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Office Politics by Morpheus Mathew sighed, leaning back in his chair and stretching his arms out behind him, trying to keep from looking at the stack of papers on his desk, if only for a minute. Though Mathew had already managed to get a lot of the paperwork done, he still had a lot more to go. Though he liked his management job, sometimes all the paperwork really got to him. And now was just one of those times. "Hello Mr. Phillips" Mathew heard from behind him. Turning around, he gave a smile back, seeing that it was Susan Quinn, one of the office secretaries. Forcing himself not to stare at her breasts, Mathew replied "Hi Sue, how've you been doing?" "Oh fine" she said, giving him another smile before walking off. Letting out a sigh of relief, Mathew turned back to his paperwork, glad that he didn't have to deal with Sue anymore. She was rather nice, and extremely attractive, and that was the problem. It was too easy to just stare at her and be friendly, and he refused to let himself do that. Mathew knew that nowadays any wrong step at all was grounds for sexual harassment, and he didn't want anything to do with that. Worrying about sexual harassment was just another one of the "perks" of his job. Taking another sip of his coffee, Mathew absently wondered if he was developing an ulcer. "Time enough for that later" he told himself as he went back to work on the report he'd have to turn into Mr. Carlton, the "big boss" before the end of the day. Hopefully this would help him beat Eric Jessup for the promotion that was being given out soon. Mathew had worked hard for it, and he was sure that he in the lead so far. At least unless Eric somehow managed to get Carlton to give it to him somehow. With office politics, you never knew what a co-worker might do for your promotion. After taking a quick lunch, Mathew hurried back to the office, wanting to finish the last touches on the report before he had to turn it in. He also had to fill out several requisition forms for a couple of the projects he was overseeing. "Another day another dollar" Mathew told himself grimly as he went back to his desk, noticing that no one else was back from lunch yet. Just as Mathew had started getting back to work, he heard some footsteps and looked up, smiling slightly as he saw Sue coming towards him again, wiggling suggestively as she walked. "Mr. Phillips?" she said cautiously, "I need to talk with you about something." "Sure" he said, wondering what was up. Had somebody sent her to him with some more paperwork or something? It had happened plenty of times before so he didn't think too much about it. Sue was about to say something more, when two more people came into the office, back from lunch. For a moment Sue frowned, looking rather annoyed. Just as quickly her suggestive smile returned and she said " about right after work?" Mathew suddenly started to get suspicious, having a feeling that this was going to be bad trouble. Being alone after hours with one of the secretaries didn't necessarily mean anything, but there were always ways that it could look bad. Mathew was about to turn her down, when she said "Please." "All right" Mathew relented, wondering if this might have something to do with one of the projects she'd been working on. "Now if you'll excuse me," he apologized, "I've got a lot of work to do." Sue nodded then hurried away. Mathew just shook his head, trying not to be obvious as he watched her walking out of the room. Working late, Mathew had forgotten all about Sue. Instead he was focused on going over the office budget, not having noticed the last other person in the office getting up and leaving for the day. So intent was he on the budget that he hadn't even noticed Sue coming in and walking over to his desk. "Ahem" she said in a sexy voice, nearly making Mathew jump. Trying to hide his embarrassment of being startled, Mathew replied "Yes?" Then remembering that Sue had wanted to see him, Mathew set the papers aside and asked "What was it you wanted to see me about?" Sue smiled seductively and said "You know, yesterday after work I was going for a walk, and I just happened to find the strangest little store. You wouldn't believe it. There was even some strange old man in a bath robe working there" Sue chuckled slightly and Mathew wondered why she wanted to talk to him about a store. Seemingly not noticing Mathew's disinterest, Sue continued on. "What really surprised me though is that the guy who worked there talked me into buying something." "And your point is?" Mathew asked impatiently. Leaning over and setting her purse on Mathew's desk, Sue forced a smile. "I bought this" she said, pulling what looked like some kind of biscuit or cookie out of her purse. "A cookie?" Mathew said startled. Why was she wasting his time with a cookie? Giggling slightly, Sue said "It's a special cookie. After the salesman told me what made it so special, I just knew I had to have it. I just wanted to share it with you." Then with that, Sue broke the cookie in half, handing one half to Mathew and keeping the other for