Leap Of FaithChapter 2 free porn video

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Nicole's slept fitfully, her dreams filled with confusing images of Rob and Sean. When she awoke, she felt the lingering sensation of arousal and her body tingled with unfulfilled desire. The dreams hovered at the edge of her periphery and continued to torment her with lustful pictures only half realised.

She lay in the dark, mulling over what happened in the kitchen. Despite what Sean had done to her, she felt incredibly guilty about kissing Rob. It felt like a betrayal although her body was still firmly convinced that it wasn't. Oh god, how was she going to face Rob again?

Restlessly she tossed and turned, all hope of a return to sleep continuing to elude her. Eventually the light began to filter through the curtains and she reluctantly climbed out from under the duvet and padded into the bathroom to use the toilet. There seemed very little point in staying in bed — she may as well go and make a cup of tea and get dressed.

Yawning heavily she walked out of the bathroom, rubbing her tired eyes and wishing she was still asleep. She jumped in shock when she met a hard wall of chest with a thud.

"Morning," said Rob with a half smile. His eye was purple and angry looking, the bruised lid still swollen.

Nicole was struck dumb, her head reeling with half remembered dreams and lust fuelled images.

"Hi," she managed to spit out, horribly aware of everything that had gone before and totally unable to look him in the eye.

"About last night..." said Rob carefully.

Nicole's heart fell at least ten miles with that well worn statement. It was a classic method of digging oneself out of a very big hole.

"Hey, it's okay — I know it didn't mean anything," she replied hurriedly. Wishing yesterday evening could be miraculously erased, she moved to pass Rob in a bid for escape.

He grasped her arm and held on tightly. "Well it meant something to me."

Nicole looked up, startled. This wasn't exactly what she expected to hear. She had assumed that Rob would be dashing round to try and make amends with Lizzie and she, Nicole, was just a ship passing in the night.

"Did it?" she said dumbly. Her heart thudded in her chest painfully.

"Yes," he said softly. He gazed at her intently, seeing the way her hair was mussed from sleep and how her cheeks still bore the crease marks from the pillow. She looked adorable; so sweet and vulnerable. She was everything Lizzie had never been and he knew it was about time he broke the habit of unhealthy relationships with psycho bitches from hell.

Before Nicole even realised what was happening, Rob dropped his lips to hers and kissed her softly. She sighed and opened her mouth to his questing tongue, subconsciously tilting her pelvis towards him in an unspoken invitation. It was an invite that did not go un-noticed by Rob.

He struggled to keep his passion in check. The last thing he wanted was to frighten her off. As yet he still didn't know exactly what she was running from, but Danni had hinted it was because of a man and he had no desire to do anything that might hurt her.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and he deepened the kiss, feeling how soft and responsive her body was against him. His cock was hard and he tried not to press against her. Oh god she felt wonderful. Not even his sore and swollen eye could put a dampener on this moment.

Suddenly his mobile rang loudly from the shelf by the telephone. He tried to ignore it, not wishing to interrupt the kiss with Nicole, but the ringing was all too insistent. The trouble was he had a nasty suspicion that he knew who caller might be.

Nicole pulled away, her eyes dark and her lips swollen. "Is that your phone?" she asked.

Rob rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I better answer it." He stepped away, still keeping hold of Nicole's hand. He grabbed the offending phone just as it rang off. The display said it was Lizzie and he frowned in annoyance. If that bitch thought he was going to come crawling around again, she had another thing coming.

"For god's sake — who the hell is ringing you at this time of the morning?" growled Danni as she swung open her bedroom door crossly. "It's barely six am!"

Rob abruptly dropped Nicole's hand and he turned away from her to face his sister. "It's only Lizzie — go back to bed, Danni."

Nicole felt her heart contract painfully. What a fool she was, she thought miserably. Rob and Lizzie would be back together before the end of the day so she may as well forget about him. He was clearly no better than all the rest, the bastard.

She dashed into the bathroom and locked the door while Danni grumbled at Rob because she had been woken up prematurely.

