Have Faith
- 3 years ago
- 29
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Father Felix O’Bannen’s face stung from the blow just delivered to it. He winced in pain and tried to shy away from his attacker, but was held by the coarse ropes that bound him to the rough, wooden chair.
‘Where is the damn map?’ O’Bannen’s attacker, a medium-sized, trim man with perfectly combed hair and a hawk face demanded calmly in his clear voice.
O’Bannen simply stared up at him in silence, inwardly praying that his ordeal would soon be over.
‘Fucking bastard!’ roared the other man as he backhanded O’Bannen across the cheek once more. ‘Tell me where the goddamn map is, you ignorant son of a bitch!’
‘Please,’ said the woman standing with O’Bannen’s attacker. ‘Just tell us. Then this will be over.’ Her voice was sweet as honey and smooth as silk, fitting her lean, lithe body, angelic face and long, shimmering black tresses perfectly. ‘Tell Tyson where you’ve hidden the map and this will all end. I promise you.’
‘Trisha!’ Tyson snapped. ‘Shut the fuck up! You shouldn’t even be here. You’ve got no stomach for this shit. Get your ass back to your room and wait for me!’ He turned back to O’Bannen. ‘And you, you religious freak, tell me where you hid that fucking map or I’ll start breaking your fucking fingers until you do!’
The dark-haired woman gently laid a hand on Tyson’s shoulder and softly said his name.
He whirled around, snarling at her. ‘Get your fucking ass back to your room before I beat it for you!’
‘Let me spend some time with him, Tyson. Alone. Just him and me. He’ll tell us where he’s hidden it. I promise you.’
He sneered at her. ‘You think you can make him talk?’ His sneer turned to open laugher in her face. ‘You?’
‘Yes. Please, let me try.’
Still laughing, he shook his head. ‘You’re too soft. Your idea of torture would probably be to tickle his feet with a fucking feather or some shit like that!’
She stared at him, her gaze locked with his, unsmiling. ‘You’ve no idea what I’m capable of, Tyson.’
His laughter gave way to a frown. ‘You threatening me, bitch?’
‘Sounded like a threat to me, whore.’
‘It wasn’t.’
‘Stupid cunt.’ He lifted a hand, as if to strike her, then glanced back at O’Bannen. Lowering his hand, Tyson smiled. ‘Tell you what, I’ll give you till sunrise tomorrow with this asshole. If you get the information by then, I’ll not only apologize to you for doubting your skills, I’ll not beat the shit out of your ass for interrupting me here. If you don’t get the map…’ He trailed off, shaking his head. ‘I’m going to beat the hell out of you till you can’t even stand to have any clothes on that hot body of yours. Then, since you’ll be naked for a few days healing, I’m going to fuck you over and over and over until you’re raw and bleeding and if you so much as ask me to give you a rest, I’m going to beat you and start all over. Understand, bitch?’
She held his gaze steadily. ‘You’ll have your map, Tyson. I promise.’
He snickered and glanced at O’Bannen. ‘You’ll probably die from the beating I’m going to give your ass, bitch.’ Then he turned and walked to the door, knocked for the guards and left when they opened the door for him.
Turning back, Tyson peered in through the tiny barred window. ‘Sunrise tomorrow, you ignorant fucking cunt. That gives you about twenty hours until I drag your ass to the bedroom, then wail it and fuck it. Understand?’ Without waiting for a reply, he slammed the small door that covered the window. His voice was muffled but audible when he spoke to the guards outside. ‘No one goes into or comes out of that cell until I come back tomorrow morning. Got it, shit-heads? And don’t even open the window to check on them. Let the bitch have her fun. It may be the last she ever has.’
Tyson’s footsteps receded down the hallway.
‘Why do you deal with that?’ O’Bannen asked.
Trisha turned a sweet smile on him. ‘Money. I’m going to have a lot of it soon, thanks to you. You’ll tell me where the map is, I’ll tell Tyson, he’ll take some of them to find it, use the map to find the golden statue and we’ll be rich. Then, I’m going to kill Tyson. He deserves it. You’ve already seen that. With him dead, the men will fall in line under me. I’ll be rich, powerful and happy, Tyson will be dead and gone, and you, Felix, may I call you Felix? Call me Trisha. And you, Felix, will stay with me as my new lover!’
O’Bannen stared at her in open astonishment.
Before he could speak, she went on. ‘You will. Trust me, Felix. Starting now, you’re going to devote yourself to a new faith and the worship of a different kind of deity. I’m talking about sex, Felix. As a priest, you’ve probably trained most, if not all, of your life. Correct?’