herself. "Um....Thank you" A startled Mathew said, picking up the cookie. Shrugging, Mathew stuffed the cookie into his mouth, pleased at the taste. It was certainly better than he had expected, though he couldn't place just what kind of cookie it was. Seeing that Mathew had eaten his half, a wicked smile formed on Sue's face and she ate her cookie piece. "No" she said to Mathew, the smile still on her face, no longer as sexy or seductive, "Thank you" With that, Sue walked off, leaving Mathew alone in the office, wondering about what had just happened. By the time Mathew had gotten home, he was feeling rather odd for some reason. "Too much stress" he told himself, deciding to take a vacation once he got that promotion. Feeling rather dizzy Mathew made towards his bedroom, stopping suddenly as an intense wave of dizziness washed over him. Once the dizziness had passed, Mathew looked at his bed, realizing just how exhausted he felt all of a sudden. "Maybe I'll see the doctor tomorrow" he mused to himself, collapsing onto his bed without even taking his clothes off, and immediately falling asleep. When Mathew woke up, he opened his eyes and noticed that something was wrong immediately. His walls were the wrong color, and as he glanced around, he realized that he wasn't even in his own room. "What the hell?" Mathew asked aloud, startled to hear a female voice. Sitting up quickly, Mathew felt the weight hanging on his chest and stared down at a pair of perfectly formed female breasts. Jumping out of bed, Mathew stared down at himself, seeing that he was wearing a pair of skimpy panties, and nothing else. The smooth front left no doubt about what was, or more specifically wasn't down there. Immediately Mathew realized, that as impossible as it was, he had somehow turned into a girl. No, he corrected himself as he gingerly touched his breasts, a woman. "Calm down" Mathew told himself, trying to keep the rising panic from going too far. "There's a logical explanation for this" Still, Mathew couldn't think of one. "First things first" he told himself, deciding that he needed to get some idea of what had happened, but first he needed to find out what had become. Seeing a bathroom through a cracked open door, Mathew hurried to it, knowing that there was bound to be a mirror. He just had to get a look at what he looked like. Maybe that would give him some clue as to what had happened. When Mathew looked into the mirror, he gasped, saying one word, "Sue" Looking back at him from the mirror was Susan Quinn. So that was why the female voice had sounded familiar, though he hadn't noticed it at first. Taking a deep breath, Mathew told himself to calm down, staring at the beautiful blonde in the mirror. "Now what has happened?" Mathew asked himself once had regained more self control. When no answer came to him, he went back to the bedroom, noticing a desk in the corner, with clothes laid out and hanging from it. Frowning, he also noticed a piece of paper. Walking over to the desk, Mathew barely even noticed his breasts, or the fact that he was moving very femininely. Picking up the paper in his long red fingernails, Mathew frowned and stared at them for a moment, just realizing that he even had them. Shaking his head, Mathew looked at the paper and gasped, seeing his name at the top. It was a note. To him. Mathew stared at the note, then started reading it "Dear Mathew, or perhaps I should call you Susan now. Get dressed in these clothes and come to work, I'll explain everything there. PS, don't let anyone know that you're not Sue." "Shit" Mathew said, dropping the note to the floor and wondering what the hell was going on. However knowing that he wouldn't get any answers unless he did as he was directed, Mathew sighed, forcing himself to remain calm and look at the clothes that he knew he'd have to wear. Stopping suddenly, Mathew decided that maybe he'd better at least take a shower first. Mathew hurried into the bathroom, refusing to hurry while he showered, but at the same time knowing that he couldn't stay in there for very long. Still, the warm water did feel good, and Mathew very gently went over his entire body, amazed not only with how different it looked, but at how normal it felt. Finishing up with the shower, Mathew dried himself off and started getting dressed in the clothes that had been set out for him, surprised at just how easy it was. Shortly he was dressed in the cream colored blouse, that showed a bit of cleavage, and a short black skirt. Even the bra wasn't very difficult for him to put on, and he would have expected it to be much more difficult. Once that was finished, Mathew slipped on the stockings and the 3 inch high healed shoes, pleased at how easy he was finding it to walk in them, though somewhat nervous and afraid as well. "What's happening to me?" He asked himself, still receiving no answers, not that he had expected any. "I might as well get this over with" Mathew said aloud, sitting himself down in front of the mirror on the desk, surrounded by makeup. He knew that if he was going to have to go into work looking like Sue, he'd have to do it