Leap Of Faith Ch. 03 free porn video

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Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she’d decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day, thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight.

The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was starkly beautiful. Tourists were few and far between with only the brave daring to venture out in the biting north wind. Nicole was oblivious. She walked along slowly, her shoulders hunched up tightly in a thick wool coat she’d picked up for a few pounds at a charity shop.

Her cheeks were pink from the cold and her hair blew in wild abandon around her shoulders. Every now and again she smiled to herself as a random memory skipped into her mind. Ever since last night she had been plagued with thoughts of Rob and it was seriously distracting.

Luckily Danni had not been at work today. Nicole couldn’t face her friend just yet. She wasn’t quite ready to share the gory details of the unexpected fling. Besides, Nicole wasn’t too sure what Danni would say when she told her that she’d had sex with Danni’s brother. It was too cringe worthy to contemplate at the moment.

She stood at the railings, staring unseeing at the curtain of rain moving across the stretch of churning grey sea. The sky was darkening ominously, but she was uncaring. The chocolate ice cream slid down her throat in a cold sweet trickle of flavour. It was delicious even though her hand was freezing from holding the cone.

‘You do realise that you’re about to get soaked?’ The voice behind her made her jump in shock. She hadn’t realised anyone was nearby. Spinning round with the ice cream momentarily forgotten, she smiled shyly.

Rob was standing there dressed in his running gear and smiling cheerfully, his thick blonde hair covered with a baseball cap.

‘I like the rain — it’s beautiful in a fundamental kinda way,’ she said slightly defiantly. She knew it made her sound a little weird, but she didn’t care — it was true. She had always loved rain and storms. Kate had been frightened of thunder, but Nicole had often watched the lightning streak across the sky in enraptured delight.

‘Right…so does this mean you like to frolic naked in the rain too?’ Rob asked, trying to stop laughing.

‘Oh very funny!’ Nicole glared at him and turned away huffily.

‘Shame…I like getting naked in the rain. I was just about to rejoice thinking I’d found a soul-mate!’

Nicole giggled despite herself. ‘Stop taking the piss out of me,’ she grumbled in helpless amusement.

‘I’m not taking the piss. But I am waiting for a nibble of your ice cream. Are you gonna share?’

Reluctantly she offered him her cone and watched as he took a huge bite out of the remaining ice cream. He passed it back and grinned. ‘God that’s cold!’

‘Yep, I find ice cream usually is!’ Her sarcasm wasn’t lost on Rob and he stuck his tongue out in response.

Thick drops of rain began to fall from the leaden sky and Rob grabbed her hand hurriedly. ‘Quick!’ he yelled above the roar of the wind that had suddenly picked up momentum. ‘We’re gonna get drenched if we don’t move.’

He pulled her along the deserted promenade and into one of the ornate Victorian shelters that were situated at intervals along the walkway. It was hardly warm in there, but at least they were out of the pouring rain and sheltered from the biting wind.

Moving into the farthest corner, he sat down on the scratched wooden seat and pulled her onto his lap with a smile. ‘That’s better,’ he commented. ‘You’re nice and warm!’

Well I’m dressed for the weather — unlike you!’ she chided softly, enjoying the feel of his hard body against hers, even through the thick coat she wore. Heat began to surge through her veins like warm molasses while she nibbled on the remains of the cone and her other arm snaked round his neck.

‘Hmm…well, I figured I could manage to get home before the rain came. I was wrong! Running in the pouring rain is no damn fun. However…this is!’ He winked at her and she grinned back conspiratorially. It felt like they were cocooned in their own private world.

Nicole ate the last mouthful of cone as the rain hammered down on the wrought iron roof like a clatter of pebbles. Rob pulled her closer into his arms and she sighed happily.

‘About last night…’ he said softly.

Nicole immediately tensed up. Was he going to say he regretted it? Or worse — was he about to tell her he was getting back with Lizzie and could they forget all about last night?

‘Yes?’ said Nicole warily, arranging her features into what she hoped was a neutral look.

‘Hey, stop glaring at me like I’m about to say something terrible!’ he scolded. ‘What I was ABOUT to say was, I really enjoyed last night and I hope it won’t be the last time…’

And he meant it. He had thought about nothing else since the moment they had parted last night. He was smitten and he was actually feeling slightly overwhelmed by the strength of his emotional reaction. It was not like him at all. Women came and went and usually made little impact on him. Lizzie had been the exception to the rule, but mostly because she wound him up so damn much.

