Revenge Is Sweet: Chapter Two. Eric The Nerd free porn video

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We were having some bagels and coffee for breakfast. Margaret gave me the phone and reminded me she would be listening in on the speaker. I let the phone ring once then hung up then again and the last time let it ring properly.


“Eric, it's Jake. I need to see you urgently.”

“Ok, usual place in an hour.”

“'K, but I will have a companion with me. It’s important.”

“Best make it at your usual hotel then.”

Eric was big on keeping his place secret. It had taken me a few months before he trusted me enough to see it.

“I need to make another call to book into a hotel.”

“You can explain afterward,” Margaret replied

Taking the phone again, I dialed the hotel and arranged for a nice suite. Then I redialled Eric, telling him the suite number and hung up. The whole call took about fifty-five seconds.

As usual, Alice was impatient to get off. They let me dress and we headed to their car. While driving, Alice tried to prompt me about Eric but I ignored her questions. The valet took the car keys and we checked in. Walking into the suite on the top floor, Alice was taken aback by its luxuriousness. I told her I lived according to my means and posh hotels gave me a nice feeling. She rang Margaret telling her about the suite. Just as she ended the call, there were a series of taps on the door.

Eric walked in as soon as I opened the door. Standing in the center of the living room, he looked Alice over. Quickly explaining the women's problem to Eric, I could see the look in his eyes. It was a mixture of challenge and curiosity.

“What’s in it for me?” he queried.

It was too much for Alice. Her calmness disappeared and pulling her gun pointing it in Eric’s direction she simply said, “If you can’t do it just say and stop pissing us about.” For a large built man, Eric was nimble on his feet. Just as she got all the words out of her mouth, he had moved towards her and taken the gun out of her hands, pushing her onto the sofa. He moved so fast he even took me by surprise.

“Let’s calm down. No need for the hardware!” I quickly tried to calm the situation. I could see Eric looking over Alice like a wolf looking at a sheep and thought maybe he would just try it on with Alice, for all she wasn’t the type he usually liked.

“So, a hack-proof computer in a bank, has my mouth salivating. Looking at this charming female, I would prefer more meat on her but she will do if there is nothing else going.”

“Come near me and I’ll...” Alice began spitting out

“Wait, wait,” I interjected before she could finish. “Eric, we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. Let’s sit and I’ll explain,” I said

Eric still held the gun and sat in the chair where he could see both of us. He listened to the whole story. Like me, he didn’t like big corporations squashing the little guy. I already knew he was a member of Hackers Anonymous. I knew these guys weren’t the ones that sent viruses and that to ordinary folk. They went after bigger fish. Eric nodded, smiled and said, “Okay I’m in, when do I get to meet the other two women and get my payment?”

“I could take you there this afternoon!”

“Nope, get them to come here."

Alice rang them and while on the phone turned and said, “They don’t have transport so it will have to be a taxi, or I can pick them up?” Alice told them we would be there to pick them up in fifty minutes.

“I don’t think so. Jake, you take the car and she can stay with me.”

Alice started to argue but gave me the keys. I told Eric to play nice before I left. Still, I worried about what he would get up to, while he was on his own with her.



Eric smiled at me as the door closed after Jake. Removing the clip from the gun he lay it down then pulled a smaller Beretta complete with a silencer out of his coat.

“Seeing as we two are alone, I thought we would get to know one another better?” he said.

For all my bravado, I wasn’t stupid and knew what he wanted. I thought for a while smiling at him and tried to put him off by talking about the computers at work. Eric sat beside me and sliding an arm about my shoulders asked what I could tell him about the computers.

Staying alert, I relaxed and digging my phone out showed him some of the pictures I had taken of them being installed when the management wasn’t there. He seemed to forget I was female and asked different questions about how they were installed. I felt a little put-out, that he was more interested in the machines than me.

The longer we chatted the more I got to like him. Eric took out of his bag an iPad and started tapping away. Me I seemed to let my mind wander while we sat together. He was about six foot tall, maybe around two-hundred-and-forty pounds, topped off with a shaggy hairstyle.

I guess if he sorted himself out, he would be quite nice, not good-looking mind. His teeth were yellowed but he was reasonably clean. It was almost two years since I had been with a guy and this gently spoken man seemed to attract me.

Yes, I had enjoyed the sex with Margaret the other night but something about this guy seemed to tweak my interest. My mind slipped to the last guy I’d let pick me up in a bar on Main Street. I had gone with him to his hotel room but boy, was I disappointed. Ok, he wasn’t large in that department but that wasn’t what disappointed me.

I have been with some guys who were a lot smaller yet they did their best to make it as good for me as it was them. No, this guy was a strict leg over, a quick in and out, shoot and roll off. I got home that night, took out my battery vibe and ravished myself with it till I managed to cum and swore I wouldn’t have another guy again.

For two years, I had kept to that promise but watching Eric tap away at his pad, I kept looking at his crotch. It seemed to be well packed but of course, I could be wrong. He certainly seemed to have a package there. I tried asking him questions about himself but to no avail.