‘So I’m guessing you’re still a virgin.’
He felt his face flush.
She smiled. ‘Thought so. And you’re past middle-age, too.’ Her smile morphed into a sad little frown with a hint of a pout to it. ‘I’m sorry to hear that, dear Felix. We’ve got to make up for lost time. And we’ve got to start now. I’ve only got a few hours to begin to undo all the damage your religion has done to you.’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘Poor, dear, sweet, innocent Felix. You were born to religious parents, weren’t you?’
‘Yes.’ He was confused, not knowing where she was going with this.
She shook her head sadly, her blue eyes fixed on him. ‘I’m sorry, Felix. I wish that I could have met you sooner. I could have spared you years of trauma. You see, you’ve devoted your life, every aspect of your life, to the praise and worship of a deity that demands its followers abstain from sex. Married couples are allowed, but no one else according to your doctrine. And you, poor, poor dear Felix, being a priest, aren’t even allowed to marry. So your religion, the very religion that you’ve devoted yourself to, demands that you live out your entire life without even once having sex. That’s wrong, Felix. It’s wrong! Sex is life! Without it, none of us would even be here. Think about it! We’re born because two people had sex. Without sex, no one would ever be born and the human race wouldn’t even exist! As humans, we’re literately born to have sex! Yet your religion denies people that. It forces people to deny that they’re human, to bury desires and instincts and needs that are a part of us at a primal level. The very thing that ultimately drives us, your religion would deny us.’
She paused, smiling at him once more.
‘But now, Felix! Now I’ve found you. And I can rescue you from all of that!’ Her eyes sparkled as she spoke. ‘Soon, you’ll know what’s like to have sex! In a few hours, you’ll forsake your perverse religion in favor of life!’
‘No,’ O’Bannen said, his voice thick. ‘Please, leave me alone. I want no part of your blasphemy!’
‘You’ve probably never even seen a woman naked, have you? Now’s the time, don’t you think?’ Without waiting for his response, Trisha unlaced her bodice and peeled herself out of her dress. Her underclothes followed a moment later, leaving her nude and shivering in the cool dampness of the stone-walled cell.
Beaming brightly at him, she slowly ran her hands over her lithe body, caressing her flawless flesh as she stood unabashedly naked before him.
O’Bannen stared for a moment, then squeezed his eyes closed and began to pray.
She chuckled, a warm, easy sound. ‘Felix, dear? That’s what got you into this situation in the first place. Remember? Open your eyes and look at me.’
He did not.
After a moment, O’Bannen felt her soft hands stroking his face, her long fingernails gently scratching along his neck, her warm breath in his ear.
‘Felix? Open your eyes. Look at me. I know you want to.’
She hugged his from behind. ‘Really? Your religion frowns upon lying as well as sex, doesn’t it?’
‘Yes,’ he admitted.
‘So if you lie to me, you’re sinning.’
He swallowed hard. ‘Yes.’
‘So tell me the honest truth, Felix. Do you want to look at my naked body?’
O’Bannen hesitated a few moments, tears welling up in his closed eyes. ‘Yes!’ he sobbed, ashamed at the admission, yet unwilling to tell more falsehoods.
‘Then do it, Felix.’ Her gentle hand trailed along his face, telling him that she had moved to stand before him once more. ‘Open your eyes and look at my bare body.’
Slowly, unwilling to give in, yet knowing that he had no real choice, Father O’Bannen opened his eyes and stared at her lovely, unclothed form. He took in every detail – the smooth, hairless perfection of her pale skin, devoid even of pubic hair which revealed her already damp genital slit, her toned musculature, flat stomach, petite, perky breasts, small, hard nipples, her graceful neck, her long, shining tresses of dark hair, her dancing blue eyes, the soft, angelic features of her gorgeous face, complete with soft, supple lips… O’Bannen squeezed his eyes closed again as he felt a stirring in his groin.
Trisha laughed and stroked his face once more. ‘Look at me,’ she whispered.
Again, he opened his eyes to gaze at her.
‘That’s better,’ she said with a small giggle. ‘You’re a shy boy, aren’t you, Felix? We’ll fix that soon.’ She reached out to lay a hand squarely on his crotch.
‘Don’t touch me, harlot!’
She pouted, saying, ‘Are you trying to hurt my feelings? Most men can’t wait for me to touch them.’
‘I’m not most men! I am a man of-‘
‘Stubbornness!’ she finished for him. ‘Maybe once we get you out of those constricting clothes you’ll loosen up.’ Without another word, she began to undress him, ignoring his protests and pleas and prayers. Leaving him tied to the chair, she wiggled and squirmed and twisted and pulled at his clothing until she had managed to undress him as best she could without releasing him.
