Don t Mess With Raging Rodents
- 3 years ago
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"This place is like Hooters!" a co-worker once remarked.
He was right. The women at my job did pay very little to the dress code. Although not quite at the bikini stage, they often came to the office in tops with plunging necklines and tight little leggings that left little to the imagination. Even though sometimes the top parts of their outfits seemed somewhat... conservative , it was all party down below. Tights, tight jeans, capris, management was probably lucky they wore pants at all. Some of the other ladies complained, but I enjoyed the view.
You'd think, in an establishment like that, I would have grabbed one of them and taken them home, but a couple things stopped me. One, I've always heard that you don't date co-workers, 'You don't shit where you eat', as one person put it. Secondly, I'm painfully shy. I have something called social anxiety disorder, my paralyzing fear of rejection keeping me from...maybe doing something I shouldn't. This is why, on the day they assigned us to the new project, I spent the morning expressing those pent up sexual frustrations deep within the cottony recesses of a plush raccoon toy. (Speaking of things I shouldn't be doing!) The arrangement not too satisfying for either one of us.
My fun came to an abrupt halt when I noticed the Venetian blinds of my sub basement apartment had been facing the wrong way. "Oh baby!" I heard a man mocking from outside.
I hurriedly retreated into the bathroom, took a cold shower, got ready for work.
And, obviously, fixed the blinds.
I used to work in a gray one story cube of a building in an office complex in the middle of the hilly Kansas countryside. It actually had more floors than I knew about, but I'll get to that later.
The sight I caught in front of the time clock at the office nearly finished off what I'd started with the stuffed toy. Of course, I'd never in a million years dare inform her of this fact.
Candace Jones. Coffee brown skin, dark hair molded into a bob haircut. Her charcoal grey leggings were so tight that they looked like they'd been painted on. Stylish designs that imitated riding chaps, emphasizing the natural outlines of her lower anatomy. She had on a white top, again fitting close to the skin, plunging neckline, with an exposed midriff.
And here's the crazy thing: Her top had a big picture of a raccoon printed across the breast.
Admittedly, not identical to the one I'd been using for self pleasure, but the coincidence was so startling that I couldn't form words, even when she spoke to me. Sure, it was just a perfunctory `Good morning, how are you?' She really didn't care that much, but my response didn't come out as recognizable sound, so I had to repeat my `fine' and `good morning' again.
Then it got worse. I blushed furiously, realizing with horror that my subconscious must have blurted the wrong thing.
The look she gave me could curdle milk. "What did you just say?"
"I was just commenting on your shirt. It's cool. raccoons. Sorry. I... mumble sometimes."
Brandice looked down, frowned at her shirt, chuckled a little. "Oh right. I just threw this thing on and forgot I was wearing it. Thank you."
My face flushed hot with embarrassment. I opened my mouth, tried to make myself say something to fix this awkward moment. I wanted to say that her top looked cute on her, or nice or otherwise good on her, not to mention, wow, those leggings, but I couldn't make the words come out.
She rolled her eyes and clocked in, marching off to her desk.
Well, that's how my life generally is.
I worked for Paragon, the world's largest online department store, helping customers with purchasing everything from typewriters to platform heels, assisting with their baby and wedding registries. Daily I learned a bunch of words I will probably never use anywhere else, such as `silk taffeta', `poplin,' `platform wedges', `clutch' and `espadrilles.'
Despite all that, I loved my job, I did great sales, kinda wished some of those phone skills could have helped me get a woman in real life, but it doesn't quite work that way-romance is awkwardly unstructured, and I've been riding on the short bus for so long, I doubted I'd ever find anyone.
You'd think that a customer service job in a call center would be a big social step for someone like me, and maybe give me enough confidence to ask someone out, but there's a lot more isolation than you think. Our warehouse-like office is a maze of tall cubicles you can't see over. I put on my headset, log into the computer and phone system, then spend most of the eight hour shift looking at computer screens and talking to disembodied voices in other cities.
The chairs, being typical office furniture, had been manufactured with a weird, uncomfortable slope that made my underwear move around every time I sat on them. The phone headsets made my ears feel itchy, and the desk was too short for my long legs, so I often made the mistake of stretching them out and accidentally unplugging power cables. I could see the polo shirts and dresses and ladies outfits they'd used to decorate the walls, but that's about it most the time.
I imagine if the cubicles had been shorter, I might have found the view a little... distracting. I know, when I stood up, I could already admire a few hindquarters... And receive more than a few annoyed glares. Sometimes during breaks, I had to force myself to think about math (and avoid the phrase 'hard numbers') so people wouldn't see a bulge in my slacks.
Before that fateful day my company started the weird new project, I faced the usual trifles. A woman the night before a wedding ordered a pair of heels on our website, mistakenly assuming that we'd be able to somehow transport them to her before the wedding was over the next day. We're fast, but not that damn fast. She absolutely refused to accept anything but those heels at that wedding. Sure, just let me strap on my rocket pack and fly those to you.
A man complained that the `television' he ordered from the site was really just a television stand. When he got it in the mail, he was furious. Do you think we'd we'd sell a TV like that for ten dollars? Accuse us of misleading advertisements all you want, that's just not good horse sense.
Then came the lady who ordered a picture frame for a Bar Mitzvah. It arrived broken so we got her a replacement. Guess what? That one broke too. After the third one, management said no more, offered her a refund. Nope, I just want an unbroken picture frame. Had to get a manager to settle that one, too.