Yes, I was getting horny and for the life of me, I couldn’t explain why. I stood up, asking if he fancied a coffee. Anything to get this feeling to stop. I always considered myself to be in control of my feelings but this guy who seemed to prefer a computer to me had got under my skin.

I boiled the kettle and making the coffee, opened up a couple of buttons on my blouse just to show a little bit of cleavage, nothing dramatic. I can’t explain to you why I felt I wanted him to want me again after getting so uppity when he wanted to get it on. I just knew I did. Taking the coffee out, I deliberately set it down in a way he would be able to see my bra if he bothered to look, he didn’t. Now I was positively insulted so sat in silence drinking and not quite sulking but almost.

“There, look,” He suddenly turned to show me a picture of a computer similar to the new ones just installed at the bank. “That’s the one they installed according to the plans they submitted to their insurance company." He looked up and I deliberately crossed my legs very slowly giving him an eyeful of my panties. Watching him as his eyes focused up my skirt and onto the dampness between my legs.

Yes, he took notice which made me feel better but I was still horny. Jake had been gone about five minutes and the gleam in Eric’s eyes was bright and shiny. His eyes followed my every move as I crossed and uncrossed my legs. Yes, I knew I was playing with fire but I couldn’t help it.

Suddenly he picked up the berretta and pointing it at me, told me to stand and turn around. I did as I was told really because I still felt in control. He told me to open my legs and I stood with them about shoulder-distance apart. Not being able to see what he was doing seemed to make me wetter.

All of a sudden, I felt the cold round smooth metal of the silencer as it touched the inner part of my thigh sending an electric shock that ran from where the gun was touching up to my pussy. It was something I had never felt before. Now I was nervous, control had passed from me to him so quickly. If I thought I was on fire before, this enhanced it. I could feel the need within me. I wanted him to move faster but he kept a steady slow motion up my leg towards my knicker clad pussy.

I could hear moans but it was a little while before my brain registered that they were coming from me. I looked back at Eric who was now on his knees behind me, a big smile on his face. The silencer was slowly rubbing across my very wet panties. I could feel my clit standing proud wanting this man to have his way.

In my mind, I was hoping he would be better than the last guy when I suddenly felt his hand slide up and under my skirt. His hand was warm and soft and gentle as he stroked right up to my panties, his thumb rubbing exactly where I wanted it too. It was as though he could read my thoughts.

I wasn’t sure I could keep standing as he erotically punished my clit making my knees bend to get him harder onto my knicks but all he did was ease his hand down, keeping the same amount of pressure on me. It was driving me mad and yet more and more excited. I remembered when I first experimented in playing with myself how I had tried to do it slowly to make me last longer but never could manage it as the power of the want became so strong, I had to quickly finish it off.

Yet here it was that the slow-motion I had longed for was being exacted on me. My orgasm slowly starting to bubble within me. My knees were weak. I grabbed for the coffee table which forced me to bend further over pushing my ass out towards his face. His hand eased my gusset away from its position allowing him to work directly on my pussy and clit. He still didn’t increase his speed or his pressure as though he knew how excited he was making me.

He must have, by the torrent of flowing juices from me and onto his hand. I felt soft kisses start just above my knee, his tongue forming a wet trail as he kissed slowly up my leg. My orgasm wouldn’t be held back anymore. The feel of his thumb rubbing across my clit and his tongue licking along my slit pushed me over the edge. It’s hard to describe the wonderful feeling that took me over the edge, slowly at first like a barrel going over a waterfall. Then faster as it started to fall, I could hear myself shouting,

“Fuck me, please fuck me now!”

I felt him stand behind me lifting my skirt till it rested on my back. His hand reached down and eased my panties out of the way. I hadn’t seen his cock yet, till I felt its head pushed gently between my lips, opening them slowly wider and wider. Just as I thought I wouldn’t be able to accept the girth, it slowly slid deeper and deeper inside. I had had some big cocks but none that I could remember as big or thick as this one. Just as I felt full this giant of a guy, he started a gentle in and out motion. It had me coming again and as I came, I started to shout.

Trouble was, I had ceased caring. This man, with his gentleness, was fucking me harder and harder and the movement in and out rubbed my clit but from the inside forcing me to come. After multiple orgasms, I realized I was simply too exhausted to stand. I collapsed onto the coffee table. I needed to feel his juices shooting into me. Then I felt his cock sort of harden inside me and as I approached another orgasm, I felt his first hot spurt hit deep inside of me and his movements sped up, till his final thrust.

The feeling as he slowly eased out of me was a mixture of emptiness and satisfaction. I turned to see his blue eyes sparkling and couldn’t help but wrap my arms about him. I planted a sexual kiss onto his lips and he responded taking my breath away. He poured us a glass of wine, I straightened my clothes and sat. That’s how it was when the door opened and the gang all piled in.

“Has Eric upset you?” was the first words from Jake's mouth

“Why would you ask that?” I replied trying to appear normal

“You seem flushed,” they replied in unison.



I got the feeling that something had happened between Eric and Alice before we came in the door. For one thing, he was sitting with a satisfied smug look on his face while drinking a glass of wine and Alice looked distinctly flushed. Eric broke in immediately, the smile on his face showing he was happy with the developments.

