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Getting on with life

7 Months After George's Arrest

Life was good once more. I still missed Patty sometimes but that ship had sailed. I suppose; no I know what I missed most about Patty was the companionship and sex. If truth was told I had been getting pretty tired of Patty's disrespect and sour temper even before I had caught her fucking what I thought were my two best friends. I knew Joe was an asshole and had the ethics and morals of a snake but damn, I just never in my wildest dreams thought he would fuck the wife of his best friend.

For a couple months after the divorce I was not the easiest person to live with but in truth much of that evil temper I carted around was over the disrespect and even the vandalism to my father's store and my home by my so called friends. Well, at least I was pretty sure they were the ones who had done it, perhaps at Patty's request. Unfortunately the Police were never able to find the perpetrators. The one bright spot in my life at that time other than my family was my friend Glenda.

Glenda and I had dated occasionally in high school but more as friends than because we thought of the other as a potential mate. We had lived close together; played together from the time we were toddlers and many times studies together. Truthfully we were much too close to cross that emotional line and try to become more than good friends. Even during my divorce I thought of Glenda as a pillar of strength, a great companion and good listener when I wanted to vent about my problems. Besides, she understood what I was going through because she had been there. She also knew what an asshole Joe was. He was her ex! As close as we were however, we never thought about becoming lovers.

I had been there for her when she and Joe had divorced and she was there for me during my time of pain. We also had a business relationship because she sold Real Estate and I built houses. I bought my first piece of property through her and made sure she was the listing agent for all property I sold. She was also the rental agent for the few properties I rented.

After my divorce she was almost hurt terribly when George, another of our friends and classmates found out I had let his wife know he had been fucking Patty, my ex. He came to my house while Glenda was there chastising me for upsetting Susan. I had just explained why Susan had been so upset when a drunken George came barreling into my driveway and crashed his truck into her car.

After he stopped George broke down my front door and destroyed items in my home with a tire iron as he went from room to room hunting me. We were fighting on the patio when Glenda said something to infuriate George even more. He stepped toward her and swung the tire iron. Thankfully he didn't connect fully but it tore her blouse and left a pretty nasty looking scrape and cut across her abdomen.

After the police had arrested George and taken pictures and statements Glenda and I were exhausted. We sat on my couch and had a couple of drinks while we unwound. Glenda fell asleep there and I carefully carried her into my guest room, removed her shoes and covered her. She smiled gently and sighed while I was doing that. I staggered back to my bedroom and lay across my own bed. I fell asleep with the light on and slept straight through. Neither of us cleaned up that night we were so tired.

The next day I was awakened when my parents and George's wife Susan came into my house hunting me. They found me standing behind the door to my bedroom where I had hidden in case yet another upset person had broken into my home to attack me. I was holding my trusty souvenir ball bat. It was the one I had used to hit a grand slam home run that won my high school the state pennant my senior year.

Mom and Dad were upset when they saw I could barely move my left arm and Susan was crying and apologizing when Glenda walked up behind them. We hadn't cleaned Glenda's injury the night before. In fact, I wasn't even aware she had been cut until I saw the bloody blouse that morning. Mom and Susan made a fuss over Glenda and marched her to the bathroom to clean her injury. After they were done, Glenda and I guided them down the hallway and filled them in on the previous night's activities. Mother and Susan got busy and made lunch for us all. While they were doing that first I, then Glenda cleaned up. I gave her one of my shirts to wear since her blouse was trashed. She put on the same skirt she had been wearing.

After my guests left Glenda and I sat on my patio under the old growth oak trees and looked over the small stream running through my property. It was dusk and we could see a couple of deer come out of cover and begin grazing. We were sitting in a large padded swing and without thinking I slid slightly closer to her, put my right arm around her and pulled her closer. She looked up at me and smiled.

I smiled back at Glenda and said, "How do you feel now? Does your stomach hurt where that asshole hit you?"

Glenda smiled up at me and said, "Not much. It is more of a pulling from the scab and a little burning occasionally. What about you? Your arm is still swollen and I can tell you can't use it very well. We really should have taken you to the doctor you know. I was so scared when he came after you and hit you so hard. When you fell I was sure he would kill you like he threatened."

I could tell from the look in her eyes that she had been truly worried about me. I watched her closely and somehow, her face changed. It got somehow softer and her eyes glistened more some way. I never realized when I moved but I found myself leaning down and I gave her a gentle kiss. Glenda turned more toward me and I felt her arm go around my neck as she pulled me down and held my lips against hers.

Finally we broke the second kiss and leaned back, still looking at each other. I think we were both shocked by what we had done. I know I was. I felt my face tighten and I started to apologize. Glenda said, "Shhhh." She put her fingers on my lips and continued, "Don't say it Stan. I don't know where that came from but..."

We sat looking over the stream, our thighs gently touching until it was too dark to see that far any longer. My stomach growled and we both laughed. I stood and reached out to help Glenda get up. "I'm hungry and I don't feel like cooking. What say we trip down to Sam's and get a burger?"

Glenda argued some about doing that but in the end she agreed to go. Except for our aches and pains and the steady stream of friends and acquaintances coming to our table to check on our health the meal was very pleasant. We talked and even laughed together more than we ever had in the past. I could feel the difference in our relationship but still I did not think of Glenda as anything other than a really, really good friend.

Finally, about 9:30 p.m. Glenda leaned back in her seat and said, "Stan I hate to be a party pooper but we really need to get out of here. Tomorrow's Monday and we both have to work. I need to get back home and do some laundry too. I can't believe I came to your house Saturday night and we have spent the entire night and day together. I didn't get hardly any of my weekend chores done."

