Girl Center - A Leap Of Faith free porn video

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May not be distributed or posted for a fee. GIRL Center - A Leap of Faith Copyright 2003 By Karen Elizabeth L. Harry and I were as close to brothers as two friends could get; we spent almost all of our free time together, went to the same school, and just like any other boys we got into trouble together. We thought we were just pulling a few pranks here and there, nothing to get all worked up over, but for some reason our parents, teachers, and other adults didn't see things the same way. We started out small, ringing doorbells and running, phone pranks, stuff like that, and then we moved up a little shoplifting. We never took anything really expensive, just a few candy bars and some magazines, but it was just another thorn in our parent's sides. Harry seemed to go out of his way to cause more and more trouble, which drove his mom crazy. Just after starting the eighth grade Harry thought it would be fun to skip school, borrow a neighbor's Jaguar and take it for a little ride. I wish I had gone along that day, it's not everyday you get to drive a Jaguar you know, but I was home in bed with the flu and missed all of the fun. The fun, at least what I thought would have been fun, was tearing along at seventy five miles an hour and taking turns on two wheels. The cops who were chasing him weren't amused though and neither was the owner of the Jag when Harry slammed into a fence causing several thousand dollars worth of damage to the car. Harry was arrested; there was a quick trip to the local magistrate's office who, after reviewing Harry's record, decided that he would spend the next two years in a reform school called the Great Indian River Learning Center. Harry wrote to me often after he got sent away to Great Indian River. He mentioned that the name was sort of a joke to the students but he didn't explain the joke. Several times he begged me to get him out, he swore they were going to do something terrible to him but he never did say what it was. He had to know that there was nothing that I could do to spring him because in one letter he said that he couldn't take it anymore and that he was running away. I thought that he must have been successful since I didn't hear from him for almost three months. He'd been caught trying to run away and had his letter writing privileges suspended for three months. He said that he was glad that he was allowed to write again and it seemed that he was much calmer and didn't seem to mind being at the school. He said that his grades were improving, he had a girlfriend who was helping him to adjust to the school and that things weren't that bad after all. From then on Harry actually sounded happy to be at Great Indian River but repeatedly warned me to shape up to avoid being sent there myself. I couldn't figure out why he was so worried about me ending up there, after all if it was so bad, why did he stay after his sentence was up? Yeah, that's right, by then Harry was into his third year at the school by then, he'd decided that he liked it so much he decided to stick around and graduate from the school. Even though we'd been best buddies before he got sent there, the longer he stayed the stranger he seemed to get. I mean really, warning me to shape up? This from the guy who stole a Jag, raced it around at seventy-five miles an hour and then wrecked it? If it had been anyone else I would have told them to get lost but I couldn't do that to the guy who almost my brother. Just about that time My mom mentioned that Harry's mom, who had moved to the Great Indian River area herself just after Harry got sent up, was going to get married and that we were invited to the wedding. Normally I wouldn't go anywhere near a wedding, I think they're less fun than watching paint dry, but when mom said that Harry would be at this one I was more than happy to go! The church part was pretty dull; mom and most of the other women were crying and the guys were looking bored. I considered taking a nap until I noticed that one of the Bridesmaids, a foxy looking redhead, kept looking in my direction and smiling. We weren't close enough for me to get a really good look at her but even from where we sat she looked hot to me. I caught her staring once and smiled back which seemed to make her pretty happy judging from the smile on her face. When the ceremony was over I got another big smile from her as she walked down the aisle with the rest of the wedding party. I couldn't wait to get to the reception and check this babe out! While I waited for the wedding party to get to the hall I looked everywhere for Harry but couldn't find him. I watched as the wedding party walked past me in church but he wasn't in the wedding party, which confused the heck out of me. Why come to his mom's wedding and not be in the party? Finally the wedding party arrived and there she was; my dream girl! She was even prettier up close than when I saw her in church; long red hair, fantastic body, and a smile that could turn me on from miles away. I hurried over to talk to her but she smiled and said that she had to mingle first. "See ya later on!" She called out in a sweet sounding voice as she turned and walked away. All I could think was that she looked just as good from the back! I spend some time looking for Harry again. I checked with his mom who smiled and said, "Oh I'm sure that he's around here somewhere." before her new husband whisked her off to meet some people. No matter how hard I looked though there was no sign of Harry anywhere. "Lose someone?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned and there she was, the girl who had stolen my heart. Finding Harry didn't seem so important then, I didn't want any competition when I set out to land this hot looking chick! "Yeah, an old friend of mine was supposed to be here tonight, I haven't seen him in a couple of years." "That's sweet," She said as she flashed that smile again. "Do you miss him?" "Yeah, we had a lot of fun together. Can't figure out why he didn't come though, but that's his loss." I shrugged. As we sat and talked I fell further in love. Holly, my new friend, was everything a guy could hope for in a girl; funny, pretty, and she seemed to enjoy hearing stories about Harry and me. I was about to ask for her phone number when they announced that special dance for the bridal party. Holly seemed very interested in watching so I kept quiet hoping to earn a few brownie points for manners. After all, a guy can never score too many brownie points when he's trying to impress a girl, right? I sat quietly and watched as Holly clapped and cheered when the new Mr. and Mrs. Binkler were introduced, then the Best Man and Matron of Honor, the son of Mr. Binkler, one of the Groomsmen, and his partner. My calm was shattered though when they announced the next couple - the Binkler children, Robert and Holly Lynn! I sat there dumbfounded as Holly smiled and walked to the dance floor, her cute little butt swaying back and forth in a hypnotic manner. I'd spent the last hour talking and falling in love with a girl that must be Harry's new stepsister and she never bothered to mention that little piece of information. Holly moved gracefully, matching her partner's move perfectly as though she'd been dancing since birth. She laughed and smiled as they talked and danced, occasionally looking back towards me. Whenever she smiled at me I felt totally relaxed and happy; there was just something about Holly that made me feel better than I ever did before. "Why didn't you tell me that you were Harry's step-sister?" I asked when she came back. "It didn't seem that important." She said with a grin as she pulled me to the dance floor. "Come on, let's dance!" If watching Holly dance was good, holding her in my arms while I danced with her was Heaven on Earth! She looked fabulous in her gown; it fit her like a glove and was cut low enough to show off enough of her breasts to get me all worked up. It must have been obvious that we were meant for each other since every time I looked around; our families were looking at us and smiling. I couldn't help but smile back, it just felt right. We danced every song the band played; the slow songs, the fast ones, the Chicken Dance, the Hokey-Pokey, you name it and we danced to it. I would never have though about doing something as dumb as the Hokey- Pokey before but it was worth it to see Holly stick her sexy looking legs out from under her gown. Anything was worth doing if Holly was there doing it with me! At the end of the night I asked Holly for her phone number. She smiled, kissed me on the cheek and said that it would be long distance but that she'd write if I liked. She said she'd get my address from Harry when she saw him and was gone before I could get hers. It would be tough waiting for the first letter from the girl I planned to marry. Wonder what Harry will think of being my Brother-in-Law? I waited for weeks yet no letter from Holly ever came. We seemed so right for each other at the wedding, what could have gone wrong, I wondered? I decided that she must be busy or something but would eventually write, she seemed as interested in me as I was in her. Meanwhile I'd keep busy playing a few pranks. Since I met Holly I'd been slacking off, now it was time to have a little fun. I broke into the school one evening, set off a smoke bomb in the Chemistry lab, and then sealed the doors with Super Glue. I couldn't wait for the town's inept volunteer firemen to try to figure out how they'd get in to put out the fire and it would be hilarious when they found that it was only a little smoke bomb. Things didn't go exactly as planned though; the smoke bomb caught some papers on fire, the papers caught a lab table on fire, and soon the entire Chemistry lab was on fire. They had to break the doors with axes to get in and put it out. I tried to sneak away but I heard someone shout. "He did it, I saw him come out oft the school!" Before I could push through the crowd the cops grabbed me, put handcuffs on me, and threw me in to the back of the patrol car. I knew this was going to be a tough one to get away with but if I could, it would be my last. My parents weren't about to intercede for me, "You've pulled your last stunt boy!" My dad vowed. "I hope they throw the book at you!" The judge wasn't taken in by my promise to reform, it seems my smoke bomb ended up causing over $50,000 in damages and he intended to make me pay. "Looking at your record, I see that your parents have been unsuccessful in making you a productive member of this community," He glared at me as he spoke. "Left to your own devices you're likely going to seriously hurt yourself or someone else in the near future and even though the prospect of your getting hurt may warm the hearts of many members of this community, I can't let that happen. After discussing this with the school officials, the police, and your parents, I'm sending you to the Great Indian River Learning Center for the next two years. I have a feeling that you'll be a different person after spending a few years there." The judge and my family must have thought I'd break down and beg for mercy, didn't they realize that my best friend Harry was also at Great Indian River? If they didn't, I wasn't about to say anything. I just nodded and acted as though I was sentenced to a horrid punishment. "This isn't going to be fun for you," Dad said as we drove to Great Indian River. "Mom and I weren't happy about this but it had to be done. It's going to be a huge change but it's supposed to be one hundred percent effective in settling down troublemaking boys like you." We were taken directly to the office where the Principal, Mrs. Williams, explained that I would be required to wear a school uniform while attending regular classes, but could dress in casual clothes while taking behavior modification classes unless otherwise required. Any offenses would be dealt with harshly and could result in my being dismissed from Great River and sent to a juvenile detention center until I was eighteen. "Trust me," She said in a voice that sent a shiver through me. "You don't even want to know what they'd do to a boy like you in one of those places. Let's just say that you wouldn't be much of a boy for long. At least here, you'll have a choice." "A choice? What the heck was she talking about", I wondered. Before I could ask though my mom kissed me and dad hugged me. "Good luck," Dad told me as he and mom walked out. "Mrs. Williams will show you around, mom and I will be in touch after you've had time to settle in." Mrs. Williams walked me to my new room where dad had already left a suitcase