O’Bannen sat, still bound to the chair, his shirt open to reveal his slightly hairy chest, his trousers open and pulled around his ankles, his underwear with them, leaving him effectively nude and exposed to her view.
‘Isn’t that better, dear Felix?’
‘Why are you doing this to me?’ He was nearly sobbing with shame.
‘I’ve already told you. I’m doing this to save both our lives. The way your life is now, it’s not even worth living! You spend every second devoting yourself to a sick, twisted religion that demands you deny that you’re even human. And me, if you don’t tell me where that map is by sunrise tomorrow morning, Tyson will kill me. You know that! He wasn’t joking. He’ll drag me back to his room, then beat and rape me until I’m dead. You’ve got to help me, Felix! Help me help you! Tell me where the map is.’
‘I’ll not be part of your plot to murder your boyfriend.’
‘He’s not! I hate him! You’ve seen how he treats me, Felix! I’m only with him to get this money.’
‘Then you’ll kill him.’
‘He deserves it! And if I don’t kill him, he’ll kill me!’
‘I want no part of this.’
‘You’re already involved. You became involved the instant Tyson found out you’d hidden that map. Tell me where it is and we’ll both live long, happy lives. Together!’
Trisha sighed. ‘You poor man. You’ve suffered so much. I don’t know if I have the time I need to undo all of the damage…’ Slowly, gently, she took hold of his semi-hard penis in both of her hands. ‘All I can do it try,’ she whispered as she began to stroke him.
‘No!’ O’Bannen cried out. ‘Please, don’t!’
‘Shhh. It’ll be alright. You’ve got such a nice cock, Felix! Long and thick! It’s a shame it’s never been used. Poor man. You’ve probably never even masturbated before, have you?’
O’Bannen felt his eyes go wide at the very thought of doing such a thing.
Trisha continued to stroke and pet his organ. ‘Poor, sweet man… Middle-aged and never had an orgasm in his life… That’s going to change. Very soon.’ She lowered her head and sucked him into her hot, moist mouth.
‘No! Tramp, get away from me!’
Her only reply was to bob her head as she sucked on his erection. Her hands grew busy with other things, one of them kneading his testis while her other reached up to pinch and tweak his nipples.
‘No…’ he sobbed. ‘Stop it, please! Don’t do this to me! My vows-‘
‘Keep you from a normal life,’ she interrupted before returning to her sucking.
During the brief moment it took her to speak the words, O’Bannen realized that he missed the feel of her mouth working on his penis. The realization shamed him even farther, bringing a mixture of self-anger that he had given in to her even that little bit and sadness at the knowledge that he wasn’t stronger.
Trisha allowed him to slide from her mouth again for a moment, though she quickly jerked him with her hand, as she whispered, ‘Give me your cum, Felix! I want to taste it!’ Lowering her head, she ran her long tongue over his length before sucking him back into her mouth yet again.
O’Bannen groaned, feeling things in his body that he had never felt before, yet he knew they meant. He gritted he teeth, trying, straining to prevent it from happening.
‘Give it to me, Felix! Give me your sweet, creamy, virgin cum! Right in my mouth! I need to taste it! Fill my mouth with your sperm, Felix!’
‘No!’ The word was torn from him in a long bellow that echoed in the damp cell as he felt his semen surging upward through his erection. He squeezed his eyes closed, already praying for forgiveness.
Trisha’s mouth enveloped him again, just in time to catch the load of burning hot sperm that gushed free. She sucked and slurped, coaxing as much from him as she possibly could. When O’Bannen’s orgasm finally passed, she stood and smiled at him, wiping a stray bit of semen from her lower lip and licking her finger clean.
‘Oh, Felix,’ she purred. ‘You taste wonderful!’
‘Filthy tramp! Sinful harlot! Stop this at once!’ O’Bannen screamed. ‘Leave me alone! If I am to die in this horrid place, then so be it! But at least be kind enough to allow me to leave this Earth with dignity!’
Trisha looked genuinely shocked, as if she’d expected a different reaction to having forced him to the unwanted orgasm. Then she smiled. ‘Don’t even try to tell me that you didn’t like that feeling, Felix.’ She strolled around to stand behind him, leaned forward, her pert breasts pressed against the back of his shoulders, and ran her soft hands over his chest, toying with his nipples. ‘You know that felt good!’