Nicole melted into a warm puddle as she heard the words. ‘Really?’ she asked hesitantly, still not quite daring to believe he meant it.

‘Yes — really!’ he grinned. ‘Now would be good for me, but it is kinda cold, so I’m prepared to wait a little longer. Would tonight be okay for you?’ He winked lecherously and she burst out laughing helplessly.

‘I’m starting to think you’re only after my body,’ she said with a mock frown.

‘Well it is a very sexy body…’ He slid his hand inside her coat and squeezed her breast. Her nipple hardened instantly and she sucked in a sharp breath. Arousal was a heart beat away and she felt the subtle ache begin to throb between her legs once again.

‘Is it?’ she said, looking for some reassurance.

‘Oh yes — very sexy…’ He pulled her head down and kissed her, his lips chilled but his tongue warm as it slipped into her mouth and tasted her flavour.

Nicole wriggled slightly, trying to get closer to him and was rewarded with a low groan. She could feel the hard ridge of his erection through the thin fabric of his tracksuit bottoms and she felt a sense of feminine power knowing she had such an incendiary effect on him.

An exploratory hand delved beneath her jumper and found the warm flesh of her breast. She moaned into his mouth, wanting more than the superficial caress. A slow burning heat warmed her skin and despite the chill of the air she could feel her body temperature rising swiftly. Her coat opened and parted, allowing Rob to gain further access to her body.

She slid her own hand inside his zipped top, feeling the taut muscles of his chest and the hard nubs of his nipples. Tweaking one she was rewarded with a hiss and he nipped her lip lightly.

‘Careful,’ he muttered. ‘Don’t start something you can’t finish.’

She laughed lightly. ‘Who says I can’t finish it?’ she grinned naughtily. ‘There’s nobody else here…’

‘Witch!’ he groaned when she reached down and rubbed his cock through his trousers. He felt deliciously hard and for a moment she entertained a vision of releasing his cock and taking the swollen head in her mouth, licking and sucking gently.

He deepened their kiss and reached inside her bra, rubbing his thumb across the crest of her nipple. Nicole was rapidly losing any sense of time and place, all her concentration was centred on the feelings he was invoking. Her pussy ached and she could feel the creamy moisture soaking her knickers.

The sounds of chattering made them
hurriedly remove their hands from each other’s clothing. Nicole half turned and realised that the rain had ceased and two elderly ladies were about to enter the shelter for a rest. She went to jump off Rob’s knee when he stopped her.

‘Give me a minute,’ he warned ruefully.

For a second she didn’t understand what he meant, then the realisation dawned and she blushed slightly. He buttoned her coat up and when they had recovered slightly, Nicole carefully stood up.

The two women looked at them curiously for a moment, knowing smiles on their wizened faces. Then they returned to discussing their families and paid no more attention to the couple. Nicole hurried outside, still feeling embarrassed at being caught canoodling in a shelter. It made her feel like a teenager again.

The sky was streaked with blue once more and the black clouds had been replaced with fluffy white ones, billowing across the bay. Everything sparkled in the sunlight, gleaming with tiny jewels of delicate colour.

‘I need to go — I have to finish my run. Wanna do something tonight?’ Rob asked, placing his hands on her waist.

‘What did you have in mind?’ she smirked

He chuckled. ‘Hmm don’t tempt me! But let’s start with a drink okay?’

‘Okay…’ Nicole could feel the giddiness threatening to burst out of her like a sherbet bomb. She wondered if it was illegal to feel this good on a wet Wednesday afternoon.

‘Great! I’ll pick you up at about eight o’clock and we’ll see where the evening takes us. Gotta go.’ He kissed her hard and was gone. Nicole stood for a while, watching him running down the promenade until he was a tiny speck in the distance. The sun felt warm on her back and she felt tiny slivers of excitement curling inside her belly at the thought of seeing him later.

* * *

They found a table in a quiet pub near the sea front. It wasn’t one of Rob’s usual haunts as he felt it would be prudent to avoid anywhere Lizzie might be drinking. The last thing he wanted was a hysterical scene. Even though he had told her it was over, he just knew that she would go ballistic if she thought she had been dumped for another woman. He didn’t want to inflict any trouble on Nicole. She had had enough of that to last a lifetime.