on the bed. "Behave yourself, and don't try to run away." She cautioned. "You'll hate the penalty. Start getting unpacked, when your roommate gets here she'll help you change after which I want you back in my office." She certainly wasn't the friendliest person in the world, I thought as she turned and brusquely walked out of the room. Must be some sort of a liberal school though since she said my roommate was a she." The room was pretty big and had two of everything; beds desks, tables, and walk -in closets. There must have been two girls in the room at one time since both closets were filled with girl's clothes, making me wonder why one of them had left everything behind? I looked around the room and noticed several pictures on a desk. When I got close enough to look at them my heart started to pound. The pictures were all of Holly, Harry's stepsister, the hot babe from the wedding! Now she was going to be my roommate? I had to have died and went to heaven. No wonder she didn't want to give me her address, I guess she was embarrassed to be here. Still, something about the pictures confused me; there were several pictures of Holly with her dad, brother, and stepmother together but there were no pictures of her and Harry or with just her dad or brother. If she grew up with her dad and brother, why didn't she have any pictures of them? She looked so familiar in the pictures with her and Harry's mom yet not quite the girl I met at the wedding. What really threw me though was a picture of Harry and me, a picture his mom loved and that had always been on the mantle in his mom's house. Did she think I was that special that she talked her step mom out of the picture she loved? "I thought I warned you about getting sent her Bozo," A cheery voice called out from behind me. "You never were all that bright, the wedding certainly proved that!" I wheeled around to see Holly standing there in a short denim skirt and a yellow tee with "Boy Toy" written across it. "Long time no see, huh?" She asked with a big grin. "Now I know I've gone to Heaven." I smiled as I checked her out. "That judge must have been nuts, sending me here as punishment and I get a gorgeous girl as a roomie!" "Trust me," Holly smiled and shook her pretty head. "He wasn't nuts, you are being punished, but thanks for the compliment anyhow Bozo." "Bozo, there was that name again. I thought to myself; it was Harry's favorite name for me when we hung out together as kids. "Did your brother tell you to call me that?" I hoped so, it sounded so much better coming from her. "My brother never met you before the wedding so I kind of doubt it." She had this silly look on her face that I knew I'd seen before. "Your brother and I grew up together. We were almost brothers ourselves." "Nope, sorry Bozo, you and I grew up together, remember? I doubt we'd be considered brothers anymore though!" She laughed and plopped down on the bed. There was that maddening grin again. "Not likely sweetie." I shot right back with a grin of my own. "Unless this is the twilight zone, we only met when your dad married Harry's mom." "We met at the Crafton Heights Pre-School and my dad died when I was eleven." Now I was getting totally ticked off. "Cut the crap will you Holly, it's just not funny." "Still don't get it, do you?" She laughed and pointed to a bottle in the shower. "Tell you what I'll explain while you're getting changed, Mrs. Williams doesn't like to be kept waiting. Get undressed and get in the shower, lose any leg hair by using the hair removal cream on them and use the razor on your underarm hair. Yell if you need help, I'll pick out something nice for you to wear." "No!" I said as forcefully as possible. "Nothing is making any sense. I'm stuck in the goofiest reform school with a girl for a roommate who keeps telling me things that I know aren't true and now I'm supposed to shower and get rid of the hair on my legs and my underarms. I'm not doing another thing until someone tells me what's going on around here." Holly shook her head and started to pull clothes out of drawers. "You were always stubborn Frank, it would have been so much better if you had listened to what I said in my letters but no, you had to find out for yourself." "Will you cut that out?" I screamed. "You never wrote me any letters, we never met before Harry's mother's wedding, and I never went to pre- school with you either!" Holly sighed; she put down the clothes she'd been picking out and began rattling off details of my life that blew me completely away. She knew everything about how Harry and I met, what we'd done, the girls we'd liked, everything! "You must have a fantastic memory and you can tell Harry that it was a nice try but I'm not dumb enough to fall for it." I said smugly. "You can't be that stupid Frank, nobody can!" She reached into a drawer and threw a stack of letters in my lap. "Don't you get it? I'm Harry!" She shouted. "These are all of the letters you wrote to me, to Harry!" I was getting very ticked off; this chick was getting to be a huge pain in my butt! "Yeah, sure you are. How's this sound, Harry gave you the letters and I'm really Bill Gates?" I was feeling very confused but then I looked at her cute, upturned nose and knew I had her. "How stupid do you think I am? Even if Harry were goofy enough to dress up like a fag, he'd still have a big, busted up nose, and you don't." "Don't ever call me a fag!" She said threateningly. "I'm a girl, not some guy pretending to be one, and you better never forget that!" "Hey, if you want to be a girl, go right ahead, don't let me stop you." Yep, I could hear the Twilight Zone theme song starting up. I couldn't even start to figure out what kind of weird game she was playing but he sure got pissed so I'd just ease off. "The nose job was compliments of my new dad," Holly relaxed and smiled. "He arranged for me to get it fixed, he said he wanted everyone to see how pretty his little girl really was. He's a real sweetie and I love him to bits!" I stared at her carefully, trying to imagine what she'd look like with Harry's nose. After a couple of minutes of trying I gave up; she almost would've looked a little like Harry but I couldn't picture her as Harry, no way, no how. "You don't get it, do you?" She laughed as she handed me a photo album. "You really are dumb, do you know that? Your best friend Harry gets sent to this school. He told you that something terrible was going to happen to him and to make sure that you never got sent here. You kept looking for him at the wedding but found some girl named Holly who just happened to have the same parents as Harry. Now that same girl can tell you everything about you and Harry that even you have to admit, no one else could know. Here's one last chance to show you're smarter than I think; have you seen a single boy anywhere since you were brought to this school?" I thought for a bit and then shrugged. "No, but what's that got to do with anything?" "For God's sake, open the damned album and see for yourself!" She screamed. She seemed really pissed so I opened the album and there was Harry, busted up nose and all, smiling at me. I turned the page and there he was, smiling again, but this time he had blue eye makeup on. As I turned the pages Harry was wearing more and more makeup, his nose looked just like Holly's and his hair was curled, like a girl's. Next came pictures of Harry with makeup, his hair long, wearing girl's clothes; a school uniform, skirts and dresses. It was so spooky; each picture was a little different than the one before it and each one showed Harry looking more and more like Holly. Then I saw it, a picture of Holly in the gown she wore to the wedding. Her hair wasn't fixed like Holly's was that night and she had less makeup on but it was definitely Holly but at the same time it was really obvious that it was also Harry, or at least had been Harry. I turned back to the first picture of Harry, then back to the picture of Holly and felt very, very sick; I had the hots for another guy; my best friend. "Harry?" I asked, afraid of the answer I sort of knew I was going to get. Holly smiled and shook her pretty head. "In the flesh!" "What's going on, how come you look like that? Do the other guys here know that you're pretending to be a girl?" Talk about problems; I started with a dream girl for a roomie and she turned out to be my best buddy. Why did they stick me with him for a roommate, if the other guys knew about him they'd think I was queer or something? "You really are that stupid," She muttered as she opened the closet on what must be my side of the room displaying nothing but girl's clothing. "This isn't a co-ed reform school you jerk, there aren't any guys here to care if I dress this way. Remember how I said the students joke about the school name? Think about it, Great Indian River Learning Center's initials spell GIRL Center! That's why there aren't any guys here, they send guys here and then they make girls out of them! Can you guess who will be wearing all of these pretty outfits?" I was getting a little sick as I stared at the closet wondering if he, I mean she, or whatever, was completely nuts. I didn't know why he was getting such a kick out of pretending to be a girl but I knew for certain that I didn't have any desire to join in his sick little game. She gestured towards the bathroom. "Now, you have thirty minutes to shower and be in the principal's office before she comes looking for you. If you don't want her to give you a shower, you'd better get busy. " I was still confused and didn't care for the thoughts going through my mind but I cared a lot less for the idea of the principal giving me a shower. "Toss out the clothes you're wearing, you can have them back when you leave." Holly called as I closed the door behind me. "Smear some of the stuff in that pink bottle on your legs, and then rinse your legs off last." Behind the locked door I removed my pants, shirt, socks, and underwear and with a shaking hand passed them out to Holly. I smeared the goop on my legs then fifteen minutes later, minus the little bit of leg hair I had, and wrapped in a fluffy pink robe, I sat scared stiff as Holly applied pink nail polish to my fingernails and toenails. "No, please, not this." I begged as Holly handed me a pair of nylon panties. "I'll do anything, just not this." "You ran out of options when you set the Chemistry lab on fire, now get them on while I show you how to fasten a bra. Unless of course you'd rather have Mrs. Williams help you?" The last person I wanted help from was Mrs. Williams, that woman scared me! I nodded meekly, pulled on the panties and let Holly give me a lesson in bras. After that came the pantyhose, slip, dress, and a pair of flats. "You're kind of cute, do you know that?" Holly teased as she brushed my hair into sort of a girl's style. "You're going to be a real heartbreaker!" "You're all nuts, do you know that?" I hissed to Holly as we walked the corridors to Mrs. Williams' office. "I look like a guy, I'll always look like a guy and I'll always be a guy." "Keep telling yourself that." She whispered as we entered the office. "God knows I did." She must have felt me tighten up at her little joke. "No one will hurt you, I'll be there to help, and you're going to be okay." She whispered as she squeezed my hand. What I wouldn't have given for a time machine as Holly opened the door to the office. I'd go back and be the best person imaginable; I'd do well in school, I'd be polite, no one would ever know I was there, anything to get out of the trouble I was in. "Please have seats ladies." Mrs. Williams gestured towards two chairs in front of her desk. "You look very nice for your first time Faith; this is your first time in girl's clothes isn't it?" I glanced around to see whom she was talking to. "Please look at me when I'm speaking to you Faith, it's a sign of respect." She admonished to whomever it was she was talking to. Since Holly and I were the only other ones in the room I had a horrible feeling that I was the Faith she kept referring to. A nudge from Holly confirmed it. I quickly turned my attention to Mrs. Williams. Jeez, that woman scared the crap out of me! "Thank you, that's much better Faith." She smiled. Smiling didn't help; even her smiles made my blood run cold. "Well, is this the first time you've dressed in girl's clothing?" "Uh, yeah, of course." She raised an eyebrow and gave me a stare that made me want to crawl under my chair. "Please try to use proper grammar young lady." "Yes, it is." I said as nicely as possible, trying desperately not to offend. "How do you feel about wearing them now?" "Stupid!" I blurted out without thinking. Crap, now she's going to knock me off my