Leap Of FaithChapter 5 free porn video

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The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6.30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round.

Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to do was to lie back down and stretch out next to him. But that would be fatal. The chances were strong that she would fall asleep again.

No, he needed to leave before Angela was up and about. The last thing she wanted was for her landlady to see a strange man sneaking out at in the early morning. The poor woman would probably be horrified.

Nicole prodded him gently. He stirred but still didn't awaken. So she prodded him harder.

"Ouch," he grumbled eventually. "Do you do that to all your gentleman friends?"

Nicole grinned. "No, normally I kick then out straight after sex."

"I feel privileged then."

"Don't — you still owe me. Cash only please..." She pasted a stern expression on her face and Rob looked suitably outraged.

Moving fast, he grabbed her round the waist and pinned her beneath his body. "Will payment in kind do?" he asked with a lecherous smile.

They both began to giggle like silly teenagers as he tickled her mercilessly.

"Stop it!" Nicole gasped when her sides began to ache. "You'll wake up my landlady!"

"It's not ME who's making all the noise!" He relented and slid his hand down her hip, the amusement slowly fading only to be replaced with a darker look entirely.

Nicole felt her heart beat faster as her body reignited with familiar sparks of passion. When kissed her softly, she forgot what time it was and the fact he ought to be leaving. All she could think about was the way his body felt against hers.

She wished that real life was not there, lurking in the background, just waiting for an opportunity to slap her in the face like it usually did. Maybe Rob was not like Sean. Maybe he wouldn't hurt her in the way Sean had. But how could she really trust him? Maybe it was her fault. Maybe she had driven him into her sister's arms.

Maybe she had been lacking in some fundamental way.

The moment was lost and she broke the kiss. "We need to get you out of the house before Angela gets up..." she sighed with regret.

"Your timing is excellent," Rob said ruefully, mindful of a throbbing erection that was in no rush to disappear just yet. But the last thing he wanted was to upset her landlady, so he reluctantly rolled away. "Okay, I'll scuttle off like a one night stand ... I'm not offended, honestly..."

Nicole had to laugh. His hurt expression was comical. "Come on Wayne ... or was it Fred?"

"Oh now, that's really not funny! Do I look like a Wayne to you??"

She had to smother her giggles in the pillow for fear of being heard in the next street. Rob pulled himself out of bed and hunted around for his clothes strewn all over the floor. It took a while but eventually he was dressed again. Nicole continued to lie under the duvet, watching him but making no effort to get dressed.

"Hey, lazy, are you actually going to shift your carcass and show me the door?"

"I'm waiting for my money, John," she grinned cheekily.

"Right, you've done it now!" With one swift movement, he grabbed the edge of the duvet and yanked it off her body, leaving her naked and exposed. "Still staying there?" he asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Bastard!" she muttered crossly. Now she was forced to pull her dressing gown on and actually get up. It was way too early to be out of bed. "Okay, okay ... I'm moving."

She walked him quietly down the back stairs and out of the rear entrance door. The sky was still streaked pink from the rising sun and for a moment they admired the infusions of brilliant colour.

"Just think, you'd have missed this if it wasn't for me," remarked Rob.

"Yep — I'm extremely grateful for the sunrise — thanks!"

"Is that all you're grateful for?" he asked, taking her warm body in his arms as they stood on the threshold of the doorway.

"No..." she admitted. "Last night was lovely." She hadn't meant to say that — the words just fell out without warning and she dropped her gaze in sudden embarrassment. God, what would he think?

"I'm glad you feel that way. I was thinking pretty much the same thing too." Rob tilted her chin up and smiled. He kissed her again, all the time wishing they could have stayed in bed a little longer. He knew he was gong to be stuck with a hard on all damned day now...

"Was that a young man I saw leaving at the crack of dawn this morning?" Angela asked as she poured the tea.

Nicole turned bright red and frantically scrabbled around for a suitable explanation. "Err..." she waffled.

The old lady snorted softly. "I was young once, my dear!" she laughed. "It's nice to have some happiness in the house again. Seems a long time since my family were around." Her voice trailed off and once again, Nicole felt sad that Angela seemed so lonely.

"I'm sorry," she apologised. "I guess I should have asked you if it was okay."

