MAU:The Slayer 2 - The New Faith free porn video

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MAU: TheSlayer2 - The New Faith This is a continuation of MUA: The Slayer and it is best if you read that story before this one. If you insist on going forward without reading The Slayer first, I have included a very condensed "cliff note" version below, but reading the Slayer is still recommended. The short version of The Slayer. A hospital orderly named Dan Stevens watches unseen as Agents B & W interview a user of a Morphic Adaptation Unit in a mental institute who is being held for the murder of a police officer. The user, James, has turned himself into an identical version of the evil slayer character of Faith, with all of her slayer powers, from the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A group of vampires attack the hospital, and James and Agent B barley manage to escape, while Agent W and Dan Stevens are both killed and turned into vampires. Its discovered that James's best friend Max and Max's girlfriend Karen, had turned themselves into other characters from the show, Darla and Angelus respectively, and in doing so had their humanity repressed by the transformations. The now evil couple had James framed for the murder of the police officer. The Morphic Adaptation Unit is found to be inoperative and the vampire Agent W is slain. Agent B and James work together to track down Darla and Angel, killing them, but both get wounded in the process. James, who has now decided to go by the name Faith, is taken to the hospital in an ambulance for a gunshot wound to her arm, and Agent B promises to have the charges dropped against her, and leaves to have his broken ribs attended to and make his report. As they pull away, the now vampire Dan Stevens watches and thinks about the slayer. The New Faith "This sucks." Faith, a.k.a. James, said as she ran down an alley, followed closely by a German Shepard police dog and three officers. "Can my luck get any worse?" Faith thought. As she turned a corner she saw a police car pulling in front of and blocking the far end of the alley. "Figures." Sprinting her fastest, she could feel that the dog had nearly caught up to her. Looking ahead she knew what to do. Making an inhumanly high leap to the top of a dumpster, she sprang up and grabbed onto the railing of a fire escape. Pain from her recent gunshot wound flared in her left arm as she quickly pulled herself up. A trace of crimson was now becoming visible and spread across the bandage she wore on her arm. Gritting her teeth, she began climbing towards the third floor. "Stop or we'll fire." Two seconds later the sounds of gunfire erupted from below her as she reached the third story. Glass shattered as she dove through the window in front of her. She tucked into a role and came up on her feet running. A quick scan of the apartment showed it to be empty of any occupants. She ran to the front door and opened it. Turning to the left, she ran down the stairs and burst out the front entrance. Fifty feet away she saw a bus stopped and three people getting on. She sprinted, just in time to get to the doors before they closed. Giving the driver her last dollar and collapsed into a seat. As the bus pulled away she saw two police cars pulling up to the entrance of the building she had just left. Faith sat forlorn as the bus made its way through town, not paying attention to where she was going. After a time she looked up and recognized she was getting close to her home, or the home she had known before her transformation. The home she had known when her name had been James. She reached up and pulled the cord for the driver to stop. She made her way back to her apartment, and with her slayer strength easily forced the door open. "I can't believe all that's happened these last six days." She picked up the shattered picture frame up off the floor. She had smashed it the last time she had left the house and had taken one of the edges of the wooden frame to use as a makeshift stake when she had first feared what Max and Karen had become. She looked at the picture of her old self, Max and Karen waiting in line for Space Mountain at Disneyland. "If Max only hadn't found that stupid box!" She gripped the broken frame tightly in her hand. "I wouldn't have had to kill them!" She dropped it to the floor. "What the hell am I going to do now?" She said to herself. "What you do best Faith?Slayer Vampires." Faith spun around to see a man dressed in black standing the doorway. Her eyes narrowed as she recognized his face and in a flash she had grabbed him by his coat and slammed him against the wall. "B! What the hell happened to 'Don't worry about those charges against you James?I think I have enough pull to get those cleared up for you?" "You're talking about Simmons." Agent B said weakly, the pain from his broken ribs was unbearable. "Tell Director Simmons to go to hell." Seeing the expression on his face, Faith slowly lowered Agent B to the floor. "You don't look so good B." "I'll be fine." "Well you can tell Simmons that I won't be blackmailed." Four hours earlier "We have a gunshot wound." A paramedic called over to a nurse as he wheeled the gurney through the doors. "Room 3." The nurse called back. "Name?" A nurse asked James. "Faith." James managed to say for the second time in his new life. "Last name?" "Uh?" The nurse looked at Faith. James tried to think fast. "?Summers." He blurted out. "I'll get the doctor Ms. Summers." "Oh my God." Faith thought to herself. "Faith Summers. Did I really just take Buffy's lastname? What the hell is wrong with me?" Two hours later Faith rested in a private room recovering, a fresh white bandage wrapped around left her arm, when three men dressed in black came in to the room. "What's with you people, are your clothes government issue or do you all shop at the same store?" "How very drool James. Let's get right to business, shall we. I am Director Simmons. I have just been briefed by Agent B in regards to the last couple of days." "Faith." Faith interrupted. "Pardon me?" "My name is Faith now." "I?see." Simmons said looking at a folder. "The name of the character from the TV show. And I see you picked a last name too. Also from the TV show I see, you are a bit obsessed aren't you." "I'm not keeping the last name, that was just a?" "Let me get right to the point. Over the last five days 17 people have been killed, including one of my agents, 3 people are missing, a hospital has been partially shut down, and a possible infectious vampiric plague has been created all due to your actions once you came in contact with this." He placed a picture of a Morphic Adaptation Unit in front of Faith. "What are?I didn't have anything to do with any of that? I turned into Faith sure, but Max and Karen turned into Darla and Angelus. I didn't know that they were going to do that." "Don't misunderstand. We are not going to try to prosecute you for these crimes?" "I did commit any crimes." "There is currently a warrant out for your arrest for the murder of a police officer." "B said that he would take care of?" "Agent B over stepped his authority and is no longer involved with your case. Now, what I am offering you now is a choice. You can come to work for us and we can clear you of these charges, or you can go it alone." "Wait a minute. You're telling me either I work for you, or I what, go to jail?" "In a nutshell." "Go to Hell!" Faith said feeling a surge of adrenaline flowing though her body. "Have it you way Ms. Summers." He said and exited the room, followed closely by the two men in black. "My names not?" Faith froze as she saw through the window in the door Simmons pull out his celphone, dial 3 numbers and hold it to his ear. After speaking in it for a short time, he hung up, turned to see that Faith had been watching him and smiled. "Oh fuck!" Faith said scrabbling to get out of the hospital gown and back into her clothes. Within a minute she was moving quickly down the hallway and into an elevator. As the elevator reached the lobby, she saw two police officers coming in the front door. One of the officers looked at her and said, "Hold it right there miss." Faith took off running towards an emergency exit, the two officers running after her. As she burst through the door, she saw another officer with a German Shepard coming around the corner. She turned and ran towards an alley as the officer released the dog after her. "Hell, I thought he was bluffing." "He's been trained never to bluff in these situations." Agent B said, sitting down in a chair. "The cops almost got me. Did you hear what happened? They think I'm a cop killer and Simmons told them right where I was. I got away by the skin of my teeth." "You've made quite an impression. You've shown that you can handle yourself under pressure and in tight situations. I was impressed with you before, but my superiors wanted to know if I had been exaggerating your abilities." "What the hell are you talking about? Are you talking about Simmons?" "No." He gave a weak laugh and put his hand to his rib in pain. "There is no Simmons. He's just a low level operative who was playing a role in their test. He was supposed to be the arrogant mysterious superior. Just the kind 'you' might think would be running a secret government agency. He was there to browbeat you in to accepting a position in our organization out of fear. If you had taken the job to avoid the conflict with the police, you would have failed." "What test? The police were shooting at me?" "We all had a test of some kind, to show what we were made of. The organization has a set of standards that every agent must pass, in which every potential recruit has a tailor made scenario in which he is forced to make critical decisions and his performance is evaluated. Think of it as a stress test." A look of pride came across Agent B's face. "You surprised everyone! You eluded your pursuers in a record time and didn't hurt any civilians in do so." "What are you telling me B? This was all some La Femme Nikita type of initiation to the Men in Black club?" "More or less." Agent B said. "You people are fucking suck." Faith said repressing an extreme desire to throw Agent B through the window. "So you people run me ragged and want me to join your happy little government conspiracy? And if I don't join what happens, do I get a bullet in the head some night or handed over to the police?" "Quit being so melodramatic. Nothing will happen to you, and as I said I would, I will have all of the charges against you dropped." "So what's to keep me from walking out that door there and disappearing forever?" "I can't stop you if you want to leave now, but there is something you must know before you decide what you are going to do." "And what's that?" "Someone in the last 4 hours has been killed by a vampire. They not all dead." Faith felt the room spin for a moment. She looked down at the broken picture frame on the floor. Picking up the frame, she shook the loose glass off onto the floor and took the picture out of the frame. The smiling faces of Max, Karen and her old face looked back at him. Folding the picture in half, she slid it into her back pocket. "OK B, let's go." 2 weeks later A 6'5" muscular Blackman swung at Faith in an alley behind a pool hall. She ducked under his punch, side stepped him and brought her foot around hitting him in the back of the knee. He collapsed to his knees and she turned, bring a fist across the side of his head, knocking him to the ground. A young Asian woman snarled, showing her vampiric faces as she charged at Faith. Faith stood her ground as the vampire charged at her and at the last instance Faith somersaulted over her. As she landed, she turned to see that the woman had collided with the man as he was just getting up and they both tumbled to the ground. "I guess we have ourselves a threesome." Faith said as the two vampires fumbled over each other to get up. "Look, I'm already sporting a stiffy." She said a she pulled out a wooden stake. "Don't worry. I can tell it's your first time, I'll be gentle." The two vampires snarled and separated, flanking Faith. "You're dead girl." The male vampire snarled. "Slayer?Hello?I know it was just a TV show, but you two should really?" Faith was saying, when the Woman charged her grabbing at her hand holding the stake. Faith swung her hand down and jabbed the stake up into the woman's heart. She exploded into a cloud of dust. "I was trying to finish my witty and taunting remarks?" Faith started