Leap of Faith Ch 03
- 3 years ago
- 27
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Nicole's slept fitfully, her dreams filled with confusing images of Rob and Sean. When she awoke, she felt the lingering sensation of arousal and her body tingled with unfulfilled desire. The dreams hovered at the edge of her periphery and continued to torment her with lustful pictures only half realised.
She lay in the dark, mulling over what happened in the kitchen. Despite what Sean had done to her, she felt incredibly guilty about kissing Rob. It felt like a betrayal although her body was still firmly convinced that it wasn't. Oh god, how was she going to face Rob again?
Restlessly she tossed and turned, all hope of a return to sleep continuing to elude her. Eventually the light began to filter through the curtains and she reluctantly climbed out from under the duvet and padded into the bathroom to use the toilet. There seemed very little point in staying in bed — she may as well go and make a cup of tea and get dressed.
Yawning heavily she walked out of the bathroom, rubbing her tired eyes and wishing she was still asleep. She jumped in shock when she met a hard wall of chest with a thud.
"Morning," said Rob with a half smile. His eye was purple and angry looking, the bruised lid still swollen.
Nicole was struck dumb, her head reeling with half remembered dreams and lust fuelled images.
"Hi," she managed to spit out, horribly aware of everything that had gone before and totally unable to look him in the eye.
"About last night..." said Rob carefully.
Nicole's heart fell at least ten miles with that well worn statement. It was a classic method of digging oneself out of a very big hole.
"Hey, it's okay — I know it didn't mean anything," she replied hurriedly. Wishing yesterday evening could be miraculously erased, she moved to pass Rob in a bid for escape.
He grasped her arm and held on tightly. "Well it meant something to me."
Nicole looked up, startled. This wasn't exactly what she expected to hear. She had assumed that Rob would be dashing round to try and make amends with Lizzie and she, Nicole, was just a ship passing in the night.
"Did it?" she said dumbly. Her heart thudded in her chest painfully.
"Yes," he said softly. He gazed at her intently, seeing the way her hair was mussed from sleep and how her cheeks still bore the crease marks from the pillow. She looked adorable; so sweet and vulnerable. She was everything Lizzie had never been and he knew it was about time he broke the habit of unhealthy relationships with psycho bitches from hell.
Before Nicole even realised what was happening, Rob dropped his lips to hers and kissed her softly. She sighed and opened her mouth to his questing tongue, subconsciously tilting her pelvis towards him in an unspoken invitation. It was an invite that did not go un-noticed by Rob.
He struggled to keep his passion in check. The last thing he wanted was to frighten her off. As yet he still didn't know exactly what she was running from, but Danni had hinted it was because of a man and he had no desire to do anything that might hurt her.
Her arms wrapped around his neck and he deepened the kiss, feeling how soft and responsive her body was against him. His cock was hard and he tried not to press against her. Oh god she felt wonderful. Not even his sore and swollen eye could put a dampener on this moment.
Suddenly his mobile rang loudly from the shelf by the telephone. He tried to ignore it, not wishing to interrupt the kiss with Nicole, but the ringing was all too insistent. The trouble was he had a nasty suspicion that he knew who caller might be.
Nicole pulled away, her eyes dark and her lips swollen. "Is that your phone?" she asked.
Rob rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I better answer it." He stepped away, still keeping hold of Nicole's hand. He grabbed the offending phone just as it rang off. The display said it was Lizzie and he frowned in annoyance. If that bitch thought he was going to come crawling around again, she had another thing coming.
"For god's sake — who the hell is ringing you at this time of the morning?" growled Danni as she swung open her bedroom door crossly. "It's barely six am!"
Rob abruptly dropped Nicole's hand and he turned away from her to face his sister. "It's only Lizzie — go back to bed, Danni."
Nicole felt her heart contract painfully. What a fool she was, she thought miserably. Rob and Lizzie would be back together before the end of the day so she may as well forget about him. He was clearly no better than all the rest, the bastard.
She dashed into the bathroom and locked the door while Danni grumbled at Rob because she had been woken up prematurely.
"Can't you switch your phone off like any normal person? You know I need my sleep!" she said crossly.
"I forgot okay! Anyway, it's not my fault you're so fucking ugly and seven hours sleep aint enough..."