"I don't mind dear," Angela replied. She passed Nicole a cup of tea and sat down at the table, wincing slightly. "You bring your young man round for tea one night and introduce him properly. I'd like some male company." She winked and Nicole giggled.

"Okay!" she grinned. "It's a deal!"

They sat companionably drinking tea and eating toast while the sun filtered through the tall oak trees towards the end of the long garden. It was a garden meant to be filled with children, thought Nicole wistfully. It was just the kind of place she envisaged her children's nursery to be.

She glanced at the clock on the wall and cursed under her breath. "Hell, I'm gonna be so late!"

Angela chuckled. "Leave these pots and get yourself off, dear. I don't want Sue complaining that you're late. She's a stickler for punctuality."

Nicole nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Angela. I'll see you later." Snatching a last slice of toast she dashed out of the kitchen door like a whirlwind.

The old lady watched her leave. Yes, she thought with pleasure, Sue had been right. The girl was like a breath of fresh air around the old place. It was just what she needed; she was not ready to sit and gather cobwebs just yet.

"Hello?" Danni said sarcastically when Nicole failed to respond for the zillionth time that day.

"Err ... sorry," Nicole grinned ruefully and sipped her coffee. "I was listening — honest!"

"Jesus, what's the matter with you these days? It's like you're on another fucking planet half of the time! Between you and my annoying brother, I'm beginning to think we have body snatchers at large!"

Nicole ignored the reference to Rob. They still hadn't gotten round to telling Danni about their relationship and the longer it went on, the harder it seemed to be. It was becoming ridiculous — there was no real reason why she shouldn't know. It was just awkward. As much as Nicole liked Danni, she and Rob were at each other's throats all the time and Nicole was loath to be piggy in the middle. It seemed easier to just continue as they were and hide themselves away from the rest of the world.

Besides, if Danni knew how things were, there was every possibility Lizzie would find out too since they all knew each other. So far, Lizzie had remained unaware of the fact Rob was seeing someone else. She continued to text and 'phone him regularly, mainly to tell him about all the other men she was seeing. Nicole found it all deeply irritating, but she was determined to not fall into the trap of paranoia. It was damned hard though.

"How's it going in the new place anyway?" Danni lit another cigarette and stared at Nicole curiously. She had a sixth sense that Nicole was not telling her something, but she wasn't sure why. As much as her curiosity was eating her away, she felt it better not to pry.

Nicole had seemed much happier in the last week and the way she kept smiling whenever she thought nobody was watching Danni felt sure a man was involved. She just hoped it was a decent bloke this time. Unfortunately they were few and far between.

"Good thanks. Angela is a sweetheart." Nicole smiled. "I think she's just lonely. It must be hard having no family left nearby."

"Speaking of family — have you been in touch with yours yet?"

Nicole frowned darkly. "No - and I have no intention of doing either."

"Come on Nicole, you can't cut them off forever. I know what your sister did was awful, but maybe you can try and forgive her?"

"Just drop it okay?"

Danni sighed in exasperation. She really felt Nicole should try and mend some bridges. Family were family and she couldn't stay away from them indefinitely. It just wasn't right. She stubbed her cigarette out on the floor and tossed it into the wheelie bin.

"Okay — I give up," she said resignedly. "You do what you think is best." She stomped back inside the café, her short skirt barely covering her backside and her long plaits bouncing up and down defiantly. Nicole watched her leave and felt even guiltier. They needed to tell her soon.

"Danni's getting suspicious," said Rob as they sat in a secluded corner of a pub.

"I know," Nicole agreed. She sipped her cider thoughtfully. "She's your sister, so you need to tell her."

"Yeah I know that — I'll have a chat with her later. She'll be fine about it." Rob's phone blipped to indicate a text message and he pulled it out of his jeans pocket. It was Lizzie again. God, he thought crossly, would she never get the message?

He read the short text and without replying, placed it back in his pocket. Here was someone else he needed to have a word with — she was doing his head in. Now he was uninterested in her, she was doing everything in her power to try and get him back again. It was too late though; she had had her chance and she'd blown it. He was with Nicole now and he was happy. Lizzie could go and fuck herself as far as he was concerned.