chair! Instead of glaring, Mrs. Williams smiled. "I expect you do Faith, but that's not important. Soon you'll be so used to dressing this way that it will be second nature to you. You'll also begin to act and think like the young woman you'll appear to be, it can't be helped." I couldn't help myself, it was bad enough sitting here dressed like a girl and then she had to call me by a girl's name, but the thought of pretty much changing into a girl tore me up. I couldn't stop the tears welling in my eyes from rolling down my cheeks. "No, please don't do this to me; I don't want to be a girl. I'll behave; I'll do anything, just send me home." I sobbed. "That's entirely out of the question Faith dear." Mrs. Williams shook her head. She glanced at a folder on the desk in front of her. "Your being here is entirely your choice. Your record shows that you've had many chances to change your ways but you always seemed to laugh them off and get into even more trouble. If you didn't want to come here why didn't you do something to help yourself?" "I meant to change, really I did." I swore. "If I could just have another chance..." "No." Mrs. Williams said sternly. "There will be no second chances until you finish the program here. After that, you may decide to leave or continue your education here. I'm sure you'll find that we at Great Indian River have an excellent academic program that will leave you extremely well prepared for post-secondary education. Many of our girls have been accepted into the fines schools in the country." "You can't make a girl out of me, it ain't right!" I screamed as more tears ran down my cheeks. "The courts have decreed that it is indeed right. In the past twenty years hundreds of hard case boys just like you have temporarily become refined young women while at Great Indian River. Every last one of them also swore that it wasn't right; many are now well-adjusted husbands and fathers, a few have risen to executive positions within major firms, none regret the time they spent here." "Why?" I choked. "Why do I have to be a girl?" "Simply because studies of unruly young men like you have shown that they all feel a need to control their lives, to be dominant. Your behavior is a manifestation of a need to control so we take away that need; you become a young lady who is treated deferentially, you learn to give, not take, to use your intelligence to affect your life, not your strength. It's amusing in a way to see a crude boy who was out of control switch to a sweet young lady in a manner of weeks." "The rougher the boy, the faster he switches." She continued. "Oddly enough, it seems that the boys who do the most swaggering, get into the most trouble, have a very strictly defined concept of what girls should be like; all sugar and spice and everything nice. Once they are forced to become girls, that mental image takes over and the former gang leader becomes a beauty queen. Some of my prettiest, sweetest girls have been former gang members." "What if I don't break?" I asked looking for a possible out. "Are you going to brainwash me or something?" "You've read too many spy novels Faith dear." She laughed for the first time since I met her but she still seemed cold. "We could get into quite a bit of trouble if we even thought of doing something as silly as that. No, after a few weeks you'll find that being a girl comes quite easily to you. Now, let me explain the schedule of classes and activities available." I sat there for nearly an hour listening to the classes I'd take; Algebra, History, English, along with classes in personal grooming and poise. The last two it was explained were because all students at Great Indian River were expected to present themselves at their best in public. "Public?" I asked in dread. "I'm not really going to have to leave this place in a dress am I?" "Not if you don't want to." Mrs. Williams countered. "And you certainly will not be permitted to for the first month. After that, if you wish and feel confident enough, there is a shuttle into and out of town every evening and several times each day on the weekends" "You'll get so lonely sitting in your room, and it's so nice in town, there's a mall with lots of great places to shop, a food court, multiplex theatre, and there are dances for the kids every weekend too." Holly explained enthusiastically. "Every girl is assigned a big sister when she arrives." Mrs. Williams continued. "Holly requested that she be yours. She will help you adjust and answer any questions you may have. If you feel that you have any problems that she cannot help with, please feel free to ask me for help. You have the rest of the weekend to get settled in, classes begin Monday at eight." I was handed a schedule listing all of my classes and suddenly it was over. As far as anyone cared, I was just another new girl in the school. But I knew that this was one time Great Indian River would fail; I would never give in, I'd have to wear the silly clothes but I'd always be a boy and they would never change that! Back in our room I tried to get Holly to help me plan an escape. "I know I can do it, you can come with me and get away from this zoo!" "No, I'm not going anywhere." She said firmly. "I'm better off than I was three years ago. I'm happy, I've got tons of friends, and I've pretty much locked up a scholarship for State University when I graduate." "Come on, admit it. You're afraid of what that old hag Williams would do if she caught you but this time she won't! Your mom would never send you back; we can talk her into getting us out of this mess." "I know what Mrs. Williams would do remember, she caught me once before. I don't want to lose my privileges and go through that torture again. Besides, mom and daddy know that I love it here!" I wondered what had happened to my buddy Harry. He had always been willing to try a new adventure and I couldn't think of a single thing that scared him. Now, he was just a scared little girl, afraid to take a chance. "You know you don't love it here so quit saying that." I insisted. "Are you sure they don't brainwash you here? That's what happened wasn't it? They caught you trying to escape and brainwashed you into thinking you're a girl." Holly shook her head and sighed deeply. "I haven't been brainwashed, I really do love this place, and as a matter of fact I am a girl!" With that she took off her top and skirt. "Look at these," She said proudly as she thrust out her chest. "Do boys have breasts like these? I wear a size thirty two B bra and there's not a bit of padding in it!" Placing her hands on her panty clad butt she thrust out her hip and asked. "How may boys have curves like this? Do you know any fifteen year old boys with a figure like mine?" If it weren't for the slight bulge in the front of her panties I would have sworn that I was looking at a girl. What had they done to my buddy? "What happened, you said that they wouldn't try to change me physically? Do your parents know about this? They could sue this place for what they did to you!" "How stupid can you be Faith Jordan?" She asked exasperatedly. "This was all my idea! I decided to become a girl two years ago when I was thirteen. Mom took me to a shrink and we talked it over with Mrs. Williams who agreed to let me stay once my sentence was over. I started taking hormones and once I graduate I'll have the final operation." "No, you can't do that!" I screamed. "You're my best friend Harry, a boy; they're just making you think this way to control you!" "My name is Holly and although I have dated a few boys that's about as close as I come to being one!" She giggled as she put her skirt and top back on. "You didn't seem to think that I was a boy the last time we met." She said coyly. I was beaten, my best friend had turned into a girl and I couldn't bring him back. I started to remember the pretty girl at the wedding, how good she looked in her dress, how pretty she was, how nice it felt to hold her in my arms when we danced, and how badly I wanted to kiss her. Suddenly I noticed that I was getting excited. The bulge in my pants was growing and I couldn't stop it. "Pesky little devils." Holly giggled as she noticed my erection. "You wouldn't happen to be thinking about the wedding?" I was too embarrassed to answer. I mean, how do you tell your best friend that you wanted to take him someplace quiet and suck face? Holly smiled and kissed my cheek. "Thank you, it means a lot to know that you thought that way about me." She said softly. I was alone, my buddy was gone and I had to get out of this nut house before they could do the same things to me that they did to Harry. I'd pretend to give in for now until I could think of some way to escape. I wished I could bring Harry with me but he was gone and I knew that Holly would never go. Too bad, I found myself thinking. She's a real fox; we could have a lot of... What's wrong with me? Holly may look like a fox but she's still as much a guy as I am. Still, those breasts and that figure didn't look like anything a guy would have. I decided to get my suitcase unpacked as a way to get my mind off Holly. I threw open the latches and nearly died when I saw what had been packed. My suitcase was filled with panties, slips, bras, pantyhose, and makeup. A pink envelope rested on top, I opened it and saw my dad's handwriting. "Dear Faith," It read. "Mom and I felt that this was the last hope to settle you down. We gave this a great deal of thought and although it anguished us both, we felt that there was other way. By now I imagine that you've been told all of the rules and are smart enough to realize that there is no way out. Please, for once just listen to what you're told and don't try to buck the system. Mom and I are looking forward to seeing you soon and hope there will be a positive change in your attitude. Give our best to Holly; she's putting her reputation on the line to help you." It was signed "Good luck sweetheart, Mother and Daddy" "Mother and Daddy?" Whatever happened to mom and dad? Only a total swish would call his father "Daddy". "It sucks to realize that your parents knew what was going to happen to you." Holly said offhandedly. "It takes a little while to adjust but you'll manage, every girl does." "Why do you keep talking about girls?" I asked testily. "You admitted that all of the students here are boys." "We think of ourselves as girls." She shrugged as if it was perfectly normal for boys to think of themselves as girls. "You'll get used to it." I shook my head and started putting away the lingerie my folks had packed. "You think they could've thrown in a couple of pairs of briefs at least." "I know, that's the same thing I said on my first day. It's really easy to get used to wearing panties and stuff; they're much nicer than briefs." Did she have any idea how annoying it was to hear that she went through the same things, felt the same feelings, said the same things, which I was going through? Who gave a hoot? It didn't get me out of the stupid get up that I was wearing and it didn't replace the silky underwear in my suitcase with good cotton briefs. "Did anyone ever tell you just how incredibly annoying you are?" I pointed out. "I don't care how you felt, I don't care what you thought, just shut up and leave me alone!" She crossed her sexy legs and stared at me for a bit before opening up on me. "You stupid jerk! You inconsiderate moron! I'm the only Sophomore girl that's a Big Sister, I begged and pleaded to be your big sister, I should have let them assign you to one of the senior girls, you'd probably be wearing some frilly baby doll nightgown, a garter belt and fishnet stockings, a push up bra complete with fake boobs, drenched in perfume, and trying your best to retain your balance in a pair of six inch, "FM" heels!" "Don't get your panties all twisted sweetheart." I joked, reveling in my perceived gift for comedy. "Don't worry, I won't!" She shouted. "You will though since I'm going straight to Mrs. Williams and tell her to get you a new big sister. I just hope that you'll enjoy being all dolled up and paraded through the halls!" I'd never seen Harry get that mad before, could it be a girl thing? "I don't scare easily Harry, you know that." I purposely used and emphasized her male name. She looked like she was going to choke me or something but suddenly she calmed down and started to smile. "Let me show you my first days." Her voice was dripping with sweetness as she walked to her desk and removed something. She smoothed her skirt as she sat next to me on the bed and opened a photo album. "A gift from my big sister." She said with a smile that was making me horny. My excitement and erection vanished in a second as I looked at pictures