Faith free porn video

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Author’s Note: I’d like to thank KevH for his outstanding editing skills. His tireless efforts were much appreciated. Also, thanks to Tom Collins for her help and suggestions.


It was cold, bitterly cold as the snow fell sporadically, lightly dusting the street in a white blanket.

At least the holidays won’t suck for everyone, Tyler thought cynically.

His eyes wandered away from the road to the strip malls he was passing. Christmas used to be his favorite time of the year. He would watch the people busily preparing for the holiday, or just spending time with their families, and it always brightened his mood. As his eyes took in the sight that used to bring so much pleasure, Ty was saddened by how apathetic he felt toward the jovial atmosphere.

‘Who cares?’ he said aloud, his eyes briefly returning to the road, before moving back to the stores flashing by. The last year had been very difficult for him. Despite support from his family and friends, Ty felt himself sliding into a chasm that seemed bottomless.

With a loud sigh, he looked again at the families scurrying about happily, enjoying the light layer of snow. The scene reminded him of Christmas for the first time all season.

‘Shit!’ he screamed suddenly, as his eyes moved back to the road in front of him. Traffic had come to a sudden stop and there was no time to react.

Tyler slammed on the brakes and turned the wheel hard to the left in desperation, trying to avoid the semi that had stopped directly in front of him. His car spun, turning almost completely sideways, before gaining some traction. At the last second, he managed to veer into the turn lane, and then watched helplessly as he passed within inches of the stopped truck.

After sliding another fifty feet, the car finally came to rest in the left-turn lane, almost as if he planned it all along. Ignoring the alarmed stares of the drivers beside him, Tyler pulled his shaking hands from the steering wheel and looked at them in wonder.

‘I should have died,’ he said quietly, shocked at how loud his voice sounded in the eerie silence. His hands returned to the wheel, but were shaking so badly that he decided to pull over and give himself a second to recover.

Looking around, his eyes settled on a familiar sight. Years earlier, Tyler lived nearby and would occasionally stop at Johnny’s on the way home. In addition to being a relaxed place to hang out, they featured live entertainment. He used to love winding down there after a tough day at work.

He waited until there was a large gap in the traffic, then did a U-turn and pulled into the parking lot. The non-descript building looked more like a house than a place to go for a good time. Tyler stepped out of the car and was surprised to find that his legs were still wobbly. He took a moment to steady himself before walking to the front door.

As he entered, he was greeted by a wave of blaring dance music. There were two pool tables in back, where several young men were playing. He turned the corner to the right and managed a smile for the first time, as he caught a glimpse of the entertainment. She appeared to be in her early twenties, about five foot six with long brown hair and the most amazing ass he had seen in as long as he could remember. The woman was wearing a mesh top and a white thong with thigh-high stockings.

Tyler looked around, surprised that she was the only dancer in the room. Normally, he would have expected to see two or three girls working the bar. Then again, since there were only six other men in the room, it was possible that any other dancers might have gone home early.

He walked to the bar, where he asked a pleasant looking blonde for an import, but she told him they were out. Annoyed, he said to just give him whatever they had on tap. As he stood, impatiently waiting, he felt something brush the back of his head and realized it was the dancer saying hi as she walked toward the back of the room. It caused him to smile again, this time with a little more enthusiasm, both from the contact and the scent of her perfume. He glanced to his left, but only caught a glimpse of her before she stepped out of sight.

The bartender handed him a beer, which he accepted, trying to do so without indicating his displeasure. He walked over to the tables against the wall, not wanting to sit with the men at the bar. Tyler took several deep gulps, trying to calm his frayed nerves. When a new song came on, he glance around, surprised that the woman hadn’t returned to the front. He glanced to the back of the room and realized that she was talking with the men playing pool.

Swell, he though, aggravated. I come to a strip bar and still get ignored. He quickly finished the first beer and thought about leaving, but decided he needed one more to calm his nerves. When he returned to his seat, Closer by Nine Inch Nails began blaring from the jukebox. Tyler chuckled to himself, well aware of the explicit lyrics. Just then, the dancer appeared, walking to the makeshift stage against the front wall. It had a pole mounted to the small riser that ended about a foot short of the low ceiling. The haphazard appearance added to the impression he already had formed about not expecting much from the show.

