Leap Of FaithChapter 7 free porn video

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Rob jumped out of the truck and slammed the cab door shut. Pete waved cheerfully and drove off down the street, his music blaring out of the open window. Seagulls wheeled in the overcast sky above as Rob stood for a moment, his shoulders and arms aching from lifting heavy filing cabinets all morning.

He had gone back to work this morning even though, ideally, he should have had more time off. His boss had pleaded with him to return, as they were short staffed. One of the other guys had gone to a funeral somewhere up in Scotland and was unable to get back for a few days. With some unexpected new contracts, this left the other guys severely stretched. Rob felt he was not really in a position to say no. Besides, he needed the money now that Nicole was back with them and in no state to work for a few weeks.

His face lit up in a smile as he contemplated her living with him. It was going to work out just fine. Even Danni was being reasonably nice at the moment. She had actually made him a cup of tea last night when they returned from the hospital. For once there had been no barbed comments or jibes. He had been most surprised.

No doubt she'd be back on form soon enough. He kind of hoped so — Danni being nice was rather unsettling.

Glancing at his watch he saw time was running on. If he got his skates on he had time to go home and shower before making his way to the hospital to see Nicole again. That gave him all the motivation he needed to hurry down the street, back towards the flat.

Silence reigned when he unlocked the door. It seemed that Danni was out somewhere, although he knew not where. This was a good thing — it meant he could jump in the shower and head straight back out again with no distractions. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with Nicole. Hopefully she would be allowed out tomorrow or the next day.

Just as he was closing the door, a boot jammed it open. "Hey, lover!" Lizzie appeared from nowhere with a seductive smile painted on her face and a short denim skirt riding high on her stocking clad thighs.

"Lizzie," he said sharply, "What do you want?"

"Is that any way to talk to your lover?" she purred in a husky voice.

Rob found his eyes dragged down and he realised she had opened her jacket to reveal her naked breasts. He looked for a moment but found it was doing absolutely nothing for him. She simply had no effect on him any more. Weird huh.

"Don't do this, Lizzie," he said in a flat voice. "It's over and you know I'm with Nicole now."

Her face changed instantly. "No! I don't believe that you want that ugly bitch over me!"

"Well you'd better fucking believe it! We're through, Lizzie!" He tried to push her out of the door but she grabbed his sleeve.

"Rob, don't do this to us! You know I love you — I'm sorry for being a bitch." She began to cry pitifully and Rob felt a tiny sliver of sympathy melt his resolve. He would have done anything for her at one time. But she had killed it with her outrageous behaviour.

He knew damned well Nicole would never behave like that. She didn't feel the need to constantly test his love by flirting with other men all the time to make him jealous. Lizzie's love was a sick kind of love and he had had enough of it to last a lifetime. Now he just felt sorry for her.

"Don't cry, Lizzie," he pleaded helplessly. At this rate all the neighbours were going to opening their doors.

"I just wanted you back!" she sobbed hysterically. "I was so jealous when I saw you with her, I told Ryan's mates to go after you." She wiped her nose on the sleeve of her jacket and Rob tried to look away. "I didn't realise they'd do anything so dumb. I never meant for you to get hurt!" Her eyes pleaded for forgiveness as Rob stared at her in disbelief.

"It was you?" he said in horror. "You mean to tell me that you sent your brother's thugs after us? And this was meant to persuade me to have you back??" He looked at her like she was insane.

"I never asked them to hurt you!"

"And what about Nicole?" Rob asked angrily. "I assume you weren't all that bothered about what happened to her?"

"No, of course not!" Lizzie retorted. "She was just in the way." Her eyes flared with anger and Rob suddenly realised just how unstable she was. "I wanted to frighten her off — then you and I could be together again."

Oh lord, thought Rob with a sinking feeling. How in the hell was he going to deal with this situation? "Did you not consider that I might not WANT to be with you anymore?" he asked, wishing she would get the hell out of his life once and for all.

