Leap Of FaithChapter 6 free porn video

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The sound of voices penetrated the fog in her mind. For a while she lay listening to the sounds around her, unable to differentiate between what was real and what was a dream. She felt strange; not herself at all. Her body felt immobile and slightly numb. Where was she?

"I think she's coming round." The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. Slowly she opened her eyes, blinking at the bright lights in the room. The pale green walls swam in and out of focus, but gradually everything became clear.

"Hey," Rob said as she tilted her head to look at him. He had a large dressing taped to the side of his head and he looked terrible. "How're you feeling?"

"I'm not sure. What happened?"

"You can't remember?"

Nicole sifted through the mess in her head. "I remember the club ... thereafter it all goes hazy. Why am I here and what's happened to your head?"

Rob sighed. He glanced across the room and Nicole followed his gaze. She saw the uniformed officer standing in the doorway with a grave expression and she began to feel frightened. It must be bad if the police were there.

"We were attacked by two men. I got knocked out." He pointed to his head. "When I came round, you weren't there. I yelled out and a couple came running from a nearby house. They said they'd heard some screaming — guess it must have been you."

Nicole shivered. She didn't remember much of it.

"We found you in a garden, lying in the rain with your leg all twisted. You kept drifting in and out of consciousness, saying stuff that made no sense." He gripped her hand tightly and she saw the worry etched across his face.

"There was no sign of the two men - they must have run off before I came round. Somebody called an ambulance and here we are."

"What time is it?" Nicole craned her head, but she couldn't see a clock anywhere. It appeared to be night time as the curtains in the room were closed.

"You've lost a day — it's just gone ten o'clock. Not only did you break our leg, you also bashed your head as you fell. They had to operate on your leg when they brought you in — hence the nice plaster cast on it." Nicole felt the rigid plaster encasing her right leg and felt faint. How on earth was she going to manage for the next month or so? There was no way she could work while her leg was in plaster.

Tears pricked her eyes and she tried to stem the tide of emotion before it erupted. "I can't remember anything!" she sniffed as she held Rob's hand. Her head was beginning to ache and her leg throbbed. The pain killers must be wearing off.

They both looked up as the policeman entered the room. He stood at the foot of the bed and showed them his ID card. "Detective Constable Higgins, Ma'am. When you're feeling up to it, I need to take a statement." He smiled kindly and Nicole felt slightly reassured. Surely the police would catch whoever did this; they had to.

"I'm trying to remember it all — but so far it's a blank." It was so frustrating. Vague images fluttered at the edge of her mind but as soon as she tried to grasp them, they swam away into the ether. Tiredness began to wash over her once more and she yawned heavily.

A stern looking nurse strode in and said; "I think this lady needs some peace and quiet for a while."

The policeman nodded and walked out into the corridor.

"I'll be back in the morning, okay?" Rob bent over the bed and kissed her gently. Nicole's eyes began to close of their own accord and she murmured something unintelligible. "Love you," he whispered into her ear, but she was already asleep.

"Come on now, you need to get some rest too. You'll be no good to her if you end up back in here!" The nurse waggled her finger at him and Rob took the hint. He left the room with a last lingering glance at Nicole's wan face on the pillow. She looked so vulnerable and lost.

The policeman was waiting for him in the corridor. He had lots of questions and plenty of time. They were directed to an empty room near the nurses' station where Rob took a seat and told the man all he knew. He just hoped it was enough to give the police something to go on. He couldn't bear the thought of anything else happening to Nicole. She meant far too much to him.

Nicole was lost in thought, staring out of the window at the sunshine. The sky was deep blue with no clouds to be seen. It looked like a beautiful day outside, yet here she was, stuck in here for the time being. It was horribly depressing.

The doctor had been to see her that morning and checked over her leg. He told her she would have the plaster on for at least eight weeks as the break had been serious. She would need lots of physiotherapy to rebuild the muscle tone. It couldn't have happened at a worse time, all things considered. How the hell she was going to manage was something that she hardly dared to think about.

Rob had been there as soon as visiting time began and had only just left. He'd promised to be back later in that afternoon and already she was missing him. Danni had sent a message to say she'd be there that evening.

Her leg itched terribly. She had tried to look at it now that her head had cleared and she felt a little better. The bruising was evident and her foot was currently a lovely shade of purple. God only knew what the rest of her leg looked like. It was unlikely to be a pretty sight for a while.

The door opening attracted her attention and she looked up expecting to see either one of the nurses or Rob. Instead, in walked a huge bunch of flowers attached to a pair of denim clad legs. Nicole's curiosity was piqued before her face broke out in a huge smile.

