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The commissioner of health services finished the glowing testimonial to this year’s recipient of the County Physician of the Year award. He spread his right arm wide, directing the honoree to take the podium for the presentation of her award. She was a devastatingly beautiful redhead who looked a decade younger than her thirty-three years.

Simone O’Reilly was a tall woman whose mane of red hair descended to her pale shoulders like ringlets of fire dropping on ice. She was easily the most stunning person in the room, and she was my wife. I’m James O’Reilly, known as Jimmy to my friends. I’ve been married to Simone for ten-plus years. I was twenty when we wed, and she was twenty-two.

Simone often jokes that she married a child. The truth is that, in most ways, I’m the older, more responsible party. From an early age, my wife was studying to be a doctor. She shut herself off from the part of life that involved boys and parties and focused everything on becoming a physician. Thus, I found her as an inexperienced virgin of twenty-one at the wrong kind of frat party. She had been dragged there by her roommate to celebrate their mutual admission to medical school.

It was spring term of the school year. The Deltas were being nice and invited the Sigmas to their spring bash. Six or seven of my Sigma brothers decided to take them up on the offer of free beer, and they took me along. The party went well into the night. In the early-morning hours, I noticed three Deltas pulling a tall redhead toward a back room. She was very drunk but still resisting.

Well, I couldn’t just stand there, could I? I intercepted them and tried persuading the three large men—who were themselves a bit worse for the drink. One big fellow objected and took a swing at me. It was the last thing he did that night.

I only hit the jerk once. It was my frat brothers who stepped in to start breaking Delta heads. I may have saved the girl, but, in the end, she had to save us. The campus police showed up to break up the fight. Unfortunately, by the time they arrived, a couple dozen Deltas were down, and my brothers were mopping up the rest.

Yes, I was one of those Sigmas, the bad boy on campus. The redhead was somewhat sober by this time, and she was persuasive enough to convince the cops that we had saved her from sexual assault. After that, Simone—the redhead—and I were on a path that was to end in a wedding, and it came only a year later. Right at the end of her first year of medical school.

My wife was older in years and more mature in career, but she was my junior in worldly experience. Her medical degree, my law degree, and two kids later, she was physician of the year. A designation that my pediatric surgeon wife had earned by spending the prior year with Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières).

From the beginning, I realized how fortunate I was to have stumbled into Simone at that party. Chance is a strange thing. Or was it chance? Was there some divine force guiding our fate? Back when we met, Simone was all potential, the nerdy pre-med student waiting to emerge from her cocoon. The chrysalis about to turn into a butterfly.

I wasn’t the only one to think this. My cynical frat brothers all shook their heads at my good fortune.

“Why does a good-for-nothing Irish jerk like Jimmy O’Reilly get a woman like that?” they thought.

I was, after all, nothing special—just average academically and athletically. On the other hand, I was, if I do say so myself, way shrewder than the average college boy, and I very astutely held little faith in my fellow man.

Simone was the opposite, she believed in the greater good and the nobility of human beings. I will admit, I found this aspect of her character more attractive than her physical beauty. She was gorgeous, but, as every one of my fraternity brother would confirm, it was what was beneath her skin that shown like gold among the dross.

The word “altruism” was coined to explain people like Simone. She was in medicine not for the money, prestige, or security; Simone was out to help others. She could never stand by and watch another person suffer. If one of my many truly awkward and shy frat brothers needed a date, Simone would fix him up with one of her nerdy girlfriends.

When my fraternal brothers drank too much, as they often did, Simone wiped the vomit off them and helped them to bed. She put iodine and bandages on their wounds after their frequent brawls. Unlike other girls, she never criticized, nagged, or scolded. She simply advised against bad behavior, like an indulgent mother. Guys were attracted to Simone for her looks, but they loved her for her soul.

My relationship with my future wife was somewhat different. Once Simone got her hand in mine, it was set there permanently. We were a couple. I was her first and only seriously relationship. We were instantly exclusive. Simone would not tolerate any dalliances.

“We’re together—a couple, right?” she would ask.

I was no fool. I was not arguing this point. Having been selected by some divine intervention to be with Simone, I was shrewd enough to know when to cash in as a winner. And, of course, Simone had captured my heart. She does that. If you have the least bit of good in your soul, you can’t help loving Simone.

So, on that Thursday afternoon, I slipped out of my office early to attend the meeting of the County Medical Society. I had not been invited. The wife of the County Clerk was a hospital administrator. When I went to record a deed, he congratulated me on my wife’s award. I pretended I knew all about it.

My wife had not told me about the award or the meeting. As was her practice, she separated her family and professional life. So, I was crashing the affair. Normally, her not inviting me to a medical association meeting would have raised no questions in my mind. However, her failing to mention the award had elevated my eyebrows.

I wanted to see her get the award and hear her acceptance speech. I’m very proud of Simone. But since her return from abroad, she had been distant and reserved. Our former warm familiarity had been replaced by a wintery chill. At first, I saw it as a result of her fatigue. She returned to us a worn shadow of her former robust self. But as Simone regained her vigor, we did not regain our former passion. The woman had come back, but the wife was still traveling.

Simone seemed to regain her relationship with our daughters, Vicky, eight, and Beth, six, but with her husband, there seemed to exist some barrier she could not or would not cross. For three months, I waited for my wife to return to me. I missed her and the warm, loving relationship we had. Something had changed our relationship, but what it was I knew not. I was aware of nothing that would explain the current distance that had developed between my wife and myself.