‘So are you gonna tell me what brought you to our scenic town?’ he asked cautiously as the sat in a small booth, his arm resting lightly across her shoulders.

Nicole went silent. She wasn’t too sure about raking it all up again. In the last couple of days much of the pain had finally been laid to rest in her head. It seemed like she would be tempting fate if she mentioned it out loud — like a horrible curse being invoked when the dreaded words were spoken.

But then she thought about it — if they were to have any kind of relationship, everything needed to be out in the open. She had to be honest with him.

‘My ex cheated on me,’ she said quietly. ‘I caught him in bed with my sister — so I left.’ She tensed up expecting the familiar pain to shoot through her midsection, but to her surprise she found it didn’t hurt quite so much any more. It was like looking at a sepia tinted photo — it felt less real somehow.

Rob winced at the confession. He could barely imagine the agony of betrayal and hurt she must have suffered.

‘I’m so sorry,’ he said sincerely. ‘That’s a terrible thing to happen to anyone, especially when it was your sister involved.’

‘Thanks…’ Nicole looked up at him and smiled faintly. ‘I’m over it now,’ she said firmly. ‘Well…mostly anyway.’

The raucous laughter and loud music emanating from the jukebox in the corner faded into the distance. Nicole felt like the room had shrunk until there was only the two of them in it. She looked into his eyes and saw her own sadness reflected back at her. She just hoped he wouldn’t hurt her too.

‘Have you heard from them since?’ Rob asked, his hand squeezing hers lightly.

‘Nope. They won’t know where to find me — I didn’t exactly leave a forwarding address. It was all a mess when I left.’ She silently recalled the blinding rush from the house and the subsequent bus ride to nowhere. She had been too shocked and upset to consider anything that night, least of all writing a farewell note with a proposed destination.

‘What about your parents? Do they know where you are?’

‘Dad died when I was twelve and my mum remarried a year later. I didn’t get on with her new husband and once I left home, I didn’t really have much to do with them. Kate talks to them more frequently, but I’m not sure if she’d have told mum about this.’

No, thought Rob grimly, she probably wouldn’t have had the nerve.

‘Where did you come from anyway?’ he asked, realising that he knew very little about her life before she arrived here.

‘I’m from Harchester. Not all that far really, but it seems a million miles away now. Sean and I had a flat above the pub his parents owned. He worked there and I was going to college…’

She stopped and stared into the middle distance. What a waste of a year that had been. All her grand plans for setting up a children’s nursery had bitten the dust the evening she did a runner. She doubted she’d get another college place now. Besides, she would have to pay the course fees and there was no way on earth she could afford it.

‘Which pub was it? I’ve had a few nights out there in my time. My mates and I used to have a band and we played all over for a year or so. ‘Till Sam left and we had no lead singer!’

‘The Golden Fleece in the market square.’

‘Oh yeah, I know it,’ he said. He seemed to recall being thrown out of a pub with that name in the dim and distant past. ‘Mock Tudor façade with traditional décor?’

‘Yeah that’s the one. Nicotine stained ceilings and stuffed animals hanging off the walls…’

Rob laughed. ‘Not exactly a ‘fun pub’ was it!’

‘Err…no!’ she giggled.

‘Sounds like many a pub our band played in…’ He began to tell her all about the ill-fated rock band in which he had played bass guitar, while she listened with amusement.

Before they knew it the landlord was calling last orders. Nicole was surprised to realise it was so late, it felt like they had only just sat down with their drinks.

‘Your place or mine?’ asked Rob with a faint grin before he drank the remainder of his pint.

‘Oh I don’t do sex until the third date…’ Nicole sighed regretfully.

He nearly choked on the beer. ‘Funny!’

‘I would rather we go back to mine if that’s okay. I’m kinda uncomfortable about Danni knowing just yet. My landlady will be in bed, so as long as we are quiet there shouldn’t be a problem.’

‘Do you think you can manage to be quiet?’ Rob smirked, his hand on her thigh teasingly.

Nicole felt her cheeks growing warm and she inwardly cursed him. ‘Shut it or I’ll revoke my invitation!’ she warned.

He smiled and pulled her close in the relative privacy of the booth they were sat in. ‘No you won’t,’ he said softly before kissing her.

No, she thought, I couldn’t even if I tried…

* * *

The house was shrouded in darkness when they crept up the back pathway to the side door. Angela had given Nicole a key and explained that it would be less intrusive if she came and went via that entrance. It led through the utility and allowed Nicole to access her attic room via a back staircase so she wouldn’t disturb Angela if she came in late. It was ideal as they both had some privacy that way.

