Devotion To Aphrodite free porn video

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The legionnaire was very hairy. The hair on his broad back was long enough for Diana to get her fingers tangled right inside. But at least he spoke Greek. Of a sort. Not like the Roman centurion who’d fucked Diana for so long just a couple of hours ago. He’d spoken Vulgar Latin and some words of Aramaic from where he’d been stationed before being relocated to Smyrna. But even though she could hardly understand half what he said, he’d been a pretty good fuck. The sort that reminded Diana of why she’d chosen to dedicate herself to the service of Aphrodite. Or ‘Venus’ as the Roman had called the divine goddess. Typical of the Romans. They steal your religion and then they rename all the Gods. But at least they hadn’t abandoned the true Gods like some people in the city had done.

The legionnaire’s cock was thick and hairy and a kind of olive colour just like the rest of him. The glans had a small kink in it, but Diana licked it and watched as it became hard and shiny. She leaned over and dipped her fingers into a tub of olive oil, while her tongue nibbled and chewed at the scrotum, which tightened as his cock got larger. Then she pulled it out of her mouth and sat up. She smeared the olive oil all over the cock and testicles. And as she did so, she intoned a prayer to the Divine Aphrodite. This was standard procedure for a temple prostitute, and one way that distinguished her from the common prostitutes she so despised: who sold their bodies not for the greatest service of the gods, and in particular for the Divine Goddess Aphrodite, but for their own selfish pecuniary gain. And, furthermore, as was obvious when you saw these sorry creatures as they loitered outside the hovels where they provided their services, these women had none of the style, expertise or even the looks of a temple prostitute. No wonder the Temple of Aphrodite felt able to charge its services at a premium rate.

After the prayers were done, Diana poured sands into the uppermost of two conical vessels, so that the grains would slowly drop out into the vessel below through the small hole at its base and mark the passing of the time for which the legionnaire had paid for Diana’s service. As was her duty to the Divine Goddess she would ensure that the legionnaire would benefit from the arts of Aphrodite as taught her by the other temple prostitutes and which further distinguished a temple prostitute from the common sort that the legionnaire could so much more easily afford.

However dedicated as Diana was to her craft, as her mouth closed over the tip of the legionnaire’s penis, and she sucked in her cheeks, while slopping her tongue beneath the thick weight of the penis’s girth, she could still contemplate the monetary worth of her endeavours. Not that one prostitute received more wealth in the temple than any other. Her services were for the good of the temple, which would safeguard not only the upkeep of the icons and statues, but also the long-term welfare of those older prostitutes who were no longer able to work in such a physical capacity. And the welfare of the children who were the fruit of the prostitutes’ endeavours and who had to be cared for before they were old enough to be sold as indentured servants or, if they were female, to work as prostitutes in the temple.

The legionnaire’s cock was soon at its maximum size, and there was still much more than half the volume of sand to go. Diana didn’t want the legionnaire to be disappointed by too brief a love-making, but she sensed that he was very keen to enter her vagina, which was scented and perfumed according to the rituals, her pubic hair combed and plaited, and a ceremonial bronze ring threaded through her clitoris. She leaned on her back. This was a legionnaire who had undoubtedly raped and pillaged in the service of the empire and had learnt some bad habits with regard to how best to treat a woman. He pushed Diana’s legs apart rudely, with his erect penis above him, and then plunged it straight into her without any more ceremony. Diana had got rather used to that. Soldiers were a rough lot, and those who’d come back from the furthest borders of the empire, where maltreatment and rape of captured women was common practice, were usually the worst. But Diana was a professional in the service of her Goddess and her role was to satisfy the man’s lust, not to comment on his roughness. Clearly, the way he was going, it’d all be over well before half the sands were gone.

Diana applied her skills to slow down and extend the legionnaire’s passion, avoiding his slobbery kisses on her cheeks and face (that wasn’t part of the transaction!), and gripping his flobby, hairy buttocks in her hands. The inflation that was rife throughout the empire meant that the legionnaire was going to pay rather more sestertii for her services than he would have done a couple of years earlier when his legion was last in Smyrna. But Diana knew that those sestertii bought rather fewer goods in the market than the fee a few years earlier would have done. All was not well in the empire, as the soldiers would so often tell her, despite the assurances of the local officials who’d have her believe that nothing could injure the Empire under the wise governance of the Emperor. There were so many pagans and barbarians attacking the borders of civilisation, people who worshipped Gods other than those who reigned from Mount Olympus. There were the Goths, the Huns and the Persians. And the pagans tolerated inside the very borders of the empire, who sought to overthrow the divine order from within. How could the empire survive if its very spiritual basis was threatened?

“Now your arse!” grunted the legionnaire, pulling his still erect penis out of Diana’s vagina.

“By the Great Goddess, no!” Diana responded. “I’m not a common whore. And you’re not in a heathen land where barbarians are so depraved that they cannot tell apart a boy from a girl. Aphrodite has granted men and women the bounty of love, and she has decreed that it is to be done in the right and proper way. If you wish to besmirch your penis in an unclean receptacle then there are many sluts at the forum or the amphitheatre who will be pleased to help.”

The legionnaire looked put out. He’d clearly forgotten that he was in a temple and that due respect needed to be given to its servants. “Forgive me, sister. I forgot myself. You’re right. In the border land of Britain where the Pictish barbarians are massed, there is indeed no true decency. I have fucked many a pagan woman’s arse, and, yes, I admit, a pagan man’s too. I have not yet adjusted to civilised life. May I be permitted to re-enter the receptacle of Aphrodite’s benison?”

Diana smiled. This legionnaire wasn’t so rough and ill mannered after all. “Yes, of course, but first I shall lick your manhood again. It has lost some of the edge of its fervour.”

Today was not an especially busy day. There were no festivals being celebrated. No public holidays. The soldiers in the city had arrived several weeks earlier and had learnt to be less free with their sestertii than they had earlier been. Days such as this were days of rest and recuperation for Diana. Less than a handful of men to service. She felt that the goddess Aphrodite had hardly been properly served today, and so when more than an hour had passed since the legionnaire had departed, Diana took leave of her chamber and entered the main body of the temple to pray to the goddess she served.

