Faith free porn video

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At midnight a young man mid 20's, staggers out of a bar from the back side. He pulls his long brown hair back in a pony tail. He stands there looking up to the night sky. "God why did you take the only two things I love away from me". "I know you can hear me Kim I really miss you please hug and kiss are little girl for me. I can't believe it has been 5 years sense that fatal night. I miss you both so much Kim". He wipes the tears from his eyes. Leaning over He pukes hard all over the ground from all the rot gut liquor he heavily consumed. As he walks down a poorly lit ally a cold chill comes over him. He hears a deep and raspy voice in a very eerie tone. "What's your name little one, coming from behind him." Joe spins around finding himself looking up into a pair of yellowish green eyes and a huge figure of a man wrapped with a cloak. Knowing he is in the presence of something very evil. He softly and quietly responds, Joey. The huge figure smiles showing his white jagged teeth He responds. "Cute name I like it I think you will do perfect for my needs little one." Joe takes two steps back, knowing this in no mere man standing before him. "If it's my soul you want your too late it belongs to someone else, and if you wish to kill me go ahead I have lost everything dear and precious to me but I'm not going without a fight." Before Joe can even react the demon reaches out with a huge muscular arm wrapping his massive hand around Joe's neck squeezing his grip tight. Joe almost passes out from lack of air. The Demon brings Joes face right up to his. The demons breathe reeks of rotting and decaying human flesh. "I don't need your soul I have plenty of them, I don't want to kill you either. What I do need is a young healthy human body to birth my offspring you little one are perfect." With a somewhat surprised look on his face, barley able to breathe Joe mutters. "are you blind or just fucking stupid if you haven't noticed I am a man you ass hole. Joe spits into the demons face." The demon just smiles and wipes the spittle off of his face. "Well since you are so positive you're a man and you're not going without a fight and that little attitude. I am going to see to it that you are conscious and feel all the pains I am about to put you through little one." "Are you ready to begin little one? I know I am." The demon blows an orange mist from his mouth around Joe's face. Joe franticly holds his breath not knowing what the mist will do or smell like. After about a minute he gasps for air. Joe is surprised the odor isn't horrid or rancid. It smells sweet that of lilacs and other relaxing aromas. The demon smiles and winks. "see that wasn't so bad now." The demon slowly returns Joe to the ground and releases his grasp around Joe's neck. The second Joe feels the demon loosen his grip Joe franticly tries to flee, but he just stands there like a lifeless zombie. The demon smiles. "Silly child you can't do anything without me allowing you too." Joe frowns at the demon. "Oh don't frown like that little one it will be all over before you know it." What appears to be a cloak wrapped around the demon? A pair of massive leathery bat like wings stretches out revealing the demons massive muscular and leathery gray body having a red glow to it. Only cover with a loincloth. The demon laughs loudly with his hands on his hips removing the loin cloth dropping it to the ground. Joe closes his eye and turns his head away knowing what is about to happen. Joe just hangs his head and prays in silence. "Please god help me." The demon puts his hand under Joe's chin lifting it up making Joe face him. The demon grumbles. "look at me," Joe's eyes pop open and stair into the evil glowing green eyes. "I want you to hear me and hear me good, God doesn't care about you and he doesn't hear your silly little prayer so just stop it. I am going to take great pleasure in everything I am going to make you endure." The demon slowly goes behind Joe then puts both his massive hands on Joe's shoulders. The demon leans over and whispers in Joe's ear. "Who knows you might even enjoy some of it." The demon licks Joe's neck sending a cold chill up his back. The demon firmly grips Joe's leather jacket and rips it off of him. With his shear strength the demon literally rips Joe's clothing from his body with one massive swipe. Joe stands there shaking from sheer terror and the cold night air with only his tennis shoes on his feet. Joe hangs his head down from shame and utter fear. The demon smiles big and circles Joe's looking at his young body. The young man has a small frame and is not very muscular with somewhat long legs with a very feminine round little butt. The demon raises an eye brow noticing that the young man has a clean smooth shaven body. "My my my what have we here?" Ask the demon. Joe hangs his head in shame. With a stern voice the demon demands. "I want you to tell me why you are like this? Come one you know you want to." Slipping his hand under Joes chin making Joe look him in the face once more. Joe whispers. "my wife liked me to be clean she said I looked cute and I did it to please her." The demon laughs hearing this. "well little one she was so right even in your current form you are cute enough to screw." The demon smiles evilly. "I bet she even made you wear her panties didn't she you know you can't lie to me." Joe just shamefully nods his head as a tear role down his face. The demon breaks out laughing again. "I knew I had a good reason for picking you little one." The demon spins Joe around then wraps his hand around Joe's pony tail and yanking his head back. The demon leans in close to Joe's neck and whispers. "This is where my pleasure and you agony begins little one." The demon starts speaking something that sounds like Latin causing Joe's body to be more submissive to the demons commands and desires. With his hand still firmly held onto Joe's hair he quickly bends Joe forward. Joe's arms just dangle there. Seeing Joe posed like this the demon frowns. "now that just isn't going to work put your hand on your knees and spread your feet apart." With no control over his body Joe does as the demon commands. Joe doesn't know what this power the demon has over him. All he does know is that it's very strong. It seems the more Joe thinks about resisting the more his body responds to the demons commands. Joe closes his eyes. "please God help me." Joe waits for what he knows is going to be the most horrid and vial thing he will ever go through. Joe feels the demon press his huge hot hard cock against the crack of his butt cheeks. Then with a mighty thrust the demon rams his shaft into Joe's ass. Joe screams in agonizing pain as he feel flesh and muscles being torn apart inside of him and blood running down his legs. Joe screams and begs. "Please oh please stop your killing me." The demon just laughs and begins pounding harder and faster. Joe's pain is so intense he can no longer hold his body up as he begins to collapse. The demon grabs Joe by the waist. "Ooohhhh nnnooo I am not done little one," holding Joe up. Not having the strength to scream any more Joe just moans in pain. Joe makes one last plead. "Please stop just kill me, kill me, kill me, please just kill me." "Oh you little tramp you owe you know how to turn this old demon on don't you," he whispers into Joe's ear. All of the sudden the demon lets out gut curdling ear splitting noise of pleasure. Squeezing