Tyler watched with mild interest as she began her routine to the beat of the slow, driving, primal song. Despite his mood, he was anxious to find a way to escape the negative feelings he’d had for the last few weeks. He leaned against the wall, deciding to give her a chance to atone for the slight.

The woman began with the typical bumping and grinding most dancers used, but caught his attention when she grabbed the top of the pole with one hand and began spinning herself like a ballroom dancer. She ran her hands down her body, bringing them between her legs, then grabbed the pole and climbed. Reaching the top, she flipped upside down, using her strong thighs to stay aloft. She caressed her smooth, tanned skin, while the music pulsated and her dancing became more and more erotic.

I want to fuck you like an animal I want to feel you from the inside I want to fuck you like an animal My whole existence is flawed

Tyler’s breath quickened and he felt a stirring in his groin while he watched her amazing performance. How anyone could be so sexy while performing for a nearly empty room was beyond him.

She put her foot on a table, spreading her legs tantalizingly, again running her hands over her panties, staring at Tyler like it was all for him. He watched her move with a grace that was beyond most exotic dancers he had seen, while never losing the eroticism that seemed to emanate naturally from her.

Without warning, she dropped to the floor, quickly spinning to her knees. She looked over her shoulder, flashed a devilish grin, and slapped her ass with an open hand. Rolling over again, she spread her legs, running her fingertips up her thighs before grabbing the pole with one hand. Using it for leverage, she arched her back, her head just above the ground. She slowly brought one leg straight up until it reached the pole high above her, her toe pointed like a ballerina.

Suddenly the song ended and Tyler realized that he was leaning forward in his chair, anxiously waiting to see what she’d do next. He applauded enthusiastically, along with the few men present, then impatiently waited for her to make her rounds. After visiting each of the men at the bar, she made her way over to his table.

‘Hi, did you like the dance?’ she asked in a soft, sultry voice.

‘It was amazing,’ he stammered, feeling foolish and cursing himself for acting like a love struck teenager. ‘So, are you a dancer…a professional dancer, I mean,’ he quickly added.

‘No,’ she said, smiling at the compliment. ‘Not unless you count me dancing in my room. I always wanted to be, but this is as close as I’m ever going to get.’ She regarded him with a sly smile. ‘Would you like a
private dance?’

Tyler couldn’t suppress a grin. ‘I thought you’d never ask.’

She offered her hand and said, ‘I’m Faith’.

A flash of pain in Tyler’s eyes was the only sign that her words struck a nerve, but the look was immediately replaced by one of open admiration. He took her hand and introduced himself.

Faith walked him to a more private area in the back of the other room. They talked for a moment while the song on the jukebox ended. The lighting was better there and he was able to look closely at her for the first time.

He noticed that she wore very little make-up, but still looked beautiful. Her lips were full and sensual. She had brown eyes that peeked out through oval lids, giving her the look of someone always on the verge of smiling, a mischievous smile that belied a quirky sense of humor. Her hair, dyed red in the front, gave her an untamed appearance that fit her dancing perfectly.

But what caught his attention the most was her chest. Through the mesh shirt, he could see a red shape that stretched from between her breasts to the middle of her stomach.

‘Is that a drawing or a tattoo?’ Tyler asked in fascination.

‘A tattoo,’ Faith answered with a satisfied smile. ‘It’s a phoenix, I designed it myself. Do you like it?’

‘Yes,’ he said, staring brazenly at the tattoo. ‘It’s beautiful.’

She regarded him cautiously. ‘It’s kind of a spiritual thing.’

Tyler couldn’t take his eyes off of the design. He had never seen one like it, nor one in the particular spot she had it placed. It was beautifully crafted and made him wonder about the story behind it. He smiled wryly as he realized the tattoo was distracting him from a much more interesting sight.