O’Bannen grimaced, saying, ‘What you just did to me wasn’t even a natural form of intercourse! You talk about how you think I should be natural and enjoy the act of coupling with a woman, yet what you just did was a form of the act that was never meant to be! It serves absolutely no purpose other than pleasure!’
‘It’s sin!’
‘It’s sex! Without fear of pregnancy! Safe sex!’
‘It’s an unnatural perversion!’
‘Fine.’ She whispered softly in his ear. ‘You want pure, natural sex as nature intended?’
His eyes grew wide. ‘No. That’s not-‘
‘Then you’ll have it now.’ She slid around in front of him again. ‘This is good, Felix. This is very good! I honestly hadn’t expected you to ask for this for hours yet.’
‘I’m not asking! I-‘
‘Shhh. It’s okay.’ She stroked his penis until he grew hard once more, something that took only moments. She smiled. ‘You’re a horny one! I like that!’
Tears were flowing down his cheeks. ‘Stop this, I beg of you. You’re trying to drag me straight to Hell with you!’
‘No, Felix. Not at all. I’m tying to save you from the Hell your perverse religion has trapped you in. I’m not damnation, Felix. I’m salvation!’
With that, she turned her back to him, spread her legs apart, then settled onto him, his hard shaft sliding quickly and easily up inside of her. Hot silken liquid ran from between her thighs
and down his length as her sex gripped him tightly.
‘Oh, Felix! You feel so good inside of me!’ She wiggled her hips as she settled back against him. ‘You’re so big!’
‘Please,’ he sobbed in desperation. ‘Stop this torment!’
‘That’s exactly what I’m trying to do for you, sweet Felix!’
She bounced lightly, sliding his erection in and out of her, as she continued to wiggle against him. Her hands were on her breasts, tugging lightly at her stiff nipples all the while. Within moments O’Bannen felt her vaginal muscles tighten painfully around his shaft. He groaned, knowing that what was happening was out of his control.
Trisha’s orgasm ripped through her, eliciting screams of pleasure from her as her body milked O’Bannen until his own orgasm tore through him. He felt a large load of semen jet into Trisha’s vagina as well as her musky-scented honey gushing out onto his hot, nude flesh.
Once she had finally calmed, Trisha stood, slowly allowing his still semi-erect penis to slip from her vagina. O’Bannen looked and saw that he was covered with glistening fluids from their coupling.
Trisha followed his gaze and smiled broadly. ‘That’s how nature intended. Are you happier now?’
O’Bannen, still staring at his twitching penis, was mesmerized at the sight of the milky white semen that still oozed from it.
‘I didn’t get it all?’ Trisha asked playfully, then knelt and sucked him back into her mouth, helping herself to the fresh cum. After he was hard again, she stood, licking her full, pouty lips. ‘We taste good, Felix! Here, try us!’ She leaned forward, kissing him full on the lips.
O’Bannen couldn’t help but stick out his tongue and taste the mingled flavors her kiss had left on his own mouth.
‘You’re coming to like this, aren’t you? No pun intended!’
He started to answer, then hesitated.
‘No need to say anything, Felix. I know you are. And that’s a good thing. Now it’s time for something else.’
O’Bannen watched her, waiting to hear what she would inflict upon him next. When she remained quiet, he asked, ‘What?’
‘As I said, you and I will be staying together after this. We’ll have lots and lots of sex. Believe me, Felix, I intend to put that gorgeous cock of yours to full use! But, there may be times when you need release and I’m not right there to give it to you. Which will leave you with a choice – wait, which will be very, very hard, I’m sure, for a horny boy like you, or pleasure yourself. Also, I’ll want to just kick back and watch you practice getting yourself off. I can’t wait to see your creamy white cum gushing out of your big, thick, tasty cock, Felix!’ She ran her hands over her sensuous curves as she spoke. ‘So, it’s time for you to learn to masturbate!’
O’Bannen’s eyes went wide again. ‘No! It’s not right! It’s not natural!’
‘It’s sex, Felix. Just like oral or anal. It’s a form of sex. To your body, it’s the same thing. It’s just as good. Speaking of anal sex, you’ll be introduced to that, too, soon. But, for now, masturbate for me, sweet Felix!’
‘Achieve orgasm by the touch of your own hand!’
‘Oh, you’re still tied to the chair, aren’t you? I’ll untie you if you promise me that you’ll not try to harm me or subdue me in anyway and you won’t try to escape. You promise?’
O’Bannen was abruptly very aware of the itchy, rough rope scratching at his flesh where it bound his hands behind him and his legs to the legs of the chair. He nodded. ‘You have my word.’
