Leap Of FaithChapter 3 free porn video

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The Rookie – Occupied city center, six hours after drop.

The distinctive sound of a Phantom soaring by overhead greeted the Rookie as he opened his eyes groggily, his head pounding as he looked around the interior of his battered pod. It took him a moment to remember where he was, and what had happened, the memories coming flooding back to him. The slip-space rupture, the crash ... where was the rest of his squad? The monitors and readouts were all either too damaged to make out, or hissing with static, and his comms were completely shot.

Through the cracked glass of his canopy, he could see the street a good distance below him. He was high off the ground, had his drop pod somehow embedded itself into the side of a building? He was almost afraid to move lest he dislodge it. He needed to get clear of the crashed pod as soon as possible, both because it would draw the Covenant to him, and because he wasn’t sure that he would survive a second fall. There was a worrying creak as he tried the manual release on the door, finding that it was jammed shut.

He reached out and armed the explosive bolts that were spaced about the inside of his pod, initiating an emergency hatch release. There was a hiss of escaping air, and then the door blew away with a bang, the force of the ejection sending it careening away to land on the hood of a derelict police car on the road below. The Rookie fumbled for his SMG, finding it mercifully intact, and then peered down at the sheer drop beneath him.

As he had suspected, it seemed that the drop pod had ended up lodged into the side of one of New Mombasa’s buildings, suspending him high in the air. It was a miracle that he wasn’t painted all over the inside of his SOEIV, the chances are surviving a botched drop were slim to none.

The Rookie clutched his weapon in his hand, bracing himself for the jump. It was going to be rough, but there was no other way down...

He dropped from the wreck of his pod, the asphalt rushing up to meet him. He tried to roll when he impacted the ground, but it didn’t do much good, a damage warning flashing on his helmet’s HUD as he felt something give. The landing was hard, and he struggled to his feet, one of his legs almost buckling. Something felt ... wrong, broken, or maybe sprained.

For the first time, he took a good look at his environment, turning his helmeted head as he took in his surroundings. He had landed on a city street, it was impossible to estimate precisely where, and it was completely deserted. It was unnerving in a way, to see a metropolitan area that should be bustling with traffic and pedestrians as quiet as a grave, as if its inhabitants had just up and vanished.

Night had fallen, hours must have passed since the initial drop. The sky above him was overcast with dark, ominous clouds, the crack of distant thunder echoing. The empty streets were lit only by the eerie glow of the street lamps, the neon glare of electronic billboards, and the LED lights that helped drivers to make out road markings in the dark. He reached up and tapped at the side of his helmet, turning on VISR mode. The world around him took on a slightly brighter quality, his onboard computer outlining nearby objects in yellow, helping him navigate in the gloom. If he came across any friendlies, they would be outlined in green, while any enemies that the algorithm recognized would appear in red.

He could see plenty of cars, although their drivers were nowhere to be found. The vehicles had been abandoned, their doors left ajar, some of their engines still idling as if the occupants had fled them in a panic. There were police vehicles too, their flashing lights illuminating the area around them. Some of the cars were billowing plumes of dark smoke, and it looked as though the emergency barricades that rose from the street had been erected in some places, perhaps in a futile attempt to control panicked drivers or to impede the progress of the Covenant.

He stumbled along, keeping a careful eye out for signs of the enemy. As he made his way past the burnt-out wreckage of a bus, he wondered what had happened to its occupants. It was difficult to ascertain whether there had been fighting here or not. There were wrecked and abandoned vehicles everywhere, litter and debris all over the street, but he couldn’t see any bodies or any telltale signs of a gunfight. The damage might well have been caused by the slip-space rupture. Even miles from the epicenter of the explosion, the blast wave would have ripped through the city streets like a tornado.

The Rookie winced as he put weight on his injured leg, the pain making him dizzy. He shuffled over to a nearby public bench, leaning on it as he caught his breath. Right now, he had more to worry about than the Covenant. First, he needed to find a health kit, or maybe a can of biofoam so that he could patch himself up. After that, he needed to figure out where the hell in New Mombasa he was, and where he needed to be. He wouldn’t get anything done if he was wandering aimlessly with a busted leg, he needed to meet up with his squad.

