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Delfina was crying. I was crying. Behind us, the sun rose merrily in the eastern sky, oblivious to our anguished hearts. As I embraced her, tasting the bitter sweetness of her tears, I felt her fingertips desperately clutching mine—first to her brow, then her bosom, her left shoulder then her right. She shuddered, and a fresh torrent of sobs broke over her like a wave in the ocean she was forming on my shoulder.

‘Frank? Will you lead us in prayer?’ My mother’s sparkling, cornflower-blue eyes fixed on my face. I could practically feel the joy radiating off her in waves as we sat around the antique oak dining table for a lavish lunch. My brothers and sisters and my father completed the loving circle of my family.

‘Sure,’ I nodded agreeably, eyeing the delicious prime rib Mother had fussed over since early that morning. ‘Are we ready?’ I made the Sign of the Cross, extended a hand to Patrick on my left and Maggie on my right, and began a prayer I had engraved on my consciousness since I was an infant. ‘Bless us, O Lord, for these thy gifts, which we are about to receive…’

Outside, the warm spring afternoon sprinkled delicate raindrops down upon our city as if bestowing its own blessing upon my life. And my life was so filled with blessings that I didn’t know if it could accommodate any more without deliriously collapsing beneath all their dizzying weight .

It seemed that I had been born, twenty-six years ago, for the path unfolding before me. When delicate, fair, ginger-haired Colleen O’Reardon had nuzzled me to her bosom, she had prayed for her dear wee Francis to devote himself to God, as God had shown her tender mercy, and not taken me away from her despite a very dangerous and difficult labor and delivery.

Ours was a very devout household—our parents wouldn’t have it any other way. Neither would our grandparents, who weren’t above hopping the earliest flight out of Dublin to fly in and pile on more grief and guilt if we weren’t good Catholics, or good children, or both.

They had done this trick when little Margaret got herself into some almost irreparable trouble with Toni Mancino a few years back. My father caught them in ‘terrible and disgusting acts’ with each other. My mother fell to her knees and prayed as Tony hastily drew his pants back up and, followed by my roaring father, retreated to the back door. My brother Peter appeared with the cordless, and hand it to my mother. Her fingers flew over the buttons. Her heavily accented American English was being overtaken by her Gaelic as she frantically sobbed to her own mother over the thousands of miles.

Thank God, Mary and all the Blessed Saints that Maggie hadn’t gone all the way with Tony—I think they truly would have packed her off to some rustic Irish convent and never let her see the light of day again. As it was, she was subjected to a constant stream of rage and sobbing from Mother, an endless run of her silver rosary from Father Flannery, and a lot of hushed and intense conversations behind closed doors with our stern, quiet Gram. Most of these resulted in Maggie sobbing hysterically and running to Mother’s arms, begging for forgiveness. For forgiveness, and for the Blessed Virgin to help her find the strength to renew her slightly tarnished purity.

Out of all six children, I had been the only one who really found comfort in our faith. Perhaps it was due to my traumatic entrance into this world, but I can recall the peace and wonder I felt sitting upon my Dad’s knee during Mass, watching the priest as he swung the censer and intoned the sacred chants that priests have uttered for centuries. It was the depth of devotion and adherence to ceremony that our congregation embraced so happily which made such sacrifices as Lent and even chastity bearable. I understood and embraced the reasons behind them.

Whatever the cause, I had never been as tempted as my siblings to stray. Margaret had always enjoyed pushing the envelope. She began at a very early age—she found a tube of candy-pink lipstick that belonged to her best friend’s older sister. Not only did she steal it, but she also applied it in secret when she thought no one would catch her. Unfortunately for her, Mother did. And then there were all the low-cut shirts and short skirts that she managed to smuggle into the house and keep hidden away. She would hurry out in long, concealing coats to try and get one off on the parents.