to say, but was tackled from behind by the male vampire who attacked before it's companions dust had settled. The stake slipped from her hand as she fell to the ground. Faith rolled on to her back and tried to get up, but the vampire was on top of her. Straddling her, he furiously rained punches down on her. Dazed, she felt her head getting knocked from the left, then the right, back and forth until she thought she was about to black out. Throwing up her arms out, she caught his left wrist with her left hand, and then his right wrist with her right hand. She shook her head, then smiled an evil pissed off grin up at him. "The game just changed." She said as she brought her knees up, which flipped him over her and landed him on his back. Still holding his wrists, she flipped over him and was now straddling him. Her right fist made contact with his face, followed quickly by her left, right, left? She kept going until she couldn't feel her fists anymore. Stopping she looked down at the bloody and unconscious vampire. "God, beating the crap out vampires does make me horny." Faith said aloud. "Copy that Faith. I got just what you need right here to take care of that." A voice said in micro transmitter she had in her ear. "Special K! Get out her and pick up the trash. Tell B we have a live one." A black van that had been parked at the end of the alley, made it's way down and stopped in front of Faith. A tall man with short brown hair dressed in a black suit, opened the driver's side door and approached Faith. "Nice job." Agent K said looking at her. "Where the hell were you. I almost got my ass kicked." She said wiping the blood from her upper lip. "And what a nice ass it is, if you don't mind me saying, but I had you covered with the sniper rifle the whole time. A second more and his head wouldn't have been attached to his body. Now about that last comment you made, I can help you out with your problem." "Dude!" Faith said feeling herself starting to get really pissed off. "I'm a guy!" "From what I've seen of you?" he said looking her up and down "?I don't think you would pass the physical." He said with a smile as he opened the side door to the van. Faith grabbed the unconscious vampire up off the ground and tossed him into the truck. "I know what I look like out here." She said as she jested about her body. "But in her here?" She said pointing at her head, "I'm still a man. So quit making the moves on me or you'll find my fist where your teeth used to be. "Lighten up Faith." Agent K said lightheartedly. "I was just giving you a hard time. Boy, you really do need to get laid." He said as he closed the sliding side door of the van. Faith shook her head as she climbed into the van. "Why did Agent B set me up with a partner like you?" "Because together we're the hottest lookin' team in the department. Besides, no one else would put up with my shit." Agent K said as he started the van. Five days later The early morning sun was shining down on Faith as she unlocked the door to her apartment. Exhausted, she dropped the keys on the counter and habitually looked at the answering machine, which had yet to have a single message. There had been no new vampire sightings in five days and Faith was beginning to wonder if they had gotten the last one. If so, what would she do now? Since she had changed all she knew was vampire slaying, and now it looked like she was out of a job. She looked around her apartment with a total since of detachment. She had moved in over a week ago, but still felt like an intruder. She had been patrolling non-stop since she had started working with the Agent K and hadn't had time or the motivation to find a place, so Agent B had found a beautiful place for her. It had been completely furnished with everything she could possibly need. It had a large entertainment center, with DVD player and a large collection of movies. The closets were full of a variety of clothes picked out for her, from a few formal gowns to a large selection of bikinis, which she never had a chance to wear. There was even a large bag of makeup, which she didn't know what to do with, so it stayed stashed in a closet. There was a maid who would come in three times a week and clean up. And of course, there was a large collection of weapons that she could use to fight vampires. The agency had picked out everything she now 'owned'. Fighting to keep her eyes open, she made her way to her bedroom. Stripping off her clothes, she slipped on a long shirt, pulled on a pair of sweat pants and fell into bed. Faith closed her eyes. She tossed and turned for a few minutes, then fell asleep. In an instant she found herself standing in a crowded auditorium. Thousands of people milled about her, some bumping into her as she tried to find her bearings. "What the hell is going on?" Faith froze as the words came out of her mouth and put her hand to her throat. "Holy shit." She put her hands to her chest and looked down at herself. Her breasts were now gone and she instantly recognized her old body. "I'm me again." James said with a laugh. Stepping to the side out of the flow of people, he saw rows of vender booths selling a wide rang of science fiction paraphernalia. James stepped aside and nonchalantly made sure all of his body parts were back in place. HE was completely normal again, down to his clothes. A feeling of utter relief flowed through him as he walked around checking out some of the cute girls in costumes and looking at the various booths. He stopped in front of a booth with mid-evil weapons on display. It had a wide variety of swords, axes, clubs and knives laid out in front of him. "Nice set. Don't you think, Faith?" James turned to the sound of the voice in shock. It was Darla from the Buffy TV show, but she appeared not as a vampire wearing her signature catholic schoolgirl outfit, but instead she appeared to be human and was wearing a white gossamer dress. "Is that you Max?" James said, holding an impulse to reach for a weapon. "Does it matter?" She said with a friendly smile as she walked up to James. "I have to show you something and time is short." With that all the people who were moving about the auditorium suddenly froze in the place "Now follow me quickly, an exciting special event is about to begin." She said turning and running off into the crowd. "And for god sake grab a weapon." James grabbed a sword off the table and took off after her. "Wait Max! I need to talk to you. Please!" James tried to follow the girl as she darted in and out between the frozen crowd members, almost effortless accelerating away from him, when someone stepped in front of him and he tumbled to the ground. A young, over weight man in his late teens lay in front of James on the ground clutching a metallic looking suitcase. James got up and continued running after Darla, then suddenly stopped. "He had one." James turned and started running back. Darla materialized in front of James, blocking his path. "You can easily catch him, take the case from him and be yourself again, but if you do the world will one day end. I know this is confusing, but you'll understand in time. And you're needed elsewhere now. If you change back now, she's going to die. I know what you want, but this isn't the time." "What do you mean you know?oh no." James knew by the change in his voice he was no longer himself. Looking down he saw that he was once again Faith. "What the hell is going on?" "The costume is off now, so you can save them from the vampires." The girl said. "Max I don't understand." Faith said. "You will soon." She said with a wink. "Now wake up." "Wait Max. I'm sorry, I'm so?" The auditorium faded away and Faith sat upright in bed. "?Sorry." Faith was drenched in sweat. She threw the covers off and climbed out of bed. Her shirt, soaked with sweat, clung to her as she pulled it off and tossed it aside. She removed her sweat pants and walked down the hallway towards the kitchen. She shivered as the cool air caressed her damp body and she felt goose bumps on her skin. Opening the refrigerator, the light from inside momentarily made her flinch as she reached a container of orange juice. She took a long drink and felt as some overflow spilled over the carton, running down her chin and onto her chest. "So thirsty." She said aloud. Putting the carton back, she froze when she saw the picture of Max, Karen and her old self, stuck to the refrigerator. "Was that really you Max?" Grabbing a paper towel, she wiped the juice and pulp from her chest. Taking the picture, she made her way into the living room and turned on the TV. Wrapping a blanket around herself, she sat looking at the picture. "I wonder?" She mumbled to herself. "That dream, it was so real and surreal at the same time. In the show Buffy would have dreams that would forewarn her of the future, but Faith never did, but she is a slayer, and the machine could have?no, that ridiculous. It was just some funky dream." "?the largest science fiction convention will be happening this weekend." The TV commercial boasted in the back ground, immediately catching Faiths attention. "Special appearances by stars from all your favorite televisions shows: Star Trek, Babylon 5, Farscape, Lexx, Roswell, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, ?" Faith jumped up and ran to the phone and began dialing Agent B's number. "B wake up. You'll never believe what just happened." Two days later At the entrance of the sci-fi convention, an attractive woman wearing a long cloak that fell to her ankles bought a ticket. Several men took notice of her as she entered the auditorium. Strands of long blond hair were visible around the contours of her face. She made eye contact with one man through the lenses of her black horn rimmed glasses. He smiled then went back to looking at a display of action figures. "Faith? Sound check, can you hear me?" The woman in the cloak nonchalantly pressed a button on her watch and spoke into it. "K, I think this sorry ass Clark Kent disguises of B's might actually work. I made it through the line to get in and haven't been looked at twice." "So now what?" Agent K asked. "I don't know. Just hang out waiting for something to happen I guess." "I don't suppose your 'dream vision' gave you a time frame?" "No it didn't." "Well, can't you turn it on and find out?" "It doesn't work that way. You heard what the 'lab coats' said." "If I recall correctly, they said you were probably having a nervous break down due to stress." Agent K said with a laugh. "Not that one, the other guy. He theorized that when I conjured up my image of a slayers abilities I included Buffy's dream visions of the future, and that the machine may have had the ability to awaken some dormant part of the brain so that it is possible that my vision could be real." "I still think the one who said you were probably suffering from some type of post traumatic stress was my favorite." He laughed. Faith laughed out laud, and then looked up to see that a few people were giving her strange looks. "I have to go." She said hitting the button on her watch and making her way through the crowd. "Three hours and nothing." Faith thought to herself. "This is really beginning to blow. I wish something would happen already." As Faith walked by another row of vender tables, she heard a crash and the sounds of a fight going on behind a door marked employees only. She quickly made her way over to the doorway and peered inside. Two men dressed as Klingon warriors standing over the forms of five unconscious men in Star Wars storm troopers costumes. "That will teach you to insult a Klingon Warrior." Faith looked at the two large muscular men standing over the unconscious storm troopers. She watched them and thought to herself, "God, I wish I had gotten here a little sooner. It looks like it was a hell of a fight and I could've used the distraction." The taller Klingon noticed Faith watching them and meet her gaze. "Well, they're not Vamps." Faith thought to herself as she turned to leave. "Human female." The taller Klingon called out. "My friend and I desire companionship in celebration of our victory. We promise to be gentle with you." They both roared with laughter. "Come with us and we will pleasure you as no human could." The slightly shorter Klingon called over. Faith stopped. She smiled and turned. She reached up and turned off the micro-transmitter in her watch. "You two big boys think you can handle me?" She said walking up to them. They again roared with laughter. "I'll be honest with you two and