I had stealthily entered the large banquet hall of the Gideon Hotel. Simone hadn’t begun to speak yet. The room was filled nearly to its capacity of fifteen hundred. In the back, I eased in next to the bar, which had been set up for the cocktail reception. The bartender had stopped serving when the speakers had begun; however, two tall, good-looking men still stood, leaning on the bar rail and nursing their drinks. One of them I recognized Tony Curoso, MD, a gynecologist at Memorial Hospital where Simone worked. The other had a swarthy complexion and a slicker appearance, but he was one handsome fellow. He wore an expensive tailored European-cut suit.

I assumed fancy suit was also a doctor. He had the appearance of a player, as did Curoso. The not-so-good doctor Curoso had never met a young nurse he did not want to bed, and he did not let a wedding ring deter him. I knew of several passes he had made at Simone, one of which was right in front of me. She had always shot him down, but he kept coming like the Energizer bunny.

I was behind them at the back end of the bar. They were facing into the room, as was I, and apparently, they didn’t see me. But I was close enough to hear their conversation without straining.

“I mean to get me some of the that,” said the man in the sharp suit as he nodded toward my wife.

Simone was approaching the podium to start her acceptance speech.

“Don’t let the red hair fool you; that is one frigid bitch,” Tony replied.

“Maybe once, but not anymore. I heard she spread it around rather wide in Africa. She was a very fiery number indeed,” said the second man.

“Well, that would be a big change, but that was over there,” said Tony.

“Yeah, but once they taste strange, they never go completely without,” Dr. Slick told Tony.

“Care to wager on it?” said Tony.

“Sure, how about we double what you owe me for that little fix job I did?” Mr. Slick said.

“Done, and just to make things interesting, I’ll take a run at her myself,” Tony said as they both gave a smug laugh.

Just then my wife began to speak: “I want everyone to know how exceptionally honored I feel receiving this award from my professional collogues. But in all honesty, I must tell you that you have given it to the wrong person.

“This is an award given to those who have made sacrifices for humanity. My work for Médecins Sans Frontières was no hardship on my part. It was others who made the actual sacrifice: my daughters, who gave up their mother for fourteen months, my husband, who became a single parent for that time, and all those family and friends who stepped in to help while I was gone.

“We so often forget those who stay behind and support the work in the field. They make the day-to-day unnoticed contributions. As I accept this award for my family and friends, I want them and you to know that not only do I appreciate their sacrifice, but so do all those tens of thousands who have been helped by Doctors Without Borders.

“We the medical professionals and our patients owe a great debt to all those families who have given up a husband, wife, brother, sister, or child for an extended period of time to bring the benefits of medicine to those most in need but least able to receive.

“So, for my and the other volunteer families, I accept this award with great humility and deep honor.” When Simone finished, the crowd stood, and the applause thundered.

“Glad you heard that,” someone spoke into my ear.

I turned to find Claire Hudson at my side. She was coming down off her toes. At five foot four, she had to stretch to speak into my ear. Claire was my wife’s preferred surgical nurse. Simone is very partial to having Claire at her side in the operating room.

Claire was a mother of three, but you would have never known it. In her mid-thirties, she had the figure of a twenty-something and not a strand of gray in her raven hair. She was the kind of woman who, in the common slang, is referred to as a MILF. But she was married to one of the best men I knew. Declan Hudson was the premier diesel mechanic in our part of the world. If you needed the best, then you went to Hudson.

Declan, who was universally referred to as Deke, was a mountain of a man. Prematurely bald, he gave the appearance a movie bad ass but had the disposition of a kitten. Claire wore the pants in the family. Together they were the couple that Simone and I were closest to—the friends we often had over and whose parties we always attended. Our house was often full with their three boys and our two girls. It had been no different while Simone was away. I had wondered what Simone did in Africa without Claire at her side.

“I’m very proud of her,” I answered Claire.

“She loves you deeply,” Claire said.

I looked over to where the bartender had refilled the drinks for Tony Curoso and his friend. They took their refreshed drinks and headed into the crowd, which had resumed sitting.

“Who’s that with Dr. Curoso?” I asked.

“Oh ... him. Ah, that’s Dr. Eshe Faraji, our new head of surgery,” Claire said.

I caught the hesitation and the wobble in Claire’s voice. Sometimes, it is not a good thing to be a criminal lawyer. It was all too obvious to me that Claire was holding something back, something personal. I let it pass because I had seen my wife get her award, and it was time to play daddy and pick up my daughters from school.

“Got to go,” I said to Claire, looking at my watch. “Tell Simone I heard her speech.”

“Will do,” Claire said as I turned to go.

In my car on the way to the grade school, I mulled over Dr. Faraji’s accusation against my wife. When we met, the woman who would one day be described as the hottest-looking doctor in the state was the female equivalent of a nerd. She was a virgin, as was I.

Being referred to as the shrewdest asshole on campus didn’t make me do any better with the girls than the average guy did. With Simone, all that was different. I put my brains on hold after our first kiss and never let an unkind thought come between us.

Simone was a banker’s daughter and an honors student. If it weren’t for some drunken frat boys, we never would have met. We were attending the same university but were in very different fields. She was honor roll pre-med, and I was a sophomore with an undecided major. I wasn’t doing badly grade-wise, but I was nowhere near her league. We dated the whole school year, and the week after her graduation we consummated our romance with a night of sex.

When Simone attended medical school, she had an apartment in Albany proper near the Medical Center. Daddy was fronting the living costs, but even his wealth was tested by the medical school tuition. Simone ended up borrowing heavily on student loans. I became a steady fixture in Simone’s bed. Simone was embarked on her medical studies, and I was stringing cable for an independent company subcontracted to do electrical utility. Every chance I got I popped in to disrupt my lover’s studies.