"Can't you switch your phone off like any normal person? You know I need my sleep!" she said crossly.

"I forgot okay! Anyway, it's not my fault you're so fucking ugly and seven hours sleep aint enough..."

"Oh piss off Roberto!" Danni only used his full name when she was really mad. He ducked as she tried to throw a punch at him. He had had more than enough of punches for one lifetime. As he turned he saw that Nicole had vanished into the bathroom and he inwardly cursed. Bloody Lizzie...

With his head beginning to ache, he decided to cut this spat short. "Quit it Danni — I said I was sorry for waking you up. I'm off out for a run so go back to bed and try and wake up in a better mood for all our sakes."

She glared at him venomously before slamming her bedroom door in his face with a bang. Rob took several deep breaths and went to pull his running gear on. He left the flat with half his brain still playing re-runs of the kiss with Nicole. He just hoped he hadn't blown it before it had even begun.

Nicole took her break and decided to sit out in the back yard with a cup of tea and the local paper. The sun was shining warmly and it was surprisingly pleasant for the time of year. Sipping her tea slowly, she scanned the 'accommodation offered' column near the back of the paper.

"Had enough of the arguments then?" asked Sue with a grin.

Nicole turned round in surprise; she hadn't realised Sue was there.

"Kind of," she replied cagily. It had more to do with Rob than anything else, but she could hardly tell Sue that.

"They always did fight like cat and dog. Danni has too much of a temper on her," said Sue with a wry grin. "But she has a heart of gold."

Nicole smiled and said, "Yeah, I know. I can't thank her enough for helping me out as she did. I don't know what I would've done without her..." Her voice trailed off as she relived that horrible bus journey. She shuddered despite the warmth of the spring sunshine.

Sue dropped down next to her on the step and lit a cigarette. "If you want to move out, I may know somewhere," she commented casually.


"A friend of mine is looking for a lodger. She's a little cantankerous at times, but she won't bother you all that much. You won't need to pay a bond either which I imagine might be awkward for you."

Nicole wasn't certain that it sounded all that great, but it had to be an improvement on the current arrangement of sleeping on Danni's sofa bed and being tortured by a man she couldn't have.

"That sounds fine to me," she said in a bright voice.

"Great, I'll have a word with Angela and let you know tomorrow - if she says yes, I'll take you round there for a look, okay?"

"Thanks, Sue, that's very kind of you."

Sue stubbed out her cigarette and stood up wearily. "See you back inside in five minutes," she smiled and disappeared back into the fray.

Nicole finished her cup of tea with her eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her face. She hoped that Danni didn't take offence when she told her she was planning on moving out. It wasn't as if she hated living there — it was just too uncomfortable in so many ways. No, moving out and finding other accommodation was the right thing to do. She had no great desire to watch Rob get back with Lizzie again.

"Nicole!" She heard Sue shouting her from the kitchen and she stood up, pouring the dregs of her tea onto the patch of weeds by the wall. It sounded like a coach load had just dropped in for cream teas all round — oh joy. Back to work...

Nicole followed Sue up an overgrown pathway to a large Victorian town house. It stood on a street with several others, all of them slightly faded and genteel looking. She felt like she had stepped back into another era and any moment now a horse and carriage was going to rumble past.

Sue's friend Angela had agreed to meet her and she was hopeful that the old woman would like her and therefore offer her a room as a lodger. Sue seemed to think it was a dead cert, but Nicole was less optimistic. Besides, she still hadn't broken the news to Danni yet and she was not looking forward to it. It felt like she was sticking two fingers up at her to be moving out so soon after everything her friend had done for her.

Luckily Danni and Rob had both been out when she nipped home after her shift in the café. She had managed to grab a shower, change into some clean clothes and dash back out again. The thought of seeing Rob made her stomach churn. She still felt a total idiot for kissing him this morning. She really should have known better after her recent experiences. Oh well, one day she might learn from her mistakes.

Sue rang the bell and from deep within the house a loud chiming sounded. They waited a while and Nicole began to wonder if maybe the old woman had gone out when the door creaked open to reveal a small stooped figure with a shock of blue-white hair.