Joe's hips the demon thrust his cock hard and deep into Joe. Joe screams in agonizing pain as he feels the demons cock swell and release his seed into him. Joe's internals seem to be melting from hot molting lava being pumped into him by the demon. The demon leans over. "Since you were such a good little fuck, I'm going to let you rest for a few minutes." The demon pulls his blood and cum covered shaft out of Joe's bloody rectum. Joe falls to the ground quickly brings his knees to his chest curling up into a ball and goes into convolutions. The demon smiles ear to ear seeing the pain he has already put this young man through. Joe curled up in a tight ball with blood all over his lower body. He cries and uncontrollably shakes. Joe lays there and prays. "Please God I know you hear me. Please take me away from this hell and let me be with my loving wife and little girl May." All of the sudden Joe sees his wife and his little girl holding her hand. "Joe my love do not despair you are going to be saved please hang in there my loved one." The demon starts speaking in that weird language again while raising his arms upwards to the night sky. Joe holds up a hand begging. "Please no more hurting me, please stop I will do whatever you want just please please no more." Just then another orange mist engulfs Joe's body with the same sweet aroma as before. The demon with his hands on his hips leans back and evilly laughs. "You're a man and I am not taking you without a fight, what a laugh you almost make this too easy little one," pointing a finger at Joe. "Little one I have only begun to show you pain and suffering, and yes you're going to carry and birth my child." The demon leans down reaching out his massive arms and wraps his hands around Joe's face and head with the mist still surrounding Joe's body. "Shall we begin were I left off little one." The demon utters that weird language all of the sudden the orange mist starts to glow really bright with swirls of bright pink in it. The demon hands still on Joe's head and face. "How about a makeover little one and winks. The demon squeezes Joe's head between his massive hands." Joe let out a terrible scream. He feels muscles and bones changing and crackling and the god awful pressure on his head. While scream the demon starts kissing Joe's mouth. Joe tries his hardest to close his mouth to stop the unwanted kiss. But it's useless his body openly responds to all the demons desires. Joe's eyes open wide as the demon kisses him. The demons long tongue slides into Joe's mouth like a snake it mingles with Joe's tongue. Joe's eyes role back. "God am I enjoying this?" Joe regains his thoughts," stop you idiot he is tricking you." Just then the demons tongue starts burning like battery acid. He can feel the demons tongue getting longer and goes down Joe's throat making him want to gag and puke. The unwanted kiss by the demon stops. Joe screams as loud as he can. Joe instantly stops when he hears the very high pitched feminine voice coming from his mouth. "Now that is what I want my little one to sound like." The demon smiles at Joe. "You sure you're a man cause you don't sound like one." The demon walks slowly around Joe gliding his massive hands over Joe's shoulders standing behind hind him. His hands seam to almost glow red, the agonizing pain starts again. Joe can hear his muscles and bone crackling and shifting again. Before Joe can even think to scream the demons spins Joe around and putting a finger to Joe's lips. "ssshhhhhhh shhhh now don't spoil this part." As the demon removes his finger from Joe's lips they begin stinging and burning then puff out turning red and take the shape of a girl's cute pouty s lips. Tears stream down Joe's face and his bottom lip quivering from fear more than pain. "Here little one let me get those tears for you there is no reason to cry so much it's almost all over." The demon takes his thumbs and wipes away the tears under Joe's eyes. Joe eyes begin to sting and swell watering up Joe thinks he is going to go blind. Soon the pain is gone and Joe can see perfect. His eyes now looking bigger and almond shaped and a deeper brown than they use to be. The demon smile at the work he has created so far. "You know you don't sound like a man and you definitely don't look like a man." The demon holds his hand up a mirror appears in front of Joe's face. Joe sees the reflection of a very beautiful girl not looking more than 18 but there's a terrified look on her face as tears continue to streak down her cheeks. The demon lowers his hand and the mirror vanishes. The demon walks behind Joe grabbing Joe's pony tail once more. The demon yanks Joe's hairs so hard it feels as if he is ripping it out of his skull. But with every agonizing yank Joe's hair gets longer and longer. The demon yanks really fast and hard bringing Joe's hair past his butt. "There all girls should have long pretty hair." Joe just sniffles and wanting to scream but the demons command won't allow him to. The demon snarls, "I think your starting to enjoy this little one." Joe slowly shakes his head no. The demon stands behind Joe sliding his hands down Joe's sides stopping at his mid section. Joe's eyes tear up as he feels his ribs and abdomen pulling in. Joe glimpses down seeing his muscular abs flattening as his waist narrows. The demon firmly places his hands on Joe's hips making the bones crackle and muscles tearing Joe cries. "please stop it hurts so bad." Joe's hips widen as the demon slaps both of Joe's ass cheeks making his butt sting and round out like a girl. Joe just hangs his head in shame. The demon wraps his hands around Joe's arms sliding them down to his hands as the demon squeezes Joe's hands. Joe begs. "No more please or at least let me scream from the pain to relieve the agony you are putting me through." The demon walk in front of Joe and nods his head. "you may scream in pain little one I don't need you dead from shock you would be worthless to me dead." Joe tries to lift his hands the demon seeing this nods his head again. Joe is able to lift his hands to his face he looks hard at them. They are defiantly a young women's hands small and frail almost childlike. The demon looks down at Joe's legs and notices the blood soaked tennis shoes still on his feet. "Little one please remove those filthy thing form your feet." Joe takes his feet and slides the blood soaked shoes from his feet one at a time. The demon kneels on his knees then wraps his hands around both of Joe's legs slowly sliding his massive hands down them. Joe screams from the pain and the demon wraps his hands around Joe's feet. As the pain begins Joe almost falls over. The demon catches Joe. "I don't need you hurt in that kind of way little one," as He holds Joe up by his now feminine waist and hips. Joe looks down seeing his very feminine and sexy little legs and feet. Joe almost smiles at the sight of them. He stops remembering that this is all so wrong. The demon stands ups in front of Joe. With the demons hand clinched under his chin he thinking out loud. "My my I do good work and you little one are one very cute and sexy young lady. Bu I am not quiet done yet little one." He slowly goes behind Joe and wraps his arms around Joe's chest. Joe begs. "Please no more pain haven't you done enough changing me you win I give up." The demon takes his fingers and starts to gently fondle Joe's nipples. Joe finds himself moaning with great pleasure. Joe cups his now delicate hands over the demons hands making