Leap Of FaithChapter 16 free porn video

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The Rookie – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, nineteen hours after drop.

The gates opened with a mechanical crunch, the golden light of dawn pouring through the widening gap. Alba and the Rookie rushed through the breach and out of the tunnel, their weapons drawn, ready for any Covenant forces that might be lurking on the other side.

Fortunately, there was nobody around. The four lanes of the highway extended into the distance, littered with abandoned vehicles in all shapes and sizes. The animated exit signs that towered over the highway flashed with cautions, warning that the road ahead was closed.

The ocean was to their left, and the Rookie could make out the ruins of the space elevator in the distance, the remnants of the shattered structure rising from an artificial island in the Mombasa bay. Above them, the telltale silhouettes of Covenant cruisers hovered, their purple hulls contrasting with the vibrant yellows and oranges of the sunrise. They were still glassing, glowing beams of plasma descending from their flared midsections, but their activities seemed to be mostly confined to the city center further inland. Still, it was an intimidating sight to see them flying so low, the alien ships were enormous.

“So, what is your plan, tiny man?”

Walking down the highway had seemed like a good idea when he had been making his way through the deserted city, but now that he was staring at miles of asphalt, it was somehow less appealing. He looked around as Alba waited, searching for a vehicle that might still be driveable.

It looked like the UNSC had been helping with the evacuation of the city, there were a few supply crates around, along with some abandoned vehicles. The highway was probably a good place to land Pelicans, they might have brought many of the refugees here for evac.

He finally found what he was looking for, breaking into a jog as he spied a Warthog. The M-12 was a light ground vehicle used by various branches of the armed forces, a rugged, all-terrain truck equipped with a four-wheel drive and a mounted gun. These things didn’t run on electricity, they used hydrogen fuel, which meant that this one should still be operable if its tanks weren’t drained. They could go about five hundred miles before needing to be refueled, and so that seemed an unlikely prospect.

He climbed into the driver’s seat and stowed his carbine as Alba walked over to join him, peering inside the open cockpit as he thumbed the ignition switch. The engine roared to life, and it was the sweetest sound that the Rookie had ever heard.

“Climb on,” he said, gesturing to the flatbed where the chaingun was mounted.

“I will not fit inside this,” she protested.

“Nah, hop on the gun.”

She walked around to the rear of the vehicle, then the Rookie felt the suspension sag as she clambered aboard, the Warthog threatening to tip. She spun the mounted gun so that it was facing forwards, having to crouch to use it, but otherwise having enough room to stand. Alba was heavy, but there were variants of the M-12 that were configured as troop carriers, able to seat twelve people. If it could carry a dozen Marines in full gear, then it could carry a Brute too.

He revved the engine, looking back over his shoulder to see Alba grinning down at him.

“Perhaps our people have more in common than Alba thought,” she said. “Let us drive, tiny man.”

The Rookie put the Warthog into gear and pulled out onto the highway, weaving between the derelict vehicles. Alba removed her helmet and tossed it into the passenger’s seat, letting the wind blow her hair, the Rookie laughing behind his visor. After spending so much time lurking around a dingy, claustrophobic city, it was a relief to feel the wind and the sunlight.

He put the pedal to the metal, these things could do a hundred and fifty miles per hour on a stretch, and he didn’t want to be anywhere near New Mombasa right now. The M-12 was armored, and so he bulldozed past a few of the smaller cars and pieces of debris that blocked their path, Alba whooping enthusiastically as she watched a small electric car roll onto its roof.

“Alba likes this vehicle!” she shouted over the roar of the engine. “Reminds me of a Prowler!”

They drove through one of the short tunnels that were spaced out along the highway, the lighting strips blurring into an unbroken line on the roof above them, their engine echoing. Something was wrong. The blast doors on these tunnels should not be open, the ones on the previous tunnel hadn’t been, and the Covenant shouldn’t have any way to unlock them.

As they emerged from the tunnel and out into the light of dawn, the Rookie spied something ahead of them. There was a massive vehicle occupying the rightmost lane, and it was moving, barreling through whatever cars and barricades were in its way. It was of human design, and his first impression was that it resembled an Elephant, a two-hundred-ton troop transport and mobile command center used by the UNSC. This one was different, however. Its chassis was entirely enclosed, and it had ‘New Mombasa Waste Management’ stenciled on the side of its cab. Was it a garbage truck?

“Hold your fire!” he called to Alba, who had swiveled her mounted gun in its direction.

He pulled up next to the behemoth and honked his horn, the tank-like garbage truck grinding to a halt on its four sets of tracks. A hatch on the top of the cab opened, and a helmeted head emerged, a hissing sound coming through on his radio as someone joined the local channel.

“What the ... Rookie? That you?”

It was Buck, his commanding officer. They had lost contact during the slip-space rupture, he hadn’t seen sight nor sound of any of his squadmates since.

“Yes, Sir,” he replied.

“Where the hell have you been, soldier? We thought that you’d kicked the bucket during the drop. Everyone else has reported in save for you. You sure picked one hell of a time to show up!”

He seemed to notice Alba for the first time, practically jumping out of his skin as the Brute peered back at him.

“What in God’s name is that?” he asked, pointing at the Rookie’s companion. “Is that a Bravo-Kilo?”

From Buck’s right, a small head emerged, patterned a vibrant blue and sporting six beady eyes. It didn’t seem to have a mouth, and its moist skin was wrinkly, almost resembling that of a sea slug. It rose from the hatch on a long, serpentine neck, weaving back and forth ethereally. The Rookie had never seen anything like it before.