She entered the temple naked, as all servants of Aphrodite had to be within its hallowed walls. It would not be right to deny the worshippers of the Goddess of Love the sight of the object of love’s devotion. Clothes were denied the temple prostitutes, except on those rare occasions when they should leave the temple estate. In fact, it was this very presence of clothing on Andromeda that alerted Diana that something had changed for her closest friend.

Diana bowed to the marble statue of Aphrodite that graced the temple, the Venus of Smyrna as the Romans called it. It was not much larger than an ordinary woman and it had the perfect proportions of the great goddess. The straight nose. The womanly bosom. The full buttocks. Diana sighed. If only her body was more like the Aphrodisiac ideal. Instead of being so very thin. To look at her slender thighs, no one could have imagined Diana as a woman of childbearing capability – even though she had borne two children for the service of the Great Goddess who were being cared for by the elderly temple matrons.

She had intended to masturbate in front of the great statue, thereby demonstrating the extent of her devotion and how much she loved the Goddess. She had always believed that it was necessary to worship Aphrodite in this traditional manner as often as one could, and then smear the juice of her passion, which would ease out of her vagina, onto the ceremonial candles so that they would burn with the scent of her sex. When masturbating, Diana would fantasise about the goddess Aphrodite coming down from Mount Olympus to be with her, as the gods were wont to occasionally do. And then she would take Diana as Zeus had with Leda and Europa, and the two would make wild sapphic love. Aphrodite’s tongue deep in her vagina, while she would worship the labial folds of the great goddess. That would be the greatest honour for any servant of a deity. Sometimes she fantasised that Aphrodite had perhaps already come to her. Maybe in the guise of one of her clients. Or in the guise of one of the other temple prostitutes with whom she so often made love. She hoped, however, that she would not be as mischievous as the Father of the Gods, Zeus himself, and come as a swan or a bull. This was a habit of the Olympians that Diana couldn’t really understand or appreciate.

But such devotion was not to be. She felt that before offering her juices to Aphrodite, she should learn why Andromeda had so chosen to disregard the spirit of the great goddess and enter her temple in clothes, and such modest clothes too. Diana wasn’t sure she’d ever seen Andromeda in clothing before. All the time they spent together in the temple, ever since they were children and Andromeda had joined the temple after the unfortunate death of her parents in a plague, giggling together, playing games together, making love together, not once could Diana recall a time when she’d seen Andromeda cover her flesh. And such a shame to hide her beautiful body! The only body other than that of Aphrodite that Diana had truly loved with passion and emotion. Those full womanly breasts, the large thighs, the rounded folds of motherly flesh, the delicate fingers and toes, surely blessed by Aphrodite herself so as to provide her with better service in her duties to the temple.

And where were those breasts and that darling vagina now? Hidden under a dress that came down nearly to her ankles, and showed only the glimpse of her bosom. Her hair was tied back with a hairpin, and she carried a basket under her bared arm. Diana recalled their last lovemaking, just days before. There had been no hint then that Andromeda should so soon dishonour the reputation of the goddess of love. Indeed it was to love that she and Diana were the most true servants at that occasion. Truly, Cupid’s arrow had been shot with great accuracy that day. Diana sighed as she recalled the rich sour odours of Andromeda’s cunt. Her own vagina became slightly itchy and moist at the very recollection.

“Andromeda!” she called out in an urgent hiss. “Quickly! Take off your clothes! You don’t want the temple mother to know of your discourtesy to the Great Goddess!”

Andromeda looked away from the mural on the wall, which depicted one of the triumphs of Aphrodite’s passion over those who would deny the potency of her love. It was a mural that Diana and she had studied for many hours, tracing the details of the erect penises as they penetrated the virgins who had denied the services of Aphrodite for the sake of their selfish devotion to chastity. Why would Andromeda find such a painting so very fascinating today?

“Diana!” laughed Andromeda. “You haven’t heard? I spoke to the temple mother just a couple of days ago. As of today, I am no longer a servant of the goddess Aphrodite.”

Diana wasn’t sure she’d heard right. She gasped, and walked backwards into a huge candle, the very one she intended to anoint with her vaginal juices.

“So, the mother hasn’t spoken. It’s true! I am no longer a temple prostitute. I no longer serve Aphrodite.”

Diana gathered her wits about her. Defections from the temple were not unknown. Sisters sometimes left to marry their clients. Sometimes, though this was less often, they left because they no longer felt able to offer their body for sexual gratification perhaps as much as a dozen times a day. “Why? Why?”

“Because I no longer follow the goddess. She is no longer the one whom I serve. I have become a Christian.”

“A Christian!” This was the worst news possible. Andromeda’s soul was now lost. She would descend to the region of Hades, as did all unbelievers, destined to suffer eternal torment. “It’s not too late, Andromeda. The goddess Aphrodite is forgiving and merciful. She can see that you are misled. She will allow you back into the fold. Please, Andromeda! Divest yourself of your clothes and return again to the service of the Goddess who so loves and cares for you!”

“Diana!” laughed Andromeda. “You don’t understand. I have converted. I have been baptised in the name of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. I have chosen to follow the dictates of the one true God, who is so Merciful that his own Son died so that our souls may be saved.”

“Andromeda. Andromeda. This is profanity most foul. And spoken within the sacred confines of the great temple of Aphrodite. How has this happened? How have you been tempted away from the only true way? How have you become a pagan?”

Andromeda laughed again. She leaned out and placed her hand on Diana’s bare shoulder, reminding her again of the passion they had shared so recently. She hoped that perhaps her love would persuade Andromeda to return to the service of Aphrodite and forget about this nonsense that the people of the sign of the fish had spread. Rue the day that the emperors had become so soft and tolerant that they permitted these pagans to spread their faith amongst the devout!

“Diana. It is you who is misled. I have heard the bishops and vicars of Christ speak. I have even seen the great patriarch of Smyrna himself. The true way is the way of Jesus Christ. He who is the Light and the Way. He who is Alpha and Omega.” Andromeda made the sign of Alpha in the air, which looked so much like the shape of a fish. “I have struggled for many years with my faith. I have often thought that the religion of our Hellenic forebears has lost its way. It has been perverted by the Romans, who even assigned deity to their emperors, and it no longer carries its old authority.”