There was a discreet cough from behind them and they both turned to see DC Higgins stood on the stairs with a grave expression on his face.

"Mr Ravello, I came to have a word with you, but judging by the conversation I just heard, it's this young lady whom I need to talk to.

Rob watched as Lizzie's face turned a whiter shade of pale. He couldn't help feeling sorry for her. Despite everything, he didn't hate her. He had to believe she never intended to hurt them — the alternative was too scary.

"So it was Lizzie who was behind it all?" Nicole asked incredulously.

Rob nodded. He was still having trouble with it himself. DC Higgins had spoken to him half an hour ago and told him Lizzie had given them enough information to bring the two thugs in for questioning. He hadn't said if Lizzie would face any charges yet, but they were keeping her in for a while longer.

"But ... why?" Nicole felt relieved that the men had been identified. The thought of meeting them again had been something she'd been immensely frightened about. As horrible as it was, at least she knew why they had attacked them. Somehow it was slightly better than been targeted randomly. At least it explained a few things.

Not that it would help her leg to heal any faster. The doctor had been to see her earlier that morning. He'd explained that she would need to keep the plaster on for six to eight weeks because of the nature of the break. She could also kiss goodbye to her career in athletics. That had amused her no end — she hated running with a passion.

"Lizzie was jealous of you and she thought that if she could somehow scare you away, she would be able to have me back." Rob held her hand tightly and thanked his lucky stars Lizzie had not succeeded in her plan.

"She must think you're worth having!" Nicole grinned.

"Do you think I'm worth having?" he asked seriously. He wouldn't blame her if she decided to get out while she was still in one piece. Psycho ex girlfriends were hardly much fun to deal with.

"Yes, I do! Besides, who else is gonna wait on me hand and foot when I am allowed out tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow?" That was the best news he'd had all day and he grinned with delight.

"Yeah, the doctor says I can go home as long as I have somewhere to go to!"

"I can't wait to have to have you locked up in my bedroom and all to myself again!" He winked at her lewdly and she burst out laughing.

"Aren't you forgetting something??" she said pointing to the huge cast on her leg. "Might make things difficult, Romeo!"

"Where there's a will, there's a way..."

Nicole felt certain they'd find a way. In fact, she couldn't wait to start trying...

"This is ridiculous!" Nicole grumbled as she pulled her clothes from her bag. "I can't wear any of these now!"

"Oh stop complaining, woman!" Rob lay on the bed watching at her. "Clothes are highly over-rated in my opinion. I really don't have a problem with you living in your underwear..." He saw her look of outrage and struggled to keep a straight face.

"You're really not helping!" she fumed crossly. It was useless — none of her trousers would fit over the bulky cast and she was loath to cut them up. Yes, she could wear a skirt, but it was not really skirt weather at the moment. If it were the middle of summer she'd have been fine. Unfortunately it was only March and consequently it was freezing most of the time.

She sighed. "I'll just have to borrow your tracksuit trousers and chop one leg off."

"What??" he spluttered in indignation.

"You said you'd do anything for me..."

"Hmm, did I say that?"

"Well, I seem to recall you saying SOMETHING along those lines last night." She grinned cheekily.

"Yes, and that was around the time you had your lips wrapped round my cock, so I WOULD have said just about anything!"

Nicole rolled her eyes in disgust. "I should have known..."

Rob jumped off the bed to stand behind her. "You know I'll do anything for you. If you want me to chop one leg off every single pair of trousers I own, just so you can wear them, I promise I'd do it." He nuzzled her neck and felt her melt against him.

"That's okay. I'll just lounge around the flat in my knickers all day while you feed me grapes."

He laughed, "Sounds good to me, babe!" He slid his hands beneath her tee shirt towards her soft breasts and heard her sigh with pleasure. Already his cock was hard and aching, eager to sink into her deliciously willing body. She was like a drug - he couldn't get enough of her.

In the two days since she'd come home from the hospital, he'd been utterly unable to keep his hands off her delectable body. Right now he was itching to make love to her all over again.