He returned his attention to Nicole. "I'm working until eight, but wanna do something after?"

"Yeah, okay. What did you have in mind?"

"There's a band called Requiem playing at the Blue Parrott. They are meant to be pretty good and Chris reckons he can get me some tickets. Fancy it?"

"Sure, sounds cool."

"Great! I'll meet you outside at nine."

The club was dark, smoky and heaving with sweaty bodies. It was a struggle to reach the bar, but eventually they made it, Nicole's hand tightly wrapped in Rob's. He seemed loath to release her for even a minute and she was enjoying the feeling of being cared for.

"What are you drinking tonight?" he yelled in her ear, trying to make himself heard above the din of the support act.

"Cider, please" she yelled back. She had developed a taste for the drink since she'd moved here. It was relatively cheap and providing she didn't drink too much, it didn't give her hangovers.

When the scruffy bar man had taken some cash in return for their drinks, they headed back into the fray. The main act, Requiem, was due on stage in half an hour, so they slowly moved towards the side of the room where some tables and seats were haphazardly arranged. Luckily someone stood to leave just as they were passing and they dived into a corner booth.

"I must be getting old," commented Rob. "I never used to be bothered about finding a seat; now I actively look for one!"

"Hey there's no way I was standing up all night! Not in these boots!" Nicole looked down at the instruments of torture on her feet. The black stiletto boots looked great, but they were not easy to walk in as she had found out the hard way. No pain, no gain, she thought philosophically.

"Oh yeah, those boots..." Rob looked down at them too and grinned appreciatively. "Are you gonna keep them on later?"

Nicole laughed at his hopeful expression. "In your dreams! I'll be in need of a foot rub by the end of tonight. My feet are already killing me."

"Shame..." He pouted in disappointment. "I had great plans for those boots."

"Well feel free to wear them — I'll not say a word..." She sniggered at the idea of him wearing her boots.

"Oh very funny, I—"

"Rob!" A sharp feminine voice caused them both to look up in surprise.

Rob's heart fell a mile when he saw who was standing there with her hands on her hips.

"Hello, Lizzie," he said flatly.

Nicole couldn't help but stare at the woman she'd heard so much about. Her peroxide blonde hair hung down her back and her lean body was squeezed into skin tight lycra that left nothing to the imagination. She looked very sexy in a sluttish kind of way and Nicole could see why Rob had been attracted to her.

"Hello darling, long time no see." There was a definite edge to the woman's voice and Nicole could feel the tension between her and Rob.

Rob didn't reply. He slowly picked up his pint glass and took a slug of beer.

"Aren't you going to introduce us, Rob?" Lizzie asked with a disdainful glance in Nicole's direction. If Nicole had been a flower, she'd have withered up and died. Lizzie's expression was positively poisonous.

"No," replied Rob with a faint smile that didn't reach his eyes.

The sound of amplifiers screaming made them all look towards the stage. The support band had left and Requiem were shortly due to begin their set. Lizzie was about to say something when a huge hulk of a man appeared at her side. He put his arm proprietarily around her slim waist and said, "Is everything okay, babe?"

"Yeah, fine — I just saying hello to an old friend. Let's go, Mikey." She tossed her hair and walked away with a wiggle of her hips. Both Rob and Nicole breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sorry about that," Rob said quietly as he watched Lizzie disappear into the throngs of people lining around the edge of the small stage.

He felt really bad that Nicole had to meet Lizzie in such a fashion. He knew how much of a bitch Lizzie was. Fortunately she hadn't said anything too nasty — which was unusual for her. He had half expected some poisonous barbed comments, but surprisingly she had said nothing. Maybe she wasn't as bothered about them splitting up as he had thought.

"Hey, that's okay. She seemed okay about us?"

Rob squeezed her thigh. "Yep she was quite restrained, I thought. Which is good — I really didn't want a scene!"

"You worry too much!" Nicole chided affectionately, before dropping a kiss on his mouth gently.

Rob immediately pulled her close and deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth with little regard for the fact they were in a crowded club. A few people standing nearby glanced over and smiled. Lucky bloke, they thought admiringly.