“But Christianity? Does it not come from the Semitic nations of the Desert? The people of Palestine, Samaria and Assyria. How can a god worshipped by those savages be a god for civilised people?”

“Have you not heard? It is rumoured that even some of the senators in Rome may be Christian. And very many people throughout the Empire have been converted. With the momentum of so many conversions, it is surely only time until the Roman Empire becomes a Christian Empire.”

Diana didn’t want to hear more. All she could think of was the eternal suffering that her dearest Andromeda would suffer. Her genitals would be torn from her. Hot irons would brand her flesh. She would be lost forever on the further shores of the Styx. She pulled Andromeda to her naked body, feeling the unfamiliar cloth against her skin, and wept on her shoulder. Andromeda held her close to her bosom and kissed her full on the mouth. Diana responded eagerly. She grasped Andromeda’s head in her hands and pulled her face to hers, to smother her with kisses and tears, in the hope that she could seduce her close friend and in this way encourage her to make love in the temple. To take off her hated clothes and to stretch out on the rush mats on the temple floor, and to put out the fire of burning passion that was inflaming her cunt. If she could just get her tongue to her friend’s clitoris under the watchful eye of the statue of Aphrodite, then perhaps Andromeda would see the error of her ways and return to the Aphrodisiac fold.

But Andromeda was too strong. “Not here, Diana. Perhaps tonight. Please visit me in my new home and we can make love there.”

“What? Leave the confines of the temple?”

“Why not? You’re not a prisoner. I’m sure you can borrow a gown so that you can walk the city streets without being molested by the brutish soldiers garrisoned within the city walls. Please, Diana. And then we not only can make love. Again. We can talk together.”

Diana nodded. Her hope was that she might persuade Andromeda to abandon her newfound obsession and return to the service of Aphrodite. And it was this hope that she took with her, not long after Andromeda quit the temple, her shapely ankles only just visible under the confining length of her dress. And this was the hope that she presented to the great temple mother when she asked for consent to see her past lover.

Agatha, the temple mother, was very understanding but also very sorrowful. “We are truly sad to lose Andromeda. She has been a good servant to the temple. She has brought in many sestertii to our cause. Although she has not blessed the temple with her own children, she has blessed it with her love. I was very unhappy when she told me that she would be leaving. I shall pray to Aphrodite for her soul.”

Diana nodded. “I have been masturbating in front of the statue of the Great Goddess for over an hour, asking that she should be saved.”

Agatha smiled understandingly. She was an old woman, a grandmother, perhaps nearly fifty years old, her skin tight and crinkled, her naked breasts now drooping rather than full and firm. But Diana loved her, as it was her duty to love those sisters who had served the goddess Aphrodite for more than a generation. She knelt down in front of Agatha and demonstrated her love by licking, sucking and chewing the lips and clitoris and folds of her vagina. An old woman’s vagina was slack, and the hair was coarse, and may no longer offer proof of fecundity once in the lunar cycle, but this vagina belonged to the temple mother and for that reason Diana sincerely loved it. She hoped that one day she might become the temple mother, and then she too could receive the tongue and lips of the sisters when they came to speak with her.

When Agatha was satisfied by Diana’s tongue, she bade her go, but advised her that she would almost certainly be unsuccessful in her hope that she may be able to save Andromeda’s soul. “These Christians. They are a persistent lot. They love to make martyrs of themselves so as to gain sympathy. They practise the strangest rituals where they pretend to eat human flesh and drink human blood. They have initiation ceremonies where they pretend to drown each other. But despite their strangeness and their denial of the Olympian gods, their faith continues to grow. I fear that one day they may even threaten the temples of the true gods.”

“Surely, that cannot be! Zeus would strike them dead with bolts of divine thunder. Heracles would return from Olympus to kill the pagans with his lion’s jaw.”

Agatha sighed. “I hope you are right. I do so hope you are right. But not all is well in the empire. Even the Romans may choose to abandon their spiritual traditions. I fear that these Christians are as much a threat to the empire’s future as the Huns, Goths and Vandals that amass at the empire’s borders.”

The streets and avenues leading to Andromeda’s new home were dark and unfamiliar. It had been a long time since Diana had last ventured so far from the temple. She strode in the centre of the road, dodging the donkeys and oxen-carts that carried out the commerce of the city of Smyrna, seeing the men who stood by the taverns and stalls not as potential customers, but as possible threats. She was glad that the gown she wore hid her breasts and crotch so well. She didn’t wish to attract a man’s attention unless he was to pay for it. And the only right and proper place for that was in the temple.

And when, at last, Diana was outside the hovel that Andromeda had described as hers, she was shocked. It was just a single room whose door was no more than a woollen blanket. And around her were many idle men, but also women, who, Diana could see from their painted faces and bare breasts, were the common sort of whore that she abhorred. But it was one of these sluts she had to ask which one of the rundown clay and wattle buildings housed Andromeda.

“Oh the new girl? The posh one from the temple. The cunt who’s taking my custom. I hope you’re taking her back with you. We don’t want her here.”

Diana smiled as politely as she could at the woman. She must be almost forty. No wonder she had to wear such thick paint over her face. And her breasts were cracked and leathery after years of exposure to the sun. But surely she wasn’t suggesting that her beloved Andromeda had become a common whore herself. How obscene! But Diana’s abhorrence wasn’t any lessened when she entered the room that the whore had indicated, and saw her lover. But not by herself. She was stretched out on the straw mattress while a squat balding man plied away at her, his cock deep within her anus.

Diana gasped. She had often seen Andromeda with men. It was normal for temple prostitutes to see each other in such company. Often she and Andromeda had served the wealthier clients of more adventurous habits as a couple, taking joy from making love to each other as well as taking joint responsibility for their client’s passion. But to see Andromeda serving a client outside the temple, and, what’s worse, permitting her unclean orifice to be taken as a channel of love… This was surely too much!

Andromeda grinned at Diana as she came in, with that old friendly smile of hers that the girls had exchanged over the years, while not breaking at all into her gasps and moans as she urgently pushed her buttocks up and down on the bald man’s cock. He also noticed Diana standing there, but judging that she had not come to also satisfy his lust, he only nodded at her, and then returned to his thrusting.

