Leap Of FaithChapter 4 free porn video

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Nicole wandered down the promenade, lost in her thoughts. She had an afternoon off and she'd decided to go for a walk to try and clear her head. Idly she licked a chocolate ice cream cone and stared out pensively across the bay. It was a heavily overcast day; thick banks of ominous clouds rolled towards her, interspersed with the occasional flash of azure sky and bright sunlight.

The tide was creeping in with huge waves crashing on to the pebbly beach in flurries of white foam. It was starkly beautiful. Tourists were few and far between with only the brave daring to venture out in the biting north wind. Nicole was oblivious. She walked along slowly, her shoulders hunched up tightly in a thick wool coat she'd picked up for a few pounds at a charity shop.

Her cheeks were pink from the cold and her hair blew in wild abandon around her shoulders. Every now and again she smiled to herself as a random memory skipped into her mind. Ever since last night she had been plagued with thoughts of Rob and it was seriously distracting.

Luckily Danni had not been at work today. Nicole couldn't face her friend just yet. She wasn't quite ready to share the gory details of the unexpected fling. Besides, Nicole wasn't too sure what Danni would say when she told her that she'd had sex with Danni's brother. It was too cringe worthy to contemplate at the moment.

She stood at the railings, staring unseeing at the curtain of rain moving across the stretch of churning grey sea. The sky was darkening ominously, but she was uncaring. The chocolate ice cream slid down her throat in a cold sweet trickle of flavour. It was delicious even though her hand was freezing from holding the cone.

"You do realise that you're about to get soaked?" The voice behind her made her jump in shock. She hadn't realised anyone was nearby. Spinning round with the ice cream momentarily forgotten, she smiled shyly.

Rob was standing there dressed in his running gear and smiling cheerfully, his thick blonde hair covered with a baseball cap.

"I like the rain — it's beautiful in a fundamental kinda way," she said slightly defiantly. She knew it made her sound a little weird, but she didn't care — it was true. She had always loved rain and storms. Kate had been frightened of thunder, but Nicole had often watched the lightning streak across the sky in enraptured delight.

"Right ... so does this mean you like to frolic naked in the rain too?" Rob asked, trying to stop laughing.

"Oh very funny!" Nicole glared at him and turned away huffily.

"Shame ... I like getting naked in the rain ... I was just about to rejoice thinking I'd found a soul-mate!"

Nicole giggled despite herself. "Stop taking the piss out of me," she grumbled in helpless amusement.

"I'm not taking the piss. But I am waiting for a nibble of your ice cream. Are you gonna share?"

Reluctantly she offered him her cone and watched as he took a huge bite out of the remaining ice cream. He passed it back and grinned. "God that's cold!"

"Yep, I find ice cream usually is!" Her sarcasm wasn't lost on Rob and he stuck his tongue out in response.

Thick drops of rain began to fall from the leaden sky and Rob grabbed her hand hurriedly. "Quick!" he yelled above the roar of the wind that had suddenly picked up momentum. "We're gonna get drenched if we don't move."

He pulled her along the deserted promenade and into one of the ornate Victorian shelters situated at intervals along the walkway. It was hardly warm in there, but at least they were out of the pouring rain and sheltered from the biting wind.

Moving into the farthest corner, he sat down on the scratched wooden seat and pulled her onto his lap with a smile. "That's better," he commented. "You're nice and warm!"

Well I'm dressed for the weather — unlike you!" she chided softly, enjoying the feel of his hard body against hers, even through the thick coat she wore. Heat began to surge through her veins like warm molasses while she nibbled on the remains of the cone and her other arm snaked round his neck.

"Hmm ... well, I figured I could manage to get home before the rain came. I was wrong! Running in the pouring rain is no damn fun. However ... this is!" He winked at her and she grinned back conspiratorially. It felt like they were cocooned in their own private world.

Nicole ate the last mouthful of cone as the rain hammered down on the wrought iron roof like a clatter of pebbles. Rob pulled her closer into his arms and she sighed happily.