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Moonlit NightChapter 6

Time passed slowly the next few weeks, as I got more familiar with tasks that I had to perform during my watch, those romantic things like emptying bedpans and give sponge baths. The bed pans I hated, but did it for Tammy, because she was my life and love. Now the baths, umm, as time went on we made more of a game out of it, and I explored rather liberally, it seemed. When I was there, she always needed at least one sponge bath. Though the one day when she needed four, I think Samantha got a...

1 year ago
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Winters BladeChapter 11 Lobby

Emmeline stood up abruptly. Her heels cli-click cli-clicked across the polished black granite floor, echoes emphasizing the emptiness of the cavernous lobby. Alex watched her hips snap with every step, her movements those of an uneasy predator. The shredded sheen of her stockings betrayed a harrowing night of tested limits. Reflections of halogen spotlights slithered over the perfect gloss of her blood-red coat like sparks in a flame. Alex wondered how much longer her flame could burn so...

3 years ago
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Mom Aur Ki Chudayi Ki Dastan Aur Mai Bhi Chud Gayi Dad

By : Nilammamu Dosto maini apni pahali kahani me aur dusari kahani me bhi bataya hai ki kaise mai aur mom mere boyfrinds se chddi aur kaise humane lesbin bane ek din ki bat hai meri mom jo 36.34.38 ki figar wali hai unake sat dopehar ko nage hoke mai soyi thi dad office me the aur mere boy friend bhi busy tha apane office me hum dono ne lesbin sex kiya aur ek duasre ki bahome soyi thi tab mom ne kaha aj shaniwar hai aj shayad tere dad mujhe rat ko chodenge mai ne kaha kya dad sirf Week me hi...

3 years ago
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Invitation to dinner

This tale is about a young housewife. She has straight shoulder length brunette hair. Her face is slightly freckled with an upturned nose and grey eyes. She is very curvaceous with big boobs. Ive based her on Yasmin Bleeth from Baywatch and so called her Yasmin Bleat. Her husband Tony works in the small towns only real business the tyre factory. He is a junior manager in the business owned by the local rich family the Beavis brothers. The pay is poor and he works very hard to support them. But...

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Scrolller Granny

I’ve got a bit of a strange-looking link for you guys, and I don’t want you to overthink it. Suffice it to say; this is a dedicated Scrolller section for granny porn, even though, in all honesty, it’s just several categories that I slapped into the URL as a filter. But it works as a great substitute for a site-wide granny category on Scrolller since they may or may not get their content from another website called Reddit. You might have heard of it. Over there, there are dedicated sub-sections...

Granny Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Mia Chapter 8 First Date

It was almost dinner time when Mia got back to the apartment after Jesse dropped her off and brought in her luggage. Since he was working that night so they couldn’t really get the opportunity to hang out, but it gave Mia the chance to unpack and get settled back in. Patrice was back already, but Norah and Kris weren’t due to arrive until the following day. Mia felt a little apprehensive thinking about Norah’s arrival. She was waiting to tell her in person her decision to try things out with...

2 years ago
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First Vaginal DP 2

She sat on his face and started to suck on his dick.Well in no time at all he was rock hard and ready for more. He told her he wanted to taste her super sweet pussy cum!!! She moaned and said that if he kept doing what he was doing that would happen very soon!!! Well she wasn't k**ding because in no time at all she was creaming all over his face!!! She then got up and gave me one of her "you're going to love this" looks and I could hardly wait to see what my nasty hot slutty wife was up to...

4 years ago
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Chronicles of Seven and Sophie Story Two

A 19-year-old enjoys the talents of her new Android. All characters are over the age of 19. Thanks to Darksage for editing, once again. — The cool, plastic countertop did little to cool Sophie’s flushed body as she cried out in ecstasy. Her red flushed bosom pushed onto the cold surface along with the side of her face, her arms haphazardly strewn across it in disregard. Her left leg was kicked up, the sole of her foot pressed against the surface of the countertop, opening her pussy lips wide...

3 years ago
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Kelly takes it through the backdoor

“What do you think?” said Brooke and hefted the cucumber in her hand. “Looks ripe, but I am not big on veggies,” I said lifting up another crate of potatoes. I hated Mondays. It was the day when the trucks came to drop off new products to the little corner shop where I had found myself a summer job. Brooke was the daughter of the owner and his wife. She was two years older than I, and most of the time she had a hangover from too much partying.I liked to go out too, but I kept the amount of...