The sound of the jukebox starting again jolted him from his reverie. He heartily approved of her choice, Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On. Faith immediately began swaying to the sensual beat. Tyler resisted the urge to look at her body, finding her eyes mesmerizing. She stared back at him lustfully as she slipped the strap of her top off her shoulder, while moving toward him. Her head dipped close to his lap before dragging up his body, her hair brushing against him tantalizingly, until her lips hovered beside his cheek.

Tyler could feel the warmth from her face as she brushed lightly against his cheek, causing his penis to begin twitching. He’d had lap dances before, many that caused an erection, but never one that created this kind of immediate reaction. She purred into his ear, raising goose bumps on his neck, then lifted her head over his, letting her hair spill into his face. Her perfume threatened to overwhelm his senses.

He sighed aloud, bringing a knowing smile to Faith’s lips. She had him and knew it. Standing slowly, she turned away and shrugged the straps off her shoulders, letting the garment slide down. Her skin looked smooth and soft, making him wish he could touch it, just for a second. The top bunched when it reached her hips. With a seductive shake, it dropped to the floor and she slowly reached down to retrieve it, giving him a perfect view of her ass and her mound pushing against the thong.

He struggled to maintain his calm, sliding his hands under his legs to avoid giving in to the temptation to touch this amazing creature. Faith stood back up and set the top on the table beside them, and then turned to face him, her hands covering her breasts. Her hips moved as she massaged them teasingly, refusing to let him see more. His breath quickened and he shifted, trying to relieve the pressure of his rapidly growing prick trapped against the seam of his pants.

Faith gave him her naughtiest look, as her hips swayed and her knees bent. She moved her hands down slowly, letting her small, firm breasts slide into view. Tyler felt a lump in his throat as he saw her light brown nipples for the first time.

She saw him staring and moved closer, pressing his face between her breasts. Normally she wouldn’t be so bold, but something told her that this man wouldn’t do anything she would object to. His warm breath washing over her skin made her feel weak in the knees.

What is going on? she wondered. Faith enjoyed teasing men, but she rarely let one get to her like this. There was something about him, something sad, vulnerable and tender that touched her.

Shaking her head to gain control over her emotions, Faith redoubled her efforts to arouse him. She dipped her head low toward his lap and could clearly see his erection straining against his slacks. Turning her head, she dragged her face against his clothes as she moved upward, putting her hands on his legs for balance. She nuzzled against his cheek, delighting in the slightly rough feeling of his unshaven face.

She put her foot on his shoulder, giving him a view of the inside of her thigh, leading up to the crotch of her panties. The material stretched and molded itself into the shape of her mound. Tyler forced himself to look into her eyes, a part of him uncomfortable with ogling her in such an obvious way. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her hand move across the cloth, her finger teasing the opening of her sex, while he watched her smile.

‘It’s all right, you’re allowed to look,’ she teased, amused by his shyness.

Tyler returned her gaze intently. ‘I’m looking exactly where I want to,’ he said firmly. He saw surprise register in her eyes, then it was replaced with the look she wore earlier. ‘It must be how she looks at all the guys to make them feel special,’ he thought.

She turned again and moved her back against his chest, leaning her head against his shoulder. Her left arm curled up and around his head, while she ground against his cock, which was now completely erect. His head spun as he tried not to embarrass himself. Just when he was afraid he couldn’t hold out any longer, the song ended and she stopped moving, lingering against him for a few moments before stepping away.

‘So I guess you enjoyed that,’ she said mockingly, the twinkle in her eye letting him know she intended no insult.

Tyler blushed, ‘I’m just glad the song ended when it did or you might have found out how much I enjoyed it.’

Faith leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, her breasts brushing against his arm. ‘Always glad to have a fan,’ she teased.

‘Forever, milady,’ he said flamboyantly. He reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet to fish out the money for the dance. As he handed it to her, Tyler gave her a strange look.

‘Can I ask you something personal?’ he asked. Her expression was a little guarded, but she nodded. ‘Faith isn’t your real name, right?’