the demon caress Joe's entire chest. My you're enjoying this aren't you little one." The demon whispers into Joe's ear. Joe begins to feel his chest swell and burn with pain. The demon slowly removes his hands from Joe's newly developed breast. Joe moans with pleasure looking down he sees a very sexy pair of very firm and round little breast. Joe smiles big seeing them. All of the sudden Joe realizes what he is feeling and thinking. Joe looks up into the night sky Joe silently prays. "Please God give me strength not to give into this demons plans please God I need your help so bad." The demon stand s in front of Joe leaning over to him the demon whispers into Joe's ear. Are you enjoying this sweet little one? The demon kisses Joe's neck causing Joe to moan uncontrollably with great pleasure. Joe nods his head, yes I am. Then Joe hangs his head in shame. The demon grabs Joe's chin making Joe face him. The demon's face is blood red eyes a glowing bright green and fire and smoke rising of his horn covered head. The Demon screams loud into Joe's face. "Well no more pleasure for you little one. From now on it is only going to be agonizing pain and if you are not strong enough you may die." Joe whispers, "Like you haven't already put me through agonizing pain," and rolls his eyes. The demon hearing this comment. "don't get mouthy little one this were I find out if your strong or weak." Joe Just shakes from sheer terror. "Please don't do this to me please oh please don't do it I beg you please I will do anything you want if you please don't do this to me." The demon just smirks. "Too late for that little one I am almost done and there is no going back." The demon reaches down with his massive hand gripping Joe's penis and testacies. The demon squeezes them hard. "So is this the thing that makes you a man it doesn't impress me little one." Joe feels the demon sinking his claw like fingernails deep into his flesh. With a quick and hard yank Joe feels the last thing that gave any sign he was a man torn from his body. The demon holds the bloody and flesh torn dismembered organ in Joe's face. The demon laughs evilly as he makes Joe watch him squeeze them into a bloody pulp dripping between his fingers. Joe's eyes role to the back of his head. Joe falls to the ground in a puddle of his own blood. He is barely able to speak so he whispers. "I am going to be with you soon Kim and he smiles as everything goes black." The demon kneels over Joe's lifeless body. He lays Joe's body flat on the ground. The demons put his hand on Joe's head and his other hand one the gaping wound which is still heavily bleeding. He looks up to the night sky and start speaking that weird Latin language. The orange mist that covers Joe's body slowly fades away. Joe begins breathing real week but breathing nun the less. The demon smiles. "I knew you were strong little one." He leans down and softly kisses her on the lips. Joe slowly opens her eyes seeing the demon knelt over her body and smiling. She whispers. "Please oh please no more I can't take no more please no more pain." The demon smiles really big showing his teeth. "No more pain little one I promise well not until you birth my offspring." Joe slowly slider her hands between her legs and softly touches were her male organs should be. She closes her eyes and cries, knowing she is now a female. "So am I pregnant then?" she softly and shamefully asks. Closing her eyes tight afraid to hear the answer. No is all she hears and opens her eyes looking up to the demon. She closes her eyes again with tears starting to form. "You promised no more pain please no more I beg you please no more please." The demon hushes her. "I promise no pain little one in fact I am very proud of you, most men can't take the pain I put you trough you are very strong willed and that is good. I will see to it that you feel no pain in fact I kind of hope you may enjoy it." Joe closes her eyes tight praying. "Please God help me oh please I don't want to do this vial act and I don't want to carry a demon's offspring." All of the sudden the demons gets this enraged look on his face. "What how could he find me so soon he is always too late to stop me. The demon sternly looks at Joe, I want you sit there and not move do you hear me little one." Joe nods her head sits up wrapping her hands around her legs. Joe just sits there with a really puzzled look on her face. Joe sees a man step out of the shadows. He has long brown hair with a large gray steak on one side a trimmed beard the bluest of eyes and a large scar starting at the gray streak down over his right eye and stopping at his cheek. With a long dark gray trench coat which look way over do for a washing, a black shirt and black leather pants and old grungy black boots. The man has in his grasp a huge double bladed battle axe firmly held with both of his hands. The man looks at the demon. "This time you will die Akuma no tricks will fool me this time." The demon stands up facing the man then clapping his hands together. "Now that's one hell of an entrance Eric you almost impressed me." The man smirks as he holds the battle axe up over his shoulder like a batter ready to swing at a fast ball. The demon starts yelling in that Latin language. The man all of the sudden becomes totally motionless. The demon holds his hand out and a jagged dagger appears in it. The demon walks up to the man taking the dagger and making deep slashes in the unknown mans chest. Blood starts running down his chest. Joe seeing this yells, "Please whoever you are please help me." The demon spins around and walks over to her backhanding her giving her a bloody nose and Yelling. "I want you to shut up or you might be next."The demon turns around and faces the man once more. The demon notices the man wink. "Too late Akuma!"He swings his massive battle axe as hard s he can. The demon just stands there for a few seconds and his head falls to the ground and his massive body collapses hard to the ground. All the sudden the demons body decays to dust and blows away with a sudden breeze. The man turns towards the girl who is sitting there. He smiles as he begins walking towards the poor girl covered with blood and filth. Seeing this man approach her slowly, Joe panics thinking he may hurt her as well. Joe runs to a dumpster and hold an old piece of plywood tight to her body. Joe just sits there holding the ply wood. "Please go away please don't hurt me". She hears a tapping on the plywood she slowly peaks over the edge of it. Joe finds she is staring straight into his brilliant blue eyes. He softly smiles at the terrified girl. "Hello my name is Eric I am selling vacuum cleaners may I demonstrate one for you miss." He slowly removes the piece of plywood that is between him and the trembling girl. He reaches out and softly touches her cheek. Joe screams in utter terror. "NNNNOOOOOOOOO NNOOOOOOO more pain please no more I can't take any more". Joe's eyes role to the back of her head, she faints then collapses and falls on to his lap. Joe wakes up finding herself in a large bed covered with a satin blanket. Joe quickly looks under the blanket finding she is very clean and wearing a little white tank top and a pair of white satin string bikini panties. Wondering how she got here and how she got so clean. Just then Eric comes through the door holding a breakfast tray with fresh toast bacon and scrambled eggs with cheeses. Eric carefully sets the tray on Joe's lap. Joe starts eating the food like she is starved