She smiled seductively. ‘Good. Having your hands free with make everything so much better!’
Trisha stepped behind him again, her hand trailing over his bare chest, her long fingernails scrapping delicately over his hardened nipples. She then quickly unbound his hands before crouching before him to free his legs.
He stood, rubbing his wrists. ‘Thank you.’
Trisha tossed the offending ropes aside, kissed him on the mouth and whispered, ‘You’ll be thanking me for a lot more soon.’ She then pulled his shirt completely free of his body and tossed it away. ‘Step out of your pants.’
He was about to argue, then thought better of it. After all, Trisha had already not only seen every aspect of his body, but touched and fondled them as well. Trying to figure out just when he’d begun to think of her by name and trying not to dwell on the fact that he was allowing her to finish undressing him, O’Bannen watched her kick his trousers and underwear away with the rest of his clothing. He now stood as naked as she was.
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May not be distributed or posted for a fee. GIRL Center - A Leap of Faith Copyright 2003 By Karen Elizabeth L. Harry and I were as close to brothers as two friends could get; we spent almost all of our free time together, went to the same school, and just like any other boys we got into trouble together. We thought we were just pulling a few pranks here and there, nothing to get all worked up over, but for some reason our parents, teachers, and other adults didn't see things the...
"Hey B, sorry I'm late." I walked inside and hung up my coat. "Here, I got ya some presents..." I handed her the three wrapped parcels. "Thanks Faith, yours is under the tree. You're staying with us tonight, ok?" Buffy looked amazing, her hair was shinning and the top she was wearing just looked... wow. "I-" "You're staying." No argument. "Faith!" Dawn came out of the living room. "Dawn, Happy Christmas!" I gave her a big hug. "I got you a present but you can't open it until tomorrow, ok?"...
Author’s Note: I’d like to thank KevH for his outstanding editing skills. His tireless efforts were much appreciated. Also, thanks to Tom Collins for her help and suggestions. * It was cold, bitterly cold as the snow fell sporadically, lightly dusting the street in a white blanket. At least the holidays won’t suck for everyone, Tyler thought cynically. His eyes wandered away from the road to the strip malls he was passing. Christmas used to be his favorite time of the year. He would...
Waiting for Faith by alexcarr © I live in a block of purpose built retirement flats.We have our own community gardens to keep us pensioners happy as well as a community room where we hold regular functions.Not being the social animal my aim was to settle for a quiet uneventful life, believing all things sexual were long gone. Except for the looking of course and I could always imagine how it was when I was young.But who was I kidding!You see; there are lots of lonely spinsters and widows here....
MatureAt the time me and Faith were both 14. We were pretty simmilar in looks except she was slightly taller than me. We had known each other since we were about 3 years old. When I was about 8 or 9 I realized how attracted I was to her and that I loved her, but I just couldn't work up the courage to act on it. This is the story of the day that we became more than just good friends. "AAHHHHH!! Why won't school just end! I wanna go home for the weekend! "Yeah, I know what you mean." Faith said, "Hey,...
LesbianI got caught trying to do my 6 year old sister. My aunt Faith showed up on our doorstep one day. She had been living with my aunt Dawn but Aunt Dawns Boyfriend was starting to molest her now. she was living at home but my grandfather was molesting her also. Yes my mothers side of the tree are all into some weird shit. Faith was 13 years old skinny as a rail and maybe 5 foot 2 inches tall. 100 lbs soaking wet, Blondie hair small tits, I'm sure they would grow to a...
***Comments welcomed*** Chapter One: Elder Blake was excited. In less than 48 hours, he would be stepping foot on to another continent. His feet would be exploring a new country, a new village, and assisting with a new mission. His group consisted of 5 other Elders from his faith. (To keep confusion to a minimum, we will refer to him as Blake throughout the story.) Blake was very attractive growing up and most peers in school assumed he would break away from religion and move...
If anyone wishes to archive this story, please contact me. Altered Fates: Faith By Morpheus It was late in the afternoon, and Father Christopher wiped the sweat from his brow, and straightened his collar. Opening his bible, he started reading aloud to the several homeless people standing around. Some of them listened intently, while others ignored him, focusing instead on the blankets and food that he'd brought. As he finished, Father Christopher closed his bible, feeling...
I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I'd broken up with my girlfriend Kristi last week, after I'd found her cheating on me with my friend Eric. Perhaps I should make that ex-friend. I'd walked in on them banging on the same bed Kristi and I slept in when I came back from a trip a day early. Not a pretty scene, with lots of screaming and Eric comically trying to get his clothes and hightail it out of there before I strangled him. So on Friday I found myself in my local bar,...