"My leg aches," she muttered. "I need to lie down."

"Your wish is my command." He lifted her up and carefully placed her on the bed with her leg stretched out. It was none too elegant, but he didn't care. She still looked beautiful to him.

Nicole lay on her back, watching languidly as he pulled his shirt off to reveal a smooth, muscular chest. It never ceased to amaze her that he was so damned sexy. She felt her body responding to the visual picture he presented for her; tempting her with the knowledge that soon she'd be feeling that hard body deep inside hers.

He dropped down on the bed and began to lift her tee shirt up, kissing each portion of flesh revealed with a gentleness that further inflamed her desire. He seemed intent on teasing her as long as possible and it was infuriating! One muscular thigh pinned her leg down to prevent her moving too much whilst his hand found her breasts and began to stroke them.

She moaned with frustration and Rob forced himself not to smile. "Is there something you want, babe?" he asked innocently.

"Damn you!" she groaned with feeling as he bent to take a mouthful of breast in his mouth. He sucked and she grabbed the back of his head to pull him closer. "Oh god, that feels good," she breathed.

Her pussy was aching now and she pushed her own fingers inside her knickers to rub her flesh. "Impatient!" Rob laughed when he realised what she was doing. His fingers joined hers, lacing together as they slid through the wet folds of her sex, rubbing across her swollen clit.

His cock was protesting furiously at being confined within his jeans, but he ignored it. The tee shirt she was wearing bunched up around her upper body, allowing him easy access to her breasts while he played with her pussy. It was like being presented a banqueting table laden with delectable treats. All he wanted to do was gorge himself silly.

"Turn on your side," he asked her. She obeyed and he scooted up behind her, wrapping his body around the soft curve of her bottom. Her knickers were pulled down and he slipped his fingers back between her legs. She was so wet, practically dripping onto the sheets with arousal. The need to bury his cock inside her body was acute, but he forced himself to wait a little longer.

Nicole felt her body on the verge of cumming. His fingers played her like a virtuoso and he knew exactly how to tip her over the edge each and every time. One light pinch of her nipple as he increased the pressure on her clit was all it took. The room faded out as she came, pleasure crashing over her in waves of bliss. She faintly heard herself cry out but she was too lost in the sensations to care.

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This story is completely true and is based on events currently unfolding in my life. First, let me give you some background information before getting to the more juicy parts of the story.I have been going out with my girlfriend for nearly five years now. She is incredible in so many ways. I consider myself very lucky to have a girl who is as good to me and as pretty as she is.  Perhaps it’s good genes or just sheer luck, however each of the three females in her family are beautiful for...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Twist Part One

It was December 24th. I was traveling to my fiancé’s mother’s house for Christmas, a relaxing getaway from our busy city life. This was my first holiday with them and I wanted to make a good impression. I had briefly met Eric’s parents once, when they had ventured from their cozy Connecticut home to meet us for dinner about 6 months into our relationship, but this was a new challenge. Three days in one house would prove to be vastly different than one evening. In addition to his immediate...

2 years ago
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my wife of 18 years is still to this day a secret smoker, in more ways than one. even from the early days of courtship we have agreed that i was almost at the end of the line when cocks were being handed out. over the yours we have fantasized and had pillow talk about her taking at least one large cock with me in the room to watch and be teased. well shortly after we got married our fantasy came to fruition with a bit of a twist. we were on holiday in the states when it happened! my mrs would...

3 years ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 6

The airship flies high in the sky as it Elinore peeks over the edge, watching cautiously. She sighs as the ship sails over the water, anxious as they draw closer to their destination. All the while Bonny watches waiting for a moment to snatch away the armlet kept on her at almost all times. “Bonny!” Elinore yells out. “Is the bath ready?” “What?” “The bath? You never let me ready it so I was wondering if it was ready yet.” Bonny sighs. “Yes, the bath is ready. You can get in it whenever...