After a few messes like that, I got very nervous when manager Jolene touched my arm and told me to come with her. I thought for sure it had to do with the frequency of my supervisor calls. Or maybe my ill conceived messages I'd emailed to the client.
Management of course, has to be conservatively dressed. Jolene's neckline seemed a little low, but otherwise, you know, generic corporate pant suit.
"What did I do this time?" I asked.
"Relax," said the narrow blonde woman. "You're not in trouble. Log out and come with me."
I deactivated my phone and computer, following the woman up to Brandice's desk as she gave her the same instructions. The thought entered my mind that maybe she'd set up something between us, but this is reality we're talking about.
That fact became more evident as Jolene grabbed other people from the phones. There was Yasmeen, a mocha skinned girl with long kinky hair, clad in a tight little sweater, tan leggings that were practically pantyhose. You could see outlines of her underwear through the sheer material...Wanda, kinky hair, clad in what looked like a purple unitard, white stripes running up the side leggings to give the impression that it was a track suit, but you could see every outline, even the shape of a camel toe. The neck of her outfit ran all the way up to her chin...
Jolene wasn't just pulling girls off the phone either. Antoine, a tall lanky dreadlocked guy-long baggy shirt and pants, with a slouched posture to match, Chuck, a portly little buzz cut guy, one of the few people to wear business casuals around the office, and Terel, the big guy wore sports jerseys, but the shiny earrings and effeminate behavior kinda made me wonder about him.
We picked up one more employee, a narrow humorless looking girl with braided hair and glasses I'd never seen before. Although she wore a rather sharp professional looking vest and blouse, her no-nonsense appearance ended abruptly in a pair of revealing leatherette stretch pants.
Jolene led us out the security gate of our little department, through the cafeteria and down a cinder block corridor to an executive meeting room.
Cherry wood paneling, long glass table, posh leather swivel chairs that would have been delicious to sit on naked.
"So..." I ventured. "Definitely not in trouble."
In a way of response, our other manager, Ray, came in with a bunch of pizza and sodas on a cart. Pasty faced, needle nosed guy, wears glasses, standard white shirt tie and slacks.
"We brought you here because you guys are the best of the best, with the highest customer satisfaction ratings in the department. This party is a little show of our appreciation for the good job you're doing."
One last straggler came in, a short hefty brunette, frumpy in her Harry Potter shirt and loose fit jogging pants. Kelley. She had one of the biggest mouths in the office. In fact, I was kinda surprised she came in late. But I did seem to remember her being on a call.
It turned out they had more planned than just a pizza party. As we dug in, poured the drinks, grabbed some chocolate eclairs, Ray started passing out packets of paper.
The paperwork had a letterhead reading DOGOS, and beneath a vague description of a customer service job, with a list of policies and guidelines. In addition to the usual rigamarole about not having cel phones out in the call center, attendance and whatnot, I started noticing some disturbing items, such as `dress uniform' "What's all this?"
"A new company has offered us a fair sum of money to transfer all of you to anew department We believe you have the skills, the telephone presence, and the look the new company is looking for."
"Look?" I stammered.
"Professional but ordinary. Respectable. We showed the company your pictures and they like you statistics. This looks like it's going to be a very rewarding job."
Yasmine angrily slapped her packet down on the table. "Where are we relocating? I have kids!"
I stared, wondering what her kids must think about `mommy' going outside dressed like that.
"Relax! We're not going to be doing any moving anytime soon."
All of my coworkers started asking questions, so Ray hushed them the best he could and made this announcement: "In the back of each of your packets is a non disclosure form. I need you to sign these immediately and hand them to me. Once this is done, I'll answer any questions you might have about the new project."
Once we did this, the man said, "What we are about to tell you, and show you, is so incredible that you'll probably want to tell everyone about it. But I must warn you, under no circumstances should you share this information with anyone outside the department."
Jolene leaned against a markerboard. "No one will believe you, for starters."
"And if they do, you will run the risk of not only losing your job,but also some adverse action on the part of the company. They have ways of making it hard for you to find work."
Displeased murmurs followed this.
"If anyone has a problem with this, you're free to go. We still have use for you in the Paragon project."
Terel and the girl with the Harry Potter shirt got up and left.
Once that had been settled, everything changed.
Ray got on a Nextel type phone, radioing someone in the building. Whoever it was said the hallway was clear.
A moment later, the strangest creature I'd ever seen came strolling into the conference room.
Although dressed in a white shirt and tie, with rather ordinary blonde hair, Caucasian skin, and unmemorable pointy nose, his ears looked freakish. Pointy and covered in fur, it looked like someone had grafted German shepherd ears to the sides of his head. "Greetings. I am Vuembi."
We all stared. The others chuckled and pointed. I snickered a little myself, but being a scifi nerd and enjoying a good cosplay, I smiled and gave the creature a friendly but bashful wave.
Our `cosplayer' smirked at the girl with the braids and glasses. "I see that some of you are taking this seriously..."
The stranger cleared away some of the pizza boxes, placing a small pyramid on the table. When Ray shut off the lights, we got treated to a strange sort of holographic movie. I'm not sure how I'd describe it, kind of like Green Lantern if they had a girl's charm school, and made dry corporate infomercials. It even had a foreign language , with subtitles .
