A Leap Of Faith free porn video

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Leap of Faith By Maggie the Kitten Debra watched as each of her children hugged their grandparents. Distance wise, the journey was thousands of light years, but thanks to wormhole technology, the shuttle would have them at their new home world in a matter of minutes. Crayton, their destination planet, was supposed to be very similar in environment to Earth, with a very friendly humanoid population, or so the scout teams had reported. The World Council stated that it was by far the best option for transplantation that the scientists had been able to discover in the limited time available. As Debra looked out the bay windows of the transport station, it was easy to see why time was limited. Despite the fact that it was shortly after two p.m. on what should be a typically scorching hot August afternoon in Arizona, the skies were sunless as they had been for days, and both snow and thermometer were falling at an alarming rate. Just two weeks ago, Debra's children were playing in the pool as Debra and her friend Julie were doing a little sun worshipping on the deck. Temps were flirting with the century mark, air conditioners were straining to keep homes cool and the desert was a sea of hot sand and scrub brush. But that was before the meteor shower came and changed everyone's life forever. Who would of thought a moon all the way from Saturn could ever be a danger to Earth, certainly not the great scientific brains who assured everyone that the debris from the exploded moon would pose no threat to Earth. But then by the hand of God, fate or just plain destiny, the meteors changed course as they passed Mars and headed straight for Earth. The explosive devices sent to disperse the strike did their job, but unfortunately too late as the meteors had already entered the upper atmosphere. Their destruction saved the Earth from immediate death, but in turn gave it a slow eventual one as the dust and debris blanketed the planet's atmosphere and cut it off from the life giving sun. Earth was quickly going into an ice age it would never recover from and all life, not just man was facing extinction. Fortunately this was the 23rd century and not a hundred years earlier, or man would have been doomed. An amazing breakthrough in space travel (a joint Earth and Crayton venture), called wormhole technology, had made it possible to create a corridor in space that would allow a ship to travel great distances in mere minutes. As a result, mankind would be preserved, even if they had to be aliens on a planet a galaxy away. Unfortunately, Earth was like the Titanic, with not near enough life boats to save all aboard from the freezing waters. Fortunately for Debra and her family, they were some of the lucky ones. They would be going over on one of the first shuttles. For many others like her friend Julie, they were not so lucky. Julie was on standby, hoping there would be time and a space for her before the cold bitter end. Julie didn't begrudge Debra, Steve her fianc?, or the children their place on the shuttle. It was all part of the "Family's First" program and she whole heartedly supported it. Those kids, and many others like them have always been the future, and would continue to be so even on a new world. Julie had no children, nor the ability to have them. It wasn't just the fact that at 39 she was past prime childbearing years, but in essence she'd never had a prime, as she was born transgender, a girl trapped in a boy's body. At age 28, she had sexual reassignment surgery, which with the latest surgical advances, had made her indistinguishable in nearly every way from a natural born woman. The lone difference being the inability to procreate. That difference alone dropped her into the C group on the shuttle passenger list. She was behind families, couples and singles of child bearing ability and those people possessing key skills such as surgeons and scientists. Tears, of both sadness and joy, welled in Julie's eyes as one by one she hugged each of Debra's kids. She loved them all dearly, and along with Debra and Steve, had been the only family Julie had ever truly had. Her own birth one had turned their back on her the day she announced to them and the rest of the world that she was really Julie and not Johnny. Then it was time to give Steve a goodbye hug. He was an amazing person, like Debra, beautiful on the outside, but even more so on the inside. He was kind and gentle with a sneaky sense of humor and accepted Julie as a girl, the first day they had met. And considering men often seem to have a problem with girls who used to play for the boy's team, finding an open minded man like Steve was a rarity. Julie could easily see why Debra loved this wonderful, beautiful man. Finally, Debra walked up and offered open arms to her best friend. Tears flowed freely from both sets of eyes. For Debra, Julie was a very special person. She admired the courage of the woman to have body altering, life changing surgery, that ultimately cost her, a job, a home and her family. As a boss, she could always count on Julie to get every project done professionally, accurately and often done "yesterday" when required. As a friend, she appreciated her honesty, her humor, her imagination, her steadfast support and her unconditional love. She absolutely adored those big beautiful blue eyes of Julie's and playfully threatened to scoop them out and have them for her own. Yes, Julie the woman, the friend and the beautiful blue-eyed co-worker had a special place in Debra's life and heart, but there was also another part of Julie that reached a very special place in Debra's heart. There was a part of Julie, rarely seen by others, and believed by almost no one, save for Debra and a few close friends. There was Julie the little girl, the little girl who never got to live, and she deeply touched Debra the Momma. Each of us have a child within, but with Julie, that child didn't retreat or fade as she grew into adulthood. Maybe she was born with a Peter Pan gene, or perhaps it was the fact that the little girl who never got to be, simply refused to go quietly into the night. For whatever the reason, she was a big part of the person who sat across from Debra's desk, sharing stories long after business hours. Debra had heard the child when Julie spoke of those painful childhood years watching other little girls run and play and not be able to be like them. The tears that rolled down the woman's cheek belonged to the frustrated child who never got to be anyone's little girl. But there were also happy sightings of this little one as well. Julie absolutely adored Debra's kids and when she came over for a visit, her blue eyes would sparkle with pure joy as she would run, play and color with the younger ones, and then tag after the older ones like a pesky little sister. Amazingly, the kids accepted little Julie as easily as they did the older version, but kids see with their hearts as much as their eyes, and from that vantage point the child was in plain sight. The smile Debra would see on Julie's face as she slept on the sofa during one of her overnight stays was by far the brightest, happiest and most peaceful she'd ever seen from her friend in the five years she'd known her. Clutching her doll Maggie, she slept the sleep of a happy, innocent child and it deeply reached the Momma place in Debra's heart. Julie brought out Debra's maternal instinct in spades, and she found herself quite protective of the small child within the long lean body of an adult woman, and whenever Julie came to her office sad, frustrated or frightened, it was all she could do to resist the urge to want hold her and make it all better as she would for her own children. But Debra was a realist, and despite