Devotion To Aphrodite free porn video

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The legionnaire was very hairy. The hair on his broad back was long enough for Diana to get her fingers tangled right inside. But at least he spoke Greek. Of a sort. Not like the Roman centurion who'd fucked Diana for so long just a couple of hours ago. He'd spoken Vulgar Latin and some words of Aramaic from where he'd been stationed before being relocated to Smyrna. But even though she could hardly understand half what he said, he'd been a pretty good fuck. The sort that reminded Diana of why she'd chosen to dedicate herself to the service of Aphrodite. Or 'Venus' as the Roman had called the divine goddess. Typical of the Romans. They steal your religion and then they rename all the Gods. But at least they hadn't abandoned the true Gods like some people in the city had done.

The legionnaire's cock was thick and hairy and a kind of olive colour just like the rest of him. The glans had a small kink in it, but Diana licked it and watched as it became hard and shiny. She leaned over and dipped her fingers into a tub of olive oil, while her tongue nibbled and chewed at the scrotum, which tightened as his cock got larger. Then she pulled it out of her mouth and sat up. She smeared the olive oil all over the cock and testicles. And as she did so, she intoned a prayer to the Divine Aphrodite. This was standard procedure for a temple prostitute, and one way that distinguished her from the common prostitutes she so despised: who sold their bodies not for the greatest service of the gods, and in particular for the Divine Goddess Aphrodite, but for their own selfish pecuniary gain. And, furthermore, as was obvious when you saw these sorry creatures as they loitered outside the hovels where they provided their services, these women had none of the style, expertise or even the looks of a temple prostitute. No wonder the Temple of Aphrodite felt able to charge its services at a premium rate.

After the prayers were done, Diana poured sands into the uppermost of two conical vessels, so that the grains would slowly drop out into the vessel below through the small hole at its base and mark the passing of the time for which the legionnaire had paid for Diana's service. As was her duty to the Divine Goddess she would ensure that the legionnaire would benefit from the arts of Aphrodite as taught her by the other temple prostitutes and which further distinguished a temple prostitute from the common sort that the legionnaire could so much more easily afford.

However dedicated as Diana was to her craft, as her mouth closed over the tip of the legionnaire's penis, and she sucked in her cheeks, while slopping her tongue beneath the thick weight of the penis's girth, she could still contemplate the monetary worth of her endeavours. Not that one prostitute received more wealth in the temple than any other. Her services were for the good of the temple, which would safeguard not only the upkeep of the icons and statues, but also the long-term welfare of those older prostitutes who were no longer able to work in such a physical capacity. And the welfare of the children who were the fruit of the prostitutes' endeavours and who had to be cared for before they were old enough to be sold as indentured servants or, if they were female, to work as prostitutes in the temple.

The legionnaire's cock was soon at its maximum size, and there was still much more than half the volume of sand to go. Diana didn't want the legionnaire to be disappointed by too brief a love-making, but she sensed that he was very keen to enter her vagina, which was scented and perfumed according to the rituals, her pubic hair combed and plaited, and a ceremonial bronze ring threaded through her clitoris. She leaned on her back. This was a legionnaire who had undoubtedly raped and pillaged in the service of the empire and had learnt some bad habits with regard to how best to treat a woman. He pushed Diana's legs apart rudely, with his erect penis above him, and then plunged it straight into her without any more ceremony. Diana had got rather used to that. Soldiers were a rough lot, and those who'd come back from the furthest borders of the empire, where maltreatment and rape of captured women was common practice, were usually the worst. But Diana was a professional in the service of her Goddess and her role was to satisfy the man's lust, not to comment on his roughness. Clearly, the way he was going, it'd all be over well before half the sands were gone.

Diana applied her skills to slow down and extend the legionnaire's passion, avoiding his slobbery kisses on her cheeks and face (that wasn't part of the transaction!), and gripping his flobby, hairy buttocks in her hands. The inflation that was rife throughout the empire meant that the legionnaire was going to pay rather more sestertii for her services than he would have done a couple of years earlier when his legion was last in Smyrna. But Diana knew that those sestertii bought rather fewer goods in the market than the fee a few years earlier would have done. All was not well in the empire, as the soldiers would so often tell her, despite the assurances of the local officials who'd have her believe that nothing could injure the Empire under the wise governance of the Emperor. There were so many pagans and barbarians attacking the borders of civilisation, people who worshipped Gods other than those who reigned from Mount Olympus. There were the Goths, the Huns and the Persians. And the pagans tolerated inside the very borders of the empire, who sought to overthrow the divine order from within. How could the empire survive if its very spiritual basis was threatened?

