Office Adventure free porn video

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I had been secretly cross dressing in women's clothes for a number of years. My wife had known about my cross dressing and I had dressed in front her. We had had several sexual encounters with me dressed, which we both really enjoyed. However these encounters had become less and less over the last couple of years until they were now extinct. As most of you cross dressers know this is a habit that is very difficult to break from, especially when you have doing since child hood like I have (almost 40 years). I had therefore started to secretly dress up whilst I was supposed to be at work. I would take an extended lunch break and disappear to a very quiet area in the cellar of the office block where I worked, where I could dress up in my very limited wardrobe. I would spend no more than 10 or 15 minutes dressed and then get changed and return to work. I was extremely careful and was sure that nobody knew about my extra curricula work activity. I had found the cellar by accident, when looking through the archives, and found a small store room which could be locked from inside. After several visits I soon realised that nobody ever went into the storeroom and therefore decided to take my chance and dress up in it. It was also very helpful that the only access to the cellar was through the office that I worked, so that I could monitor the comings and goings. This was when I realised that the cellar was hardly ever visited. I had been using the storeroom in the cellar for a few months when it was announced that there was going to be an office "away day." This would involve all the staff from my particular office going on a team building exercise. Strictly speaking I was not part of the Staff. Although I worked in the same office I was from a different organisation and therefore not invited on the "away day." I was going to be left in the office by myself. I had already been given a set of office keys because I was the first to arrive in the morning so gaining access was not going to be a problem. I started to hatch a plan in my mind for the day that I had the office to myself. I was going to spend the entire day at work dressed in my woman's clothes. My wardrobe consisted of a skirt, jumper and undies so I purchased a pair of shoes from a charity shop and was ready for my day at work. I honestly do not think that I had any sleep the night before I went to work. I kept thinking of the next day and how it would be spending the day in a skirt and as a woman. I went to work at my usual time and opened the office as normal. I spent the first hour doing my e-mails and making sure that nobody was going to inadvertently come to work by mistake. By 10am I knew that nobody was coming in so I locked the outside doors so that nobody come in and surprise me and then made my into the cellar to get changed. I removed my business suit and started to get dressed. First I put on my white basque. I fastened it at the front and then twisted it around before putting my arms through the straps. I padded out the cups of the basque with my own socks and underwear to create the appearance of a bust. Next I attached stockings to the basque suspenders. The feeling of rolling the soft silky material going up my legs started my cock stirring into life. Once the stockings were attached I pulled matching white panties to complete my undies. By now my cock was straining against the soft silky material of my panties. Next I pulled up my pink mini skirt and fastened it around my waist before finally putting on my white turtle neck jumper. I completed my outfit with my black court shoes that had a small 2 inch heel. Once dressed I applied some pink lipstick and carefully returned to my desk. There was a combination exhilaration, excitement, scariness and down right nervousness flowing through my body as I sat at my desk answering e-mails and trying to work as normal. As the time went by I gradually became used to my dress and the feelings that happened every time I moved. Just as I had become totally accustomed to wearing a mini skirt, keeping my legs crossed so as not expose my self and bending my legs to pick things up off the floor (instead of bending over and exposing my stocking tops and panties) my office phone rang and I instinctively picked it and answered it "Hello Simon Pritchard speaking how may I help you." I didn't recognise the mobile telephone number on the caller display and was totally shocked when I heard the voice of the Area Manager (a very stern and domineering woman called Pauline, who scared the shit out most employees, including me) saying "Hello Simon, I'm glad that I have caught you in the office I wasn't sure whether you would be in or not." "No I'm in Pauline," was all that I could reply, really wishing now that I hadn't answered the office phone. "Good Simon, I'm in the car park and will be coming through the office door in a couple of minutes, see you shortly." Shit, Shit, Shit. What could I do? I was about to be found dressed in female attire by my female boss who would no doubt sack me on the spot. I quickly removed my black court shoes and kicked them under my desk. I did not have time to get changed but thought that I might just about be able to get back to the cellar and put on my trousers and fleece jacket on top of female clothes before my boss needed to be let into the office. I ran down to the cellar and quickly pulled my trousers up and over my mini skirt, tucking my skirt into my trousers. I put on my company fleece jacket and zipped it fully up. It was hopefully baggy enough not show off my "bust." I put my normal shoes back on and ran back upstairs. I was just opening the office door, out of breath from running and adrenaline, as my boss came into view. "Hi Simon," Pauline said. "Hello Pauline," was my reply. "This is a surprise," I exclaimed. "Well hopefully a nice one Simon," Pauline responded. "Of