what she saw in those big blue eyes and felt in her heart, Julie was an adult, or so the people at the hall of records would attest, and that was a truth that could not be denied. She would never be a little girl in anything more than spirit and stolen moments and Debra would never be her mother. And quite frankly, having five children already, and a boyfriend who often seemed like a sixth, the last thing she needed or really wanted was another addition to the brood. She could love Julie, both the big girl and little, but all she could give to both was her friendship, and now just minutes away from boarding, she wondered if she'd ever get the chance to give her that again. Julie hugged Debra tightly. She loved this incredible woman. She'd never known a better woman, a better friend, a better mother or a better soul for that matter. She was physically beautiful as any woman she'd ever met, or saw cosmetically and technically enhanced on the screen. She was strong, intelligent, honest, even when a beautiful lie would have been far less painless than the truth. She was loving, compassionate, and without a prejudice bone in her body. She embraced all life, all people and all cultures, recognizing the commonalities that joined us all, and appreciating the differences that made each of us special. She was funny, talented, generous, and dedicated to her work, her soul mate, her children, her friends, and her family. If there was one word that described Debra, it was passion. From her job, to caring for her children, to her beliefs, to everything she did right down to making her famous vegetable lasagna, she did it with passion. As a woman, Julie cherished Debra's friendship. Debra was a role model and mentor in the ways of womanhood. She'd given Julie invaluable lessons in everything from fashion and makeup to learning how to walk with a wiggle when God hadn't given Julie enough junk in her trunk to have one. She'd listened to Julie's life stories and never once turned away in disgust. Her door was always open as was her heart whenever Julie needed to talk about any problem or any joy in her life. They shared the joys and the problems and when the fear or sadness got the better of Julie, Debra's arms were open and Julie found safety and love within them. And then there was little Julie, the small child that peeked out from time to time, Debra had accepted her the same as she had accepted the woman. The little one had spent nearly forty years in a body prison dreaming of a mother and a family and life to call her own. Once she'd gotten to know Debra, Steve and the children, she knew she'd found it. Spending time with them or listening to Debra share their stories was like standing at the gates of the Promised Land. These people and their life was everything she'd ever wanted, everything she'd ever dreamed of. She couldn't help but love them and wish she could be a part of it. But like Moses who had wandered the desert for so long before finding home, she could only see the beautiful place, for she would never be allowed to set foot there. Debra could see the want in Julie's eyes but she also knew she couldn't wave a magic wand and give her what she truly wanted, however; she gave the child within as much love and freedom as she could on those visits to her home. Julie the woman knew what Debra was doing for the child and loved her for it. The child cherished every stolen moment of "life" she was given. Tears of pain always followed when Debra brought her home, but the pain was a sweet one and a fair price for the joy and memories. Now as Debra and company prepared to depart she might have to spend the rest of her very short life clinging to those memories, and to the special gift Debra gave her on her last birthday. Among Debra's many talents was artistry, and she'd drew a portrait of the child within Julie. She was a little princess, but not of the true fairy tale variety. She had red-hair up in bunches, freckles, those killer blue eyes and a wide silly grin. There was no pink pouf princess gown, just a simple red blouse with a peter pan collar and a navy blue, knee length pleated skirt. A pair of skinned knees appeared just below the hem of the skirt and white knee highs had fallen unevenly, one nearly down to the top of her brown Mary Jane's. The entire outfit along with the girl wearing it looked a bit worse for wear from what must have been a good hard day of play, but the eyes and the smile spoke volumes about the pure joy and contentment in this child's heart. In Julie's right hand was her doll Maggie, every bit as worse the wear as the child who loved her, and no doubt like the famous Velveteen rabbit, the doll had been literally loved to life. In a word, Debra had given Julie what she truly wanted most of all: reality. She'd drawn a picture of a real little girl: giggles, scrapes, dirt, tangles, tears and all the rest. The picture sat by Julie's bedside and she went to sleep each night praying and dreaming that could be not only her soul's reflection but her body's too. Finally Debra and party were called to the last boarding station. The sign Final Exit above the counter had a rather ominous sound to it, and Debra couldn't help but wonder if the ad people for the shuttle agency were asleep at the wheel when they came up with this choice. Julie along with Debra's parents stood behind the ropes and watched as Debra and Steve led the kids to the counter. "Watson party?" the college aged "boy" said with a forced smile. Debra nodded as she did a quick head count. "Yes, that's us, all present and accounted for sir." She threw in a mock salute with a smile, but her humor was lost on the service rep who looked at her as emotionless as if her were processing steers to slaughter. "Douglass J Simpson?" He made eye contact with the man at Debra's side, more commonly known as Steve. Reading from the screen, his voice as emotionless as his expression, "Male, age 35, computer engineer, security clearance A-7, fianc? of Debra D Watson, and granted special exemption to accompany this party. Identification please." "I also play a pretty mean guitar, and I'm a demon on the scrabble board," Steve added as he winked at Debra and displayed his passport. Another good laugh was missed by the service rep, who only sighed and moved on without smile or comment to the next screen. Looking up at them with steel gray eyes he began his spiel once again. "This is final exit. You have all passed through the first three checkpoints," momentarily glancing down to look for red flags on the screen and finding none, "without any difficulties or situations." "Your shuttle will be leaving in twenty-five minutes. Processing at this station for your party should take approximately fifteen minutes. Transfer time to shuttle is five minutes, leaving you five minutes to get settled in. The journey to Crayton is approximately 19 minutes. Do you have any questions?" "Do we get a choice of chicken or beef on the dinner menu or is this just a soda and peanut run," Debra quipped unable to resist trying to crack this ultimate straight guy. "And I suppose Gone with the Wind or Titanic isn't on the movie list either," Steve added for good measure. The rep sighed again, "If there are no further questions we'll finish processing and get your party through the scanner gate". Debra leaned over and whispered in Steve's ear, "Geez what a tough crowd. This guy must be from Cleveland." Steve rolled his eyes and gave her his killer smile. "Debra D Watson, female, age 34, logistics specialist, security clearance D-1, family first program. Identification please." Debra stepped forward displaying her passport. The rep gave it a passing glance and imputed the appropriate code numbers into the computer. "Now the dependent children. I'll ask for them in descending order by