position in the talent company deciding who we signed up and who we didn't I have the ultimate power over them. All their hopes and fears, their dreams and aspirations in my hands. Which is cool for me, but not so cool for them."This is Melissa, Mr. Howard."The announcement was from my sexy PA, Jade, who I hired for her exquisite Asian bone structure and long glossy-black...

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Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry

'If you don't take job as male prostitute serving other men, we will jail you for life' - Say Government and Female brothel owners Filed: 30/01/2025 by Pan Lives (UP) A 23-year-old unemployed labourer who turned down an indentured job providing "sexual services to men" at a brothel in Berlin faces a lifetime jail sentence under laws introduced this year. Prostitution was legalised in Germany in 2002 and indentured sexual service for unemployed men only months ago. So-called...

2 years ago
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Cottage Story 3

Best to read Cottage Story 1 and 2 as this is continuation in the series…. Julie held up the 24” dual headed blue dildo.“Jenny and I love Charlie, he was our lover through most of high school.I know you would like him Gail.Jenny is going to show you how Charlie makes love, aren’t you Jenny?” With that Jenny draped her naked body over her sisters lap. Julie just sat rubbing her sisters beautiful ass, stroking her bottom as you would a pet.She ran the dildo up and down the fold of Jenny’s ass,...

5 years ago
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Cottage Story 3

Best to read Cottage Story 1 and 2 as this is continuation in the series….Julie held up the 24” dual headed blue dildo.“Jenny and I love Charlie, he was our lover through most of high school.I know you would like him Gail.Jenny is going to show you how Charlie makes love, aren’t you Jenny?”With that Jenny draped her naked body over her sisters lap. Julie just sat rubbing her sisters beautiful ass, stroking her bottom as you would a pet.She ran the dildo up and down the fold of Jenny’s ass, as...

1 year ago
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Cottage Friends

It was another late night at the cottage and I found myself alone again. Everyone else had crashed a couple of hours ago. I was horny as hell and I thought no one would be coming out now so I pulled my cock out and started jacking off. Suddenly the door swings open... I was caught, here I sat, pants down around my ankles, my hard cock in hand, and unable to do anything about it. Karen, my wife's good friend, was lost for words as she starred at me. She broke the awkward moment by saying "Don't...

2 years ago
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The Breeding Industry

[WARNING: THERE ARE BAD ENDS THAT CAN RESULT IN GORE, IF YOU DO NOT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN, CHOOSE CAREFULLY OR DO NOT CONTINUE] The year is 2147. You are Mia, a single, slim, 19 year old girl from England. You have white-blond hair tied back into a lengthy ponytail, and stand at 5' 3, weighing 113 pounds. You have a beautiful, feminine face, B-Cup breasts and a well rounded ass that looks great under your leggings. You currently sport a full-body blue jumpsuit, ideal for practicality as it clings...

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Sacrifice To Enter Local Film Industry

I am Sneha. This is my story. I am 24 years old, just too excited. I will describe my self. My figure is 34-24-34 and color is fair. I was very interested in acting and always wished to act in Bollywood. I have done many shows in school and college. One day my father’s best friend came with one man (Ramesh uncle –  his age was 45) at our home. I brought them tea and that man was staring at me with the hunger of sex. I was wearing a red top with a deep neck and short black pants. Later I noticed...

4 years ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 26 Plans for the Aerospace Industry

Since I now had my foot in the door with both MD and Northrop, I needed to show them what I could do. Northrop is the biggest challenge simply because of how few and what projects they have on the go. They recently stopped selling the F-5 light fighter. The YF-23 ends up a failure. That only left the F-18, and there is no need to upgrade it yet. That left me trying to convince them to reopen the F-5 project. It isn’t something they want to do since they just finished failing in their...

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Cottage Quickie

It was a beautiful, hot day as we all sat on the dock. Every summer we visit my wife's sister Lori and her husband Ed at their lake house. It is a great place on the water with a large dock and fantastic lakefront view. We spent time swimming with the kids and soaking up the sun.Lori looked great in her bikini top and short skirt. She is about to turn Fifty, eight years older than my wife, and still looks closer to thirty-five. Both of them have great skin, great bodies and look younger than...

Quickie Sex
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Cottage Time

“My God, could it get any hotter?” Emily complained as she picked up her magazine and started to fan herself with it. “It’s only 83 degrees” I exclaimed. “You frickin’ Americans and your Fahrenheit. What is that in Celsius?” “28.’ I turned and stared at her. Her face got slightly embarrassed, “Oh, that’s really not that hot.’ She stopped fanning herself and opened the magazine to read it instead.  “No,” I chuckled. I picked up my lemonade and took a sip savoring the sweetness as I sucked up...

