Payback: Chapter Two free porn video

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It’s been nine days since Wade kissed me, seven days since our first date, five days since he pushed me up against his car with an intense kiss, and exactly two minutes since grinding my backside against him in a room full of people. I quickly excuse myself to the bathroom before becoming completely soaked. 

We’re at a concert. The snooty bitch, Jo (short for Joanne), whose name I’d recently come to learn - and who very clearly has the biggest crush on Wade - is in a band. And not a bad one at that; they’re rocking the indie vibe. As evil as she is as a person is equally how talented her voice is. I can hear her hit all of the notes perfectly from the bathroom stall. Someone bangs on the door as I see shuffling shoes in front of me. “Please hurry, I really have to pee.”

I roll my eyes, finish up and walk out, almost being knocked over by the woman desperately trying to get into the stall. I wash my hands and make my way back out into the crowd, spot the orange hair and head in that direction. I see him before he sees me. He’s watching Jo and swaying slightly to the music. As I reach his side he looks down and smiles, licking his bottom lip. I want to bite that lip.

“There you are, I was starting to think maybe you fell in. I was about to come rescue you.”

“My hero,” I say batting my eyes, clasping my hands together and lifting one leg off the ground.

Chuckling to himself, he kisses my head, grabs my shoulders and plants me in front of him, where I was not five minutes ago. Thick arms wrap around my chest and I can feel him pushing himself against my butt, not so obviously wanting to pick up right where we left off.

“Is this why you picked the spot so far off to the side, behind the bar?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

“Guilty as charged.” I can hear him smiling.

Fingers graze the bottom of my buttock, lifting my skirt ever so slightly. His fingers finding their way in, my folds are already wet again with anticipation. I know I had just recently met Wade, and should probably be holding out a little bit, but god, I just can’t seem to control myself around him. So, I push back against him, urging him to explore further, when he bites my neck while simultaneously slipping a finger inside me. I yelp out and a few heads turn, but no one notices. I quickly send a thank you to the universe for having this concert in such a poorly lit venue.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“Mhmm,” is all I can manage to croak out.

His body backs off mine a few inches giving his hand more space to explore my pussy. Closing my eyes I focus on the way his finger slides in me, curls and slowly pulls back out. He does it again and again, sliding in, curling, and sliding out. His pace picks up, along with my breathing and the thought of being touched in such a public place has got me on the edge.

Two fingers now ram into me with such speed and urgency I can’t help but scream out as the pleasure crashes through my body. His hand instantly clamps over my mouth, as I come all over his fingers. Quivering, my body feels miles high.

Feeling weak at the knees, I hold onto his arm to steady myself. My eyes close trying to focus on anything other than him making me finish with hundreds of people surrounding us. Slowly my orgasm subsides; he pulls out his fingers and holds them in front of my face. I don’t wonder why they’re there, I know why. Quickly, I accept them into my mouth, twirling my tongue around his digits, soaking up every last drop of me.

“You have no idea how much that turned me on.”

I can feel his manhood pressing into my butt. “Oh, I think I have some idea.”

We’re at the band's favourite diner, waiting for them to join us. In a booth, Wade’s arm is wrapped around my shoulder lightly grazing it. He grabs my milkshake and starts to sip.

“Hey!” I slap his arm. “If you want some you should’ve ordered one when the waitress was here.”

Taking his first finger he scoops up some whipped cream off the top of my shake. “But why would I pay for my own, when I can just have some of yours?” he says bopping my nose, leaving a dollop of whipped cream on it.

I giggle like a school girl; I can’t help it. He chuckles at my giggle and starts to lean in. Wetness forms on my nose as he licks it off, and the small gesture makes me tingle inside. Leaning my head up I greet his tongue with my own. I place my hand on his thigh under the table and start to run it upwards. Our kiss deepens and he starts to moan at my hand now pressed against his dick.

“Ahem,” someone clears their throat. We both look up, startled, to see no other than Jo. Wade blushes slightly.

“Sorry,” he mumbles.

“Hope I wasn’t interrupting anything,” which she clearly was and knows it too. Like I said: bitch.

“You were,” I stare blankly at her for a moment. I bring my gaze back to Wade and smile, running a hand through his hair. “But that’s okay. Probably good we had the reminder that we’re in public.”