age. Please have each child step forward for recognition. Identification will be required for any child over the age of 16." Debra nodded and silently wondered how long the shuttle service had been using androids as customer service reps. "Emma Watson, female, age 14". Debra's oldest stepped forward and raised her hand. "I'm here," she said with a smile. Cathy Watson, female, age 11". Number two daughter stepped forward, "I'm here too!," she added with a wider smile and a giggle for good measure. The rep gave his usual deadpan sigh, even the joy of a child was lost to him." "James Hunter, male, age 10, adopted, certification noted". A good looking boy stepped forward with a Huck Finn smile and missing a tooth. "That's me sir." He looked over at Debra and smiled proudly at the woman who had been his only true Mom. James and his twin sister had been schoolmates of Cathy's and living in an abusive situation before Debra stepped in and opened her heart and her home to the pair two years ago. There may have been the word "adopted" after their name on the flight roster, but in Debra's heart there was no difference between them and her natural born girls. "Christina Hunter, female, age 10, adopted, certification noted". A shy blonde haired girl stepped forward meekly, still holding Cathy's hand and offered a barely audible, "That's me." She looked up to Debra for approval and found it in her loving smile. "Samantha Watson, female, age 7." A pair of big eyes, with very little body stepped out from Debra's side. The tiny pig-tailed princess smiled up at the man behind the desk. "I'm Samantha, but ... Mommy calls me Fredlette and ... and ...this is our kitty cat Cow," she proclaimed as she pointed to the carrier in Steve's right hand. "We call her Cow cause her looks like a Cow and Mommy says she eats like one too!" Everyone in the party got a giggle or a chuckle from the littlest comedian going on board, save for Miss Cow, who was none to happy to be in a cat carrier, and of course the rep who really needed to be checked for a pulse. "Stephanie Watson, female, age 5," the rep called out the last name on the list. Debra's eyes went wide in disbelief as did everyone else in attendance. "I'm sorry sir, but did you say Stephanie Watson?" The rep nodded and then repeated his request. "Well... there's some sort of mistake here ummm ... " for the first time Debra had reason to read the cadaver's name tag, "Randall?" "Mistake? No ma'am I assure you there's no mistake. This is Final Exit. You've passed through the earlier check points without problems I see. Now if you'll please produce the last member of your party we can get you through the scanner gate without any further delay." Debra wasn't laughing any more, suddenly this was a serious matter and she was tired of this man's lack of humor or professionalism. "Oh we got a problem and your precious little computer there has made one honey of a mistake, because I can assure YOU, there is no Stephanie Watson." Randall, unmoved as before, coolly turned the screen to face Debra. "Ma'am I beg to differ. As you can see there is a Stephanie Watson listed in your party. Are you not bringing your daughter with you do to reason of illness or incapacity? If so, you should have notified check station A and filled out form B-17 to amend the roster at that time. I'm afraid it's too late for that now." Debra's countenance took on the look that the kids knew meant it was time to settle down or else risk serious wrath. Her smile was pure shark. "Look ... Randall, I know I've given birth a few times so you might assume it's a bit old hat by now, but I think I'd know if I'd dropped another baby. It is kind of a memorable experience. So let me make this really , really clear for you. There is no Stephanie Watson. There has never been a Stephanie Watson. I don't need to fill out any damn forms to say so and if we don't get this sorted out and my children onto the shuttle you'll be the one suffering from illness or incapacity. Now put that in your database!" "Debra ...," Steve said slow and softly, risking death or injury in an effort to keep his beloved calm. "Mommy," Samantha begged as she tugged on Debra's sweater. "What bouts Stephanie our sister up in da attic?" "What's that honey?" Debra answered softly, her anger momentarily subsided. "You remember Mom," Emma encouraged as she smiled, "Stephanie ... our sister you said that you killed and put up in the attic because she was a bad girl." "Yeah Mom," Cathy chimed in. "And you said if we didn't behave then you'd put us up there with Stephanie." James and Christina exchanged worried glances as they'd never heard about Stephanie before, and now wished they hadn't. "So Ms. Watson, then your daughter Stephanie is decease? You really should have said so. That is an entirely different matter. You'll need to return to checkpoint A and fill out forms DD-14 and CB-8, and of course you'll need the death certificate," Randall rattled on, his attention once again focused on the computer screen. "Oh for heaven's sake!," an exasperated Debra cried, "Stephanie is not dead!" Samantha jumped up and down clapping. "Can she come down and play with me mommy?" Emma and Cathy immediately started giggling which got quieting glares from their mother. "Ahhh ... then she is alive and will be remaining behind," Randall nodded as he tapped the screen. "Then as I told you earlier ma'am this should have been taken care of at the first check point. This cannot be done at Final Exit. You'll need to return there and fill out a form B- 17." Both Debra's voice and blood pressure continued to rise. "This is insane. I don't have a daughter in my attic!" Randall lifted his eyes from the screen and showed the first sign of anything resembling emotion. "Well personally ma'am I certainly hope you don't. It's none of my business how you treat your children, but I think it's terrible to keep a small child up in an attic." "Mommy I don't want Stephanie to be in the attic no more," Samantha began to wail. "You goof," Cathy teased, "we don't really have a dead sister in the attic." "Ms. Watson," Randall interrupted, "we really do need to know if your daughter is dead or alive and if she is coming with you on the shuttle. You do understand we have a schedule to keep." Debra had finally reached the breaking point. Her voice had went eerily calm as she leaned forward to seriously invade Randall's personal space. "Listen to me, listen to me very carefully, you're life might just depend upon it. I have no daughter named Stephanie, not dead, not in the attic and not in my carry on luggage. There ... is ... no ... Stephanie." Steve risking life and limb once again, slipped in next to Debra hoping to shed a little calm sanity on the situation. "Randall ... Debra made up Stephanie as a bad behavior deterrent to her daughters. As both Emma and Cathy said, she used to threaten them with the same fate that befell Stephanie should they not behave. Granted it was a bit morbid, but surely now you can see, Debra never truly had a daughter named Stephanie." Randall eyed the pair suspiciously "Yes, that well may be all true; however, somehow she's gotten into the system." Debra still close to the boiling point reached across the counter, "Well... then just push one of those buttons there so we can get her out of the system and us on to the shuttle." The service rep placed both hands protectively over his keyboard. "Oh no! That's not possible. I don't have authorization to make that kind of change. That would require a level A-1 supervisor." Debra drummed her well manicured nails on the counter top. "Then Randall I suggest you get one out here because I'm not leaving this counter until you do so." Randall tapped his comm. badge, "I need a level A-1 supervisor to Final Exit please." Glancing up at Debra