then looks up at Eric with a mouth full of food. "Thank you this is great." Joe has a puzzled look on her face. She stares at Eric He just smiles and softly He pats her cheek with his hand. "We will talk after you are finished eating. For heaven sakes girl slow down so you can at least taste the food." Joe nodes her head Eric quietly leaves the room. Erick returns later to the room quietly entering. He sees the girl looking at herself in the full length mirror she pulls her very long hair back and grabs a hair beret off the desk in the room and quickly ties it back. Eric just watches her as she looks in the mirror he notices her pulling the front of her panting out and looking down inside them then she shakes her head and tears swell in her eyes. Eric clears his throat to get the girls attention. Seeing Eric standing there she jumps on the bed and covers herself with a pillow. Eric sits on the corner of the bed and smiles at this scared girl. "What's your name sweetie?" She sternly looks at Eric. "My name is Joe! And she crosses her arms." Eric just nods his head. "Ok how in the hell did you get covered in so much blood? I bathed you three times to get it all of that blood and filth off you, you don't have a cut or scratch one on you little one." Joe's face turns red and scowls she throws the pillow at him then the breakfast tray at him. She shouts at the top of her lungs. "Don't you ever call me that fucking name! He called me that to whole time he tortured my body, and the blood was mine you idiot I'm a 25 year old man and he did this to me." "I prayed so hard to God and he didn't do anything to stop it." Joe begins crying heavily. Eric walks up to the girl and carefully wraps his arms around her. Joe leans her face into Eric's chest and continues to cry and wraps her arms around him. Eric whispers to the girl. "Your faith is why I was able to find you so quickly." She looks up into Eric's eyes," are you an angel?" Eric smiles "OOOHH NNOOO I'm one of his warriors," "I have been chasing Akuma for over 500 years and I have never been able to get this close. Eric hugs the girl tight, Thanks to you I have beat him and I am long over do for a vacation." She looks up at Eric. "So what is going to happen to me now I mean who I am now." Eric stands up and starts to put his hand on her head and before he touches her Joe slaps his hand away. Sternly looking at him," none of that crap I am not getting my mind wiped clean. I want to remember who I was and my wife and little girl." Eric smiles big at the Girl. "OK OK I won't do that to you but I have an idea trust me ok." Joe kind of pouting looks up at Eric and nods her head. Eric places his hand on Joe's head she feels memories of this girl flooding into her head and it hits her she remembers her brothers and his family getting killed by a drunk driver. Eric removes his hand from her head. He smiles and looks down at her. "How is that?" The girl shrugs her shoulder. "I guess I can live with this. I remember who I was but it is like I am thinking about myself as a brother not me." Eric touches her cheek. "To everyone else Joe was killed in the wreck with his wife and daughter and you are his younger sister who was also in the wreck and you got a huge settlement. You don't ever have to worry about money. And you will always know who you really were." Eric turns too walks out the door Eric looks back to Joe. "You take care of yourself," and he closes the door behind him. Joe franticly gets up and runs to the door swinging it open seeing Eric's is gone." Joe screams. "Oh God please don't leave me alone I need you I don't want to be alone anymore." Sobbing. "I've been alone for so long God please come back Eric." Just then Joe sees the bathroom door open and Eric steps out with shaving cream on his face. "my heaven what is all the screaming about going on out here. I'm just shaving my face silly I am not leaving yet." She stands up and hugs Eric tight sobbing. "I know I was a man and I don't care I have feeling for you I don't know why but please stay with me. You said you're over do for a vacation well I am out of school for summer." Joe gets a puzzled look on her face. "School I am back in school? god not that I hated school.? Eric smiles. "Well this time it will be easier your more intelligent." Joe stomps her foot. "Hey I wasn't no dummy I just had to study hard." Eric just looks at her. "Calm down I never said you are a dummy I just kind of improved your learning skills is all." Joe looks sternly into Eric's eyes. "Well never mind that crap how about it I know I still have my Harley even if it was the old me that owned it, it's still mine." Eric smiles. "I happen to own a Harley as well, I have wanted to go for a long road trip for who knows since when." He smiles at Joe well you get dressed I am going to get rid of this rug on my face as Joe turns to go back into the room Eric swats her ass, she turns her head and sticks her tongue out at him and slams the door shut in his face. He looks up with his eyes and speaks to God. "I think she is going to adapt just fine father, it will take time but she is very strong willed and a little on the ornery side." He smiles. "I do like her and I definitely can tell she likes me. Maybe I shouldn't have given her such feminine brain pattern but it might help her adapt easer too." Eric returns to the bathroom. Joe goes through the closet and finds a pair of worn and faded blue jeans and puts them on noticing they are pretty tight. "Boy how you ever wear these things Kim.' "Because they made me look good and I like to look god for you Joey," Hearing Kim's voice Joe spins around seeing her lovely wife and little girl hand in hand. Joe cries. "Is it really you." The woman nods her head, "yes silly it is me." Joe nervously asks. "Am I dead?" Kim just smiles. "No silly I am here to tell you something that is all and I want you to listen good to me Ok." Joe just nods her head. 'I want you to be happy and I know you like him and he likes you and he is going to be good to you." Just then Joe's little girl yells. "Daddy is going to have a baby and it is going to be me." Joe gets on her knees. "What are you talking about baby. Mommy said you are going to have a baby and when you do it is going to be me." The little girls smiles big and hugs Joe tight. Joe looks up at Kim. "What is she talking about." Kim just smiles. "Like she said sweetie you are going to have a baby soon and it going to be her." Joe just shakes her head. "I don't know anything about having a baby or raising one." As Joe stands up Kim sees Joe with a scared and puzzled look on her face. Kim hugs Joe tight. "What are you talking about you were the one who raised little May. That is why I worked and you stayed home silly you always were a good parent. In fact that is why I loved you so much you were more girly than a man and I loved for it." Joe just blushes. "I guess I was pretty girly." "Well now you're a pretty young lady so you can be as girly as you like." Hearing this Joe sticks out her tongue. "I will pass on the girly stuff if you don't mind." Kim just smiles and hugs Joe really tight. "We will see but just remember I will always be close by to help you whenever you need it." Kim and Joe's little girl hug her tight. "We love you and Eric will be good to you," and they both vanish before Joe's eyes. Joe just collapses to the ground. "I love you so much Kim please don't go away again." All the sudden Joe feels warm and calms she sits there and smiles. Faith