In hindsight, we should have been more discreet. Word got back to her parents, and they went ballistic. I guess Mom and Dad, but mostly Mom, were unprepared for their college graduate daughter to become a woman. The upshot was that, prepared or not, we ended up engaged by Christmas and married the following June.

I was a junior and a married man but was still relatively carefree with an undecided major. That all changed senior year. I had never worried about unprotected sex. Simone took care of that. We were healthy and monogamous. Simone was on the pill, but, I guess, then she wasn’t. Early on in her second year of med school, she announced her pregnancy.

“I thought you were on the pill?” I said.

“I stopped last month. This way I have the baby between terms.”

“But what then?”

“It’s all worked out. Don’t worry,” she said.

To some extent, she was right. Both sets of parents were desperate for grandchildren. Simone was an only child, and Mrs. Mercer wanted grandbabies. My parents were equally desperate since my older sister had come out of what is called “the closet.”

To me, Tara was always my big sister. She is five foot eleven, which is two inches shorter than I am now, but growing up, she was always the taller one. She was referred to as pretty, and she had no shortage of male attention. In high school, Tara had what is referred to as “a reputation.” You know, that pretty girl who is not the easiest lay but still will not leave a guy hanging.

Tara was never short a date to the dance but never managed to keep a steady boyfriend. My mom used to tell her friends how Tara was playing the field and keeping her options open. I guess she really was. Once my sister hit college, she was dressing more and more like a pretty guy. Her hair got shorter and more boyish. It was “just a phase” to my mother, right until the day Tara brought her girlfriend home to meet the family.

With Tara out of the baby-making business, my parents looked to their daughter-in-law. Simone did not let them down. Little Victoria Tara Louise O’Reilly was eight pounds two ounces at birth. My sister became the big aunt and moved in with us. She was then a probationary officer with the city police. Between Tara and myself, we managed to take most of the parenting duties off the would-be doctor.

Simone has a major fault. Given the slightest opportunity, she will try to do everything. I’m firm in my belief that you can’t be a full-time medical student and be a full-time mother to a newborn. Simone, of course, disagreed. She would have worked herself into the ground, eventually failing both as a student and as a mother had I not stepped in.

This became the turbulence and the pattern of our marriage. Simone struggled to be Superwife and Mom, with me playing the strict the husband and daddy who imposed the limits. It was “You study while Tara and I take care of Vicky and the housework.”

Eventually, my sister and I had it down to a system that even Simone could see was best for Vicky. And it was Tara who encouraged me to consider a law degree.

“You would never make a cop, Jimmy, but maybe a lawyer?” Tara said.

That was a difficult period. I was working stringing cable, taking care of my daughter, and going to law school. I came through it thanks to Tara and Simone. Oddly, I was a better man for the difficulties I faced.

Simone and Tara were both at my law school graduation, although neither could stay for the celebration my parents threw after. Simone and Tara were both on the evening shift. Little did we know that six years later, I would be defending Tara against false charges brought to (as I was able to prove) “get rid of the dyke sergeant.”

Tara had never had an easy time with the male-dominated police. We eventually took a settlement and an apology, and Tara went on to establish her own security firm. I, on the other hand, had made an enemy of just about every serving officer. But it was worth it.

By that time, little Beth had come along, and life had settled into a pattern. Simone had completed her surgical residency, and I had a small practice. We were happy. And then Kevin McFarlin came home from Liberia. Kevin, an emergency physician, was a med School friend of Simone’s.

Kevin returned with tales of the work done in Africa. As doctors go, I think in an emergency, I would hope someone else would be available. He was an academic overachiever who had little talent for medicine, which I had come to regard as more art than science.

By the time Kevin returned, Simone was a board-certified pediatric surgeon. It’s one of the highest-paid medical specialties. Simone and I had just begun to climb out of the financial basement. She made three times my income, but it wasn’t the money that motivated my wife.

“I can’t get what Kevin said out of my head,” she whispered in my ear after sex.

“No!” I said. “You’re not going.”

“I know, I have too many responsibilities here. I have the girls to think about. I’m not free.”

“And I’m not crazy enough to let my wife go off and get herself killed,” I replied.

“I wouldn’t get killed, and there’s so much good I could do. It’s only one year.”

My wife was asking me to help her go play Doctors Without Borders for a year. She knew there was nothing I couldn’t work my way around. I’m like that: give me a problem, and I will work you out a fix. It made me a good, if not an always honest, lawyer. Simone also knew I would do anything for her. But would I let her put herself in jeopardy?

“It’s just too dangerous,” I said.

I had listened to Kevin, and I knew the things he said would be like catnip to my wife. I did some checking and liked nothing I heard. The group goes where others will not. MSF goes to the war zones in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria. Their facilities had been hit by air strikes that were meant to target others, and then there was the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the violence was intentionally aimed at the health care workers.

Everything told me I had to stop Simone from going, but I knew I ultimately would not. Another woman would have been content with a successful career and family. But Simone could never be just another woman or doctor. There were people in need, children who needed her special skills. She needed to go, and I knew it.

I could have prevented her. I probably should have stopped her. But I loved her, and when you truly love someone, you can feel their needs even greater than your own. So, in the end, I helped her. I hugged our girls as they sat on the living room couch while Simone knelt before us, explaining why she had to go and help the children in Africa.

When Simone announced to the rest of the family that she would be leaving her surgical residency for at least a year to take a job with Doctors Without Borders, it was Tara who stepped in first to help me. By then, Vicky was seven and Beth, short for Elizabeth, was five. Tara brought Lisa to the table. My sister is the very definition of the word “butch.” Once a very pretty girl, she is now a boyish creature—still pretty but never to be mistaken for a heterosexual.