He smiles back while I can feel the daggers Jo's eyes are shooting me. Scoffing she slides into the booth facing us. The drummer, Logan slides in beside her, and their guitarist, Luke grabs a chair, straddles it and sits at the end of the booth.

“That was a great show tonight,” Wade says.

They all smile and Logan responds. “Thanks, man. What did you think of the new song, do you think it had too much keyboard?” Their newest band member and keyboardist, Owen, had to go home to study afterwards. They are clearly using this time to discuss his performance.

“I don’t think so,” I offer. “I think it helps emphasize the polyphonic texture you guys were searching for.”

Jo's smile fades at the sound of my voice as Luke slaps the table. “Yes! That’s exactly what I said, though not in such good words.” His smile is wide, “but Jo here doesn’t think he adds anything dynamic enough to the group.”

We all look at Jo, as she looks back then shrugs her shoulders.  “He doesn’t,” she looks directly at me then continues, “And I’m not going to let you or anyone else change my mind about it.”

I raise my eyebrows, unimpressed. Luke whistles under his breath. I am now bored of being here and have no interest in talking to someone who so clearly hates me. I turn to my ginger, hand still on his thigh. I give it a squeeze. “Wanna get out of here?”

His eyebrows shoot up. Taking my milkshake he downs it and claps his hands together.

“Well, gentlemen, lady…” He looks around the booth smiling widely, “I think we’re going to go.”

Standing up, he pulls me with him while the guys hoot and holler, as they always do. I don’t bother to look at Joanne, as I already know what’s plastered all over her face: jealousy and rage. I can barely hear Logan asking her as we start to walk out, “Dude, what’s wrong?” But we are already through the door by the time she answers.

“So darling, back to your place or mine?” Wade suggestively asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

“You know, I’ve never actually seen your place.”

“That’s cause we’ve only known each other for like what? Less than two weeks?”

“Fair. But you’re the one who just wiggled their eyebrows at me.”

A wide, bright smile covers his face. “Alright, my place then.” Grabbing my hand he leads me to his truck.

Just as I’m hopping up into his truck and pulling my door closed I feel his large hands grab me from the driver's side, and his tongue penetrates me. Not one for arguing, I welcome it. My hands run through his hair, down his back and to his crotch where I start to rub his manhood through his jeans. Our tongues lap each other up; we’re totally drooling everywhere but we don’t care. I feel his hand go under my shirt, over my bra and squeeze. His hand is large against my breast and it seems to know what to do. My nipple gets pinched slightly making me moan into his mouth. As he rolls it between his fingertips my panties start to become soaking wet.

I grab the hem of my shirt and lift it up over my head, throwing it in the backseat. Our kiss breaks as he leans back to inspect my tits. A devilish grin comes across his face. “Very nice.” Leaning back over, his mouth moves to my neck. He is sucking so hard I know there’s going to be a hickey there tomorrow. But it feels so good, so I don’t push him away.

Grabbing his hand I drag it down my body, lift my skirt and place it on my pussy.

“Again,” I plead.

He takes no time and plunges two fingers into my aching pussy.

“Yes!" I cry out.

“Yeah. You like that, don’t you?”

“I do,” the words barely come off my tongue.

“Just like you liked when I finger fucked you with all those people around.”

“I did. I did like that.”

His fingers pick up the pace and he shoves a third finger into me. Biting on my lip to keep from screaming out, I taste the metallic liquid. His fingers are magic over my body, knowing exactly what to do to give me the most pleasure. Next thing I know, my stomach is clenching and I’m coming all over his fingers...again. This time, he pulls out right away and licks them immediately, and without warning gives me a deep kiss. I can taste myself on his tongue and the thought has my bud aching.

The urge to have him inside me is too strong, so I whip off my skirt and tell him to take his pants off. I wait until they’re off, throwing them in the back to meet my shirt and grab hold of the middle console. My right hand grabbing the headrest behind him, I pull myself over and straddle him, his dick welcoming me as I put my weight against him.

“You did that so effortlessly.” He looks impressed.

“Yep.” Kissing him I grab the hem of his shirt and lift it up. His arms shoot straight up like a child as I undress him. My hands glide back down his arms and travel along his chest. His arms wrap around my waist pulling me into him, and with his broad shoulders, I feel completely protected. I lean down to his neck and place a trail of kisses from behind his ear down to his chest. Placing each kiss softly, I admire his fair skin, so milky and soft looking. My hips involuntarily start grinding against his heat, and we moan together.