"Now your arse!" grunted the legionnaire, pulling his still erect penis out of Diana's vagina.

"By the Great Goddess, no!" Diana responded. "I'm not a common whore. And you're not in a heathen land where barbarians are so depraved that they cannot tell apart a boy from a girl. Aphrodite has granted men and women the bounty of love, and she has decreed that it is to be done in the right and proper way. If you wish to besmirch your penis in an unclean receptacle then there are many sluts at the forum or the amphitheatre who will be pleased to help."

The legionnaire looked put out. He'd clearly forgotten that he was in a temple and that due respect needed to be given to its servants. "Forgive me, sister. I forgot myself. You're right. In the border land of Britain where the Pictish barbarians are massed, there is indeed no true decency. I have fucked many a pagan woman's arse, and, yes, I admit, a pagan man's too. I have not yet adjusted to civilised life. May I be permitted to re-enter the receptacle of Aphrodite's benison?"

Diana smiled. This legionnaire wasn't so rough and ill mannered after all. "Yes, of course, but first I shall lick your manhood again. It has lost some of the edge of its fervour."

Today was not an especially busy day. There were no festivals being celebrated. No public holidays. The soldiers in the city had arrived several weeks earlier and had learnt to be less free with their sestertii than they had earlier been. Days such as this were days of rest and recuperation for Diana. Less than a handful of men to service. She felt that the goddess Aphrodite had hardly been properly served today, and so when more than an hour had passed since the legionnaire had departed, Diana took leave of her chamber and entered the main body of the temple to pray to the goddess she served.

She entered the temple naked, as all servants of Aphrodite had to be within its hallowed walls. It would not be right to deny the worshippers of the Goddess of Love the sight of the object of love's devotion. Clothes were denied the temple prostitutes, except on those rare occasions when they should leave the temple estate. In fact, it was this very presence of clothing on Andromeda that alerted Diana that something had changed for her closest friend.

Diana bowed to the marble statue of Aphrodite that graced the temple, the Venus of Smyrna as the Romans called it. It was not much larger than an ordinary woman and it had the perfect proportions of the great goddess. The straight nose. The womanly bosom. The full buttocks. Diana sighed. If only her body was more like the Aphrodisiac ideal. Instead of being so very thin. To look at her slender thighs, no one could have imagined Diana as a woman of childbearing capability - even though she had borne two children for the service of the Great Goddess who were being cared for by the elderly temple matrons.

She had intended to masturbate in front of the great statue, thereby demonstrating the extent of her devotion and how much she loved the Goddess. She had always believed that it was necessary to worship Aphrodite in this traditional manner as often as one could, and then smear the juice of her passion, which would ease out of her vagina, onto the ceremonial candles so that they would burn with the scent of her sex. When masturbating, Diana would fantasise about the goddess Aphrodite coming down from Mount Olympus to be with her, as the gods were wont to occasionally do. And then she would take Diana as Zeus had with Leda and Europa, and the two would make wild sapphic love. Aphrodite's tongue deep in her vagina, while she would worship the labial folds of the great goddess. That would be the greatest honour for any servant of a deity. Sometimes she fantasised that Aphrodite had perhaps already come to her. Maybe in the guise of one of her clients. Or in the guise of one of the other temple prostitutes with whom she so often made love. She hoped, however, that she would not be as mischievous as the Father of the Gods, Zeus himself, and come as a swan or a bull. This was a habit of the Olympians that Diana couldn't really understand or appreciate.

But such devotion was not to be. She felt that before offering her juices to Aphrodite, she should learn why Andromeda had so chosen to disregard the spirit of the great goddess and enter her temple in clothes, and such modest clothes too. Diana wasn't sure she'd ever seen Andromeda in clothing before. All the time they spent together in the temple, ever since they were children and Andromeda had joined the temple after the unfortunate death of her parents in a plague, giggling together, playing games together, making love together, not once could Diana recall a time when she'd seen Andromeda cover her flesh. And such a shame to hide her beautiful body! The only body other than that of Aphrodite that Diana had truly loved with passion and emotion. Those full womanly breasts, the large thighs, the rounded folds of motherly flesh, the delicate fingers and toes; surely blessed by Aphrodite herself so as to provide her with better service in her duties to the temple.