"About last night..." he said softly.

Nicole immediately tensed up. Was he going to say he regretted it? Or worse — was he about to tell her he was getting back with Lizzie and could they forget all about last night?

"Yes?" she said warily, arranging her features into what she hoped was a neutral look.

"Hey, stop glaring at me like I'm about to say something terrible!" he scolded. "What I was ABOUT to say was, I really enjoyed last night and I hope it won't be the last time..."

And he meant it. He had thought about nothing else since the moment they had parted last night. He was smitten and he was actually feeling slightly over whelmed by the strength of his emotional reaction. It was not like him at all. Women came and went and usually made little impact on him. Lizzie had been the exception to the rule, but mostly because she wound him up so damn much.

Nicole melted into a warm puddle as she heard the words. "Really?" she asked hesitantly, still not quite daring to believe he meant it.

"Yes — really!" he grinned. "Now would be good for me, but it is kinda cold, so I'm prepared to wait a little longer. Would tonight be okay for you?" He winked lecherously and she burst out laughing helplessly.

"I'm starting to think you're only after my body," she said with a mock frown.

"Well it is a very sexy body..." He slid his hand inside her coat and squeezed her breast. Her nipple hardened instantly and she sucked in a sharp breath. Arousal was a heart beat away and she felt the subtle ache begin to throb between her legs once again.

"Is it?" she said, looking for some reassurance.

"Oh yes — very sexy..." He pulled her head down and kissed her, his lips chilled but his tongue warm as it slipped into her mouth and tasted her flavour.

Nicole wriggled slightly, trying to get closer to him and was rewarded with a low groan. She could feel the hard ridge of his erection through the thin fabric of his tracksuit bottoms and she felt a sense of feminine power knowing she had such an incendiary effect on him.

An exploratory hand delved beneath her jumper and found the warm flesh of her breast. She moaned into his mouth, wanting more than the superficial caress. A slow burning heat warmed her skin and despite the chill of the air she could feel her body temperature rising swiftly. Her coat opened and parted, allowing Rob to gain further access to her body.

She slid her own hand inside his zipped top, feeling the taut muscles of his chest and the hard nubs of his nipples. Tweaking one she was rewarded with a hiss and he nipped her lip lightly.

"Careful," he muttered. "Don't start something you can't finish."

She laughed lightly. "Who says I can't finish it?" she grinned naughtily. "There's nobody else here..."

"Witch!" he groaned when she reached down and rubbed his cock through his trousers. He felt deliciously hard and for a moment she entertained a vision of releasing his cock and taking the swollen head in her mouth, licking and sucking gently.

He deepened their kiss and reached inside her bra, rubbing his thumb across the crest of her nipple. Nicole was rapidly losing any sense of time and place; all her concentration was centred on the feelings he was invoking. Her pussy ached and she could feel the creamy moisture soaking her knickers.

"The sounds of chattering made them hurriedly remove their hands from each other's clothing. Nicole half turned and realised that the rain had ceased and two elderly ladies were about to enter the shelter for a rest. She went to jump off Rob's knee when he stopped her.

"Give me a minute," he warned ruefully.

For a second she didn't understand what he meant, then the realisation dawned and she blushed slightly. He buttoned her coat up and when they had recovered slightly, Nicole carefully stood up.

"The two women looked at them curiously for a moment, knowing smiles on their wizened faces. Then they returned to discussing their families and paid no more attention to the couple. Nicole hurried outside, still feeling embarrassed at being caught canoodling in a shelter. It made her feel like a teenager again.

The sky was streaked with blue once more and the black clouds had been replaced with fluffy white ones, billowing across the bay. Everything sparkled in the sunlight, gleaming with tiny jewels of delicate colour.

"I need to go — I have to finish my run. Wanna do something tonight?" Rob asked, placing his hands on her waist.

"What did you have in mind?" she smirked

He chuckled. "Hmm don't tempt me! But let's start with a drink okay?"