he added nervously, "Code Red". Two minutes later a tall attractive woman in her early forties came pushing through the crowd at a trot. Smiling at Debra and Steve, she went behind the counter, gently nudging Randall aside and immediately taking command of the situation. "I'm level A-1 supervisor Lee Ann Gordon, how can I be of assistance here?" As if it that was some cue for everyone to give their take on the situation, all parties began speaking at once, including the children and even Miss Cow who was yowling about being confined to the cage. Lee Ann put both fingers in her mouth and let out a whistle that silenced all within ear shot. "Okay... let's try this again." Squinting down at the screen she then looked up at Debra. Ms. Watson... can you please tell me what appears to be the problem. When Randall started to object to being passed over, Lee Ann raised a quieting hand. Debra with occasional unasked for help from Steve and the kids, explained the entire Stephanie situation. Randall when finally given the chance to speak, assured his supervisor that he'd followed all the proper protocols and was no way in fault. Lee Ann shook her head speaking more to herself than those around her, "My husband told them this system wasn't ready yet, but as with everything there just wasn't enough time." She then turned her attentions to Debra and company. "Miss Watson I do believe you story about Stephanie. I'm a mother of three and my imaginary behavior deterrent was named Jeffrey and I had him buried in the cellar. Worked like a charm!," she added with a chuckle. Debra breathed a sigh of relief, "So you can fix this problem and get us on the shuttle then?" "Ummm ... well ... I'm afraid that's not going to be that easy. It wouldn't have been any problem at all had this been caught at the first two check points but now there are several functions that are locked and preparations made that not even I can override now." Steve could stay silent no longer, "If it's a computer software problem. I have level A-7 clearance I might be able to be of assistance." Lee Ann quickly waved him off. "No, there's a built in fail safe that won't allow alteration or tampering of certain menu's at the Final Exit level." "Look I understand you have computer problems, but you can't expect me to produce a daughter that I never had. Even if I started on that project right here and now, it would take 9 months to complete and quite frankly I'm not really in the mood tonight cause I've got one honey of headache. So ... there has to be some way the seven of us can get on that shuttle. Lee Ann shook her head, "I understand you're frustration Ms. Watson. Honest I do. Our world's coming to an end, we'll be lucky to get 1/8 of the population off this planet, there's riots breaking out in every major city, and I don't even know if my own children and their families are going to make a shuttle or not. For reasons I haven't the time or the technical background to explain completely, Watson party of 8, including Stephanie, has to board that shuttle in the next 10 minutes or a standby party will have to take your place." Tears welled in Debra's eyes as the kids not understanding what was wrong, clearly knew something was, and huddled around their mother offering their love and hugs. "There just has to be something that can be done," Steve begged Lee Ann as he placed a comforting arm round Debra's shoulder. Lee blew out a heavy sigh and then turned toward Randall, "I'll handle this from here. Consider yourself dismissed." Randall offered no resistance as he hastily made his exit from the counter area. "Ms. Watson," Lee Ann started. "Please just call me Debra," the beautiful blonde said as she sniffled back tears. "And you can call me Steve," her beau quickly added. "Okay Debra, Steve, technically there is a way to get all of you on board, but ... you're going to need help from me and one other. The help from me, I'm more than glad to give. I mean what are they going to do me if I get caught? Fire me? Considering we have less than two weeks left before the Earth becomes a giant snowball, I'm not really worried about finding another job. It's the help from someone else that's the problem and quite frankly I don't know how you could find such a person who would be willing to do what must be done. And ... even if you did, I'm not even sure you'd be willing to accept the consequences should they be willing. And ... you have less than nine minutes to get it done." "Lee Ann," Debra pleaded. "I'll do anything it takes to get my kids to safety, including sending them on without me if need be. Just tell me what has to be done and give me a chance to do it. Please ... you're a mother. Surely you'd do the same." Motioning both Debra and Steve a little closer to the counter, Lee Ann spoke barely above a whisper as what she had to say went well beyond her A-1 clearance. "Okay ... as I said earlier, Stephanie Watson, female, age 5 has to board the shuttle. There is no way round that, but ... technically she doesn't have to enter the scanner, just walk out of it." Steve and Debra first looked to each other and then to Lee Ann, confusion evident on their faces. Steve shook his head, "I don't understand. I thought everyone had to enter the scanner for final verification and cleansing." "Yeah," Debra quickly added, "and what do you mean she doesn't have enter the scanner, just exit it?" "You're absolutely right Steve". Lee Ann turned to him first, "Everyone does have to enter the scanner. It's necessary for identification and absolutely vital for cleansing so we don't take any dangerous viral strains to the new home world." "And Debra," she shifted her attention, "someone will have to enter the scanner when it's Stephanie's turn, but that someone doesn't necessarily have to be Stephanie when they go in." The older woman then paused before delivering the clincher, "They just have to be Stephanie when they step through the other side." Stunned silence and the look on the pair's faces was Lee Ann's cue to go on. "Let me explain. My husband was on the team that worked on the proto type for the scanner system used here at the Final Exit. When they added a little Crayton technology to upgrade it, some interesting side effects occurred. By accident, they discovered that the system not only filtered out viruses and verified DNA, but also if it detected an abnormal DNA strain or one not matching the inputted data, it could refigure that DNA to match the desired subject." Debra rubbed her temples as that headache raised to the next Excedrin level. "Look I'm no physicist or computer genius. I'm just a mother trying to get her kids to safety, so you could lay it down for me in plain English." Steve translated for her, "Honey, what I think she's saying is that another person, any person could enter the scanner, and with a little computer wizardry, which I assume would be Lee Ann's contribution." Lee Ann smiled and winked as Steve continued. "Then as incredible as it seems, that person would emerge as Stephanie Watson, female, age 5, which would fill the system requirement and off to Crayton we'd all go." "That's pretty much it Steve. I can't override the locks on the base information that would allow me to delete Stephanie from the party manifest because as I said earlier that would constitute tampCathyg and shut the entire system down, which means no one makes the shuttle. However, I do have the necessary access to override the alarm system protocols when the person steps in and there is a discrepancy between his or her DNA and the one we will complete for Stephanie. At that point I can get the system to refigure the "incorrect" DNA to match that of Stephanie's, creating a five year old female matching the parameters and satisfying the system requirements." Debra looked from Lee Ann to