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Her Life

Her Life ElrodW A mob hit man, who decides to go straight, is the intended victim of a hit. The hit goes wrong, and an innocent girl is killed my mistake. He feels guilty - if he hadn't been where he was, she wouldn't be in a coma in the hospital. He ducks another hit attempt, and finds himself in Madam Zelda's shop. She gives him a coin, which he is to hold in the girl's hand. The coin switches them - he's in her body, and...

2 years ago
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Wonrsquot You Be My Neighbor

Sitting alone, longing for my husband whom is way too far away and daydreaming of all the things I wanted him to do to me, I was bored and incredible horny. Glancing out of the window I saw the rain lashing down, I couldn’t help but feel relieved I didn’t have to go out. It was then I see him pulling up, my new neighbour that I’ve said hello to a few times but hadn’t really talked to, and a very good looking guy.He had been living next door for a few weeks when he came round to introduce...

3 years ago
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Forgotten underwear leads to new kink

With subzero temps having lasted for weeks at home, I decided to surprise my wife with a trip to a luxury all inclusive resort. I called her at her office that Friday afternoon, and told her when she got home to pack a bag, because we would be heading out for 5 days. She was ecstatic, as was I. When I got home from working a double, outside in the frigid temps, she was sitting there with her bag packed. "You didn't pack me a bag?" I teased her, and ran to our room to get my things together as...

3 years ago
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The Leather Anniversary Part 3

I felt a little bad when I turned my attentions back to Christina. After all, it was Sean’s anniversary too. Ah! Who am I kidding? Sean loved every second of his torment. Besides, I did all the work, all the planning. It was my time to reap the benefit. Not to mention, he had his go. It wasn’t my fault he didn’t take time to enjoy it. Actually, that was totally my fault. But it’s not my fault he can’t have multiple orgasms. Oh well! His loss was my gain. Christina was smiling from ear to ear...

3 years ago
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Letter From Zambia

Dear Expatdad, Thanks for your e-mails. Your experience and knowledge is not quite the same as mine, but you understand how things seem to happen in Africa that was never intended. I had been unemployed for nine months when the agency I was using rang to see if I was interested in an immediate appointment in Zambia. Providing I passed the interview we could be on a plane by the weekend. Before speaking to Paula I went down to the library to check out Zambia. Not a country I knew a great deal...

2 years ago
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Bete Ne Raat Mein Choda

Hello dosto, mera naam Nagma hai. Meri age 43 hai, aur main dikhne mein thodi moti hu. Mere boobs 36d” hai. Boobs mere gol-matol aur kaafi mote hai. Meri gaand ka size 38″ hai. Aksar is umar mein aake hum muslim aurate aisi hi moti ho jati hai. Apne pariwar ke baare mein aapko bata du. To mera ek beta hai, jiski umar 22 saal hai, aur uska naam Asim hai. Aur mere husband ki umar 50 saal hai. Mere husband ka apna business hua karta tha. Lekin unke nashe ki aadat ke chalte wo har jagah loss khaate...

3 years ago
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Fiona gets a job Chapter 4

Mr Walden, Roger, looked at me and laughed. “Oh honey you need to understand that men take time to recover. We can’t have multiple orgasms like women”. I was on a high and I wanted more. I realised that it wasn’t going to happen immediately. “Don’t worry Fiona” Roger said “let’s have a shower”. He took me into the bathroom and under the shower. He was kissing me and fondling my boobs. It felt so nice. I began to stroke his cock and it soon started to grow again. He moaned softly “you are so...

2 years ago
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Virgin Enjoying Matured Dick

Hi friends, It’s been some time since I wrote. I was just reminiscing a time when a few friends came over to stay with me for a week. It was a lovely time that we had. Just to bring you up with the story I am a 52 yr old with many friends. 5 ft 11 in tall and 86 kgs so you will know a bit of weight but not fat. A couple of years ago, while travelling met some tourists in their late twenties, who had come down to India. We became friends as we stayed for 3 days in the same hotel. We enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Claires Awakening 2 Claire Cleans up

Claire burst through the door; she couldn’t believe what had just happened. She had just had her first sexual encounter, and it had been with Scott. The class clown with a reputation for being a horny beast. Her head was spinning. The way he touched her had made her feel like a sexual goddess, but in her mind she felt like she was just an innocent little virgin. Leaving her dad to watch whichever lame TV show was on, she had skipped upstairs to do homework; but things weren’t exactly going to...