right. Especially since he was being forced to dress like her and he didn't want to do anything that might make it more difficult to find out what had happened, and get his own body back. After rather easily doing his hair, makeup and putting on jewelry, Mathew looked into the mirror, knowing that he looked exactly like Sue. No one would know different just by looking at him, even the makeup was perfectly done, though it was the first time Mathew had ever touched any. Obviously whatever had changed him had also given him Sue's skill with the makeup. Suddenly remembering the cookie he'd shared with Sue the night before, Mathew wondered if that had anything to do with it. "I'll find out soon enough" he reminded himself as he absently picked up Sue's purse and headed for the door. Mathew felt greatly embarrassed as he walked into the familiar office, knowing that every man was staring at him. He could feel their eyes on him and it made him uncomfortable. Forcing a smile to his face, Mathew went in, looking around to see who had left him the note. Then he froze, his eyes widening and he began to have a very good idea. There, sitting at his desk, was him. Someone who looked just like he did, at least before he'd woken up that morning. That person looked in his direction, and smirked, obviously pleased. Forcing himself to remain calm, Mathew walked up to his desk, and the person behind it, quietly demanding "What have you done?" "I think you know quite well....SUE" Mathew's old face grinned back wickedly. "We've traded bodies, and lives. Now I'm Mathew Phillips, the bigshot who's in charge and making all the money, while you are just little Susan Quinn, a secretary." "Why?" Mathew demanded, trying to keep the fear and anger both out of his voice, knowing that neither would do him any good right now. "Why do you think?" Sue, now in Mathew's body snapped back, "I certainly couldn't be promoted as a secretary. I wanted your job, the money and the respect" she smirked. "I'm sorry that I had to do this to you, but live with it. It's permanent. There's nothing I can do...Honey" then with that, Sue leaned over and pinched Mathew on the ass, catching him by surprise and making him angry. He glared at her but she smirked back, saying "Fuck with me and I'll have you fired so fast that you won't even have time to scream." Mathew stared at her in horror, seeing by the look on her, actually his face, that she really meant it. "Now got get me a cup of coffee, bitch" Sue snarled at Mathew. Cringing, Mathew walked off, burning with anger inside, but knowing that there was nothing he could do. Not at the moment anyway. Maybe, he decided as he calmed down, if he played her game, he could get her to change them back. Somehow. So taking a deep breath, Mathew started towards the coffee pot, knowing that after he'd brought his "boss" the coffee, he would have to go do Sue's job. The day was a living nightmare for Mathew, who suffered insults and demands from Sue at every turn. She seemed to enjoy rubbing it in, and took every opportunity to pinch his ass or bump against him. Furious, Mathew forced himself to smile, not daring to show how he really felt. Somehow, Mathew knew that he'd make it through the day. Somehow he'd get back to normal. Fortunately though Mathew found that he could talk to some of the "other" secretaries and lower ranking employees. They were pretty nice for the most part and didn't seem to have the cutthroat office politics that kept them from trusting each other and being friends. Not like it was with the managers who were all fighting for promotions. It was with great relief that Mathew left work at the end of the day, just barely avoiding Sue. He almost went to his own car before he remembered his situation again and had to go to Sue's instead. "Great" he muttered to himself, "I traded my Mercedes for a Ford Tempo" Snorting, Mathew got into the car and drove back to his new home. Temporary home, he told himself. Later that night, Mathew was sitting back, trying to relax and unwind. The one thing he found was that even though he was doing a different job, it was just as stressful as his old one, though that was mostly due to Sue he knew. "I can't believe she turned me into a woman" Mathew told himself, looking into a hand mirror while he sat on the couch. It just didn't seem possible, but there was the proof in front of him. Hearing the phone ring, Mathew set the mirror back and down, nervously answering the phone "Hello?" "Hi Sue" he heard sarcastically from the other end, immediately recognizing his own voice. "How are you doing?" Then after a pause, "And what are you wearing. Are you naked? Are you examining your sexy new body and masturbating. I know that I am." "Oh God" Mathew muttered to himself in disgust, then to Sue he said "What do you want now?" Sounding hurt, she answered "Why I was just thinking of you. And....I want you to come to work tomorrow in that tiny little outfit in the back of the closet. You kind of turned me on today, and I really want to see you looking sexy tomorrow. Got it?" Sighing in resignation, Mathew answered "Yes." "Bye bye slut" he heard from the other end before it hung up. Furious, Mathew grabbed the mirror throwing it against the wall and watching it shatter. 