Connecting Rod Ch. 09 free porn video

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Chapter 9: Michelle’s Story

February 22, 1961

My name is Michelle Dawson and up until recently, I had no hope of living a perfect life. According to my driver’s license, I’m five foot six and weight one hundred and forty pounds. I am the daughter of Florence Toews and Walter Dawson, and I was an accident. My parents married when Florence discovered she was pregnant at age seventeen. Walter, a handyman with some useful skills, made a scrape-by living. We lived in a small rented house on the outskirts of Sedro Woolley, in Skagit County.

I guess the marriage was a mistake from the beginning. My ma was too immature to raise a child and manage a home, and Dad wasn’t ready to be a father himself. He spent his time working and drinking at the local tavern while Ma was left to tend to me.

The marriage ended when she finally got fed up with doing all the looking-after and left, taking nothing more than her clothes and our little bit of savings. I was five at the time. My father was completely amazed that Ma would not only leave him, but leave me behind. It was a life-changing experience, and for the next ten years he did the best he could to provide for us.

I had no idea why my mother left, but I grew to hate her and my memories of her. I had been abandoned by the one person I relied on to help me. My father did his best, but it wasn’t the same. My teenage years were hell. With few friends and struggles at school, I saw my father sink further and further into depression and alcoholism. By the time I was fifteen, I was running the house by myself.

I was interested in my father’s work. He was a fixer. He could repair almost anything if he could understand it and was sober. It was interesting for me to watch him work on appliances, cars, farm equipment — almost anything mechanical. He was naturally good at problem solving, something he passed along to me. By the time I reached my teens, I was good at a lot of my father’s skills. I think what helped me most was my curiosity about how things worked.

If I had a hobby in the little free time I had to myself, it was to read manuals for the equipment my father would be fixing. As Dad’s drinking made him more unreliable, it was left to me to finish some of his work to earn enough money to get by on. I took pride in my talent, but I wasn’t kidding myself that I could turn it into a career.

One cold, wet February day, Walter Dawson, my father, dragged himself into our house, drunk again. The clock said it was almost six o’clock and there was no supper on the table. He bellowed my name as he staggered around. A few seconds later, I opened front door and stepped in, carrying my school books. I could hear his hollering from across the yard.

‘Where the hell have you been?’

‘School. Had some extra work,’ I said, getting past him.

He grabbed the arm of my coat and yanked me back.

‘Where’s my supper? You know it’s supposed to ready now.’

‘You’ll have to wait. It’s not ready yet.’ I’d had about enough of this.

Smack! He backhanded me across the face. Luckily, as drunk as he was, he hit just a partial blow along my jaw, but just the same, it hurt. I looked at him but didn’t say anything. He had never hit me before. Never! I turned and went to my room, putting my books on the little night table and took off my coat. There were tears now. Tears for all the frustrations of the last twelve years. All the pain I had bottled up inside.

I dried my eyes and walked to the kitchen and began to make the supper. My father, slumped in his chair, watched me. Even in his drunken state, he must have figured out that something had changed. Something had happened when he hit me. He was too drunk to know why he had done that. I was a good daughter and had done my best to look after him. If that damn floozy he married hadn’t run off ….

When my father slowly climbed out of bed the next morning, he would have stumbled to the kitchen, looking for the coffee that should be made. There wouldn’t be any. The pot would be sitting empty and cold. If he took the trouble to look for me in my room, he would find the bed made, but I wouldn’t be there. I doubt he would think much more of it. I had probably gone to school, he would suppose. No doubt he’d be pissed off that I hadn’t made the coffee like usual.

When he arrived home that night, there would still be no sign of me. This time it was going to be different. This time I would not come home. This time I was never coming back to that tiny house again. Walter Dawson was now on his own, left to care for himself. I had broken free, and at age seventeen, I would never return.

I had no relatives that I knew of. There was little point in returning to school. It had been my escape place, but now, with no place to live, I would have to make it on my own. I had a little money from babysitting jobs and other sources, but it wouldn’t go far. One thing was stuck in my mind. I was leaving Sedro Woolley. I would make my way someplace else.