“Between us, we have scanned the different manufacturer’s sites and now have the exact make and model of the new computers.” He took another sip from his glass placing it on the table next to his tablet.

“The bad bit though is its safety protocols are top-notch there is no way to hack it from the outside. We have to get into the computer network and that requires some planning.”

“How do we get into the network without the virus scanner tipping them off?” I asked knowing little about hacking. Eric knew how little I knew about technology and smiled. At the same time, Alice smiled too as though they shared a common joke.

“We need to break into one of the bank’s branches and use an office computer,” Alice said.

“Any particular one?” I questioned

Margaret butted in here saying she knew of a small satellite branch on the outskirts of the city that had minimal security. Their money was ferried to them every morning for the local people to use that branch rather than come into the main branch.

Their vaults were pretty small and they could arrange a pick up for any large amount, withdrawals were arranged beforehand. By 15:30 the branch was empty and closed at four. The bank was easy to enter and she still carried her key for the alarm but not the branch key.

Eric seemed to watch Margaret intently, maybe the others didn’t notice but I did. He made it appear as though he was just listening to her but it seemed more than that. After a couple of minutes surreptitiously watching him, I knew he was sizing her up and liked what he saw. I told them that I needed to survey the branch to stand a chance of working the best way in and out without tripping any alarms.

Here we were all stunned when Suzie piped up that she knew the branch well as it was the one both her and her mother used due to where they lived.


The next day Suzie and I went to suss out the branch we had discussed the night before. Margaret was correct, the branch had minimal security on it and would be easily entered. The alarm system was pretty poor too! Suzie suggested we went to a café over the road and could watch the comings and goings and make plans. We walked along the walls of the branch crossed the road and went into the café.

Taking coffee and some bagels, we took up a position at a table that gave us a good look at the branch without people noticing. Suzie and I flirted enough for folks that wondered about an old guy out with a young woman would think that I was her sugar daddy. Meanwhile back at the hotel room things were getting fraught.



I noticed that Eric was very attentive to Margaret and couldn’t stop myself getting a little jealous. Yes, I knew we had just had sex and there weren’t any strings attached but I had to admit he had treated me better than any man had before and I wanted to keep him. While Margaret went to the bathroom to freshen up, I told Eric how I felt. The next thing he said surprised me, not because of the words he spoke but the fact that it seemed to excite me too.

“I like you also more than I have most women but I need to try and fuck your friend even if it is just the once,” Eric said in a sort of matter of fact way. “More than that, I want you to help me get into her pants and join in the action!”

Now I am not a prude by any means and sometimes my dreams would be about a gang of women and sometimes men. Although this wasn’t the exact scenario I had dreamt of, it was much more exciting to me. Just to watch Margaret with a man had me excited.

The biggest problem was how to get her in the mood? I told Eric as long as she was willing, I was happy to go along with it and if the need took me, to join in! Just then Margaret came back from the bathroom and smiled at us both and asked what we had been plotting, laughing as though it was a joke. I felt my face redden when Eric matter of factly turned around and said,

“We were trying to work out a way to get you onto the bed there and have our wicked way with you, hon!”

“You haven’t a chance,” Margaret stated though you could tell she was nervous about the situation. She was watching Eric closely.

Eric turned to me and gestured towards the wine bottle then smiling at Margaret said, “Come on, I was only joking, let’s raise a glass to the success of the job. Open the wine and pour us all a glass, Alice.”

I did as I was told and Margaret, seeing the bottle opened in front of her, took the glass I poured from Eric’s hand. Waiting till we all had ours, raised her glass to clink and toast to success. Lowering the glass to the table, we all continued to chat about this and that sometimes about the job but the more we drank the talk became sexier. Even I was feeling really sexy too.

Eric opened another bottle filling our glasses. The wine seemed to be going to our heads.

When Eric asked Margaret what made her turn to lesbianism.

Margaret didn’t seem to falter but explained that she had married once when she was younger but it never worked out she always felt something was missing.

One night when she had gone out with some of her mates after the divorce to cheer her up, one of them became closer to her than the others. They went to this woman's flat for coffee and after an hour or so the rest had left leaving Margaret and this woman alone.


Margaret remembered how it started, her friend telling her she could stay the night when she offered to go home. She had thought it would be better than going home and feeling down on her own so agreed she would like that. After about an hour of more chatting, they decided it was time for bed. Her mate a woman called Sally showed her to the massive queen size bed she had in her bedroom and explained she could share the bed or make the visitors cot up for herself.

Margaret looked at the massive bed and how relaxed she felt with her friend she said the bed share would do nicely. It was a cold night and they ended up sleeping in the spoon position. Her friend's arm cuddled to her and Margaret turned to look at her. She didn’t know why she did it but moved forward just to kiss Sally. The kiss seemed to light a fire inside her though she never had thoughts about going with a woman.

She felt awful when Sally pulled away and said, "I don’t want you to think I got you into bed while you are slightly inebriated." Margaret thought for a moment then moved back in to kiss Sally, this time though the kiss was returned with fervor. Inside she wanted to feel Sally all over but didn’t know what to do. Sally just told her to do what she liked doing to herself.