course," was all I could say in reply. Pauline walked past me, into the office, and made her to my desk. I was hoping that she wouldn't see the black court shoes that were underneath it. She sat down at my desk and casually asked me, "Where is everyone Simon?" "They are all on an office away," I answered. "In that case then it is just as well that I have chanced by because you know the policy on Lone Working and that you cannot work in an office on your own for health and safety reasons." I did of course know about the policy but because I hadn't expected anyone to come to my office today I thought that I would get away with it, a case of what the eye can't see the heart can't grieve over. "Sorry Pauline, it totally slipped my mind." "Well you know that it is a sackable offence don't you," was Pauline response. "Yes Pauline," was all I could I reply. She then simply said to me "Incidentally Simon that is a really nice shade of Pink Lipstick that you are wearing, where did you get it?" I immediate started to blush and could feel myself going redder and redder in the face. In my rush to try to cover up my female clothing I had completely forgotten to wipe the lipstick off before I had let Pauline into the office. Before I could think of an answer Pauline removed her business jacket, to reveal a silk blouse that was straining against her ample breasts. As she removed her jacket she said "Gosh its really warm in here Simon, you must be really hot in your fleece." "No I'm Ok," I replied. "Your face is bright red and I can see the sweat forming on your forehead. I insist that you take off your fleece," Pauline said. She then got up and started to remove my fleece. I was well and truly busted. "I'm not surprised you are so hot Simon, wearing a white polo neck pullover," said Pauline. I just stood there, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. I did not know what to say or do. Before I could say anything Pauline said, "Alright Simon there is no point in continuing with this charade. I know that you are also wearing a pink mini skirt underneath your trousers so please take off your trousers." I continued to stand there. "Now," Pauline shouted at me. I immediately removed my trousers and stood before her in my female clothing. I hung my head in shame. "You see Simon, or should I say SIMONE, the office manager asked me to keep an eye on the office CCTV today because he thought that you would be in and out all day long and didn't want anything happening in your absence," Pauline said "You can imagine my surprise when I saw you go off screen in your normal office attire and then return in your female clothes. So as well as breaking the lone working policy you have now broken the dress code as well. I think that you should go and make me a nice cup of coffee whilst I decide what to do about the situation." "Yes," I replied. "How do you take your coffee?" Pauline responded, "Yes Mistress Pauline." "Sorry Mistress Pauline, how do you take your coffee Mistress Pauline," was my reply. "That's better SIMONE, milk one sugar please," replied Pauline. I went and made Pauline a coffee and wondered what the hell I had done and how I was going to get out of this situation. I returned with Pauline's coffee. "One things for sure SIMONE," said Pauline. "What is that Mistress Pauline?" I responded. "You can't work in the office today dressed like that we will have to get you some proper office attire." And with that she got up and told me to fetch my male clothes. I did as instructed and went off to the cellar and retrieved them. I returned and gave them to Pauline. "Right SIMONE you busy yourself doing your e-mails and I will be back soon with some proper office clothes for you." "Yes Mistress Pauline," I said. Pauline took my cars keys off me before she went, obviously to stop me leaving the office. Not that I could go anywhere dressed like I was. Pauline returned some time later with a couple of shopping bags. "Right then SIMONE lets get you properly dressed for the office." I was told to remove my white polo neck and pink mini skirt. I was now standing in front of Pauline wearing only my white basque, white panties and stockings. "Very nice underwear SIMONE, I approve." "Thank You Mistress Pauline." She then handed me a pink blouse which was made from a shiny material and felt very nice and silky. She told me to put the blouse on. I was struggling to button the blouse up because the buttons were on the opposite side. "Hurry up SIMONE," said Pauline. "Sorry Mistress." Next she handed me a grey coloured skirt and told me to put it on. The skirt was around mid thigh length and was quite tight on me. It was evident that as soon as I moved it would ride up higher up my thigh and expose my stocking tops and suspenders. She finally gave me a jacket of the same grey colour and style as the skirt which I put on. I fastened the single button which was located just below by false boobs. It immediately gave the impression that my boobs were bigger than they were and gave me a feminine body shape. "Now put your shoes back on SOMONE," Mistress Pauline instructed me. "Yes Mistress." "Now let me see," said Mistress Pauline, more to herself than me, "That's a lot more professional looking, you look more like a PA now." "OK SIMONE sit down here and let me sort your make up out." "Yes Mistress," was my response. I sat down where I was told. Mistress Pauline then wiped my face clean before applying foundation cream, blusher powder, eye liner pencil, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick. She stood back and admired her work. "Mmmmmmmm very nice even if I say so myself," she said. "Now to complete the look," she again said to herself. She finally produced a short auburn coloured wig which was style in a bob. She brushed the wig through before placing it on my head. After I minor adjustment I was instructed to walk up and down the office so that Mistress Pauline could see how I looked. "Very