She laughed warmly. ‘Yeah, it really is my name. I know, almost all dancers use stage names. I did when I first started, but I grew up around here. The first time a guy I went to school with came in, that was ruined. After that I just started using it because people like it as much as any of the fake ones.’

Again, she noticed something in Tyler’s expression that disturbed her, but she couldn’t get a read on it. Whatever it was disappeared quickly. She decided to change the subject before the mood was ruined.

‘Care for an encore?’ she cooed. She was surprised to see his expression darken.

‘Honestly, I’d love to, but I need to get going.’

He smiled, but it looked strained to her. Faith tried to change the subject, not wanting to see him look so sad. ‘So a rain-check then?’

‘I’d like that.’ This time his smile looked genuine. Impulsively, he leaned forward and gave her a quick hug. ‘Thank you. I really needed that.’

She hugged him back, then watched him walk toward the front door. As she turned to reclaim her shirt, she tried to understand why she suddenly felt unhappy to have to go back to work.


Tyler pulled his car in front of the red brick house. He turned off the ignition, but paused before opening the door, his eyes fixed on the steering wheel. Desp
ite wanting to be there, it was still so difficult.

He walked slowly to the door and rang the bell. There was loud barking from inside, followed by footsteps. The door opened and an older man’s face appeared. He looked kind, but his appearance was marred by wrinkles and dark circles under his eyes. It looked like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

‘Hey Ty,’ he said wearily.

‘Hi Dad,’ Tyler responded, stepping in the door to embrace him. He was jarred by a weight crashing into his leg. Looking down, he smiled. ‘Hi Fia,’ he said affectionately, patting the dog hard on the ribs, then scratching behind her ear.

He walked into the living room as his father closed the door behind him. Glancing at the wall, he felt a heaviness on his heart as he saw his favorite picture. Desperate not to relive those emotions yet again, he turned to his father.

‘Anything interesting happen today?’ he asked, already knowing the answer.

The old man shrugged. ‘Not really. I’ve been pretty tired so we’ve stayed around the house,’ he said, gesturing toward the dog, who had already found a warm spot by a heating duct and was curled up for a nap.

Ty frowned. ‘Dad, this has got to stop. You can’t stay cooped up here forever. Why don’t you go out with friends from work? It’s not like you don’t have enough of them.’

His father looked at him sharply, his exhausted appearance quickly replaced by one of concern mixed with annoyance. ‘Look who’s talking. When’s the last time you did something other than come home from work and sit by yourself?’

Tyler met his father’s stern glare. ‘Well, now that you mention it, I stopped at a bar tonight. I met a nice girl and we talked.’ Looking at his father’s skeptical expression, Ty was ashamed of himself.

‘Fine, I don’t have a life. Is that what you wanted to hear? I almost had an accident on the way here and stopped off at a bar to get a drink and calm my nerves. I paid a stripper to dance for me.’

His dad gave him a wry smile. ‘Was she talented?’

Tyler laughed at the double entendre. ‘Yes, she was very beautiful, sexy and a marvelous dancer. Honestly, we had a nice chat. It’s the best I’ve felt in a while.’ He paused, weighing the possible consequences of his next words. ‘You know the strangest part? Her name was Faith.’

His father stared at him for several seconds with an expression of pain. He looked away, wiping his eye with the back of his hand. ‘Maybe you should talk to her again.’

Tyler nodded absently while the two men sat quietly, absorbed in their own thoughts.


‘Just go inside already!’ Tyler scolded himself angrily.

He had been sitting outside Johnny’s for a half hour, but hadn’t gathered the courage to get out of his car. He looked again at the door, then tightened his hands around the steering wheel in frustration. Sighing, he reached into his pocket and grabbed his keys. He started the car and reached for the gearshift.

As he pulled the lever into reverse, a flash of movement caught his eye. He turned his head in time to see the door to the bar open and a small figure step out into the snow.