The next three days were pretty rough on me. I never did go to the doctor for my arm and it hurt like fury every time I used it. Late Wednesday I was trying to help a crew raise a long wall for the current house we were building. One of the brace boards slipped and grazed my arm. I felt an excruciating pain go through it and this time I could barely move it. My foreman took me to the hospital this time. I was almost in tears from the pain.

The emergency room doctor gave me hell when he saw me. He told me I was lucky I hadn't injured myself permanently. My arm was severely bruised and I had a serious fracture. They also worried about blood clots and in addition to splinting my arm they gave me some medication to reduce clots. He put me in the hospital overnight for observation. Between the pain pills and being super tired I just went to sleep after they got me into a room. I never thought of calling my parents or even Glenda. I had sent my foreman home telling him I would call one of them to get me when the doctors were done with me. No one knew, therefore, that I was in hospital.

Thursday morning about 10:30 my foreman called my parents to talk to me. He told mother he had been trying to get me on the phone for over an hour and I didn't answer my home phone or my cell. He asked, "What time did you get him out of the hospital. He must really be sleeping hard if he can't answer the phone!"

Mother came unglued at that and informed him they had not gotten me out of the hospital. He told her that I must have called Glenda then because I had told him I would call one or the other. He also explained why he had taken me there. Mother told him she would check on me and get back with him. As soon as she hung up she called Glenda at work and I became the proud 'owner' of two scared, worried, PISSED OFF women. After she called my father to let him know what was going on she took off for the hospital.

Glenda arrived at the hospital about five minutes before my mother because she was at work and didn't have as far to drive. She came screaming into my room yelling at me and crying at the same time. She rushed to my bed and balled her fists up. She looked down at me and began yelling, "You ASSHOLE! Why didn't you call me or your mother? We've been worried sick ever since Harry called your mother trying to find you.

I looked up at Glenda in shock, and then I felt my face burn from embarrassment. I said, "Oh, Crap! It was almost eleven before they finished with me. They had given me some pain medication then decided they needed to keep me overnight. I was drifting in and out of it and I just totally forgot. Crap, I'm sorry Glen."

I saw my mother standing just behind Glenda when I said that and she said, "You're going to be even sorrier if you ever do something like this again. You have half the town worried to death right now son. If Glenda doesn't beat some sense into you I will. Now how are you feeling?"

About that time I realized Glenda was holding my hand and looking down at me with a strange, almost loving look on her face. The three of us talked more then Glenda had to leave because she had a showing. Mother decided she needed to make a few phone calls to let people know I was ok.

Before mother got back into the room my doctor came by and released me. Mom took me home and made sure I was comfortable. She fixed me a pot of her delicious cream of chicken soup for supper then left to go back home.

I was eating my supper when I heard the doorbell ringing. I was slow getting up and moving to the living room and before I got there I heard a loud pounding on the door and Glenda was yelling. "Stan are you OK? Dammit answer the door or say something. ARE you ok?"

I finally got the door open and she stood there with a scared look on her face. She brushed past me and said, "Dammit what's the matter with you? Can't you answer the door or at least tell me you're coming? I was scared something had happened!"

I calmed Glenda down and apologized then invited her to come have some soup while I finished my supper. Over our meal we calmed even more and began visiting like old friends do. We both relaxed and things were almost back to the way they had been but there was still something...

I was so tired after the hot soup. I began yawning and could hardly hold my head up. I had taken a pain pill when I began my meal and I suppose it was making me tired. Glenda saw I was almost out on my feet and insisted I go to bed. It was a little after eight by then so I let her bully me into doing that. I don't even remember covering up that night.

I woke early the next morning, Friday, and got up. I normally sleep nude but I found I still had my briefs on that morning. I stripped them off and started for the shower. Before I got there I decided to make coffee so I could have a cup as soon as I finished cleaning up. I was standing at the kitchen counter when I heard the patio door slide open. I turned toward the sound and heard a gasp. I felt my heart leap with fear then I felt my face heat up. Glenda was standing in the door staring at my naked form.

Glenda turned away from me and began stammering. She said, "OH GOD! I'm sorry Stan. I should have knocked but I saw the light on in the bathroom and there wasn't a light here so I ... Your mother and I talked last night after I put you to bed and decided I would check on you before I went into the office. She gave me a key to your back door and I was going to make you breakfast. I'm sorry!"

"Ok Glen. No harm done I suppose but unless you want another eye full you need to turn around again. I had started to shower and decided to make coffee first so I just came in like I was. Why don't you sit down and when I get done we can have some coffee before we decide on breakfast."

When I returned from my shower I had put on a T-Shirt and docker shorts. I was going to the work sites today but didn't plan on working so dressed to be as cool as I could. I found Glenda sitting on the patio watching the mist rise from the small stream as the newly risen sun's rays slanted down through it. I got a cup of coffee and joined her. She just looked up at me and smiled. Neither of us said anything for a short time then she looked over at me and said, "God Stan it's so beautiful and peaceful here. I'm so jealous of you. I wish I had the money to buy this when I sold it to you and now I want it even more. You've got the most perfect home here."

"Yeah, I know. I wouldn't give this up for anything. I came so close to losing it too. Patty insisted on a Pre Nuptial agreement before the marriage to protect her savings and potential inheritance. She had her attorney leave out protection for me and I didn't catch it. My father caught the fact the agreement only protected her and sent me to an attorney who advised me to include wording in it to protect my pre marriage property like she did hers. If I hadn't done that, she might very well have either got this place or I might have been forced to sell it during the divorce."