Nice," she said, "now you are far better dressed for a day at the office as a PA, now all we have to do is find you a suitable position, don't you agree SIMONE." "Yes Mistress," was my reply. "OK you go and make me a nice cup of coffee whilst I attend to these e- mails." "Yes Mistress." I went off and made her a cup coffee. When I returned she instructed me to sit at my desk and take care of my e-mails. I sat there working away wondering what might happen next. I did not have long wait. I heard Pauline's cell phone ring and her answer it. I heard saying, "Yes Mohammed, SIMONE is already here and waiting to be interviewed for the post," and then she said, "Come right over by all means." When she had finished on the phone I looked at her quizzically. Pauline caught my look and asked, "I suppose you are wondering what phone call was about aren't you SIMONE." "Yes Mistress Pauline," I replied. She went on to explain that she had been trying to find me a position that fitted the way that I was dressed, ie a Personal Assistant PA and that Mohammed was someone that she knew who knew how to use "special girls," like me and turn them into efficient PA's. He was coming over to interview me immediately. When Mohammed arrived I was told to let him in. I unlocked and opened the office to let Mohammed in. He immediately said, "So you must be SIMONE." Without thinking I replied, "Yes Sir." "Oh very good," was his response. "I love a girl that knows how to respect a man." Mistress Pauline then instructed me to get Mohammed a drink, which I duly did. When I returned with Mohammed's drink I heard him saying to Pauline, "You seem to have done very well in such a short time. SIMONE appears to be ideally suited to the post." I gave Mohammed his drink and asked me, "SIMONE do you want to be my PA?" I couldn't really say anything else other than, "Yes Sir." "Well SIMONE I am looking for someone that can start immediately, can you start your duties today," Mohammed asked. Pauline replied to the question by saying "Of course she can, now that she is dressed as PA she must make immediate start. I will formally release her from her duties here so that she can start now as your PA." "Is that OK with you SIMONE?" Mohammed asked me. "Yes Sir," I replied. "Now SIMONE as a special girl you will have special duties to perform, will that be alright with you?" Mohammed asked me. "I'm not sure that I fully understand you sir," I replied. "Well Mistress Pauline already has more then enough evidence to get you fired from your post, hasn't she?" "Yes Sir," I responded. "Right so if you don't obey my instructions, immediately and without question or hesitation you will become unemployed this afternoon, is that clear SIMONE?." "Yes Sir." "Good Girl SIMONE." Mohammed then instructed me to kneel down in front of him. I did as I was told and found myself staring at his crotch. I could see that his cock was starting to strain against his trousers. "Now that you are in that position SIMONE do you think you can guess what the 1st special duty is that I want you perform?" Mohammed asked me. "Yes Sir," I replied. Mohammed said to me, "OK SIMONE you may complete your duty." I raised my hands to Mohammed's waist band on his trousers and undid his belt buckle and started to undo his trousers. I heard Pauline saying to Mohammed, "She's a natural, a born Sissy Cocksucker." "That certainly appears to be the case Pauline, let's just see how good she really is." By now I was lowering Mohammed's trousers to below his knees and that started to pull down his boxer shorts. As I removed his boxers a large Asian cock sprang out. It was twice the size of mine and must have been 8 or 9 inches long and very thick. I was looking directly at his cock. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth to kiss it. "No, No, No SIMONE, you must keep your eyes open," Mohammed instructed me. "I want you to see what you are doing and I want to eyes as you worship me." I opened my eyes and started to kiss the tip of his cock. Now that my eyes were open I could see camera flashes popping and I knew that Mistress Pauline was taking photos of me sucking Mohammed's cock. More blackmail photos no doubt. There was little that I could do except to continue. I moved my open mouth along the length of his cock, licking it at the same time "mmmm, good girl SIMONE, that is wonderful," I heard Mohammed saying. Nothing could stop me now. I felt my own starting to grow in my panties as I now started to take the end of his cock into my mouth. I slowly moved my mouth up and down the shaft "Oh Yes SIMONE, you are a natural cocksucker, keep going and you will eventually receive your reward," Mohammed instructed me. I started to move my head up and down a lot faster and gradually worked my mouth down the shaft until it was at the back of my throat and I was gagging on it. Mohammed held my head still and very slowly continued to force his cock down my throat until my nose was firmly affixed into his pubic hair. He then moved himself in and out of my mouth, only about an inch at a time, fucking my throat. I felt him grab my head tighter and his cock twitch. He then started to shoot cum down my throat. After 5 or 6 long squirts he removed his cock from my mouth, continuing to squirt cum onto my face. I could feel cum dripping from my mouth, on my cheeks, up my nose and I couldn't see because my eyes were also full of cum. I sensed Mohammed move away from me and also sensed that I was again being photographed by Pauline, with the cum all over my face. "Here clean yourself up SIMONE," I heard Mistress Pauline saying as she passed me some tissue. I did as I was told. When I had finished I saw that Mohammed was now fully dressed and was sitting at a desk. "SIMONE you are going to make an excellent PA on that performance. Now come over here and sign your new contract." I did as I was instructed. As Mohammed left he said to me, "Don't be late for your first day tomorrow SIMONE."