“What the hell’s that?” the Rookie replied, pointing at the creature.

“Guess we both picked up some hitchhikers along the way,” Buck said, placing a hand on the curious alien’s head and pushing it back down into the cab. “If you can vouch for yours, I’ll vouch for mine.”

“We don’t have time for this,” another voice said over the radio, this one female. It was Dare, the ONI captain who had been assigned to their unit. “We need to get to the shipyard at the end of the highway, there’s a stolen Phantom waiting there to extract us. Trooper, cover the Oliphant.”

The massive vehicle’s engine roared as it started up again, the Rookie matching pace in the Warthog, Alba swinging her gun to cover their advance.

“These are your allies, tiny man?” she asked.

“Yeah, got separated from ‘em before we met up. What the hell was that thing beside him? You ever seen anything like that before?”

“That was a Huragok,” Alba replied. “We ... the Covenant, use them as living computers. They store information, repair broken machines. This one must have information of value to your people.”

“Looks like you’ve just been drafted into the UNSC,” he added, steering the Warthog around a burnt-out van. “Keep the Covvies off that truck.”

They arrived at the next tunnel, pausing while the Huragok bypassed the locked blast doors from inside the Oliphant. Whatever the thing was, it sure was useful, it had even managed to give the truck rudimentary energy shields to help protect it.

When they emerged onto the other side, they were met with a Covenant emplacement, much like the one that they had encountered at the junction further inside the city. There was a gaggle of Grunts guarding a levitating tower, with Jackal snipers and a plasma cannon mounted on top of it. They began to fire on them newcomers almost immediately, the operator of the cannon foolishly directing his fire towards the armored and shielded Oliphant.

The Rookie hit the gas, charging at the tower as Alba opened up with the chaingun behind him, a stream of tracer rounds flying over his head and harrying the guard tower. She cut down a trio of Grunts, their squat bodies shredded by sustained fire, their blue blood splattering the asphalt as their methane tanks erupted into flames. The other defenders seemed to realize the threat posed by the Warthog now, turning their attention towards the incoming vehicle, but their needles and plasma rounds could do little to harm it. The M-12’s armor made it practically immune to small-arms fire.

He hit the handbrake and spun the wheel, drifting the vehicle into a group of Grunts, sending them scattering like bowling pins. He knocked over a barricade in the process, the suspension bouncing as the reinforced tires rolled over something soft. Alba angled her gun up towards the floating platform, taking out a Jackal that was leaning over the rim, the Rookie gunning the engine before they had a chance to return fire.

He weaved and dodged, making them as hard a target as possible. While the Warthog could soak up fire, Alba couldn’t. In his rear-view mirror, he saw a bright, purple explosion. The guard tower collapsed, she must have hit its power source, the ring-shaped platform crashing to the ground along with all of its occupants. She picked off a few stragglers as they moved on, the Rookie matching pace with the Oliphant once again.

“Eyes to the sky, Rookie!” he heard Buck warn over the radio. “Banshees, ten o’clock high!”

The Rookie pointed to the sky, Alba turning her gun in that direction, opening up as a pair of Covenant aircraft swooped down on them. They were made from the same blue-purple material that characterized much of the Covenant’s technology, with rounded chassis, and a pair of stubbing wings extending from either side that housed propulsion jets and anti-gravity pods. They were single-occupant fighters, smaller than anything used by the UNSC, but they were better armed and more maneuverable than their small size would suggest.

As soon as the stream of Alba’s gunfire reached them, they began to dodge and roll, taking evasive maneuvers. This wasn’t a random attack, the Covvies seemed to have it out for the Oliphant. Whatever information that Huragok was carrying, it must be important. Had that been the real reason for Dare’s commandeering of their squad? Why their drop pods had been set to miss the Prophet’s assault carrier even before the slip-space rupture? The Office of Naval Intelligence to which she belonged was secretive, lots of cloak and dagger stuff. He wouldn’t put it past them to divert an ODST drop for their own ends.

One of the Banshees fired a fuel rod at the garbage truck, a projectile weapon roughly analogous to a grenade, a bright green flash of plasma erupting as it impacted the Oliphant’s shields and made them flicker ominously.

“Damn it, Rookie!” he heard Buck’s voice come through on the radio. He sounded breathless, shaken. “I told you to keep those Banshees off us!”

Alba wasn’t privy to their conversation, but she had recognized the threat, leading the offending Banshee as it swooped in for another attack run. This time she tagged it, the bullets tearing through the lightly-armored fuselage, blue-tinted flames erupting from the wreckage as it plunged into the ocean to the left of the highway.

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Buck laughed. “I don’t know how you ended up with a Baby Kong in tow, but I’ll take whatever I can get right now. Feed that thing a banana from me, or something...”

The Banshee’s wingman set its sights on the Warthog, the Rookie almost tipping the vehicle as he swerved to dodge an incoming stream of plasma fire. The fighter swooped low, its jets leaving glowing trails in its wake, Alba ducking reflexively as it passed over her head. She spun around, leading her target again as she loosed a carefully-placed burst, catching the Banshee’s right wing and severing the struts that joined the engines to the body of the craft. It spiraled out of control, corkscrewing into the road below, exploding in a shower of purple sparks and blue flames.

“I like this gun!” Alba yelled. “The projectiles have greater velocity than those of Covenant plasma cannon!”

They continued on, the Oliphant smashing through any obstacles in its path as the Warthog followed behind. They encountered a few more squads of Grunts along the way, but they were easily dispatched. Alba hadn’t been a defector for more than a day, and she was already racking up a kill count that would put many UNSC Marines to shame.