And where were those breasts and that darling vagina now? Hidden under a dress that came down nearly to her ankles, and showed only the glimpse of her bosom. Her hair was tied back with a hairpin, and she carried a basket under her bared arm. Diana recalled their last lovemaking, just days before. There had been no hint then that Andromeda should so soon dishonour the reputation of the goddess of love. Indeed it was to love that she and Diana were the most true servants at that occasion. Truly, Cupid's arrow had been shot with great accuracy that day. Diana sighed as she recalled the rich sour odours of Andromeda's cunt. Her own vagina became slightly itchy and moist at the very recollection.

"Andromeda!" she called out in an urgent hiss. "Quickly! Take off your clothes! You don't want the temple mother to know of your discourtesy to the Great Goddess!"

Andromeda looked away from the mural on the wall, which depicted one of the triumphs of Aphrodite's passion over those who would deny the potency of her love. It was a mural that Diana and she had studied for many hours, tracing the details of the erect penises as they penetrated the virgins who had denied the services of Aphrodite for the sake of their selfish devotion to chastity. Why would Andromeda find such a painting so very fascinating today?

"Diana!" laughed Andromeda. "You haven't heard? I spoke to the temple mother just a couple of days ago. As of today, I am no longer a servant of the goddess Aphrodite."

Diana wasn't sure she'd heard right. She gasped, and walked backwards into a huge candle, the very one she intended to anoint with her vaginal juices.

"So, the mother hasn't spoken. It's true! I am no longer a temple prostitute. I no longer serve Aphrodite."

Diana gathered her wits about her. Defections from the temple were not unknown. Sisters sometimes left to marry their clients. Sometimes, though this was less often, they left because they no longer felt able to offer their body for sexual gratification perhaps as much as a dozen times a day. "Why? Why?"

"Because I no longer follow the goddess. She is no longer the one whom I serve. I have become a Christian."

"A Christian!" This was the worst news possible. Andromeda's soul was now lost. She would descend to the region of Hades, as did all unbelievers, destined to suffer eternal torment. "It's not too late, Andromeda. The goddess Aphrodite is forgiving and merciful. She can see that you are misled. She will allow you back into the fold. Please, Andromeda! Divest yourself of your clothes and return again to the service of the Goddess who so loves and cares for you!"

"Diana!" laughed Andromeda. "You don't understand. I have converted. I have been baptised in the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I have chosen to follow the dictates of the one true God, who is so Merciful that his own Son died so that our souls may be saved."

"Andromeda. Andromeda. This is profanity most foul. And spoken within the sacred confines of the great temple of Aphrodite. How has this happened? How have you been tempted away from the only true way? How have you become a pagan?"

Andromeda laughed again. She leaned out and placed her hand on Diana's bare shoulder, reminding her again of the passion they had shared so recently. She hoped that perhaps her love would persuade Andromeda to return to the service of Aphrodite and forget about this nonsense that the people of the sign of the fish had spread. Rue the day that the emperors had become so soft and tolerant that they permitted these pagans to spread their faith amongst the devout!

"Diana. It is you who is misled. I have heard the bishops and vicars of Christ speak. I have even seen the great patriarch of Smyrna himself. The true way is the way of Jesus Christ. He who is the Light and the Way. He who is Alpha and Omega." Andromeda made the sign of Alpha in the air, which looked so much like the shape of a fish. "I have struggled for many years with my faith. I have often thought that the religion of our Hellenic forebears has lost its way. It has been perverted by the Romans, who even assigned deity to their emperors, and it no longer carries its old authority."

"But Christianity? Does it not come from the Semitic nations of the Desert? The people of Palestine, Samaria and Assyria. How can a god worshipped by those savages be a god for civilised people?"

"Have you not heard? It is rumoured that even some of the senators in Rome may be Christian. And very many people throughout the Empire have been converted. With the momentum of so many conversions, it is surely only time until the Roman Empire becomes a Christian Empire."