"Okay..." Nicole could feel the giddiness threatening to burst out of her like a sherbet bomb. She wondered if it was illegal to feel this good on a wet Wednesday afternoon.

"Great! I'll pick you up at about eight o'clock and we'll see where the evening takes us. Gotta go," He kissed her hard and was gone. Nicole stood for a while, watching him running down the promenade until he was a tiny speck in the distance. The sun felt warm on her back and she felt tiny slivers of excitement curling inside her belly at the thought of seeing him later.

They found a table in a quiet pub near the sea front. It wasn't one of Rob's usual haunts as he felt it would be prudent to avoid anywhere Lizzie might be drinking. The last thing he wanted was a hysterical scene. Even though he had told her it was over, he just knew that she would go ballistic if she thought she had been dumped for another woman. He didn't want to inflict any trouble on Nicole. She had had enough of that to last a lifetime.

"So are you gonna tell me what brought you to our scenic town?" he asked cautiously as the sat in a small booth, his arm lightly round her shoulders.

Nicole went silent. She wasn't too sure about raking it all up again. In the last couple of days, much of the pain had finally been laid to rest in her head. It seemed like she would be tempting fate if she mentioned it out loud — like a horrible curse being invoked when the dreaded words were spoken.

But then she thought about it — if they were to have any kind of relationship, everything needed to be out in the open. She had to be honest with him.

"My ex cheated on me," she said quietly. "I caught him in bed with my sister — so I left." She tensed up expecting the familiar pain to shoot through her midsection, but to her surprise she found it didn't hurt quite so much any more. It was like looking at a sepia tinted photo — it felt less real somehow.

Rob winced at the confession. He could barely imagine the agony of betrayal and hurt she must have suffered.

"I'm so sorry," he said sincerely. "That's a terrible thing to happen to anyone; especially when it was your sister involved."

"Thanks..." Nicole looked up at him and smiled faintly. "I'm over it now," she said firmly. "Well ... mostly anyway."

The raucous laughter and loud music emanating from the jukebox in the corner faded into the distance. Nicole felt like the room had shrunk until there was only the two of them in it. She looked into his eyes and saw her own sadness reflected back at her. She just hoped he wouldn't hurt her too...

"Have you heard from them since?" Rob asked, his hand squeezing hers lightly.

"Nope. They won't know where to find me — I didn't exactly leave a forwarding address. It was all a mess when I left." She silently recalled the blinding rush from the house and the subsequent bus ride to nowhere. She had been too shocked and upset to consider anything that night, least of all writing a farewell note with a proposed destination.

"What about your parents? Do they know where you are?"

"Dad died when I was twelve and my mum remarried a year later. I didn't get on with her new husband and once I left home, I didn't really have much to do with them. Kate talks to them more frequently, but I'm not sure if she'd have told mum about this."

No, thought Rob grimly, she probably wouldn't have had the nerve.

"Where did you come from anyway?" he asked, realising that he knew very little about her life before she arrived here.

"I'm from Harchester. Not all that far really, but it seems a million miles away now. Sean and I had a flat above the pub his parents owned. He worked there and I was going to college..."

She stopped and stared into the middle distance. What a waste of a year that had been. All her grand plans for setting up a children's nursery had bitten the dust the evening she did a runner. She doubted she'd get another college place now. Besides, she would have to pay the course fees and there was no way on earth she could afford it.

"Which pub was it? I've had a few nights out there in my time. My mates and I used to have a band and we played all over for a year or so. 'Till Sam left and we had no lead singer!"

"The Golden Fleece in the market square."

"Oh yeah, I know it," he said. He seemed to recall being thrown out of a pub with that name in the dim and distant past. "Mock Tudor façade with traditional décor?"

"Yeah that's the one. Nicotine stained ceilings and stuffed animals hanging off the walls..."

Rob laughed. "Not exactly a 'fun pub' was it!"

"Err ... no!" she giggled.

"Sounds like many a pub our band played in..." He began to tell her all about the ill- fated rock band in which he had played bass guitar, while she listened in amusement.