7 years of bad luck didn't bother him at the moment, especially not when he knew he was looking towards a whole lifetime of bad luck. For the next several days Mathew came to work, dressing in skimpy revealing clothes like Sue demanded, hating every moment of it as he brought her coffee every morning and typed up some of the reports that both she and Eric sent him. Still, when he was left alone, or just talking with some of the other employee's, Mathew was able to relax some and even enjoy himself a little. Sighing and moving letter he'd just finished typing to the side, Mathew noticed one of the guys looking at him again, and chuckled as he realized that it didn't bother him anymore. He didn't know if it was the body's hormones, or whatever had given him the skill to dress and put on makeup, but he was forced to admit that he was beginning to find guys attractive. That left him with somewhat mixed feelings, especially when he thought about getting his own body back, which was getting to be less and less. Slowly Mathew had come to realize that Sue would never switch them back willingly, and he seriously doubted that she even could. She was probably telling the truth when she'd said it was permanent. Realizing this, Mathew knew that he'd have to accept that he'd be a woman for life if he ever wanted to be happy. It wouldn't be easy. As Mathew was finishing up with a letter that someone had asked him to type, he looked up and was startled to realize that he'd been working a little late. Everyone else had just left several minutes earlier, and he was all alone. Except for Sue, he realized suddenly as he saw her walking towards him, a lecherous smirk on her face. "Hello Sue" she said to him with a grin, "You sure are sexy looking today. Nice job with the makeup." Then before Mathew could do anything, Sue had grabbed his breasts, squeezing them. Mathew struggled to pull himself away, though Sue only laughed and pulled him closer, forcing her lips roughly against his own in a semblance of a kiss. She at least was enjoying it, though Mathew couldn't say he was. Not with the way he was being treated. Finally pulling himself away from Sue, he glared at her, making her laugh harder. "Come on now" Sue said, "You know you want it. You want to find out what being a woman is really like, and I'm just the one to show you." "I don't think so" Mathew snarled back, "I don't want to even touch you." "What?" Sue asked, but before she could say anything more, Mathew started hurrying away, eager to be out of sight of Sue. "Bitch" Mathew heard Sue call from behind him, not bothering to slow down though. Furious Mathew glanced back as he hurried to the car, barely able to believe what had just happened to him. First Sue had stolen his body, then she had tormented and humiliated him for the next 4 days. Mathew had finally had enough. Angrily looking into the rear view mirror, Mathew knew that he'd be a woman for the rest of his life. That he could live with. He could probably even enjoy it. But the humiliation had to end. "No more" he said aloud, hungry for revenge against Sue for what she'd done to him, "No more." Smiling wickedly to himself, Mathew was going to get even, and he was going to do it the best way that he knew how. The new Mathew Phillips was sitting back in his chair, smiling as he stared at one of the cute office workers several desks over. He wouldn't have believed that he'd ever find such enjoyment and interest from a woman's body, but he was. He loved it. He loved his position and he loved the money he was making. Most of all he loved the respect and power he now had. Looking up, the new Mathew noticed Mr. Carlton walking towards him, with two men alongside of him that Mathew didn't recognize. Curious, Mathew suspected that he was about to get that promotion he'd been expecting, then he saw the look on Mr. Carlton's' face. "What the hell is the meaning of this?" Mr. Carlton demanded, obviously furious. "What's wrong?" Mathew asked nervously, glancing at the two men in business suits who were both standing there. "What's wrong!!??" Mr. Carlton choked, "I'll tell you what's wrong." Taking a deep breath he continued, yelling at Mathew loud enough for everyone in the office to hear, "First of all everything you've done this past week was half assed. You haven't been doing any of your work and what you have been doing was garbage. And secondly" Mr. Carlton gestured to one of the men standing behind him, who opened a briefcase and set a small stack of papers down in front of Mathew, "you are being sued. For sexual harassment. We have several complaints." "Sexual harassment?" Mathew gasped out in shock. That just wasn't possible. "As of this moment" Mr. Carlton snarled, "You are fired. Get out of this building right this instant." Then Mr. Carlton turned and stormed away, leaving Mathew to stare at papers in front of him in horror and disbelief, barely aware of the several women in the office cheering and clapping. The End