At first, there was a lot of movement in the bed while they removed their night stuff now completely naked they cuddled together. It felt so natural when Margaret started touching her friend's breasts and was amazed how quickly Sally’s nipples hardened. She had to taste her first other woman's breasts. Slowly partly nipping partly kissing she let her mouth move down Sally’s neck and onto her breasts the feeling of excitement in the room was amazing. Slowly sucking each nipple in turn she sucked them into her mouth while she felt Sally's hand slide ever lower till it was there stroking her pussy she had never felt that feeling from anyone not even herself.

Then one finger penetrated her gently it must have slipped inside her right to the knuckle. Then two and finally three. As they moved into her she could feel herself coming and suddenly she grabbed Sally's head and started kissing her as she had the biggest orgasm of her life. "Oh, my Gawd, Sally. I have never come like that before, can I try it on you please."

Sally didn’t laugh though she did smile at her friend's inexperience.


Margaret explained, "My first time at finger fucking another woman was rubbish I tried to rush it instead of taking my time, I was in so much of a hurry but with some tender words from my friend, I managed to bring her off. We played till we both fell asleep from exhaustion. Okay, I've told my story So what about you, Eric? What made you like older plump women or do you just like any age plump women?"

I could feel my sexual feelings going higher and higher as Margaret surprised me at how relaxed she was. Eric poured us all another drink which Margaret was drinking quite a lot of.

Eric started to explain, "When I was young my parents were high flyers, so they weren't often at home. I didn’t mind as I wanted for nothing. When I became sixteen and too old for a nanny my parents asked her if she would like to stay on as a housekeeper? I was glad when Michelle said yes as we got on great. She was a pleasant enough woman in her mid-forties or early fifties. She wasn’t beautiful, I think you would call her homely now."

Eric continued, "I was in the bathroom rubbing my cock over my shorts when she walked in. She used to bath me so I wasn’t worried about her seeing me naked but rubbing myself off was a different matter. 'What are you doing, Master Eric?' I just stood there my hand holding the hard length I had."

Looking at Margaret I could see she was on fire. She kept trying to rub herself surreptitiously so I let her see I was hot too by literally starting to rub under my skirt and in my knickers. 



I noticed both women were really enjoying it so I carried on with my sex tale. "My cock was hard when Michelle said, 'I will show you how to do it properly seeing as your father hasn’t but it has to be kept a secret between us two!' I couldn’t wait and very quickly Michelle came over and pulled my shorts off my feet and took my cock in her hand. It hardened to full length and she said something like that’s a massive todger for a young man. I stood as she wanked me slowly at first but then I noticed she had put her hand under her skirt and was rubbing something." 

I continued, "I asked if I could see so she stopped wanking me I thought I had upset her but no she dropped her skirt and big white panties to the bathroom floor and stood to rub her pussy while taking my cock in hand and wanked me faster. It didn’t take her long she was moaning and I was hanging on for dear life till a stream of white pee shot out of my cock. 'OH! Master Eric,' She said. She took my hand and ushered me into the bedroom and onto her bed and told me to go slowly cos it was a while since she had a cock and would be tight. I hadn’t a clue what she was talking about till she lay on the bed and I got on top of her. I eased my oiled cock into her following her instructions."

I carried on, "As I felt myself right inside she told me to pull out very slowly which I did but after a while, she went quiet except for moaning till she shouted something about coming and I felt my cock get bathed in warm watery stuff and a few more in and outs had me shoot more white pee only to hear her shout, 'Master Eric, oh yes, I'm coming again!' I flopped on top of her and she held me tightly to her with my shrinking cock still inside her."

Alice said, "Come on, get those shorts off, so we can see this magnificent todger of yours. I could see you looking at us rubbing our pussies.”

Margaret added, “Yes, you get it out and I will drop my knickers and skirt on the floor for you to see properly.”

I was shocked to hear Margaret say this, standing I pulled out my very hard length while Margaret true to her word stood and dropped everything off, her pussy was soaking I could hear as she was sliding her finger in and out.

Alice stood and dropped her stuff off too. Then taking Margaret by the arm I said, “I want you now!”.

Margaret headed towards the bed with me leading the way 

Alice led Margaret to the queen size bed and laid her on it saying, “You have always been the instigator but it's my turn now.” She then trussed her arms to the headboard and spreading her legs tied them open to the bottom of the bed.

She came over to me, sat and had another drink when from the bed Margaret said, “This isn’t very sexy Alice! so leave him and get over here and untie me.”

Eric was the first to get to the bedside and I watched as he smiled at Margaret and ran his hand across her thighs, shushing her he  said, “Nothing is going to happen to you that you haven't agreed too.”

Margaret fought against the duct tape but to no avail, as Eric with his massive cock swinging between his legs said again, “Nothing is going to happen without your consent I promise.” Margaret seemed to relax then.”

I sat watching Eric and Margaret wondering what his next move would be and in anticipation, my body was getting excited. Already I could feel my nipples hardening and my pussy begin to moisten. True my clit wasn’t erect yet but it wouldn’t take long.