Before they knew it the landlord was calling last orders. Nicole was surprised to realise it was so late; it felt like they had only just sat down with their drinks.

"Your place or mine?" asked Rob with a faint grin before he drank the remainder of his pint.

"Oh I don't do sex until the third date..." Nicole sighed regretfully.

He nearly choked on the beer. "Funny!"

"I would rather we go back to mine if that's okay. I'm kinda uncomfortable about Danni knowing just yet. My landlady will be in bed so as long as we are quiet, there shouldn't be a problem."

"Do you think you can manage to be quiet?" Rob smirked, his hand on her thigh teasingly.

Nicole felt her cheeks growing warm and she inwardly cursed him. "Shut it or I'll revoke my invitation!" she warned.

He smiled and pulled her close in the relative privacy of the booth they were sat in. "No you won't..." he said softly before kissing her.

No, she thought, I couldn't even if I tried...

The house was shrouded in darkness when they crept up the back pathway to the side door. Angela had given Nicole a key to that door and explained that it would be less intrusive if she came and went via that entrance. It led through the utility and allowed Nicole to access her attic room via a back staircase. That way she wouldn't disturb Angela if she came in late. It suited both of them as they both had some privacy.

Nicole wasn't so sure if Angela would approve of her bringing a man back. She hadn't expressly said 'no men', but nor had she said it was okay. In the absence of clear instructions, Nicole decided to take a chance. If the worst happened and Angela caught them, she would just have to plead ignorance. She could always move back in with Rob and Danni if she was evicted.

They climbed the creaky stairs quietly, trying not to giggle at the ludicrousness of creeping about like teenagers attempting to slip unnoticed into the house after curfew. The house was pitch-black and Rob banged his ankle on the skirting board when they turned a corner.

He let out a muffled yelp and Nicole froze. "Shush!" she hissed.

Rob rubbed the sore bone and limped after her slowly. His eyes gradually began to adjust to the darkness and he could just about make out the elegant décor. It looked like it was a beautiful house and he was impressed at her good fortune. It was clearly much nicer than the flat he was sharing with Danni.

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Leap of FaithChapter 9

The Rookie – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after drop. The Rookie moved into the building, the waypoint on his HUD leading him towards the nearest stairwell. He checked his corners, sweeping his plasma rifle across open doorways and pockets of shadow. This place was still crawling with Covvies, but he didn’t have time to clear every room. He mounted the stairs, trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder, passing the first floor, and then emerging onto the second. A sudden screech from somewhere...

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Leap of FaithChapter 10

Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the scuffle as the remaining Jackal launched its ambush on the Imp, along with the squeal that informed her of its outcome. She readied her carbine, aiming the reticle at the shadowy stairwell down the corridor. There was only one way that the Imp could come, and the radioactive rounds from her carbine would punch straight through his jet-black armor with ease. His helmeted head emerged, but she hesitated once again as he...

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By : Uperson.1981 Hi Bandhu ra kemon achho? Onek din por abar golpo likhchhi. Rather aktu biroktto hoeai likhchhi. Karon ami dekhchhi je “IndianSexstoris” ar side a bangle golpo khub kom. Tai akta khub personnel golppo aaj share korchhi. Ata akta sotti ghatona. Tomra biswas korleo golpo ta poro, ba na biswas korleo poro. Ghatona ta aaj theke pray 2 bochhor ager. Ami Tokhon Hyderabad ar akta MNC te chakri kori. MNC ta indiar akt boro MNC chhilo. Oneke chestta kore okhane join korar but chance...

4 years ago
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Badi maa ke sath jawani ka maza

Hello iss readers mai hamesha iss ki stories padta hu to socha kyu na apni life ka bhi ek hasin lamha apke sath share karu …mera naam kunal hai aur meri age 20 hai mai jaipur mai rahata hu hamari joint family hai aur bada ghar hai. Meri badi maa ki age 29 hai wo bahut hi khubsurat husn ki malika hai unko dekhte hai mera man sex karne ka ho jata hai … Baat aaj se 2 saal pahale ki hai mai hamesha unhe nanga dekha karta tha jab wo bath liya karti thi. Kya batau dosto unke bare mai unke wo bade...