I got a job as a waitress in a truckstop along the Interstate 5 in Ferndale. Midge, the dayshift head waitress, helped me find a place to stay with an elderly farm couple not far from the diner. I had never waited tables before, but it didn’t require much more than a good memory and a thick hide. With my body, I got plenty of rude comments and more than a few gropes. Midge taught me to ignore them unless they got too personal, then Midge would handle it.

A couple of months after I started, the big toaster died suddenly one morning, right in the middle of the breakfast rush. Midge was swearing like a trooper under her breath as she tried to handle the problem. Curious, I went to the machine and turned it over. I opened the bottom hatch and looked at the connection from the cord to the control panel. It was a simple problem. A wire had come loose. Within five minutes I had secured the wire using a knife blade and the toaster was back in business.

‘Where the hell did you learn to do that?’ Midge said with a big smile.

‘I learned to fix a lot of stuff with my dad. I’m just happy it was that simple and not a burned-out element.’

‘Well, girl, you just saved me a lot of grief. Thank you.’

I nodded, smiling at how much that little repair had meant to the girls. It reminded me of how much I enjoyed fixing things. The satisfaction was my reward. For the next few months, I was consulted on anything that wasn’t working properly. My opinion usually was the decision-maker on what should be done. More often than not, the other girls covered for me while I worked on the repair. They also split the tips, not wanting me to be short-changed by volunteering my talent.

As I lay in bed at night, I had dreams about my future. Or maybe they were nightmares. Would I end up like my mother, tied to a loveless marriage, kids underfoot in some dingy trailer park? I had preserved my virginity despite all the attempts of the young guys who chased after me. I knew what they wanted. I was damned if I was going to make my mother’s mistake. I would only give myself to a man I could count on. Someone I cared about. Perhaps even loved.

I didn’t see it in myself, but others did. Midge often remarked in conversation how tough I was. Mentally tough, she meant. I had lived a miserable existence and yet I survived, an optimist without much to be optimistic about. Most of the guys thought I was attractive in a way, but not a beauty. Midge said it crossed her mind more than once that I would make the right guy a very happy man, but he’d better not cross me.

I broke down and accepted some dates from a few of the regular customers I knew weren’t married. It usually involved a movie or occasionally even a dance at the local tavern, but almost always ended up in the back seat of some car. When I finally surrendered my virginity, it was almost like I was giving up. I handed my date a condom and made sure he used it.

It was painful a
nd pointless. I had no personal tie to the guy, and today I couldn’t recall his name. The sex wasn’t scary, but didn’t feel like what I expected or wanted. Disappointing, I guess you could call it.

I tried with a few other dates, but again, never had any real enjoyment from the sex. It was just … sex. It was often over with before I was even ready to enjoy it. After a while, I just quit worrying about it and would decide whether or not to allow the guy to finish the date that way or not. It really didn’t matter to me very much.

I guess Midge was watching what was going on with me. She had taken an interest in me, keeping me on the dayshift to make sure that my repair skills were always available when needed most. But she also watched the parade of guys I dated, knowing full well they weren’t all gentlemen. She decided to talk to me one afternoon when there was a lull at the diner.

‘Shelly, you know I care about you and I think you’re the best thing that’s happened to this diner since I got here,’ Midge began.

I looked at her, a bit worried. ‘Are you going to fire me?’

‘No … or course not. It’s just … these guys … the ones you’ve been goin’ out with. I don’t think they’re right for you. You’re too good for them. You need to find a guy that you care about.’

‘Yeah … I know. But those kinds of guys don’t grow on trees. I guess I just have to bide my time. But you’re right. I’m tired of just goin’ out with some guy just have a date. Most of them just want one thing anyway. About all I get out of it is a free movie,’ I complained.

‘Well, if I see a likely candidate, I’ll let you know,’ Midge smiled. ‘In the meantime … just be careful … OK?’

I grinned and nodded. Midge was in her middle thirties, but acted older. I respected the woman because she respected me. We were fast friends at work, but Midge had a husband and a couple of kids in school, so we didn’t see much of each other beyond work.

Bart Towsley was a sometime regular at the diner and friendly with Midge. I’d heard her mention my repair skills more than once when Bart commented he was looking for a mechanic to work at his station in Bellingham. He admitted it wasn’t a great place like the ones up on the interstate, but he had a steady trade and needed a second mechanic to do the usual service station jobs. When I heard that, I was almost afraid to say anything, but sucked up my courage one afternoon.