"Rob!" she laughed in delight. "You didn't have to buy the whole shop!"

"Who's Rob?" asked a man's voice and Nicole turned ashen white, her smile vanishing in a heartbeat.

"Sean — what are you doing here?"

The flowers were placed on the side table and Nicole's ex boyfriend came to stand by the bed, a very contrite expression on his handsome face.

"The Police told your mum and Kate. She told me."

"You're still together then?" Nicole said bitterly. Sean reached out to grasp Nicole's hand but she snatched it away. "Oh just don't!"

"Nicole ... I..." He struggled to find the words. "We're sorry for what happened. We never meant for you to find out like that." He slumped down on one of the hard plastic chairs and looked at the floor brokenly. For a moment Nicole felt her anger wavering as she realised how upset he was. Then she reminded herself what he'd done to her and she felt her feelings harden again.

"Why?" she said. "Just tell me that much at least."

Sean looked up, his face a picture of conflicting emotions. "I can't tell you why. It just crept up on us." He glanced away and went silent for a few moments.

Nicole watched him, trying to understand why he had come here. Was he looking for some kind of forgiveness? If so, she wasn't so sure she was ready to forgive and forget yet.

"I loved you, you know." His use of past tense did not go unnoticed and she felt something finally wither and die inside as he continued, "I had always been attracted to Kate — she was so different to you in so many ways. It was only when she got drunk at Miranda's birthday party that I realised she felt the same way."

"Didn't I leave early that night?" Nicole remembered now. She'd been suffering all week from the flu and on the night of the party she had gone home about nine o'clock, after making a token appearance for Miranda's sake. She recalled that Sean had gone back to the party on the pretext of talking to Rich about some bike ride they were planning. Clearly riding bikes was not the only exercise he had had in mind.

"Nothing happened that night," he said hurriedly when he saw her dark expression. "We just talked and that was all. I honestly believed that nothing was going to come of it. She was your sister for God's sake!"

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive...

Who wrote that, thought Nicole as she saw her pain mirrored on Sean's face. It seemed very apt all of a sudden.

"Well apparently your conscience deserted you fairly quickly after that, didn't it?"

Sean visibly flinched at the sarcasm in her words. But he knew it was the truth so he didn't deny it. He wasn't here to try and sugar coat what had happened. He was here to make amends and to convince Nicole to forgive Kate somehow; the pain was killing all of them.

"Do you love her?" She was surprised how much this mattered to her.

"Yes." His reply was short and sweet and told Nicole all she needed to know. She sighed. Strangely, she found she didn't care any more. Much of the pain and horror had passed and she needed to move on with her life. Lying here, immobile in her hospital bed, she looked at the face of the man she had loved so deeply and found it hard to understand why she had ever loved him at all. He seemed so much smaller and less worthy than he had before. He was the past, not the future.

But Kate was her sister and despite the terrible hurt she had inflicted, Nicole recognised that she needed to forgive her. She couldn't hate her forever. Nor did she want to.

"Where's Kate?"

"She's back at the flat. She wanted to come, but I thought it was better that I saw you alone first. Will you see her?"

Nicole turned away and stared out of the window again. Gulls wheeled and soared high in the sky. They were so free, she thought wistfully. How she wished she could fly away like they did. Instead she was stuck here, in this bed.

Did she want to see Kate? She thought about it and realised that yes, she did. She had missed her these last few weeks. She'd missed talking to her, sharing silly gossip over cups of tea and chocolate biscuits. Just doing all the things sisters did. She even missed Kate stealing her clothes and leaving them dirty and scrunched up on the bathroom floor.

Despite everything, she loved her sister and she needed her in her life. Okay, so it was going to take some getting used to seeing her and Sean together as a couple. But she had Rob now. Her face lit up in a smile when she thought about him.

"Yes, I'll see her. We need to clear the air," said Nicole quietly as she turned to face Sean again.

He looked visibly relieved at the news. "Thank you, Nic. It means a lot to both of us."

In all honesty he had not expected Nicole to even give him the time of day. He had warned Kate not to get her hopes up, but she had insisted that they try at least. Kate had been wretched since the whole damn mess had erupted. Guilt was a terrible burden to carry and it mattered to both of them that at least some of the bridges were mended. They knew the clock could never be turned back, but at least this was a step in the right direction.

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SCARLETT.IS.BACK! That’s right, one of the hottest (IMO) chicks we’ve had on our couch this year is back for more. You should remember this beautiful, naive girl from a few weeks ago. She came in and did a great job letting me fuck her pussy. As usual we sent her on her way anxiously awaiting a call from our producers, that of course never came. So she hit up my homie Rick wondering what she could do to speed up the process. His answer was simple, “ANAL.” So here she is, back to see if she’s...