After emerging from another tunnel, the distant cityscape came into view. The tall spires of New Mombasa’s buildings punctured the clouds, the shining glass and steel reflecting the glow of the rising sun. Looming over them was a vessel that was itself the size of a city, a Covenant carrier, its bulbous hull passing behind the skyscrapers and making them look like mere toys in comparison.

“Assault carrier! Look at the size of that thing!” Buck marveled, his voice crackling with static.

“It’s charging its excavation beam!” Dare exclaimed, failing to conceal her alarm.

From beneath its rounded nose came a bright glow that rivaled that of the sunrise, the ball of light morphing into a searing beam of energy that lanced towards the ground below, kicking up a rising plume of debris. After a brief delay, a tremor made the earth shake, the Rookie feeling it even through the Warthog’s suspension.

The alien vessel occupied the entire skyline, passing deeper into the city as it dragged the brilliant beam across the ground like a giant blowtorch, the Rookie watching in silent horror as one of the towering buildings began to topple over in its wake. Millions of tons of steel collapsed in on itself, creating a cloud of dust that rose to join the wall of dark smoke that marked the path of the beam, its foundations reduced to molten lava by the incredible heat.

“Damn it, no!” Buck growled over the radio. “They’re gonna burn this city and then glass the whole planet! Covenant bastards! It’s just like Reach all over again!”

“We made it out of there,” Dare said, her tone reassuring. “We’ll make it out of here, too. You can do this, Buck.”

“Right,” he muttered, getting himself back under control. “Yeah, okay.”

“Alba has never witnessed glassing from the ground,” she muttered, the Rookie glancing back over his shoulder at his alien companion as he flanked the Oliphant. “So much destruction...”

There was a hiss of static as Buck switched everyone over to another radio channel, the Rookie listening in as he maneuvered the Warthog around a crashed truck that was blocking their lane.

“Mickey, you read me?” Buck asked. “Change of plans, you’re coming to us.”

“Sky’s kind of crowded, Gunny,” Mickey replied. The Rookie was relieved to hear his voice again, it seemed that everyone had survived the ill-fated drop, and had been able to link up in the war-torn city. ODSTs were tenacious if nothing else.

“There’s no other way,” Buck continued. “The Covenant just glassed the highway ahead of us, we’re gonna keep rolling as far as we can. Get that stolen Phantom airborne, we aren’t going to be able to make it to the shipyard. Home in on my beacon.”

“Understood, Gunny.”

“And whatever you do ... stay clear of that carrier.”

As they rounded a bend and sighted another blocked tunnel in the distance, the Rookie saw something that almost made his heart stop. From the water to the left of the road emerged a shining, purple shape, sheets of water sloughing off its massive chassis as it rose from the depths like a mechanical Kraken. It walked up onto the shore on its four, insect-like legs, the huge cannon that was mounted on its back turning in their direction. It was a Type-47 Ultra-Heavy Assault Platform, better known as a Scarab, one of the largest ground vehicles that the Covenant could deploy. At a hundred and sixty feet long, and thirty-five hundred tons, it had more in common with a spaceship than a tank. There was nothing that they could do to touch something like that, not with the weapons that they had on hand.

It clambered up on top of the tunnel that their little convoy was heading for, turning to face them, its cannon glowing green as it began to charge. It had probably been heading further into the city to join the fighting, but no pilot would turn down such a juicy target.

“Scarab!” Buck shouted. “Look out, it’s onto us!”

“What do you want me to do, take evasive maneuvers?” Dare snapped as the Huragok’s alarmed wailing came through in the background. “We’re driving a garbage truck!”

“Just floor it!” Buck shot back.

The Scarab fired, a torrent of green plasma leaving its main cannon in an uninterrupted stream, splashing against the Oliphant and melting the highway beneath its tracks into pools of bubbling asphalt. It sustained its barrage for a second or two, hosing its target, the super-heated gas almost behaving like a liquid. The garbage truck shuddered, its shields flashing as they collapsed, smoke beginning to billow from its chassis as one of its internal components was damaged.

The Rookie feared that a second barrage would finish the vehicle off for good, but the Scarab lost its bead on them as they raced into the tunnel beneath its feet, passing below its angle of fire. As the Rookie hit the handbrake, and the Warthog skidded to a stop before one of the blast doors, he worried that it would come marching down onto the highway in pursuit of them. Alba swiveled to face behind them, fearing the same, and they waited with bated breath as the smoking Oliphant ground to a stop to their right. Fortunately, the Scarab seemed to have more pressing matters to attend to, dust raining from the ceiling of the tunnel above them as its footsteps shook the concrete.

“What’s your status?” the Rookie asked, glancing over at the cab of the Oliphant.

“We’re ... we’re okay,” Dare replied, coughing into her mic. “But this garbage truck’s had it.”

The blast doors that blocked their path began to open, the mechanical rumbling echoing through the tunnel, the Warthog leading the way as Alba kept an eye on the sky. There were so many Covenant ships that it was hard to see the clouds, entire squadrons of Banshees and Phantoms flying in formation as they disengaged from their carriers and headed deeper into the city.

“There must be a whole fleet up there,” the Rookie muttered.

“They came here in search of something,” Alba replied cryptically. “When my assault carrier arrived, the Shipmaster was not expecting such resistance, the Prophets did not know that this was a Human stronghold. Whatever they seek, it must be important. Important enough to commit so many ships to the cause.”