‘Faith,’ he mumbled, instantly recognizing her. Without thinking, Tyler shifted the car back into park and watched, longingly. He noted how differently she appeared from the previous week. She was wearing jeans and a turtleneck sweater, topped by a light jacket. It seemed odd, since the temperature was supposed to reach single digits. She had a scarf draped over her shoulders, that she quickly pulled across her face.

Tyler watched as she hurried to her car, opened the door and slid inside. He faced forward again, watching his knuckles turn white as he gripped the wheel, trying to decide what to do.

The sound of a car door slamming startled him, shaking him from his thoughts. He looked over his shoulder and saw Faith walking to the front of her car, and then pulling up the hood. The desire to help immediately outweighed his indecision, so Tyler stepped out of his car and walked toward her, the cold wind stinging his cheeks.

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Lee Doesn't Live Here Anymore - Part 1 (Rewrite) This is a rewrite of the original storyline, correcting the spelling and grammar errors and clarifying the storyline. Hopefully, the storyline will be easier to read and follow. Thanks for your comments and reviews. It is greatly appreciated. ************************************************************************ Lee Anderson is an award-winning college football player. Lee was every girl's dream, strong, handsome, extremely...

2 years ago
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Winning An Upgrade

Camila thrust her hips furiously grinding down onto John’s jutting hard cock. Her tight young pussy began to throb and burn with raging unbridled desires. She was so close to release. John sensed his wife’s impending orgasm and did what she liked best; he pressed her nipples. The pressure on Camila’s rubbery erect nipple acted like a “start button”. The young woman felt a flush of intense heat sweep across her athletic body consuming her in a firestorm of lust. She whimpered and yelped before a...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Bailey Brooke Teaching Stepsis How To Suck

Bailey Brooke is trying on outfits, getting ready to go on a date with her boyfriend. She asks her stepbrother if he likes what shes wearing. He does, but he goes on to say that it really doesnt matter what shes wearing, the only thing that matters is that she doesnt know how to properly suck dick. Being a helpful step brother, he whips out his cock and lets his step sister practice how to slobber all over his rock hard knob. When Bailey comes home from her date, she seems upset and storms off...

1 year ago
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The Power of Word of Mouth AdvertisingChapter 2 The Naked Ride Home

One Thursday after our parking lot conversation, Maryann asked if I could run her home after work since her car had died. "You don't live very far from me. Would you, please?" "Sure. You know the dress code, right?" "Huh?" After a moment, she reconsidered. "Do you mean... ? I waited. "You want me to take my bra off?" "Yep. That will work for me!" "Didn't we do this once already?" "And, didn't you enjoy it?" She glowered at me a moment. "Yeah, it thrilled me. I was...

2 years ago
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2nd handjob and finger fuck with blonde neighbor

BBW neighbor had a problem with her internet 2 afternoons ago so she asked if I would come over and help.Her husband is out of town all week every week and didn’t even get home last weekend. She also has 19 year old twin daughters, and one of them was in bed asleep after working an early shift.When the 3 ladies are out and I have to take care of their dog I cum in their underwear and put it back in their drawers, but that’s another story and videos you can see on my profile.I checked everything...

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Heat of Tennis Ch 02

Brook walked into the pro-shop with the mindset that meant business. It had been a while, but she knew Will remembered her. She planned on correcting all the stupid mishaps that occurred and thoroughly dominating the situation this time. She knew what she wanted and she was going to get it. ‘Um, excuse me, is Will around?’ Just then a beautiful specimen of man stood up and walked over to her. ‘Hi, my name’s Casey, maybe I could help ya out?’ ‘Well, I don’t think so, I was hoping to get a...

2 years ago
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You Go First Samantha Said

Jake phoned me Tuesday morning and told me to come visit him that afternoon. His parents were going to take their houseguests to the world-famous museum of fine art in our city, and he and I would have the house to ourselves.Of course I knew what he meant – Jake and I had been having sex for months now, though until recently always at night, in the back seat of his car. This was another opportunity for Jake to use me, and in a real bed again. What kind of guy would look forward to being used as...