"Oh piss off Roberto!" Danni only used his full name when she was really mad. He ducked as she tried to throw a punch at him. He had had more than enough of punches for one lifetime. As he turned he saw that Nicole had vanished into the bathroom and he inwardly cursed. Bloody Lizzie...
With his head beginning to ache, he decided to cut this spat short. "Quit it Danni — I said I was sorry for waking you up. I'm off out for a run so go back to bed and try and wake up in a better mood for all our sakes."
She glared at him venomously before slamming her bedroom door in his face with a bang. Rob took several deep breaths and went to pull his running gear on. He left the flat with half his brain still playing re-runs of the kiss with Nicole. He just hoped he hadn't blown it before it had even begun.
Nicole took her break and decided to sit out in the back yard with a cup of tea and the local paper. The sun was shining warmly and it was surprisingly pleasant for the time of year. Sipping her tea slowly, she scanned the 'accommodation offered' column near the back of the paper.
"Had enough of the arguments then?" asked Sue with a grin.
Nicole turned round in surprise; she hadn't realised Sue was there.
"Kind of," she replied cagily. It had more to do with Rob than anything else, but she could hardly tell Sue that.
"They always did fight like cat and dog. Danni has too much of a temper on her," said Sue with a wry grin. "But she has a heart of gold."
Nicole smiled and said, "Yeah, I know. I can't thank her enough for helping me out as she did. I don't know what I would've done without her..." Her voice trailed off as she relived that horrible bus journey. She shuddered despite the warmth of the spring sunshine.
Sue dropped down next to her on the step and lit a cigarette. "If you want to move out, I may know somewhere," she commented casually.
"A friend of mine is looking for a lodger. She's a little cantankerous at times, but she won't bother you all that much. You won't need to pay a bond either which I imagine might be awkward for you."
Nicole wasn't certain that it sounded all that great, but it had to be an improvement on the current arrangement of sleeping on Danni's sofa bed and being tortured by a man she couldn't have.
"That sounds fine to me," she said in a bright voice.
"Great, I'll have a word with Angela and let you know tomorrow - if she says yes, I'll take you round there for a look, okay?"
"Thanks, Sue, that's very kind of you."
Sue stubbed out her cigarette and stood up wearily. "See you back inside in five minutes," she smiled and disappeared back into the fray.
Nicole finished her cup of tea with her eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her face. She hoped that Danni didn't take offence when she told her she was planning on moving out. It wasn't as if she hated living there — it was just too uncomfortable in so many ways. No, moving out and finding other accommodation was the right thing to do. She had no great desire to watch Rob get back with Lizzie again.
"Nicole!" She heard Sue shouting her from the kitchen and she stood up, pouring the dregs of her tea onto the patch of weeds by the wall. It sounded like a coach load had just dropped in for cream teas all round — oh joy. Back to work...
Nicole followed Sue up an overgrown pathway to a large Victorian town house. It stood on a street with several others, all of them slightly faded and genteel looking. She felt like she had stepped back into another era and any moment now a horse and carriage was going to rumble past.
Sue's friend Angela had agreed to meet her and she was hopeful that the old woman would like her and therefore offer her a room as a lodger. Sue seemed to think it was a dead cert, but Nicole was less optimistic. Besides, she still hadn't broken the news to Danni yet and she was not looking forward to it. It felt like she was sticking two fingers up at her to be moving out so soon after everything her friend had done for her.
Luckily Danni and Rob had both been out when she nipped home after her shift in the café. She had managed to grab a shower, change into some clean clothes and dash back out again. The thought of seeing Rob made her stomach churn. She still felt a total idiot for kissing him this morning. She really should have known better after her recent experiences. Oh well, one day she might learn from her mistakes.
Sue rang the bell and from deep within the house a loud chiming sounded. They waited a while and Nicole began to wonder if maybe the old woman had gone out when the door creaked open to reveal a small stooped figure with a shock of blue-white hair.
Back at the beginnings of European history, before the great druids of old, back when Stonehenge and the other circles were being erected the power and civilizations of the dwarves were coming to an end. The civilizations of man were spreading and cultivating the wildernesses of Europe. Farms and villages were being carved out of the great forests that blanketed the continent and its surrounding islands. Eighteen hundred years before Christ walked the earth there lived a dwarf named Leapekin in...