Tara prefers her women feminine, and Lisa is one hundred percent female. She’s what I believe they term a “lipstick lesbian.” Lisa is small, the kind of petite woman who can wear anything and look good. Extra short with long blond hair all down her back. The kind of girl who only looks more female when filling out a pair of jeans.

When Simone went to Africa, Lisa became the female influence for my daughters, buying their clothes and watching Frozen and Pocahontas with them. Tara and I upheld the fatherly end of things. I needed the help. With my wife gone, I lost not only a spouse but also an income. My wife’s new earnings were just enough to cover her student loan bills. I had to pay my loans, the mortgage, and the household bills.

The average criminal attorney is lucky to clear fifty grand a year after expenses. At the time Simone left, I was breaking sixty because I spent every spare hour seeking new business. I think I wrote a will for every family member and friend I had. But mostly I hunted the town courts, looking for the driving-while-intoxicated, disorderly, or public indecency clients.

We had survived and had even prospered, but I could not have done it without Tara and Lisa. Mostly I worried. The news was never good from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I never wanted Simone to go. Why her family was not enough for her, I never understood. Nor did I understand how the mother of small children could put herself so decidedly in harm’s way. Everything I learned about the Congo said it was a place to avoid at all costs.

The first two months she was gone, she was in France for training. We kept in good communication. A phone call every day. Two, sometimes three, emails a day to me and the girls. The next two months were the same, but then things changed. There was a call maybe once a week and a letter rarely. It didn’t change slowly; it happened all at once. There was a sudden shift, and then things slipped further. The letters began coming every other week and the calls once a month. Mostly she talked to the girls. Something happened in that third month she was in the Congo. I never knew what.

What I knew was that my wife had never quite returned to me. I had been celibate for fourteen months. But was Simone equally celibate? I knew how libertine medical staff could be. Did my wife engage is extramarital sex while I stayed at home tending to the kids? Was Dr. Faraji talking out of his ass, or did he have knowledge I lacked? I had worried for my wife’s safety, but should I have been concerned for her fidelity?

As I pulled up in my Honda CRV, my daughters were waiting at the curb. Vicky had become the responsible older sister. She held Beth’s hand and waiting patiently at the curb for my arrival. The absence of their mother had made my daughters more responsible and less dependent.

“Hi, Dad,” Vicky said, opening the door and helping her sister in.

“What we having for dinner?” Beth asked as she buckled herself into the one remaining car seat.

“I think Aunt Tara is bringing liver and onions,” I teased.

“No, she’s not. Lisa won’t let her,” Beth insisted.

“Dad!” Vicky implored.

“Well, you know your mother will be late, and Aunt Tara really likes liver.”

“Yuck!” the girls said in unison.

When we arrived home, the girls stormed out of the garage and into the kitchen. They were protesting the liver when they saw the pizza boxes sitting on the kitchen table. Aunt Lisa reassured them that she would never let Aunt Tara feed them liver.

Simone didn’t make it home for dinner, but then, I didn’t expect her to. There would be a cocktail reception for the bigwigs after the meeting, and Simone would use the opportunity to argue for greater support for Doctors Without Borders. She did arrive home at about eight, just as I was giving the girls their baths.

Tara and Lisa stayed until I had the girls in bed. They said they wanted to talk to us about something. When the girls were settled, Tara broke out a bottle of wine she had bought and nestled into the living room sofa.

“I want you to be the first to know that I have asked Lisa to marry me,” Tara began.

Simone was the first to offer congratulations, but I followed a second later. Despite knowing how close the two women were, they had taken me by surprise.

“Go on!” Lisa prompted.

“Ah. Well, the reason we are going to marry is that—”

“What your sister is trying to get out is that we intend to marry and start a family,” Lisa said to me.

“Okay, well, you will make the ‘rents happy,” I said.

Simone was fidgeting next to me. I was missing something the three women instinctively understood.

“Jim, we want you to be the bio father,” Tara said.

This took me back a bit, but Lisa jumped in before I could recover.

“It’s not just about you being Tara’s biological brother. I want my children to have the kind of father I know you to be. I could not think of a better man to father our children. We are only asking for a sperm donation,” Lisa said.

They had put me on the spot, and I could feel the icy chill coming from Simone.

“Can I have some time to think?” I hedged.

“Of course,” they agreed, and we went on to discuss their wedding plans until they left.

Simone sat on the edge of our bed. She was wearing an old terry cloth robe over a granny nightgown. Before she had gone to Africa, she slept with me naked. Now she hid her body from me. I could tell she was troubled.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“About what?

“You know what. Donating to Tara and Lisa,” she said.

“Don’t quite know, actually. A bit flattered, as you should expect. What were you thinking?”

“Have we drifted so far apart that you can’t see how I feel about it?”

“Well, I didn’t think you were pleased, but you didn’t say no, and it’s only a sperm donation.”

“I was thinking what it will mean to the girls?”

“I don’t think anyone was planning on telling them until they are adults.”

“But what if something happened to Lisa and Tara? Those would be your children.”

“If the worst happened, they would be my children no matter who donated the sperm. Tara is my sister. Our kids are her nieces. She and Lisa proved what that meant while you were away. We owe them a lot. I will have a hard time turning them down on so small a request,” I said.

Simone did not look happy. “I want to think about it and talk more when I’m not so tired,” she said.

“That’s good—sleep on it. We will talk tomorrow evening.”

“I can’t. I promised to go out with the staff people from work to celebrate tomorrow night. I received an award today which Claire says you know.”