“You want to do this here?” Wade asks.

“Mhmm,” I respond as he exhales. “Why, do you not want to?”

“Fuck yes, I want to. Just wasn’t sure if you’d want our first time to be…you know, in a truck?” Awe, he’s such a gentleman.

“I don’t think I can wait until we get back to your place,” I admit.

He smiles, “Me too” before pulling me into another kiss. I'm still grinding on him; his cock must be aching for attention. Warm hands slide from my waist to my back and pop open my bra. I drag it down my arms feeling a little exposed and slightly nervous. In no rush, his eyes graze over my tits and he inhales sharply through his soft lips. Exhaling he leans forward cupping a boob and shoving it in his mouth. He sucks, nibbles and kisses, revealing that his tongue is equally as talented as his fingers.

“Oh my God.”


I roll my eyes and grin at him. Practically humping him now, I need him inside me; my desire has reached maximum limits.

“Please…” I can’t finish my sentence with all this heat between us. Sparks are flying all over and our make-out/humping session is so hot the windows are starting to fog up.

“Yes?” he asks while lightly biting my nipple. He wants me to finish my sentence, but I can’t get any words out.

“You want this cock inside your throbbing pussy?” I groan a response.

“You want me to fill you up with my cum?” I groan again. My hand is sliding down my stomach to relieve my clit of some of this tension. He grabs it, stopping me and I verbally moan, disappointed.

“Do you want my cock to spread your cute little pussy out or not?” Who knew this man could talk so dirty? And the fact that he is practically a stranger in my life makes it all the more exciting.

“Yes. God, please. Yes.” My words stammer out of my mouth. I try and stand to take my panties off but my butt hits the steering wheel and makes the truck honk loudly. I jump a little, trying to figure out a way to get these damn things off. That’s when Wade’s hands grab the left side of my panties.

“I hope these aren’t your favourite,” and with that, he pulls hard and in one solid motion, he rips my panties in half and off my body. My eyes go wide and I think my pussy drools on him a little bit. Fuck, that was hot. I stare at him for a moment.

“I’m so glad you kissed me in the stairway weeks ago.”

He grins proudly, “Me too.”

His groin presses up against me; his hands go to his side to slide his boxers off. I place one hand on the console and one on the door and lift myself off of it. His boxers slide down his legs and his cock springs up to greet me, clearly excited to get some attention. Leaning forward I’m pressed against the wheel as his hand goes rummaging through his coin drawer. He pulls back a condom, rips the package with his teeth and starts to put it on.

“Why do you have a condom in with your spare change?” I can’t help but ask.

“No time for questions right now, darling.”

Finishing rolling the condom on his long dick, he angles it underneath me. He looks up at me and catches me biting my lip. A little nervous, my body is shaking slightly. I mean, I had just met the man not even two weeks ago. And now, he’s about to be inside me. His right hand greets the side of my face, his thumb rubbing my cheek back and forth.

“You ready?” The sweetest smile spreads across his face. I kiss him and lower myself onto his dick rather quickly. This time, a moan escapes his lips. His right hand grabs my hair and holds it tight in his hand while the other squeezes my waist. I raise myself up excruciatingly slow and plunge back down with as much force as I can. When our bodies hit I am so full of his dick, I don’t think I’ve ever been stretched this much before.

Our heads smash together accepting each other’s tongues. Our kiss is sloppy, wet and insanely hot. Our hands roam over each other’s bodies with no intention of stopping. My hand is on his shoulder, nails digging in. His hand is on my ass, squeezing it tight. My other hand is in his hair, pulling it in between my fingers. His other thumb is now rubbing my clit in circles. Our bodies move together, grinding as each thrust fills me up entirely.

I am so turned on my wetness is escaping my pussy, making it audible every time he pulls out and slams back into me. I rock against his body as my head is pulled back by a tug on my hair. Wrapping it around his wrist he pulls a little more, exposing my neck. I feel his tongue lick from my collarbone to my jawline, and I am completely at his mercy.