The sound of voices penetrated the fog in Nicole’s mind. For a while she lay listening to the sounds around her, unable to differentiate between what was real and what was a dream. She felt strange, not herself at all. Her body felt immobile and slightly numb. Where was she? ‘I think she’s coming round.’ The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it. Slowly she opened her eyes, blinking at the bright lights in the room. The pale green walls swam in and out of focus, but gradually...
Nicole’s slept fitfully, her dreams filled with confusing images of Rob and Sean. When she awoke, she felt the lingering sensation of arousal and her body tingled with unfulfilled desire as the dreams hovered at the edge of her periphery and continued to torment her with lustful pictures only half realised. She lay in the dark, mulling over what had happened in the kitchen. Despite what Sean had done to her, she felt incredibly guilty about kissing Rob. It felt like a betrayal although her...
No sex in this chapter, folks – my characters need more time getting to know each other. The rest of the story is finished and will post imminently – let me know what you think! * * * Rain streaked down the windows in greasy rivulets, distorting the myriad of reflected lights. The bus trundled on, rumbling through the dirty streets and by-ways of the dreary town. Eventually the houses and factories gave way to endless fields and flat scrubland. It was featureless and grey – just like the rest...
The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6:30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round. Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to do...
So, when I was fifteen,I wondered into the Castro district, although I couldn't drink,I thought I would take a look around. People were really friendly....A curious pretty boy teenager...heh...go figure. There was a particular bar, with a sidewalk cafe where I was asked to join some really cute guys and they would get me drinks. I jumped at the chance to drink and act like an adult. They were very nice and kept telling me how beautiful my green eyes were. I stayed somewhat reserved........
Rob was stretched out on the settee watching television when he heard the faint knock on the front door. Scowling with irritation, he reluctantly hauled his body up and padded down the hall to see who the hell was here. It better not be that bloody annoying neighbour again, he thought venomously. She seemed to think any noise above the level of a whisper was grounds for complaint. With a sigh he pasted a plastic smile on his face and unlocked the door. The smile faltered slightly when he saw...
Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she'd decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day; thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight. The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was...
The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6.30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round. Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to...
The sound of voices penetrated the fog in her mind. For a while she lay listening to the sounds around her, unable to differentiate between what was real and what was a dream. She felt strange; not herself at all. Her body felt immobile and slightly numb. Where was she? "I think she's coming round." The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. Slowly she opened her eyes, blinking at the bright lights in the room. The pale green walls swam in and out of focus, but...
Rob jumped out of the truck and slammed the cab door shut. Pete waved cheerfully and drove off down the street, his music blaring out of the open window. Seagulls wheeled in the overcast sky above as Rob stood for a moment, his shoulders and arms aching from lifting heavy filing cabinets all morning. He had gone back to work this morning even though, ideally, he should have had more time off. His boss had pleaded with him to return, as they were short staffed. One of the other guys had gone...
The Rookie – Occupied city center, eleven hours after drop. Once they were done with their impromptu meal, the Rookie led Alba out onto the street again, following the route that was plotted on his map. They were finally nearing the city limits, and once they reached the freeway, they could hopefully follow it all the way out of New Mombasa. That was the plan, at least. They reached another one of the massive gates that blocked the street, this one had closed on a car, cutting it almost in...
Alba – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, eleven hours after slip-space rupture. Alba’s heart pounded in her chest, she could hear her blood rushing in her ears, she felt so ... alive! How long had it been since she had overcome such odds, since she had faced off against such a worthy foe in single combat? A Special Operations Sangheili, one of the most skilled soldiers in the Covenant, and she had bested him with a gravity hammer that her people would never have permitted her to wield under normal...
The Rookie – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, twelve hours after drop. The Rookie felt Alba’s dinner plate-sized hands close around his helmet, and she lifted it off slowly, the unnatural colors and outlines of his VISR replaced by her grey skin and her pink lips. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew what she was proposing, but he wasn’t sure why. Was it because they were probably going to die, or more because the previous fight had filled her with adrenaline that she needed to burn off? Either way, he...
The Rookie – ONI Orbital Facility, one month after drop. The Rookie opened his eyes as Alba nudged him with her elbow, raising his head from her lap as the door to the interrogation room slid open. Alba was sitting on the deck beside him, her legs crossed, while the rest of his squad waited around nearby. The Huragok was floating beside a table in the middle of the small room, toying with the optics package of an F-99 UAV, fascinated by its intricate machinery and electronics. When presented...