At least Andromeda wasn’t wearing any clothes, Diana reflected. Although, seeing as she wasn’t in the temple and was now a common prostitute, was that now a good thing or a bad thing? And Diana was fascinated to see how relatively large Andromeda’s anus was. She’d never thought that it could so easily accommodate such a big fat thing as a cock. After all, it was not Aphrodite who had blessed women with an anus. If that were so then it would not have been a feature shared by men. And when the bald man withdrew his fat thick penis, a trail of creamy viscous sperm trailing from its glans to the orifice it had been pounding so vigorously, Diana was fascinated to see how the anus had become so wide and round, with a trail of semen drooping down to tangle in the hairs of her vagina. Diana guessed from the ease by which Andromeda had admitted the organ that she may have been tempted by the pleadings of some of the temple clients to permit them a license not normally sanctioned within a sacred temple.

Andromeda’s client soon left, leaving her with a handful of coins on the faces of which was the clear head of the emperor. Diana eased off her dress as soon as she was sure that he had gone, and leaned down lengthways besides her lover. Andromeda kissed her tenderly on the lips and didn’t seem at all put out that Diana didn’t immediately commence making love with her. When they lived together in the temple, they would normally have already slumped into the slippery, sweaty heap of passion, so great had been their mutual love. Instead now, Diana was content to lay on her back with one arm around Andromeda’s bare back, while her lover leaned over her and stroked her nipples.

“I can’t lie, Andromeda. I came here in the hope of persuading you to return to the true faith. But now I’ve seen the horrors to which you have allowed yourself to descend, I’m not sure that you may not already beyond saving. You have not only become a Christian, which defies the natural order, you have also become a common whore. Is this how it is in your new religion? Do women who serve Christ also sell themselves in such a demeaning way? Proffering their arses to any pervert who wishes to take them?”

Diana laughed. “Don’t confuse my profession with the religion I profess. I had no choice when I left the temple but to become a whore. But one who works for herself. Not for the upkeep of a huge marble temple. But my faith is a separate issue. I left the temple not because I no longer wished to make a living by having sex with strangers, but because I truly believe in Jesus Christ.”

“So you work for yourself, now? You have sex for money? Not as a service to the great goddess Aphrodite?”

“I always did have sex for money, Diana. How else could I have afforded to leave the temple? Don’t say you don’t also make money by offering satisfaction to the clients outside of the normal remit?”

“Like anal sex? No. Never.”

Andromeda laughed. “You’re such a prude, Diana! You really do believe in Aphrodite!”

“Of course. As so did you. Until recently.”

“I’m not sure that’s true. I don’t think I really believed in anything before now. But Jesus Christ is a god who forgives and condones. He feasts with prostitutes and moneylenders. One of his disciples, Mary Magdalene, it is said, was a common prostitute. But there are so many different stories of Jesus Christ. Some people say that He believes in chastity and virginity. That He Himself was a virgin until He died. I can’t believe that! He was a man, so He must have had sex. Someone should gather all these different stories together in one book so that people can agree on who is the real Jesus Christ. And what He taught.”

“So what did he teach? I heard he was some kind of doctor or something.”

“He performed miracles. He turned water into wine. He fed a multitude on a single fish. He brought people back from the dead. And He even came back from the dead Himself.”

“That’s nothing! The gods performed much greater miracles than that. Zeus throws thunderbolts. Apollo carries the Sun on a chariot. Athena brought wisdom to the world. Aphrodite brings love, the greatest of all virtues.”

“But, Diana, I don’t believe that stuff. It just seems like myth. Fairy Tales. Legends. Where are the centaurs, fauns and dryads of your faith? The Roman Empire stretches to the limits of civilisation and yet no one has found the gods on the top of Mount Olympus or navigated the River Styx or even found the places mentioned in the epic poetry of Homer and Virgil. I don’t believe all that. But Christianity has the ring of authenticity. It’s about ordinary people, not kings and queens, tyrants and monsters. And it’s hardly two hundred years since Jesus Christ lived and died. Not thousands of years ago, like Heracles and Theseus and Odysseus. And the message of Christianity is forgiveness. If you agree to follow the Christian religion, then whatever you do, however bad your crimes, you will be forgiven, and go to Paradise. Do you think Aphrodite can do that?”

“That’s not fair. Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love. If you serve her, she will protect you both in this life and the next.”

“Oh, Diana. Do you really believe in Aphrodite? Do you really think that there is a family of deities who bicker amongst themselves but also have the time to help people who serve them? What happens when, like Paris, you serve the wrong god and lose out in the cosmic politics? With Jesus Christ I know that if I am baptised, if I confess my sins, and if I attend religious services, I shall go to Heaven.”

“But what are these religious services? I’ve heard that Christians are cannibals and eat human flesh and drink human blood.”

“That’s the mystery of Christ. Transubstantiation. Anyway, that’s what the priest says. So come on, Diana. Can’t you see that your faith is misled and that the true faith is that of Jesus Christ? After all, there are so many Christians in the Empire now, that Christ may indeed have already triumphed.”

At that moment Diana didn’t feel so confident in her beliefs. But as she nestled in against Andromeda’s body, she found that however much she might start doubting the substance of her faith, she was becoming more and more certain of its spirit. She worshipped the Goddess of Love, and whether she could be sure of its historical veracity, which was surely the proper matter for debate by the scholars, she knew that she believed in love itself.

And here in Andromeda was the object of her love. As it had been for so many years. And so it was to be again that night and through to the early morning. The two girls soon bowed to the urgency of their physical passion: Diana for the softness and smoothness of Andromeda’s womanly body and Andromeda for her lover’s more slender, almost adolescent frame. Diana’s mouth and lips ventured again to Andromeda’s cunt, taking those lips again in her teeth, her tongue deep inside the slightly roughened flesh of her vulva, while her nostrils luxuriated again in that rich sour taste she so loved. While her own vagina was lapped and licked and soaked by Andromeda’s tongue, her vaginal juices mixed with her lover’s saliva.