I think Glenda saw the change in me when I began talking about the divorce again. She reached out and placed her hand on mine then said, "I'm sorry Stan. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories. I know how easy it is to slip back into those feelings of anger and hurt. It took me over a year to be able to think about Joe and our divorce without getting angry and hurt again. What's it been for you? About six months?"

"No Glen, around seven since the divorce was granted and only about five from when it was final. I still want to get even with that witch and her friends and family. Sometimes I find myself thinking of ways I can hurt them all like I was hurt. I am so glad you and some of my other friends talked me out of what I was planning earlier but I still need some payback."

"You know, I wonder now, remembering the way her first Pre Nuptial agreement was worded and how angry she and her father got when I changed it ... I wonder if she and maybe even he didn't want to get their hands on my families and my property. I was so convinced she loved me and was trustworthy but now, looking back..."

"You remember how Patty was in school and college. She was a flirt and put out more than most of you girls did. I guess I was just like most of the guys. I fell for the pretty face and fine body. I was sure after she said she was mine that she was solely mine. SHIT, now I wonder if she EVER quit fucking around and if she was just using me like she used to use her other boyfriends. You know she was always an expensive date and if you didn't give her a GREAT gift for special occasions it took forever to get back in her good graces. I think her picture should be used in the definition of 'high maintenance'.

Glenda looked over at Stan and squeezed his hand. "I know how you feel Stan. Joe was sort of like that. He always wanted more toys. We didn't have much money when we were married because we were young and just starting out in life. I wasn't selling much real estate and he didn't make much working as a framer for his first company. I was always arguing with him because he bought luxuries before we paid our bills and bought food. A time or two I had to borrow money from my parents to buy food or pay utility bills. He was always cashing his pay check and drinking a lot of it up on paydays."

"Now you sit while I go fix some breakfast. It's almost 7:30 and we both need to get to work soon."

Stan leaned back from his empty plate and said, "Glen that was great. I thought Mom made delicious omelets but this one made hers look like a beginner's first attempt. Now let's get our butts in gear and get to work. Leave the dishes and I'll take care of them tonight."

"NO! It won't take long to put them in the dishwasher and I refuse to leave dirty dishes lying around. If you have to go now do it. It won't take me five minutes to clean up here."

Stan sighed and moved to help Glenda. In less than five minutes they were done and going out the door. She had parked in the center of the driveway. He opened her car door for her and as she started to get in, without thinking, Stan leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss.

Glenda gasped and stepped back. Her eyes were almost frightened when he looked down into them. Stan hadn't even realized what he had done until she had that reaction. "Oh, Shit Glen. I'm sorry. I just ... Hell, I didn't even think about what I was doing I just ... CRAP!"

Glenda got in her car and sat looking out the window at Stan for a moment. Finally she put the key in the ignition and started it. Stan watched as she turned her head without a word or gesture and backed down his driveway. He was still standing there as she drove out of sight.

Stan didn't see or talk to Glenda the rest of the day or that weekend. He went to his parents for lunch Sunday and his mother got in his face as soon as he walked into the kitchen. She said, "Stan what did you do to Glenda Friday? I called her last night to see how things went and she began crying. She never would tell me what the problem was. I sent that girl over there to help you and if you hurt her I'll..."

"Mom I didn't do anything. We sat and talked on the patio with coffee then she made breakfast. I didn't do anything or say anything. I don't have any idea why she's upset. Are you sure she's upset with me? All I did was..."

Stan stopped talking and stared into space. His mother stepped closer to him and said, "YOU WHAT? Stan what did you do?"

"I was putting her in her car to go to work and ... OH, HELL Mom, I kissed her. I apologized and she didn't say anything, she just left. I..."

Betty looked shocked then she laughed and said, "Oh, no, you didn't do anything to her did you? Well, I'm sure she'll get over that! Your father's in the den. Go on in there until I call you for lunch."

Monday evening Stan was sitting in his Den/Office working on his books and preparing bids. Unfortunately he wasn't getting much actual work done. In fact, he was staring at the computer screen and thinking. His thoughts wandered from Patty to Joe then to Patty's parents. He still wanted to do something to get even with them all for the hurt he had been put through. He would start to plan something then he would remember what Glenda had told him months ago about being a better person if he let things go and forgot, even forgave them.

When Stan's thoughts wandered on to Glenda he felt himself cheer up. His heartbeat increased and he even felt the beginnings of arousal. He frowned then shook himself and with a sigh turned back to his work.

He was working on a proposal when he had a great thought. He knew how to get even with Joe and not be totally an asshole about it! The beauty of this plan was he could also tweak Patty and her Parent's nose at the same time. Patty and Joe were living together now. Patty was only working part time as assistant manager of a convenience store. Rumor had it her parents had to help her and Joe with living expenses fairly regularly.

George, of course, was no problem because he had been sentenced to two to five years in prison for his actions the night he had attacked Stan and Glenda. His departure from the business he and Joe ran had put a financial strain on Joe. In the divorce Susan had gotten half of George's share of the business. Rumor had it she was causing Joe a lot of trouble because she was demanding her share of the profits in cash immediately as soon as the money came in. She was in position to make sure Joe didn't cheat her either because she was the business's accountant.