Joe, my older brother, always gave his fair share of trouble as well, though it looked as if it wouldn’t always be legal trouble. And that, eventually, I’d be paying him visits in prison

Motivated by love for family and God, I decided fairly early in life that I wanted to know more about the church. I wanted to experience the mysticism of being closer to God in the way that only the clergy can be. To feel the strength of my faith as it pulled me through difficult moments and temptations. To shepherd new souls into our faith. To help those souls about to leave us to be prepared to greet Our Father, and to ascend to Heaven with prayer and gentle guidance. I wanted to be a servant of God.

So it was that I passed through the usually turbulent years of my teens with the gift of serenity. Of course, I had my moments of doubt. I even dabbled in the odd joint or drunken evening with friends on occasion. But the biggest temptation I ever had to face came from a freckle-faced little girl who blossomed into a creature who floated through our neighborhood like Venus arising from the sea. The change within the beautiful young girl seemed to occur overnight. And, wherever she walked, the sun shone a bit brighter and the air had a sweeter freshness about it.

Delfinan Adriana DiFranco—never Didi or Delfie, but always Delfina—had grown up two blocks from our crowded colonial house, and she bloomed almost unnoticed right under my nose. Her father owned a very successful shoe shop and her mother was able to stay home caring for her children during a time when the married housewife was fast becoming an endangered species.

Somehow—while I was helping keep my little brothers and sister from playing in the street, helping Mother feed my cherubic baby brother Patrick, or toiling over homework—lanky little Delfina had transformed from the gum-chewing, rope-skipping little tomboy into a sixteen-year-old angel in ivory sandals and curve-hugging Capri pants.

Just a glimpse of Delfina passing by our house in the summertime—her little sister Lucia trailing behind in a concerted effort to keep up —would be enough to make me give pause if I was out cutting the grass or playing ball with Peter and Joseph. But woe to my poor denied libido if she happened to be holding an ice-cream cone or wearing a pair of shorts over her bikini so she could take a break from tanning to run to the store for her mother.

Moments like these would clearly define the O’Reardon boys. Joseph would whistle and make lewd gestures with a lusty grin, Peter would blush furiously and tentatively raise a hand in greeting, and I would only look hurriedly away and think about baptisms and weddings.

While Joseph’s future was murky at best, my path was abundantly clear. I was going to become a priest, much to my mother’s tearful embraces and most likely answered prayers .

During my senior year, I spent a lot of time helping out wherever I could at St. Monica’s. I talked with the aging Father Flannery about the responsibilities of my future career, and about baseball. We played chess sometimes, since this seemed to ease the weight of the difficult topics we discussed.

‘You’re a good-looking boy, Francis,’ he would comment offhandedly. ‘You would make a fine husband and father. Are you sure this is the path you want to pursue?’

‘Yes, Father,’ I had replied, keeping a close eye on my priest’s next move. He was crafty, and would often distract me with serious contemplation, then promptly check me. ‘I just want to help people and belong to God. I m
ean… not that I don’t now. I just want that closeness, you know? To know that I will be helping people every day and that I’ll have a really special relationship with God. It’s really important to me.’

‘Well, then,’ Father Flannery had sighed, running one sure and steady hand through his silvery hair. ‘I will do what ever I can to help you achieve this desire, Francis. Have you decided which seminary you’d like to attend?’

That autumn afternoon had been the start of my journey into the priesthood. During my senior year, I was accepted by one of the most respected seminaries on the East Coast. After I graduated high school—and spent time walking the streets contemplating my future and the commitment it required—I moved onto the campus of my seminary .

The morning I was packing my modest collection of suitcases and boxes into my mother’s car, Delfina came strolling past with her dog Mocha. Mocha was a gorgeous chocolate Labrador who never tugged at the leash but kept pace at her mistress’s side and regarded the world around her with an almost Zen-like tranquility.

‘Hi, Frank!’ she called from halfway up the block. ‘Where are you off to?’

I turned to greet her, extending a hand as golden morning sunlight cascaded down her gorgeous dark hair and sparkled in her large, jewel-like eyes.