‘Bart, I can do that job. I know how to lube and do oil changes and change tires. I’m strong enough to work in the shop.’ I tried to sound as confident as I could.

Bart looked up in surprise. ‘Where’d you learn to do all that?’

‘My daddy taught me. You’d be surprised what I can do. Just ask Midge.’

‘Well, I don’t know. You don’t have any papers, I s’pose?’

‘Nope. But I can do the work and you don’t have to pay me trade wages ’til I can prove it to you.’ I was gaining some confidence.

‘I don’t know, Shelly.’ He looked doubtful.

‘Is it because I’m a girl?’

Bart looked at me for a moment, then nodded.

‘I ain’t never heard of a girl mechanic.’

‘What you got to lose by givin’ me a try?’

‘Nothin’ I suppose,’ he said, nodding slightly. ‘Alright … I’ll give you a try.’

‘Well, I’m not quittin’ this job on a hope, so since I get Tuesday and Wednesday off, I’ll come down there and you can decide.’

Bart smiled. ‘Fair enough. See you then.’

That was over five years ago. It hasn’t been easy and more than once I thought about going back to Ferndale and the diner. I was forced to leave the farm and move to Bellingham. All I could afford was a basement suite in an older home on the north side of town. I kept hoping that Bart’s job would amount to something more, but after a couple of years, I could see it was never going to get any better.

I liked the job and Bart was fair enough, but the place was a mess. I had my application in all over town. There had to be something better. Jurgen had come along, but he was in no better situation than I was. I had just about given up hope when the Williamses showed up.

It’s funny how things can change in a hurry. I was lubing Mr. Waterford’s old Pontiac when this good-looking young guy wanders into the shop. He had sort of a swagger, I guess you’d call it. Not cocky-like, but confident. I wandered over to see if he wanted something but he said he was just looking around. I noticed him because his truck had Montana plates and … well … he was good-looking.

When he came back the next day, he was with an older woman and a short, fat guy I’d seen around the station once or twice. They went into Bart’s office and talked for a while before the young guy came out to the garage. Turns out he was thinking of buying the place, and cleaning up the mess it was in. I have to admit, I was excited. If he was going to do what he said, this would be a lot better place to work.

Turns out he spoke German, too. He and Jurgen got along great, but in the end, I told him if he didn’t buy this place I was going to head for greener pastures myself. He was dangling that better job in front of me and if it got snatched away, I’d be gone. He told me to hold tight for a bit while he tried to make a deal, and by golly, he did.

Turns out he was a cowboy on his daddy’s ranch and the woman he was with was his mother. Eleanor was her name, Eleanor Williams. The handsome cowboy was Rod, but I heard his mom call him Roddy now and then. He spent some time in the Army learning about mechanics and such, so he was well prepared to run a service station.

The first thing he did was call a meeting at his house and his mom cooked the best dinner I’d had in my whole life. The reason for the meeting was to let Jurgen and me know what he was going to do and what he needed us to do. I couldn’t wait to get started. It was the best thing that had happened to me since I was hired by Midge.

I don’t think I ever worked as hard as I did when we went about cleanin’ up that station. But two weeks later, when we were done, it was somethin’ to behold. It looked brand new and the special floor that we put in the shop was amazing. You could clean it with a damp cloth. Jurgen had figured out how to make it so it wasn’t slippery and Rod had him show us how. That was when I figured the boss was one smart guy. He listened to other people. He didn’t pretend he knew everything.

That last Friday when we were almost done cleaning and fixing, I was beyond beat. I remember sitting in the shop floor, leaning against the wall and wondering if I had the energy to stand up. Rod came along and slid right down beside me. He and Jurgen were just as tired as I was. He told me what a great job I’d done and I think that’s when I started to fall in love with him.

A couple of days later, Eleanor came to see me. You could have knocked me over with a feather. She was offering room and board at their house. At first, I thought I better say no. I mean, it might not be proper. But she kept after me, telling me it would be better for my health and everything. I guess Rod had told her about my place when he took me home that Friday night. I don’t even remember it, I was so tired.