Joe was running tight because he had to pay for more help since George was not there to do his job. They had been a two man handyman and small construction/remodeling business, only hiring extra help on larger or rush jobs. With the added labor and Susan keeping track of all his expenses and bank accounts good old Joe was having trouble cutting the wide swath as he was used to. All Stan had to do was ramp up his small sideline of handyman and fixit business. He could undercut Joe on prices, make sure the work was better and drive him out of business. He smiled and went back to work.

The next morning Stan called the foreman of his remodeling and repair crew into his office. He explained he wanted to expand in that area and gave him instructions to make sure the jobs were done faster than the bid time. He also instructed him to go the extra mile by doing a little extra free of charge. Stan told him he would bid the jobs close and to take all the new work he could get. He promised if more employees were needed he would pull crews from new construction until they could hire qualified help. Stan smiled when he said that because he knew where the help might come from. When they got to where they needed more employees in that area he would just offer Joe's best part time men a little higher salary to work for him.

After his foreman left Stan picked up the phone and made a call. "Susan," he said when the phone was answered. "Susan, this is Stan. I have an idea I want to run past you. Can we meet for lunch?"

At lunch Stan explained his plans to Susan. At first she was upset, even a little scared. "Damn you Stan you can't do that! I am barely making ends meet now and if you ruin the business I'll lose part of my income. Hell, I might even lose my house! You can't do this to me. Haven't you done enough already?"

Stan was shocked at first then he began to smile. When Susan saw Stan's smile she became more angry and snarled through her tears, "You asshole. You really don't care who you hurt if you can get even with Joe and George do you?" She started to get up from her chair as tears fell from her eyes.

Stan reached out and grabbed her wrist. He pulled her toward him and said, "Susan, wait. I didn't realize ... I'm sorry but I think I might have an idea. I don't want to hurt you or anyone who hasn't messed with me. Please, sit back down and let me explain..."

After the meal and their discussion of his plans and Susan's fears Stan leaned back in his chair and said, "OK, if I understand everything we've talked about and agreed on we can do this. You get your current income and the chance of much, much more later. I get some satisfaction from Joe. I'll have my attorney draw up the agreement. After everything is done, you will trade your 25% share in Joe's remodeling business for a 25% share of mine. You will transfer all ownership to your share of the tools, good will and other assets and receive a pro rata share of mine. You understand we will keep separate records of the remodel section and that is the only part of my business you will share profits in. I will incorporate as three separate businesses under a holding company umbrella. We will then have the remodel division you will own 25% of and a new construction division and landscape division. I will be the President and Chief Operating Officer and you will be the Chief Financial Officer/accountant. We will not tell Joe about our agreement until absolutely necessary. Agreed?"

Susan smiled and nodded her head. It took three weeks for all the paperwork to be completed then they started operating under the new structure. Really nothing changed to the public perception. Everyone still called on Stan for bids and he was still a hands on manager. The main change was the growth of the remodel section.

Several weeks before Stan talked with Susan Glenda had become a semi permanent fixture at his house. The night Stan and Susan made their agreement at Sam's Cellar Stan went home and found Glenda once more in his kitchen cooking supper. She was humming and flitting around his kitchen when he came into the room. He just stood with a smile on his face and watched her work. Several weeks before he had given up and gave her a key to the place. He had become embarrassed many times to arrive home later than usual and find she had either been there and left or was sitting waiting on him to return. Neither of them had taken time to define their relationship but there was definitely one there.

Many evenings they would sit in his living room and watch TV or would work on projects together in his Office. They were a couple even if they never officially accepted that fact.

Glenda finally saw Stan standing in the door and stopped flitting around. She saw him watching her and said, "What? Why are you just standing there watching me? Is something wrong?"

Stan shook himself and walked into the room. He walked up to her and gave her a gentle kiss. It felt so good when he felt her wrap her arms around him and hug him to her. The gentle pressure of her breasts against his abdomen aroused him. He felt his cock stir and tried to pull back. Glenda moved with him and kept contact. She smiled when she felt his hardness against her belly. She raised her head and gave him another quick kiss and said, "Supper will be ready in about ten minutes. Why don't you go clean up while I finish?"

Stan walked into his bedroom and did as she asked. He wandered back into the kitchen as she was putting supper on his table in the breakfast nook. He walked up behind her and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her against him once more. He let his hands and arms slide around her onto her stomach. He leaned down and kissed her neck and said, "It smells wonderful. Thank you but you know you really don't have to do this for me. I can make my own meals you know."

"Yeah but this way I know you are eating right and we neither one have to eat alone now do we?"

Glenda watched Stan throughout the meal and as they were finishing she asked, "OK Stan. You're up to something. You look too pleased with yourself for it to be anything normal either. Now what's going on this time? Did you get another big contract or what?"

"No, nothing like a big contract or anything like that. I have been talking with some of my employees and another owner of a small remodel business. We have decided to enlarge our remodel crew and take on more of the small jobs. I have merged that owners business with the remodel part of my business. I am going to incorporate and the corporation will have three divisions—remodel, new construction and landscaping. The new investor will become my Chief Financial Officer. I will be President and Chief Executive Officer."

"Oh, that's great! Who is this investor? Do I know him?"

"Unh, well, it's not a him. It's a her and yeah, you know her. Susan is having trouble making ends meet so I let her buy into my remodel business with her share of George and Joe's business she got in the divorce. The corporation will pay her a little higher salary than she makes now part time as an accountant and we expect her share of the profits from the remodel business will be greater than she gets now from Joe. She should be able to live better and won't have to worry about income from Joe. She said he is having more and more trouble making his payroll and her profit share has shrank badly over the last year.