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Office Takeover (Extended) By Susannah Donim, based on a story by Margaret Jeanette Jim and his secretary change places, with far-reaching consequences. The Christmas party "Come on - you're the CEO. You have to push the boat out a bit!" My wife, Marilyn, was trying to persuade me to splash out on our costumes for the company's Christmas fancy dress party. "CEO, hah! There's only ten of us in the company. I'm more like a Team Leader." "But you set up the company. We...

2 years ago
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Office Adventure

I had been secretly cross dressing in women's clothes for a number of years. My wife had known about my cross dressing and I had dressed in front her. We had had several sexual encounters with me dressed, which we both really enjoyed. However these encounters had become less and less over the last couple of years until they were now extinct. As most of you cross dressers know this is a habit that is very difficult to break from, especially when you have doing since child hood like I...

2 years ago
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Office Cuckold Complete 4 Parts

Josh is cuckolded by his boss and coworker.Chapter 1Emma had just started in our office. She was the assistant for an executive, sharing his office, filing his paper, and doing other odds and ends. My office was next to his large corner office, so I was able to see Emma often as she walked past carrying a file or an envelope to be mailed off.Fresh out of high school, Emma was getting some experience in the real world before deciding what she wanted to do and going to school. She always wore...

3 years ago
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OFFICE FUN 2 It Starts

CHAPTER TWO: IT STARTS He told me to think about it over the weekend. Think about it? It was like he thought I might not after suggesting such a thing to me late Friday. And, just what else was I going to think about? Nothing else. As Sunday evening came, I wondered if I had thought about anything all weekend except for his suggestion, his proposal. The words rang in my head all weekend, “What if … just a what if … you were to fuck all the guys, suck them off, dress sexy and tease...

4 years ago
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Office slut

‘God, Kimmie, how did it happen?’Kimberly smiled a little at Sarah’s expression: after Kim’s little revelation she’d seen amusement on her friend’s face... until she realised that Kim wasn’t kidding... followed by horror, disgust, then sympathy... and now that finally seemed to be giving way to curiosity. Taking a moment to sip her latte, Kim sighed, leant back in her chair, crossing her slender, well-toned, legs and glanced around the up-market coffee shop.‘Well,’ she replied as Sarah leaned...

3 years ago
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Office Manager Has To Find A Way To Inspire Her Team

“Oh, Fuck, how am I going to get out of this one!” Mary thought as she sat at her desk in her private office.Mary just finished reading the new project outlined by upper management. Her team of developers had to code a new section of their company’s enterprise business software in less than six months! If she failed, she would be out of a job. She had been set up to fail by the new CEO, Markus Davies. He was going to make her pay for turning him down when he tried to hit her during the last...

Office Sex
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Office Girls

–OFFICE GIRLS– Richard was blindly staring at the Excel sheets on the computer screen in front of him. This job was getting more and more boring by the day, and he found himself increasingly more often sitting behind his desk and doing nothing for longer and longer periods of time. This was especially dangerous when there were milestones coming up and deadlines to be met, but he just couldnt help it. His mind seemed to go elsewhere.. The girls have arrived! He suddenly heard Marthas ...

3 years ago
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Office Party

Office Party She could feel the sun's heat slowly form from the clouds that barely covered it's approach. Her fingers were still a little stiff from the morning chill that was trying to get through her jacket. Amy pushed her glasses back on her nose, feeling the coolness of the silicone nosepiece. None of that could prevent her from smiling from the wonderful feeling that she'd finally be able to pay off her student loans. The job she'd just gotten would give her enough to pay for...

