MAU: The Slayer 3 - Fallout free porn video

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This is the third installment of MUA: The Slayer series. It is best if you have read the first two installments, but it is not necessary if you haven't. This story picks up at the sci-fi convention and follows the action of the teenage boy who ended up with the Morphic Adaptation Unit at the end of the second story. Special thanks to Eric for proofreading. MAU: The Slayer 3 - Fallout By Allen W. John Miller had never been anything more than a typical high school nerd. He got good grades in school, wasn't popular, didn't fit in to well, and lacked all self-confidence when he was around girls. He was a little more than slightly overweight and he was pretty much a slob. He had a few close friends, also social outcasts, and he liked science fiction, which is why he was spending his entire Saturday at sci-fi convention. John walked around the convention looking at the various displays and vender booths. As he did so he would shyly eye the occasional attractive costumed girl that roamed the convention area. He went to some various panel discussions, one on Enterprise and another given by J. Michael Straczynski. As he left the second panel group and was making his way back to the dealer room, he was shoved out of the way by a large man dressed as a Klingon warrior. The large man was followed by another Klingon and six men dressed as Storm Troopers. "We will teach you what it is to insult a Klingon warrior." The second Klingon growled as they all made their way through a door marked employees only. John had wanted to follow them, to see if they were really going to get into a fight, but didn't want to get caught in an area that he shouldn't be in. He turned and walked to the dealer booths. He was looking at some Red Dwarf books, when he turned and saw that an attractive girl was standing next to him looking at the same books. She was blond and wore black horn rimmed glasses. She was wearing a cloak that concealed most of her body, but he could tell she was a knockout. She seemed kind of familiar, but he couldn't say from where he had seen her. He wanted to say something, but couldn't think of anything. She turned and started walking away, stopped for a moment, and then headed for the door marked employees only. John turned and walked away. "Why couldn't I have just said hi?" he thought to himself. "Maybe it could've started a conversation." He walked on feeling depressed. Stopping at an electronics booth, he looked at a variety of new computer games that would soon be on the market. "Amazing magic box for sale." A man was calling out. Most of the people walked by and ignored the man, but John stopped. "What does it do?" He looked at him and smiled. "It will make your dreams come true." "That's pretty vague." John said skeptically. "Let me put it this way, two days ago I was a virgin and last night I got laid by the hottest girl here." The man quickly glanced around and then smiled at John. "And now she is going to be my girlfriend forever." "Uh yeah." John said about to turn and walk on. "Oh Shit!" The guy said seeing something over John's shoulder. "I was going to sell this for a mint, but now I'm out of time. She's heading this way. I don't have time to explain, but if she finds out I'm selling the magic box she'd kill me. Make an offer. Anything." He said desperately. John compulsively reached in to his pocket and pulled out a bill. "Ten bucks." "It's worth way more than that." John started to walk away. "Okay." the guy said grabbing the money and shoving the briefcase into John's arms. "Now get out of here and don't let her see that you have it." John stepped to the side and watched as the man was approached by one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. She was dressed as a harem girl, her ample cleavage prominently on display, and her amazing body slightly visible through the gossamer outfit she wore. She had stunning blue eyes and cascading blond hair that spilled down over her shoulders. Every set of male eyes followed her as she made her way up to the man John had just bought the case from. She grabbed him, gave him a long kiss, then whispered something to him and smiled. John looked down at the case he had under his arm and gripped it tighter against his body. John looked back over when he heard the woman giggling and saw her in the man's arms. "This is so amazing!" He over heard her say. "I make a commotion everywhere I go. People keep wanting to take my picture. And everywhere I go I get stuff for free. You should try it. Oh yeah, I just remembered. I got some back stage passes from a guy for some special Buffy event that will be starting shortly. Let's go." She said grabbing the man's hand and dragging him off. John watched as they disappeared from his sight. It suddenly struck him, and he started looking around for a hidden cameras. He stood there for a few moments figuring Jamie Kennedy or someone like him was about to pop out, but no one did. He drifted over to a booth and started absentmindedly looking at various magazine covers for some time, thinking of his perfect girl. His cell phone ringer brought him back to reality. "Hey John! Were almost to the parking lot. If you're not here in five minutes we're leaving with out you." "Fuck!" John thought as he looked at his watch and realized he was supposed to meet his friends about twenty minutes ago. "I'll be right there." John said as he hung up his cell phone and took off running through the convention center. Over the loudspeakers he heard, "Please make your way to staging area B were there will be a unique presentation by Buffy the Vampire Slayer Creator Joss Whedon and with special appearance by the Slayer herself, Sarah Michelle Gellar." John continued to move his husky mass through the crowd, clutching the metallic suitcase tightly under his arm. "They better not leave without me." he thought, when someone collided into him and they both went tumbling to the ground. John grabbed up the suitcase and saw that he had run into the girl in the cloak that he had wanted to talk to earlier. He had considered helping her up, but was afraid she might start yelling at him, so he shyly mumbled an apology and took off running again. The girl looked at him then took off running in the other direction. John sat in the back seat of Matt's station wagon listening to Steve go on about how he had made a fantastic find of an original Captain Picard figure, but both John and Matt screamed when they heard how much he had paid for it. After mocking Steve mercilessly for some time, the three friends feel silent for a few moments and John started reflecting on what the man had said about the case he had just bought. "If you could have any girl in the world, who would you pick?" John said as he held the suitcase in his arms. "Brittany Spears." Steve said. Matt and John both groaned. "Why is that always your answer." Matt said. "She's hot and she rich." Steve said. "Whatever." Matt said and thought about his response and then smiled. "I would have to say Joanna Wilson." "Is that why you keep hanging out after school watching the girls swim team practice." "Yep. I've given up my fourteenth level magic user for watching a girl. Or at least I did until some of the football players ran me off on Friday. I wasn't happy about it, but I have to admit that they have good taste too." John slapped his hand to his forehead realizing who the perfect girl was. John starred in awe at the picture of the sexy harem girl displayed on the panel of the machine. He had just gotten home with the strange metallic suitcase and after messing with it for a few moments, it stretched and grew until it was the size of a phone booth. "What is it?" He said looking the box up and down. "This is to weird. Maybe I should've told Matt about this after we dropped Steve off." He rested his hand on the ruby control panel as he started thinking about Matt. He watched on the screen as the form of the harem girl shifted to that of his friend dressed as he had last seen him. "This is to cool! It can read my mind. Let's see if this thing really works." He sat looking at the control panel and concentrated on the girl he had always had a crush on. Slowly her form appeared on the screen. "Amazing." He said in disbelief. "She is the hottest girl in school. She the hottest girl anywhere." He reached up and touched the purple knob by the control panel. As he did so, a door appeared on the side of the phone booth like box. John cautiously looked at the new opening and wondered how any of this was possible. Inside the box he saw another purple knob. "I wish that guy would have told me how this works?" He said stepping in to the box and touching the knob. What John would quickly learn is that the machine would change anyone who entered it, into what ever they had envisioned on the screen. Within seconds the box had changed John to match the image that he had given it. Stepping out of the box John dropped the pompoms he was now holding. Shocked, he thought that the box had somehow changed his clothes into those of a cheerleader, but then he realized that his body had been changed as well. He rushed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He was greeted by the image of an attractive busty blond cheerleader who he had a crush on for the last three years. "Oh my God." He said bring his hands to his new breasts. "I'm Linda Stevens..." John let out a scream and ran back into his bedroom. "This isn't my dream." He said in frustration to the machine. "I wanted Linda to be my girlfriend, not to be turned into her. OH my God! Please tell this isn't permanent." He frantically put his hand back on ruby control panel and thought of himself again. Slowly the image of his old form appeared on the screen. He stepped inside and pressed the purple knob. In a few seconds he reemerged from the booth in his old body. "Did that really just happen?" He looked down at the two discarded pompoms on the floor. "Amazing. I can change into anyone I want and back again." Sunday morning Faith, formerly James, pulled up in front of the house she had grown up in. She knew her parents weren't home, but she still felt like she was somehow going to be caught and have to explain the strange circumstances of her new form. After about a minute she saw her sister Linda come out the front door, run up to the car and get in. "Why are you wearing your cheerleader outfit?" Faith said giving her sister a strange look. "I'm sorry James, I forgot we're taking pictures today. It will only take about fifteen minutes, and I don't have to be there until two. I have a change of clothes for afterwards. Now let's go check out your place of yours and then you can tell me everything about Dan and all that has happened since... you know." "I know. Since this happened." Faith said gesturing to herself. "I'll tell you everything, but please call me Faith. It's hard having two identities, so I am going with the one that matches my body." Faith and Linda talked all the way back to Faith's apartment and for the next hour and a half. Faith broke down and cried when she talked about how she had to 'put down' her best friend Max and his girlfriend who were trying to kill her. She told Linda all about the Morphic Adaptation Unit, how their brother was now being restrained in a government facility, about her prophetic dream which saved Linda's life, and reluctantly, the sexually frustrated feelings she was having and the strange desires she was starting to feel. "Come on James. Sorry, Faith. Let me take you out for your first day as a free woman. I'll help you deal with this. We'll figure it out together." "Thanks Little Sis." "Hate to tell you this Big Bro, but we're probably about the same age now." Linda said trying to lighten the moment. "You want to grab some lunch, then we can go get your pictures taken." "Not just yet Faith. We have a serious matter to take care of before we go." "What's that?" "It's something that I think will help you get in touch with your new feminine side and will help you come to appreciate your body in a new way." Linda said enthusiastically. "Uh, what's that? "Your makeover." "My What?" *** John reached over and silenced the annoying sound of his alarm buzzer. "What a weird dream I was having." He thought to himself as he stretched and yawned. He sat up and felt the strange sensation of having his long hair cascading down his shoulders. "Oh my God." And was shocked by the sound of his own voice. He quickly put his hand to his throat, then slowly moved it down to the lacey bustier that now covered his firm breasts. He then hesitantly