tell you something I have been keeping a secret. I have this overactive sex drive that has been taking everything I have to keep it under control. I am starting to think things that are really disturbing me, things that are changing my whole out look on my life, things I never thought I would be thinking. And believe me, with all the weird things I have been thinking these last couple of weeks, I never thought of 'get'n it on' with two overly developed computer annalists who probably still live in there parents basements. So I hope you don't mind if I deal with my 'frustrations' by beating the two of you to unconsciousness." The two Klingons looked at one another and howled with laugher. "She has sprit!" The taller one said. "You would make a fine Klingon female. You may attack us now to shows us your sexually aggressive nature, but fear not, we will be gentle with you." "That's funny." Faith said as she took off her glasses and unbuttoned her cloak, which fell to the floor. "I was just about to say that to you." Faith wore black shorts and a red form fitting t-shirt. The blond wig had been bobby pinned on and was too much trouble to take off so she left it on. The Klingons circled around Faith growling with lustful looks in their eyes. The taller one reached out and grabbed her upper arm with both hands. She pivoted, brought her hand up and over his arms and aikido threw him to the ground. The other laughed and said something in Klingon, then charged at Faith. She delivered a kick to his stomach, which knocked the wind out of him and dropped him to the ground. The taller Klingon scrambled to his feet and leaped at Faith just as she turned to face him. Caught by his weight and momentum she stumbled backwards and they both fell to the floor. The Klingon scrabbled on top of Faith and was trying to pin her. "You are a fierce fighter, but you will submit before my might." He said struggling to hold her arms down. "Your even stronger than you look..." Faith said as she struggled under his weight. He grinned down at her as she looked up at him helplessly for a moment, then she smiled and said, "but so am I." With that she leveraged her feet and with all her might, she flipped him over the front of her. She got to her feet and saw that they were both up and again advancing towards her. "You have proven yourself worthy human. Do you wish to continue the foreplay or would you like to begin the mating now." Faith moved forward towards the taller Klingon, doing a roundhouse kick that she landed to his jaw. He stumbled backwards up against the wall and collapsed. The other Klingon came up behind her and wrapped his arms tightly around her, pinning her arms. Faith swung her head back and caught the Klingon across the face. He released his grip and brought both of his hands to his face. She turned and landed a right hook that knocked him off his feet. Faith put back on her glasses and picked up her cloak. She looked down at the two unconscious Klingons and smiled. "Well, that helped a little, but I feel so dam pent up. I think I might really need to get laid. I really need a boyfriend." Faith stopped and shook her head. "Girlfriend! Dammit! This body is starting to get to me. I can't let it affect me this way. I'm a guy. I'm a guy. I'm a guy." Faith mumbled to herself as she stepped back into the main convention room. She reached down and turned her micro?transmitter back on. "Faith? Where have you been? What's wrong?" She heard Agent K in the micro-receiver in her ear. "Nothing. I'm alright." She said into her watch. "I just had to take care of something." An hour later Faith continued making her way through the convention center, looking at the various displays as she went. "Faith, is that spider-sense of yours tingling at all?" Agent K asked snickering. "For the last time, I told you it doesn't work that way." Faith whispered into her watch. "How many times do I have to tell you? It isn't an exact science. Hell, I'm not even sure if it works at all. Maybe it was just a dream?" Faith froze. A few people who had been behind her bumped into her and walked around her. She slowly edged forward out of the flow of people and looked at the booth in front of her. A wide variety of mid-evil swords, axes, clubs and knives lay out on display. "Just like my dream." Faith whisper out loud. She turned and frantically looked around. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a blond girl walking by. Faith grabbed the girl and spun her around. "Max!?" The blond girl nearly screamed. "Oh my God, I'm sorry." Faith said letting the girl go. The blond girl stood dazed for a moment, then hurried away. "What's going on out there?" Agent K asked. "I think it's about to happen." Faith said as she hurried back to the weapons table. Scanning the table she snatched up a sword off the table just as the auditorium speakers announced, "An exciting special event is about to begin!" Faith remembered Darla saying that in her dream. "Please make your way to staging area B were there will be a unique presentation by Buffy the Vampire Slayer Creator Joss Whedon and with special appearance by the Slayer herself, Sarah Michelle Gellar." "Oh my God." Faith thought as she slipped the sword under her cloak and began to run towards staging area B. "The vampires are going to kill Buffy." "K! Come in. It's going down in staging area B at the Buffy appearance. I think they're going after Sarah Michelle Gellar." "Understood." Agent K said. Faith frantically dodged through the crowd moving through it as if people were standing still, when someone darted out in front of her. She collided with him and they went tumbling to the ground. An over-weight teenage boy scrambled to his feet, glanced at her, mumbled an apology and took of running. Faith saw the case in his hands and knew what it was. She took one step in the direction he was running, but stopped and took off towards area B. "Alright Max." Faith thought as she ran. "I let the case go just like in the dream. I hope you know what you were talking about." Dan Stevens watched, as all of his planning was about to pay off. After the death of Angel and Darla, he had began to build an army of vampires to kill Faith, but then everything changed when he saw that Buffy, a.k.a. Sarah Michelle Gellar, was coming to town. He then knew that he would kill her, change her into a vampire, and send her after Faith. He had sent vampires after Faith before, but they had all failed. He needed to plan and form a strategy. A smile came across his face as he saw that the show was about to begin. Any moment now Buffy would be coming on stage and he would take her in the most public way possible. He knew it was reckless, but he didn't care. He wanted everyone to see the slayer fall. As he watched his thoughts turned back to when he had first awakened as a vampire. He had been watching, unseen from the observation room as the two men in black interviewed the attractive girl who had just been admitted to the mental hospital, when everything went black. When he woke up he was drinking from the wrist of an attractive blond girl in a catholic schoolgirl outfit. He found that he was no longer in the hospital, but in an abounded warehouse. Shocked at first, it took him a moment to realize another man was there. He recognized him as Angel from the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Angel had been Buffy's vampire boyfriend. He then recognized the girl as Darla, Angel's vampire ex-girlfriend. They had taken his body from the hospital and had turned him into a vampire. When he asked why they had brought him back, they only laughed and asked if he would rather be dead now. They had planned to make a legion of vampires to rule the city by night, but first they had wanted to killer the slayer. "You'll kill her for us, won't you Dan?" Later, Dan had feed with them on an attractive blond girl who had resembled Darla. And once they had made her into a vampire, they had her wear the same catholic schoolgirl outfit that Darla wore and set a trap for the Slayer. Nothing had worked as they had planned, and they all had been killed, except for him. He had survived. At the time he had wanted nothing to do with their plan. He had just wanted to feed and enjoy the freedom his new existence gave him, but now he wanted revenge against the slayer who had killed his creators. He had made several vampires to go out and kill her but they all failed. He discovered that she was working with a mysterious group that was supplying her with information, and she had started getting close to finding him, so he decided to lay low for a while. He only feed off and changed those who wouldn't be missed right away: vagrants, truck drivers and tourists. And when he had built a force strong enough to kill the slayer, he saw on the television that Buffy was coming to town. Angel and Darla had told him that they had been "changed" by some type of strange alien device, just as the slayer had been, but Dan had never understood what they had been talking about, and then they were dead. He knew that he was now a vampire, and what ever else he did, he had to kill the slayers, both of them. Dan watched as the staging area filled up with people. Once he had heard about the Slayers plan to be here he had spent all of his time tracking down and turning all of those necessary to make his plan happen. A head security guard here, a technician there, and everything was set. At this point he didn't even have to lift a finger. All he had to do was watch. An announcer came out on stage. "This is the moment you have all been waiting for?. Joss Whedon and Sarah Michelle Gellar." The audience leaped to their feet and began cheering as the creator and the star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer walked out on to the stage. They made there way to the tables to sit down and begin there hour long session, but stopped in surprise when they saw five men appearing to be vampires approaching them from the fair side of the stage. They turned to look back from the way they had come, expecting security to be charging out, but instead saw another five men with vampiric features coming at them. Dan's plan was working perfectly. The head security guard and the technician had arranged it so that the rest of the staff believed there was going to be a special stunt show, in which Buffy was to take part. No one would suspect anything was wrong, until it was to late. Even the human security guards had orders to prevent anyone not involved with the show from interfering. At this point he knew nothing could go wrong. Faith raced towards the stage. She unbuckled her cloak as she ran, keeping it tightly wrapped around the sword to conceal it. As the cloak came off her shoulders an image from her dream flashed through her mind. She saw the girl Darla saying "The costume is off now, so you can save them from the vampires." Faith reached up with her left hand, and in an almost Clark Kent fashion, snatched the glasses off of her face and tossed them to the side. She felt the bobby pins give and spring off as she pulled the wig lose from her head as she ran up towards a group of security guards standing by the front of the stage. Three of the guards started towards her, but stopped as they recognized Eliza Dushku, a.k.a. Faith, from the TV series. "I have to get up on the stage now." Faith yelled as she came face to face with the guards. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a vampire grab Joss Whedon and toss him off to the side of the stage, where he crashed into some chairs. She saw the other nine vampires circling Sarah Michelle Gellar. At this point the crowd was going wild, believing this to be part of some type of publicity stunt. One of the vampires punched Sarah, knocking her back in to the arms of three other vampires. "Are you part of the stunt show?" One of the guards asked. "Yes!" Faith said without stopping. Dan watched from a platform off stage right. He began to regret that he hadn't included himself in with the group that was now beating Buffy senseless. The crowd was cheering with excitement as the vampires attacked Buffy. One vampire had his arm locked around Buffy's neck in a sleeper-hold, with two more vampires each holding one of her arms for good measure. A fourth moved in to punch her in the stomach. Sarah screamed as she struggled to free herself. Dan couldn't believe how easily his minions were defeating this slayer. It almost seemed too easy. Six of his minions were just circling around the slayer, not needing to take any actions. The crowd's cheers started to die down as a vampire landed a punch to Sarah Michelle Gellar's stomach. The violence of the scene was to real, even for a staged stunt show. The crowd fell silent as they watched the beating begin to unfold. Dan's smile fell from his face as saw the figure summersault on the stage from stage left. "Faith." He growled. As she landed Faith produced a sword from a cloak and in a fluid motion swung it from behind the three vampires holding Sarah. A loud whooshing sound was heard. Sarah dropped to the floor as the three vampires crumbled to dust a second after their heads separated from their bodies. Faith flung the cloak into the stunned face of the vampire who had been hitting Sarah a moment before. A vampire tackled Faith from the right and she fell to the ground. The sword slipped from her grasp and went sliding across the stage. She swung her elbow around and hit him across the bridge of the nose. Rolling to the right, she leapt back up onto her feet and saw five more vampires charging at her. She pulled the wooden stake she had in her belt. She swung a roundhouse kick across the first ones jaw, knocking him off his feet. The second vampire lunged at Faith, but she was able to side step it, driving her stake into its heart as she did so. She withdrew the stake as the vampire exploded in a cloud of dust. She held the stake tightly as three more vampires tackled her and she collapsed on to the floor. Faith tried to stab one of them through the heart, but her hand was caught and pinned by another vampire. The three of them struggled with her, pinning her to the floor. One held her legs, while the other two each held one of her arms. Faith struggled, kicking her legs, but the vampire she had elbowed in the nose had recovered and now aided the other vampire in holding her legs. The vampire who had the cloak thrown into his face snarled as he approached. He stepped between the other vampires and sat down on Faith, straddling her. "Time to die, Slayer." He growled as he leaned forward to sink his teeth into the soft white flesh of her neck. Faith vainly struggled to free her right hand, which still held the wooden stake, as she looked on in terror as he bent closer to her throat. As she continued to struggle, she saw the dot of a laser scope come to rest on the neck of the vampire on top of her. "You'll owe me a dinner for this one." She heard the voice of Agent F in the micro-transmitter in her ear. Instantly the weight of the vampire on her stomach disappeared with a loud whooshing sound and a cloud of dust. Before the others could react, the vampire who held her right hand had the red dot of the laser sight fall on to his neck, just before he also bust into a cloud of dust. Faith instantly staked the vampire in the heart who had been holding her left arm. She leaned forward and punched the two vampires holding her legs, knocking them to the side. She leaped to her feet, quickly staking the vampire that had been holding her left leg, then staking the one holding her right. Faith turned to the last vampire remaining who looked at her in terror. He turned and ran towards stage right. Faith took off after him and caught up to him just before he could exit off the stage. She grabbed him by the back of the collar, pulled him off of his feet to the floor, and drove the stake into his heart. Dan Stevens screamed and leaped from the platform, hitting Faith square in the back. She collapsed under his weight and slammed her left shoulder hard on to the stage. Dan scrambled for the sword that was a few feet away from him. Snatching it up off the ground he turned to face the slayer. Faith leaped to her feet, clutching the stake in her right hand. Pain flared though her dislocated left shoulder. She readied herself as the vampire picked up the sword and turned to face her. "Oh my God no." Faith whispered as she saw Dan's face, which then shifted to vampiric features. Dan hesitated for a moment as he saw the strange look the slayer was giving him. He watched as the stake fell from her hand and a tear started to run down one of her cheeks. Faith saw the moment of hesitation, then an evil smile come across the vampire's face as he started advancing towards her with the sword in his hand. She tasted bile and felt a terrible sickness in her stomach as the vampire was within five feet of her. Unable to move, she watched as the vampire drew back the sword, getting ready to swing at her. A red laser dot appeared on the Dan's neck. "NO!" Faith screamed. In the blink of an eye she moved, tackling Dan and knocking him off stage. The two of them tumbled to the floor struggling. Dan sprang to his feet. "Wait!" Faith screamed as he took off running. She leapt to her feet to follow him, but was knocked back onto the stage by a vampire technician that sprang out at her from behind a control panel. He grabbed the sword up off the ground and charged at Faith. She snatched the wooden stake up off the stage and ready for his attack. As he swung the sword down on her, she brought up a foot, kicking the sword from his hand. It spun end over end up in to the air. The vampire paused looking up at the sword and Faith drove the stake into his heart. The vampire exploded in a cloud of dust, and as it did, she slid the stake back in to her belt and caught the sword in mid air by the hilt. The audience that had watched on in awe and amazement, suddenly burst in to a thunderous standing ovation. Faith froze, now fully aware that thousands of people had just watched everything that had just happened. She turned to see if Joss Whedon and Sarah Michelle Gellar were all right, but they were no longer on the stage. She looked to the stage right and was about to take off after Dan, when she saw the man that she had known as Director Simmons stepping out on to the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, The Buffy the Vampire Slayer Special Effects and Stunt Show!" He shouted in to a microphone excitedly as he approached Faith. "Just play along." She heard from the micro-transmitter in her ear. She tossed the sword to the side as 'Simmons' approached. "Let's hear a big round of applause for Ms. Eliza Dushku!" He shouted. The audience erupted into a near deafening ovation and hundreds of camera flashes went off. After several minutes the applause began to die down and Simmons said, "And special thanks to Joss Whedon and Sarah Michelle Gellar for their participation." With that the lights on the stage went out and Simmons lead Faith off of the stage. "Alright young 'lady', what the just happened out there?" Simmons asked as they stepped off the stage. "You just let one of them go. We have to track it down and kill it before it gets away." "My shoulder?" Faith groaned in pain. "It's dislocated. Help me." "Very well." Simmons said as he took hold of her arm and held it as Faith snapped her shoulder back into place. Faith looked up at Simmons with a wicked grin. "Thanks for the help." With that she head butted him and he fell to the floor unconscious. "And that's for calling the cops on me." Faith took off running through the backstage area. "Where the hell is he?" She thought as she ran. There was no sigh of the vampire she sought, but her attention was momentarily caught by an extremely attractive, woman dressed as a harem girl screaming at a rather typical looking man. "What do you mean you sold it?" The woman shrieked. "After last night and what you said this morning, I thought?" "You fuckin' idiot! I don't want to be stuck like?this." She put her hands on her extremely large breasts. "But you said?." Out of the corner of her eye, Faith noticed several people approaching her. She turned to face them, expecting another onslaught of vampires. "Can I have your autograph." A young man said holding a small notebook. "You were fantastic up there Miss Dushku." A man wearing a Spider- man t-shirt said. "Please sign this." A teenage boy said holding a magazine up. "I don't have time for this." Faith said darting out of the small, but growing crowd. She raced over to the door that lead back to the main convention area and opened it. Opening the door she hoped to catch some sigh on the vampire, but only saw hundreds of conventioneers leaving the staging area. Several of them saw Faith in the doorway and instantly started moving towards her. Within seconds a hundred or more fans were making their way towards her. She quickly closed the door. "Fuck!" She said aloud. "I'll never find him here. Not looking like this." She thought of the costume she had been wearing earlier, but she wasn't sure where she had thrown in off and couldn't go back for it now. "Faith?" She heard the voice of Agent K in the transmitter in her ear. "What's happened? Where are you?" Faith stopped and spoke into her watch. "I have to handle this on my own, K." She turned off her transmitter. Dan Stevens raced unmolested through the convention area. He couldn't believe that the slayer had killed all of them but him. It wasn't possible, but he had planned for just such a possibility. He made his way to an under ground loading area, were a truck large enough to carry all twelve of the vampires waited. The well-paid human drive sat patiently waiting for his cargo to arrive. Dan jumped into the back of the box truck and rolled down the door. He gave the signal and the truck took off. Dan sat in the darkness as the truck made its way back to his warehouse hideout. "Why hadn't the slayer killed me when she had the chance?" He thought. He didn't know what to do next. He had planned to celebrate after killing Buffy, by going home and massacring his family, but now it didn't seem right. He had been saving that for a special occasion. He wanted to go home a winner, proving to his family once and for all that he wasn't a failure. And once he had done that, he would kill them all. But now all of his 'soldiers' were dead and he needed to create a new army to destroy the slayer. So his fun would have to wait. "But then again, I could kill two birds with one stone." He thought to himself and smiled. A few hours later the sun had set. Dan drove down the familiar street in the suburbs and parked his car in front of the house he had grown up in. He looked on in disgust. His parents made him sick, always looking down on him as the failure of the family. He was never as good in their eyes as his brother or sister. Everything they did was right and everything he did was wrong. Now that was all going to come to an end tonight. "Dam!" He thought as he saw his parent's car was gone. "They must be out for the evening. Well the lights are on, so Linda must be home." He smiled. His sister would be the first to go. "The precious baby of the family, everyone's cute favorite. Followed by my fucking smug parents, and finally I'll track down my self-righteous brother at his apartment. I was always the runner up in the family. Never anything special, but now I'll show them. I'm now the special one. And once I am done with them, we can finally be one big happy undead family. A family run by me." Dan saw Linda through the window. She was a cheerleader and had a 4.0 grade point average. She had beauty and brains, and Dan had always hated her for it. He hated her almost as much as he hated his younger brother. He knocked on the front door. "Just a minute." He heard Linda call out. The door swung partway open. "Dan!" She said. "Where have you been? Mom has been trying to get a hold of you for the past few weeks. She's been so worried. She was afraid that you were going to disappear for another two months like you did a few years ago." "I had to get out of town then, but now things are different. I am going to be running this town." Dan said stepping into the doorway. "I've got the power and I want you to join me." His face shifted to a vampiric appearance. Linda screamed and jumped back. "Oh my God its all true." She said as tears ran down her face. She looked to the other side of the front door in despair and said, "James." Dan hesitated for a moment in confusion. The door swung in on him, pinning him up against the door jam. He struggled to push the door open, but wasn't able to budge it. Looking at who was pushing the door against him he realized why. "Faith!" He growled as he continued to struggle. "Listen to me Dan." Faith said. "It's me?James." Dan stopped struggling and looked at the slayer. "James?" "Yes. It's me." "You're telling me that my brother is now Faith the Vampire Slayer?" "Dan, it was this