‘Seminary.’ I blushed, feeling awkward about it for the first time in months. My fingers enfolded the delicate hand she offered. The blush crept up my cheeks into my hairline. I felt guilty that I had not taken the time to tell her before. Delfina noticed my embarrassment and offered an angelic smile.

‘Oh, wow. I didn’t know. Surprising, isn’t it? I figured your mom would have told everyone in the tri-state area!’ I laughed, shaking my head.

‘I think she’s expecting I won’t make it. She’s been having a hard time with Joe lately, and I think she won’t be convinced until I make it through school and come back to be ordained.’ There was a brief flicker in those eyes that were almost the color of golden amber. Had it been regret? Incredulity?

‘Well, good luck to you. It will be really kind of weird having to confess to you.’ She cracked a charming grin, leaning in close enough for me to catch a hint of the sweet floral perfume she wore. ‘Here’s my first one. Let’s see…’ she lowered her head, removed her hand from mine to quickly cross herself, then folded her hands. ‘Bless me, Frank, for I have sinned. It’s been two months since my last confession. Remember when we were trick-or-treating when we were eleven. and you dropped your candy? Remember how I helped you pick it up?’ She moved even closer, her eyes glittering. ‘When you weren’t looking, I stole all the peanut-butter cups I could see. So, if you ever wondered why you didn’t get any…’ An effervescent bubble of laughter burst from her garnet lips. ‘Sorry about that. Am I forgiven?’

Mocha approached, sniffed my hand, and then licked it with a warm pink tongue.

‘Yeah,’ I smiled back. ‘I think so . Well, take care, Delfina. I’ll see ya around.’

‘Yeah. You too. God… Seminary? I can’t believe it. Anyway, take care of yourself, Francis.’ With that, she reached out and offered me an embrace that smelled of warm autumn sunshine and Dior perfume. I felt an erection spring to life as I embraced the fully mature yet youthful curves of a woman who was not a relative. Her full breasts pressed against my chest, and she offered me a soft kiss on the cheek before disengaging herself from me and walking away.

I felt a pang of sadness and regret at that moment as I watched her hurry off. Her voice was sweet and silvery as she playfully scolded Mocha, who paused to look back at me with lazy doggy eyes. I caught myself gazing at the slender beauty of Delfina’s tanned legs as they went on forever into the denim cutoffs she wore. I watched the rounded musculature of her bottom as she walked away, then let my eyes linger on the glossy curtain of her wavy hair, and imagined how soft it would feel against my cheek.

I promptly decided that, before my trip, I should pray for a safe journey, and hurriedly returned to loading the car.


At seminary, I truly felt I could relate to my peers for the first time. No cajoling older brother chiding me while I said my morning prayers. Writing homilies was a praised art-form instead of a chore that required immense concentration and the tuning out of my immense and noisy family. I enjoyed all facets of my study. From political science to philosophy, I kept myself so busy with reading and thinking that my old friends and old life seemed a bit of a distant memory—an old comfortable existence that brought a smile to my face, but didn’t make me pine for what I’d left.

Of course I missed Mother’s cooking and glimpses of the lovely Delfina as she went for a walk or helped her mother to plant flowers in their front yard. But there was lots of entertainment in the sleepy little East Coast town where my seminary was located, and a chance just to observe the wonders and the beauty of life. I got to know the active members of our diocese, and formed close bonds with my brothers who had come from all over the world to study and prepare for a life serving God and helping Him to shepherd his flock.

All we seminarians were men, after all, and we soon formed close relationships as young men in similar situations often do. We prayed together to help each other through moments of uncertainty and difficulty. When Matthew’s little brother was in a car accident, and he could not keep himself from silently weeping during evening prayer, I touched his elbow and told him that I sympathized with what he was going through . He knew that my commiseration was not just empty words.