Glenda looked over at Stan and said, "And this wouldn't be a way to give Joe the shaft now would it Stan?"

"Uh, well, not really, it's a good business decision. I've been turning away remodel work for a long time because it isn't as profitable as new construction but ... Well, it might hurt Joe but that isn't my only reason for doing this."

Glenda just looked at him and sighed. She sighed and said, "I should have known you couldn't let it go. Just don't get all tied up in the revenge and forget you ARE a businessman. I don't want to see you doing things just so Joe will hurt. Are we clear on that?"

Within five months Joe was on his last legs. He was being constantly hounded by creditors. He was losing help because many times his pay checks bounced when they tried to cash them. In short, he was down and out. Stan had hired away all the good workers and Joe was left with inexperienced or poor workers. He had many complaints about the quality of his work and as his reputation slid so did his profit.

One night at their favorite hangout—Sam's Cellar—a local bar that served wonderful pizza and sandwiches, Joe staggered up to the table Stan and Glenda were sitting at. He was already drunk on his ass.

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My heart races as I pass his door. Will this be the time? Will he come out and talk to me? Invite me in. I try to control my pace, don’t falter, don’t pause, but I look at his door as I pass by. I beg with my eyes for it to open, and for him to be standing on the other side. I have almost worn a path in the carpet of the hallway, racing up and down the stairs, pretending to check on the laundry every thirty minutes, even though I know it takes closer to an hour to finish washing or drying. But...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Vera King MILF Pact

Vera King and Small Hands – Convinced she has failed in her ability to seduce her stepson Aaron, Vera stays at the bar hoping to drink away her sorrows. However, before she realizes it, Aaron shows up professing his undying attraction to her and the two quickly escape to a hotel where months of pent up sexual frustration explode. With his rock hard cock and her eager milf hole, the two fuck each other senseless in a love affair that will not end even after his load explodes all over her...

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MomDrips Aaliyah Love Horny Burglar

Aalyah’s husband has to travel for work but she’s left home alone feeling horny as fuck! She goes to bed wearing sexy lingerie and expecting her husband to come back home and fuck her in the middle of the night. Meanwhile, a burglar sneaks into the house and starts bagging a bunch of valuables before he finds Aaliyah’s pussy just laying there. Aaliyah thinks it’s her husband and starts sucking his cock but while he goes down on her she realizes it’s a stranger! He doing such a good job that she...

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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 4

Then She decided to secretly meet her Ex-lover Rizwan and get pregnant from him. She Learns that Rizwaan traps innocent girls by his good looks and then pushes them in flesh trade. Zeenat thought she is indeed very lucky that she escaped out of his clutches and has a loving husband now. Then they planned to teach Rizwaan a lesson. Zeenat meets Rizwan and He tried to seduce her. Zeenat has recorded all the conversations with Rizwaan on secret camera and Voice recorder. When she...

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A New LifeChapter 10

The girls reach the mall – Lily Carter Natalie, Traci and I had arrived at the mall and were walking through it like we had no cares in the world. Just three friends enjoying an afternoon of shopping as we approached the jewelry store. Kathy was standing at the counter and I said, “We are here to pick up our Master’s order. He told us to be here at exactly three and it would be ready when we arrived.” Kathy stated, “It isn’t ready and won’t be ready for at least another hour.” I took out...

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Polly and Sebastian Leotard Lovers

I had Kev on speaker phone. His voice was lamenting how his boss had fired him and how unfair it was. ‘A-ha,’ I said disinterestedly, as I applied more mascara and ran another layer of lip gloss over my dark red lipstick. ‘Right, okay,’ I said, rolling my eyes. I smoothed my hands over my skintight, long-sleeved black leotard and checked my gleaming silver-black tights in the mirror. ‘Listen, I’m kinda in the middle of something now,’ I said impatiently. I secretly smiled, as I carefully placed...

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Baril Doctor Pennai Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil doctor pennai eppadi usar seithu avalai baril matter adithen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal sexyaana kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peryar gautham vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan chennaiyil vasikiren, oru naal udambu sari ilai endru hospitaluku sendren. Angu doctor padipu padithu mudithuvitu sila students training velai seithu irunthaargal. Doctor pengal endraale anaivarum thevidiya enbathai andru thaan therinthukonden. Andru sendru...

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Computer Lover

Mike pulled the straps making sure that they were tight. He then checked the wire harness. The suit was a wire mesh woven into a spandex leotard. The wires transfer my movements to the character in the computer. I bend it bends. If I scratch my nose it dose, just like any other V.R. unit. Mike had adjusted this suit for what he called virtual feedback. I was supposed to feel what ever happened to the computerized character. Electronic impulses created by his program would trick...

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My Wildest Fantasy Chapter 3 4

I spent the week thinking about what had happened. And as much as it disgusted me, I could not help but notice that whenever I thought of it, my cage seemed about to burst! Trying to figure out how I could still make ends meet paying Him so much money to humiliate me, I figured I could cut back on everything, and maybe make ends meet. I could always dip into my retirement account if I needed any extra money for essentials. With that plan in mind I started looking forward to the next...

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Howie RandolphChapter 7

It was called the Pledge Leadout. At the first of the dance, the room was darkened. Each pledge came to the spotlight. The girl and her escort were introduced. "Howie, this is the A group. I wouldn't have been asked to join any group before I worked out with you and lost weight. It helps that mom has a high level job at this college too." Howie responded, "You dieted and you exercised. You did it and you deserve the credit. And we are going to have a good time tonight." "Thank you...