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The movie she was working on currently had started shooting about 4 weeks earlier, and still had over 10 weeks of filming left to do. She was sitting in her on-set trailer, where she was supposed to be reading through her lines for that day’s scenes. But, instead, she was lounging up against the headboard of her bed in the back of the trailer, with her dress up around her waist, her tits hanging out of her blouse, and her legs spread wide, while her assistant, Crystal, sucked on her throbbing...

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All the Wrong PlacesChapter 5 arriving home the beginning of an industry

We were trail-weary when we reached our home. Our neighbors turned out to welcome us back and marveled at the size of the bearskin. Ruth was ecstatic to receive the parcel from her mother. Josie sold off most of the cloth, the dyestuffs and wool rugs while being careful to keep a few of the heavier ones for our cabin. Josie was over the moon, having become pregnant with our child. I was pretty giddy myself until the responsibility kicked in. No matter what happened to Josie or me, I had to...

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Cottaging Days

The one thing I love about Edinburgh is the great bus service they have, buy a day ticket and you can get all round the city and it's outskirts, I knew all the routes and all the cottages, one of my favourite was at Juniper Green, a village on the western outskirts.The toilets were on the main street, a simple block, urinals on the left, a sink and three cubicles opposite, you sometimes found porn mags, usually straight, on the cistern above the loos, there was always plenty writing and...

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Eve Industries

((This is my original work, originally published under the name Uriel and reposted from The Unending BE Addventure.)) Miranda crept into the factory warily. There shouldn’t be anyone inside; she’d specifically arranged for the cameras to be shut off and the security guards to be given the night off. But she’d come too far for anything unexpected to derail her plans now! When Miranda had finally assumed control of her father’s company, she had been ecstatic. Being a brilliant businesswoman, she...

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Cottaging Days

I have had many memorable encounters through the years in one way or another I am going to try and get a few down in writing, they will be in no particular order.From my mid teens I discover the joy of cottaging, although I didn't discover the name it had till years after, I was, and am a closeted bi-guy, with a liking for crossdressing and crossdressers, although nothing is written in stone, I used to borrow my sisters panties from when she was in her teens to her 20's and wear them sometimes...

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Cottaging Recollection

This happened a few years back but the memory of it makes me bone up every time.From being a permanently boned-up schoolboy any chance to have a crafty wank & I'd take it.Whether it was at the back of the class rubbing away at my knob in my tight black school trousers feeling my piss-slit ooze pre-slime through the material,or at the back of the schoolbus or in a secluded spot if I walked home,public lavs,even in the sacristry at church when I was an alter boy...anywhere.Back then one of my...

2 years ago
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Cresswell Industries

Cresswell Industries ? by: Keshara The beginning Chapter One - Summer 1995 The wedding went according to plan. Sarah and Graham Lees were happy, although both of them were na?ve to the world that both their strict upbringings had given them, they were both looking forward to their long awaited wedding night. Sarah's father Bernard, despite being a hypocrite who regularly cheated on his wife, had imposed many restrictions on his one and only daughter and although Graham was a...

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Cottaging Memoirs

There are only so many ways that you can describe having illicit gay encounters in public toilets with older men, before it all becomes a slight variation of the same tale. What was always different were the nuances of the thrill leading up to those meetings. Whether it was the tension of standing at the urinals and checking out who was actually having a piss and who was looking at other guys cocks, or sat in a cubicle and listening out for a sign that somebody was up for a little fun, causing...

4 years ago
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Jenny and Laura

I used to work with a lady called Jenny until she retired last year. She was a total flirt and not bad looking either for an older lady. The last time I saw her was at the xmas party where she was pretty drunk and kept putting her tongue in my ear and talking dirty to me. We had a goodnight kiss, a really deep tongue session with tongue sucking and a good feel. She was rubbing the front of my trousers while I fondled her large soft breasts. Her taxi arrived and we parted. we kept in touch and...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Charlotte Sins Young Anal Blonde

Sweet, all-American blonde Charlotte Sins teases and strips, playfully talking to the camera all along. When veteran stud Michael Stefano arrives, she indulges his fetish with an oral foot job. His big cock pounds her tight twat. Hardcore pussy pounding leads to epic sodomy with nasty rectal gaping! Charlotte plays with her pussy as Michael’s meat porks her bunghole. The wild babe talks dirty, gives a slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob, and enjoys a rowdy 69 session. When Michael has had...