“It ain’t just a stronghold,” the Rookie replied, “this is planet Earth. This is our homeworld.”

Alba balked at that, not knowing how to respond. She hadn’t known until now, she had assumed that this was just like any other Human colony, no different from Reach or Harvest.

“I ... I am sorry,” she replied remorsefully, “Alba did not know.”

“War ain’t over yet,” the Rookie muttered, “we still got some fight left in us.”

Buck’s voice came through on the comms, interrupting their conversation.

“Take the next off-ramp, trooper. I see a building, North side of the highway. We’ll hole up there and wait for evac.”

The Rookie could see it on their right, some kind of squat, commercial structure. He spun his wheel, changing lanes and entering an underground exit, the Warthog’s tires lifting off the ground for a moment before bouncing back down onto the asphalt. The Oliphant followed close behind, the damaged vehicle limping to a stop beside them as they encountered a raised barrier that blocked the road ahead.

“Out of the vehicle, trooper,” Buck ordered. “Looks like we’re on foot from here.”

He clambered out of the Warthog’s cockpit, the rear suspension springing back to its original position as Alba dismounted, drawing her trusty needle rifle and securing her helmet. The hatch on the cab of the Oliphant opened up, and Buck leapt to the ground, adjusting his helmet and shouldering a suppressed SMG as he took point. He and Alba shared a glance for a moment as the Rookie looked on, but if Buck had a problem with her, then he wasn’t about to make an issue out of it right now.

“Veronica,” he said, “wait here and keep an eye on the gasbag. Rookie, let’s secure that building.”

The Rookie nodded, reaching into the passenger’s seat of the Warthog and retrieving his carbine, checking the ammo counter. He and Alba took up position beside Buck, following him as he vaulted over the waist-high traffic barrier and made his way up the incline into an open plaza.

Before them was a kind of gazebo that was surrounded by a ring road, and behind it was an upscale visitor’s center. There was a set of four staircases leading up to the building’s lobby, decorated with ferns in planters, and flanked by two bronze statues of zebras. The sign on the facade of the structure read ‘Uplift Nature Reserve’, the logo decorated with a pair of flat-topped trees that brought to mind images of the Serengeti. There were fluttering banners displaying some of the animals that were on show in the reserve, along with visitor kiosks that featured maps and information about the park.

“Well ain’t this a treat,” Buck muttered, foregoing the radio now that they were on foot. “My gunny never took me on a trip to the zoo when I was your age, Rookie.”

They passed by the gazebo and mounted the steps, Alba covering the rear. When they arrived at the entrance to the lobby, they came across a pair of sleeping Grunts. They had probably been assigned to guard duty, and they were slacking off, in usual Grunt fashion. Buck dispatched them quietly with his suppressed weapon, then they moved through the open doors of the lobby. The interior was similarly lavish, decorated with artistic sculptures, a large map of the facility mounted behind the welcome desk. It was empty, and so Buck called in Dare, the Rookie watching from the top of the steps as she made her way across the plaza with the Huragok in tow.

The alien was even stranger now that he could get a better look at it. It seemed to float just off the ground, its slug-like head connected to a bulbous body that was made up of what looked like clusters of air sacks, a snail-like tail and several tentacles with luminescent tips trailing behind it as it glided along.

He heard a hiss of static as Buck switched channels on the radio again, contacting their ride.

“Mickey, what’s your ETA?” he asked.

“Had to reroute, Gunny, the whole damn city’s on fire!”

“Trooper,” Dare interrupted sternly, putting on her most commanding voice. “I have a Tier One asset on site, and a whole bunch of Covenant who want it dead. Whatever you’re going to do, you’d better step on it! Is that understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Mickey replied hastily.

“Heads up!” Buck yelled, taking cover behind one of the stone pillars at the entrance. “We got Phantoms incoming, and they ain’t the friendly variety!”

The Rookie ducked behind a planter as he spied their purple, curved hulls, the dropships making a beeline for the plaza. The enemy knew that they were here now, and if Dare was right about the Huragok being a Tier One asset, then things were about to get very hairy. The ONI operative guided the floating alien deeper into the lobby, keeping the fragile creature out of harm’s way.

“Hey, Covvie,” Buck added. Alba turned her head to look down at him, giving him a frown from beneath her blue helmet. “Can you shoot straight?”

“Alba can fight,” she growled in response.

“Then ‘Alba’ needs to stay on this side of the firing line, or Gunnery Sergeant Buck might accidentally plug her in the back of the head. Rookie, cover the right, and I want the Brute on the left. I’ll take the middle. Nothing gets past these steps, understood?”

Two Phantoms swooped in over the plaza, their ventral doors opening to disgorge squads of aliens. A small army of Grunts and shield-bearing Jackals dropped to the ground, making their way around the gazebo and across the road, heading for the foot of the stairs. Perhaps they hoped to overwhelm the defenders with their sheer numbers, but they had to cross open ground to reach them, and the ODSTs were firing from an elevated position.

The attackers were met by a hail of gunfire. Caseless rounds, radioactive bullets, and glowing needles tore through their ranks. Some of the Jackals were successful in deflecting the shots with their energy shields, but the Grunts took the worst of it, the defenders focusing on the soft targets first.

The squat little aliens keeled over in piles, their fluorescent, blue blood staining the ground. One of them took a hit to its methane tank, creating a fiery explosion that caught two of its comrades in the blast. Another’s tank was ruptured, lifting the hapless creature off the ground and sending it spiraling into the air, where it exploded like a firework. They attempted to return fire, but it was imprecise, the creatures panicked and uncoordinated.