But in amongst the saltiness of the sweat and saliva, and the pungency of the sexual juices, and the odour of passion, as the two girls’ bodies slid over and about each other, there was also the trace of Diana’s tears. She knew now that although she served the Goddess of Love, that very service that she so deeply believed in would now mean that she would be parted from the object of her love. Much as she enjoyed her sex with her clients, and enjoyed her lovemaking with the other temple prostitutes, and would joyfully service the temple mother as often as was required, nobody in her life had given her the passion and depth of love that Andromeda had given her. And she felt sure that nobody had ever received the intensity of love that Diana was giving to Andromeda.

And now, for the love of the Goddess of Love, she would now be parted from the object of her love. It saddened her so much to know that her darling Andromeda was now a pagan and a common whore, and who would be destined for an eternity at the pleasure of Hades. But Diana had her beliefs. They were sincerely and profoundly felt. And nothing would part her from her faith. Not even the love of another woman.

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Devotion Multiplier

This is going to a compendium of stories inspired from the Attraction Multiplier Story by Fantasy. With the main focus on everything that is not allowed to be on there. "Rape, hard BDSM, non-con, trans, cuck" as the rules of the mod(I am just respecting their rules no judgment). So more potential to focus on darker themes, and more "extreme kinks". There is another person starting a story with a similar idea. The Submission Accelerator by drekonaut, but more so focusing on building a harem of...

3 years ago
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Devotional Sex Training Your Husbands

This is a true story of how my wife and I stumbled across a very exciting part of our current sex life. It may seem incredible, but it is all true and she will be reading this before I post it online. It explains how the first cum tasting experience happened and our discovery of something called "Devotional Sex". Later in my other recounting of our experiences, I will go back in time as to how we met and how our desires developed into all sorts of play including Pegging.We have been together...

3 years ago
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Daughter of Aphrodite

I was always told I was pretty. I Had long blonde hair, Bright purple eyes, guys always went crazy over my boobs. My boyfriend really hated that. Guys were always flirting with me wherever we went. That night I couldnt even sleep, I couldnt stop thinking about meeting that woman. Could she really be a goddess? Was I just seeing things? I really couldnt wrap my head around it. That morning after a long night of thinking, My boyfriend came and picked me up for school. We always drove to a...

1 year ago
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Techno Aphrodite

“DJ Stephanie…is DJ Stephanie doing a set here tonight?” “Ah Stephanie, no, no. Tomorrow, nine o’clock. You come back then.” Mick smiled and blinked hard as he looked at the man’s glistening, dark brown eyes. Eyes set into a hairy, brown Aegean face that was framed by the dazzlingly white wall beyond. The man had moments ago emerged from a square, black door at the top of a short flight of steps in response to the bell. He now turned, rapidly descended the steps and without looking back added,...

2 years ago
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Waiting for Aphrodite

The fire alarm sounded more like a foghorn, a blunt and continuous column of brutal noise. At 2:30 AM, most of the apartment building's residents were asleep, and had to jump up with a start out of bed. Rick, however, had gotten caught up in an intense (and lengthy) online argument about the viability of interstellar colonization, and was looking up material to use in his next salvo when the sudden droning broke into his private thoughts. In truth, this was his usual sleep patterns, staying up...

1 year ago
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Essence of Aphrodite

So one day you are shopping on the deep web when you come across a love potion that is not well defined by the seller so you purchase it. But at the same time you do a little digging and find out that the mysterious potion is called Aphrodite's Essence. Which people on a forum are discussing its unknown origins as well as different effects they have noticed. Though in you observations you see that there are not many in this forum maybe 10-15 people. You take note as you wait for the package to...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Delfina was crying. I was crying. Behind us, the sun rose merrily in the eastern sky, oblivious to our anguished hearts. As I embraced her, tasting the bitter sweetness of her tears, I felt her fingertips desperately clutching mine—first to her brow, then her bosom, her left shoulder then her right. She shuddered, and a fresh torrent of sobs broke over her like a wave in the ocean she was forming on my shoulder. ‘Frank? Will you lead us in prayer?’ My mother’s sparkling, cornflower-blue eyes...

2 years ago
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Feldis told himself he wouldn't cry on the ship away from Eden Station. With the help of an embroidery needle worked two inches deep into his thigh, he succeeded. He told himself he wouldn't show anyone - not a single member of the congregation, not the indifferent pilot, and not a single passenger- that he was dying on the inside. No one would ever know that he'd spent his final night on the station sobbing himself dry, or that he'd bent his fingernails back clawing bits of stone out of the...

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MindFuck of The Hermaphrodite

Authors note: this is the TG part of a larger story adapted to stand alone. Synopsis of other things: Imagine a world where the superpower gene and the gay/transgender gene are one and the same. For some time a demon called Talon is seeking to enslave New York, corrupting its heroes and releasing its villains. MindFuck of The Hermaphrodite By Topaz172 New York The Mayor of New York glared impotently at his 18 year old son, or rather his Master did. It had been it's...

2 years ago
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Daniel Marie The Hermaphrodite

DANIEL, MARIE, & THE HERMAPHRODITE Of the few experiences we've had with others sexually, this one is the topper! I've only seen a couple pictures of a natural hermaphrodite. A girl with a large dick in place of their clit. They even have balls inside them, so they can cum like a man! Otherwise, good looking lady's that I've seen thus far. Just the thought of it opens up several possibilities! Certainly gives me a chubby thinking it over! One day, Marie and I were on our favorite sex...

3 years ago
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My surprise date with a hermaphrodite

I was sitting around my house one day hornier than ever. I went online and to a site, I knew of where I could meet someone to play with. I went through the post then I saw something that caught my eye. The post said, " I'm looking for a man who is into anything!" It caught my eye so I opened it. The post was well written and it was from a woman who said she wanted to find someone who is open to just about anything. There was a picture with the ad of a beautiful dark-haired woman with a great...

2 years ago
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Fucking a Hermaphrodite

I had my first sexual experience after one of my parents’ parties; not only was it my first time having sex, but it was also the first time that I fucked a BBW AND the first time that I was with someone with both tits AND a cock. Let me explain. Mom and Dad often had small parties at our house, and so I was exposed to a variety of people who were usually drunk. My own mother and sisters were skinny, but for some reason, I was always attracted to very large women. One of their friends was a...