The Rookie – Sydney suburbs, eighteen months after drop. “Try to keep pace, tiny man,” Alba laughed. She was jogging a short distance ahead of the Rookie, easily outpacing him with her long strides. She liked to stay fit, Earth’s gravity was around half that of Doisac’s, and so she would start to lose muscle mass pretty quickly if she didn’t keep up with her exercise regimen. The Rookie was a military man, and he was no stranger to two-mile runs, but Alba was in a class of her own. They...
The Rookie – Occupied city center, six hours after drop. The distinctive sound of a Phantom soaring by overhead greeted the Rookie as he opened his eyes groggily, his head pounding as he looked around the interior of his battered pod. It took him a moment to remember where he was, and what had happened, the memories coming flooding back to him. The slip-space rupture, the crash ... where was the rest of his squad? The monitors and readouts were all either too damaged to make out, or hissing...
Alba – Occupied city center, seven hours after slip-space rupture. The rain was coming down hard, pouring off Alba’s armor in sheets, seeping beneath her helmet and making her short-cropped hair damp. It wasn’t doing much to lighten her already sour mood. They had been patrolling until sunset, and there had been no sign of Human resistance. The streets were empty, and the defenders were long gone. The Unggoy were pleased, but the Kig-yar were becoming even more restless than she was. They...
The Rookie – Occupied city center, eight hours after drop. The crack of thunder echoed through the empty streets as the Rookie pressed on, dodging beneath the cover of a bus stop for a moment as a Phantom passed by overhead, its searchlight scanning the ground below for signs of life. There were more and more of the ships clogging the skies, perhaps more of the Covenant fleet had jumped into orbit to reinforce their armies. He needed to get out of here, and fast. He hadn’t encountered any...
Alba – Occupied city center, eight hours after slip-space rupture. The Kig-yar snapped their jaws gleefully as the patrol emerged onto an open plaza, surrounded on all sides by native buildings wrought from glass and steel. There were fewer derelict vehicles here, it seemed to be reserved for pedestrians, and the ground was covered with regular patches of alien grass in places. The center of the open space was occupied by a group of Covenant and a deployable watchtower, there was enough room...
Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the shot while she was searching one of the cramped rooms in the Human structure, the telltale sound of a needle rifle echoing through the corridors. She rushed to the source of the gunshot as more followed it, her carbine at the ready. When she pushed her way through one of the narrow doorways, she found one of the Kig-yar firing out of a window that overlooked the street below, his fellow Jackals rushing to get into...
The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Rookie moved into the building, the waypoint on his HUD leading him towards the nearest stairwell. He checked his corners, sweeping his plasma rifle across open doorways and pockets of shadow. This place was still crawling with Covvies, but he didn’t have time to clear every room. He mounted the stairs, trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder, passing the first floor, and then emerging onto the second. A sudden screech from somewhere...
Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the scuffle as the remaining Jackal launched its ambush on the Imp, along with the squeal that informed her of its outcome. She readied her carbine, aiming the reticle at the shadowy stairwell down the corridor. There was only one way that the Imp could come, and the radioactive rounds from her carbine would punch straight through his jet-black armor with ease. His helmeted head emerged, but she hesitated once again as he...
The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Brute spoke. It opened its mouth, its breath misting his visor, its tusk-like teeth and its long tongue on display as he practically looked down its throat. Its voice was coarse and gravelly, but the deep contralto unmistakably feminine, the rumbling speech shaking his bones. There must be female Brutes, but he had never heard of such a thing. Its yellow eyes peered at him from beneath its blue, horned helmet, its features obscured by the...
Alba – Nehru Street Gym, ten hours after slip-space rupture. Alba sat beside a pile of discarded wrappers, wolfing down processed meat and bread. The Human portions were tiny, she had already gone through a dozen of the packaged food rations, and she still wasn’t satisfied. It didn’t hold a candle to eating fresh meat straight off the bone, but at least the only thing that they had slain in order to obtain this meal were the glass machines. The Imp had removed his helmet so that he could...
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I guess I should have been aware that our sex life was in trouble for a long time, but I guess I just never thought about it. My wife Joyce and I had been married for a little over twenty years and sure, for at least the past five years, or probably even more, our sex life was pretty much non-existent. The truth is that even before that period of time, maybe even from the time that we were first married, we'd go weeks, even months without having sex and when we did, I think that I knew that it...