There had to be a first-aid station around here somewhere, they were all over the place in most cities, self-serve kiosks that dispensed medkits. He limped along for a few minutes longer, taking in the devastation around him. Even if he couldn’t determine whether there had been fighting in this area of the city, the smoke that rose into the cloudy sky, and the glow of fires on the horizon told him that not all areas of New Mombasa had been so lucky. There were pieces of jagged metal resting atop some of the buildings and blocking areas of the street. Could they be fragments from the orbital elevator?

“Need immediate medical assistance? Choose Optican!”

The Rookie almost jumped out of his skin as the robotic voice blared, and he turned his head to see one of the kiosks that he had been searching for. He hobbled over to it, the company’s logo flashing on the built-in monitors. There were two health kits in sockets on the front of the machine, and he snatched one, sitting down beside the kiosk as he opened the container and disgorged its contents onto the ground. He had expected to see a green canister of biofoam that resembled a grenade, a stitch kit, adhesive dressings, and a few doses of painkillers. Instead, there was only a transparent packet of what looked like green gel. He turned it over in his hands, reading off the label and the included instructions. It was ‘MediGel’, some kind of proprietary alternative to biofoam that was produced by the company that operated the kiosks. The instructions said that it had to be applied locally.

The Rookie removed his boot gingerly and detached his shinguard, rolling up the leg of his BDU to inspect the damage. His ankle was already red and swollen, even the gentle breeze that was blowing the dust and litter felt like a thousand tiny knives against the tender flesh. He tore open the packet and began to rub the gluey gel on the swelling, wincing as a jolt of pain shot through him.

The MediGel was already doing its work, however. It must include a local anesthetic because the skin was quickly going numb, and it was pleasantly cool. He applied more of it, leaning back against the wall and breathing a sigh of relief. There was no way for him to know if his ankle was broken, but he could still move his toes, and the gel was taking the edge off the pain.

After waiting a few minutes for the painkiller to do its job, he put his gear back on and rose to his feet, noting that he could walk well enough. It didn’t hurt too much anymore, the sharp pain had been replaced with a dull ache, and the swelling had already gone down considerably. He stashed the rest of the gel packet in his pocket and made his way out into the street. Time for step two...

There must be a terminal around here somewhere that would let him connect to the Superintendent, the dumb-AI that managed the city’s infrastructure, and download a map of the area. With that, he could start figuring out where he was and how to find his way back to friendly lines.

A flash of lightning illuminated the roiling clouds above him, followed by the far-off echo of thunder. As he looked up at the sky, droplets of rain began to fall, rolling down his visor. Great, just what he needed.

The Rookie set off along the street, dodging past traffic cones and bollards, his boots splashing in the growing puddles. The rain gave everything a shiny, slick quality, the bright neon of the city’s lights reflecting off the wet asphalt. He hugged the overhang of a nearby building, staying undercover, seeing the world through shades of yellow as his VISR picked out the details of derelict vehicles and palm trees that had lost most of their fronds in the blast. He leaned into the windows of nearby cars and chanced a look through the open doors of the buildings that he passed, searching for bodies or survivors, and finding neither. It was looking more and more like there had been a moderately successful evacuation, which was his hope.

A sudden splash of red gave him pause as he rounded a corner, and he took cover behind one of the ever-present planters, peering through the foliage of a shrub as the droplets of rain made its leaves bounce. His VISR was picking something up, and as he focused on the red outline, he recognized it.

Perhaps a hundred feet down the road was a Covenant patrol, the aliens emerging from behind an abandoned semi-trailer. There were three squat Grunts waddling along at the front of the group, he could make out the triangular shape of the methane tanks that they carried on their backs, and they were tailed by a hulking Brute.

The creature was nine feet tall, resembling a cross between a rhinoceros and a gorilla, the blue power armor that it wore glinting beneath the streetlamps. Between the ornate armored plates, and the rubbery underclothes that it was wearing beneath them, he could make out its skin. Its hide was tough and leathery like that of an elephant, grey in color, the creature shaved almost clean save for a scruffy beard that reminded him of a goatee that protruded beneath its helmet. Its tusk-like teeth jutted from between its thick lips, its face contorted into a perpetual snarl. It was broad-shouldered, with long, powerful arms that held a wicked looking weapon that was adorned with bayonet-like blades. The Rookie recognized it as a Spiker, a carbine that fired super-heated, metal nails.