People's eyes were rolling, heads lowered drowsily. I, however, had stayed awake during 2001 , Peter Hyam's 2010 , all of those classic Planet of the Apes movies, and the political segments of the Star Wars prequels, among other things, so it didn't bother me. I even chuckled a little at the minute details they'd put into the film. Involuntary tics, coughing, self conscious dabbing of slime secretions...usually films only focused on giving you a lot of flash. I got some of that flash with the creatures that had fins on their head, or shrimp feelers, but a lot of times, nobody cared about or bothered to animate the less interesting stuff. And in regular movies, textures tended to thin out in areas where the directors knew nobody would want to look.
Despite my abnormal amount of patience (I had sat through the entire Shannara TV series and many of the slower episodes of classic Doctor Who ), I couldn't quite retain much of what I watched, except the general gist of the program: DOGOS is a great place to work for, it's been around a long time (according to alien time measurement), customers were emotionally moved by the level of service and they made a lot of money.
I thought I saw Brandice taking notes, but she was actually doodling.
I probably would have absorbed more of the presentation, but about halfway through, another latecomer arrived, a girl dressed like Princess Padme from Star Wars , if you got rid of the utility belt and armband, added a denim jacket and printed the word Pink across the butt.
And then, as Ray was offering her some pizza, a skinny guy with slicked down hair, earrings and a Chivas shirt arrived. Overall, he seemed a bit feminine . After the girl, not nearly as easy on the eyes, making me wonder if I should have picked a manlier career.
The `video' ended. "Do you have any questions?" Vuembi asked.
A bunch of hands raised, but were mostly inquiries about what movie studio Vuembi worked for, how much it cost to produce the program, and if there was a more exciting version where they fight in a war or something.
Vuembi told them it was real, and if they didn't understand that, they should leave immediately. That was enough for Kelley but everyone else murmured to each other about playing along and getting paid, so then the questions turned to issues in the packet, uniforms and so forth.
"There will be a week long orientation, where we will go over all of this. All we ask is that you keep an open mind and be flexible."
There were silly questions about Avatar , Darth Vader, the Millennium Falcon and ET, someone asked about chest bursting bug monsters. The little guy surprised me by asking if there were any factual basis to the events of The Fifth Element (the answer of course was no). When the others got to asking whether we should continue our shift, we got dismissed and told to do some packing when we got home, apparently we were having a week long training retreat, one where we'd have bedding and food, but needed clothing, towels and toiletries.
As I was leaving, I suddenly noticed something disturbing on the table next to my chair.
On the back of one of the packets, the one Brandice had been doodling on, I saw a drawing of a raccoon.
And not just any raccoon, a raccoon that looked suspiciously like the one I... played with in my apartment. By the time I noticed, she had already gone back to the office.
What would I really say to her about it anyway? My mouth was incapable of forming such questions.
When I returned to my desk, I could have sworn I heard the girl chuckle through her nose and smirk at me, but then she played it off and acted like she were looking at her computer.
So, that ended my day at work.
Obviously, I didn't have that many people to notify of my absence. I just had my folks and my best friend, maybe the landlord. I went home and got some stuff together.
The next day I had orientation.
We had been told, during the meeting, to show up in the early morning hours, at a different security gate than we normally used.
We gathered at a disused loading dock behind an out of business shipping company, staring at each other and our suitcases of supplies. About ten after, Jolene opened a security door next to the dock and led us down a cinder block tunnel, through a second security gate and through a vast room of empty cubicles, broken chairs and obsolete computer equipment. My associates laughed and murmured at this until Jolene showed us a tall cubicle in the center of the room, with a security door and a hidden stairwell. "This is some Get Smart shit right here," Antoine remarked.
We descended into a basement of the building, which is odd because, previously, in tornado drills, everyone acted like our building had no basement, the general go-to places being a windowless classroom and a stairwell leading up.
It turns out the place had a lot of things I didn't know about.
Lots of locked wooden doors with gold plastic name/number plates. Jolene showed us a little internet cafe, a laundry, cafeteria, and some classrooms full of strange devices I'd never seen before, apparently for work. It seemed we also had shared `dorm rooms' with bunk beds, a sub basement with a call center, medical center, and a hydroponics wing. There were chuckles at this, my coworkers making jokes like, "They think this building is going to move somewhere?"
Well, when they weren't making references to Biodome.
The events that followed prevented me from seeing the rest of the tour.
When we first came in the building, Jolene had asked if we needed to use the restroom. I hadn't felt the need at the time, so I waited for the others and followed her downstairs. But then, at this point, I changed my mind. She showed me to a bathroom, told me how to get to my room and where to, and I set my bags down.
I put my luggage outside the door, wandering in.
Not what I expected. The place had only a couple stalls and urinals. Mostly I saw rows of vacuum hoses on the wall, and a set of fold out plastic benches. I didn't want to think about what all of this meant. I only knew I had to stand in a line to take care of business.
After I used the facilities and came back out, I found my baggage missing.
I looked around and noticed Brandice leaning against a nearby wall. "They took it to your room."
I always have difficulty getting my bearings in places, so I asked her where it was.
In a sing songy tone, she said she didn't know, but thought it was down a certain hallway and around a corner.
She led me down that way, and I found myself looking at a room full of bunk beds with mattresses sumptiously dressed in silk sheets and pillows. I decided it was an executive sleeping area.
Not seeing my luggage anywhere, I turned my head, but then did a double take.
There, on the bed, was a stuffed toy, identical to the one from my apartment, wrapped with a big red bow.