alien machine that made me like this and turned Max and Karen into Darla and Angelus. And they turned you into a vampire. Please let me help you. I am working with the government and we might be able to come up with a cure for you. Please stop struggling and let me take you in." "Please Dan, let James help you." Linda said through her tears. Dan went limp. "You're the slayer?" Dan said in shock. "Yes." "Alright. I give up. Take me in. Help me be normal again." He said sobbing. Faith eased up on the door. "You're doing the right thing Dan. They can help you." Suddenly Dan pushed the door hard back against Faith, catching her in the shoulder and knocking her back. He sprang forward and grabbed Linda. "Don't move James or I'll break her neck." Dan said holding her. He slowly started moving out the front door. "I should have known you were the slayer! It makes perfect sense. Everything I have ever done in life you had to out do me. Better grades, hotter girlfriends, a better job, why not be a vampire slayer, when I am a vampire." "Please Dan." Faith pleaded. "Your under the influence of a virus that is suppressing your humanity. You don't want to hurt Linda. Please let me get you help." "I don't want any help and I don't want to be normal again. I'm finally somebody and you want to take it all away from me." Dan said as he back towards his car. "You don't understand Dan, you have to?" Faith froze as she saw the familiar dot of a laser scope sighting on Dan's neck. Faith reached for her watch and turned on her transmitter. "K! Don't fire!" Faith heard in her ear. "Sorry Faith, I have my orders." With that he sighted his target, pulled the trigger and a round silently fire from his rifle. "No!" Faith screamed. The round caught Dan in shoulder, pitching him and Linda to the ground. Faith sprang forward and pulled Linda to one side. "Oh Fuck." Dan said holding a hand to his shoulder. Checking to see that Linda was OK, Faith scrambled over and pinned Dan to the ground. A black van pulled up and Agent B climbed slowly out of the passenger side. He hobbled towards Faith as two other agents dressed in black came out of the back doors of the van. "What's going on B? How did you find me?" "Homing device in your watch Faith. Now let them take him in Faith and we'll see what we can do for him." "I want him cured B." "I promise you, we'll do everything we can." The two men approached Faith, but she kept her eyes locked on those of Agent B. She nodded and let the two take Dan who no longer struggled. "I'm sorry Dan." Faith whispered as the two men escorted her brother away to the back of the government van. "James?" Linda whispered as she crawled over to him and gave him a hug. "Are they going to be able to help him?" "I don't know?" Faith said returning the hug. Agent B limbed up to the two young women. "Faith. It's time to go." "I know." Faith said breaking the hug. "Listen Linda, I am going back with them for now to make sure that Dan is taken care of, but I'll be back to talk later. Please remember what I said earlier and don't tell anyone about any of this." Faith said as she got up. "It's for the best." "OK James, but Mom and Dad have been freaked out since both of you disappeared." Linda said getting up. She hugged Faith and walked to the front door of her house. A black sedan driven by Agent K pulled up behind the van in front of the house. Agent B and Faith made their way to the car, but Faith stopped, ran back to the front of the house and said something to Linda. Linda stepped back into the house and returned a minute later with something in a medium sized brown grocery bag. Faith hugged her and took the bag. She hurried and got in the back of the sedan. Linda watched as the van and the sedan pulled away from her house and drove off in to the night. "Faith." Agent B said carefully turning to look at her. "I think that your brother might be the last of those infected by the vampiric virus and we are going to do everything we can to find a cure for him. If he is the last we won't be needing your services as a vampire slayer any longer?but this event has really proven how someone with your abilities would make an excellent addition to our agency and I would like to offer you full agent status." "No." Faith said without hesitation. "I have been going nonstop since I got this new body and I need some time to figure some things out. I'm still trying to find out who I am now, so I'm not ready to end up as Agent F. And besides, I really don't take orders that well, but I'll tell you what. I am willing to work freelance." "I think I can make that work." Agent B said. "I should also tell you that I saw someone earlier today with what might be a functioning transformation unit at the convention." Four hours later After seeing to the safe confinement of her brother and a debriefing of the day's events, Faith was being driven home to her apartment by Agent K. "I'll be glad when they get all the paperwork done and I have a drivers license. I have a government issued sports car that I'm not supposed to drive." Faith said. "What? You don't like having a personal chauffer?" "It's alright, but I just want to get some semblance of a normal life." "I guess this would be a bad time to tell you that you id will most likely say that your jailbait." "As long as they don't try to send me back to high school." Agent F paused for a moment then spoke. "Mind if I ask you something?" "Fire away." Faith smiled. "No pun intended." "I was just wondering, even if you didn't have time to get it yourself, I still don't understand why you didn't tell anyone else about the transformation unit in your dream? We could have had extra men there to take possession of it and you could have been returned to your original form by now." "I wasn't sure that the dream was really even going to happen, and besides Max said it wasn't time for me to change back." "What do you mean." "He, well she, said that if I changed back then the world would end. There must be some type of threat on the way that I will have to face as Faith." She reluctantly laughed. "So I figured my days of being a slayer weren't meant to be over just yet. The dreams are really vague. For instance, when the dream started coming true, I thought that the 'she' that Max had said was in danger was Sarah Michelle Gellar, but when I saw?saw that Dan was a vampire; I knew that the 'she' really had to be Linda. He's always had a lot of resentment for me and Linda, and now that his humanity was repressed, I knew she was the one that Max was warning me about." "Well, that's a pretty unique talent. Let me know if you have a dream about any lotto numbers, will ya?" "Listen K." Faith said after a long silence. "I really appreciate what you did for me today. What you did for my brother, well, not killing him." She paused. "And also for saving my life. I wish there was something I could do for you." "How about dinner Friday night?" "K." She hesitated. "What is your name?" "Kyle." "Kyle, I can't do that. There's so much going on in my head. Who I was, who I now am, am I going to be this way forever? All of this is so surreal." "I have seen so many of these cases Faith. A hillbilly who changed himself into a centerfold model, a ranger who gave himself a set of each sexual organs and impregnated himself, a group of college pledges who were turned into cum addicted prostitutes, a couple who turned themselves in to hybrid animal forms, even a couple who exchanged sexual organs, ending up with the husband becoming pregnant. In that one even their son got involved when he turned himself into a little sexy cheerleader type so that he could get close to a girl he had a crush on. And there was this garage band that turned themselves in to Josie and the Pussycats." "OK, so maybe mines not the most out there, but I still need to come to terms." "Let me ask you this. If you hadn't had that dream and you were able to change back now, would you?" "What do you mean? Of course I would." Faith said "I mean, isn't there a small part of you that would want to stay as you are now?" "I?" Faith hesitated for a few seconds. "I think that's a yes." He said as he pulled up to her apartment. Putting the car in park, he reached for a large manila envelope under the drivers seat. "I mean, sure there I things I like, but this isn't who I am. I'm a man, remember." "Faith, I forgot to give you this earlier." He said handing her the envelope. "What is it?" "Just some information the organization has put together that might make things a little easier for you." "Thanks." She said taking the envelope. She started to reach for the car door. "One thing before you go. You have the powers of a slayer, so you could easily mop the floor with me, so what is so intimidating to you about going out to dinner Friday night? Just think about that and checkout what's in the envelope." "I don't understand you Kyle." Faith said getting out of the car, carrying the envelope and also the paper bag that Linda had given her. "Not to much to understand when you get to know me. I'll have to tell you my life story some time. I think you would find it really interesting." "Right. See ya tomorrow Kyle." "Agent K. We're only to use our code names in the organization. I shouldn't have even told you my real name. If "the bosses" find out I told you my real name, I could get severally reprimanded." "Then why did you tell me?" "Something else to think about?" He said with a wink as he headed off to his car. Faith watched as Agent K drove away. "I don't get that guy?" She thought as she walked up to her apartment. "Is he trying to seduce me or just being nice to me? Or both? And God help me, there is a part of me that wants him to be trying." She unlocked her front door and set the manila envelope on the counter. Opening the bag she pulled out the photo album and walked over to the refrigerator. Flipping through the album, she stopped and pulled out a picture. She stuck it under a magnet next to picture that was already there. She looked at the smiling faces of her former body, Max and Karen, and then looked at the new picture that had been taken a few years earlier. She saw her former body, her sister Linda, and her brother Dan all in a line, smiling with their arms draped over each other's shoulders. Faith sighed and turned towards the bedroom, but saw the envelope. Opening it, she started going through the papers inside. 'Not born a woman?what you should know and now expect.' 'Dealing with your new gender.' 'Finding out who you are now.' 'Approved Counseling Services.' Faith looked at the phone number of the specially trained, government approved counselor for some time. "Whatever." She said as she put the paper with the counselor's phone number next to the phone. "I wonder if I will dream tonight?" She said aloud as she headed off to her bedroom. Epilog John starred in awe at the picture of the sexy harem girl displayed on the panel of the machine. He had just gotten home with the strange metallic suitcase and after messing with it for a few moments; it stretched and grew until it was the size of a phone booth. "What is it?" He said looking the box up and down. "This is to weird. Maybe I should've told Matt about this after we dropped Steve off." He rested his hand on the ruby control panel as he started thinking about Matt. He watched on the screen as the form of the harem girl shifted to that of his friend dressed as he had last seen him. "This is to cool! It can read my mind. Let's see if this thing really works?" He sat looking at the control panel and concentrated on the girl he had always had a crush on. Slowly her form appeared on the screen. "Amazing." He said in disbelief. "She is the hottest girl in school. She the hottest girl anywhere." He reached up and touched the purple knob by the control panel. As he did so, a door appeared on the side of the phone booth like box. John cautiously looked at the new opening and wondered how any of this was possible. Inside the box he saw another purple knob. "I wish that guy would have told me how this works?" He said stepping in to the box and touching the knob. Within seconds the box had changed John to match the image that he had given it. Stepping out of the box, John dropped the pompoms he was now holding and initially thought that the box had somehow changed his clothes into those of a cheerleader, but then he realized that his body had been changed as well. He rushed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He was greeted by the image of an attractive