By Beagle9690 September 2021 A brief history; I grew up an Army brat, moving from place to place, and often lived in crappy government housing or cramped apartments. Moving from place to place was hard for making friends. I did excel in school, though. When I graduated high school, I left to be on my own clear across the country to the East Coast with a full scholarship. I was an emancipated seventeen, soon to be eighteen in two days, attending college as an English Major and working...
For the past four years, Dean raised his daughter, a blue eyed and blond person named Kerri, alone. One day four years prior, his wife left him and got a divorce after apparently suddenly realizing she was a lesbian. And in the four years since, neither he nor his daughter had heard from her. He dated from time to time, but nothing ever got too serious. But that didn't matter. Four years later his daughter turned eighteen, graduated high school, and was accepted into the college she had been...
Leap of Faith By Maggie the Kitten Debra watched as each of her children hugged their grandparents. Distance wise, the journey was thousands of light years, but thanks to wormhole technology, the shuttle would have them at their new home world in a matter of minutes. Crayton, their destination planet, was supposed to be very similar in environment to Earth, with a very friendly humanoid population, or so the scout teams had reported. The World Council stated that it was by far the...
Faith A Short Story By Maryanne Peters My faith is the most important thing to me. It is now, as it was then. I gave my life to the Lord and it was my duty to spread his word and let his word inspire those who followed me. As pastor of a minor but dedicated flock, I had responsibility for a small group of men and women who looked up to me as an exemplar of a good, Christian life. The words of the Old Testament are clear: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is...
Waiting for Faith by alexcarr © I live in a block of purpose built retirement flats. We have our own community gardens to keep us pensioners happy as well as a community room where we hold regular functions. Not being the social animal my aim was to settle for a quiet uneventful life, believing all things sexual were long gone. Except for the looking of course and I could always imagine how it was when I was young. But who was I kidding! You see, there are lots of lonely spinsters and...
Faith was the 40 year old wife of the local church pastor - he was much who is older than her by about 20 years. His mum had organized for Scott to deliver some bags of household items to the church for a needy family collection that Faith was running. She told him that his mother had offered to lend her an evening dress to wear at a conference dinner. He offered to take her back to his parents home to choose the dress, and invited Faith to ride there in his sports car - an offer that she...
Finn didn't bother knocking as he burst into his sister Gracie's room. She appeared to be watching television, but he put a dismissive hand up, already anticipating her outburst. Gracie: "Get out of here!" Finn: "Chill out, Gracie. I just need your phone charger, stop being so melodramatic." Grabbing the phone charger from her desk, Finn noticed Gracie sitting in front of her television. There was an old book open in front of her, as well as candles, a wooden board with some odd...
***This story contains adult themes so you need to be 18 or over to continue. Location:- Scotland : Chapter 1. A Change for Faith. The Scottish spring had not yet yielded any hopeful signs of a break in the cold damp weather that it was famous for. The City of Edinburgh architecture was straining to cope with the rain, and gutter down pipes gushed water into the storm drains. The homeward bound city dwellers huddled under umbrellas, most of which showed some of the scars of the strong winds...
LesbianAt midnight a young man mid 20's, staggers out of a bar from the back side. He pulls his long brown hair back in a pony tail. He stands there looking up to the night sky. "God why did you take the only two things I love away from me". "I know you can hear me Kim I really miss you please hug and kiss are little girl for me. I can't believe it has been 5 years sense that fatal night. I miss you both so much Kim". He wipes the tears from his eyes. Leaning over He pukes hard all over the...
Lights were scattered throughout the labyrinth like stars, just bright enough to scavenge for supplies while leaving faces masked by darkness. However, much of the labyrinth was pitch black, a death sentence for those who lost their way without a light. There were also sources of running water scattered about to help prevent mass death by dehydration, but were exceptionally hard to find. To actually get one’s bearings was quite impossible, the winding passages tangled together like a mountain...
Everything seemed oddly out of place this Wednesday evening as I intently watched Faithe lost in thought; staring into the food well at “The Mongolian Spirit.” We had enjoyed nearly seven and a half months of saying things to each other that could land you in jail in most states, but her distraction tonight was one laden with guilt. In moments like these I cursed the intuitive nature bestowed upon me at birth as my inner demons began their battle deep within my soul. Inevitably the “bad angel”...