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The Gift

THE GIFT by Marlissa Smedley smiled as he heard the soprano voice float down the staircase of his West Palm Beach vacation home. "Ninety-one, Ninety--two, Ninety--three---" He quietly crept up the stairs, his footsteps muffled by the padding of the Persian rug. As unobtrusively as possible, he craned his neck around the corner. As always, Rebecca's door was open. He watched as the teenager sat in front of the vanity mirror, nude and glistened from the recent morning...

1 year ago
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Milking Matthew

My fascination with the milking device started when I was much younger My fascination with the milking device started when I was much younger.Perhaps it had something to do with the almost sci-fi, devious aura about it. A device, so simple, yet so cruel. One that would strip a man of all of his pride systematically while I watched. A sure-fire way to make him squirm; and even as a young girl I loved the images in my mind of a man struggling helplessly against tight bond.It used to be...

2 years ago
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Heads and Tails

Major Jim Reynolds, disabled war vet, that's me. I left the title and part of my leg and all of the foot that was attached to it, in Bosnia. That was more then a year ago. Now I was walking into a company that had posted a job in the classifieds. Oh yes, I was walking, for the government had seen to it that I could do that much. However, they said they didn't need me anymore. They gave me a bundle of cash, transferred my records to the VA and said good-bye. The money for my missing foot and...

4 years ago
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The Transsexual Rapist

Let me explain myself, as my mom and I seem to be the only normal people in this god-forsaken town. My name is Nicole, but I usually go by Nyx (you know? The goddess of night), I'm 16, Black hair, half White and half Hispanic, blue-grey eyes. I would say my ass is my best asset, just the right size and firmness, I'm skinny, and according to my (almost obese) physical education teacher, on the verge of anorexic. I have a D-cup breast's, with pink, velvet like nipples. My mom is a single...

4 years ago
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The tree fell on his house

Some years back I was a contractor.. a big storm blew up the coast and trees were falling on houses and cars. I got this call from an insurance agent who needed me to not only bid the job... but if possible start the removal that day... looked simple enough so I started the work and in a few hours I was done... It was a rental house and the renter invited me in for some thing to eat and drink.. And to say how thankful he was for me not only showing up but for doing the work fast and not doing...

2 years ago
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dost ki behen ko sex sikhaya

Hi iss ke readers….main pehli baar apni kahani aapke saath share kar raha hoon yeh aaj se 1 saal pehle ki sacchi ghatna hai.jab main 11th class me tha…pehle main aapko apne baare me bata do..meri age 20saal hai aur baat aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai meri height 5;8hai aur main kaafi handsome bhi hoon chalo ab baaten to bahut hoti rahengi main asli topic par aa jaate hai. If anu girl, bhabhi,aunty wanna sex wid me in Mumbai then u can mail me at and please comment me on my story if u like or...

2 years ago
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KlutzChapter 17

Mandy and Beth heard the sound of a big diesel engine right after they turned into the entrance of the trailer park. They looked over their shoulders and saw Tim ease the truck over the first big speed bump. He waved and the girls waved back. "Would you like a ride?" he called through his open window. Mandy and Beth looked at each other and shrugged before running around to the passenger side. It was only a couple of blocks to the 5th wheel but they hadn't ridden in Tim's truck yet....

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The Reverse Utopia

Welcome to the world of Shangri-La... A World filled with Fantasy. In this world, you can find all sorts of wonderful magical creatures. A world with deep forests, vast labyrinths, and kingdoms that touch the sky. But the thing that makes this world different from the rest is that Shangri-La is fully dominated by Females. Male as a whole with their low magical affinity has reduced Physical Capabilities and is often always unblessed downstairs. Males are considered to be only good for looking...

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Absolute pleasure

Still decked out in full Columbia regalia, sans the crimson wig and gilded top hat, Ronni was just packing the last of the troupe's equipment into her van. Thinking she was the last one in the theatre parking lot, everyone else having dispersed for a late dinner, the sudden appearance of a stranger caught her off guard. "Excuse me." His gruff voice drifted in from behind her.Gasping with surprise and dropping the basket of lingerie, she spun on her heels expecting the worst. 'Holy hell in a...

Oral Sex
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 43

Brock found himself hanging out with Zack, Al and Josh during the photo shoot for the baseball card company. Whoever was getting their picture taken had to contend with the other three doing any number of obscene things to try to get them to crack up. Still, they managed to get the shoot done by one p.m. and started to make lunch plans. He was about to beg off when he got a text from Stan alerting him that he had been delayed and wouldn't arrive until the next morning. "Where shall we...

1 year ago
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Mom and sis

Fun with mom and s*s in Italy My name is John and I am about to tell you about the most exciting vacation or any two week period I have ever experienced. I am 19 years old and have one sister named Susan one year older than me. Mom and dad; Liz and Bob are 40 and 45 - a normal family so far. Something that will enable the following story and its events to take place is maybe not surprisingly my penis. He is not an ordinary penis, dick or cock or whatever you may call him, he is big enough to...

1 year ago
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Warren ButterfieldPart 4

I called in sick again on Monday and didn't answer any phone calls so I wouldn't have to talk to Thad. I spent the day taking care of some personal business and ended the day at the country club. As I was leaving the club, I spotted Tredwell's car in the parking lot. "I need to talk to that pecker wad," I thought. I was about to go looking for him when it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to have some kind of record of my conversation with him. I drove home and got to the...