of my best friend Harry being given a makeover. The look of horror on his face was clear as his skin was covered with makeup and blush; blue eye shadow was applied to his lids, and dark red lipstick to his lips. The next couple of shots showed his boy's clothes being removed and him being dressed in a pink bra, garter belt, and panties with black fishnet stockings. On the next page were pictures of Harry with his lingerie covered by a pink baby doll style nightgown that barely covered the ruffles on the back of the panties he wore. He was walking down a hall lined with what must have been other students and it was clear that he was utterly humiliated. Other pictures in the album showed Harry in skirts so short you could see his panties peeking out, his makeup and chest padding done to make him look like a cheap whore. There was page after page of pictures of Harry in various outfits, each more humiliating than the last. "I dressed like that every day for two weeks, in and out of class." Holly explained. "It was horrible and it's something that I swore I'd put an end to but I guess there will have to be one more poor guy that goes through it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to speak with Mrs. Williams." I grabbed her arm as she reached for the doorknob. "I guess I goofed." I mumbled softly. "Excuse me miss, what did you say?" Harry always knew when he had me cornered but I could tell that Holly was going to push in a way that Harry never had, in a way that only a girl could. "I uh, I said I guess I goofed." "I'm sorry young lady." She pressed her advantage. "You're very difficult to understand. Would you be a good girl and repeat yourself, please?" "Knock it off Harry!" I shot back angrily. It was bad enough to have to say that I was wrong but I was being taken advantage of and I wanted it to stop! "Harry" She said in that soft, sweet voice. "Mrs. Williams has a strict policy about when boys are allowed on campus. I'd better hurry and tell her that you've spotted one." I caught her again as she reached for the doorknob. "C'mon," I begged. "Cut me a break, will ya?" "I'm cutting you a break you don't deserve." She said with a nasty gleam in her eye. "Now, you either apologize or ask me nicely to be your big sister or I'm out of here!" "Okay, I'm sorry, please be my big sister." I sighed. "Say it nicely." "Pretty please would you be my big sister?" "Do you promise to be a good girl and do everything I tell you?" There was no stopping this girl; I swear she'd have me on my knees any second now. "I guess that depends..." I started to say but by then she had the door open and it was all I could do to get it shut and get her to sit down. "Okay, you win anything you say." I was defeated and she knew it. "Do you have to do that?" I pleaded as she jumped up and hugged me. "You didn't mind holding me when we danced at the wedding." She said demurely "I didn't know you were a guy then." She gave me a funny look, wrapped her arms around my neck and slapped a lip lock on me that made my knees buckle. Before I could react she had forced her tongue past my lips and was making me feel things that embarrassed me. "Do you still think I'm a guy?" She asked in a voice no teenage girl should ever be allowed to use. "Don't ever do that again!" I insisted when I finally got my breath back. "I'm sorry," She teased as she ran a finger slowly up my chest and kissed my cheek. "Did I do something wrong?" How could I stop her from causing me untold embarrassment? If she knew what was happening under the skirt I had on I would have died. "You haven't answered my question yet," She cooed. "Do you still think I'm a guy?" "Of course you are." I tried to insist as she moved closer, her hips swaying sexily with every step. By then it was too late to hide my growing excitement; the front of my skirt had a telltale bulge in it. "Mr. Happy thinks I'm a girl." She giggled while pointing to the bulge. "I think he likes me." I was about to mount some sort of defense when once again she threw her arms around my neck and pulled me close to her. When our lips met my resistance failed; I put my arms around her neck and met her tongue with mine. We held our kiss for an eternity. I was in heaven, holding a beautiful girl in my arms and giving her the most passionate kisses a guy my age could manage. We finally broke off our embrace but it was too late for me, a wet spot was growing on the front of my skirt. "I've wanted to do that to you for two years now," she said with a smile. "Ever since I decided to become a girl I've wanted to have you hold me and kiss me" She ran a brush through her gorgeous hair then turned and smiled. "Of course, if you ever try to kiss me again I'll have to hurt you." Any doubts that Harry had turned into a girl were instantly erased. "You're a girl, there's no doubt about that." I groaned. "Harry would never pull such a sneaky trick." "I'm really sorry but I just had to know." She apologized. "I've had this fantasy about you since I started taking hormones. Like I said, I had to know if you were the guy for me." "What makes you think I'd be interested? No offense, but I prefer real girls." "I was real enough at the wedding and it looks like you think I'm real enough now." She giggled as she stared at the spot on my skirt. "You'd better get cleaned up; you've got a hair appointment in half an hour." She handed me a pink denim skirt and another pair of panties then shooed me into the bathroom. "Why a hair appointment?" I called as I unzipped my skirt. "I don't want to look any more like a girl than I have to." "You have to!" she called back cheerfully. "It's all in the rule book Mrs. Williams gave you earlier. All students are required to make use of the beauty shop for hair, nails, and grooming, and are required to dress appropriately at all times. That means our uniforms for school, slacks or jeans for loafing, and dress clothes for anything special." "If I can wear jeans, why the skirts?" I asked hoping to get into a pair of pants, any pants, just out of dresses. "After your probationary period, you can wear anything you like. That's a month from now, until then, you're stuck wearing skirts or dresses." I changed panties, stepped into the skirt and wondered why there were no stockings. "That was just to show off your pretty legs to Mrs. Williams." Holly laughed. "No one ever wears stockings with denim skirts; it's a fashion faux pas!" I smelled a rat. "Who gets to decide what I wear during that month, you or me?" "You don't trust me!" She exclaimed, pretending to be highly offended. "You pick the clothes you'll be wearing. I may make suggestions now and then but you get the final say so on your clothes, your hair, and makeup." "Feel better now?" She chided. "You really thought that I would pick out your clothes and make you wear something silly, didn't you?" I ran my hands along my new skirt. "You already have." "You're going to take a lot of work," she laughed. "Pay attention cause I don't want to have to keep telling you this stuff. You were sent here to experience life as a girl; to leave your stupid macho ideas behind and see that they aren't necessary, that it is possible to be a kind, caring, thoughtful person. All of the silly male expectations societies had for you are gone. For the next two years you can cry if you want to, you can giggle if you want to, you don't have to worry about people thinking you're weak; you don't have to act like a male dog; constantly trying to pee further up the tree than the last male dog. You'll learn to relax and then you'll find that there's a whole different world than what you were used to. If you pay attention and work hard the top colleges will come looking for you and they won't care about how you're dressed. Yes, you'll do all of that while living as a girl since you couldn't seem to grasp those ideas as a boy. After your time is up you can leave and no one will ever know that this happened." I had to know. "Why didn't you?" She smiled and shrugged. "I guess I got used to being a girl and found that I enjoy being feminine and pretty. No one forced it on me; I gave it a lot of thought and decided that being a girl was right for me. I knew you wouldn't understand, that's why I signed my letters as "H". I talked it over with my folks, got my nose fixed, started hormones and the rest is history." She tossed me a pair of slip on shoes. "Come on, you've got to get your hair done." I put on the shoes but stumbled because of the slight heel. "Do they have to have such high heels?" "You're a girl now; they're girl's shoes which typically have heels. Since you are a girl let's get your cute little butt to the beauty shop!" "But I don't want to get my hair done." I was starting to sound like I was whining. A couple of hours in panties and I was whining like a girl! "Did you see any cross dressed boys when you came here?" "No." "Do you want anyone to see a cross dressed boy?" I figured out that she must have meant me. "No." "Then you'll have to look like a girl, right? "Lead the way." I whimpered. "You'll have to act like a girl too!" She laughed as she ran into the hall. "I can't wait to see you swishing down the street in town!" I tried to run after her but couldn't get the hang of the shoes. "No fair, you're used to heels!" I yelled. She stopped, laughed at me and told me to put one foot in front of the other and swing my butt. I hated to admit it but as long as I took her advice I could walk with ease. Everything had been pre-arranged at the beauty shop; I was given a light blue plastic smock and leaned backwards over a sink to be shampooed. The shampooing felt great and I quickly fell asleep. I woke up feeling someone yanking on my brows and was sickened to see a girl with shoulder length, light brown hair and highly arched eyebrows staring at me. "What did you do to me?" I screamed as I realized that I was looking into a mirror. "Hush up, don't be a sissy." The woman doing my hair ordered. "Once you get used to looking like this you'll be back all the time. You're really very pretty, did you know that?" "I can honestly say that I've never been told that by anyone." "Get used to hearing it; you're going to hear it a lot from now on." She said simply. I was starting to feel very sick. Two hours after walking in I had long brown hair, plucked eyebrows, curled eyelashes that had been lengthened with mascara, a light brown eye shadow on my lids, pale pink blush on my cheeks and a darker pink on my lips. My nails stuck out an inch past my fingertips and perfectly matched the shade of lipstick that I wore. The sick feeling was hard to stop when I realized that I had been made into quite a fox! "One last thing," the woman smiled as she took a container out of a microwave. "Step out of your skirt please." I looked at Holly who nodded. "What now?" "Leg waxing," she beamed as I sat back down. If sitting on a cold seat in nothing but flimsy nylon panties wasn't bad enough, the hot wax added to my woes, and I could have screamed when she removed it. "There you go; soft, silky, and hairless for another two weeks." The woman said proudly. "You're going to have it made, you're pretty, you're small, and you have great legs." "I'm jealous," Holly teased. "It took two years of hormones for my legs to look that good." "I'm sick," I muttered. "Let's go back to our room please." Once in our room I took off my skirt and top and tossed them into a heap in the corner. "Look at what they've done to me!" I wailed. "That goofy broad made me look like a..." "Can you say Major League Babe?" Holly teased. "'Cause you are." "That's just friggin' wonderful. I have to dress like a chick, act like a chick, and now I look like one too. I hate to think what the guys back home would think if they saw me now." "Let see," Holly's smile went from ear to ear. "Barry would stand there and stammer, he never was good around pretty girls. Jake would get that goofy look on his face as he wondered what you'd look like naked, Tom would definitely ask you out, he knows what he likes and believe me, you're it. Anyone else you're wondering about?" "It was a rhetorical question you jerk." I spat. "Me a jerk?" She laughed. "You're the hot looking honey who's wondering what boys will think of her. How dumb can that be?" "I'm not a hot looking honey, I'm a guy for heaven's sake." Why did she have to be so dumb? Did taking female hormones somehow affect her brain? I was about to reach over and choke her when there was a commotion in the hallway. Holly slipped out of my reach and threw open the door. A small group of girls, I guess that's what to call them, were staring into the room. "We heard there was a new girl starting, is this her?" One of them