I did not pack that in my luggage.
I would never pack that in my luggage.
I froze, wondering if I should stop to examine it, or if it were just some outrageous coincidence and that thing wasn't mine at all.
"Don't see anything of yours in there?" Brandice asked.
"Uh..." I stammered.
If I said yes, that would be bad. If I said no, who knew what would happen, with that kind of evidence? I felt ashamed to even step in and examine the stuffed toy.
But yet, if I didn't...
Quickly thinking of a lie, I marched up to the toy, and realized to my horror that it was the same exact one. With the same exact, er, modification. I didn't dare ask Brandice what it was doing there. I kept trying to think of an excuse to get her to leave, so I could maybe find a way to dispose of the damn thing.
It turns out it was all for nothing.
The moment I stepped away from the toy, I discovered someone had rigged a hook and fishing line to it. I stared in horror as it bounced across the floor, disappearing inside a slightly opened door. A red door surfaced in rubber matting and leather roses.
Someone chuckled behind me.
I looked back, but Brandice had left the room.
When I turned around, a fuzzy brown hand teasingly waved my suitcase from behind the padding, a second hand making a lazy beckoning gesture.
I rushed to grab the suitcase, but it shot back inside the hidden room.
I crept up and stared through the door's circular window, but the glass was foggy, so I really couldn't see anything but a pair of fuzzy brown ears (which I assumed to be part of a costume, or possibly a taxidermy animal). I wished I could get a clearer view.
I didn't wish long.
The door suddenly swung open, revealing a crowd of five foot tall chipmunk striped rodents with lizard tails and rabbit muzzles, all dressed in silky lingerie.
The rodents gathered around me, laughing and giggling as they pointed to various parts of my body, and I stared back, unsure why these things were there, and what they found so funny.
All of a sudden, one grabbed me, and I got dragged into a round, strange sort of hotel suite resembling a dungeon, but with blue rubber pads lining the walls, and an area resembling a McDonald's kiddie playland, with more rubber pads, a ball pit, and giant plastic tubes to crawl through.
I lunged for my suitcase, caught hold of the handle, but their leader, a chipmunk thing with a diamond marking on one cheek, had the lid side, so her associates unfastened the catches, spilling my clothing on the floor. Giggling, they passed the articles around to their friends, playing with my shirts, my underwear, tossing around my socks.
Finally wresting the suitcase out of the creature's clutches, I snatched the articles away, grabbed others from the floor, stuffing them back in the suitcase.
Having all the items at last together, I tried to fight my way out, but I discovered Brandice pressing her weight up against the door with a mad giggle. I got dragged back into the room, my suitcase flying open once more.
As I was bending over, returning my jeans and other articles to their rightful place, the one with the diamond marking leapt on me, shoved me to the floor, and kissed me on the mouth. It tasted like lemons and peanut butter, with a tinge of ham when her tongue slid around mine. She purred, rubbing her panties against the crotch of my slacks.
Although I kinda liked that, I pulled my mouth away. "Hey! Stop that! I got a job to get back to!"
She only made quacking squirrel sounds and kissed me again.
I grabbed her, pushed her back (I didn't mean to touch her breasts, but they were large, in the way, and I wanted her to move). That's when I felt a needle pricking me in the neck.
It must have been some kind of muscle relaxer, because then my arms suddenly fell slack and I couldn't move them.
The creatures picked me up by the arms and legs, dragging me onto a padded rubbery examination table, beneath what appeared to be a milking machine, attached to the ceiling.
The stirrups of this table had fetters attached to them, which they immediately slapped over my ankles. My arms, likewise, got raised above my head and cuffed securely to the top of the headrest.
Five rodents now surrounded me. Human-like creatures, all short, roughly five feet in height, covered in tan and brown fur, with heads like squirrels or chipmunks. Seeing their rounded breasts, with bare pink nipples poking out from the tan fur on their chests, I guessed them to be female. A pair of them actually had quadruple breasts. I couldn't help but stare at them.
One of the animals climbed up on table, bringing her furry face close to mine. Her eyes were framed in rings of black fur, her muzzle marked with a diamond shaped marking. The creature's lips parted, and I inhaled her fragrant, warm breath, a strangely intoxicating aroma like the intermingling of pumpkin pie, roasted peanuts and animal musk. I felt the weight of the creature's body ease on top of me. Her muzzle rose to meet my nose.
"Uh...hi," I stammered as our eyes met.
The rodent purred, wiggling herself suggestively into my lap. I found the scent and the friction of the creature's body against my own more than a little enjoyable.
Her muzzle pressed against my mouth, parted my lips, her tongue probing the insides of my mouth as her body continued rubbing itself against my clothing. Her taste was like a sweet combination of lemons and peanut butter.
I sucked air through my nostrils and kissed back, ramming my crotch against her. She giggled, climbing off the bed.
While all of this had been happening, I had felt something tickling my arms, warm moisture trickling down my biceps. Now, free from distraction, I could see that I had two rodents, one leaning over either side of the bed, their muzzles pressed against the sleeves of my t-shirt, their mouths busily gathering wads of the black fabric. The shirt vibrated as their teeth ripped through the material.
I suddenly panicked. As fun as all of this was, how was I going to explain a ripped up shirt to Jolene and the rest of my coworkers? "Hey! Stop it! Stop eating my shirt!"
I thrashed against the restraints, hoping to shake them off. Their pointy ears twisted quizzically, their warm saliva pouring out of their mouths onto my bare skin.