4 years ago
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31st night ko sex

Hi Main manisha ek baar phir aap ke saath hoon. ISS baar main aapko apne naye saal ki shrooat main kya hua wo batane ja rahi hoon. Main jab mumbai se lauti tab pata cala mere bf ki job lag gai hai aur wo delhi cala gaya hai. Maine jab phone kiya to pata cala ki ab o ek month ke baad aayega. Mera mood kharab ho gaya. Main meri ek friend ke paas gai jo mr saath hi padhati hai aur apni ek friend ke saath k room kiraye par le kar lucknow main reh rahi hai. Maine use mumbai main kya kya hua sab bata...

3 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 56

Master Will, I'm writing this to reply to part of this, but I expect your sister will add to this. Fabio just told us that a landing craft recovered Willow and Erica five minutes ago. The craft is about two hours away, and I expect that both of my mistresses will need a shower. They spent two long weeks in the tank. I did ask how they survived. It turns out that the tanks store some dehydrated meals, some water, and even have a system that can collect water from a river and sterilize it....

4 years ago
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Connecting Rod Ch 09

Chapter 9: Michelle’s Story February 22, 1961 My name is Michelle Dawson and up until recently, I had no hope of living a perfect life. According to my driver’s license, I’m five foot six and weight one hundred and forty pounds. I am the daughter of Florence Toews and Walter Dawson, and I was an accident. My parents married when Florence discovered she was pregnant at age seventeen. Walter, a handyman with some useful skills, made a scrape-by living. We lived in a small rented house on the...

4 years ago
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Fateful Encounter Continued An Undeniable Urge

If I really wanted the car, I had to understand that I would have to do it again, however, I really felt that deep down, it was the feel of him in me that I wanted. Maybe it was because he had paid so much attention to me or because he was the first person that I had sex with, in anyway, it didn’t take long before I had made a decision to go over to his apartment again to see if I could do it. The next day, I went up to the game room to see if John was there; in a way I was trying to show...

4 years ago
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The No Strings ChallengePart 16 The Hat Trick

At the Hampton Inn near San Francisco Airport, I'm on the bed watching a porn movie. I don't have to worry about extra charges to my room bill, because this one's playing from a laptop connected to the room's flat screen tv. It's certainly not the first porn movie I've seen and not the first time I've watched porn in a hotel room. It is just the second time, I've had the lead actress from a scene lying in bed next to me while I watch. Actually, Stefani just ran her tongue around my...

3 years ago
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My first time

We both have been talkingn dirty to eachother for quite sometime, blowjobs where pretty much daily, in her room with her parents home. We both planned for this day to loose our virginity, her parents worked during the day so it was pretty perfect. She had Taken a condom from her step fathers dresser to use for that day, it was suppose to be the best day / best first time ever. Well it didn't really turn out to be the "best day of loosing virginity" to me. We both where virgins. After doing all...

4 years ago
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Art CriticChapter 8 Judgment Day

Mavis lived in a house that was twice as big as ours in a gated community on the west side of the city. We were ten minutes later getting there than we planned and awestruck when we pulled into her big circular drive. Even in black and black, the structure seemed to have a southwestern charm that spoke of old wealth. I guess I’d never asked Mavis about her home and family. Too lost in her eyes. We were met at the door by Mavis, who threw her arms around each of us and gave us a kiss. It was...

3 years ago
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My Actress WifeChapter 4

Sue's comment: "Well, not exactly. Not quite perfect, yet," had left the subject open as to if and when there would be another rehearsal of the scene. I waited eagerly for the next adventure. The final rehearsal was set for Wednesday night once again. "We are still not decided on the love scene, I'm afraid." Sue looked at me with a puzzled expression. "Between the one Dan wants, you know, with Mike stepping out of his trouser, and the one you and I like, with me unzipping...