asked. "Someone said they saw you guys coming from the beauty shop and that she was cute." Another chimed in. "Whoa, is she ever!" A third girl added, as she looked me over. I suddenly realized that I was sprawled across my bed wearing nothing but a bra and panties. I made a desperate grab for my blankets to preserve my modesty. "We're all girls here." A girl called out. "Relax, we don't bite." How do you fight a small group of girls determined to check you out? You don't, I found out as they all streamed into the room calling out their names. Becky, Susan, Mary, Kathy, Kara, how was I supposed to remember who was who? "What were you sent here for?" I was asked. "How do you like it? Did you know you were pretty before?" Question after question was fired at me until I finally broke down and started to answer them. Next thing I knew I was surrounded by a bunch of girls and telling them about Harry and me and then the Chemistry lab. They all thought it was so cool that Holly and I had been friends since we were kids. "Is this the guy from the wedding?" One asked. "Didn't Holly warn you about this place?" Asked another. "Are you going to date?" A third wanted to know. "Yeah, I'm the guy from the wedding; at least I think I am." I laughed and looked at the bra and panties I was wearing. "Yeah, she warned me, but she never said I'd end up looking like this and where could I find a girl who would date a guy in a dress?" "Not girls, guys. Are you going to date guys?" My interrogator explained. "No way," I said, shaking my head. "I like girls." "You are a girl, remember?" Someone felt a need to remind me. "And guys are gonna go nuts over you." "Let her go, if she doesn't want to date guys that leaves more for the rest of us!" Someone from the group laughed. "Having her running loose could dry up the supply of guys." "You date other guys?" I asked incredulously. "Our boyfriends don't think of us as guys. It feels so nice when a guy holds you tight and tells you that you're pretty. I have to be a girl anyways so I might as well enjoy it." I shook my head, was this real? "You're serious, guys don't mind dating you?" "It's a very liberal town," Holly tried to explain. "Over the years a lot of families moved here to be close to their new daughters and a lot of girls came back here after college so it's no big deal if a brother or son wants to date a girl from here. As long as we present ourselves as girls we're completely accepted as girls. Some of us work in town, just about every girl here shops in town, most of us date and many of us have steady boyfriends." "Once you get used to it, being a girl is a blast!" A girl next to me exclaimed excitedly. "Guys will do almost anything for a pretty girl, all we have to do is look nice, treat them with respect, and let them take care of us; they enjoy feeling all strong and protective. You faced embarrassment every time you asked a girl for a date, right? That won't happen when you're the girl; now you're in charge, you decide if the guys cute enough to go out with! If you do decide to go out with him he'll do everything possible to win your approval, all you have to do is smile and he'll do the rest." "Of course there is the matter of payment for his time." A girl behind me snickered. "Kisses on the cheek or letting him slip you a little tongue if he's really cute and you had a really good time." The thought of another guy sticking his tongue in my mouth made me ill but when I looked over at Holly she smiled knowingly. Hadn't I already let another guy stick his tongue in my mouth? Hadn't I already pushed my tongue past the lips of another guy? I tried to ignore the memories of sucking face with Holly in our room earlier. "In one of your letters you said that you had a girlfriend, but that doesn't make sense." "I have lots of girlfriends here, they listened to me when I was upset, they taught me how to fix my own hair and stuff, and they got me through some rough times." Holly said softly as she gazed at the girls in the room. "That's what I meant but I knew you wouldn't understand and besides, we're not allowed to tell anyone else that we're girls." "I promise I won't tell." I laughed and crossed my heart. "It's not exactly something I want to brag about." "Are you really her big sister Holly?" The girl named Jenny asked. "That is so cool!" "Yep, I had to promise Mrs. Williams a lot but I didn't want Faith to go through the crap some of the older girls would have put her through." Holly said proudly. "That's a pretty name," another girl whom Holly called Mary told me. "Mary's so plain; I wish my parents had given me a pretty name like yours." "You can have mine if you get me out of here." I joked. "Don't even think about trying that," she said very seriously. "You don't want to know what will happen when you're caught." "If, not when." I insisted. "When, not if!" The girls all said in unison. And Holly claimed that there was no brainwashing. They could try to scare me but my mind was made up; the first chance I got; I would be out of here. I'd beg and plead until my parents gave in. They could change Harry into Holly and even make him think it was his idea but I'd be long gone before they got to me. It was pretty late when the girls finally left, after making me promise to behave and to read the student handbook Mrs. Williams had given me. They made me promise to have breakfast with their group so we could talk some more. Holly showed me how to take off my makeup and then handed me a pair of silky PJ's to wear. "I didn't know if you were ready for a nightgown yet." The PJ's were light pink, trimmed with a wide band of white lace around their short sheer sleeves and the legs. "Good thinking, it's probably best to stick to something less frilly like these." I mocked as I pulled on the bottoms. "God knows no one would ever mistake me for a girl in these." Holly was up to the task of handling my sarcasm. "I see your point." She nodded in agreement. "I could lend you this adorable baby doll nightgown I have if you're worried about being mistaken for a boy, Faith." "Thanks ever so much," I teased and fluffed my hair. "But I've been going through this tomboy stage lately so it's not a problem if someone thinks I'm a boy." "Don't fret," she shot back as she slid into her bed. "In a couple of weeks no one will ever think of you as a boy, yourself included." I was sure she was just teasing me but her casual remark kept me from getting to sleep for quite a while that night. I tossed and turned trying to sleep but I kept dreaming that I was back in my old school yet everyone called me Faith. I'd get up in the morning, shower and throw on a Tee shirt and jeans but when I looked in a mirror I was wearing a plaid uniform skirt and white blouse. Mom, dad, all of my friends, my teachers, everyone I ran into called me Faith and treated me like a girl. I was walking through the hall at school and had to use the restroom. I walked right up to the boy's bathroom but as soon as I touched the door the sign changed to "Girls". I quickly turned and reached for the other door, which also read "Girls". No matter which door I chose I would be in the girl's bathroom. I hoped for the best, pushed a door and went inside. Large mirrors, shelves above the sink, and no urinals, greeted me. I rushed into a stall, locked the door, pulled up my skirt and pushed down my panties as if I'd done it all my life. "At least my plumbing is still all there." I thought to myself as I sat down. I stared down at a pair of pink lace panties that had somehow come to replace the white briefs I remembered putting on after my shower. I knew I'd put on briefs, jeans, and a Tee shirt yet here I was in a plaid skirt, white blouse, lace panties, a white slip, and judging from the tight feeling on my chest, a bra. "This just isn't right." I thought as I hefted my backpack onto the counter after finishing in the stall. "I'm a boy, I know I'm a boy, I've always been a boy, so how did I end up in girl's clothes?" Worse yet, when I looked in the mirror as I washed my hands I saw a pretty girl with long, light brown hair instead of the boy with short, dark brown hair. When I reached for my backpack I found that it had been replaced by one of those baby backpacks that girls carried for purses. If things weren't bad enough the door suddenly swung open and a group of girls walked in. I was about to offer some type of explanation for being in the girl's restroom when they smiled and walked past me. "Hi Faith," they all called as they headed for stalls. I woke up several times that night but every time I went back to sleep it was as if I'd put the dream on pause and started it up again. I went from the restroom to walking down the hall, my skirt swishing about my legs, then into a classroom where I smoothed my skirt, set down my purse, and smiled at the cute guy sitting across from me. Throughout the entire school day people called me Faith and I answered with a smile. Guys flirted with me and I flirted right back, sick to my stomach that I'd do such a thing yet feeling a secret thrill that guys thought I was cute. I was a wreck the next morning but I refused to say anything to Holly about it. I would have probably told Harry; I always felt that I could trust him, but I didn't feel the same way at all about Holly. I was sure that if I told her that I dreamed about being changed into a girl she'd jump up and down and tell all of her friends that I wanted to be a girl for real! "Let's go sleepyhead," she called as I took my time getting out of bed. "We've got to shower, do our hair and makeup, get dressed, and be at breakfast in ninety minutes." "But it's Sunday, a day of rest." I reminded my overly motivated roommate. "Later, but first we have to go to breakfast, didn't you read your handbook?" "I got a little distracted last night." I muttered as I made my way into the bathroom. "Somehow a swarm of giggling girls got into our room." "Make a point to read it after breakfast." Holly insisted as she walked in to the bathroom behind me. "Hey, a little privacy would be nice you know." I couldn't believe she'd just walk right in like that. "Why, I know what you've got. The same as me, remember?" "Almost." I added for effect. "You're a girl, remember?" "Uh huh, and so are you now." "Not quite, nor do I ever plan to be." I might as well have been talking to the wall; without hesitating she stepped out of her nightgown and panties and began to shower. "You're welcome to join me," She called out as if asking if I wanted a soft drink. "It'll be faster and we can do each other's backs." "No thanks, I'll wait." I knew that if I got into that shower with her looking the way she did I'd be very embarrassed. How was I ever going to get used to seeing my former best friend with curves and boobs? "Suit yourself; you might want to pick out something pretty to wear. We always dress up for Sunday breakfast and you wouldn't want to upset Mrs. Williams." No, of course I wouldn't want to upset dear Mrs. Williams; lord knows I might end up in stocks! I wouldn't put anything past a woman who insisted on turning boys into pretty girls as a means of punishment. "Something pretty," I asked, trying not to look at her boobs. "Don't suppose you could give your little sister a hint, huh sis?" "Think of something you'd enjoy seeing a girl wear." She advised over the shower noise. Did she know that she was at that very moment wearing what I'd most like to see a girl wear? I went to my closet and stared. How was I supposed to pick something pretty when I hadn't a clue as to what pretty was? Should I wear a dress or maybe a skirt and top? What color? I heard that girls matched their shoes to their outfits; that just complicated matters. "Don't be a big baby," Holly said from behind me. "I'm here to help, not be your wardrobe consultant. Grab that blue dress; it'll go nicely with your eyes. I'll let you decide on what you wear under it." I set the dress on my bed and picked out some plain lingerie to wear with it; white cotton panties, bra, and a half-slip along with tan pantyhose. I might have to dress in girl's stuff but it wasn't going to be the frilly colored stuff mom had picked out. Yeah, I'd probably have to wash my underwear every three days since I only had two pairs of cotton panties but it would be worth it. After my shower I had to sit patiently while Holly did my hair. "Pay attention Faith, you've got to look nice and I'm not going to have time to do your hair every morning." Jeez, I hated being treated like a little kid; a girl kid at that. I couldn't afford to wait too long before getting out of this place, otherwise I'd end up worrying about how pretty I looked and if my dress and shoes matched. I really hoped