His face starts to twist and I can see he’s getting close. Grabbing the headrest behind him I start riding him as quickly as I can. With my momentum building, every part of my body starts to tingle: my toes, my clit, my nipples, even my lips tingle. Suddenly I find myself holding my breath as his hands clamp down on my hips, and shoving his face into my neck, he comes with a husky groan. I soon follow with my own orgasm, digging my nails into his back.

His breath hot against my chest, we are both panting. Our skin is sticking together and condensation is dripping on the inside of the windows. Wade’s long fingers lightly graze my back and I nestle into his chest, trying to steady my breathing. We sit there for a long time, neither of us wanting to move.

Eventually after some time, he kisses the side of my face. “I don’t know what it is about you, but I literally cannot control my impulses around you.”

I smile against his chest. “Is that a bad thing?” I hate myself for asking.

“Of course not. Just might get me into trouble later on.”

I slowly sit up and kiss his lips. They’re so soft and always turned up when he’s looking at me.

“I like a little bit of trouble.”


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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 6

Honey had been working at the Pussy Cat Club for Mr. Sarantos for a little over a year when one day, Honey and Charles were sitting down to breakfast. It was a fairly ordinary day; the weather was nice, Charles was getting ready for another day of work, and Honey would soon be headed to the club to start her shift.She had been able to keep her "second life" under wraps and Charles had no idea his wife was a stripper. The landscaping business had kept him pretty busy and even though work had...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Payback is hell chapter 2

After he hit bottom in my pussy with his monster cock and he moved very very slow so that I could use to the monster. He said after he had my delightful pussy he just had to have me ass. I told him that would have to wait if even then I told him it wouldn't fit because I was a cherry there. He said don't work done the right way it would,'t hurt that much and the reward I would get would be worth it. So I said we will leave that for the future. With that monster cock he sent me to p;aces I have...

2 years ago
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Paybacks A Witch

Hi all. I have done yet another story even though the responses to my stories have slowed down to 1 or 2 intead of the normal 8 or so. This story is one of my more creative works and is original to say the least. Also I have set it up to be a new universe but I will tell more about that after the story. I hope you enjoy it and please if you liked it let me know, I always reply if you take the time to send me a short msg. Thanks, ROBO --------------------------- PAYBACKS A...

2 years ago
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Paybacks A Carnival of Mirrors Story

Paybacks - A Carnival of Mirrors Story By Jerrie526 My thanks to Bob H for this tempting little universe to play in. I hope that I do his area justice. * * * * * * * August 17th, 2003 Hank 'The Snake' Preston was feeling ecstatic after his latest conquest. Not that anyone would ever call him 'The Snake' to his face unless they didn't value their lives. He was one of the most unscrupulous men that ever walked the face of the planet. A man of moderate height, he...

2 years ago
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Paybacks Can Be Heavenly

Paybacks Can Be Heavenly By Sheila Anne Morgan Kristen and I had worked together at the same company since we both graduated from college four years ago. We had a friendly relationship but had never been romantically involved, as we both had heard what happens to workplace romances that go bad. Over the years we had bet on the outcomes of the games of our favorite sports teams. At first it had been small cash bets but we...

1 year ago
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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

1 year ago
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Gotham City by Catwoman

[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Paybacks are hell

This story contains a transsexual, rape, and dominance. If that’s not your “thing”, look away now. It was only days until the school prom. It would be decided who would be crowned the dance queen of that year. It wasn’t only a great honor; the winner would receive a study diploma worth 100 euros. A 24-year-old girl named Anna was a big favorite as the winning candidate. She was absolutely perfect. She had long black hair, a pretty face, nice long legs; everything about her was just...

2 years ago
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PayBacks A Bitch

It was almost evening when Jim got home from work. His wife's car was in the garage but she was nowhere in sight. As Jim laid down his brief case the phone rang. "Mr. Jim Hall, we have your wife and if you want her back you will do as you are told. Do you understand?" Jim answered yes. "Go to your mailbox and look inside for further instructions," said the male voice at the other end of the line. " I will but you better not hurt her," Jim said and hung it up after hearing the other person hang...

3 years ago
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Paybacks Are A Bitch

"Fuck you, you fucking low cunt she screamed." " Fuck You,Fuck You,Fuck You That Hurt"Over and over again. Each "Fuck You" was punctuated by a flying object.Both pillows whistled past my head, followed by the bedside clock, my wallet from the nightstand and 2 mobile phones.Jesus she was angry.I tried to explain.. but she wasn't in any mood to listed... I pleaded..."It was an accident"... really. My cock went up her arse. I was just fucking her doggie style and pulled back to really ram it home...