2 years ago
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Enhanced Human

Hi, Sanpeux here agin. Bit later then I expected, but a few things popped up irl. This story was original posted on Chyoa story pathway underneath the Lust Spirit story. I spoke to the author and we both decided to take out stories in different directions. Over the last few months I have been re-writing this story and am now ready to post. Anyway, hope you enjoy this new story. It will be shorter chapters and some chapters may have little smut inside, while others will have more. Enjoy! - Adam...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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A Little Fantasy

Maybe we could start out sitting together on the sofa, snuggling and cuddling and kissing…. As the kisses get deeper and longer I can feel the heat building inside. I give you one last kiss and then stand up in front of you and slowly remove my clothes…. Slowly slipping open each button on my blouse you can see my cleavage, then my lacy black bra, then my belly below the bra until my blouse is hanging open completely. I reach up and slide it off my shoulders and let it fall down my arm then...

2 years ago
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Auntie Jean Rides My Young Cock

I dated a woman for a while and got to know her family quite well.One day i was lying in bed at home when i heard the front door open.As i lay there wondering who it was the bedroom door opened and in walked my partners Auntie Jean.She was dressed in a tight blouse,which could hardly contain her ample breasts,a very short leather mini skirt,black stockings and black boots.Before i could open my mouth to say something she came over to the bed and pulled back the covers.I had been playing with my...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 3 Katies Wet Mouth

Katie Jackson couldn't remember what they were talking about while they stood in the kitchen. It seemed unimportant, so trivial, such a waste of time at this point. She vaguely remembered her husband was discussing something about his work as the sexy wife's mind wandered. She knew that either she or Fred would have to pick up their children from daycare within a 1/2 hour. Her eyes hadn't left his crotch since the moment he walked in the door. She felt her knees as they shook underneath...

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The Tree House Book 1Chapter 1

I’d arrived home just the night before for a Memorial Day weekend visit. Morning had broken as I mindlessly gazed out the double French doors into the backyard where I grew up. No thoughts were rattling through my brain. It was just empty like the backyard. Sipping my morning coffee I heard my Mom shuffling about and then there was her light hand on my shoulder. I leaned my head over giving a little peck to her hand and said in my usual abbreviated way, “Morning!” “Good Morning, Michael,”...

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The Wreck of the Horstfels

CHAPTER THREE I had been back from leave at the Army Pay Corps barracks for only a day or so when I went down with severe stomach cramps. The camp doctor depressed the right side of my abdomen, I gasped in pain and by the afternoon I was in a private room at Worthingthorpe Hospital scheduled for an operation to remove my appendix that evening. It was the first time in my life that I had been admitted to hospital. My step-mother Adalind arived at my bedside at around three o'clock, and shortly...

1 year ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 48

I woke up around five thirty to slide from bed, shower, and dress quickly for work. The girls looked comfortable, but I could tell they were about to wake up. As soon as I went out to the patio, Maggie appeared. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down with me at the small table in the lounge area. "Steve, I want to thank you for taking me in and making me a part of your family out here. I just love being around all the people and the little ones. This is a perfect job for me to be...

3 years ago
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Mikes twin lovers part one

They have been engaged for nearly a year, and before that they were walking with each other for three years, yet they never did anything more sexual than french kissing or touching buttocks - they never did petting or seen each other naked - Lisa had her rules, and Mike just accepted them, thinking that they'll do all the things lovers do after the wedding. But now, these moments he imagined so many time seemed stolen from him, he knew they his dreams of making love with his beloved one will...

1 year ago
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Daughter becomes a Cumslave pt6

When Lucy woke up she was on her back, staring up at her mother's cunt.. Hermother was on top of her holding her legs. She was making her knees touch thefloor on either side of the little girl's head. Lucy felt her ass cheeks beingspread wide by her mother."Go on...Shove your cock in her fucking ass. That will wake the little whoreup!...Just cram it in and fuck this little whore like the slut she is!" Lucyheard her mother say.With a chuckle the man grunted and shoved his cock into the little...

4 years ago
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Bitter Coffee

Emily walked into the store, nervous to the core. She was in her mid-forties, married for eighteen years and just now going into an adult store for the very first time. She didn’t feel she had any choice in the matter, however. Emily’s husband wanted to experiment with female domination. Billy confessed this to her last week and asked that she try ordering him about. She had, but didn’t care for it. Emily considered the idea perverted and told him so. Billy dropped the idea. Then she...

1 year ago
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HindsightChapter 12

The following morning Dana was sitting in her kitchen, wondering if she should call Mary Ellen, when there was a light tap at her door. She looked up and saw Mary Ellen open the door and come in. She couldn't read the expression on her friend's face and felt a sudden rush of dread. "Good morning," she whispered. "Good morning," Mary Ellen answered in a non-committal tone as she walked over and got herself a cup of coffee. Dana couldn't tell her mood from her voice or her expression....

4 years ago
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A Tale of Two NanniesChapter 14

The human reproductive systems aren’t very well understood by the average human. All humans have the equipment necessary, but few really understand the details of how the process works. For most people, “having a baby” means they have sex while she is “ripe” and presto, his little swimmers do their job. It’s much more complicated than that. This is why some couples have a very difficult time becoming pregnant, and why some have to seek artificial means of doing so. So, in the interest of...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Stranger From novella entitled ESCAPE

Chapter One It was Friday night around ten o’clock, Lauren guessed. She wasn’t really sure, because the only thing that had her complete attention at that moment were dark brown handsome eyes boring into hers with such intensity that she couldn’t look away. She was mesmerized. The night had started out innocently enough. She and her girlfriend had come to MacAllister’s bar to celebrate her girlfriend’s birthday. The next thing she knew, her friend on the barstool to her right was laughing with...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 31

I dropped to my knees beside the woman and started to examine her. I first checked for a pulse, starting with her throat and then her wrist. When I found none, I didn't know what to do. The woman was an alien. Did she even have a pulse like we did? Then I dropped my head down by her face to see if she was breathing. I didn't hear or feel any breath. I decided that I had to do something. I started CPR. It worked. I tried not to hurt the woman, treating her just as I would a child. Having no...