So I said OK, and packed up my stuff and moved into their big mansion in town. At least, it seemed like a mansion to me. It had more rooms on one floor than our whole house did in Sedro Woolley. I had my own private bedroom with a big closet and I only shared the bathroom with Eleanor. Rod had his own bathroom. I’d never heard of a house with more than one bathroom, but this one had three. Two upstairs and one downstairs. The downstairs one didn’t have a bathtub.

I was even more surprised when a week later, Jurgen moved in too. Eleanor and Rod said they wanted our place to be like a family, so having us all together like that would make it better. It was fine by me. I pitched in and helped with the cleaning and cooking so that Rod’s mom wouldn’t be b
urdened with it all. I know they appreciated my help. It was the least I could do, they being so kind to me. Besides, it would keep me close to Rod.

Things kind of went along well after that. I was working steady and it was a pleasure to walk to the station every day. It looked so good and everybody said so when they came by. After a while, Eleanor started giving me clothes that she said didn’t fit her right or didn’t look good on her. It was amazing how they seemed to fit me just fine. I finally figured it out that she was trying to help me, but it didn’t feel right.

One night when there was just the two of us, I had a long talk with her. She admitted she was buying stuff for me. She said I deserved it and she just wanted to help out. I told her that I felt bad about that, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She said something that nearly knocked my socks off. She said she thought of me like the daughter she never had. I was so shocked, I started to cry.

Eleanor gave me a big hug and told me just to let her do what she wanted to. She didn’t have anyone else besides Roddy, Jurgen, and me, so she considered it like helping a relative. I didn’t know whether I thought of her as a mother or as an older sister. I know one thing for sure. I thought she was one fine lady.

Turns out, she was doing the same thing for Jurgen. He’d get a new sweater or shirt or something on the pretense that it didn’t fit Rod or wasn’t the right color. It didn’t fool anyone, including Jurgen. I think Eleanor had a talk with Jurgen too and it seemed like pretty soon he was OK with her gifts. In fact, I got the idea that they were getting pretty friendly.

We had a nice Christmas and I got gifts from everyone. That was something I had never had before. A real Christmas with a real Christmas tree and a real Christmas dinner. It felt good. Then I heard we were going to some New Year’s dance in town that Rod was invited to and the next thing I know, Eleanor is hustling me over to the new Bon Marché and buying a bunch of clothes for me. She just couldn’t keep from helping out. Then again, she bought a new dress and shoes for herself, too.

When I tried on the dress, I nearly fainted. You could see almost all my titties hanging out when I bent over. And the dress was real short, too. I told the girl that I couldn’t wear this. What would people think? But Eleanor and her said it was what everyone was wearing and I shouldn’t worry about it. They said I looked real good in it.

I wasn’t sure they were telling the truth until Eleanor and I walked downstairs on New Year’s Eve when we were getting ready to go to the party. I thought Rod’s eyes were going to bug out of his head. Anyway, he said I looked great and that’s all I needed to hear. If he was OK with it, I was OK.

We had a real fine dinner and even some wine. There were a lot of people at the dinner and every once in a while I’d recognize one or two who’d been in to the station. When the dinner was over, the band started up and pretty soon Rod wanted to dance. I was a bit nervous. Jurgen had given us some dance lessons — you know, the waltz and foxtrot and such. It took a bit to get going, but after a couple of numbers, I was feeling better and relaxing.

Rod and I were back sitting at the table when Jurgen and Eleanor came off the dance floor. Right away, Eleanor says we should go to the washroom. I didn’t know why, but I followed her anyway. When we get there, she starts telling me about getting closer to Rod when we’re dancing, just like all the other young people are. Well, I wasn’t so sure about that, but Eleanor said she was sure Rod would like that.

Well, turns out she was right. Pretty soon, we were so close I could feel his thing against me. I knew then that he was interested, so I just let it happen. He tried to get back from me, but I wouldn’t let him. I wanted him to know I was OK with it. After a while he figured that out.

At midnight, we had some champagne at the table and I ended up kissing Rod for the very first time. It was good. No, hell, it was great. He’s a really good kisser. Not slobbery or rough or anything. I thought I was going to faint, it felt so good. We’d been dancing real close and he had his arms around my waist and we were telling each other how much we liked being there. I was pretty sure I was falling in love with him.