2 years ago
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The Beckwith Affair Chap 2

August 5 th , 8:20 a.m. I went into the office early the next morning, anxious to get to work on the Beckwith case.   As I entered the office I found Maggie at her desk.   “Maggie, I need you to do your thing for me,” I said.   “Alan Jankowski, we need to find him.   Check for arrests, the morgue, hospitals, etc.   Check planes, buses, trains, cruise ships, even rental car agencies.   I suspect he is not dead but don’t leave any stone uncovered. I’m going to be out most of the day checking...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Recovery of a HeroChapter 19 A Heros Home Coming

After picking up the bus, I drove over to the Commissary and stocked up on some groceries. After we got every thing stored away, I headed off. The next stop being Olympia, I headed for the south gate and got on I-5. It took us about forty five minutes to get to the exit I wanted. I drove to the Department of Motor Vehicles licensing office and got the bus transferred, using the office address for the NCIS office in Everett. That done, I headed for highway 101 and got on it heading west. The...

2 years ago
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19 Saal K Ladke Ki Phli Chudaii Aunty K Saath 8211 Part I II

Hi dosto m 19 saal ka gora punjabi 6’1 30 waist ka model hu , meri body well toned hai yoga k karan aur isi k karan kafi active hu bed me … Aur ab ek high profile caal boy ya escort hu aur, mumbai m ads ki shoot krta hu . Aj me apko apne phle sex k experience k bare m btaonga . Ye us samay ki baat hai jab m mumbai m naya aya tha , m ek party m drinks bna rha tha guest ki liye tabhi waha ek talli aunty ayi , randi ko aunty to nahi kaha jaa skta saali 34:30:36 k figure m party m ek hi ladki lag...

4 years ago
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Early 80s ExcitementChapter 14 It Abruptly Ends

After all several more minutes of bliss for both of them, reality then started to hit him. Luckily, it was dark and still very early. He looked at his alarm clock on the ledge above her head. It was only 5:50 AM. He had not even been in there an hour. It seemed like hours. He wanted to lay there for hours more. Unfortunately, the day would soon start, and Sherry would soon leave. He would most likely not see her for another year. Would they have to continue the charade and never even write?...

1 year ago
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The Dirty Old Resident Part 3

Meranda's heels click as she walks to the small studio apartment door and takes a deep breath Slowly opens the door and see's that big grin of Pauls, he was wearing a very nice black suit with a blue tie and he had flowers in his hands. He smiles "for you my dear" handing them to her as she can't help but smile. Oh....thank you Paul...As she turns and walks to the kitchen sink and opens the cabinet underneath pulls a vase out and begins filling it with water. After putting the...

3 years ago
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getting even with husband

As you will know, I had got my mother-in-law on my side, she knew about my husbands cheating with another man, and it was agreed by both of us , my mother-in-law and myself, that I would chat to him about men fucking, telling him I fantasised about it, I had sucked my mother-in-law a few times, and I still cant believe how horny she makes me, just sitting at the table and thinking about her lovely juicy cunt would make me wet my panties, So when I started on our plan, I noticed my husband got...

2 years ago
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Meri Randi Teacher

Hello readers , aaj mai aapko aise story batane jaa rha hun jisko par ke bahut maza aaega . Mai story hindi me hi likunga jisse parne me maza aaye .Ye koi story nhi hai ,ek sachi ghatna hai . Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai school me tha class 10 me .Hamare school english medium tha aur parai bhi thik thak hoti thi waha .Mujhe tab se hi bhabhiyo me zyada interest tha ,kai baar maine apne ghar me aaye auratho ke dek ke hilaya karta tha .Mera class 10 tab hi start hua thaa aur hamre school ke...

1 year ago
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My daddy really loves me

On my nineteenth birthday, I had sex with my dad. Apparently, he had a crush on me for a couple years, but he just never made a move. Anyway, after that night, we continued to have sex on a regular basis. We just weren't exclusive with each other. I guess we were more like father and daughter with benefits. I had seen a few guys a couple years after that first night, but nothing serious really came out of those relationships. I could only guess that he didn't like that I dated them, because one...

2 years ago
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Fractured RealityChapter 12

Monday, June 3, 3089, 3:06 pm Rebecca arose from the dais, pushing erect with both hands on her right knee. She swayed, the toe of her left boot just making contact with the floor. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she repeated slowly. She’d yelled herself hoarse, screaming Leda’s name. Hobbling to the record-shop bag, she snatched it up and searched out the Baby Ruth bars at the bottom. She’d bought one and gotten one free from Mr. Klause, when he’d rung up her sale and bagged her items. The bars were...