Eric came from the bedside and walked over to me taking my hand, helped me out of my seat and kissed me. It was a deep and sensual kiss. I was already smoldering and the kiss just seemed to turn my fire into a furnace.

Watching Margaret from where she lay spreadeagled on the bed watching us.  I wanted to fuck Eric again while she watched. My hand snaked down to his cock and took hold of the length that was there, as we cuddled together.

Eric had other ideas and taking my hand took me to the bedside.

“I want to watch you two make love if that’s alright. I have never seen two women making out, would that be ok with you Margaret?” 

"Yes," Margaret replied, "you get Alice to go for it."

I started to kiss Margaret and she was returning my kisses, our tongues entering each other’s lips.

“I could enjoy this better if I was loose,” she jokingly complained.

"Just let me have my fun first," I replied.

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Janets sin Chapter 2 Eric needs a release

As I tried to recover from the intense orgasm forced upon me by my stepson, I struggled to come to grips with my massive guilt. Eric began to climb up between my thighs, positioning himself to enter his stepmommy’s wet and dilated pussy. His massive erection was swinging proudly in front of him as he approached me. He had not cum yet; and he needed to do so. But I could not allow him to fuck me, that was too much. I just couldn’t cross that line.But after Eric had just given me one of the most...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 10

They were seated in a private booth in a small intimate restaurant far across town. She and Phillip had never eaten there nor did she recognize any faces as they had entered, so Jeanne relaxed and enjoyed the delicious meal and wine. Eric drank in the beauty of the woman sitting across from him. She wore her auburn locks high in a twist, her eyes accentuated by a hint of shadow. She wore a black satin evening gown cut low and revealing not only very attractive cleavage, but also the fact...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 13

The auctioneer rapped the gavel, selling the Tiffany lamp to an older couple near the back. "Our next series of items will be sold as a lot. Thirty-six books from the Franklin estate." Eric glanced across the room, as the auctioneer described the collection in more detail, noting the rather mousey woman who had yet to place a bid, but who now sat forward on her chair. Lorene Crutcher was small in stature, standing only five feet tall. Her vivid green eyes offset her pleasant but...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 12 The Steiners

The next day he did as he promised and took me with is rugged freight bed flier to the southmost tip of Bifrost island a deserted dark pebble beach. Most of the rocks where about fist sized but there many much bigger and a few almost house sized. “These are carried by the glaciers from the mountains and after every Longnight they go a little further till they end in the sea.” He explained, “Eventually carrying our small mountain range away to the sea.” He took the metal box with him, handed...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 9

Having seduced Jeanne, Eric had already won the second part of the bet, but his intrinsic hatred of women drove him far beyond. He had humiliated Tammy by impregnating her then leaving her in a position sure to cause major problems in her marriage and he was determined to do the same with Jeanne. She had already shown that her sexual desires were so strong as to overpower her sense of reason. Eric wondered just how far into depravity he could take the beautiful wife and mother. He knew he...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 29 More Stew

“No need to be afraid First Daughter!” the Old man said and the gun spun out of Freydis hand and floated in mid air. “I am Egill Skallagrímsson, the Eldest. I am sure some of you have heard of me. My friend here is Elkhart the First Keeper of Hasvik. We are not here to harm you, arrest you, kill you or stop you from what you are doing! We came because this world of ours is in grave danger, because we too believe it is high time all citizens of this world are heard and because together we are...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 7

"All right, all right," said Kevin relaxing on the sofa of his apartment. He had just listened to the entire tape documenting not only the first day when Eric and Tammy had met, but each day thereafter concluding with yesterday afternoon when Eric had again partaken of the housewife whose orgasms had grown more intense and more vocal. On the last tape the attractive young housewife was shouting "I'm cumming!" "Fuck me Eric, fuck me!" and "Breed me Eric! Knock up your little blonde...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 7 Erik Ragnarsson returns to Nilfeheim

The weeks to summer break went by faster than I liked. Mr. Walters came into class this morning and said after we greeted him. “Tomorrow will be your last day of school and you have three month to prepare for the next year. Everyone in class will advance. While your grades and results have much room for improvement, they are satisfactory. Today I want to ask if you know why we keep time the way we do?” He pointed his finger at Yngve.” You will not speak.” Since Mr. Walters gave positive...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 15 SIF

Two days later, the Elders placed Ragnarsson flags and a shield with the Falcon symbol in a ritualistic ceremony into the Caves of Extinct clans and had the alcove bricked shut. An Elder smashed my Grandfathers signet ring with a hammer on an anvil and tossed it into the ocean. The Ragnarsson clan was no more. After the Ceremony Hogun took me downtown again, he explained that a lawyer had come to open my grandfather’s will. The building where Hogun landed the floater had three floors and...