4 years ago
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Girls Night Out Chapter 4

I was beside Tina like a rocket, scooping her into my arms, Diane was behind her looking both concerned and nervous. I nodded for her to come, she waved at someone outside and closed the door behind her. Carrying Tina into the front room I asked if she wanted a drink.Through her sniffles she said, “A hot chocolate please,” I looked at Diane who just nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.“Want to tell me or wait for Diane?” I asked, Tina started a fresh bout of sobbing. I just sat with her in...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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FamilyXXX Maddy May Maddy Is Step Daddy8217s Pride And Joy

Like a good girl Maddy is home studying as her step father Tommy compliments her on how proud he is of all her hard work. But secrets from the past keep his horny step daughter focused on schoolwork and maybe letting her suck his hard cock might help her distractions ease a bit. Maddy pulls his cock out and gets on her knees fucking her hot mouth with his meat, balls deep before sitting on top of it riding hard and getting her pussy filled with throbbing cock for a hot load sprayed on her...

2 years ago
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The CureChapter 28

We thoroughly enjoyed the shipboard facilities on the journey. I also checked in with the ship’s Healer as requested by Cassire, though he reported no one on board required the services of a Cure. Still it was pleasant to finally be reaching Arconia to view one of the great artefacts of known civilisation, the Spire. The Spire is a space elevator, in that one end is attached to the surface of the planet Arconia on the equator, the other end is attached to a huge space station in orbit. Up...

1 year ago
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Kittens date night

Her perfume had been intoxicating, every time I smelled it. I have no recollection of what the fragrance was, except for what I had called it, aphrodisia. When she wore it, I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand at attention, my mind slipping into a deep fantasy at the instant it filled my nostrils. On a summer's day last year, we were getting ready to go on a date night; dinner and a movie. I was in a rush because our reservation was in forty five minutes, and I was running back...

Straight Sex
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BackroomCastingCouch Nadiya Thats Right Were Gonna Have Sexual Intercourse

This week, we’ve got Nadiya gracing the couch. She’s a health care worker and we seem to have had a lot of those lately. There must be something about working a million hours for chicken scratch that isn’t very appealing I guess. Now that she’s here, Rick and I are gonna see if she has what it takes to make it in the adult industry. Overall, she’s got a great look and reminds me of Emily Ratajkowski from that one music video. Photogenic, model like looks mixed with a girl next door...

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Deliveries 2 the Milk Man

I’ll admit that the idea of having milk delivered to our home was a bit of a joke at first and what came later was not at all planned at the beginning. I mentioned it to my husband while he was eating his breakfast and he said, “Am I not paying enough attention to you dear?” I took a sip of milk so that it left a milk mustache, then smiled at him. He almost snorted his coffee. But I wasn’t laughing the first time I saw the milkman step down from his immaculately hand rubbed 1955 Divco truck....

2 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 2 Love Shack

Medway High School 8:16am, Tuesday, November 6, 1979 I ran into Tempe at our lockers before homeroom, and asked her if she wanted to head on down for the Tuesday disrobing session for this week’s NIS students. She looked surprisingly refreshed this morning in her new purple London-Western Gymnastics Club sweater shirt and a pair of black track pants. Tempe smiled at me and softly said, “I was planning on heading down there. It might be fun to see how the new NIS kids are doing after...

4 years ago
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family secrect

Under the penteta, the mucus filled the smooth hip and the naked muscular rolls in front of the front. It was understandable that her mother's shaw has now become a terrible form. Both of them were kicked to death,and the two of them were filled with ray neck.The blow began to lash on the buttocks of his buttocks and began to lick his own tongue. His soft muffled hefty hip, the boy's hot tongue touching the cover of the bed, he was overwhelmed by the thickness of the camel. Ahhahahhhhhhhhh .....

2 years ago
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Interracial MMF

I have been seeing a woman named Kim for about a year & pretty much it’s just sexual. We both found out that we are both very kinky. Shortly after we started seeing each other we starting discussing our sexual past & the kinky stuff we liked to do. She told me about being bisexual & how much she enjoyed being with women too. I reluctantly told her that I was also bisexual & that it had been along time since I had been with a man. When she found this out she got really turned...