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The commissioner of health services finished the glowing testimonial to this year’s recipient of the County Physician of the Year award. He spread his right arm wide, directing the honoree to take the podium for the presentation of her award. She was a devastatingly beautiful redhead who looked a decade younger than her thirty-three years. Simone O’Reilly was a tall woman whose mane of red hair descended to her pale shoulders like ringlets of fire dropping on ice. She was easily the most...

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A Powerful Lust

“Middleham Tower this is Eagle Charlie, over.” “Eagle Charlie, this is Middleham Tower. State your message, over.” “Request permission to carry out post engine change test run at the re-heat rig,over.” “Permission granted, Eagle Charlie. Do you require fire cover? Over.” “Affirmative, Tower, over.” “Thank you, Eagle one. Fire control informed please advise when test complete. Tower out.” So here I was, just twenty-four years old, living my dream. I had always loved aeroplanes, well anything...

4 years ago
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Cuckold couples identity is a big suprise

Last summer I was browsing the ads and found a local couple looking a for a man to fuck the wife while husband watches. I decided to try my luck and sent them a message and was quite surprised to get a reply. We exchanged emails and it was always the wife who was writing their messages. After a few messages I knew about them that they are about my age, live in the same city and they want a friendly man to fuck the wife. Husband would be watching, maybe even joining in with the fun but strictly...

4 years ago
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Naughty Wife

So last Wednesday we had no k**s and decided it was time for some naughty fun. We placed an add on Craigslist for a couple or select single male to fuck that night. We had lots to choose from and a guy caught my wife's eye. She ended up chatting with him all day and when she got home she said he was going to be there in an hour and I better get ready. I was thinking of a hot threesome and some good dp was about to happen. An hour later he arrived we all sat down and chatted with some wine. He...

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Actress MePart 7 All Most Lost Her

“Hello anyone at home.” Sarah yelled. “We are in the living room.” Shannon called back to her. “What is the matter guys, why are you laying together like that?” She asked. We both looked at her smiling, not saying a word. “O MY GOD your pregnant, your going to be parents.” She shouted with joy. Shannon smiled at her and just shook her head yes. We got up off the couch, and had a group hug. “Have you told anyone yet, what about mom, told her yet, or Tom’s folks do they...

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Threes Company

I popped into the store, instantly recognizing Kay from the numerous snapshots we had exchanged over the years. I stepped into her embrace like an old friend, giving her ear an air-kiss. We were old friends, in a sense, between the e-mails and chatroom meetings that we had entered over the years, even though this was the first face-to-face. It was a quarter to six, the store set to close, so I sat in a chair watching the last customer get checked out and head out the door. “You ready?” “Let me...

3 years ago
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Curse of the gypsy woman Part four

Luckily she'd had the idea to wear a sanitary napkin before going. She'd had enough experience of her own horniness by now to know that her pussy would run wet with juices by the mere thought of sex, and this way she might be able to prevent a dark wet spot from forming on her skirts. She'd also worn two extra layers of underskirts and an extra set of panties, hoping she wouldn't look fat in the outfit. But anything would be better than looking like she had peed herself. Her thoughts...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 109

Say thanks to dorsetmike‎ for this one: Police have arrested a man who fell into the workings whilst stealing a combine harvester. They’re expect he’ll to be baled tomorrow. Compliments of Allan B Algebra – what mermaids wear to hold up their breasts. Cannibals serve food at a wake. It saves a lot on the burial costs... Adam was a White man. Did you ever try to take a rib from a Black man? A candidate for the police force was asked, “What would you do if you had to arrest your...