2 years ago
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Its Not Easy to Be a Love Goddess Ch 08

Angela wanted to have a ‘normal’ family, so I did my best. We decided I was a ‘Life Purpose Consultant’ who kept appointments with my clients in the evenings so as not to conflict with their regular working schedules. We decided Angela’s father was tired of his roaming days, and he came home one day to reconcile with his family and stay. Darian was certainly willing to make the sacrifice of manifesting himself visibly now, minus the wings, of course. It had been necessary to do so more and...

3 years ago
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By ChanceChapter 14

Fiona reached the hospital at half past eleven. She was directed to Hank's room to find a small bright eyed and smiling woman already there. "Barbara?" she asked tentatively. "Yes and you must be Fiona. Don't worry. I'm just off. Give me a ring later." She turned back to Hank and gently kissed his forehead. "Be a good boy," she said. "I'll be back again tomorrow." She picked up a light coat, squeezed Fiona's hand as she passed and was gone. Fiona looked at Hank and felt like...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits 3

Mitch left for class the next morning and as did I. Still excited and feeling great from the fantastic blow job I had just given my best friend the day seemed to drag on. His wonderful, thick cock in my wet, warm mouth was still on my mind. I constantly replayed the moment he came in my mouth over and over as I sat in my desk and pretended to listen to my professor. I hadn't felt this good in months and the feeling seemed to be mutual. We texted back and forth in class trying to act like last...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The New Game II

The first of twenty five men to take me anally slowly withdrew his shrinking cock from my butt hole. I thought to myself oh my god there’s no way I can take 24 more. My thoughts were interrupted by another fat hard cock sliding into my shit hole. I grit my teeth and sucked air through them as he pushed himself deeper into my cum filled asshole. I reached back and found my slippery wet clit and began to slowly rub it as I rotated my hips and pushed back on the fat cock in my pooper. He sensed my...

4 years ago
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Maryton by WendyH It always disturbed Ralphie Lawrence a little bit when he encountered an Outsider. It was a fairly uncommon occurrence, but certainly not unheard of. In this day and age, it was not possible to be completely isolated from the outside world, but the people of the town of Maryton did what they could to ensure that intrusions were minimal. He remembered vaguely something about a people called the Amish, and knew there were some similarities. He knew Maryton...

3 years ago
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At Last Virginity Lost

Hello Friends I am Nirakar, I’m a regular reader of ISS and I am a big fan of this website. Reading stories here influenced me to write my own story. This is not only a story but this whole incident actually happened with me. Short information about me, I am from a small town and completed my engineering. I have average height of 5’6″, fair complexion, age 25.I was interested in sex from very early age and started masturbating since the age of 12 .I don’t know how other guy here get fuck mate...

3 years ago
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The Shocking Affair Of My Life 8211 Part 2

Hi people once again as told earlier part my name Alisha and am 19 years old. I would like to thanks everyone for their overwhelming responses for my first part and would like to make few things clear ‘“just because I wrote an incest incident it doesn’t mean that I have to like it, I wrote it because I wanted to… Sorry to all those people whom I couldn’t respond due to lack of time and being said that I would like all the women and men to comment back about my second part I would do my best to...

2 years ago
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The Point Chapter 6

The next day at the weight room, Zach and Mark were talking over how they would lead the team for the rest of the year. They decided that Mark would focus on the guards and Lee, while Zach would focus on the big-men and Ant. They discussed what they needed to work on with the team and, of course, “the bigger picture.” They both decided that Justin was the one who needed their help the most. Hopefully, they could help out Ant at the same time, but that would certainly be up to the two of them....

Gay Male
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My Daughters Roommate

It was well after midnight, and I tossed and turned, tormented by her presence in the next room. I was agitated, my mind racing with delicious yet agonizing images in my head - "sleep" not only seemed hopeless, there was a part of me that didn't want to fall asleep at all, as it would put an end to any possibilities, no matter how silly or remote. And in that state of mind, you can understand why I thought perhaps I *was* asleep, that I was dreaming, when the door slowly opened, and there...