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A Cats FancyChapter 3

Brock wakes the next morning with a raging boner. At his feet is Missy, curled up tightly and asleep. The first thing he wonders is if his parents heard any of their activities last night. So far neither had come to his room and said anything. He is certain that if they did, finding him naked would have only added to the strangeness of the situation. The teen sighs and slips from the bed. Quickly he scoops up his pant and forces them over his erection and slips out the bedroom. He has to face...

3 years ago
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The Sponsor Part 3

The Sponsor Part 3 "Why don't you two beauties go take a dip in the pool and cool off" offered Bill.       Ann and Babbs slowly got up and walked nude toward the pool. They were worn out from the romp they had just had with Bill. For his part Bill sat in his chair and watched as the two women wiggled their asses out the door. All he could think of is how lucky he was. At 39 Ann was in great shape. She had learned over the years how to please and tease men. She was a great entertainer and when...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Keilani Kita V Bounce Challenge

Keilani Kita is practicing for the v bounce challenge when her stepbrother Jason walks in on her. She insists that it’s the latest craze and that she’s going to do it in her tiny little skirt to get a ton of views. It’s clear when she demonstrates for Jason that she’s not wearing any underwear. He agrees that he’ll film it, but only if she bounces on his dick. She agrees to fuck him if he’ll film her.True to her word, Keilani has Jason tape her act and then...

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Acting as a Cleaning Lady

Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim Circumstances force Dave to take up a humiliating new career, but it turns out to suit him better than he expected. Prologue "I'm not a maid, I'm a cleaning lady," I insisted. My wife laughed. "What the hell's the difference?" "A maid is a servant. She has to do everything her mistress says. She's servile, submissive, at her employer's beck and call. A cleaning lady is a freelance contractor. She's a...

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Village Me Padosan Ko Choda

Hi friends and this is my first story, hope you guys love it. I am a student in Bangalore. I’m fair in colour 5 feet 10 inches long and have an athletic body Bat tab ki hai jab mai 18 sal ka tha, mere boards k exam khatm hue the aur mai holidays manane apne village gaya hua tha. Mai wahan bohat bore hota tha village me hamara jo ghar hai wahan par TV nai tha to mai TV dekhne apni bhabhi k ghar jaya karta tha. Meri bhabhi jo ki meri padosan thi wo bohat sunder hai, doodh ki tarah gori aur unki...

3 years ago
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AdriftChapter 8

Any man who tells you he understands the female of the species is lying ... or delusional ... or both. Women ... of every size, age and shape ... are so aggravating to the male mind, I swear ... if it wasn't for breeding them we'd have hunted them to extinction a million years ago. Take mine. Two years ago, Mom decided I was the best thing in bed since crackers ... maybe even better ... I left wet spots not crumbs. I learned a lot ... I mean ... REALLY! Then I turned 16 and she decided...

1 year ago
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Back to the Land

Prologue: This is a romance and my first attempt at writing fiction. It started off as a story idea for Earth Day but writing it and deciding to post it held it up for a while. Many thanks primarily to Dinsmore and also Techsan for patience and expert help and advice with edits and writing. As per usual, the characters are invented and bear no intentional resemblance to actual persons alive or deceased. All intercourse is consensual and between individuals over the age of eighteen. This is a...

3 years ago
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Accounting Fun

Hey Guys, here's a new story for you all. I've been keeping busy with work and studies so I haven't had much time to play or meetup with anyone unfortunately. However, i know you all enjoy my stories, so I've made on up here for all of you to enjoy. As I'm writing this I've got some smoking hot chocolate cooling down and i've got three mini marshmallows stuffed up in my pussy, warming them up to eat :)I arrived home yesterday from work around 3:30PM when I was changing out of my work clothes....