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April O Connor was walking from the bus station to her home, a building block where her flat was. It was 5:00PM and she was returning from her job. April was a an attractive short haired Brunette with a slim figure at the tender age of 27; grey-blue eyes, 5 foot 9, very brave and she hated the youth gangs around here, turning to crime and forcing younger and smaller kids to pay them protection money. April saw three young teenagers surrounding a much smaller and younger kid. The smaller and...

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An Invitation from Aphrodite

Melissa woke slowly, she felt the body heat of another, stronger than Desire's heat, with which she was familiar with. The heat of another body, a hotness of flesh not human, but divine. As her head cleared of the dreams and visions her sleep brought her. A scent began to fill her nostrils, the scent of Kyphi, the most precious and rare scent of the ancient world, sacred to the Goddesses. Melissa opened her eyes, Desire was still sleeping, laid on her side, she rested against Melissa’s body....

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Daddy Doesnt Spare The Rod

This is the first sex story I ever wrote and I posted it a little over a year ago in the forum. I was reading over it again and decided to try it on a wider audience. ___________________________________________________________________________________ When she was very little, she liked to strip off all of her clothes and run naked outside. She loved to feel the air tickle her tiny body. She loved the feel of the soft grass against her skin. Mommy saw her and told her that only naughty little...

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Elise and Rod

Not all stories that start out with "Once upon a time" have happy endings. The characters do not necessarily live happily ever after as was the case in this one. It started as a fair tale that my wife tried to tell me, but unfortunately for her (or me — depending on how you look at it) I knew the game she was going to play. Once upon a time there was a marriage planned. Elise and I had grown up together and it had always been expected, at least by our mothers, that we would marry when we...

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From Internship Room To Sex In Baroda

Hello guys, this is the continuation of my previous story . So after having our time in the internship room the last day, we went to our different ways. Though we were still in contact with each other it was less due to our work. I tried calling her to my room in Mumbai in a disguise but then I thought it would be wrong and dropped the plan. After completing my job I came back to Baroda and got on with life and work then one day my mobile rang and it was her. She – Hey dear! How are you? Me –...

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FapHouse Parody

When is the last time you visited the Fap House now that you have been wandering on the internet to look for the best stuff to float your sunk boat? Back up, dumbass! I am not referring to your auntie's place, where you are not allowed to fuck your teen cousin, leading you to the bathroom to rub out load after load. (Chill, son, I just know how painful it is to not fuck a hot cousin. Fap House is a premium site that has ridiculously made a grand entrance in the porn industry, getting up to over...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Connecting with Mother Ch 5

Chapter 5 “I think that’s enough Ian. I need a drink badly.” She did up her blouse and sorted her skirt. Her stockings, belt and heels were still in place so we could move fairly quickly to the aisle and up to the front office and entrance. As we rose to go there were the odd comments like: brilliant; lush; fucking gorgeous; do come again (or was it cum again?); thank you; when will you next be down? The last is one I knew not to answer. To be specific on that would have drawn crowds in...

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Connecting Rod Ch 0102

Chapter 1: The Cowboy Starts a New Life August 14, 1958 The old, olive-drab jeep rolled down Meadowbrook Road. Might have been doing near fifty, I thought. Not bad for this old refugee. Not bad except for the dust. I’d miss this ugly old girl. Quicker than any horse I ever rode. A fifty dollar wonder at an army surplus yard. I spent a lot of hours getting it to go again, but she ran like new. Better than new, some said. Just a few minutes to town and I’d be at the feed store. Pick up the...

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MindFuck of The Hermaphrodite

Authors note: this is the TG part of a larger story adapted to stand alone. Synopsis of other things: Imagine a world where the superpower gene and the gay/transgender gene are one and the same. For some time a demon called Talon is seeking to enslave New York, corrupting its heroes and releasing its villains. MindFuck of The Hermaphrodite By Topaz172 New York The Mayor of New York glared impotently at his 18 year old son, or rather his Master did. It had been it's...

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Rodney When I was in my early twenties I didn't really know what I wanted from life. I had a girlfriend and spent a lot of time with her but we were really buddies. For a long time we did nothing more than kiss a little and we were both fine with that. I learned fairly quickly that she had great taste in lingerie ? matching bras and panties in all kinds of silky, lacy fabrics and pretty colors. More than once I snuck into her panty drawer and checked them out. I eventually took a pair...