1 year ago
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Paybacks are such a bitch

"Hi, Baby, sorry I'm late, but I had to run an errand after work." she said as she kissed his cheek before sliding into her seat at the table. She could see the irritation in his face and she smiled inwardly. He was irritated. She came breezing in almost an hour late after she had called him to meet her at their favorite restaurant and told he had better not be late. She reaches over with her foot and runs it up his thigh, "Oh Baby, you aren't pissed at me are you?" "Actually, yes I am. You are...

1 year ago
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Payback That Backfired

My wife and some of my friends tell me I’m a total asshole. I know I can be a little inflexible at times but an asshole? Never. I was always taught as I grew up to do the right thing, be honest and ethical. Sometimes I think I am maybe a little too inflexible when it comes to ethics and doing the right thing. I suppose, looking back at what I did I wasn’t honest and ethical but I plead momentary (well maybe not so momentary) insanity. Hell, that plea gets hardened criminals off or a lesser...

2 years ago
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Payback can be fun 2

As they drove away from my home, Ruth burst into tears, ruining what was left of her makeup. Laura glanced at her before looking back at the tree lined drive that ran up to the big wall lined house. “What’s the matter with you, you stupid cow?” Ruth sniffed as she searched for a handkerchief to blow her nose. “I’ve I’ve never done anything like that before. I mean sucked a mans balls or licked a woman’s…” She stopped as if the very word would start her crying again. Laura gave her a...

2 years ago
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Payback can be fun

The two women stood before him, moving self consciously from one foot to the other, each hoping that either the other one, or indeed myself would break the silence, but I had all the time in the world. Both women were in the mid thirties, but had the bodies that only money and hours spent with their personal trainers could bring. But now they needed me. Well not me exactly, my money. But let me go back a bit and fill you in on how we, or should I say they, arrived at this situation. I...

2 years ago
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I had been friends with John for many years, through most of high school and a couple of years thereafter. During that time, I ended up dating a lovely red-haired girl, Nancy, that John had wanted to date. Somehow she ended up with me, and I believe John always felt hurt by that. However, it wasn’t my fault. He wanted to ask her out, but he was shy and hesitated; meanwhile, she asked me out. It was his good fortune in the end, as she turned out to be a lying, cheating little bitch. Midway...

2 years ago
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Payback is a Dick

When my body changed I began to hate myself. When my breasts began to develop that’s when most of the problems came. During those summer months I cursed my body, but there was nothing I could do. It seemed as my cup increased, so did my problems. The boys that I use to play with made constant comments about my boobs. As they kept growing, the comments slowed and the advances grew. When I was a D cup, I was pressured to jack off two guys from the neighborhood, when I was an E cup, I was forced...

2 years ago
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Payback to the Bitch Ex

"But I didn't do anything wrong to deserve this" she replied. I hauled off and punched her in the mouth, knocking out two of her teeth in the process. "You fucking lying cunt. First you deserve this cause you falsely accused your ex husband of rape. That is how you got me involved in your fucking life whore!" I hauled off and punched her in the nose, the sound of it breaking was like music to my ears. "Seeing you said he raped you, I have a little suprise for you before I kill...

3 years ago
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Payback is a bitch

One morning at work Nancy’s close friend Samantha noticed some marks on her neck and asked her what happened. As Nancy tried to think of an excuse she couldn’t hold her emotions in any longer and started to cry. Her friend Samantha asked her what was wrong. “Nothing,” replied Nancy! “Come on Nancy I know you better than that. What happened did you get into a fight? Did you get mugged?” Sensing that this was something serious Samantha brought her into the locker room so that they could...

1 year ago
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Payback from Barbar M

Before Barb's appointment I decided to take a nice soothing shower and relieved myself from not having sex for several days. I figured this would give me a little extra stamina if Barb really meant to follow through on her promise. If you'll recall she wanted to do the same to me that I had done to her last week. She wanted to suck me off and taste my cum; something she had never done, not even with Jim. We'll see what happens. Show time; Barb arrived right on schedule. As usual we...