moved his hands down to the lacey panties and garters that he was wearing. Still sliding his hands down further he felt the lace top stockings that covered his legs. He looked over and saw the strange phone booth like machine sitting in front of his bed like the monolith from the end of the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Slowly he climbed out of bed and peaked his head out his door. He listened, and then gave a sigh of relief. His parents still weren't home yet, and looking over at the clock, they wouldn't be for another 6 or 7 hours. He opened up his door and stepped into the bathroom. He looked at the mirror and Linda smiled back at him. He had changed into so many different people throughout the night he couldn't even remember them all. Once he couldn't think of any one else to change into, he went on to the Internet and found different people at random. Celebrates, pictures from personal ads, politicians, porn stars, and then he found a lingerie model, who was drop dead gorgeous, but as he looked at himself in the models body, he couldn't help but wonder what Linda would look like in the same lingerie. So he changed in her and after he saw what she would look like, laid down to rest for a minute. "This has been a fantastic night, but now what do I do?" He picked up the phone and started to dial Matt, but stopped when he caught sight of his reflection. He quickly changed back into himself and called his best friend. "Hello?" "Hey Matt, it's John. Get over here as quick as you can. I have something amazing to show you." Matt sat in utter astonishment as he watched Linda Stevens dressed in her cheerleading uniform exit from the machine that John had just stepped into. "That's really you in there?" "It sure is. You should try it." John said approaching his friend. "But you're a girl." Matt gaze slowly dropped. "And those are real?" He said indicating to Linda's size C breasts pressed firmly against the tight sweater he now wore. "These? Oh yeah, they're as real as the rest of me." John said waving a hand up and down his body. "Can... can I touch them?" Matt said as he reached out his hand. "No!" John said slapping his hand away. "I just turned into Linda to show you that it could be done. If you want to feel some boobies, you can turn yourself into anyone you want and play with your own all day." "I don't want to turn myself in to anyone. And I defiantly don't want to turn into a girl. I'm happy with being who I am." "Ha!" said John in Linda's voice. "Besides," Matt said looking at the cheerleader who stared at him with a look of disbelief on her attractive face. "How do you know that this thing isn't giving you cancer or taking over your mind or something? What is it really and where did it come from?" "I don't know and I don't care. For the first time in my life, I'm not overweight and I'm popular." "John, you're a chick." "For now Matt, but I, or I should say we, can make ourselves look like anyone we want. We can find out what it is to be one of the 'in' crowd, or we could make ourselves popular. We could start making minor changes to our bodies, fixing things over time so no one suspects anything. Once we reach our ideal forms people will want to hang out with us because we will be perfect. Come on, isn't there anything you would want to change about yourself?" Matt unconsciously reached up and brushed his hand against his acne scared face. "Come on Matt. I know you want to try it. Don't be afraid." "Maybe later." Matt said looking at the machine. "Okay, but will you do me a favor?" "Yeah." "I want to go out, but I'm afraid to go by myself. Will you drive me somewhere?" "Sure. Where?" "Hmmm." John looked down at his cheerleading uniform. "How about school?" *** "Okay Big Bro, take a look." Linda said as she finished the final touches to Faith's make-up. Faith stared wide-eyed into the mirror. She had been so busy fighting the vampires since she had changed; she had never spent anytime acclimating to being female. She had no time for experimenting with clothes or make-up and had become accustomed to dressing for a fight and never worrying about how she looked. Now she wore a sexy little tube dress that just barely covered her breasts and fell just a few inches below her hips. Her hair and make-up were flawlessly done and she wore three-inch heels. "I haven't looked this good since I first transformed myself with that machine." "You really are very beautiful. You need to learn to do this yourself." "Since I've changed, I been beaten by the cops, locked up in a metal ward, and spent every moment since I got out of there fighting vampires. I haven't really had time." "Well, now you do, and I can teach you everything that you'll need to know. Well, let's go get my pictures out of the way, then you can experience one of the best parts about being a woman." "What's that?" Faith asked. "Going to the mall." Linda said grabbing her back pack and heading for the door. "Wait a second. I can't go out dressed like this. I feel naked. This dress barely covers me." "Come on Faith. You look fantastic. Every eye will be on you." "I don't want every eye on me. I'm going to change." "Faith. I know this is hard for you, but you're a beautiful woman now, so you should see what benefits the world does now hold for you. If you don't like it you can change before we go to the mall." Faith hesitated, but wanted her sister to think that she was helping, so she reluctantly gave in. "Maybe you should drive Linda." Faith said handing her the keys. "Why?" "I don't have a license yet and I don't want to get in any trouble with the cops. There might be some out there who might remember me from a few weeks ago." Linda smiled and took the car keys. Faith bit her lower lip as she took one last look at her reflection in the mirror. She sighed looking at the reflection of the woman she now was, then turned and followed her sister to the car. *** Matt parked his green Ford station wagon in the student parking lot of the school. "Why did you want to come to school of all places? And on a Sunday." He said to John. "I want to get inside Linda's head and what better place to do it than here." "Get in side of her head? Look at yourself, you're inside of her body." He said looking at the captain of the cheerleader squad that sat beside him. "When I am done turning myself into the perfect guy, I am going to want to make Linda my girlfriend, so I am just trying to understand Linda a little better now." "I guess so." Matt said skeptically. "So now what do you want to do?" "I'm just going to walk around the campus and get a feel for what it's like to be Linda." "Do you want me to go with you?" Matt asked. "No. I'll walk around for a few minutes, maybe I'll run into someone she knows and I'll see if I can fool them into thinking I'm her. I'll be back in about twenty minutes." Matt couldn't help but stare at the sexy cheerleader's legs as she gracefully got out of his car. He felt himself starting to become aroused as he put from his mind that was his best friend and he just stared at the attractive girl that was walking away from his car. "Oh shit." Matt said aloud as he watched John enter the quad area and saw the entire cheerleading squad come running out of the gymnasium towards his best friend. John was feeling an excitement he had never felt before as he walked onto the campus. He pretended for a moment that he was the most popular girl in school and that everyone loved him. He was really enjoying the feeling of being attractive and sexy. He was no longer one of the fat, nerds of the school, he was now the head cheerleader, the one that all the girls wanted to be friends with and all the guys just wanted. Linda ruled this school and he was finding out what it was like to be her. "Linda!" Several girls' voices screamed. "Where have you been?" One girl called out. "Hurry up, the photographer is ahead of schedule and is ready for our pictures." Another yelled. "Linda come on." Several of the girls called out. John turned when he heard all the girls shouting, then to his horror he realized that they were shouting to him. His first instinct was to run and he would have, but before he knew it three of the girls had run up to him and were pulling him towards the gymnasium. "We've been trying you at home for the last hour? The photographer showed up early and is ready. He got his times mixed up and will have to leave soon. At least we'll get out of here early." Linda's best friend Tina said. "But..." John tried to say as the gymnasium doors closed behind him. Matt watched as the doors closed. "Oh shit." He got out of his car and started heading towards the gym, unsure of what he would do when he got there. Faith sat absentmindedly thinking about how strange her life was as they pulled into the student parking lot. Faith noticed a somewhat odd teenage boy running across the parking lot towards the gym as Linda parked the car. She watched as he tried the door, which appeared to be locked, then saw him turn and run around the corner of the building. "Come on. I'll introduce you to all my friends. We were all going to meet in the girls locker room before the pictures." Linda said excitedly. "Okay, just tell everyone I'm your cousin from out of town." "Right, Big Bro." "Faith from now on." "How about if I call you Sharon or Susan." She said joking. "Faith is fine." "Or maybe Samantha or Elizabeth." "Let's get to the locker room before you start calling me Heidi." As they were walking to the locker room they saw the girls swim team practicing. A group of guys gathered around the fence watching them as they swam. "This isn't happening." Faith thought to herself as the approached the group of teenage boys. "Why did I let Linda talk me into wearing this?" "Eric!" Linda yelled out and ran over and hugged one of the boys. Faith watched as he indifferently hugged her sister. He wondered if it was to seem cool in front of his friends or if he was just an asshole. From what he remembered of him from when he had meet him as Linda's brother, he thought he was just an asshole. "Eric, I want you to meet my Cousin Faith, she's out visiting for awhile." Faith felt a feeling of revulsion, as her sister's boyfriend, the captain of the football team, was checking his female body out. "Oh God. Linda must really love this guy. Why can't she see him for the creep that he is?" Faith thought to herself. "What's up?" He said. The four other football players all came over and started to introduce themselves to Faith. "This is ridiculous. I'm a piece of meat on display." Faith thought as she felt her cheeks redden with embarrassment as the five teenage boys all stared at her cleavage. "Let's get to the locker room." Faith said to Linda. "See ya later sweetie." Linda said to Eric. "Right Baby." As they entered the locker room Faith stopped holding her breath. "Linda, I am really not comfortable dress like this. I should never have let you talk me into this. I am still a guy, if only on the inside, I can't pretend to be something I'm not. You go take your pictures and I'll go home and change into something a lot less revealing." "Jam... Faith I'm sorry. I didn't think we would run into anything like that. Why don't I meet you at the mall in a half an hour at the food court." Faith left the locker room and headed back towards his car. "I can't believe they were freaking me out. I fought vampires with no fear, but teenage boys scare me half to death. Why is that? I guess I don't do that well against something human." She thought. She was halfway to the car, when she saw something that made her stop. *** Matt ran to the back entrance of the gym and saw all the cheerleaders standing around ready to get their pictures taken. Matt was sure that John must be in shock. He observed Linda standing with a group of girls who were all giggling, but Matt couldn't make out about what. He watched as the photographer had them line up for their pictures. "I think he's actually going to pull this off." Matt thought watching how no one seemed to notice anything unusual about Linda. "Maybe I will give that thing a try." "Hey, you freak'n pervert, get the hell out of here." Tina yelled out when she saw Matt staring at them. Matt took off running as the other girls started yelling over at him. Scare of being caught by the activity advisor, he ran out of the gym and back by the pool. He was running at a full sprint when he turned the corner and ran into the group of five football players. Colliding with Eric, they both tumbled to the ground. "Matt you faggot. What did I tell you about hanging out at the pool? Didn't I make it clear what we would do to you if we caught you here again?" Eric