Steve in near shock, "Let me get this straight ... Somebody, anybody can step into the scanner and then like presto chango alakazaam, a little girl, my fictitious Stephanie will step out and I've got an instant tax deduction." Lee Ann smiled sheepishly at Debra, "Well ... yeah, that's pretty much it. And biologically, she'd be your daughter because your DNA is already locked in the program and that's one of those things I cannot tamper with." Debra smiled thinly, "Call it woman's intuition, but I have this sinking feeling that this process is not reversible?" "Yeah ... unfortunately from what my husband said, trying to reverse the process doesn't seem to work too well ... I'd rather not get into the details," Lee Ann said with a cringe, "but yes, this is a one way street. Whoever becomes Stephanie, stays Stephanie." Debra, "So this person effectively dies, and is reborn again as some sort of copy of an imaginary daughter I never actually had?" "Oh no," Lee Ann quickly assured her, "She's no copy or clone. She'll be completely human and as natural as any of your other children you've conceived, just without out the joys of labor." "Of course," Lee Ann turned to Steve, we'll need some male DNA, fortunately that category was left open in Stephanie's file, so effectively you'd be her father, assuming of course you're willing to contribute." Steve grinned slyly, "I don't suppose we have time for the old fashioned way so I guess I'll need a dirty book and cup right?" Lee Ann rolled her eyes. "At ease soldier. We already have your DNA on file, all I need is your permission and to push a few buttons." "You sure know how to take the fun out of conception," Steve quipped. "Ummm ... excuse me," Debra cut in, interrupting the pair before they planned her baby shower. "I hate to be a kill joy here, but Lee Ann even if you're willing to do your computer magic, and Steve, you're willing to ummm... contribute to the cause and ... I'm willing to take on another daughter, just where in the hell am I going to find someone willing to fill the Mary Jane's?" Lee Ann sighed sadly, "I don't know Debra, but you've got about seven minutes to find them, because after that I have no choice but to bring in the stand by's. I'm really sorry but there's nothing else I can do." Debra looked at her children. They were her very reason for existence and their existence was more important to her than anything. She had to get them on this shuttle. She knew full well if she was bumped to the back of the cue, she might never make another one. Frustration welled within her. She hated being dependant on others, but at this moment. She was in dire need of someone to save her life, her soul mate's life and the lives of their children and in doing so forfeit their own life, or at least life as they had known it. Where could she possibly find someone like that and in a matter of just a few minutes? As she turned to face the crowd behind the barriers, she looked into the face of the one person, probably the only person on Earth who would willing be her savior. Debra leaned over and whispered to Steve as he looked in the same direction as Debra, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Yeah I think so," he answered with a nod, "And she might be willing to do it, but are YOU willing to do it. It's a big responsibility you'll be taking on." "We'll be taking on," she quickly corrected him with a sly smile. "You're a 50/50 partner in this venture ... Daddy." She couldn't resist the gentle tease. Steve rolled his eyes and then his face took a more serious look as he took her hand in his. "Look it's not the way either of us planned on having a kid, but ... I'm willing if you're willing, and I mean that with all my heart. " Debra searched Steve's beautiful brown eyes and saw nothing but truth and love in them. "I'm willing," she offered without hesitation. Of course the real question was if the third party was willing. Debra the quickly turned her children and informed them that as incredible as it sounds, Stephanie may have risen from the attic, and might be joining them on the shuttle. James and Christina were still absolutely lost, Emma and Cathy looked at their mother in total confusion, and Samantha squealed in delight about having a little sister to play with, but not one child cast a dissenting vote about having one more kid at the breakfast table. With time ticking and simply no other way to get her family to safety, she informed Lee Ann of her plan and pointed to a face in the crowd. Lee Ann immediately tapped her comm. and had security bring the person in question to the counter. A bewildered Julie stood looking back and forth between Steve and Debra. The little girl was clearly peeking out from those big blue eyes. Debra took Julie's hand and made her pitch. "Julie I need your help. We all need your help." Julie answered without hesitation, "Name it Debra, you know I'd do anything for you, Steve and the kids." "Hold on there missy. You need to hear me out first, and I want you to know I'll understand if you can't do it. Okay?" Julie nodded silently as Debra continued. "I don't really have time to explain this in depth, but to tell you the truth, it probably wouldn't sound any more sane if we had all night. The long and short of it is Julie, I need a Stephanie Watson." "Stephanie?" Julie said wide-eyed in surprise. "You mean the phony dead daughter in the attic Stephanie?" "The very same one," Debra assured her, "only I ... that is all of us, need a real live five year old version of Stephanie, or none of us can get on the shuttle." I ... I ...don't see how I can help Debra. I don't know where to find you a Stephanie. I'm pretty sure they don't sell them in the duty free shop." Julie smiled, but she could clearly see from Debra's expression this was no laughing matter. "Debra ... tell me please ... how in the world can I help you get a Stephanie?" Julie felt a hand gently take hers and she knew it was Steve's. "Julie... we, that is Steve and I, would like you to be our Stephanie." Julie's looked from Debra to Steve and she knew they were absolutely serious, or absolutely mad. Either way, Julie's heart dropped, her hands trembled and tears welled in her eyes. In a single sentence they'd offered her heaven, at least her version of it, but reality made that a forbidden paradise and she knew it. "You know how I feel about you Debra and you too Steve ... the kids...well ... they're just like brothers and sisters to me ... and well... if I could be lucky enough to be one of your kids ... oh my God ... it would be the greatest thing ever ... and ... and ... I'd ... well...I'd do anything for that chance ... but I can't help you because I'm... I'm not a little girl ...at least not in body and I can't be your Stephanie." "You could be," Steve answered as Debra pulled her friend in for a hug. "You could be our Stephanie. That is if you really want it. All you'd have to do is say yes and step through that scanner when we tell you to." "Julie," Debra's soft voice cooed, "I love you, both the big girl and the little, and I know I'm asking a lot of you. I guess you could say I'm asking you to die for us, or at least give up life as you know it. And that's why I fully understand if you just want to turn around and walk away, but if you'll stay. If you'll take a leap of faith so to speak, I promise you I'll catch you and I'll never let you go. I'll do the same by you as I do all my children and that's a promise." "A promise from both of us," Steve added as he joined the hug. Julie's head was spinning. In a matter of a few minutes she'd gone from saying what would probably be final good-bye's to the only family she'd ever known, to being given a chance to be part of that family as the little girl she'd always dreamed of being. Debra could see the glazed look