Erotic“I can’t believe you’re gonna do this,” my friend Mike said. “Well I can’t believe things actually came to this,” I replied. I was standing in his room, watching him pack up all his belongings into suitcases. As for me, I had all the belongings I could take slung in a bag over my shoulder. “You really are serious aren’t you?” Mike asked, stopping his packing to look up at me. “About this whole going out to die for Big Brother thing.” “You know I don’t believe in ‘Big Brother’,” I told him. ...
Cold, steady rain beats against the restaurant window, almost drowning out the sound of my racing heart. Looking at my reflection, I wonder again what on earth I’m doing here. What possessed me to agree to meet with a man I had only talked to on the Internet? True, I was intrigued by his thoughtful words of humour, philosophy and, of course, romance. I had gazed at his photograph so often I was sure I could recognize every line of his face, the turn of his strong jaw, full lips, and dark eyes....
If someone had told me six months ago this was how my short existence would end, I'd have said they were crazy. Yet here I am, hot, sitting alone in my underpants in a nondescript hotel room, half a bottle of my dad's bourbon drained on the bedside table and a full bottle of pills resting in my left hand, its label swimming in and out of focus.It works on TV, but partway through the drink I realised they never show the details. I probably should have researched the correct way to do it. Pills...
MasturbationIf someone had told me six months ago this was how my short existence would end, I'd have said they were crazy. Yet here I am, hot, sitting alone in my underpants in a nondescript hotel room, half a bottle of my dad's bourbon drained on the bedside table and a full bottle of pills resting in my left hand, its label swimming in and out of focus.It works on TV, but partway through the drink I realised they never show the details. I probably should have researched the correct way to do it. Pills...
MasturbationAt the start of her junior year in the late summer of 1971, sixteen-year-old Vivian Hannity had been attending Catholic schools for her entire life. Yet she found that her belief in her own religion was waning. It wasn’t exactly that she was becoming an atheist. It was more like the rigid dogmas of the Church simply made no sense to her anymore. She could not resolve the contradictions between what the Church was trying to teach her and her own powerful sexual feelings.Once she believed...
LesbianJesus worked in mysterious ways. So, too, did girls. Not that girls were Jesus, or Jesus a girl. That was a robe, not a dress, and not once had Mark seen Jesus with his hair done up in some girly fashion. Just to make that clear. All Jesus and girls had in common was the mysterious part. Everything else was different. For one, Mark could talk to Jesus. With girls, not so much. Especially the pretty ones. As soon as a girl he had known all his life began to register as damned attractive, Mark...
I once got to play the knight in shining armor, but of course in my own shabby way. I was eating and drinking in a tavern near the river when the stage stopped and seven passengers trooped in to dine. The group included one striking woman in a long purple cloak. She stood out from the crowd, like a rose among toadstools, not only because of her dress, but because of her cool poise, striking posture, curly brown hair, dark eyes and voluptuous beauty. She was a fine, healthy woman, perhaps...
“What?” Ericson said in shock. “You got to be kidding me!” “It is the only solution to this problem. I might not have all the data, but simulations in my programming indicate that the crew’s life is in danger. I need to do this. Please let me talk to the Captain or pass it along to him for him to consider it.” Ericson had to think quickly. Each second was starting to become precious. The fact was that Minerva was most likely correct. The idea that she had actually made sense, but it was...
Chapter One – A Birthday Gift “Don’t bother to wait up for me, Baby. I know I’ll be late tonight.” Laura paused very deliberately for effect. “I could be very late if everything goes well.” Once again Dan heard his wife pause; he was about to interject when he heard his wife continue once again and her final words left him speechless for the moment. “I hope it goes well.” Laura’s announcement as they finished their breakfast coffee did not come as a surprise. They had talked about her plans...
CuckoldThe Bloody Faithful Chapter One -Hunger- Drip... Drip... Drip... I awoke to impenetrable darkness. I lay naked on my back with an incredible thirst burning inside me. Somewhere nearby water drops struck something solid, a sink bottom or maybe the floor. The sound magnified my need to drink. In the silence surrounding them, each splat boomed like a small explosion. I was amazed how sensitive my ears seemed to be. I...
You are the ruler of a changeling hive and want to rule the world. However you will have the risk of your hive being banished from the lands you have hid yourselves in or killed off if you piss off the other races too much. Changeling race: they are similar to the pony race with a insect like apparence mixed in. They have a black fur-less carapace, webbed manes and tails, bent horns, and insect-like wings. They feed on the emotions of other races with love the best and can change their...
MatureNo sex in this chapter, folks – my characters need more time getting to know each other. The rest of the story is finished and will post imminently – let me know what you think! * * * Rain streaked down the windows in greasy rivulets, distorting the myriad of reflected lights. The bus trundled on, rumbling through the dirty streets and by-ways of the dreary town. Eventually the houses and factories gave way to endless fields and flat scrubland. It was featureless and grey – just like the rest...