The Jackals closed ranks and used their glowing shields to form a protective phalanx, but Buck tossed a frag grenade their way, sending them leaping for cover before it exploded in their midst. The shrapnel took out several of them, the rest scrambling to their feet, their unit cohesion broken. Individually, they were far easier to deal with. Buck hosed their shields with his SMG until they collapsed, exposing the wielder, while Alba and the Rookie preferred to place precision shots through their cutouts. In a matter of seconds, a dozen Jackals lay dead, along with twice as many Grunts.

These were just fodder, however. The Covvies were only trying to soften up the defenses before deploying their more elite troops.

“We got more incoming!” Buck yelled, the Rookie watching as another pair of Phantoms drifted over the plaza. These ones began to fire on the building with the heavy plasma cannons that were mounted beneath their noses, the glowing balls of energy crackling as they arced through the air towards the lobby. Ferns burst into flames as hot plasma splashed, the projectiles exploding like grenades on contact with the ground, forcing the defenders into cover. Fortunately, they were not terribly accurate weapons. The nose guns were joined by streams of suppressive plasma fire from Brutes manning door guns, covering their comrades as they dropped to the ground below.

When the Rookie dared to peek out of cover again, the two Phantoms were flying away, and several squads of Brutes were advancing on their position. They were wearing blue armor, mostly minors and a few captains, the same rank as Alba. The Rookie remembered the last time that he had faced a Brute one-on-one, and how the thing had kept coming even after he had collapsed its shields and shredded most of its armor, more like a vicious animal than a thinking creature.

The defenders had one advantage, Buck had chosen their holdout well, and there was little cover in the plaza. The Brutes had to cross open ground, one of the squads taking refuge in the gazebo and laying down covering fire with what sounded like Spikers.

Metal nails impacted the concrete pillar that Buck was hiding behind, glowing red-hot for a moment before they cooled, the ODST answering them with a bark from his SMG. Spikers were not accurate weapons at any kind of range, but the threat of being impaled with what was essentially a molten railroad spike would keep most people’s heads down.

The rest took advantage to advance on the steps, firing volleys of glowing plasma bolts, and leaving green trails of radioactive material that lingered in the air. Their fire was imprecise, they likely didn’t know how many defenders there were, or where they were located. They were attacking an elevated position that afforded their enemies ample cover.

The Rookie rose from behind his planter and scoped in on the rounded helmet of one of the minors, whose squad was maybe two hundred feet away, loosing a couple of rounds from his carbine. The first collapsed its shields, and the second punctured through its helmet, the towering alien slumping to the ground as the irradiated projectile cooked its brains.

Buck was firing, but he hadn’t heard anything from Alba yet. He felt a pang of concern for a moment, wondering if she would have the resolve to fire on her own kind. Grunts and Sangheili were one thing, they were as alien to her as she was to him, but her own people were another matter entirely.

His unspoken question was answered as he watched one of the captains lurch, identifiable by his horned helmet. A volley of glowing, pink spikes penetrated his shield and dug into his flesh, his bellow of pain and surprise silenced as the projectiles exploded. He was torn apart, the blast catching two of his underlings, fragments of flying shrapnel sending their limp bodies crashing to the ground.

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Leap of FaithChapter 4

Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she'd decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day; thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight. The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 5

The early morning sun slanting across the bed awoke Nicole. Blearily she rubbed her tired eyes and tried to focus on her clock. It was just past 6.30 am and earlier than she normally woke up. A faint snoring reminded her of the events of the previous evening and she gingerly turned round. Rob was laid on his back, fast asleep with his arm thrown out to one side. He looked peaceful as she watched him, his eyelids flickering as he dreamt about things she could only imagine. All she wanted to...

1 year ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 6

The sound of voices penetrated the fog in her mind. For a while she lay listening to the sounds around her, unable to differentiate between what was real and what was a dream. She felt strange; not herself at all. Her body felt immobile and slightly numb. Where was she? "I think she's coming round." The voice sounded familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. Slowly she opened her eyes, blinking at the bright lights in the room. The pale green walls swam in and out of focus, but...

3 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 7

Rob jumped out of the truck and slammed the cab door shut. Pete waved cheerfully and drove off down the street, his music blaring out of the open window. Seagulls wheeled in the overcast sky above as Rob stood for a moment, his shoulders and arms aching from lifting heavy filing cabinets all morning. He had gone back to work this morning even though, ideally, he should have had more time off. His boss had pleaded with him to return, as they were short staffed. One of the other guys had gone...

1 year ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 13

The Rookie – Occupied city center, eleven hours after drop. Once they were done with their impromptu meal, the Rookie led Alba out onto the street again, following the route that was plotted on his map. They were finally nearing the city limits, and once they reached the freeway, they could hopefully follow it all the way out of New Mombasa. That was the plan, at least. They reached another one of the massive gates that blocked the street, this one had closed on a car, cutting it almost in...

1 year ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 14

Alba – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, eleven hours after slip-space rupture. Alba’s heart pounded in her chest, she could hear her blood rushing in her ears, she felt so ... alive! How long had it been since she had overcome such odds, since she had faced off against such a worthy foe in single combat? A Special Operations Sangheili, one of the most skilled soldiers in the Covenant, and she had bested him with a gravity hammer that her people would never have permitted her to wield under normal...