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The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer By Toni Marks Copyright © 2017 Mary Robinson watched her son Tom finishing his oatmeal. She had lovingly prepared the hot cereal with raisins and brown sugar, just the way her son liked it. Tom was such a good boy, so unlike his older brother. In truth, they were only half brothers. Tom was the natural son of Ed Robinson, Mary's husband until his untimely death eighteen months ago. She and Tommy had taken it hard, but not as severely as Martin, her oldest...

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MAU The SlayerAshes to Ashes Dust to Dust

MAU: The Slayer-Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer James Stevens uses a Morphic Adaptation Unit to turn himself into Faith the rouge Vampire Slayer from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ends up getting stuck in that form. He reluctantly joins with the 'Men in Black' to track down another device. Meanwhile, two high school misfits, John and Matt, find another MAU and John uses it to change himself into his high school crush Linda...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part X

Buffy the Female Vampire Slayer, Part X By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy Summers was certainly no virgin. She'd lost her virginity to Angel, a vampire, thereby releasing him from the Gypsy curse that, as punishment for his having brutally killed the favorite daughter of their tribe, had restored his soul, that his conscience might torment him as he recalled the thousands of vicious, vile deeds he'd performed over the two centuries during which he'd been a vamp. The handsome vampire...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part VII

Buffy?s cock bounced and her balls dipped and swayed as she ran, but she paid her male genitals no mind. Now that the novelty of having a penis and testicles had worn off, she found them not so much titillating, as they?d seemed at first, but, rather, something of nuisance. No wonder Xander and the rest of the boys at Sunnydale High had worn jockstraps to keep them in check. The sphere continued on its course, toward the distant mountains of ice in the frozen northlands, and the Slayer...

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The Filling in a Slayer Sandwich

The Filling in a Slayer SandwichXander yawned as he made his way through the corridors of Sunnydale High School, responding to an unexpected call from Giles for help with researching the latest demon of the week. While he wasn’t very good with reading the books Giles had brought with him from England to help discover what they were facing, Xander seemed to have a knack for finding books that held the required information for Giles and the others to go through, a talent that the Watcher utilised...