1 year ago
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OFFICE FUN 4 The Office

As I was printing and collating nine sets of forms, the office personnel filed along both sides of my workstation coming from their offices around me and the open work area in front. Bill Clancy came in the back entrance from his office in the plant. It was an early meeting I was asked schedule on all their computer calendars as a mandatory meeting with Bob Hansen. I occasionally smiled as someone greeted me or commented on my outfit as they walked by. My focus though was on getting the...

2 years ago
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OFFICE FUN 1 Beginning

This is a story of discovery and adventure for a mature woman, mother of two twin girls, and divorced. This is a story about a woman who finds excitement, thrills, and a part of herself she had never known and certainly never had the opportunity to recognize. Raised in a proper, conservative home, Patricia Mason was taught morality, propriety and the role of the woman in the household and a marriage. With old-fashioned ideas of the woman taking care of the house and the man providing for...

1 year ago
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Office Party Extraordinaire

The email announcement of our annual holiday office party had arrived in my in box weeks ago. I was undecided at the time if I would bring a date or go stag. My procrastination made the decision for me because the party was scheduled for tonight. I’d be attending alone this year. The office gossips were all excited to see who would be with whom so they’d have fuel for their daily gathering in the lunchroom for the next few months. I’ve attended 12 of these boring office gatherings since I...

1 year ago
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Officer Bradley

It’s like he had stepped right out of my fantasies and is waved in front of my face at least once a week. So how was I supposed to behave myself and not try to score? I teased him a lot and tried to flirt. Sometimes he’d respond with a grin or a chuckle. Once or twice he’d even teased back. But I could never get him to flirt with me and he was hard to read. I know he’s on the job and all, but could he give it a rest for a moment? I decided when I saw him one afternoon that I was going to...

1 year ago
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Office coworker ke Saath

Hello! To all ISS Reader. Mear naam ajay hai aur main 25 yrs ka hoo meri hight 5′.6″ hai aur main Nawab’s City Hyderabad se hoo. Main ISS main post keya har story zaroor padtha hoo. Ek din mujhe laga ke kyou na main bhe apni experience aap ke saath share karo frndzs yeh meri saachi kahani hai jo kuch he maheno pahala ghathe hai aur yeh mera phela true experience. Main ek pvt ltd. Company main job karta hoo as a service engineer, mari company Branch office hone kay karan hamare office main sirf...

3 years ago
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Officer Hunt First Hunt

Lori was at home several days later after her intense evening with Ben. She was sore and tired but at the same time never felt so much alive than right now. It felt good to be home but she longed to be in her new home with Ben already. He awakened an inner beast within her that she kept trapped and now it is free to prowl for the game she lusted for, to hunt and fulfill her fantasies and his. Lori pulled out the list from her back pocket that she had to get done today. First things...

4 years ago
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CHAPTER FIVE: THE SHOP I decided to take everyone at their word. The following day, Tuesday, I came into the office and greeted everyone as I normally did, though the greeting I received back was much more attentive and sweet. I dropped my purse and bag on my workstation surface and went about turning on all the machines, changing phone messages, etc. I stood in the center of my circular workstation and realized I had eyes from many directions on me. There was no reason for anyone but me...

3 years ago
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Office Perks1

Tommy wasn't a long-time friend of mine or anything. In fact, we weren't much of friends at all - just business partners. We met during our senior year of college and happened to like each other's ideas, so we decided to go into business together. Outside of our shared company, we had few things in common and rarely, if ever, saw each other outside of work. Even at work, we had split our responsibilities so that each of us was essentially running his own department within the company with...

4 years ago
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Office Affairs Ch 2

Patrick and Kathleen had been experimenting with other things in their sex life to keep it fresh. One evening she called him at work and began to tell him what she was doing to herself while they spoke over the phone. His first encounters of phone sex, but he wasn’t the one having it. It became too much for him to sit and listen to his lady over the phone having all the fun while he was busy running business. Finally, she told him he would have to hire someone today and if he didn’t she would...