So, when I was fifteen,I wondered into the Castro district, although I couldn't drink,I thought I would take a look around. People were really friendly....A curious pretty boy teenager...heh...go figure. There was a particular bar, with a sidewalk cafe where I was asked to join some really cute guys and they would get me drinks. I jumped at the chance to drink and act like an adult. They were very nice and kept telling me how beautiful my green eyes were. I stayed somewhat reserved........
Chuck slipped between us. "Don't," he said. "Another one might kill him. Besides, you hired me to do the kicking, remember?" He put a hand on my shoulder. "Let us handle things." We waited another ten minutes before two men in suits stepped off the elevator. They both held up badges and introduced themselves. Quietly they took our stories. The ambulances arrived and the paramedics carried off to two attackers still alive. The coroner's people and the crime scene technicians did...
Busy with her preparations for the forthcoming visit of Luna and Dudley Ginny did not know whether to be excited or apprehensive. She decided she was probably a bit of both. As she was getting everything ready to put in the oven when the visitors arrived she meditated on the difference between those things she had heard about Dudley from Harry and what she had been told by Luna. She had never met Dudley, but there were irreconcilable differences between Harry and Luna's versions of his...
I woke up slowly, luxuriating in comfortable warmth. Then I realized I was half-sprawled across someone. A man - Tony - my suddenly awake brain informed me. His scent filled my senses with my face buried in his hair, my lips brushing his neck. The rest of my body began reporting in and the news went downhill from there. My thigh was resting on an obviously aroused cock and his arm was between us, cupping one of my breasts through my tee shirt. Unconsciously I began gently moving myself...
Having my bike made getting to school and back pretty easy. Except for those rare days when the weather was nasty, I had no problem. September in the high desert of Eastern Oregon was not exactly prone to bad weather, so I hadn't faced that dilemma yet. Cross country practice proved to me that I was fast enough for the team, but I still had a few things to learn. The course we ran here ran through much of the artificial parks and green spaces that Hermiston had, but most of it was flat and...
Hello World... James looked at the room. The bed was back in its normal position. He had removed the money from his hiding space, given it to his father and then had to sit in silence for nearly half an hour as he listened to his parents argue. It was a lot of money, illegitimate money; but, as his father stated, Dad had gambled and that was likely where James got the idea. His father took it on the chin and James had nodded his thanks. To smooth Mom’s ruffled feathers, James had insisted...
Please remember that in the 60's sex was not taught in schools, publishing a story (even true) like this one could put me in jail and only doctors knew where woman's erogenous zones were. As we experimented in our sexual lives we had to each learn the hard way and being taboo your partner usually would not tell you what was wanted. There were many false beliefs about sex and faulty attitudes which led to repression in females. Many guys thought that when married you just hopped on and...
The Body of this Story is about Forced Sex, & Bi Sexual Women, this section will have four chapters ,and I aim to write part two ASAP.. I always had the fantasy of having three women in the same bed, I have given this great thought,and even discussed with my wife July, she said she did,nt want to play any part in it, but I had other ideas, so I put my idea to the other parties which were all in the scheme of things, and they both said they had always fancied raping my wife...July and I...
I checked my makeup in the mirror, and brushed a wisp of newly coiffed hair from my brow. Taking a deep breath and swallowing my pride, I stepped out onto the patio. The click of my favorite Manolos echoed in the Sunday quiet of another warm, southern California night. The white satin hem of the long, elegant evening gown swished on the concrete as it trailed. A few slow, sultry strides brought me to the edge of the pool. My husband stopped his laps and wiped the water from his eyes, gawking...
Jack and Veronique have been married for 10 years, and before that they were even highschool sweethearts. Jack is the only man Veronique has ever been with, while Jack has had a couple of other flings, but they never really worked out because of his own insecurities. Jack works as a programmer in a local tech business , at the company that he works for work only 2 females. Will he get seduced or do the seducing himself? Veronique is a paralegal at a big law firm. She is well respected at the...
Meghan Reid – Sunday, June 21st, 2015 I walked into work with with a cardboard tray of coffees and a bag of muffins. Tim Horton's didn't offer injectable caffeine yet so I was stuck waking up like a cavewoman. I unlocked the front door as I arrived. There were no walk-ins waiting, which was uncommon for a weekend. I crossed the lobby, took my place at the front desk and hooked my headset on my left ear. The smell of coffee drew the practitioners out of their rooms. We said our good...