3 years ago
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Tedra the Hermaphrodite

I stood under the hot shower and let the needle like spray soothe my tired muscles! "What a day," I sighed while cupping my full breasts and stepping onto the bath mat to dry off! While toweling off I admired my trimmer form in the full length mirror, smiling to myself when thinking about last night when Ted had taken her hard and fast bent over the back of the couch, bringing on a series of orgasms that had left her limp as an old wash cloth!!! my eyes moved from my full heavy chest and worked...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Hermaphrodite

My Life as a Hermaphrodite My life growing up was a little strange. You might have blamed it all on that oblong orifice lurking just below my penis and testicles. My parents of course knew of my condition but ordered me never to reveal the existence of said orifice by word or touch to any other living soul. And so I attended school as a boy named Fred. I was physically smaller than the rest of my male peers and when I reached puberty I didn't have the facial hair or completely lose...

1 year ago
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The hermaphrodite

Casandara Wilcox stepped out of the shower and stared at her image being reflected back to her in the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Most women would kill to possess the feminine attributes Cassie took for granted, large heavy breasts, a flat wash board stomach, long lean legs, a tight but full bottom, a lovely face framed by medium length brown hair, and of course a large lipped succulent vagina! After twenty three years, however, Cassie still sometimes broke down crying...

She Males
3 years ago
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Devoted Service

You are sitting in your chair with your laptop on the armrest reading something and busy doing what you need to do. I am naked sitting at your feet with my legs bent under me so I am sitting on my feet parallel to your chair not paying too much attention to what you are doing because it isn’t my concern. My head is resting on your lap, my cheek against your upper thigh, my long honey colored hair fanning out across your lap exposing my neck. I am not sure how much time passes as we sit there...

4 years ago
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Devoted Bi Mother Stories I The PTA Member and th

This story is a work of fiction, not inspired by any real-life experience or based at any other source other than my mind. and an old idea I had from a collaboration I did long time ago... all characters are fictional and created by my imagination This is my first story attempt at this site, sorry for my English not being awesome. If you want to help me in betareading grounds, I would be delighted. Thanks and let's go then..When my son Steve started to get bad grades, the school called me for a...

2 years ago
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Devoted Service

You are sitting in your chair with your laptop on the armrest reading something and busy doing what you need to do. I am naked sitting at your feet with my legs bent under me so I am sitting on my feet parallel to your chair not paying too much attention to what you are doing because it isn’t my concern. My head is resting on your lap, my cheek against your upper thigh, my long honey colored hair fanning out across your lap exposing my neck. I am not sure how much time passes as we sit there...

2 years ago
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Devote Sophie

Die Story ist die Fortsetzung der Geschichte Sommer der Liebe wo sich Sophie und ihre Urlaubsfreund aus Kindertagen immer mehr verliebt haben und ein Paar wurden. Und ich bin Sophie. Nun bin ich 20 Jahre alt und studiere Medienwissenschaften an der Uni Bonn. Ich bin 170 groß, wiege 54kg und bin mit meinen dunklen Haaren schon eine geile Erscheinung. Meine Titten sind mit 70b nicht besonders groß, aber schön fest und wohlgeformt. Meine Spalte ist...

1 year ago
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Devoted Mother

Copyright © Never in my wildest dreams had I ever had any thoughts of having sex with my mother. It had never entered my head. She had always been there when we needed her, my younger brother and sister. I was 25 years old and had been married for two years, and I must admit the marriage hadn't started well and just seemed to deteriorate weekly. My wife was more interested in parties, visits to pub's and getting drunk. Thereby making a fool of herself and drawing lewd remarks and gestures,...

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Mens et Manus

I always meant to find out the name of the architect for the school library and send him a note praising his work -- it is important to thank people when they do something well. The construction itself was fairly unremarkable -- ordinary three story building, filled with books and periodicals. There was a feature, however, that redeemed it all for me -- the windows. They were huge, spanning almost entire riverside wall, from the floor to the high ceiling. Their grandeur was ingeniously simple...

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More 3some fun for Caroline

This is another story about my beautiful sexy wife Caroline as told from her perspective. As before we have written this together albeit in a bit of a rush, so forgive us if you find it a little raw. It’s about the build up and conclusion to Caroline having sex with two of my friends.______________________________________________After I'd given David a morning blowjob and we were relaxing in bed he came out with the idea of making a porn style video with me being the 'star' of the piece. Not...

1 year ago
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OHGirl Velvet Expecting More

OHGirl:I landed in Columbus in the early morning and caught a cab back to my condo. I spent a few hours catching up on all of my mail, emails, messages and general work before I decided to head back to our country house. I needed a little rest from the long flight and afternoon of work, so it would be easier to relax at my house. When I arrived the house was quiet and it appeared that no one had been home for months. A message on the door from our mail carrier let me know that there was quite a...

3 years ago
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secret rendevous

I reached the end of the trail that intersected the road I was supposed to meet him on. Looking up and down the road for headlights I checked the time. 10:30 I thought. I hope he hasn't forgotten or maybe something happened. Just then headlights pierced the dark road and I slipped back into the trail. The car slowed and I saw it was his! Thank God I thought as I opened the door and saw my glorious lover smiling hello and looking as sexy as can be. The door closed, the interior light went...

3 years ago
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Olga Ram pt2

Olga found Ram to be a very conscientious employee. He was hired as a help around the house, but his main job was to clean the house. After the first encounter, olga observed that Ram tended to avoid her. He rarely made eye contact with her while he was about his work. She attributed this to his natural shyness, and thought nothing of it. It was only after she caught him staring at her on several occasions did she her suspicion grow that perhaps Ram was attracted to her! She decided to test...

3 years ago
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My Birthday Surprise

I met Mary while in college, on a BBS chat room. I never thought that I could have feelings for someone I never saw, but I just simply fell in love with the person I knew as "BrightEyes". I was a freshman at Hofstra University, on Long Island, and she lived in a small town about an hour outside of Philadelphia. We made plans to get together after my last finals were over, and as my birthday gift, my parents bought me the train tickets to go and see her for the first time. On the train...