“What were you doing tonight?”

Simone didn’t look happy with my question. “Today was for the poohbahs. I was out with the hospital executive committee after the award ceremony. They may offer me an executive position.”

“Oh, and just when were you planning on celebrating with your family?”

“Please Jimmy, don’t be like that. I’m doing the best I can,” she said, pausing to take a breath. “Everything feels strange. When you go away like I did, you expect that it will all be the same when you return. But it’s not. Everyone has moved on. Worse, you are different, and you can’t help that. You saw things—had experiences. Not all of them bad, but some so horrific.”

She suddenly started weeping. I moved to the bed. I put my arm around her and pulled us together. For a moment, it was the old Simone and me. A man and his wife working through whatever had happened to her. But then the moment passed, and she pulled away, the curtain dropped.

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Think of Black part 2 Chuckie by thinkofblack ******************** November 30th, 2007 After school, Gwen had rode the bus home with Mikaela- deciding to spent the night with her best friend, before going to the mall tomorrow. The window-ledge filled with snow, as a blizzard raged outside. They had decided to both sleep on the bottom mattress of her bunkbed.. Mikaela slept like a log, but Gwen didn't ever sleep at night. She just faced Mikaela with open-eyes, while resting her...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 3

It was the night after Miranda had awakened her pterodactyl sister and told her someone had opened the wormhole at the Jurassic Lodge, then teleported away to greet them and let everyone know she'd found her sister. Unfortunately, her pterodactyl but sometimes human sister, Murielle, didn't remember how to teleport, and it hadn't occurred to Miranda that she could teleport and still carry her sister as a passenger, so the winged reptile had to physically fly all the way from the east coast...

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CuckoldSessions Khloe Kapri 05082022

Khloe answered an ad for a Calendar shoot put out by Jax. Khloe sets up a meeting to interview for a calendar shoot but just can’t shake her clingy jobless wanna be pro gamer boyfriend Kevin. Kevin insists on going with Khloe to her interview. They both show up and the door gets answered by Jax. Both come inside, and take a seat. Klhole posses for jax as her boyfriend Kevin watches. Khloe is informed by jax that there are a lot of girls that are interviewing for this spot in his calendar. Khloe...

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His MuseChapter 2

Jim pushed away from his desk, stood, and walked to his office window. Outside the calm, rolling waves of the Atlantic beaconed him, as it did all those fortunate enough to be standing near its shores. He knew, however, that even though the sun was shining and the sky was crystal clear, the water temperature at the end of May was in the area of fifty-five degrees. At that temperature only the hardiest of individuals could stay in the water for more than a couple of minutes. However, the shore...

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Jakes Story Chapter 3

It was over dinner that I told her I wanted a little bit of everything and she was very happy about it and she said that was what she wanted as well. It’d be fun to play without me or play with me but she was most turned on by me watching. She didn’t like the idea of humiliating me or criticizing me but she was happy to add BDSM elements into our play and continue to talk dirty to the guy for me to hear. It took a couple weeks for this to happen, almost a month really as safety is an issue....

3 years ago
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My family Vacation

This true story took place the year of my 17th birthday. It was the last real family vacation my family took together. I was 17 years old, almost six feet tall, still a skinny k** but my muscles were developing as I was getting into lifting weights. My hair was dark, cut short, dark skin complexion like my mother and I have blue green eyes, which I got from my father.It was late summer and dad decided we were all going to Virginia Beach for a week vacation. My 38 year old mom Denise, 40 year...

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PART - 18 SEX IN SHIMLA We planned a holiday in Shimla and have arranged a bungalow there on rent for our stay. We were very happy to be there for spending a lovely and sexy time together in beautiful cold weather in Shimla. We had visited here in past also but, than we stayed in hotel. This time we have booked a tourist bungalow for more and more enjoyment in privacy. We reached there in evening and our planning to stay here was for two days. My hubby have park the car in front of the...

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A Night At The Sub Shop

This experience is from the summer between my graduation from high school and my entry into college. During this time I worked at the sub shop on the edge of town. It wasn't a very well known one, and if you weren't from our town, you never would've heard of it. This caused us to have slow periods, where we would be left to our own devices. Only two people ever worked at a time, and I often found myself working with Chyanne on the 4pm to midnight shift. The uniforms we had to wear were a red...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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I help my pal to his first proper orgasm

Eric and I had been pals since school, we lived close to each other, we both had similar hobbies, we liked girls, music, magic but most of all photography. We were good we did wedding photos together for friends just for the cost of materials. We had dark rooms and did all the printing together. We ever got some girl friends to pose for us. I had been happily wanking away for quite a while and when you are young it’s like at least twice or three times a day. Hell there was no internet no...

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Truth or Dare

It was clear to Julie that nothing would happen unless she got involved. The party wound down a while ago, and everyone had gone home except Alice’s friend Dan. There was chemistry between him and the two roommates, but he seemed reluctant to act on it. Julie could tell that Alice fancied him, but was hesitating because she could also sense a spark between him and Julie. Alice sometimes suffered from limited imagination, Julie thought, as she grabbed three beers from the fridge.In the living...

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Getting Caught

This is just a short story that I've had for some time about a little cheating and forgiveness. It has a standard format for a plot and I don't expect a very favorable response from the reader but some might enjoy it ... I think its why most affairs are initiated and what the outcome would and should be considering the circumstances. It was getting dark as I drove into the motel parking lot and pulled up in front of the room indicated to me by my passenger. His name was Charles Parker and he...