The time I spent preparing for my life as a priest was so untroubled that I had to thank God for opening such a smooth and uncorrupted path. I looked forward to learning how to minister to my future parish. I enjoyed long walks in the beautiful eastern countryside, and kept up with my favorite sports teams and their progress through the seasons. And I attended classes and meditation with anxious delight, overjoyed with the new direction my life was taking.

I was in my second year when I stumbled. We were preparing to welcome some local deacons for dinner. And Caroline Hutchins—one of the women helping to prepare the luncheon—broke her leg the evening before., She phoned to apologize that she hadn’t even made it to the market yet to purchase the ingredients for the dish she had been planning to bring the following day..After Juliatn —the most light hearted and humorous of us— paid her a visit at her home to cheer her up, and ask what we could do to help, we found ourselves pitching in a little bit more than expected. .

‘Mrs. Hutchins said she was just going to go to the Farmer’s Market to pick up the ingredients to make the salad ,’ Julian reported after returning from the visit . ‘Frank, if you would go pick up what’s on this list here, it would really help out for tomorrow.’ He handed me a list of ingredients in Caroline’s dainty script.

‘Yeah, I could do that,’ I nodded. I took off my hooded sweatshirt and decided to go in just my polo shirt and slacks. It was warm and sunny outside, and the prospect of being out in the fragrant spring air delighted me. ‘Let me go get my wallet.’

‘Oh, no. She insisted on giving me the money. She feels awful about what happened, God bless her, and said it was the least she could do.’

‘May she have a speedy recovery,’ I smiled, truly touched by the generosity and kindness of the woman. ‘I’ll go do that now.’


The Farmer’s Market was just outside the little town, and it was pretty crowded. Women brought home-made baked goods and lemonade to sell along with all the fresh fruits and vegetables sold by the basket, bushel or bag. I smiled as a tow-haired little girl waved to me, grinning around a lollipop. I recognized her from Family Mass at St. Cecilia ‘s and n
odded to her nearby mother, who was clutching several baskets of strawberries.

I made my way toward a bin that was piled high with lettuce. The young woman tending the produce was bent over, retrieving another large carton to place on the table. Her legs were extended and her calf muscles flexed as she struggled to lift the heavy carton.

‘Let me help you with that, miss’ I offered, hurrying around the trestle table to lift the carton for her.

She glanced up at me with grateful pale-blue eyes and smiled from a face so beautiful and sweet that my breath caught for a moment. She wore her red hair pulled back into a plait that hung well past her narrow bottom when she stood, and a tank-top almost the same shade as her enchanting eyes.

‘Thanks,’ she panted, helping me set out the lettuce and reaching up to mop her brow with the back of one wrist. Her breasts strained against the fabric of her shirt, and no bra restrained them. As she brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, the hem of her shirt rode up to reveal an alabaster strip of her belly and the unmistakable glint of a navel ring.

‘No problem,’ I nodded, unable to take my eyes from her figure—the round fullness of her breasts, the cleavage that the scoop neck of her shirt revealed. The tiny waist and the robust flare of her hips within the denim shorts she wore. The shapely legs. My cheeks were aflame with embarrassment.

‘Are you looking for something in particular?’ she inquired politely, seeing the confusion and discomfiture on my face.

‘Oh… Yes, I am, actually. I have a list here, and I just happen to need a lot of lettuce.’

‘Well, I can help you out with that.’

I did not enjoy my trip into town that afternoon as I had always done in the past. Of course, I was human. I was a man, born with original sin and the desire for pleasures of the flesh. But I had always prided myself on being fortunate enough that I could always redirect that desire. I hadn’t been so assailed by it since the morning I left for college and Delfina had embraced me.

Later that night, as I lay on my bed, my mind returned to the girl in the market. Across the room from me, my roommate Eric’s peaceful snores stretched on as the minutes passed. Visions of long, shapely legs and curvaceous hips floated completely unbidden into my mind. The shape of her breasts beneath the thin fabric of her shirt and the tiny suggestion of her nipples lingered in my brain as I tossed restlessly beneath the thin blanket and sheet, the movement of my undershirt and boxers against my skin more maddening than usual.