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Payback is Hell Part 2

“Time to get up. To show you what a loving wife I am, I’m going to fix us a pot of coffee.” Barry loved coffee in the morning, but Leigh had an ulterior motive. She knew he had to piss and the coffee would only make matters worse for his very stiff dick. She did not let him piss before he went to sleep. She ran the water for a long time. “I’m going to be nice to you since you didn’t escape or piss. I’m going to untie you. But here are the fucking rules. Remember you’re my slave and you...

3 years ago
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Payback is Hell Part 1

“You really are a stupid drunk fucking bastard if you can’t see that I’m fucking myself with a dildo. You really are one stupid son of a bitch.” That’s the way that Barry and Leigh talked to each other. They married about 7 months ago but life has been anything but bliss since. Barry was in his early mid-20’s. Before marrying he lived at home with his mother. He couldn’t hold a job because he was undependable and lacked ambition. The jobs he held paid minimum wage. He’d been fired four...

3 years ago
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Payback from Barbar M

Introduction: Barb received such a satifying massage from her favorite massage specialist, Pete, she felt it only necessary the returne then favor on her next visit The week went by faster than I expected. Today, Barbara wanted to reward me by giving me a massage today. She was so ecstatic with pleasure and warm feelings throughout her whole body last week, she wanted to do the same for me. I told her to wait until next time because today was for her. I had never received a massage from a...

3 years ago
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Payback for Cheating Wife

This is a true story. The names are altered to keep it private. It is about a wife that started cheating and a husband that was turned on but let it get out of hand ——————————————————————————————————————————————— I started to notice the change in my wife. At first it was a subtle change in her clothes. She always wore revealing clothes and never wore a bra so her tits and nipples were somewhat exposed through her tops but now her tops were tighter shearer and opened more showing a lot more...

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Payback with panties

Your friend Richard invited you to spend the weekend with him at his family's cabin. (though you were never sure why they called it a cabin; it just looks like a house in the woods) Anyway, Richard's pretty fun. You feel a little guilty about certain rumors you started around school earlier in the year about his "tiny" penis in hopes of deterring Mandy Fisher (who you liked at the time) from hooking up with him, but luckily he never found out it was you, so you're still pretty good...

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Payback Time For Naomi

During my first term at college, Naomi Kurtz was my fuck-of-the-month. Actually, the fuck of several months. A spoiled, girlie brat in designer labels, Naomi was allergic to studying and hard work. But she had the face and body of a straight A pole dancer, so I wrote papers for her and let her take the credit.Naomi had an idiot BF named Kyle. He called her Princess and she acted like one. His boy band good looks and unlimited cash from Daddy didn't make creepy Kyle any less moronic than he...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Payback With Panties

Your friend Richard invited you to spend the weekend with him at his family's cabin. (though you were never sure why they called it a cabin; it just looks like a house in the woods) Anyway, Richard's pretty fun. You feel a little guilty about certain rumors you started around school earlier in the year about his "tiny" penis in hopes of deterring Mandy Fisher (who you liked at the time) from hooking up with him, but luckily he never found out it was you, so you're still pretty good...

3 years ago
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Payback pt8 final

Chapter Ten: The fall of the wicked, the rise of the worthy. During the time that I was being trained as a Mistress Will asked me to marry him. He explained that he would be happy to sign a prenuptial agreement so that he wouldn’t get anything from me if, for any reason we should part. Then he went on to say that he was so in love with me and wanted us to stay together. I had to admit that I was crazy about him as well but I refused his proposal for the time being, explaining to him that I...

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Payback pt7

Chapter Nine: Rebirth So, what had I been up to during the months that followed? I had attended a few meetings in Serena’s clubs, meeting a few of the members including the Masters and Mistresses. Serena kindly loaned Daisy to me and let her stay with me in my family home for long periods. During that time I also met a Master who had the reputation for treating his slaves with a lot of respect. He would be firm and dominant, but never disrespectful; unless they were playing humiliation games...

Love Stories
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Payback pt5

Chapter Seven: The revenge starts - every action has its consequencesDuring that time my external server was starting to get full of recordings from my own house. At least I could watch them without crying now, but a cold rage was building up inside me. They had made fun of me, stolen money from me and I may have been naïve, maybe selfish to some extent but I didn’t think I deserved such treatment especially when they wished that I was dead. I had never hurt anyone on purpose in my life and now...

Straight Sex

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