In no time at all, they had sliced through my sleeves, chewing across to the middle of my chest, where their heads came together. Their muzzles met, locked together, kissing rather passionately.
Okay, I thought as I enjoyed the show, I suppose I have other shirts in the suitcase.
The rodent with the diamond marking climbed back up on the bed, biting into a stretch of fabric in the middle of my shirt. As she ate her way up to the rips the other rodents had made, she straddled me, sliding her body up against my pants.
The kissing rodents moved to my feet, where they began untying my shoes.
Diamond's teeth sliced upwards through my shirt until she reached my collar, which she snapped in a single bite. Her soft, fuzzy paws entered the fabric, caressed away the material, leaving my upper torso naked.
Her soft breasts brushed my skin, her fur tickling my flesh like an absurd, living stuffed toy, the tingling of the warm saliva drying on my bare arms.
Stuffed toy!
The creature, squatted over my ankles, gathering up the loop of my belt in her teeth. In a few deft motions, she pulled the belt free from the pin, the buckle, and out of the loop with only her mouth.
"W-wow," I blurted. "You, um...You want to do that? "
She tapped the top button of my jeans free from the button-hole, unzipped my fly with her teeth, then climbed off the bed as others undid my ankle restraints.
"Whoa, hey... What are you...? "
My pants slid off, leaving me clothed in nothing but my socks and white cotton briefs. Since they had to undo my fetters to accomplish this, I tried to move my legs, but the creatures were surprisingly strong, their soft hands preventing me from doing much at all.
"Okay, c'mon.. . We're not actually doing this, right? I mean, why? I'm not that good looking, am I?"
Diamond, uttering a low purring noise that sounded like a yes, climbed over the foot of the bed, her paws clutching my bare knees.
Her head nuzzled into the space between my legs, and warmth spread beneath my testicles as her teeth slid around the bottommost point of my white cotton briefs.
Her muzzle closed on the narrow band of fabric, pulled downwards.
I spread my legs, trying to keep the underwear from going further, but the creature's warm paws squeezed them back together, pulling my briefs free from my body.
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Office Party She could feel the sun's heat slowly form from the clouds that barely covered it's approach. Her fingers were still a little stiff from the morning chill that was trying to get through her jacket. Amy pushed her glasses back on her nose, feeling the coolness of the silicone nosepiece. None of that could prevent her from smiling from the wonderful feeling that she'd finally be able to pay off her student loans. The job she'd just gotten would give her enough to pay for...
As I was printing and collating nine sets of forms, the office personnel filed along both sides of my workstation coming from their offices around me and the open work area in front. Bill Clancy came in the back entrance from his office in the plant. It was an early meeting I was asked schedule on all their computer calendars as a mandatory meeting with Bob Hansen. I occasionally smiled as someone greeted me or commented on my outfit as they walked by. My focus though was on getting the...
This is a story of discovery and adventure for a mature woman, mother of two twin girls, and divorced. This is a story about a woman who finds excitement, thrills, and a part of herself she had never known and certainly never had the opportunity to recognize. Raised in a proper, conservative home, Patricia Mason was taught morality, propriety and the role of the woman in the household and a marriage. With old-fashioned ideas of the woman taking care of the house and the man providing for...
The email announcement of our annual holiday office party had arrived in my in box weeks ago. I was undecided at the time if I would bring a date or go stag. My procrastination made the decision for me because the party was scheduled for tonight. I’d be attending alone this year. The office gossips were all excited to see who would be with whom so they’d have fuel for their daily gathering in the lunchroom for the next few months. I’ve attended 12 of these boring office gatherings since I...
It’s like he had stepped right out of my fantasies and is waved in front of my face at least once a week. So how was I supposed to behave myself and not try to score? I teased him a lot and tried to flirt. Sometimes he’d respond with a grin or a chuckle. Once or twice he’d even teased back. But I could never get him to flirt with me and he was hard to read. I know he’s on the job and all, but could he give it a rest for a moment? I decided when I saw him one afternoon that I was going to...
Hello! To all ISS Reader. Mear naam ajay hai aur main 25 yrs ka hoo meri hight 5′.6″ hai aur main Nawab’s City Hyderabad se hoo. Main ISS main post keya har story zaroor padtha hoo. Ek din mujhe laga ke kyou na main bhe apni experience aap ke saath share karo frndzs yeh meri saachi kahani hai jo kuch he maheno pahala ghathe hai aur yeh mera phela true experience. Main ek pvt ltd. Company main job karta hoo as a service engineer, mari company Branch office hone kay karan hamare office main sirf...
Lori was at home several days later after her intense evening with Ben. She was sore and tired but at the same time never felt so much alive than right now. It felt good to be home but she longed to be in her new home with Ben already. He awakened an inner beast within her that she kept trapped and now it is free to prowl for the game she lusted for, to hunt and fulfill her fantasies and his. Lori pulled out the list from her back pocket that she had to get done today. First things...
CHAPTER FIVE: THE SHOP I decided to take everyone at their word. The following day, Tuesday, I came into the office and greeted everyone as I normally did, though the greeting I received back was much more attentive and sweet. I dropped my purse and bag on my workstation surface and went about turning on all the machines, changing phone messages, etc. I stood in the center of my circular workstation and realized I had eyes from many directions on me. There was no reason for anyone but me...