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Faith or, How I learned to love a Witch. This is a sequel to my story "The Witch, the Warlock and me." If you haven't, you might want to read it to find out about a few of the characters in this story. ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. A first meeting. My name is Carl and during the break between my junior and senior years in college, I'd taken a drive to a little town on the ocean about an hour from campus. I was walking...

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Chasing Faith

After too long a time spent making their lungs bleed and legs beg for death, the pair saw no flashlight and heard no voice. Without a word needed, they slowed their pace, and eventually came to a stop, praising their lucky stars they were around each other. They wanted absolute quiet so that they could listen to see if they were still followed by a stealthy stalker, but their breathing overshadowed their attempt to scan the surrounding darkness for an auditory clue. In the darkness, they...

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Chasing Faith

It was too dark outside to see anything. All you could do was hear. The footsteps, the heavy breathing, the panic as the duo ran for their lives. Darkness was preferred – light meant flashlights, and that meant that the very people they were running from were catching up to them. They knew not where they were running to, just who and what they were running from.After too long a time spent making their lungs bleed and legs beg for death, the pair saw no flashlight and heard no voice. Without a...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Chasing Faith

It was too dark outside to see anything. All you could do was hear. The footsteps, the heavy breathing, the panic as the duo ran for their lives. Darkness was preferred – light meant flashlights, and that meant that the very people they were running from were catching up to them. They knew not where they were running to, just who and what they were running from.After too long a time spent making their lungs bleed and legs beg for death, the pair saw no flashlight and heard no voice. Without a...

3 years ago
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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 3 Gotta Hve Faith

Introduction: Charity meets a new friend We sat in church listening to a sermon on the bonds of family, both Momma and I wearing sunglasses and feeling rather ragged. We were both suffering hangovers, but the nature of our hangovers were very much different. Whilst Mommas head was pounding after along hard night of drinking, my body was aching from a long hard night of being pounded. Sitting in the pew I couldnt believe I was no longer a virgin! The last 24 hours had been very intense and I...

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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 3 Gotta Hve Faith

Sitting in the pew I couldn’t believe I was no longer a virgin! The last 24 hours had been very intense and I felt as if they were happening to someone else. I had always planned on saving myself for marriage, but I admitted to myself I loved what had happened and I wanted more and more sex. It was hardly this secret ritual between married couples that the church had taught me.. It was hot , raw sex, oure fucking and I wanted to do it again. But not today, I was way too sore from last...

3 years ago
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Pure pleasure seeker buffy faith

Buffy's lungs were burning from exertion. She'd never run so hard and fast in her life. Even when it felt like her legs were going to buckle, the pain shooting up her shins, somehow they kept pounding the tarmac of their own volition. All she could see was Faith's hair like a dark cape whipping behind her as she ran. God knows how far they'd gone but the totalled squad car was far behind them and they were sprinting into an unfamiliar part of town. Faith seemed to know where she was going...

3 years ago
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Chasing Faith

It was too dark outside to see anything. All you could do was hear. The footsteps, the heavy breathing, the panic as the duo ran for their lives. Darkness was preferred – light meant flashlights, and that meant that the very people they were running from were catching up to them. They knew not where they were running to, just who and what they were running from. After too long a time spent making their lungs bleed and legs beg for death, the pair saw no flashlight and heard no voice. Without a...