3 years ago
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Cedric the Accountant

CEDRIC THE ACCOUNTANT By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: none. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT Cedric Ashton-Stufmeyer-Jones was an accountant. Not just an accountant; in fact,...

3 years ago
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Unblocking Bettys drain

Last Sunday morning i was in the back garden doing some weeding and enjoying the sun when Betty the elderly widow who stays in the house behind mine saw me and asked if i knew anything about washing machines. As a bit of a handyman i agreed to nip over the fence and come and have a look at her washing machine which had stopped working.Once in Bettys kitchen i saw that the washing machine was stopped mid-cycle and so i started to investigate. I soon ascertained that the machine wasn't draining,...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl

I wasn’t wearing much. A semi-sheer pink top that hugged my upper body and left little doubt of the state of my nipples and a pair of matching panties that smelled of desire. A pair of brown kitten ears attached to a matching head band poked from the top of my blonde tresses and a pink collar, decorated with rhinestones circled my neck, a heart shaped tag engraved with the words "kitty" on one side and "property of Kay" on the other.I felt perfectly content, as I knelt at her feet, my cheek...

1 year ago
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Boodigo.com is a search engine that helps users cut the chase and go straight to the thick of the action when it comes to searching for adult entertainment material online. The site adopts a no-nonsense approach when it comes to finding you high-quality material in unbelievably high speeds and even better, blocks any results that looks threatening or remotely spammy.Whether you care to admit it or not, searching for porn online can be a pain in the ass. Sometimes it’s a long fucking process of...

Porn Search Engines
2 years ago
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A Tale Of Two Titties

Once upon a time in a tiny kingdom there lived a young man named Jack. Jack fancied himself a ladies' man. The local women didn't think so because Jack could be brash and insulting when he thought he was being witty. Not surprisingly, the fair sex avoided him as much as possible. One woman who couldn't avoid him was his landlady, a young widow with an infant child. She was in desperate need of the rent she charged her lodger and Jack did pay his rent on time. The problem was in the early...

1 year ago
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making a deal with a demon part 1

I had been trying for weeks to summon the demon. I guess I was doing something wrong. I opened my spell book to make sure I was saying the right words. That’s when thing started to get weird. My spell book was blank!“What in the hell happened to my spells!?”The whole book was empty. I had almost 100 spell in it they couldn’t just vanish off the paper. As I turned back to the first page I saw a word in large demonic hand writing. Stop! Stop what I thought to my self. But the book responded to my...

3 years ago
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Apni Behen Ko Choda

Hi friend I’m kabir from lucknow mai iss ka bohot purana reader ho aur mai ap logi ko apni behen k baare me bata do wo ek bohot sexy ladki hai uska figure 34 28 36 kisi bhi ladka ka lund bus yuhi khada ho jai …Mai kafi saal se stories padh raha ho.. Inhi stories ki wajah se 2016 dec mai mere saath bhi ek incidence hua jo mai aap logo ko sunane ja raha ho koi bhi aunty ya girl sex ya sex chat ya phone sex krna chahti ho to mujhe zarur mail full privecy k saath mai unko khush kronga .. So mai...

3 years ago
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Winning the Worlds

A field of golden grass. A tree at least a hundred times the size of anything you've seen before. A woman's voice. "You are chosen." This is everything our hero sees, hears, feels. "Take this gift." The woman appears. Her glows with an earthy green. Her eyes as dark as the forest but full of life and love. Her golden, sun-kissed skin shines with radiance. Her name resonates through your head. Gaia. Mother Nature. The goddess who created the earth and all life on it.

2 years ago
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BackscatterChapter 15 Show Time

Sixteen days later... Time: Sunday, July 20, 2053 3:44 AM, aboard M.N.S. Discovery Warrant Officer Megan Lopes left the ship's bridge and walked down to the small cabin she and Alvaro were sharing. He was asleep on their cot, already dressed for the day, and Megan decided to leave the lights off for a moment. She sat on the edge and gently petted his head, stroking his temple with her fingers. Alvaro sighed and opened his eyes. "Show time already?" Megan nodded her head. "Just about....