3 years ago
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Office Housekeeping Lady Ko Storeroom Me Choda Part 1

Hello all, I’m Akki from Mumbai. So aapne meri previous stories mein padha hoga ki kaise maine Shobha aur Pratibha aunty ke sath ek sath threesome kiya.  Fir uske baad mera sex badh gaya and maine kai sari girls and ladies ko pata kar sex kiya. Toh ye incident hai mere ex job ka, jaha par mili mujhe office housekeeping lady Revati. She was really a gem. Height around 4.10- 5, fair thi, age hoga around 27-28 and nice assets. She was from country side of Maharashtra and was poor. Main jab...

2 years ago
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Office Assistance

Copyright© 2004 by Nicolo "Loco" Parenti "You know you want to, Jack," she said with a grin. "And why would it bother me? I'm offering to help, you dummy." The dummy in question was naked in bed with Dee, short for Denise. I shouldn't have been. For one thing it was the middle of the work day. For another, we're both married, and not to each other. We were enjoying a classic nooner, one of several in the past few weeks. Dee is delicious, adventuresome, and a little depraved...

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Office Dress Up

Office Dress up [email protected] "Hi Honey, what have you been up to all day?" I was laying on the sofa reading a magazine. The rain had been misting through the morning and Lucy was unbundling herself in the foyer. Her sandy blond hair damped down just enough so that it twirled when she unwound the scarf from around her neck. "Just went down to salon and got my legs waxed." "Ouch did it hurt?" "No, it only hurts the first couple times. Maybe...

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Office Mating0

Make no mistake: I love my wife, and I love the fact that she's got a near-insatiable sexual apatite. Annie is an all-around gem of womanhood. Statuesquely tall, with a great figure, golden-tan skin and shining, curly black hair, she's a knockout by anyone's standards. She made good money doing part time modeling in her college days, and the intervening twelve years haven't diminished her beauty in the least. And she's smart and funny and a great companion and everything else that goes...

1 year ago
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Office Cuckquean

Mike unlocked the door of his small investing firm and held it open for his wife, Eva.  As they entered, he turned the lights on and checked the temperature in the front office. His wife went into her office and he flipped the light on in his office and put his briefcase down and hung his jacket on the coat rack.  Sitting at his desk he turned his computer on and looked at his calendar.  The new secretary was supposed to start today. What a tasty piece of ass that one looks to be, he thought to...

Office Sex
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Office Slut 2

‘Bankruptcy is down there, toilets to your right, over here is...’ Gerry’s narration of his tour of the office seemed to fade into background noise as Pete caught sight of, perhaps, the most incredible woman he’d even seen. It wasn’t that she was good looking – she was – but the brunette could have stepped right out of one of Pete’s own fantasies. Long, well-toned, legs emphasised by six-inch heels, leading up to a short, tight, skirt. A wasp-thin waist and ample bosom, wrapped in jacket and...

3 years ago
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Office mein fuck

Mein ek businessman hoon. Age 65 years, tall, fair aur majboot sharir. Mein 40 saal se business kar raha hoon. 65-saal ki umra mein bhi dimaag aur body fit hain. 40 saal ke business mein paisa aur power bahot kamaya hai. Saare shahar mein mujhe log ‘Saab’ kehkar bulate hai. Mera sabse bada shouk hai aurat ka, aur mein apna shouk pura karta hoon. Jawani se lekar abtak meine bahot aurato ko choda hai. Mere lund ko har roz chut chahiye. Biwi ko chodne mein maza nahi aata wo ab budhi ho gai hai,...

2 years ago
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Office Exchange

Office Exchange by: Anne O'Nonymous Heads turned as she walked across the workroom floor, floral perfume giving warning of her approach, tapping away on 3" heels, with taffeta petticoats rustling under a full skirt and long, shoulder-length hair gently swaying rhythmically to and fro in time with her steps. The few men working there admired her legs, encased in seamed black hose. Their admiring eyes followed her across the floor and up the stairs leading to the main offices. They...