2 years ago
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Planting Young Rice

Part 1 – Tran had worked his rice fields for nearly his whole life, at 42 he was comfortable in his life. For some people, farming was back breaking work, sloshing around in the mud planting rice, then harvesting and all that went with it. Tran saw it as a great pleasure, he paced his movements, never rushed and always finished his daily tasks and had time to rest and sit under a tree and appreciate the natural beauty of where he lived and the simple routines of his life as a farmer. Maybe...

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Aw Fuck MeChapter 13 Still Not Home

Abraham watched as the countdown progressed. He was not sure what to expect, Jim hadn’t been sure of what might happen, either. Tests of the unmodified power generator had proved to be both immensely successful and anticlimactic, in that it hadn’t caused the end of the world, not that anyone had wanted that. As important as the development had been, it just hadn’t ranked up there with time travel, even imperfect time travel. However, the power device would prove to be a huge boom for...

3 years ago
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The Yes Man part 4

Well here we go, perhaps I need to change my outlook on life, perhaps I should explain, I had just read the Yes Man by Danny Wallace, and it made me think did I said Yes very often, the answer of course was No. I did not want to fly all over the world, but I wondered if I should say yes more often? Well it is over 2 months since I took Kelly to University and I thought I would update you on what has happened since then. The Tuesday after that weekend, as I promised Sally (our best friend...

1 year ago
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The Devils Pact Chapter 43 The Hidden Place

Introduction: The Matmown is completed, and Mark and Mary make their plans to deal with Lilith and Lucifer. Xiu and I were lying in Their rumpled bed, Divine Marks passion cooling inside me and Divine Marys passion covering Xius face, when He proclaimed the First Commandment of the Theocracy: You shall not make Pacts with Demons. I wrote furiously on a notepad, then She gave the Second Commandment: You shall place no Gods before us, for they are false. The Gospel of April 41:51-52 Friday,...

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The Chauffeur 45 John and Dallas

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 The trip to Seattle was fun and exciting. It’s not that I wanted to get the three district managers to quit, but I was very glad to have plan B ready to go at a moment’s notice. Now, I’m going to head to Dallas once again. Plan B needs to be ready as their numbers have not improved since Jill and I were there before. I also checked the Pinetree that we stayed in, the one that I had met the President of that division. I don’t see very many district...

1 year ago
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Slave To Aunty And Her Two Daughters

Kumar 23 year guy stays in his aunt house looking for a job as his aunt radha was 39 has big booms and ass as she use to be in saree most of the time and he has two daughter priya 20 and kirthi 18 doing college and he is the only guy to assets them and he is happy to revolve around that beautiful girls as he always use to stare radha’s booms and some time she use to see that and cover her booms with saree and give naughty smile at him and this continue almost every day and whenever they both...

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Mr Edmunds

Jennifer strolled down the grey corridors of Churchill Retirement Home with her head in the clouds. Jennifer was an eighteen-year-old nursing student, a beautiful and desirable young girl. However, maintaining her beautiful hair and amazing figure wasn't all she had to worry about.Currently in her second year of college, Jennifer found herself in serious debt, with no time to get a job since she spent most of her time here at the retirement home working as a volunteer. She knew there was no way...

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My Wife Made Me Her Cocksucker

Even before we were married, my wife Sarah controlled our sexual life pretty strictly. When she discovered I was a virgin when I proposed to her, she told me she wanted me to stay that way until after the wedding. She was not a virgin by any means, I learned. But she did stay faithful to me and didn’t look for sex elsewhere, I learned. I was just happy someone as beautiful and gorgeous as Sarah wanted to be with me. Jake, her best friend from c***dhood, who was gay, black, and huge, told me...

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Miss Smith and I

I pulled the covers off my body and sat up. Through a foggy window, I could see the horizon, rimmed with dark blue and inky black above it. The sun would be up in an hour or so. I stood, opening a cupboard I found some fresh clothes grabbing a light blue polo shirt, striped with dark blue, a singlet, clean underwear, and a pair of long pants I made my way from my room, down the hall and into the bathroom where I had a quick shower and shave. I went down stairs and made myself some breakfast,...

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Comic List

Comic List By Paul G Jutras Tommy loved comics ever since he was a kid. He could read his favorites over and over again. When he reached high school he wanted to write his own comics more than anything. He made a comic list and since most comedy and super hero comics had been done to death, he chose to try TG comics. After getting one rejection letter after another saying he should get a female co writer to handle the female aspects of things he began to wear his mother's clothes...

4 years ago
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Annes Confession Part Two

I peered around the half closed door to my boss’s office. He was talking on the phone with the CEO but saw me out of the corner of his eye and waved me inside. I took the chair on the opposite side of his desk and waited patiently, despite the fact that it was close to 7:00 pm on a Friday and I was exhausted. Mercifully, their conversation was short. My boss placed the phone back in its cradle and said to me, “That pompous ass doesn’t know half of what he thinks he does.” I wholeheartedly...

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Emmes Education

It was Monday, the first day of my sophomore year at university.  While walking to Bradford Hall to attend my first class of the day, I was thinking about how right my decision had been to move with my parents to Florida and attend university there instead of staying in our native England. Of course, I missed my friends and life in our town, but the past year had been wonderful and I looked ahead to an even better year.Kasey, my roomie from last year in the dorms, and I had moved to a...

College Sex
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Boyfriend Or Switching Teams

Sam's POV:I have been with boys and girls. I think I do prefer girls to boys... they know what other girls like, where they want it, and how much they want it. Whilst dating, girls have a little more sensitivity than guys do. There's only one girl I'd like to try, seeing as I've tried out the other ones at Ridgeway High... that's my best friend.Carly Shay. The prettiest girl by far, and of course, she has a boyfriend currently. And why wouldn't she? She's hot. I mean, drop-dead gorgeous.And I...