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Pratyusha8217s Polygamy Village 8211 Part III

(Though this is a sequel to Pratyusha’s Polygamy village Parts I and II, it is not necessary to have read those parts to follow this. Pratyusha’s car had a breakdown in a deserted place, she finds a village which has a strange custom of women having 4,5 husbands and all living happily. She convinces husband and settles down in the village and marries 4 more men. Those stories were immensely liked by many ladies, probably because they might have found the concept exciting and the idea of being...

2 years ago
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Another Sissy Husband 3

This is the conclusion of the story. For it to make sense, you should read the first two parts prior to reading this one. All characters are a product of my imagination and any similarity to any person, real or fictional is purely coincidental. I wish to thank Ananabelle Brito for reviewing an making meaningful suggestions, most of which I have adopted to make the story more readable. She has a great website. If you haven't looked at it I suggest that you do. The link is Forced...

3 years ago
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Saturday Afternoon

He wakes spooning her with his nose buried in her hair, smelling the scent of her shampoo that lingers in her thick auburn curls. Inhaling deeply, he never tires of her. Raising his head to check the time, the room is oozing with the smell of their sex they had hours before. Her naked sexy ass blocks the view of the clock.Their small bedroom has touches of both of them. Pink replica Venetian masks adorn the wall above his katana. His homemade closet organizer is full of her shoes, jewelry, and...

4 years ago
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YBWL3 Chris vs Alex

YBWL-3 Hello! This is a story about young boys doing things that young boys probably ought to not do to each other. If you have no desire to read such a story, then please leave now. Otherwise, enjoy the very strange contents of my imagination. As you have figured out by now, I have very strange fetishes. The only way I can relieve them is through these stories. Let me know what you think in the comments- my account is periodically deleted for whatever reason and I enjoy hearing from those who...

2 years ago
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Rose Garden

Warning! Story contains lots of references to anal prolapsing! So if this is not your cup of tea, then do click away now - I don't want to offend anyone. Otherwise read on and - hopefully! - enjoy..For Jeni - in case she decides to take up gardening..The call had come out of the blue. "Hi Jeni" the caller had said. The voice was strangely familiar. "It's Tori. We met the other week at the, er, pool party?" You gasped. Although the event had been a fortnight ago, the events had left a searing...

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3rd Street movie theater

Here I am...at a theater that was once just a regular movie theater that we all used to go to when we were young in this city. But times have changed haven't they....but what was happening to me now in this theater I bet no one thought as much. I have been gone for over 5 years and things can change in this city very quickly....people can too.So what was happening to me you wonder at this moment of reflection to which will soon go to the way side when a very well dressed stranger slides his...

3 years ago
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Woman Type 2 Chapter One

Woman Type 2.Chapter OneThe year is 2050. Women through the years had gained more and more power. Jobs and tasks had become split and all the senior, high level and well paid jobs could only be done by women.It was now illegal for men to hold certain jobs. Men could only do menial work. Cleaning, building and maintenance works etc.This situation led to more and more single sex relationships with many leading women being lesbian.The rest of the women took male partners who were required to keep...

1 year ago
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My worries began slowly at first then speeded up - friends and workmates were settling into long term relationships in ever increasing numbers. If the trend continued I would soon be the only singleton left sitting at some sad singles bar. Saturday night and I was at home! - alone, feeling sorry for self, listening to Miyuu (what else?), researching; how do bisexual people cope in a long term relationship...all this while couples were sitting on sofas together and binge watching a...

1 year ago
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A night of pleasure

It all starts with me anxiously waiting for you to get home. I am hot and horny as I have ever been. I got a wonderful night planned for the both of us who knows it might be the three of us if the plan goes right. I begin to prepare for the night lighting candles all around the house and setting candles along the steps leading into the bedroom. Along the steps I lay rose petals and in a trail leading into the bedroom and onto the bed. I light the candles that are placed on the side table and...

2 years ago
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When Opposites Attract Chapter Two

Standing in front of Jason, Gracie draped her arms around his neck, he leaned down, resting his nose on hers. Kissing her softly, before speaking, "You're going to be an amazing mom, Gracie. I love you.""I love you too, and glad, even if it's too soon, to have your baby. I'm just worried about telling my parents, and your friendship with, Matt."Jason kissed her, letting her know he was there, that they would get through all the obstacles. He said, "Don't, I'll take care of it."They...