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Daniel Eric Part Two

A bonfire was to be held in the grounds of the building during the winter, in celebration of a Norse God, probably long forgotten by humans. Impervious to the cold and frosty weather, a mass of us sat on the ground near the fire, close to the lake that had long since frosted over. There was music playing and the smell of spiced apple in the air, a scent that brought about the kind of excitement that only Christmas seems to bring. Eric and I had chosen our seats under a leaning oak tree, away...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 5

"Mrs. Travers?" asked Eric as the attractive young woman answered the door. "Yes, I'm Tammy Travers. You must be Eric Rochet. Please come in." As the self assured young man entered the small frame house he surreptitiously gave the young housewife the once over and turned on the small recorder which lay concealed in his pocket. Not bad, he thought, not bad at all. The honey blonde was even more beautiful than her high school picture. Her bright blue eyes were large and expressive, her...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 6

That night as she lay next to her husband, Tammy Travers could not keep her mind off the events of that afternoon. She tossed and turned long after Michael was sound asleep and when she did finally fall into a fitful sleep, the dream returned, the dream she had experienced scores of times except now the stranger had a face and a name and as he took her, she screamed his name while begging him to take her again and again until her wish, her secret wish was fulfilled. The next morning after...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 17 Mother

It was the last hour of our last school day. Mr. Walters handed out the final grades and said.” This is the last time I am doing this for you. When you return next year, a new teacher will try to pound some knowledge into your thick skulls. I am going to be transferred to another school, still on Nilfeheim but they thought I be best suited to try my hand on the even wilder Neo Vikings of the South Pole.” He then shook everyone’s hand and said a few words to everyone. When he reached me he...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 11 Rewards

When I came around, I was still lying under that purple thing. The armed and fully armor suited men were close now holding their weapons ready pointing them at my friends. The bearded dark skinned man wearing a battle suit of unknown origin argued with Cardwell. “I want you to open those Translocator storages now. We do not have much time.” Cardwell barked back and pointed at me. “I told you that two command codes are needed to open them, the only one able doing that was killed by your...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 36 Interlude Boneyard

Swybar lounged in the comfortable chair behind the conference table aboard the Red Dragon. Soon the requested supplies would arrive and make him a very dangerous man. The table was laid out with a light dinner. Both of his associates had joined him and both of them had been very respectful and lauded his genius. Swybar loved it when others realized just how smart and resourceful he was. Even the disguised Kermac treated him like an equal, as it was proper. He was no fool however and knew...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 9 Keepers

I found the Halls of Hasvik easily enough as they could not be missed. Next to the huge doors ;which were as I could see now, were made of dark wood with large Ultronit bands holding large timbers together; was a smaller metal door and I knocked there. It did not take long and another man opened, he too was dressed like the other one but he was the stark opposite of the Old man I met the day before. He was fat, Midril would have appeared like a weightless Elf compared to this man. His woven...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 13 Funeral

The image of Ardalf’s face as the sword slipped into his body would not leave me and I dreaded going to sleep even more than before. When I finally was so tiered I had to sleep I would dream and see the scene all over. One particular dream was especially disturbing as I saw my mother standing by the dead boy and shaking her head. Father was busy integrating the Steiner clan and he left me completely alone, even when I was at the burg and he was there. I spend most of my time at Uncle Hogun’s...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 8 Checkpoint 96

Non Union ships wanting to do business in Union space have to stop at one of these Checkpoints that dot the imaginary border between Union and Free space to get Customs clearance and a transponder code. While civilian ships could freely enter Union space, they could only land on Union Worlds with the proper Customs documents. Detected warships of other civilizations would result in a border alert and cause an immediate response from the fleet. Checkpoint 96 was a small ice planet with a...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 2 Ragnarsson Rock

5009, OTT The days after her death were like a haze. I woke in the Union Clinic. It was the first time I could remember being away from the Burg. When I first regained consciousness I was floating in some kind of gooey liquid, whatever I tried I could not move and through the liquid I could see people moving. I was certain one of the shapes was father. When I woke again, I was no longer in the liquid but in the same room. All was gleaming white and clean. A man with a broad smile greeted...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 21 HEL

I brushed the last crumbs of dirt onto the dust pan and got up to look around. The basement area was clean! The stone floor patched with Duro-crete were the rot was so bad it actually had crumbled stone. The walls scrubbed with disinfectant and the few small windows now glazed and clean. The big Recycler was turned off and pushed to one wall. The small Nanite Unit was more than adequate to take care of the Old man’s trash every day. By now I was well equipped. I had shovels and brooms and...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 22 TYR

I turned to run up the stairs and was already inside the staircase entrance. I was certain the big fish had no problem snatching a little human from the narrow ledge. There had to be a Harpoon in the place somewhere! “You won’t find harpoons or Slayers in old Egill’s home, Eric.” A thundering voice said! I felt like hit by lightning and could barely find the courage to turn. It could not be! The fish did not speak! “There is no one else here, Eric!” I did turn, not even knowing holding...