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MAU The Slayer

MAU: The Slayer By Allen W 'I've got to see her again.' Dan Stevens thought as he pushed the mop bucket down the hallway. Discouraged that his life hadn't gone in the direction he had hoped it would, he now found himself working as an orderly in the state mental hospital. Sure the pay was okay, but hated the working environment. He hated the patience, he hated the doctors, and he hated the nurses. When it came right down to it he hated everything about his job, until four...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part VIII

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part VIII By Cal Y. Pygia Another torrent of semen rushed through the cavernous vagina, sweeping Buffy before its irresistible force. Again, she felt millions of fresh sperm wriggling over her bare flesh, thrashing their whip-like flagella against her erect nipples, puffy areolas, pert breasts, concave tummy, downy pubes, stiff cock and bunched scrotum, rounded ass, and shapely legs. The male sex gametes were all over her, writhing and squirming...

1 year ago
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Buffy the Shemale Vampir Slayer Part V

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part V By Cal Y. Pygia © By the time that Buffy arrived at Rupert Giles' apartment, the former librarian, her ex-Watcher, had just finished reading a new volume of what Edgar Allan Poe, in The Raven, had referred to as a "curious and quaint volume of forgotten lore." He'd just settled the large, leather- bound volume back onto the shelf with the others of its kind when he heard the knock at his front door. He checked his watch. It was nearly...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part IX

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer IX By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy had emerged, at last, from the cavernous planet-pussy awash in semen, only to find herself in a landscape filled with phallic plants. The strange stalks could elongate instantly, swelling and stiffening to whatever dimensions were needed to reach and penetrate their prey--and, Buffy realized, "prey" described her status perfectly. As the Slayer, she was not used to being a victim, and her newfound role did not suit her, not...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Orb of Kanuu

Chapter 1 Giles finally found references to the globe Buffy had got from that cult it was the Orb of Kanuu a magical orb from a hell dimension that allows its bearer to control minds. He knew he could do so much good with it. He could stop wars end all demons the possibilities were endless. As he was thinking about what he could do Buffy burst into his house. "Giles, Giles!" she shouted. She froze and stared at the orb in Giles hand. "Buffy are you..." Giles trailed off as he remembered the Orb...

Mind Control
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Wont Be Ignored Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Author's note: This is a Giles/Buffy fanfic set in the latter half of season 3, where Buffy is 18. It is also somewhat of an alternate universe story in that Buffy never had sex with Angel, so this is a "first time" story. This is unrelated to my "Black Magic" series. Disclaimer: I'm not Joss Whedon, I don't own Buffy, this is not for profit etc."Is that all you've got?" Giles taunted as he brought his staff down for another strike at the Slayer.Buffy deflected the blow with her own staff,...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part IV

Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part IV By Cal Y. Pygia Damn! Wherever Willow was, she wasn't home. The witch still hadn't returned to her motel room. At least, this time, Buffy hadn't had to rely on Sunnydale's public transportation system. Xander had given her a ride across town. He'd offered to wait, to make sure that Willow was back, but Buffy, wanting to be alone with the witch, had dismissed her chauffeur. Although Xander was no doubt anxious to get back together with...

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Slayer Girl

Dawn raised the stake and slammed it down into the vampire's chest. It exploded into a cloud of ash. Before the dust had settled, she was up again, fighting the next. She'd taken down three of them already and there were only two left: one currently operating under the delusion he could take her and a female that was circling her, looking for a way in."You won't survive as a slayer."The voice came from her right and Dawn spared a fraction of a second to look over.Her dance partner took his...

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MAU The Slayer 3 Fallout

This is the third installment of MUA: The Slayer series. It is best if you have read the first two installments, but it is not necessary if you haven't. This story picks up at the sci-fi convention and follows the action of the teenage boy who ended up with the Morphic Adaptation Unit at the end of the second story. Special thanks to Eric for proofreading. MAU: The Slayer 3 - Fallout By Allen W. John Miller had never been anything more than a typical high school nerd. He got good...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part III

Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part III By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy couldn't stop smiling. It felt great to have left Spike on his knees, clutching his balls in pain after she'd sucked his cock and swallowed his load of icy vampire's semen. Sex was about power, not love, and nothing made a girl feel more powerful than reducing a man--or, in Spike's case, a used-to-be man--to a gasping, cursing victim in pain. The humiliation that Spike felt because of her abusive treatment of him...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer 31 Days of Summers par

Buffy The Vampire Slayer - 31 Days of Summers (part 1)1 AugustDear Diary,Here I am back to writing you, though I guess I didn't really write you before - it's all fake memories. But it still feels kinda real and who else am I going to tell my deepest, darkest secrets to. Not Buffy that's for sure.So, what are my thoughts.... well Cleveland sucks, all my old friends are s**ttered to where-ever their parents fled when Sunnydale went down the Hellmouth; I can't even escape to Janice's when Buffy...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Education of Dawn

Faith stood in the downstairs weapons room, brooding. Well, she wouldn't call it brooding, but everyone else did. After a bad break up with Robin, she'd relocated to San Francisco for a new start. As the senior slayer, she shared an old Victorian with Dawn and three other junior slayers, keeping the bay area safe. Dawn didn't actually do much in the way of slaying other than research; her full-time classes at Berkeley kept her busy enough. But on Saturday afternoons, the girls would head out to...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Linda Johns Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Linda and John's. Eric's story has already been submitted and Faith's will shortly follow. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Thanks for reading. MAU: Perspectives of a Slayer's Tale-Linda &...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part II

Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part II By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy waited until twilight, hiding out in her bedroom, as she tried to come to terms with the bizarre fate that had befallen her, thanks to the Feral demon's bite. It wasn't easy, psychologically, physically, or otherwise, to have gone to sleep a girl and to have awakened a hermaphrodite. She wasn't sure how to feel about the weird transformation that had changed her into a shemale. It was strangely titillating. At the same...

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Losing Control Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Another Giles/Buffy story, a one-off unrelated to any of my other works.At first, Buffy didn't like the way it made her feel. When he looked at her, passion burning just behind those intense green eyes, she went weak-kneed. She didn't like that with such a simple glance he could reduce her to a self-conscious shell of a girl, where she could neither find sensible words nor the voice to speak them. It wasn't simply feeling weak that shamed her most of all, but that she actually took some...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Erics Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Eric's, which will shortly be followed by Linda and John's, and finally by Faith's. The other two stories' are done and will be submitted shortly. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Enjoy. MAU:...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Faiths Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Faith's. Eric's story and Linda and John's story have already been submitted. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Thanks for reading. MAU: Perspectives of a Slayer's Tale-Faith's Story By Allen...

4 years ago
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Slayer Vs Succubus

Brother Hayes looked nervously around as he shuffled down the corridor. His candle sent flickering shadows across the walls. In his overwrought imagination they took on the fearful shapes of imps and demons, grasping and clutching at him. God, please preserve my humble soul, he thought as he scurried down the corridor. What had they been thinking? For research purposes? Borgnine was mad and he was even more insane for going along with it. He opened the door and entered the large cavern of...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 13 Another Demon Slayer

Chapter 13: Another Demon Slayer?! The end bell rang. "Whew! Glad today's over!" Cal said as he shut off his computer. Althea looked up at him with a helpless look, and Cal sat down beside her. "Okay, to turn off the computer, love," he began, whispering, "first you need to hit that button on the bottom left corner of the screen with the mouse." She did. "Now then, what you gotta do is, click 'shut down', and the computer will do the rest." She did and sighed in relief. Advanced...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 2 A Little Journey Through Heaven And Hell

Fink looked around. He felt ten feet tall. The hall teemed with all he had been working for so hard. All he had schemed for and cheated for. The fat round asses. The huge tits. The sweet curvy bodies. The inane giggles, the empty eyes. It was womanhood as it should be. Down on its knees, greedy lips around pulsating cocks. His own cock twitched inside the hot tight cavern of his special slut doll. A rush of power shook him. He knew she was the teen sister of a mighty vampire slayer and she...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 8 Vincent Fenway the Amorous Demon Slayer

Chapter 8: Vincent Fenway, the Amorous Demon Slayer The two sat on Cal's bed five minutes later, each very naked. Cal wrapped his arms around Althea as both leaned against the wall for support, the gentle light from his bedside lamp illuminating the room nicely. Althea massaged Cal's right thigh gently, luxuriating in the feeling of Cal's love pulsating through her. "Tell me about the war on the Astral Plane, Calvin of the Divine Soldiers..." she whispered lovingly to him as his...

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Thorvik Kabot SuccubusSlayer in ldquoThe Golden Webs

With one kick from his powerful leg, Thorvik kicked in the door to the secret church of the Spider-Goddess, Kalindraa and, with a sweeping backhand, immediately dispatched of two of the female Spider-Acolytes standing guard.Illuminated by torchlight, Thorvik Kabot's strong Nordic physique was an impressive sight and a testament to the purity of his lineage and breeding as he had the strong, battle-scarred muscled body of a barbarian with the chiseled facial features of a nobleman with a strong...