By: Andrew Bonzua (a. k. a Andrew M. Bosnjak)The door was open, and she had seen him drive off. Surely he wouldhave a copy of his own books in his home! Why, she could slip in andtake a look, and leave again, and he would never know.She did not know why this idea slipped into her head. She would neverhave thought of such a thing, usually. But it was true: here was anopportunity to read the very works she had been so frustrated in tryingto find. A silly thing, to be unable to buy or borrow...
Things rested on the razor's edge after Daniel's death. The sponsors at the school wanted it to be over. After a mad flurry of test-drives, a lot of them had a full complement of concubines. My classmates urged me to complete my choices so the remaining sponsors would make their final selections. Most of the county stayed inside at night as Earth First and Pranay's playmates escalated hostilities even further. The difference between the two groups was in tactics. Earth Firsters killed...
(మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) యువ నా నోట్లో ఫౌంటెన్ చిమ్మేసేక, అది మింగి బాత్ రూం లో బ్రష్ చేసుకు వచ్చేను. ఎందుకో అతనికి తన జ్యూస్ టేస్ట్ చెయ్యడం ఇష్టంఉండదు. నేను యువ పక్కన పడుకుని, ముద్దు పెట్టుకుని, అతని నోట్లో నేను కార్చిన ద్రవాల్ని ఆత్రంగా జుర్రుకున్నాను. నాకు నా జ్యూస్ రుచి, వాసన అంటే చాలా ఇష్టం.పది, పదిహేను నిముషాలు నాకేక, టైం చూసుకుని, గాభరాగా లేచేను. “మై గాడ్, ఇంకా లేటుగా వెళ్తే మా నాన్న కాళ్ళు విరగ్గొడతాడు” అని బ్రా, పేంటీ వేసుకుని కుర్తా తీసుకోబోతూ ఆగేను. “డార్లింగ్, నీకు...
What’s up, you naughty little freak?! Are you getting tired of jacking off to the nastiest freaks the internet has to offer? Do you feel yourself becoming more desensitized to the totally unspeakable shit that was weird to get off to the first time? Sounds like you’re in need of some sexual healing, my friend! You’ve got two options: Get a girlfriend or tone down the intensity for a little while… one of these things is more likely to happen than the other. I think we both know which one!...
Premium Female Masturbation Porn SitesJust walking from my car to the front door through the hot, steamy July weather got me sweaty. As the door closed behind me, I reveled in the cooler air of the air-conditioned house. It was turning out to be a long, hot summer and the weather, my work, and just about everything else, were driving me crazy. To top it all off, I was spending the summer alone. My live-in girlfriend Dana, who should have been my release and relief, had taken off for a month or more on a work assignment. A...
First TimeThis is my story in a short form of how I became me a 22 year old black gay crossdresser. I've always had gay tendasies from as long as I can remember but at age 17 I met a guy who house I use to walk by after school and we would chat, after a while I told him about me and he said he always thought I would make a cute girl, now he was white and a bit older than me at 30. After a couple weeks he talked me into comming in his place said he had a present for me, well what it was several girl...
CrossdressingThanks everyone for feedback through email and comments for my previous stories. Ppl can send me feedback at This incident happened between me and my office colleague in Bangalore. We were in same team and used to like each other company but nth serious as she was married. We used to do leg pulling to each other. But we were knowing our limit too. Our manager was planning for Wonder La(Amusement Resort) team outing and whole team was very exited. But in last moment plan got canceled because of...
Sia Lust and her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, have gotten together in the past. Their fuck fest was supposed to be a secret, but Sia couldn’t stop herself from sharing with her best friend, Lily Larimar. When Nathan drops into Sia’s room to deliver her cell phone that she left lying around, Sia gives him a hug. Lily picks up on how awkward they are and asks if it’s because they boned down. Nathan and Sia are unhappy with Lily for talking about it, but Lily stays the course....
xmoviesforyou"I have to head over to Master Vanlo's office early this morning, Mistress," said Amanda. "He said he had a new task for me today, and it sounds important." Sirinna took one of the last pieces of fruit from their shared breakfast platter. She noted Amanda's lack of the usual enthusiasm. "Perhaps he wishes you to help him find out whatever went wrong with Master Vanlo's potion." Amanda realized that Sirinna likely intended this to be helpful, but it only exacerbated the pain she...