said pushing Matt off of him. Matt tried to get up and run, but two of the football players grabbed him and held him up against the wall. "I guess you didn't believe me, so I am going to have to teach you a lesson." Eric said, and then punched Matt hard in the stomach. "Don't worry faggot, there is plenty more where that came from." He said as he punched him again in the stomach and then hit him in the face. The other boys were cheering him on as he hit Matt again, and was drawing back to hit him again, when something caught his arm in mid swing and held it. "Break me off a switch boy, there's goin' to be a whoppin!" Faith said with a wicked grin on her face. With ease she shoved Eric into one of the other football players who had been standing by. Eric slammed into him and they both toppled to the ground. "Five against one, not really following the sportsmen like spirit, is it?" Eric scrambled to his feet and looked at the 5'4" girl who had just tossed him aside like he was a rag doll. Girl or not, his first impulse was to hit her, but his football scholarship and later career would be history if he got busted for beating up a girl, at least until he had made it to the pros. "We were just having a little fun." He said looking at the others. The two holding Matt let him go and he fell to the ground clutching his stomach. Eric looked down at Matt, "And don't come back faggot." "You want to go again." Faith said stepping between Eric and Matt. Eric really wanted to hit her, but she wasn't worth it, so he just laughed and turned away, followed by the others. Faith was disappointed as she watched the five of them just walk away. She turned and helped Matt up. "Are you okay?" Matt looked up at the beautiful woman who was helping him up and recognized her. "Weren't you in that movie 'Bring It On'?" He asked. "I get that a lot," Faith said getting used to the easy lie, "but I just look a lot like her." Faith said easily helping him to his feet. Matt, wheezing and in pain, accepted Faith's response and all thoughts of the five football players who had just been beating him left his mind as he looked at the beautiful girl. "You sure look a lot like her." "Thanks." Faith said. "Are you going to be okay?" "Yeah, thanks." "Well, I have to get going. Take care." "Thanks." Matt said as he watched her walk off to the parking lot and get in her car. "She looks just like that girl from 'Bring It On'." He heard a splash and turned to see several of the girls on the swim team in line to use the high dive. Matt watched as Joanna Wilson climbed the ladder. "God she is so hot. I'd give anything to see her naked." He thought. He turned back to see Faith starting her car and driving away. "And why the hell can't I? I got to go find John?" Linda put her backpack in her gym locker and sat waiting for the rest of the cheerleading squad to show up. "They all can't be this late." She thought to herself looking at the time. "Maybe they're all in the gym. You think they would've at least sent someone over to get me by now." She walked over to the gym, but found the side door locked. Walking around to the front entrance she could hear the sounds of all the girls coming from inside the gymnasium. "Okay, thank you everyone. That's the last picture." A voice yelled out from inside the gym. "What?" She thought as she hurried towards the door. "They can't have taken the pictures without me. What's going..." She froze, as she looked though the doorway and saw herself standing around with all the girls. Several of the girls were already heading out the side entrance, but she saw that her copy and Tina were talking and laughing about something. Linda quickly ducked to the side to not be seen. She could hear that Tina was going to the dressing room to change and her clone was going along with her, giggling as she followed. "Whoever did that must have used one of those machines that James told me about. I have to go get to a phone and call him." She rushed out of the gym's front entrance and was going to the payphone when she saw Matt Kellogg frantically waving at her. She slowed as she approached him. "Come on John, let's get the hell out of here." He said to her. "I..." She started to say, but realized that he thought that she was John, probably his best friend John Miller who he always hung out with. "So John Miller is the one who now looks like me. Gross!" She thought. "So soon?" Linda said, playing along. "I just got my ass kicked by those football players again, but that's not important right now. I want to go use the machine. I know who I want to change myself into and where I want to go." He said smiling. "Okay, let's go. I want to make sure the machines okay. How long have we had it on for again? I mean since we first activated it?" Linda asked as casually as she could under the circumstances. "Well, since last night when you first started using it, so that's probably about 17 hours." Matt said. "Great!" Linda thought to herself, that means there is more than three days left for the machine to still be active. Plenty of time to get it to James so that he can change back and maybe they can find a cure for Dan too. Matt and Linda walked out and got into Matt's station wagon. "So how was it being Linda?" Matt asked. "Okay." "Okay?" Matt said exacerbated. "That's all you wanted to do was be her for the afternoon and it's just been okay. You were hanging out with all those foxy cheerleaders. Probably getting to feel them up and all you can say was it was just okay?" "Yeah." She said, and then she added in hopes of appeasing him. "It was fun, more than I could have hopped for, those chicks are wild. I got to cop a feel here and there." She said with a laugh, hoping she was saying what Matt wanted to hear. Matt laughed. "Why should you get all the fun." He said and then paused looking at her with a smile on his face. Before she could react Matt's hands were groping her breasts. "Stop that." She said slapping his hands away. She suppressed her first instinct to hit him and run. "Let's just get back to the machine so I can change back." She said and then gritted her teeth. "Sorry dude, but I had to do that. You can't expect to have boobs like that and not get them grabbed. I don't know why I didn't use the machine earlier, but now I am ready." He said as he started the car and headed for John's house. As they exited the parking lot, neither of them noticed that a red mustang pulling out after and following them. Eric had wanted to kick the crap out of Matt, but Linda's dam cousin had gotten in the way. When he had first seen Linda's cousin, he had thought she was hot, but after she had humiliated him he had wanted to beat the crap out of her and then fuck her brains out. He was going to follow her, but she had driven off before he could get to his car. So he sat behind the wheel fuming, when had seen Matt run to the front of the gym. He was going to take his rage out on him, but he saw Linda come out of the gym and started talking with him in an overly friendly manor. He was about to get out of his mustang and kick his ass, when he saw Linda and Matt go off to his station wagon. From where he sat, Eric saw Linda acting overly friendly to Matt and once they were in the car, he could see that Matt was feeling her up. "That fucking bitch. I was going to dump her for not putting out, but now she is going off with a fucking nerd to go suck his dick." Eric watched as the station wagon pulled off on to the main street. He started his mustang and followed them. Linda sat nervously thinking about what she should do next as Matt talk about his plans for using the machine. "The first thing I do after I change is go back to school, go to the girls locker room and watch Joanna Wilson shower. Heck, I might even shower with her. We've both seen enough movies about girl's locker rooms to know what might happen next. Hey John, are you listening to me?" Matt asked. "Huh?" Linda said. "Oh yeah. A lot has happened and I am just trying to take it all in." She wanted to call Faith, but her cell phone was back in her bag at the school, and she didn't know how long Faith would be at her apartment. If she missed Faith, she didn't know what she would do. Matt and Linda pulled into John's parent's driveway and parked, not noticing the red Mustang that parked down the street. Linda was careful to let Matt lead the way, so that he wouldn't notice that she didn't know her way around the house. Matt took off towards the backdoor of the house, which was unlocked. Linda followed him in and down a hallway into John's bedroom. There she saw what here brother had described as a phone booth like device of alien construction that had changed him into a duplicate of Faith from the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "How does this work again." Matt asked looking at the machine. "It's really simple." Linda said, trying to remember everything Faith had told her about the device. "What's this do?" Matt said fumbling with the control panel. Suddenly the phone booth collapsed in on it's self and shrank back down to the size of a suitcase. "Wow." Matt said surprised. Pressing the panel again the suitcase stretched out and returned to the phone shape. "What did you just press?" Linda said getting an idea. Matt then showed her, careful not to press it again. Matt then just stood looking at the machine again. "Man, I think I am getting cold feet. After seeing that I don't know if I want to change after all. What if that happened while I was inside? You go ahead and change, I still have to think about this." Matt said. "Uh, I don't really feel like changing right now." Linda said apprehensively. "You want to see Joanna Wilson don't you." Linda said goading Matt on. "Yeah, but I still don't feel safe with the idea of that thing rearranging my molecules." "Oh come on dude, Joanna Wilson is so hot, you know you want to check her out." "I do, but..." An idea occurred to Matt. "You're a really hot chick right now. Why don't you take off your clothes and show me what Linda Stevens looks like naked." "No way." Linda snapped. "Come on John. You've gotten to see her in all her glory, now how about me?" "I don't think so." Linda said starting to get a real uneasy feeling from Matt. "Come on, just take your top off. I just want to see'em." Matt said reaching down and starting to pull Linda's top up. "Don't!" She said pulling her top back down. "Remember when we wrestled that time and you pinned me in under ten seconds? Well, I bet I could take you now." Matt said getting ready to pounce. "Don't you even fuck'in think about it." Linda said snapping at Matt forgetting for a moment that she was pretending to be John. She could see that she had shocked him. She had wanted to tell him off, but the way he was still looking at her, she began to feel afraid that Matt wasn't going to hesitate much longer. She didn't know Matt well enough to know if it was safe to be herself and alone in the room with him, so she made a quick decision. She stepped over to the box and her hand was trembling as she touched the ruby control plate. Panicking, she thought of John and his image, stored with in the machine, instantly came up on the screen. She stepped into the booth and touched the purple knob. The door closed and with in a few seconds, John stepped out. Karen felt a strange feeling of claustrophobia in John's body. She now stood 5'9" and weighed 220 pounds, which was two inches taller and a full 100 pounds heaver than her old body. As she caught sight of herself in the mirror she wanted to scream. In place of her long, shinny blond hair, she now had near shoulder length, unkempt, greasy brown hair. Her blue eyes were now brown and her near perfect complexion was gone, and in its place was John's, which was broken out with zits. Her cheerleading out fit had been replaced with a pair of brown corduroy pants, a black Babylon 5 T-shirt, a green corduroy coat, white socks and a pair of brown sandals. "All I need is a pair of glasses and a pocket protector." She thought to her self. "I have to get rid of Matt, then I can change back and get this thing to James." "How do I look?" A familiar female voice said from behind Linda. Linda turned and gasped. She had not noticed that Matt had been using the machine while she had been looking at herself in the mirror. Matt now looked exactly like Faith. "I got the idea from this girl I saw at school today. She looked almost exactly like the cheerleader from 'Bring It On', so I got the idea to change myself into the actress from that movie." "I..." Was all Linda was able to say? She was now looking at an exact copy of the form she had now come to know as her brother. Matt