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"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said.As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Leina remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

3 years ago
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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

3 years ago
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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

1 year ago
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A Sense of Adventure

"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....

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The Rookie Adventurer

"Today is the day!" You shamelessly shout into the wind as your family looks on uncomfortably. You ignore their judgmental stares. After years of preparation, you're finally ready to leave your small frontier village and travel to the city to register as an adventurer. For two summers, you worked your elderly neighbor's fields just to learn sword combat from a retired soldier. You spent the autumn with the best hunters in the village learning advanced techniques to aid you against any beast you...

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Susies Hot Adult Motel Adventure

This is a totally fictional story about a new hot wife, Susie, and the rest of the typical words about the characters, etc.. She is a lovely wife, enjoys sexual adventures, and more, so stay tuned, she might go more places than the adult motel represented here. Susie's Hot Adult Motel Adventure Begins- Chapter 1Although we had spent a couple of weekend nights at this adult motel, this was the first time I was able to convince my sexy wife to venture to the pool area. The pool was enclosed, and...

1 year ago
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Maui Adventure

Vacations had come far too rarely for Kris and I over the five years we had been married. Life seemed always to get in the way. We both worked full time in a demanding industry and we had a three year old to care for so finding time for each other was sometimes difficult. On top of all this, we had recently made a move to the Pacific Northwest and changed jobs so the move, new roles, and a tough economy had placed an enormous amount of stress on us. In the process we had sort of drifted apart...

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Twin Adventure

Twin AdventureMy name is Ellen and my twin s*ster is Elaine, we are identical twins, except that I have a small birth mark on the small of my back. We grew up in the country where my parents have a small farm with many an*mals and chores for us to do. I am the girly half as Elaine is more of a tomboy type.As we grew up, she was into sports, outdoor activities and always surrounded by friends. I on the other hand liked playing with dolls, dressing up and generally stayed to myself. While in high...

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Our Threesome A Group Sex Adventure

OUR THREESOME – A GROUP SEX ADVENTURELisa and I had always promised ourselves a horny holiday together in Sydney. It was one of those fantasy trips that one talks about; the sort of conversation you have sometimes about what you'll do if either one of you win lotto. Well instead we received a work bonus, not a big sum, but enough for a nice holiday for the two of us.I should tell you that Lisa and I had been apart for a short while because of separate work commitments. It was easy to book...

4 years ago
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The Motorcycle Adventure

She was turning another year older. She still had the body of a young woman but the spirit just wasn’t there anymore. At 44, she felt like life had passed her by. She worked two jobs to support herself and her two kids after her ex left town. She wasn’t complaining but she wanted a little excitement. Now that the kids were grown what was left to look forward too. Today after work she had stopped off at the local bar with her co-workers. It was her friends birthday so she was trying to have a...