2 years ago
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Eternal Awakening Chapter Five

As always please leave a comment and don't forget to rate. We hope you enjoy. Chapter Five: Placement and A Visitor in the Night Daiya helped Richard sit down gently on a wooden bench in the waiting room under the arena, the noise of the crowd buzzing over them as they began to leave in confusion. Richard couldn't blame them for being confused though. They had been told that he had won the duel but then he declined the win saying that it was Daiya who had won instead....

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Mein Leben als Nutte

„Ja, komm rammel mich hart durch“, forderte ich den Mann auf, welcher mich von hinten wie eine läufige Hündin ran nahm. Oh, Entschuldigung, ich will mich erst einmal vorstellen, ich bin Jenny, 18 Jahre alt, schlank, stramme C Körbchen und braunes gelocktes Haar. Der fette, ältere Mann, der mit harten Stößen meine enge Fotze von hinten bearbeitet, ist ein Freier. Aber ich will euch erst einmal erzählen, wie es soweit gekommen ist und wie es mir so als Nutte ergeht.

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W Little D 04

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference...

2 years ago
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Love In Lockdown pt 1

"Being alive during a global pandemic isn't as much fun as it sounds," Lindsay said into the window as she gazed out at the empty beach.  "Yeah, no shit, I'm starting to go a little crazy here. I thought a month of video games sounded fun, but we're only two weeks in and all I want is my life back!" Jake replied. Before the state of California mandated a lockdown, he had been planning a trip down to Mexico with his buddies to go surfing and drinking, and of course, flirt with girls and...

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Its Fucking Magic

In this story, the protagonists find a way to cast magic. What is that? A magic book? A wand? Or even a curse or genie? In any case, this puts people in perverse, sexy situations!

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Hannah cums to the Twin Cities

So you guys know the story about me and Hannah. Cousins that fuck yeah, but here's some more for you. After North Carolina, me and Hannah went our separate ways. I went back to Minnesota to finish up my doctorate and she stayed in NC and finished up at Duke university. Then one day about three months ago, she called me up. "Hey Nick, how have you been?". "I've been really good Hannah, you?". "I'm good. Hey, I got offered a job in Minneapolis and I just to call you and tell you and ask you a...

3 years ago
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Another time I was watching Judge Cooke Judge Cooke series 2

Introduction: Please read Spanking and Sexual Awakening first, so that you will understand the relationship I had when I was young,with Judge Cooke. I have changed the names to protect the family. Please comment, PM me or email me [email protected] It excites me to read your comments As I have written in a previous story, Spanking and Sexual Awakening, most of my sexual education came from being in the home of my friend Sharon, whose Father was a Judge. This is a true account of another time I...

1 year ago
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Sex Life of Tyron and Kari From Karis Point of View

Introduction: Karis First DP Sex Life of Tyron and Kari From Karis Point of View Tyron is such a funny guy. He is the greatest sex partner in the world. His only reason for sex is to give his partner pleasure and he is very, very good at it. We have been enjoying each other for about a year and I think back he always had this funny but obvious way of letting me know what he had in mind for the coming sexual experience. The way he smiled as I was introduced to Brad, the sort of pushing me to...

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Two Japanese girls in Vegas

I did deserve the holiday so I made sure I was a long way from home to enjoy it. I booked a hotel in Las Vegas to play some poker and perhaps get the money back. It was a hard time finding a hotel with vacant rooms. There was some kind of event going on and almost every room was booked well in advance.I didn't care. When I finally arrived at the hotel I only wanted to get to my room, take a hot bath and get to bed. The 10 hour flight had almost killed me. So when I got to my room and opened it...

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The Neighbor

I was in the Army, and had been deployed in the desert for 3 months, and came home unexpectedly, while my wife was still out of town visiting her ailing Mother. The neighbor across the street was also gone, and after mowing my yard, I mowed his and edged it. I had a ton of energy stored up. His wife Karen came home from work as I was finishing, and was happily surprised, and invited me for a cool drink. I sat on the back patio and sipped a cool brew while she changed clothes. We had never...

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To Addison, sex was a mystery. She was very curious about it starting in her teen years, but many of her questions about it went unanswered. She was raised in a home where the subject was rarely discussed, and when it was, she was warned that having sex was something she should wait to do until after she was married. Her parents were conservative, religious people and her only sibling was nearly eight years younger than her and being her brother, she never even dreamed of talking about the...

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Man of my Dreams

The bar was dim and smoke-filled. I searched the faces for his. I had only seen his face via e-mail photos that we had exchanged. My heart was pounding from the excitement and fear that he would be disappointed when he finally did see me. I had been waiting for this day since three months into when we had met. We had hit it off from day one after meeting in the chat room. Our IM conversations covered everything and nothing but we could 'talk' well into the wee hours of the morning on...

1 year ago
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Sex with my fuck buddy

This is my first attempt at a story.. so please... be niceMmmm. I want you behind me so I can grind my ass into your crotch... Want to feel your cock get hard as you kiss gently on the back of my neck.. Want you to reach round and start playing with my boobs.. you pinch my erect nipples and move your hand down my body, over my curves, til you reach my hot wet pussy. I want you to lick and kiss gently on my neck, then start sucking on my ear lobes mm.. Alternate between my neck and ear.. With...

2 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 29 Furtive Intent

He needed to be careful now. He knew they were on to him. The base had been flooded with too much information from too many directions in the past day or so. They thought they were being clever – but machines could never be clever enough to overcome human beings. He hadn’t gone dark. He’d kept in contact with Lance as usual but it was all innocuous now. The last encoded message had given a simple warning: ‘Being watched’. Lance would understand. He did his job, as normal. He was in charge...