1 year ago
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The Night I lost My Virginity

NOTE: THIS IS FICTION IS NOT TRUE AND IT NEVER HAPPENED. It was my boyfriends graduation night, I was 14 he was 19. I had just gotten back from a orthodontist appointment and I had just gotten back from it just in time. I called Jason up and told him I was on my way to his house and that I would just ride with him to the ceremony. I got there and I had my picture taken and I sat in his living room for awhile. Then we left for the ceremony. The graduation started at 6:00 and it lasted till 8 o...

First Time
2 years ago
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How I Met My Princess Part 2

Hi, readers… I am sorry that I mistyped my email address. Please send your feedbacks or your experiences on My beautiful princess swathi is standing naked in front of me with the mixed flavor of shyness and submission. She had one hand covering her breasts and other one covering her pussy. I stood up holding a handmade crown made with flowers which I made prior to her visit. I walked towards her and placed it on her head and I tied a mala made with jasmine around her waist. We made an eye...

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A Gift for Dad

Zachary South lived with his father, in a nice house on an a small family farm, out a ways from town. Zack didn’t remember his mother, she’d disappeared long long ago, when he was just two or three. Stupid bitch, from what little his father had ever told him about her. They were better off without her. He got along well with his father, except for a few years when he was thirteen or so, but now that he was sixteen, everything seemed to be fine. Zack felt sorry for his father at times, the guy...

1 year ago
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Family pleasure The Sil and Niece

Note : This story is completely fictional! Well for those that have not yet read my initial encounter with my SIL, a quick recap as follows - I found her fisting herself in the ensuite and ended up fucking her hard and long only to find out later that we had been watched by her - my niece who threatened to tell my brother in law what she saw unless we next included her in our action - and now is the story of how she was included. It was a Thursday afternoon and my SIL had arranged for me to...

2 years ago
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My First Threesome With A Chennai Couple

Hello to all the ISS readers. This is Vijay from Chennai. About me, I am a 35 yr old guy with an avg build brownish skin, with a 7 inches of meat where it matters. Ladies n couples in and around Chennai, wanting private or secret sex can mail me at (discretion assured). The story I am about to tell is a true event. Though some facts are my fantasy the whole event took place in real. About the story…This happened in 2011. I was working outside India until a couple of months back and had shifted...

2 years ago
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Sarah had been in Paris for some six months when, out of the blue, I received a call from her asking if she could come and stay with me at my apartment in Rome for a week or two. Of course I said yes. I had not seen Sarah since we left college in Chicago three years previously and went our separate ways. She, with the ultimate aim of becoming a writer, went to work for a small publishing company in New York. I, on the other hand, decided to spend, or some would say waste, a year traveling the...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 242 Emergencies

Of course, we had to deal with the Governor after the show. Whitney and I stood on either side of Elaine as he was boarding his bus with a security guy in dark glasses and a black suit standing on either side of the door as if we were a threat to their charge. "Elaine, why don't you come in and we'll have a quiet chat about you joining my campaign." "Governor," she said sweetly, "I have a position on a staff that you couldn't compete with. Have a nice trip!" "Well, if you change...

2 years ago
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A new Toy

THE TOY I had moven in next door a few weeks ago. You knew I lived alone, you couldsee every room in my house from your attic window You checked you watch impatiently..5 minutes you mumbled under your breath.running your long fingers through your greying thought back to thevery first night you started doing had looked up and out the windoefor some reason..and what you saw nearly blew you away....the blonde singlewoman who had just moved in...lay sprawled on her back,...

4 years ago
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Late Night Siblings Part 3

It was a little after eleven when I woke up. My mind was overwhelmed by the memories of the night before when I realized my arms were tightly wrapped around a female body, and that that female body was my sister’s. Best of all, we were both still naked, and I could feel her ass on my waist and her large breasts against my arm. As I recalled the experience of fucking my little sister, my cock grew until it was fully erect and pressing firmly against her soft, bald pussy lips. I thought about...

2 years ago
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Cuckold In Panties

Cuckold In Panties by Throne "But Ginger," Mason said tremulously, "I don't want to wear these panties." "What are you talking about?" his wife wanted to know. She looked attractive in a simple blouse-and-slacks combination. "I thought your problem was that you didn't like the cotton ones I put you in. So, I got you these satiny red ones that look like a bikini bottom." "No," Mason said. His cheeks were getting flushed and he was fighting back tears. "I don't want to wear ANY...

1 year ago
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Fiona gets a job Chapter 8

I was shocked at what Elizabeth was telling me. That she and her sister, my boss, had “been” together. In turn she was shocked that I hadn’t been with not only Mrs Walden but no other female. “Oh darling it is so much fun” said Elizabeth “you have the capacity for multiple orgasms and I have the ability to give them to you”. I didn’t know how to respond. Yes, I knew I could have multiple orgasms and had done so. But I had never been with another woman. The problem was that I wanted to but was...

3 years ago
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Biancas mum

They always say that when dating a girl you should check out the mother because that’s what she’ll look like in a few years time. In my case I couldn’t be happier with the results. To be honest, I almost wished she looked that way now. Often when I would stay at my girlfriends, her Kathy would be in a dressing gown only and I always wondered what her body was like underneath it. One evening, Bianca had gone for a shower and her dad and sister were in bed leaving me and Kathy alone together....

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Buying panties with mom

Hello, enjoy this story and mail me on or My mother did it one day. I had no idea it was going to happen until it was already happening, and I had no choice but to go along with it. This is the best I can recall of exactly what happened during that forty-five minutes that in some ways will always stay with me. First off, let me tell you that my mother is a truly sexy woman, and we have been living secretly as husband and wife for years. She’s fairly well-off, and she has this thing she likes...

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Johnnys ClosetChapter 4

I don't know how I got through school the next day. I didn't hear a word any teacher said, and I'm sure I failed my science test miserably. But eventually last period ended and I found myself racing home. By 4:30 I was lying in bed, naked, with Marie at my side, also with nothing on. Mom and Barbara wouldn't be home for about an hour and a half; mom worked till 5:30 and never got home before 6, and Barb has cheerleading practice most evenings until the same time. That means Marie and I...