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Office Surprise

My sweet Mark is a wonderful guy. As a husband, he has no equal. He is kind, considerate, and thoughtful. He is always thinking of me and finding little ways to brighten my day and make me smile. One day he will surprise me with flowers when he comes home from work. Another day he will take me out to dinner because he doesn’t want me to ‘slave over a hot stove just to feed him’. As a provider, he is amazing. He works hard – harder than he should, but he does it to provide us with a very...

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Office Surprise

My sweet Mark is a wonderful guy. As a husband, he has no equal. He is kind, considerate, and thoughtful. He is always thinking of me and finding little ways to brighten my day and make me smile. One day he will surprise me with flowers when he comes home from work. Another day he will take me out to dinner because he doesn't want me to "slave over a hot stove just to feed him". As a provider, he is amazing. He works hard - harder than he should, but he does it to provide us with a very...

Quickie Sex
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Office Exchange

Office Exchange By Elrod "Are you going to the meeting?" I turned at the interruption, startled from the task I was absorbed in. It was, as I expected, my office mate, Cheri. She stood in the doorway, leaning slightly to peer around my bookcase. "Uh, yeah," I answered quickly. I grabbed my planner and scooted my chair back from my computer, hastening to follow Cheri as she hurried down the hall. I guess you could argue that technically, Cheri was my boss. But the...

3 years ago
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Office Rules

Office rules?EEEKK?GGhhhh!!!?The sounds from the young office substitute as she began her dance in the rope were rather familiar to Mary. So was the sight of the twenty year old girl?s kicking legs and tortured face. Mary had assisted during so many hang sessions during the years that she hardly even bothered to learn the names of the new girls when they started working. Most only lasted a month or less before making some stupid mistake and invariably ending up as entertainment in the board...

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Office sex work

Hi ISS readers, this is my first post to ISS, I am a recent reader of the stories, i feel it nice. That’s why I decided to share my experience with you. I am Ayaan, 22 yrs.. I never had sex other than before this. I have my office in the 6th floor of a commercial building. My office consists of us 3 staff. 2 of them mostly on travel and i used to take care of the office. In my adjacent office there was a girl called shalini ( name change), who is 24, medium complexion, good physique and assets....

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The moment I saw the flashing red-and-blues in my rear-view I knew I was fucked. A black male being pulled over in his deceased uncle's pickup on a secluded road in rural Georgia..."Shit...!" I blurted out to no one as I slowed the truck and pulled to the shoulder. I cut the engine and tried to follow the officer's movements in the mirror. It was still dark out at 5:00AM.License, insurance, title papers, Uncle Jonathan's death certificate....I went through the checklist and made sure my hands...

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Abigail Mill-well was a 22 double D she had the body of a sexy runway model with an ass that will you do a double-take. Abigail is hot, and she’s always horny she works for steel Roy and Marks office supply. One day Abigail walked into work with a tight pair of jeans on that showed off all of her curves every man in the office watched as her ass shook from side to side as she walked threw the building. Abigail thought to herself I bet I got all there dicks hard Abigail thought now sit there and...

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Office training

So the intern wants for promoted.The last two week's the sexy little Lou has been hands on hard I mean hands on chest, arm's, hands and brushed tits on passing must say big tits she knows there a chance of a job and she wants it. So on Thursday night I call her into the office to discuss how much she wants the placement "Lou you want the job ,yes!!?" She looks around at my dark office and answers "Yes definitely, no way I would pass this up" sitting back deep breathing mulling it over "Well I...

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Office Cleaners

Chapter 1 In the late 90's I worked in an Insurance company office in South London. My work was as a computer systems programmer and my duties meant I was often in the office late in the day. Most of my colleagues would normally have left the building by 17.30 and I would normally depart sometime between 18.30 and 19.00 hrs. The reason I write this story is to tell readers of my experiences I had with the office cleaners who would arrive at 17.30 each day to generally tidy up, empty the trash...

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Office Junior

Please feel free to comment on my stories. All comments both positive and negative are welcome or feel free to email me with your comments or ideas for stories on [email protected]. Office Junior Having been with Robert’s Call Centre a few months as a temp I quickly noticed her, as did every other man in the place. Robyn was, and is, fucking delicious with a body to die for and looks that could kill. God know why she isn’t Miss Ireland! Anyway I am a single hot...

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