4 years ago
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Kathy And Surprises part one

Graduating from high school at eighteen I was off to college that fall. I was going to a community college in the nearby city in preparation for going to a more prestigious institution. My name is Greg. My grades had not been that great. I was more interested in girls than school and had made the attempt to work my way through all of the girls in high school. I must have fucked at least twenty in my class of one hundred. Pretty good record if I say so myself. I never stayed with one more than a...

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Runaway TrainChapter 109

I expected a lot of things when my name was announced. I had figured about half the studio audience would wonder who I was. I figured the other half would wonder why I was being interviewed. I did not expect them to stand up and start clapping the moment I stepped through the curtain. I stopped and looked around to see who was coming out with me to garner such a reaction. But I was alone on the soundstage. Denny Daniels saw me stop and got up from behind his desk. He walked over to meet...

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A night with the Lover

He walked into the house and saw me sitting there reading my book. “Morning beautiful.” I darted my head around and smiled at him “Morning.” We run over and hug he rubs the back of my head as he kisses me gently. We break our kiss and I yawn covering my mouth. “You still tired? It’s almost noon,” I yawn again. “Yeah Chris wouldn’t get off me last night. I mean the sex is great but he can’t leave me alone.” “That’s the reason you’re tired?” he asks running his hands through my hair. ...

Straight Sex
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A Cautious ManChapter 17

As their children entered their teens, Bill had become aware of the closeness he had established with them. He was not surprised that Bill Junior would connect with him. Both of them had similar interests. Young Bill was chomping at the bit in anticipation of his sixteenth birthday and the driver education class in which he was enrolled. It was still over a year away, but "Junior," as he now wished to be known, was counting the days, nonetheless. Lexi, was the surprise. She and her father...

4 years ago
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My Elder Sister Roshni 8211 Part II

This was all started 4 yrs before in Pune where we both brother n sister use to stay in same rented flat for our education far away from our home town Nasik. After my become I took admission for Mba in Pune where my elder cousin sister was already doing her studies and use to share a flat with her 2 friends. When I shifted her was last yr and mine 1st yr, our parents told to stay together. As life started with new college n new friends, in evening she use to take me with her whatever she has...

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“Ooooohhhhh — That was a joke, Charles? That was my soon to be fourteen-year-old sons’ idea of a joke. Ha-Ha. Hmmm ... you knew I was behind the door, didn’t you? Well, you got me pretty good there, Chuckles. I must admit.” She started laughing with us; so, I guess she was OK, but I am going to start being more careful, generally speaking. RING “Hello, this is Charles Newman, who may I ask is calling?” “This is Kalista McArthur, Mr. Newman. Calling to see how you are doing?” “Kalista. So...

2 years ago
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Inside Maple Grove Chapter 6

Cont'd from chapter 5Stella Harris lay in her freshly drawn bubble bath and drank several gulps from her glass of red wine, hoping that a combination of warm soothing water and alcohol would quell the stinging sensation she had down below. She has spent the afternoon at the Jackson’s house where Lenny and Michelle had both fucked her mercilessly. She had been made to impale herself on Lenny’s huge cock and let Michelle fuck her virgin arsehole with a big black strap on dildo, all of which had...

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Market ForcesChapter 76 Party Time

Brad was standing at the front of the room holding forth to the assembled crowd. Since I knew most of them the effusive introduction was unnecessary but none the less welcome. It was good to see them again. The Trade Minister had Cora Argyll in tow, literally. Cora was hardly recognisable. Wearing a long, full skirt but naked from the waist up, her entire torso, arms, face and shaven head were covered with elaborate tattoos. The Trade Minister was leading her by a chain that ran to a ring...

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Welcome Home Daddy

Daddy works away from home so I don't get to see him as often as I would like, if I had it my way I'd have him come home every night to me waiting on my knees wherever he commands. But when he does come home I always like to do something special for him, to help him unwind after such a stressful week and show him just how much I love and worship him. A good kitten should know how to worship their daddy, for the handsome king that he is.I thought id give you an idea of what ill do for when he...

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I Did It for My HusbandChapter 2

I must have jumped two feet in the air when the doorbell rang. I'm out of time! I thought about not answering the door. I desperately want to leave him standing out there until he gives up and returns to his house. But I pictured Jimmie and what would become of him, to both of us, if I don't let Gary in. Like a craven coward I went to the door and opened it; not to surrender to him but to reason with him. The things this evil man wants from us, from me, the terms he laid out for the...

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Chandigarh Escorts 08054234008 Call Girls Chandiga

Escort services are vast in nowadays everywhere, but our services are the best. We have an exclusive collection of females that you like in your first sight. We have a large collection of delightful beauties in our agency. Those who seek for a love and delightful moments can come to enjoy here and can make their moments memorable. They all open-minded girl and know their job well. Our first and foremost task is to gather the customer needs and work according to them. Then an escort will be...

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Private nudism

I liked the idea of ​​being completely naked outdoors, but I didn't think about going to a nudist beach, I didn't like the idea of ​​being naked in a place with strangers around. My idea was more intimate, it was to spend a quiet afternoon, with the breeze touching my body, without having to think about anything, having only the thoughts that could invade me.One day I talked about it with my friend and co-worker, Isabel, a fortunate (well) married woman who has a big house with a pool in the...

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Going home from the beach

One extremely hot summer day turned in to hot sexy day. My girlfriend and I was going to the beach with her friends and there boyfriendsor husbands. We woke up late and made… One extremely hot summer day turned in to hot sexy day. My girlfriend and I was going to the beach with her friends and there boyfriendsor husbands. We woke up late and made the drive down south to the beach so we can we meet up with all them. She called all of them and most of them were already down there. She had a...