And that navel piercing? Oh, how luscious it was! True, it was not respectful to the temple that was the human body—but how it glittered and sparkled for that brief instant against the milky, toned flesh of her lightly freckled belly. And that face… Oh, those lips…

I had swelled to painful arousal. Sighing, I tried to lie on my belly to quash the unbidden invasion, but the friction of the firm mattress against my cock only made things worse. I reached down to try and adjust myself, and the brush of my fingertips through the cotton of my underwear made my breath catch. My hand lingered. Squeezed. My stomach lurched and my mouth run dry.

All I could think of was those breasts and that bottom. And that navel… I imagined plunging my tongue into it. What must the cool metal of that ring feel like against my hot tongue? Would she shiver when I did it? What color were her nipples? I thought they’d be a lovely pale pink.

My hand had begun to rhythmically caress my cock, and I let out a longing sigh, lost in my fantasies. An abrupt burst of loud snores from Eric’s bed startled me and I jumped, snapping back to reality and realizing what I had done.

‘Oh, God—forgive me!’ I panted, sliding off the bed to fall upon my knees beside it, my hair plastered to my brow with perspiration, my breath trembling. My traitorous cock still throbbed demandingly, and I clasped my hands together below my chin, keeping them as far from my crotch as I could manage.

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I was in the theatre when they came in. I was back in the shadows of the last row so it was really difficult to make me out. I had come to see the recently released Batman movie so I had gone and bought a ticket to see the movie at the new Cineplex. To say I was shocked to see my girlfriend come in with another guy is a big understatement because I was flat out stunned. She had told me that she was going out with a friend but I had not considered at that point that the friend might be another...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2116 Last Words

The holidays were a mixture of peace and chaos. We had to get numbers together and talk over the whole proposal to merge with CEN. It seemed like Rose and I were in non-stop meetings and, thankfully, Rebecca was right there with us. "Mr. Duval and Mr. Grissom will be here Wednesday afternoon. They asked that Mr. Davis and Mr. Pratt join them. Do you want the rest of your board here?" she asked us Tuesday morning. "I'd like Courtney with us," I said. "And Rhonda," Rose added....

3 years ago
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Helpless By Jennifer B. I don't have many secrets from my wife but the few I do have are big ones. You see I am a crossdresser and I love bondage. I have a pretty good stash of women's clothing, makeup and even a couple of wigs. But the only time I get to dress is when my wife is going out for long periods of time. Such as, going to get her hair done. When she has a hair appointment she is always gone most of the day. And Saturday was a hair appointment day. I started planning...

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Mother and Daughter part 12

"Hey girlies," Lindsay said with a grin as Ellie, Monique and Kacey entered the packed coffee shop and slumped heavily into their seats. "Should I ask?" "Ugh, I'd prefer it if you didn't," Monique groaned. "I HATE exams..." "Well, only a few more days to go," Kacey said with a tired chuckle. "Gonna be weird not going to college next year, heh." "Meh, I can't wait to get to uni," Jodie shrugged. "I love change, things get boring if things always stay the same, you know?" "Yeah,"...

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A lovely young woman teases then plays with a male lingerie dept clerk with an unusual twist

Tiffany was very bored on a Sunday afternoon and decided to drive to the mall for some last minute Xmas shopping. She entered through the fine department store which was unusual for her. As she walked through store she noticed the lingerie department and thought she would buy something new for his homecoming. As she browsed the racks of satin and lace garments the clerk offered his assistance. Odd it was a man but surely he was gay she thought. Together they picked out several items then he...

2 years ago
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Truckin' mombyman_avec_plan©It promised to be one of those hot, muggy days such as you can only get in the valley, and I was sweating before I even reached the kitchen. I popped a soft drink from the refrigerator, stepped through the door to the patio, and stopped dead in my tracks.There, not ten feet in front of me, my young mother was down on her hands and knees, scooping leaves out of the swimming pool, with her pert ass thrust provocatively up in the air. She was wearing the bottom of a...