in Julie's eyes and she could understand why, but time was of the essence. "Honey, I wish I could give you a lot of time to think it over, but we got like ..." Debra glanced over at Lee Ann who flashed her a double peace sign. "Like four minutes here, so you have to decide now and remember no matter what, I'll always love you." Julie wiped the tears from her eyes as she looked from Debra to Steve and then to each of the five children before returning to her best friend. "Debra you're the closest thing to family I've ever known. If need be I'd give my life for you, Steve or the kids, so I'd certainly give that life now especially if it means being reborn with my dream come true! Just tell me where to sign and what to do." Debra hugged her new daughter tightly, before turning to her kids and telling them that "Stephanie" formerly known as Julie was going with them. The kids gave their Mom a suspicious look for a moment, then gang hugged their big little sister. They didn't understand the how's or the why's of any of it, but they were just glad to have Julie going with them, no matter what their Mom called her. Things went into hyper drive then. Steve and Miss Cow went through the scanner first followed by the children, oldest to youngest, leaving only Debra and Julie. "Debra stepped toward the scanner, but Julie reached out for her hand. "Listen, before you go through, and especially before I do, I just have to say something ... Look I know that you and Steve will be great parents and you'll do everything you can to teach, protect, support and encourage me on the road to adulthood, same as you will the other kids... but ... Debra in all honesty ... I know you don't really want another kid. You've said that loads of times. And we both know if it wasn't for this ... this freak screw up, you wouldn't need a Stephanie and you wouldn't need me or truly want me to be your daughter." Time was ticking, but Debra simply had to make time for this. She couldn't pass through that scanner until she did. Gazing into those big baby blues of Julie's she gave her the truth. "You're absolutely right. I really don't want another kid. In all honesty, I didn't really want another kid when I adopted James and Christina, but ... things happen, and well ...I just had to step in and I've never regretted it." "But this isn't the same situation," Julie was quick to point out. "This is only happening because you need me and well ... once we reach Crayton you won't need me." "So ... what are you saying? Are you telling me that I can put you up in the attic like your namesake?" Debra said shaking her head. "No what I'm saying is, I know you are willing to keep me, but ... I'm telling you that well ... you're not obligated to keep me. I'm letting you off the hook. I mean I know you really don't want me so it's okay if you like ... like." Julie's voice trailed off as the water works threatened again. "What? Drop you off at the Crayton County Home? Or put you on the intergalatic E-Bay? Or ... or ... put you in a burlap sack and toss you in the river?" Julie's head dropped and already she looked very much the five year old she was about to become. "I ... I was just trying to give you a way out, that's all," she offered meekly. Debra gently raised the fallen face with her hand. "Already just like your brother and sisters. You don't listen to a word I say." A smile was coaxed out of Julie's frown at those words. "No, I wasn't looking to have another kid, but as I said before ... things happen. Granted this isn't the usual form of conception or adoption, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that I love you and I want you in my life, now and always. I hated the thought of leaving you behind and now I don't have to. I've been proud to have you as a friend and I'll be proud to have you as a daughter. Now," Debra added in mock exasperation, "are you finally convinced?" Julie smiled and nodded but added she could still use a hug just to seal the deal. Debra gave her a quick cuddle and then with less than a minute to spare stepped through the scanner. Julie watched Debra disappear and then started for the scanner, stopping just short and then turning toward Lee Ann. "Not that it really matters, but ... when I step through and become a real five year old girl, am I going to remember all of this ... you know ... my life before?" Lee Ann sighed and shook her head. "Honestly, I can't say what the emotional or mental changes will be. From what my husband told me, the previous changes were only adult to adult, and the subject. After some initial disorientation, regained most of his memories from the previous life However in your situation, it could be quite different. Five years old is pretty early in the cognitive stage ... I'd say there's a reasonably good chance you're in for more than just a cosmetic make over." Julie smiled, "Well it doesn't really matter. I'll be with people who love me and I'll have a chance to live the life I've always dreamed of. When it comes right down to it, that's all that really matters." Lee Ann wished Julie luck as she stepped toward the scanner. She looked up at the sign above the scanner that proclaimed in bold words: Final Exit. How appropriate she thought. No matter what happened when she stepped through to the other side this truly was a final exit for Julie. She was not only leaving the home world behind, but her old life and old body behind, and should something go wrong, and she go up in a fizzle and a puff of smoke, then she'd be leaving life behind, but regardless of the outcome, she had to take this leap of faith and hope her new mom would be there to catch her. Without another thought and with only seconds to spare she stepped into the scanner. Immediately she felt as though a thousand ants were crawling all over her and she became totally disoriented. Outside the scanner Lee Ann performed her computer magic and prayed it would work. On the other side of the scanner, Debra stood waiting, hoping Lee Ann knew what she'd been talking about, as Julie's life depended upon it. All she could do now was wait and have faith. Seconds later, a wobbly five year old girl with reddish blonde hair, big blue eyes, and a light sprinkling of freckles, stepped out of the scanner, struggling to carry her tote bag. Without a doubt, this child had to be the product of Steve and Debra. Her eyes went immediately to Debra. "Mommy!," the little one squealed as she ran to Debra and pounced into her arms. Debra held her close before drawing back and looking deep into those blue eyes, searching for some sign of her old friend. "I here ... I happy ... but I seepy, but I weally happy lots Debra, I love you," and then the adult was gone, leaving only the little one. The pair was soon joined in a group hug by Steve and all the kids. As the shuttle crew hurried them from the Final Exit gate to their seats aboard the shuttle, Steve whispered in Debra's ear, "You still owe me a tumble in the hay for this one." Debra giggled and then smiled seductively. "Maybe they don't have hay in Crayton, but we'll work something or some thing out." Stephanie was seated next to Samantha, who positively glowed at finally being someone's big sister. Stephanie opened her tote bag and found her two prized possessions that she never left home without. Maggie, her loved to life dolly smiled up at her and she immediately pulled her into her arms. She didn't remove the other cherished keepsake, but it was clearly visible. The little girl smiled at the drawing her mommy made for her. She thought it looked just like her, right down to her skinned knees and Maggie. Samantha leaned over and whispered in her little sister's ear, "I'm glad you're not in the attic no more Stephanie." "Me too...Stephanie said with a wide smile and sparkling blue eyes, "Me too!"