Nicole wasn’t so sure if Angela would approve of her bringing a man back. She hadn’t expressly said ‘no men’, but nor had she said it was okay. In the absence of clear instructions Nicole decided to take a chance. If the worst happened and Angela caught them, she would just have to plead ignorance. She could always move back in with Rob and Danni if she was unceremoniously evicted.

They climbed the creaky stairs gingerly, t
rying not to giggle at the ludicrousness of creeping about like teenagers attempting to slip unnoticed into the house after curfew. The house was pitch-black and Rob banged his ankle on the skirting board when they reached the first landing.

He let out a muffled yelp and Nicole froze. ‘Shush!’ she hissed.

Rob rubbed the sore bone and limped after her slowly. His eyes gradually began to adjust to the darkness and he could just about make out the elegant décor. It appeared to be a beautiful house and he was impressed at Nicole’s good fortune. It was clearly much nicer than the flat he was currently sharing with Danni.

They climbed the second staircase and reached Nicole’s bedroom. Once inside she shut the door firmly and padded over to the chest by the window. There were several candles placed there from her shopping trip earlier. Striking a match, she lit them and smiled as a warm glow stole over the room sending purple shadows retreating into the corners.

‘Nice room,’ Rob commented as he took a good look around. It was far superior to his cramped bedroom. In fact it was almost as large as their entire flat. The room stretched the length of the building and had obviously been knocked through from several smaller rooms at some point in the past. A door at the far end led off into what appeared to be an en-suite bathroom.

‘Yep, I like it,’ Nicole replied. She walked over to the window and pulled the blind up. Silvery light flooded the room and painted her figure in a ghostly aura. For a while she stared out at the night sky, looking for the constellations she recognised. It was a way of delaying the inevitable.

She was scared of her attraction to this man.

Last night had happened so fast she had had little time to consider the consequences. Now, here, in this room, she had a choice. As much as she wanted him, she was unsure of whether she was doing the right thing. All her confidence had seeped away between the cracks in the floorboards and she was wavering.

‘Nicole…’ Rob called softly. He could see the tension etched in her body and he sensed the conflict in her head. Given everything she had told him, he was not surprised. It was going to take a huge leap of faith to trust him after the way she had been treated.

She continued to stare out of the window, refusing to turn round. Her heart was pounding and she almost didn’t hear him when he crept up behind her and snaked his arms around her waist.

‘You okay?’

‘I think so…’ She took a deep breath in an attempt to quell her trembling body.

‘Relax, Nicole, I’m not going to hurt you.’

‘I want to believe you, but it’s hard.’ She exhaled slowly.

Rob nuzzled her neck and inhaled the warm scent of her fragrant skin. Soft notes of vanilla mingled with Nicole’s musky perfume. He could feel himself responding to her close proximity and he tried valiantly to control his passion. She needed time.

He stayed behind her as they both gazed up at the star strewn sky. The curve of her bottom fit snugly in the cradle of his hips, almost like they had been made for each other. His arms wrapped around her waist and he rested his chin on the top of her head comfortably.

Slowly she relaxed against him, the tension and fear slipping away into the night air. She could feel the hardness of him and it reminded her why they were here. Now she had had a little time to get used to the idea again, her growing arousal vanquished her doubts. The heat began to rise and the blood pumped round her body like hot lava seeping through a volcanic fissure.

Her breasts strained against the fabric of her thin sweater and she felt Rob’s hands slowly creeping upwards. Part of her still resisted the need for pleasure and release, but she pushed the nagging voices from her head and allowed her body’s demands to take over. Her arms fell to the sides of her body and she arched her back against his firm chest.

Sensing her capitulation, Rob reached up to cup her breasts with both hands. She sighed with pleasure as he rubbed his thumbs across the taut peaks straining against the constriction of her bra. A light sweat broke out all over her skin and she moved restlessly, eager for his hands to make more intimate contact with her body.

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If anyone wishes to archive this story, please contact me. Altered Fates: Faith By Morpheus It was late in the afternoon, and Father Christopher wiped the sweat from his brow, and straightened his collar. Opening his bible, he started reading aloud to the several homeless people standing around. Some of them listened intently, while others ignored him, focusing instead on the blankets and food that he'd brought. As he finished, Father Christopher closed his bible, feeling...