3 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 15

The Rookie – Waterfront Highway Tunnel, twelve hours after drop. The Rookie felt Alba’s dinner plate-sized hands close around his helmet, and she lifted it off slowly, the unnatural colors and outlines of his VISR replaced by her grey skin and her pink lips. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew what she was proposing, but he wasn’t sure why. Was it because they were probably going to die, or more because the previous fight had filled her with adrenaline that she needed to burn off? Either way, he...

3 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 17

The Rookie – ONI Orbital Facility, one month after drop. The Rookie opened his eyes as Alba nudged him with her elbow, raising his head from her lap as the door to the interrogation room slid open. Alba was sitting on the deck beside him, her legs crossed, while the rest of his squad waited around nearby. The Huragok was floating beside a table in the middle of the small room, toying with the optics package of an F-99 UAV, fascinated by its intricate machinery and electronics. When presented...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 18

The Rookie – Sydney suburbs, eighteen months after drop. “Try to keep pace, tiny man,” Alba laughed. She was jogging a short distance ahead of the Rookie, easily outpacing him with her long strides. She liked to stay fit, Earth’s gravity was around half that of Doisac’s, and so she would start to lose muscle mass pretty quickly if she didn’t keep up with her exercise regimen. The Rookie was a military man, and he was no stranger to two-mile runs, but Alba was in a class of her own. They...

2 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 3

The Rookie – Occupied city center, six hours after drop. The distinctive sound of a Phantom soaring by overhead greeted the Rookie as he opened his eyes groggily, his head pounding as he looked around the interior of his battered pod. It took him a moment to remember where he was, and what had happened, the memories coming flooding back to him. The slip-space rupture, the crash ... where was the rest of his squad? The monitors and readouts were all either too damaged to make out, or hissing...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 4

Alba – Occupied city center, seven hours after slip-space rupture. The rain was coming down hard, pouring off Alba’s armor in sheets, seeping beneath her helmet and making her short-cropped hair damp. It wasn’t doing much to lighten her already sour mood. They had been patrolling until sunset, and there had been no sign of Human resistance. The streets were empty, and the defenders were long gone. The Unggoy were pleased, but the Kig-yar were becoming even more restless than she was. They...

3 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 5

The Rookie – Occupied city center, eight hours after drop. The crack of thunder echoed through the empty streets as the Rookie pressed on, dodging beneath the cover of a bus stop for a moment as a Phantom passed by overhead, its searchlight scanning the ground below for signs of life. There were more and more of the ships clogging the skies, perhaps more of the Covenant fleet had jumped into orbit to reinforce their armies. He needed to get out of here, and fast. He hadn’t encountered any...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 6

Alba – Occupied city center, eight hours after slip-space rupture. The Kig-yar snapped their jaws gleefully as the patrol emerged onto an open plaza, surrounded on all sides by native buildings wrought from glass and steel. There were fewer derelict vehicles here, it seemed to be reserved for pedestrians, and the ground was covered with regular patches of alien grass in places. The center of the open space was occupied by a group of Covenant and a deployable watchtower, there was enough room...

1 year ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 8

Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the shot while she was searching one of the cramped rooms in the Human structure, the telltale sound of a needle rifle echoing through the corridors. She rushed to the source of the gunshot as more followed it, her carbine at the ready. When she pushed her way through one of the narrow doorways, she found one of the Kig-yar firing out of a window that overlooked the street below, his fellow Jackals rushing to get into...

3 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 9

The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Rookie moved into the building, the waypoint on his HUD leading him towards the nearest stairwell. He checked his corners, sweeping his plasma rifle across open doorways and pockets of shadow. This place was still crawling with Covvies, but he didn’t have time to clear every room. He mounted the stairs, trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder, passing the first floor, and then emerging onto the second. A sudden screech from somewhere...

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Leap of FaithChapter 10

Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the scuffle as the remaining Jackal launched its ambush on the Imp, along with the squeal that informed her of its outcome. She readied her carbine, aiming the reticle at the shadowy stairwell down the corridor. There was only one way that the Imp could come, and the radioactive rounds from her carbine would punch straight through his jet-black armor with ease. His helmeted head emerged, but she hesitated once again as he...

3 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 11

The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Brute spoke. It opened its mouth, its breath misting his visor, its tusk-like teeth and its long tongue on display as he practically looked down its throat. Its voice was coarse and gravelly, but the deep contralto unmistakably feminine, the rumbling speech shaking his bones. There must be female Brutes, but he had never heard of such a thing. Its yellow eyes peered at him from beneath its blue, horned helmet, its features obscured by the...

4 years ago
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Leap of FaithChapter 12

Alba – Nehru Street Gym, ten hours after slip-space rupture. Alba sat beside a pile of discarded wrappers, wolfing down processed meat and bread. The Human portions were tiny, she had already gone through a dozen of the packaged food rations, and she still wasn’t satisfied. It didn’t hold a candle to eating fresh meat straight off the bone, but at least the only thing that they had slain in order to obtain this meal were the glass machines. The Imp had removed his helmet so that he could...

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BurningAngel Chloe Carter Gothic Anal Whores

Gothic anal whore Chloe Carter doesn’t get the same delights licking a sweet sucker as she does from getting fucked hard in the ass – and Markus Dupree loves making goth girls gape with his cock. After a sucking tease, Markus gets right to work on her perfect pink butthole eating ass and taking names. Chloe’s perfect peach spreads nicely for his big dick delivering a doggystyle dicking, and making her watch him create her gape, like a work of art in progress. He pauses to make...