4 years ago
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Fucked Sneha In A Marriage Function

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. Any ladies from can contact me through This is my experience of fucking a virgin girl in a marriage function. Now coming to the story i usually get reply for my story from the readers like that I got a reply from a girl named sneha ( name changed ) 22 years...

1 year ago
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Nawaazish E Husn

Hello dosto iss ke chaahako aapko meraa pyaar bharaa salaam main Gujarat se hun, meraa naam sameer umr takriban 28 84 kg weight, length 5.8″ shaadi shudaa 2 bacche kaam vaasnaa ka is kadar zaalim ke bas apne aap par rahem aati hai ke khuda kitni badi sazaa degaa mujhe jahannum ki mere maut ke baad meri is zindagi ke is gunaaho ki Khair, baato ko tool na dete hue asal mauzu pe aataa hun pehle hamaara vatan me ghar jahaa tha wo khaali karke ham city me reh rahe hai 2 saal se, us ghar ke pados...

2 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 32 Coming into View

I was just about to make a call when Lara poked her head into my room. “Back to the telephone life, huh?” she said, giving me a sympathetic look. “Yep. Hard times again.” “You could’ve been born a hundred years ago,” she observed, “and then you wouldn’t even have had the phone.” “If I’d been born a hundred years ago, I would’ve missed out on her completely. And on you too, sis ... But I’m glad for the phone either way.” Lara nodded thoughtfully. “True. Come up to the cabin when you’re...

1 year ago
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The Fictionmaniacs

Based on Bob Dylan's "Desolation Row." This may be archived/posted anywhere: Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! The Fictionmaniacs By Pretzelgirl They're praying for some changing They're putting on pink ballgowns They're shaving off their mustaches And switching their pronouns Soon comes the blond webmistress Her walk's a dreamy dance She leads a troupe of sleepwalkers Reality to romance As the censor waits so vigilant Poised with his attacks I pull on my wig and...

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It was like a dream come true

100% fiction! It was a normal summer afternoon, I went to the pool, while my brother went for a run, we usually return around the same time. While I was on my run, I stopped to catch my breath outside someone's house. All of a sudden I started hearing slight moans, coming from inside the house. I hid by a bush, just in case they saw me. I peeped inside and it was a couple having sex on the dining room table, she was bent over, completely naked, her lover was pounding her so hard the table would...

1 year ago
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Who Want To Take My Virginity

HI to all ISS Readers, I’m Karthick from Chennai. And This is my First story about me and my angel lover, it happened. Now We are separated. About me now working in MNC company in Chennai. My age 24, height 5.10″ and 6 inch cock ( i don’t want to lie). Any girls or aunts contact me to this Well, Let starts the story, We are well know about each other..we are in love with 3 and more years. This story happen in first year of love. Both are from traditional family in south. We came from small...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Seema and Anita Part 4 off the highway

To add to my list of adventures is this another evening where I cheated on my husband again. I hope by now you must have read all my previous stories namely loyalty test, just before the wedding, negotiating a pay rise, spa incident. You surely by now are aware that I cheat on husband a lot. Not because he can't satisfy me, he surely can but I love having sex. I am 5'7, 36c boobs flat stomach and long slender thighs and a lovely ass which my husband loves to fuck. It was a Saturday late evening...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Guy Opens The Door For His Mother And Wife 8211 Part I

Hey guys thanks a lot for all your comments on my previous stories. My name is Abhi and I work for a reputed MNC. Let’s start the story when I was in standard 11 my first terminal Physics and Math paper were out. I was not the topper but for all the problems I had a different approach also since I come from a very poor family I did not have a calculator both my math and physics teacher called out my name and appreciated my approach. That terminal I was the second topper in class. Once the...

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Keeping secrets

When Cindy realized how powerful her sensuality was she exploited it. A real young nymphomaniac. She was able to make and man lust after her 18 year old petite body. Will bob blond hair, green eyes, c-cup and gymnast thin trim body and small frame she perfected seducing men to the point of madness. Her favourite was seducing men who could not have her, like her fathers friends, married guys and teachers. Basically any man who would not say a thing to anybody about fucking their brains out....