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The Tuscan sun was quietly burning off the last wisps of grey morning mist from around the rising cypress spires in the near distance as two cars arrived at the villa, grinding the gravel under their wheels like strong waves breaking on shingle. My mother lifted the palms of her hands towards my face and allowed them to brush the outline of my veil, as though anything more than the lightest touch would cause it to disperse into fine white powder and drift away into eternity. She stood back a...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Fate Of Faith

FATE OF FAITHBy Sonya Esperanto  [email protected]:About a horny mother who was in need of drugs and had submitted herself as a slave to a friend of her son?s, in exchange for those drugs.STORY:Faith Mc Donald was a very attractive woman. She had long black hair and blue eyes. Men wanted to fuck her, as she had a nice ass and had large breasts. The mother was roughly at the age between 35 to 36, but was still far more attractive than many other mothers, or even younger...

2 years ago
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Having Faith

Have you ever been so attracted to a woman you'd do almost anything to have her? I honestly don't know if women ever feel that instinctive, physical need for sex the way men do but, at the very least, I believe ladies will understand what I mean. Mind you, I'm not talking about that caveman, 'beat her on the head and drag her home’ cliche. That brutally simplistic image is far too crass and no man worth a woman's affection would seriously ponder the idea. No, I’m speaking about a twisting,...

3 years ago
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Dawn and Faith

Dawn loved to watch the slayers training, they were all so hot but what she really loved was watching faith, a vampire slayer just like her sister buffy, but unlike buffy faith had this exotic side to her that made dawn tingle all over. She loved that faith always wore those leather pants which seem to cling to her body, dawn could tell that faith either didn't wear any panties or if she did they would be so tiny, dawn let out a little moan at the thought of this, she was pretty sure that faith...

3 years ago
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My Cousin Faith

I didn't know many of my cousins on my Dad's side of the family. It was late September and the school year was over and Mom told me that some relatives were coming for a visit next week. She said my Aunt Jody and her daughter Faith would be spending a week with us, I had never met them before and knew nothing about them. The day they arrived I was busy doing my usual thing in my room, looking at girly magazines and enjoying the pleasures of stroking my cock. I was unaware that they had arrived...

4 years ago
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Hope and Faith

Kyle waited for his sister's to arrive. He hadn't seen them in over three months since he was caught with them both in bed. Kyle sat there as the guards of the prison brought in his beautiful sisters Hope and Faith. They walked in smiling immediately as they saw their brother. He still looked sexy as ever with his dark brown hair slightly covering his blue eyes. He was wearing his orange prison suit and his hands were handcuffed. They saw one of the guards uncut him so he could pick up the...

4 years ago
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Have Faith

She hadn’t really been sure what to expect when a few friends from work had asked her to come out and join them for drinks, there was quite the age gap after all, between her and the teaching assistants who had been so insistent she comes out. Part of her had thought it would just be them for the evening, sat around a table chatting and gossiping about work stuff, which, to be fair, they had done for the first hour or so. Then the music had been pumped up, the lights dimmed and the girls...

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Quantum Leap A Tale of Two Cindys

Quantum Leap : A Tale of Two Cindys By Paul G Jutras Theorizing that one could time travel within their own lifetime, Doctor Sam Beckett stepped on the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished. He awoke to find himself trapped in the past suffering from partial amnesia and facing mirror images that were not his own. And driven by an unknown force to change history for the better. His only guide on this journey is Al who appears in the form of a hologram that only Sam can see and...

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Mistletoe Buffyfaith

"Hey B, sorry I'm late." I walked inside and hung up my coat. "Here, I got ya some presents..." I handed her the three wrapped parcels. "Thanks Faith, yours is under the tree. You're staying with us tonight, ok?" Buffy looked amazing, her hair was shinning and the top she was wearing just looked... wow. "I-" "You're staying." No argument. "Faith!" Dawn came out of the living room. "Dawn, Happy Christmas!" I gave her a big hug. "I got you a present but you can't open it until tomorrow, ok?"...

4 years ago
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Leap of Faith

No sex in this chapter, folks – my characters need more time getting to know each other. The rest of the story is finished and will post imminently – let me know what you think! * * * Rain streaked down the windows in greasy rivulets, distorting the myriad of reflected lights. The bus trundled on, rumbling through the dirty streets and by-ways of the dreary town. Eventually the houses and factories gave way to endless fields and flat scrubland. It was featureless and grey – just like the rest...

3 years ago
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Leap of faith

So, when I was fifteen,I wondered into the Castro district, although I couldn't drink,I thought I would take a look around. People were really friendly....A curious pretty boy teenager...heh...go figure. There was a particular bar, with a sidewalk cafe where I was asked to join some really cute guys and they would get me drinks. I jumped at the chance to drink and act like an adult. They were very nice and kept telling me how beautiful my green eyes were. I stayed somewhat reserved........

4 years ago
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The Wishes Tempus FugitLeap of Faith

Hello World... James looked at the room. The bed was back in its normal position. He had removed the money from his hiding space, given it to his father and then had to sit in silence for nearly half an hour as he listened to his parents argue. It was a lot of money, illegitimate money; but, as his father stated, Dad had gambled and that was likely where James got the idea. His father took it on the chin and James had nodded his thanks. To smooth Mom’s ruffled feathers, James had insisted...

1 year ago
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The Leap

The Leap A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I am like that guy Hamlet. You know: "To be or not to be, that is the question". I just could not make up my mind. I must have stood there on that cliff top for close to an hour. To be or not to be. I had heard that the last guy who threw himself off "The Leap" had just driven there in his car with his girlfriend, ran up and over the barrier and he was gone. Dead on the rocks below within seconds. Too easy. But not me. So along...

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Author’s Note: I’d like to thank KevH for his outstanding editing skills. His tireless efforts were much appreciated. Also, thanks to Tom Collins for her help and suggestions. * It was cold, bitterly cold as the snow fell sporadically, lightly dusting the street in a white blanket. At least the holidays won’t suck for everyone, Tyler thought cynically. His eyes wandered away from the road to the strip malls he was passing. Christmas used to be his favorite time of the year. He would...

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Waiting for faith

Waiting for Faith by alexcarr © I live in a block of purpose built retirement flats.We have our own community gardens to keep us pensioners happy as well as a community room where we hold regular functions.Not being the social animal my aim was to settle for a quiet uneventful life, believing all things sexual were long gone. Except for the looking of course and I could always imagine how it was when I was young.But who was I kidding!You see; there are lots of lonely spinsters and widows here....

1 year ago
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Jessica and Faith

At the time me and Faith were both 14. We were pretty simmilar in looks except she was slightly taller than me. We had known each other since we were about 3 years old. When I was about 8 or 9 I realized how attracted I was to her and that I loved her, but I just couldn't work up the courage to act on it. This is the story of the day that we became more than just good friends. "AAHHHHH!! Why won't school just end! I wanna go home for the weekend! "Yeah, I know what you mean." Faith said, "Hey,...

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I got caught trying to do my 6 year old sister. My aunt Faith showed up on our doorstep one day. She had been living with my aunt Dawn but Aunt Dawns Boyfriend was starting to molest her now. she was living at home but my grandfather was molesting her also. Yes my mothers side of the tree are all into some weird shit. Faith was 13 years old skinny as a rail and maybe 5 foot 2 inches tall. 100 lbs soaking wet, Blondie hair small tits, I'm sure they would grow to a...

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Broken Faith

***Comments welcomed*** Chapter One: Elder Blake was excited. In less than 48 hours, he would be stepping foot on to another continent. His feet would be exploring a new country, a new village, and assisting with a new mission. His group consisted of 5 other Elders from his faith. (To keep confusion to a minimum, we will refer to him as Blake throughout the story.) Blake was very attractive growing up and most peers in school assumed he would break away from religion and move...

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Altered Fates Faith

If anyone wishes to archive this story, please contact me. Altered Fates: Faith By Morpheus It was late in the afternoon, and Father Christopher wiped the sweat from his brow, and straightened his collar. Opening his bible, he started reading aloud to the several homeless people standing around. Some of them listened intently, while others ignored him, focusing instead on the blankets and food that he'd brought. As he finished, Father Christopher closed his bible, feeling...

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Jean Therapy Faith

I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I'd broken up with my girlfriend Kristi last week, after I'd found her cheating on me with my friend Eric. Perhaps I should make that ex-friend. I'd walked in on them banging on the same bed Kristi and I slept in when I came back from a trip a day early. Not a pretty scene, with lots of screaming and Eric comically trying to get his clothes and hightail it out of there before I strangled him. So on Friday I found myself in my local bar,...

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Red Ribbons and Faith

By Beagle9690 September 2021 A brief history; I grew up an Army brat, moving from place to place, and often lived in crappy government housing or cramped apartments. Moving from place to place was hard for making friends. I did excel in school, though. When I graduated high school, I left to be on my own clear across the country to the East Coast with a full scholarship. I was an emancipated seventeen, soon to be eighteen in two days, attending college as an English Major and working...

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Quantum Leap Safe Sex

Others own the characters and concepts, so this story is free. Copyrighted by the owners, with the story itself copyrighted by the author. Quantum Leap: Safe Sex By Caleb Jones Sam woke up screaming as another leap began. Oh God! Oh God! Oh GOD!!!!!!!! Something was thrusting into him again and again, and it was SO gooooood! The feelings were wonderfully familiar, yet strange to him at the same time. This was nothing like he had experienced before, but it was...