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Brenda my neighbour

This is the story of when I was 18 I'd never had sex before until this one special day. Brenda lived next door she was married and they seemed like a normal couple she was about 40 years old she was quite chubby with big tits, I'd never really noticed her in a sexual way before she was quite conservative in her dress and she was older than me. It was on one summers day it was quite hot I was in the garden and Brenda came out into her garden she said hello how are you as she always did I said I...

1 year ago
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Road Trip Misadventure

Back on the road you glimpse the countryside rolling by, almost daydreaming the satnav makes you jump as it tells you to take the next off ramp, not having been to Sophie’s new home you nervously follow its directions down almost deserted roads. Slowing down to let a farm vehicle cross your path you quickly accelerate once it’s gone, suddenly the car lurches and the engine splutters cutting out altogether. You manage to roll the car to a stop. Jumping out you open the hood to see the steaming...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 215 Flying to Rodeo Drive Bad Use of a Bed

Saturday, May 14, 2005 I woke at 5:55am. Julia's idea that I start to learn to type wasn't going to happen this morning as we'd talked for too long after her suggestion. I had to wake the girls up almost immediately, Pat was due to arrive at 6:30, and we were meeting Alexis and Katelin at the plane at 6:45. The plane would wait for us all day if necessary, but every minute we were late was a minute less of shopping, and therefore a tragic and irrecoverable loss. When I'd brought Lily...

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Desi Girl Gangbanged By Taxi Driver And Horny Strangers

Hello, my name is Anita and this is the first time I have posted on this site. This is a true sex experience. You can send your feedback on This happened with me 3 months ago. I was living with my mausi and had to attend a wedding in Punjab. However, since my mausi was unwell and sick, she was not going to attend the shaadi. Before that, let me tell you about myself. I have a very nice figure with creamy white skin, pink nipples and 36 size breasts. I have had sex in the past and enjoy it a...

2 years ago
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Kinky Threesome in the Office

Every time we had sex in my office, our lust for one another grew. At first we were afraid at getting caught but then we started to take more chances. Cathy and I couldn't hold back.Last week, we had a fairly easy shift together and Cathy found herself down in my office for a one-on-one "staff meeting." We just don't get down and dirty right away but instead get acquainted through deep kissing. Cathy's lips are so soft and I love kissing her more than any woman I've ever met. Only a few seconds...

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Hot Bangalore Maid Who Made Me Cum Thrice

Hello friends, this is the first story that I am writing and I hope everyone who reads it loves it. So, the story is a real-life experience that I had when I was living in Bangalore. I was living in a rented apartment and we were 3 flatmates. We had a maid, Nirmala who used to come daily for making dinner on weekdays and breakfast, lunch and dinner on weekends. She also used to clean the apartment on weekends. Nirmala was like a normal maid of age 28, wheatish complexion, medium-length brown...

3 years ago
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Raped TeacherChapter 12

Jeff Turner had been making his last night a night to remember. He had been in the city for four days and he'd bought everything that he'd been supposed to buy. His old pick-up truck was filled completely and he was waiting for morning when he would start back to the farm. His father had warned him about the evils of the city. He was barely eighteen and he'd seen very little since he'd quit school. He'd decided he was really going to have a good time on his last night. He had never...

1 year ago
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Family SwappersChapter 17

The apartment in the Hilton Hotel was comfortable, and the air-conditioning counteracted the heat of the sweltering convention city outside. It was all over now but the cheering, and the members of the Cassidy family sat around watching reruns of the big event on the color TV. Mrs. Thelma Cassidy had just left after warmly embracing all of them and giving a word of caution to Sylvie about Tim's health. Now Tim and Sylvie and Ron and Arlene sat together on a large comfortable sofa. Across...