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 19

Terence escorted Sandra down the hotel corridor to their suite. Sandra could not help but be impressed. It was larger than hers and Peter’s apartment, with a full-size living room and its own wet bar. The bedroom had a large kingside bed in it. The bathroom had an oversize sunken bathtub and a shower. Terence checked out the bar and said, “We have vodka, and we have orange juice. How about another screwdriver.” “Yes, thank you,” Sandra said, hoping it would calm her nerves. Terence made her...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 562

???????????????? ???????????? jus-dafax is at it again, many thanks ???????????? A woman came up to the pharmacist in a store and asked, “Do you have EXTRA large condoms in stock here?” The pharmacist replied, “Yes, we do, would you like to buy some?” The woman responded, “No thanks, but do you mind if I just hang around and see who buys them?” I was born male. I identify as male. However, according to Stouffer’s Lasagna, I’m a family of four. This morning I was beaten up by a well-endowed woman in the...

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Sweet Memories From Past

It’s been a few years since I am reading stories from ISS. Don’t really know what kept me from writing my own experience :)… from what i understand some stories are real and some are fantasies. It all depends on how you write and relate with the readers. I am not sure how good I will turn out to be, but will give it a shot :) This might turn out to be little longer. It would be great if I could get your views on my story (prateeksharmap at yahoo dot com) I am Prateek, 29, from Mumbai working in...

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Husband Gifts Erotic Massage To Wife On Valentine8217s day

Hello ISS readers, my story happened in the year 2013 and is about how I massaged a wife in Divegaar and climbed up the popular charts very quickly. Thank you. For those who don’t know me, I am a professional masseur who has several married and unmarried couples, divorcees, and single women as his clients. I was studying in the U.S. where I learned the technique of giving massages. I didn’t know that what I learned as a hobby will give me so many adventures here back in India. So, let’s begin...

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Rain Fighting The Attraction

It’s my first day of college at Howard University and my parents are just dropping me off. ‘Oh, my baby finally graduated! Oh, Brian, take one last picture with your step-daughter!’ He hugs me really tight while she takes the picture. She squeezes the life out of me for the last time. Honestly, I don’t mind my mother being overbearing. I feel kind of like how I felt when she dropped me off a Pre-K for the first time. Scared and nervous. I’m grown now, though. I don’t need anyone to hold my...

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TeamSkeetDupes Neveah Snow Orange Haired Orgasms

Pale and pretty Neveah Snow has always been a bit of a rebel, with her bright orange hair and cute pixie looks. Today, she rocks some sexy lingerie, and it is just too risque for her stepdads tastes. He asks her to change, but every one of Neveahs outfits is too seductive. Finally, she gives up and asks her stepdad to live a little, rubbing her hand on his big cock. She breaks his boner out of his shorts and sucks it, enticing him with every lick. Then, she rides her stepdads dong before taking...

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7 The Patriots Ch 1012

CHAPTER TEN He had been hoping it was just nerves and excitement, but as soon as Micah woke up he knew it wasn’t. He’d been poisoned with gluten. His gut twisted and burned and screamed at him in anger. He got up at 4 am and sat on the toilet for two and a half hours. When his roommate Danilo finally got up he told him to go use someone else’s bathroom. He was lucky that Danilo was so understanding. He went to Ellia’s room at the time he usually collected his breakfast, even though he knew...

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The Honeymoon BluesChapter 2

Roger was breathing normally, and had a smile on his face. Julie's hand was a mess, and it had gotten on her naked leg too. It had been warm at first, but now was cooling and felt slimy somehow. She got up. She realized she was panting, and her loins was on fire. He had finished, but she was left high and dry. Disgusted, she went to the bathroom and cleaned up with a warm wash cloth. She stared at her passed-out husband for a few minutes and, with a frustrated sigh, finally dug out her...

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Dominating my girlfriend

We were in the mood for great sex- but then again, when are we not- so we started kissing intensively. I realized I haven’t explored her submissive and masochistic side in a while, so I got up and unzipped my pants, telling her to suck my cock. She helped my cock out of the pants and started sucking on it, enjoying it. But that time it wasn’t about simple pleasure. So slowly, I started pushing her head down and started controlling things, moving my cock back and forth. I was basically fucking...