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In Bed With Faith

For the past four years, Dean raised his daughter, a blue eyed and blond person named Kerri, alone. One day four years prior, his wife left him and got a divorce after apparently suddenly realizing she was a lesbian. And in the four years since, neither he nor his daughter had heard from her. He dated from time to time, but nothing ever got too serious. But that didn't matter. Four years later his daughter turned eighteen, graduated high school, and was accepted into the college she had been...

2 years ago
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Faith A Short Story By Maryanne Peters My faith is the most important thing to me. It is now, as it was then. I gave my life to the Lord and it was my duty to spread his word and let his word inspire those who followed me. As pastor of a minor but dedicated flock, I had responsibility for a small group of men and women who looked up to me as an exemplar of a good, Christian life. The words of the Old Testament are clear: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is...

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Waiting for faith

Waiting for Faith by alexcarr © I live in a block of purpose built retirement flats. We have our own community gardens to keep us pensioners happy as well as a community room where we hold regular functions. Not being the social animal my aim was to settle for a quiet uneventful life, believing all things sexual were long gone. Except for the looking of course and I could always imagine how it was when I was young. But who was I kidding! You see, there are lots of lonely spinsters and...

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Summer Seductions Faith

Faith was the 40 year old wife of the local church pastor - he was much who is older than her by about 20 years. His mum had organized for Scott to deliver some bags of household items to the church for a needy family collection that Faith was running. She told him that his mother had offered to lend her an evening dress to wear at a conference dinner. He offered to take her back to his parents home to choose the dress, and invited Faith to ride there in his sports car - an offer that she...

1 year ago
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Teen Show Faith

Finn didn't bother knocking as he burst into his sister Gracie's room. She appeared to be watching television, but he put a dismissive hand up, already anticipating her outburst. Gracie: "Get out of here!" Finn: "Chill out, Gracie. I just need your phone charger, stop being so melodramatic." Grabbing the phone charger from her desk, Finn noticed Gracie sitting in front of her television. There was an old book open in front of her, as well as candles, a wooden board with some odd...

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Tempting Faith

***This story contains adult themes so you need to be 18 or over to continue. Location:- Scotland : Chapter 1. A Change for Faith. The Scottish spring had not yet yielded any hopeful signs of a break in the cold damp weather that it was famous for. The City of Edinburgh architecture was straining to cope with the rain, and gutter down pipes gushed water into the storm drains. The homeward bound city dwellers huddled under umbrellas, most of which showed some of the scars of the strong winds...

4 years ago
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At midnight a young man mid 20's, staggers out of a bar from the back side. He pulls his long brown hair back in a pony tail. He stands there looking up to the night sky. "God why did you take the only two things I love away from me". "I know you can hear me Kim I really miss you please hug and kiss are little girl for me. I can't believe it has been 5 years sense that fatal night. I miss you both so much Kim". He wipes the tears from his eyes. Leaning over He pukes hard all over the...

3 years ago
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DominionChapter 15 The Weapon of Faith

Lights were scattered throughout the labyrinth like stars, just bright enough to scavenge for supplies while leaving faces masked by darkness. However, much of the labyrinth was pitch black, a death sentence for those who lost their way without a light. There were also sources of running water scattered about to help prevent mass death by dehydration, but were exceptionally hard to find. To actually get one’s bearings was quite impossible, the winding passages tangled together like a mountain...

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Ponygirl for Hire

Part-Time Ponygirl Ponygirl for Hire?By: Long JohnsonNote: This is a work of fiction, derived entirely from my own imagination.? Any similarity between any persons living or dead is strictly coincidence, or my good luck.? I?ve never been to Arizona, I just picked it because my atlas was open to that page when I picked up. This is written in several parts (8 so far) so all of the characters listed are not in each part.? I wrote this before the Kari series.    Characters at Ponygirl...

3 years ago
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Leap of Faith Ch 03

Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she’d decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day, thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight. The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was starkly...

2 years ago
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Mental Leap Jenny

I was a big fan of the show "Quantum Leap." The thought of being able to travel through time and make things right appealed to me. The string analogy they had in the show was simplistic, but it seemed to make sense to me. I got a doctorate in quantum physics before I was thirty. Along my journey, however, it became obvious that the time travel in the show was impossible. I was depressed for almost a month when I realized that, but when I came up with my own variation on the theme, it renewed...

1 year ago
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Mental Leap Billy

I looked down and saw bright red swim trunks on a pair of scrawny legs. I could see my reflection in the water. A boy of about 12 looked out at me from the water. I fell back, wishing the leap could have waited just another hour or so. Oh well, at least I'm still male, even if a quite young one. "Hey, Billy! Are you coming or what?" I was cumming just a second ago, I thought. I looked out, and saw another young, nubile girl, standing with her hands on her hips. A small bikini clung to her...

2 years ago
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One Quantum Leap for Mankind

Thor sat back and looked at the circuit board on the bench in front of him. A light wisp of smoke from his last solder point slowly dissipated in the breeze from the ceiling fan. “It should work now,” he said. Sitting at the counter across the room, my girlfriend Carley snorted. “That’s what you always say. That’s what you’ve said at least a hundred times. It never works. You two geniuses promised to take me to the Mango Tree for dinner tonight and it’s time to get dressed. Leave that damned...

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Leap of FaithChapter 7

The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Rookie crept through an automatic door and emerged into what looked like a courtyard, surrounded on all sides by buildings, a garden area with trees and grass occupying the center. The sky above was still overcast, the rain coming down heavy, a vaguely blue glow still lingering in the air from the slip-space event. That was ionizing radiation, he’d need to get his damned chromosomes scrubbed clean after this was all over if he didn’t want...

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Batgirl and Robin Greener Grass

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Consider this a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. Our imaginations do not necessarily work within the usual DC Comics realm. From Eric - Ever since I read Steve's great story, "Batgirl: Who, me?", I've been obsessed with it and he, kind and gracious as always,...

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Gotta have Faithe

Everything seemed oddly out of place this Wednesday evening as I intently watched Faithe lost in thought; staring into the food well at “The Mongolian Spirit.” We had enjoyed nearly seven and a half months of saying things to each other that could land you in jail in most states, but her distraction tonight was one laden with guilt. In moments like these I cursed the intuitive nature bestowed upon me at birth as my inner demons began their battle deep within my soul. Inevitably the “bad angel”...

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Supergirl Part 2

Chapter 5 When we landed in Las Vegas it was in the middle of the night and there was a black limousine waiting for us on the tarmac.“Let’s go, we have work to do,” said Supergirl and got up.Inside the limousine was a manila envelope which she gave to me. I opened it and found a passport, credits cards, a driver’s license, all in the name of Lisa Compton, aged twenty-one. I realized the age was meant to let me into any bar, restaurant, nightclub in the world. If I had been made to be eighteen,...

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TGirlsxxx aka! There are plenty of great tranny sites out there, but there are also those that fall way short. But when it comes to the hottest premium shemale porn, there is every reason for you to choose I wasn’t sure of what I was getting myself into the first time I saw the site, but once I landed on the tour page, I realized that is part of the Grooby Production network that specializes in hot transsexual porn and exclusive content. Now, anyone familiar...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Supergirl Voluntary Slavery

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  SUPERGIRL: VOLUNTARY SLAVERY By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Supergirl is a property of DC Comics. This is a non profit story for no one below 18. Synopsis: About a world where most men died out from a virus, leaving only a small few. Supergirl also is desperately horny and even would subject herself to be a bdsm slave to any man still alive  Story Supergirl flew on the sky above, realizing that a world without men was boring, that is if you...

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Batgirl and Robin

“ ... and on the social scene, Gotham’s best and brightest will be found at the Gotham Civic Center later tonight for Mayor Caruso’s Annual Children’s Benefit. The premiere event of the season, women the city over are still vying for a last minute invitation to what promises to be the most exciting night since...” The voice of the radio announcer brought a cheerful smile to Barbara Gordon as she again let the warmth of the overhead shower splash across her breasts. Not only was she one of the...

2 years ago
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Tgirl Jill initiated by 3 BBCs at nightclub

I'm a white whore blonde bubble butt Tgirl BBC fuck slut living in Las Vegas. I love it here because we get many big black studs who cum here to be serviced. I dance at a private unadvertized no-name shemale club off the strip which caters to big black studs only. I love the thrill of being on stage and "slut-dancing" to tease all of those big black studs. I absolutely love, love, love to tease BIG BLACK COCKS of any size or age until they are rock hard and dripping wet with precum...just the...

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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

3 years ago
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Change of Faith

Father Felix O’Bannen’s face stung from the blow just delivered to it. He winced in pain and tried to shy away from his attacker, but was held by the coarse ropes that bound him to the rough, wooden chair. ‘Where is the damn map?’ O’Bannen’s attacker, a medium-sized, trim man with perfectly combed hair and a hawk face demanded calmly in his clear voice. O’Bannen simply stared up at him in silence, inwardly praying that his ordeal would soon be over. ‘Fucking bastard!’ roared the other man as...

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Have Faith

“I can’t believe you’re gonna do this,” my friend Mike said. “Well I can’t believe things actually came to this,” I replied. I was standing in his room, watching him pack up all his belongings into suitcases. As for me, I had all the belongings I could take slung in a bag over my shoulder. “You really are serious aren’t you?” Mike asked, stopping his packing to look up at me. “About this whole going out to die for Big Brother thing.” “You know I don’t believe in ‘Big Brother’,” I told him. ...

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