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Me Manu Tarak Madhu And FIL

Hi! I am a guy 29 years of age. My wife Manu is 24 and has a slender body with curves at the right places. She has a slender but hourglass figure. She wears 34C bra. She likes to wear traditional attire and likes to wear body clinging saris with sleeveless blouse and tight fitting salwar suits. She rarely takes a dupatta. We got married two years ago. She always attracts hungry glances in streets. She seemed to be shy, but acts like a tigress in bed. She had sister Madhu aged 26 also married...

2 years ago
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Ems Panties Pt 3

Mom was up and doing her coffee shuffle in the kitchen when I walked down the stairs. “Where’s Em?” I asked. “She went out for a run almost an hour ago. Not sure what got into her but she woke me to tell me, and off she went.” This was unlike my sister. While she joined Dad and I from time to time on a jog, it was almost NEVER by choice. I figured this was either really good, or really bad. “Well I was going to do the same, just not so early” I defended. “But it’s already getting hot I’m not...

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A Necessary Beating

A Necessary Beating by Ashley Zacharias?Not going to the gym today?? Derrick asked brusquely. ?No,? Jillian replied, surprised. For the first three months after her horrible 'Fall from Grace', he had restricted all conversation to single-word replies and she only got that much if she asked a direct question that, in his opinion, absolutely required his input. In the past month, he had begun to answer in full sentences on occasion, which had been a huge improvement. But this was the first time...

3 years ago
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Light Control

Disclaimer: I own no rights to the actresses used in this story. This is the story of all my dreams coming true. I was a 21 year old college student in the fields of math, physics, and engineering. I am a male and like most young males tend to be a sick perverted bastard. I was in the physics lab working with a partner on a project. The project involved playing around with a light generator that channeled the light in a series of pulses that wouldn’t really have any application to any...

4 years ago
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Mias Fantasy

Mia's fantasy. Her rape fantasy. Noah could never forget the night after they were married, just a few months ago. He'd held her in his arms after they'd made love. She'd snuggled up against him, softly kissed his muscled chest, and whispered words he'd never expected to hear in a million years. 'Noah…I have a confession to make. I've always fantasized about being…raped.' 'Sweetheart, are you serious?' The beautiful, slender blonde girl just nodded. 'Yes, Noah. I know it...

2 years ago
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Helping Hands

Next month I shall be sixty-seven years old. Before then there will be the fifth anniversary of the day my darling Dorothy was taken from me. A merciful release, said people who had known of her illness, and so it was. I still think of her, of course, and that is why I cannot help feeling just a little guilty about the turn my life has taken in the intervening years.Sex was never that important to Dorothy. At any rate, not once our early ardour had dwindled. And somehow I suppose I just adopted...

1 year ago
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Coming Home To Sister Part 2

That was 10 years ago. When I knew I was "busted" outside the bathroom window that night, I had simply gone back downstairs and waited for her to come storming down the stairs, having no choice but to confront the situation. She didn't come down - in fact nothing was ever said about the incident. I even got bolder - on several occasions going into her room at night and feeling her up, even rubbing her crotch until she got wet. It wasn't until recently that I realized that she was probably awake...

4 years ago
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Fat Dick Last partsee part 3

So there we were. Mick done his cleaning job on Rasto's dick. Rasto stood there and said, 'Hey b*o bring us a beer,' Mick wandered off to the Kitchen and Rasto sat next to me. He grabbed me and kissed me, saying how amazing I was and how he liked a nice slutty white wife to entertain him.'Mmm,'he said,'love the taste of my family on your lips Doll!'Mick arrived back with the beers. He walked over and handed one to Rasto. Rasto took it but still wanted to kiss. Then with one movement he swigged...

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The Enabler

When I was back Living at College I went to a State University. During the day it was a fairly mixed school but at night black students greatly outnumbered the white students especially the boys who were mostly on athletic scholarship’s. I was friends with a really hot white girl named Mary who also lived on campus. I was her emotional tampon for the whole first semester. She had a boyfriend on campus Wayne who was black and who was fucking a lot of other white girls. Mary didn’t seem to mind...

2 years ago
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Kareema My ExLove Next Door 8211 Part 1

Hi I am Gamaar. This is my 1st story. Enjoy. As a modern young Buddhist, I always fantasized about having sex with religious woman. It was not some sort of a religious hatred towards them, but sympathy, and love, because I knew that most of their own men never knew how to make them enough satisfied. Also, due to the extreme cultural level they follow, which prohibits them being with males at all costs, must be making them pretty much sexually obsessed. So, i was always looking for opportunity...

4 years ago
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Editing Reality Book One Naughty Fantasies CreatedChapter 8 Reliving Changed Memories

Linda Davies “What are you reading?” Marissa asked, hugging me from behind. My lover’s round breasts pressed into my back, her nipples hard, making me shiver. We’d been making love with Evaline almost non-stop since I’d arrived in Vegas to see her. I almost said the truth of it as I turned off my phone. It would be bad to blurt out that my daughters had lost their virginities tonight to their father. Both of them. Back home in Rainier, Washington, my husband had deflowered them both...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 3 Carousel Nights 2

iCarly/Victorious: Carousel Nights #2"So... where do we go from here Jade?""I thought we already covered that… You know, back at the restaurant. I remember it because you shot me down…hard-core," Jade set up on the bed and looked down at Freddie."Yeah... I'm sorry about that. I don't know what I meant… I feel really excited that we don't have this... 'cloud' over our heads, and I just... I don't know.""Yeah... I didn't get any of that," Jade smiled a bit, slightly biting her lip. "Look,...

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