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Connecting RodChapter 2 A New Beginning

July 25, 1968 We took our time along U.S. 2 and we were both pleased that our trip and our welcome to Bellingham was blessed with good weather. July of 1968 in northwest Washington was mainly warm and sunny and welcoming to us. Within a week, we had found a furnished house to rent. Almost all of our previous furniture had stayed with the sale of the ranch. It was only good luck that the house we found was an elegant, older Victorian-style home with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. It was...

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Pegging and rods

 Pegging and rods After a long but fun night out at the bar, Alex and Donna were staggering their way home through the freshly fallen snow. It was a very cold night and Donna wished they had taken the car. Once inside the warm inviting living room both Alex and Donna breathed a sigh of relief. Beers in hand, they settled down for a relaxing night. "You know" said Donna "I'm getting a little warm now, I think I'll go get into my PJs" and off she went to go upstairs...she added “you can always...

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Sex with my hot neighbor in Baroda

My name is Raja from Baroda, gujarat 20yrs old and i am 5″1o and with looking good personality. This incidents took place when i was only 19 and my neighbor was 21. Shazia(name changed) lived in my neighborhood, she was studying in f.a. she was the most beautiful girl i have ever seen. From the first day when i saw her, i was truly mad for her. She had a very well shaped figure 37-26-36 size . Sometimes i use to call her at my pace to talk to her. We talked daily on the phone and sometimes on...

3 years ago
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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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AEBN Parody

It's easy to forget that porn can be more than boner-inspiring. Most of the time, a man booting up his computer to watch some titties has a plan in mind. That plan is to stroke his penis until it fires out the devil's milk. It isn't fucking rocket science.Two Good ThingsHowever, sometimes I pull up porn to get a good laugh also. Parody porn has been around as long as porn has. Often, the films are based around significant movie releases and combine regular porn with humor. There is nothing like...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Adult Empire Parody

What’s up, you dirty dog! How’s your cock holding up? Have you been remembering to take breaks? You’ve got to give that little pecker a rest, or you’ll be beating some burnt meat real soon! Trust me. I know from experience! But you can spend one more day engaging in some much-needed “self-care”, right? Well, that’s great to hear! Because I’ve got some pretty great content for you and your cock today!In a world where movies are being made for either 16-year-old girls or the Chinese government,...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Daniel Marie The Hermaphrodite

DANIEL, MARIE, & THE HERMAPHRODITE Of the few experiences we've had with others sexually, this one is the topper! I've only seen a couple pictures of a natural hermaphrodite. A girl with a large dick in place of their clit. They even have balls inside them, so they can cum like a man! Otherwise, good looking lady's that I've seen thus far. Just the thought of it opens up several possibilities! Certainly gives me a chubby thinking it over! One day, Marie and I were on our favorite sex...

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Connecting with Mother Ch 3

Chapter 3 The effect of my staying home with Gillian that weekend was quite profound. I had found a way of being and relating to her that was significantly different sexually from the past. Our relationship had been highly sexual, indeed that was the initial attraction and immediate. However, once we settled together our sex life became routine and vanilla like. In turn our lives became surface in nature rarely stepping into sorting out our increasing distance with each other. I started...

4 years ago
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Connecting RodChapter 9 Michelles Story

February 22, 1961 My name is Michelle Dawson and up until recently, I had no hope of living a perfect life. According to my driver's license, I'm five foot six and weight one hundred and forty pounds. I am the daughter of Florence Toews and Walter Dawson, and I was an accident. My parents married when Florence discovered she was pregnant at age seventeen. Walter, a handyman with some useful skills, made a scrape-by living. We lived in a small rented house on the outskirts of Sedro Woolley,...

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The Prodigal

Synopsis: It's Christmas time, and the holiday season is bittersweet for Paul and Debbie Noland. Seven years ago their son disappeared without a trace, and they found their faith shaken to its very core. Christmas is the Season of Miracles, however, and when a young woman named Breegan comes into their lives they find joy, celebration and a miracle of their very own. The Prodigal By Scott Ramsey Edited by Amelia R. Nestled in the pines five miles northwest of...