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Leap of Faith Ch 03

Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she’d decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day, thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight. The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was starkly...

3 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 7

The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Rookie crept through an automatic door and emerged into what looked like a courtyard, surrounded on all sides by buildings, a garden area with trees and grass occupying the center. The sky above was still overcast, the rain coming down heavy, a vaguely blue glow still lingering in the air from the slip-space event. That was ionizing radiation, he’d need to get his damned chromosomes scrubbed clean after this was all over if he didn’t want...

1 year ago
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Gotta have Faithe

Everything seemed oddly out of place this Wednesday evening as I intently watched Faithe lost in thought; staring into the food well at “The Mongolian Spirit.” We had enjoyed nearly seven and a half months of saying things to each other that could land you in jail in most states, but her distraction tonight was one laden with guilt. In moments like these I cursed the intuitive nature bestowed upon me at birth as my inner demons began their battle deep within my soul. Inevitably the “bad angel”...

3 years ago
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Change of Faith

Father Felix O’Bannen’s face stung from the blow just delivered to it. He winced in pain and tried to shy away from his attacker, but was held by the coarse ropes that bound him to the rough, wooden chair. ‘Where is the damn map?’ O’Bannen’s attacker, a medium-sized, trim man with perfectly combed hair and a hawk face demanded calmly in his clear voice. O’Bannen simply stared up at him in silence, inwardly praying that his ordeal would soon be over. ‘Fucking bastard!’ roared the other man as...

4 years ago
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Have Faith

“I can’t believe you’re gonna do this,” my friend Mike said. “Well I can’t believe things actually came to this,” I replied. I was standing in his room, watching him pack up all his belongings into suitcases. As for me, I had all the belongings I could take slung in a bag over my shoulder. “You really are serious aren’t you?” Mike asked, stopping his packing to look up at me. “About this whole going out to die for Big Brother thing.” “You know I don’t believe in ‘Big Brother’,” I told him. ...

4 years ago
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A Leap of Faith

Cold, steady rain beats against the restaurant window, almost drowning out the sound of my racing heart. Looking at my reflection, I wonder again what on earth I’m doing here. What possessed me to agree to meet with a man I had only talked to on the Internet? True, I was intrigued by his thoughtful words of humour, philosophy and, of course, romance. I had gazed at his photograph so often I was sure I could recognize every line of his face, the turn of his strong jaw, full lips, and dark eyes....

4 years ago
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A Touch of Faith

If someone had told me six months ago this was how my short existence would end, I'd have said they were crazy. Yet here I am, hot, sitting alone in my underpants in a nondescript hotel room, half a bottle of my dad's bourbon drained on the bedside table and a full bottle of pills resting in my left hand, its label swimming in and out of focus.It works on TV, but partway through the drink I realised they never show the details. I probably should have researched the correct way to do it. Pills...