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My Wildest Fantasy Chapter 3 4

I spent the week thinking about what had happened. And as much as it disgusted me, I could not help but notice that whenever I thought of it, my cage seemed about to burst! Trying to figure out how I could still make ends meet paying Him so much money to humiliate me, I figured I could cut back on everything, and maybe make ends meet. I could always dip into my retirement account if I needed any extra money for essentials. With that plan in mind I started looking forward to the next...

5 years ago
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Hardware HarmonyChapter 2 Something for John

I haven’t told you a lot about my brother John, but he is a very unique individual. We don’t really know why he is different. Our doctor simply said his brain was wired differently than ours. As I’ve explained, he isn’t lacking intelligence ... in fact, quite the opposite. Inside that head of his is an IQ that is far above mine. It’s just that he doesn’t take many opportunities to show it. So far, only his school work reveals just how smart he really is. I’m sure part of it is his amazing...

3 years ago
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Dad Rules 1

“And what do you think your up to?” I asked quietly. “Shit!” Arron screamed jumping naked off the settee, sending his equally naked sister sprawling on the floor. “I …I …I …” Arron stammered trying to cover his decreasing erection. “Quiet” I snapped. “Before you try lying to me, I have been here for nearly ten minutes, watching your vain attempt to teach your sixteen year old sister to suck your cock correctly. Ellen. What do you have to say?” Her head appeared over the back of the settee....

4 years ago
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Threesome with my wife and her sister

Introduction: My wife joins me and her sister while we had sex together After my sister in law, Amanda, and I received a Go from my wife Linda to have sexual fun together, Amanda stays now and then at our home to spend the night with me while my wife has an evening or night shift. We discover more and more what we like and do not like. Sometimes we just kiss or we have soft sex, but sometimes it is fucking each other wild. We also started to experience different positions and we are searching...

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Swetha Revenge Against Her Groom

Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last sex story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is my experience of fucking a girl before her marriage. Now coming to the sex story this is my experience of fucking my friend Swetha three days before her marriage. Swetha was my friend since my college days...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Horror

Honeymoon Horror Honeymoon HorrorAuthor: Jon MadduxProof reader: FantazMasterCHAPTER 1: THE BIG DAY???? What a lucky break for me, I spend most of my free time aboard cruises, looking for women that are just my type, and what is my type?? I like my women, untouchable, married, not the kind you pick up in the bar that anyone can have for a drink and some small talk.? Cruise ships are the perfect platform; the cruise lines don?t report it because it?s bad for business and the...

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The Victoria Line

  At 830am the Victoria line becomes an industrial people movement machine, not a remotely pleasant way to travel. As the train hummed down the platform towards me it was evident that it was going to be a hot, tightly-packed journey. As a tall man this holds a particular discomfort for me: I have to keep my head bent down to fit in the sloped ceiling and whilst my blue cashmere overcoat was appropriate for the weather outside, the carriage was going to be hard work. I stepped onto the train...

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The Bet Chapter 53

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 53 (Tuesday - week 8) Paper doll pieces littered the floor around him as he once again sat Indian-style like a child on the floor of Robin's cubicle. Paper doll pieces were scattered around him, but the doll in his hands was plastic - a real doll. Under Robin's watchful eyes, he removed the pretty pink patterned dress the doll was wearing. He was surprised to see that underneath the dress the doll was wearing a diaper. "She's just like you,"...

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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 7 Astronomy Domine

NIS Day 3 – Halloween Mid-Morning - Medway High School 10:58am, Wednesday, October, 31, 1979 “NO! STOP!“ Lynette shouted. Lynette’s amazingly forceful command did something I never thought possible. Her words created an Energists’ time stop bubble around her, me and Sammy in the hallway before our fourth period math class. A minute-and-a-half earlier, two twelfth grade stoner guys, Tony Griffin and Dale Housner had stopped Tempe about fifteen feet from Mr. Quigley’s math classroom. They...

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Erotic Sex With My Cute Girlfriend

Hi all, This is Rohith Sharma (name changed) from Bangalore. Age 24 years well built athlete body. I work in a good mnc company, and in a relationship for more than 3 years. I love her very much, and even she does. I also have lust towards her, but she is not interested as she is from an orthodox family. She is very beautiful and looks cute. We usually meet in weekends and spend time together. When we meet I try to hug her but she won’t, I try to kiss her, but she won’t respond. It doesn’t...

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Dream Mistress Pt5

I couldn't believe the situation I found myself in I had finally got to experience my first pegging that I had longed fantasized about and here I was mere moments later bound on my knees, blindfolded, with my only escape being to eat cum to have a chance at being free. Quickly I steel myself craning my neck down find my first bowl I began licking up the cum, a feeling of disgust coursing through me as my panic and fear had driven the arousal out of me. I lick up the cum lick a dog possessing an...