Love Stories
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Owens fist time

It all started one early morning practice when we were in the showers. I was in with him and was focusing all my attention on trying to not get an erection as he stood in front of me naked, his 7 inch long cock hanging between his legs. His penis wasn't extremely big, but it was perfectly shaped and had a nice soft looking head and blonde hair that he kept trimmed. That morning he caught me staring at it. I was terrified he would yell out into the locker room and tell everyone, but instead...

3 years ago
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With Coach in Her Motel Room

“We shouldn’t be doing this…” my soccer coach said with that strong, maternal, authority that made me want to fuck her even more. I felt safe with her, even though sex with her was forbidden and could get us both in trouble. I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anyone.“But, we both want to, Michelle. So much…” I touched her neck, letting my fingers trace the edge of her collared, coaches golf shirt, emblazoned with our team logo. Down between her breasts my fingers found their way until I...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Vanessa Cage Playing Bad Cop Good Whore

My Step Mom Vanessa is so pissed at me, she just got off the phone with my GF’s angry parents. Apparently my GF’s parents heard us fucking all last night and Vanessa just got an ear full about it, Vanessa thought I deserved to get an ear full too. She knows I need more then just a ear full and leaves the room, she returns to my room wearing her bad cop outfit for some serious discipline. Vanessa teaches me a real good lesson letting me fuck her tight pussy with my cock till I...

4 years ago
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Pas de Deux

This is a story of fiction. Any similarity to persons alive or dead and to institutions is coincidental. My thanks to Erik Thread for his invaluable advice. * CHAPTER ONE Many people had heard of Toni Berwick. She was the new sensation of the Ballet, a young dancer in the classic mode who was thrilling the critics with her poise and skills. Even I had heard of her. I did lift my eyes from the laboratory bench from time to time, a break from the constant research that absorbed me. In those...

2 years ago
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Come On You Girls

Come On You Girls By Aardvark The usual disclaimers about possibly offensive literature, although there isn't much to get offended about here except for a little straight sex. If anyone wishes to put this story on another site, contact me for permission first. *** Harriet walked into Dixie's a half hour before the start of the Everton-Sunderland match. The pub had history. Pictures of Everton teams going back a hundred years lined the walls, mutton-chopped and slick-haired...

3 years ago
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My Little Angel

My Little Angel Charlese Le’Push July 2010Characters:Jasper: 24 buzz cut short dark hair, square framed glasses, chiseled bodily features; medium build, thick built torso, strong thighs and legs, brown eyes; unassuming and outgoing.Angelica: 37 jet black hair; steel blue eyes; long legs; newly divorced self deprecating and shy.APOV Jasper and I were celebrating our first year together.Um uh…uh…. uh I groaned. My leg draped over his shoulder he slid in and out of my warm wet center while he...

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The Executioner

The noisy thunder storm brought me what I wanted, the reluctant girl. She came hurriedly into my room as the lightening flashed again and jumped into my bed and beneath my raised quilt before the thunder crashed. She huddled against me, hands over her ears, and I held her gently, enjoying the feel of her ripe body. She was a glorious blonde, the kind of young woman that could not pass men without garnering leering looks, the kind that made men whimper at night and brought young members up to...

4 years ago
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Such Good Friends Chap 10 Find Your Date

Chapter ten—Find Your Date Mark and Beth were invited to a special party by David, one of Mark’s football friends. A dozen or so other couples were invited¬¬¬. There were stories about David’s parties that were spread around school, that they were sexy and fun, and that only a few special friends were ever invited. Not knowing what the party was about but intrigued by the rumors, they accepted and made plans for the weekend. When the weekend finally rolled around, they had a nice...

3 years ago
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The Accidental Virgin

This story isn’t about losing my virginity. That happened a long time ago, hurt like hell and was humiliating. I was lucky to meet some very experienced, careful men after that. By the time I was 28 I was entirely comfortable with sex. I loved fucking and did it a lot with many different men. You might say I was a slut but I prefer thinking I was just a healthy young woman with a healthy body and a healthy libido. I developed quite a reputation actually. I loved seducing men; initiating the...

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