Tommy wasn't a long-time friend of mine or anything. In fact, we weren't much of friends at all - just business partners. We met during our senior year of college and happened to like each other's ideas, so we decided to go into business together. Outside of our shared company, we had few things in common and rarely, if ever, saw each other outside of work. Even at work, we had split our responsibilities so that each of us was essentially running his own department within the company with...
Patrick and Kathleen had been experimenting with other things in their sex life to keep it fresh. One evening she called him at work and began to tell him what she was doing to herself while they spoke over the phone. His first encounters of phone sex, but he wasn’t the one having it. It became too much for him to sit and listen to his lady over the phone having all the fun while he was busy running business. Finally, she told him he would have to hire someone today and if he didn’t she would...
Hello all, I’m Akki from Mumbai. So aapne meri previous stories mein padha hoga ki kaise maine Shobha aur Pratibha aunty ke sath ek sath threesome kiya. Fir uske baad mera sex badh gaya and maine kai sari girls and ladies ko pata kar sex kiya. Toh ye incident hai mere ex job ka, jaha par mili mujhe office housekeeping lady Revati. She was really a gem. Height around 4.10- 5, fair thi, age hoga around 27-28 and nice assets. She was from country side of Maharashtra and was poor. Main jab...
Copyright© 2004 by Nicolo "Loco" Parenti "You know you want to, Jack," she said with a grin. "And why would it bother me? I'm offering to help, you dummy." The dummy in question was naked in bed with Dee, short for Denise. I shouldn't have been. For one thing it was the middle of the work day. For another, we're both married, and not to each other. We were enjoying a classic nooner, one of several in the past few weeks. Dee is delicious, adventuresome, and a little depraved...
Office Dress up [email protected] "Hi Honey, what have you been up to all day?" I was laying on the sofa reading a magazine. The rain had been misting through the morning and Lucy was unbundling herself in the foyer. Her sandy blond hair damped down just enough so that it twirled when she unwound the scarf from around her neck. "Just went down to salon and got my legs waxed." "Ouch did it hurt?" "No, it only hurts the first couple times. Maybe...
Make no mistake: I love my wife, and I love the fact that she's got a near-insatiable sexual apatite. Annie is an all-around gem of womanhood. Statuesquely tall, with a great figure, golden-tan skin and shining, curly black hair, she's a knockout by anyone's standards. She made good money doing part time modeling in her college days, and the intervening twelve years haven't diminished her beauty in the least. And she's smart and funny and a great companion and everything else that goes...
Mike unlocked the door of his small investing firm and held it open for his wife, Eva. As they entered, he turned the lights on and checked the temperature in the front office. His wife went into her office and he flipped the light on in his office and put his briefcase down and hung his jacket on the coat rack. Sitting at his desk he turned his computer on and looked at his calendar. The new secretary was supposed to start today. What a tasty piece of ass that one looks to be, he thought to...
Office Sex‘Bankruptcy is down there, toilets to your right, over here is...’ Gerry’s narration of his tour of the office seemed to fade into background noise as Pete caught sight of, perhaps, the most incredible woman he’d even seen. It wasn’t that she was good looking – she was – but the brunette could have stepped right out of one of Pete’s own fantasies. Long, well-toned, legs emphasised by six-inch heels, leading up to a short, tight, skirt. A wasp-thin waist and ample bosom, wrapped in jacket and...
Mein ek businessman hoon. Age 65 years, tall, fair aur majboot sharir. Mein 40 saal se business kar raha hoon. 65-saal ki umra mein bhi dimaag aur body fit hain. 40 saal ke business mein paisa aur power bahot kamaya hai. Saare shahar mein mujhe log ‘Saab’ kehkar bulate hai. Mera sabse bada shouk hai aurat ka, aur mein apna shouk pura karta hoon. Jawani se lekar abtak meine bahot aurato ko choda hai. Mere lund ko har roz chut chahiye. Biwi ko chodne mein maza nahi aata wo ab budhi ho gai hai,...
Office Exchange by: Anne O'Nonymous Heads turned as she walked across the workroom floor, floral perfume giving warning of her approach, tapping away on 3" heels, with taffeta petticoats rustling under a full skirt and long, shoulder-length hair gently swaying rhythmically to and fro in time with her steps. The few men working there admired her legs, encased in seamed black hose. Their admiring eyes followed her across the floor and up the stairs leading to the main offices. They...
My sweet Mark is a wonderful guy. As a husband, he has no equal. He is kind, considerate, and thoughtful. He is always thinking of me and finding little ways to brighten my day and make me smile. One day he will surprise me with flowers when he comes home from work. Another day he will take me out to dinner because he doesn’t want me to ‘slave over a hot stove just to feed him’. As a provider, he is amazing. He works hard – harder than he should, but he does it to provide us with a very...
My sweet Mark is a wonderful guy. As a husband, he has no equal. He is kind, considerate, and thoughtful. He is always thinking of me and finding little ways to brighten my day and make me smile. One day he will surprise me with flowers when he comes home from work. Another day he will take me out to dinner because he doesn't want me to "slave over a hot stove just to feed him". As a provider, he is amazing. He works hard - harder than he should, but he does it to provide us with a very...
Quickie SexOffice Exchange By Elrod "Are you going to the meeting?" I turned at the interruption, startled from the task I was absorbed in. It was, as I expected, my office mate, Cheri. She stood in the doorway, leaning slightly to peer around my bookcase. "Uh, yeah," I answered quickly. I grabbed my planner and scooted my chair back from my computer, hastening to follow Cheri as she hurried down the hall. I guess you could argue that technically, Cheri was my boss. But the...