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My First EverythingChapter 42

I called Clara the next morning, after finishing the chores my mom had assigned me. She seemed embarrassed about having passed out on me the night before. "I don't even know what happened, Larry. It was like everything was going great, I was getting the best tingle ever, and the next thing I remember was waking up this morning. I think I tingled too strong or something. My mom acted all funny too when I got up. When I asked her why she didn't wake me up before you left, she just laughed...

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I was nervous, tense. I don't know exactly why as I have spent many hours talking with Janet on the net. I feel I know her well though we have not met in person. After a month of exchanging notes and sometimes long letters, we have 'connected' in a way that makes me feel very comfortable with this woman. But tonight will be different as she is in Austin and will be coming to my hotel room any moment. We have set up this meeting over the last two weeks and feel it will be an exciting,...

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Married Preachers Daughter Seduction CH6

From CH 5: " She was nervous, but I knew if she was getting a baby sitter and picking me up, alone, coupled with the fact she had masturbated herself to sleep after I teased her -- I had no doubt that before noon little miss brunette Laura, the preachers daughter, would be sucking my cock and riding me like there was no tomorrow! I just had to play it cool and make sure I had it recorded for Ray. So on the way to the Harley shop, I stopped and got my own hidden camera and recorder to make sure...

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The Hermit of Scarecrow ValleyChapter 20

Mindy might have been so enamored with Bobby that she’d ignore the danger of having unprotected sex with him, but it only took her two days to nag him into contacting the official owner of the property that had been destroyed. She wouldn’t have characterized it as “nagging” and, to be honest, he probably wouldn’t have either, but that’s what it was. To be fair to Mindy, though, there wouldn’t be many issues in the future she felt strongly enough about to do that again. She was actually the...

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In the Name of Science

By the way Kendra was picking at her dinner, I was pretty sure I was finally going to find out what had been bothering her for the last couple of weeks. I tried talking to her a few days prior but when I inquired about her sudden change in mood she told me she simply had something on her mind with no further explanation. That’s not totally out of character for her. Kendra’s a registered nurse and a hospital is not the most uplifting place to work. I’ve seen her come home running the gambit...

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Satisfying My Sweet Aunt Pratima

I am rakshith, I stay in Bangalore and regular reader of indian sex stories. I am going to narrate a indian sex story encountered with my sweet aunt Pratima(name changed). Please send your valuable comments to I am going to the story straight away.I have been noticed by my neighbour’s wife for quite some time. she used to give smiles to me every time I go out. Also I know that her husband always travel outside Karnataka and only available in the weekends. She is kind of bored as she is a house...

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PervMom Desiree Dulce My Stepmom Is Too Hot

I’ve heard plenty of stories about hot stepmoms, but when it comes to my stepmom, Desiree Dulce, it’s a whole new level. She literally looks like a supermodel, with her long legs and her beautiful face. I just can’t keep my eyes off her, and it’s starting to get embarrassing. So, when we start having some more private interactions around the house, I can’t believe my luck. Whether I’m watching her bend over and expose her pussy in the living room or do some yoga in a revealing leotard, I’m...

2 years ago
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My first time with a man as a woman and my fetis

Two years ago I met a gentleman at a transgendered formal. We hit it off, it was the first time in my life I was beginning to feel like a real woman and he treated me as such. We went on a few dates, dinner, dancing and some heavy petting in his car but hadn’t had sex yet. Then he invited me to a convention for a weekend. He had things to do at this convention but evenings were free. I knew if I agreed to go than I would most likely have my first sexual experience with a man. I was excited,...

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Tara 4 AntsChapter 33

Stix and Stone had also felt the changes in the shield as they came close to completing the circuit. Click reported that Jagger was only sixty clicks away and they should meet up with his party within the next two days. They were a good three days ahead of schedule. They had not been pushing hard and once out of the second mountain range they hit more water traps in the plains than they expected, due to run-off from recent rain. Some of the sections through the mountains had been quite...

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Naked Society

The Naked Society consisted of a group of wealthy influential individuals that have existed since the mid 2020s. They believe that the more puritanical rules that were inherited from the old world stifled the evolution of man. The most important being removing the boundaries of shame that most people impose on exposed flesh. They funded several nude studies over the years, not just in the U.S., but all over the world. In the early 2050's they convinced the federal government to implement a nude...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 256 Spring Breaks

"I don't want to go," Danielle said defiantly. After our food chemistry exam Wednesday, the triplets had come out to the ranch to run their next experiment in French cooking and I decided to join them. I'd made a stop when we got home to go to Theresa's and play with the babies. Of course, at three months, playtime mostly meant holding my son in my arms while Theresa and I talked. Doreen had only two months off and had gone back to work after Valentine's Day. Theresa had taken on the...

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Tight Spandex Pants

My name is Tom. I am 45 years old. It was a beautiful Spring morning. I was outside doing yard work when I see this delectable figure jog past. The woman was curvy and looked to be in her mid-thirties. She was wearing a black tank top and black spandex pants. Her blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail. I watched this beauty move out of sight, I was entranced by the sight of her ass bouncing in those tight pants. A few days later I was washing my car in the driveway when this same woman jogs...

Wife Lovers
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First Time Sex With Engineering College Girl In Tirupati

Hi everyone I am very big fan of iss I came to know about this site through my friend and I started reading every day when I’m free. Today I am her to share my fucking experience with all iss readers this incident wad happened in 2008 when I was in my first year of my bachelor of technology. When I was in first year of my lab teacher divided us into batches each batch consists of five students me and Pooja are in one batch and she is very intelligent and shy girl. After every lab I used to ask...

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Family Trip

Let me tell you about myself. My name is David. I'm 19 and just finished my freshman year of college. I'm the youngest of five kids, and the only boy. I have four older sisters. They're so hot, that if we weren't related, I'd try to seduce them. There's Molly, the oldest. She's 32 and a lawyer. She has medium length brown hair, and likes to dress conservatively. So far, she isn't married nor does she have a boyfriend. Then there's Jessica and she's 29. Like Molly, she has brown hair, but it's...