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Sex Ed 1021Chapter 6 Lesson Four Midterm test Little did I Not Know It Was a Test for Me

Got up and had breakfast and went right out and mowed the grass. It really grew with that rain. Came in and took a nice long shower. Little did I know that I would need a cold shower after this afternoon. Had a light lunch, grab my camera bag and was off to my waiting class. When I got there, as the gate opened, there was this ting-a-ling of a bell. Something like the one on the bakery door to let them know they had customers. I hardly got through the gate when girls grabbed me, one on each...

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Jerking Each Other In My Dorm

I'd been waiting with my shirt off for after putting on some deodorant, making sure I looked and smelled decent. I had so much precum from our text conversation and imagining us stroking together in my dorm while waiting for him to show up. I put on a clean pair of basketball shorts with nothing underneath so I could just slip them off when the time came.Either I wanted to start things with my shirt off, or the knock on the door came sooner than I expected. I figured this was it, got that...

3 years ago
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LebenChapter 9

Alan appeared back in the bunker a few moments later amid smirks from the other 4. “You really think it was a good idea that you let her go?” Harman said though he made no move toward Alan. “I don’t see why not.” Alan replied. “I felt no one there where she was that was in any way strong enough to penetrate our bunker. Besides,” Alan started with a smirk, “I felt she was somewhat turned on by you.” Harman’s face registered shock causing both Angelika and his sister Truda, to break out in a...

4 years ago
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Fun With My Sons Friends

I’m a sexy woman. Before that I was a sexy girl. I started developing when I was ten, my flat nipples started to swell, I knew immediately when I first noticed them changing that I was growing boobs. And I loved the idea. I would often stand in front of my floor-length mirror in my room, standing there naked, examining every facet of my evolving body. I started talking about sex with my girlfriends, picking up little shards of truth or fiction like most of us do, adding to my curiosity almost...

2 years ago
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Private Michelle Carr Horny Teen Loves DP

Redhead, teen, and sexy, it can only be Michelle Carr and she’s ready to show it all off in Private Specials, Teenagers Want it Up the Ass. It doesn’t take long for things to heat up as Michelle entices in Vincent Vega and his friend, seducing both guys, getting naked and crouching down for a taste of both cocks. And when things are wet and ready she enjoys a good and hard fucking, all the while continuing to show off those cock sucking skills before taking a rough anal DP pounding and...

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It was a day like any other day for Allison, she had just started a job at a hospital as a low paying tech but it was so much better than retail, and she enjoyed the people she worked with at her job. While she settled into the routine of her career, her thoughts drifted to her life. Allison had a good life. A loving family, a lot of friends, and a better paying job. The only real sore point in Allison’s life was dating. She was (and still is) a bit of a geek and has a deep love for all things...

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It Never HappenedThe Complete Story

Introduction: A very young boy experiences an unbelievable sex life. It Never Happened It Never Happened By Emerald Green Warning This little book is filled with sexual fantasy stories. Anyone too young to read such filth should leave right now. Also, anyone who would be offended by dirty words or descriptions of sexual acts should just close this book and go find something clean to read. If the thought of a child having sex is appalling to you let me say good-bye. Only minds unfettered...

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A Promise Fulfilled

"No fucking way," I said in utter shock. "PLEASE. I'm begging you," Brad said. He clasped his hands together imploringly. "I wouldn't ask unless I had no other choice." "You do have another choice. Don't go to prom," I said. "I didn't go my senior year, what's the big deal?" "You don't understand, this is my last chance." "Wait, what?" My eyes narrowed in disbelief. My new stepbrother was so much of a jock it was almost comical--6'4 with a strapping physique and a mind...

2 years ago
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The Beginning Of My Gay Sex Life

By : Silent Dhaka This part is a historical area for me. The reason why I am an anal addict, possibly this may explain. Right now I am a straight guy. But there were time when I was a bisexual by choice. I started having straight sex at early age, but soon there was a big change. There was an uncle beside our house; all the kids would go to his home once he is back from office. Being a Govt official, He did not have to work hard, so he being a bachelor started spending time with kids like us,...

Gay Male
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Next Day Fun

After dinner we took off and headed home and I talked to the wife and told her doing things at the office was over. She wasn't happy about it but understood and agreed that work was off limits for playing around. I made the mistake when telling her that work was off limits but other than that any thing else was ok. She said ok then turned to cindy and said seeing the look on judys face was worth it though wasn't it. Cindy agreed and said I thought she was going to fall over when she saw you...

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