Office rules?EEEKK?GGhhhh!!!?The sounds from the young office substitute as she began her dance in the rope were rather familiar to Mary. So was the sight of the twenty year old girl?s kicking legs and tortured face. Mary had assisted during so many hang sessions during the years that she hardly even bothered to learn the names of the new girls when they started working. Most only lasted a month or less before making some stupid mistake and invariably ending up as entertainment in the board...
Chapter Two Office Politics?I?m bored.?Rhianna looked up from her computer.? Kirti, her boss, was lounging over her desk, eyes flickering around the office.? A tall, slender Indian woman, Kirti was fast approaching forty but doing well to hide the fact.? Her pale brown skin was still smooth and unblemished.? One had to look hard to spot that it had a slightly artificial sheen; and that was even before the daily mask of subtle cosmetics had been applied.? Any grey traitors in her long...
Hi ISS readers, this is my first post to ISS, I am a recent reader of the stories, i feel it nice. That’s why I decided to share my experience with you. I am Ayaan, 22 yrs.. I never had sex other than before this. I have my office in the 6th floor of a commercial building. My office consists of us 3 staff. 2 of them mostly on travel and i used to take care of the office. In my adjacent office there was a girl called shalini ( name change), who is 24, medium complexion, good physique and assets....
The moment I saw the flashing red-and-blues in my rear-view I knew I was fucked. A black male being pulled over in his deceased uncle's pickup on a secluded road in rural Georgia..."Shit...!" I blurted out to no one as I slowed the truck and pulled to the shoulder. I cut the engine and tried to follow the officer's movements in the mirror. It was still dark out at 5:00AM.License, insurance, title papers, Uncle Jonathan's death certificate....I went through the checklist and made sure my hands...
Abigail Mill-well was a 22 double D she had the body of a sexy runway model with an ass that will you do a double-take. Abigail is hot, and she’s always horny she works for steel Roy and Marks office supply. One day Abigail walked into work with a tight pair of jeans on that showed off all of her curves every man in the office watched as her ass shook from side to side as she walked threw the building. Abigail thought to herself I bet I got all there dicks hard Abigail thought now sit there and...
So the intern wants for promoted.The last two week's the sexy little Lou has been hands on hard I mean hands on chest, arm's, hands and brushed tits on passing must say big tits she knows there a chance of a job and she wants it. So on Thursday night I call her into the office to discuss how much she wants the placement "Lou you want the job ,yes!!?" She looks around at my dark office and answers "Yes definitely, no way I would pass this up" sitting back deep breathing mulling it over "Well I...
Chapter 1 In the late 90's I worked in an Insurance company office in South London. My work was as a computer systems programmer and my duties meant I was often in the office late in the day. Most of my colleagues would normally have left the building by 17.30 and I would normally depart sometime between 18.30 and 19.00 hrs. The reason I write this story is to tell readers of my experiences I had with the office cleaners who would arrive at 17.30 each day to generally tidy up, empty the trash...
Please feel free to comment on my stories. All comments both positive and negative are welcome or feel free to email me with your comments or ideas for stories on [email protected]. Office Junior Having been with Robert’s Call Centre a few months as a temp I quickly noticed her, as did every other man in the place. Robyn was, and is, fucking delicious with a body to die for and looks that could kill. God know why she isn’t Miss Ireland! Anyway I am a single hot...
Typically on a Monday morning Brian was the first person in the office. There was a small staff of 10 that kept busy, but he like to get in well before 6:00 A.M. to get through e-mails and other administrative items before being bothered by the questions and concerns of the day. Brian entered the rear door and went to the break room to put on a pot of coffee, to his surprise there was already a fresh pot brewed.As he approached Nicole's cubicle from behind, Brian noticed the sound of the video...
This is Ajay from Chennai. This sex story is a real incident which happened in 2008. Share your feedbacks at This happened when I was 18 years old. I joined the evening college and I wanted a job to cover my pocket money. That is a very small firm and it was put up in Guindy. So I got to know about Madhu in a week of time after joining the office. She was 5 years elder to me and I called her sister. She was also very happy about the relationship and we went out for coffee breaks and lunch...
Office Politics by Morpheus Mathew sighed, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms out behind him, trying to keep from looking at the stack of papers on his desk, if only for a minute. Though Mathew had already managed to get a lot of the paperwork done, he still had a lot more to go. Though he liked his management job, sometimes all the paperwork really got to him. And now was just one of those times. "Hello Mr. Phillips" Mathew heard from behind him. Turning...
It doesn't matter if you haven't read Part 1 - enjoy!PART 2 – FACTORY VISITFucking Nigel was supposed to have been a one off thing – just a bit of fun to kill time. It was Nigel’s fault we kept going - I was so jealous that Phea was getting regularly fucked at the office and I wasn’t – boo hoo, so sad for me. Problem is – I do enjoy a good cock, especially the ones that cum inside me. It’s not that Nigel stopped fucking Phea, and why would he, she is a very cute little fuck buddy – she was...
Hello friends I am a ISS reader. I read many stories and now I m giving my true experience here. First I have to introduce myself. I am a male from Noida age 32 year well built body (used to go to gym)5 feet 10 inch height fun loving guy .I m running a import export firm in partnership in Noida. In my office there are around 10 person working in which of them 6 are women (because all are married).in our office everybody likes me n there was nothing to say before it happened to me around one...