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The Return of Prodigal

The Return Of The Prodigal By Estaban Bacca A hot Maltese sun had baked the limestone village throughout the day. Theshadows had grown long and any activity along the quay had died away. EdgarBaldachino sat at his regular table outside the café. Over the rim ofa wine glass, his eyes watched the fleet of fishing luzzus peacefullybobbing at their moorings but his thoughts were far from tranquil. His mindwas thirty years in the past. He had been a youth of eighteen when he'd decided he had to...

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In autumn of 1961 Maria Bellucci and I just couldn,t keep our hands off each other. My first serious sexual affair at age sixteen I loved and lusted after her tight pussy and she couldn,t seem to get enough of my cock. Having gone pheasant hunting with me she suggested we go fishing before the season finished November 1st, but basically she wanted a remote spot to fuck undisturbed and I was Up for it in All ways. Being a chilly damp day I packed my two man tent with it,s waterproof floor, an...

3 years ago
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Baby sis want my rod

My 18-year-old sister Meghana came bounding into the kitchen wearing her black bikini. I had little time to react before she jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around me. She squealed loudly in my ear and I had to grab onto the counter to keep from falling over. “I’m sooooo happy to see you big brother! It’s been so long!” “Uh, good to see you too Meg. Mind if I catch my breath?” “Oh sure!” she smiled and unwrapped her lithe body from my frame. I turned back to the counter and grabbed...

1 year ago
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The divining rod

Walter Jonas pulled his van into the lane leading to the Circle Double Bar Ranch and drove the quarter mile or so to the house that sat on a small rise at the end of the lane. The big red letters on the side of his truck told it all, WATER DIVINING, W.B. Jonas, Prop.! This was hot country, southern Texas, where the temperature could stay above 100 degree for weeks at a time, and where water was more valuable than oil, well, you can't go that far, but it was pretty darn precious in its own...

2 years ago
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The Charm of Aphrodite

Derick stood in front of his altar, carefully inscribing the last of the designs on the piece of copper foil. He checked his work against the illustration in the book, and smiled when he saw that it was perfect. He took the vial of rose-oil and anointed the charm, reciting the accompanying text, which ended, ‘Most holy and revered Goddess, Laughter-loving Aphrodite, I beseech you, grant me the object of my affection. By your most holy name PASIPHAESSA KYTHEREIA I ask this.’ He brought the charm...

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A Lovefest with Brande Roderick

I had anxiously looked forward to this night ever since I won the Playboy lottery [offered only to very long term subscribers] to serve as a waiter at the Valentine’s Day party at the Mansion. I knew it would be an exciting night but what actually occurred was far more thrilling than anything I could possibly have imagined! We ‘winning waiters’ were issued light cream-colored tuxes with gold bow ties and cummerbunds so guests could easily spot us. The chief bartender kept us running, serving...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 43 Rodney

In April, I had an interesting experience with an officer's wife and one of her sons. She was Angela McG-- and he was her oldest, Rodney, a good-sized lad of sixteen, fuzz-faced, long-legged, gawky and eager to get into the fight. He wanted to join the army like his quartermaster father, and she did not want him to. Captain Foster sent me to see her, and I am not sure whether or not he thought he was doing me or her a favor. She was a healthy and handsome woman in her mid-thirties. She had...

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Body Chaos Rodeo

There exists a city in the middle of the multiverse, floating in the ether between dimensions, that seems normal enough for most of the year. But for one rowdy month, the rodeo comes to town--and the chaos that ensues is a spectacle to behold! This is no ordinary rodeo. Humans from Dimension 482 might recognize a rodeo as a place where other humans in big hats chase around animals to prove that they can dominate their four-legged quarry with ropes, horses, and sheer will. Some Pellians from...

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TGirl Rodeo

Howdy folks, we would like to welcome y'all to the finals for the 10th Annual T-girl Rodeo! Now this here being the tenth anniversary and all we're gonna put on one hellva show for ya! Commentating up here in the announcers box with me is the first ever T-girl Grand Champion, Lorna "Tail Buster" Johnson. Folks let's give the Tail Buster here a great big rodeo welcome! Say howdy to these good folks Lorna!Howdy, good folks!Hoo wee, Lorna those folks sure are glad to see you here with me!I'd say...