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Thorvik Kabot SuccubusSlayer in The Golden Webs Of The SpiderGoddess

Illuminated by torchlight, Thorvik Kabot's strong Nordic physique was an impressive sight and a testament to the purity of his lineage and breeding as he had the strong, battle-scarred muscled body of a barbarian with the chiseled facial features of a nobleman with a strong brow, prominent nose and striking blue eyes and a head of curly blonde hair. Thorvik's manner of dress was simple. Leather boots, loincloth and his shoulder-scabbard, which held the legendary succubi-slaying holy...

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Pretty Pretty Princess Johna the Dragon Slayer

Princess Johna's faithful unicorn steed, Sparkle, teleported into the Dragon's den right behind the owner's unwilling guest. He used his horn to cut the ropes which were bidding his rider's hands. As Sir Dragon was preparing to react to his uninvited guest; the damsel, who was no longer in distress, jumped on the back of her faithful companion and got the lance from the side of the saddle. Princess Johna, the pretty pretty dragon slayer, said, as she was riding her charging unicorn...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 1 Running Hiding And Not Feeling So Great

The Sunnydale heroes trooped through the revolving door. Buffy had decided to confront the place head-on. She groaned when she saw the buxom bimbo receptionists. The old man who rode the elevator touched his cap. He asked them where he should bring them. "Mr. Fink it'll be," he repeated. He ogled the platinum blonde semi-bimbo. He knew her. Fink had told him the girl would be back. And when it happened, he should bring her and her entourage up without delay. He pressed the button for...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 1 Mr Fink Rewards A New Friend

Fink paced up and down his spacious penthouse office. He ignored the incredible view of Los Angeles at night. His mind was elsewhere. And for once it wasn't filled with worries. Fink was a happy man for the first time in weeks. BimboTech had made him a wealthy man. A powerful man, too. But there had always been the nagging little irritation at the back of his skull that he was not an independent man. There was always Wolfram and Hart, the damn demon lawyers. They kept reminding him that...

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Buffy Summers and the Se

t 1Buffy Summers checked herself out in the full-length mirror on the back of her bedroom door. She pursed her lips and applied another coat of high gloss pink lipstick to them. Dabbing them, she puckered her lips in an exaggerated motion. Smiling to herself she spun and looked her body up and down in the mirror.The skirt she was wearing was ultra-short, barely covering her panties, a yellow thong, and revealing the cups of her ass cheeks in the back as she spun. In fact, she had not worn this...

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The Night Slayer

The vampires smashed their way into the school gymnasium, one of them moving towards Terrance Donald. He shouted to the three students that had been helping him with the research, ‘Get the fuck out of here.’ Taking the lead in the retreat, Jimmy Holton was smashed to the floor by another group of vampires entering from the changing rooms. Both Holly Sharp and Emma Pelham screamed. Dressed in a long black leather coat, a lone vampire woman came in behind the others. ‘Get the lesbian bitches....

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MCTV Dana Scully Meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Special agent Dana Scully drove into the California town. It was 9:00 at night. She parked her car along Main St. and got out of the vehicle to survey the surroundings. She was here to investigate some strange occurances that had been taking place in the town. Scully was in the town of Sunnydale to check out another case for the X-Files. Her partner, Fox Mulder was in Arizona chasing UFO's so she was alone on this case. The agents had been tracking a serial killer/rapist across the country....

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 5 The Pleasure Of Feeling Happy

The next morning Fink was looking over the file on Dawn Summers. She seemed an intelligent young woman. Her sole form of rebellion tended towards shoplifting. She wasn't acting overly promiscuous. A concentrated dose of the happy gas and some new clothes would certainly set off warning bells for the Slayer. Maybe he'd throw some new hair into the bargain. And a set of pillowy fuck-lips. He scratched out the tit enhancement. "Later," he mumbled. Fink grinned. He picked up the phone....

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Black Magic Part 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Warning: This is fanfiction featuring Giles and adult Willow, certain parts told from each of their points-of-view. Don't complain to me if you don't like the series. Yes there is a lot of sex in this super-long story, but I will be posting the story in smaller segments, and it will take a couple posts to get to the romance. I am a nerd, okay?~Part One~Time was a strange thing, really. Even though Giles had thought it would be impossible to keep away from Willow, that things had changed too...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 7 Mr Fink Checks On His New Creations

Fink hadn't slept well. Not well at all. In fact he'd never slept worse since he had taken over this outfit. He had turned it into this wildly successful BimboTech Incorporation. Its former CEO served as his totally bimbofied personal sexretary now. So what was there to lose sleep over ever again? All had gone smoothly until these god-awful bitches of Wolfram & fucking Hart thought they'd reel in a few of their damn rain checks. It wasn't their demands that made him itchy. Those...

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MAU Slayers Series One Book One

MAU - Slayers - Series One - Book One By Erin C The following is the first story arc of the MAU - Slayers series. They have been combined and some parts have been rewritten or touched up. Nothing that alters the story in major ways has been changed though. The series is meant to be read on a story by story basis, but this is for those who prefer the long story format. I highly recommend reading Allen W's MAU - The Slayer series. While this is not a sequel to it, it is very much...

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MAU Slayers Into The Great Unknown

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Before encountering the MAU, Faith and Buffy were two ordinary friends. The alien device transformed them into the vampire slayers from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They were forced to hunt down their former friends who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. Faith was eventually kidnapped by another MAU user named Dennis. He had used the device to give him the ability to control people simply by touching them. Faith was held...

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MAU Slayers Walking Blindly

Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers celebrated their first Christmas after their encounter with the MAU and without their families. The also encountered Bill, a man given the ability to see the future by the MAU. He told them of their future and of the darkness that is to come. MAU - Slayers - Walking Blindly... The two vampires sat in the cell. They had been there for weeks now. Ever since those two girls had somehow beaten and captured them. The male one had spent the...

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MAU Slayers The Man Comes Around

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, they decided that they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. But before they could do anything, they were captured. Faith found herself in a fantasy world where she was a normal girl. She managed to escape and found herself and Buffy...

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MAU Slayers Our Very First Patrol

[Thanks for the feedback on the first story. I'm working to improve some of the issues that were brought up. I'm giving myself a little more time to work on each part and hopefully catch any mistakes.] Previously on MAU - Slayers... Two friends, Laura and Jordan used a MAU to become Buffy and Faith, the Vampire Slayers as seen on the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Their friends Mike and Chris used the device to become the vampires Angel and Spike, finding their new...

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MAU Slayers Acceptance

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Laura and Jordan were two ordinary people, until the MAU entered their lives. Now they are Buffy and Faith the Vampire Slayers. They soon found themselves hunting their friends Mike and Chris, who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. After the deaths of their families, the two Slayers joined the Agency, a group tasked with tracking down the MAUs and stopping any dangerous user of the devices. Faith has recently become aware of how much she...

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MAU Slayers Runaways

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Runaways "So what happened?" Agent R asked his partner, Agent S. They...

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MAU Slayers Keeping Everything Shiny

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. Little do they know, that these users are being hunted by the...

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A Tale of Two Slayers

In every generation, there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer. Or so it has been for so many generations as to become the stuff of legends. Until the mantle of the Chosen One fell up a young California High School girl named Buffy Summers. Unlike those who came before her, Buffy refused to live the life of a solitary warrior, relying on friends to aid her in the never-ending fight. A difference that proved to...

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Slayers Crossed 15

This story is fusion of Slayers, Ranma and Sailor moon anime. I don't own any characters only ones I created. Conversation is marked with "". I am not native writer which means there might be some mistakes and bad spelling. I couldn't find any beta reader. I hope you will enjoy this story. I couldn't find any story for slayers here so I decided to write one. Special thanks to Konsaki (Fanfiction author). ______________________________________________________________________ Chapter...

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MAU Slayers Shadows Of Things That Will Be As Seen By Bill

Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers were transferred to the Agency's Head Office. Meanwhile Dennis awoke from his coma and has agreed to help the man who is plotting against the Slayers. MAU - Slayers - Shadows Of Things That Will Be, As Seen By Bill [Author's Note: I meant to have this uploaded before the holidays, but was unable to. I hope the timing doesn't bother any reading of the story.] "There's no way out this time," Faith said. "Remember, I'm a lot stronger...

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MAU Slayers Are You Sure This Is Canon

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. Little do they know, that these users are being hunted by the...

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Slayers The Device

Greetings reader. The following is set in the MAU universe and in the present day. I will admit that there is some similarity with Allen W's Slayer series, it was the inspiration along with watching season 3 of Buffy again. Both involve characters winding up in the bodies based off the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the agency that investigates the MAUs, but beyond that I intend to go in another direction. It isn't meant to be a spin-off or sequel to his series. This series is...

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