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Gay Dream

I’m an average looking guy, 20 years old and very single. I just never got to the point that I wanted to settle down, it was always about work and trying to get ahead. I work as a professional and have to wear suits all week but on weekends you will always find me in a pair of old worn jeans and no shirt, if I can help it. My build is decent and I wear my jeans low on my hips, to the point that my ass crack just peeks out now and then, usually when I see a guy and want to catch his attention....

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The 18 year old boy's cock sprung to a full erection as he realised that his mother almost admitted that she had enjoyed last night. She had enjoyed their fuck.She then looked up at him. "But it was so wrong what we did.""But it felt so good." The boy said again."But it was wrong. I am your mother and you are my son. We shouldn't do things like that – no matter how good it feels." She said.The boy's face was only inches away from his mother's. He studied his mother's lips. Christ! He wanted to...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 80

Sheriff Tate and his women came in, almost late, the Sheriff having gotten tied up at the department. Frank Wainwright grabbed Tate and they went to sit and talk. Helen came in pushing a cart with the cake on it, sixteen candles adorning each end, tiny statues of twin teenage girls in the middle. Jeff's heart went out to the twins when, from their faces, he suspected this was their first time to have anything remotely resembling a birthday party, let alone cake, candles and presents. His...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 37

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, d...

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Randi Koo Blacks Aur Kutoo Nee Jamkar Chhodaa

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1(mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Voh bahut hee haramee kism kee garam cheez haa. Uskoo sex mee nayee experiments karnee mee nayaab mazaa aataa haa.Vo ek software enginner haa aur...

1 year ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 32

[Janice writes] In the morning, we set out on our tour of Yellowstone. Our first stop was at the west entrance to the park. We had to open a gate that had probably been closed for twenty-plus years and it took Bennie, Robby, Ted, and Charlie to get it open after shooting away the chain. We left it open. We pulled out and went to the Madison Information Station. We were among mountains and little rivers. We turned right toward the geysers' area and Old Faithful. I'm glad we had the SUV's...

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A Carnival Of Misconceptions

The second Saturday afternoon in June my wife, Leanne Neal, and I were busy dusting and vacuuming our living room, dining room and den. That evening we were entertaining a group of Leanne's business associates and several of her close friends. She wanted everything to be perfect. I understood so I was working hard to help her.Leanne is an assistant corporate designer for Elegant Interiors, a local interior design firm that specializes in decorating business offices. I'm Peter Lane. When we...

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Awakening an innocent wife 3

Roger and I were sat in a quiet corner of my local pub, I'd been telling him about the afternoon with my wife"So I was right then? She is submissive"" without doubt, she told me she was too shy to admit it before, but when I said she had to do as I say from now on she agreed immediately and thanked me. She admitted being turned on when I spanked her and slapped her tits"Roger laughed but then went serious" thing is, how far do you want to go??Without hesitation I said as far as we can"Thought...

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FuckingAwesome Riley Reid Naughty Schoolgirl Riley Learns a Lesson in the Bathroom

Riley is over at her friends house studying for a test when she she’s her friends older brother Mick. Riley can’t concentrate so she goes into the toilet to masturbate and think about him. Just as Riley is about to have an orgasm, Mick comes in by mistake. He wants to leave but horny Riley wants to taste her first cock. After sucking his huge dick and having her pussy eaten, Riley gets fucked hard until she orgasms. Mick cums all over this naughty schoolgirl’s mouth and face and she...

3 years ago
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Iron ManChapter 6 River City

I might have known. Serenity was completely fine with the possible changes to our schedule. In fact she declared that the changes suggested that we just take the two weeks off while I was in Hartford. She would go home to visit her parents. Becka was a little less pleased, but her displeasure pleased me to no end. "Spider, we just started going out, and now you're going to be gone for two weeks, and then you say you might even have to leave a few days early." "We're going out?" I...

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The Draeneis Adventure

“Great idea Elunaraa, just a fantastic idea. Walk yourself all the way out here because all those damn adventurers are taking up all the easy to find herbs. Get this filth all over your legs. Ugh! It’s going to take weeks to get my legs properly clean again!” Having finished the small tirade to herself, Elunaraa futilely shook her leg and took another step “Well, If I’m going to do this, may as well get straight into it.” Elunaraa bent over, feeling her shorts tighten around her ass before...

1 year ago
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Sonnet 57

1 THE SHIPPING FORECAST The time is 05:15am. Freddie Clegg and Ellie are asleep in the early morning in their flat in London.Freddie has always had the habit of waking early, something left over from his army career. That was years ago, but habits once formed are hard to shake.There is a soft click as the bedside clock-radio switches on. Freddie keeps the volume low, to leave Ellie undisturbed. In the soft and dreamy country between sleep and wakefulness, he hears the hypnotic recitation of...

2 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 28 The Twins

Saturday afternoon, Andrew went with Raven to pick her car up from the dealership. It was an awkward trip. They had ridden together in his car, him driving and her staring out the passenger side window. What little conversation they held was strained, and focused on trivial topics of a general nature: a small comment about the rising price of gasoline, a little exchange about a woman wearing a funky hat, and an agreement that the weather was nice for that time of year. As if by mutual...

4 years ago
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FE336 By: Serenity (My first attempt at a story.)( WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, bad words, and should not be viewed by anyone under 18 unless accompanied by an adult. Please do not repost, copy, use or alter this story without permission from the author, enjoy!) June 8th, 2007 0900 hours Log Entry 1125: Dr. William Birch, Senior Research Analyst, reporting. For the time being, that is. This log is being created to document the events and effects...

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