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My sister becomes a mother

During our time together, Sandy had become more and more angry with our Mother and she couldn’t think of anything else but making Mom pay for what she did to her. After a month or so, Sandy came to me with a favor to ask. Sandy needed my help and she explained that I would not be held responsible for anything that came about from her plan. Her plan for making life miserable for our mother was to get pregnant and tell Mom it happened after getting picked up in a bar. She would tell Mom that...

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first time out door sex

Pop goes the Champaign and Ryan pours me a glass, I put my hand out for it and get scolded, I smile and do as I am told, I put my hands on my lap and Ryan puts the glass to my lips and tilts it and I take a drink but some spills out of my mouth. Ryan leans over and gently licks the spilled Champaign, saying that is the most alcohol he will get tonight. I lean in and kiss him back gently at 1st and then harder more urgent. We fall backwards onto the rug. Ryan’s right arm is round my shoulder and...

4 years ago
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The Eruption

Trevor left the house in a foul mood, he slammed the door with such force that a vase fell off a stand just inside the door. He was so angry that if he hadn't left when he did he would have slapped his wife, maybe slap was a mild description with his army training he could have broken her neck. The row, one of many had started because he wouldn't go to one of her dinners. These dinners were conducted with individual from the local religious establishment that she was involved with, an...

2 years ago
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a story for HornyMahoney

this is just a story of what would happen the first time me and Hornymahoney would meet. this is just a story for now lol. i hope she and everyone else enjoys this. after weeks and then months of talking via xhamster we now got to meet. we had talked about alot of things for some time now and one was about what we would do the first time we would meet. today was the day so i took a nice long shower, shaved, and got ready to meet her. i was a 6'00 tall man dark skinned with long dark hair....

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A Shemale Fantasy and my wife Part 4

Introduction: The Conclusion Basking in the glow of what just happened, I put my head back and just passed out from total bliss. I didnt know what else Carol had in store, but I knew I wanted to be well rested. A few hours later I was woken up by Carol. Wake up baby this day is just getting started she said. My eyes opened and I was like a kid on Christmas morning. I couldnt wait to see and feel what she had in store for me next. Carol instructed me to shower get dressed and leave the house...

2 years ago
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One Night To Remember With Palak

Hey guys, VB here. It’s my first story here on ISS so I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m a 20 y/o guy, 6’1″ height and an athletic build. The girl in the story is Palak(Name changed). She’s my friend for a year now and she met me when she first joined my gym and we became friends overtime. Usually after her workout, her brother came to pick her up but few days ago when it was her time to leave, she came to me to ask if I could drop her to her place as she was tired to walk on her own or take...

3 years ago
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Payback Chapter Two

It’s been nine days since Wade kissed me, seven days since our first date, five days since he pushed me up against his car with an intense kiss, and exactly two minutes since grinding my backside against him in a room full of people. I quickly excuse myself to the bathroom before becoming completely soaked. We’re at a concert. The snooty bitch, Jo (short for Joanne), whose name I’d recently come to learn - and who very clearly has the biggest crush on Wade - is in a band. And not a bad one at...

Straight Sex
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Sissy and Her Daddy

My name is Jane. I'm 24, and I live with Richard, a 45 year old man I call "Daddy." We've been together almost two years now, and we are deeply in love.Although Daddy is willing and able to support me financially, I enjoy my job waiting tables, so I put in about thirty hours a week a local café. We take this money and put it in our "get away from it all" account, and Daddy looks after paying the monthly bills.I don't know if we can get married, legally, since I indeed have a penis (as does...

3 years ago
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Sally awakes Chapter 14

I got a phone call from Sue. She and Sid were having an anniversary party and she invited Dad and I. It sounded like fun. Dad was less enthusiastic but I told him he might get lucky and he finally said he would go. I told him his wardrobe needed an update as his clothes were too business-like. He said he wasn’t into fads but I told him we should go and at least look for an outfit. Something to put him in the party mood. He agreed and off we went. We looked at a few places and he wasn’t...

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