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My best friends girlfriend CH6

I was awakened by a different noise the next morning; running water. Kath had just switched the shower on. Sensing my opportunity, I decided to quickly wake myself up and surprise her. I moved quietly but hastily into the en-suite and peered round the shower curtain. I was treated to a magnificent sight and I joined her under the shower's hot spray. "Good morning, beautiful" I whispered into her ear. "I was hoping you might join me babe" she replied "I'm feeling really horny this morning". "Me...

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Allison sat next to Nick in stony silence, eating her supper. He made sure she got the best of what cook had to offer, but she clearly didn't appreciate it as she shoveled food down her throat. "I'm done," she said after a few minutes. "Can I get a thank you?" Nick asked, for some reason wanting her to acknowledge his effort. "Why should I thank you when you are the one who kidnapped me?" Allison had been like that for the three days she had been on his ship, unduly contrary, Nick...

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MILFChapter 12

After Valerie got through her anger issues about the fact that her mother hadn’t told her she was pregnant, it moved on to, “Who’s the father?” That got a growled, “Who do you think, Valerie? You insisted I sleep with him!” I can only remember seeing my wife speechless one time. By that, I mean unable to use her voice for more than a minute. Her face, though, spoke volumes. Her mouth opened and closed four or five times. She leaned forward, as if she was going to speak, but then leaned back...

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My Daughters TeacherChapter 10

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My date with DanielleBefore I went out with Dani, I thought about this whole thing I was getting into. I felt like Goldilocks and the three babes, trying to discover which one was best. What if neither of them was a match for me? I guess dating is like that. I'd never been in the dating pool, so I shouldn't get my hopes up. What if I didn't like girls after kissing a couple? Maybe I should date boys to compare, and I was still unsure about everything.However, I was excited, nervous, anxious, or...

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Showing Some Spirit

"We are going to be late, Grant!" Brandy called out as she closed the door to their small home. Brandy had just finished a shift at the bank where she was a teller and was still dressed in her 'professional' cream-colored blouse and grey skirt. She wore her blonde hair up and the reading glasses that dangling from a chain around her neck made her look more like a young librarian than anything else. However, her transformation from employee to bound serial-killer victim was just minutes...

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The sex shop adventure

“Oh, I think I should get a pair of those,” my wife said with a laugh as she pointed to the handcuffs in the shop window. “Only if you want me to use them on you,” I said. We had just finished eating at an Italian restaurant in Soho, where we had consumed a bottle each of their house red. As we left Lynn had suggested we have a look around in the sex shops in the area. She had been saying for a while that we should do something to spice up our sex lives a little, and maybe we could find...

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A denial experiment

Cassandra woke up in a haze. Her head hurt. Her vision was blurry. She wasn't sure what had happened. As she lay there for a few minutes and her sight returned, she looked around. She was in her dorm single. At first she couldn't remember much, but her memory returned quickly. She sat up. What had happened? It had been a Sunday night and she was on her way to the library to do some studying ... mostly studying the guy behind the counter whose name she'd forgotten. She passed a blue van in the...

Mind Control
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 225 Just Then A Gust of Wind

(Tsubame, rushing back to town, trips and falls.) Tsubame (through her tears): Yahiko... Kenshin... (The wind picks up, carrying leaves through the air. She looks behind her, and a look of joy spreads across her face.) (Kuma brings a jug of sake and two cups over to Oibore.) Kuma: Here. Brought you this. Don't spill it. Oibore: Ah, thank you, thank you. (They drink.) Oibore: That reminds me, Kuma, there's something else I want to thank you for. Kuma: Yeah? Oibore: Letting that...

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Malvika Kapoor

Hello friends! Remember me? Most of you might be knowing me from my previous stories. This is Malvika Kapoor from Mumbai, 41, happily married with my husband Siddharth, have a daughter named Riya. Talking about my assets, as of now they are 36D-30-36. I haven’t written anything here since long and had no intention to write further. But someone told me yesterday that there are hundreds of your readers waiting out there hungry for reading your experiences. Hence, I decided to pen down my last...

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Two Swedish Girls lose the bet

We arrived after a 30 minute car ride direct from the airport, to where we stood, outside our hotel, our home for the next three nights.We checked in and were shown to our room, having decided to share to save on costs, 'Leaves more to spend on booze', laughed my friend Louise, 'not to mention German Sausage', she continued, her eyes sparkling with naughtiness, and somehow I suspected her keenness to have these few days together, lay alongside her flippant remark, about 'German Sausage', a term...

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The Horny Teen Next Door Part 1

I know how he looks at me. How he stares at me and how I just see his eyes, those beautiful electric blue eyes, undressing me with no shame. When he realises I’ve been staring at his eyes and open mouth he quickly closes his mouth and walks away, his face flushed with shame. His name is Charlie and he’s just started college this year. Whenever I seem him around, he always stares at me and my areas and I can only politely start a conversation in which Charlie starts off nicely and just veers...

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Lots of Love See You Tomorrow

It was when he was on his daily “permitted exercise” walk through the woods near his home that Andy caught sight of the little hand-painted stone, carefully placed on a rotten moss-covered tree stump. It measured roughly ten centimetres by four, and on its pale grey surface someone had artistically and lovingly painted the words “Lots of Love See you tomorrow” in silvery paint on a primrose-yellow background, all surrounded by a bright red border.Andy smiled at the incongruous object. Who had...

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Teen Strip Poker Circle Jerk An Early Experience

I was about 14 and there was a girl in the apartment complex that was 12. She used to hang out with us and one Summer day she was with me and two of my buddies in my apartment. It was the early 70s when no one watched where their kids hung out. GREAT time. One buddy said we should play strip poker (he read about it in Playboy). We were all for it but when he explained how it worked to the girl she said no way. But then she said she didn't mind if we played. So we all played poker until...