3 years ago
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Used By My Sister

Used By My Sister I was used by my sister and her friends. It happened the weekend that Grandpa had a minor heart attack. Mom rushed off to attend to her father’s needs on a Tuesday leaving Dad, Cherry, and myself to fend for ourselves. On Friday Dad took off right from work leaving me in charge of my sister for the weekend. I was almost sixteen at the time and Cherry had just turned fourteen so we were old enough not to get into trouble, but then again old enough to not care...

4 years ago
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Roomies The Habit Part II

The days dragged on and work became a past time. I wanted Friday to arrive already. Honestly, I could not believe my thought, my desire, my need to mount Garret. Growing inside of me like butterflies before a performance, desire turned into lust. I fingered myself, closed my eyes and imagined him entering me, stimulating every centimeter of me, until I could not hold it back any more. One last gasp before my orgasm came. “Kaori?” He was dressed for the night. “Going out again?” I...

3 years ago
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The ins and outs of clothes shopping

This story is written from my perspective. You are me. Krystal. Tell me what you think. It has been a little over a year since the incident with Tyrone in my previous story. Things did not work out between myself, and Tyrone, or myself and Frank. I have been alone for a long time with no men in my life. Now a new story begins... You just left a costume party, you experimented with your first hit of ecstasy with friends earlier tonight, and you are still feeling it a little bit. You are still...

First Time
2 years ago
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Amy 12 Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High

Amy 12: Sarah and the Mystery of Delacroix High by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Miss Popularity "Komori!" "Hey." "Whassup, Amy?" "Um... Going to class?" "Outstanding!" One accidental result of joining the J-V cheerleading squad was I'd practically become an overnight...

2 years ago
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Finally Had Sex With Didi Part 4

Hello friends, I Sameer am back with the fourth part of my story. If any of of you have not read my previous parts, I urge you to first read them and come back here. Finally Had Sex With Didi -Part3 Finally Had Sex With Didi -Part2 Finally Had Sex With Didi Lets come to the story without wasting any time. For those who are reading my story for the first time, let me introduce you to my elder sister. Her name is Riya, she is four years elder to me and her age is 24. She has a fair complexion and...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Gf Ke Saath Masti 8211 Part II

Hi friends main Rahul again with new story. Yeh meri 4th story hai. Nay readers ke liye mera priche main rahul from Punjab. 24 years ka average body wala ladka. Any girl bhabhi widow lady can contact me for full satisfaction. Yeh meri iss par fifth story hai. Readers ko request hai kindly apne comments or complimant jaroor de at I can also provide my mobile no for phone sex. So mail me. Yeh meri pehli story ka agla part hai ke kaise maine apni dost ki gf ke saath maze kuye.. jinhone meri pehli...

4 years ago
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Meeting Karen Part II

Meeting Karen By MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This work will have additional chapters. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part II Preamble : Carrie has met Karen, and the two left the club...

2 years ago
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What Happened to My Romantic Night

I'm taking a shower enjoying the warmth of the water on my skin as I totally immerse my face under the heavy flow. I'm humming some random song as I think of the evening ahead. Once my shower is over, I get out of the shower and prepare myself. Lotion, scented oil, powder, the outfit purchased in anticipation of this exact occasion. I leave my bedroom and there she is waiting for me. She stands, smiles telling me that I look beautiful. She pulls me into her arms. She is holding me so close...

2 years ago
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Summer Ice

Hello all, Here is the sequel to ‘Trading Ice.’ You don’t have to have read that one first to enjoy this one, but it is where the romance started, after all. Please read, enjoy and comment. Happy Reading! M. ,) *** Even though he spent his life living a dream and doing what he loved, Max’s favorite part of the day fast became the time when he left the arena behind. He would skip having a shower at the arena following some games or practices, when he knew Mary would be at home. In spite of...

3 years ago
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Neighbour Boudi Er Chheler Samnei Boudir Sathe Holi Khela

Aj 2014 er holi, ami akhn kolkata theke anek dure baire achi. Aj thk thik 1 year aager ekta ghotona hothat mone pore gelo amar parar boudi er ekta phone e. Satti sei din tar ktha mone korle aj o ami nijeke control korte pari na.Emon ki hoyechilo sedin holi te? Etai apnader hoito akhn jante khub icha krche. Ok ar besi suspence debo na apnader. Ebar story ta start kora jak. Name-ritam das anekei amal das naam eo chenen. March 2013: Ami job join korechi 2011 te. South kolkata te nijer ekta flat e...

3 years ago
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Our Parents Are Falling in LoveChapter 5

"Mom ... June, I need to do my homework, then Stacy is coming over for some 'playtime in the pool.' Can this wait until you are sober? I've always dreamed of you ... like that. I want you—but you need to be completely sober when we do it, all right?" Running her hand through my hair, she said, "That sounds OK to me." She then gripped me by my dick and said, "I want all of this inside me really soon. I don't want a relationship with you, I love you already." I got out and helped...

3 years ago
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Deal with a Horny Devil A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

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