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Jean Therapy Faith

I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I'd broken up with my girlfriend Kristi last week, after I'd found her cheating on me with my friend Eric. Perhaps I should make that ex-friend. I'd walked in on them banging on the same bed Kristi and I slept in when I came back from a trip a day early. Not a pretty scene, with lots of screaming and Eric comically trying to get his clothes and hightail it out of there before I strangled him. So on Friday I found myself in my local bar,...

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Red Ribbons and Faith

By Beagle9690 September 2021 A brief history; I grew up an Army brat, moving from place to place, and often lived in crappy government housing or cramped apartments. Moving from place to place was hard for making friends. I did excel in school, though. When I graduated high school, I left to be on my own clear across the country to the East Coast with a full scholarship. I was an emancipated seventeen, soon to be eighteen in two days, attending college as an English Major and working...

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In Bed With Faith

For the past four years, Dean raised his daughter, a blue eyed and blond person named Kerri, alone. One day four years prior, his wife left him and got a divorce after apparently suddenly realizing she was a lesbian. And in the four years since, neither he nor his daughter had heard from her. He dated from time to time, but nothing ever got too serious. But that didn't matter. Four years later his daughter turned eighteen, graduated high school, and was accepted into the college she had been...

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A Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith By Maggie the Kitten Debra watched as each of her children hugged their grandparents. Distance wise, the journey was thousands of light years, but thanks to wormhole technology, the shuttle would have them at their new home world in a matter of minutes. Crayton, their destination planet, was supposed to be very similar in environment to Earth, with a very friendly humanoid population, or so the scout teams had reported. The World Council stated that it was by far the...

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Faith A Short Story By Maryanne Peters My faith is the most important thing to me. It is now, as it was then. I gave my life to the Lord and it was my duty to spread his word and let his word inspire those who followed me. As pastor of a minor but dedicated flock, I had responsibility for a small group of men and women who looked up to me as an exemplar of a good, Christian life. The words of the Old Testament are clear: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is...

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Waiting for faith

Waiting for Faith by alexcarr © I live in a block of purpose built retirement flats. We have our own community gardens to keep us pensioners happy as well as a community room where we hold regular functions. Not being the social animal my aim was to settle for a quiet uneventful life, believing all things sexual were long gone. Except for the looking of course and I could always imagine how it was when I was young. But who was I kidding! You see, there are lots of lonely spinsters and...

4 years ago
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Summer Seductions Faith

Faith was the 40 year old wife of the local church pastor - he was much who is older than her by about 20 years. His mum had organized for Scott to deliver some bags of household items to the church for a needy family collection that Faith was running. She told him that his mother had offered to lend her an evening dress to wear at a conference dinner. He offered to take her back to his parents home to choose the dress, and invited Faith to ride there in his sports car - an offer that she...

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Teen Show Faith

Finn didn't bother knocking as he burst into his sister Gracie's room. She appeared to be watching television, but he put a dismissive hand up, already anticipating her outburst. Gracie: "Get out of here!" Finn: "Chill out, Gracie. I just need your phone charger, stop being so melodramatic." Grabbing the phone charger from her desk, Finn noticed Gracie sitting in front of her television. There was an old book open in front of her, as well as candles, a wooden board with some odd...

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Tempting Faith

***This story contains adult themes so you need to be 18 or over to continue. Location:- Scotland : Chapter 1. A Change for Faith. The Scottish spring had not yet yielded any hopeful signs of a break in the cold damp weather that it was famous for. The City of Edinburgh architecture was straining to cope with the rain, and gutter down pipes gushed water into the storm drains. The homeward bound city dwellers huddled under umbrellas, most of which showed some of the scars of the strong winds...

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At midnight a young man mid 20's, staggers out of a bar from the back side. He pulls his long brown hair back in a pony tail. He stands there looking up to the night sky. "God why did you take the only two things I love away from me". "I know you can hear me Kim I really miss you please hug and kiss are little girl for me. I can't believe it has been 5 years sense that fatal night. I miss you both so much Kim". He wipes the tears from his eyes. Leaning over He pukes hard all over the...

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DominionChapter 15 The Weapon of Faith

Lights were scattered throughout the labyrinth like stars, just bright enough to scavenge for supplies while leaving faces masked by darkness. However, much of the labyrinth was pitch black, a death sentence for those who lost their way without a light. There were also sources of running water scattered about to help prevent mass death by dehydration, but were exceptionally hard to find. To actually get one’s bearings was quite impossible, the winding passages tangled together like a mountain...