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My fertile Motherinlaw

I guess i will start at the start of everything. I married my wife when she was 20 and i have known her for 2 years before that. I have always had a little thing for her mom who is only 18 years older than her (yes she got knocked up in high school)and she has always seemed sexy to me. Well we have been married for a few months now and the other the other day her mother called and wanted to see if i can come help her put up all of her christmas decorations (her husband is out of the country on...

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Changes in Paradise Part 16 Science Sons and Sirens the Saga continues

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes in Paradise, Parts 1 - 15," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or send an...

2 years ago
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Carlys Pregnant Adventures 2

The first thing I did when I got back from the garage was shower. All the way home I could smell the engine grease that had blended with my sweat and the sweat of the three mechanics, I could even still taste their semen on my lips. I could feel it drying up in various places on my body and I almost crashed my car as my mind began to wonder back to what happened. I got through the door and was up the stairs as fast as my seven month old bump would allow me, stripping off along the way...

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My 1st transgender experience

A recent addition to my friends list had a story about his first shemale experience which inspired me to write mine. Many years ago I was living near the San Francisco area. I had purchased the most recent Hustler magazine and one of the layouts had Shannon. She was so beautiful, and oh my what a cock. I had only ever been with women and did not consider myself gay, but for some reason I wanted to suck that cock. I cannot recall how many loads of spunk I blew looking at those pages of Shannon,...

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The Fall Guy Ch 05

I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement they always give me. As I’ve been known to fiddle with stories, after they’ve seen it. I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story. While I’m at it, I think from now on I’m going to thank all my friends out there, who write to me and encourage me to continue writing and posting these demented ravings of mine. Your emails are greatly appreciated. ...

1 year ago
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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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More Secret Fun With House Sitter

I woke to the gentle sound of Linda's breathing a few inches from me in my parents' king-sized bed. My nakedness against the sheets heightened my awareness of my stiff dick underneath my body. I could feel her warmth radiating across the short distance between us. I'd never awakened next to a girl before. Katherine and I went down on each other in the basement, then usually just went back out to play. Waking up next to Linda after sex was a completely new and exciting experience.She was faced...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 18 The Sporting Mom

“Ok, dear, explain, though. I know it’s going to be hard convincing.” “If you have shut down your mind not to be convinced, then it’s futile to explain.” “Ok, I am keeping an open mind. But you are asking a mother to have sex with her own son. Tell me honestly, how many mothers in real life even think of doing that in real life? Yes, there are lots of porn on the net on this, but most are actors, non-related and make-believe.” “Soni, the real mom son couples will only be fools to come out in...

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Cuckolding by my wifersquos boyfriend

My wife is a very attractive woman and a great person. 5’2 large breasts, tiny waist, and a great ass. Big blue eyes, short blonde hair, and well just looking at her you’d think she’s a porn star really. We had dabbled in her fucking other men once we got engaged. She had sex with a friend of hers a few times. She kept him around because he had a large cock. She’d drink some and have sex with him every six months or so. My wife is a small woman. It would take her decal days to recover from...

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High school virgin and the pope

I was a shy boy in high school in particular when it came to girls. I went to a mixed school and was blessed with a good fantasy to compensate for my lack of luck with getting laid. There was no strict dress code so some of the girls would test the limits of what the school would allow and drive us boys crazy with tight shirts and jeans. In the gym locker rooms I had discovered that my cock was amongst the big boys. To tease me my class mates would sometimes call me Dickie Dick. I was a regular...

4 years ago
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Montana to LA Chapter 4

Janelle and Kelsey had arrived home early. Looking around, they noticed Jordan had been home but was nowhere to be seen. They went upstairs, Kelsey to her room and Janelle to hers. When Janelle walked in she heard moans emanating from the bathroom. Figuring it was Jordan and Emma, she waited until the girls had finished before walking in on them. Just as she was about to greet them Kelsey arrived in Janelle's room. Janelle placed a finger to her own lips advising Kelsey to remain quiet. She...