4 years ago
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Afterlife When Your Descendants Have SexChapter 6

“Dad, I’ve gotta say, that was the nicest dinner we’ve had in a long time. It’s really nice when you don’t make those digs about, ‘When do I get my grandchild?’” Zach’s stomach went cold. If she only knew... As they drove back from the fancy restaurant in the big city to her suburban home, Jen’s eyes drooped. A few minutes later her eyes were shut, mouth open a bit. “Hey, Jen?” he asked. “Jen?” “Huh?” she said very groggily, then went back to sleep. The drug was taking effect. Five...

4 years ago
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Second Sister

‘No, I couldn’t possibly, Janice. You’re wonderful for offering. But, no, of course I couldn’t.’ ‘Of course you can, Ann,’ Janice shot back as she decisively slapped her leather gloves done on the hall table and began to unbutton her coat. ‘There’s no reason at all you can’t. And I insist that you stay at the mall for at least five hours. I don’t want to see your face back here until four o’clock at the earliest.’ ‘My hair. Just look at my hair, Janice. I haven’t been to the hairdressers in I...

2 years ago
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Opening Night

There she was, waiting for me. Her blonde hair flowing loose framing her face as she waited for me outside of her hotel. Damn, she looks perfect, I thought as I watched her from the limo. I looked at her in the crimson dress and my heart melted. It was armless, form-fitting right down to her hips where it billowed out and was loose around her legs. The deep crimson suited her perfectly and on her shoulders, she had a black shawl that just truly highlighted her beauty.I looked in the mirrored...

Straight Sex
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Stepping into the shower was the high point of the day for her, she turned the shower on full, and feeling the power as it hit the top of her scalp. It felt good to her, washing away the day’s troubles. She closed her eyes under the powerful stream, letting the water run down her face and body. She felt his presence rather than heard him as he stepped into the shower, his hands came round to her breasts and held them, immediately the effect was electrifying and her nipples...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Chanel Grey Right Hand On Cock

Chanel Greys stepbrother does not think they have been spending enough time together as a family, so he suggests that they play a game together to supplement. Chanel enthusiastically agrees, and gets ready for some contortion in a heated game of Twister. But while they are playing, Chanels stepbrother cannot help but notice her hot cunt poking out from under her skirt. When their stepmom has to take a phone call, the two step siblings take advantage of her being distracted to get out all the...

1 year ago
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Eight Guy Anal Creampie

There we were on my bed, Robert fucking me doggystyle with his dick in my ass. the pleasure was amazing his cock felt soo huge, I loved it, then I felt it. He started unloading streams of cum so thick and strong it felt like 10 guys cumming in my ass at once, feeling that made me cum hard. after what felt like 15 cum shots he finally stopped and pulled his black cock out of my asshole. God he cums deep in me, I can never push his cum back out. "that was amazing" I told him while I put my head...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Sweet Ms Maya gets a bbc in her

Well, this is actually a true story. Let me first of introduce myself, my name is Melvin a 22yo black muscular guy, I love to work-out alot. I have a 9inch long and 5.5inch girth dick. Well I had a girlfriend whose name is Maya, who is now a college student. We used to fuck ourselves a lot, actually we had our virginities broken when she turned eighteen. I loved Maya a lot, I was home one day when she called to tell me lets break up, I felt my whole has shattered. We've been chatting as friends...

2 years ago
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Subconsciously conscious

When people meet Charlie Black for the first time they often have three initial thoughts: He was handsome, he was smart, and he was as much of a virgin as Mother Theresa. It wasn’t his fault. He just didn’t understand women, or people in general for that matter. That may had been the reason he became an psychology student in the local university. So to understand why people were the way they were. He was pretty good at it. He was actually the best of his class, even though he was still in his...

Mind Control
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Big Beautiful DollyChapter 2

Dolly's little interlude with Mister Johnson in the fitting room was fresh in her memory when she woke up the next morning. She even looked in the mirror and made faces with her mouth opened wide like he was pushing his business inside her lips and tickling her tongue like a dirty old man with a yen for young girls even if they were a bit overweight. She had learned a long time ago that boys lost all their sense of proportion about girl's figures when it came to having their long thick...

1 year ago
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Kiosk Cutie

Kiosk Cutie By Jena Corso Edited By Tiffany Myers Chapter 1 "Wake up, honey," said Eric's mom, shaking him awake on the couch. "Your grandmother is here." "Hey grandma," said Eric, kissing her cheek. "Come on lazy bones," his grandmother scolded him. "Remember our deal today. We are going shopping." "Oh yeah." Eric had forgotten all about it. "Alright." "Here, put on a new shirt honey," said his mother, handing him a freshly ironed plain black t-shirt, which he pulled...

3 years ago
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Romantic interludes in bed

They arrived home at 2:30 A.M. after a six-hour, non- stop motorcycle ride. Tired and dirty, they decided to shower together before turning in. They held each other close as the warm water washed over them, kissing and enjoying the face-to-face contact and conversation they were denied on the bike. Although tired, they laughed and rubbed themselves playfully against each other: the 40-year-old half-Armenian bearded malcontent and the 20-something Chinese clarinetist. After shampooing each...

2 years ago
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His is bigger than yours

I'm walking along Waikiki Beach down by the park, south of the hotels. It's late, I'm a little drunk, and I'm trying to catch the last bus back to Pearl Harbor. If I miss it, I'll have to walk back to my ship to get there before morning quarters, because the first bus doesn't arrive in time.I've got a boner for no apparent reason (unfortunately), and it's getting sore from rubbing on the inside of my jeans. I've recently lost my virginity to a B-Girl in the Philippines, where I also found out...

3 years ago
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Shy Slut

Taylor closed the door to her studio apartment and immediately got naked. She almost never wore clothes at home; her dresser and laundry basket were by her front door for a reason. Once naked, she headed for the bathroom, turned on the shower, and peed while it heated up. Once it was ready, Taylor stepped in and groaned as the pleasant heat hit her skin. She took her time under the water, letting it course over her body, relaxing her muscles after a long day of work and study. Once she felt a...


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