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Eric will Make a B MovieChapter 27

Then a snake slithered in to my Garden of Eden. It walked like a human, talked like a human, but it was a snake of the lowest magnitude. I hadn't laid eyes on my old friend Eric in three years. I'd get a sporadic email every once in a while. I'd always respond, update him on the family, and invite him to visit. He never came. He dabbled in film a few more times, before giving it up. I figured he would, his penchant for getting bored quickly still in force. I'd seen two of his efforts,...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 10 Reunion

Even though I had little medical knowledge, my time serving in the Devi’s sick bay and getting basic med training at the Academy I was helping with the triage of wounded and somehow remembered Dr. Dwyer my old Nilfeheim doctor as I derma-patched an eleven year old’s scrape wounds he had suffered falling while running and hiding inside an service crawl. The Casualty numbers were depressing. “943 dead among them many civilians and 1532 wounded of which more than 500 were very critical. Over...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 3 Basic Training

I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...

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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 2 Consequences

Lothar’s beam burned through my chest. It felt as if my entire torso was on fire, but I was alive. I did not faint or pass out instead fulled by burning rage I ran towards him, his face was pure horror he still held the small weapon he did not fire a third time. I reached him in mere seconds, buried my knee in his groin and smashed the palm of my hand against his nose with the hope I would shove his nose bone up his brain. Something completely impossible f course, but I was furious and kept...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 2 Green Eden

Green Eden appeared to be a beautiful green, white and blue sphere. From space it looked as inviting as any garden world. The transport descended through moderate clouds and approached a heavy forested land mass. We landed on a simple dirt field that had been cleared in the jungle. At the edge of the dirt field I saw a collection of primitive looking buildings made of wood. There were no machines, no robots, no ships or vehicles and no one waiting for us. Someone from the flight deck...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 20 Women

I did not let go of the Harpoon gun but pressed the button that recalled the seats.” Is it true one of you has killed an Elder?” Snøfrid undid the cloak and sat down and said to the others. “Take of your masks and lower the weapons.” Then to me she said after crossing her legs and folding her gloved hands in her lap.” Yes Eric one of us did and it won’t be the last!” She made a deliberate pause probably to see a reaction in my face then she said. “We are an underground organization. We...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 12

A week later Eric had called her to arrange another tryst. "With you and Devon?" she asked expectantly. "No someone new and quite different." "Really? How so?" "Let's just say that he'll be introducing you to a side of yourself that you haven't as yet discovered." "Being a bit mysterious aren't we?" "No, not really. It's just time that an adventurous woman like yourself found a purpose in life." "I don't..." "It will all become clear on Friday... that is the night...

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 14

SIX YEARS LATER "Kevin! How long has it been?" said Eric, rising from behind his office desk to shake hands and motioning the other man to a seat. "A little over six years," answered the other. "What brings you to L.A.?" "My firm is expanding. They sent me out for a start up of the new plant." "How are you?" "I'm fine. Married now. Two kids," he responded taking out his wallet and showing the family photo. "A great looking family," said Eric, noting that the wife was...

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Eric will Make a B MovieChapter 16

They lived, oddly enough, in Ohio. My home was in a little town right outside of Atlanta. I loved the area, with the huge old houses harkening back to a bygone era, the seemingly unhurried flow of life a refreshing change from the rush of L A or Chicago. My condo was just outside the city limits of Atlanta but very close, a good place for a single man. It looked like I'd be needing a bigger place soon. With a lot of reluctance, we said goodbye to Canada. Despite the cold, I felt I could...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Eric and Donna Save the Last Dance For Me

The Adventures of Eric and Donna: Save the Last Dance For Me! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Eric's life-long friend Steve bounded down the outside cellar stairs towards Eric's basement, the default hang out for all of Eric's friends since elementary school. As was the custom, he walked in without bothering to knock, jumped over the back of the sofa, and landed on the cushion next to Eric. As was also their custom, he referred to Eric...

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The Seduction and Enslavement of Young Innocent Eric

The Seduction and Enslavement of Young, Innocent Eric: The Path to Total Control I knew what I was thinking was evil. But still, I couldn't convince myselfit would be wrong, not with the excitement, sexual and otherwise, that I feltwhen I thought about it. Marion, my office assistant of nearly five yearshad just died prematurely from cancer. She had been a single, overprotective motherof a shy 16-year boy named Eric. They had had no other relatives, eventhe father, if he was even known, was...

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Eric and Friends My First Senior LoverChapter 2

I have told you all about Eric. the first older guy I had a "relationship" with. I also mentioned how on occasions he would like me to dress up and let his friends fondle me and I also fucked and sucked a few of them off... After Eric and I went our separate ways, him moving away. I really had a lot more actual full sex partners ... most of them whilst on holidays, as I have said in my experiences about Turkey etc. A few months after Eric moved away and after a holiday in Ibiza ( Which...

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Eric has a Redhaired Conundrum

(Not quite) the beginning...“Ooh! Oh, fuck, baby! Like that! Yeah! Harder! Uhr! Oh, god! Oh, god! C’mon, baby! Fuck me! Like that! Yeah! Uhr-uhn! Huhrr! Oh, shit! Fuck!”Eric sat quietly on the sofa across from the television, unable to find a comfortable position on the beaten cushions. With his fingers interlocked on his lap, he melted against the cushy, round arm of the old sofa, keeping a wide gap between him and Millie seated by the opposite arm.Every few minutes, he shifted his eyes to the...