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Hearts and Flowers

Hearts and flowers. Damn it, Tori was surrounded by hearts and flowers, and she hated every second of it. Of course, it was no different from any other Valentine’s Day. Tori had been working at the candy shop for five years now, and every year when the red and green of Christmas gave way to the red and white of Valentine’s Day, she felt like screaming. It was a good job other than those couple months a year, but damn, those couple months were hell. Tori couldn’t remember a time she’d liked...

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Date Night Secret Agent

The bar was busier than June expected, but then, the hotel was busier than usual this weekend too. It looked like there was some sort of artists' convention and a wedding reception both being held in the hotel itself. From the entrance coming from the hotel lobby, she scanned the crowded bar. There were several large groups of obvious from the artist conventions, decked out in their ‘I’m wearing a statement clothes” and the like, boisterously talking trash about the art world in general. Most...

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Delhi Jazz Festival

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whos in charge

Sheryl looked up from her desk at Simon with contempt, she didn't like him he was arrogant and overbearing always thought he knew better than her she was constantly having to remind him who was in charge he was constantly going over her head to the next level of management, but she had him today he had made a mistake in his paper work 2 weeks ago and it had cost the company a lot of money so it was the end of the day and she was going to give him a humiliating dressing down and then go home in...

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Mardi Gras with my StepSister

About 10 years ago, my mom married a guy. He had three daughters, Amy, the oldest; Abby, the middle child; and Lauren the youngest. They were all about 3 years apart in age. Amy and Abby were grown when my mom got married, but Lauren was 14. My mom, Lauren, my step dad, and myself moved in together. I was 11 at the time, and starting to notice girls. I knew right away I wanted to fuck Lauren. She was about 5'6", tits weren't that big, but she had a awesome ass. She herself was gorgeous....

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Bus Ride

Introduction: I was awoken by moans….. I was awoken on the bus by her little moans. I looked across the aisle and saw why she was moaning. Her boyfriend was fucking her from behind with his enormous cock. Both her hands were pressed against the window. Her face sideways, her right cheek on the glass. It started out as a normal day. My plan was to take the bus from Vegas to San Diego for a trip to see my best girl friend. She had moved there for a new job 6 months ago. I missed her. I did not...

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The Girl Of His Best Friend

Written exclusively for XnXX.com At the sound of an unfamiliar car engine rumbling into the driveway, a puzzled Jennifer stood up and walked to the window to identify the source of the noise. Surely Dave hadn't bought yet another car? Being married to a confirmed petrol-head had some advantages, such as always having an exciting motor-car to ride around in, but it also had some disadvantages, such as their garden, garage and often the kitchen filled with oily rags, oil, tools...

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Disaster in Vegas

I was still quite innocent in the art of walking the Vegas strip after 2 a.m., which was littered with screaming fat chicks, homeless men, stumbling couples, and hookers. As I walked across a bridge beneath one of those blaring fifty-foot TVs, two black chicks approached me. “Hey sexy! Where do you think you’re going?” I’d never been too much into black girls, but a handful of TV stars have wowed me into busting a semi. On the top of that list is Jada Pinkett from Menace II Society before she...

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My Dream

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Return to normal was something of a question. Nothing was the same without James York. Oh, well, life does go on. I was looking for Sarah to ask her to go riding before the weather got too hot. If we went out early in the morning and got back by about 10:30 or 11:00 AM, the heat would not be too bad. I did want to see what the ranch was like, in case we had a major attack. I wasn't expecting one, but I do like to be prepared. If I couldn't find her, I would just go by myself. I was...

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Bivouac Baby

"Bivouac Baby"By GentileNew York City5 April 1963There'd been thoughts, visions before. He'd been able to keep them secret, suppress them, dismiss them, discount them and they'd even lessened, but, yet always had returned. And now keenly so. After Tracy had left their office for Brady's executive floor he'd put his wife on the elevator going down then quickly ensconced himself in the men's restroom. Mercifully he'd found it unoccupied. Visions of his wife and another man, this, this Englishman...

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The girls were finished packing. They were all giggling and playful. It was all because Janie had just told them of her morning's adventures. Having fucked her dad as well as her uncle, not to mention twelve other guys just this morning. ”That has to be a record, ” exclaimed Lacey.”I don't know about that,” answered Janie, ”But I'm not finished yet.”Stacey looked at her with a grin and asked, “Who the hell is left?”“Your dad, and Missy’s,” Janie answered.They all laughed as they walked out....

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Paula Meredith and Nick

Meredith wrapped her lips around Nick’s cock and bobbed her head downward until she strained and her eyes watered. God, I couldn’t do that! I couldn’t even get my mouth around that cock, it was HUGE! Meredith obviously loved big cocks because she gobbled at Nick’s like it was Thanksgiving turkey. I hugged the towel around me and pulled my legs up to my chest tightly. I felt small and out of place. Watching them from my window was hugely different from actually being here in front of...

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She watches his silhouette through steamy glass, taking his enticing measure, as he manipulates warm suds against his undulatory locomotion, his torso's repetitive wavy gestures mesmerizing. His forward, then backward undulations give away his masculine needs. She aches to touch, to be touched, then acts upon her own needs while observing carefully his thrusts. Unable to stand the tension any longer she rises up, her robe falling open, as she knows he's peering at her as well. She hears him...


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