3 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 7

The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Rookie crept through an automatic door and emerged into what looked like a courtyard, surrounded on all sides by buildings, a garden area with trees and grass occupying the center. The sky above was still overcast, the rain coming down heavy, a vaguely blue glow still lingering in the air from the slip-space event. That was ionizing radiation, he’d need to get his damned chromosomes scrubbed clean after this was all over if he didn’t want...

1 year ago
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Gotta have Faithe

Everything seemed oddly out of place this Wednesday evening as I intently watched Faithe lost in thought; staring into the food well at “The Mongolian Spirit.” We had enjoyed nearly seven and a half months of saying things to each other that could land you in jail in most states, but her distraction tonight was one laden with guilt. In moments like these I cursed the intuitive nature bestowed upon me at birth as my inner demons began their battle deep within my soul. Inevitably the “bad angel”...

4 years ago
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Change of Faith

Father Felix O’Bannen’s face stung from the blow just delivered to it. He winced in pain and tried to shy away from his attacker, but was held by the coarse ropes that bound him to the rough, wooden chair. ‘Where is the damn map?’ O’Bannen’s attacker, a medium-sized, trim man with perfectly combed hair and a hawk face demanded calmly in his clear voice. O’Bannen simply stared up at him in silence, inwardly praying that his ordeal would soon be over. ‘Fucking bastard!’ roared the other man as...

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Have Faith

“I can’t believe you’re gonna do this,” my friend Mike said. “Well I can’t believe things actually came to this,” I replied. I was standing in his room, watching him pack up all his belongings into suitcases. As for me, I had all the belongings I could take slung in a bag over my shoulder. “You really are serious aren’t you?” Mike asked, stopping his packing to look up at me. “About this whole going out to die for Big Brother thing.” “You know I don’t believe in ‘Big Brother’,” I told him. ...

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A Leap of Faith

Cold, steady rain beats against the restaurant window, almost drowning out the sound of my racing heart. Looking at my reflection, I wonder again what on earth I’m doing here. What possessed me to agree to meet with a man I had only talked to on the Internet? True, I was intrigued by his thoughtful words of humour, philosophy and, of course, romance. I had gazed at his photograph so often I was sure I could recognize every line of his face, the turn of his strong jaw, full lips, and dark eyes....

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A Touch of Faith

If someone had told me six months ago this was how my short existence would end, I'd have said they were crazy. Yet here I am, hot, sitting alone in my underpants in a nondescript hotel room, half a bottle of my dad's bourbon drained on the bedside table and a full bottle of pills resting in my left hand, its label swimming in and out of focus.It works on TV, but partway through the drink I realised they never show the details. I probably should have researched the correct way to do it. Pills...

2 years ago
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A Touch of Faith

If someone had told me six months ago this was how my short existence would end, I'd have said they were crazy. Yet here I am, hot, sitting alone in my underpants in a nondescript hotel room, half a bottle of my dad's bourbon drained on the bedside table and a full bottle of pills resting in my left hand, its label swimming in and out of focus.It works on TV, but partway through the drink I realised they never show the details. I probably should have researched the correct way to do it. Pills...

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Vivian Doubts Her Faith

At the start of her junior year in the late summer of 1971, sixteen-year-old Vivian Hannity had been attending Catholic schools for her entire life. Yet she found that her belief in her own religion was waning. It wasn’t exactly that she was becoming an atheist. It was more like the rigid dogmas of the Church simply made no sense to her anymore. She could not resolve the contradictions between what the Church was trying to teach her and her own powerful sexual feelings.Once she believed...

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A Flip of Faith

Jesus worked in mysterious ways. So, too, did girls. Not that girls were Jesus, or Jesus a girl. That was a robe, not a dress, and not once had Mark seen Jesus with his hair done up in some girly fashion. Just to make that clear. All Jesus and girls had in common was the mysterious part. Everything else was different. For one, Mark could talk to Jesus. With girls, not so much. Especially the pretty ones. As soon as a girl he had known all his life began to register as damned attractive, Mark...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 40 Faith

I once got to play the knight in shining armor, but of course in my own shabby way. I was eating and drinking in a tavern near the river when the stage stopped and seven passengers trooped in to dine. The group included one striking woman in a long purple cloak. She stood out from the crowd, like a rose among toadstools, not only because of her dress, but because of her cool poise, striking posture, curly brown hair, dark eyes and voluptuous beauty. She was a fine, healthy woman, perhaps...