now wore a pair of tight blue jeans and a mini black T-shirt that showed a good portion of her tight belly. Matt looked over at the clock. "Let's go to the mall for an hour and then head back to school. Swim practice should be over by then, and I am going to see if I can catch Joanna Wilson in the showers. That would kick ass. You want to change and go with me?" "No that's okay. You take off and I'll meet you later." Linda said Neither Matt nor Linda noticed that Eric had watched everything that had just happened from just outside the window. He sat there wondering at first if it was some type of trick, but then realized that it was real. He wondered where the hell they got this machine and if it could do anything else other than change one person into another. Then he got an idea. Linda couldn't believe her luck as she watched Matt walk down the hallway. She waited until she heard his car start up and pull away and then she rushed to the phone. "Oh shit, what's James' number again?" She started dialing the number, but froze when she heard the front door open and someone call out. "John we're home." Linda heard a man's voice call out. Linda hung up the phone and raced to the machine. She pressed the panel and the machine shrunk back down to the size of a brief case. "John, come help your mother and I unload the car." The voice called out. Linda slid the case under John's bed, then reluctantly went out and helped John's parents bring in their luggage from the car. Linda did some fast-talking when they asked what their son had been up to the whole weekend while they were gone and then quickly excused herself to go back to John's room. Linda wanted to use the machine right then to change herself back, but if John's parents came in and caught her, she wouldn't know what to say. Reluctantly, she grabbed the metal case and hurried out the back door. She started trotting down the road, but was soon winded and had to slow to a fast walk. She was half a block from John's house when she heard someone running up behind her. Just as she turned to see who was coming up on her, Eric leaped and tackled her, knocking her to the ground. Before she knew what was happening fists were furiously pounding against her face. She tried as best she could to block her face with her arms, but it did little good. "You sick faggot! I was outside your fucking window just now and I saw you change yourself back from being my girlfriend." "Eric." Linda sobbed. "It's me Linda. I AM your girlfriend. You don't understand." "You fuck'in pervert, I understand alright. You and Matt have found some type of fuckin' machine that let's you turn into other people and you turned yourself in to my Linda." Eric said as he continued to hurl punches. "I also saw that other queer changing himself back into 'your cousin'. I'll fuckin' deal with him later, but for now I am taking this." He said as he yanked the machine away from Linda. "No!" She cried trying to hold onto it, but felt it slip from her fingers. Eric took off running down the street with the case tucked under his arm like a large football. Linda painfully scrambled to her feet and took off after him shouting. "Eric wait! It's me Linda!" But Eric easily outdistanced his now pudgy, male girlfriend. Linda watched as Eric jumped into his Mustang and accelerated away. *** Faith had just slipped on a pair of jeans and was looking for a shirt to wear when she heard the phone ring. "Dam." She thought as she started racing down the hallway to the kitchen phone. "All the money they spent for this place and you think they would have bought me more than one phone." "Hello." She said picking up the phone. She heard the sound of the signal disconnecting and the line going back to dial tone. "Must not have been very important." She hung up the phone. "Now what to wear, the black shirt or the red one? I'm feeling like red today." She said pulling on the red T-shirt that fit snuggly to her body. "Now to meet Linda at the mall." *** John and Tina left the girl's locker room and headed for the parking lot. "I can't believe you didn't bring anything else to change into." Tina said to John thinking it was her best friend Linda. "Yeah, I just forgot." John said, still giddy from getting to watch Tina change her clothes in front of him. He looked around for Matt as he and Tina walked out to her car, but saw that Matt's car was now gone. "Do you need a ride home?" "No thanks." John said. "I have a ride on the way." "Eric coming to pick you up? You'd better be careful with that one girlfriend." John shuddered at the thought of Eric touching him, but said "Yeah, I'm meeting him here. Were going out later." "You be careful. He not as sweet a guy as you think he is." She said with a stern look as she started up her car. John watched as Tina drove off. "Where the hell is Matt?" He thought to himself as he started to walk home. "He must've of went back to my place to change himself. I wonder what he's going to make himself look like?" John was part way home when he saw Matt's station wagon stopped at a red light. He started running towards it when he saw that it wasn't coming down the road to meet him, but was instead pulling into the mall parking lot. Linda's breast bounced madly up and down even with the support of the sports bra he wore. John slowed a bit to ease the pain and was close enough to see the driver when the light turned green and the station wagon turned in to the mall parking lot. "He, or I should say she didn't see me." John said out loud as he quickly caught his breath. "He looked like that girl Missy from the movie 'Bring It On'." John smiled as he headed towards the mall. "I wonder why he didn't come pick me up?" Matt parked his car and sat for a few seconds staring at the mall. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled. "Hey cutie, let's go have some fun." He entered the mall feeling very confident. Immediately he noticed several lusty looks he was getting from guys. Smiling to himself and to several of them he started towards his usual hang out at the video game store but stopped himself. "What am I doing? I'm a hot chick know and hot chicks don't hang out playing video games." He started to head towards the food court in hopes that desperate guys would buy him lunch when he stopped in his tracks. "Now this is going to be way to much fun." He said heading in to Victoria's Secret. *** Faith walked in to the mall and notice several lusty looks she was getting from guys. Annoyed, she kept walking. "Why did I let Linda talk me into hanging out here for the day." Faith remembered the last time she had been in this mall. The day after she had first transformed she had went on a shopping spree and bought herself a ton of lingerie. "It was so different having guys check me out when I thought I could change back." She thought to herself as she came in sight of Victoria's Secrets. She walked right by it and made her way to the food court. Faith, carrying the tray of free food she had just been given by the teenage male casher, made her way to a table and sat down. "I hope Linda doesn't mind if I eat before she gets here?" *** John entered the mall looking for Matt. He felt very self-conscious of the looks he was receiving from guys. "Why did I have to wear a cheerleading outfit? I bet I'm every guy's fantasy right now. God where's Matt?" John checked out the video game store, but there was no sigh of him. "Well, if I was Matt where would I be?" John walked around for a few minutes then saw him. "There you are. Why didn't you come back to the school and pick me up?" John said to the girl from the 'Bring it On' movie that was sitting at the table eating lunch. "I thought you would catch a ride from one of the girls." Faith said. "And why'd you change?" John said looking at her body. "After what happened with those guys at school, I wanted to 'put on' something less, uh noticeable." Faith said looking down at the clothes she now wore. John sat down opposite Faith. "Put on. That's as good a term for it as anything else I guess." John said. "Maybe would could try on some different things latter?" Faith sighed, afraid of another fashion make over. "I'm happy with what I have on right now, but you should go over to that guy over there and order something. You might not be interested in this, but that guy over their gives free lunches to attractive girls. I guess I have found one small benefit of having this body." "Are you kidding?" John said heading off towards the guy. A few minutes latter John was back with him free lunch. "This is so cool." John said sitting down. "We are going to have so much fun today. What do you want to do first?" "Let's go to the arcade." "Are you kidding? Girls as hot as us wouldn't be caught dead there." John said with a sneer. "What are you talking about Linda? You love the arcade." Faith said looking at her sister. "Well, not today." John smiled when he realized that he had just been called Linda. "And what should I call you? Missy? Or how about Torrance?" Faith rolled her eyes at her sister still trying to find another new name for her. "Faith is fine." "Well let's hope we don't run into any vampires here at the mall!" John said overly loud. Faith stared at her sister in disbelief. "God, Linda, what the hell is wrong with you? You're acting so out there right now, if I didn't know any better I would say..." "Oh come on Faith." John interrupted. "I was just kidding. So do you want to go shopping at Victoria's Secret now?" "You're kidding, right?" Just then Faith's cell phone went off. She looked at it, then at a slightly confused John. "My cell phone has been set up to go off if any one leaves a message for me at my home number. It might be work, I'd better check this." Faith said getting up. "I'll be right back." John watched as Faith walked over to the entrance of the mall. "What the hell is Matt doing? And where'd he get that phone? He sure is acting weird. I wonder if..." John's blood ran cold as he saw an exact copy of the girl he was just talking to come walking out of the Victoria's Secret. "Matt?" John said looking at one girl then the other. He quickly headed for the girl who just came out of the store. Matt had felt it a waste to spend any money on clothes for a body that he wouldn't have for more than a day, and figured he could have the machine put him in any outfit he wanted later anyway. He was window- shopping when he caught sight of Linda Stevens heading straight for him. "Oh Shit!" He thought and turned as started walking towards him. "That can't be John, he's still at his house. That has to be the real Linda Stevens." He walked for twenty feet then stopped in front of a window. "Why am I running? There's no way in the world she could know it's me?" Matt stood looking at the window waiting for Linda to walk by, but instead she came up and stood next to him looking at the same window. "Um..." She said to Matt. "Matt?" Matt turned. "John?" "Is that really you Matt?" "Yes." "Prove it." "Commander data's brothers name?" "Lore. That's too easy." "Storm's real name?" "Ororo Munroe, but there's been two movies so anyone could know that." "The Prisoner's number." "Six." "Okay, it's you." Matt said. "Then who the hell is that?" John asked looking back at Faith in the food court. "I don't know, but let's get out of here. I want to get to swim practice, before Joanna Wilson showers." Faith dialed the remote access to her answering machine and listened to the message. She first heard what sounded like someone crying and then heard the voice of an unknown teenage boy. "James listen to me!" The boy sobbed. "You're not going to believe this, but this is your sister Linda." Faith felt nausea. "This guy at my school named John Miller found one of your alien machines and turned himself into a copy of me and I was trying to get the machine and had to turn myself into him and then Eric thought that I was John and he beat me up and took the machine away from me. He's supposed to meet up with the some of the guys from the football team at the school, so he might be there. I going there now, so when you get this message that is where I'll be. OH God, I just remembered. Matt, one of John's friends has, for some reason, turned himself in to a copy of you! I've really screwed up Big Bro." Faith heard the message end. She turned and scanned for Linda, hoping that the message was somehow some type of cruel joke. She caught sight of her sister standing on the far side of the food court, the momentary relief faded as she recognized the figure standing next to her. "Oh fuck!" Faith shouted and took of running towards the nearest exit. *** Eric walked across the quad towards the boy's locker