2 years ago
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Island Adventure

It was my first full day in Fiji and I had woken excited to have a day to explore this summer wonderland on my own for the day before my friends arrived. I was half-way through my final year of university and a couple of my best girlfriends had decided to drag me away to some place warm and summery to escape the cold and forget about uni for a couple of weeks. Due to a mistake with our flight reservations, I had ended up flying out a day early, with the instigators of this whole adventure...

3 years ago
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Crown Casino Adventure

Crown Casino Adventure. I love Crown Casino in Melbourne. It’s full of life, fun and atmosphere. The gamblers, the party people, the security staff, it’s all fun. Shops, restaurants, the cinemas, the river — there’s something for everyone. This is a story about one particular adventure I had when I visited Crown recently. I hope you like it. Georgie, my best friend and I, went into town to go shopping. We had both dropped our kids off at friends for the night, and our husband’s, Steve and...

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Ninas unexpected winter adventure

Nina sat idly flicking through a few magazines while she was waiting for her appointment with the dentist. For the last three years, she and her mates had hit Southern California beaches, where they swam, surfed, danced and drank themselves silly for about three weeks solid.This year Nina wanted something different, a much more relaxing and hopefully a more romantic setting place to visit. She closed her eyes for a moment, maybe somewhere with a lake, mountains, spa, hiking trails, and clear...

3 years ago
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The Winter Adventure

I had originally written this story in German and it’s sill ongoing. But as a side project I will give my best to translate this story in English, now I hope you will enjoy it. ****************************** My name is Ben Mueller and my adventure begins on December the 28th, with the trip to a vacation with my best friend Mike Schuster. Like every winter, Mike goes to Austria with his family to a holiday cabin that has been in the family for a long time. Since Mike and I have been very good...

2 years ago
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The Easily Defeated Heros Monster Girl Adventure

This is a side story of The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure that takes place following the events of Book 4: The Vampiress. You can read the other books on Amazon, but this adventure will always be free and exclusive to! Rusty sunset light pours through the mullioned windows that line the great dining hall of the Crystal Sanctum. A feast is heaped upon the table in great abundance. Each tray of roasted meats – whole goose, sugared ham, ox brisket – is surrounded by...

4 years ago
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The story begins with a character selection. From here on you have choices on what you can do, everything can change so good luck. From here on you can start by choosing your characters then you will be given free reign of what you can do. Adventure, go on missions and of course fuck any girls that you meet along the way. Welcome to YOUNG JUSTICE, state your character and begin your adventure.

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IT Office Adventure

IT Office Adventure Most times, being a telecom/IT specialist can be real boring and by most times I mean 95 percent of the time. I mean let's be honest it's just running cables from point A to point B and jacking them or setting up some router or modem. Like I said not the most exciting job ever. There is that five percent though that makes this job all worthwhile. This is a story about one of those times. I was doing my usual thing, run a few cables, jack and plate them, extend...

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STEVE’S MILF MADNESS ADVENTUREWhen Steve Smith was invited over to Hiko Yoshida’s house, he wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Maybe she needed help around the house or maybe her son needed help with his homework, not that he could offer much in that department, or maybe it was something that had nothing to do with anything (that didn’t make any sense…). Steve liked Mrs. Yoshida although he had never been to her house before. He knew he would eventually find out what she needed but he was...

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158 Sarahs punishing adventure

158 Sarah`s punishing adventure You my x-hamster readers know of this lady who was the subject of my series as Sarah, the series was set near Dover at my home, it was called ‘Sarah and the Silver Master’, and if you’ve read it you will know of the lady’s somewhat unusual basic need to be punished and used. This lady is a member of our BDSM club based at my dungeon hidden in a chalk tunnel behind my home near the white cliffs. How-ever we have not been very active of late due to various...

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19 SANDY`S SECOND GERMAN ADVENTURE Well about 2 months ago, we made a friend on here a lady in Germany, who provided services we were looking for, money was high but after a few chats .we decided to go out there, she had advised me not to wash my pussy for at least 2 days before going. Hubby and I flew over and were met by an older woman around 55 or 60, in tracksuit bottoms long jumper big tits her hair tied back dyed blonde with grey coming thru, rose tinted big sunglasses her name was...