1 year ago
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The sex shop adventure

“Oh, I think I should get a pair of those,” my wife said with a laugh as she pointed to the handcuffs in the shop window. “Only if you want me to use them on you,” I said. We had just finished eating at an Italian restaurant in Soho, where we had consumed a bottle each of their house red. As we left Lynn had suggested we have a look around in the sex shops in the area. She had been saying for a while that we should do something to spice up our sex lives a little, and maybe we could find...

1 year ago
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Being A Woman Slut And Housewife

Hi friends, I am Rajesh from Hyderabad and have written few of my fantasies as stories on this website and thanks for all your feedback. This is also one of my fantasies and would like to share with you all. Let me introduce myself. I am 27 years old 5 11 with girlish feelings in me. I would like to be treated as a girl and use me for quenching the manhood thirst. I have a curvy round ass which is seen by most of you and liked it. Let me explain you about the feelings in me. When I see an...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Lonely Julie Chapter 12 Last Chapter

When the 11 year olds Mandy and Timmy had headed for the beach Julie and Sally went with the 14 year old boys Terry and Hank, who was Mandy’s brother. The girls slipped their T shirts and shorts off and told the boys to take off their shorts as everybody went naked around the cabin. Terry and Hank both had a hard penis before their shorts came off – being with two beautiful 29 year old women and being naked was simply a dream for them – especially as Julie was their school Matron. The...

3 years ago
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the workout

She had been telling her husband for years how she had wanted to get in shape, but not lose her thickness, becuzz she knew how much he loved it. So she woke up in the morning one day feeling strong in her decision to start on losing at least 20. She would join him at the apartment gym. Putting her hair in a cute ponytail, she put on her Nikes that matches his shoes, and her cute outfit. She drank her shake and walked to the complex gym, thinking to herself that he will get her going over the...

3 years ago
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My wifersquos been a slut all along part 7

After Roosevelt had left. Dina went in and took another shower, she said she really didn’t get clean because she was in there giving Roosevelt a scrub down. After she got out, I asked her if I could get a blow job, because I was supper horned up.She said Dave you only get one bj a week are you sure you want to use it right now.I told her yes please I am dying for one. She said ok and I sat on the bed and she got between my legs and started sucking my cock.I came in seconds. Dina looked up at me...

3 years ago
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Oscar MeyersChapter 9

Oscar noticed a plume of dust on the horizon well outside of the training area. He watched it move and then stop. The medallion flared hot against his skin. His stomach clenched as the hairs on the back of his neck rose. As the dust started settling, he shouted, “Georgia, break radio silence. Get everyone back to camp right now.” Without asking any questions, Georgia got on the radio and started broadcasting the message. Once she had told everyone his orders, she called back asking,...

1 year ago
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Ms Woolson Nikki and I

Robert was an 18 year old Asian senior in his high school. He had always been a slacker in school and his intelligent girlfriend Chelsea had just recently dumped him because of his failing grades. Unless Robert got an A average Chelsea wouldn’t take him back. He took this very seriously and started to pay more attention in school but he still fell behind due to his years of sleeping in class. The subject he had the most trouble in was math, Calculus. His teacher Mr. Williams was a good guy, but...

1 year ago
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Moms Curtain Call

Note : This story is completely fictonal! Bright Sunday morning and someone is knocking early. My wife Angie and I are sleeping in after a the previous evening. It be mom, looking as sharp and effervescent as ever in dress, designer heels and pearl earrings. Angie staggers thru the house in my long tshirt and tight nylon panties, "who is it?" It be Mom, she wants to hang curtains for us. "Shit, why isn't she home fucking with someone else today?" She obviously misses me with her and Dad now...

2 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 36

I had put a gag in Michelle's mouth and placed a blindfold on her. Lisa showed up and I was reading the paper and drinking coffee. I asked how she was and she said she was doing well. I asked what the plan was for today. "I'm not sure. I don't have a model and I'm not sure what we should work on." I said, "We can just walk around campus. The tennis courts are down the street. The basketball courts are over by the stadium. If you grab my camera from my room, I'll put my shoes on. She...

3 years ago
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My Fat Pig sister

My sister went out with her girlfriends for her 21st birthday. She was having a fun time, drinking, flaunting her huge 38DD tits around. Her boyfriend of two years was out with them as well, but was somewhat of a tool. My sister would get lost in the crowd and dance and flirt with other guys. She loved the attention her big fat tits were getting her, and she wasn't afraid to use them for free drinks. As the night started to whine down, my sister was pretty drunk at this time, and was walking...

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