rooms holding the metallic suitcase under his arm. He looked at his watch. "The guys won't be here for another half hour. If this thing can make us stronger and faster, we'll have the best football team ever. We'll kick ass. We'll win state and nationals. No one would be able to beat us." He saw that the locker rooms were still unlocked and went inside. Looking around he found some privacy in the weight training room and started fiddling with the case. With in a few seconds it had grown before his eyes to the phone booth like shape that he had seen earlier. "Now let's see how this works." He thought as he touched the panel. The last form that Matt had turned into was still saved there. Staring at the screen the image morphed to that of Eric's. "Sweet!" He thought as he then concentrated on the image becoming the ultimate male. The machine interpreted his thoughts and his form on the screen grew more muscular, until it looked like that of an Olympic weight lifter. "That's no good. I wouldn't be able to move and everyone would think I was on steroids." He again concentrated and the machine reinterpreted his thoughts and the form on the screen now looked exactly like his current form. "Did it work?" He thought going to the front of the booth. Touching the crystal like he had seen John and Matt do earlier, the doorway suddenly appeared. "Here's goes." He thought as he stepped inside and pressed the panel. "OH my god!" Eric thought as stepped from the booth. "I feel... fucking great. I wonder if it worked." He stepped over to one of the bench press machines and set it to it's maximum. With ease he was bench-pressing the whole weight. Laughing out loud he go up and punched the punching bag. As soon as his fist connected with the bag, the bag went flying across the room. "I'm unstoppable!" He yelled. "This is fucking great. Once the rest of the team uses this thing, we'll be better than the pros." He looked up at the clock. "They still won't be here for another twenty-five minutes." Eric walked out to the front of the locker room. He felt the raw strength and agility of his new form flowing through him. He was now easily the strongest man on the planet. He looked over at the swimming pool and saw that the girls swim team was just ending its practice. Eric watched as the girls got out of the pool and were heading towards the girls locker room. "Oh my God!" Was all he was able to say as he felt the rawest, strongest sexual desirer he had ever felt in his life. Eric didn't understand that the machine had also interpreted in his concept that the ultimate male would have a hyperactive sex drive. "There's Joanna Wilson. I got get into her pants right now." He thought as she hurried into the girl's locker room and disappeared from his sight. "Fuck, she going to be in there showering now." The thought of the girl of his desires naked furthered his sexual frustration. "I just want to see her. I..." He turned and hurried back into the weight room. He stepped up to the machine and paused. "What now?" He concentrated on the machine willing it to make him invisible, but the machine refused to respond. "What the fuck." He thought ready to hit it, but watched as a strange alien writing scrolled by. "Maybe it can't give super powers. What else can I do to get in there?" He thought for a second. "Oh, what the fuck." He started concentrating on Shannon Bailey. "There's no way that slut would be around here today. Ever since she turned eighteen, she gave up fucking the football team and then started doing fraternity guys. Last I heard of her, she ran away from home with some bass player from a garage band." He thought as Shannon's image appeared on the screen. With out hesitation Eric stepped in and pressed the crystal. The sexy, tall, tan blond emerged from the booth clutching both of her D cupped sized breasts. She wore the same slutty outfit she had on the same clothes on the last time that Eric had fucked her. She wore tight cutoff jeans shorts and a red halter-top. "Oh wow." Eric thought as a whole new set of hormones flowing through his new body started to make their presence know. Ignoring them as best as he could, Eric snuck out the front door of the boy's locker room and took off towards the girl's locker room. The sway of his new hips and bounce of his large breasts were a little unsettling for him, but the machine had created the body to his exact instructions and had modified his mind just enough to make him comfortable with his new body. Walking into the girl's locker room, he saw several of the girls were already naked and making their way towards the showers. He grabbed a towel and started talking off his clothes as he headed towards the showers. Linda, still sore from the beating she had just received, walked by Eric's mustang in the parking lot of the school. She was sore and sweating from all the exertion of having to run as best she could to the school. Panting she caught her breath as she walked towards the locker rooms. Just as she was about to walk into the boy's locker room, she was suddenly caught from behind and spun around. She saw the face of Josh, Eric's best friend, and three other football players grabbing a hold of her and pulling her off to the side of the building. "We told your faggot friend Matt to stay away from here. I thought you nerds were smart enough to know better. Now we're going to make an example of you." Josh said hitting Linda in the stomach. She fell to her knees in pain. "You don't understand, I..." Josh and another of the football players began kicking her. She rolled into a fetal position holding her arms over her head protecting herself as best she could. As she began to cry the other two football players began to laugh at her and while the first two continued to kick her. With in a few seconds the laughter and the kicking stopped. Linda lay weeping on the ground. She felt someone gently place a hand on her shoulder and kneel beside her. "You okay?" She heard Faith's voice. "James! Thank God." She said grabbing Faith in a sobbing embrace. "Linda? Is that you? Are you alright?" Faith said tenderly. "Where's Eric?" "Yes it's me." Linda said with a sob. "I don't know I just got here." Linda said then saw the four unconscious football players lying around her. "His car is here, so he must be inside." "Let's go." Faith said helping Linda to her feet. Eric's wet hair clung wetly onto his back as he finished fumbling with his halter top, which he managed with some difficulty to get back on. "What the hell is going on?" He thought to himself as he pulled on his shoes. "I got to see the whole swim team naked and it didn't do a thing for me. I'm not turned on at all. This was stupid. I got to get back to my own body." He hurried to the exit and then froze in panic as he saw Josh and his other friends at the entrance of the boys' locker room. "Oh my God! If they see me like this I am dead. They'll never let me live this down." Eric started heading towards the front entrance to the locker room when he saw that they were beating someone up. "Cool! They're kicking the crap out of John, that little faggot. God I wish I was over there." Eric watched as Josh and Ron beat the crap out of John, while Mike and Ted watched. "Kick his ass Josh." Eric thought watching. "Look at Josh go, he's amazing. I never realized how fast he is... and strong. He's really giving it to John. Josh is fantastic, I wonder what it would be like, if he held me in those arms." Eric thought longingly as he looked on at Josh. "Oh my God, what the hell am I thinking?" He thought as he realized that he was just beginning to fantasize about his best friend. Eric was about to turn to leave, when he saw the figure of a girl come out of no where and within seconds she had knocked all four of the football player unconscious. "Holy Shit!" Eric thought as he recognized the girl he had seen Matt turn himself into. "That freak Matt must have used the machine to make himself into some type of super strong chick. Well, wait till they see what I can do." Eric took off running as fast as he could, his enormous breasts bouncing madly up and down in protest as he ran to the front of the boys' locker room. John and Matt were walking from the parking lot. "Hurry up! We're going to miss Joanna Wilson." Matt said excitedly. They turned the corner by the front entrance of the boys' locker room and both stared at a large breasted blond girl running to the front entrance. "Isn't that Shannon Bailey?" John said looking as the girl caught sight of them and seemed to panic. "Yeah, it sure is." Matt said looking as her breasts jiggling insanely as she ran up the stairs. She turned and started yelling at them. "I don't know how you got here so fast, but in one minute I am going to kick both your sorry asses." She screamed as she ran in the front of the locker room. "Huh?" Matt said turning to John. "I wonder what Linda ever did to Shannon to make her so mad?" "I don't know." "Come on." Matt said remembering. "Joanna awaits." Linda, supported by Faith, walked into the locker room. She groaned as Faith helped her to a bench. "Are you going to be alright?" Faith asked, obvious concern in her voice. "I'll be okay." Linda said catching her breath. "I swear when I see Eric, I am going to kick the crap out of him. Will you be alright?" "Yes." Linda said gently rubbing her ribs. Faith had just walked to one end of the lockers, when she saw an attractive blond girl race in and stop in front of the weight training room door. She saw Faith as she opened the door. Pausing momentarily in surprise, she looked at Faith. "How many are there of you?" She said. "Huh?" Faith said in surprise at the frantic behavior of the girl. "Well, in thirty seconds I'll take on all of you! I kick all your sorry asses." She said slamming the door. "Oh my God!" Linda shouted, hobbling quickly towards the door. "That's Eric!" "Oh shit!" Faith said running to the heavy metal door to the weight room. She tried the doorknob, but it was locked. She instantly threw her shoulder up against the door, but it didn't move. "Eric, listen to me. It's Linda." She called out in John's voice. "Please let us explain what happened." A blood-curdling scream sounded from the other side of the door. Faith stepped back and snap kicked the metal door, which flew off its hinges and flew across the room. Faith rushed in, but then stopped and stared. "No." She whispered. Linda limped in behind her and stared at the girl she recognized as Shannon Bailey. She was frantically looking at the display panel that just flashed alien symbols, but which failed to respond to any of the commands the girl was using on it. "Oh my God!" The girl moaned frantically moving her hand over all the controls. "It's not working. It has to work! I can't stay like this! I'm the captain of the football team!" She said nearly hysterical. "I don't want to be like this." Faith turned to look at Linda, who now realized what was happening. Faith caught her as she saw Linda's knees buckle out from under her. She turned and looked at Faith. "I'm going to be stuck this way?" Linda, the now overweight social outcast, said trembling. "Linda, I am so sorry." She said hugging her. "It's going to be okay, I'll find another machine and change you back. I swear." Linda turned to Faith and began to cry "I love you little sis." After a long embrace, Faith reached into her pocket and pulled out a cell phone and hit the speed dial. Monday morning Faith pulled up and parked in front of the school. "Linda, are you sure you want to do this? We can still make you disappear. You can live with me and not have to deal with any of this." "No. I have to do this. John and I talked this over and we think this is the best. Mom and Dad are already close to a nervous breakdown with you and Dan disappearing as it is, and if I..." She hesitated. "I mean John, were to go missing too, I don't know what would happen to them." "I had a talk with John too, and I told him what would happen to him if he let them find out that he wasn't really their daughter." "Don't worry, he understands what's at stake. And he feels terrible over what's happened... and I think he really likes me, so he, I mean she, won't let them know." "I guess. I just wish I could be here with you." "I'll be fine." She said. "It is kind of weird living with John's parents, but I'll get used to it. They seem nice enough. How are you going to handle your new roommate." "Michelle?" Faith said shrugging. "It's part of the deal. The Agency couldn't send her back to live with her parents, without having to explain how their son Matt is now a girl." "I know that, but how is it?" "I was just getting used to seeing th