4 years ago
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Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch Version CharleyChapter 4

As it ended up, the two teenage girls got breakfast ready while the rest of the house got up and dressed. Both women, their lust finally washed out of them by hard loving, were feeling guilty. Both told their young lovers to go on to breakfast. And the two sisters, thinking as one, sought each other out to talk. Cathy, who could still feel Chance's latest contribution lying heavily in her belly, spoke first. "Dee, honey, this can't go on." Dee sighed. "I know. But what are we going to...

3 years ago
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Diary of a Slave Merchant 2008 part 5

9:47am I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned for hours, unable to stop thinking... about Flower. I can't explain it. Baby was lying in bed next to me, we are in love, she is prettier than Flower, she gives the best head a man could ever want, and would suck my cock for an hour with a smile on her face if I asked... but I couldn't stop thinking about Flower's soft hands and slow motion tongue. I looked at the clock. 4:08am. I slid out from under the covers and quietly left the...

1 year ago
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Clothing Optional in Palm Springs

We packed our bags and headed for our favorite clothing optional resort in Palm Springs, CA. The drive was so wonderful on the way out. Without a cloud in the sky, the late May sun was bright and warm. We arrived just after 10 O'clock in the morning and checked into our favorite room; one with a private jacuzzi on the patio. We unpacked what little we had to bring and decided it was time to dress for the occasion, or rather undress. I could see my husband James watching me in the mirror as I...

Erotic Fiction
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Milfty Danica Dillon The Fantasy Of Fucking My Stepmom

Danica Dillon is a busty mylf with an affinity for gardening. While she was tending to her plants, her stepson had just returned home from school. He saw her in the backyard and watched her for a moment to really appreciate her beauty. He was eventually standing there staring slack jawed until Danica waved and smiled at him. Danica then walked towards her stepson and placed her breasts in her gardening basket. When she got close she told him that those scrumptious breasts were picked just for...

3 years ago
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Moving On A Grade

Some time later I felt as if I was dreaming. I was rock hard and my cock felt wet. When I opened my eyes the ladies were snogging each other, but my cock was between both of their lips. I was getting a blow job from both of them at the same time. I glanced at the clock and noticed we had only had a couple of hours sleep. Mature women are insatiable I thought and I was the lucky recipient. I laid back down and let them have their fun. Suzie was the first to notice I was awake.

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The Einstein Extraction

My name is Bruce McCoy. This is my story. Seventeen years ago when the Darjee announced the coming of the Sa'arm to selected humans, my parents had not even met. They both grew up in California and met in college. They were in the last days of their wedding plans when Average Joe's XV was running. They married several days before the President's announcement. My dad and mom took the CAP test and scored 8.6 and 8.5 respectively. They initially wanted to wait until they graduated before...

2 years ago
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OtherworldChapter 15 Augustus

I was surrounded by darkness. It was thick and oppressive, weighing down on me as if it were a physical thing. I tried to call out for someone, but the darkness stole the sound of my voice. The silence around me was deafening. I saw movement in the darkness. As I watched, a figure began to approach me. I could see him as clear as if he were in daylight. He was the same man who had appeared to me in my dreams once before. He was clad in black flowing robes with scarlet trim. The symbol of an...

1 year ago
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Twelve Steps to the StarsChapter 2

Day 2 "Sam, Privacy one, please." With that, the lights dimmed. There was a spotlight on a young lady as the transport slowly lowered her down into the main level. All brides are beautiful, but she was beyond words. She stepped off and waited, breathlessly as her mother and her two sister concubines came down behind her ... She was dressed in a gown of shimmering white. Through it, I could see her full breasts standing tall and proud. Even her nipples looked as if they were ready to pop...

1 year ago
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The Cleaner Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2 – THE CLEANER Atlas is a person with a very dark story. He has seen things most people would be scarred for life if they saw. And he has done even worse. In order to survive in such conditions, one must be able to keep his temple, his body, trained hard to withstand the harshness. But there’s one thing that can never be withstandable no matter how hard one has trained. “Goddamit!” “What? Are you ok?” “What did you feel these bags with? Rocks and bricks?” “Hey, it’s...

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