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Married Man

We are both in our mid-40s married for just a couple of years. Both have an extremely high sex drive. And both of us are willing to do almost anything to please each other! So this starts out by me the husband reading stories on Porn sites. I've recently became curious about prostate play. She seems willing to try anything to please me short of another person. So it all started with a date night with no kids for the evening. After nice dinner and a few cocktails we made our way back to the...

1 year ago
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Sex out on the patio

This is from a few years back but it's all true ......It was a beautiful Midwestern summers day and I decided to relax out on the patio in back of our house .  We have a U shaped ranch house with , pretty much , all glass sliding doors across the back and a private patio running the width of the house . Surrounded almost completely with six foot shrubs with only a walk thru opening at each end .I grabbed a beer and some swimming trunks and yelled to my wife that I was going out . The previous...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Fun With My Cousin

Hi, readers. This is Naresh, 23 old guy with average physic from Chennai. I am a regular reader of ISS and its gay stories. Before 2 years, I even dont know what is gay sex until I saw my cousin who is distant relation to me and happened to met him recently. He is very handsome and got very good body. Not too muscular but gym toned body. I was surprised to see him after a long time with a manly face and body. He came and hugged me and said that he missed me a lot. My parents asked me to show...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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GotMylf Sarah Vandella Fishnet Mylf Indulges In Filth

Most women you see wearing fishnet stockings might be labeled a slut, even if they are older and more refined. This statement can especially be found true for the exquisite Sarah Vandella. She is a stacked maternal figure that doesnt mind bearing all through some risque clothing. Her tactics might be described as instant boner material. She went into her backyard and was immediately intercepted by a young stud who wanted a piece of her mature ass. Sarah does not give her body up too easily...

3 years ago
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Beautiful StrangerChapter 3

Darrak Krun, still an impressive figure in his early forties, raised an agitated eyebrow at the nervous messenger standing before him. On the dais at the North end of his great hall, the lord of the Hai Krun had listened to the words from a throne made of the finest bone and deerskin without moving or speaking. His toe had not tapped impatiently against the cold stone tiles, nor had his hands tightened their grip against the leather arms of his chair. Yet the eyebrow had steadily risen above...

3 years ago
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Slutty Side Of My Mom

Hi, guys, it’s me additya here. This is my first indian sex story I’ve been reading iss for 2 years and now I wanted to share a weird thing that happened with me. This is my first story so please do drop a comment in my inbox you’ll find me on So, guys, I’m 20 years old and a gym freak and I have an average body and I’m much into mature women’s so any lady from Pune feel free to message me secrecy will be taken care of your identity. So do drop a message. So coming to the story it’s about my...

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Position of Trust

I love laundry day. Sure, it’s an easy job, as far as housework goes, and I have the uncanny ability of making a few loads seem like I’ve cleaned the whole house. Although the smirk my wife gives me every time I declare the family’s clothes to be clean makes me think she might be onto me. But more than anything, it’s the perfect excuse to get my hands on my stepdaughter’s dirty panties. Last Saturday began the same way as all the others of late. My wife, Liz, had taken our twelve year old...

2 years ago
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Home Schooling

I was in my home office, sitting at my desk in front of my computer, staring at the blank page trying to come up with an idea for my next story, when I my eyes focused on the empty section of the room where my bed and stereo used to sit. My mind began to wander back in time, nearly forty-five years ago, before I met the girl of my dreams who would eventually become my wife, to the time when I lost my innocence. My name is Jack. The year was 1967, just before the summer of love. America was...

1 year ago
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Not Your Average Jane

There I was; cockless in life until about ten minutes ago and now I had two. The karma in my life was taking a turn in the right direction. You get used to being overlooked. I mean you don’t like it but you pretend it doesn’t bother you. Some of the reasons for being perpetually overlooked belong to you and others are the perceptions of others. You are average height and not skinny or plump but you believe you don’t have that one feature that draws any guy’s eyes to look...

First Time

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