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MAU Slayers The Man Comes Around

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, they decided that they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. But before they could do anything, they were captured. Faith found herself in a fantasy world where she was a normal girl. She managed to escape and found herself and Buffy...

2 years ago
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MAU Slayers Keeping Everything Shiny

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. Little do they know, that these users are being hunted by the...

3 years ago
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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Linda Johns Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Linda and John's. Eric's story has already been submitted and Faith's will shortly follow. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Thanks for reading. MAU: Perspectives of a Slayer's Tale-Linda &...

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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Erics Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Eric's, which will shortly be followed by Linda and John's, and finally by Faith's. The other two stories' are done and will be submitted shortly. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Enjoy. MAU:...

1 year ago
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MAU Perspectives of a Slayers Tale Faiths Story

Author's note: There are three parts to this story, but it is not a three-part story. It is instead the same story told from four different perspectives. This one is from Faith's. Eric's story and Linda and John's story have already been submitted. This is a continuation of MAU: The Slayer series. It can be read on its own without reading earlier issues, but it is ideal if you have read the whole series. Thanks for reading. MAU: Perspectives of a Slayer's Tale-Faith's Story By Allen...

2 years ago
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MAU Slayers Runaways

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Runaways "So what happened?" Agent R asked his partner, Agent S. They...

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MAU Slayers Series One Book One

MAU - Slayers - Series One - Book One By Erin C The following is the first story arc of the MAU - Slayers series. They have been combined and some parts have been rewritten or touched up. Nothing that alters the story in major ways has been changed though. The series is meant to be read on a story by story basis, but this is for those who prefer the long story format. I highly recommend reading Allen W's MAU - The Slayer series. While this is not a sequel to it, it is very much...

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MAU The Slayer

MAU: The Slayer By Allen W 'I've got to see her again.' Dan Stevens thought as he pushed the mop bucket down the hallway. Discouraged that his life hadn't gone in the direction he had hoped it would, he now found himself working as an orderly in the state mental hospital. Sure the pay was okay, but hated the working environment. He hated the patience, he hated the doctors, and he hated the nurses. When it came right down to it he hated everything about his job, until four...