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Gabatrix MinervaChapter 10 A Leap of Faith

“What?” Ericson said in shock. “You got to be kidding me!” “It is the only solution to this problem. I might not have all the data, but simulations in my programming indicate that the crew’s life is in danger. I need to do this. Please let me talk to the Captain or pass it along to him for him to consider it.” Ericson had to think quickly. Each second was starting to become precious. The fact was that Minerva was most likely correct. The idea that she had actually made sense, but it was...

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Always Faithful

Chapter One – A Birthday Gift “Don’t bother to wait up for me, Baby. I know I’ll be late tonight.” Laura paused very deliberately for effect. “I could be very late if everything goes well.” Once again Dan heard his wife pause; he was about to interject when he heard his wife continue once again and her final words left him speechless for the moment. “I hope it goes well.” Laura’s announcement as they finished their breakfast coffee did not come as a surprise. They had talked about her plans...

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Leap of FaithChapter 16

The Rookie – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, nineteen hours after drop. The gates opened with a mechanical crunch, the golden light of dawn pouring through the widening gap. Alba and the Rookie rushed through the breach and out of the tunnel, their weapons drawn, ready for any Covenant forces that might be lurking on the other side. Fortunately, there was nobody around. The four lanes of the highway extended into the distance, littered with abandoned vehicles in all shapes and sizes. The...

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Back at the beginnings of European history, before the great druids of old, back when Stonehenge and the other circles were being erected the power and civilizations of the dwarves were coming to an end. The civilizations of man were spreading and cultivating the wildernesses of Europe. Farms and villages were being carved out of the great forests that blanketed the continent and its surrounding islands. Eighteen hundred years before Christ walked the earth there lived a dwarf named Leapekin in...

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The Bloody Faithful

The Bloody Faithful Chapter One -Hunger- Drip... Drip... Drip... I awoke to impenetrable darkness. I lay naked on my back with an incredible thirst burning inside me. Somewhere nearby water drops struck something solid, a sink bottom or maybe the floor. The sound magnified my need to drink. In the silence surrounding them, each splat boomed like a small explosion. I was amazed how sensitive my ears seemed to be. I...

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Leap of Faith Ch 05

The sound of voices penetrated the fog in Nicole’s mind. For a while she lay listening to the sounds around her, unable to differentiate between what was real and what was a dream. She felt strange, not herself at all. Her body felt immobile and slightly numb. Where was she? ‘I think she’s coming round.’ The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it. Slowly she opened her eyes, blinking at the bright lights in the room. The pale green walls swam in and out of focus, but gradually...

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Leap of Faith Ch 02

Nicole’s slept fitfully, her dreams filled with confusing images of Rob and Sean. When she awoke, she felt the lingering sensation of arousal and her body tingled with unfulfilled desire as the dreams hovered at the edge of her periphery and continued to torment her with lustful pictures only half realised. She lay in the dark, mulling over what had happened in the kitchen. Despite what Sean had done to her, she felt incredibly guilty about kissing Rob. It felt like a betrayal although her...

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Leap of Faith Ch 04

The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6:30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round. Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to do...

5 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 2

Nicole's slept fitfully, her dreams filled with confusing images of Rob and Sean. When she awoke, she felt the lingering sensation of arousal and her body tingled with unfulfilled desire. The dreams hovered at the edge of her periphery and continued to torment her with lustful pictures only half realised. She lay in the dark, mulling over what happened in the kitchen. Despite what Sean had done to her, she felt incredibly guilty about kissing Rob. It felt like a betrayal although her body...

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Leap of FaithChapter 3

Rob was stretched out on the settee watching television when he heard the faint knock on the front door. Scowling with irritation, he reluctantly hauled his body up and padded down the hall to see who the hell was here. It better not be that bloody annoying neighbour again, he thought venomously. She seemed to think any noise above the level of a whisper was grounds for complaint. With a sigh he pasted a plastic smile on his face and unlocked the door. The smile faltered slightly when he saw...

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Leap of FaithChapter 4

Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she'd decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day; thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight. The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was...

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Leap of FaithChapter 5

The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6.30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round. Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to...

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