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From dream to reality

My name is William. I am the eldest of a family of four kids, two boys and two girls. At the time I was seventeen. We lived in a small town, and my parents were well respected. I did well at school, played and succeeded in sports. I was and still am living an intense inner life fantasising on my sporting exploits and sensual encounters. In those days, it was just as normal for teenage boys as well as girls to be baby-sitting at their parent’s friends and neighbours to make a few bucks. For...

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Tara 5 BoasChapter 7

Page ended up in their room. She whispered to Serpin she felt safer being with them if she was going to be staying with them, so they gave in and simply took her to their bedroom. Paige showed them there was a trundle bed for a servant under theirs and she was happy to sleep on it. They all slept well and after breakfast, they bought Paige some better clothes before they left the town. She also directed them to a shop where they could get a basket of travel food made up and Serpin and...

4 years ago
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Mujhe Randi Ne Gulam Banaya

Hi aaj jo main aap sab ke sath share karne ja raha hun wo mere liye ek bahut hi chawkane wala experience tha baat 18 January 2012 ki hai. Main apne office se nikal raha tha ki tabhi maine ek ladki ko ek ladke ke sath ladte hue dekha main thoda pass main gaya to ek aadmi ne mujhe bataya ki ye randi baaji ka chakkar hai ladki paise maang rahi thi aur jor jor se chilla rahi thi tabhi maine dekha ki wo ladka ekdum se Ladki ke pairon main gir ke haath jodne laga aur ladki apni saari utha kar uske...

4 years ago
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The Basement BlowOut

We were good friends not close but good. She always said to me in school why such a cute looking boy like yourself dosent have a girlfriend. I would reply I dont know a good one hasnt come around yet , wehn really i wanted her. I never thought anything would happen between us until my birthday weekend. My birthday came and everyone wished me a happy birthday. I got punched a few times by the jocks. The same day i was walking down the hallway heading for lunch when Brittnay jumped in front...

1 year ago
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Layla and Dave Part 4

“Go answer the door and find out”, she said. I asked if I should dress first, but her eyes told me no. Walking to the door with high anticipation, my mind raced at what was in store for me. Layla stopped me, told me told me to close my eyes and open the door. I looked her in the eyes, with my hand on the knob, closed them and opened the door. I was pushed into the room, told by a female’s voice to keep my eyes shut, if I knew what was good for me. Her hands kept pushing into my chest and I...

2 years ago
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Saras Awakening

This is part one of what i hope will be a long series of stories. Its going to be a slow start but hopefully you'll bear with me. Sara woke suddenly. She tried to be very still. Then pretending to still be sleeping she did a little roll in her bed so she was facing the door to her bedroom. Very carefully she cracked her eyes open so she could see the door. As she had expected and had hoped it was cracked slightly open. She could barely see the top of her father's form through the small crack....

3 years ago
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A midsummer night dream

A midsummer night dream. Hi I’m Jai from Bangalore. I’m pretty new to ISS. I crash landed here when surfing the net and followed a link. I work in a MNC; I’m fairly good looking, tall with an athletic build. I’d like share one of my recent experiences with my second cousin. I’m telling this in two parts. This is part One. This incident happened roughly a month ago. I had a tiring day at office, and to add to the misery it was very hot. I reached home and searched for my keys, but I’d forgotten...

4 years ago
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Dad and Me

I lived with my dad after my parents split up. One night my dad was out drinking, so I figured I might as well have some fun, I was in my room, totally naked, looking at one of the many porn mags my dad has lying around. I was 14 and realized that it turned me on looking at the men as well as the women, but had never seen or touched another mans hard cock in real life.This book had lots of guys in it and they all had big sexy hard cocks, one was bigger, and better looking then all the rest, and...

2 years ago
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Horse Loving DaughterChapter 4

Lynne finished eating. Her body trembled with anticipation and fear. She gulped back her rising panic and hurried out of the house. Outside, she took a deep breath. She was glad her mother wasn't home. There would have been questions about all the time spent in the barn. She smiled. Tomorrow, there would be no questions. She ran across the yard to the barn. "Here I am," she called out as she stepped into the barn and closed the door. She looked at the two stalls and the frisky stallions....

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