Nina worked for me, part of the team in the outer office. I inherited her from my predecessor, and at first I found her work to be proficient, if a little perfunctory, as if she always had something better to do. But the standard of her work had less and less interest for me, as I steadily fell for the insidious spell of her sensuality. She's twenty-six, with a sturdy, but undeniably shapely figure, Wide shoulders, magnificent, but not over-large firm full breasts that are hard to ignore at...
The day starts off as any other work day. I wake up to the sound of the alarm but hit the snooze button a couple of times before mustering the strength to get out of bed. Fall has just started and it is still dark when it is time to get up. I start my daily routine. Have my morning pee, have my shower, get dressed, have my breakfast and leave for work. As I make my way to work, I start thinking about what the work day will bring. I am a federal government employee and a member of a small team...
Oral SexMy Name is Yash (Name Changed) age 24 lives in Pune, Maharashtra i have an athlete body shape height 5 ft 7 inches my penis size is 6 inches originally but does any as per satisfaction. Now coming to the story since this is my first experience in my life so wanted to share pls comment if liked or tell me on my email id. This story is about me and a bhabhi named Ziya (Name changed) let me tell about her she is almost 28 yrs old her size is 38-28-36 she has 3 children now. Her ass is a little...
By : Yadavankit2011 Hi mera name Ankit hai main Delhi se hoon and meri age 25 yr hai. Main married hoon and crazy about sex with privacy because m also a married ye meri 1st story hai main apna exp aapke saath share karna chahta hoon main mahipalpur main ek company main job karta hoon yahn per customer care main ek girl hai jiska name richa hai uski age 22 yr, hight 5.2 and figure 34,28,36 hoga wo jyadater salwaar suit and kabhi kabhi jenas and t shir pahanti hai. She is very beautiful and...
Hi Friends, I am Krish again fm Gandhidham – Kutch, Hope you all enjoyed my last story “Office Me Documentation Wali Ladki Ko Choda” Ab Me apni dusri kahani bata raha hu, Office wali ladki ko mene kaise choda office ki tour me… Hamari Company har 2 saal me pure office wale staff ko tour pe leke jate he 3-4 din k liya company pura kharcha deti he travelling ka aur hotel ka, sirf personnal kharidi ke liye hume jeb se nikalna padta he. Story ko aage badate hue, jaise ki mene last story me kaha...
Characters in this chapter: The Author(me): A 27 year old single male who just got a new job after few months finding for one Miss Jenna:The General manager of human resources in the company. Miss Eve: The secretary for Miss Jenna Mrs Madison: She is the registered nurse working on the nurse bay in the office Mrs Patel: The supervisor who is assigned to guide the author on the daily routine of a HR personnel Setting for the current chapter: Office: This is the workplace of the author...
"Hey Dad." he said. "Tobias! I just heard that Rachel is sick. What's happening about the presentation?" Toby’s Dad’s voice was concerned. "Don't worry Dad I've got it" Toby reassured him. "I think you should let them know she's ill and try and rearrange." His Dad clearly wasn’t convinced, concern at losing the deal etched in his voice. "Dad don't worry. I'm on my way there. I'll be fine. Just trust me. I’ve got this." Toby repeated. "Well if your sure son. Good luck"...
In a way, it's because of my wife's terrific sex drive that I'm having an affair right now. Things were going along just fine, and I was happily monogamous, until that Saturday afternoon when my wife just ≠had to have my cock. Maybe I'll use that as my defense if she ever finds out. "It's all the fault of your horny cunt!" I'll say. Or maybe not. Make no mistake: I love my wife, and I love the fact that she's got a near-insatiable sexual apatite. Annie is an all-around gem of...
The Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...
Anthony Verdi was a college graduate. He was in the top of his class. Anthony Verdi was also a lucky son-of-a-bitch because his daddy owned a successful business. Anthony had all the credentials but didn’t even need them, because of who his father was.After graduating, Anthony transitioned into the family business. He was given a car, business account and a swanky corner office with a view. The best perk that his father could give him was the hot red head named Jessica Sonsa. She was...
Office SexThe Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...
AnalOffice Exchange Part 1 We had all heard about a blue light of an alien going through offices causing all kinds of chaos by swapping traits of all the workers present. We never believed we would be affected by this due to our small size of ten people. I am the leader of a small team in my mid 30s. I have a predominantly female staff with a 7-3 split between females and males. We are a pretty diverse group Chi Chi is a young 19 year old Asian receptionist. She is very slim and keeps...
A very humble and contrite Amy walked alongside Mr. Roberts as they made their way to the car. He opened the door for her, seating her and making sure she was comfortable. ‘Thank you Master,’ she looked up at him with a soft smile. He got in the driver’s side and they began driving away from the prison. ‘So Master, what happens now?’ Amy asked, not sure if she really wanted to know the answer. ‘Well for right now, I am taking you back to the office. I have some paperwork to finish up. And...
She was 57, matronly, not that good at her job and sometimes a bitch; I should have fired her years ago. It happened on one of those days when I was ridiculously horny. I heard her get up to the bathroom and I snuck out to the front office and grabbed her purse. I knew some women carried an extra pair of pantyhose in their purse. I carefully opened her purse and nothing. I looked in her tote and the bitch was wearing knee high. Well, I was in need, so I took them; I roll them on my cock like a...