Straight Sex
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Tim The Teenage MCPart 6 Sir Eric Roberts of Atlantia

"Master?" Sir Eric Nicolas Roberts, Viscount of Atlantia, sighed, then mumbled, "Hmm?". "Is the Queen's castle much further?" His Excellency opened his eyes and looked down from his horse at his squire walking besides him. "Do you see it yet Squire?" "No Master, I do not," he said just before he clumsily stumbled. "Are you tired boy?" "No, not tired ... My left shoe has a hole in it, Master, and I keep getting pebbles in it." "Hop up here, then," Eric...

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ERIC Eric had just turned 14 in June. As with most 14 year old males, Eric was small and thin, a boy growing into a man's body. Confused about who he was and what he had changed into. Puberty does that to young males. He liked girls but was he was very confused. One of his best friends was Joey, or as she preferred to be called now Mary Jo. Again puberty does that. Confusion reigned in the lad's life. Eric lived at home with his parents. His mother was a homemaker, his dad...

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1.01 Eric and Nicole: 1.02 Eric, Nicole, Harness Preparation: 1.03 Nicole, Harness, Bidet, Vaginal Preparation: 1.04 Eric, Harness, Bidet, Rectal Preparation: 1.05 Nicole, A Silicone Love Affair: 1.06 Eric, A Silicone Love Affair: 1.07 Nicole, Harness, The Girl, Fisting: 1.08 Eric, Harness, The Boy, Mating: 1.01 Eric and Nicole: Eric and Nicole are anti Gay and Lesbian activists. They also campaigned for the closing of adult businesses that sell sexual oriented material,...

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Eric has a Redhaired Conundrum Part 2 of 2

“You are allowed pets in your apartment?” Eric’s father asked as he emerged from the bathroom.Eric, seated with his mother at the table, frowned and asked, “What are you talking about? What pet?”“There is a small black and furry creature crawling around behind your toilet,” Father grunted. “Must be a rat.”“Oh my God. You have rats?” his mother exclaimed.Eric smirked. “I don’t have rats. Dad is just making it up.”“Just because you don’t see rats, it does not mean that there are no rats,” Father...

Straight Sex
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Donnie And Eric

"Oh, fuck James, Donnie, fill up my glass," I whined, putting it out."Gwen, I know you're hurting," Donne pointed out, slanting the bottle down and pouring the wine. "I'm just saying, don't go nuts.""I'm not going nuts, I'm getting drunk, there's a huge difference, Donnie," I groaned before turning my head. "You get me right, Eric?""He kind of has a point. We're on our third bottle now, and you've drunk most of the first two," Eric reminded me, rubbing my arm.Then they both...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 16 Dark Blade

I did not feel like celebrating but I sat down with the others at the big table and was asked to tell them about my time at the academy. I gave them a very rough and condensed version and I did not even finish part of it as there was too much to explain and I could tell I had lost them as I told about the formal dinner, so I recalled the events around the duel and that was well received. I also told father that I would not be here for long and that a ship was on its way to pick me up. Elena...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 11 Uncle Hogun

The shock of being caught had completely cured me of that unnatural desire, at least that what I thought and I concentrated on the training. Time had no real meaning, Training was not getting easier. A man who listened to the name of Richard taught me how to use a sword. I knew he was not a keeper and I was firmly convinced he was the one who had trained me before. He introduced me to the different types of swords and showed me that there was more than the widely used broadsword, even though...

4 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 28 Aunt Freydis

The masked woman in the red Cloak said.” Welcome Eric, or should I say welcome Freya?” I blushed despite the fact that my secret was no secret here and they probably all laughed as they used me back then, but I tried to concentrate and said. “I don’t care if you make fun of my secret and I told Astrid I am tired of being played and taken for a fool. It was you or one of you who wanted me here to discuss the very serious problems you have. I can leave right now.” She got up from her Chair....

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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 15

THREE MONTHS LATER "Your three o'clock is here Doctor," said his receptionist's voice over the intercom. "Yes, send her in," he replied. Tina, his married receptionist had been an easy lay, but now she was wanting it so often that she was getting to be a pain in the ass. He made a mental note to replace her as soon as possible. He opened the folder to the case file for his next patient, a Mrs. Dina Mulvey. Her first appointment had been only two weeks ago and while he felt he could...

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How about Eric

"How about Eric?" she offered.  My girlfriend, Michelle (sometimes just "Chelle") and I were lying in bed, our sweat and other fluids drying and our heartbeats slowly returning to normal after a pretty adventurous little romp together. This particular evening of youthful exploration had "climaxed" with me sliding a vibrator that we had been using during foreplay into her ass while I was already inside of her, simulating double penetration. We'd never done this before but we had been trying more...

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Blind Date For Eric

The small apartment was quiet as Eric settled down to an evening of television. He was looking forward to a night to himself after a long week of teaching at the Wood County Police Academy. His specialty was self-defense, but he taught all aspects of police work. It had been an especially tough week where things went wrong when they shouldn’t have and things didn’t get done when they should have. All in all, he was tired and sore and didn’t want to be bothered for a few days. Flipping through...

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