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Screams of Joy Part II

“Joy, are you still in there?” shouts Chris, before softly adding “Nah, it’s alright mate I heard her bedroom door go a minute ago.” “Wait! Give me a minute.” I say… even as the door opens and there is Chris, with some random bloke staring at my naked lotion covered body. “FUCK!” Fuck is the only thing I think. “No, wait, and that I’m going to beat Chris… Wait, I need a fucking towel.” I quickly turn to look for a towel, the only one in reach barely covers the front of my body leaving a...

3 years ago
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Anger For lack of a better title for now

She knocked and Stacey let her in. Stacey gave her a sad smile and Silk noticed that she had red marks on her body. Michael was being hard on them. Silk almost laughed right then. “Where is my dress so I can be on my way,” Silk asked of Stacey finally. “Its up there on the table, I’ll go get it…” Stacey began before Michael cut her off. Michael’s voice filtered down to the door, “She can come up here and face me if she wants it.” Silk pushed past Stacey, now mad at how Michael was...

1 year ago
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Please Uncle George Adventures in the PhilippinesChapter 2

After May left, Jana, Gem, and I were alone in my house. Jana was wearing tight jeans and a tee shirt because she had been riding the bus from Manila to Baguio. Gem was wearing very tiny, very tight jean shorts and a red bikini top. The top still fit because Gem’s breast growth wasn’t noticeable yet. “At home, can we call you daddy? I like feeling I’m your daughter. I must be some kind of pervert, but feeling like I’m your little girl always makes me feel very, very sexy and very, very...

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first timeyou never forget

I had to walk almost a mile to catch the school bus and we usually met about half way since she lived closer. When I’d see her in the morning it excited me and an excited teenage boy gets a hard on in 2.3 seconds flat. I carried my books in front of me every time. She always greeted me with a smile and a wink and a ‘hi cutie’. That would make my day. I wasn’t very experienced. There had been some necking (or scrounging as we called it back then) Some back seat tries for second base and dreams...

1 year ago
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A Maid for Mistress

Ariele shopped for weeks looking for the perfect outfit. Heels of black leather boots that rose above her knees almost to her thigh, clicked rhythmically on the light oak floor under her feet, as she made cat liked strides towards Alex. She swings the riding crop up in the air before she stops dead in front of his handsome face.. Looking down at him she says sternly. "Are you ready to serve your Mistress, in the manner to which she deserves? " "Yes My Goddess," he says to her respectfully....

2 years ago
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Me and my aunt and cousins

Hi I am Raj I live in Pune. My aunt and my cousins live not far from my house. Let me describe them for you. My aunt is 49 years old with a 38-30-38 figure. Her oldest daughter Priyanka is 21 yrs old and younger daughter Priya is 19 yrs Priyanka is a little on the fatter side but has great boobs and beautiful face.priya is extremely sexy and anyone will tell u she is a beauty queen. They are my very own harem now but let me tell u how I got them. It all started 2 yrs ago when my uncle died in...

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the subway

years ago, when chat rooms were big i used to frequent chat rooms that had black men.... i was BBC starved... i wasn't having much success.... i kept writing out there that i was a whit male from NY and i was looking for a BBC to suck in public.. i was being cursed at and called all kind of names, but it didn't stop me....i would even send private messages to guys, and sometimes i didn't get any response, or a fuck off fag, and every once in a while i'd get a response from someone who actually...

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The first real dungeon visits

This is a true story of a first and subsequent visit to a professional TV Mistress's dungeon in Staffordshire. I found the contact on a now defunct website and made an appointment to visit after seeing photos of the room. I had to phone when I got to a village to get the instructions of the final part of the journey. My heart was pounding and I could hardly talk because of my nervousness. I got the instructions of the place to go to and made my way there. The house was in the middle of nowhere....

4 years ago
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Two Genie Tales

Here is a rewrite of an old story I wrote about 3 years ago. Archivable at any site, which allows free readership. Copyrighted to Caleb Jones 2000 A.D. All Rights reserved. Two Genie Tales By Caleb Jones A Last Request Bill Brewer couldn't believe his eyes. In his fifty-five years of life, nothing magical had ever taken place... until now. He had just cleaned an antique lamp of the layer of dust covering it, and a beautiful woman suddenly stood in front of him,...