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MAU Slayers Our Very First Patrol

[Thanks for the feedback on the first story. I'm working to improve some of the issues that were brought up. I'm giving myself a little more time to work on each part and hopefully catch any mistakes.] Previously on MAU - Slayers... Two friends, Laura and Jordan used a MAU to become Buffy and Faith, the Vampire Slayers as seen on the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Their friends Mike and Chris used the device to become the vampires Angel and Spike, finding their new...

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MAU Slayers Getting To Know Yourself

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be. MAU - Slayers - Getting To Know Yourself [This is meant to catch anyone up before the last few stories, think of it as a clip show with character development.] Jordan backed up against the MAU, "What the fuck is happening?" Buffy ran over to him, "What's the last...

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MAU Slayers Everything Is Slipping Away

Previously on MAU - Slayers... For three weeks Faith was under the control of Dennis, an user of the MAU. Faith was eventually able to escape when her true personality awoke and was rescued by her friend Buffy and Agent R. MAU - Slayers - Everything Is Slipping Away Faith found herself in darkness. She attempted to call for help but it was as if her voice had vanished, even moment felt impossible. Suddenly she saw a blinding light, when her eyes adjusted she found herself in...

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MAU Slayers I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away

[Special thanks to Allen W for his assistance with a piece of dialogue and finding one character's voice] Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers took on Angel and Spike who were in possession of an active MAU. Both vampires were killed during the battle. During the confusion, Faith was kidnapped by Dennis, an user of the MAU who had given himself the power to control people by touch. MAU - Slayers - I Close My Eyes And Then Drift Away Three Weeks Later... Dennis...

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MAU Slayers No Reality Only Illusion

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. MAU - Slayers - No Reality, Only Illusion Faith...

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MAU Slayers What Is And What Can Never Be

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, now they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. MAU - Slayers - What Is And What Can Never Be Agent S had arrived at the hotel and had just listened to Buffy and Faith explain how a person had just appeared from nowhere. "So, the...

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MAU Slayers Shadows Of Things That Will Be As Seen By Bill

Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers were transferred to the Agency's Head Office. Meanwhile Dennis awoke from his coma and has agreed to help the man who is plotting against the Slayers. MAU - Slayers - Shadows Of Things That Will Be, As Seen By Bill [Author's Note: I meant to have this uploaded before the holidays, but was unable to. I hope the timing doesn't bother any reading of the story.] "There's no way out this time," Faith said. "Remember, I'm a lot stronger...

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MAU Slayers The More Things Change

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Faith discovered that she isn't the first Faith in the Agency. She and Buffy caught two living vampires, while Faith struggled with the events of her imprisonment. MAU - Slayers - The More Things Change... "Last time you told me about the nightmares. Are you still having them?" the doctor asked her. Faith looked at the doctor, she was an older black woman. She was wearing a pantsuit and was probably somewhere in her 40s. "Yeah, not every...

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MAU Slayers You Cant Go Home Again

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Buffy and Faith with the help of two Agents attempted to catch their former friends who had been changed into Angel and Spike They were lucky to escape with their lives. Now Angel and Spike are searching for another MAU to allow themselves to be able to survive in the sun. MAU - Slayers - You Can't Go Home Again Jordan was walking through a forest. He was your average guy in pretty much every way, height, weight, looks. The usual sounds of the...

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MAU Slayers Big Bad Wolf

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Buffy and Faith were dealt a major blow when their families became the target of Angel and Spike. Not having anywhere else they can go, both have been offered a chance to join the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Big Bad Wolf Faith woke up. She took a shower and got ready, the whole thing had become completely routine to her now. The Agency had given her an apartment since she was now an Agent. Buffy was across the hall from her. They had both been hired...

1 year ago
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MAU Rules and Authors Notes

Rules for the Morphic Adaptation Unit, Mark 5 Foreward: Some may consider these rules and notes to be extreme. Some may find them offensive. I have been told that I should write "minimal" rules and let people play, like has happened in other universes. I tried that; even with reasonable guidelines, my universes have been radically altered by adventurous authors. If the story universe is to stay open, it is with some stronger guidelines to help keep things in line with my original...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 5 Stuck

I woke slowly the next morning, my memory of the previous day's events coming back in bits and pieces. Someone was stroking my back, and I could hear morning birdsong. I opened my eyes to see dappled sunlight falling across Julia's face and breasts. I was lying on my side. My arms were around her, and she was smiling at me. "Good morning, beautiful," she said. My god, I thought, as the various parts of my brain began to integrate into a single conscious whole. I finally got Julia...

1 year ago
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MAU New Love

MAU - A Different Kind of Love. By YONI I am not really sure how to go about this, I am a 44 year old man, single, somewhat overweight about 6'2" tall. By single I mean that I have never been married though I have been in love several times. They say love at first sight is a wonderful thing, but they never tell you about the people who fall in love with someone who never loves them back. I have often wondered if the people we call stalkers are people who have a case of unrequited...

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MAU 5K Chapter 4

Author's note: I have received some negative comments regarding dialog. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this. I re-edited it and made a change in the direction this story was going. Chapter 4 Steve had morning wood again. Well, I was more than ready to take care of his needs. We made love, quickly. He must have been having some good dreams as he was pretty horny. I came quickly, and he was just behind me. "Steve, can you do me a favor?" I asked. "Sure, what is...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 4 La Femme at last

I went into the MAU with a blank groin, and I stepped out with seven inches of pulsing manhood and a pair of balls between my legs. The phantom penis sensation had faded while I was still back at my house, leaving nothing, and to actually have my cock back, to be able to wrap my hand around it, was wonderful. I hadn't previously appreciated how great it was having a penis. I almost regretted saying I'd become a woman for a while to please Julia. But since it was Julia, only...

4 years ago
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MAU 5K Chapter 1

Twenty years ago, I had started a successful software company. Made millions. I sold it to a major software company for a tidy profit. Millions more in the bank. My wife Joney and I decided to chuck it all, exit the rat-race and retire to the mountains of Northern California. We bought an old ranch on 9500 acres. The old ranch house was charming, but needed much repair. Same for the barn and some outbuildings. It was so far out in the boonies, that it had no electricity, running water,...

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MAU 5K Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I pondered on a new transformation. What new form could I make myself into? I put my hand on the pad, and conjured up an image of one, hot, slender, Asian girl, with small tits. I made her 4 foot 10 inches tall, with long straight black hair that flowed down to her waist. I just love puffy nipples, so her areolas were dark and puffy, with long nipples. The breasts were about an A cup. I made her waist slender, but her hips were a little wider than normal to give her an hour...

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MAU The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Chapter 6

MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community quickly...

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MAU New Love 2

MAU: NEW LOVE 2 By YONI I sat there and explained what dating meant and what we were expected to do. She had some objections to my explanation. "But this is my home," she protested and then added, "Yet it is your home also. How can you pick me up to go places if we both live here?" "Well that is simple," I replied, "We will be girlfriends who are sharing an apartment. I figure over the next few days we will know whether or not we are good with each other." "But you said that...

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MAU The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 13

MAU: The Adventures of Lisa and Jeri Chapter 13 "What?" Jeri's clear sunglasses went to night vision mode and showed a tracking dot. Lights in the factory went out. Through an open ventilation hatch a creature entered, she'd never thought to see. Jeri thought she saw an Angel. A flash of red on her wrist caught Jeri's eye only briefly. She stared open mouthed at the beautiful nude woman and white wings spread before her. The woman held her hands up palms outward in a...

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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 2 Enter the MAU

I must have dozed off for a few minutes then, because the next thing I remember is Jerry shaking me and saying, "Mike! Mike!" over and over again. I opened my eyes. I had slid part way down on the seat of Julia's pickup truck. Jerry was standing outside the open passenger door. When he saw I was awake he grinned hugely embraced me. I pushed him away roughly. My head and face still hurt like the devil, and opening my jaw was agony, but at least I was thinking clearly again. "What the...

1 year ago
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MAU Like Father Like Son Almost

MAU: Like Father, Like Son (Almost) Synopsis: A son sees his father using an MAU and decides it can help him get closer to a girl he wants to date. Things just don't quite turn out like he planned. (This story is a sequel to MAU: Role Reversal, but hopefully, it will stand on its own.) [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Like Father, Like Son (Almost) Travis Hollings sat on the back steps stewing. ...

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MAU Superman and Supergirl Part IV

He smiled at the goddess laying peacefully beside him the scent of fresh strawberries filled the air around her and was like a intoxicating drug to him. A part of him wanted to wake her properly, but like all good things in life they both had other obligations. To start with they both needed to fly back to Las Vegas and retrieve their belonging, and if the seeds he'd planted before setting out to find her earlier, an new life as well. With a trace of reluctance he stopped caressing...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part XII

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part XII By Cal Y. Pygia "Let's get this over with," Buffy suggested. "The sooner we start, the sooner I kick your demon ass." Baphomet smiled. "You will fuck the witch," he said, "while I fuck you." Buffy shook her head. "Willow's my best friend. I can't--" "Then you have lost before we've begun." "Buffy, it's okay," Willow said. The Slayer looked at her. "Will, we've been friends since high school." The redheaded witch smiled....