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The jalet husbandacutes wife episode 1

The husband was i prison for an embezzlement in a company he was working in, his wife was visited in the prison.And he was very bat, and ask her to help him to get better treatment i the prison, and ask how she cut help him out, he then ask her if she will talk to the superintendent, and try to get hers husband som better conditions.She was in her 45 year and good looking long legs a ferm ass and nice breast whit fast nippels, and a nice smile on her ferm lips she was always whit read lips and...

1 year ago
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Mom caught me sneaking out

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello, my name is Jessica. I am 18 years old, about to finish my last year in high school. I'm rather short, standing at 5'2". The women in my family have all shared a similar body type. I on the other hand do not. My mother, Sam(short for Samantha) stands at an average height of 5'7" with a slender build. I am short, like I said, and am not skinny. Now, I'm not fat, or even thick, I just don't share my mother's slender build. I suppose the biggest...

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Real estate round 2

Another hot weekend in Ponte Vedra...received a call from my favorite real estate agent yesterday afternoon....said he had a was a very nice condo...Two I would certainly enjoy. He told me to swing bit around 4 and pack a bag...cryptic but exciting...I hopped in the shower..shaved my legs smooth...picked out some black sheer panties, black and red thigh lace tops and a pair of super sexy red 4” sling backs...slipped them in my bag....slipped on my 501s over my super...

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The Red Light Club

After my encounter with Lance Graham, I found my way home and went to sleep. I awoke to the sound of Jen stumbling home at 6 A.M. She had been at a guy’s apartment up town in a three way. I was jealous, but recanted my story and, to my surprise, Jen flipped out. “You met Lance Graham? No! You fucked Lance Graham! Lucky slut!” She exclaimed. “Who is he?” I questioned. “Carly, how have you not heard of Lance Graham?” She stared at me for a moment, realizing I had no answer to her question....

4 years ago
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Billy Had a Little Lamb Nursery Rhymes Were Never Like This

She looked so amazing, I had to do a double take, was it really her? They had dyed her hair a deep scarlet, and pinned it up, exposing her curved neck with long loose ringlets falling from her temples, perfectly framing her face. She looked sexy, sultry. She was heavily made up, thick red lipstick and large dark eyes, half closed, she looked like a goddess! She wore a long white gown, which emphasised her gorgeous curves, split high at the sides, exposing white stockings as she was led before...

3 years ago
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AshlynnDaddyrsquos Little Girl Part 9

Daddy’s Little GirlPart 9(Team Spirit) Ashlynn lifted her ass with each stroke, trying to get every inch of the big offensive tackles cock, I had thought it was a shower, but, it was a grower too. They had the game jerseys laid out on the bench, later today they would be washed but right now they had another use, as padding for Ash. Five weeks in and we had the routine down pat. When they win the boys that scored, and the Defensive line men that made the most outstanding plays, got Ash on...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 139 Sleepover

Easter break was busy, but low-key. Being with Brenda on Sunday really shook me. Not that I didn't like it. I really liked it. I took my swimming trunks home and when I got to the privacy of my room, I sort of sniffed the front of it where my cock had pushed it right up into Brenda's wet pussy. And she'd ... she'd tasted my sperm after I shot it all over her stomach and boobs! And then she made an off-hand comment about how she didn't think she was the first or only girl who'd tasted...

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Caught With Consequences

Caught With Consequences by CC Sondra My wife was sitting across from me with that cat that caught the canary smile on her face. It was a hot summer night, and we were out at the local Dairy Queen, enjoying some iced cream, as well as each other's company. We were sitting inside, where it was nice and cool, and I had just received a compliment on how "pretty my toes looked." Even though you'd think I would be used to the smiles, giggles, and remarks by now, I know I blushed a...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 11

The replacement of the police force in the north had been a bad move. The Nationalists had interpreted it as an undercover method of replacing the locally elected authority with soldiers who would do the government's dirty work. Students in the university towns of the north went on strike, and found some sympathy with those in the capital. Their demands escalated from the reinstatement of the police to better pay for state employees, a shorter working week and a minimum wage. The television...

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