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The Rodeo

Chapter 1: The beginning and the end. Before he even opened the door Ray knew what he would find once he walked into the house. Her car was gone out of the driveway, that was a sure sign something was wrong. She was always there to meet him when he came in off the road. The last time they talked on the phone, she had told him it was either her or the rodeo. He told her he couldn’t quit, not yet. He was to close to finally getting the brass ring. She had slammed the phone down on his ear and he...

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Connecting Rod Ch 0304

Chapter 3: The New Owner August 30, 1968 My first act as the new owner was to call a meeting with Shelly, Jurgen and my mother. We met for supper at the house. Mom had prepared a typical Sunday dinner of roast beef with plenty of potatoes, beans and corn. Shelly devoured her portion as if she hadn’t eaten in a week. I wondered if perhaps she hadn’t. Jurgen was more refined with old-fashioned table manners, much like my mother. We talked during the meal with my telling them a little bit about...

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Connecting CH 02

Kelly was the first to wake up in the morning with a slight headache, and was staring at her father’s sleeping face upon opening her eyes. He’s so cute. She smiled and reached out to touch him, but stopped as the previous night’s images flashed through her mind. We… had sex last night, after coming home from the hoedown. I had sex with my own father. She sat up against the bed’s headboard and looked out at nothing in particular. As much as I’d like to blame the alcohol again, I WANTED what...

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Connecting with Mother Ch 6

Chapter 6 The idea of Gillian being in London for a weekend without the children appealed to me, particularly the notion of taking her to the club. We managed to park our children with their aunt for the weekend. I decided as this was a new departure for Mum that it should be a short weekend, from Saturday afternoon till Sunday evening. Mum had not gone all tight and jealous and I put this down to my new relationship with her. I knew implicitly there was a risk but decided to live with...

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Connecting with Mother Ch 4

Chapter 4 I lay back in the sofa as Mum swallowed the spunk that had gone into her mouth. She fingered the rest from her face and tits swallowing that as well, and then leaned to me to kiss me. I hugged her to me and pushed my tongue in her mouth to share her taste. We were both exhausted from our lovemaking and fell into a snooze with her head on my chest. I woke up to feel Mum still on my chest and I felt a bit cramped and tried to move quietly but she also roused herself realising...

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Connecting Rod Ch 0506

Chapter 5: A New Year December 31, 1968 I was invited to a New Year’s Eve celebration sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. At first I declined, stating that I had my employees to entertain. When they were welcomed along with my mother, I quickly accepted the invitation. It seemed that I was a welcome new face in the downtown, and I was starting to be recognized among many of the businessmen of Bellingham. The party caused some brief consternation for Shelly. She didn’t have a dress and...

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Connecting Rod Ch 10

Chapter 10: Unexpected Events September 5, 1970 My head was still swimming from all the events that had happened since Shelly had her accident and we got engaged. I was still having trouble coming to grips with it. The previous four months saw us open a new shop not far from the service station. Duke was running it, and almost right away I could tell he was going to be a success. Shannon was right there beside him, helping him in every way she could, answering the phone, ordering parts,...

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Connecting Rod Ch 0708

Chapter 7: Commitment and Crisis May 19, 1969 The conversation with my mother stuck with me. I knew she was right. It was time to tell Shelly how I felt about her. It was the next morning when I hung back to talk to Mom. Shelly and Jurgen had already left for the garage. ‘Mom, I need some advice.’ She turned and looked at me with a knowing smile. ‘Go ahead.’ ‘I … I want to ask Shelly to … marry me.’ ‘I guessed that,’ she said, continuing to smile. ‘You did?’ ‘I think you’ve picked a...

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Connecting RodChapter 3 The New Owner

August 30, 1968 My first act as the new owner was to call a meeting with Shelly, Jurgen and my mother. We met for supper at the house. Mom had prepared a typical Sunday dinner of roast beef with plenty of potatoes, beans and corn. Shelly devoured her portion as if she hadn't eaten in a week. I wondered if perhaps she hadn't. Jurgen was more refined with old-fashioned table manners, much like my mother. We talked during the meal with my telling them a little bit about my background and...

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