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From Vampire Slayer to Vampire Slave

From Vampire Slayer to Vampire Slaveby Roadrunner, with ideas from BrontePart OneAuthor's note: this story began as a roleplay between myself and Bronte on the Roleplay section of the forum. The forum went down after we did a couple of episodes, and when it was up again the whole roleplay was gone, as was Bronte. I really liked what we had going so I decided to write a story based on what I could remember about the roleplay. Even if I wasn't able to reproduce what she has written, I think...

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MAU Trekkin Along

MAU: Trekkin' Along Synopsis: This tale continues the adventures of Danni - a 'victim' of the Morphic Adaptation Unit who now resembles Seven of Nine, down to functional Borg implants! [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Trekkin' Along Danni eased back into the chair, stretching out her long curvy legs, feeling the muscles protesting slightly at the movement. Damn, but even the tiniest motion...

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MAU Typhoid Mary Syndrome

Author's notes: I've watched the evolution of MAU with mixed emotions. On the one hand, it's been quite popular for authors, which is rewarding to watch. On the other, well, one thing I really didn't want to create was a universe based on fantasy, and I hoped the rules would help contain that. Unfortunately, my fears have been realized as stories have strayed into the fantastic and beyond. I could be like Bill with SRU and consider anything not by me to be non-canon. I could close...

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MAU 5K Chapter 6

Chapter 6 I woke up feeling refreshed. I slipped on a sheer robe, and went out to the kitchen to make some coffee. I felt so good. It looked to be a cool, clear day today. I figured I should get dressed. I hated to take off my sheer babydoll. I felt so sexy in it. I loved the way the soft material felt on my skin. Well, there will be plenty of time to wear these sexy things. I went into the bedroom and now I had to decide what to wear today. I selected a pair of bikini underwear, a...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part XI

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part XI By Cal Y. Pygia Darkness had fallen upon the demon world. In the intermittent flashes of lightning that resulted from Willow's weather spell, the landscape was illuminated, and the horrible phallus-plants were revealed, writhing and thrashing. The cock-stalks within Buffy's mouth, cunt, and ass, and the hollow tubular stems attached to her nipples and cock also squirmed and wriggled. She shuddered at the feel of the thick, serpentine...

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Xander the Vampire Slayer

Xander the Vampire Slayer "In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the demons, vampires and forces of darkness... she is the Slayer." "I see more than anybody else does, because nobody's watching me." - Xander Harris. Xander Harris shook his head, trying to clear it. Then he remembered. He had been knocked out, right into a thorn bush, trying to help his best friend defend herself against a monster. Again. He was still trying to collect himself...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Curse of the Gypsy Queen

Yes, yes, I freely admit I was a fan of the TV series. Shoot me. But in my humble opinion it was one the best written shows on the air. So here is my take on what I think should have happen to Buffy.  Cordelia was hotter. Her body was so much better than Buffy’s. BUT ALAS?. she isn’t really a super heroine so unless my fans demand it. I will be not writing a CORDELIA GOES ON SALE.  [email protected]          BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER AND THE CURSE OF THE GYPSY QUEEN                          ...

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MAU The Thule Incident Part 2

MAU: The Thule Incident Part 2 By Danielle J Author's note- This is the second installment of my latest MAU saga. I suggest you read MAU - The Thule Incident before starting on Part 2. You will find Part 1 at Fictionmania listed both under stories by Danielle J and by a category search for MAU stories. I must thank Steve Zink for his editing and hard work in preparing this story for publication. ***** As ordered, Major Koval returned to the interview room for the...

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MAU Sisters of the Night

This story copyright by the author 2001, all rights reserved. It may be posted at Fictionmania and any free site with the permission of the author. ******************************** MAU: Sisters of the Night Synopsis: A couple of roommates stumble across an MAU and decide to use it to get really great Halloween costumes to crash a Fraternity party. When the big night comes, they can't get in. Then one of the guys lets his fascination with creatures of the night run amok, and they...

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MAU 5K Chapter 2

Chapter 2 I parked the Jeep in the garage, then headed straight for the MAU. I conjured up my present image, then made the boobs even bigger, DD cup this time. The nipples needed to get bigger, more proportional. The areolas were now 3 inches across and puffed out 2 inches. The nipples then became 2 inches long and three quarters of an inch thick. I made myself taller, 6 foot 5. I made my hair longer, all the way down to just above my ass. I also made it thicker, curlier, and black. I...

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MAU 5K Chapter 7

Chapter 7 I made a good sized breakfast, cleaned up the dishes and started working on cleaning the house. I put another load of wash in, and got out the vacuum and cleaned the house from top to bottom, making sure to get any stray long red hairs. One last load of laundry to do, the bedsheets. I stripped the bed, threw the sheets in the washer and got out a fresh set of sheets and made the bed. I made one last circuit of the house to make sure everything was in order. It was, and it...

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Switch 3

From a great story by Heather St. Clair. Unfortunately J. Whedon and the mutant enemy own the copyright. No infringement intended. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Switch 3 By Eric The infamous vampire Spike 'the Bloody' leaned back and relaxed. Listening in at Buffy's house was better than the soaps he used to watch during the long day light hours. Dawn whined at her sister Buffy who tried to keep her temper (often failing). Willow and Tara where back together again. Bland...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part VI

Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part VI By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy arrived in the demon dimension on her elbows and knees, just as she?d been when her mentor, Rupert Giles, had been butt fucking her a moment before the spell they?d cast transported her from his apartment to this bizarre land of the damned. Her legs were still spread wide apart, and ass was still high in the air. Although Giles had not been transported with her, it felt to her as if his huge, stiff cock were still...

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The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer By Toni Marks Copyright © 2017 Mary Robinson watched her son Tom finishing his oatmeal. She had lovingly prepared the hot cereal with raisins and brown sugar, just the way her son liked it. Tom was such a good boy, so unlike his older brother. In truth, they were only half brothers. Tom was the natural son of Ed Robinson, Mary's husband until his untimely death eighteen months ago. She and Tommy had taken it hard, but not as severely as Martin, her oldest...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part X

Buffy the Female Vampire Slayer, Part X By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy Summers was certainly no virgin. She'd lost her virginity to Angel, a vampire, thereby releasing him from the Gypsy curse that, as punishment for his having brutally killed the favorite daughter of their tribe, had restored his soul, that his conscience might torment him as he recalled the thousands of vicious, vile deeds he'd performed over the two centuries during which he'd been a vamp. The handsome vampire...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part VII

Buffy?s cock bounced and her balls dipped and swayed as she ran, but she paid her male genitals no mind. Now that the novelty of having a penis and testicles had worn off, she found them not so much titillating, as they?d seemed at first, but, rather, something of nuisance. No wonder Xander and the rest of the boys at Sunnydale High had worn jockstraps to keep them in check. The sphere continued on its course, toward the distant mountains of ice in the frozen northlands, and the Slayer...

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The Filling in a Slayer Sandwich

The Filling in a Slayer SandwichXander yawned as he made his way through the corridors of Sunnydale High School, responding to an unexpected call from Giles for help with researching the latest demon of the week. While he wasn’t very good with reading the books Giles had brought with him from England to help discover what they were facing, Xander seemed to have a knack for finding books that held the required information for Giles and the others to go through, a talent that the Watcher utilised...

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MAU The Thule Incident

MAU: The Thule Incident By Danielle J This story is dedicated to my friend, Linda Tholl. I'd like to thank Steve Zink for his proofreading in preparation for this story's publication. Also, I express my thanks to FM author ElrodW who allowed me some leeway in the MAU Universe to write this story. Our Cast C, D, X, A, and K - Agents who investigate 'Black box' sightings or cases P - Female Director of the agency the black box agents work for AT - P's...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part VIII

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part VIII By Cal Y. Pygia Another torrent of semen rushed through the cavernous vagina, sweeping Buffy before its irresistible force. Again, she felt millions of fresh sperm wriggling over her bare flesh, thrashing their whip-like flagella against her erect nipples, puffy areolas, pert breasts, concave tummy, downy pubes, stiff cock and bunched scrotum, rounded ass, and shapely legs. The male sex gametes were all over her, writhing and squirming...

1 year ago
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Buffy the Shemale Vampir Slayer Part V

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part V By Cal Y. Pygia © By the time that Buffy arrived at Rupert Giles' apartment, the former librarian, her ex-Watcher, had just finished reading a new volume of what Edgar Allan Poe, in The Raven, had referred to as a "curious and quaint volume of forgotten lore." He'd just settled the large, leather- bound volume back onto the shelf with the others of its kind when he heard the knock at his front door. He checked his watch. It was nearly...

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