2 years ago
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A Touch of Faith

If someone had told me six months ago this was how my short existence would end, I'd have said they were crazy. Yet here I am, hot, sitting alone in my underpants in a nondescript hotel room, half a bottle of my dad's bourbon drained on the bedside table and a full bottle of pills resting in my left hand, its label swimming in and out of focus.It works on TV, but partway through the drink I realised they never show the details. I probably should have researched the correct way to do it. Pills...

3 years ago
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Vivian Doubts Her Faith

At the start of her junior year in the late summer of 1971, sixteen-year-old Vivian Hannity had been attending Catholic schools for her entire life. Yet she found that her belief in her own religion was waning. It wasn’t exactly that she was becoming an atheist. It was more like the rigid dogmas of the Church simply made no sense to her anymore. She could not resolve the contradictions between what the Church was trying to teach her and her own powerful sexual feelings.Once she believed...

3 years ago
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A Flip of Faith

Jesus worked in mysterious ways. So, too, did girls. Not that girls were Jesus, or Jesus a girl. That was a robe, not a dress, and not once had Mark seen Jesus with his hair done up in some girly fashion. Just to make that clear. All Jesus and girls had in common was the mysterious part. Everything else was different. For one, Mark could talk to Jesus. With girls, not so much. Especially the pretty ones. As soon as a girl he had known all his life began to register as damned attractive, Mark...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 40 Faith

I once got to play the knight in shining armor, but of course in my own shabby way. I was eating and drinking in a tavern near the river when the stage stopped and seven passengers trooped in to dine. The group included one striking woman in a long purple cloak. She stood out from the crowd, like a rose among toadstools, not only because of her dress, but because of her cool poise, striking posture, curly brown hair, dark eyes and voluptuous beauty. She was a fine, healthy woman, perhaps...

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Gabatrix MinervaChapter 10 A Leap of Faith

“What?” Ericson said in shock. “You got to be kidding me!” “It is the only solution to this problem. I might not have all the data, but simulations in my programming indicate that the crew’s life is in danger. I need to do this. Please let me talk to the Captain or pass it along to him for him to consider it.” Ericson had to think quickly. Each second was starting to become precious. The fact was that Minerva was most likely correct. The idea that she had actually made sense, but it was...

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Always Faithful

Chapter One – A Birthday Gift “Don’t bother to wait up for me, Baby. I know I’ll be late tonight.” Laura paused very deliberately for effect. “I could be very late if everything goes well.” Once again Dan heard his wife pause; he was about to interject when he heard his wife continue once again and her final words left him speechless for the moment. “I hope it goes well.” Laura’s announcement as they finished their breakfast coffee did not come as a surprise. They had talked about her plans...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 16

The Rookie – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, nineteen hours after drop. The gates opened with a mechanical crunch, the golden light of dawn pouring through the widening gap. Alba and the Rookie rushed through the breach and out of the tunnel, their weapons drawn, ready for any Covenant forces that might be lurking on the other side. Fortunately, there was nobody around. The four lanes of the highway extended into the distance, littered with abandoned vehicles in all shapes and sizes. The...

4 years ago
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Back at the beginnings of European history, before the great druids of old, back when Stonehenge and the other circles were being erected the power and civilizations of the dwarves were coming to an end. The civilizations of man were spreading and cultivating the wildernesses of Europe. Farms and villages were being carved out of the great forests that blanketed the continent and its surrounding islands. Eighteen hundred years before Christ walked the earth there lived a dwarf named Leapekin in...

2 years ago
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The Bloody Faithful

The Bloody Faithful Chapter One -Hunger- Drip... Drip... Drip... I awoke to impenetrable darkness. I lay naked on my back with an incredible thirst burning inside me. Somewhere nearby water drops struck something solid, a sink bottom or maybe the floor. The sound magnified my need to drink. In the silence surrounding them, each splat boomed like a small explosion. I was amazed how sensitive my ears seemed to be. I...

2 years ago
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Leap of Faith Ch 05

The sound of voices penetrated the fog in Nicole’s mind. For a while she lay listening to the sounds around her, unable to differentiate between what was real and what was a dream. She felt strange, not herself at all. Her body felt immobile and slightly numb. Where was she? ‘I think she’s coming round.’ The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it. Slowly she opened her eyes, blinking at the bright lights in the room. The pale green walls swam in and out of focus, but gradually...

3 years ago
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Leap of Faith Ch 02

Nicole’s slept fitfully, her dreams filled with confusing images of Rob and Sean. When she awoke, she felt the lingering sensation of arousal and her body tingled with unfulfilled desire as the dreams hovered at the edge of her periphery and continued to torment her with lustful pictures only half realised. She lay in the dark, mulling over what had happened in the kitchen. Despite what Sean had done to her, she felt incredibly guilty about kissing Rob. It felt like a betrayal although her...

2 years ago
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Leap of Faith Ch 04

The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6:30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round. Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to do...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 2

Nicole's slept fitfully, her dreams filled with confusing images of Rob and Sean. When she awoke, she felt the lingering sensation of arousal and her body tingled with unfulfilled desire. The dreams hovered at the edge of her periphery and continued to torment her with lustful pictures only half realised. She lay in the dark, mulling over what happened in the kitchen. Despite what Sean had done to her, she felt incredibly guilty about kissing Rob. It felt like a betrayal although her body...

2 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 3

Rob was stretched out on the settee watching television when he heard the faint knock on the front door. Scowling with irritation, he reluctantly hauled his body up and padded down the hall to see who the hell was here. It better not be that bloody annoying neighbour again, he thought venomously. She seemed to think any noise above the level of a whisper was grounds for complaint. With a sigh he pasted a plastic smile on his face and unlocked the door. The smile faltered slightly when he saw...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 4

Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she'd decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day; thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight. The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 5

The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6.30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round. Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to...

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