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Carols escort adventure

Carol Newton unlocked the door to her 14th floor apartment after spending a Saturday afternoon at the movies. At 36 she was still attractive – Brown shoulder length hair, big brown eyes and good figure outlined nicely in skin tight jeans. She hated being alone on a Saturday night but it had been some time since she had a date, and well what was a lonely girl to do.Carol thought about her afternoon at the mall – the place had been full of teenage couples at the movies – much to her enjoyment...

4 years ago
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Crown Casino Adventure

Crown Casino Adventure. I love Crown Casino in Melbourne. It's full of life, fun and atmosphere. The gamblers, the party people, the security staff, it's all fun. Shops, restaurants, the cinemas, the river -- there's something for everyone. This is a story about one particular adventure I had when I visited Crown recently. I hope you like it. Georgie, my best friend and I, went into town to go shopping. We had both dropped our kids off at friends for the night, and our husband's, Steve and...

Group Sex
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My Real Sex Life Adventure

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto asha karta hu ap savi bahut majese ho,2012 ke baad main fir se laut aya hu aplog ko mera sachcha ghatna batane, pichle 5 story ap savi ne bahut like diye hai aur mere facebook me vi add request veja hai,,,mera pahela 5 story “mera life ka sachcha ghatna” se vi bahut maja ayega aap log mera ye story padkar,,kiu ke aisa story bahut kam loghi sachchai me dekha hai,,par mere life aisa avi chal raha hai,,maito sex ka bhuka thahi par mere life ka ye turning point...

2 years ago
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South Seas Adventure

South Seas Adventure By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 I started this story about ten months ago on a flight back from a science fiction convention. I recently came across it and decided to finish it. The story has no sex but does contain descriptions of magical sexual transformations. If this would offend your morals, ethics, or religion, or if you're too young - chronologically or emotionally - to be reading such things, then please go away. South Seas Adventure It took...

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A Shopping Adventure

A Shopping Adventure By Dyanne I finally worked up the courage and decided to stop. The store was one of those consignment boutiques that specializes in high fashion women's clothing. The outfits displayed in the windows were always extremely feminine, figure flattering and of very high quality. For three years I had passed this store twice a day commuting to and returning from the office admiring the outfits displayed. I had even found myself detouring...

3 years ago
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New City New Adventure

Hi All, My name is Dan, I am 27 years old, good looking with an average body and I am back with my latest adventure, with my hot neighbor. I moved to Bangalore last month because of a new job and rented a place near my office in Whitefield, and as destiny would have it, got lucky with one of my neighbors. Her name is Indu, she is 32 and is married for 5 years now, and her husband had gone on a business tour just two weeks before I moved to the house adjacent to theirs, since their only kid had...

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Evelynns strange adventure

Evelynn's strange adventure ---------------------------by Mr.G In a tall office building, sitting at her desk with a tall stack of papers before her, a young woman rests her chin on her hands and lets out a bored sigh. She is Evelynn Carver, an attractive young woman of the age of 25, with a perfect complexion, pale ivory skin and long silky raven hair. Her light blue eyes reflect the boredom built up by a long day of work at the office, sorting document after document for...

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Daves tiny rouge adventure

Dave's Tiny Rouge Adventure Author's note: Any similarity between this story and a certain British sci-fi comedy show is totally on purpose, but dont tell anybody, maybe they wont notice. "They're all dead, Dave." That was the just about the first thing I heard coming out of temporal stasis. The whole crew, except me. All dead. For a couple of weeks after I wandered around the ship shuffling like a zombie, I had no place to go, nothing to do, and all the rest of my...

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Bahamas Adventure

Bahamas AdventureOne time when we were vacationing in Florida we took this day cruise to the Bahamas. All the way over there this young black hunk was watching me with my husband on the deck. When we got our mopeds at the cruise ship terminal and rode to our hotel, I was surprised to see he was checking in to the same hotel. My husband I played beach volleyball when we got there, then went back to the room to make love and order room service. After a nap, we dressed for the evening and went to...

4 years ago
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Trials of Tannen 01 The First Adventure

The Trials of Tannen 01: The First Adventure By Light Clark Synopsis: It was just a regular game night for Elizabeth, Claire, Mark, and Anthony until, suddenly, the lights went out. The next thing they knew, they were in another place, facing an annoying little boy. Strangely enough, the boy claimed to be a god, and that the only way for them to get home was to champion his cause by winning a grand contest. Like that, a very different game from the one they'd intended...

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