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The World is my Oyster

"Oh, fuck yes!" A mature woman moans out. A woman in her forties was bouncing on a young man's cock, as the two of them are completely naked. The woman's boobs jiggle from every thrust. Her skin is glazed with her own sweat. "Fuck me, John! Yes, fuck your mother!" The woman screams to her son. John Williams is a 19 year old man, who graduated from high school last year, who lives with his family of all women. His single mother; Vanessa, his twin sister; Rika, and his younger sister; Reika....

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Athhani anubhavinchina alludu

Hello na paru krishna and nenu hyderabad lo vuntanu and na age 24 nenu chaduvukuntunna and naku maa athha antey chaala ishtam chaala sexy ga vuntundi thanani choosinappudu alla nenu enduku thanani pelli chesukoleka poyano ani badha paduthuntanu inka kathaloki velthey okka sari maa athha maa intiki vacchindi enduku antey maa mavayya camp ku velladu thanu intlo ontariga vuntundi andi nannu thoduga padukovadaniki rammani piluvadaniki vacchindi….thanu ma nanna nu adigindi nanu pampamani… Maa nanna...

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Hentai at Mult Porn is so fucking great. Have you ever wanted to see your naughtiest, kinkiest desires acted out? You know the ones I’m talking about. With hentai/manga/SFM/doujinshi/Rule 34, the most incredible, twisted fetishes can become a reality. Watch women with insane proportions get totally railed by a tentacle monster or read through a story where your favorite cartoon characters finally fuck as you’ve always dreamed. I know it wasn’t just me that wanted to fuck Raven from Teen Titans....

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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 16 Blowjob Stress Relief

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Sixteen: Blowjob Stress Relief By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. James Davies I arrived at Seth's house, eager to hear my friend's idea for how to use my powers. I could create things by drawing. I didn't understand how I manifested this ability, but I had them. I was like a god. It was amazing. “This is exciting,” Orihime said, clinging to my right arm. “Right, Ruri?” “I guess,” Ruri said. She...

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My Little Black Beauty

He was a 58 year old white guy, she was a 16 year old black virgin. I'm Jack Livingston. I'm a 58 year old widower, and have been for just over 20 years. I have two grown girls working out of the country. I've basically been alone since my k**s graduated high school and left for college. I've also lived in the same two story, 3 bedroom house for over 30 years. One of my neighbors are Sheila Cowen and her daughter, Diane. This is the story of what happened just over a year ago and concerns...

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Loritherersquos a news sheriff in town

Ken had no idea how he would ever raise all the cash. Helen's demands were far too great and he didn't have that kind of money, which meant he was forced to borrow. He leveraged the house to the hilt and borrowed as much money as he could against his Hot Tub and Spa business. Looking at the bank statement, Ken was still distraught. He went over his options getting more despondent by the minute realizing his impossible situation. "Damn," he whispered. "I'll be ruined. That bitch... I should have...

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Remember The Magic

Let me introduce myself, my name is Amanda, I’m eighteen years old, and still live at home with my mother and younger brother Bryan who is seven. This is a story of how Christmas took on a whole new meaning for me. Our Christmas tree was lopsided, with a few bald spots, and even looked more pathetic with the few presents under it. However, it was all my mother could afford. Ever since the divorced she barely enough money to pay bills, let alone buy presents. You see, my dad is a penny...

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Gurls Just Wanna Have Fun

I'm just your typical College slut, always up for anything, and I mean anything!It was not always like this though...Let me tell you about my best friend, she calls herself Chanade now, but she was like me once. We studied at the same institution she was in the year above me, a senior while at the time I was a freshman.It wasn't long after I went to college that I started getting urges...The urges came on slowly at first but grew ever more stronger...I couldnt help staring at the girls in the...

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Angel Becky Gangbanged in Reno part 1 An

A few weeks after the girls & us guys had our week of mining fun Carl, Becky,Angel & me got together on Friday evening to play pinochle again.Angel & me had rode down to their house for this. As usual all Angel wore forthe ride was a zipped down short skirt & a sheer blouse. This was partlybecause she liked dressing like this anyway when we went for a drive, but italso was because she knew that as soon as we got to Carl & Beckys she had toget naked anyway. During the drive...

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