3 years ago
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ProeliatorChapter 22

The Romans did set up camp as we figured. They had more daylight to do it but there were a lot of wounded people to deal with too, not to mention the dead. Roman patrols had been sent out and they worked diligently to find any enemy but none were discovered. Most of the patrols retreated to their fort when it got dark but not all. There was a small hill that was our objective. It was near the maximum range of our weapons. The hill protected us from direct view of the camp. We made a fire to...

2 years ago
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After “coaxing” me into my first bisexual experience with a guy, Lacey finally kept her promise gave me my reward. She arranged a FFM threesome with her friend and co-worker Tiffany. Tiffany and I already knew each other and I was aware of their history. Tiffany and I spoke before meeting and arranged our own little surprise for Lacey. We met at Tiffany’s house. I arrived first with my bag of goodies. As we got ready, Tiffany kept asking me how Lacey got me to agree to let a man have his way...

2 years ago
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The Compound

Chapter 1IntroductionMy name is Brenna. I grew up in a small Midwest city with my father, stepmother and 3 older brothers. My mother died when I was 3 and my father remarried when I was 5. My stepmother was abusive, to put it mildly and I would make any excuse to get away from the house. I didn’t have many friends; no one wanted to spend time with the girl with the bruises.When I was 15 some new neighbors moved into our neighborhood. A father with 2 sons. The youngest son, Kurt was my age and...

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my dad and I

So one day my dad was gone so i broke intot his room anf found his weed and dildos and pocket pussys and porn. i knew he was going to be gone all day so i shoved one dildo up my ass pocket pussy on my dick and a dildo in my mouth. and started a porn movie. a few days later he left agina but i didnt know for how long but i did not care i was horny. i ran to his room and did the same thing just in the living room. he comes home but i didnt hear his car. he walks in i still dont hear him and he...

3 years ago
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RunChapter 25 The Long Haul

Chaster Haul didn't stop once on the trek across the Romanian hills in the bitter cold night. Tamara's legs were sore and shaky, her throat parched, her skin numb, her fear having largely given way to weariness and discomfort. At least he's not shooting at us... The man moved at a pace which was hard to follow, but he seemed determined to get somewhere specific, and even as the wind picked up and the snow began to trickle through the trees, Haul appeared undeterred and unaffected. After...

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Tricking Slut Sister

Tricking Twin Sister Note 1: Thanks to MAB7991 for his usual editing work and Goamz for a last minute edit check. Tricking Twin Sister When did the plan to fuck my twin sister formulate? In truth, ninety percent of my stroke fantasies were of my gorgeous, bitch sister; ninety percent of those were revenge fantasies where I made her my little slut. Although I am a nerd and hardly a ladies’ man, I have a sinister side. My fantasies range vastly on how I would make her my submissive little...

3 years ago
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First time naked resort part 3

Late afternoon, riding our bike around in Valalta naked resort... We were never at the Marina so we decided to have a look... We did not expect to find such beautiful boats in a private Marina in this naked resort, so that's a new dream: holiday naked on a boat and on top of it combining with a place where you don’t need to put clothes on when you go to land. After strolling and watching the nice small yachts with the naked sea-captains and their female sailors, we continued our way with the...

2 years ago
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Teacher Students share each other

After losing his wife to cancer, John had decided to start over, a new life in a new location, and had taken a job as science, biology, teacher country school. He had found a small cottage on an old estate to rent and seemed happy again. John was 38 years old and in good shape carrying his 180Lbs. on his 6”2” frame with ease. The first day of school was simple and rather easy, which put John at ease, and so he was very comfortable with the students. He had four classes of actual...

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